
IbisFoolsRun: You're affected by this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-session/+bug/83413700:00
ubottuUbuntu bug 834137 in Unity Foundations "user menu says [Invalid UTF-8]" [Medium,Fix released]00:00
bugs_buggerDoes anyone know whats the proper name of those Terminals you can reach via CTRL+ALT+F1-600:00
kaweahdentalbelorixx:  I'm running gnome classic already. It just doesn't show the System menu00:00
qinbugs_bugger: That is console or tty00:00
FoolsRunIbis: passwd says my uid is 100000:00
duma55bugs_bugger, tty00:00
IbisFoolsRun: At least, you ddn't mentioned what version of ubunt you're using. did you update?00:00
Uncle_Samany one00:00
Uncle_Samcan any one help me install ubuntu?00:00
FoolsRunIbis: yes, 11.1000:01
qinbugs_bugger: or just simply terminal00:01
chaituUncle_Sam: whats stopping you?00:01
duma55Uncle_Sam, what version?00:01
IbisFoolsRun: Clean install, or used Upgrade Release command?00:01
bugs_buggerok, thanks. i didnt find anything about my tty problem (actually searched for tty): they are not displayed, just blank screens. X on 7 is displayed though00:01
Uncle_Samchaitu, most recent. well last time I messed up partitioning00:01
FoolsRunIbis: upgrade release through 11.04's update manager00:01
rhizmoeuh, what's the name for the windows key again?00:01
FoolsRunAdjusting my entered username does not fix the problem00:02
Uncle_Samduma55, 11.400:02
rhizmoepower key or something?00:02
dakiraIf the Desktop dir was changed automatically so that its name matches my locale.. how do I change it back to english (without changing the language)?00:02
kaweahdentalSuper key00:02
chaitudo you have windows installed? and want dual boot?00:02
Uncle_Samchaitu, yeah00:02
duma55rhizmoe, power key, windows key...etc...call it what makes you happy.00:02
chaituhave a different system or this is the one?00:02
toddnineHey guys.  Just downloaded 11.10.  I love the Unity UI, how do I create a shortcut that stays?  I use  eclipse for a lot of development and unity doesn't detect the icon correctly.00:02
SetiAmonanyway to get Desktop zoom on Gnome3 Like in compiz+gnome2?00:02
Uncle_Samchaitu, huh?00:02
toddnines/shortcut that stays/shortcut that stays in the unity bar/00:03
Uncle_Samchaitu, I just need help partitioning00:03
rhizmoethanks. when i go to the viewport navigator with super-s, is there...something...that i can do to not make it take two clicks to select a blank one?00:03
bugs_buggerqin: duma55: any ideas why X is displayed ok but no tty?00:03
duma55Uncle_Sam, skip that, and go to 11.10..unless you have limited resources, and then go with maverick00:03
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FoolsRunIbis: could the UID_MIN thing be causing my numerous Unity/LightDM/icons/colors/themes/etc problems?00:03
Uncle_Samduma55, I dont feel like dling 1 GB with my slow internet right now00:03
Uncle_Samduma55, lol00:03
duma55bugs_bugger, nope...drivers are working and clean install...video specs?00:04
grom358what has happened to my desktop :'(00:04
alpicoladakira: You can always just rename it like you'd rename any other folder.00:04
IbisFoolsRun: Can you run in terminal, dpkg -s indicator-session|grep Version                              Please?00:04
FoolsRunIbis: yes, once my machine comes back up from a reboot00:04
bugs_buggerduma55: video specs? you mean the config for the display in the driver tool or what?00:05
duma55Uncle_Sam, so you have natty and, and are looking to do do-release-upgrade?00:05
Uncle_Samduma55, I have 11.4?00:05
Uncle_Samduma55, just wanna install it lol00:05
bugs_buggerduma55: ah, stupid me...sorry. i got an nvidia....hold on...00:05
FoolsRunIbis:  Version: 0.3.6-0ubuntu200:05
chaituduma55: he's trying to fresh install it. needs help with partitioning00:05
esteban22xhow can i reinstall nautilus?00:06
chaituapt-get install nautilus?00:06
grom358just upgraded to 11.10 .. I want to make it look like it was on 11.0400:06
bugs_buggerduma55: its an nvidia ion00:06
grom358with gnome classic00:06
esteban22xwhen i upgrade my ubuntu nautilus had a lot of bugs00:06
bugs_buggeresteban22x: its not bugs, its features ;)00:07
bugs_buggeresteban22x: try marking it for reinstall in synaptic00:07
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esteban22xlook for yourself, let me take a screenshot00:07
Jordan_U!notunity | grom35800:08
ubottugrom358: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic00:08
FoolsRunIbis: any thoughts?00:08
grom358ubottu: I installed gnome-panel.. still looks totally different00:08
ubottugrom358: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:08
FoolsRunI'm getting ready to reinstall Windows after five years of Ubuntu. I've never had an upgrade break so much.00:09
grom358I've install gnome-panel00:09
IbisFoolsRun: Apparently, the bug still exists. :S          "Username shown as [Invalid UTF-8]".00:09
Jordan_Ugrom358: Did you select the GNOME Fallback mode entry from the Sessions dropdown at login?00:09
grom358Jordan_U: yeah selected gnome classic it was called00:10
duma55Uncle_Sam, first install?00:10
FoolsRunIbis: I seem to be the only one with a white Unity top bar and no GTK theme, though. So that's fun for me.00:10
yagooanyone knows if flash64 is stable?00:10
IbisFoolsRun: I usually do clean installs.00:10
bugs_buggeresteban22x: that was intended to be a joke. nautilus has a few "features" that could as well be bugs. like the missing adress bar switcher for breadcrumbs/text. but thats off-topic. try reinstalling it via the synaptic package manager00:10
Siegel-hi my ubuntu wont start anymore after a frozen installation of the newer version i was prompted to update to. i get a black screen with a blinking cursor. try booting in recovery mode, i get a bunch of lines and nothing happens.00:10
grom358but my theme has been changed.. the menus have changed..00:10
FoolsRunIbis: it would take me weeks to reconfigure everything.00:10
Siegel-upgrade as to 11.000:11
esteban22xok, i'm gonna try00:11
Uncle_Samduma55, no00:11
IbisFoolsRun: I actually am using a white Unity theme right now. Radiance <300:11
yagoonobody uses flash on x64 ?00:11
Jordan_UWhen I have a window maximized (in this case gnome-terminal) the unity launcher isn't showing up even if I bring my cursor to the far left. I need to unmaximize the window to see the launcher. How can I fix this?00:11
SetiAmonyou know with all this "advancement" in UI's i think this whole 3D nonsense has made things lower and less effencient00:11
SetiAmonlike gnome200:11
grom358like what happened to my preferences menu for example00:11
FoolsRunIbis: maybe Raidence is stuck somewhere, then. My top bar is white and it won't change.00:11
Siegel-how can i run ubuntu again while recovering my files? without reinstalling?00:11
duma55Uncle_Sam, main distro .iso, or alternative?00:12
IbisSiegel-: "Run Ubuntu again" ? O_O Please rephrase.00:12
joshua__Hey guys, I have a question about how to get the 3d cube working within the gnome ui of Ubuntu 11.10, can someone direct me to the appropriate channel?  Thanks.00:12
chaituSiegel-: Run the live cd?00:12
bugs_buggerSiegel-: what is the exact log you're getting while booting?00:12
duma55FoolsRun, adwaita?00:12
Jordan_Ujoshua__: I don't think that mutter (the window manager used by gnome-shell) has a 3D cube option.00:13
FoolsRunduma55: selecting different themes in Appearance changes the titles but nothing else00:13
Siegel-chaitu: i tried that but it only gives me the option to install ubuntu (which will delete all the files), when i ex out of that option, it just goes into a new desktop of that ubuntu version without all my files. is there a way to recover the previous desktop through that?00:13
FoolsRunduma55: and HighContrast actually does nothing00:13
Ibisjoshua__: Install ccsm, then use Compiz config manager to set up some effects, such as the cool cube thing.00:13
duma55Jordan_U, definitely doesn't ...00:13
Siegel-bugs_bugger: before any ubuntu stuff shows up??00:13
duma55FoolsRun, using gnome-shell?00:14
bugs_buggerin recovery mode00:14
chaituSiegel-: have you tried booting into recovery mode?00:14
grom358so how do I get my theme back? I don't like dark themes00:14
FoolsRunduma55: I have gnome-shell installed, but I'm trying to use Unity. I installed gnome-shell when Unity wouldn't work right.00:14
dakiraalpicola: that won't work.. I just found I have to rename it AND edit $USER/.config/user-dirs.dirs accordingly00:14
joshua__Ibis,  I have done those things, and tried checking google for tutorials, and I have been unsuccessful.00:14
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FoolsRunduma55: should I try removing gnome-shell?00:15
Siegel-chaitu: yes, it didnt work, but then i chose "previous linux versions" and went into recovery with those. now it gives me a command line: root@david-desktop:~# (david being the desktop i want to recover)00:15
bugs_buggerSiegel-: You should be able to acces the sytem drive from the live cd. the desktop you get is that one of the live cd, but your home folder is still on the hard drive00:15
grom358I installed gnome-panel .. but lost of my theme settings etc00:15
duma55FoolsRun, sorry, being slow ...so you have gnome-shell running?00:15
chaituSiegel-: if its giving you that pormpt, whats stopping you from copying your files?00:16
Siegel-bugs_bugger: ok but how do i acces it? because when i went into the home folder of the live cd there were no files.00:16
Siegel-chaitu: which prompt?00:16
FoolsRunduma55: I'm currently running Unity, which is what I'm having so many problems with. If gnome-shell runs along with that, then yes.00:16
Siegel-chaitu: for installing ubuntu? it lets you copy your files?00:16
chaituSiegel-: once you get that prompt, David - have you tried doing ls?00:17
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FoolsRunduma55: I have gnome-shell installed and it's available as a session when logging in, but I'm using "Ubuntu" as my session.00:17
Siegel-chaitu: no, what does "ls" do?00:17
chaituSiegel-: you are trying to recover some files, right? just want to be sure00:17
chaituSiegel-: ls will list all the files you have..00:18
Siegel-yes i am. all of them preferably00:18
bugs_buggerSiegel-: of course. cause thats the home folder on the cd. there should be some entries in the folder panel of nautilus that got random numbers like 01f04jlm07830. depending on your partition setup there will be one system drive and, if you created an extra home partition, a home drive00:18
grom358seriously.. how u suppose to change theme.. I still can't find it00:18
grom358this is so annoying when it prompts you to upgrade and then so much stuff just changes on you00:18
Siegel-chaitu: ok, i did ls and it gave me the names of hte folders. do i just type in the name of the folder iw ould like to open?00:18
FoolsRunduma55: any thoughts?00:18
duma55FoolsRun, unfortunately you have to get the gnome-shell-user-extensions-themes-chicken thingee workee first, and the once it's enabled, you're good...00:18
al_nz1HI All00:19
FoolsRunduma55: the what now?00:19
al_nz1I am trying to install samba, but sudo apt-get install samba tells me its not available or referred to by another package?00:19
bugs_buggerSiegel-: you can mount them by double clicking. figuring out which drive is which should be easy, the root (system) drive contains folders like usr, etc and so on.00:19
rhizmoeNo match for "THEMECHICKEN.COM".00:19
duma55FoolsRun, unfortunately, have forgotten how myself...i found it through dogpile though...00:19
chaitubugs_bugger: I thought live cd mounts your windows drives too, no?00:20
FoolsRunduma55: and that'll fix my Unity problems?00:20
Siegel-bugs_bugger: i see no mouse cursor00:20
Satanaaanyways anyone figured out what "Online accounts" in ubuntu 11.10 is yet?00:20
rhizmoeSatanaa: currently it appears to be google accounts only00:20
yagooSatanaa, i believe that's ubuntu one00:21
tomdtxI just upgraded from 10.04 to 10.10 and I can't see the battery status anymore, how do I get it back ?00:21
Satanaayes but what does it do?00:21
bugs_buggerchaitu: it can mount any partition it detects on the hard drive(s) if its got a supported file system. ntfs and fat* are supported, so windows partitions will be mounted as well00:21
Satanaai have tried to login00:21
rhizmoemaybe it makes it so you don't have to gmail in thunderbird00:21
yagoochaitu, some do... some use ntfs-3g, or some use ntfs-readonly00:21
duma55FoolsRun, hope so, prolly knot00:21
Satanaanothing happends00:21
bugs_buggerSiegel-: you dont have no cursor on the live cd?00:21
Siegel-bugs_bugger: im not in the live cd00:21
FoolsRunduma55: heh. I'll try anything. Should have just stuck with 11.04.00:21
yagooso who here uses ubuntu x64?00:22
Siegel-bugs_bugger: i was using a command line in recovery mode00:22
tazzerhey :)00:22
Luciferoanyone is interested to a dropbox 18 gb account for free? Im about to delete it, due inactivity00:22
bugs_buggerSiegel-: are you on windows right now. or at a different pc?00:22
chaituyeah thought so..I wonder why Siegel- doesnt see the drives00:22
esteban22xthe same thing, I tried reinsall nautilus using synaptics and nothing changes00:22
kroq-gar78!ot | lucifero00:22
ubottulucifero: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:22
Siegel-bugs_bugger: this system never had windows on it, im on nothing00:22
Siegel-bugs_bugger: recovery mode for ubuntu00:22
rhizmoeSatanaa: worked for me00:22
yagookroq-gar78, do you use chrome or firefox for flash x64? just curious (last time i checked a year ago.. it was out of adobe labs experimental and crashed occsionally)00:22
Satanaait adds to thunderbird rhizmoe ?00:22
Siegel-chaitu: it gave me "desktop documents etc etc"00:22
Aleohi ppl00:22
Aleogood night00:23
rhizmoeno, i already had gmail in thunderbird00:23
rhizmoethat's how i use it00:23
Satanaarhizmoe yea how did it work for you then?00:23
FoolsRunduma55: so you're thinking some theme settings somewhere is stuck and the upgrade didn't change/fix it, and that this tool might?00:23
* yagoo needs to decide to use i386 or x64 on his 64bit machine (would like stability feedback on flashx64)00:23
* edinny is using 11.04 with the classic Gnome. Is there anything I will get from upgrading to 11.10?00:23
Siegel-chaitu: i did su <username> and then startx and now its starting up some desktop, its taking a long time though. i see a mouse cursor and that purple-with-light background of ubuntu. should i just wait? and how long?00:23
kroq-gar78yagoo: firefox w/ flash00:23
rhizmoeSatanaa: what are you talking about? try complete sentences.00:23
Satanaai did00:23
FoolsRunduma55: does the fact that I didn't install gnome-shell until after the upgrade blow that idea away?00:23
Satanaatry focus rhizmoe00:23
grom358edinny: I would not upgrade.. I was using 11.04 with classic gnome00:23
bugs_buggeral_nz1: try typing the command "sudo apt-get install samba" and then hit TAB twice to see all available packages matching "samba"00:24
tazzertoday i made my little sister her own login account i have a lot of music in my account, i want her to have access to my music folder without havin admin rights any ideas????00:24
grom358and 11.10 has just lost all my theme settings and my shortcuts I had on the panel etc00:24
duma55FoolsRun, if you're using Untiy, then let me ask you this...compizconfig is a factor?00:24
yagookroq-gar78, i'm guessing its stable enough for me to go all the way to x64 on this 6gig ram baby...00:24
FoolsRunduma55: I don't understand the question00:24
Satanaarhizmoe  you say that "online accounts" that is added to ubuntu works for you.. you have added gmail to thunderbird.. and you are confused over me?00:24
tomdtxanyone has the same problem (battery status indicator not shown in the pannel ?00:24
duma55FoolsRun, me either...so start again then?00:25
yagooduma55, compizconfig is if you have opengl working properly...00:25
tazzertoday i made my little sister her own login account i have a lot of music in my account, i want her to have access to my music folder without havin admin rights any ideas????00:25
Satanaarhizmoe so im in a full sentence asking you, how does "online accounts" work for you?00:25
FoolsRunduma55: I installed the upgrade, and now Unity has a white top bar and "generic" (looks old school Linux, grey, ugly) window widgets. Most of my icons were missing until I installed gnome-shell, which replaced them with the standard gnome icons, also not pretty.00:25
duma55yagoo, i get that...effed it up soo many times...kinda funny ho stupid i am, as it turns out00:26
gitterrost4hey. Again. I am using Ubuntu 11.04 and have an Elantech Touchpad. I would like to get Vertical Edge Scrolling to work and I don't know how.00:26
Satanaa( as you claim they do btw )00:26
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kaweahdentalare there any kind of panels in Unity? I have no idea which apps are open/active00:26
* yagoo blacklisted nouveau, and uninstalled all nvidia programs-- Opengl doesn't work out of the box for for his nvidia9800GT (NVidia's .run helped 100%)00:26
duma55FoolsRun, so you upgrade .04 to .10 using do-release-upgrade?00:26
nhrHey folks, after update, one of my desk top fails to initialize display after suspend/hibernate00:26
FoolsRunduma55: using the update manager. Same-ish thing.00:27
yagooduma55, you using nvidia? You'd probably try what i did..00:27
nhrscreen is all garbled00:27
Ibisyagoo: Can you use 3D?00:27
bugs_buggerSiegel-: i guess the easiest way to recover your files is to boot into live cd and acces your home folder from there. have you set up an extra home partition by the way?00:27
Ibisyagoo: See 3D icons too?00:27
yagooIbis, absolutely.. Just said 100%. Everything packaged with ubuntu worked EXCEPT opengl/glx.00:27
Siegel-bugs_bugger: no know nothin about it. bugs_bugger  k how do i access my home folder from the live cd?00:28
duma55FoolsRun, back up, reformat, and install from scratch...?00:28
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Satanaahmm seems like rhizmoe is hiding in embarrassment..00:28
Ibisyagoo: What was the problem before that?00:28
yagooIbis, what i mean with nvidia's run.. is non-deb package.. -- a download from the nvidia site..00:28
FoolsRunduma55: too much to reconfigure. I'll just install Windows and use the machine for something else if that's the answer.00:28
yagooIbis, i already said. OPENGL does not WORK.00:28
yagooIbis, shows in the logs.00:28
wilberarchOh, maaaaaaaaan!  CCSM completely breaks Unity!!   How do I get it back?!00:28
bugs_buggerSiegel-: as i explained above: you should be able to mount the root partition via nautilus00:29
wilberarchunity --reset hasn't worked  yet...00:29
FoolsRunwildberarch: get to a shell and sudo service lightdm restart ?00:29
* yagoo already said OPENGL works. and got it fixed.00:29
* yagoo but not with the ubuntu packages.00:29
wilberarchFoolsRun, haven't seen that yet...  lemme try...00:29
duma55yagoo, naw..using some giveaway bs hp workstation crap...4.3, but only 2gb and 32 bit...but working fine..i think the video is intel00:29
Ibisyagoo: I have nvidia 5200 Geforce, and all my icons are hidden from Unity launcher.00:29
Satanaahehe lucky, i cant even login with unity 3D00:29
Siegel-bugs_bugger: it only gives me the option to install ubuntu. i dont know how to mount root partitions, i dunno what nautilus is00:29
al_nz1how do I restart samba?00:29
IbisSo I'm waiting for that bug to be fixed.00:29
FoolsRunal_nzl: sudo service samba restart00:29
grom358can anyone tell me how to change themes on new ubuntu?00:29
AleoI have a question,00:30
yagooIbis, so look in the log--> grep -i glx /var/log/Xorg.0.log00:30
al_nz1FoolsRun: samba 'unrecognized service'00:30
wilberarchFoolsRun, nope.  that didn't work...00:30
gitterrost4Does anyone know how to get Vertical scrolling working on an elantech touchpad?00:30
yagooIbis, see if there are load up errors with glx00:30
bugs_buggerSiegel-: do you have the desktop cd or the alternate cd? how is the installation option displayed, as a window with a language list at the left side or as a shell menu?00:30
AleoI am happy with Ubuntu last version, but I saw on youtube videos, that I can not do here on mine00:31
Siegel-bugs_bugger: yes exactly00:31
kaweahdentalwhat is Alt+Grave?00:31
bugs_buggerSiegel-: yes to the first or the latter?00:31
Aleoone thing is to drag icons from launcher to choose position00:31
Siegel-bugs_bugger: latter, window with language list. i have a usb device, not a cd00:31
enchiladogrom358: Apperance00:31
grom358enchilado: where?00:32
FoolsRunYay now lightdm is crashing whenever a user logs out!00:32
gitterrost4It seems that the elantech touchpad won't use the synaptics driver...00:32
enchiladogrom358: open the dash and type "Appearance", or right-click your desktop and select "Change Background"00:32
gitterrost4Anyone know how to force this?00:32
Siegel-bugs_bugger: i was able to boot a new desktop (not my own with an empty homefolder) using "startx". how can i recover my home folder through this?00:33
FoolsRunSeems to me that 11.10 was just a teensy bit rushed00:33
OerHeksal_nz1, sudo service smbd restart00:33
bugs_buggerSiegel-: ok, you should be able to select "try ubuntu" on top the option to install it. see this image: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_9NdcYBKsZyo/TAaTIS9FZiI/AAAAAAAAAUw/vrrvt9aWGGQ/s1600/Screenshot.jpg00:33
grom358enchilado: kk.. thanks.. least got rid of the dark color.. still not the theme I want though00:33
al_nz1OerHeks: unreconised service still00:33
yagooIbis, i have a 5200 on an older system.. and i got it working long while ago perfectly as well..00:33
duma55al_, what 0erHeks said...00:33
OerHeksal_nz1, is the sevice running at all ? > sudo service --status-all00:34
Siegel-bugs_bugger: yes i saw it in in this desktop n ow00:34
GO1DHello, I have a problem, when I start my newly installed ubuntu nothing happens. I get to the login screen, login with my pass and as soon as I can see my wallpaper and three icons to the left it freezes. I can move my mose but not click anything. anyone know what to do?00:34
wilberarchAny other suggestions on how to fix Unity after CCSM borked it?00:34
al_nz1it would appear not00:34
bugs_buggerchaitu: do you know if the home folder is touched by a reinstall of ubuntu without formating the root partition?00:34
FoolsRunduma55: I've completely removed unity, gnome, gdm, lightdm ubuntu-desktop and all associated packages and reinstalled and my problems persist. Surely a reinstall won't fix them...00:35
enavGO1D: try to log in as unity 2d00:35
Siegel-bugs_bugger: i just went into "file system>home>david" and here are all of my files. god thats amazing00:35
yagooFoolsRun, that has nothing to do with the video driver00:35
bugs_buggerSiegel-: as easy as this ^^ glad i could help00:35
SetiAmonno more cookie control in firefox 7?00:35
NinjaJeffNoob question: How do I find GUI programs other than those in the "Applications" menu?00:35
FoolsRunyagoo: my problems aren't video driver related...00:35
JusticeZeroI'm having trouble getting 11.10 installed on my laptop. No CD drive, it doesn't want to boot off of the memory stick, and it doesn't show an option to edit the bios during boot.00:36
Siegel-bugs_bugger: haha thanks a lot, but i have a question, now that i found the files and can back them up on CYBERSPACE, is there any way of just restoring the old desktop or should i jsut reinstall ubuntu?00:36
bugs_buggerSiegel-: btw, nautilus is the file browser used in most GNOME Desktops such as Ubuntu00:36
yagooFoolsRun, um.. lightdm starts the X server00:36
yagooFoolsRun, that's driver related..00:36
duma55FoolsRun, I never figured it out either...apparently all the purging worked..alway just said eff it and reinstall...00:36
Siegel-bugs_bugger: oh i see i just didnt know the name00:36
wilberarchDamn.  Am I really facing a reinstall to get Unity back?!00:36
al_nz1OerHeks: I am following a guide to get samba going but its fubar - they talk about installing samba, but it should be samba-common as far as I can work out00:36
bugs_buggerSiegel-: well, i guess it would be the easiest to reinstall. figuring out what the exact problem is and fixing it may take up more time that a reinstall.00:37
FoolsRunyagoo: my problem is that my windows don't have the ambiance "look" and my Unity top bar is white and doesn't change when I change themes.00:37
al_nz1they talk about service samba start, but should it be service smbd start?00:37
grom358I hate Unity.. I hate Gnome 300:37
yagooFoolsRun, did u check the X log?00:37
JusticeZeroWhat should I do to get this laptop to boot off the stick in Windows so I can install Ubuntu? :p00:37
OerHeksal_nz1, yes, you need to start the deamon, smbd00:37
Siegel-bugs_bugger: i know what the problem was. well not what the problem was, but was caused it. ubuntu 11.0 was being installed and someone restarted the computer in the middle, so there was no clear os anymore it was just a mess00:37
Satanaagrom358 try unity 2d00:37
Ibis!notunity | grom35800:37
ubottugrom358: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic00:37
robin0800FoolsRun, have you tried gnom-tweak-tool to change themes?00:37
al_nz1OerHeks: how?00:38
IbisIn face you do not want unity.00:38
FoolsRunrobin0800: does that work in Unity?00:38
OerHeksal_nz1, is samba in the same workgroup ?00:38
grom358Yeah .. and the Gnome fallback isn't the same either00:38
rcmaehlThank you Ubuntu developers! Thank you for the option of SMALLER text in the accessibility options! It really helped on my netbook!00:38
grom358Alt + F2 shortcut gone00:38
grom358what happened to system/preferences menu.. its gone00:38
T2_i have a question, is it good to install ubuntu using wubi or is isntallation from cd or usb is better ?00:38
robin0800FoolsRun, yes apart from the gnome shell specific bits00:38
al_nz1OerHeks: what you mean is it in same workgroup? same workgroup as whtaT?00:38
kaweahdentalgrom358: I've been asking about system/prefs too00:39
rcmaehlT2_: live usb is the quickest00:39
grom358can't seem to move the date/time on my panel00:39
FoolsRunrobin0800: I'll give it a shot00:39
grom358my system monitor applet gone00:39
T2_@rcmaehl: is there any difference in performance?00:39
bugs_buggerSiegel-: well, maybe another run of the system update can fix that for you. i dunno, there is a terminal command to run a system update00:39
kaweahdentalgrom358: can't add any applets to the panel either00:39
OerHeksal_nz1, " sudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf "and look for the line workgroup, different workgroup won't connect00:39
grom358this is pretty poor upgrade experience00:39
grom358this is a downgrade00:39
al_nz1OerHeks: I dont want it to be in the same workgroup - I do want the service to start tho00:40
kaweahdentalupgrade for Unity, downgrade if you like gnome00:40
Siegel-bugs_bugger: only one problem, i hav eno browser on this desktop now i want to email these files to myslf00:40
al_nz1OerHeks: That the service is not running is the problem, no?00:40
Siegel-oh wait never mind bugs_bugger maybe i do00:40
grom358seriously.. what is happening to Desktop Linux00:40
NinjaJeffI'm running Gnome. How do I find what other programs I can use besides those in the "Applications" menu?00:40
Siegel-bugs_bugger: found it00:40
bugs_buggerSiegel-: what type of files you want to mail yourself? therer should be firefox on the live cd00:41
edbiangrom358, let's take it to #ubuntu-offtopic00:41
ward_how do i open a terminal in the total hell that the ubuntu GUI has become, please?00:41
rcmaehlT2_: Installing from live cd or USB usually provides better performance from ubuntu using ext2/ext3/ext4 partitions00:41
Aleorobin0800, hi again, do you know why I can't drop the unity launcher icons to re organize them, I have seen this on a video, can it be for being on a virtual box ? I have set 3 GB ram to the Ubuntu and the graphics board is fast00:41
ward_i feel such a stupid idiot, working with linux since 2006 and i cannot open a terminal anymore00:41
Stacy__I'm trying to install 11.10 with WUBI, but the installer doesnt look the same as all the tutorials. Specifically, it doesn't have the option to actually install inside windows. only reboot.00:41
Siegel-bugs_bugger: there is firefox im in my account, i want to email a bunch of text documents. about 3000:41
* duma55 =useless00:41
general1232ward: why dont you just use classic ubuntu00:41
fdsachecking for 'jack' >= 0.109.0 : not found <-- how do i install this?00:41
grom358edbian: sorry I know I'm ranting.. just frustrated by this upgrade that I was prompted to install00:41
ward_general1232, im trying to install..........00:41
kaweahdentalward_: superkey (windows key) search for terminal00:41
general1232ah i see00:41
edbianStacy__, installing with Wubi means installing inside wubi.  There is no option00:41
NinjaJeffIs there where I go to complain about the new Facebook?00:41
FoolsRunAnyone know what the default Unity icon theme is supposed to be?00:41
JusticeZerohelp, does anyone have tips how to get a new laptop to boot from usb? So I can install ubuntu and quit beating my head against win7?00:42
qin!info dmenu00:42
ubottuPackage dmenu does not exist in oneiric00:42
T2_@rcmaehl: ok..thanks00:42
rcmaehlFoolsRun: Ambiance00:42
yagooFoolsRun, ur problem is video driver related.00:42
Stacy__edbian, ?00:42
bugs_buggerSiegel-: ah, i see. if you got bigger files i guess it would be quicker to store them on another usb device.00:42
edbiangrom358, Want help with some immediate problem?  I can even explain how to use a different GUI00:42
rcmaehlFoolsRun: I believe00:42
OerHeksal_nz1, i followed this guide to setup samba-shares, it can't be more simple > http://www.7tutorials.com/how-change-workgroup-ubuntu-linux-work-windows00:42
general1232ward:  sorry i can't really help you, i've got 11.04, try pressing the super key and then typing terminal00:42
ward_kaweahdental, thansk even alt-F2 gterm didnt work :s00:42
edbianStacy__, wubi is always inside windows.00:42
edbianStacy__, If you're using wubi, you're installing inside windows00:42
robin0800NinjaJeff, most are in usr/share/applications00:42
Stacy__edbian, mine WUBI installer doesnt look like this: http://www.ubuntu.com/sites/www.ubuntu.com/files/active/Installer.jpg00:42
=== urjobud is now known as register
Siegel-bugs_bugger: yeah, i have another question.it took me long to install the printer/fax/scanner drivers. if i reinstall ubuntu ill have to do that again. is there a quicker way to do so?00:42
FoolsRunrcmaeh1: Ambiance isn't an option. It was set to Ubuntu-mono-dark00:43
yagooedbian, wubi means loopbackfile on ntfs.. its' overhead  (loopbackfile contains the embedded ext4)00:43
=== register is now known as urjobud
grom358edbian: well.. what is the alternative to Alt+F2 . I use that a lot to run my scripts for connecting to remote desktops00:43
edbianStacy__, What is different about how it looks?  (does it say 11.10 at the top like the picture?)00:43
FoolsRunyagoo: the theme not loading/changing properly is vid driver related? I've tried all three available proprietary drivers and I've tried no proprietary driver with no change.00:43
edbianyagoo, yep :)00:43
NinjaJeffAny suggestions for an application that can decrypt PGP files?00:43
AleoStacy__, I used wubi also and got an error, could no install, so I installed on a virtual box00:43
bugs_buggerSiegel-: no, sorry. if the download/configuration of the drivers was the issue, you'll have to do that again :(00:43
yagoogrom358, u can use alt-<arrow> once ur in plain console (eg: if ur in tty1, u can do alt-rightarrow to go to tty2)00:43
al_nz1OerHeks: well bottom line is smbd is not running and sudo service smbd restart or start doesnt help - 'unrecognised service'00:44
robin0800Aleo, you can only move some of them think order may be changed using dconf not sure00:44
Stacy__edbian, this is what my installer looks like: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/12195493/wubi.png00:44
kermithow do i disable the X screensaver without a pointing device?00:44
edbiangrom358, super-a00:44
kaweahdentalthe superkey didn't have much of a purpose in linux before, but now with Unity it reallly is the SUPERKEY...can't live without it00:44
edbianStacy__, mmm, what did you double click to open that window?00:44
Siegel-bugs_bugger: ok now ill have more experience the second time around. but i just dont see why i cant restore my desktop. i see all my files are saved.00:45
grom358what is superkey?00:45
FoolsRunyagoo: I'm happy to accept if that's the problem, but since no driver makes a difference I'm skeptical00:45
Stacy__edbian, yes00:45
kaweahdentalgrom358: aka windows key left of ALT00:45
Stacy__edbian, i downloaded from: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/windows-installer00:45
yagooFoolsRun, if lightdm is crashing, then it's more towards driver issue than about themse.00:45
robin0800kermit, keyboard perhaps00:45
edbianStacy__, what did you double click?00:45
tittuWhat is the difference between the cd and dvd downloads available for ubuntu? thanks00:45
Ibisgrom358: The windows Key. With the window's logo on it.00:45
grom358doesn't appear to be doing anything for me00:45
yagooFoolsRun, you're skeptical? Then pastebin your X log (/var/log/Xorg.0.log)00:45
Stacy__edbian, wubi.exe00:45
OerHeksal_nz1, are both samba and smbfs installed ?00:45
Aleorobin0800, hmm, don't know if I have dconf, but also saw a video of a guy using compiz and unity plugin that I have here, and the guy resize the laucher icons as it moves the icon slider size, but here I do the same and nothing happens00:46
yagooFoolsRun, otherwise you're guessing about a ghost inthe machine00:46
bugs_buggerSiegel-: there is a difference between restoring your desktop and installed packages. but you probably dont have to reinstall. boot into recovery shell and try reupdating from there, maybe this fixes the issue.00:46
FoolsRunyagoo: so I probably have a driver issue, too, but that isn't my theme issue.00:46
kaweahdentalgrom358: that's cuz you're using gnome. Unity relies on it a lot00:46
al_nz1OerHeks: samba-common is00:46
al_nz1OerHeks: hwo to check sambafs?00:46
yagooFoolsRun, if the video driver is the issue. Everything else is irrelevant.00:46
edbianStacy__, That's curious: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide00:46
hueloovooOkay, a variation on my earlier question: *can* you safely install wxpython in Ubuntu that already has 2.8.11?00:46
grom358so do people here like Unity?00:46
rcmaehlhueloovoo: yes using synaptic \00:46
Stacy__edbian, I just deleted and redownloaded it, now it looks like that. very. very. strange. Also I downloaded a .iso a day ago, and it had the same WUBI screen. But now, this 3rd and final download presents the screen in the tutorial. this is SSOOOO frustrating!!!!!00:46
OerHeksal_nz1, you can check if it appears in the output of > apt-cache search samba00:47
Siegel-bugs_bugger the problem is that im not able to boot into recovery shell. well i am able to get to a command line where i typed "startx" and thats how i got to this desktop with the file system.00:47
hueloovooCan't find it in synaptic at all.00:47
robin0800Aleo, think that's broke install confity to do that00:47
Siegel-bugs_bugger: is there a way to boot into recovery shell from that command line?00:47
edbianStacy__, the regular CDs have wubi on them00:47
bugs_buggertittu: the dvd has more software ready to install with the system, the cd needs certain packages to be downloaded after the installing of the system00:47
kaweahdentalgrom358: don't like it much, but gnome in 11.10 is not working all that well anymore00:47
FoolsRunyagoo: so if I switch to the generic, non proprietary driver and lightdm stops crashing, how do I fix my theme problem?00:47
tittu@bugs_bugger: thanks00:47
yagooFoolsRun, I think I can't help you. You refuse to post your X log. Good luck buddy.00:48
edbianStacy__, trying to figure it out00:48
edbianStacy__, do you have teamviewer?00:48
Siegel-bugs_bugger: and also i have this layout of natty narwhal, how do i change it to classic ubuntu? i had it before but i dont remember how i did it00:48
bugs_buggerSiegel-: no, but if i recall it correctly there is a way to log you into a shell session as a user on the system from the live cd.00:48
Aleorobin0800, I could not install confity, I followed the instructions but could no install, don't know why., which they have a deb package00:48
FoolsRunyagoo: I'm rebooting. I'll pastebin my log in a minute.00:48
al_nz1OerHeks: No its not there00:48
Tecanubuntu 11.10 sucks major fuckface00:48
Siegel-bugs_bugger: oh. why wont the live cd enable me to boot into my current desktop?00:48
rcmaehlTecan: Watch the language. Thanks.00:49
Stacy__edbian, no, but the third time i downloaded wubi it present the proper screeen & is installing now00:49
Tecanwhat happened ?00:49
Stacy__edbian, thank you though :)00:49
bugs_buggerSiegel-: do you mean Unity? with the start dock on the left?00:49
OerHeksal_nz1, oke, that is the part you are missing, sudo apt-get install smbfs00:49
edbianStacy__, oh, yay :)00:49
robin0800Aleo, only version 1.0 but that works for me00:49
edbianStacy__, sure, but I didn't do anything!00:49
Siegel-bugs_bugger: yeah it sucks00:49
rcmaehlTecan: If you don't like it then install gnome3 or gnome-shell00:49
hueloovoo11.10 is perfectly serviceable from what I've seen, once you install GNOME-Classic00:49
rcmaehlTecan: or Kubuntu00:49
Aleorobin0800, can you give me the url for that version with deb package ?00:49
Tecani'll go back to suse00:49
tittuI have an i7 processor on my laptop, so which one should i go for PC(intel x86) or 64-bit PC(amd64) ?00:50
NinjaJeffI need a program to encrypt and decrypt PGP files. Where is this in Gnome?00:50
kaweahdentalhueloovoo: gnome classic is missing the System/Prefs menu00:50
rcmaehlNinjaJeff: hold on00:50
bugs_buggerSiegel-: you should be able to select the session form the login screen. in the lower left, there is a dropdown that lets you select the session. there should be something like "gnome-classic"00:50
al_nz1OerHeks: ok smbfs is now installed00:50
Siegel-bugs_bugger: yes ok but i cant get to that screen yet because when i log out it brings me back to the command line00:51
robin0800Aleo, it should be on the same source forge page but can;t check here sorry00:51
Siegel-bugs_bugger: i have a usb stick for the live cd. can i store my text files on it as well?00:51
ward_so when i try to click on my keyboard type the installation freezes and i cannot continue nor go back00:51
ward_what the hell did you do to ubuntu!!?!?!??!00:51
rcmaehlNinjaJeff: sudo apt-get install signing-party00:51
ward_its 100% garbage now00:51
Aleorobin0800, thank anyway going to search :)00:52
bugs_buggerSiegel-: that should be possible. i dont know about it though, how did you create the boot-stick?00:52
NinjaJeffIs that a text or GUI app?00:52
Tecansynaptic crashes00:52
Siegel-bugs_bugger: through the maker on ubuntu.00:52
Siegel-you know the live disk creator00:52
rcmaehlTecan: then use terminal00:52
OerHeksal_nz1, now you can check the service is running, or start over and share the folder00:53
bugs_buggerSiegel-: did you specify any disk space for persistency?00:53
* yagoo is currently install ubuntux64 and expects the video not to work properly..00:53
Tecanwhen i upgraded none of my old packages were kept00:53
ward_third try for a simple installation!00:53
Siegel-bugs_bugger: duuno, but ive used it before to install ubuntu and it worked perfectly. this very one00:53
al_nz1still get unreconised service00:53
al_nz1for sudo service smbd start00:53
OerHeksward_ check your iso first, with md5sum00:53
yagooal_nz1, list of services in /etc/init.d00:53
yagooal_nz1, try "start smbd"00:54
al_nz1start: unknown job :smbd00:54
ward_OerHeks, is fine, its just ubuntu, or how they messed it up00:54
yagooal_nz1, is it listed in /etc/init.d ?00:54
zapshey guys i need some help... i am trying to install xbmc from a previous PPA, but apt stops becuase of unmet deps... what can i do to have it just meet the deps? http://pastebin.com/9C1sid2f00:54
al_nz1yagoo: no00:55
NinjaJeffI installed signing party. How do I use it now?00:55
riddleboxhello, how do I right click and format a thumb drive in 11.10?00:55
yagooal_nz1, so it's smbd is not there.. u trying to install samba?00:55
grom358what package is gnome-tweak apart of?00:55
yagooal_nz1, dpkg -l |grep -i samba00:56
NinjaJeffAnd in general: How do I execute programs in Gnome (besidess ones in the "Applications" menu)?00:56
yagooal_nz1, is it there?00:56
al_nz1yagoo: that brought up some text00:57
yagooal_nz1, anything with samba?00:57
robin0800grom358, if you mean gnome-tweak-tool its not in a package it is the package00:57
al_nz1and sambafs00:58
al_nz1smbfs i mean00:58
SteveHI have transferred most of my files from one laptop to another, both using 10.4, and find that while I can hover over a song in a directory, and it plays, I can't seem to be able to import files into movieplayer or banshee, and have the play.   Can anyone suggest a troubleshooting scenario to try?00:58
OerHeksal_nz1, i think i got it now, all you need is to install samba & smbfs, not samba-common00:58
yagooal_nz1, try this-> sudo apt-get install samba samba-common system-config-samba samba400:58
emily_hi all, I am trying to help a friend. She said she was updating it but power was unplugged (on laptop) and now it wont boot correctly. It acts like it will but then hangs at a particular spot(where it does its checking and says [ok] on the right side of the screen)I was able to ctrl+alt+F1, login and update but it still wont boot gnome i guess without me going to the term and typing 'startx' Any ideas? Im not sure where to start even. also sh00:58
emily_e is on the new 11.10, not sure how long.00:58
edbianemily_, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop00:59
gitterrost4I need help getting VerticalEdgeScrolling to work on my Elantech Touchpad in ubuntu 11.04.00:59
al_nz1yagoo: ok - some of those packages were already installed, but its now installing 370Mb for one of them at least01:00
yagooemily_, that sux..01:00
robin0800SteveH, have you tried import media in banshee01:00
yagooal_nz1, cool..01:00
emily_edbian, thanks, i will try that01:00
yagooal_nz1, maybe a gui app gets installed to setup samba.. if not maybe u can list it with dpkg -L system-config-samba01:00
edbianemily_, sure01:00
al_nz1yagoo: so after all thats installed - sudo service smbd start?01:01
SteveHrobin0800: I show the files in the queue, but a) no sound when it plays and b) the Play button doesn't change to a Pause icon.01:01
robin0800SteveH, you have codecs installed?01:02
yagooal_nz1, i dont know the procedure for 11.10..01:02
linuswhat's the difference between loging in with ubuntu and logging in with ubuntu 2d cause I can only login with 2d01:02
zapshey guys i need some help... i am trying to install xbmc from a previous PPA, but apt stops becuase of unmet deps... what can i do to have it just meet the deps? http://pastebin.com/9C1sid2f01:02
yagooal_nz1, i would check the menu, see if there's a samba config app there..01:02
al_nz1yagoo: its running now :-)01:02
SteveHrobin0800: I haven't explicitly installed any.01:03
yagooal_nz1, cool.. btw i was too lazy to use apt-cache search.. and saw this http://www.noobslab.com/2011/07/samba-installation-on-ubuntu-11-041110.html01:03
stewart_Is there a way to get the new toolbar on to my primary display?01:03
al_nz1yagoo: ok to pm?01:03
yagooal_nz1, it's ok to ask in here.. so in case anyone else wants to do samba..01:03
robin0800SteveH, you need to if this is a clean install01:04
edbianstewart_, no :(  That's one of the biggest complaints about unity01:04
al_nz1yagoo: just a general chat really01:04
KM0201al_nz1: you need to configure some shares.01:04
KM0201if you haven't already01:04
Aleorobin0800, installed confity 1.0, I set the laucher size to 32 but no changes, going to log off and in01:04
JusticeZeroHow is K coming along compared to gnome and unity?01:04
al_nz1KM0201: yep - I think I am ok to do that - thanks01:04
Aleosee if they change this way01:05
SteveHrobin0800: Any particular codecs?  My music is generally mp3.01:05
yagooal_nz1, btw u get any graphical app from that config package?01:05
al_nz1yagoo: how would I know?01:05
yagooal_nz1, maybe it's in system settings01:05
stewart_edbian: ah thats ok... I suppose it makes sense having it there but would be nice to customise... maybe next year... thanks for the heads up01:05
linuswhat's the difference between loging in with ubuntu and logging in with ubuntu 2d cause I can only login with 2d01:05
robin0800SteveH, the fluendo mp3 codec is very good IMHO01:05
al_nz1yagoo: yeah I did01:06
edbianstewart_, sure01:06
yagooal_nz1, what about dpkg -L system-config-samba?01:06
yagooal_nz1, any bin listed?01:06
SteveHrobin0800: Can you 'splain how my hovering over a song icon could work, but not banshee?01:06
al_nz1yagoo: its all good now01:07
al_nz1yagoo: whats the diff between the terms smb and samba?01:07
robin0800SteveH, no no idea01:07
KM0201smbd is just the name of the service that starts samba01:07
yagooal_nz1, smb means server message block. Samba is the unix/linux toolset to work with smb/cifs..01:07
KM0201and that.. :)01:08
yagooal_nz1, There's no samba protocol. (people often get this wrong)01:08
yagooal_nz1, smb/cifs are protocols..01:08
FoolsRunyagoo: which log did you want to see from my x?01:08
yagooFoolsRun, /var/log/Xorg.0.log01:08
al_nz1yagoo: are smb and cifs the same thing?01:08
yagooFoolsRun, pastebin it..01:08
yagooal_nz1, cifs is supposed to be newer.. like more security or someting..01:09
yagooal_nz1, i discvered a few weeks ago.. it's very easy to use webdav..01:09
zapshey guys i need some help... i am trying to install xbmc from a previous PPA, but apt stops becuase of unmet deps... what can i do to have it just meet the deps? http://pastebin.com/9C1sid2f01:09
SteveHrobin0800: Joy!  Thanks!!01:09
KM0201zaps: there's a install script out there that works... the PPA"s all seem to be closed...01:10
ricky_hi everybody01:10
KM0201zaps: what version of ubuntu are you using?01:10
zapsKM0201: i've tried thsoe, not working01:10
zaps11.10, latest, fresh install01:10
KM0201zaps: worked fine for me, are you sure you did it correctly?01:10
zapsthere's nothing to do but run it01:10
zapsnot sure why you'd ask a question if you knew what was involved01:10
KM0201zaps: http://www.noobslab.com/2011/09/install-xbmc-on-ubuntu-1110-oneiric.html01:11
al_nz1yagoo: ok - NFS sharing is next !01:11
yagooal_nz1, i don't believe samba does fully all cifs can do.. but dont worry about that..01:11
zapsKM0201: yup i tried that01:11
KM0201zaps: not sure why you wouldn't just answre the question... you'd be amazed at the people who think they did something properly, and they didn't01:11
KM0201ok, well, good luck01:11
yagooal_nz1, nfs is good-- it's very well supported across mswinbloze and mac platforms..01:11
zapsKM0201: it fails through the script, 1 sec i'll get youa p astebin01:12
al_nz1yagoo: setting up ubuntu nfs share01:12
KM0201zaps: honestly i dont' care, i dont' help folks w/ attitudes01:12
srk9I installed Ubuntu 11.10 in KVM and I am having graphics glitches. How do I turn off compositing?01:12
FoolsRunyagoo: http://pastebin.com/ZjTk65qi01:13
FirefisheI have an HP Mini 110 with the following partition scheme on it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/710391/ -- I have about 107MB of unallocated free space.  /dev/sda2 is the primary partition for /dev/sda5 and /dev/sda6, the linux logical/swap partitions.01:13
FirefisheI want to use the unallocated space for lvm, or some other useage scheme.01:13
paradoxxGreetings all. I have a question about Gnome Shell. Is there a shortcut or faster way to bring up the notification bar on the bottom?01:13
sanduz2anyone know why unity keeps losing focus of windows so easily? when i hop workspaces and such, it kind of just loses focus. my cursor is blinking in a text field, for example, but when i type nothiing happens until i click because unity keeps losing focus (global menu is blank, instead of having the app with the blinking cursors name)01:14
ev_edbian, i was emily, my username changed, that did not seem to work. any other ideas?01:14
edbianev_, what happened? Was that already installed?01:15
yagooFoolsRun, is the problem on the desktop "random" ?01:16
ev_edbian, it installed it. I had to press 'y'. it wont get to the login screen. I have tried updating and upgrading to no avail01:16
jamil_1is it possible to install all the packages from a repo ?01:16
yagooFoolsRun, "The EDID for VIZ VL470M (DFP-1) contradicts itself"01:16
jamil_1assuming my repo is cdrom01:16
al_nz1yagoo: how do I set a static ip? ifconfig?01:16
edbianev_, can you run startx now ?01:16
FoolsRunyagoo: no, the icons, colors, and theme (or lack thereof) is consistent.01:16
edbianjamil_1, some packages conflict with one another I think01:16
edbianjamil_1, also, it's probably several gigabytes worth of data01:17
ev_edbian, if i ctrl+alt+f1 and login and startx it will start, but no login screen01:17
zelrikI have a problem loggin to icq with empathy01:17
edbianev_, sudo apt-get install ldm01:17
jamil_1edbian: no, only from the installation cdrom ?01:17
edbianev_, Guess at the package name but you need to install some dm (ldm, gdm, kdm)01:17
edbianjamil_1, I'm not sure if it's easy but it's definitely possible01:17
yagooFoolsRun, what about the font sizes?.. Did you have to fiddle around with them?01:17
ev_edbian, ok, probably gdm, thats what she was using01:18
yagooFoolsRun, do the fonts appear correct?01:18
jamil_1edbian: if I add it to my sources.list and disable other repos ?01:18
edbianev_, well ldm is the new display manager in 11.1001:18
todd_I just got upgraded and I hat the new look, how do I go back to the drop down style ubuntu???01:18
FoolsRunyagoo: In Unity, yes. In GNOME-Classic, interestingly, some of the fonts are very small.01:18
edbianjamil_1, well you can install things from it but installing everything from it is the hard part.01:18
hylianhey guys, with the new ubuntu 11.10, it doesn't keep my preferred desktop environment, it goes back to unity 3d everytime...01:18
edbianjamil_1, doing what you described will just make it available, it won't install anything01:18
jamil_1edbian: why is it hard ?01:19
yagooFoolsRun, that's what's probably causing it.. because i see this in ur log.. "DPI set to (46, 46)" .. it should be 96..01:19
jamil_1edbian: can you give me some pointers ?01:19
FoolsRunyagoo: that's what's causing the theme issues, too?01:19
edbianjamil_1, Why do you want to install every package from the CD?01:19
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hylianhey guys, with the new ubuntu 11.10, it doesn't keep my preferred desktop environment, it goes back to unity 3d everytime...01:19
yagooFoolsRun, it's the edid information not being properly picked up.. btw.. are you able to have the proper resolution in X?01:19
jamil_1edbian: because I suspect my uprgade didn't go well but apt is not complaining01:19
FoolsRunyagoo: yes, the resolution is fine01:20
edbianjamil_1, apt is not compiling?01:20
ev_edbian, ahh, i c01:20
edbianjamil_1, sudo apt-get safe-upgrade   what does that do?01:20
edbianev_, sure01:20
Guest20852hello i'm having a bit of trouble with my battery icon, it doesn't display information and i've tried various fixes shown through google01:20
yagooFoolsRun, did u try looking at advanced font settings? (see what the font dpi is)01:20
OomElvishey all, how does one redirect output with dash? "tesseract output200.tif meh.txt >& /dev/null" results in "/bin/dash: Syntax error: Bad fd number"01:20
FoolsRunyagoo: I'll check now01:20
yagooFoolsRun, it should be like 96..01:20
pmitrosI just installed Ubuntu 11.10. Like 11.04, it defaulted to a broken interface. Unlike 11.04, I can't find an option to change it back. Any clue as to where I should look?01:20
jamil_1edbian: it does nothing01:20
FoolsRunyagoo: any idea where that is in 11.10?01:21
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edbianjamil_1, Why do you think the install is broken?01:21
yagooFoolsRun, i'm going to finished this install i have soon.. i'm not exactly sure where to see that..01:21
hylianpmitros, what happens when you log out, can you choose unity 2d over 3d in the gear icon on the login page?01:21
todd_how does one go back to the ubuntu 10 look after upgradeing to 11???01:21
pmitrosI get a 2d version of the broken interface.01:21
FoolsRunyagoo: that's weird, my display detected correctly in 11.0401:22
hylianhey guys, with the new ubuntu 11.10, it doesn't keep my preferred desktop environment, it goes back to unity 3d everytime...01:22
jamil_1edbian: because my network manager is not working01:22
edbianjamil_1, how is it not working?01:22
hylianpmitros, how is it broken?01:22
jamil_1edbian: also I have installed packages that were supposed to already installed but apt didn't say any thing01:22
szal!repeat | hylian01:22
ubottuhylian: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/01:22
yagootodd_, u install the gnome-fallback-session package.. then can choose it from the login menu (gnome classic)01:22
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".For 11.10, see !notunity01:22
szaltodd_: 11.what?01:23
pmitroshylian: E.g. things like focus-follows-the-mouse doesn't work with the top of the screen menus.01:23
jamil_1edbian: I must tell you I am on kubuntu01:23
yagoo^ that's after apt-getting that classic fallback package (what the bot said)01:23
hylianszal, i am not. you are allowed to post every so often. I know about that, thank you.01:23
jamil_1edbian: so I may if you dont consider this ot01:23
edbianjamil_1, what is not working in network manager01:23
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic01:23
ev_edbian, it installed ldm too, rebooted, and still not working is there a logfile i can pastebin?01:23
colby_i uninstalled thunderbird mailclient (on 11.10) and installed evolution (same as i had on 11.04), however, i can't start the mail client from the option on the top menu across the desktop01:23
edbianev_, hang on...01:23
jamil_1edbian: well network manager itself01:23
al_nz1how do I check 64 or 32 bit ubuntu01:24
edbianjamil_1, what about it?01:24
hylianpmitros, strange, sorry, I haven't run into this problem myself yet... hmmm.01:24
yagooal_nz1, i386 iso is for 32bit..01:24
KM0201al_nz1: uname -a01:24
edbianal_nz1, cat /etc/issue01:24
pmitroshylian: Do you use focus-follows-the-mouse?01:24
jeremy-77can some one help me find a link to the bcm4318  driver? I have ndiswrapper installed and been hunting for this driver for a long time with no luck01:24
yagooal_nz1, take note-- x64 bit linux can also run 32-bit ELF if its setup properly..01:24
ex0i want to use the dd command to copy a cd bit for bit to iso...what is the /dev/  path for cd's in ubuntu??01:24
jamil_1edbian: the wireless and wired tabs are disabled, dmesg logs show multiple times termination of network manager01:24
KM0201edbian: that doesn't say whether 32 or 64, .. just says version01:24
edbianev_, start the graphics and look at services-admin01:24
hylianpmitros, no i don't. i use the tty more than the gui. i love my console, sorry.01:25
edbianev_, alternatively sudo ldm01:25
edbianev_, or sudo service start ldm01:25
yagooex0, it may.. depending on the format.. -- u wouldnt be able to dd or cat multitrack properly (bluebook)01:25
edbianev_, or sudo /etc/init.d/ldm01:25
al_nz1unmae - a : Linux ubuntu-desktop 2.6.32-21-generic #32-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 16 i686 GNU/Linux01:25
todd_E: Unable to locate package gnome-fallback-session01:25
edbianKM0201, good point :P01:25
FirefisheHow does one use unallocated free space, when one already has 4 primary partitions, and 2 logical partitions off of one of the primaries?01:25
yagootodd_, apt-cache search fallback01:25
KM0201al_nz1: thats 32bit.01:25
jamil_1edbian: here is my dmesg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/710401/01:25
edbianFirefishe, by using extended partitions01:25
edbianjamil_1, I'm not sure why01:26
pmitroshylian: Focus-follows-the-mouse lets you switch between terminals much more efficiently, and be able to organize windows such that you can see things clearly (e.g. the window you're typing in doesn't have to cover up other windows)01:26
ex0i just wanna know what the cd's are called in the /dev folder...01:26
ex0so i can use dd command01:26
robin0800pmitros, where is focus-follows-the-mouse?01:26
ex0should be like /dev/hda...01:26
Firefisheedbian: I folow.  Problem is, gparted doesn't seem to allow me to do anything with the unallocated free space.  I also don't want to destroy any current partitions.  Here's my partition table: http://paste.ubuntu.com/710391/01:26
szaljust finished upgrading to Oneiric (apart from the KMail part, I'll do that later ;))..  got one niggle however..  booting takes 2 minutes longer than it's supposed to, because the system is "Waiting for network configuration" and then "Waiting up to 60 seconds more for network configuration", after which it says it starts up w/ incomplete network configuration01:26
yagooex0, maybe it's sr0 --> try dmesg |grep -i cd ..01:27
szalusing ifup, btw, and can't see what's the problem01:27
yagooex0, the device name may be there01:27
pmitrosrobin: I don't understand that question. It is on every classic Unix box I've used.01:27
edbianFirefishe, an extended partition allows you to have more than 4 logical partitions but it counts as one of the 4. So you can't create one unless you delete one of the primary (if only temporarily)01:27
hylianpmitros, yeah, I actually don't mind that. I actually like the xp and gnome 2 de's best. simple. I never use any of the extras added to them...01:27
ex0ty, sr001:27
ex0looks correct01:27
FoolsRunyagoo: the only thing I can find about fonts is "scaling factor" not DPI01:27
pmitrosOkay. I think this might fix it. Gotta restart X. Be back in a moment.01:28
Tecanhow do i sell stuff on the software center ?01:28
yagooFoolsRun, maybe there's an xrandr or something command to set the fonts dpi in X01:28
robin0800pmitros, thought it was something that needs to be enabled01:28
Firefisheedbian: So by 'deleting' one, this will only be a temporary condition within the editor--gparted--and won't actually do anything to damage anything?01:28
FoolsRunyagoo: and you really think that's causing all my theme issues?01:28
edbianFirefishe, wrong01:28
Firefisheedbian:  ya, sort of figured01:29
edbianFirefishe, at least, I wouldn't take that risk01:29
edbianFirefishe, copy one to some other drive, do what you need to do, copy it back01:29
sleepy4201hello can someone help me fix my battery icon, its really driving me crazy01:29
yagooFoolsRun, seems so.. also, it may be driver related (perhaps there are edid dpi helper options for the nvidia driver-- i'm betting there are) (perfect EDID info would prevent these problems)01:29
al_nz1yagoo: nfs work across different workgroups?01:30
yagooFoolsRun, edid is what the monitor tells your video card what it's capable of doing..01:30
sleepy4201i can't see how close my laptop is from dieing or if im optimizing power consumption because it says i completely lack a battery01:30
Firefisheedbian: I have a need for the unallocated free space to be ntfs, so I reinstall win7 starter.  The 11.10 ubuntu partitioner didn't have ntfs as a partitioning choice, which totally baffled me.01:30
Firefisheso I *can* reinstall...01:30
yagooal_nz1, i thought nfs and anything *nix relates to realms.. workgroups sounds mswindows01:30
edbianFirefishe, gparted can create ntfs partitions if you have ntfs-3g installed (package)01:30
open4uwell,it is so amazing....it is the first time i come here....01:31
pmitrosOkay. That fixed it, more-or-less. Gnome is kinda broken in 11.10, but still better than Unity.01:31
pmitrosUnity, by the way, takes about 15 seconds to just log out (!!!)01:32
robin0800Firefishe, its easier to install windows first01:32
sleepy4201i've google'd atleast 30 times looking for a solution but almost nothing fixes it01:32
jeremy-77is the bcm4318 driver already in ubuntu and just needs ndiswrapper to make it work ?01:32
sleepy4201except pluggin in my AC chord01:32
Firefisherobin0800: I'm beyond easy, and I'm not able to just uninstall everything from scratch right now.01:32
jformani just upgraded to 11.10 and i'm trying to look for the old (or whatever it is now) themes configurator. grabbing the corners of windows right now is very tedious and i'd like to increase that border. where can i do this now?01:32
pmitrosI think it might be high time to go back to Debian, if Ubuntu stays this broken.01:32
sleepy4201there's no top panel bar?01:33
snadgei just upgraded from 11.04 with gnome classic desktop, to 11.10.. and unity panel wont load01:33
snadgeinstead i have a nautilus file menu up the top, and that is all01:33
jformansleepy4201: there is, but i dont follow01:33
sleepy4201oh i c01:33
srk9I installed Ubuntu 11.10 in KVM and I am having graphics glitches. How do I turn off compositing?01:33
snadgehow do i reset my desktop settings ?01:33
elektrocatMy Ati drivers are not working after enabling FGLRX drivers.. :( anyone can help? I just installed it with Additinal Drivers when i popped up..01:33
robin0800Firefishe, you can format partitions providing you have important date safely backed up01:34
yagoosnadge, try apt-get install ubuntu-desktop01:34
FoolsRunyagoo: nvidia-settings detected the monitor successfully, so I saved its detection to the x config. Rebooting now.01:34
jojo_hi i have a question about samba.. how can i secure the file in samba and limit the space of the folder. can anyone here provide me a help.......01:34
snadgeyagoo: ubuntu desktop already newest version01:34
JRandolphjojo_: #samba01:34
ev_edbian, 'sudo ldm:GTK warning cannot open display','sudo service start ldm: unrecoginzed service',' sudo01:34
edbianev_, sudo ldm --display :0.001:35
yagoosnadge, apt-get install -f, dpkg -C ?01:35
Firefisheedbian: So perhaps something like this:  1) copy one of ntfs partitions (it's contents) to another drive, cd, etc.  2) delete that primary partition  3) set up a new primary-with-extended-partitions, with one of those extended partitions the same size as the original ntfs. ??01:35
robin0800ev_, its lightdm01:35
jojo_hi i have a question about samba.. how can i secure the file in samba and limit the space of the folder. can anyone here provide me a help.......01:35
Firefisheedbian: 4) copy the old ntfs contents back over.01:35
yagooFoolsRun, i dont thing u need to reboot if u use that tool..01:36
edbianFirefishe, 1 and 2 are good.  step 3 -> Create an extended partition, put some new partitions in it (all of windows probably).  Re-arrange others instead possibly01:36
FoolsRunyagoo: yeah, but the machine locked up again :)01:36
yagooFoolsRun, that can be used per user session.. (~/.nvidia-settingsrc i think it may make the filename)01:36
edbianFirefishe, I think you get the idea.  I think windows likes to be partition 1, I'm not sure if that's an issue anymore01:36
FoolsRunyagoo: nope, no change.01:36
edbianFirefishe, Ubuntu likes to be in an extended partition better01:37
ev_edbian, that didnt do anything, still cannot open display. Is this why you think i get no login screen and x/dm wont start? I will google lightdm errors in 11.10. thanks for your help01:37
yagooFoolsRun, instead of rebooting, try swithing to console (ctl-alt-f1), (ctl-alt-f7 is gui), then type-- stop lightdm, then edit whatever xorg config that needs to be, then start lightdm01:37
edbianev_, mmm, lemme research01:37
bugs_buggerHey Guys, i cant acces the tty console ports. no prompts are displayed, just a blank black screen. any idea?01:37
edbianev_, ldm 7 :0.001:38
edbianev_, http://linux.die.net/man/1/ldm  according to this anyway01:38
lauratikadoes any body knows where is  ubuntu one menu under gnome classic in 11.10?01:38
Firefisheedbian: /dev/sda1 is a /boot partition for something or other.  I had someone @ HP c/s tell me that it was for win7 office starter.  My eyes rolled when I took a look inside the partition (which I couldn't initially even access in win7 starter.)  Nothing to do with office.01:38
edbianFirefishe, I'm not sure of those details01:38
Firefisheedbian: anyway, thank you for the advice.  I should be okay from here.  Thank you.01:39
edbianFirefishe, have a good night!01:39
Firefisheedbian: you too01:39
robin0800lauratika, its under! the top panel01:39
FoolsRunyagoo: stopping and starting lightdm hard locked the machine agian01:40
lauratikatop panel under what?01:40
yagooFoolsRun, do ctl-alt-f1 do tty101:40
FoolsRunyagoo: no input01:40
yagooFoolsRun, can u switch to tty1? if its that bad.. then it's very much driver issue..01:40
yagooFoolsRun, see what the log says01:40
DEdesigns57How do I get that Mac like minimize effect when minimizing windows?01:41
FoolsRunyagoo: I'm about to format, actually01:41
ev_edbian, that looks like it applies to connecting computers remotely, that is not what im doing. also, i 'sudo gdm' screen flash then error reads: GdmDisplay lasted 1.516xxxxseconds01:41
yagooFoolsRun, if u start it up properly again.. see what /var/log/Xorg.1.log says (notice .1.)01:41
robin0800lauratika, the universal menu is on its own panel hidden by gnome classic panel01:41
yagooFoolsRun, um..01:41
celltechBuzzen.net uses irc. Is there anyway to connect to them through here?01:41
yagooFoolsRun, your issue can be fixed with a line or two..01:41
yagooFoolsRun, has to do with edid01:41
aboudreaultHi. network question: I have a bridge, which is DHCP. works fine. I would like to add a brigde 2 with a ip, which is kind of virtual and I only use it locally.  It seems that everytime I ifup this bridge, my network is very slow... looks like the os doesn't know what IF to use for the network so try both01:42
FoolsRunyagoo: okay, so I saved the edid to a file in my home dir using nvidia-settings.01:42
yagooFoolsRun, send me your xorg.conf (pastebin it)01:42
lauratikarobin08000: sorry but dont understand what you mean01:42
yagooFoolsRun, /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:42
* yagoo found out its gnome-session-fallback and not gnome-fallback-session01:42
FoolsRunyagoo:  http://pastebin.com/9UHwQrRd01:44
robin0800lauratika, if you delete or move the top panel (use alt) then you will find another top panel01:44
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lauratikarobin0800: yes , i see it but it's only ubuntu one folder i want the control panel of ubuntu one that used to be under accounts01:46
yagooFoolsRun, pastebin me -> lspci -vv01:46
yagooFoolsRun, (actually i mean pastebin site is ok)01:46
ev_edbian, read more on lightdm, i believe that is my problem. Thanks for the path.01:46
Lewoco__So uhm... How the heck do I open an xterm?01:46
FoolsRunyagoo: http://pastebin.com/1L01dhek01:47
robin0800lauratika, easy way is add a launher to the panel and choose the ubuntuone app01:48
FoolsRunyagoo: that's odd, it says current driver is "nvidia" but that's not what I picked from Additional Drivers...01:48
lauratikarobin08000:but where is it?01:49
lauratikawhere is the app01:49
NinjaJeffHow do I start "signing-party" that I installed?01:49
johnbcan't get my wifi to work under Oneiric! It's a BC4311. Any ideas?01:49
reisiojohnb: how'd you get it to work last time01:50
yagooFoolsRun, you using dual screen?01:51
jamil_1 Is it possible to install/reinstall all packages from cdrom ?01:51
SetiAmonmy wifi has been glichy on 11.1001:51
jamil_1assuming I have added cd to sources.lst01:51
johnbreisio: I had it running with b43-fwcutter under Natty. Tried that with Oneiric, but no luck01:51
FoolsRunyagoo: nope01:51
robin0800lauratika, its physical location is /usr/share/applications01:51
yagooFoolsRun, just for now.. try uncommenting line 53 and line 54 (place # at the beginning), add  (BusID "01:00.0")  < dont type the braces.. after line 5701:52
lauratikarobin0800: i just want my ubuntu one as it was before, is iot possible?...01:52
johnbjamil_1: Start an install from the CD and choose "Install 11.10 onto 11.10" as the install option. It will save all your personal files and reinstall the system.01:52
adilio_You know they do not like foreigners?01:52
adilio_why when we ask you to help you just bashing beginners with no regard for the consequences01:52
jamil_1johnb: I want to keep it non-interactive01:52
jamil_1johnb: I have upgraded but upgrade didn't go well01:53
toddnineHey guys.  I use eclipse a lot for work.  Is there a way to create shortcuts in Unity and set the icons etc?  I have a lot of different eclipse based IDE's I run, and they're all using the same icon.  It makes them difficult to distinguish, and I can't find anything in the help section01:53
NinjaJeffI installed a program using apt-get. How do I use it?01:53
FoolsRunyagoo: and restart lightdm?01:53
* yagoo likes unity for laptop/netbook and tablet.. but thinks gnome classic should still come as a secondary option on desktops01:54
robin0800lauratika, not sure and can't check at this moment sorry01:54
johnbjamil....I did the upgrade too, from Natty. It had errors. I lost my wifi. I was able to do the reinstall and not lose anything, however I still don't have wifi01:54
yagooFoolsRun, y01:54
erpoHi. I just installed Ubuntu 11.10 AMD64 and the gnome-shell package. Gnome 3 ate up 3GB of memory in less than four hours of running. Is this typical?01:54
boldfilterMan, does unity suck.01:54
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johnbNinjaJeff: open the Dash and type the name of the program01:54
juicer_bobyou lost wifi on the upgrade too @johnb?01:54
jamil_1johnb: well, there must be some way via apt-get01:54
johnbjuicer_bob: Yes I did01:54
yagoounity is quite good for newcomers.. but i think it's better for tablets/notebooks01:54
erpoboldfilter: What issues are you having?01:55
NinjaJeffjohnb: where is the Dash? Using Gnome.01:55
juicer_bobyeah, I'm not so stoked on my laptop looking like a tablet.01:55
robin0800yagoo, you only have to install gnome shell it pulls all the rest in01:55
adilioYou know they do not like foreigners?01:55
adiliowhy when we ask you to help you just bashing beginners with no regard for the consequences01:55
boldfilterI can't uninstall it.01:55
juicer_bobgnome 3 is kind of meh.01:55
FoolsRunyagoo: X didn't start, the log says "[   848.970] Parse error on line 58 of section Screen in file /etc/X11/xorg.conf "BusID" is not a valid keyword in this section."01:55
Coreyadilio: Did you have a support question?01:55
yagooFoolsRun, they must of changed the keyword..01:56
yagoojsut a sec..01:56
overdubi couldn't even find a terminal with gnome to apt-get install kde full01:56
yagoo(i mean just a second..)01:56
overdubhad to use alt-ctl-F201:56
reisioadilio: no it's like that for non-foreigners, too :p01:56
adiliotutorial for run aircrack-ng01:56
robin0800ninjah, dash is unity not gnome01:56
psingh2Hello.  Does anyone know where I can get package "adobe-flashplugin" for Natty 11.04 x64?  (This is supposed to be the latest x64 release of Flash Player).01:56
adiliotutorial for run aircrack-ng01:56
boldfilterI just dont like the Start, I can live with everything else. erpo01:56
yagooFoolsRun, my error.. place it after 45 instead.. in the videocard section01:56
NinjaJeffso, in Gnome, how do I start new applications?01:56
johnbOK Back01:56
SetiAmonyou have to superkey then click application then add it to your taskbar01:57
erpoboldfilter: You're not having major memory leak problems?01:57
Tecanare there more plans for a functional classic interface in gnome 3 ?01:57
x_psingh2, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer01:57
toddnineAnyone?  Changing a unity icon seems like it should be trivial, however there doesn't appear to be any UI to do it01:57
erpoboldfilter: Or, at least, I hope it's a leak and doesn't require 3GB to itself just to operate.01:57
robin0800psingh2, adobe site01:57
alejandro__Where is Jdownloader in Ubuntu 11.10? Not in the App store.01:57
Tecanboldfilter real ?01:57
boldfiltererpo what are you talking about?01:58
FoolsRunyagoo: X still didn't start; no devices detected, no screens found01:58
yagooFoolsRun, i'm actually checking to see my new install if it's using optimal video settings01:58
johnbalright guys.....heading off to see if I can fix my Oneiric wifi blues.....01:58
psingh2robin0800, let me go there and check it out.  A couple of days ago, I was simply able to do "sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin" and it installed the adobe plugin for me.01:58
FoolsRunyagoo: taking out the busid line causes the whole machine to lock hard when starting X01:59
FoolsRunyagoo: rebooting now01:59
yagooFoolsRun, don't start lightdm on next reboot01:59
NinjaJeffWhen I install an application using apt-get, is there an easy way to determine if that is a text or gui application, and how do I start newly installed gui applications?01:59
boldfilter11.04 was perfect, wtf ubuntu01:59
yagooFoolsRun, tell me what u see in dmesg -->"dmesg" << are there any errors?02:00
SetiAmonThey plan to make gnome3 more inefficient and resource hungry,there will be 3D clowns that come out sporaticly and attempt to distract you02:00
SetiAmonI'm going to try lxde and if it works i'll switch02:00
FoolsRunyagoo: I'll let you know in a few mins when I'm back up02:00
erpoboldfilter: My gnome-shell allocated 3GB for itself over four hours.02:00
overdubSetiAmon, lol, that's about it02:00
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psingh2boldfilter, I installed 11.10 on my 9 yr old daughter's computer yesterday.  She said" what is this?!!!"  and asked me to put her computer back the way it was (i.e. with 11.04) !!!02:01
overdubi like when you try to open an application, and instead it suggests other applications you might like to open - lol -wtf is that?02:01
boldfilterdid she say, wtf is this!02:01
Chamelleonà ÷åãî òóò âû äåëàåòå À? ;)02:01
Chamelleonðóññêèå åñòü òóò?02:01
joallardAt what frequency are packages updated? (I'm waiting for Unity 4.24 and I don't know what to do)02:02
SetiAmonits amazing how this chan has changed02:02
psingh2boldfilter, not in those words, of course.02:02
boldfilterwtf, I have to reinstall EVERYTHING to get 11.04 back, wtf02:02
psingh2boldfilter, SAME HERE!!!02:02
SetiAmonback in jaunty days I got banned here for saying "WTF" then i switched to fedora for ages,then windows for awhile for work now back to ubuntu.it seems things loosened up enough02:02
Firefishein the gnome-disk-utility (palimpsest), I am showing something I've never seen before:  Under the `Peripheral Device' listing, I'm showing a 519MB Solid State Disk, mounted under /dev/zram0 -- Just what is this?02:02
NinjaJeffI did apt-get install signing-party. Where is the documentation about how to begin using this app?02:03
boldfilterunity wtf02:03
FoolsRunyagoo: I don't see any errors,  http://pastebin.com/sp6Lqfn002:03
cwilluFirefishe, what kind of computer are you using?02:03
Firefishecwillu:  It's an HP Mini 110 netbook.02:03
psingh2SetiAmon, I like "old school" ;)02:03
robin0800joallard, no updates were sync over the weekend I heard wait till tomorrow02:03
joallardindeed, boldfilter02:03
cwilluboldfilter, that's unrelated to unity; downgrades are always like that02:03
Firefishecwillu: but the hard disk is a mechanical one02:03
cwilluFirefishe, internal recovery drive or something?02:03
boldfilterunrelated to wtf, i think not02:03
joallardrobin0800: oh okay, so 1 day. that's good, i really didn't know what to expect between one day and weeks02:04
FoolsRunyagoo: it even finds the monitor,  [   98.108070] HDMI: detected monitor VL470M02:04
SetiAmonpsingh2: oldschool 15 years ago was great.02:04
MonkeyDusthow can I resize the launcher icons? i have ccsm opened02:04
JRandolphThis is hilarious02:04
joallardI weirdly get a huge satisfaction from submitting bugs02:04
agoolehi, I have ubuntu installed along side windows, but now I need more storage space for ubuntu, can I easily do this ?02:04
cwilluMonkeyDust, unity plugin settings02:04
joallardIt's like I'm getting revenge or something02:04
Firefishecwillu: palimpsest is showing it as swap space02:04
* NinjaJeff sighs.02:05
yagooFoolsRun, did you try black listing the intel graphic adapter?02:05
cwilluFirefishe, sorry, I didn't notice the device name02:05
robin0800MonkeyDust, use confity version 102:05
cwilluzram is a block deviced backed by memory02:05
cwilluFirefishe, ^02:05
Firefishecwillu: meaning?02:06
FoolsRunyagoo: it all works in 11.04,  at this point it seems faster and easier just to reinstall that02:06
psingh2Anyway, does anyone here know that a few days there was a package called "adobe-flashplugin" ?  I know I can install Flash from the Adobe site, or I can install flashplugin-installer, but I was wondering what happened to that "adobe-flashplugin" package?02:06
NinjaJeffSuper basic and obvious question: I installed "signing-party" using "sudo apt-get install signing-party". The installation was successful. How do I begin using "signing-party"?02:06
cwilluFirefishe, it doesn't actually exist02:06
BPowerAnyone have a good article to look at for Oneiric dual-screen woes?02:06
yagooFoolsRun, blacklist hte onboard.. i see u have an intel from dmesg02:06
FrozenFireFor some reason, on my sister's Ubuntu install, Empathy keep forgetting her login credential for MSN when her session ends. Any ideas as to why that might be happening?02:06
szalJRandolph: what is hilarious?02:06
SetiAmonI hav dual monitor issues also02:06
yagooFoolsRun, lsmod |grep -i intel02:06
MonkeyDustrobin0800: what's confity?02:06
SetiAmonfirefox shows up on the secondary monitor(my tv)02:06
yagooFoolsRun, nm..02:07
Firefishecwillu: So palimpsest is, basically, not 'seeing' it correctly?02:07
yagooFoolsRun, there's no other video controller from what it appears..02:07
cwilluFirefishe, not exactly; the device in /dev exists, but it's not a piece of hardware02:07
robin0800MonkeyDust, a program to configure unity without using ccsm02:07
yagooFoolsRun, btw is this .1. or .0 of the X log?02:08
FoolsRunyagoo: which one?02:08
NinjaJeffIs my question just so stupid that I'm being ignored? It seems like it should be a really simple procedure.02:08
FoolsRunyagoo: I only ever pasted .0.02:08
boldfiltergnome 3 sucks too02:08
agooleI installed ubuntu within windows, can I change the partition size now ?02:08
yagooFoolsRun, when u rebooted, did u log into recovery ?02:08
Troyi installed ubuntu 11.10 and installed gnome-shell via apt-get. But it is very glitched graphical wise like black/white and blue colors where the normal bars etc. are suppose to be. what could be causing this?02:08
Firefishecwillu: Hmm.  My /swap partition is only 199MB.  I'm just wondering what /dev/zram0 is referencing on my disk.02:08
FoolsRunyagoo: no, I missed it. that dmesg is from normal mode02:09
FoolsRunyagoo: I'll reboot in recovery now02:09
cwilluFirefishe, it's _not_ referencing your disk02:09
x_cd /dev/02:09
yagooFoolsRun, post the .1 edition..02:09
yagooFoolsRun, /var/log/Xorg.1.log02:09
akiarai got  weird problem after upgrading my ununtu natty to the new one02:10
FoolsRunyagoo: the .1 edition has the errors from when we had busid in there now02:10
NinjaJeffSuper basic and obvious question: I installed "signing-party" using "sudo apt-get install signing-party". The installation was successful. How do I begin using "signing-party"?02:10
yagooFoolsRun, ok pastebin that02:10
Firefishecwillu: unless it's part of the netbook's RAM utilisation, or some proprietary win-swap thing HP has in this thing.  I have no clue.02:10
yagooFoolsRun, but the busid was around line 45 right?02:10
FoolsRunyagoo: yes02:10
cwilluFirefishe, and you'll remain to have no clue so long as you completely ignore what I already said :p02:10
FoolsRunyagoo: http://pastebin.com/y6tHaSN802:11
yagooFoolsRun, can u pastebin that?02:11
* cwillu goes back to bed02:11
Firefishecwillu: I'm not ignoring you02:11
yagooFoolsRun, "Parse error on line 58 of section Screen in file /etc/X11/xorg.conf" ..02:11
robin0800FoolsRun, its always the .0 which are the newest logs02:11
yagooFoolsRun, did u remove the errored line? there should be just 1 busid line..02:11
akiarawell my problem is... after installing the update, my personal folder disapeared... and when i try to open a hard drive instead of opening a window with the files it opens a music player.....02:12
FoolsRunyagoo: crap. Hang on.02:12
FirefisheI'm just *not understanding*.  I follow that it's not a physical device.02:12
nguyenbinhhi all02:12
Firefishecwillu:  I'm just *not understanding*.  I follow that it's not a physical device.02:12
Troyi installed ubuntu 11.10 and installed gnome-shell via apt-get. But it is very glitched graphical wise like black/white and blue colors where the normal bars etc. are suppose to be. what could be causing this?02:12
nguyenbinhhow can i boot an "raw binary" from GRUB2?02:12
SudoKing2hi, i just upgraded to oneiric; however when i try to login, the screen goes blank and it returns to the login page.. anyone might know why, or how to fix it? no updates in repos02:12
yagooSudoKing, try installing ubuntu-desktop (apt-get install ubuntu-desktop)02:12
NinjaJeffIs GnuPG installed with Ubuntu 10.10 and/or included in 11.x update?02:12
FoolsRunyagoo: I'm going to have to pick this up another day. Thanks for all your help but I need to get up tomorrow morning.02:13
robin0800Troy, bugs mainly I think02:13
x_Firefishe, The zram module creates RAM based block devices named /dev/zram<id>02:13
x_(<id> = 0, 1, ...). Pages written to these disks are compressed and stored02:13
x_in memory itself. These disks allow very fast I/O and compression provides02:13
x_good amounts of memory savings. Some of the usecases include /tmp storage,02:13
x_use as swap disks, various caches under /var and maybe many more :)02:13
FloodBot1x_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:13
yagooFoolsRun, we're probably almost there..02:13
x_sry lol didn't mean to flood02:13
armenceHello all. I know that from the Sound Preferences applet, I can "overdrive" my sound exceeding 100% volume. How can I do that from the CLI?02:13
Firefishex_: what are they used for?02:13
yagooFoolsRun, what error is there? (does it freeze?)02:13
Troyrobin0800: its unusable though02:13
x_Firefishe, wow you really don't listen do you?02:13
Troyi must say 11.10 is the worst yet lol02:13
FoolsRunyagoo: you're looking for the log from when the busid line is at 45?02:13
yagooFoolsRun, yah.. (and there should be only 1 busid..)02:14
robin0800Troy, I don't like it at all02:14
airtonixusing gnome-shell on oneric and it seems to be ignoring my "disable touchpad while typing" settings command.02:14
yagooFoolsRun, did u restart lightdm ?02:14
* BPower would like to know if anyone has a good article to look at for Oneiric dual-screen woes.02:14
Troyrobin0800: im going to take the leap to arch02:14
FoolsRunyagoo: restarting with busid at 45 now02:14
ply_Hi all02:14
Firefishex_: Please don't be overly critical.  I'm 45, and certain concepts don't click in my head right away.  Just what is a `RAM based block device,' anyway?02:15
yagooFoolsRun, even if it starts.. post me the X log..02:15
SudoKing2yagoo: ubuntu-desktop already newest version :<02:15
airtonixFirefishe: a partition that lives in ram02:15
yagooFoolsRun, this time.. give the "current" X log --> /var/log/Xorg.0.log02:15
mewayHello when I do sudo apt-get install tmw it gives me like a 4 year old client.... how can this project get this updated??02:15
yagooFoolsRun, ^02:15
BPowerI'm trying to get my two screens setup on my Nvidia card.  It worked fine in 11.04 but is failing each time on 11.10.02:15
Firefisheairtonix: thank you, that was succinct02:15
airtonixFirefishe: partition = sectioned portion of a drive02:15
Firefisheairtonix: yes, I know what a partition is02:15
airtonixFirefishe: you're welcome02:15
devishi have added a new user devesh but when i give sudo being devesh it says "devesh is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported." how to add to this list?02:15
FoolsRunyagoo: it does not start.  http://pastebin.com/haWR6Pym02:16
yagooSudoKing, dpkg -C  , apt-get install -f   , try these two commands.. then try restart X02:16
Firefisheairtonix: however, just what is doing on my system?  What is that RAM-partition's purpose?  It only shows up in palimpsest, and to me this is unfamiliar territory.02:16
Firefisheairtonix: os-based swap-in-memory?02:17
SudoKing2mm no luck02:17
FoolsRunyagoo: it does not freeze and it does not start. See above pastebin.02:17
devishi have added a new user devesh but when i give sudo being devesh it says "devesh is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported." how to add to this list?02:17
SudoKing2devish: add the user to the admin group02:17
x_devish, in user accounts make them an administrator.02:17
BPowerrebooting, brb -- still looking for dual-screen help02:17
yagooFoolsRun, do "X -configure", it'll create a sample xorg.conf.new in ~ .. pastebin me that..02:18
SudoKing2anything else i should try reinstalling/removing/purging yagoo?02:19
mewayWhy is this tmw client so out dated?02:19
yagooFoolsRun, we'll try just 1 more xorg conf after.. if this fails.. then we'll try re-installing the driver with nvidia's run02:19
kroq-gar78Hello all. Just upgraded to Ubuntu 11.10 yesterday and I started to experience a really weird issue just now. I'm trying to download a powerpoint for studying, and when I select "Open file in folder" from firefox, nothing happens. I try to click on "Documents" through the files lens; it pops up, then almost immediately closes. I run nautilus through terminal, and BOOM! it works, but with this statement: "(nautilus:17928):02:19
kroq-gar78 GConf-CRITICAL **: gconf_client_get: assertion `GCONF_IS_CLIENT (client)' failed" repeatedly printing in the terminal and filling it up. Anybody know why this is happening? It just started happening a few hours ago or so. Thanks in advance.02:19
aeon-ltddevish: add your username to the sudoers, in /etc/sudoers02:19
yagooSudoKing2, u can try apt-get update, then apt-get upgrade..02:19
SudoKing2never edit sudoers directly02:19
SudoKing2yagoo: i have, and no updates to install :/ maybe there's a config file that's messing it up somewhere02:20
FoolsRunyagoo: "configuration failed"02:20
yagooSudoKing, did u try apt-get distupgrade?02:20
pdtpatricki thought it was apt-get dist-upgrade ?02:20
yagooFoolsRun, can u paste bin that new generated file?02:20
x_aeon-ltd, not a good idea, cause if he makes a mistake he can lock him self out of the system all together.02:20
FoolsRunyagoo: it didn't generate one02:20
yagooFoolsRun, it should be in ~ of /root or ~ of ur user account02:20
SudoKing2yagoo: yup... 0B/nothing to download/install :/02:20
aeon-ltddevish: in this kind of format https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sudoers#The_Default_Ubuntu_Sudoers_File look at user privilege specification02:20
yagooFoolsRun, did u check?02:20
FoolsRunyagoo: was looking in the wrong place02:21
aeon-ltdx_: easy solution. don't make mistakes. check twice write once02:21
FoolsRunyagoo: http://pastebin.com/rtGhriH902:21
SudoKing2maybe it would help to delete my gnome config file?02:21
aeon-ltddevish: use 'sudo visudo' or nano https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sudoers#Editing_the_sudoers_file02:21
SudoKing2 /folder02:21
x_aeon-ltd, I understand but what I said still applies, the other solution is much safer and requires no research/risk to my knowledge.02:21
mewayhow do I update something in a repository?02:21
aeon-ltdx_: ok, i withdraw my advice/guidance02:22
aeon-ltddevish: follow their advice.02:22
yagooFoolsRun, do u have nouveau loaded? (lsmod |grep -i nouveau)02:22
bastidrazormeway: you don't. you wait02:22
x_aeon-ltd, not to put you down in any way. good to help someone02:22
FoolsRunyagoo: it seems no02:23
devishthanks aeon-ltd , i have to try first with the sudoer user02:23
mewaybastidrazor, its been four years...02:23
mewaybastidrazor, wait for what?02:23
xanguameway: How about you speak clear and explain what you want with details¿02:23
h00kSo, I don't see any sort of battery status in my panel - like the applet that gnome2 had. Any protips on how to get a battery status meter on my netbook?02:24
x_h00k, none if you right click and browse the list of possible additions?02:24
h00kx_: on Unity? No...02:24
mewayxangua, I want [sudo apt-get install tmw] to give me the most up to date official client for the mana world found at http://manasource.org02:24
xanguah00k: enable battery indicator on energy settings¿02:24
yagooFoolsRun, rename /etc/X11/xorg.conf to xorg.conf_bak0, then make a new xorg.conf ->/etc/X11/xorg.conf  << http://pastebin.com/Rw80XaeG (try this xorg.conf posted)02:25
h00kxangua: under Power Settings, I don't see anything there02:25
yagooFoolsRun, if that doesn't work.. then we can try the nvidia .run02:25
xangua!info tmw | meway i see 1 is latest on repository and on the website is only0.5.302:26
ubottumeway i see 1 is latest on repository and on the website is only0.5.3: tmw (source: tmw): The Mana World is a 2D MMORPG. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0+git20110505-2 (oneiric), package size 1041 kB, installed size 1376 kB02:26
SoolHi all! is there a possibility to issue all commands in my crontab NOW..? my PC was down as the jobs should have been issued..?02:26
=== GNUdog|work|away is now known as GNUdog|work
h00k!away > GNUdog|work02:26
ubottuGNUdog|work, please see my private message02:26
prasanahello i'm a new Ubuntu user. Any admin's here ? I've a few questions about upgradation02:26
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience02:26
SetiAmonhey if i install lxde meta package from software center that will let me try lxde right but it will all be reversable right?02:27
DasEiSetiAmon: yes02:27
x_SetiAmon, like can you remove it later, yes..?02:27
yagooSetiAmon, reversible?02:27
mewayxangua, let me further explain... #mana has split from #themanaworld (a channel that should no longer exist on freenode but does anyways) now found at #mana02:27
yagooSetiAmon, i believe that should add a new choice entry to the login screen02:27
FoolsRunyagoo: here's the log from that xorg.conf. X did not start and it did not lock up:  http://pastebin.com/rzsutLeU02:28
SetiAmonyeah,i mean it won't mess up gnome3 etc right02:28
SetiAmonok good02:28
SetiAmonthanks all02:28
Flannelmeway: The Ubuntu repositories only have 5.2, manasource doesn't seem to have any official updated repositories either.  You should ask in #mana if you think they have a repository or PPA somewhere else, I can't find any indication of it.02:28
mewayxangua, this split causing different client version releases from the original02:28
HACKhalo2ok, Unity has taken a bad turn between Ubuntu 11.04 -> 11.1002:28
paradoxxIs there a way to prevent a subfolder from being synced in UbuntuOne?02:28
SuhelNow I understand why they're asking to use torrents hmmm02:28
mewayFlannel, ..........02:29
yagooFoolsRun, is this driver part of nvidia's run compile or from a ubuntu install?02:29
prasanaUh i've installed packages myself as in unpacked the tarball and put various parts of the packages in various places < Installed Autodesk Maya>. I ran the client to upgrade to 11.10 but it says it will remove all the packages i installed on my system. Is there a way for me to upgrade without touching the packages i made. I also noticed that it disables third party sources02:29
urlin2uHACKhalo2, last I checked it seemed contented. :D02:29
FoolsRunyagoo: from Ubuntu's drivers tool02:29
mewayFlannel, the client and server for the game TMW has split from the project TMW02:29
yagooFoolsRun, can u do this? -> dpkg -l|grep -i nouveau02:29
boldfilterUnity is always a bad turn02:29
SuhelKernel 3.0 was a worst turn02:30
Flannelmeway: I don't think that's relevant.  That website says 0.5.3 is the most recent, 0.5.2 (the previous release) is what is in the repositories.02:30
mewayFlannel, being the case The client is very out of date TMW is Mana02:30
FoolsRunyagoo: can I private msg you the few lines it spit back?02:30
SoolHi all! is there a possibility to issue all commands in my crontab NOW..? my PC was down as the jobs should have been issued..?02:30
SuhelI've to use my laptop without battery to be free from the power bug lol02:30
HACKhalo2urlin2u it's behind everything on the desktop02:31
SetiAmonbtw does anyone else have wifi acting slow and glitchy on 11.10 (were previous worked fine)02:31
prasanaUh i've installed packages myself as in unpacked the tarball and put various parts of the packages in various places < Installed Autodesk Maya>. I ran the client to upgrade to 11.10 but it says it will remove all the packages i installed on my system. Is there a way for me to upgrade without touching the packages i made. I also noticed that it disables third party sources02:31
mewayFlannel, please pm me so I can help you understand why you are wrong02:31
SetiAmonone thing i notice is even with preload its slow as hell booting up on 11.1002:31
elz89prasana: why why why?02:31
bastidrazormeway: heh, he isn't wrong. he's telling you facts.02:31
prasanasorry i don't get you02:31
mewaythis is irritating above so many levels02:32
steampunknyanjaHey, is there any easy way to get itunes working and sync an ipod or iphone in ubuntu?02:32
elz89prasana: why spam?02:32
mewayOne sec I will brb02:32
swimhow can i specify which application opens a certain kind of document.  I keep specifying in the properties and upon opening .php files for them to open with gedit, but it always asks to run in terminal, run, display, etc..02:32
DasEi!ipod | steampunknyanja02:32
prasanai thought this is the channel to ask help sorry :/02:32
ubottusteampunknyanja: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod02:32
oscalationsteampunknyanja, why use itunes?02:32
oscalationsteampunknyanja, use .. banshee02:32
Suhel!info tmw02:32
ubottutmw (source: tmw): The Mana World is a 2D MMORPG. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0+git20110505-2 (oneiric), package size 1041 kB, installed size 1376 kB02:32
boldfilteritunes in virtualmachine is best02:32
boldfilterwindows xp02:32
urlin2uswim, default02:32
EtherNethow do I reset everything related to unity and compiz into a user... since it's all messed up, it doesn't refresh the screen unless I make a click or move the mouse. Other users on the same computer works properly, so there's something corrupted with the config. I tried unity --reset, and deleted .gconf .gnome2 .dbus directories from the home folder. any idea please?02:32
elz89prasana: yes, explain and then wait, don't keep posting the same question or explaination!02:33
reisiothe only reason to use iTunes is if you're addicted to using the iTunes store02:33
Flannelmeway: This channel is fine.  If you're having trouble with the speed, we can move to a lower volume channel.02:33
reisiowhich is frankly silly02:33
danielboston26reisio itunes is the best digital media store02:33
boldfilterpos unity02:33
mewayFlannel, yes please02:33
elz89reisio: or your are on an iMac and can hear the difference ;-)02:33
reisiodanielboston26: no it isn't, not remotely02:33
steampunknyanjaIts not me. I just use moc, and my friend uses itunes, and that's the one thing keeping him from switching back to osx. I use amazon mp3, torrents, and moc.02:33
reisioelz89: ?02:33
paradoxxSetiAmon, I have had that problem02:34
elz89music in vlc sounds different to itunes02:34
Flannelmeway: #ubuntu-classroom02:34
reisioelz89: so what?02:34
danielboston26reisio what makes you think that?02:34
elz89well thats another reason to use it?02:34
reisiodanielboston26: having a grasp on reality02:34
reisioelz89: that's a good reason to never go outside02:34
reisioelz89: if you don't like the slightest, trivialest variation02:34
elz89reisio: sorry I do not follow?02:35
reisioI know :p02:35
boldfilterelz89 I use virtual box02:35
reisioat least one or two of those even offer better formats than iTunes02:35
elz89boldfilter: who cares?02:35
boldfilterinstall winxp, install itunes, works great02:35
geronimo_ /leave02:35
prasanaif you guys need to sync ipod i've found that using gtkpod is the best02:35
swimurlin2u i've tried using the "open with" and default is set to gedit in the properties02:35
danielboston26itunes is more then a music store now02:35
reisiodanielboston26: yeah, but the music store is the only thing we don't have clones of02:35
elz89reisio: get one, try it, then you will hear the difference ;-)02:35
reisionor do we need clones of, because it's a service (for which there are clones)02:36
reisioelz89: I really won't02:36
steampunknyanjaRight now he's using a VM with winxp just to use itunes. It makes me cringe.02:36
reisioand even if I did and liked it, I would simply apply whatever filter they're using to some other player's output02:36
danielboston26what do you use zunemarketplace?02:36
elz89I do some Logic stuff so its handy I guess..02:36
danielboston26welcome to the social of you and bill gates02:36
reisiodanielboston26: I don't use an online music store02:36
reisioif I did it wouldn't be iTunes02:36
jojo_hi i have a question about samba.. how can i secure the file in samba and limit the space of the folder. can anyone here provide me a help.......02:37
urlin2uswim,  it is not clicking on the default it is click the set as default you may notice no boxes to click net to your choice.02:37
reisiodanielboston26: yeah except I didn't say yes to your question :p02:37
qinsteampunknyanja: Does he now that itunes spreads very dangerous virus - DRM02:37
elz89jojo_: take a look at quotas.02:37
vividdoes anyone know where the settings to whitelist system tray items in unity 2d are?02:37
steampunknyanjayes he knows about the horrible std of drm.02:38
steampunknyanjaI can't explain some people's reasoning. I hate living in Mississippi.02:38
reisioseriously, other stores offer better quality and no DRM02:38
SetiAmonhow do i creat a new applet in gnome 3?02:38
reisiosteampunknyanja: just tell him there's more to life than needlessly overpriced shiny white plastic02:38
boldfilterreasoning in Mississippi?02:39
urlin2uboldfilter, it's the south you need a explanation?02:39
steampunknyanjaNice one, filter.02:39
jojo_hi i have a question about samba.. how can i secure the file in samba and limit the space of the folder. can anyone here provide me a help.......02:39
boldfilterNo, I live in Florida02:39
mattalexxWhy are avi videos only playing with sound in a black screen in VLC, mplayer, banshee, etc? Does anyone else have this problem in 11.04?02:39
vividhow do i whitelist system tray items in unity 2d?02:39
boldfilterWe dont know how to count02:40
elz89jojo_: I just told you something, why double post?02:40
x_jojo_, you can secure the file using normal linux permissions / owners.02:40
steampunknyanjaHa, I know someone from florida who lives in Mississippi now. He says Florida is the north, of the south.02:40
reisiobecause it's full of yankees who moved there02:40
ward_how can i rotate the direction of my wacom tablet please?02:40
reisioonly the cities, though02:40
elz89jojo_: google is your friend...02:40
vividactually, its known for being full of old people02:41
reisiobut that's the whole USA, really, cities full of democrats, empty hicksville full of repubs :p02:41
spotteranyone know a good way to change the gnome theme in 11.10?02:41
xangua!ot | boldfilter steampunknyanja02:41
ubottuboldfilter steampunknyanja: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:41
reisioward_: the direction?02:41
xanguaspotter: install gnome-tweak-tool02:41
spotterI did, it only seems to have a few02:41
elz89ward_: Pick it up and turn it 90 degrees clockwise.02:41
urlin2usteampunknyanja, there is no north the "south starts at the Canadian border" Malcom X02:41
boldfilterFlorida aint north enough, f rednecks02:41
x_jojo_, like, you could make a file owned by root with permissions of .... 655 I believe to have it read only. double check the permissions on the web though.02:41
spotterxangua, it doesn't seem to pick up other ones I install02:41
ward_reisio, yeah i have a tabletpc and when i rotate my LCD to portrait the wacom is incorrect / not rotated02:41
spotteralso doesn't allow me to customize the theme (as gnome 2.x did)02:41
qinjojo_: man chmod; man chown; easiest is to: chmod 700 file, so only you can read/write it.02:41
xanguaspotter: are the ones that doesn't pick gnome2 themes¿ oneiric uses gnome302:42
ex0change theme at startup, at the bottom chose another manager, download another first though, like enlightenment 17 is AWSOME window manager02:42
spotterxangua, good point02:42
spotterex0, I know about enlightmenent02:42
ward_elz89, you must be stupid..02:42
spotterI think I used it 10+ years ago :)02:42
boldfilterreisio, exactly right02:42
jhouseI can not boot after installing 11.10.  Help?02:42
elz89ward_: no, just literal02:42
lisa50469I have a usb flash drive that was formatted on Ubuntu and encrypted.   How can I access it on CentOS?  What protocols are used on ubuntu?02:43
x_elz89, and a troll02:43
spotterI think I left it for windowmaker, or maybe left windowsmaker for it02:43
elz89lisa50469: wrong channel.02:43
DasEijhouse:can you boot safemode ?02:43
spotterjhouse, it hangs?02:43
spotteri.e. does it boot and complain about network?02:43
boldfilterelz89 are you trying to sync an ipod too?02:43
n-iCeanyone available to configurate a built-in laptop microphone?02:43
n-iCeI have selected the three skype mic options, but are not working02:43
elz89x_: what do you mean?02:43
spottercould be the /run /var/run issue02:43
spotterthat bit me today02:43
elz89boldfilter: no02:43
jhouseDasEi, I was able to for a while but I can't even do that after the last update.  I can drop to root though02:43
ward_reisio, o any ideas?02:44
x_elz89, and that person was asking a question (partially) abount ubuntu lol.02:44
elz89x_: who ward_ ?02:44
boldfiltercause I couldnt get my ipod 4 to sync with ubuntu, encrypted02:44
spotterjhouse, does it hang with the graphical startup?02:44
DasEin-iCe: install alsamixergui and make sure it's unmuted02:44
x_elz89, no the other02:44
elz89boldfilter: got it going now?02:44
elz89x_: sorry multiple channels atm :-P02:44
n-iCeinstalled DasEi how do I check02:44
boldfilteruse itunes in virtualbox running windows, only way02:44
DasEijhouse: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:44
n-iCeI have Mic and ATAPI Mic02:45
x_boldfilter, thats no't true. you can use gtkpod02:45
n-iCewith no colors bars02:45
jhousespotter, I never see anything graphical02:45
DasEin-iCe: it mussn't be muted, and mic by default is02:45
boldfilterit was awhile ago02:45
lisa50469n-iCe, Select the input device in sound config.  click on the volume icon and at the bottom is sound config.02:46
SetiAmonhow do i creat new applets in gnome302:46
JusticeZeroHP is an egomaniacal company for using all 4 primary partitions on their laptops. :p02:46
boldfilterHow do I get unity to suck less?02:46
SetiAmonremove it02:46
spotterjhouse, I had major issues with my 11.04 to 11.10 upgrade today02:46
x_JusticeZero, hp suckz ;-)02:46
qin!notunity | boldfilter02:46
ubottuboldfilter: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic02:46
spotterseems ok now02:46
xanguaSetiAmon: i have seen on omgubuntu webupd8 and askubuntu lots of shell extensions if that is what you want02:46
boldfilterhipster ubuntu isnt my style02:46
spottergnome fallback mode works reasonably ok, but the panel is horrible02:46
lisa50469Ya, i loaded 11.10 only to have it so bad that I formatted and put 11.04 back on.02:47
JusticeZerobold: honestly, I think that's why unity is default now.. to make people use it and get annoyed with it and make it go froom and stop sucking..02:47
boldfilterlisa50469: thats what im about to do02:47
x_lisa50469, nice :-P02:47
DasEiboldfilter: try another wm, like lubuntu02:47
x_boldfilter, xubuntu is awesome.02:47
boldfilterxubuntu uses gnome 202:47
jhousespotter, I'm going to try DasEi's suggestion.  I need to reboot to try it...02:47
ward_how can i rotate the direction of my wacom tablet please?02:47
SoolHow do i cut my internet-connection in terminal?02:47
qinboldfilter: Awesome is neat.02:47
spotterjhouse, makes sure your /var/run and /var/lock are correct02:48
JusticeZeronyways, does anyone know if there's any decent way to get ubuntu on the thing without just nuking the whole install?02:48
Soolsudo ifdown eth0 doesnt work..02:48
spotteri.e. they should be a symlink to /run and /run/lock respectively02:48
boldfilterDoes xubuntu use Gnome 2?02:48
spotterand if not, move all their contents to those dirs and create the symlinks02:48
JRandolphxubuntu uses XFCE02:48
x_boldfilter, no it uses xfce02:48
qinSool: sudo service network-maneger stop; sudo service networking stop02:48
n-iCeDasEi: still not working02:49
urlin2uJusticeZero, back up the windows anmd remove the recovery partition.02:49
DasEiboldfilter: no xfce , and lubuntu lightdm02:49
spotterSool, check your if /var/run and /var/lock are symlinks to /run and /run/lock02:49
justin__is anyone finding bugs with ubuntu 11.10? I find that install drivers no longer works, power options on my laptop are now broken, and syncing to the ubuntu keyserver is broken :[02:49
urlin2ujusta, generally the HP firmware partition can be removed as well02:49
spotterjustin__, it has lots and lots of problems02:50
DasEin-iCe: pastebin the syslog ? sudo apt-get install pastebinit && pastebinit /var/log/syslog02:50
JusticeZerothis netbook has been running xfce. works good, though there are a couple things I haven't figured how to get it to do that are somewhat irksome. (like turn capslock to control permanently, or changing the idle behavior)02:50
Soolqin, id just prefer to ifdown the interface.. its more handy...02:50
boldfilterhmm, have to try it out02:50
justin__is there any reasonable way to downgrade to LTS, or a reinstall required?02:50
spotterbakup your homedir02:50
spotterreinstall :)02:50
Soolspotter, uhm waht for?02:50
qinSool: ifdown/ifup or network-manager02:50
DasEiboldfilter: vbox is your friend for trying distros02:50
JusticeZeroWell i'm not quite sure how to back up recovery.. it only wants to make a recovery DVD, and it does not actually come with an optical drive.02:51
urlin2ujustin__, reinstall is the only choice.02:51
boldfilterI have no friends02:51
DasEijustin__: reinstall, downgrade is a hassle02:51
justin__unexpected issues? this is not the same quality I am used to on ubuntu releases02:51
qinSool: Without nm you have to edit /etc/network/interfaces02:51
elz89boldfilter: again, who cares?02:51
spotterjustin__, it might be possible to fake it out by starting an install, while in installer deleting everything besides /home and having it install without formatting02:51
spotterbut unsure02:51
x_JusticeZero, use dd from a live usb02:51
n-iCeDasEi: http://pastebin.com/z8RaUgbN02:51
qinSool: And propably /etc/resolv.conf02:51
justin__i just installed, so no big deal02:51
urlin2uJusticeZero, you don't backup the recdovery, your allowed a one time backup of the os.02:51
Soolqin, ?.. ifdown wouldnt work?!02:51
spotterjustin__, oh, then just reinstall02:51
ward_how can i rotate the direction of my wacom tablet please?02:51
x_urlin2u, one time backup ?02:52
boldfilterInst there just some magical command to make it all go away?02:52
x_urlin2u, huh!?02:52
elz89ward_: have you tried googling this matter?02:52
qinSool: ok, once more, do you use network-managerd atm?02:52
ward_or is there some sort of program that rotates the screen but leaves the 0 point the same...?02:52
ward_so the tabletpc is actually usable in tabletmode02:52
ward_elz89, of course..02:52
Soolqin, i do02:52
urlin2ux_, on oem's you can do a single OS backup generally.02:52
urlin2ux_, windows dummy02:53
justin__spotter: thanks, did ubuntu speed up their releases? Usually the ones I have went to are rock solid02:53
x_urlin2u, nah, never seen that before on hp dell or acer.02:53
qinSool: so, nmcli, or stop network-maneger and use ifup/ifdown02:53
Spawnrad can someone tell me wich encoding he use for develop in ubuntu please? I have lot of problem with encoding (HTML / RoR)02:53
n-iCeDasEi: what did you find?02:53
DasEin-iCe: it complains about two things, wrong udf format and a failed ap-scan02:53
urlin2ux_, with W7 it is the norm.02:53
reisioSpawnrad: UTF-8 would be a good idea02:53
n-iCeDasEi: what's that02:53
FloodBot1Sool: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:54
DasEin-iCe: do you have cdrom insources.list? is there a wireless configured ?02:54
JusticeZeroThey have seemed a bit more adventurous in their choices of base stuff like desktops the past couple years.02:54
x_urlin2u, how would that make sense when the owner has a valid key to use the software (most likely if its oem)02:54
DasEiin sources.list*02:54
n-iCeDasEi: yes02:54
ward_what exactly is handling my wacom tablet...?02:54
x_urlin2u, and hp doesn't even ship with disks anymore.02:54
Soolqin, wont work02:54
DasEi!wacom | ward_02:54
urlin2ux_, they 4 partiotion they want or need to remove one to get a extended.02:55
qinSool: Or use wicd with very nice ncurces face, and dont spam02:55
ward_DasEi, i see nothing02:55
x_ urlin2u what?02:55
Soolqin, dont spam urselve02:55
qinSool: Bye02:55
DasEiward_: wrong factoid, think it's:02:55
ubottuFor a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad02:55
urlin2ux_, the key will only work on that computer it us a oem02:55
mattalexxCan someone take a look at this mplayer output and let me know what might be going on? The the video seems to be resizing to fit resolution but there's only sound, and only a black picture: http://i.imgur.com/SYIQZ.png02:55
ward_DasEi, euh, its a wacom digitizer02:56
n-iCeDasEi: nothing about the mic?02:56
urlin2ux_, they complained about the 4 partitions onthe HP.02:56
x_urlin2u, yea, im saying that you can re-install from recovery as many times as you want.02:56
mattalexx... Same in VLC, totem (I think(02:56
justin__urlin2u: the install will work if phone activation is used. I do it every day.02:56
DasEin-iCe: pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list02:56
wabzI can't believe how bad 11.10 is, jesus christ02:56
mattalexx... and Banshee02:56
JusticeZero*looks* Yeesh. It wants a 12gb usb stick.02:56
ward_DasEi, as in with a pen, it has nothing to do with touchpads at all02:56
n-iCeDasEi: http://pastebin.com/m9Z5THVp02:56
JusticeZeroBut at least I know what it needs now.02:56
urlin2ujustin__, only on a oem or equal release.02:57
ward_with xrandr i can rotate the LCD fine, but i cannot use xsetwacom for my wacom02:57
ward_so now i am wondering what the hell is making my wacom work02:57
DasEiward_: ah I see, no idea, might look in the forums if no reply here02:57
justin__urlin2u: 7 home prem OEM can be activated by regular home premium oem installs, I assume this is what you mean?02:57
x_you don't need phone activation afaik, I just restored one yesterday and it had the key pre-programmed and was genuine.!02:57
wbarberHow do you sync your smartphone with Ubuntu 11.10?02:57
justin__oem installs should read "phone activation"02:57
urlin2ux_, right, but you can not put more than 4 primaries on a HD, I did not say it was the only option, just the one I would choose.02:57
x_urlin2u, you said that you could only restore from recovery 1 time, thats the only thing I said was wrong.02:58
DasEin-iCe: err, you're running debian, wrong chan here, comment the cdrom out in your sources.list02:58
x_and it is wrong.02:58
boldfilterwabz, your telling me02:58
DasEin-iCe: #debian02:58
SatanaaDoes anyone know how can get the paths back in Nautilus?02:58
urlin2ux_, I would not bother with a oem anyway I would get at least a better release.02:58
n-iCeDasEi: that's not the problem, sources has nothing to do with the mic02:58
n-iCeI have been looking in both rooms since ubuntu is debian based02:58
JoshDreamlandOkay, I imagine you guys are swamped, but I'm just going to cross my fingers and ask if anyone else is having wireless problems. I updated to 11.10, of course, and now I can't log in except for the guest account, and cannot connect to any wireless networks.02:58
x_urlin2u, alright back to ubuntu but i'd say your the dummy ;-)02:58
SatanaaLike i want to be able to edit the path like normal02:58
boldfilterwabz, who peed on my ubuntu02:59
urlin2ux_, NO I SAID BACKUP.02:59
n-iCeI think the mic is in there, but something is not detecting it or making it work02:59
justin__JoshDreamland: I have problems like you would not believe, downloading LTS release02:59
OberonKingHi, channel02:59
Satanaai mean location*02:59
JoshDreamlandI have at my disposal one computer (this one) running four operating systems, and one wireless network. No wired, no nothing.02:59
JoshDreamlandjustin__: I imagine a lot of people are. Do you know when the last time Canonical made a release without a hitch was/02:59
urlin2ux_, put down what ecxver is clouding your brain man. :D03:00
DasEin-iCe: anyway, debian is another channel, I'll stop here03:00
celthunderJoshDreamland: linux windows mac ? what's the fourth? straight plan9? vmx?03:00
SatanaaCtrl + L will get it to show, but i want it to stay03:00
qinJoshDreamland: Point one would be to fix standart user, since guest is fairly limited.03:00
justin__JoshDreamland: 11.04 was OK for me, I had not used it long, though.03:00
JoshDreamlandcelthunder: Windows and three Linux distros.03:00
celthunderJoshDreamland: that's 2 os's03:00
boldfilterUnity was Ubuntu, "going out on a limb"03:00
JoshDreamlandqin: useradd creates dead accounts, too.03:00
reisioJoshDreamland: the impression I've been getting is that you might have to go through setting up your wireless from scratch03:01
x_urlin2u, only the green man.03:01
JoshDreamlandreisio: What do you mean, set it up? This network is unsecured; there's not much to set up. Or do you mean the adaptor?03:01
ward_aha, the wacom option in the settings has this reverse op tion03:02
OberonKingI have some issues with multiples sounds in 11.10... if I play a video on firefox don't have audio in nothing else, and if I listen music on any player, firefox and all lose sounds03:02
ward_but is there anyway to do this from CLI?03:02
qinJoshDreamland: cat /etc/passwd | grep bash03:02
reisioJoshDreamland: the driver, yeah03:02
Satanaai might have found it03:02
Satanaagsettings set org.gnome.nautilus.preferences always-use-location-entry false03:02
AkshayXchat is nice03:03
JoshDreamlandHm, that might kill me.03:03
joermzhi, anyone know how to shut down the gdm/xdm or whatever is used in 11.10 ?03:03
reisioI prefer ϕChat, but yeah XChat is good, too03:03
Satanaaerr true03:03
Satanaanot false03:03
AkshayI need the Linux command lst03:03
qinjoermz: sudo service lightdm stop03:03
Akshaycan any one help me03:03
qinAkshay: list?03:04
Akshayyes set of commands in Linux03:04
JoshDreamlandqin: Are you wanting to see the lines it printed? It sent three.03:04
reisioAkshay: ls /usr/bin/03:04
OberonKingI have some issues with multiples sounds in 11.10... if I play a video on firefox don't have audio in nothing else, and if I listen music on any player, firefox and all lose sounds03:04
qinAkshay: http://www.oreillynet.com/linux/cmd/03:05
qinreisio: Sweet.03:05
qinJoshDreamland: Is your username there?03:05
urlin2ux_ I recognized the symptoms, I know.03:05
JoshDreamlandYes, qin. josh:x:1000:1000:Josh,,,:/home/josh:/bin/bash03:06
AkshayThank You guys03:06
qinJoshDreamland: Open terminal and: su josh03:06
JoshDreamlandqin: I'm not on my Ubuntu box now. No network connection on it.03:07
JoshDreamlandRather, I am on my Ubuntu box. I am just not on Ubuntu.03:07
villavim, how to go to the specified line03:07
qinJoshDreamland: Make sure to type password, to _see_ the output, since your encoding may be... twisted03:08
jhouseDasEi, dpkg-reconfigure said xorg-server was not installed03:08
DasEijhouse: xserver-xorg?!03:09
JoshDreamlandqin: I can log in from the CLI. It seems to attempt to log me in, then bail in failure. It prints some garbage to the screen as if it's a terminal, but it's cleared before I can read it as GDM steals the stage.03:09
reisiovilla: :#03:09
wb-Need to sync smartphone with Ubuntu...03:09
wb-How do I do that?03:09
ward_in gnome-control-center there a tool to set wacom settings, how do i start it from CLI?03:09
villaThanks reisio03:10
kroq-gar78ok so now my nautilus says segmentation fault. what do I do? nothing will open03:11
jhouseDasEi, I found a blog which said to reconfigure all packages that began with xserver.  That did not work for me.  The blog also said to delete xorg.conf and use Xorg -configure to recreate it, but I can't find my xorg.conf file03:11
OberonKingI have some issues with multiples sounds in 11.10... if I play a video on firefox don't have audio in nothing else, and if I listen music on any player, firefox and all lose sounds03:11
wb-How do I do that?03:11
ward_how can i do manually what the wacom config tool normally does?03:11
ward_i want to write a small script to rotate the screen of my tabletpc03:12
DasEijhouse: that's ok as it'sdefault,but given command will create /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:12
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x_ward_, pastebin xrandr -q03:12
ward_so the wacom will be rotated to, which is no problem through the wacom config tool that's standard in ubuntu in system settings03:12
kroq-gar78just kidding... I'm sooooo confused... It works from out of terminal...03:12
JoshDreamlandqin: I'm basically certain that what is happening is leftover from the previous version's config files03:13
ward_x_, the LCD is not a problem, its the wacom thats the prob03:13
ward_x_, i jsut need a way to do what the wacom GUI config tool thing does03:13
ward_x_, only then from CLI03:13
x_ah, no idea.03:14
ward_x_, this config thing in ubuntu for wacom tablets has an invert option03:14
gharzguys, how do i add a command that changes my mac address whenever i boot my machine up?03:14
x_ward_, see if the gui program can be run from command line.03:14
colby_how do i get evolution to run from the envelope icon? it worked in 11.04. i did a fresh install of 11.10 and had to delete thunderbird and install evolution. now there's no link to evolution.03:15
ward_x_, i was doing that, but it can't03:15
ward_x_, its this "panel"03:15
ward_x_, not an executable03:15
x_ward_, find another program that works with wacom?03:15
ward_i dunno enough about grnome gargabe03:15
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ward_x_, erm why? all programs work fine with wacom03:15
x_ward_, I mean to invert it from command line.03:16
jojo_how should i limit the quota on my shared folder anyone hre who can helpo me??03:16
ward_x_, yeah i tried that too, no luck either :(03:16
x_gharz, why would you want to do that?03:16
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gharzx_: coz i don't want my mac address to appear and i want to be in incognito mode to my friends. :)03:17
ward_x_, so far its a giant mistery how/what is driving the wacom03:17
ward_x_, i bet if i knew that, i could figure the rest out myself03:18
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Guest92531anyone know why wine doesn't have audio with ubuntu 11.1003:18
elkingreyUmm, I just finished upgrading to Ubuntu 11.10 and now my program gpass no longer opens. All of my passwords are stored there. Apparently it is obsolete now and I don't know how to install it or get it open. Any ideas?03:18
reisioGuest92531: any particular app?03:18
jojo_how should i limit the quota on my shared folder anyone hre who can helpo me??03:18
Guest92531reisio, world of warcraft03:18
jhouseDasEi, so if that command should have fixed my xorg.conf and I reconfigured everything starting with xserver, then something else must be my problem?  Screen still freezes after "checking battery state"03:19
grom358okay the biggest thing annoying me with unity is google chrome is ending up with window decorations03:19
grom358and I can't move the bar to my primary monitor03:19
x_gharz, I could make a script, but you'd have to manually change the script to a differen't mac every time before reboot.03:19
joermzexcellent, X tweaks applied :-D03:19
OberonKingI have some issues with multiples sounds in 11.10... if I play a video on firefox don't have audio in nothing else, and if I listen music on any player, firefox and all lose sounds03:19
reisioGuest92531: what version of Wine do you have?03:19
x_gharz, and you don't need to reboot even.03:19
grom358and I have to hold down the mouse button to view the menus03:19
reisioOberonKing: have you been playing with OSS?03:20
DasEijhouse: pastebin your syslog03:20
jhouseHow can I do that?03:20
gharzx_: wow... that's great!!!! but is there a way where in i can just add a command like macchanger -m xx:xx:xx:xx:xx on rc script or something?03:20
viyyerhi .. On upgrading to 11.10 , my soundcard does does emit any sound ? I have a Intel 82801(ICH8 family) sournd card03:20
x_gharz, yea, but will macchanger do a random one?03:20
OberonKingreisio: nop... is a fresh install.....03:20
x_gharz, you could add that to /etc/rc.local03:20
gharzx_: i see.. i'll try that one first... adding the command in rc.local03:21
gharzx_: but a script??? wow! r u gonna use bash or python?03:21
stewart_How do I set the scroll wheel speed in 11.10?03:21
x_gharz, lol bash03:21
gharzx_: awesome!!!!!!03:21
jhouseDasEi, After a failed boot with 11.10, I boot into 10.10 on the same laptop.  I'm not sure how to fetch the syslog from the prior boot attempt.  Any tips on how to do that?03:21
grom358does no one here use chrome with unity?03:22
stewart_grom358: I started but I did not like the look it has03:22
JusticeZeroI want to.. chromium at least.. why?03:22
DasEijhouse: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && pastebinit /var/log/syslog03:22
JusticeZeroI put chromium on this thing with windows while I waited for the 11.10 release.03:23
jhouseafter booting into 10.10?03:23
viyyeranyone ?03:23
grom358cause unity doesn't seem to work with it for me.. cause it getting the wm decorations03:23
JusticeZeroIt's troubling that unity is being so annoying - I like the layout I saw on the boot.03:23
x_gharz, eth0 or eth1 ?03:24
grom358any my mouse clicking seems all broken.. u have to hold mouse in to navigate menus? seems weird03:24
grom358and how do u move what monitor the unity bar is on03:24
gharzx_: eth103:24
jhouseDasEi: http://pastebin.com/V3JwXBrD03:24
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qinjhouse: as DasEi said but /mount/point/var/log/syslog03:24
x_gharz, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/710467/03:24
gharzx_: thanks! i'll check that out?03:25
x_gharz, that method requires no reboot.03:25
gharzi'll check that out03:25
jhouseqin, how do I figure out the correct mount point?03:25
elkingreyCan anybody help me recover my passwords from GPass? It no longer works in 11.10.03:25
qinjhouse: mount one by one and cd /media/something/var/sys/log03:25
Seven_Six_Twohaving a horrible time. trying to install 11.04 on fakeraid. disk util sees and can mount all raid partitions. ubiquity crashes over and over though03:26
gharzx_: thanks! love it03:26
DasEijhouse: that's the one from the working lucid I guess, you will need to fetch the one from the frozen oneiric03:26
x_gharz, hope it works out for you.03:26
OberonKingI have some issues with multiples sounds in 11.10... if I play a video on firefox don't have audio in nothing else, and if I listen music on any player, firefox and all lose sounds03:27
qinNice, Working Lucid and Frozen Oneiric03:27
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jhouseDasEi, I need to figure out how to mount the proper drive.  What can I run to see the partitioning of my computer?  I have no idea what the 10.10 installer did when I installed it alongside 11.1003:27
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DasEijhouse: sudo fdisk -l03:28
gharzx_: it will... but i'm thinking of changing my mac address during the start up... will it run on my rc.local if i add those commands with out stopping and restarting init.d/networking?03:28
mattalexxCan someone take a look at this mplayer output and let me know what might be going on? The the video seems to be resizing to fit resolution but there's only sound, and only a black picture: http://i.imgur.com/SYIQZ.png It's the same in VLC, banshee video, and mplayer.03:28
DasEijhouse: sudo mkdir /media/oneiric03:28
x_gharz, pretty sure you need to reboot networking for it to take effect.03:28
DasEijhouse: sudo mount /dev/whatever /media/oneiric03:28
jhouseDasEi, looks like /dev/sda6 is the correct device03:28
DasEigo ahead03:29
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gharzx_: yes.. rebooting wouldn't be an issue if i add the macchanger command whenever my machine starts... my system automatically connects to the network whenever i log in. what i want to happen is the mad address has changed when i logged in. would this be possible?03:30
Lewoco__In aptitude I can see two entries for almost all packages... Why?03:30
DasEijhouse: pastebint /media/oneiric/var/log/syslog03:30
x_gharz, you want to change the mac address of an online machine, not possible...03:30
jhouseDasEi: http://pastebin.com/twW0ZPQr03:30
jtokarchukOberonKing: many people are having issues currently, unfortunately03:30
gharzx_: what u mean is, during the start up/boot i can not change the mac address?03:31
x_gharz, no, I mean if it's online you can't change it.03:31
qinOberonKing: try: pulseaudio03:31
x_gharz, add those commands to rc.local if you want it done on boot.03:31
jojo_how should i limit the quota on my shared folder anyone hre who can helpo me??03:32
gharzx_: same commands without the sudo?03:32
OberonKingjtokarchuk: ok... so, that they try to fixit.... i'm trying to fix mines :)03:32
jojo_sudo -i03:32
yagoogharz, you're probably looking at virtual interfaces03:32
x_gharz, yea you don't need the sudo in rc.local afaik and make sure to chmod +x03:32
jojo_how should i limit the quota on my shared folder anyone hre who can helpo me??03:32
gharzx_:ahhh ok. so i have to create a .sh script and add that name of the script in rc.local03:33
x_gharz, you could. or you could just paste those lines.03:33
gharzyagoo: not a virtual interface... i'm not sure... i just want my mac address changed whenever i connect to a network03:33
x_gharz, if you make an extra script, make sure it is also +x03:33
rhizmoeis there i way i can use mousewheel l/r for viewport switchign?03:33
gharzx_: including init.d/networking stop and start?03:33
Agrajag-g'day, is it possible to make it so windows *never* steal focus with gnome 3?03:33
gharzx_: ok... thanks!!!!03:34
x_gharz, yea I would, i t's not going to hurt anything.......03:34
rhizmoeAgrajag-: was there for gnome 2? :)03:34
Agrajag-rhizmoe: not that i know of :(03:34
Agrajag-it's pretty annoying. google-chrome is the worst culprit03:35
GTRsdkwhen the boot logo would normally show, my monitor shows out of range. How do I fix that?03:35
Seven_Six_Twolol. ubiquity created the filesystem (erasing current system) but then failed. now there's no os.03:35
GTRsdkSeven_Six_Two: which CD image? and is the CD good?03:36
Seven_Six_TwoGTRsdk, yes, I did md5sum03:36
Seven_Six_Twoit's boots to desktop fine, mounts /dev/mapper partitions fine. won't install at all.03:36
GTRsdkSeven_Six_Two: which CD image?03:37
Seven_Six_TwoGTRsdk, it's the 10.04 desktop x86_6403:37
Seven_Six_TwoGTRsdk, sorry, 11.0403:37
jhouseDasEi, do you see anything suspicious?03:37
DasEijhouse: no suspicious items there that I see,  did you already tried a sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade ?03:37
GTRsdkSeven_Six_Two: Try 11.10, and maybe even try x86 if you have 4GB of RAM or less03:37
albechlooking for a web based password manager that I can install and manage myself.. any ideas? would be nice if there was user group support so certain groups of people could get access to passwords03:37
Seven_Six_TwoGTRsdk, I was on 11.10, but I couldn't get pulseaudio to work, and nautilus kept crashing03:38
OberonKingqin: i'm using pulseaudio... I think,03:38
jhouseDasEi, I have not since the install became fully hosed.  Will try now03:38
Seven_Six_TwoGTRsdk, I'm downloading the iso now, so we'll see. I don't have a lot of other options03:38
gharzthanks, x_. i'll try adding the commands first in rc.local.03:39
Aikarugh... wtf... so you have to manually reinstall gnome-panel to get a normal desktop, and then gnome-panel is gimped so you cant even customize it the same way? wtf.03:39
GTRsdkSeven_Six_Two: Okay. You might want to enable proposed this time then.03:39
Aikarhow do you customize gnome-panel. ubuntu is a freaking mac clone now ; ;03:39
Seven_Six_TwoGTRsdk, I had proposed enabled03:40
GTRsdkAikar: in 11.10?03:40
Agrajag-Aikar: i think you can customise is, ctrl + right click instead of just right click03:40
Seven_Six_TwoGTRsdk, pulseaudio hasn't started since I upgraded from 11.04 to 11.10.03:40
GTRsdkAikar: go to the software center and install the compiz configuratio nmanager03:40
reisioAikar: use KDE :p03:40
Aikari have ccsm03:41
GTRsdkSeven_Six_Two: Does 10.04 work?03:41
Seven_Six_TwoGTRsdk, I uninstalled all pulse stuff and reinstalled, then I tried uninstalling all of the gnome stuff (had xfce running) and reinstalling, but on reboot, plymouth kept failing03:42
AikarAgrajag-: thanks, its alt+right click03:42
Seven_Six_TwoGTRsdk, I don't think I have the iso.03:42
Agrajag-oh yeah that's the one sorry03:42
Agrajag-no idea why they thought alt+right click would be a good idea instead of just right click03:42
Aikarand im actually trying to get rid of the panels lol. I use AWN, so i use gnome-panel w/o any panels showing up03:43
GTRsdkSeven_Six_Two: try the alternate installer then03:43
Lewoco__In a standard 11.10 installation, why are there 2 entries for each package in aptitude?03:43
Aikari tried to stick with unity in this ver03:43
Seven_Six_TwoGTRsdk, can't. I need live for dmraid03:43
Aikarbut its still too unfinished03:43
x_Seven_Six_Two, oneiric works for me, but maybe you should stay away from it for awhile alot of people are having problems.03:43
GTRsdkSeven_Six_Two: How much RAM?03:43
Seven_Six_Twolol. I have nothing now. I need to install something! GTRsdk 4gb03:44
x_Seven_Six_Two, natty isn't bad03:44
Aikarcompiz constantly eats cpu under unity03:44
Seven_Six_Twox_, I know. I can't install it though03:44
jtokarchuk...I suppose one who was eager to get contributing to ubuntu would get his launchpad set up and try to fix some of these aforementioned bugs as opposed to downgrading , eh? ^^03:44
x_I accidently put unity on a live usb, worst thing I've ever seen reminds me of windows.03:44
jtokarchukx_: try custom osdev, you learn a new appreciation for windows03:45
x_jtokarchuk, ?03:45
jtokarchukx_: the bad things seem not so bad when you create your own steaming pile of rubble, :p03:45
jhouseDasEi, the only way I can run those commands is by dropping to root access with network access, but then it can't seem to find the URL's.  I'm going to guess that I'd need to configure the networking manually?03:46
DasEijhouse: sudo dhclient03:46
x_jtokarchuk, I kind of see what you mean but, just cause I couldn't do any better doesn't make something any good it's self. :-)03:46
jtokarchukx_: another valid point!03:46
trappistis there an oracle-java7 howto for oneric that don't involve the use of a gui tool, as for a server?03:46
jhouseDasEi, I can run that then do the other steps?03:47
DasEijhouse: yes03:47
x_jtokarchuk, like in the last couple hours, lots of people complaining about unity no one seems to like it ;\03:47
jhouseok, rebooting now.03:47
Seven_Six_TwoI like it.03:47
x_thats 103:47
jtokarchukI like it as well, when it works03:47
point_I don't like unity.03:47
urlin2uHmm a help channel and complaints that is so strange.03:48
reisiotrappist: probably a nightmare: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/09/how-to-install-oracle-java-7-jdk-in.html03:48
jtokarchuki have NEVER seen that before03:48
S|12P3|\|g|_|zI prefer GNOME 3.03:48
jtokarchukmy detector is functioning03:48
point_urlin2u, yeah it's not the fault of anyone here.03:48
S|12P3|\|g|_|zI feel it's a lot more polished.03:48
Seven_Six_TwoI prefer a pure binary interface03:48
Aikarits buggy and slows down productivity, and canonical is removing more and more freedom from the OS (just like Apple ...)03:48
S|12P3|\|g|_|zSeven_Six_Two: Little endian, or bit?03:48
xanguaS|12P3|\|g|_|z: unity runs on top of gnome3...03:49
trappistreisio: yeah already been there, wants me to run a gui tool, which itself will require me to install X, most of gnome etc. on my server and run X on my mac blah blah... looking to steer clear of the gui03:49
Seven_Six_Twobig endian only03:49
Lewoco__Does Ubuntu server come with apache, mysql and other stuff preinstalled or is it basically just the same as Ubuntu desktop but without X/libreoffice?03:49
robin0800I like it on my laptop not so sure about the desktop thou03:49
Aikarlike why was the customization of themes removed in 11.10? now im stuck with radiance?03:49
point_Aikar, I've been saying the same thing.  Ubuntu is becoming more like commercial software.03:49
urlin2upoint_, I love confirmation bias it feels so natural.03:49
S|12P3|\|g|_|zxangua: s/\cgnome 3/gnome-shell/03:49
GTRsdkwhen the boot logo would normally show, my monitor shows out of range. How do I fix that?03:49
reisiotrappist: what, update-java?03:49
trappistreisio: yes03:49
reisiotrappist: have you tried running it without X?03:49
trappistunless you know an undocumented way to run it without it calling gksudo03:50
S|12P3|\|g|_|zGTRsdk: Add a vga= to /etc/default/grub's kernel line03:50
trappistreisio: it calls gksudo, appears to be a full on gui tool03:50
S|12P3|\|g|_|zSet it to the proper value.03:50
celltechHow do I instal a program from an archive package03:50
reisiotrappist: isn't using Oracle's Java more important for GUI apps?03:50
reisiocelltech: what program?03:50
robin0800Aikar, install gnome-tweak-tools and gnome-standard-themes03:50
celltechgtkpod 2.0.103:51
xanguaAikar: use gnome-tweak-tool for themes, fonts and that stuff ;)03:51
x_celltech, .deb or .tar.gz03:51
point_urlin2u, what are you referring to?03:51
reisiocelltech: what's wrong with 2.1.0?03:51
Aikarso all our previous features of ubuntu are getting removed and must be manually reinstalled... how lame03:51
xanguacelltech: sudo apt-get install gtkpod03:51
trappistreisio: not for my purposes03:51
celltechNothings wrong with it. I just have the 1.003:52
S|12P3|\|g|_|zUbuntu really has taken a turn for the worse.03:52
Aikarno package gnome-standard-themes03:52
celltech2.0.1 is supposed to have ios5 fix03:52
urlin2upoint_, so lets say I have a bias, say I don't like unity, I go to a help channel where people come who have problems and tend to confirm their own bias and ghet mine confirmed as well, no real cause and effect.03:52
S|12P3|\|g|_|zUbuntu used to be about being an awesome debian fork that updated all the time and let you do anything you wanted.03:52
h00kxangua: turns out I was missing indicator-power.03:52
FlannelS|12P3|\|g|_|z: Please keep the commentary in #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks.03:52
Aikargnome-tweak-tool wants me to install gnome-shell03:52
GTRsdkS|12P3|\|g|_|z: GRUB_VGA=800x600  is that correct?03:52
S|12P3|\|g|_|zFlannel: Oh, alright.03:53
jtokarchukS|12P3|\|g|_|z: it got popular.03:53
S|12P3|\|g|_|zGTRsdk: No, you need to use a vbe access code.03:53
reisiotrappist: I don't know what the alternative is (yet), but I promise you there is one03:53
S|12P3|\|g|_|zGTRsdk: You can get a list of them in GRUB itself.03:53
S|12P3|\|g|_|zGTRsdk: Get to a grub command line (hit c at the grub menu) and type vbeinfo03:53
Peddyis anyone else experiencing the nautilus menu bar at the top of the desktop?03:53
urlin2upoint_, no comment on your point just pointing out the difference between statistics, cause and effect and bias.03:53
robin0800Aikar, think most of this is caused by insisting it must all fit on a cd so as core gets bigger more gets dropped03:53
GTRsdkS|12P3|\|g|_|z: do I have to reboot to do that?03:53
trappistreisio: yeah I figure there must be :) but google is failing me so far03:53
point_urlin2u, do you mean to say this whole disliking Unity pattern is a bandwagon effect?03:53
S|12P3|\|g|_|zLook for the right resolution in the list, and choose that code.03:54
S|12P3|\|g|_|zGTRsdk: Yes.03:54
S|12P3|\|g|_|zUnfortunately. :(03:54
reisiotrappist: update-alternatives, maybe03:54
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urlin2upoint_, not necessarily, but to claim anything with actual data, that is true it is pointless, just rabble, and self serving, kind of damaging to a personal cognitive development really.03:54
urlin2uwith=without point_03:55
reisiotrappist: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=11029041&postcount=4 ?03:55
point_urlin2u, what actual data might one use to claim that he or she doesn't like Unity.  It's just a matter of opinion.03:56
nomad111hi all, I cant seem to figure out why my internet speed continuously dips under 11.1003:56
nomad111it starts off high then dips03:56
nomad111e.g. when im downloading in firefox or software centre03:56
urlin2upoint_, that s my point it is a personal point, but is dispensed as if it is actual facts, say with helping others here.03:56
mewaynomad111, proof?03:56
mewayor evidence03:56
bitsodaHi, I tried a live CD of Xubuntu 11.10 on a MacBook Pro and got the: 'intramfs unable to find a medium containing a live file system' error. Any thoughts on why this is happening? The image was burned using OS X's disc utility.03:57
nomad111meway, how do you just i capture proof?03:57
x_!md5 bitsoda03:57
nomad111meway, how do you suggest i capture proof?03:57
mewaynomad111, compared to what os?03:57
x_bitsoda, do an md5 check on the iso03:57
urlin2upoint_, as I said nothing do to with your like or dislike, you just happened to respond to my pots.03:57
nomad111meway, well i have my imac next to me03:57
mewaynomad111, maybe your on two different machines with two different cards?03:57
nomad111meway, and it clocks high speed03:58
mewaynomad111, your problem is that you are testing on to completely different machines03:58
point_urlin2u, ah I understand what you're saying.03:58
SIFTUnomad111: but what are you using to test the bandwidth between the 2?03:59
nomad111currently having a look here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185915103:59
nomad111ubuntu is installed on a Lenovo X103:59
urlin2upoint_, a little college ed mioght help some here or at least understanding the scientific method and critical thinking. :D03:59
carloshi, anyone know how can i login to my pc remotely? im using wake on lan and teamviewer, but i dont know how to login ):04:00
point_urlin2u, it's still an opinion.04:01
point_no scientific method needed.04:01
SIFTUnomad111: ah yes, changing the driver04:01
SIFTUcarlos: why not vnc?04:02
carlosSIFTU, does it run right from login screen?04:03
SIFTUcarlos: x11vnc does04:04
carlosill google it, thanks04:04
SIFTUcarlos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC/Servers#Connecting_to_your_login_screen04:05
g0rsare there themes for transparency in gnome 2.2 ?04:05
Lewoco__Is there any difference between Ubuntu Desktop and Ubuntu Alternate aside from the installer?04:05
xanguaLewoco__: no04:05
carlosSIFTU, thanks04:07
padhuLewoco__: Ubuntu Alternate uses Text mode of installation. Alternate contains core only with server side packages. that's all04:08
xanguapadhu: looks like you are talking about minimal ;)04:09
almoxarifepadhu: that's not right04:09
robin0800Lewoco__, raid tools encryption tools better partitioning tool04:09
padhualmoxarife: then04:10
Lewoco__robin0800, In server?04:10
xangua!minimal | padhu04:10
ubottupadhu: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD04:10
almoxarifeLewoco__: if you have a tricky setup you are better off installing the alternate04:10
Lewoco__robin0800, Or in alternate?04:10
robin0800Lewoco__,no in alternate04:10
Lewoco__Minimal sounds like what I want but I don't see it on my mirror...04:10
cheenuhello guys04:11
robin0800Lewoco__, google search ubuntu minimal04:11
padhuubottu: okey04:11
xanguaor just click the link Lewoco__ robin080004:12
urlin2uLewoco__, it is not in the repos it is @ the bots link. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD04:12
Lewoco__Incidentally, why does ubuntu desktop install everything without the auto flag?04:12
Lewoco__If I decide to remove one of the ubuntu meta-packages I still have to go and manually remove all of it's dependencies.... annoying =(04:13
psycho_oreosisn't there a switch called autoremove?04:14
Lewoco__psycho_oreos, Yeah there is and I'm asking why the default Ubuntu installation doesn't take advantage of it.04:15
urlin2uLewoco__, you can purge remove stuff using the trigger ubuntu meta-packages is way to vague, and a sily complaint point.04:15
sattyMy wifi is not detecting accesspoint04:15
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psycho_oreossatty, maybe the interface is not up?04:18
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e8hffffWhen is Canonical  going to start sellign tablets with Kubuntu or Ubuntu isntalled???  I'm sick of Android and the likes. I want true linux with my fav OS.04:18
Nautiluspointer to site detailing installing FTP (likely ProFTPd) on 10.04?04:19
e8hffffThey need to source a cheap tablet out fo asia and stick their badge on it.  Say a Huawei device, like the MediaPad04:19
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JZApplesCan someone help me out with the issues I'm having with Unity in 11.04?      http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/5/simek.png/04:21
SIFTUsatty: or rfkill, or a problem with the kernel driver04:21
HomeSlice_pdxis it just me? I wish in Unity when an application is already open and in the foreground that when I click on the icon again it should minimize04:21
Nautilusis it just me? Upgrading Ubuntu breaks things that use to work?04:22
JZApplesHomeSlice_pdx, agreed.04:22
HomeSlice_pdxI agree04:22
phiscibelol JUST you lol04:22
JZApplessup phiscibe04:22
robochickenanyone else having issues with admin password in 11.10?04:22
phiscibehey dude04:22
JZApplesI took a screen shot of that issue we were working on the other night.  check it out...    http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/5/simek.png/04:23
JZApplesany ideas?04:23
padhuwhat is an gnome equivalent for Kollision04:23
phiscibeNautilus: the worse thing is when its not totly broken, so you live with it but it annoys you and annoys on an on04:23
cheenui don know how to use this webchat...can anyone guide me?04:23
HomeSlice_pdxJZApples, what happens when you log into a guest account?04:23
Nautilusphiscibe: yea04:23
Nautilusbut FTP, totally broken04:24
JZApplesHomeSlice_pdx, I'll give it a try.04:24
SatanaaAll this time I have been thinking that I couldn’t use Unity, On my own user Compiz eats up 1gb ram, on the guest account it eats 256mb ram. Anyone got an idea whats up?04:24
ubuntudummyso any idea what would make ubuntu just stop recognizing the hard drive that its installed on?04:24
xanguacheenu: do you have an ubuntu support question'¿ you ask, we try to answer04:24
e8hffffcheenu: just ask questions and someone may reply.  To reply type some fo the name then press TAB key to lock onto the name, then type the question after to reply to a particular person04:24
HomeSlice_pdxubuntudummy, are you getting an error message?04:25
SatanaaI have tried "unity --reset", it cant complete it04:25
cheenui had experience using xchat but am new to this one.04:25
phiscibepadhu: i dont thik there is but it should work under ghome just fine, buy installing it will bring in the kde base libraries04:25
robochickenwhen i install an app my password words, but not when i am opening it04:25
cheenuthanks xangua e8hffff04:25
e8hffffcheenu:  it's jsut irc.04:25
ubuntudummysrt 4 err 1604:26
phiscibeSatanna which processes04:26
cheenue8hffff: fine where r u from?04:26
robin0800cheenu, you can get this channel using xchat04:26
e8hffffcheenu: oz04:26
xangua!ot | cheenu e8hffff04:26
ubottucheenu e8hffff: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:26
cheenuthanks ubottu04:27
e8hffffI was about to elave anyway...04:27
Nautilus"Cannot start proftpd, please check syntax of your configuration file /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf"   uhhh, why would the default .conf file have bad syntax?04:27
cheenuthanks robin080004:27
Satanaaphiscibe any idea?04:27
celltechOk so that didn't work. it just downloads 1.0... I have the archive package of gtkpod 2.0.1 I need to instal04:28
phiscibeso you have  a guest accout, runs find, your account ram gone wild04:28
cheenucan anyone tell me the latest interesting packages in ubuntu?04:28
evilwombatArgh, stupid gnome upgrade. All user settings are gone and it is back to the idiotic Unity UI.04:28
xanguacheenu: gnome3¿04:28
cheenuwat s gnome?04:28
cheenuand wat is kde?04:29
Satanaaso close to being able to live with unity *yay*04:29
Nautilushow do i get permission past "sudo su"?04:30
AikarSatanaa: doing better than i am then, i already gave up and reinstalled panel and back to using AWN04:30
phiscibewell it has to be a setting in your one account, which one thogh04:30
SatanaaAikar well i did a upgrade, not a clean install.. im thinking its some old compiz conf04:31
JZApplesHomeSlice_pdx, does the same thing in a different account.04:31
purpleyuanI could have sworn that the Unity interface was dark grey/transparent black before. It is now purple. Does anyone know of the setting to change it back?04:31
Satanaaall i could find was .compiz104:31
KlojumCan anyone confirm that Skype isn't working yet in 11.10 Oneiric? I installed it on two computers and both times Skype doesn't want to fire up...04:31
SatanaaKlojum works for me04:32
xanguapurpleyuan: use a black background ;)04:32
somsipKlojum: 32 or 64 bit?04:32
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SatanaaKlojum just tried again, works fine04:32
Klojumboth with Nvidia driver... One ION-system, one Nvidia 7600GT version..  :-\04:32
HomeSlice_pdxJZApples, hmm looks like a botched install, I'm wondering if everything is installedcan you go to command line and type the following? -  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade04:33
SIFTUKlojum: did you upgrade?04:33
somsipOk - on 64 bit I found an earlier versin to be more stable, but if others are working, it may no t be this issue. Worth trying though04:33
Guest22313hey guys, just upgraded from 11.04 to 11.10 and it errored right at the end, now my screen res and half the icons are missing04:33
phiscibeSatanaa: do you have the compiz settings manger installed, ....   ccsm  if so run ccsm and see if the unity plug in is checked04:33
purpleyuanAhah. Thank you xangua :)04:33
KlojumNo upgrades, both fresh install. Did you install Skype from the 'market' or directly from the Deb on the Skype website?04:33
JZApplesHomeSlice_pdx, 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.04:34
HomeSlice_pdxGuest22313, they the following in the command line - sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade04:34
Satanaaphiscibe check04:34
Satanaaphiscibe im kinda thinking that ccsm might be the issue, does ccsm come with unity?04:34
KlojumSatanaa: because Skype worked for me in 11.04, that's the weird part.04:35
Satanaaphiscibe err i mean does it come with 11.10?04:35
Nautilushow do i get permission to start a module?04:35
Guest22313HomeSlice_pdx yeah it didnt do anything, says everything is up to date04:36
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SatanaaKlojum where have you installed skype from?04:36
phiscibeim on older version still, i dont know about 11.1004:36
cheenuxangua: y no reply?04:36
Satanaaphiscibe ah04:36
SIFTUKlojum: what error do you get trying to launch it from the command line?04:36
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Guest22313HomeSlice_pdx yeah it didnt do anything, says everything is up to date04:36
SatanaaKlojum try add the skype repo and update?04:36
KlojumSatanaa: from the Ubuntu 'market'... Havent tried the commandline yet... BRB04:36
SatanaaKlojum yea i use the one from skype04:37
Guest22313hey guys, just upgraded from 11.04 to 11.10 and it errored right at the end, now my screen res and half the icons are missing04:38
phiscibeSatanaa: your not running as root are u04:38
Satanaano never04:38
HomeSlice_pdxJZApples, hmm you picture  looks like some icons are missing?  Did you upgrade or was it a clean install?04:38
JZApplesHomeSlice_pdx, Clean 11.04 install.04:38
SatanaaKlojum i used http://www.skype.com/intl/en-us/get-skype/on-your-computer/linux/downloading.ubuntu3204:38
purpleyuanGuest22313: did you restart your computer?04:38
Lewoco__Does Ubuntu server use the GUI or text installer?04:38
Satanaathat then added a repo04:38
Satanaaand updates from there04:38
HomeSlice_pdxdid the live cd / USB image do the same thing?04:38
Guest22313purpletuan twice, the second time was even worse04:39
Guest22313purpleyuan twice, the second time was even worse04:39
Guest22313the first restart atleast had the right resolution04:39
purpleyuanGuest22313: when you say that half your screen res is missing, is the other half just black? Like the screen has moved off the monitor?04:40
Nautilus"root@Ubuntu-1:/etc/proftpd# sudo service proftpd restart"  ...  "- Fatal: LoadModule: error loading module 'mod_ldap.c': Permission denied on line 18 of '/etc/proftpd/modules.conf'"   ... what is up with that?04:40
Guest22313npurpleyuan, its full screen but everything looks huge04:40
Guest22313purpleyuan, its full screen but everything looks huge04:40
phiscibeSatanaa:   it has to be something in .comiz or .config/compiz or the saved-session .gconf .gcond .pulse or something   that would account for the diffrenc between users,04:40
phiscibemake a new user and log in to test04:40
KlojumSatanaa: guess what.. Skype starts from the commandline, but not from the icon in the Unity bar. :-(04:40
phiscibemaybe start a new session04:40
SatanaaKlojum aahh04:41
Guest22313purpleyuan, it looks like its like 800x60004:41
phiscibeLewoco__: server install is text, desktop gui04:41
gbany clues to ficing an ocelot upgrade so x works again04:41
purpleyuanGuest22313: what resolution is it supposed to be?04:41
KlojumSatanaa: Is there a way to fix that? I dont need a separate terminal box to be open all the time..04:41
phiscibegb where does it die04:41
Guest22313purpleyuan 1920x108004:42
HomeSlice_pdxJZApples, hmm I know this sounds like a pain, but did the live CD work properly?04:42
Satanaayou need to change the shortcut Klojum04:42
gbit never gets to gdm and startx just hangs as well04:42
Satanaaalso brb i might break all now :04:42
Klojumi figured that...04:42
minthi, I'm using a live version of 11.10 (unetbootin) and it is asking me for a username/pw on boot.04:42
JZApplesHomeSlice_pdx, it used to work fine, then one day it just stopped04:42
Guest22313purpleyuan the nvidia x server thinks its at 1920x1080 though04:42
Lewoco__phiscibe, Does the server allow you to pick what package groups to install or does it have a fixed selection like desktop?04:42
KlojumI'm not that much a linux guru..  All tips are welcome04:42
phiscibeLewoco__: been so long i cant remember, but, it has a SET of defaults i think but you can alos load what you want , use apt04:43
phiscibegb i cant a coulple things u can try04:43
mintanybody know what the live user password on 11.10 is?04:43
purpleyuanGuest22313: can you change the resolution in the settings? Does the computer think it is at 1920x1080 or at 800x600?04:43
phiscibegotta find my notes, ugg04:44
Guest22313purpleyuan: it thinks its at 1920x1080 in "Display" too04:44
HomeSlice_pdxJZApples, well, since it also has problems with the guest account I'm guessing that it's a deeper issue than your profile04:44
phiscibeAs reported by: http://uksysadmin.wordpress.com/2011/10/14/upgrade-to-ubuntu-11-10-problem-waiting-for-network-configuration-then-black-screen-solution/04:45
gry2hi, I was upgrading from 11.04 to 11.10, I accidentally logged the user out so the installation was aborted; now I boot it and it says ``Failed to execute /lib/udev/mtp-probe/ : /sys/devices/pci00:00…..0/usb5/… : device not found'', starts a few daemons and then says that waiting for network configuration was unsuccessful, after which it freezes; I have access to a tty where I did apt-get...04:45
gry2...update, apt-get upgrade successfully but a next reboot has same problem. what can I do there other than a complete re-install?04:45
HomeSlice_pdxJZApples, sorry man, it's getting late for me. but you might find it easier just to backup your data and reinstall04:45
phiscibetry that link above, i thnk its got a good chance to be your bug, http://kubuntu-experince.blogspot.com/ has more stuff that might help04:46
purpleyuanGuest22313: what is the output for xrandr?04:46
JZApplesHomeSlice_pdx, the thought has crossed my mind.  It's just that i've configured a lot with this install so i'm trying to save that for last resort.04:46
gbyeah i might try and reinstall sid which is a bit more stable :)04:46
phiscibegry, same bug  http://uksysadmin.wordpress.com/2011/10/14/upgrade-to-ubuntu-11-10-problem-waiting-for-network-configuration-then-black-screen-solution/      pssibly04:46
Guest22313purpleyuan: Screen 0: minimum 320 x 175, current 1920 x 1080, maximum 1920 x 108004:47
Guest22313default connected 1920x1080+0+0 0mm x 0mm04:47
gry2phiscibe, looking ...04:47
HomeSlice_pdxJZApples, yeah, I've been your shoes before. it wuold be best to copy your config files to a safe location.  But other than that I would recommend going to command line and chekc out your log files04:47
VinoI just downloaded ubuntu and it says "amd64" in the filename but I have an intel. is that okay?04:47
phiscibeit invovles dead dbus because of new locations for var and run04:47
purpleyuanGuest22313: Ergh. Sorry, but I've honstly no idea. Perhaps someone else here can help you. You said that it gave an error at the end of the install; maybe you should backup and do a fresh install.04:48
evilwombatEven *Windows* knows how to preserve the desktop background across OS upgrades04:48
JZApplesHomeSlice_pdx, i'm new to linux so those things need to be researched first.04:48
HomeSlice_pdxJZApples, check out log file viewer04:48
JZApplesHomeSlice_pdx, ok, i've been in there before, but not for awhile04:48
jtokarchukso if one wanted to help out with ubuntu dev, would they: downgrade to 10.04 and virtualize 10.40, and fix, keep in current (10.40) and begin helping, or upgrade to a bleeding edge distro and start helping04:48
Guest22313purpleyuan: gaa thanks for trying, I'll mess around for awhile tonight and see if I can figure it out04:48
JZApplesHomeSlice_pdx, which section?04:48
phiscibeVino: amd64 refers to an instrution set for 64 bit machines, all 86 family processors that are 64 bit capable use that protocool04:48
phiscibeso you are fine04:49
gry2phiscibe, that's an odd solution. How would you advise me to edit it to make backups instead of rm'ing those dirs, or is that not necessary?04:49
HomeSlice_pdxJZApples, just a sec04:49
Vinophiscibe, thanks :)04:49
phiscibegry look at the release notes04:49
PeddyHow can I build a package after apt-get source'ing it? Thanks!04:49
HomeSlice_pdxJZApples, bah ha ha04:49
HomeSlice_pdxJZApples, mine shows nothing04:49
phiscibegry https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricOcelot/ReleaseNotes04:49
evilwombatWhoever came up with the whole 'Unity' UI, please dig up your Human-Computer Interaction textbook, remove the 10 inches of dust, and use it to beat yourself on the head repeatedly. Maybe that approach will work better than actually reading the book.04:49
celltechSo I can't figure out how to instal tar.gz files04:50
HomeSlice_pdxJZApples, look for q04:50
phiscibethey have a way to run a sed command to add both set both directory paths04:50
HomeSlice_pdxJZApples, look for xorg*04:50
p10ni have install openbve on oneric04:50
HomeSlice_pdxJZApples, and syslog04:50
p10nbut cannot be played04:50
HomeSlice_pdxJZApples, and dmesg04:50
mintlive version  of 11.10 is prompting me for a username an pw, anybody got it?04:50
phiscibebut you can just copy those directories to a new folder as a back up, VAR is alwasy in flux, thats why its var, nothing perm should be there04:51
HomeSlice_pdxJZApples, and search for anything that contains "error"04:51
phiscibevariable even04:51
p10nanyone can play openbve on oneric?04:51
gry2phiscibe, "Ubuntu 11.10 has migrated away from /var/run, /var/lock and /dev/shm and now uses /run, /run/lock and /run/shm instead (respectively)." <-- you mean this part of release notes? why was this path changed?04:51
purpleyuanmint: iirc, live shouldn't prompt for a usrname and pw.04:52
phiscibethat causes dbus not to start, and gives blank X screens, dead network manager ect.04:52
gry2Sigh... I should of not have given up and asked this without booting into another OS. Thanks, I'll try it today and see if it helps.04:52
qinnshoud I fill bug for it? http://imagebin.org/17940404:52
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nickiscoolpurpleyuan: 3rd restart brought everything back to normally, really oddd04:53
p10noneric on hp dm1z is cool04:53
mintpurpleyuan: that's what I thought, I tried it several times, passable because of unetbootin?04:53
phiscibeevilwombat: dont you know, STYLE is more important than function04:54
p10nmy wlan and bluetooth is detected now04:54
JZApplesHomeSlice_pdx, nothing of interest04:54
purpleyuannickiscool: turning things on and off again = best troubleshooting tool, hahahh.04:54
Nautilusi'm on 10.04, set it up a few months ago. ran updates tonight and now gedit is broke?  "o protocol specified"04:54
evilwombatphiscibe, you don't say. This may sound like a troll, but it does apply in this case. Strictly from a UI perspective, this is less usable than windows.04:55
phiscibeqinn i think might be called skype2 now04:55
nukeslionhello folks, both my windows and my ubuntu are giving me issues, so my proposed solution is to install with the wubi on windows 7, my main thing is learning python, will i be able to use python stuff the same way in the wubi install?04:55
evilwombatyou can't even right-click the panels anymore. all the user settings are gone.04:55
jtokarchuknukeslion: yes04:55
phiscibei was being sarcastic in a friendyly way04:55
nickiscoolpurpleyuan: I am lucky, need to do client work tomorrow and didnt back up like the last 3 hours of work before I upgraded, I was sweating bullets04:55
qinphiscibe: Not it installs ok.04:55
evilwombateven with unity disabled, the menubar takes a few seconds to come up after opening a terminal. it is glitchy as fuck.04:55
nukeslionjtokarchuk, thank you :) clearing space and installing now04:55
evilwombatIn the default firefox configuration, the menubar uses black text on a dark-gray background. What fucking moron thought of this?04:56
phiscibeevilwombat: make sure lightdm is now being used04:56
wobblyonionshi guys - does anyone know how to move the task bar from the left hide side of the screen in the new version of Ubuntu to the top of the screen?04:56
evilwombatand all the firefox tabs use a light-gray font on a light-gray background (again with the moron)04:57
purpleyuannickiscool: nice. Good luck with everything :)04:57
evilwombatoh well, fluxbox time?04:57
Kleydmarboa noite04:57
ljsoftnethow do i replace xfdesktop with openbox?04:58
purpleyuanmint: have you tried using "ubuntu" as the username and leaving the password blank04:58
voxhow do i add applets into the top bar in gnome 3 classic?04:58
phiscibeevilwombat, maybe turn off mouse polling04:58
voxseriously thinking of reinstalling 11.0404:59
PinkEyezhey guys im trying to install Sun java from this link http://www.multimediaboom.com/how-to-install-java-in-ubuntu-11-04-natty-narwhal-ppa/ but somehow it installed the openjdk04:59
mintpurpleyuan: yep, and with the pw as ubuntu, and tried root and live as user...05:00
popschis there a way to force popup messages to be displayed on the same workspace as the application that opens the popup?05:00
nukeslionanyone have a suggestion on what desktop environment to use for wubi ubuntu install? i'm thinking xubuntu but haven't done it before on windows05:01
Guest80228i hve some query05:01
chroothow can i update my e2fsprogs ?05:01
Guest80228i m unable to add user any help?05:02
Guest80228wht is the default pwd for root05:02
purpleyuanmint: have you seen this: serverfault.com/questions/2618505:02
uofm49426anyone still using a bt878 bttv card on ubuntu 11.1005:02
celltechCan I get the off topic room please...05:03
uofm49426its not setting up like it did in maverick05:03
purpleyuancelltech: #ubuntu-off-topic05:03
celltechThank you05:03
rhizmoehow do i prevent the bluetooth daemon from starting, since i don't have it?05:03
ibqndoes gnome 3 has a "input methods" item in the pop-up menu  once you right-click on the text or input field?05:04
Peddyibqn, as far as I can tell, yes05:04
zaapieldamn Meatloaf's 1977 Album Bat out of Hell still sells aroind 200,000 copies a year05:04
purpleyuancelltech:er, that may be wrong.05:04
ibqnPeddy, thank you05:04
mintpurpleyuan: thanks, will do a check.05:04
uofm49426i can care less about the tv card but i do use the fm radio05:05
purpleyuancelltech: IT's #ubuntu-offtopic05:05
purpleyuanSorry about that.05:05
ibqnPeddy, I have not tried gnome 3 yet, and as far as I have heard there were no such an item in the earlier stages of gnome 3 development. I glad to hear, that they finally back ported it05:07
Peddyibqn, that submenu is certainly available in all the programs I just tried it in. Anything else I can check for you in gnome 3? (or gnome-shell, I'm using it and it's great)05:08
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StiiCevahello everyone05:09
StiiCevai'm new to xchat05:09
ibqnPeddy, thank you, that was it.05:09
StiiCevacan anyone point me to a good tutorial?05:09
techie1980I'm having some trouble getting X11 fowarding to work from a new build of ubuntu server  -- I have X11forwarding turned in the server sshd_conf, I'm connecting with ssh -X, and export display is set properly.  I seem to be getting nothing of value in dmesg. Where else should I be looking for errors?05:09
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popschtechie1980, what does it say when you start xclock?05:12
yagootechie1980, ssh -XY05:12
yagootechhelper1, don't forget xhost +allowedhostname05:12
yagootechhelper1, xhost +<hostname>05:12
yagooor ip#05:13
techhelper1he left. and nice highlighting me twice05:13
yagootechhelper1, if u want remote.. i'd suggest checking out nomachine.com's amazing nx.. it's free and very easy to use (client can be on mac/win as well)05:13
yagooyikes.. 198005:13
techhelper1yahoo, techie1980 left, for the second time05:14
yagoou two have the same name :oo05:14
techhelper1i am not him05:14
techhelper1yagoo *05:14
scottrex33Oh shit05:14
scottrex33where am i05:15
scottrex33am i in wyldride05:15
scottrex33Is anyone here05:15
Flannelscottrex33: this is #ubuntu, if you're trying to get to another channel, you'll need to type "/join #channelname" not just "#channelname"05:16
lucerosamahello, i am new to xchat. how do you reply in this open forum?05:17
Flannellucerosama: Just prefix your statement with the nick of the person you're talking to (your client supports tab completion, so typing a few letters then hitting tab should work just fine)05:18
lucerosamaFlannel, oh! Thanks!05:19
znowI got my linode ubuntu vps, I have a domain which I need to connect to a  project on my vps, I have added the DNS records etc on the domain and in the dns manager for the vps, but how can I point the domain to the certain project?05:19
StiiCevaFlannel, hi, i'm new to xchat also05:19
peeps[lappy]somehow my default file manager seems to have switched to gthumb when i upgraded.  for example when i hit alt-f2, and just enter a path such as /home/username/  it opens the folder in gthumb, which hangs05:19
peeps[lappy]does this happen to other people?05:19
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pyfonhave tried almost everything, still unable to get wifi working on an 11.10 installed asus 1001p eeepc, any tips?05:25
mintpurpleyuan: fyi no errors in squash fs thanks for the help05:29
Loihi guys05:29
LoiAnyone know where I should start in programming?05:30
LoiAnyone know where I should start in programming?05:30
LoiI want to learn to program05:30
A[D]minSHello I'm trying to install davmail on 11.10 , however it looking for a dependency  davmail depends on libswt-gtk-3.6-java | libswt-gtk-3.5-java | libswt-gtk-3.4-java however all are not exist . would you please advise05:31
mintLoi: not a programmer but I'd think that python would be a good start, lots of tutorials online05:32
mintLoi: unless you want to just do web stuff, then PHP05:33
SetiAmonstrange linux mint live cd worked flawlessly with sound,it must not use pulse audio05:34
JoshDreamlandLet the record hold that lightDM is a MASSIVE, massive, POS, and that switching back to GDM fixed -all- of my problems.05:35
LoiThanks mint. Ill check it out05:35
justin__so is anyone else having issues pushing keys to the keyserver?05:35
JoshDreamlandjustin__: I know at least one other person who is.05:35
justin__i fixed my sleep issue at least o.o05:36
JoshDreamlandYou could try switching back to GDM, too :P05:36
JoshDreamlandI have no idea why it fixed my internet05:36
StiiCevaI there a networking specialist around ?05:39
JoshDreamlandJust ask, StiiCeva05:39
StiiCevaI'm a student05:40
StiiCevawe have on campus a big lan05:40
StiiCevathe thing is that someone might be doing a man in the middle attack05:40
StiiCevai've been doing a mtr to the gateway05:41
StiiCevait losses 10-30% of the packeges05:41
StiiCevaalso I found in wireshark  malformed packeges05:41
elkingreyWhen I upgraded to 11.10 my password manager, GPass, no longer functions due to obsolescence. I believe the encrypted password file is located ~/.gpass/passwords.gps Can somebody tell me a way to recover my passwords from that file?05:41
A[D]minSsorry dc05:41
A[D]minSany answer -> A[D]minS> Hello I'm trying to install davmail on 11.10 , however it looking for a dependency  davmail depends on libswt-gtk-3.6-java | libswt-gtk-3.5-java | libswt-gtk-3.4-java however all are not exist . would you please advise05:42
StiiCevais it hardware ( a broken switch) or is it really an attack05:42
urlin2uStiiCeva, why would you come here when there is a dept at the college that does this?05:44
kaweahdentalhe IS said dept05:44
urlin2ukaweahdental, not student sorry.05:45
urlin2ukaweahdental, students don't run as IT even at my college which has linux mirrors and is one of the best around.05:46
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StiiCevaI've comed here because I want to learn05:48
StiiCevaand know how to protect myself from an attack05:48
StiiCevaI'm not an ignorant05:48
wadQuestion: I do "ssh-add" and enter the passphrase for my key, but when I ssh to something, now a GUI pops up and requires me to enter my key again. This didn't used to happen... what's wrong?05:48
urlin2uStiiCeva, cool but I doubt your be attacked or will be.05:48
urlin2uStiiCeva, go to the people who actually have their hands on the system if you want to learn as far as this problem I would think, I'm quite sure if they find a problem you will be thanked.05:50
StiiCevathen what can be the source of malformed packages05:52
wadAnother question: I've edited my /etc/sudoers (yes, with visudo), and told it that my user doesn't need to authenticate again when I sudo. But it still asks me for my password. What's wrong?05:52
usr13wad: log out and back in again.05:52
urlin2uStiiCeva, ask the IT dept, this is Ubuntu and for ubuntu related stuff.05:53
cpgoI'm on ubuntu 11.10 32-bit and when installing nvidia driver via "Additional Drivers" I get "Sorry, installation of this driver failed."05:54
wadusr13, nope, it still requires me to enter my password in again.05:54
Geek_Does anyone know what directory the web files are store in for apache 2 on Ubuntu Server?05:54
usr13cpgo: Maybe there is a network problem.05:54
wadGeek_, I think /var/www05:54
cpgowith ubuntu servers?05:55
Geek_@wad that works, thank you.05:55
wadGeek_, that's just a guess though.05:55
cpgodownloading directly from nvidia will work though, right? usr1305:55
kuruso the best thing about 11.10 is that they fixed the printer drivers so the colors aren't all wrong05:56
kuruI don't know who broke them, but they should be punished in public05:56
urlin2u!pm | StiiCeva05:56
ubottuStiiCeva: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.05:56
kurufor months, we had a MacMini sitting in the printer room just so we can print documents that needed to be in color, since we couldn't with 11.04 (unless we wanted green to be blue and blue to be white.. or whatever weirdness was going on)05:57
cpgousr13: here's a log: http://pastebin.com/QjaJ1CzK05:57
airtonixhilarious, sometimes my sandybridge ubuntu 11.04 desktop has a spaz out and starts flashing random full screen colours like it's a rave... and the __only__ recourse is to hit the reset switch (since it doesn't repsond to pings at that point)05:58
usr13cpgo: sudo apt-get update05:58
Myrttikuru: great to hear it is fixed now, but do you have any ongoing problems?05:58
cpgousr13: k let me try05:58
boxybrownhey guys, is there a way when you add a user to have it automatically given reasonable groups...05:58
kurumyrtti, I did have a problem upgrading from 11.04 to 11.10. For whatever reason, the time/date in the panel disappeared.05:58
dhruvasagar_Hi, should I use bumblebee or ironhide !?05:59
kurumyrtti, it had nothing to do with my account, I created a new user, same thing. I couldn't bother hunting it down.. I just did a fresh install. It was faster.05:59
kurumyrtti, it's fine now.05:59
boxybrowni cant find any documentation that shows an easy way to do adduser and by default give it reasonable group membership without listing every single group05:59
kurumyrtti, I upgraded another machine.. no issues05:59
kuruAlso, 11.10 seems to have fixed the problem of screen resolutions when moving from laptop to docking station.05:59
cpgousr13: same message06:00
usr13cpgo: sudo apt-get install nvidia_current06:00
kuruSo that's always a welcome change. I can now keep my X220 running from home.. get to the office.. dock it and bam! It's all good on my LG 22" monitor.06:00
Myrttikuru: excellent. stick around to help others with their problems06:00
cpgouser13: E: Unable to locate package nvidia_current06:00
cpgousr13: all the software sources are checked06:01
kuruI don't understand why 11.10 still carries OpenERP Client 5.x..06:01
dc5alacpgo, replace _ with -06:02
kuru6.0.3 has been out for a while now06:02
kuruthat's annoying06:02
dhruvasagar_anyone ?06:02
usr13cpgo: sudo apt-get upgrade06:02
cpgohmm says already installed06:02
cpgogoing to restart, thanks for the help, I'll be back if problem persists06:04
ZylumI can't seem to keep my wireless connection from dropping.  It's still connected to the router and other networked nodes and they all have internet, this one with ubuntu does not, but it comes back after a while and seems to happen randomly06:09
shangwhat is the tool to use reduce the size for the video?06:09
TimLoalUbuntu keeps on hanging for 30-60 seconds, most noticably with firefox, but also wuth libreoffice, can anyone help/advise me.  its a new install on 11.1006:10
techcafetim:could be anything06:11
StiiCevahow do you ask permission to send someone an pm? is there an option or you just do it on the channel06:11
cpgousr13: no luck06:12
usr13cpgo: Let me look at the log again.06:12
cpgousr13: http://pastebin.com/QjaJ1CzK06:12
ex0cat /proc/cpufreq06:13
TimLoalUbuntu keeps on hanging for 30-60 seconds, most noticably with firefox, but also wuth libreoffice, can anyone help/advise me.  its a new install on 11.1006:14
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usr13cpgo: No such file or directory: '/var/cache/jockey/driverdb-OpenPrintingDriverDB.cache'  #I'm wondering about that...06:15
troiiis there any chance to disable Remote Desktop on Ubuntu 11.10 ?06:15
cpgousr13: idk why the driver was already installed (nvidia-current) but "Additional Drivers" says it isnt. I uninstalled nvidia-current and just re-installed it. Going to restart again06:15
cpgothanks for taking a look at it06:15
usr13cpgo: ls /var/cache/jockey/06:15
troiiand also to make the Weather appear on the screen rather than at the bar next to Volume?06:15
usr13cpgo: Ok.06:15
ex0disable remote desktop under system, administration06:15
usr13cpgo: You might also do   apt-get -f install06:15
ex0sorry system, preferences, remote desktop06:16
troiiex0, how can i  find that? i am using the ubuntu classic layout06:16
TimLoalsi this the Ubuntu support channel?06:17
usr13TimLoal: Run firefox or libreoffice from terminal and watch for clues.06:18
kurulooks like thunderbird is eating up all my cpu resources..06:18
usr13kill it06:18
TimLoalusr13 what sort of clues?06:18
cpgo_usr13: that did it06:18
kuruusr13, but I use it :)06:18
itai_michaelsonhi, i got an old version of chrome on a box and would like to copy it to another box, this version is no longer available in the repos, is there anyway to do it ?06:18
kuruoh.. I just crashed a conversation :)06:19
JoshDreamlandWhen I select "Set as desktop wallpaper" in firefox, where does it save the image?06:19
usr13cpgo_: Very good.06:19
ex0troii isnt there a panel at the top of your screen saying Applications, Places, System??06:19
henchman24use mutt :D06:19
TimLoalhow do i run it from a rerminal? usr1306:19
FrankJamesohello, I was wondering with the new unity if there is a way to still completely full screen apps like there was with the old gnome06:19
ex0troii click system, then preferences then remote desktop...06:19
usr13TimLoal: Open a terminal, type   firefox    hit enter.06:19
TimLoalUbuntu is slower than my windows computer!!!!06:19
srini_how to port linux kernel to arm processor?06:19
TimLoalusr13:  cool06:19
troiithere is System Tools06:20
kuruis there a keyboard shortcut for status update using a broadcast account?06:21
cpgo_for 11.10 do you have to install gnome-tweak-tool to change fonts? I cant find the normal Appearance->Fonts06:22
srini_can anyone give me the solution for how to port the linux kernel to arm processor?06:22
TimLoalusr13 i get a terminal by pressing crtl + alt + f2 right?06:22
cpgo_yae TimLoal06:22
trappist /usr/lib/libncursesw.so is a text file, and I've got a (java) app complaining that the file is "too short".  If I replace it with a symlink to /lib/libncursesw.so.5 it works fine. Not sure if this is a java bug, an ldconfig issue or an ncurses bug.06:22
usr13TimLoal: No.  Ctrl-Alt-F2 will give you a console session at tty206:22
TimLoalwhen i do that i get a stream of input buffer is not empty, aborting transaction usr1306:23
woltermy touchpad is ceasing to work regularly, is this a known problem?06:23
rstsHi. Can you tell me, please, whether udhcp can do dynamic updates of DNS ?06:23
trappistI don't recall ever seeing a .so as a text file... sound like a packaging bug maybe?06:23
TimLoalusr13 is that the sort of clue you're thinking of?06:23
ljsoftnethow do i change xfce in kiosk mode back to normal mode?06:23
ljsoftnethow do i change xfce-panel in kiosk mode back to normal mode?06:24
usr13TimLoal: I'm not thinking of any sort of clue.06:24
entropy101hey all06:25
entropy101just did a fresh install :D06:25
TimLoalusr13: but dose that give you or anyone a clue to my problem?06:25
usr13Might give YOU a clue to your problem.  I'm not at all sure why firefox or libreoffice takes a long time to initialize.06:26
nnfxguys are you using 11.10 with unity desktop?06:26
TimLoalusr13: have i come at a bad time?06:26
usr13TimLoal: How long does it take?06:26
TimLoalnnfx: yes using unity and not liking it06:26
usr13TimLoal: NO, there is no bad time.06:27
srini__TimLoal, hi can u tell me how to port the linux kernel to arm processor?06:27
nnfxTimLoal, i switched to classic06:27
TimLoalusr13: how long dose what take?06:27
hje841how do I adapt this howto to ubuntu 11.10? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MATLAB06:27
JoshDreamlandJust so you know in the future, it saves it right in ~/. Anyway, ciao for now.06:27
TimLoalsrini__: your asking the wrong man06:27
ljsoftnethow do i change xfce-panel in kiosk mode back to normal mode?06:27
TimLoalnnfx: how do i do that, i'm thinking 11.10 is full of bugs06:27
AleoI like Unity, only thing is that I can not reduce a bit the launcher icons size, even using compiz and unity plugin06:28
usr13TimLoal: pastebinit /proc/cpuinfo06:28
srini__TimLoal, i want the solution for my problem...can u suggest me the other channels?06:28
usr13TimLoal: pastebinit /proc/meminfo06:28
Aleodon't know if it is for being on a virtual box06:28
usr13TimLoal: and send resulting URLs06:28
usr13TimLoal: You have a gnome-terminal open, right?06:28
ChinaForgehello,I upgrade to Ubuntu 11.10,How to change user group by GUI tools?06:29
Satanaaaaah finally fixed my ubuntu install06:29
Satanaaall i had to do was to clean the system up06:29
hje841how do I adapt this howto to Ubuntu 11.10? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MATLAB06:29
nnfxTimLoal, sudo apt-get install gnome-session-fallback06:29
AleoI downloaded Wubi to install inside windows and when I run it, a message appear saying there is no disk on the drive, is not supposed Wubi download the necessary for install ?06:29
Aleodo I need to make a DVD ?06:30
nnfxTimLoal, then at login select ubuntu classic06:30
TimLoalusr13 is that a command to run in the terminal?06:30
usr13TimLoal: Yes06:31
TimLoalusr13: i closed the terminal as it wasn't giving me a prompt just a stream of errors06:31
usr13cat /proc/cpuinfo ; cat /proc/meminfo | pastebinit06:31
spinnaker*sigh* I'm afraid the update to 11.10 didn't go so well.  :(06:31
usr13TimLoal: Did you look at the errors?06:32
hydrometsometimes when I install a package using aptitude, at the end I get something like this:06:32
hydrometCurrent status: 44 updates [-4].06:32
hydrometwhat does that mean?06:32
usr13TimLoal: Of course, it won't give you a prompt, you told it to execute a task and it was doing so and giving you info about the task it was executing.06:32
hydrometthe package ends up, after this, having a State of "installed"06:33
StarminnHey guys, in Ubuntu 11.10 in Unity I am choosing an icon theme using gnome-tweak-tool. The selection works for Root user (such as in Nautilus opened as root) but as normal user the icons are the default fallback. Help?06:33
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usr13TimLoal: What is the speed of your cpu?06:34
dc5aladavido-, and what went wrong?06:34
ljsoftnethow do i change xfce-panel not to be in kiosk mode?06:34
TimLoalusr13 i've tried it in the graphical prompt, alt+f2, but no result.  ctrl+alt+f2 is giving the same message over and over and not stopping or giving me a prompt06:34
davido-I'll have to reboot to see the messages again, but when I boot, it hangs at some point.  I'm able to open a terminal, and then if I want to actually get unity up and running I have to sudo start gdm.06:35
usr13TimLoal: Alt-F2  and type   gnome-terminal06:35
Satanaaah i see i have a last issue.. when i have 2 windows open in 11.10. the one out of focus gets transparrant06:36
Satanaaany way to remove that?06:36
usr13TimLoal: What mesage is it giving you over and over?06:36
davido-It gives some message about "security will be supported in kernal 3.106:36
snadgehow do i enable remote desktop (vnc) via an ssh connection?06:37
Satanaakernal = Amiga06:37
snadgeall the guides i've seen tell me how to do it with the gui.. grr ;)06:37
TimLoaluse installing pastebinit06:37
soulfHi, I'm using ubuntu 11.10 and was having trouble with the proprietary fglrx driver (messy rainbow colors graphics in gnome shell + hibernation not wokring). Deactivating it in the "additional drivers" menu didn't really help, so I figured I'd just select everything with the name fglrx in synaptic packets managers and remove it. Upon reboot however, everything was in "driverless mode".. .dunno how to call it, no effects etc, looks lik06:38
soulfe old gnome... so my question is: how do I reactivate the open source ati driver that worked perfectly before I installed the proprietary driver? Thanks :)06:38
TimLoalthe error is .....  input buffer is not empty, aborting transaction usr1306:38
StarminnHey guys, in Ubuntu 11.10 in Unity I am choosing an icon theme using gnome-tweak-tool. The selection works for Root user (such as in Nautilus opened as root) but as normal user the icons are the default fallback. Help?06:39
snadgevino-preferences.. thanks guys ;)06:39
usr13TimLoal: What command generated this error?06:39
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TimLoalusr i didn't give it a command it was there when i went in on ctrl+alt+f206:40
usr13TimLoal: Ctrl-Alt-F2  and do this:   Ctrl-c06:40
TimLoalusr13:  1st url cpuinfo ... paste.ubuntu.com/71060106:41
ljsoftnethow do i change xfce-panel not to be in kiosk mode?06:41
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TimLoaltried that ... nothing ... kept on going06:41
A[D]minSGuys , anyone facing any problem with Davmail ?06:41
A[D]minSon ubuntu 11.1006:41
TimLoalusr13:  2nd url meminfo ... paste.ubuntu.com/71060206:42
davido-Oh, the other less serious issue is that Empathy won't let me add any online accounts.  The only avalable to add is Google, and even that doesn't actually add anything.  But that's a lot less important than boot problems. :)  Anyway, I'll come back once I've got the exact error message.06:43
usr13Ok  good TimLoal06:43
usr13TimLoal: So what is happening on tty2 ?06:43
usr13TimLoal: Can you stop it?  (Sounds like some run-away process).06:44
usr13Ctrl-c  to stop it06:44
TimLoalusr13: i missed the tty2 bit give me that again06:44
usr13TimLoal: YOu said when you went to Ctrl-Alt-F2  you saw messages over and over.  Right?06:44
TimLoalusr13: i'm not new to computers, i know them down to the atom and back again, but i am new to linux06:44
strat1227hello all, just installed 11.10 and my launcher is entirely gone upon logging in, any suggestions?06:45
usr13TimLoal: Well, that is tty2 and I'm wondering what is going on there...   IS this a fresh install of Ubuntu?06:45
TimLoalguest42201 the opersite of old06:45
strat1227it was there the first time I booted, but now after the first reboot it's gone forever06:45
TimLoalusr13:  yes from the weekend06:45
usr13TimLoal: If you go to tty2  (Ctrl-Alt-F2)  can you stop what is going on with    Ctrl-c  ?06:46
dhruvasagarHi, is there any way in Ubuntu 11.10 (Unity) to switch between applications in the current workspace (viewport!?) ?06:46
usr13TimLoal: tty7 is where you are now. So Ctrl-Alt-F7  should bring you back to the GUI interface.06:47
TimLoalusr13: before the message is says ACPI: EC: if that helps and before that it is saying [222xx.xxxxxx] where x is a random number06:47
usr13TimLoal: Did you install 11.10 ?06:47
TimLoalusr13: yes but ctrl+c dose nothing in there06:47
tasslehoffInstalling restricted ati drivers on my 11.10 fails. /var/log/jockey.log: http://pastebin.com/7d2v6SdJ06:47
usr13TimLoal: Is it fully updated?06:48
usr13TimLoal: sudo apt-get upgrade06:48
lobeznoHi ther! after digit the paswd in the login screen  my ubuntu take very long time to long in and get ready to work, any way to fix it? is like it is loading to many process06:48
TimLoali just followed the links on the site.  Keep this quite but i'm a windows user  usr13 yes i updated it06:48
TimLoalusr13: i'll try06:48
usr13TimLoal: Let's see what htop says. Open a terminal and issue command   htop06:49
stevomy pc suffered from a power outage during the upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10 (amd64).  Synaptic does not report any errors (like broken packages) but aptitude says there are a bunch of broken packages and it solution is to remove everything.  I know something is screwey with the install, cause the system settings app is missing a bunch of icons. ideas on fixing this mess?06:49
ZeloZelosreinstall stevo save your self the heartache06:50
usr13TimLoal: We might do well to look at /var/log/messages     See what that says.06:50
usr13TimLoal: Any clues there?06:50
davido-Wow, if ever there were a time to not have a power outage, that's it.06:50
TimLoalusr13:  done update no new stuff.  will look in messages06:50
ZeloZelossoo true, sooo true davido-06:51
stevoZeloZelos, really.  it doesnt seem that bad.  I am using it now, the only other problem I see is fglrx wont work, (it worked fine under 11.04)06:51
soulfHi, I'm using ubuntu 11.10 and was having trouble with the proprietary fglrx driver. Deactivating it in the "additional drivers" menu didn't help, so I figured I'd just select everything with the name fglrx in synaptic packets managers and remove it. Upon reboot however, everything was in "driverless mode". So, how do I reactivate the open source ati driver that worked perfectly before I installed the proprietary driver? Thanks :)06:51
davido-I think I may do a reinstall.06:51
Trond--I opened a video file in 11.10, but it opened in another program than smplayer which I used in 11.04, and after closing the program I can still hear the audio. How do I exit that and how do I set smplayer to open my video files as default player?06:52
davido-...back up ~, and start over.06:52
TimLoalusr13: no messages file or folder in that location06:52
poclsolnuhhi all)06:52
soreaustevo: if it offers a solution of removing a bunch of packages, try copying down all of the package names (save to file) then proceed with what it wants to do and ensure all said packages are reinstalled after the operation06:52
uv-fedorhello all, I have a problev with upgrade to 11.10, the upgrade process starts and finishes correctly in 20 secs. I have an kubuntu on my notebook and a message from the kpackagekit that I have a new distro available. But when I click "upgrade" it asks me for root pwd and then finishes in 20 seconds w/o any error. And nothing updates. The save situation with sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade: 0 packages to download, update etc.  Any ideas ?06:52
Seven_Six_Twoany tricks for booting 11.10 live? Mine just hangs at the purple screen with a mouse cursor. 64 bit desktop cd. did md5sum. verified burn.06:52
ZeloZelosstevo im afaraid you are in a spiral, thats just the head of the worm , fix and 10 more will appear...but for real ..its alway easier and better to reinstall when certain things happen..one being a messed up upgrade06:52
soreauSeven_Six_Two: Tried nomodeset?06:53
usr13TimLoal: Have you rebooted to see if it happens after a reboot?06:53
Seven_Six_Twosoreau, at grub?06:53
stevoZeloZelos, you are probably right, thanks.06:53
soreauSeven_Six_Two: right06:53
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usr13TimLoal: Let's look at dmesg. Do this:  dmesg | pastebinit06:53
davido-Anyway, a reinstall will give me a chance to start over with a 64 bit version instead.  ...and all I'll need to really re-configure is apache, mysql, and ssh.06:54
troiihow do i check the TCP Ports of incoming and outcoming connections pls? just like Windows netstat command.. Thanks06:54
usr13TimLoal: And you can look at it  yourself, see if there is a clue.06:54
TimLoalusr13: thanks for the help, but this is taking longer than waiting for the freezes to clear and i'm at work, with staff and projects to run, i moved to ubuntu to stop me deling with this sort of thing in rubbish M$ software06:54
TimLoalusr13: ok but quickly06:54
dc5alatroii, same command06:55
soreautroii: Are you unable to use natstat in linux?06:55
StarminnHey guys, in Ubuntu 11.10 in Unity I am choosing an icon theme using gnome-tweak-tool. The selection works for Root user (such as in Nautilus opened as root) but as normal user the icons are the default fallback. Help?06:55
troiiok i will try now06:55
ZeloZelosuv-fedor are you trying t upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10? via disk? just use the upgrade manager if so..itll work smoother06:55
TimLoalusr13:   paste.ubuntu.com/71060706:56
davido-(except when it doesn't)06:56
uv-fedorZeloZelos: yes, from 11.04 to 11.10, via internet06:56
usr13TimLoal: Usually, a Linux install is pretty much trouble free.  I'm not sure what has happened on your system.  I just don't know what to look for to tell the truth.  The symptoms of firefox and libreoffice taking a long time to initialize, well that is just it, they are symptoms to an underlying problem that we have no idea what it is.06:56
Trond--I opened a video file in 11.10, but it opened in another program than smplayer which I used in 11.04, and after closing the program I can still hear the audio. How do I exit that and how do I set smplayer to open my video files as default player?06:56
ZeloZelosuv-fedor ok, what it sounds like is you are reading a disk, open the upgrade manager and if you have distro upgrades enabled you should see the offer 2 upgrade06:57
uv-fedorZeloZelos: gui upgrade manager was used firstly. 20 seconds to complete upgrade... with out actually anything upgraded...06:57
TimLoalusr13: it might be that i'm in china and there seem to be lots of dodgy things going on, which is why i need a uk vpn and a decent os :)06:57
uv-fedorZeloZelos: yes, I have such offer06:58
TimLoalusr13: it is not that they take a long time to load, but while in use they hang and sometimes lock up everything06:58
ZeloZelosuv-fedor thats the one u used?06:58
TimLoalusr13: i'll give it a reboot06:59
usr13TimLoal: Oh, well, I guess I missunderstood06:59
uv-fedorfirst time I tryed to upgrade using gui, then using apt-get. The save result for both methods.06:59
lariewhere to get good services.xml file for libtranslate?06:59
usr13TimLoal: But dmeseg errors are significant06:59
usr13 input buffer is not empty, aborting transaction06:59
uv-fedorZeloZelos: first time I tryed to upgrade using gui, then using apt-get. The save result for both methods.07:00
TimLoalusr13: ok, i have you on another box so i'll keep with you07:00
usr13TimLoal: I found this:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=125706707:00
usr13TimLoal: Ok07:00
almoxarifeTrond--: right click on the file, use 'open with' to change it07:01
uv-fedorZeloZelos: I tryed it couple of times. Rebooted. Changed sources server using gui...07:01
Seven_Six_Twosoreau, fantastic. thanks07:02
soreauSeven_Six_Two: np07:02
ZeloZelosuv-fedor id stop trying to upgrade b4 you totally break your system, if it didnt go smoothly the 1st time using the normal methods something will almost for surely go wrong07:02
soreauSeven_Six_Two: Curious, what graphics card is it?07:02
metallicanirvanaWhat all problems are people facing using 11.10?07:02
ZeloZelosuv-fedor start backing up data and do a full install to 11.1007:02
usr13TimLoal: Is this a laptop?07:03
uv-fedorZeloZelos: ok. how to determine whats wrong ?07:03
uv-fedorZeloZelos: ok, I'll try. Thanks.07:03
jussiis there a way to save one sheet in libreoffce spreadsheet as a different document?07:04
usr13A google search for "input buffer is not empty, aborting transaction" turns up a number of useful hits.07:04
metallicanirvanahow to edit vim so that it has auto indentation?07:04
usr13I don't know about useful, but interesting.....07:04
TimLoalvpn droped out usr1307:04
Kartagismetallicanirvana: edit /etc/vim/vimrc07:04
ZeloZelosuv-fedor when you do an upgrade, all the settings n stuff have to be translated to the new version, sometimes translations go wrong. they tend to only go right when all the cards are 'in place', your cards werent in order or something...hard to pinpoint what went wron, but someone in here may be able to07:05
Kartagismetallicanirvana: and type this at the end set autoindent07:05
metallicanirvanaKartagis: says no such file or directory07:05
LunaVoraxHello everyone!07:05
StarminnHow do I change icon themes in Ubuntu 11.10 with Unity?07:05
usr13TimLoal: I see:   https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/578506   &  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=125706707:05
ubottuUbuntu bug 578506 in linux (Ubuntu) "[Kernel] ACPI: EC: input buffer is not empty, aborting transaction" [Undecided,Confirmed]07:05
ZeloZelosuv-fedor thats the totally untechnical way to put it ;)07:05
Kartagismetallicanirvana: just a sec, let me give you my vimrc if you like07:06
SetiAmonis there a way to force applications to open up on a specific monitor? even though i have this one set as primary monitor firefox and a few other apps keep opening on my secondary monitor07:06
metallicanirvanaKartagis: should i go to root to edit?07:06
Kartagismetallicanirvana: would you like that?07:06
usr13TimLoal: And the channel's bot (ubottu) confirms it.07:06
Kartagismetallicanirvana: yes07:06
metallicanirvanaKartagis: ok07:06
ZeloZelosSetiAmon yes you can force any program to open in a specific work area,  its found in the ccsm if you are using compiz07:07
TimLoalusr13: can you summerise?07:07
metallicanirvanaKartagis: i would not know what to do with it. but i will try07:07
avgeneralquestion: Does Ubuntu 11.10 use a PAE kernel automatically?07:07
usr13TimLoal: At the bottom of http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1257067  I see:  "xset dpms force off"07:07
uv-fedorZeloZelos: :) I see. Possibly it's not a time for this computer to have 11.10. And time to think harder for me.  :)07:07
=== TheDreamer is now known as Youri
SetiAmonnot virtual desktop but monitors,i have dual monitors07:07
SetiAmonand unfortunatly gnome3 uses Mutter which is lame07:08
LunaVoraxI have a bit of a problem under Ubuntu 11.04. There's a list of packages I want to remove via the "sudo apt-get remove package1 package2..." command. But the command doens't launch as it encounters too many "Impossible to find package1". How do I bypass that without having to modify the command by hand?07:08
metallicanirvanaSetiAmon:  whats mutter?07:08
usr13TimLoal: What type of computer is it?  A laptop?07:08
Kartagismetallicanirvana: get this to your /etc/vim/ http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11918318/vimrc07:08
troiihello, i would like to Un-Install the pre-installed games given with Ubuntu 11.10, how do i do that pls?07:09
SetiAmonwhatever its called07:09
TimLoalusr13: yea acer aspire 593007:09
ZeloZelosuv-fedor you bet ya, if you really want the new version, just backup your data, save themes if you are using glx-dock or have compiz tweaked out. and do a full install.07:09
Kartagismetallicanirvana: I mean copy it07:09
metallicanirvanaKartagis:  any progress?07:09
KatsumeBliskLunaVorax: Is it just "Package1" or more than one package?07:09
Kartagismetallicanirvana: copy this to your /etc/vim/ http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11918318/vimrc07:09
commieisnt it in the ubuntu software center under 'installed' troii?07:09
KatsumeBliskwhat commie said, troii07:09
KatsumeBlisktroii: Open the Ubuntu Software Center07:10
StarminnHow is it possible to change icon themes in Ubuntu 11.10?07:10
uv-fedorZeloZelos: Ok. I do. Thank you. Have a nice day!07:10
KatsumeBlisktroii: Click on Installed, and all your installed applications will be listed. Just click on the ones you want and hit uninstall07:10
usr13TimLoal: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/57850607:10
ubottuUbuntu bug 578506 in linux (Ubuntu) "[Kernel] ACPI: EC: input buffer is not empty, aborting transaction" [Undecided,Confirmed]07:10
KatsumeBlisktroii: No problem. :)07:10
celltechSince the iphone sucks now. How does blackberry work with ubuntu?07:11
usr13TimLoal: ubottu summerized it for us.07:11
commiepeople own blackberrys still?07:11
nmvictorI have seen the setpci command among the possible commands to be used with grub2, well I am using the command setpci -s 00:02.0 F4.B=00 in a script located in /etc/init.d to adjust my screen brightness. Is it possible to have grub run the command for mee?07:12
Briamare there a girl here?07:12
dean[w]This has probably been asked a million times before. I just upgraded to 11.10 and installed gnome-panel and gnome-session-fallback. I want to get back my application launcher though. Any ideas?07:12
metallicanirvanacopied and pasted07:12
TimLoali ran the command at the end of this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1257067 xset dpms force off ... screen went black for a second and came back.  Is that solved now?  no messages in crtl+alt+f2 usr1307:12
metallicanirvanaKartagis: now what?07:13
KatsumeBliskdean[w]: Are you talking about the Unity launcher?07:13
dean[w]KatsumeBlisk, nope. I don't want unity so I logged in using gnome 307:13
TimLoalusr13: +1 beer if so ... but you'll have to come to china to get it :p07:13
usr13TimLoal: I don't know.... this is all new to me too.07:13
commiewe need less ubuntu talk and more the walking dead talk imo07:13
KatsumeBliskdean[w]: What "application launcher" are you talking about then?07:13
dean[w] But in gnome on 11.04 you could right click an app and click "Add to launcher"07:13
Kartagismetallicanirvana: when you start vim, autoindent is there07:13
usr13Ok. I'm on my way.07:13
Kartagismetallicanirvana: try it07:13
tasslehoffAny known bugs related to installing restricted graphics drivers in 11.10?07:13
dean[w]KatsumeBlisk, http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_-p2DWfWd_Qk/SRmf52fljRI/AAAAAAAAAKo/V19Ilnv02Wg/s400/ubuntu-add-launcher.jpg See those icons and also the context menu on right click07:14
KatsumeBliskdean[w]: Was this classic or Unity in 11.04?07:14
dean[w]standard gnome, no unity07:14
ktwoi guess you mean gnome 2.x07:14
usr13It's just around the corner.  (I'm in Texas)07:14
dean[w]yep ktwo07:14
ktwonow you are on gnome 307:14
TimLoalusr13: let me get on with some work and see.  Thanks very much for your help.  If you need any cheap plastic things anytime let me know hehe07:14
ktwoi guess there is no "easy" way to roll-back07:14
KatsumeBliskdean[w]: You can't get it back, afaik07:14
dean[w]Well, i'd be happy if i could just have my launcher back07:14
usr13TimLoal: Ok.  FB  ...07:14
dean[w]I know you can add to the panel but you can only add individual icons or a whole application group07:14
ktwodean: do you want to know what i did? .. switched to xubuntu xfce - much cleaner :)07:15
dean[w]It's a lot of effort doing this for 10 apps, it'd be nice to have it back in the context menu07:15
dean[w]ktwo, id be happy with gnome 3 if it just shipped with the launcher panel :)07:15
TimLoalusr13: FB?  I don;t really do facebook especailly here as i can only access over my UK VPN, but TimLoal on FB if thats what you ment07:15
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KatsumeBliskdean[w]: Doesn't help you get GNOME 2 (I think it's impossible), Xfce is a great alternative. It's a lot like GNOME 2.07:16
usr13fine business   -   all is good07:16
ktwoyea but it doesnt :D07:16
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ktwo+ i think xfce 4.8 looks a lot more polished compared to gnome 207:16
TimLoalusr13: hmm nothing seems to run now :s07:16
usr13TimLoal: Not a facebooker either so....07:16
the-m0bsteri am having some issues with gnome 3 and oneiric07:16
nmvictorI have seen the setpci command supported by grub2, I am using the command setpci -s 00:02.0 F4.B=00 in an init script to adjust my screen brightness. Is it possible to have grub2 run the command for me? I am on ubuntu 11.10, using grub207:17
KatsumeBliskktwo: Still a tiny learning curve because it's a different DE.07:17
smwktwo, yeah, I didn't like xfce that much.07:17
TimLoalusr13: still feel free to add me, i'll accept, it'll confuse the CIA :)07:17
* conntrack chuckles07:17
StarminnI cannot change icon themes in Ubuntu 11.10 Unity for normal users. Please help.07:17
smwktwo, I ran away to kde :-)07:17
KatsumeBlisksmw: I liked it, but I prefer LXDE. :)07:18
usr13TimLoal: See, I don't really know.  It seems to be a bug as shown in the earlier URL, and I'm not sure what the solution is.  Accept that you more-than-likely need to switch to another kernel, (that would be my guess).07:18
dean[w]Is there a gnome 3 channel?07:18
TimLoalusr13: its come back now and its running even faster !!!!!! Woohooo :D07:18
ktwoyea its mostly a matter of taste, but still..everything is better than unity imho07:18
smwKatsumeBlisk, I have used lxde, but never in linux07:18
ktwoim not using a freaking netbook07:18
LunaVoraxKatsumeBlisk, more than one package07:18
smwKatsumeBlisk, oops, I mean never in ubuntu :-P07:18
the-m0bsterunity is not bad its just not as good as gnome207:18
usr13TimLoal: Read the bug report.  I just scanned it so.... not sure what it is.  But if you have another kernel, try it.07:18
TimLoalusr13:  ok now to get rid of unity any ideas how i get clasic?07:19
KatsumeBliskLunaVorax: I'm not sure. The way I do it is hit the up arrow and delete them.07:19
dean[w]TimLoal, sudo apt-get install gnome-panel gnome-session-fallback07:19
KatsumeBliskLunaVorax: Up will bring down the previous command(s).07:19
smwKatsumeBlisk, does lubuntu come preconfigured with a network manager and battery from xfce or gnome?07:19
the-m0bsterbut gnome 3 is even worse07:19
nmvictorPrecise Pangolin --> Ubuntu 12.04 LTS,07:19
KatsumeBlisksmw: I don't know. I've only used it extensively with a desktop. What do you mean?07:19
TimLoalusr13: i hate developers making decisions for me, when i'm big enough and ugly enough to make my own, like where to put the dock07:19
KatsumeBlisksmw: It allows you to connect to networks out of the box.07:20
usr13TimLoal: When you boot, you should find an option at the log-in screen that offers "ubuntu-classic"  or "gnome-classic"  (not sure the exact wording... someone help me out here...)07:20
nmvictorthe-m0bster: I prefer KDE, if anyone wants to be happt07:20
smwKatsumeBlisk, what do you mean you used it with a desktop?07:20
the-m0bsterit fails to run on my desktop even though i can run it on my vbox install07:20
rj11Hello folks.07:20
TimLoalok which one is better? usr1307:20
usr13TimLoal: I know....07:20
snadgedoes anyone know if vnc support in lightdm works?07:20
smwKatsumeBlisk, lxde is just the bar and WM?07:20
KatsumeBlisksmw: I don't use LXDE on a laptop, so I don't have a battery or a need for network manager07:20
usr13TimLoal: Well, that's a matter of opinion.  I actually use xfce407:21
smwKatsumeBlisk, ah07:21
the-m0bsteri have tried kde but i had issues with it..gnome 2 was good. unity still not bad07:21
smwKatsumeBlisk, I need something for a laptop07:21
StarminnIn Ubuntu 11.10 when I try to change the icon theme with gnome-tweak-tool it only works for root, not for my user. Assistance please?07:21
smwKateon, fluxbox is great but does not come with the things I am accustomed to :-P07:21
KatsumeBlisksmw: Yeah, sorry. It looks similar (just clicked it) as the GNOME one.07:22
smwKatsumeBlisk, huh?/07:22
rj11Can I control NetworkManager via the command-line? I don't have the Gnome GUI running and hence can't use the network icon in the Gnome Panel. What I want is to temporarily disable wlan0. "ifconfig wlan0 down" does this, but it automatically comes back alive after a short while.07:22
KatsumeBlisksmw: Can't help you with battery though.07:22
metallicanirvanaKartagis: you were sayng?07:22
KatsumeBlisksmw: The network man looks like the GNOME one, so it might be it.07:22
the-m0bsterbut why is gnome 3 not working on my desktop when its working perfectly fine on virtualbox with exactly the same settings?07:22
metallicanirvanai copied but nothing happened07:22
sig09how can i check whether the installed java is sun  or openjdk ?07:23
TimLoalusr13:  anything that will make it look ... hmm now how do i say this without a kick ban ... erm make it 'look' more like windows07:23
[deXter]sig09: java -version07:23
smwKatsumeBlisk, ok07:23
[deXter]sig09: or,  update-alternatives --display java07:24
smwKatsumeBlisk, I am very sad/angry at the gnome people for getting rid of the old :-(07:24
smwKatsumeBlisk, it never occured to me to use fluxbox or lxde as just the WM and bar07:24
usr13TimLoal: http://forum.xfce.org/viewtopic.php?id=605507:24
sig09[deXter],   java -version   gives "Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment"07:25
KatsumeBlisksmw: Lubuntu is preconfigured. I actually haven't set this up yet to what I want besides irssi07:25
usr13TimLoal: But try ubuntu-classic  first07:25
sig09and Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM07:25
KatsumeBlisksmw: Just installed Lubuntu 11.1007:25
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[deXter]sig09: Then it's the Sun version07:25
rhizmoei think (tm) means sun07:25
usr13TimLoal: Actually, you can make it look exactly like windows07:25
[deXter]sig09: The OpenJDK version will say OpenJDK07:25
smwKatsumeBlisk, I installed ubuntu 11.10, rejected it, then installed gnome-shell07:26
sig09oh ok, so if it is openjdk , will the output be different ?07:26
[deXter]^ :)07:26
smwKatsumeBlisk, after rejecting that I installed kde07:26
sig09thank you [deXter] , :)07:26
smwKatsumeBlisk, I will look into lubuntu.07:26
KatsumeBlisksmw: I installed it and it was slow (I have bad hardware), so I went back to LXDE. I actually am starting to like LXDE more than GNOME 2.07:26
[deXter]you're welcome :)07:26
KatsumeBlisksmw: I love KDE, but LXDE is my new home. ;)07:26
usr13TimLoal: http://deviceguru.com/making-ubuntu-look-like-windows-7/07:27
rhizmoesig09: bottom of this post: http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/mlvm-dev/2011-March/002686.html07:27
smwKatsumeBlisk, looks like lubuntu is xfce with lxde07:27
smwKatsumeBlisk, not bad at all07:27
[deXter]swang1: lxde with xfce and gnome components mixed in07:27
KatsumeBlisksmw: Do you mean similar packages and whatnot?07:27
rhizmoetoo many acronyms07:27
llutz_smw: not as bloated as xfce07:27
[deXter]err, @ smw07:27
usr13TimLoal: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nk0xi01W9vk07:27
smw[deXter], yeah, that is what I thought07:28
TimLoalusr13: will you marry me (and have a sex change.  asuming your a he) :p07:28
KatsumeBliskXfce has gotten heavy recently. Not Windows bad, but it's not really "lightweight" anymore. LXDE is still light though.07:28
sig09thanks a lot [deXter] , :)07:28
zaapieluse kde4 with compiz for a lean and mean desktop07:28
smwKatsumeBlisk, I don't want light weight07:28
KatsumeBlisksmw: I know. It's just a side effect. ;)07:28
usr13TimLoal: Married already07:28
smwKatsumeBlisk, it can be a resource hog for all I care. I want it reasonably fast and simple07:29
KatsumeBlisksmw: It's both of those. It's fast because it's lightweight.07:29
TimLoalusr13: probably best ;)07:29
smwKatsumeBlisk, great, now I have ubuntu, kubuntu, and lubuntu on the same system.07:29
KatsumeBlisksmw: :D07:29
TimLoali seem to have missed the choice to choose the gnome thing07:29
KatsumeBlisksmw: I won't take it personally if you don't like LXDE. ;)07:30
smwKatsumeBlisk, I am reinstalling once I choose07:30
smwKatsumeBlisk, I have used lxde before. I loved it.07:30
usr13TimLoal: It's at the login screen.07:30
smwKatsumeBlisk, but I wanted something that "just worked"07:30
usr13Lower right corner I think.07:30
smwKatsumeBlisk, ubuntu 2 seemed like a good compromise07:30
KatsumeBlisksmw: Then I think you'll like LXDE. It "just works" because it's based on Ubuntu.07:30
viruszsudo apt-get install gnome-shell07:30
yagooi cant login into the ubuntu wiki07:30
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KatsumeBlisksmw: Er. Lubuntu^^07:30
smwKatsumeBlisk, sounds like it07:30
* yagoo wonders if the ubuntu wiki service login is closed overnight hours07:31
smwKatsumeBlisk, I used lxde on arch ;-)07:31
yagoosmw, arch sux07:31
usr13TimLoal: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xDXeOsLQ3k07:31
KatsumeBlisksmw: For some reason, I couldn't get it working on Arch.07:31
TimLoalusr13: it logged me straight in07:31
viruszarch for learning though07:31
KatsumeBliskyagoo: I actually prefer Arch, but I don't have the time to set it up again.07:31
KatsumeBliskyagoo: I love pacman so much.07:31
yagooKatsumeBlisk, what's so good about arch?07:31
smwyagoo, depends on your goals and resources07:31
breaker313hi *07:32
KatsumeBliskyagoo: pacman and its philosphy.07:32
philipballewUnity is not revealing itself for me after upgrading. how can I fix this07:32
llutz_yagoo: #archlinux to discuss that07:32
yagooresources? mehehee.. my ubuntu login screen loads up under 10 f seconds :)07:32
smwyagoo, I love their packaging system and user contributed ports07:32
* KatsumeBlisk is done talking about Arch.07:32
TimLoalusr13: you really are a star ... and you say you're new to this?07:32
rhizmoephilipballew: windows key or alt-f207:32
viruszTimLoal:u need set off for your automatic login07:32
smwKatsumeBlisk, brb starting lxde07:32
devkorcvincewhat is the channel for application development and packaging?07:33
TimLoalusr13: ...07:33
KatsumeBlisksmw: :D07:33
philipballewrhin0, windows key shows it. mouse does not07:33
breaker313as I updated from 11.04 to 11.10 I wanted to connect via nxclient to my machine, but the desktop was empty, except a menu bar which is similar to an explorer bar with file->open  etc. . There were no option to logout and all that stuff that is normally there ...07:33
Kartagismetallicanirvana: when you start vim, autoindent is there. try it07:33
TimLoalusr13: can i juts logout?07:33
rhin0i only just arrived philipballew07:33
yagoosmw, it must be more work.. is it better than gentoo? because it looks like gentoo docs are like (ahem) i have to admit better htan ubuntu :)07:33
enchiladorhin0: windows key and alt+F2 do different things07:33
* yagoo wants to add more to ubuntu wiki -- BUT CaNT LOGIN TO THE UBUNTU WIKI SERVICE07:33
philipballewwindows key shows it. mouse does not rhizmoe07:33
usr13TimLoal: Registered linux user 18809907:33
yagooor maybe the Ubuntu wiki sux.. because users can't login?07:34
yagooANY admins on here?07:34
KatsumeBlisksmw: Welcome back.07:34
smwKatsumeBlisk, it loaded so fast. I think I had a heart attack :-P07:34
usr13Got to go now... ttyl07:34
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TimLoalusr13 command not found07:35
smwKatsumeBlisk, ok, I am now remembering why I used lxde for months. lol07:35
KatsumeBlisksmw: Because it's superawesome?07:35
smwKatsumeBlisk, because it is damn fast07:35
TimLoal<<  gone for a smoke07:36
smwKatsumeBlisk, the sound keys don't work :-P07:36
KatsumeBlisksmw: And that's what makes it super awesome.07:36
smwKatsumeBlisk, no mixer...07:36
KatsumeBlisksmw: I mean the speed^^07:36
devkorcvincewho's using quickly?07:36
sig09also how can i pipe the output of  `java -version` to grep or any file /07:36
KatsumeBlisksmw: You probably can install the mixer07:36
smwKatsumeBlisk, add in gnome-do and I am pretty good07:36
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sig09eg: java -version  > /tmp/java-ver  is not working07:36
KatsumeBlisksmw: And you can, it'll just add some packages from GNOME I think07:36
ryoohkiafter an upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10, i can't get past the fsck, it seems, on boot-up.  how do i debug the boot process?07:37
smwKatsumeBlisk, I have a full gnome and kde07:37
smwKatsumeBlisk, I am sure I can fix a mixer applet.07:37
KatsumeBlisksmw: Is this the same OS, just diff DE?07:37
KatsumeBlisksmw: I have a mixer, so I don't know what's wrong.07:37
llutz_sig09: java -version &>/file           (when using bash)07:37
smwKatsumeBlisk, yes. 1 os with ubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-desktop, lubuntu-desktop07:37
ryoohkiis there a special channel for filed upgrades?07:37
KatsumeBlisksmw: Nifty. I just have Lubuntu.07:38
smwryoohki, nope. Not even one for failed upgrades07:38
llutz_sig09: that output goes to STDERR (2), thats why |grep or simple > doesn't work07:38
sig09llutz,  that is working fine , :)07:38
sig09and we  cannot grep in stderr , right ?07:39
smwKatsumeBlisk, which mixer?07:39
llutz_sig09: we can, i just cannot recall how :)07:39
ryoohkismw: thanks!  any tips on debugging the boot process?07:39
sig09:), no issues07:39
KatsumeBlisksmw: Volume Control.07:40
sig09thank you07:40
smw ryoohki, not if you don't have an error07:40
KatsumeBlisksmw: Thank you for reminding me about GNOME-Do. I forgot about it. >_<;;07:40
yagoothere's a serious mistake on this page-> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia07:43
ryoohkismw: it just seems to do nothing after the fsck, just a blinking cursor07:43
yagoo"Nouveau, an open source driver, is installed by default. It's possible to remove it completely, but it is not necessary and therefor not recommended. "  << should be mandatory.. I confirmed it on my system yesterday..07:43
Targensig09: of course we can.  "command 2>&1 > /dev/null | grep pattern"07:43
yagoo(for nvidia module to work without conflicts)07:44
smwKatsumeBlisk, excellent. just added battery and sound.07:44
llutz_Targen: rev/null redirection not needed07:44
smwKatsumeBlisk, the sound keys still don't work :-P07:44
KatsumeBlisksmw: Awesome. There might be a way to map them.07:44
smwKatsumeBlisk, what was that about things just working? :-P07:44
Targenllutz_: it's certainly needed if one wants to grep -only- what the command writes to its standard error and not to its standard output.07:45
llutz_sig09: in the moment Targen came up, i recalled: java -version 2>&1 |grep pattern07:45
KatsumeBlisksmw: I didn't say /everything/ XD07:45
llutz_Targen: true, sry07:45
determinologyBout to cop "AMD FX-8120 3.10 GHz Eight-Core AM3+ CPU 8MB L2 Cache & Turbo Core Technology"07:45
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smwKatsumeBlisk, and me having to add the sound mixer and battery to the panel? :-)07:46
determinologyCustom built im bout to let this dell 8300 go and run ubuntu :)07:46
* KatsumeBlisk didn't create Lubuntu, smw (although that'd be epic).07:46
smwKatsumeBlisk, I must admit I have done less configuring so far than on kde...07:46
smwKatsumeBlisk, and the system is almost ready07:47
KatsumeBlisksmw: Really? Awesome.07:47
smwKatsumeBlisk, thunar! awesoe07:47
smwKatsumeBlisk, you don't realize how much nonsense needs to be disabled on kde07:47
KatsumeBlisksmw: That's PCManFM07:47
smwKatsumeBlisk, too many featured in kde are on by default.07:48
smwKatsumeBlisk, oh?07:48
KatsumeBlisksmw: Yeah. Hit about07:48
smwKatsumeBlisk, might replace with thunar. I think they get gio stuff working. Or something like it.07:48
KatsumeBlisksmw: I just use whatever the DE has. XD I'm not picky with my file managers.07:49
noonexAfter doing a clean install of ubuntu 10.10 i am unable to use both of my monitors. Only mirroring works. Does someone have a solution?07:49
smwKatsumeBlisk, do you ever use sftp? ftp?07:49
sadohello friends07:49
smwKatsumeBlisk, how can you live with a file manager that does not support it?!07:49
smwKatsumeBlisk, how about windows file sharing?07:49
KatsumeBlisksmw: No I don't actually.07:49
KatsumeBlisksmw: Not that too.07:49
smwKatsumeBlisk, sweat. the default is great for yo07:50
smwKatsumeBlisk, you*07:50
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sadoi need help for soundcard headphone not sense07:50
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KatsumeBlisksmw: Yep. :)07:50
smwKatsumeBlisk, how do you survive? lol07:50
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smwKatsumeBlisk, no computer -> computer communication?07:51
smwKatsumeBlisk, (besides internet)07:51
TimLoalusr13 still hanging a bit, but i'll have more of a play when i get home07:51
KatsumeBlisksmw: I'm confused... I just don't use FTP.07:51
KVBanyone having issues with ati driver installations in oneiric07:51
smwKatsumeBlisk, or windows file sharing or sftp07:52
noonexi cant use double monitors with my ati07:52
yagoois this where to go to report wiki errors? ( https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-docs/+bugs ) ?07:52
smwyagoo, you can't fix the wiki yourself?07:52
yagoosmw, no..07:52
KatsumeBlisksmw: Because I use things like Dropbox to sync between computers.07:52
noonexKVB, have you tried the installer from the ati homepage?07:52
smwyagoo, if the page is locked, report an ubuntu docs error07:52
KVBi am unable to install the post release update of fglrx ati driver07:52
yagoosmw, i try to add ?action=edit after https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia .. and i'm not able to07:53
smwKatsumeBlisk, dropbox!07:53
smwKatsumeBlisk, I need that07:53
voxhow do i add applets to the top bar in gnome classic with 11.10?07:53
yagoosmw, from https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-docs/+bugs   ?07:53
KatsumeBlisksmw: I use the server version for Dropbox07:53
yagoosmw, or do i email the author?07:53
dc5alavox, try holding down alt then click on it07:53
noonexKVB, i've had the same issue, i used the ati driver installer from the ati homepage07:53
sadohumms anyone have ideapad b560 ?07:53
voxdc5ala: ah. well that's annoying07:54
KVBnoonex, even that fails to run as it asks for a previous installation of fglrx to be uninstalled07:54
dc5alavox, has something to do with the concept of making left and right click the same there i guess07:55
* yagoo wonders how f login accounts he has to make to participate in ubuntu wiki07:55
marcus_good morning07:56
yagooi'm trying to help with the documentation here07:56
marcus_does anyone knows how to make synaptics-touchpad control work in xubuntu 11.10 ?07:56
qetuRI've changed from using Unity to use Gnome3 instead, using gnome-shell, will my update be painless to 11.04?07:57
noonexKVB, do you have tried installing the other fglrx driver listed in additional/restricted drivers dialog window07:57
Bilegt_what python does use the new version of ubuntu?07:57
qetuRBilegt_, Python to 2.7 and 3.207:57
qetuRie. 3.207:58
ktwoqetuR it should be painless, but be aware no more gnome2 in 11.1007:58
KatsumeBliskdumb question: How do I bring back the desktop settings in LXDE when right clicking the desktop?07:58
zagibuis it common that lightdm doesn't work? I had to revert to gdm07:58
sadowho can tell me how to fix headphone problem07:59
m`unity launcher is hidden, and it does not come back08:00
m`how can I make it return?08:00
dc5alasado, no one unless you describe your problem :)08:00
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sadomy headphone dont work08:00
marcus_maybe its broken ? o.O08:00
sadowhile not: return dumbass08:01
sadover pythonic comment08:01
TehDGMsado: if you have a problem please be more descriptive. Also explain the steps you have taken to try to make it work, and possibly to rule out that it indeed is not broken.08:02
TehDGMalso, watch your language08:02
Mjolinorbit of help please, can't get internet with static IP set, there is a DNS probem and I can't find it08:02
Mjolinorthis is since I updated to 11.1008:03
TimLoalPLEASE HELP nothing seems to be loading    after a rebbot after running    xset dpms force off  any ideas?08:04
sado("how to works headphones jack on ubuntu lucid 10.04 ? ").replace("sorry for old", "please help me :")08:05
dc5alaMjolinor, can you ping your name server?08:05
llutz_Mjolinor: does /etc/resolv.conf has your nameserver-entries?08:06
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MjolinorI half suspect the virgin media netgear router as it is generaoly pretty damn crap but this machine has all the same settings and 11.04 and it has no problem08:06
Mjolinorresolv.conf is OK08:07
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lucianhello. i recently updated to 11.10 and the notifier menus are broken. The only stay on of I hold click. I couldn't find a known bug for this, just thought I'd ask here before filing a bug08:07
TimLoalMjolinor: get yourself a DrayTek router08:07
lucians/The only stay on of/They only stay on if/08:08
dc5alaMjolinor, then it's probably not a dns problem when you can't ping it by it's ip-address08:08
Mjolinorits a cable modem router combined so I dont have any choice about what I use sadly08:08
robb_ubuntu 11.10 crashed when i attempted to use compiz manager, broke unityt08:08
robb_ubuntu crashed when i installed xfce and kde08:08
devkorckvincecan anyone point me on how to package a new python application on ubuntu in a manual way not the !quickly app?08:08
MjolinorI can ping websitres by IP08:09
Mjolinorbut the nameserver is not there for soem reason08:09
dc5alaMjolinor, are you using an external name server or does your modem/router has a caching one?08:09
Mjolinoranyone got a nameserver I can try?08:09
gboh btw despite having no visible x, i know the apps started in x are operating as i have net and pulseaudio operating08:09
Mjolinormy wonderful virgin router will not supply dns08:09
gbx itself starts with the ubuntu flash thing and then boimbs to the log with no apparrent werror that i can see08:10
llutz_Mjolinor: add and  as dns to your nm-configuration08:10
sadomazodevkorckvince,  you need finished app later create pipes and i/o variables (use classes)08:11
llutz_4.2.2.2*  sry08:11
gbif anyone knows of a diagnosic page or similar i can try please give me :)08:11
Mjolinor8.8.8.8 is fine08:11
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llutz_Mjolinor: means?08:12
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Mjolinorso why does not work, that is my ISPs DNS and it works fine in this computer08:12
TehDGMllutz: it's
llutz_TehDGM: nope, (not google)08:12
Mjolinor8.8.8.8 works OK08:13
TehDGMso you're mixing 2 different dns servers then?08:13
llutz_TehDGM: i do08:13
TehDGMalright :)08:13
dc5alaMjolinor, that's hardly your ISP dns, that sounds more like your router08:13
Mjolinorit is the ISP dns08:13
Mjolinorthat and
Mjolinorit is what my router gets on the DHCP WAN side08:14
sadomazoTIPS: DNS only a plus on browser speed. Never speed up any client connections!08:15
preyashey can anyone tell me lubuntu irc channel08:15
robb_xchat is a good one!08:15
dc5alaMjolinor, what have you set as gateway in your route?08:16
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:16
shiki-Hey! Where can I find the Launchpad PPA's IRC room?08:17
sadomazoFloodBot1, did you know ? how to fix my headphone output problem?08:17
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines08:17
Mjolinor192.168.0.1 is my gateway08:17
sadomazoFloodBot1, OOO thank you thats not helpful08:18
dc5alaMjolinor, then try a "dig @ ubuntu.com" and see if it gets resolved08:18
sim-pafi have just upgraded ubuntu and some of my applications dont work08:18
sadomazoMjolinor, dhcpclient -q what are you doing?08:18
sim-pafgiving this error:08:19
sim-paf[xcb] Extra reply data still left in queue08:19
sim-paf[xcb] This is most likely caused by a broken X extension library08:19
sim-paf[xcb] Aborting, sorry about that.08:19
sim-paffgrun: ../../src/xcb_io.c:575: _XReply: Assertion `!xcb_xlib_extra_reply_data_left' failed.08:19
FloodBot1sim-paf: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:19
sadomazoFloodBot1, cann you listen any music on headphone ? oh really this AWESOME08:21
Mjolinordc5ala no servers could be reached08:21
llutz_Mjolinor: and "dig @ ubuntu.com"?08:21
sim-pafcan sb help me out with this [xcb] error08:21
MjolinorI think I will jsut leave it in, I have had trouble with and 8.100 for ever08:22
shiki-Mjolinor, you can always try OpenDNS too. (I missed your earlier messages, but perhaps you have a DNS problem... ?)08:23
Mjolinorno servers could be reached for
sadomazoMjolinor, some connection got hardware setting example : DNS,IP,GATEWAY etc. you cant change anyone! understood?08:23
Mjolinorthat is also true for this machine and this machine is using it :)08:23
igateshi every one. i am looking for a tool in ubuntu so that i can highlight text in pdf files.pls help08:24
Mjolinorsadomazo, sorry not understood :)08:24
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dc5alaMjolinor, looks like you are in a different subnet than your dns? Havin .0.1 as router and dns on .4.10008:25
Mjolinorhtat shouldnt matter, it is outside my router so traffic should go there anyway08:25
sadomazoMjolinor,  if you use a cable modem your IP static and gateway static dns static08:25
Mjolinorsadomazo, yes, I knwo that08:26
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Mjolinorbut the cablemodem will not DNS to me inside and I cannot get to their DNS from the computer with 11.10 on, it worked before I updated08:26
sadomazoMjolinor,  you can only change dns your machine cant change all network and your network got only one (1) user08:26
william12igates: pdfedit08:27
Mjolinorsadomazo, I dont understand that. I have an internal network 192.168.0.XXX subnet
Mjolinoron that network I have maybe 15 devices that work, soem DHCP fomr my modem, some static08:28
Mjolinorthe only one that does not work static is the machine I updated to 11.10 and that owrks fine dynamic08:28
marcus_and you want it static ?08:28
sadomazosudo (network tools gui) which you use and configure it08:28
Mjolinorresolv.conf si the same whether I am static or dynamic with 2 entries, and 8.10008:28
sadomazoor try  resolv conf08:29
plain-userIn Nautilus file browser, how can I set the default view to include the path? You can switch to the path with ctrl+L but is there way to have it there permanently?08:29
sadomazonot use auto command on resolv conf08:30
sadomazoonly auto lo08:30
MjolinorI need it static right now becuase I am writring soem raw TCP tranfer programmes08:30
marcus_do you got 11.04 somewhere else ?08:30
marcus_on another machine ?08:30
dc5alaMjolinor, you will probably have to add routes to and, you can't reach those networks with your current configuration08:31
Mjolinordc5ala but I shoudl be able to reach them, my mask is so they are outside that so it should go out of my router, there should be no need for a static route on it08:32
m`question: I want to keep using unity although unity 2d is way faster. I just want to keep the aero snapping feature, the rest of the 3d stuff I don't care. What can I safely disable in compizconfig (oneiric)?08:32
th_doesn't unity2d do snapping.. thing?08:33
m`th_: no08:34
th_m`: unity2d doesn't use compiz anyway so disabling anything there won't do anything08:34
th_you can run compiz with unity2d though08:34
crash1hdCan anyone tell me why it is when I have set tune2fs -m to 0 that a freshly formated ext4 2TB drive is still using over 30GB of data?08:34
marcus_if you have 11.04 on another machine, you can check in the config files where the differences are @<Mjolinor>08:34
m`th_: by snapping I mean that the window gets resized to half of the screen when sent to the edge08:35
MjolinorI can't find any differences08:35
dc5alaMjolinor, if you shouldn't be able to reach them, how you supposed to use a machine there as your dns?08:35
th_m`: yes, i know :) that's compiz feature then08:35
MjolinorI should be able to reach them08:35
Mjolinorthey are not in my subnet08:35
th_m`: try if it runs any faster if you run compiz with unity2d08:35
th_m`: alt-f2, "compiz --replace"08:35
m`but it won't keep the snapping08:36
MjolinorI think I will jsut leave it on, maybe the fault will become clear later when someone else suffers the same problem08:36
th_hm, it should?08:36
dc5alaMjolinor,  this are local networks after all08:36
marcus_did you replace the config files from 11.10 with the ones from 11.04 ?08:36
Mjolinorwhich is sort of odd but it has always been that way and works mostly08:36
m`th_: okay I will try. need to logout. thanks!08:36
Mjolinormy router IP is certianly public adn static08:36
stimpieafter upgrading to 11.10 my java7 alternative is broken, any clue how to 'reinstall' the alternatives?08:37
marcus_does anyone knows how to make the gpointing device (old synaptics) work under xubuntu 11.10 ?08:37
Mjolinorso one assumes that the router or soemthign upstream somewhere on virgins network has some static routes to the DNS servers08:37
marcus_sry mate08:38
{T|N|C}SnakeHi there, i upgraded my ubuntu and the changes are not my case ;) Is it possible to get the panel back, that i can put shortcuts on it ?08:39
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Mjolinorthanks for the help. I iwll leave it on and put the problem in the "unsolved but ignored" directory in my head08:40
marcus_Does anyone knows how to make the gpointing device settings (formerly synaptics touchpad) work under xubuntu 11.10 ?08:41
marcus_I installed it through packetmanager but it seems to me there is no difference in the mouse configuration08:42
marcus_there is no option to quit tapping and vertical scrolling etc08:43
marcus_so does anyone knows how to make it work ?08:43
william12marcus_: this may help   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad08:45
plain-userIn Nautilus file browser, how can I set the default view to include the path? You can switch to the path with ctrl+L but is there way to have it there permanently?08:46
marcus_thx @ william1208:46
TheishiI just 'upgraded' to 11.10 and I want to put the interface back to where it was. Do I need to downgrade?08:46
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic08:46
Theishicool thanks th_08:47
william12marcus_: Np08:47
robb_yes you have to downgrade, or use an upgraded gnome that is rather different08:47
MrSassyPantsok, what is this. 'ping x' resolves. ping x.local doesn't08:48
MrSassyPantsresolv.conf looks good.08:48
MrSassyPantsdig looks good08:48
redhello, when I have a VNC open and I press ctrl-c in text editor, it closes the VNC connection08:51
redusing the default built in remote desktop viewer08:51
shiki-hi red ! Which vnc client/server?08:51
plain-userhttp://www.liberiangeek.net/2010/06/linux-beginner-how-to-display-the-full-folder-path-in-the-title-bar-with-nautilus/   --> how to set the path to be present in file browser at all times08:52
sim-pafgnome-setting-daemon giving erro G_IS_OBJECT (object) failed08:52
sim-pafanyone knw why08:52
stevecami noticed that Oneiric has removed the option to use a classical gnome desktop08:53
redshiki-: TightVNC on a windows XP machine as the server08:54
redand the "Remote Desktop Viewer" that comes with Ubuntu installation08:54
ktwowhich one has better compatibility with sun java jre?  default-jre or openjdk-6-jre08:55
shiki-ktwo, open /etc/sources.list , and uncomment the partner repositories08:55
shiki-ktwo, there will be a sun-java-jre there which is "really" compatible :)08:55
shiki-red, hmm08:56
ne1_is there a way i can host a site off ubuntu on a regular non server install?08:56
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shiki-I'm wondering which vnc viewer is the default with gnome... vino? ...08:56
Theishiwas i supposed to select gnome, or classic gnome. The settings for both of them are corrupted due to the upgrade. I cannot add menu bars or modify them. plus the menu bar is missing the systems option08:56
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shiki-well, red, just do a search for vnc in the repository, search for an alternative (Gnome stuff is not really configurable. Or you can try checking Gnome's "registry")08:57
nullisnilI am trying to hibernate to disk on a portable computer. Generally it works fine, but i need to SIGTERm the processes to finish the resume using s2disk any ideas how to debug this?08:58
shiki-red, gconf-editor08:58
sadomazonel_ apat get install apache or create a python wsgiref server08:58
dinexiHi. I have a problem with xorg.conf in 11.10. Can work only in Gnome3 because of the weird keyboard behavior. My keyboard does not work as expected. Here is the related config's part and setxkbmap -print -verbose 10's output. Gnome3 and KDE somehow emulates the valid behavior but I can't get the same in any other WM. http://pastebin.com/f1BQcjMS So I can't use colemak and Caps/Shift-Caps even in GDM. What can I do?08:59
sadomazonel_ cerate room i teach you 2 kb server lol08:59
sadomazonel_, very easy08:59
dc5alaTheishi, the system menu should be under "other" when i recall, for changing the panel hold alt and click on it09:01
redshiki-: ill try thanks09:02
shiki-morning, motrn_th1 (whose name I can't highlight for some reason)09:02
redthe one that I have is Vinagre it seems09:03
M0TRN_th1shiki-, because it's 0 not o :)09:03
sadomazohow to promote sudo s command in python on apache server app ?09:04
shiki-M0TRN_th1, oh!09:04
sadomazoand non terminal app09:04
Theishidc5ala: cool thanks. there isn't an other option, but i can fix that09:05
LaykeWhat would the command line be to change my keyboard to something that isnt International. I cant get an apostrophe. Évéry tíme I úse ít my charactérs cóme óut ĺíḱé thís.09:06
AndrioidJust noticed after my machine overheating for no reason (after upgrade to 11.10) that unity-mail, datetime-indicator and mission-control are running at 100% using up all of my cores. Can anyone help me figure out what is causing this?09:06
sadomazoany python developer stay on ubuntu channell?09:06
LaykeI also cant launch the keyboard preferences window. It just wont open for me. This was since I hit Üpgrade to 11.10.09:06
LaykeI cant open the Keyboard preferences dialog.09:06
gsommerI'm getting quite happy with Ubuntu - so I would like to migrate my current installation to Ubuntu... How-ever, I can't quite figure out how to use my existing OpenVPN configuration on Ubuntu?  (Under other Linux OSes I just had to copy in my configfile and certificate (In /etc somewhere)... But under Ubuntu I have to go though the NetworkManager... How do I use my existing configuration with Ubuntu for OpenVPN?09:07
shiki-Layke, try MOVING  everything from your home folder (everything = config files) to a different folder09:07
shiki-Layke, and copy back what you need ...09:07
shiki-gsommer, in your home folder with a "." prefix I suspect09:08
jasonmspHey all.  I have been getting this error for a couple of weeks now..  GPG error: http://archive.ubuntu.com natty-updates Release: The following signatures were invalid:.....  I've tried a couple fixes but it always comes back.09:08
shiki-(if it did not ask for a root password)09:08
Theishidid they remove the inhibitor app? I need someway of preventing the computer from logging out when I am video chatting, or watching movies09:08
LaykeOkay. THink I will try a restart first. Since I havemt rebooted since the upgrade failed anyway.09:08
shiki-oh reboot is a magical thing09:08
shiki-even on linux.09:08
gsommershiki-: I'm asking on how do I "import" my openVPN configuration?  I HAVE the configuration files needed (works for both Windows and Linux OpenVPN)... I just can't figure out how to make it workwith Ubuntu09:09
shomonhi, how do I reset my private key?09:10
jribshomon: private key for what?09:10
shiki-gsommer, oh. If you want to use NetworkManager, I guess you need to configure it in NM from scratch, using the stuff you have09:10
shomonfor mysql workbench in this case, jrib09:11
shiki-or simply use a low-level config09:11
gsommershiki-: Ohh... :(09:11
sadomazogsommer, openvpn windows and unix not equal microshit is next-next-next but you know how to work unix?09:11
gsommersadomazo: Yes, I have the same OpenVPN configuration installed in Gentoo and Mandriva... It works just great... I just can't figure out how to wrap it into Ubuntu's NetworkManagert09:11
shomonwhen I click on an external server connection in mysql workbench I get "enter password to unlock the private key" and my username@thisserver, jrib09:12
jribshomon: I don't know what that is09:12
shomonit's an ssh key09:12
shomonbut thanks anyway09:13
jribshomon: then just generate a new ssh key?09:13
dinexishomon: ssh-keygen.09:13
sadomazoshomon,  what is type of connection?09:13
tittui wanted to install ubuntu on my laptop so i downloaded the ubuntu dvd. The i used the usb creator from linuxpendrive.com, created a partition on my hard drive (3 GB) and installed the iso on that partition. Now when i boot my system, i see the ubuntu loader and i cannot log into windows. Also, when installing ubuntu, i am not able to shrink my windows drive to create a partition for windows. can anyone help me with that please. Thanks09:13
shomonsadomazo, it's an ssh connection which this software is trying to make. I guess it's protected by this key.09:14
histoshomon: you could jsut dleete the relevent file in your .ssh folder09:14
histoshomon: then you can gerneate a new one09:14
histojesus typos09:14
shomonah okay thanks histo !09:14
scarleoHi, I can't set the apparmor profile /usr/lib/firefox-7.0.1/firefox{,*[^s][^h]}//browser_openjdk into complain mode, there is no file for it in /etc/apparmor.d/. Anyone know how to do that?09:15
histoshomon: yeah ~/.ssh09:15
sadomazoshomon, use alternate db connector i know have more on ubuntu09:15
shomonokay, will try resetting that first, and if not I'll just check the configuration for mysql workbench...09:16
SmashedGlasshey securix, was that as fun for you as it for me ?09:17
scarleoIf I do aa-complain * it is still in enforce mode09:17
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sadomazoi remember 8 years before freenode admins klined me permenantly on freenode09:19
magnetronHi! i've been using chromium+privoxy for a week and love it. only problem though, grooveshark.com is blocked by it. i tried adding exceptions (both in the proxy dialog and the privoxy user.action, neither worked). how do i stop privoxy from blocking the content on grooveshark.com?09:20
dhruvasagarIs there a way to fix the Alt+Tab problem in 11.10 unity ? I want it to be reverted to how it used to be in gnome 209:22
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LachezarAfter upgrading to 11.10 I have ALL packages marked conflicting with themselves!09:22
nelson8874why do i have to set the nvidia configurations everytime i initialize my pc? (using mint)09:22
jrib!mint | nelson887409:23
Lachezaraptitude show ubuntu-desktop09:23
ubottunelson8874: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org09:23
shiki-nelson8874, try this. Open up a terminal: sudo nvidia-xconfig09:23
LachezarConflicts: ubuntu-desktop09:23
shiki-nelson8874, Or sudo nvidia-config ? one of them09:23
gsommeraha, figured it out.. I needed to install network-manager-openvpn  and then I could import my configuration :)09:24
shiki-blog it somewhere to the net09:24
odb|fidelhi - is there a way to define the 'dock' width in 11.10 (running unity)09:24
nelson8874shiki-: i usually go thru menu-administration-nvidia x server settings09:24
odb|fidelso overall: is there a way to change the unity-dock-with in 11.10`;)09:25
Stanley00odb|fidel: do you mean the launcher? just edit the icon size, and the launcher will change09:25
odb|fidelStanley00: yes - talking about the unity launcher here09:26
Stanley00odb|fidel: by using compizconfig-settings-manager09:26
odb|fidelso - the unity-launcher width is based on the desktop-icon size?09:26
tomodachiall my files lack icons in after i upgraded to oneiric in unity, anyone hava clue on what to do?09:26
Stanley00odb|fidel: no, use compizconfig-settings-manager, and edit the unity plugin09:27
nelson8874shiki-: thru the tirminal i get a validation error: data incomplete............ etc09:27
shiki-nelson8874, that's weird. Try moving the xorg config like: sudo mv /etc/xorg.conf /etc/xorg.conf.orig09:27
dc5alatomodachi, you could try changing themes via gnome-tweak-tool09:28
tomodachidc5ala: i just did, thnx for the tip , theme changed but icon stays the same. What is the default theme, Ambiance?09:29
safetybeltteamhello everyone, can i ask a question?09:30
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:30
odb|fidelStanley00: ok thanks09:31
dc5alatomodachi, for symbols? It's set to Ubuntu-mono-dark here09:32
steph7hi, how to resolve wpa authentication problem with new kernel (3) in ubuntu oo? someone has ideas?09:32
nelson8874shiki-: got this: mv: cannot stat `/etc/xorg.conf': No such file or directory09:33
nelson8874shiki-: i will try linux mint help09:34
nelson8874shiki-: thank you anyway09:34
odb|fidelStanley00: that limits to 32 as lowest value here09:34
norbert79shiki-: There is no xorg.conf for some time in /etc/X11, just FYI :) No idea how that to approach, haven't had any issues yet with X for some time neither09:34
osmosis_paulSomebody know if there's a way to resolve the issues with Unity and NVidia GT 230 in Ubuntu 11.10????09:34
osmosis_paulMy ubuntu is a mess right now!09:34
odb|fidelwhile 32px is still way to big for me ;)09:34
Stanley00odb|fidel: yes, that's lowwer limit09:34
odb|fidelok - lets go back to classic then .thanks anyways09:35
Stanley00odb|fidel: big? I'm using 40px here09:35
osmosis_paulSomebody could give give me a tip?09:35
dc5alaosmosis_paul, provide more details09:35
norbert79osmosis_paul: As dc5ala said, details. Which kernel (uname -a), which driver, and how you got that installed as start09:35
norbert79(repo or manual)09:36
osmosis_paulUnity does not work in my ubuntu 11.10 my video card is a Nvidia gt 23009:36
osmosis_paulinstall by default with the new version of ubuntu09:36
osmosis_paulis the issue with unity i see in google that many people have that issue with Nvidia and ubuntu(Unity)09:37
dc5alaosmosis_paul, have you installed the package nvidia-current?09:37
osmosis_paulthis is the driver version09:37
osmosis_pauldc5ala, just install the new version of Ubuntu, but i already have that issue since the 11.04 version with 10.10 was everything ok09:38
dc5alaosmosis_paul, and is it loaded? lsmod | grep nv09:38
osmosis_paulthe thing is Unity that start to work with ubuntu 1109:38
osmosis_pauldc5ala, response me this nvidia              11713772  3009:39
norbert79osmosis_paul: Please stop going in circles, just try to feed us the data we would like to ask for. We already have understood, that something is broken...09:39
osmosis_paulwhich information would you like to know?09:40
Anubisi had problem with installing the latest nvidia drivers from nvidia site. it broke my X server somehow in 11.04 and 11.10 so i had to reinstall from zero. now i have 173 nvidia drivers(whats included in default installation)09:40
norbert79Just found this too: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-173/+bug/77749309:40
ubottuUbuntu bug 777493 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-173 (Ubuntu) "nvidia drivers activated but not in use on natty 11.04" [Undecided,Confirmed]09:40
dc5alaosmosis_paul, but you get to the graphical login? Have you tried for example Unity2d?09:41
sadomazoTIPS : How to fix headphone problem : Goto your sound card manufacturer web page download your kernel driver and install it ! Thanks FloodBot1 great job!09:42
nelson8874norbert79: the thing is, everytime i start the pc the settings are in 1024x768. And the best value is 1440x900. What should i do then? Save to x configuration file? I do that, but when i restart the pc it is again in 1024x768??? What is the correct thing to do?09:42
osmosis_pauldc5ala, yes, yes if i run without Unity as ubuntu classic works09:42
rapthi all09:43
norbert79nelson8874: Weird you are asking, I am using my laptop using a TFT when docked, but haven't got any issues so far. Question: does it come up in x768 after the GDM has started or within when used?09:43
sadomazohello rapt09:43
osmosis_pauldc5ala, in the moment that i'm use Unity everything breaks. The thing is that compiz and uinity works before because i had visual effects like jellywindows and another effects of compiz, but since one day i click over the cube window mode, everything broke!09:43
raptany problems with ubuntu software center?09:43
Kaapahey there. Someone in the office pressed cancel while ubuntu was upgrading. Is it possible to tell to do a full upgrade form the console?09:43
osmosis_pauldc5ala, could be a problem of my X server conf?09:43
sadomazorapt, got more mirror nooo!09:44
norbert79Kaapa: apt-get is the command you would like to use09:44
norbert79Kaapa: apt-get upgrade09:44
Stanley00Kaapa: maybe sudo apt-get dist=upgrade will09:44
KaapaStanley00: trying!09:44
dc5alaosmosis_paul, someone had a problem few days ago with a corrupt compiz config file in his home .config/compiz* somewhere09:44
sadomazoexample apt-get install kde09:45
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rapti cant install anything09:45
osmosis_paulAnubis, and installing from zero ubuntu 11.10 you resolve you nvidia driver issue?09:45
nelson8874norbert79:well.... i'm not a long user of linux. I'm very new to it. what do you mean with GDM?09:45
intgrHi, I'm using the Ubuntu Server installation CD. Is there any way I can tell it to directly use a mirror, instead of loading packages from the CD?09:45
KaapaStanley00: complains about unresolved dependencies09:45
raptit msg me check ur internet conection09:45
norbert79nelson8874: User selection screen after the system has booted up09:45
KaapaStanley00: I'm always afraid of -f09:45
osmosis_pauldc5ala, ok thanks, i dont think that would be compiz i remove completely of my system and install again and nothing09:45
Stanley00Kaapa: hmm, maybe you should run apt-get update first09:46
osmosis_pauldc5ala, think i will start from zero09:46
KaapaStanley00: did already09:46
dc5alaosmosis_paul, you could try to rename your ~/.config/compiz and ~/.config/compiz-1 directories, then try again09:46
KaapaStanley00: I assume some packages got installed and others didn't09:46
sadomazoTIPS: Some nvidia kernel driver not upgraded fast go use old version driver (so mean stable not lts)09:46
dimas__opo iki ?????????/09:46
osmosis_pauldc5ala, yes why now09:46
osmosis_pauldc5ala, thanks09:46
Stanley00Kaapa: what message did it say? maybe there some package need to be removed09:46
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dc5alaosmosis_paul, or you could add a new user and test if unity is working from there09:47
KaapaStanley00: trying with -f, seems to be.. doing stuff09:47
dc5alaosmosis_paul, then can confirm at least quickly that there is something strange in your home directory09:47
nelson8874norbert79:i don't think i have a user selection screen... (i must remark that i'm using linux mint 11, based on ubuntu 11.04)09:47
jattlinux mint?09:48
dimas__may I join?09:48
norbert79nelson8874: Well, I am not really familiar with Mint, despite I assume it has no huge differences. Anyway, when you boot your Linux don't you see a screen where you need to enter your name and your password to log on?09:48
sadomazodc5ala,  did you know stay here python developer?09:48
Stanley00Kaapa: ah, it's because of someone has interrupted the update before09:48
norbert79!ask dimas__09:48
llutz_!mint | nelson887409:48
ubottunelson8874: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org09:48
Stanley00Kaapa: just run what it said, and do dist-upgrade angain09:48
KaapaStanley00: yep.... girls... :S09:49
norbert79!ask | dimas09:49
ubottudimas: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:49
dc5alasadomazo, wrong person?09:49
brahmanaHi all09:49
ionteHi. Why, oh, why does my mouse not work after upgrading to 11.10? I have a standard USB Wired Logitech MX518 mouse ...09:49
sadomazodc5ala,  i got some my servive problem!09:49
brahmanaI am running Ubuntu 10.04.1 as a guest in VMWare player (host OS in Win 7)09:49
dimas__I do not know what you're talking about09:49
ionteAnd it's stuck in the center of the screen09:49
jattionte: what does lsusb say?09:49
nelson8874norbert79:no, i've choosed to not ask me for a password when instaling.09:50
Kartagisis there a way to upgrade to stable oneiric from earlier stages?09:50
brahmanaThe Ubuntu VM hibernated a little while back and now when I resume the network is down09:50
norbert79dimas__: This is a support channel for Ubuntu. If you would like to help, feel free on supporting others, otherwise for generic talk please join #ubuntu-offtopic09:50
raptsadomazo: thx09:50
brahmanaThe icon says No Network Connection09:50
nelson8874norbert79:when i instaled the OS i've choosed to not ask me for password09:50
brahmanaI have read numerous repots of network going down after resuming from hibernation.09:50
iontejatt: nothing. it finds my apple keyboard (two entries) and some hub only.09:50
llutz_Kartagis: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade09:50
brahmanaOne of the suggested solution was to try /sbin/ifup <iface-name> - I tried that, but no help09:51
norbert79nelson8874: Rather a very unsafe method. But you must know. Anyway, did you change your resolution back to the best resolution through the screen-resolution application?09:51
iontejatt: moved it to another port, and now it works. but it worked with 11.04 until some hour ago09:51
brahmanaAny suggestions?09:52
jattmaybe there is dust in the port or something like that09:52
dimas__norbert79 : well I understand09:52
brahmanaI want to get the network back up without rebooting the machine09:52
almoxarifebrahmana: what vm?09:52
sadomazohow to promote apache users as sudo ?09:52
llutz_sadomazo: add users to admin-group for sudo-access09:52
brahmanaalmoxarife: Ubuntu 10.04.1 running insive VMWare player 409:53
nelson8874norbert79:yes, but i must be doing something wrong. Usually i then click on quit.09:53
sadomazollutz, i try to edit sudoers sudo not work for me!09:53
dimas__at 11:10 on ubuntu releases ?09:54
llutz_sadomazo: add users to admin-group for sudo-access. do not edit sudoers if you don't know what you're doing09:54
almoxarifebrahmana: there must be a setting in your vm like virtualbox's 'always connected'09:54
nelson8874norbert79:i once choosed save to x configuration file09:54
nelson8874norbert79:but that didn't solved the problem09:54
norbert79nelson8874: Understand. Moment, have a call09:55
r3e1 ? i have a 250gb hdd and a 30gb ssd should i put /home, swap on the hdd and / on sdd . this is fresh install09:55
brahmanaalmoxarife: It is connected. And if I reboot the VM it works. If I explicitly suspend and resume it works. Only when it hibernates and I resume, it doesn't work.09:55
sadomazollutz, i write hardware cgi code on apache but got permission problem on my cgi script09:55
almoxarifebrahmana: or, assuming its in the ubuntu side, the network manager can be reset by turning it off and back on09:56
osmosis_pauldc5ala, thanks man, you're a gennius09:56
osmosis_pauldc5ala, was the user conf09:56
almoxarifebrahmana: it? hibernates, it is the host?09:56
dimas__My wireless connection is often broken themselves, think about what causes it?09:56
brahmanaalmoxarife: No, it is the VM hibernating, not the host.09:56
osmosis_pauldc5ala, now the problem is that i dont know how fix it?, so i guess that i will have to migrate all the broke user to the new onw09:57
llutz_sadomazo: whatever. i dont think its a good idea to run webserver-stuff in roots context.09:57
brahmanaalmoxarife: By turning n/w manager off, do you mean, right click on the network icon, disable networking and then enable it again?09:57
Kartagisthanks llutz_09:57
dc5alaosmosis_paul, have you tried renaming that compiz directories i told you?09:57
almoxarifebrahmana: yes09:57
osmosis_pauli only have the compiz-1 rename this one and restart the pc?09:58
sadomazollutz, friend i am already write this app with wsgi server but its slow. need to included to cgi !09:58
dc5alaosmosis_paul, and also rename (if you have a ) .nvidia-settings-rc just in case09:58
osmosis_pauldc5ala, done! something else?09:59
osmosis_pauldc5ala, restart?09:59
brahmanaalmoxarife: Uncheking "Enable Networking" gave me a notification saying I am now not connected. A little later checking it still gives me the same notification and network is not up.10:00
dc5alaosmosis_paul, the compiz directoryies inside .config directory, right? because there is a normal compiz one too10:00
llutz_sadomazo: add users to admin-group for sudo-access (sudo adduser user group). this is to be done if you think you need to. i don't care about your dev-thingy10:00
osmosis_pauldc5ala, ok now i rename nvidia .compiz-1 and .config/compiz-1 something else?10:01
almoxarifebrahmana: the vm is not allowing traffic thru?10:01
dimas__how to activate usb modem in ubuntu?10:01
dc5alaosmosis_paul, that could be a start and worth testing now10:01
osmosis_pauldc5ala, ok gonna restart thanks!!!10:01
brahmanaalmoxarife: The network icon has an exclamatory mark. ifconfig shows only loopback. So I believe something is messed up at the Ubuntu level.10:01
sadomazollutz, ok thanks but how to separate users if adding a group all security bugs burn from script!10:02
brahmanaalmoxarife: I looked at this : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=997982 - although that /sbin/ifup command did not help me..10:02
somsipsoftware to support occupy10:02
brahmanaalmoxarife: Actually speaking I do not know what interface to provide there as the argument, because my /etc/network/interfaces has only these two lines :10:02
almoxarifebrahmana: if the vm is not offering up network then the guest has no network, you agree?10:03
brahmanaauto lo  "and"  iface lo inet loopback10:03
dimas__please you know, I need the answer now10:03
nelson8874where to get linux mint help?10:03
brahmanaalmoxarife: Agree. If the VM isn't providing the necessary hardware level support the guest is out of luck.10:03
llutz_!mint |  nes10:04
ubottunes: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org10:04
llutz_^^  nelson887410:04
MrSassyPantsok, the new kmail sucks too many cocks, I have to replace it10:04
MrSassyPantswhat's a good mail client?10:04
nelson8874how do i go to irc.spotchat.org. Using pidgin10:05
almoxarifebrahmana: you need to verify that the vm is set to have a 'always connected' network setting10:05
conntrackQuite an experience to live in fear, isn't it? That's what it is to be a slave.10:05
almoxarifebrahmana: especially if you are hibernating the vm, and by vm I assume you mean the vm process on the host10:06
brahmanaalmoxarife: The state of the network interface as of now is connected, sure abou that (although I don't see an option named "always connected")10:06
almoxarifebrahmana: I don't know how its stated in vmware10:06
brahmanaalmoxarife: There is a "Connect on Power On" and it is selected.10:07
brahmanaalmoxarife: I did not manually hibernate it. The Ubuntu VM went into hibernation by itself since it though the battery had reached critically low state (which is worng and that is a different issue)10:07
jattgnus is a good mail client but might be hard to configure for new users10:08
ntelfordhi guys, my colleague is having trouble booting due to some changes he made to PAM - he needs to get in to the recovery console, but there's no GRUB boot menu - how do you get in to the GRUB boot menu these days?10:08
almoxarifebrahmana: why can't you restart the vm?10:08
robmanevening all...just wondering if it's known that the latest update on 10.10 broke postgres 8(10:09
dc5alantelford, hold left shift key10:10
ntelforddc5ala, thanks dude10:10
brahmanaalmoxarife: Technically I can. There are a bunch of things that I am running now and I would have to shut them down and start them again after reboot. Also I see this problem often and am looking for a solution that doesn't involve a reboot10:10
joa__hey, i try to start multiple terminal instances from unity launcher but cannot get it to work. i heard middle-click but does not do the job10:10
almoxarifebrahmana: how about a logout withing the vm?10:11
jattjoa__: you should create a new shortcut in the toolbar and then you can click on it10:11
jattjoa__: the default behaviour is to have only _one_ terminal instance10:11
phiscibethe relese notes talk about vm shut down problems10:11
brahmanaalmoxarife: that still closes all open programs10:12
joa__jatt: tried that, with "keep in launcher" still no lock10:12
almoxarifebrahmana: true10:12
nelson8874there's no one there on #linuxmint-help!!!!!! there's only one guy!10:12
brahmanaalmoxarife: Nope. No luck. Still no network10:12
jattmaybe there are fewer issues with linux mint :)10:12
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brahmanaalmoxarife: I guess I will just restart it now.10:12
dc5alajoa__, have you tried ctrl click?10:12
joa__yes, nothing10:13
jribnelson8874: you're likely on the wrong network10:13
joa__that brings me up a switcher for the multiple open windows10:13
joa__i can only start multiple by entering app name in that searcher thingy10:13
brahmanaalmoxarife: Do you want to look at any log file entries or the output of any command? (in case you want to find out what's really happening here)10:13
nelson8874jrib:how do i change it?10:13
phiscibehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/casper/+bug/805906   using virtual box system kubuntu desktop environment won't shutdown10:14
ubottuUbuntu bug 805906 in casper (Ubuntu) "using virtual box system kubuntu desktop environment won't shutdown" [Medium,Confirmed]10:14
nelson8874jrib:its probechat something.....10:14
phiscibesudo shutdown -h nowmight still work10:14
Ibysssudo shutdown -h now10:14
IbyssActually, I've seen sudo shutdown now               work alone.10:15
Myrtti!mint | nelson887410:15
ubottunelson8874: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org10:15
brahmanaalmoxarife: Thank you for your time. Will let you know if I can find out what was wrong.10:15
almoxarifebrahmana: your issue is beyond my scope, so no10:15
nelson8874how do i change to irc.spotchat.org10:16
phiscibexomthing about xorg edgers been missing is the vm bug10:16
brahmanaalmoxarife: No problem. Thanks anyways.10:16
nnfxnelson8874, type /server irc.spotchat.org in this window10:16
almoxarifebrahmana: it would be interesting to see if some other os in the same vm behaves the same way10:16
giuseppe__ciao, ho problemi con la rete wireless. ad ogni riavvio non riesce a collegarsi, sennò dopo svariati tentativi e reinserendo sempre la stessa chiave di rete10:17
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)10:17
dc5alajoa__, when it's only about Terminals, you could use ctr+alt+t or whatever is set in your keyboard shortcuts for Terminal10:18
brahmanaalmoxarife: Yeah, that would probably help corner down the issue. But Ubuntu and Windows are the only two OSes that I run.10:18
phiscibeusing /serer dont work on all clients10:18
g0bl1nno upper right clock ?10:18
mtrgis there any reason why the middle mouse click to pan page content in evince is not working. is it part of gtk3 movement?10:19
almoxarifebrahmana: which is the host os?10:19
brahmanaalmoxarife: Win 710:19
jattacroread is vastly superior than evince why not use it?10:19
arthur_i got a Q...how do you open an xterm with command independantly from a terminal, like ((xterm &)&) will do it for an xterm session but i want it to run a command too10:20
mtrgscrew any adobe-made product. they are security vurnability whores10:20
almoxarifebrahmana: for sure the network is up on the win7?10:20
dc5alajoa__, under keyboard settings -> shortcuts -> starter10:20
brahmanaalmoxarife: Yes. I am talking to you from the same machine (i.e. the host)10:20
mtrgjatt: why do you use acroread for?10:21
jattto read my pdfs10:21
mtrgwhy not use evincE? it loads faster10:21
almoxarifebrahmana: have you rebooted the ubuntu yet?10:21
joa__dc5ala: thanks, but id rather like to have it working correct from the start10:21
jattevince rendering sucked. maybe the latest version fixed it but some release ago the fonts where crap compared with acroread10:21
brahmanaalmoxarife: Yes  I did and the network is back now.10:22
mtrgjatt:  i see10:22
mtrgjatt: my pick on acroread is that it's to fancy and feels bloated more than evince10:22
phiscibei use evince to get a quick view, or just chromes pdf plug in, but go adobe to print10:23
mtrgcan't evince print too? i never had issues10:23
senorpedrohow can this be: i want to install a package (coco-cpp) from http://de.archive.ubuntu.com. BUT when doing "aptitude install coco-cpp" i get the message that the server is not trustworthy and whether i really want to install from this server. shouldnt the certificate be already installed?10:23
mtrgbut anyway. evince with 11.10 rlease doesn't have middle mouse click to pan. has this anything to do with ubuntu screwuing up things? or gtk3?10:23
phiscibeif i am conciuered about the quality, it seems crisper10:23
phiscibethey  know their own closed code10:24
marcusdavidus any help with java and 11.10 ?10:24
marcusdavidusnothing in google10:24
jattI agree the quality is better in acroread10:24
tadohey folks! while upgrading on my laptop from 11.04 to 11.10, the power went off and the system shut down. now after grub it says that screen, graphic card and input devices are not detected, and i can't do anything. i'm running on a live of 11.10 now, can anyone help me to recover my system without installing from scratch?10:24
marcusdavidusso any one know how to install real java on 11.10 ?10:25
marcusdavidusbcouse thsi open java is joke10:25
phiscibetado: can you make the network run form a terminal or recovery consule, you need to use apt or aptitude to completed the iupgrade10:25
jattmarcusdavidus: just download the .tgz from oracle's site and unpack10:25
jattmarcusdavidus: and adjust your JAVA_HOME and PATH variables10:25
tadophiscibe> i am not sure i now how to enter my user with the right privileges when i am running a live...10:26
phiscibemarcusdavidus: i think if u enable the canonical partners in your package list you will see sun jave and sun jre in the package manger10:26
marcusdavidusno more cuz its now owned by canonical10:26
marcusdavidusi mean oracle10:26
almoxarifemarcusdavidus: so add the sunjava ppa and go from there10:27
phiscibetada im not sure how to chroot in to a busted install from a live cd, beyond my experience10:27
jattor download from the oracle site...10:27
phiscibehower, if the you may have another bug, lemme find the link10:27
tadoanyone else that knows i can log in my user to recover an upgrade from a live version?10:28
senorpedrowhere can i get the keys for package servers  from?10:28
marcusdavidusi just take freeking rpm and alien it10:28
phiscibetado:  Have you just upgraded to Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot and now getting the “Waiting for network configuration” message followed by “Waiting up to 60 seconds more for network”? This then might be accompanied by a black blank screen.10:29
phiscibeTHAT  might be your bug...effects X dbus network manger ect  but it could be interupted install http://uksysadmin.wordpress.com/2011/10/14/upgrade-to-ubuntu-11-10-problem-waiting-for-network-configuration-then-black-screen-solution/10:29
arthur_anyone know how to run an independant xterm + commands from within a terminal?10:30
jattthat is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/+bug/856810?comments=all10:30
ubottuUbuntu bug 856810 in Linaro-Ubuntu "Boot hangs at "Booting system without full network configuration..."" [Medium,Confirmed]10:30
phiscibewhat do you mean by independant arthur_10:30
tadophiscibe: nope... it just says 'ubuntu is running in low-graphic mode' or something alike, with a black screen behind, before it takes me to the login page. that message explains that screen, graphic card and input devices are not detected correctly and that i have to configure them myself. there is an ok button, but neither keyboard nor mouse work and can't move forward10:31
llutz_arthur_: "xterm -e cmd &" or what do you mean10:31
arthur_well that you run it seperately and it doesnt hold up that terminal session, for instance ((xterm &)&)10:31
sidewalkhow do i increase the number of workspaces in "Gnome Classic" in Ubuntu 11.10?10:31
llutz_arthur_: "nohup xterm -e cmd &"10:32
joytech22On 11.10 on my HTPC the interface is really jumpy.. Installed the graphics drivers and nothing seems smooth..10:33
unkrI m getting an error while running command " apt-get update" . the error is unable to fetch "ppa.launchpad.net  public key is missing "10:33
llutz_arthur_: add "-hold" if you dont want xterm to close the window right after finishing "cmd"10:33
phiscibejust use the recovery consule to get a consule with the network on and do apt-get update apt-get upgrade dont need to chroot in if it boots that much10:33
progre55hi guys. upgraded to oneiric, and having troubles with sound. it disappears from time to time, when I put in headphones, for instance. any suggestions, please? btw, kubuntu, not ubuntu10:34
phiscibeBUT you may have the above problem do with the /va /var/run10:34
arthur_but that will not halt the program that calls the command until the xterm session has finished?10:34
llutz_arthur_: no10:34
phiscibeno its booting off the drive and dropps you in as root10:35
phiscibetado: where to begin, if eel for ya10:35
redWhat kind of command do I need to run to copy all .jpg files from my current folder and it's subfolders to a new location (to a single folder from multiple folders)?10:35
unkrI m getting an error while running command " apt-get update" . the error is unable to fetch "ppa.launchpad.net  public key is missing " ???10:35
szaldang..  how the how do I get rid of this "Waiting for network configuration" at boot?  the workaround described in bug 811441 doesn't help here..10:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 858122 in Release Notes for Ubuntu "duplicate for #811441 incomplete migration to /run (shutdown script order has been demolished)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85812210:35
llutz_red: find path/ -type f -iname '*.jpg' -exec cp "{}" targetdir/ +10:36
phiscibeunkr: install thekey or the missing keyring program, or take out the PPA source10:36
unkr@red - try  " mv *.jpg  <destination folder>"10:36
unkrphiscribe: from where i do install that key??10:37
phiscibeszal type cat resolv.conf what does it say10:37
redunkr: I said copy and recursive, that command is neither :P10:37
redllutz_: thanks, trying10:38
phiscibei dont know unkr, the PPA source is a url  if you can get it you might a=can go to thier site to get the key, but i cant see it form here, look in the source.list fiule if the error message doest give the the url10:38
szalphiscibe: http://paste.ubuntu.com/710744/ <- no idea what you expect to find there10:38
arthur_red: what are you trying to accomplish, sorry internet on train is pretty bad10:39
unkrphiscribe: there is one more problem when i try apt-get update  while updating some of the lines get IGNORNED  why is this happing??10:39
joytech22Can I get any help on my HTPC problem? Jumpy graphics with the right drivers installed? It's not as smooth as it was on Ubuntu 10.10. (Now running 11.10)10:39
W32new ubuntu looks peepy10:39
redllutz_: find: missing argument to `-exec'10:39
unkrphiscrible: i had remove the ppa10:39
jattW32: is that good or bad?10:39
redarthur_: to copy all images from a deep folder structure into a single folder10:39
phiscibei wanted to see if you had active dns servers in your network you do10:39
phiscibewhat about iwconfig10:39
NukeadorCan someone confirm this bug? Libreoffice Calc is unusable without the functions :S https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/+bug/87370210:39
ubottuUbuntu bug 873702 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "some function names in Calc appear in english others in local language (mixed up) " [Undecided,Confirmed]10:39
W32good or bad lives in the eye of the beholder10:40
llutz_red: find path/ -type f -iname '*.jpg' -exec cp "{}" targetdir/ \;10:40
jattwhy not: 1) create a .tgz with the jpg images. 2) copy the .tgz to the new destination.10:40
ju2efhi guys,  got problem with sound on my ubuntu studio, it was working normally, then after reboot t disappeared, someone told me that it can be issue with randomly numbering card, i disabled my onboard card in BIOS, but i've got oe more on my graphic card (HDMI shit), the card i want sound to run on is M-Audio 2496 can someone help, sorry if i didnt provide nough technical info10:40
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NukeadorIn fact, for most non-English users, Calc is broken for most of their saved files since they use localized function names.10:41
Yuezianyone has quora invitation?10:42
phiscibetypos in the file? corrupted sources.list permission problems on the file, pinned packages, trolls in your cpu10:42
redllutz_: seems to be working, great!10:42
llutz_red: -exec  doesn't work with "+" at the end, so use "\;". my bad10:42
redyup ok10:43
W32whats the default virtualization solution in ubuntu?10:43
reddoes it return to prompt after its done?10:43
red(still in a blinking _)10:43
llutz_red: it should10:43
redthanks a lot10:43
phiscibeju2ef: normaly im not for brute force, but with multiple sound cards on diffrent busses, i would delete the pulseaudio configuration, reboot and hope10:44
ju2efhow do you do that, im a n00b10:44
osmosis_pauldc5ala, hi again, rename the folder does not work10:44
phiscibewell in that case MOVE the configuration in caseyou needed, works like delete10:45
osmosis_pauldc5ala, but now it is clear that is something related with my account what could be?10:45
ju2efwhere do i find this conf10:45
osmosis_pauldc5ala, remove completely compiz? and remove manually . Nvidia folder10:45
dc5alaosmosis_paul, then probably could take a look into your ~/.xsession-errors for a hint, you can paste it via http://paste.ubuntu.com10:46
phiscibeopen dolphin or what ever file manager set the view to show hidden files, find in your home folder a folder  called .pulse  renmae it to .pulsebackup10:46
ju2efcheers, gonna try that now10:46
phiscibenow i am thinking ubuntu studio uses pulse like the other ubuntu's if not, look elswhere10:46
ju2efgonna try it anyway, rebooting now10:48
conntrackCan I use in iptables?10:48
LachezarAny reason why upgrade has installed i386 packages on my x86 machine?!?10:49
Fudgehi ubuntu one, what do i click on to sign in and set my account up on a machine10:49
SwedeMikeLachezar: you do realise that i386 and x86 is the same thing?10:49
dhruvasagarHi I have upgraded to ubuntu 11.10 I have a simple yet weird audio issue, the auto mute mode works perfectly, but when the speaker is muted, the headphones are muted too. I can't hear. If I disable automuting, I hear sound from both speaker & headphones. Can someone help ?10:50
LachezarDOH! I mean x86_64...10:50
W32whats the default virtualization solution in ubuntu?10:50
dhruvasagarW32: I don't think there is one by default, virtual box is good.10:51
SwedeMikeLachezar: what packages are that? perhaps those packages aren't available in amd64 format.10:51
W32virtual box isnt GPL10:51
LjLW32: actually it is, there is both a closed version and a GPL version10:51
phiscibethere is no default10:51
rommhey guys. ubuntu 11.10 is very slow on my vm. i want to switch from unity to xfce. what's the easiest way to do that?10:52
phiscibepick your own poison10:52
W32linus complained about poor coding from the virtual box folks10:52
rommi was thinking apt-get install xubuntu-desktop as a starter...10:52
SunTsuI just upgraded Maverick -> Natty -> Oneiric. Booting bails out when trying to mount my lvm2 root from /dev/mapper/system-root - /scripts/loca-top/cryptroot tries to use /dev/mapper/system instead, although root kernel option is set correctly10:52
dhruvasagarW32: LjL actually he's partially right, the open source version doesn't support several things, even basic things like USB.10:52
LjLW32: Linus complains about everything10:52
phisciberomm is it a recent install10:52
Kaapaok, dist-upgrade finished. Now lightdm doesn't start10:52
LachezarFor instance qdbus. I had to manually remove it and reinstall the x86_64 version.10:52
rommphiscibe, ya installed it yesterday.10:52
llutz_W32: do you use gnome? he complained about it too10:52
osmosis_pauldc5ala, take a look http://paste.ubuntu.com/710757/10:52
KaapaI noticed gdm works, but can I fix it in order to have the standard lightdm?10:52
LachezarAnd something is wrong with aptitude... Shows installed packages as not installed...10:53
W32i complain about gnome too10:53
SunTsuI made my system boot again by linking system-root to system in initramfs - anybody an idea how to fix that permanently?10:53
Kaapaalready did dpkg-reconfigure gdm10:53
dhruvasagarllutz_: W32 seeing how unity / gnome3 is, I am actually with Linus on that one :)10:53
phiscibedelete it get a xubuntu cd install fressh10:53
oberststenHello! Is there any way to "cage" ssh users? I have an Ubuntu server, so I want to set up git, but just "cage" the git user under his home folder, is that possible?10:53
Kaapabut it stays stuck a bit after "checking battery..."10:53
Myrttioberststen: set their shell as rbash or similar10:53
phiscibeu cold install the xfc desktop in this one, b ut for me that always gives you grief down the road10:54
SunTsuoberststen: you could allow them git only10:54
rommhmm... well that's disappointing.10:54
dhruvasagarKaapa: did you logout after doing the reconfigure ?10:54
SunTsuoberststen: there are restricted shells that allow certain commands only10:54
rommmaybe i can change to some non-demanding version of gnome on this install?10:55
Kaapadhruvasagar: I think I even restarted the laptop - but retrying10:55
rommanything but this awful unity.10:55
ju2efstill no sound, thanks for trying to help, gonna try ubuntu studio irc10:55
dhruvasagarromm: I agree :(10:55
phiscibegood luck, try the mixer settings form alsamixrt10:55
dhruvasagaroberststen: how re you planning on set up git ?10:55
Kaapadhruvasagar: yes - stucks even after reboot10:56
oberststenSunTsu: I have the git user with the "git-shell" thing, maybe this is really silly, but I wan't to be able to set the git repository folder as git@server:/repository.git instead of git@server:/home/git/repository.git10:56
dhruvasagaroberststen: you should perhaps consider solutions such as gitolite, in that approach you do create a user yourself and hence can limit him in the way you want.10:56
ju2efi tried, thing is apparently it randomly chooses hw0 device, there was a config example for that but i lost the link10:56
dc5alaosmosis_paul, that is not the one when you tried unity and not unity2d? Maybe try starting Unity and then take the .xsession-errors, there is also a .xession-errors.old which should be your previous one10:56
switch10Does anyone know how to start a chromium web app from the command line?10:56
wakejagrjust installed 11.10 with basic ubuntu server in tasksel.  at the end of the boot process, virtual term 7 is selected (blank b/c no x11 is installed).  is there a way to have term 1 selected automatically (so i don't have to ctrl+alt+F1)?10:56
phisciberomm:  it is no big problem to swithc in  polace it is just my preferenc eto to, you get too many controls on system settings that might  over lap login sessions get confuessed, but u can live with it10:57
[4-tea-2]Upgrading from 11.04 to 11.10 broke audio in a weird way. Less than half a second of audio - a second of silence - and that repeats over and over again. Any advice?10:57
dhruvasagarKaapa: that sucks, what type of login screen do you see ? In lightdm you would see a textbox way left, whereas in gdm you see a dialog box in the center of the screen...10:57
Kaapaah, there's an error in lightdm's logs10:57
Lachezarswitch10: chromium-browser -app http://....10:57
oberststendhruvasagar that's an option, but not right now, we are just 2 in the team and we are going to share a single user10:57
phiscibesudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop and your off  to the races10:57
Kaapafailed to load session file /usr/share/xgreeters/lightdm-gtk-greeter.desktop: no such file or directory10:57
switch10Lachezar: Thanks!10:57
osmosis_pauldc5ala, that much better http://paste.ubuntu.com/710759/10:57
dhruvasagaroberststen: I would still recommend gitolite, I think it will be quit painless and easy to manage / administer10:57
phiscibeor the funny farm10:57
phiscibepick xfce at the log in screen for the session10:58
dhruvasagarphiscibe: I did that, but didn't like that so much either...I have problem with how Alt+Tab works, looks like 'workspaces' are obsolete :(10:58
Lachezarswitch10: My bad: chromium-browser -app=http://... You need a = .10:58
dhruvasagarphiscibe: besides that I am fine with other things, but the alt+tab behaviour is really annoying and weird10:58
phiscibechange the keyboard shortuts10:59
Kaapaok - installing lightdm-gtk-greeter10:59
rommphiscibe: i'm hoping i can uninstall unity after installing a different VM10:59
PeloI just upgraded to 11.10 , what the F happened here, all my customising is gone half the stuff I use is no longer available what is wrong with this ting ?11:00
rommphiscibe: in order to dodge all those overlaps.11:00
dhruvasagarphiscibe: where ? how do I get back to original alt+tab behaviour ?11:00
switch10Lachezar: perfect!  Thank you!11:00
phiscibeis the desktop you are configuring a virtual macine?11:00
phiscibeyour window manager has a seeting, i dont know where you are though in xfce or unity11:01
Pelowhat can I do to get the panels to behave as they use to , ie  right click customising ?11:01
Kaapaok, fixed11:01
jattPelo: you can install xfce4. doing that with unity or gnome 3 is an uphill battle.11:01
Kaapa(and I actually think unity is a breath of fresh air, I like it)11:01
Pelojatt, thanks11:01
phiscibeinstalling xfce to fix tabbing ids like cracking open an egg with a bulldoze11:02
* Pelo mutters about using linux for the customizing , might as well go back to effing windows now11:02
jattof course not, install xfce doesn't fix anything11:02
jattis just an alternative11:02
dhruvasagarphiscibe: I am in unity, I tried changing it from compiz settings but that's not orkign11:02
jatta very good one btw11:02
[4-tea-2]I want my fscking audio back. UBUNTUUUU! *shakes fists at sky*11:03
Pelothis is the second upgrade in a row where I have less then I had before , it's getting annoying,   Dapper was such a great experience11:03
dhruvasagar[4-tea-2]: check alsamixer, it might just be muted.11:03
dhruvasagarPelo: I agree11:03
[4-tea-2]dhruvasagar: it's not muted, it works about 0.2s per second.11:03
dhruvasagar[4-tea-2]: I am not sure what that even means.11:03
phiscibei under stand, upgrades can almost brick a systme, but the bugs are getting ironed out, you keep adding more COMPLEXITY to the system and it always makes it harder to figure out whats happening11:03
[4-tea-2]0.2s audio, followed by 0.8s silence, followed by 0.2s audio11:04
Pelobye for now11:04
dhruvasagar[4-tea-2]: that sounds funny...11:04
[4-tea-2]As if someone was playing with my volume.11:04
[4-tea-2]dhruvasagar: it's at least completely unexpected behaviour.11:04
enchiladoSir Brian Blessed. That would be epic.11:04
phiscibedelete pulseaudio configureation, reboot11:04
dhruvasagar[4-tea-2]: true...11:04
jattPelo: in principle ubuntu 11.10 is a good system. most of the underlying software like the new kernel, C-library, etc, are worthy to upgrade to. unfortunately the quality of the released desktop environments is pretty grim (with the exception of xfce).11:05
fritschjatt: i would not say that11:05
fritschjatt: it is different from all that was before11:05
phiscibehttp://blog.sudobits.com/2011/09/04/ubuntu-11-10-oneiric-ocelot-keyboard-shortcuts-for-unity/  dhruvasagar11:05
[4-tea-2]Also, I got the impression that the multiarch stuff is only half done. My 32bit apps stopped working, apparently because I can't have a 32bit libSDL.11:05
fritschjatt: i forced myself to use unity for the last 6 weeks11:05
fritschjatt: it was very hard :-)11:06
dhruvasagarI have a problem with audio myself, the 'auto muting' works, but when I plug in my headphone and it mutes the speakers, for some reason that mutes the headphones (not in alsamixer, just physically), if I disable alsa mixer, then even if I plug in headphones, both speaker & headphones play music11:06
fritschjatt: but gnome3 is even harder imho11:06
jattafter I replaced unity/gnome3 with xfce4 my system feels as robust as before the upgrade11:06
dhruvasagarphiscibe: thanks, I am sure that will be helpful11:06
jattso 11.10 is not a bad release overall11:06
fritschjatt: jep, i thought about this alternative11:06
enchiladoI've been using Unity for nearly a year and I still don't like it :S11:06
phiscibethey changed the 64bit code to add more suport for running 32 bit apps in 64 system, or course that means buggs11:06
dhruvasagarphiscibe: actually that does not, I know them all.11:06
fritschjatt: some things are pretty bad. "dont dim my screen when i am on battery every 2 minutes"11:06
fritschjatt: such options are just missing11:07
fritschjatt: no chance to change this stuff11:07
dhruvasagarphiscibe: my problem is with the way they've changed the behaviour of 'Alt+Tab'11:07
dhruvasagarphiscibe: previously Alt+Tab switched between windows on the current workspace, but now it does so for windows on all workspaces. That is my problem.11:07
jribenchilado: plenty of alternatives, I would use something I liked11:07
enchiladoYeah, I've considered many times using Arch Linux.11:07
dhruvasagarphiscibe: workspaces seams to have become obsolete by this change, I don't understand what purpose they solve anymore11:08
enchiladoBut I'm not pro enough yet. I will eventually.11:08
jribenchilado: well arch is fine, but you can just use a different window manager/desktop environment on ubuntu...11:08
dhruvasagarphiscibe: seems*11:08
wakejagrwhere in the startup scripts is the virtual console selected?  i want 1 instead of 7 since i have no x11.11:08
enchiladojrib: oh I know11:08
enchiladobut I don't see any point in using Ubuntu if I'm going to do that.11:08
jribwakejagr: look at your kernel line in your grub configuration, it probably says something like "chvt"11:09
[4-tea-2]phiscibe: breaking stuff in a release in a way that will stop users from using their existing applications is bad, mmmkay?11:09
phiscibeyou prbably have to set the alt tab behaviour in copiz11:09
jribenchilado: oh?11:09
wakejagrjrib: thanks.  i'll look at that11:09
llutz_enchilado: so you use ubuntu because unity which you don't like? stupid...11:09
* Lachezar is seriously considering going back to Windows after 6 years of Ubuntu.11:10
enchiladollutz_: I use Ubuntu because I used to love it. :/11:10
jattunity gets too much credit/visibility. is just a desktop environment which can be easily replaced leaving the underlying system intact.11:10
LjLLachezar: meh try another distribution if you're not content with Ubuntu11:10
llutz_enchilado: what do you love if changing the WM/DE kills this "love"?11:10
phiscibeBUT, as they got bugs galore for the laucher and dash and menus, might have to live with it11:11
LachezarLjL: Used to do that... Been with Slacker, RootHad, Delirian...11:11
phiscibeit is frustrating11:11
phiscibefeaure creep is very human though11:11
phiscibewe all are platforms for DNA kernels11:11
LachezarUbuntu seemed like being the best... Now it's more like a test bed for half-brain designer miss-decisions.11:11
sriniis there anyone knows about kernel?11:11
th_time to give new change for kde i guess11:11
LjLLachezar :\11:12
dhruvasagarsrini: just ask11:12
phiscibethe kubuntu relase is buggy too11:12
dhruvasagaranyone for my audio issues ?11:12
dhruvasagarphiscibe: yeap11:12
phiscibepretty but buggy11:12
srinidhruvasagar, how to port the linux kernel to arm processor?11:12
LachezarI'm so damn frustrated... After tralking ALL my colleagues into switching from Windows to Ubuntu, I am nearing a breaking point...11:12
dhruvasagarsrini: that's a tad out of my area of expertease. ask everyone.11:12
jattanother advantage of using xfce is that it requires fewer resources so you will have more CPU and memory for the applications you use.11:13
rommsrini: linux already runs on arm, of course...11:13
phiscibethis ihas been done, unless u just like compling11:13
jribLachezar: what are you having an issue with? unity?  Just use a different window manager11:13
dhruvasagarLachezar: I can understand your frustration, and share the same :(11:13
Lachezarjrib: Which one? All suck dounkey balls compared to Gnome2.11:13
dhruvasagarexpertise :)11:13
jattxfce doesn't11:13
jribLachezar: a lot of people that like gnome2 also like xfce11:13
LachezarGnome shell is next to useless, Unity goes even further.11:13
phiscibethere  have been ARM kernels around for awhile11:14
LachezarXFCE is good, I'll admit, but it's a bit on the light side on me...11:14
jribLachezar: light in what way?11:14
llutz_xfce4 is far away from being lite11:14
th_xfce has even messier configuration tools than KDE, and that's an accomplishment11:14
LachezarBetween my problems with video (Artifacts alover the screen), the completely haywire Keyboard layout controls, upgrading mishaps...11:14
jattI disagree, xfce4 settings manager is not messier at all11:15
LjLLachezar: it's very possible that someone will fork GNOME 2 at least for a while, anyway, if they haven't already...11:15
LachezarI loose 3-4 months fixing my upgrade, then decide to reinstall, and the next «release» comes.11:15
sriniromm, it runs but i want to see how to port it in arm11:15
phiscibeLXDE is pretty good11:15
th_win7 is pretty good11:16
jattLXDE runs good on phones and on laptops11:16
rommsrini: if you want to know how it's done, search for "cross compiling kernel" in google.11:16
Lachezarjrib: I'll have to look at XFCE again, but I use many Gnome-integrated programs.11:16
wakejagrjrib: i found a vt.handoff option passed to the kernel at boottime.  thanks for the tip11:16
ju2effuck it, im installing debian, more stable, and i can see your opinions on ubuntu, i didnt know it suchk so much, will see how debian manage my studio, do you know if i can get real time kernel on debian11:16
jribwakejagr: yeah, that's it :)11:16
* Lachezar apologises for rambling...11:16
th_install debian and enjoy gnome2 for years to come :PP11:16
onlylonlygnome 2 fork: https://github.com/Perberos/Mate-Desktop-Environment11:16
rommsrini: read the documentation of tools like crossdev and gentoo's cross compiling docs.11:16
jribju2ef: please watch the language in this channel11:17
ju2efwont do it again11:17
phiscibedeb is easy to use flux or icewm or enlight11:17
jribju2ef: #debian for debian support11:17
soulnafeinWhat's going on with gwibber in 11.10? It's really slow.11:17
sriniromm,without arm processor,is it possible to port the kernel like beatle board? i need the cheapest hardware wherein i can go and port the kernel.can u please suggest?11:18
phiscibecould be anything, gete some coffe and open all your log files, tell your family ull be gone for a efw days in bug land11:18
rommsrini: you mean beagle? it does have an ARM...11:18
soulnafeinphiscibe: lol :P I've already done that yesterday to fix a problem with the wifi11:19
rommyes, it's a good choice for playing with kernel compilation and installing on an embedded board.11:19
sriniromm, ya beagle only11:19
phiscibewhats a beetle board11:19
=== caddoo_ is now known as caddoo
F1skri'm trying to install 11.10 to a SSD using bootable live USB. the installation seems to work fine, but when i try to boot i just get an error: "Read Error", i have tried to reinstall grub on the disk but that does not help, any ideas?11:20
sriniromm, beagle board has ARM Cortex A8 processor....see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BeagleBoard11:21
phiscibeoh beagle, it omap arm will compile11:21
sriniphiscibe, can u give me the solution?11:22
ubuntu_Which file manger does 11.10 uses?11:22
[4-tea-2]Oh, I think they "improved" SSH keyring management up to a point where it's broken for me now. I guess I'm either reinstalling 11.04 or I need a new distro.11:22
ubuntu_I want to copy a folder with root permissions11:22
gsommerHow do I create a custom launcher on the desktop? (Using Unity)... The google posts I find is for 11.04, which does not work for 11.10.11:23
phiscibei missed your prblem, do u have a beagle board and ...what do u want to do11:23
Kaan_is there a way to make /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs permanent? It defaults back to 120 every boot.11:24
phiscibeit should run ubuntu debian android, oen embedded, java, probabgly the windows embedded soluiton11:24
NCS_Oneon ubuntu 10.04 LTS when checking for updates I get this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/710786/11:24
NCS_Onewhat should I do to fix it?11:25
sriniphiscibe, :i want to port the linux kernel to arm....either it can be beagle board or anything...but the processor should be arm....i need the cheapest one wherein i can go and port the kernel11:25
jattthe kernel has been already ported to arm11:26
TehDGMsrini: cheap ARM board that runs linux: http://www.acmesystems.it/?id=FOXG2011:26
yezariaelyI think this is a question asked very often, but I could not find a suitable solution: 11.10 with old-style gnome panels, and no unity?11:27
zaapielwindows 8 will make arm so much more popular than it is now11:27
zaapieldesktop arm11:27
phiscibeNCS_One: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1221323.html11:27
Abhijiti installed torbutton but still tor is not working. help. error Firefox is configured to use a proxy server that is refusing connections.11:27
microcai弱弱地问下,我的谷歌拼音在openoffice write里使用,如果是单独输入一个字,选择后会出现第一个字和选择的这个字,就是同时出现两个字。如果一次输入两个或者两个以上,就不会出现重复。但在浏览器下使用则不出现这种情况。而我切换成Ibus不会出现类似google拼音的情况。请教下这是怎么回事。11:27
sriniTehDGM, how much it costs?11:27
zaapielfucking japs11:27
zaapielpearl harbor11:27
zaapielnever forget11:28
FloodBot1zaapiel: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:28
phiscibesrini the linxu kernel is already ported to arm, i dnot know why you want to to it again11:28
sriniphiscibe, i am doing it as mmy mini project....so i need it11:28
conntrackall your cars belong to us11:28
jattyezariaely: the best alternative is xfce now. there is a backward compatibility mode in gnome 3 but it gives you a desktop environment which cannot be customized as gnome 2.11:29
jattporting the kernel to arm cannot be a "mini project"11:29
dabukalamis there a command that can gimme a list of packages installed?11:29
jattis a huge task that requires a good pool of engineering talent11:29
llutz_dabukalam: dpkg -l11:29
jamilwhat is the cause of theis error:  assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed11:29
jattand as a said, it has already been done.11:30
phiscibeits already ported, i mean it took teams of people years, you want to redo that?? or do you just want to COMPOILE  alinux kernel for arm??11:30
phiscibecompile even11:30
yezariaelyjatt: this is really sad… but thank you anyway11:30
milliganAnyone here familiar with dhcpd? If I define a subnet from i.e to .. And then I add a fixed address (static ip) to a mac, that's inside that scope i.e .. will dhcpd reserve that IP, or can I get conflicts because the IP gets distributed in the dynamic scope AND given to the static MAC?11:30
evelynhi i just installed 11.10 and i am seeing strange issues with window management - ie i cannot move windows and the maximise/minimise buttons are gone11:30
TimLoalHi everyone.  I've just moved to Ubuntu from microsoft because windows is soo s***, but i've spent all afternoon solving one problem, when i should have been working to pay my rent etc, only to run into another.  I'm home now and want to get this set up well or go back to wasting my time with the devil i know11:30
sriniphiscibe, i need to compile its enough ...11:31
TimLoalwill someone help me?11:31
dabukalamllutz, awesome and now a way to view more than half of it? That's a terminal setting I assume, right?11:31
Abhijit!ask | TimLoal11:31
ubottuTimLoal: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:31
dabukalamllutz_, awesome and now a way to view more than half of it? That's a terminal setting I assume, right?11:31
th_evelyn: gnome3 removed maximizing and minimizing windows11:31
evelynth_: really, what about moving a non-maximised window? on my second laptop that i installed 11.10 on i could definately do that11:32
th_evelyn: that should still work. unity or gnome-shell?11:32
phiscibedpkg –get-selections11:32
sriniphiscibe, mention it to whom u r suggesting11:33
yezariaelyTimLoal: describe your problem please11:33
phiscibeim using bifocal glasses can t see them in the chattter11:33
evelynth_: unity as far as im aware ("ps aux | grep compiz" returns true)11:34
ahhughezis it possible for me to give a more meaningful name than sda1 to my hdd's?11:35
sriniphiscibe, :y no one are giving me any solutions?11:35
phiscibeunity in 11.10 LOOK MA no windows11:35
th_evelyn: hm, try alt-f2 (run dialog) and run "compiz --replace" if that helps11:35
evelynth_: and obviously have the left hand unity bar11:35
rommsrini: we already gave you 2 solutions11:35
rommwhat more do you need?11:35
romm(not to mention you keep using the phrase "porting linux to ARM" as if it wasn't ported about 10 years ago already)11:35
phiscibeinstall a comiler gcc will work, get the source code compile11:35
tabakhasehi there, my "yesterday working" LiveCD(s/CD/USB/) now stops booting (in the same computer) after "[15.721567] aufs test_add:261:exe[710]: uid/gid/perm //filesystem.squashfs 0/0/0755, 0/0/0777" (freeze >5 minutes)11:36
jamilwhat is the cause of theis error:  assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed11:36
phiscibeThis is by DESIGN  When an application window is maximized the window controls, to much controversy, hide by default. Although you only need to mouse over top the panel to access them, many early adopters have reacted negatively to the change citing it as ‘unintuitive‘ and potentially confusing to newcomers.11:37
jattsome gtk gunk11:37
phiscibehover the mouse and you should see the controls11:37
KartagisI'll upgrade, but apt-get upgrade will not upgrade release, yes?11:38
TimLoalyezariaely: ok i installed at the weekend on both my laptops, first i had a problem of firefox, libreoffice and occasionally the whole system freazing, caused by ACPI: EC: Input buffer not empty, aborting solved by "xset dpms force off" now it is stuck at the loading graphic and starting firefox takes about 4 minutes to load11:38
yezariaelyKartagis: yes.11:38
Kartagisyezariaely: yes what? it will not?11:38
TimLoalyezariaely: I'm a very technical person and am ok with following instructions so hit me :)11:39
asdaspihjNeither unity nor gnome3 is loading here, can somebody help?11:39
polanskiya estoy11:39
yezariaelyKartagis: Yes it will not do a release upgrade11:39
polanskibueno no me convence mucho el classic ya que no es igual como la 11.411:39
Kartagis!es | polanski11:39
ubottupolanski: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.11:39
evelynth_: i tried to doing a compiz --replace -> however still having the same issue11:39
Kartagisyezariaely: thanks11:39
ahhughezbest cd/dvd burning app please11:40
asdaspihjIm on oneiric, upgraded from the previous one at alpha 2 or 3 not sure11:40
phiscibetey dmesg | tail when u load fire fox, check the system log, some control is whacked11:40
yezariaelyTimLoal: unfortunately I have no idea how to help you. maybe someone else here can.11:40
th_evelyn: :/ i have no clue what it's about then. of course if you have /home on separate partition, quick clean install is the fastest way tbh, takes like 10 minutes11:40
TimLoalyezariaely: I'm thinking maybe if i go back to a previous stable version minus unity that i might have better luck? and be able to spend more time working than playing IT support11:40
sidewalkhow do i increase the number of workspaces in "Gnome Classic" in Ubuntu 11.10?11:40
yezariaelyTimLoal: you could try that, yes11:40
yezariaelyTimLoal: and i recommend looking into the log messages to see where the problems come from11:41
szal!best | ahhughez11:41
ubottuahhughez: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.11:41
evelynth_: haha that would be defeat! :) i will try a couple of things first before i reinstall11:41
phiscibetim check the release notes there are number of issues reported11:41
th_evelyn: best guess i guess is that you have some old gnome config files floating around11:42
TimLoalI WANT SOMEONE WHO CAN HELP ME OR I'LL FORGET ABOUT UBUNTU/LINUX and go back to M$, not that i want to11:42
th_evelyn: so, try creating new user account if it has the same problems11:42
yezariaelysidewalk: how did you install gnome classic for this version11:42
th_evelyn: if not, then you can11:42
th_evelyn: then you can just move off .settings files from your home dir to get "clean install" :p11:42
yezariaelyTimLoal: your choice, but stop yelling around...11:42
szalTimLoal: then do that, we don't dig on threats like this11:42
phiscibeif you cant get a specific error message i cant tell u what else to do, if u start firefox from the command line terminal might give u output, the are system.log kernel.log xorg.logs11:42
jribth_: ask an actual question. Threats are not going to make people more willing to help you (probably the opposite)11:43
jribTimLoal: ask an actual question. Threats are not going to make people more willing to help you (probably the opposite)11:43
th_jrib: huh?11:43
phiscibei want crybabies to wake up on the planet zorn in the middle of a galatctic battle, but bugs are bugs and it takes time11:43
TimLoalszal: i've spent all day trying to get this os to work and its ment to be easy, i have work to do11:43
TimLoaljrb i have11:43
phiscibenow let me cry about my bugs, stupid upgrade11:43
jribTimLoal: you didn't just now.11:43
TehDGMTimLoal: it is easy.11:44
TimLoalread up11:44
kaolc2how do I move the panels in Ubuntu 11.10? I can't find the option anywhere and it's looking UGLY right now11:44
th_kaolc2: unity panel can't be moved11:44
phiscibeidle cpu utilization runs at 80% until you plug in or unplug a cd or usb, flash video hangs the system if you let it run for a few hours11:44
TimLoali just want my computers to work i don't care on what11:44
phiscibeupgrade wigs out if you have any ppa repositories11:44
kaolc2th_ I'm using the Classic Gnome theme.11:44
jribTimLoal: that's fine.  But please stick to support (asking or giving).  The rest isn't productive11:44
NCS_Onephiscibe: thanks11:45
TimLoali have asked but its only when i shout that anyone talks to me11:45
th_kaolc2: installing xfce is probably the best bet :) afaik classic environment in gnome3 is pretty limited11:45
jattkaolc2: you can install xfce4 (a different desktop environment) which fully supports configurable panels. the classic gnome panel doesn't provide the same configuration capabilities as gnome 2.11:45
TimLoalok i installed at the weekend on both my laptops, first i had a problem of firefox, libreoffice and occasionally the whole system freazing, caused by ACPI: EC: Input buffer not empty, aborting solved by "xset dpms force off" now it is stuck at the loading graphic and starting firefox takes about 4 minutes to load11:45
kaolc2jatt: Can I downgrade to 10.04? This is horrible.11:46
TimLoalI'm a very technical person and am ok with following instructions so hit me :)11:46
jattkaolc2: I doubt you can and if it is possible it cannot be reliable. I also had that horrible experience but fortunately xfce4 saved my system.11:46
phiscibedude im jsut as guy sitting at my house, in the middle of a bunch of carpentry work, in a little bitty town, ill help you but you didnt say if you can see alog eerror or terminal output , i cant read your mind11:46
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eipi-1in testdisk, how can i select all files in a directory? Maybe even recursive?11:46
ahhughezoh c@#p. how I can I list all the hdd's on this machine... one is missing... `sudo lshw -C disk` ?11:47
yezariaelysidewalk: still there?11:47
phiscibecommunity support, nerds herding cats11:47
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kerzewho know best ubuntu game?11:47
TimLoalphiscibe: was that to me, please use my nick as this is a busy channel11:47
jattkerze: eboard (if you like chess)11:47
kaolc2jatt: I will give xfce a try, but I really am not content with Ubuntu right now.. We'll see how things turn out, thanks for the help. Any other suggestions? :)11:47
phiscibeoh so the constant scrolling is hrd to follwo hmmm11:48
evelynth_: new user account is a good idea. also "unity --reset" seems to have fixed it in some videos11:48
Semtexhey guys I have just upgraded to 11.11 from 11.04 and am using gnome-session-fallback. Is there anyway to stop ubuntu booting back into unity and force gnome classic as default?11:48
jattkaolc2: there is also kde but I'm not a kde fan so have no opinion on it, but you can give it a try.11:48
TehDGMyou could remove the unity packages11:48
sriniPhiscibe ,please consider me11:48
phiscibesorry its 7 am i havent slept im also naturay annoying, look in system.log or auth./log or kernel.log TimLoal11:48
Semtexalso is there anyway to stop the password prompt on the screen saver in 11.11? I think its there from when I upgraded11:49
arand_kerze: No such thing as best, I like frets on fire, sauerbraten, assaultcube...11:49
kaolc2jatt: I'll try xfce first then.. Thanks.11:49
sriniPhiscibe , wru from?11:49
phiscibesrini: what do u need? you want a link to where to get ARM source?11:49
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TimLoalYOU ASK ME TO ASK BUT WHEN I DO NOTHING !  sorry for shouting but when i talk i get nothing11:49
Semtex11.10 sorry not 11.1111:49
TehDGMTimLoal: if anybody knew they would've replied by now.11:49
yezariaelyso what is the reason that there is no gnome classic in 11.11, but only this unity thing?!11:50
Semtexyezariaely: yes11:50
TehDGMi'd help you if i could but i've never heard of the problem11:50
phiscibeyezariaely: progress  (style over substance)11:50
jattthere is a backward compatibility mode but it ain't as configurable as gnome 2.11:50
TimLoaltehdmg is there a better channel for ubuntu support?11:50
Semtexyezariaely: but you can do 'sudo apt-get install gnome-session-fallback'11:50
fritschTimLoal: there is for sure, but not at cost zero11:50
yezariaelyphiscibe: interessting to call this a progress...11:50
fritschTimLoal: could you paste a dmesg into a pastebin?11:51
arghx!attitude TimLoal11:51
yezariaelySemtex:  any problems with this aproach?11:51
TimLoalTehDGM: how much?11:51
Semtexyezariaely: a few minor problems but its useable11:51
fritschTimLoal: xdpms force off will blacken your screen, so this cannot really have solved sth.11:51
Semtexyezariaely: I am having it randomly start up with unity11:51
yezariaelySemtex: If this works, you made my day :)11:51
kerzewhich is the fastest xubuntu or lubuntu11:51
TimLoalarghx: yes just restarting for a clean run11:51
Semtexyezariaely: it does11:51
jattxubuntu is pretty fast11:51
Semtexbut you need to choose ubuntu classic11:51
starbrackhi, does anyone know how to make the unity launcher not auto hide in 11.10 ?11:51
Semtexfrom the login screen11:52
phiscibethe only way to get better suport is ot pay a profeswsional for tech suport, im guessing 100  bucks an dinstance?11:52
ActionParsnipkerze: lubuntu uses fewer resources11:52
Semtexbit like in 11.0411:52
kerzejatt : how about lubuntu11:52
TimLoalfritsch: yes it did for a split second but then ubuntu was super fast11:52
ActionParsnipstarbrack: its configured in ccsm11:52
th_starbrack: install 'compizconfig' from software centre, click for unity plugin, disable panel dodging11:52
fritschTimLoal: the dmesg could help11:52
starbrackcompizconfig didn't help11:52
jattkerze: don't know haven't used. I know LXDE runs on my phone. So it must be pretty fast on a laptop.11:52
th_it does11:52
th_unless you run unity2d11:52
fritschTimLoal: plus lspci if you are just at it11:52
kerzeActionParsnip : What is the effect for taht thing?11:52
starbrackyeah i'm running unity2d indeed11:52
Semtexyezariaely: to get 'ubunu classic' in 11.10, open a terminal and run 'sudo apt-get install gnome-session-fallback', one you have done that log out, click on the cog icon and choose 'ubuntu classic' then log back in11:53
starbrack(if you know how to make unity work with bumblebee, that would be welcome too)11:53
th_starbrack: in that case, (this is a bit harder but not overly), install 'dconf', run dconf, find for unity2d keys there, there's value for panel hiding11:53
yezariaelySemtex: sure already doing it11:53
ActionParsnipkerze: lxde gives a smoother OS as the CPU will need to work less11:53
sl__Hi. I just upgraded from 11.04 to 11.10 and after that my apache2 won't start after reboot. If I start it manually, it works just fine. I have checked init.d stuff and also used bum to confirm startup / shutdown of service. service apache2 start and restart also does work beautifully.11:53
th_can't check the exact key, at owrk11:53
TimLoalfritsch: i'm a bit new to ubuntu/linux so give it to me slowly, i'll use your nicks when replying to you to help you follow our conversation  thanks :)11:54
ActionParsnipsl__: ad an entry in /etc/rc.local   to start the service there. Add it above the exit 0 line11:54
th_starbrack: http://askubuntu.com/questions/62941/how-do-i-set-the-launcher-to-always-show-in-unity-2d there's exact answer, actually11:54
sl__ActaionParsnip: I'll check that right away. Thanks.11:54
phiscibeActionParsnip: look at the kernel log and see if it is at least trying to start11:54
th_starbrack: might need relogin to activate11:54
fritsch!pastebin | TimLoal11:55
ubottuTimLoal: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:55
Semtexyezariaely: few things you should know right click no longer works on the panels (to move, add, remove items), you have to press alt & right click instead11:55
jribActionParsnip: why would he need to do that?11:55
fritschTimLoal: you go onto the command line and do: dmesg > ~/mydmesg.txt11:55
fritschTimLoal: after this you paste the content of this textfile into one of the above pastebins11:55
starbrackthanks th_11:55
ActionParsnipjrib: its not starting at boot, but can be started manullay so adding in rc.local will run it last and should make it run11:55
kerzeit's same if i install lubuntu from ubuntu via synaptic and directly install lubuntu11:55
fritschTimLoal: the same you do with lspci: lspci ~/mylspci.txt11:55
sl__ActionParsnip: But why it needs to be added? Was it removed due update. When it's in normal init.d stuff start levels. Shouldn't it start anyway?11:55
jribActionParsnip: but it /should/ be started at boot unless he's configured it not to11:55
fritschTimLoal: lspci > ~/mylspci.txt, forgot the >11:56
yezariaelySemtex: you MADE my day. It is still very ugly, but better than this unity thing...11:56
icerootkerze: if that was a question, yes its the same11:56
yezariaelyit is a sin to call this progress ...11:56
ActionParsnipsl__: not sure, check for bugs but the edit should make it work until it gets fixed11:56
phiscibeActionParsnip: unless we see an actual error message is all guess work,11:56
icerootkerze: or better, its the same when you remove "ubuntu-desktop" and all it dependencies, then its the same11:56
kerzeiceroot: thank you11:56
Semtexyezariaely: also the screensaver is a bit werid it keeps asking me for a password even tho I dont use one at boot, and it occasionally boots into unity (but logging out and choosing 'ubuntu classic' fixes that)11:56
iceroot!purelxde | kerze11:56
ubottukerze: If you want to remove all !KDE, !GNOME and !XFCE packages and have a default !Lubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purelxde »11:56
phiscibethe system.log might be a better place to look11:56
Semtexyezariaely: but yeah it works11:57
TimLoalfritsch: i have pastebinit installed :)11:57
ActionParsnipphiscibe: true but the hack will restore normal service11:57
sl__I did check for startup bugs, but there wasn't anything reported which would exactly correspond my situation. I also removed apache2 using bum and set it back. Everything seems to be fine, but it still fails to start. And logs won't contain anything helpful.11:57
yezariaelySemtex: I use ubuntu in office and at home. But this decision makes me think to choose some other distro.11:57
Semtexyezariaely: your not the only one11:57
ActionParsnipsl__: check for bugs reported. It may be a known issue11:57
cdavisWhere would I look to find out why tn5250 is included in natty but not in oneiric?11:57
TimLoalfritsch: http://paste.yubuntu.com/710883       dmesg11:58
Semtexyezariaely: but I am lazy for the moment it will do11:58
sl__ActionParsnip: Thanks for "work-a-round". These seem to be quite common in linux world. Just make it happen the alternate way if the way it is supposed to work doesnt. ;)11:58
starbrackth_ another thing: how to enable shadows around my windows?11:58
jribsl__: ls -l /etc/rc*/*apache2*11:58
th_starbrack: uhm, you'll need compiz for that11:58
phiscibeyes if there is NO entry for the when the server starts when there should be, that is diagnostic info11:58
yezariaelySemtex: we could file a "bug"11:58
th_starbrack: try alt-f2, "compiz --replace" to use compiz as windowmanager11:58
phiscibeif there is a fail to start message, thats helpful too11:58
th_add that to startup programs if it works11:58
kaolc2Semtex: He's definitely not the only one11:58
tabakhasehi there, my "yesterday working" LiveCD(s/CD/USB/) now stops booting (in the same computer) after "[15.721567] aufs test_add:261:exe[710]: uid/gid/perm //filesystem.squashfs 0/0/0755, 0/0/0777" (freeze >5 minutes)11:58
TimLoalfritsch: http://paste.ubuntu.com/710883       dmesg   (sorry for the typo)11:59
sl__jrib: hit, rc0-6 all levels linked to init.d/apache211:59
jribsl__: can you just pastebin?11:59
starbrackoh that sounds like a rather big change th_, or isn't it?11:59
fritschTimLoal: sorry, this pastebin does not exist11:59
yezariaelykaolc2: so why do we not ask people to reinclude the classical variant or is it technically impossible?11:59
th_not really11:59
fritschTimLoal: correct link?11:59
th_just replacing the windowmanager11:59
Semtexunity is good for netbooks and tablets but it just feels wrong on my desktop with a 22" and 32" dual screen setup11:59
yezariaely(which could be the place!)11:59
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sl__jrib, naturally. http://pastebin.com/DGC0Z5rk11:59
TimLoalfritsch: http://paste.ubuntu.com/710833       dmesg   (sorry for the second  typo)12:00
starbrackso it doesn't completely replace unity then?12:00
th_nope, it's unity2d with compiz as windowmanager12:00
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th_whereas unity3d itself is a full plugin for compiz12:00
fritschTimLoal: ah okay, i see you have an nvidia card?12:00
Semtexyezariaely: its a controversial decision made by the ubuntu management12:00
jribsl__: the releases notes says there were some changes to how upstart handles the sys-v-init scripts, I'd start there.  Anything interesting in /etc/default/apache2?12:00
th_starbrack: but why you don't just run full unity3d? :)12:00
Semtexyezariaely: but I dont think its going to change12:00
fritschTimLoal: try to use the nvidia proprietary drivers12:00
th_starbrack: it has many handy features that aren't present in 2d12:00
fritschTimLoal: go to SystemSettings Additional Drivers12:01
yezariaelySemtex: so let's take over the management :D12:01
ActionParsnipSemtex: there are other DEs you can use if Unity isn't for you....12:01
fritschTimLoal: and install nvidia drivers12:01
starbrackth_: my laptop has this videocard that needs bumblebee to use it12:01
TimLoalfritsch: yes ok12:01
starbrackand i don't know how to tell unity to run with optirun12:01
sl__jrib, not as far as I know. http://pastebin.com/nHi7utVp12:01
jattCanonical shares aren't on market.12:01
starbrackif you know how to do that, that would be better indeed12:01
fritschTimLoal: click right in the corner this icon, choose System Settings, then you will find Additional Drivers (i do not have the exact translation)12:01
yezariaelyActionParsnip: I am looking for gnome classical, not xfce, kde or something any chances?12:01
jattyou cannot take over the management without shares :)12:02
CarlFKhow do I turn off the login sound? (the one that plays after you have logged in, as the desktop is coming up12:02
jribsl__: "more reliable handling of legacy sysvinit scripts" I'd try to figure out what that means :P12:02
fritschTimLoal: there you can select the nvidia drivers. after successful installation - you have to reboot12:02
[4-tea-2]Anyone else using a SB X-FI audio card with oneiric? Problems?12:02
TimLoalfritsch: nothing seems to be loading from the dock, ahh actually it is juts taking a looong time, pls bare with me12:02
fritschTimLoal: let`s see what works better afterwards12:02
th_CarlFK: there's mute button at top of lightdm login screen12:02
kaolc2yezariaely: I have no clue - don't ask me, I'm just here to rant :)12:02
ActionParsnipyezariaely: there is a fork of gnome2 called 'mate' it isn't developed by Gnome team and isn't official. I suggest you go to XFCE, it runs a lot like Gnome 212:02
erle-how do i get applets in gnome shell? i installed the applets 3.2 package12:03
sl__Yep. I did fair share of Googling before ending here. Because I didn't find anything that really would solve the issue. But I'm sure googling after a while or some update will fix the problem. The trick by ActionS works just fine before that.12:03
TimLoalfritsch: hard disk seems to be constantly active12:03
yezariaelyActionParsnip: I tried it a while ago, but I didn't like it. I am looking for mate, then...12:03
yezariaelymaybe they are in need of a programmer12:03
ActionParsnipyezariaely: could try LXDE too, there are lots of DEs to try12:03
fritschTimLoal: there is no error in dmesg - so first let`s see what happens after driver installation12:03
fritschTimLoal: it is an acer laptop though :-)12:04
TimLoalfritsch: can i launch the system settings from a prompt?12:04
ActionParsnipyezariaely: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/08/gnome-2-forked/    your choice12:04
sl__I do use piping to logrotate, if it could have anything to do with this. Otherwise all configs are pretty simple.12:04
TimLoalfritsch: is that good or bad?12:04
fritschTimLoal: just run gksu jockey-gtk12:04
jribsl__: do any other scripts in /etc/init.d fail?12:04
Semtex‘Mate’ is currently only packaged for Arch Linux users.12:04
fritschTimLoal: sorry, meant: gksudo jockey-gtk12:04
mononofu_does anyone of you know how to change the desktop wallpaper from the terminal? for a cron script12:04
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Semtexfrom that article12:05
ActionParsnipfritsch: gksu will run too :)12:05
jribmononofu: use gconftool-212:05
jribmononofu: erm, not sure if that's true with unity actually12:05
mononofujrib: the method I use before (using gconftool-2) broke in 11.1012:05
fritschActionParsnip: okay :-)12:05
sl__jrib, nope, not anymore. But used to, because some paths were missing. lock pid paths etc...12:05
ActionParsnipSemtex: thats all I know. I haven't used Gnome extensively for ages now12:05
jattyou can fork gnome 2 but gtk3 is the future so it makes no sense to support legacy code in the long term12:05
mononofujrib: also, I can't stand unity, so I'm using gnome fallback with Xmonad12:06
Semtexno worries12:06
sgs2_usrmy ubuntu 11.10 unity 3d breaks now :(12:06
Semtexcheers for your help anyways12:06
starbrackAnyone knows how to make unity run with bumblebee?12:06
TimLoalfritsch: looks like this might be a slow one till be get this fixed.  Thanks for your help in the meantime :)12:06
sgs2_usri can't resize window with the bottom icon12:06
sgs2_usrbut it works on the top and top sides12:06
sgs2_usrany idea?12:06
sl__jrib, my friends server failed to start sphinxsearch due /var/run/sphinxsearch path missing12:06
fritschTimLoal: does it still not start?12:06
wendicoim sorry to ask this question here, but im in urgent need of a Veterinarian. Any of you is a Vet? How can i connect to a medicine or veterinarian chat? please help me, i dont know how to use irc to find the correct chat12:06
sl__So it seems quite common that some paths need to be created after dist-upgrade.12:07
VIPER-IIgood day to you all.12:07
CarlFKth_: that mutes eveything, right?  (guessing the smile = not really helpful, which is fine.. just making sure)12:07
mononofujrib: nvm, I think I found a solution: http://www.entirelyunlike.net/?p=6612:07
th_CarlFK: it should just mute the login manager sound12:07
kaolc2When I close the lid of my Ubuntu netbook, it automatically hibernates. About 30% of the time, when I turn it back on, all I will get is some weird purple pixels sprayed all over the screen, it looks really weird. I can hear and feel that the desktop is back up, it's just that the display is messed up. Does anyone have a plausible explanation? This only happens on Ubuntu.12:07
TimLoalfritsch: (gksu:1938): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "pixmap",                  [still running though, hasn't returned to the prompt]12:08
VIPER-IIIs there anyway to remove the "Install NOW" option from the bootable Ubuntu USB? I dont want my users to mistakenly click and fuckup their current windows computers when they run the LiveUSB of Ubuntu.12:08
fritschTimLoal: no problem, just wait12:08
fritschTimLoal: did a window open?12:08
[4-tea-2]kaolc2: no explanation, but you might try suspend instead of hibernate, that's my workaround. :\12:08
CarlFKth_: is lightdm the new default thing?12:08
fritschkaolc2: if it gets that color again, press ctl alt f1 and afterwards ctl alt f712:08
th_CarlFK: yupp12:09
fritschkaolc2: perhaps your framebuffer is restored while switching the terminals12:09
TimLoalfritsch: No      [more message]   GNOME_SUDO_PASS12:09
iuytfrhello everyone12:09
ActionParsnipTimLoal: install gtk2-engines-pixbuf   and it will go12:09
hugo___Hello, I use Gnome as desktop, and im wonder how to change the nautilus color to a more darker one. I cant seem to get it right.12:09
jribsl__: well that's in the release notes (the change to /var/run and some other directories)12:09
hugo___* ubuntu 11.1012:09
jrib!notes | sl__12:09
ubottusl__: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) release notes can be found here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/11.1012:09
iuytfrlots of command not working12:09
TimLoalhey ActionParsnip how are you?12:09
jribsl__: maybe that's what you need to do12:09
almoxarifeTimLoal: in terminal                          sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-pixbuf12:09
Pitel_laptopI tried ubuntu-shell, and returned to unity2d. now I have only 2 virtual desktops. how to get it back to 4?12:09
ActionParsnipTimLoal: not bad, you ok?12:09
iuytfrvi not working i can't find /usr /var /boot etc ...12:09
metallicanirvanahow to edit vim for autoindentation?12:09
ActionParsnipTimLoal: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/76216712:10
fritschTimLoal: install the package ActionParsnip mentioned, afterwards gksudo jockey-gtk12:10
ubottuUbuntu bug 762167 in light-themes (Ubuntu) "missing dependency on gtk2-engines-pixbuf" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:10
ActionParsnipTimLoal: i logged this one ;)12:10
icerootmetallicanirvana: #vim12:10
iuytfrif i do  mount -a it say12:10
ActionParsnipiuytfr: mount needs sudo12:10
iuytfrcan't mount /dev/sda112:10
metallicanirvanaiceroot: yh vim12:10
iuytfryes of course as a root12:10
jribsl__: so maybe some config was changet do look at /run instead of /var/run?12:10
ActionParsnipiuytfr: does the mount point exist?12:10
sgs2_usrplease help me, my resize cursors only available for top-left, top, and top-right!!! what happen to bottom-left, bottom, bottom-right, left and right resize cursor?!12:10
sgs2_usrwhat did i do wrong?12:11
iuytfrhow to check ActionParsnip12:11
kaolc2fritsch: I'll try next time, good idea.. It's hard to replicate, though, so we'll see :)12:11
ActionParsnipiuytfr: it is a folder, it must exist to be able to mount to it12:11
fritschkaolc2: what graphics card ist in your laptop?12:11
iuytfrnot it doesn't exist12:12
iuytfri can't find /tmp12:12
sgs2_usralso, my minimze, maximize and close button is missing the icon inside when active, but when inactive, it's showing up, what is wrong?!12:12
iuytfr /ustr12:12
iuytfr /usr12:12
iuytfr /var etc....12:12
metallicanirvanapls help12:12
iuytfrbut i boot from live cd i can find that one ActionParsnip12:12
TimLoalfritsch  ActionParsnip      installing from another prompt.  the other one still hasn't returned12:12
ubuntu__My pc resets, where can I see logs about it?12:12
fritschTimLoal: press ctl c12:12
fritschTimLoal: something is not working12:13
=== ubuntu__ is now known as ubuntu_
lokeshjust wanted to say that compiz fushion is really good and i loved it12:13
ActionParsnipTimLoal: close the app you ran with gksudo and it should come back12:13
Pitel_laptopI tried ubuntu-shell, and returned to unity2d. now I have only 2 virtual desktops. how to get it back to 4?12:13
TimLoalfritsch: that fixed it12:13
fritschTimLoal: fixed it? in the sense of it is killed now? :-)12:13
TimLoalkilled it yes  fritsch12:13
hagorathhi, ive got a mysterious problem:12:14
hagorathinstalled libsqlite3-dev on ubuntu12:14
hagorathusing that header in my source12:14
hagoratheverytime when i use make, ill get "undefined reference 'sqlite3_open'"12:14
hagorathLDFLAGS are "-L/usr/include -lsqlite3"12:14
FloodBot1hagorath: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:14
metallicanirvanalol hagorath12:14
TimLoalengine pixbuf still at reading package 0%  fritsch12:14
fritschTimLoal: lets try to install from command line12:15
fritschTimLoal: when apt is finished try: sudo jockey-text -a12:15
jribsl__: what's the output of: grep -i '^concurrency=' /etc/init.d/rc12:15
TimLoalActionParsnip: not so good, to answer your question, not sure if it's cos of technology or toothacke12:16
ironhalikOk, I maybe ask here, since it mostly linux related12:16
TimLoalfritsch: i think its just on a general go slow :(12:16
ironhalikfirefox and chrome keeps putting my php site in another gzip container and downloads it, on windows the site works ok12:17
fritschTimLoal: slow is not "walking backwards" ;-)12:17
TimLoalhardisk light sill on constantly fritsch12:17
phiscibehagorat yourmissing something like libsqlite3-dev ...somethig -0dev12:17
ironhalikany idea how to fix it?12:17
TimLoalfritsch: lol12:17
fritschironhalik: clean local caches12:17
iuytfrget ? ActionParsnip12:17
ironhalikfritsch: how do i do that except clearing it via chrome and firefox?12:17
TimLoalfritsch: ok so kill the install and do the jockey-text?12:18
[4-tea-2]What's the recommended replacement for aptitude on a multiarch system? Anything but the software-center?12:18
supersashohi can someone help me with upgrade to 11.10 and grub, more info here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11352625#post1135262512:18
GuitarBizarreHey, newbie question here, I'm trying to install some variant of snes9x on my netbook, compaq 311C, lubuntu 11.10, new install12:18
GuitarBizarreI'm finding it difficult, most repositories seem to be out of date on either the build or the version of ubuntu to which they refer12:18
GuitarBizarreI keep finding references to gsnes9x, but it seems the ubuntu repositories don't have this package, terminal says package not found12:18
TimLoalahh install at 80% reading package list, lets wait fritsch12:18
GuitarBizarreI've got a tar.bz2 I can find, of course, but I'm rather hopeless with such things12:18
GuitarBizarreand I'd prefer a graphical frontend, I believe the vanilla snes9x releases are command line12:18
\shanyone with an asus pro 61 S laptop and trying to install oneiric on it?12:18
fritschTimLoal: could you paste a current dmesg just for now?12:18
fritschTimLoal: i think there must be a reason for this slowliness12:19
ironhalik.cache in homedir has web browsers caches?12:19
kaolc2fritsch: Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 3150 .. Or something12:19
fritschTimLoal: the output of the top window12:19
icerootGuitarBizarre: snes9x is in the repos (or zsnes)12:19
fritschkaolc2: should have great support12:19
ActionParsnipiuytfr: i'd check your /etc/fstab  make sure it's mounting right12:19
icerootGuitarBizarre: so you dont need the tar.gz12:19
=== BaNz is now known as Alex`aw
GuitarBizarreiceroot - not a fan of zsnes, and apt-get snes9x or gsnes9x says package not found12:19
TimLoalfritsch: http://paste.ubuntu.com/710851       dmesg12:19
=== Fred_ is now known as Guest23343
GuitarBizarreI do have multiverse enabled12:19
icerootGuitarBizarre: yes, only zsnes is in the repos12:20
fritschTimLoal: ouhhhh12:20
fritschActionParsnip: could you look at his pastebin?12:20
fritschActionParsnip: seem your hard disk is pretty f**ed :-)12:20
fritschTimLoal: your hard disk12:20
TimLoalfritsch: oh err misses! :p12:20
icerootGuitarBizarre: download the tar.gz, right click -> extraxt. extract it in your home and then start the snes9x script12:20
TimLoalfritsch: hard disk still busy12:21
phiscibeironhall thats a bug on THEIR web server12:21
GuitarBizarreiceroot: ok. Is there a graphical frontend I can use with it?12:21
fritschTimLoal: your hard disk seems damaged12:21
phiscibea web server should never give you raw unprocessed php12:21
TimLoalfritsch: install at 98% reading package list12:21
icerootGuitarBizarre: for extracting?12:21
icerootGuitarBizarre: or for snes9x itself?12:21
GuitarBizarreno, for snes9x itself12:21
fritschTimLoal: nvidia won`t fix this ..12:21
TimLoalnope HD is fine fritsch12:21
icerootGuitarBizarre: it has a gui by default12:21
fritschTimLoal: nope hd is not12:21
fritschTimLoal: look at the dmesg12:21
phiscibebut, as its occuring on your end something in the borwser is revewling the security breach, and u get the file12:21
iuytfri don't know if you get what i mean, in fstab i got /boot /var12:21
iuytfretc ...12:21
ironhalikphiscibe: well yeah, but it works on widnows, on multiple browser, only my ubuntu gives problems12:21
GuitarBizarreiceroot: Ah, I've been informed otherwise. Let me install and see who's correct12:21
fritschTimLoal: install smartmontools12:22
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sriniwat is kiwix?12:22
fritschTimLoal: recheck with sudo smartctl -H /dev/sda12:22
ironhalikphiscibe: also, theres a bug report on mozilla regarding double packing compressed files12:22
TimLoalfritsch: one strp at a time or i'll get lost12:22
iuytfri can't mount simply ActionParsnip12:22
fritschTimLoal: you hard disk seems damaged, really damaged12:22
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_-XPERT-_Hi all12:23
fritschTimLoal: whole dmesg ist full of these errors12:23
ActionParsnipfritsch: i'd say so too dude.12:23
_-XPERT-_anybody found a solution for the screensaver issue 11.10?12:23
TimLoalfritsch: it must only be logical damage it is fine in other OSs12:23
osmosis_paulsomebody know how can i change the color of my windows buttons etc in ubuntu 11.10???12:24
iceroot_-XPERT-_: which bug?12:24
osmosis_pauli cannot find it12:24
fritschTimLoal: your windows works fine?12:24
TimLoalso these smartmontools whats the full command to get/run them12:24
fritschTimLoal: sudo apt-get install smartmontools12:24
_-XPERT-_crt alt l gives lock and cant be removed only by going to console and kill screensaver12:24
kaolc2fritsch: I suppose so.. Okay12:24
GuitarBizarreiceroot: Hmm. I ran the script, it asks me whether I want to execute it, I choose execute in terminal, and nothing happens12:24
TimLoalwell fine relative for windows :p12:24
fritschTimLoal: sudo smartctl -H /dev/sda12:24
SmashedGlasssmartctl -a /dev/sda12:24
iceroot_-XPERT-_: cant be removed = password wrong or what is the error?12:24
GuitarBizarreiceroot: is this because I'm using lubuntu? do I need the gtk packages?12:25
fritschTimLoal: backup all of your data12:25
fritschTimLoal: your hard disk has severe issues12:25
icerootGuitarBizarre: can you paste me the url to the tar.gz?12:25
icerootGuitarBizarre: so i can check it here12:25
_-XPERT-_iceroot: Screen freezes on last image and then nothing can be dona except crtl alt F1 and then login and kill screenvsver12:25
fritschTimLoal: please pastebin: sudo smarctl -a /dev/sda > ~/myerrors.txt12:25
iceroot_-XPERT-_: is there already a bug reported?12:25
[4-tea-2]No more alternative (newer) ALSA drivers in oneiric? If not, I think I have to downgrade because the ALSA drivers in the current kernel seem to be broken for my SB X-FI.12:26
_-XPERT-_iceroot: not sure12:26
TimLoalit was fine till this afternoon and it hasn't left my desk fritsch12:26
icerootGuitarBizarre: sorry url is blocked here :(12:26
TimLoalfritsch:  slowdown pls12:26
GuitarBizarreiceroot: bo problem12:26
fritschTimLoal: jep - but being as slow as your disk is not possible *G*12:26
TimLoalfritsch: lol.                     I'm an IT engineer for 20 years12:27
starbrackis there a page or something with some tips & tricks for unity?12:28
TimLoalfritsch: would it be worth booting into safe mode?12:28
th_starbrack: http://i.imgur.com/pf1y5.png12:28
sl__star: I tried all tips & tricks, and it still wasn't nearly good enough.12:28
starbracklike how to quickly switch window of the same program12:28
fritschTimLoal: nope12:28
th_set that as wallpaper for couple weeks12:28
starbrackth_: 40412:28
TimLoalfritsch: it seems to have just come to life, everything i've asked for has just poped up12:29
th_starbrack: http://www.foopics.com/showfull/814f60dd87f7e4d97e098cbb03c77e09 there then12:29
starbrackcool :)12:29
fritschTimLoal: backup all of your data now(!)12:29
TimLoalpixbuf engine install has completed and HD is idle fritsch12:30
fritschTimLoal: sudo apt-get install smartmontools12:31
iuytfrok ActionParsnip12:31
ndlovuwhat's the best way to upgrade from 10.04 to 11.10? clean install?12:31
TimLoalfritsch: ok i have a responsive system, where shall we go from here.  the last couple of commands didn't get entered, should we go back to any of these?12:31
iuytfrcan you tell me what is lsof ?12:31
TimLoalfritsch: ok12:31
iuytfrwhat is his rules ?12:31
fritschTimLoal: your system is so long responsive, till you query the hd again12:31
MonkeyDustiuytfr: http://linuxmanpages.com/man8/lsof.8.php12:32
_-XPERT-_iceroot: There is an report that there is no screen saver anymore in gnome312:32
=== Alex`aw is now known as BaNz
jattxscreensaver is in the repos12:33
yezariaelyActionParsnip: LXDE seems to be a solution which is useable. thank you12:33
SAKKEDwhere i can search unofficial ubuntu WLAN drivers?12:33
SAKKEDi have lubuntu and it doesnt find drivers from internet12:33
SAKKEDubuntu found it12:33
SAKKEDbut somehow lubuntu doesnt12:33
_-XPERT-_jatt: I know but then i dont have the option to do CRTL ALT L to do a quick lock12:33
TimLoalfritsch: now thats working quick!! :D     I'm at a postfix configuration  .... please select the mail server configuration type that best suits your needs ....   no change, internet site, internet with smarthost, satalite, local only?12:35
starbrackhm so th_: no quick way to switch from windows from the same program?12:35
th_starbrack: ctrl-tab should work12:35
starbrackhm that switches tabs in firefox12:36
sl__Screensaver hasn't bee useful for ages anyway.12:36
TimLoalfritsch: but i can't see how to make a selcetion, its a text based window  with <Ok> at the bottom, but doesn't do anything12:36
cutiyarwaiting network configuration can be solved?12:36
sl__Btw. If someone is suffering from hibernation problems. Using uswsusp fixed hibernation for all of my three laptops that failed to resume after suspend.12:37
AtharvaHi...I have ubuntu 10.10 in my laptop..When I work on my laptop for more than 2 hrs , and after asking it to shutdown,I hangs up at the log off screen (the screen with ubuntu and 5 dots below it) & i have to manually turn the power off...Why so ? any ideas?12:37
ActionParsnipyezariaely: np man. I love LXDE personally :)12:37
TimLoalfritsch: I can't get past the above stage .... advice pls?12:38
_-XPERT-_TimLoal: Which kind of server do you want to install read the explanation of the options12:39
fritschTimLoal: what does sudo smartctl -H /dev/sda say?12:39
TimLoal_-XPERT-_: internet site12:39
osmosis_paulAny idea someone how change the color of the windows and themes in particular in Ubuntu 11.10????12:40
fritschTimLoal: does it say Passed? or does it say failed12:40
Neil__I was running 11.04 until yesterday and then accepted the option to upgrade to 11.10.  That went ok until the PC restarted, then everything went black.  Ouch!  I hadn't made a backup, which I know was wrong.  Anyway, booted up using a distro CD so I can see my file structure and I want to copy those files across to a back up hard disk then rebuild the PC and start again.  What I need to know is how to get the admin rights to cop12:40
Neil__y the files.  Using sudo asks for a password which isn't mine.  Any thoughts?12:40
_-XPERT-_TimLoal: you can change with tab it should work12:40
TimLoalfritsch: command not found12:41
cutiyarwaiting network configuration can be solved?12:41
GirlyGirlAtharva: Boot in recovery, mode select resume normal boot, then on shutdown see the error message shown12:41
MonkeyDusthi GirlyGirl12:41
fritschTimLoal: sudo apt-get install smartmontools12:42
fritschTimLoal: sorry, have to go - cooking12:42
TimLoal_-XPERT-_: yes that worked     now it wan't a FQDN and had defaulted to ubuntu  whould i use one of my domains ?12:42
TimLoalfritsch: bon appitit12:42
AtharvaGirlyGirl : OK will tell u in some time...I need to logout for that so leaving...12:42
_-XPERT-_TimLoal: You must use one of you domain prefered head domain on wich server is running12:43
TimLoalfritsch: come back later, i'll probably still be here12:43
[4-tea-2]Is the ubuntu-audio-dev PPA dead?12:43
paul3hi, everyone!12:43
jim__I have been developing a Gtk application using MonoDevelop. After upgrading to Ubuntu 11.10, I have lost all gtk# related references; they are marked as "Assembly not available for Mono/.Net 3.5 (in Mono 2.10.5)".12:43
jim__None of the gtk-sharp related assemblies show up in the Assemblies list, so I can't delete the old references and replace with references to new assemblies.12:43
jim__I vaguely remember seeing something a while ago about this problem, but a Google search turned up nothing. Is there documentation somewhere that describes what to do?12:43
FloodBot1jim__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:43
ubuntu_lol @ FloodBot1 and jim__12:44
fritschTimLoal: just install smartmontools and backup your data. in short your hard disk is dying - very fast :-)12:44
JakeyChanhi ?12:44
paul3how to make FLUSH show itself in unity??12:44
bilegthow to customize panel? adding plugins etc12:44
wghostriderwhi there...anyone of support team?12:44
TimLoalfritsch: now it says passed12:44
JakeyChando you know good document for svn configuration on ubuntu server ?12:44
jattjim__: I'm not a mono expert but a simple test program compiled with12:44
jatt gmcs foo.cs /r:System.Data.dll /r:System.Data.OracleClient.dll /r:System.Xml.Linq12:44
jatt works on my system (11.10).12:44
wghostriderwanyone of ubuntu staff that can take note of a bug?12:44
RenskiHey, I need to RDP into a windows box, but I have to go through a SOCKS proxy first. Doesnt seem to be an option for proxies in the default rdp app that comes preinstalled in ubuntu. Any ideas besides socat?12:45
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TimLoalfritsch: i need to cook too, how long till you can be back?12:45
wghostriderwanyone of ubuntu staff that can take note of a bug? ²12:46
reisioRenski: is there even for Windows' RDP client?12:46
fritschTimLoal: i will last long - have to correct a master thesis for someone, which has to go out tomorrow - i am afk longer time12:46
fritschTimLoal: but i am sure another one helps you out12:46
mongyim using my vps with a simple ssh -D socks proxy to access a site blocked to me (different country) and I can access it but streaming videos dont work.. does for actual residents though, so I know the site works.  any idea why not working for me?12:47
iuytfrhello anyone there12:47
reisionope, I'm here12:47
paul3how to make FLUSH show itself in unity??12:48
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TimLoalfritsch: ok before you go where were we at so i can help someone else take over from you?  BTW i don't believe my HD is the issue12:48
TimLoalfritsch: smartctl says passed12:48
iuytfrwell, why need to fsck sometime ?12:49
fritschTimLoal: just show them your dmesg output12:49
fritschTimLoal: and ask them how to run a short / extended test with smartctl12:49
fritschTimLoal: this will check your disk12:49
TimLoalok thanks12:49
fritschTimLoal: what is your laptops name?12:49
fritschTimLoal: ACER xyz12:50
linuzzzmy java app makes a considerable time delay when pressing keys on keyboard. is there some command to reduce the miliseconds it takes to fire the event. like there is an xset r off to turn off repeat? is there some command to reduce the delay?12:50
TimLoalacer aspire 5930  aka bobby :)12:50
wcchandlerin oneiric, thunderbird, it's not checking for new mail every X minutes like defined in the account settings12:50
reisiolinuzzz: using a different language would probably do it12:50
wcchandleri have to actually close thunderbird and reopen for new mail to show up12:51
iuytfrwell, why we need to do fsck sometime ?12:51
linuzzzreisio: it isnt feasible to change the language12:51
sudipta_does conky work in gnome shell?12:51
reisiotoo bad12:51
wcchandleris there a way to see when it's checking mail similar to how evolution did?12:51
TimLoal                                                                                                                     Can someone help me to  ...  run a short / extended test with smartctl ?     please12:51
linuzzzreisio: there is no ssuch delay in either windows or mac12:51
[4-tea-2]iuytfr: to be on the safe side. You can disable it using tune2fs, iirc.12:51
reisiolinuzzz: so much for portable java? :P12:52
reisiolinuzzz: what JRE are you using12:52
wghostriderwanyone of ubuntu staff that can take note of a bug? ³12:52
wcchandlerTimLoal -- `sudo smartctl -t long /dev/sda`12:52
iuytfrsafe side ? [4-tea-2]12:52
Polahwghostriderw, report it on launchpad, not here12:52
bilegtbattery indicator disappears!!! how to reactive it?12:52
hugo___hello! Im trying to change the color of nautilus background and such.. I havent successfully managed that. Can anyone help? Iv even replaced the themefolder in  /usr/share/gnome-shell and rebooted, but nothing changed...12:52
reisiolinuzzz: which one12:52
Pici!bug | wghostriderw12:52
ubottuwghostriderw: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.12:52
xanguawghostriderw: try launchpad to report bugs12:53
[4-tea-2]iuytfr: yes, to check for and repair unnoticed filesystem issues.12:53
ubottuLaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/12:53
=== BaNz is now known as Alex`aw
linuzzzthe one from sun. i forgot the version12:53
paul3how to make FLUSH show itself in unity??12:53
reisiolinuzzz: not from Oracle?12:53
linuzzzwell that one ;)12:54
reisiopaul3: might help if you used more than the incredibly poor name of whatever it is you're talking about12:54
TimLoalwcchandler: thanks      now what to do for 2 hours12:54
linuzzzi am not using the openjdk12:54
wghostriderwtks guys12:54
TimLoalwcchandler: should i just leave it alown or can i do other stuff?12:54
paul3reisio, it'a bittorrent client12:54
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iuytfrfew hours back i don't have access on /var/log etc .... by doing fsck /dev/sda1 now i can access on it [4-tea-2]12:54
mastrohi, I have an user reporting to me that the keyboard (PS2) failed to work after an upgrade from ubuntu 10.04 to 10.10. I have her do some test and apparently the same happen with an USB keyboard; furthermore the keyboard doesn't work in the login manager (GDM probably) but, if she use the virtual keyboard to login then the external keyboard works as usually... No error on the Xorg.0.log12:55
paul3reisio, it stayed in a tray in gnome, but now it works, but I can't see it12:55
=== BaNz is now known as Alex`aw
reisiopaul3: there's an icon in the tray?12:55
iuytfrand my question is why it happen  ?12:55
wcchandlerTimLoal: you can do stuff.  shouldn't effect it12:55
hammohow do i change login options in 11.11? cant find pref menu anywhere..... and my remote desktop server no longer works :(12:55
iuytfrand my question is why it happen  ? [4-tea-2]12:55
paul3reisio, nope12:55
xanguapaul3: if it used systemtray, you will need to add it to a whitelist to show it on ubuntu's indicator12:55
_-XPERT-_anybody found a solution for the screensaver issue 11.10? I need to be able to lock my screen12:55
reisiopaul3: gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Panel systray-whitelist "['all']"12:55
[4-tea-2]iuytfr: that's not normal behaviour. You might have a hardware problem.12:55
reisiopaul3: then log out and in12:56
TimLoalwcchandler: also dose it need network access i'm concerned as i have traffic when i'm not doing anything12:56
ward_who took this "decision" to remove gnome and add this piece of crap instead?12:56
kelvinellahello, i am using dell mini9 netbook, I updated from 11.04 to 11.10 now my ubuntu is so slow and is unusable12:56
ActionParsnip_-XPERT-_: use Super+L  to lock (if memory serves)12:56
odb|fidelward_: nobody inhere ;)12:56
ward_where do i contact the idiots taking these decisions?12:56
kelvinellahow to fix it?12:56
xangua_-XPERT-_: check the oneiric tweak post on webupd8 blog ;)12:56
paul3reisio, thanks :)12:56
odb|fidelward_: write to cannonical12:56
Polahward_: That's not relevant here. Refrain from complaining or use a different environments, there's lots to choose from12:56
ActionParsnipward_: gnome is still installed and default in Ubuntu...12:56
thiebaudeward, im not having any problems, i swithced to gnome 3 :)12:57
Neil__How to copy files from host pc to a backup drive using distro CD?12:57
iuytfrhardware problem ? well, how fsck can repair that one ? [4-tea-2]12:57
wcchandlerTimLoal: no network traffic, although the OS will do OS-ey things like DHCP broadcasts, beacon requests, etc.12:57
reisioward_: http://www.canonical.com/about-canonical/contact http://www.gnome.org/contact/12:57
ward_odb|fidel, Polah not for you just kick or ban me12:57
TimLoalkellnola: i've had similar issues but on a new build there is a solution but i'm not the man to ask12:57
odb|fidelward_: i was willing to help - but seems like you are not willing to get help ;)12:57
iuytfrwhat fsck does technically ?12:57
ward_ActionParsnip, no its something freay that looks like gnome but is diffrent enough to annoy the crap out of me12:57
ActionParsnipNeil__: mount both file systems, and you can copy files between12:57
xanguaward_: unity runs on top of gnome12:57
sbtehey, anyone knows how to keep the bottom panel of gedit open in oneiric?12:57
Polahward_: Never said that it was. However, this channel is not for you to complain about something. If you do not like it, change to another UI and send an email to Canonical if you like12:57
ActionParsnipward_: no, it's gnome, it just has a shell called Unity on top of it12:57
ward_odb|fidel, that was only for Polah sorry12:57
icerootiuytfr: man fsck12:58
kelvinellano flash in ubuntu 11.10??12:58
TimLoalwcchandler: ok i'm in china so i'll unplug as i think being here might be half my probem12:58
ward_Polah, i was asking who took the decision.... now sotp acting like you are an op or DO something12:58
sudipta_does conky work in gnome shell?12:58
icerootkelvinella: sure there is flash12:58
kelvinellaunity is unusable here12:58
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:58
xanguakelvinella: sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin12:58
wcchandlerTimLoal: definitely12:58
iceroot!flash | kelvinella12:58
ubottukelvinella: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash12:58
ActionParsnipkelvinella: enable partner repo and install adobe-installer12:58
reisiosudipta_: are you asking because you tried to use it and it doesn't seem to?12:58
ward_thiebaude, so is it offtopic to ask who took this decision?12:58
ActionParsnipkelvinella: adobe-flashplugin   sorry. What sort of modern OS would not have flash......?12:59
Polahward_: You were complaining. Obviously the decision was made by Canonical and again, this is a support channel and thus it is not relevant unless you want to know how to move to another environment.12:59
icerootActionParsnip: ios12:59
ActionParsnipiceroot: exactly ;)12:59
TimLoalwcchandler:  thats half of the reason i'm looking for a better os ;)12:59
PolahActionParsnip, iOS (; Is Flash in the partner repos now? I thought it was multiverse?12:59
icerootActionParsnip: :)12:59
ward_Polah, this is very relevant since i asked it and its related to ubuntu12:59
[4-tea-2]iuytfr: it can't. It can only, in the best case, mitigate the symptoms.12:59
TimLoalthe other half is a crap os :p12:59
freshinstallwhy do i get a dropbox icon next to the clock but not a skype?12:59
ward_Polah, feel free not to respond to me if you don't like it12:59
kelvinellawhen i open firefox or any window that is maximized i cant get to the unity bar12:59
ActionParsnipPolah: yeah partner now. iOS is not a modern OS ;d12:59
ward_Polah, but dont just tell me to leave if i ask a relevant question related to ubuntu13:00
ActionParsnipward_: what is your question please?13:00
PolahActionParsnip, but there was a release just a few days ago, it's more modern than Ubuntu :P13:00
[4-tea-2]iuytfr: without a hardware problem, there would be no reason to run fsck manually, though. Unless either of us is very, very confused.13:00
Polahward_: I never said to leave. I said that if it's not to do with Ubuntu support then it isn't relevant. I'll not debate this with you any more.13:00
kelvinellait said package adobe-flashplugin is not available13:00
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ActionParsnipPolah: no flash, the web uses tonnes of flash so is half an OS to me13:00
Neil__ActionParsnip: the pop-up says I can't handle the file because I don't have permissions to read it.13:00
ActionParsnipkelvinella: did you enable partner repo in software centre13:00
xanguakelvinella: enable partner repository first ;)13:00
ward_ActionParsnip, the question was who took the decision to remove gnome and replace it with unity garbage, but Polah just told me it was canonical13:00
ActionParsnipward_: gnome hasn't been removed13:01
xanguaward_: again, unity runs on top of gnome13:01
ward_Polah, great, since that was my goal13:01
kelvinellai cant type anything in Search Application box13:01
PolahActionParsnip, it was supposed to foster usage of HTML5 and the like but it seems fairly silly to remove while Flash is still the most used.13:01
ward_ActionParsnip, ok, how do i get the same desktop as ubuntu... 7.10 or something liek that13:01
thiebaudePolah, exactly13:01
ActionParsnip!nounity | ward_13:01
ubottuward_: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic13:01
ward_ActionParsnip, i read gnome2 is no longer in there13:01
xangua!gnome2 | ward_13:02
ubottuward_: The GNOME Foundation has ceased support for GNOME 2, and as such it is not in Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot). See !notunity for an alternative desktop experience.13:02
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ActionParsnipward_: yes gnome2 only has a fork called 'mate'13:02
ubottuGNOME 3 is the desktop environment on which Unity is based.  To use GNOME Shell instead of Unity, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool". GNOME 3 is not supported under Natty, and may break your system if installed from alternate sources.13:02
reisioward_: 10.04 is supported until 201313:02
thiebaudeim using gnome 3 and its awesome13:02
ActionParsnipward_: or switch DE to XFCE and it will look like Gnome213:02
ward_ActionParsnip, aha so can this "mate" be used? is it more similar to gnome2?13:02
reisioward_: after that you'll want to change from GNOME 2, or hope it is maintained again13:02
hammohow do i change login option to auto log user in? ver 11.1013:02
freshinstallyeah, that GNOME2 argument is rubbish, plenty of distros still have fvwm as an option, it doesn't have to be BANNED just cos it's not supported13:02
jbendotnetI'm getting "Extracting the upgrade failed. There may be a problem with the network or with the server." when I try to upgrade a hardy lts server (mv)13:02
jbendotnetany ideas?13:03
reisioward_: it's easy to copy gnome 2 and rename things13:03
ActionParsnipward_: its the same code as gnome2, it is unofficial and not supported here13:03
jbendotnet"Failed Upgrade tool signature"13:03
reisioward_: what has to happen is for it to make it into repos and be maintained13:03
reisiokelvinella: ?13:03
PolahIs the GNOME2 fork stable on Ubuntu? I just switched straight to KDE but a decent GNOME2-alike would be nice13:03
ActionParsnipNeil__: run:  gksudo nautilus    and you can do as you please13:03
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ActionParsnipPolah: not used it, nor do I have any interest in gnome13:03
ward_ActionParsnip, ah ok13:03
hammohow do i change login option to auto log user in? ver 11.10 anyone?13:04
ward_with xfce i cant get the icons to align on both screens... and in #xubuntu nobody responds13:04
ward_man i wish it was 2006 again!13:04
wrigglehello, everytime try to unzip a .tgz file with tar -zxvf filename.tgz it says: gzip: stdin: not in gzip format tar: Child returned status 1 tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now. whats wrong?13:04
farhad2161Universal-USB-Installer- and unetbootin-windows-563 does not work correctly for booting ubuntu-11.10-desktop-i386 from USB,How can i boot it from usb?13:04
ActionParsnipward_: lucid is very supported....13:04
kelvinellai dont understand how to add partner repo?13:04
ActionParsnipfarhad2161: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?13:05
ward_ActionParsnip, dunno how you mean that13:05
freshinstallward_, drop the z it's no longer needed13:05
xangua!partner | kelvinella13:05
ubottukelvinella: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »13:05
iuytfrwell, get now [4-tea-2]13:05
Polahwriggle: You could try changing the filename to end in .tar.gz instead of .tgz, or gunzip then tar -x it13:05
farhad2161ActionParsnip: yes13:05
ActionParsnipward_: KDE, LXDE, Enlightenment, openbox, fluxbox and many many more13:05
reisiowriggle: what does file foo.tgz say?13:05
ward_freshinstall, the z ?13:05
hammohow do i change login option to auto log user in? ver 11.10 anyone?13:05
ActionParsnipward_: there are loads of desktops you can use instead13:05
freshinstallin -zxvf ward_13:05
ActionParsniphammo: what desktop?13:05
SunTsuwriggle: what does file think about that .tgz?13:05
freshinstallward_, tar can tell if it's zipped13:05
farhad2161ActionParsnip: I test my CD in vmware and it installed correctly13:05
ward_ActionParsnip, yeah but nothing comes close enough to gnome2 :(13:05
ward_freshinstall, i cant you are confused and are talking to someone else13:06
ActionParsnipward_: how many have you actually tried?13:06
kelvinellastill no13:06
Polahfreshinstall, always good to tell it just in case.13:06
SunTsufreshinstall: it's wriggle, not ward_13:06
ActionParsniphammo: in dash, search for login   and it should be an option there13:06
kelvinellahow to disable unity in 11.10?13:06
hammotried that nothing there13:06
kelvinellait is messed up now13:06
reisiohammo: for gnome-shell or unity?13:06
ActionParsniphammo: http://www.tuxgarage.com/2011/09/setting-lightdm-to-auto-login-oneiric.html13:06
ward_ActionParsnip, over the years i've tried many desktop environments13:06
farhad2161kwtm3@adsl-75-61-101-235.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 256 seconds13:07
xangua!nounity | kelvinella13:07
ubottukelvinella: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic13:07
farhad2161[16:35:06] OY1R [~Reggy@] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 256 seconds13:07
farhad2161[16:35:06] [ward_] ActionParsnip, dunno how you mekwtm3@adsl-75-61-101-235.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 256 seconds13:07
farhad2161[16:35:06] OY1R [~Reggy@] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 256 seconds13:07
farhad2161[16:35:06] [ward_] ActionParsnip, dunno how you mekwtm3@adsl-75-61-101-235.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 256 seconds13:07
farhad2161[16:35:06] OY1R [~Reggy@] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 256 seconds13:07
FloodBot1farhad2161: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:07
sig09how i can auto accept license with apt-get13:07
ward_ActionParsnip, i only liked gnome2 so far13:07
hammothanks Action13:07
[4-tea-2]Does anybody happen to know whether the ubuntu-audio-dev PPA will offer support for oneiric at some point? Or is it dead? (Pondering whether to wait for a couple of days hoping for a fix for my audio problem or whether to give up on oneiric immediately...)13:07
chroothelp; after upgrade to 11.10 from 11.04 , the computer can't login desktop env ?13:07
xanguasig09: use tab13:07
chrootwhat should i do13:07
freshinstallward_, wriggle yep sorry, got it confused - wriggle try dropping the z from -zxvf13:07
freshinstallthx SunTsu13:07
farhad2161Universal-USB-Installer- and unetbootin-windows-563 does not work correctly for booting ubuntu-11.10-desktop-i386 from USB,How can i boot it from usb?13:07
ward_ActionParsnip, xfce looks fine so far though, only the damn icons problem13:07
zeeroxi am currently sending a file to someone through apache is there a way i can view the progress (speed / how much complete etc)13:07
sig09xangua,  i am using apt-get in scripts13:07
xangua[4-tea-2] check if that ppa has or not oneiric packages13:08
wrigglereisio and SunTsu it says: HTML text document13:08
[4-tea-2]xangua: it hasn't.13:08
ActionParsnipward_: well you have your options in front of you :). XFCE isn't too shabby imho. I'm an lXDE/KDE kinda guy13:08
reisiowriggle: okay, then that isn't a tarball13:08
reisiowriggle: you probably didn't download it right/the right thing13:08
_-XPERT-_ActionParsnip: Will try13:08
[4-tea-2]xangua: and it doesn't seem to release the daily builds anymore, either.13:08
sig09apt-get -y install  package-with-proprietary-license13:08
wriggleoh alright13:08
reisiowriggle: what are you trying to get anyways?13:08
freshinstallxfce lacks most of the panel applets (like system monitor)13:08
SunTsuwriggle: thet it's just that, you probably should re-get that "tarball"13:08
sig09do we have a switch like -y13:08
wriggleits a script13:08
xangua[4-tea-2]: what is your conclution then ¿ ;)13:08
wriggleyep ill try redownload it13:09
wrigglethanks so far13:09
conntrackmy conclusion is slash 813:09
[4-tea-2]xangua: my conclusion is to ask whether someone knows something about it.13:09
ActionParsnipsig09: yes, its a switch in apt-get but you must manually accespt the license13:09
reisiofreshinstall: you can use GNOME applets, but it probably requires a little GNOME 2 stuff :p13:09
Polahsig09, --allow-unauthenticated may do what you're looking for13:09
{w}izardhello everyone13:09
[4-tea-2]xangua: you are very witty, though.13:09
reisio{w}izard: hi, your nick is quite tedious to type13:09
zeeroxi am currently sending a file to someone through apache is there a way i can view the progress (speed / how much is complete etc)13:10
sig09Polah,  it's not working13:10
zeeroxi tried to google it but no luck13:10
jattyou send files using apache?13:10
freshinstallzeerox, can they tell you?13:10
sig09ActionParsnip,  but i need a non-interactive method13:10
{w}izardI've a problem, when I clone a disk on ubuntu, that I think is related to udev rules, when nics are renamed13:11
bhaveshI can connect to my desktop using my ISP cable but when I attach the same cable to netbook and enter DSL username and password it doesnt connect. Why so?13:11
zeeroxfreshinstall: they have gone to bed13:11
reisiozeerox: ask #httpd13:11
zeeroxjatt: couldnt be bothered explaining ftp to them13:11
zeeroxthey were tired and wanted to go to sleep13:11
[4-tea-2]zeerox: if a URL for the server-status handler is configured (by default, it isn't afaik), you can check that page.13:11
wrigglealright i got the wrong link it worked now by redownloading it, thanks :)13:11
zeerox[4-tea-2]: ok thanks13:11
bhaveshwhy cant the same cable work on two computers?13:11
freshinstallzeerox, yeah, what reisio said, ask in #httpd if anyone knows they will13:12
reisiobhavesh: netboot?13:12
ActionParsnipsig09: maybe http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=95377913:12
zeeroxok thankyou13:12
{w}izardanyone can tell me if it's possible, to delete the 70-persistent-net.rules during the boot, and rename and reorder the nics like I need to?13:12
[4-tea-2]zeerox: "grep -ri server-status /etc/apache2/" should tell you how you lucky you are.13:12
gwb_Hi -- In 11.10, my update manager pauses half-way.  I have to open the Details and hit "q".   I guess it is calling "less" or something.  Can I stop that?13:12
bhaveshreisio, yes. Asus EEE PC 900HA13:12
reisio{w}izard: worst case you have to undo your changes13:12
bhaveshreisio, netbook*13:12
farhad2161Universal-USB-Installer- and unetbootin-windows-563 does not work correctly for booting ubuntu-11.10-desktop-i386 from USB,How can i boot it from usb?13:12
{w}izardya I know reisio, that the best way is to rm the file and let the next boot doing the rest13:13
ActionParsnipfarhad2161: there is the 1-2-3 installer from pendrive linux13:13
freshinstalldoes anyone know how to get the skype icon on the "panel" or whatever it's called now?13:13
sig09ActionParsnip,  yes i read that page already, but it is hard-coded with the java version13:13
kelvinellawhen i move the mouse over to the left, the unity bar wont come on, how to fix it?13:14
farhad2161ActionParsnip: Universal-USB-Installer- is 1-2-3 installer and did not not worked.13:14
sig09my script check the latest version and need to install the same13:14
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ActionParsnipfreshinstall: http://askubuntu.com/questions/30742/how-do-i-access-and-enable-more-icons-to-be-in-the-system-tray13:14
dc5alakelvinella, tried pressing the "windows" key?13:14
ghoulsbladehi all, we had a power outage and now a raid5 array is making problems, it was ext3, i can mount it (did readonly) as ext2, but not as ext3.    fdisk on the physical drives looked intakt, mdadm -Af (forced) worked reporting forcing  "event count from 51014 upto 51020"13:15
ActionParsnipfarhad2161: try usb-creator-gtk in Linux13:15
srini_any indians?13:15
ubottu#ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India13:15
ghoulsbladefsck.ext3 /dev/md2   reports   "Journal inode is not in use, but contains data.  Clear<y>?     "                 should i just use it as ext2 or is there a way to re-enable ext3 ?13:15
kelvinellapressing window key doesnt help13:16
farhad2161ActionParsnip: i am using windows :(13:16
ActionParsnipfarhad2161: when you say "doesn't work" what actually happens?13:16
farhad2161ActionParsnip: do not boot and it stop in boot screen13:17
ActionParsnipfarhad2161: so a black screen?13:17
bhaveshDoes my netbook needs some extra hardware to connect with my desktop DSL?13:17
sig09ActionParsnip,  yes this works(debconf 'echo SET shared/accepted-sun-dlj-v1-1 true; echo $(read) >&2')13:17
farhad2161ActionParsnip: yes13:17
bhaveshLAN Card or something?13:17
ActionParsnipfarhad2161: what GPU do you use?13:17
sig09couldn't find earlier13:17
freshinstallthanks ActionParsnip :-)13:18
ActionParsnipsig09: wtg13:18
freshinstallnight all13:18
sgs2_usralso, my minimze, maximize and close button is missing the icon inside when active, but when inactive, it's showing up, what is wrong?!13:18
sig09thank you ActionParsnip13:18
ActionParsnipsig09: np man13:18
ActionParsnipfarhad2161: what video card do you use?13:18
mxhello everyone.13:19
ActionParsniphi mx13:19
mxhi ActionParsnip13:19
Neil__ActionParsnip_: Done that, but still get the pop-up saying I don't have permission to read the files on the host PC13:19
gwb_Hi -- In 11.10, my update manager pauses half-way.  I have to open the Details and hit "q".   I guess it is calling "less" or something.  Can I stop that?13:19
farhad2161ActionParsnip: i can boot other version of ubuntu13:20
falstaffsgs2_usr, have you tried moving the curser over where the buttons should be to bring them into focus?13:20
rheraulthi I've got a bug on oneiric which i don't find any solution on internet: tab bar on firefox or icon menu on thundrebird are overlapping with unity menu bar13:20
ActionParsnipfarhad2161: wat video chip do you use?13:20
rheraultany idea how to deal with that ?13:20
shelli have disabled the notification of network connection by mistake....how to re-enable it?13:20
farhad2161ActionParsnip: NVIDIA Geforce GT 320 M on Acer5741 Laptop13:21
gryhello, I upgraded to oneiric, it says 'waiting for network configuration' and I had to 'service gdm start' to see the login screen, I already symlinked (http://uksysadmin.wordpress.com/2011/10/14/upgrade-to-ubuntu-11-10-problem-waiting-for-network-configuration-then-black-screen-solution/), what else can you suggest?13:21
mxi am wondering weather to install the 32bit or 64bit (ubuntu com HP says 32 is recommended) version of the latest ubuntu on my mbp 2.33 ghz (64bit processor) ?13:21
sgs2_usrfalstaff: if i hover over the buttons, it will show up , for example, i hover over to the close button, it will show the "x", when i move away, the "x" is gone13:21
ActionParsnipfarhad2161: add the boot option:  nouveau.blacklist=1   and it will boot fine13:21
jattmx: 64bit if you have > 4GB RAM, 32bit otherwise13:21
freshinstallActionParsnip, thanks for that, had to relogin, but it works.  Slowly my anger at the lack of the gnome I've used 12 hours a day for the last 10+ years is subsiding and I'm working out how to survive in this interface :-D13:22
ActionParsnipmx: what is the use of the system and how much ram do you have/13:22
mxjatt: i only got 3gb ram13:22
bhaveshjatt, I installed 64-bit on 2GB ram :(13:22
reisiomx: 64-bit if you have a 64-bit proc, the end13:22
SunTsumx: then 32Bit is better for you13:22
falstaffsgs2_usr, I am not sure but I think that is the way it is supposed to work ...13:22
mxos x 10.5 + 3gb ram13:22
ActionParsnipfreshinstall: its just a bit new, people come round to it13:22
sgs2_usrfalstaff: are you sure??????13:22
bhaveshwell it has nothing to do with RAM13:22
freshinstallcheers.  bed time for .au13:22
mxso 32bit it is right ??!13:22
sgs2_usrfalstaff: i don't think so13:22
reisiomx: no, 6413:22
sgs2_usrfalstaff: it used to show up13:23
bhaveshI installed 64-bit on 2GB ram and it works normal13:23
shelli have disabled the notification of network connection by mistake in gnome shell....how to re-enable it?13:23
gryshell: how did you disable?13:23
reisiothere is no reason to waste your 64-bit processor on 32-bit software13:23
SunTsubhavesh: it has. 64Bit has er 64bit alignment, 64Bit pointers, therefore uses more ram13:23
mxreisio: thanyk you (:  (anyone objections in this case and if so, why ?!)13:23
ActionParsnipmx: 32bit will be fine but if you get more ram it could start getting messy. Some providers like Brother and Canon only make 32bit driver packages so you may be restricted that way13:23
reisiomx: 64-bit will be fine, and anyone who says otherwise doesn't know what they're talking about13:23
bhaveshSunTsu, ok13:23
SunTsubhavesh: performance difference is barely notable in desktop usage, therefore I'd use the version with less ram imprint, which is 32Bit13:24
jattif you have less than 32GB of ram it doesn't hurt to install a 64bit system13:24
reisiomx: if you use 32-bit Ubuntu, all your software will be optimized for hardware from 198513:24
chrooti can't login gui in 11.10 after upgrade13:24
gryhello, I upgraded to oneiric, it says 'waiting for network configuration' and I had to 'service gdm start' to see the login screen, what can you suggest, please?13:24
mxthank you all so far for your answers (:13:24
falstaffsgs2_usr, No, I am not sure!  But it does make sense .. the buttons are there but only show when needed.13:24
chrootwho should i do with it13:24
jattbut it's not absolutely necessary to use 64bit, you can use 32bit too in those cases13:24
chrootand console is ok13:24
ActionParsnipreisio: canon don't make 64bit driver debs, as don't brother. So installing it will not be a smooth endevour at all13:24
shellgry:by clicking the "do not show again" button at the bottom of the screen.It use to appear when the connection is established13:24
RaTTuS|BIGif you have more than 4GB RAM then 64bit is teh way to go .,..13:24
sgs2_usrfalstaff: does yours like that?13:24
bhaveshDo I have to give special permissions or contact my ISP if I want to connect my internet wire to another computer?13:24
reisioActionParsnip: be a piece of cake, not that he has either of those13:24
ActionParsnipreisio: you don't know that13:25
reisioof course I do13:25
ActionParsnipreisio: not for sure13:25
reisioyup, fo sho13:25
reisioask mx13:25
shellgry:by clicking the "do not show again" button at the bottom of the screen.It use to appear when the connection is established13:25
rheraultjoin #unbuntu-fr13:25
mxi get busy installing now, so bye and thank you all. (:13:26
ActionParsnipreisio: there are a small number of reasons to use 32bit, mainly by bad support by 3rd parties13:26
kelvinellawhenever a problem is maximized, the unity bar cant be open13:26
falstaffsgs2_usr, I gave up on unity!  I am using Xfce -- like it a lot better!13:26
kelvinellaeven pressing window key13:26
sgs2_usrfalstaff: ah, okie :)13:26
reisioActionParsnip: indeed, so small one needn't take a default position of using 32-bit13:26
jattunless you are doing heavy number crunching with your computer you won't notice the difference between 32bit and 64bit13:26
Pauluntulets say unity decides to get a stick in its butt :P is there a keyboard command to restart unity without rebooting the whole pc?13:27
DuelistiUsing 10.04 netbook edition, when I try to turn the visual effects to normal or extra, it doesn't change anything and once I close appearance settings and look at them again, it's set to "none" again. Visual Effects do work with different versions, so that can't be it. Any help?13:27
ActionParsnipreisio: true but saying to use 64bit is bad by the same token13:27
reisioyou would if you measured scientifically13:27
reisiowhat people do and don't notice doesn't particularly impress me :p13:27
reisiohow about you?13:27
reisioActionParsnip: nah13:27
falstaffsgs2_usr, If I were wrong someone would have corrected my mistake??13:27
ActionParsnipreisio: yes, its the same difference exactly13:27
reisiopaying for a 64-bit proc and using 32-bit software is bad13:27
reisioActionParsnip: nah13:27
gryshell, ok13:27
sgs2_usrfalstaff: i guess all are using Xfce here :D13:27
jattmakes no difference when using chrome and browsing the web13:28
ActionParsnipreisio: it is if you think about it13:28
reisioActionParsnip: nah13:28
ActionParsnip"(14:26:34) reisio: ActionParsnip: indeed, so small one needn't take a default position of using 32-bit"   so automatically saying use 64bit if you have a 64bit CPU is EXACTLY the same, you just changed 32bit for 64bit in the sentence13:28
reisiobut it isn't the same13:29
isis___hello, im using unity 11.10, how do I configure the minimize, close buttons on the right of the window?? thanks13:29
reisiobecause his processor is 64-bit13:29
DuelistiUsing 10.04 netbook edition, when I try to turn the visual effects to normal or extra, it doesn't change anything and once I close appearance settings and look at them again, it's set to "none" again. Visual Effects do work with different versions, so that can't be it. Any help?13:29
ActionParsnipreisio: yes, that's why its the same difference13:29
ActionParsnipreisio: the statement is the same, but the difference is the arch, the logic and mindset in the sentence is identical13:29
reisioActionParsnip: but it isn't the same, because his processor is 64-bit13:29
dc5alaPauluntu, you could try unity --replace, if that does not help unity --reset13:29
reisioActionParsnip: wouldn't matter if it were, there's more to a discussion than words in statements13:30
Pauluntudc5ala, thanks i'll remember that the next time my folder icons misteriously disappear13:30
ActionParsnipreisio: yes but saying he SHOULD use 64bit just because the cpu is 64bit is the same mentality as always using 32bit13:30
aot2002I'm looking into encrypted home directory, the documentation says "When you are not logged into your system ..." that the data is not available. Does a remote login count as a login?13:31
falstaffsgs2_usr, I think there are ways to configure the window so it works "normally", but learning a new config language seems a little too much like work for me.13:31
reisioActionParsnip: it might be, if his processor were only 32-bit13:31
lawnchairwhy does the ubuntu background go white sometimes?13:31
reisioActionParsnip: which would void the entire discussion13:31
ActionParsnipreisio: I give up, if you cannot grasp simple language I'm wasting my time13:31
reisioaot2002: I'm pretty sure you can encrypt it regardless if you have the pass, it's just more involved13:31
reisioActionParsnip: 'bout time13:31
reisioaot2002: can decrypt it, even13:31
SunTsureisio: the cpu can run as both, both has advantages over the other, depending on the situation. So you might use what's best in a given use case instead of always going a certain way13:32
dc5alaPauluntu, though folder icons sounds more like nautilus13:32
reisioSunTsu: yes for example sometimes people wearing shoes have the advantage when they decide to walk over hot coals for no particular reason13:32
Pauluntudc5ala, yeah thats what i thought must just be a bug13:32
rheraulttypicaly icon and menu overllaping13:33
SunTsureisio: I agree with ActionParsnip, you don't want to understand, good luck with that mindset13:33
sgs2_usri notice  in Compiz there is an option to enable D-Bus, can anyone tell me what does that do?13:33
reisioSunTsu: understanding isn't a factor :P13:33
jattif 32bit OS running over 64bit processor were that crazy it would be completely unsupported.13:33
aot2002reisio, Here's what im doing. I'm building a backup server so that one server sync's to another using rsync nightly but I wanna encrypt what gets backed up so if the backup server get's stolen at it's location it's protected and no one can view my files that got backed up. Is this possible?13:34
ubuntu_ao231, yes13:34
ubuntu_Why isn't Webmin supported anymore?13:34
reisioaot2002: you can backup the encrypted home directory, yes13:34
aot2002reisio, is there any caveats I need to be aware of?13:35
[4-tea-2]Are there any differences I should be aware of between Debian and Ubuntu when building a kernel (using kernel-package, ie. make-kpkg)?13:35
cutiyarwaiting network configuration can be solved?13:35
reisioaot2002: to keep it encrypted you either have to back up the entire encrypted area at once (still encrypted), or transfer encrypted to encrypted, or re-encrypt (archive)13:35
reisio[4-tea-2]: you're coming from which one?13:36
[4-tea-2]reisio: debian13:36
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SunTsureisio: it is. in a normal end user desktop case there's no performance difference in 32bit or 64bit because a) cpu is idle most of the time, b) games mostly rely on gpu. What's important is ram. Having >4GB RAM it's clear you need 64Bit to adress it. Under 4GB yu don't need to and you might be better off using 32Bit because 64Bit has the downside of increasing memory usage. Therefore decreasing your performance, because you have less ram to work with13:36
reisio[4-tea-2]: I'm sure you can get away with the Debian way13:37
[4-tea-2]reisio: ty13:37
reisio[4-tea-2]: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (note nav item 8)13:37
rheraulticon bar or tab bar are overlapping with global menu bar, any idea?13:37
reisioSunTsu: but there is a performance difference, don't be silly13:37
SunTsureisio: with a cpu idling most of the time?13:38
[4-tea-2]reisio: thanks again13:38
bytenik__Hi all; I'm having an issue with network manager where it keeps dropping a connection I have open. I was hoping someone might look at a snip from my syslog and help me understand what I'm looking at.13:38
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Pauluntuok it happened again my icons disappeared when i open file folders how do i get them back, this is making me reboot more than a win95 system kinda pathetic esspecially since this is linux afterall13:38
reisioSunTsu: with a system designed to better exploit your non-ancient processor13:38
sidewalkdoes anyone know how to increase the number of workspaces in "Gnome Classic" in Ubuntu 11.10?13:38
m`how can I get ubuntu 2d with "aero snap"? I don't want the rest of the compiz stuff13:38
reisio[4-tea-2]: np Debian guy13:38
SunTsureisio: on the other hand decreasing available ram is what you notice constantly13:38
falstaffSunTsu, Very cool explanation!!13:38
TimLoal                                                                                                                                                           I'm doing a  "sudo smartctl -t long /dev/sd" but i don't see much disk activity is that normal/expected?13:39
reisiowhat I notice constantly is people randomly suggesting i386 is a sane choice for processors made twenty-six years after the fact13:39
dc5alaPauluntu, do you have any custom nautilus extensions installed?13:41
MrSassyPantshow do I switch around what mouse buttons do what?13:41
ActionParsnipreisio: its i686 actually13:41
dc5alaPauluntu, try starting nautilus again when it crashed13:41
jatti386 is more an architecture than a particular microprocessor13:41
enchiladoMrSassyPants: "Mouse and Touchpad"?13:41
MrSassyPantsenchilado, nope13:42
DuelistiUsing 10.04 netbook edition, when I try to turn the visual effects to normal or extra, it doesn't change anything and once I close appearance settings and look at them again, it's set to "none" again. Visual Effects do work with different versions, so that can't be it. Any help?13:42
reisioActionParsnip: sixteen is _soooo_ much better than twenty-six13:42
enchiladoMrSassyPants: what are you trying to make the buttons do?13:42
reisioit's _almost_ as sane as twelve13:42
m`aerosnapping in unity 2d?13:42
Pauluntudc5ala, it happens whenever i open the i guess you would call it start menu lol and search for a program, then from that point on no icons in folders13:42
reisioexcept for the four years13:42
ActionParsnipreisio: 4 years is a long time in computing13:43
MrSassyPantsenchilado, I'm trying to make button8 act as the 'middle mouse button' - its a logi g5 and the thumb button is way more handy for that kinda thing than the mousewheel button13:43
dc5alaPauluntu, dash home you mean?13:43
Pauluntudc5ala, yes13:43
reisioActionParsnip: now you're arguing my side :p13:43
tmade_hello, i´ve made a distribtion update from 10.10. to 11.4 via "apt-get dist-upgrade". It didn´t finish and stopped with errors. So I restarted the system. Now my root-fs is mounted as read-only. I already started it in rescue mode and run fsck/ e2fsck/tunefs etc. and the check finished without errors. So what todo?13:43
ActionParsnipreisio: I argue what is right, I don't have sides13:43
enchiladoMrSassyPants: ah, right. I'm not used to mice with more than three buttons...13:44
dc5alaPauluntu, can you paste your .xsession-errors to http://paste.ubuntu.com?13:44
kelvinella11.10 crashes a lot13:44
bytenikNo one with network manager experience? is there a different room for that?13:44
ActionParsnipMrSassyPants: search dash for mouse, is there not a hand switch there13:44
kelvinellathe unity doesnt work anymore in 11.1013:44
ironhalikwhat can I do when dash/alttab hides behind other windows? :>13:44
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ActionParsnipkelvinella: no issues here in KDE13:44
reisioActionParsnip: the point being that you've now argued both sides as right :p13:44
DuelistiUsing 10.04 netbook edition, when I try to turn the visual effects to normal or extra, it doesn't change anything and once I close appearance settings and look at them again, it's set to "none" again. Visual Effects do work with different versions, so that can't be it. Any help?13:44
MrSassyPantsActionParsnip, it's not 'left-right-handedness' that I want to switch, it's slightly more complicated13:44
reisioyou understand I hope the complexity of that :P13:44
MrSassyPantsI'm pretty sure it's possible to do with xmodmap13:45
ActionParsnipMrSassyPants: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2011/06/from-windows-to-ubuntu-setup-your-mouse-for-left-handed-users/13:45
MrSassyPantsActionParsnip, its. not. that.13:45
reisiokelvinella: kde?13:45
ActionParsnipMrSassyPants: I see13:45
dc5alaironhalik, no idea but have that too and heard of another user with same problem, i know it does not help you :P13:45
ActionParsnipkelvinella: its a desktop, like gnome13:45
ActionParsnip!kde | kelvinella13:45
ubottukelvinella: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information.13:45
TimLoal                                                                                                                                                           I'm doing a  "sudo smartctl -t long /dev/sda" but i don't see much disk activity is that normal/expected?13:46
ironhalikdc5ala: well, in some way it does - when enough users have the same problem, someone will fix it :>13:46
Pauluntudc5ala, http://paste.ubuntu.com/710944/13:46
kelvinellaare you suggesting me to use KDE instead of gnome?13:46
reisioit does seem like ActionParsnip was suggesting that13:46
ActionParsnipkelvinella: no, I just don't have any crashes as I don't use gnome desktop13:46
TimLoalActionParsnip    I'm doing a  "sudo smartctl -t long /dev/sda" but i don't see much disk activity is that normal/expected?13:47
jattthere is nothing wrong in suggesting alternatives like kde or xfce413:47
ActionParsnipTimLoal: never used that, sorry13:47
Neil__ActionParsnip_:  OK, sorted.  I just set the permissions.  Thanks for your advice.13:47
reisiojatt: or twm13:47
ActionParsnipNeil__: np man13:47
kelvinellaActionParsnip, i just upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10 then problems13:48
kelvinellait is dell mini9 netbook13:48
LaykeI upgraded to 11.10, how do I get rid of Unity? I want to have classic desktop.13:48
ActionParsnipkelvinella: is it ok as another user13:48
kelvinellaActionParsnip, whenever i open a software like firefox that will maximized at the beginning, i will have problem13:48
reisioLayke: install gnome-shell, gnome-tweak-tool, gnome-panel13:49
LaykeUsually you would select on the login screen, but it isn't there. It just says  Ubuntu 2D.13:49
kelvinellai need to unmaximize it and re-maximize it to use the unity bar or menu bar again13:49
LaykeThanks reisio13:49
ActionParsnipkelvinella: does it happen as another user?13:49
jattLayke: the classic desktop provided by gnome 3 is in no way a replacement for gnome 2, you might well try alternatives such as xfce4 or kde.13:49
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic13:50
kelvinellawhat another user?13:50
jbkc85hi guys, I recently upgraded to 11.10 and downloaded Compiz settings manager; after looking at the settings my computer crashed.  I now only have 'File Edit View Go Bookmarks Help' in the upper left hand corner of my screen13:50
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TimLoalActionParsnip: ok      no one else seems to be seeing the question :(13:50
reisiojatt: except for it being made by GNOME and intended exactly as a replacement for GNOME 2...13:50
ActionParsnipkelvinella: another user to log in as13:50
TimLoal                                                                                                                                                           I'm doing a  "sudo smartctl -t long /dev/sda" but i don't see much disk activity is that normal/expected?13:50
jbkc85absolutely no shutdown icons, no smart search...nothing13:50
falstaffjatt, I was unhappy with the Gnew Gnome and I went to Xfce -- It took a it to learn it, but it, but I like it much better than Unity.13:50
OerHeksjbkc85, try ' unity --reset ´13:50
jattfalstaff: indeed, that is a good decision. yes, it takes a little bit to configure to please your taste but once this is done xfce4 is great.13:51
ActionParsnipkelvinella: make a new one then to test.13:51
kelvinellaActionParsnip, whys that?13:51
jbkc85OerHeks: Ran the command...13:51
jbkc85compiz (core) - Warn: unhandled ConfigureNotify on 0x3c0013a!13:51
jbkc85compiz (core) - Warn: this should never happen. you shouldprobably file a bug about this.13:51
jbkc85I guess that explains some of it ><13:52
dc5alaPauluntu, can you do the same vor /var/log/Xorg.0.log?13:52
jbkc85it is only happening for my one user.  Is there a way to blank out all the config changes I made (or in this case I didn't make)?13:52
ActionParsnipkelvinella: it will test if your settings are causing issues. The new user will get a vanilla profile so if it is good there then your settings are making things bad. If it is the same then the application itself is at fault13:52
falstaffjatt, It wouldn't surprise if this Unity thing doesn't fly ... and other GUIs become more popular.13:53
kelvinellaActionParsnip, i am trying the guest session now, i report back13:53
sileniHello everyone13:53
reisiohi sileni13:53
TimLoal                                                                                                           I'm doing a  "sudo smartctl -t long /dev/sda" but i don't see much disk activity is that normal/expected?13:53
sileninowadays how much space does / partition take for ubuntu 11.10?13:53
falstaffHello sileni13:53
reisiosileni: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements13:53
jattfalstaff: that's a possibility yes. I use ubuntu at my day job, so unity didn't fly for me, however it might be please other kind of users.13:53
Pauluntudc5ala, http://paste.ubuntu.com/710951/13:53
ActionParsnipsileni: I have a full KDE desktop with all the media codecs and libreoffice and it is at 3.2Gb13:54
MrSassyPants"xinput set-button-map" is supposed to work, but doesnt, anyone know why?13:54
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kelvinellaActionParsnip, same problem in guest13:55
sileniActionParsnip: Thank you so 50 GB should be more than enough13:55
kelvinellaActionParsnip, whenever a window is maximized, can not bring on the unity side bar13:55
reisiosileni: yes13:56
falstaffjatt, I have read reviews ... everyone seems to say that it is good once you get used to it.  Well the "getting used to it thing" was what got me off of MS Windows ... Ribbon indeed.13:56
dc5alaPauluntu, i am sorry, couldn't find any hint :(13:56
silenikelvinella: i have firefox maximized and i can still bring the sidebar?13:56
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oYeVoVeYoHelp plz13:56
oYeVoVeYoH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.3p1 Debian-3ubuntu713:56
oYeVoVeYoProtocol mismatch.13:56
MrSassyPantsalternatively, how do I set xorg.conf's Option          "ZAxisMapping"          "4 5 7 8"13:57
MrSassyPantswithout there being an xorg.conf ?13:57
mollitzafter my upgrade to 11.10 my x-server fails and restarts directly after typing password and pressing enter at the login-windows. Someone knows where to search for the error?13:57
oYeVoVeYoIt happened when I was trying to connect to youtube withing ssh13:57
jattfalstaff: lol true. imho unity interferes with the user too much. a good desktop environment should stay away as much of possible from a user and his applications.13:57
SunTsuoYeVoVeYo: er, you did what?13:57
oYeVoVeYoUmmmmmmm o.o did I do something wrong?13:57
jcastroJoin us on #ubuntu-classroom for OpenWeek, starting now! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek13:58
oYeVoVeYoI tried to connect to youtube through the ssh tunnel13:58
jiltdilAny one help me to fix cheese, the pic quality is very low13:58
TimLoal                                                                                 Dose anyone know where i can find the channel logs for today?13:58
reisioMrSassyPants: you can add a xorg.conf if you like13:58
SunTsuoYeVoVeYo: OK, it read like you were trying to ssh to youtube13:58
cmcanultyhow do I connect to the ubuntu classroom open week? I can never find it13:58
kelvinellaActionParsnip, very weird http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/294527_10150323298831372_556441371_8520893_1925819243_n.jpg13:58
xangua!logs | TimLoal13:58
ubottuTimLoal: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/13:58
xanguacmcanulty:  (08:58:20) jcastro: Join us on #ubuntu-classroom for OpenWeek, starting now! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek13:59
TimLoalxangua: thanks13:59
oYeVoVeYoSunTsu, yes, and "H-2.0-OpenSSH_5.3p1 Debian-3ubuntu713:59
oYeVoVeYoProtocol mismatch.13:59
oYeVoVeYo" <--- this, appeared, any ideas?13:59
kelvinellaActionParsnip, i can install adobe-flashplugin, but it said not found13:59
dc5alaPauluntu, only guess i have is that it could be compiz setting related and could try to reset those13:59
stephnihow can i get a download manager?13:59
jiltdilThe pic taken by cheese is little redish and greenish please help to fix this, in 11.04 it was working fine13:59
xanguakelvinella: did you already enabled partner and updated repository¿13:59
Pauluntudc5ala, thanks anyways :P i'll probally switch to openSuse to me personally i find it easier to work with than even ubuntu nowadays13:59
jbkc85ok, so I got the unity to start showing up again by running terminals to start the process.  They aren't starting up by default and I have no idea why13:59
[4-tea-2]Why does "apt-get install libsdl1.2debian:i386" tell me that it's going to deinstall the 64bit version on a multiarch system? Did I misunderstand how this is supposed to work? (I need SDL support for a 32bit application.)13:59
xanguastephni: tried to search 'download manager' on software center¿14:00
SunTsuoYeVoVeYo: yes, I'm forming one, but I'm not jumping conclusions now14:00
templethow many themes are in oneiric final ?  more than 4 ?14:00
SunTsuoYeVoVeYo: do you have a ssh account at youtube?14:00
kelvinellaxangua, no idea how to enable partner14:00
cutiyarwaiting network configuration can be solved?14:00
cmcanultyubuntu classroom isn't on the channels list of xchat14:00
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ActionParsnipkelvinella: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-downloader14:00
xangua!partner | kelvinella again14:00
ubottukelvinella again: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »14:00
oYeVoVeYoSunTsu, Um, nope O.o14:00
cmcanultyubuntu classroom isn't on the xchat list14:01
SunTsuoYeVoVeYo: then, where do you try to connect with ssh?14:01
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras14:01
oYeVoVeYoWell I have a ssh account, just not at youtube o.o14:01
kelvinellaActionParsnip, i already get the flash problem fix, now it is the maximizing problem14:02
cmcanultyubuntu classroom isn't on the xchat list14:02
xanguacmcanulty: /join #ubuntu-classroom14:02
SunTsuoYeVoVeYo: maybe you could try to write more precise, so that I don't have to wrestle every information from you14:02
reisiocmcanulty: ffr: /msg alis list *ubun*class*14:02
falstafftemplet, I thing that idea behind Unity is to enable the user to create his own themes ... but I am not sure.14:03
wartrendis there a way to get back to the old look of ubuntu?14:03
ppcblasterOneiric/11.10 is out!14:03
costinhi ppl14:03
reisiowartrend: which old look?14:03
oYeVoVeYoSunTsu, Um, okay, I have a ssh account at cjb.net14:03
reisiocostin: hi14:03
wartrendI don't like this new look. slows my pc down14:03
reisiowartrend: which new look?14:03
xangua!gnome2 | wartrend14:03
ubottuwartrend: The GNOME Foundation has ceased support for GNOME 2, and as such it is not in Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot). See !notunity for an alternative desktop experience.14:03
wartrendnot sure what it's called14:03
costinis nice ubutnu 11.1014:03
reisiowartrend: what version?14:03
oYeVoVeYoSunTsu, and it can connect to some webistes like google14:04
jrkotrlahelp; I attempted to install LyX while on battery power and went into hibernation before the process completed. LyX is functional, but when trying to install Compiz Config I get the error: pastebin.com/p2DZ7xkr14:04
wartrendi like the old look without the side bar crap14:04
oYeVoVeYoSunTsu, but not youtube, I see this  -------> "H-2.0-OpenSSH_5.3p1 Debian-3ubuntu714:04
oYeVoVeYoProtocol mismatch.14:04
oYeVoVeYo" when I was trying to go to youtube through the ssh tunnel14:04
[4-tea-2]Ah, I feel better now that I know that ubottu knows about as much about multiarch as I do.14:04
oYeVoVeYoAnd I have the ssh tunnel running14:04
sileniwartrend: you can still get that look up something called gnome failover on ubuntu 11.10 on google14:04
wartrend9.04 look14:04
ActionParsnipwartrend: use xfce, looks similar to gnome214:04
reisiowartrend: you can use 10.04, but after 2013 you'll be forced to update to stay secure14:04
MrSassyPantsok, I figured out the xinput line14:04
carli2the network manager does not work with NAT, when I open a shared internet connection, i opened a bug a month ago, but nothing happend. the bug isnt fixed neither in ppa nor in official releases of oneiric.14:05
MrSassyPantsbut how do I make it 'stick' ?14:05
SunTsuoYeVoVeYo: could you please read http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html and try again afterwards?14:05
MrSassyPantswhich one is the file that gets executed each time an user enters X14:05
ActionParsnipMrSassyPants: add it as a startup item for when you login14:05
sgronbloMy ubuntu upgrade has frozen at downloading the dropbox client.14:05
kaolc2I just got 11.10, hated it, tried xfce and I'm loving it.14:05
wartrendcan we get the old look back like in 11.0414:05
MrSassyPantsActionParsnip, how?14:05
oYeVoVeYoSunTsu, alright, thanks for the link14:05
jrib!classic | wartrend14:05
ubottuwartrend: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".For 11.10, see !notunity14:05
ActionParsnipMrSassyPants: does the command need sudo?14:05
sgronbloAny idea how I can kill the attempt to download it so I can get the upgrade to continue?14:05
reisioMrSassyPants: /etc/xdg/autostart14:05
jbkc85anyone know how to completely reset what unity launches?  Apparently all my unity utilities aren't launching on startup anymore14:05
MrSassyPantsit just needs X loaded with the appropriate user14:05
wartrendk let me try14:05
jrib!nounity | wartrend14:05
ubottuwartrend: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic14:05
wartrendwhy do they do this14:06
ActionParsnipMrSassyPants: then search in dash for startup   and you'll find the startup manager, you can add the command there14:06
sgronbloIt doesn't respond to ctrl-c14:06
wartrenddoes anyone like it?14:06
jpdswartrend: Because GNOME dumped the old look too?14:06
reisiowartrend: they like Mac OS :p14:06
ActionParsnipwartrend: many14:06
reisiowartrend: people who like Mac OS, for starters14:06
wartrendoh i see14:06
sileniwartrend: i love this new unity on 11.10 personally14:06
kaolc2Question: I just got xfce. The clock on my sidebar doesn't fit so it's only showing the first two digits. There is apparently no option to rotate it so it would all fit in the sidebar. Does anyone know how to do this?14:06
falstaffwartrend, I too didn't like the Unity/Gnome look and feel ... I went to xfce and am very impressed.  it isn't perfect but it is very good!14:06
reisiosileni: and what do you use your OS for?14:06
wartrendwhat is this xfce?14:06
silenireisio: ssh into servers and 3270 lol14:07
reisiowartrend: it's another DE, like GNOME (2) but lighter14:07
ActionParsnipwartrend: its a desktop environment like gnome14:07
wartrendso where can i get it?14:07
reisiosileni: so you don't actually _use_ your DE :p you just stare at it :p14:07
silenireisio: true14:07
wartrenddo i have to reinstall ubuntu?14:07
[4-tea-2](2nd & last attempt) Why does "apt-get install libsdl1.2debian:i386" tell me that it's going to deinstall the 64bit version on a multiarch system? Did I misunderstand how this is supposed to work? (I need SDL support for a 32bit application.)14:07
reisiowartrend: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce14:07
reisiowartrend: no14:07
frank__Just upgraded to 11.01, but I can't figure out how to adjust how fonts appear in the system. It used to be under "Apperance" settings, but it's not there anymore. Any dieas?14:07
ActionParsnipwartrend: sudo apt-get install xfce4     log off and select xfce as your session14:07
wartrendi will figure it out14:07
wartrendthank you so much14:07
silenireisio: my terminal looks bigger without the ugly bottom bar14:07
wartrendvery friendly14:07
reisioyou can make Xfce work incredibly similarly to GNOME 214:08
reisiosileni: that's what she said14:08
ActionParsnipwartrend: we try :), you are patient and courteous, so you deserve it :)14:08
wartrendgnome 2 was so good14:08
trammHi! Can anybody tell me where I can find the list of all files on ubuntu ISO without downloading the ISO itself... And i'd like to find out also the files in SquashFS.14:08
reisiowhatever it was, it's always weird when upstream decides to abruptly change goals14:08
falstaffwartrend, if you google it -- the webpage gives all kindd of good explanations.14:08
reisiotramm: what for?14:09
frank__Anyone know how to change font settings in 11.01? It used to be under "Appearance" but I don't see it there anymore.14:09
sileniwartrend: if you hate it so much, I'm pretty sure you can uninstall unity and go back to what you like14:09
ActionParsnipreisio: kde is largely unchanged in a log while :)14:09
wartrendI will look into it. It seems to lag on my VM14:09
sileniwartrend: there are alot of good tutorials for that on google14:09
reisioActionParsnip: no it isn't14:09
kaolc2Question: I just got xfce. The clock on my sidebar doesn't fit so it's only showing the first two digits. There is apparently no option to rotate it so it would all fit in the sidebar. Does anyone know how to do this?14:09
xanguafrank__: install gnome-tweak-tool14:09
reisioActionParsnip: they pulled the same thing with 3 to 414:09
beefman_got a weird problem: i put xfce on 11.10, and when i first ran xfce, my desktop icons were not arranged as they previously had been in gnome.  later, after i had maximized some things, explored file system a little, when i viewed the desktop again they were the way they were supposed to be14:09
trammreisio: I want to see if a certain file is available in 64-bit Oneiric, but I don't want to download it just for that.14:10
frank__xangua: will do, thanks!14:10
beefman_now after a couple reboots, they're disorganized again.  and i don't have the minimize/maximize buttons in the corner of my windows14:10
ActionParsnipreisio: still ran the same here, worked well. Its not as drastic as the unity change14:10
beefman_any ideas?14:10
reisiokaolc2: rotate it?  Which clock is it?14:10
_-XPERT-_xangua: Thnx workes for now the screen saver but hope that gnome will fix bug14:10
reisioActionParsnip: I can find you plenty of KDE users who said different14:10
reisiotramm: what file?14:11
kaolc2reisio: How do I rotate it? I don't see any option..14:11
reisiokaolc2: first I need to know what clock you're talking about14:11
ActionParsnipreisio: I can only call it as I see it, can't I14:11
reisioActionParsnip: so it seems14:11
kaolc2reisio: I'm talking about the default system clock in my side bar that was there when I changed to xfce14:11
reisiokaolc2: screenshot?14:12
reisiois it graphical or textual?14:12
kaolc2I can choose either.. Right now it's digital14:12
reisiokaolc2: you can make the bar wider14:12
reisiokaolc2: or even move the panel to the bottom or top or both, as in GNOME 214:12
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kaolc2reisio: No, I would lose precious space, my screen is very small ;)14:12
reisiokaolc2: heh14:12
jattkaolc2: there is an Orage Panel Clock in xfce4 which has more features (like a calendar) as the default xfce4 clock.14:12
trammreisio: /usr/lib and /usr/lib64... The question is how are the 64-bit libraries symlinked. My application doesn't find the links where they were in Natty, i. e. /usr/lib64/onepin-opensc.so or something similar.14:13
notjoeIs there a way to configure unity to not be delayed for a few seconds when i move my mouse over the left of the screen?14:13
kaolc2jatt: I'll check it out.14:13
cutiyarwaiting network configuration on booting how can be fix?? i used some tutorial doesnt work14:13
reisiokaolc2: so you want the chars rotated or smaller text?14:13
ActionParsnipnotjoe: there are timeouts definable in ccsm  afaik14:13
kaolc2reisio: I want it rotated so that it's not horizontal anymore14:13
bhaveshI get this http://i.imgur.com/bZ3Aj.png when I do "ifconfig" in my netbook where internet does not work.14:13
reisiokaolc2: that'd probably take a significant patch to the code, IMO14:14
reisio#xfce would know for sure, though14:14
kaolc2reisio: Then what do you suggest I do?14:14
reisiokaolc2: you could set it to auto-hide and keep your real estate14:14
Cradamhello can anyone suggest a way to remove my sshd and reinstall it?14:14
reisiokaolc2: you could change to a two-digit representation14:14
reisiokaolc2: you could use the "analog" appearance14:14
kaolc2reisio: But I don't want it to auto-hide..14:15
ActionParsnipCradam: sudo apt-get --purge remove openssh-server; sudo apt-get install openssh-server14:15
kaolc2reisio: Analog is not exact14:15
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notjoeAh, I was used to moving it up to the top left of the screen to appear14:15
reisiokaolc2: it should be possible to make the text smaller easier than anything else, let's see14:15
notjoenow i need to move it over to anywhere on the left14:15
sileniBhavesh, can you please show output of 'lspci'14:15
notjoethanks gys14:15
hungryhubbyiam getting this mesg [    5.130834] intel_rng: FWH not detected14:15
beefman_actually i can't pull windows away from the top of the screen either in xfce... any ideas?14:15
reisiokaolc2: ah yes, here it is14:15
CradamActionParsnip: ahh, i was missing the --purge14:15
reisiokaolc2: the orage version has a font size pref14:15
hungryhubbyhow do i clear dmesg14:15
tito_help me someone please....I am unable to install java7 plugin in firefox14:15
bhaveshsileni, Ok, with my network cable in?14:15
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kaolc2reisio: I googled a bit but couldn't find anything about an orange version. How do I get it?14:16
reisiokaolc2: right click on the panel, add orage clock, move it to where the other one is, then right click and remove the other, then right click on orage clock and configure it14:16
silenibhavesh: are you trying to connect with ethernet or wireless?14:16
stephniwhich app is the best download manager for ubuntu?14:16
bhaveshsileni, plugged in?14:16
kaolc2reisio: thanks, will try now14:16
bhaveshsileni, with earthnet14:16
reisiokaolc2: it's one of the preinstalled panel items14:16
silenibhavesh: then with it plugged in14:16
bhaveshsileni, ethernet14:16
bhaveshsileni, ok brb14:16
AlexDevilLXIs there gnome classic in Ubuntu 12.04?14:16
SDNcan someone assist me with mounting the motorola xoom i followed this guide here http://www.xoomforums.com/forum/motorola-xoom-development/691-mount-internal-storage-ubuntu.html but am still having issues here is my lsusb output http://notepub.com/#note=26872814:16
kaolc2reisio: Oh, it's "orage", not "orange".. I thought you made a typo14:16
silenibhavesh: it doesn't really matter, you can just copy paste the output in pastebin instead of taking pictures and uploading to imgurl14:17
reisioAlexDevilLX: I can't imagine under any circumstances there would be14:17
reisiokaolc2: yeah, dunno where the name comes from14:17
xangua!nounity | AlexDevilLX14:17
ubottuAlexDevilLX: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic14:17
falstaffstephni, I am a big fan of apt-get ... but that could be just me.14:17
AlexDevilLXreisio, so there is no gnome classic in ubuntu 12.0414:17
tito_anyone mind helping me with the firefox java plugin?14:18
PiciAlexDevilLX: 12.04 development has barely started, it is the same as 11.10 right now.14:18
CradamActionParsnip: i could kiss you14:18
reisioAlexDevilLX: Canonical would basically have to volunteer to maintain the GNOME 2 codebase for that to happen14:18
AlexDevilLXPici: i s there gnome classic in 11.1014:18
mrneeonWhen I open a folder, when in an active window (Say firefox) the notification_tray tells me that "Some folder" is ready... Is there a way to automatic bring this to the front..? This is bugging the h* out of me14:18
sileniActionParsnip: quiet the ladies man you are14:18
reisioAlexDevilLX: however by that time someone else may have volunteered to do that14:18
ActionParsnipCradam: ?14:18
reisioAlexDevilLX: and (more likely) there will be lots of how tos for making GNOME 3 work like GNOME 214:18
ActionParsnipsileni: don't tell my girlfriend hahahah14:18
ActionParsnipCradam: yeah --purge removes all the residual config so that when you reinstall you get new stuffs14:19
kaolc2reisio: If it all has to fit there, it's too small to read.. But I'll just make the bar a tiny bit bigger then, this is a ridiculous problem anyway :) thanks for the help14:19
PiciAlexDevilLX: As ubottu just said, no.14:19
AlexDevilLXOk, simply is there any way to lauch gnome classic in 11.1014:19
AlexDevilLXCoz i cant use gnome 314:19
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ActionParsnip!nounity | AlexDevilLX14:19
ubottuAlexDevilLX: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic14:19
jattAlexDevilLX: gnome 2 is pretty much unsupported now14:20
alvin47please help me about the netbook-launcher-efl ...14:20
bearly230In 11.10 gnome shell is there a way to put a link on the top bar for a bash file I run regularly?14:20
reisiokaolc2: no no14:20
TimLoal                                                                                                           I'm doing a  "sudo smartctl -t long /dev/sda" but i don't see much/any disk activity is that normal/expected?14:20
bhavesh_sileni, http://i.imgur.com/EVWwW.png14:20
AlexDevilLXjatt: ok, kde?14:20
reisiokaolc2: in orage clock prefs you can change it to only display hour and minute like the other clock14:20
jattAlexDevilLX: all gnome's team development resources were focused on gnome 314:20
tito_firefox plugin is not getting installed...please help!!!!!!!!!!!14:20
alvin47netbook-launcher-efl is always disappearing by itself!14:20
nemobearly230: you can add it as a launcher to your dock14:20
nemobearly230: but it is a pain in the ass to do14:20
jattAlexDevilLX: kde or xfce414:20
kaolc2reisio: I already did that. Too small still14:20
reisiokaolc2: where it says Line 1:, set %I:%M14:20
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AlexDevilLXi tried xfce, its bad14:21
reisiokaolc2: then use a font better suited to small sizes, like 'terminal'14:21
nemobearly230: they haven't made it easy to create launchers anymore. no more context menu in nautilus.  anyway, once you make the .desktop you can copy it to ~/.local/share/applications,  search for it in your apps, then add it to your dock14:21
AlexDevilLXcan i test drive kde online?14:21
jattAlexDevilLX: no it isn't at least on my system. it depends on your taste and what you use your machine for.14:21
ActionParsnipAlexDevilLX: could try LXDE too :)14:21
xanguaAlexDevilLX: you can dowload kubuntu and test it on a virtual machine14:21
reisioAlexDevilLX: eh, you'll miss the effects14:21
reisioAlexDevilLX: try the Kubuntu live CD if you really want a taste14:22
bearly230nemo: my biggest issue is I have to manually disable my touchpad and trying to get to the file with the keyboard, and the touchpad active is a pain in the you know what.14:22
AlexDevilLXI miss gnome classic14:22
tito_ActionParsnip: do you know how to install the java plugin in firefox?14:22
reisioAlexDevilLX: or just install KDE in your current install, you can always uninstall it later14:22
AlexDevilLXLXDE vs KDE vs XFCE where are less bugs?14:22
reisioAlexDevilLX: well not KDE14:22
AlexDevilLXeasier to use after gnome?14:22
alvin47ActionParsnip: boss please help me regarding the netbook-launcher-efl please please please14:22
reisioAlexDevilLX: Xfce14:22
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AlexDevilLXI have tried XFCE there are no shortcuts14:23
kaolc2reisio: Any way to show "4" instead of "16"? That would get me one digit down14:23
mrneeonWhen I open a folder, when in an active window (Say firefox) the notification_tray tells me that "Some folder" is ready... Is there a way to automatic bring this to the front..? This is bugging the h* out of me14:23
reisioAlexDevilLX: of course there are14:23
bhavesh_sileni, any clue?14:23
xanguaAlexDevilLX: there are14:23
jattAlexDevilLX: xfce4 is pretty robust14:23
ActionParsnipalvin47: what's the issue, maybe the channel can advise14:23
reisiokaolc2: for the hour?14:23
kaolc2reisio: Yes14:23
reisiokaolc2: %l14:23
falstaffAlexDevilLX, I would guess that all the mentions GUIs are pretty stable.14:23
silenibhavesh_: yes14:23
kaolc2reisio: Actually, I could do two clocks, one showing the minute and one the hour14:23
reisiokaolc2: hahahahah14:24
reisiokaolc2: you are tenacious14:24
kaolc2reisio: I know, it's a ridiculous problem :)14:24
silenibhavesh_: google shows that driver is not loaded nateively14:24
reisioit'd look cute, anyways14:24
silenibhavesh_: http://tuxthink.blogspot.com/2010/08/enabling-atheros-ethernet-controller-on.html14:24
silenibhavesh_: and for the driver file one sec14:24
AlexDevilLXOK, who hates gnome 3, what wm do use use now?14:24
silenibhavesh_: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/images/AR81Family-linux-v1.0.0.10.tar.gz14:24
nemobearly230: I use XFCE4.8 myself14:24
alvin47ActionParsnip: netbook-launcher-efl always disappears by itself.. it shows as I login but later after few seconds it will poof disappear, but it is running as  i look in the system monitor14:24
silenibhavesh_: if you follow those directions, it should get you going14:24
nemobearly230: it is very similar to gnome2 these days, only a lot faster14:24
bearly230nemo: thanks14:25
nemoI'm thinking I should have switched earlier14:25
bhavesh_sileni, ok thank you, ill try it and let u know.14:25
reisiokaolc2: did you look at the 'Binary' layout for the original clock? :p14:25
AlexDevilLXOk, is KDE stable14:25
nemobearly230: BTW, if you're trying to figure out how to move the panels in XFCE4 you have to uncheck the checkbox that locks 'em in place when editing :D14:25
kaolc2reisio: Takes me too long to look at the clock then, but I was considering it ^^14:25
nemobearly230: then you can just move 'em up/down/left/right whatever14:25
reisioAlexDevilLX: "stable", sure14:25
silenibhavesh_: ok14:25
shelli have mistakenly disabled the notification of network connection in gnome shell.How to reenable it14:25
reisiokaolc2: heh14:25
bearly230nemo: thanks14:25
reisiokaolc2: there used to be a "Beats" option :p14:25
kaolc2reisio: How does that work?14:26
AlexDevilLXthe only thing i like in KDE is AmaroK14:26
xanguashell: tried reset unity''¿ :  unity --reset14:26
AlexDevilLXWTH is this?14:26
reisiokaolc2: was a nonsense ad scheme by swatch, IIRC: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swatch_Internet_Time14:26
psaldenhey. Im connected wirelessly to my university network and although network manager suggests its succesful, internet gets cut off continuously. any ideas?14:27
conntrackgetting there14:27
xanguaAlexDevilLX: kde pet14:27
alvin47Actionparsnip: any idea?14:27
shell<xangua>but the problem is not in unity...gnome shell notification14:27
AlexDevilLXI wish it was beastie14:27
reisioa timorous one?14:27
jiltdilAny one help to fix cheese?14:27
AlexDevilLXDolphin supports dropbox?14:27
shell<xangua>one that appears at the bottom of the scrren.Clicked the "Do not show again" by mistake14:28
reisioAlexDevilLX: I'm sure it can14:28
kaolc2reisio: Okay, two clocks actually works pretty well. Now I just need to find a way to hide all those extra toolbars in the upper part of Firefox14:28
ActionParsnipAlexDevilLX: thats konki14:28
reisioAlexDevilLX: http://www.google.com/search?q=%22kde%22%20%22dolphin%22%20%22dropbox%2214:28
myk_robinsonGot a weird issue with 11.10 on my Lenovo laptop. When the screen turns off due to lack of activity, it doesnt wanna come back on... Didnt do this before. My temporary  solution is to disable the screen turning off thing...14:28
AlexDevilLXok, why KDE lloks like win 7?14:28
xanguashell: sorry, not a shell user....or unity :P14:28
AlexDevilLXSo, anyway whats the future KDE vs Gnome?14:28
ActionParsnipalvin47: no idea, sorry14:28
xangua!ot | AlexDevilLX14:29
ubottuAlexDevilLX: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:29
AlexDevilLXOk, so anyway guys thanks14:29
khaardAlexDevilLX: xfce will win14:29
jattthe future is pretty grim if they don't invest more money/resources to make the software less buggy, hire GUI designers, etc.14:29
ActionParsnipAlexDevilLX: a lot of OSes look similar, just because it has a bar at the bottom doesn't man it automatically looks like win714:29
AlexDevilLXXFCE is hard to use14:29
jattit isn't14:29
jattis as hard to use as gnome 2.14:30
khaardAlexDevilLX u must be kidding :)14:30
ActionParsnipAlexDevilLX: in what way is it hard to use14:30
falstaffI think Khaard is right Xfce is looking pretty good right now.14:30
ActionParsnipAlexDevilLX: the menus are in the same places as Gnome214:30
khaardxubuntu 11.10 looks gorgeus!14:30
AlexDevilLXno default shortcuts keystrokes14:30
jattyes indeed14:30
ActionParsnipAlexDevilLX: then define your own....14:31
AlexDevilLXTakes much tim e ok then thanks14:31
jbkc85how do i configure unity to automatically start up?  It is turned off on my user for some reason14:31
conntrackI guess the ipv4 addresses haven't run out yet14:31
jbkc85I have to actively open terminal to get it to work14:32
shell<xangua>that's ok...lol14:32
jbkc85unity --reset doesn't work either14:32
jattjbkc85: sudo apt-get install gdm14:32
oYeVoVeYoSunTsu, I'm runing a ssh tunnel on ubuntu 10.04 LTS, I've got the add-on (auto-proxy) on firefox, set the default proxy to ssh -D, changed the port to 22 ( the same as the port on the ssh tunnel I'm running), and just now I tried to access 2 websites youtube&twitter, but it says "H-2.0-OpenSSH_5.3p1 Debian-3ubuntu7 Protocol mismatch.", do you have a solution of it?14:32
jason___Is there a command within the Ubuntu LiveCD I can run? I need to test sound, and my mp3 I have on my flash drive is not working due to no codecs being on the LiveCD :(14:32
richard1234just upgraded to 11.10 and my window rendering is borked (have to click+drag to make sectiosn of the view render)14:32
jbkc85jatt: at newest version14:32
shelli have mistakenly disabled the notification of network connection in gnome shell.How to re enable it?14:32
jbkc85jatt: Uninstall and reinstall maybe?  This appears to be a profile issue; it works fine on other users14:32
khaardAlexDevilLX each WM, KDE or GNOME or XFCE o LXDE is taking MUCH time to look and behave like it should, or like i want to14:32
fritschoYeVoVeYo: ssh -D 7070 youruser@host14:33
xanguajason___: you can install codecs in live session14:33
fritschoYeVoVeYo: after that just set the gnome-proxy-settings to socks: localhost port 707014:33
richard1234unity --reset helped eventually , seems to be a graphics issue14:33
xanguajason___: or just try the example files14:33
qinshell: hm, bottom right?14:33
jason___xangua: I think my wireless might be acting up. Im on my work network and I cant install anything.14:33
hexacodewhat does "`" do in the terminal? every time i hit it and hit enter its like the terminal turns into some sort of input buffer or something14:33
jason___xangua: ah, good thought14:33
oYeVoVeYofritsch, thanks :))14:33
devinusi've installed an app using the ubuntu software center14:33
ActionParsnipjason___: you can install things in the liveCD, they just don't stick.14:33
devinusunity search isnt pulling it up now14:33
devinuswhat can i do?14:33
shellqin:yeah....i have clicked the "Do not show again"14:33
qinhexacode: echo `date` is command substitution14:33
SteelGeekHi! everyone here!14:34
ActionParsnipjason___: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras     and you can play what you want14:34
hexacodethanks qin14:34
mrneeonWhen I open a folder, when in an active window (Say firefox) the notification_tray tells me that "Some folder" is ready... Is there a way to automatic bring this to the front..? This is bugging the h* out of me14:34
ActionParsnipdevinus: try pressing ALT+F2 and run:  unity --replace14:34
SunTsuoYeVoVeYo: You need to use -D<Port> - e.g. -D7070 and use that port as socks proxy in your browser14:34
shellqin:yeah....i have clicked the "Do not show again" by mistake14:35
oYeVoVeYoSunTsu, seems like I asked a smart question instead of the stupid one, lol, tyvm14:35
qinshell: Sorry, not in g-shell now, but recall that you can enable it in bottom right of screen, maybe.14:35
qinshell: Of user icon14:36
hungryhubbyhow do i change permission to open tvtime14:36
bhaveshsileni, It gives gzip: stdin: decompression OK, trailing garbage ignored14:36
bhaveshtar: Child returned status 214:36
bhaveshtar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now14:36
shellCan anyone helo :'(14:36
dhruvasagaris there any way to revert Alt+Tab to old behaviour in 11.10 ?14:37
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dhruvasagarIs this the end of ubuntu ? Do I have to move to another distro because of such shitty user experience decisions !?14:37
gbfound out why my x was stuffed14:37
shelli have mistakenly disabled the notification of network connection in gnome shell.How to re enable it?14:37
silenibhavesh: tar -xvf didn't work ?14:37
xangua!language | dhruvasagar14:37
ubottudhruvasagar: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.14:37
gbmy computer crashed during upgrade14:37
fritschdhruvasagar: what changed concerning alt tab?14:38
reisiodhruvasagar: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager14:38
gbsince finished ther upgrade but cannot login as default user14:38
hexacodeanyone know how to pipe into vim without it closing?14:38
bhaveshsileni, tar -xzvf gave me that14:38
reisiodhruvasagar: some of it is Ubuntu, but some of it is GNOME upstream14:38
dhruvasagarreisio: I already have that, changing any key binding has no effect14:38
pkugHi there, how do I set the default CPU freqency governor in 11.10 ? I tried modifying /etc/init.d/cpufrequtils and it seemed to switch to 'performance' on the boot but after some time it turned again to 'ondemand'.. how do i prevent this ?14:38
silenibhavesh: once you do the gunzip and get tar file, just do tar -xvf and see if that works14:38
shelli have mistakenly disabled the notification of network connection in gnome shell.How to re enable it?14:38
Polahdhruvasagar, this is not the place to complain about something you do not like. If you don't like the default environment, Unity on GNOME then you're perfectly welcome to switch to another.14:38
dhruvasagarfritsch: Alt+Tab used to be for switching between applications within the current workspace14:38
carli2the network manager does not work with NAT, when I open a shared internet connection it disconnects after two seconds. I opened a bug a month ago, but nothing happend. the bug isnt fixed neither in ppa nor in official releases of oneiric.14:39
reisiohexacode: you could use vipe from moreutils14:39
gbso queston is given i can login as guest what file do i need to remove from default home to let me back in14:39
fritschdhruvasagar: ah, now it is all applications?14:39
reisiohexacode: oh or just14:39
reisiohexacode: foo | vim -14:39
dhruvasagarfritsch: Alt+Tab worked like a stack, it remembered which was the last app I was in so if I want to switch between 2 apps I could simply Alt+Tab withotu thinking14:39
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bhaveshsileni, Same error. Child returned stats 214:39
Polahcarli2: Are you sure the two computers are having different internal IPs assigned?14:39
reisiohexacode: - == stdin14:39
dhruvasagarfritsch: not only is it now between all tabs, if there are multiple windows of an app14:39
bhaveshsileni, It is broken?14:39
shellcome on.....anyone pls14:39
fritschdhruvasagar: jep, i see14:39
dhruvasagarfritsch: Alt+Tab will actually switch to another window of the same app, irrespective of which app was last!14:40
MonkeyDustdhruvasagar: other forks and distros are also userfriendly, they still have the alt-tab thing14:40
dhruvasagarfritsch: this is the most horrible change ever14:40
fritschdhruvasagar: there are worse ...14:40
fritschdhruvasagar: :-(14:40
silenibhavesh: no, are you sure you are doing -xvf and not -xzf14:40
silenibhavesh: I'm able to untar it fine on my computer14:40
ActionParsnipshell: if you run:  nm-applet    it should come back14:40
carli2Polah: internal IPs? (it worked on all other ubuntu versions)14:41
akgranerReminder: Contributing to Ubuntu at a Local level: A Roadmap - Randall Ross (rrnwexec) starts at 1500 UTC14:41
dhruvasagarUbuntu 11.10 looks good, I won't argue, but why torture people, especially the developers!? I mean why change something as basic as Alt+Tab to make it completely useless!!!!14:41
Polahsileni: -v shouldn't really affect anything with tar's functioning. It only reports (more) information to the terminal it's running in.14:41
bhaveshsileni, Even if I double click it return child returned status 2, maybe this one? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1677122&page=314:41
ActionParsnipdhruvasagar: you can use a different ALT+TAB plugin14:41
usr13Polah: and you dont have to use the - anymore either.14:41
zambaafter upgrading to 11.10 my wlan is broken.. it kinda works, but everytime i get some load, syslog is flooded with stuff like this: http://pastebin.com/2ezxbp8v14:41
shelli have mistakenly disabled the notification of network connection in gnome shell.How to re enable it?14:41
dhruvasagarActionParsnip: please tell me how14:41
MonkeyDustdhruvasagar: "why" is a philosophical question, find the answer in #ubuntu-offtopic14:42
Polahusr13: So just tar xvf for instance? Does that work with anything or just tar?14:42
sileniPolah: i know , but i'm more worried about his -z option doesn't that one make it decompress with gzip first?14:42
ActionParsnipdhruvasagar: its in ccsm14:42
carli2Polah: i tried with three different laptops, did they all have teh same "internal IP"???? i rather think it's a bug14:42
usr13Polah: Yes it works14:42
bhaveshsileni, Shall I try that?14:42
dhruvasagarActionParsnip: can you help me ? I have been diggin in ccsm for over 2 days, nothing works, most key binding changes wont even take effect14:42
silenibhavesh: give it a try14:42
usr13Polah: Just tar, use unzip for .zip14:42
bhaveshsileni, ok14:42
ActionParsnipdhruvasagar: so you didn't see the ring switcher?14:42
dhruvasagarActionParsnip: let me check again14:43
Ahmuckis there a way to turn off unity?14:43
xangua!nounity | Ahmuck14:43
ubottuAhmuck: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic14:43
Ahmucki HATE unity.  it's getting in my way of getting my classwork done14:43
SIFTUbhavesh: Polah sileni why does everyone use old school.. use the new option on any compression tar xvvf14:43
AhmuckI HATE unity14:43
Polahcarli2: NAT setup should be configured on your router, it works by having a single public-facing address but then several computers behind it are assigned different IPs from a range to identify them to the router. Try setting different static IPs on the two computers (or turning one off for a quick test on the other) and try again14:43
dhruvasagarActionParsnip: this is no different...14:43
ActionParsnipAhmuck: we get it!14:43
MonkeyDustAhmuck: caps please14:43
PolahAhmuck: Use a different environment. There's lots to choose from.14:43
jpdsAhmuck: Everyone is entitled to their opinions, I love it.14:44
fritschAhmuck: just install 11.04 it is still supported ...14:44
Ahmuckcaps was intentional14:44
sileniSIFTU: cause we are all old school :(?14:44
ActionParsnipdhruvasagar: so you dug around for 2 DAYS and didn't see that?14:44
bhaveshsileni, But thats a zip, what instruction should I use for it?14:44
silenibhavesh: unzip14:44
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dhruvasagarActionParsnip: I was digging to find out to make Alt+Tab work as it used to14:44
Ahmuckwhen it takes time to fix and i don't have time to study ... I  (well you know)14:44
PolahSIFTU: Because it's always good to specify which compression method tar should handle it with just in case it identifies incorrectly when doing it automatically and fails (:14:44
dhruvasagarActionParsnip: no I didn't find a ring switcher which isn't even doing anything after enabling...14:44
SIFTUsileni: well so I am.. but love the vv option, it picks up the compression and decompresses14:44
kaolc2I just installed xfce. I lost my precious keyboard shortcuts, like pressing ctrl-alt-t to open a terminal. Is there any way to get them all back like they were in the default unity installation?14:44
carli2Polah: you don't understand. I AM THE ROUTER. shared internet connection opens a nat server on my computer which allows other computers access to the internet. and I have "Gemeinsam mit anderen Rechnern" on the server and DHCP on the client14:44
reisiokaolc2: yup14:44
sileniSIFTU: i will keep that in mind thank you14:45
SIFTUPolah: I have never had it fail unless I dont have the archive utility installed14:45
dhruvasagarActionParsnip: the first key binding it has is <Super>Tab, which does not work, pressing Super opens the left side dock, pressing Tab after does no effect14:45
ActionParsnipdhruvasagar: I believe the default initiator is Super+ALT+TAB14:45
reisiokaolc2: Settings > Window Manager, & Settings > Keyboard14:45
kaolc2reisio: How? Do I manually have to set up everything?14:45
ActionParsnipbhavesh: but you get the idea14:45
Polahcarli2: Oh, I see what you mean. You're handling traffic for your own system and for a system behind yours. I couldn't help you with that, other than perhaps advising to check your configuraton14:45
ActionParsnipdhruvasagar: those pluginis dictate how ALT+TAB works, so if you see what each does and if it does do what you need then use it14:45
reisiokaolc2: you could script it I s'pose14:45
PolahSIFTU: Oh yeah sure it probably won't and shouldn't fail, but you never know (;14:46
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ActionParsnipdhruvasagar: have you asked in #compiz   too?14:46
carli2Polah: it's the same configuration as in the previous ubuntu versions14:46
Polahcarli2: Doesn't necessarily mean it'll work. You could try asking in #networking too14:47
dhruvasagarActionParsnip: no, I have been trying on my own mostly, I have been struggling with a lot of issues, including audio and graphics driver14:47
jbkc85ok; so I can get my unity to work only if I add the commands to 'startup'14:47
jbkc85I have tried deleting my gconf settings to reset things but it still will not work14:47
jbkc85(on my user profile)14:47
ppcblasterI have a long question don't want kicked for flooding14:47
SIFTUPolah: well it just seems the current method IS failing, whicvh is why I suggested xvvf14:47
dhruvasagarActionParsnip: can I disable unity plugin in compiz withotu f*cking up anything ? I have been too scared to try....14:47
kaolc2reisio: Well, there's nothing like, for example, the terminal shortcut there.. But I can just add it under keyboard settings then. Which command would I enter there to open up a new terminal?14:47
reisiokaolc2: well Xfce's terminal is called "terminal" :p (or possibly "Terminal")14:48
bhavesh_sileni, make install returns No rule to make target "install".stop14:48
transhello guys, I have dell xps, which one do u insist me to install, ironhide or bumblebee?14:48
reisiokaolc2: but you can use whatever term you want that's installed14:48
jbkc85I was in compiz settings and was just looking at what I could do: suddenly it crashed and now whenever I log in I get no GUI.  I have to cntrl-alt-t to start everything through terminal.  This only happens on my user profile; any ideas?14:48
carli2Polah: it works for two seconds and then disconnects.14:48
bhavesh_sileni, I did unzip, then sudo su then make install14:48
Polahkaolc2: Depends what environment you're on. GNOME has gnome-terminal, KDE has konsole for example14:48
ppcblasterNoob Here14:48
ppcblasterWhen installing Ubuntu 11.10 I chose a removable 200GB hard drive shrunk the win 7 64 os to about half the HDD14:48
ppcblasterCreated a 1GB swap file, and the remaining partition for Ubuntu.14:48
ppcblasterFirst time with Linux, What size Swap file is recommeneded and what partition type Win 7 uses NTFS.14:48
ppcblasterWhat type for Ubuntu?14:48
FloodBot1ppcblaster: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:48
ppcblasterThis removable drive  was the only drive connected to the PC when I installed Ubuntu.14:48
ppcblasterAfter the install all seeemed to work well. Grub appeared and Ubuntu and Win 7 were available.14:48
ActionParsnipdhruvasagar: not sure, you can always drop to text mode and reset it with:  unity --reset14:48
pdtpatrickQuestion .. how do u completely remove gnome 3 if u install gnome-shell. For some reason it changed my themes and now i cannot get it back to unity.14:48
kaolc2reisio: When I try to run "terminal" or "Terminal" from the terminal, it doesn't pop up.14:49
kaolc2Polah: I'm using xfce14:49
dhruvasagarActionParsnip: well I think I will have to do that, it seems to have messed things up14:49
reisiokaolc2: it's possible you'll have to explicitly install it14:49
ActionParsnipdhruvasagar: the guys in #compiz will be able to help more14:49
kaolc2reisio: But I'm already running it, it should be there?14:49
ActionParsnipdhruvasagar: I havent use compiz in a long time14:49
bhavesh_sileni, The last result after unzip was inflating: AR81...14:49
reisiokaolc2: xfce4-terminal14:49
ppcblasterdon't understand14:49
reisiokaolc2: is the package name14:49
jdpondis xfce4-terminal the lightweight Unity interface?14:50
kaolc2reisio: It says it's not installed, but I'm running the command in one.. Not very logical, but oh well, I'm getting it now then :)14:50
pratz hey guys i am using ubuntu 10.04, when i use static ip address and i can not connect to freenode but when i use  dynamic ip address ( automatic DHCP ) i get connect to freenode, any idea why ??14:50
reisiokaolc2: and then of course after installing it dpkg -L xfce4-terminal | grep bin will confirm the executable name14:50
auronandace!paste | ppcblaster14:50
ubottuppcblaster: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:50
silenibhavesh_: wehre did you do make install14:50
fritschpratz: wrong dns, wrong default gw?14:50
ppcblasterI think I did it correctly14:50
ActionParsnipkaolc2: install guake, run it then use F12 to hide and show a terminal when you want one14:50
reisiojdpond: no... it's a terminal for Xfce14:50
silenidid you cd into the /src folder?14:50
Polahppcblaster: Equal to or greater than the amount of RAM on the system you plan to be using it one. 1GB at least. If you want to be able to access your Ubuntu partition from Windows you can use NTFS or it may be better to use ext3/4 and then install some extensions on Windows to support ext3/4. If you want to share data, perhaps a small-ish ext3/4 partition for Ubuntu then another NTFS partition to put data on for both.14:50
sixfourbitorthirHello you Ubuntu heads, fans, common linux users, or newbZzzSZzz.14:50
reisiojdpond: like gnome-terminal is one for GNOME14:51
bhavesh_sileni, It was inside a new folder on desktop14:51
silenibhavesh_: there sould be a src folder where you unzipped it14:51
kaolc2reisio: Neat, thanks.14:51
silenibhavesh_: yes cd into the src folder and try again14:51
sixfourbitorthirI want to know, how can I tell if my HARDWARE is 32bit, or 64bit from Terminal?      I do not want the OS's archetech, I want hardware's.14:51
joaq_buhola xebabux14:52
jdpondreisio: I'm facing kind of the same problem.  I'd like to install a lightweight gui terminal for the "challenged" operators, but when I installed the server, haven't been able to get on up.  I've been looking for how to install the lightweight version of Unity, unsuccessfully14:52
Polahsixfourbitorthir, proc /cat/cpuinfo | grep lm14:52
bhavesh_sileni, Linux kernel source not configured - missing autoconf.h. stop14:52
xebabuxhola joaq_bu14:52
reisiojdpond: the "2d" version?14:52
xebabuxque tal?14:52
Polahsixfourbitorthir, if you get an output with "lm" highlighted then your processor is 64-bit capable14:52
reisiojdpond: pretty sure it comes by default, you just have to set it from the DM14:52
fritschPolah: there was a little typo cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep lm14:53
jdpondI guess, I never use it - I'm looking for the lightest weight possible.  Set it from the DM?14:53
kaolc2ActionParsnip: I'm not using gnome.14:53
Polahfritsch: Oh yeah, my bad14:53
transhello guys, I have dell xps nvidia supporting optimus, which one do u insist me to install, ironhide or bumblebee?14:53
sproatyhi I just noticed "take screenshot" no longer has the "select area to capture" option in 11.1014:53
Polahsixfourbitorthir, cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep lm14:53
ActionParsnipkaolc2: for KDE use yakuake14:53
reisiojdpond: the login screen14:53
sproatymeans having to save the whole window and edit it14:53
ActionParsnipPolah: not:  cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep lm14:54
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sproatyhmm and I can't scroll through tabs with the mousewheel14:54
ActionParsnipPolah: ?14:54
PolahActionParsnip, huh?14:54
jdpondreisio: I've already got the servers up and running - but only command line interface.   I was looking for something like "sudo apt-get install idiot-interface"14:54
Picippcblaster: Don't message floodbot1 with your paste, just put it on http://paste.ubuntu.com and reference the URL it gives you14:54
ActionParsnip(15:52:16) Polah: sixfourbitorthir, proc /cat/cpuinfo | grep lm14:54
kaolc2ActionParsnip: I'm not using KDE. I'm using xfce.14:54
PolahActionParsnip, oh yeah, I got proc and cat the wrong way around. Fritsch corrected me14:55
xanguakaolc2: use guake :P14:55
xanguaand here we go again14:55
kaolc2xangua: I thought it was gnome-only. Okay.14:55
jdpondreisio: And I'm also very concerned about whether or not it automatically installs the xserver - which means I'd need to lock that down too.14:56
ActionParsnipkaolc2: that uses GTK, so you can use guake. If you want something light then use tilda14:56
pratzcan the dns and the gateway ip be same ??14:56
Polahppcblaster, don't private message me please. GRUB should be configurable to work over multiple disks14:56
reisiojdpond: wouldn't personally put a GUI on a server14:56
kaolc2ActionParsnip: Checking out guake now, thank you.14:56
silenibhavesh_: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=10148114:56
edbianpratz: yes, they usually are if you have a home router14:56
silenibhavesh_: i have to go now i'm afraid14:56
pratzi am unable to connect to freenode channel when i use static ip but able to connect when i use dynamic ip14:56
silenibhavesh_: i hope you get it fixed take care14:56
bhavesh_sileni, ok np. Thank you :D14:57
edbianpratz: Are you trying to set a static IP that is in the DHCP range?14:57
Polahpratz: No. IP is your computer's IP (or what you want it to be), subnet mask will typically be for a home network, gateway is your router and DNS is the IPs for a DNS server somewhere, try for Google's DNS servers14:57
reisioguake has GNOME deps :p14:57
jdpondI wouldn't either - but if I don't get the network engineers on board, I'm going to end up supporting them myself reisio14:57
pratzedbian: i asked on #freenode and they said it is a dns server problem14:57
carlos__i need to convert .iso to .img. can someone point me in the right direction?14:57
edbianpratz: point your DNS to something like
reisiojdpond: is that really your responsibility?  You going to get compensated for that?14:57
CarlFKth_: muting the login leaves the speaker muted.  and it doesn't persist to the next login.14:57
Polahjdpond: You can change your boot settings so that the default boot procedure doesn't load X and gives a command line interface, but then when necessary the boot procedure can be changed to start X as well14:57
reisiocarlos__: ISO is a standardized image format14:58
kaolc2ActionParsnip: It seems nice so far, thanks.14:58
jdpond1) It is my responsibility to make sure it happens and 2) No, I wouldn't get compensated for it - but I'll still have to do it.14:58
reisiocarlos__: can you be more specific14:58
Charlie2Is it possible to do a netstat showing the process ID and also the network interface it's using. I know you can do netstat -i etc.. but that doesn't list the applications etc14:58
pratzedbian: in dns entry i have 2 ip address , one is same as gateway14:58
ActionParsnipkaolc2: it's badass. Should be default if you ask me14:58
edbianpratz: what is the other?14:58
pratzedbian: and they are in x.x.x.x14:58
carlos__reisi, i have a image.iso that i need to dd to a sd card14:58
reisiocarlos__: should be good to go14:59
pratzedbian: with all the same but ends with .114:59
Polahpratz: Change them to and in that order14:59
pratzPolah: means ?14:59
* cwillu stabs LjL 14:59
Cradampratz: that is the google DNS ip14:59
edbianoh gawd a murder!14:59
Polahpratz: Change your two DNS IPs to those two...15:00
LjLcwillu :315:00
jdpondreisio: BTW, I do have WebMin on them, but need something they can run from the KVM15:01
madalinNagios related question. The following scenario: I have server1, connecting to server2. Server2 has an internal network. I'm trying to get server2 to ping an INTERNAL ip on the network and passing its results to server1. I'm reading about check_nrpe and check_ping, but im way too lost. Anyone can help me out ?15:01
reisiojdpond: minesweeper?15:01
auronandace!webmin | jdpond15:01
ubottujdpond: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.15:01
Picimadalin: #nagios would probably be a better place to ask.  Or possibly #ubuntu-server15:02
jdpondubottu: I know that - not using it for upgrades and configuration - using it for monitoring and basic operator gui - but thanks.15:02
ubottujdpond: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:02
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madalinthanks pici.15:03
ActionParsnippratz: http://code.google.com/speed/public-dns/docs/using.html  will help apply it long term as the resolv.conf file is generated by network manager15:03
ActionParsnippratz: http://code.google.com/speed/public-dns/docs/using.html  will help apply it long term as the resolv.conf file is generated by network manager15:04
Shaktidesperately need help15:04
ActionParsnipShakti: ask away15:04
Shaktiunable to install Ubuntu 11.1015:04
Shaktistuck at Gpu lock15:05
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."15:05
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter15:05
pavanhow do I completely remove nvidia15:05
Shaktiyes also need to remove nvidia15:05
Shaktitried sudo apt-get remove nvidia-1715:05
Shaktitried sudo apt-get remove nvidia-17315:05
Shaktibut failed15:05
usr13Shakti: How did it fail?15:06
usr13Shakti: Did you reboot yet?15:06
Shaktiit said virtual packages cannot be removed15:06
usr13Shakti: You should also remove the config file, /etc/X11/xorg.conf15:06
Shaktihow do i?? i am a noob15:06
usr13Shakti: rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf15:07
usr13Shakti: sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf15:07
mneptokShakti: you said you could not install. if the system is not installed, well, there's no driver to remove.15:07
Shaktiexactly.. i get the battery status ok message15:07
jdponduh, sorry auronandace - didn't see the bot request.  Tried installing Zentyal - total disaster.  Weak product.15:08
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Shaktiand over that i get the gpu lock up message15:08
Shaktilet me start over what i did...15:08
auronandacejdpond: never used it sorry, i just know webmin isn't supported anymore15:08
Shaktidownloaded the iso - installed it within windows15:09
Shaktion restart, got the fuzzy screen and couldn't see  a thing15:09
mneptokShakti: oh, you're using Wubi. something i have never done.15:09
jdpondOk, thanks for the help all - I guess I'm going back to gnome and bagging the Unity lite attempt.15:09
Shaktirestarted - slected option for low vga15:09
Shaktithis installed the Ubuntu15:10
Shaktibut on restart i get the battery status ok message and the gpu-lockup15:10
usr13Shakti: So now you have a normal Ubuntu install?15:10
usr13And you get errors?15:10
usr13battery status ok message and the gpu-lockup?15:11
usr13Is that what it says?15:11
alex-How can I transform a file into an ISO file? The filename is: source.debian.tar.gz15:11
[4-tea-2]I'm starting to think that audio isn't the only thing the oneiric upgrade has broken... I don't think my system has taken longer than a couple of minutes to build a kernel in the past decade. My current make-kpgk has now be running for 30+ mins and it's not done yet.15:11
Shaktiso what do u think i must do15:12
kimmashould one always upgrade to the new version of ubuntu every 6 months?15:12
jdpondShakti: If it's any comfort, I tried doing the update on one of my servers and it ended up dying the same way - probably something to do with the 6 ethernet ports I had on it configured in a very funky way.  When I rebuilt the system from scratch, it worked fine.  The other servers upgraded pretty much painlessly - except that I lost all the GUIs15:12
SIFTU[4-tea-2]: is it using all the cpu cores?15:12
BorlaxUsually the .04 releases are long term support15:12
SIFTU[4-tea-2]: make -j9 ...15:13
Borlaxso if you want to you can stick with the .04. its not necessary to upgrade15:13
auronandaceBorlax: no, it is every 4 releases15:13
jribkimma: as long as you use a supported version, that's fine15:13
kimmaBorlax: I want to install the normal version15:13
william12kimma: if u don't wanna upgrade u don't have to15:13
tadohelp! during the upgrade to 11.10 the power went down, and the upgrade stopped. now i have tried to finish it from chroot running from a live, but when i turn the computer on it stops after the ubuntu screen with a black screen and stops after saying 'TiMidity: startin alsa MIDI' or something similar... someone can help? i am really lost...15:13
Shaktiunfortunately.. have windows 715:13
conntrackwhat port is telnet?15:13
fritschconntrack: let me google it for you15:13
jdpondconntrack: 2215:13
Borlaxauronandace: im pretty sure it is ever .0415:13
fritschjpjacobs: nope this is ssh15:14
jdpond(or 25)15:14
usr13Shakti: Can you elaborate on the gpu-lockup?15:14
jribBorlax: LTS is every 2 years15:14
rkesselproblem setting up ubuntu 11.1015:14
Borlaxgotcha, my mistake sorry15:14
auronandaceBorlax: 10.04 is lts, 11.04 isn't, 12.04 will be15:14
[4-tea-2]SIFTU: yes, I realize I didn't set CONCURRENCY_LEVEL this time around, but still it shouldn't take half an hour running on an SSD. ;)15:14
fritschjdpond: this round you loose 23 would be correct15:14
Jefohi. i installed ubuntu on an usb stock. could i make a copy just by copieng these files (want a backup)?15:14
Shaktiusr13.. on pm15:15
SIFTU[4-tea-2]: its CPU bound, not disk bound15:15
icerootJefo: when only the files are copied you cant boot the backup15:15
induzwhy my screen is getting scrambled15:15
induz and the ubuntu response is slow15:15
BorlaxAnyone know how to change the unity bar settings so that it isnt underneath all my windows when i go to open the dash?15:15
rkesselit took me 10 hours for an install then i tried using a clean install and it still hangs15:15
induzhow can i free up memory to get it running faster15:16
jdpondfritsch: Not a good morning for me ):   The correct answer is: http://www.gasmi.net/tcp.php15:16
Jefoiceroot, the usb stick needs the a label or something?15:16
tadosomeone can help me with my failed upgrade? i can't enter my system anymore...15:17
kdogMy dash is coming up behind open windows. Is there a fix for this?15:17
[4-tea-2]SIFTU: well, I forgot CONCURRENCY_LEVEL before, and it didn't take that long. I'll try again using all cores... once it's done. ;)15:17
Borlaxkdog: thats what im trying to fix too15:18
Borlaxkdog: i didnt see anything in my compiz settings15:18
kdogBorlax, oh good. It's nice to not be the only one :-P15:18
icerootJefo: it needs the bootloader, the same file-permission and so on. dd is a good tool to make a real copy of your usb-stick15:18
wiredfoolBorlax:  kdog: happened to me, then it cleared up w/ logout or reboot15:18
icerootJefo: you want an exact copy which can start also? or just a backup of your important files like documents, movies and so on?15:19
Borlaxwiredfool: just a bug i guess.15:19
SIFTU[4-tea-2]: well if you look at top/htop and 1 core is at 100%, you know, and of course if you set concurrency to the number of cores you have it will be that many times faster15:19
wiredfoolBorlax: yep, one of many15:19
Borlaxwiredfool: ill try that15:19
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hatchetjackhow do I get my traditional style gnome back?15:19
Borlaxwiredfool: yeah im regretting upgrading right now.15:19
auronandace!notunity | hatchetjack15:20
ubottuhatchetjack: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic15:20
hatchetjackand unity sucks and has to go15:20
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ubottuUbuntu bug 863878 in network-manager-applet (Ubuntu) "Shared Internet Connection is disconnecting immediately" [Undecided,New]15:20
Borlaxyeah, i am not thrilled with unity15:20
auronandacehatchetjack: good thing i usae xfce then15:20
_trine GNOME Fallback mode sucks too15:20
Borlaxand 11.11 made it a little worse15:20
helix_9Hello together, is it possible to mount a IPcam(Network Camera) on /dev/video0 ?15:20
hatchetjackI like gnome better then kde but maybe kde is not as bad as unity15:21
JuJuBeeI have a script that uses phpMailer and runs fine if run manually, but when I try to run via cron I get http://pastebin.com/GgU6WDtg Any help?  I tried ##php already...15:21
JuJuBeeSeems more system related.15:21
_trinei think we should have a lynch mob and go string up the unity designer :)15:21
_trinejust joking15:21
rkesselnot joking15:21
_trinein case anyone thinks I'm serious15:21
jdpond"occupy Unity"?15:21
Borlaxits pretty though, if thats what they were going for with unity15:21
Borlaxjdpond: lol15:21
tadohey folks. the power went out during upgrade to 11.10 and i can only use my computer through a live version now. anyone that can try and give me a hand fixing it?15:22
Borlaxtado: did you back up?15:22
jdpondBorlax: "lol" - human microphone15:22
Jefoiceroot, i want like a clone. because last 2 times i updated i f**ked my ubuntu up15:22
wiredfoolI'd settle for "hack prefs files into unity"15:22
Borlaxtado: might need to just reinstall from scratch15:22
rkesselI tried from scratch and it keeps hanging up15:23
qintado: Backup and make fresh install. Save your time.15:23
gbtado: i had the same just follow rgw directions after doing an aptitude install15:23
tadoBorlax: no. i can still see my folders from the live, although i have no access. i need to restore the installation or complete the upgrade, i can't make a fresh install15:23
wiredfoolno access sounds like it's got disk errors, and it's mounted read only15:23
wiredfooltry unmounting and fsck15:23
rkesseli tried to reinstall from disk15:23
gbi am still in process of recovering my desktop, all very messy15:23
thiebaudehey everyone. How do I uninstall ati graphics drivers from ubuntu 11.10?15:23
gbshall be switching to pure debian asap and get away from the crappy enforced defaults which give ne bkinding migraines15:24
hatchetjackwhy did ubuntu think up unity anyways?15:24
tadowiredfool: i tried to complete the upgrade from chroot, and it worked, but now the screen loads after the ubuntu loading page and stops after timidity starting alsa midi or something alike15:24
hatchetjackother desktop GUI's not good enough or something?15:24
gball getting very microsoft15:24
tadoBorlax: would you have any idea how to recover the system?15:24
thiebaudei just installed my ati drivers and now i get tearing of text15:25
jribtado: how did you complete the upgrade?15:25
tadojrib: followed the instruction from a chat channel : got in as chroot and completed it15:25
jribtado: yes, what did you do exactly?15:25
Polahhatchetjack, this isn't the place to complain. Use another environment if you want.15:25
tadojrib: after the chroot?15:25
jribtado: yes15:26
helix_9Hello together, is it possible to mount a IPcam(Network Camera) on /dev/video0?15:26
tadojrib: apt-get update apt-get dist-upgrade15:26
Polahtado: dist-upgrade doesn't upgrade your release to the next one.15:26
tadoPolah: how do i then? it looked like an upgrade...15:27
overdubtado: try do-release-upgrade15:28
Polahtado: It upgrades packages similar to apt-get upgrade, but in a more distribution-safe way I believe. sudo do-release-upgrade will upgrade to the next release.15:28
tadooverdub: just like that from chroot?15:28
kaolc2I'm trying to hide the top bar in Firefox to get more screen real estate. I am using compizmanager and setting "!(class=Firefox)" under the window decoration setting. This worked under gnome, but now that I changed to xfce it's not hiding anything. Does anyone have an idea why?15:28
tadoPolah: ok, i try now15:28
overdubtype do and then the tab key and you should see it there as possible completion15:29
tadoPolah and overdub: No new release found15:29
jribtado: what's in your /etc/apt/sources.list?15:29
EinoooI can decrease my laptops screen brightness from System Settings > Screen, but the settings reset to default when I reboot. How can I get my laptop to boot with a bit less brightness on the screen?15:29
jribtado: make sure you are checking on the mounted one, not the live system15:29
Marine1need help moving extracted tar.gz into correct directory15:29
tadojrib: how can i see it from the live?15:30
tadojrib: i think i am checking on the mounted one now15:30
jribtado: go to /place/you/mounted/your/install/etc/apt/sources.list15:30
Marine1extraxted it but it's a usr folder15:30
kermiti added something to /etc/init/ .. how do i make it start?15:30
iDoritoSo, how are Ubuntu/Linux apps typically programmed?15:30
jrib!upstart | kermit15:31
ubottukermit: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/15:31
Marine1it's a rythmbox plugin.15:31
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hatchetjackokay somewhat classic gnome back15:31
tadojrib: ? sorry i don't understand15:31
hatchetjackapparently I am not good enough to administer my own computer now though?15:31
Marine1need help moving extracted tar.gz into correct directory it's a rhythmbox plugin.15:31
hatchetjackor so ubuntu's higher powers feel?15:32
jribtado: you are on the live system now, correct?15:32
tadojrib: yes15:32
jribMarine1: where do you want to move it?15:32
jribtado: you mounted the partition for your install, correct?15:32
tadojrib: although in the terminal i followed the procedure fro the chroot15:32
tadojrib: yes15:32
jribtado: where?15:33
Marine1jrib, into the plugin folder I guess i couldn't ./configure because that file doesn't exisat15:33
auronandacehatchetjack: if you are using unity blame ubuntu, if you are using gnome 3 blame the gnome devs15:33
jribMarine1: what plugin?15:33
tadojrib: on /mnt15:33
jribtado: I am asking you to pastebin the contents of /mnt/etc/apt/sources.list15:34
Marine1jrib, rhythmbox-record-station-1.3.3-all.tar.gz15:34
hatchetjackauronandace: actually I still blame ubuntu.15:34
Marine1jrib, i extracted it but could not ./configure i the terminal15:34
hatchetjackauronandace: I am trying to get away from unity and back to some normality with gnome.15:34
hatchetjackauronandace: it's ubuntu's fault15:34
nmpribeiroi am trying to make gdm in ubuntu 11.10 accept TCP connections. but netstat -an | grep -F 6000 just brings nothing. changed security/DisallowTCP=false, restarted and nothing... can't figure out15:34
Marine1jrib, it states no such file or directory15:34
jribMarine1: rhythmbox-radio-browser is in the repositories and can record, does that work for you?15:35
Marine1jrib, does it record streaming stations also15:35
jribMarine1: yes15:35
Marine1jrib, that is what this pluin is for15:35
jribMarine1: but rhythmbox-radio-browser is in the repositories15:35
hatchetjackI have gnome back but no system menu options and apparently aptituce install gnome-system-tools has no effect15:35
auronandacehatchetjack: unity exists because ubuntu devs didn't agree with the way gnome3 was going15:35
Marine1jrib, i seen that just wanted to install this plugin15:36
hatchetjackauronandace: just not sure why unity is being forced on me15:36
jribMarine1: then you must read your plugin's documentation15:36
Marine1jrib, it states extract to /15:36
chrono86has anyone else noticed with 11.10 when you scrub over the network indicator it flashes twice?15:36
tadojrib: http://pastebin.com/REaVbVgk15:36
jribMarine1: why do you keep mentioning "./configure"?15:36
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nmpribeirocan someone help me put x server allowing TCP connections?15:37
Marine1jrib, that is where my problem lies15:37
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Marine1jrib, if the ./configure file exist in the extracted folder then it complies itself15:37
jribMarine1: is that what the documentation tells you to do?15:37
Marine1jrib, there is no documentaion15:38
jribMarine1: ...15:38
Marine1jrib, let me paste bin for you15:38
jribMarine1: before you said "it states extract to /" referring to the documentation15:38
Diaoerif i don`t use gnome-tweak how to change the font size?15:38
jribtado: is the package "ubuntu-desktop" installed?  (check in your chroot obviously)15:38
jribMarine1: I just visited the website for your plugin.  Is there a reason you are not using the .deb file provided?15:39
Marine1jrib, here is the site: http://scrawl.bplaced.net/projects/record-station/15:40
tadojrib: it wasn't installed, i am installing now15:40
exiffhallo... how do I stop the alt-key from moving windows around? I need it for other purposes(blender)15:40
Marine1jrib, i tried that but got a message from software center stating that the file was not legit15:41
Marine1jrib, or outdated15:41
jribMarine1: what was the message exactly?15:41
tadojrib: it gives me this error http://pastebin.com/TwsfNAm615:41
Marine1jrib, since rythmbox is 2.90 i have to use the latest15:41
Marine1jrib, let me try once agian15:41
jribtado: how did you setup your chroot?15:42
tadojrib: if i give it a apt-get update it's failing to fetch15:42
jribtado: but didn't this work before?15:42
jribtado: (apt-get update that is)15:42
tadojrib: i followed a guide on ubuntu.it i'll paste it, a sec15:43
soulfHi, I uninstalled the proprietary fglrx graphics driver in order to use the default open source driver but upon reboot (be it in gnome or unity) there's no hardware acceleration... how can I reactivate the open source driver?15:43
Marine1jrib, here it is: The package doesn't provide a valid Installed-Size control field. See Debian Policy
exiffso. how do I change the alt-key ?15:43
tadojrib: http://pastebin.com/7NnhC8EV15:44
Lesterwoodi could go for some coconut milk right now15:44
Trolololso im using gentoo, how can i configure my own kernel in Ubuntu?15:44
fritschTrololol: just the same way as you did in gentoo15:44
tadojrib: i honestly don't remember if it worked fine before15:44
alvin47is there anyway to have a hotkey for the password i always use of?15:44
Marine1jrib, that is why i tried the other file15:44
fritschTrololol: install the packages you need to build, get the source, get default config and go :-)15:44
Trolololfritsch: is there an option to do taht in the installation?15:45
snoemanHow do I tell which graphics driver my system is using. I have just updated to 11.10. I do not seem to have an xorg.conf filr.15:45
fritschTrololol: nope15:45
jribtado: try the mount --bind routine with /etc/resolv.conf as well15:45
fritschTrololol: ubuntu installs a generic kernel, which runs on every supported hardware15:45
jribsnoeman: read /var/log/Xorg.0.log (maybe)15:45
fritschTrololol: i think you will not gain much speed with rebuilding kernel side15:45
fritschTrololol: there is much more to get on userspace side15:46
kebitI just updated to 11.04, and i get a grub rescue prompt. I think the installer installed Grub2, how can i boot back into my system?15:46
Trolololfritsch: what about compile flags i assume those are in teh same locations?15:46
fritschTrololol: apt-build is the big word of the magician :-) (haha german wordings directly translated)15:46
Marine1jrib, did you see the message15:46
tadojrib: that would be mount --bing /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/etc/resolv.conf right?15:46
fritschTrololol: you do not need to compile anything15:46
fritschTrololol: all are binary packages15:46
jribMarine1: ok well the plug-in is written in python.  You only need to extract it to the right directory.  It recommends using the system-wide locations, but I would suggest using the rhythmbox plug-in location in your home instead: $HOME/.gnome2/rhythmbox/plugins according to http://live.gnome.org/RhythmboxPlugins/WritingGuide15:46
arjanosalve ! volevo sapere perché entro come ospite in xubuntu 11.1015:46
Trolololfritsch: so there arent any source repos for apt?15:47
soulfHi, how do I activate the open source ati driver?15:47
arjanoprima avevo xubuntu 11.0415:47
jribtado: "bind" instead of "bing", but otherwise that looks correct15:47
usr13kebit: You upgraded from what?15:47
gwb_Hi -- In 11.10, my update manager pauses half-way.  I have to open the Details and hit "q".   I guess it is calling "less" or something.  Can I stop that?15:47
kebithow else would i get 11.04?15:47
tado!italian | arjano15:48
ubottuarjano: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:48
fritschTrololol: there are of course - but not in the way gentoo15:48
usr13kebit: What do you see on the screen?15:48
tadojrib: done15:48
Trolololfritsch: noted, thanks for the info, have a great day15:48
kebitusr13: "grub rescue>"15:48
Marine1jrib, so don;t extract the tar.gz file unto the desktop follow the directions at the link you proivded15:48
usalabsis there a gnome app for Lucid LTS that allows me to change what is shown on the main login screen?,,,, I have 2 system accounts, that I don't want to show up on the login screen,,, System -> Administration - >Login Screen is very basic15:48
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kebitusr13: it  can run nothing but ls, i think15:48
shadowcopyis there anyway to have a hotkey for the password i always use of?15:48
jribMarine1: I do not understand what you just said15:49
tadojrib: it's hitting the repos now15:49
Marine1jrib, so extract it to $HOME/.gnome2/rhythmbox/plugins15:49
ubottuUbuntu bug 863878 in network-manager-applet (Ubuntu) "Shared Internet Connection is disconnecting immediately" [Undecided,New]15:49
Marine1jrib, is what I was saying earlier15:50
usr13kebit: Reading:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=174530415:50
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jribMarine1: extract the plugin there, yes15:50
akgranerUp Next  at 1600 UTC in #ubuntu-classroom and #ubuntu-classroom chat for Ubuntu Open Week is Getting the most out of LoCo Teams Portal - mhall11915:51
Marine1jrib, what is the command to extract this python file to that directory15:51
Marine1jrib, since i don't have a ./configure file15:51
jribMarine1: just double click on the tar.gz15:51
induzhello why my desktop screen gets scarmbled15:51
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induzI have ubuntu 10 running on p4 Intell Pc15:52
keithAck. My gnome-session hosed itself. The last thing I did was add skype to the startup apps. Where are those stored? I need to remove it by CL.15:52
induzI have 1gb Ram15:52
induzHow do i know how much memory is being used15:52
Marine1jrib, i did it opens up a folder called usr15:52
samlafter upgrading to 11.10,  gvim hangs unless I do  gvim --nofork15:52
jribMarine1: your plugin is in there15:52
induzthere is a command but i forgote for memory use15:52
jribinduz: free -m15:53
SmartIRCtest message15:53
* SmartIRC thinks this is cool15:53
Guest20379saml upgrading provide issues just like this. it better to do a install when upgrading15:53
tadojrib: i have installed ubuntu-desktop. should i try and turn the computer on normally now?15:53
Marine1jrib, ok i see it it's in the /usr/lib/rhythmbox/plugins/15:53
jribtado: no errors?  Did it install a lot of packages?15:53
Marine1jrib, inside the folder it self15:54
samlGuest20379, what do you mean?  reinstall gvim? i did15:54
jribMarine1: yes.15:54
tadojrib: no errors and lots of packages15:54
soulfIs there a way to restore all the default settings in ubuntu 11.10 without reinstalling?15:54
jribtado: ok. If you run « sudo dpkg --configure -a », everything is ok?15:54
Guest20379soulf no15:54
hatchetjackis there a gnome package that will install the entire gnome suite?15:54
hatchetjacksince ubuntu 11.10 seemed to remove a lot of it?15:55
Guest20379soulf use the failsafe mode to undo everything you did15:55
tadojrib: doesn't prompt anything15:55
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tadojrib: which i guess means all good15:55
jribtado: yes15:55
usalabsI don't want system accounts to show up in the login user list for Lucid LTS, how to I edit the login screen to hide those accounts?15:55
jribtado: I would try a restart once more.  If errors popup, try to record them15:55
jeanjoin #ubuntu-br15:55
Guest20379soulf or use the os scan to find and fix broken packages15:55
jribusalabs: hmm, I thought they didn't.  Which are showing up?15:56
soulfGuest20379, thanks for your answer. On a related note, do you know what exactly the purpose of the repair system option on the alternate install cd is, or what it does?15:56
Guest20379usalabs set up auto login15:56
tadojrib: how do you mean? log out chroot, shut down the live, log in normally?15:56
hatchetjackseems 'gnome' is what it's called now15:56
jribtado: yes15:56
tadojrib: and record means paper and pencil here, right?15:56
jribtado: yes, or camera if you have one15:56
hatchetjackgood grief.  If only ubuntu had asked me if I wanted unity.  Think of the time that would not have been wasted.15:56
usalabsjrib,,, samba guest is one of them,,,, and I don't want to have auto login, when I have user accounts for 3 different people15:56
chargedomg so many ppl15:57
Guest20379soulf these option are only avaible in the grub loader15:57
tadojrib: alright. i'll try. fingers crossed15:57
jribtado: maybe try ctrl-alt-f1 if it gets stuck.  You might have console access15:57
tadojrib: and what to do from there?15:57
soulfGuest20379, ok thanks.15:57
Guest20379soulf when ubuntu is starting up right after the bio screen press shift15:57
jribtado: if you aren't comfortable in that environment, just return here with that information15:57
Marine1jrib, do I move the entire folder(usr) over or just the plugin file15:57
induzhow can i reduce mem use15:57
tadojrib: ok. thanks15:57
jribMarine1: the directory inside the plugin folder15:58
Guest20379soulf in the grub loader you see a list of options15:58
AquaguyHey there15:58
kallisti5holy crap.  it took over two hours to make Ubuntu 11.10 usable with Gnome 3 getting rid of unity..  http://twitpic.com/71sdow http://twitpic.com/71sd2i15:58
shlk23hello, i'm having problems with sound recorder after upgrading to 11.10. when i try to open volume control, it says 'gnome-volume-control is not installed in the path'15:58
Guest20379kallisti5 why not get a different distro with gnome 315:58
kallisti5Guest20379: because, ubuntu is the only apt based distro with Gnome 315:59
Shaktiusr13.. u there15:59
kallisti5Guest20379: once debian has Gnome 3 in stable i'm going that route :)15:59
keith1Where is the file to edit the startup apps?15:59
Marine1jrib, sorry bro what is the command for that?16:00
Aquaguyeverytime that the system asks me for the admin password, after entering it and pressing ok it stops the task it was doing. For example right now I have the 11.10 update message, I press Update, downloads the files and when it's prepared to install it asks me for the password but after entering the password the update is aborted (the password prompt overlay dissapears and nothing else happens). Why is that? How can I solve t16:00
Aquaguyhis problem, it's driving me crazy it happens everytime the system asks for the admin psswd16:00
crasskallisti5: do you have a set of instructions that you used to get gnome3 working?16:00
Guest20379kallisti5 change the DE is often unstable16:00
Guest20379sklk23 driver issue16:00
th_kallisti5: i'm not sure which part of the 'apt-get install gnome-shell' took 2 hours16:00
Guest20379sklk23 use the build in hardware app16:00
crassth_: does that hook gnome3 into the light-dm?16:01
shlk23Guest20379, how do i do that?16:01
SunTsustrange, cryptroot tries to mount /dev/mapper/system (where system is the vg name) instead /dev/mapper/system-root - which would be my volume for / - on Maverick it worked flawlessly16:01
Diaoeranyone tell me how to change font-family and fonts-size without gnome-tweak-tool16:01
Aquaguyplease??? ahahaha16:01
ricb17anyone have a moment to help me w/ an issue on 10.04 LTS desktop accessing a windows DFS share?16:02
crassok, thanks th_16:02
Guest20379shlk23 the application is build in16:02
th_Diaoer: you can only change size from the accesibility options16:02
kallisti5crass: everyone:  kallisti5's *simple* gnome 3 desktop...   http://pastebin.com/CwGCviuP16:02
usr13Shakti: Yes16:02
usr13I am now...16:02
Diaoerthx th_ let me see16:02
th_gnome-shell unfortunately doesn't work with ati cards so it's pretty useless16:02
kallisti5crass: oops.. ignore lines 33 and 3416:03
ricb17is the error received while trying to access the DFS share.  It works fine on 11.X ubuntu desktop, just not 10.04 LTS16:03
kallisti5th_: yeah.. i found that happen at home16:03
th_with latest drivers it at least starts, but doesn't work. can't launch any opengl app16:03
AquaguyHey there16:03
th_and i like my games16:03
Aquaguyeverytime that the system asks me for the admin password, after entering it and pressing ok it stops the task it was doing. For example right now I have the 11.10 update message, I press Update, downloads the files and when it's prepared to install it asks me for the password but after entering the password the update is aborted (the password prompt overlay dissapears and nothing else happens). Why is that? How can I solve t16:03
Aquaguyhis problem, it's driving me crazy it happens everytime the system asks for the admin psswd16:03
Marine1jrib, You don't have the right permissions to extract archives in the folder "file:///usr/lib/rhythmbox/plugins"16:03
Aquaguyanyone can help me?16:03
asllihjaany help with this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/847037 ?16:03
ubottuUbuntu bug 847037 in unity (Ubuntu) "Unity in 11.10 does not start correctly" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:03
th_unity works, dno how gnome people can screw up things so badly16:03
jannickHi, i've got the following problem: I had ubuntu 11.04 on my system updatet to 11.10, Everything went fine. I didn't change the hardware but i installed XFCE4 which somehow killed my ubuntu. Now, when i try to reinstall every thing the process of starting the live cd freezes, last two messages are: doesnt support DPO or FUA and "attached scsi removable disk" Why is that happening now? (I tried16:03
jannickit with new Ubuntunu 11.10 and 11.04 and mint and fedora)16:03
jribMarine1: yes, I suggested you use the one in your home16:03
kallisti5th_: it's not gnome... amd confirmed a bug in the functionality gnome is using16:04
compdocAquaguy, dont get what you mean by admin password - did you assign a password to root? They try to discourage that16:04
Guest20379compdoc it would ask for root password16:04
kallisti5th_: there is a ticket on the novell bug tracker for gnome 3 on it with AMD engineer comments16:04
MonkeyDustth_: there are blogs about the love/hate for Unity16:04
compdocit asks for the user password16:04
Guest20379Aquaguy check your user account settings16:04
boldfilterHey, I cant connect my ipod 4, get a unhandle lockdown error 15 , says its been fixed but mines doing it. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/libimobiledevice/+bug/79547516:04
ubottuUbuntu bug 795475 in libimobiledevice (Ubuntu Maverick) "[iOS5 devices do not work] Unhandled lockdown error (-4)" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:04
Guest20379Aquaguy under groups and users16:05
Diaoerhi th_ i want to change the fonts smaller but the access config  font smaller is too small to see16:05
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Aquaguycompdoc, every time i try to install something, or a program attemps to do a change on the system a overlay appears asking for the admin/root password. After entering the password it doesnt do anything else.16:05
Diaoerany config file can did it?16:05
Aquaguyok, i'll check16:05
Marine1jrib, inside that .gnome2 there isn't a folder for rythmbox that i why i treid the other location16:05
nmpribeirocan someone help me put x server allowing TCP connections please?16:05
jribMarine1: create it16:06
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compdocAquaguy, it normally asks for the user's password. The user youre logged in as. Root has no password16:06
leepingHi there - I've got an issue where the GNOME desktop background appears but I can't log in.  I can access the text terminals and log in remotely via ssh.  Can someone help me identify the problem?  Thanks.16:06
leepingI don't remember making any changes to my system.  I've tried resetting the computer and also doing power off / on.16:06
leeping(I'm running natty)16:07
crassI'm trying to to use the text based installer, and have to select the iso, which is a partition on a usb stick, but the installer fails to load the iso. Saying in the syslog: FATAL: Module loop not found.16:07
Marine1jrib, should it say rythmbox or rythmbox/plugin16:07
Aquaguycompdoc, ok, so for the user password, doesn't care, I'm entering the correct password but the process doesnt continue in this case, the update16:07
rod33i have multi-screen with nvidia, how can i switch e.g. movie or game to fullscreen on one screen? When i put to fullscreen it goes in the middle of 2 screens or shows only half of the picture.16:07
crassindeed there is no loop module, however, it appears to be built into the kernel. Is this a bug in the installer?16:07
tadojrib: no luck... how can i paste you the pictures?16:07
compdocAquaguy, what version of Ubunut?16:07
jribMarine1: think about that :)16:07
jribtado: imgur.com is one way16:07
javuntudo I have to unlock/enable something in order to have my external monitor detected by Ubuntu ocelot (lenovo thinkpad laptop) ?16:08
jribMarine1: try both if you aren't sure and see what happens16:08
rod33Using Ubuntu 10.04 ...  x.x16:08
SunTsujavuntu: no, works here quuite well, you might need to setup stuff for xorg16:08
javuntuSunTsu: oh :(16:09
SunTsujavuntu: I norally use nvidia tool to do that16:09
spockockthello I was wondering if I set the network.proxy.socks_remote_dns option to true does this mean that people possibly sniffing my packets will be unable to see my dns requests?16:09
tadojrib: there are two images, since i tried to log in twice and this appeared after the ubuntu screen with the orange and white dots.16:09
javuntuSunTsu: oh I have a nvidia card and I'm using nvidia drivers16:09
spockocktand all they will see is a connection made to my ssh node?16:09
Aquaguycompdoc I'm using 11.0416:09
crassspockockt: run wireshark and find out. It probably won't affect plugins like java and flash16:10
jribtado: were you able to access a tty?16:10
kdogHas anyone else lost their top bar? The one with the applets, clock, etc? How do I restart it?16:11
soulfAfter uninstalling proprietary graphics drivers I'm stuck in fallback mode (be it in gnome-shell or unity (ubuntu 11.10). What can/should I do?16:11
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tadojrib: a command line? i didn't try now..... but i am quite sure i tried earlier today and it worked16:11
SunTsujavuntu: nvidia-settings is what you are looking for. It can output xorg.conf so you can make your stuff permanent16:12
jribtado: the problem now is I am not sure gdm is being used in 11.10 :)16:12
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javuntuSunTsu: thanks!16:13
javuntuSunTsu: have a great day ^_^16:13
Polahjrib: LightDM is used for standard Ubuntu. Kubuntu still uses kdm at least16:13
tadojrib: i actually don't think so..16:13
xanguakdog: tried to reset¿: unity --reset16:13
sburwood1Anyone wanna help me fix Thunderbird?  I've looked around for a solution to the "Thunderbird already running" problem, to no avail.  I have 11.10 in 64 bit16:13
kdogxangua, nope. Will try.16:13
Polahsburwood1: Do ps -A to find out it's pid, then kill it with -9 and retry opening it16:13
Aquaguyhey i've recorded a really short video with the problem16:14
Marine1jrib, the file is the folder but the plugin is not showing up in rhythmbox16:14
jribPolah: do you know what the service is named?  /etc/init/??? ?  Or do you want to help tado as to why he does not see lightdm when he boots after an upgrade? :)16:14
sburwood1Polah: The problem is that, when I look in System Monitor, there is no presence of either thunderbird nor thunderbird-bin16:14
jribMarine1: it is multiple files, no?16:14
jamil_1hi all, I am trying to copy 2 virtual box's vdi files of size 12 and 7.5 gig to external HD over usb16:14
Polahsburwood1: run ps -A | grep thunderbird16:14
rod33How to get multimonitor fullscreen to work? It sucks bad on Ubuntu 10.0416:15
soulfI'm stuck in fallback mode (be it in gnome-shell or unity (ubuntu 11.10)) after having removed proprietary graphics drivers. Open source ati driver used to work great. What can/should I do?16:15
jamil_1but cp complains that files are too large16:15
jamil_1and only copies 4 gig of each16:15
jamil_1ideas ?16:15
Marine1jrib, yes about 7 files16:15
sburwood1Polah: I just did ... and it came back with nothing16:16
jribMarine1: maybe you need the localization files as well or maybe the plug-in has hard-coded some system-wide paths16:16
jonasgammaanyone knows how format a pendrive in Xubuntu?16:17
Marine1jrib, now i'm lost16:17
Marine1jrib, what is next basically16:17
sburwood1Polah: So it tells me that it is running when I try to start it, but it is nowhere16:17
jribMarine1: can you do: find ~/.gnome2/rhythmbox    and pastebin the result?  Also, you need to make sure you install the dependencies listed on the plug-ins site?16:17
tadojrib: can this be something for me? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11342387#post1134238716:17
jeansomeone could help me about unity?16:18
sburwood1Polah: I'm gonna walk the dog, but I hope you'll be able to find a solution when I get back.  I would appreciate it, in any case16:18
jribtado: that reconfigures your system to use gdm.  You can try it and see16:18
sburwood1jean: What is the question?16:18
tadojrib: alternative ideas? :)16:19
sburwood1jean: The question is vaste16:19
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ubuntuCEOhi, how to display chinese characters in evince?16:19
Marine1jrib, the file is exactly in the .gnome/rhythmbox/plugin with all the py and plugin files16:19
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templeti cannot rearrange icons on oneiric on the unity panel16:19
jeanI logged in with unity but not the sidebar appears, button-down, walk16:19
templetoops i meant sidebar16:20
jribtado: that seems like a reasonable thing to try.  I would check logs and attempt to start lightdm in tty116:20
jeanmy unity 2d is OK16:20
tadojrib: i can try that, but i have a question before i reboot: how to log in on my user when i open the terminal?16:20
jribMarine1: you keep saying "the file" but I do not know what this means16:21
jribtado: as usual, just type your username and then your password16:21
Marine1jrib, http://paste.ubuntu.com/711039/16:21
jribMarine1: that looks right.16:21
tadojrib: alright i'll see you in a minute! thanks again16:21
Marine1let me see if all the dependencies are in the software center16:22
jeannot have access to the terminal when I just unity by 3D16:22
Marine1jrib, the plugin still doesn't show up in rhythmbox16:22
jribMarine1: you installed all the dependencies?16:23
Marine1jrib, i'm working on it now16:23
jribMarine1: I would also attempt to run rhythmbox fresh from a terminal to look for output16:23
gwb_Hi -- In 11.10, my update manager pauses half-way.  I have to open the Details and hit "q".   I guess it is calling "less" or something.  Can I stop that?16:24
leepingI started GDM in Natty and the login screen does not appear.  I can't find anything relevant in Xorg.0.log or dmesg.  Can anyone provide further pointers?  Thanks16:24
surroundhow to add application in startup that requires sudo privileges16:24
david_ha1tchMy headphone jack doesn't work. This has always been a problem on this laptop, but now the  old fix doesn't work. The old fix: http://www.linlap.com/wiki/asus+g50v, under Notes>Sound.16:25
usr13gwb_: Try from terminal.  sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade16:25
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surroundhow to add application in startup that requires root privilges16:25
jribsurround: be more specific16:25
usr13leeping: What do you get instead of the login screen?16:25
jazzwow i feel good turum turum turum tym16:25
jribjazz: so good?16:25
enapupe_Hi, i need some help installing ubuntu on an empty hd16:25
surroundjrib: i want to add preload in startup16:26
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TomSlominskihello. I've upgraded to 11.10 a couple days ago because i wanted to check it out before i went to germany. now, i have multiple problems. ive updated just now, but flash in chrome still doens't work.16:26
usr13leeping: dmesg   #Should give you some clues.  Also, hit Esc during boot to see messages as it boots.16:26
enapupe_I want to split the HD onto 300gb system and 700gb data, what should I choose on 'mount point'? /root, / ?16:26
david_ha1tchenapupe_: boot from disc, press next until you're done. It's quite automatic on an empty drive.16:26
david_ha1tchenapupe_: Oh.16:26
surroundjrib: preload so that it can automatically  monitor heavy application that i start16:27
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jribsurround: are you sure it's not already starting at boot?  iirc, preload is run as a daemon automatically if you used the repositories16:27
KomiaPoikai have an old laptop with a dlink external pcmcia lan card, do i need any particular packages to make the laptop see the card?16:27
usr13enapupe_: What are you going to do with the 700gb partition?16:27
david_ha1tchenapupe_: You could put /home on the data partition, and everything else on system.16:27
enapupe_I don't know this concept.. what's the difference16:27
enapupe_of using both in / ?16:28
leepingusr13, I'm looking at dmesg and not seeing anything suspicious.  Also, hitting esc during bootup does nothing.16:28
usr13enapupe_: Basically, I would have a partition for / and another for /home and another for swap.  That is all.16:28
david_ha1tchRepeating: My headphone jack doesn't work. This has always been a problem on this laptop, but now the  old fix doesn't work. The old fix: http://www.linlap.com/wiki/asus+g50v, under Notes>Sound.16:28
Polahenapupe_: You probably won't really need 300GB for the system16:28
enapupe_the second must be logic?16:28
usr13leeping: So you just get a black screen when boot is finished?16:28
surroundjrib: How to know that16:29
jribsurround: check with « ps -ef »16:29
xsaidxhello guys16:29
usr13leeping:  http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubuntu-63/ubuntu-11-10-black-screen-after-boot-screen-908044/16:29
xsaidxi removed apache but i still have /etc/apache2 can i rm it it wont be danger ?16:30
Polahenapupe_, perhaps around 100GB system, mountpoint would be /, a few gigabytes of swap, then a 900ishGB data partition mounted at /home perhaps, or /media/anything you like. You don't need any logical partition unless you already have four primaries16:30
Aquaguyeverytime that the system asks me for the admin password, after entering it and pressing ok it stops the task it was doing. For example right now I have the 11.10 update message, I press Update, downloads the files and when it's prepared to install it asks me for the password but after entering the password the update is aborted (the password prompt overlay dissapears and nothing else happens). Why is that? How can I solve t16:30
Aquaguyhis problem, it's driving me crazy it happens everytime the system asks for the admin psswd16:30
Aquaguyhey i've recorded a really short video with the problem16:30
cutiyarwaiting network configuration on booting how can be fix?? i used some tutorial doesnt work16:30
FloodBot1Aquaguy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:30
enapupe_Polah: ty, I think i got it..16:30
leepingusr13, it isn't a black screen.  But I think I'm beginning to find the issue, it has something to do with my custom install of gtk.16:31
necromancerwhere is the mysql socket located by default in ubuntu?16:31
Polahenapupe_: swap partition should be at least as large as your RAM (unless you have like 16GB of RAM or something like that)16:31
enapupe_I have 4gb16:31
enapupe_is swap necessary?16:31
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info16:31
Polahenapupe_, yes I'd make at least a 2GB swap partition16:32
enapupe_Ok.. is swap logic or primary?16:32
enapupe_or whatever..16:32
Polahenapupe_, your choice.16:32
arloare there a people to help me with serve16:32
enapupe_what' the difference?16:32
wiredfoolenapupe_: it's used for hibernate if you have at least as much swap as memory16:32
tadojrib: yes! bingo!16:32
jribarlo: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)16:32
jribtado: cool16:32
surroundjrib: NO application found named preload in the list16:32
Polahenapupe_, the only thing that really requires a primary partition is a Windows system, because it's silly like that.16:32
enapupe_what' the difference between logic and primary16:32
enapupe_ok.. so swap and data is logic?16:33
usr13leeping: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dbus/+bug/81144116:33
arloAre there a persion to help me open af port 80 in my router16:33
ubottuUbuntu bug 858122 in Release Notes for Ubuntu "duplicate for #811441 incomplete migration to /run (shutdown script order has been demolished)" [High,In progress]16:33
arlowith teamwiewer?16:33
tadojrib: thanks a lot for helping. among other things, you have saved a university project and a job application :)16:33
jribtado: no problem,  though you already had access to your files before you came here :)16:33
Polahenapupe_, primary partitions have their information stored in the MBR section of the disk, logical partitions have their information stored outside the MBR and an extended partition inside the MBR tells the system to look for the logical partition info elsewhere. The limit on four primaries is due to the limit on MBR size16:34
Polahenapupe_, no. They can be primary or logical, doesn't really matter.16:34
tadojrib: nope. encrypted home folder.. at least I didn't know how to access it16:34
D_Russanyone having issues with gwibber broadcast? clicking the blank space in the scroll bar does not go down 1 page as it should on gwibber broadcast.16:34
usr13arlo: See my pm16:34
jribtado: ah, if you ever need to just do: /msg ubottu encrypted16:34
usr13arlo: Are you sure it is your router?16:34
Polahenapupe_, I'd make them all primary unless you need to have more than four primaries and plan to put other partitions for things that required primaries16:34
tadojrib: alright, thanks again16:35
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no3im trying to setup dual moniters and they are both plugged in but the computer cant detect the other monitor?? anyone know something about this?16:35
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templeti can't move icons in ubunty unity sidebar :(  ?16:36
Mathuin_So vncserver no longer does what it used to do now that I upgraded to oneiric.  How do I get the old functionality back?16:37
xanguatemplet: if you mean add, just open the dash and drag any app you want to the launcher16:37
m4kU jus drag16:37
ghusson1french ?16:37
templetxangua, i need to rearrange the order i upgraded from natty16:37
leepingusr13, I don't think that's my error, but thanks. :) I think I'm getting closer to solving my problem ..16:37
staannoeno3: Nvidia card and driver?16:38
Mathuin_Alternatively, if someone can tell me how to use vino on a headless system, that'd be great.16:38
neroZZHi, got some audio problems... after i installed xfce4 with alsa-utils and alsa-base audio worked for me... after i rebooted no moe audio16:38
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wiredfoolso, I've dragged the tuxpaint icon to the dock, and I've got an empty space where it should be. It launches ok, and the context menu works. It's confusing the kids to tell them to click in the empty space16:39
hagusUnder this new unity system, how do I enable hidden files to be seen?16:39
no3ohhh i think i got it ...16:39
ChaosBringerHey guys16:40
staannoeno3: sorry, haven't been using them for years16:40
xanguahagus: in nautilus: control+h16:40
hagusI want to see those files name .eclipse etc.16:40
hagusthank xangua :)16:40
hagusthanks even :)16:40
neroZZhas someone an idea howto get rid of the alsa problem16:41
ChaosBringerquick question: My Ubuntu shows Edubuntu in the splash and in the lightdm windows (I've searched everywhere in google to try to switch back to the normal ubuntu splash and lightdm screens), the OS i have installed in my computer IS Ubuntu (NOT EDUBUNTU), so how can i make it switch back the Splash (boot) screens and LightDM screens?16:41
hagusThat worked as you predicted xangua :)16:42
hagusThanks again xangua - all worked as you predicted16:43
Marine1jrib, hey bud16:43
gwb_usr13: yeah that works, and it *does* run less I have to hit "q" to make apt-get continue.  I'd like to keep that but change it for the gui, so that the latter does not wait.16:43
jribMarine1: hi16:43
Marine1jrib, all dependencies all installed but pulgin not there. I probably am missing something16:43
guimlijoin btrfs16:43
jribMarine1: run rhythmbox from a terminal16:43
archanaHi..  I have ubuntu 10.10 in my laptop's extended partition.. And at a primary partition outside this extended partition, I installed the new Ubuntu 11.10.. But I just don't get the boot time theme of ubuntu.. Just running texts...   How do I fix this?  The grub is in the root of ubuntu 10.10 which is in extended partition.16:44
archanaPlease help me. Thanks.16:44
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TitmouseGuys I've changed my window theme in gnome 3 but how do I use the same theme as the GTK theme?16:45
ChaosBringerquick question: My Ubuntu shows Edubuntu in the splash and in the lightdm windows (I've searched everywhere in google to try to switch back to the normal ubuntu splash and lightdm screens), the OS i have installed in my computer IS Ubuntu (NOT EDUBUNTU), so how can i make it switch back the Splash (boot) screens and LightDM screens?16:46
cb750riderHello, I am having problems using the gcc compiler. Programs that compiled fine last week under 10.4 LTS no longer compile. The linker no longer finds functions from math.h. Any thoughts on how to fix this?16:46
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[4-tea-2]Ah, my audio is back. Now for the next problem: does anybody know whether libSDL should work on a multiarch system? (If not, I can stop thinking about what I'm doing wrong.)16:47
MaGiKcan somebody tell me how can i remove the guest accound on ubuntu :/16:47
tycelI'm trying to get Ubuntu to play my DVDs, but it says a decrpyter is not installed16:47
tycelis it talking like ffmpeg or something?16:47
Tenkawa[4-tea-2]: which arch's?16:48
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drainbamagei am currently running ubuntu 10.04 on dell XPS 1516:48
Aetherixtycel: check here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu16:48
drainbamageit has got intel HD as well as NVIDIA GT 540M16:48
MaGiKcan somebody help me delete the guest accound on ubuntu 11.10 ?16:49
Tenkawadrainbamage: heh my asus is like that16:49
[4-tea-2]Tenkawa: I have the x86_64 libsdl installed, but when I try "apt-get install libsdlblabla:i386" for a 32-bit application apt-get tells me it wants to remove the 64bit version.16:49
Tenkawadrainbamage: do you have to turn ahci off to use the nvidia card?16:49
kibetIm seriously about to smash the computer in half right now, so i need some help16:49
drainbamageas nvidia card is spporting optimus16:49
Tenkawa[4-tea-2]: oh really??'16:49
Aetherixtycel: you need to add the repo at the top of the page and then install libdvdcss216:49
archanaHow do I enable the boot-time theme of the ubuntu 11.10 when I have the grub at a different partition with ubuntu 10.10 in it?16:49
drainbamageno i am having issues while playing video16:49
Tenkawa[4-tea-2]: let me try here... that could be very bad16:50
Tenkawa[4-tea-2]: got a package name I can try16:50
tzoscottJust upgraded 11.04-->11.11 and now the task bar is missing icons for Trash, Workspace Switcher, etc.  How do I repair this?16:50
luis_Why is 32bit recommended for 11.10 ?16:50
[4-tea-2]Tenkawa: apt-get install libsdl1.2debian:i386 -> The following packages will be REMOVED: ... libsdl-image1.2 libsdl-mixer1.2 libsdl1.2-dev libsdl1.2debian libsdl1.2debian-pulseaudio ...16:50
tycelokay, livdvdcss2?16:50
tycelokay then16:50
Marine1jrib, i did nothing not even that radio browser16:50
Aetherixtycel: It's mentioned on the website16:50
Tenkawa[4-tea-2]: testing16:50
Aetherixunder playing dvd16:50
kibetis there ANY logical explanation WHY 11.04 would think of re-installing grub2?16:50
jribMarine1: ?16:50
tycelwell, all i found was old pages for ubuntu 8.04 for playing dvds16:51
drainbamage<Tenkawa>current both the cards are on16:51
conntrackSons of the pharaoh!16:51
tycelwhen I did a search:)16:51
drainbamagestill its using INTEL HD16:51
[4-tea-2]Tenkawa: it worked for other libraries (e.g. libc6:i386)16:51
Marine1jrib, should i install the older plugin with the message ealier'16:51
Tenkawa[4-tea-2]: think I know what it is... just a sec16:51
tycelbut thanks again16:51
Marine1jrib, or try soemthing else?16:51
tzoscottAnyone else with broken desktop/taskbar icons in 10.11??16:51
kibet10.10 has grub 2, 11.04 has grub 2, so if you find grub LEGACY while updating to 11.04, WHY THE HELL would you replace it with grub 2?16:51
kibet!nounity > tzoscott16:52
ubottutzoscott, please see my private message16:52
daan4711Hi, I've got a problem with the new Ubuntu Software Center. It is terrebly slow... it takes 23 seconds to start up. Am I the only one with this problem?16:52
drainbamagewheneve i play any video file on ubuntu 10.04  system hang and i have to reboot16:52
jribMarine1: I'd suggest using the one I mentioned earlier from the repositories16:52
Tenkawa[4-tea-2]: that might be a package problem.. it has a LOT of removals on my test16:52
tzoscottthanks kibbet, I'll look into that16:52
[4-tea-2]Tenkawa: yes, it wants to remove everything that depends on libsdl.16:53
llutzMaGiK: "allow-guest=false" in /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf16:53
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Tenkawa[4-tea-2]: does it possibly have both libraries in it?16:53
hopeI just installed the new ubuntu 11.10 how do I get my old desktop back?16:53
Tenkawathe non :38616:53
Tenkawajust libsdl1.2debian16:53
Tenkawaits a meta package16:53
[4-tea-2]Tenkawa: I haven't checked, but the application complains when I try to start it.16:53
kibet!nounity > hope16:53
ubottuhope, please see my private message16:53
daan4711hope: Impossible, unless you install gnome-shell.16:53
Tenkawawhich library is missing16:53
drainbamageTenkawa:any idea how to turn on nvidia card16:54
Guest44675hi guys, trying to install linux on my netbook win7, i have created a bootable usb with the latest version on linux, but at restart the installation does not start, any ideas?16:54
tzoscottkibet: No that is not it. I was using Unity in 11.04 also. I wasn't using Gnome2 and do not want Gnome3.16:54
Tenkawadrainbamage: I missed most of the earlier typing...16:54
kibettzoscott: read it16:54
[4-tea-2]Tenkawa: error while loading shared libraries: libSDL-1.2.so.0: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS6416:54
rhizmoeis there a way to use my mousewheel, probably with ctrl or another modifier key, to switch workspaces?16:54
kibettzoscott: says something about gnome-panel16:54
drainbamageTenkawa:any idea why sytem hang while playing any video file on to it16:55
Tenkawadrainbamage: for my machine to use the integrated card I had to turn off ahci16:55
daan4711Guest44675: You have to choose your usb-drive as boot-device.16:55
arghxGuest44675: have you set your netbook to boot from usb in BIOS?16:55
Tenkawathat oine16:55
[4-tea-2]Tenkawa: does that mean anything to you? :)16:55
Tenkawadrainbamage: hmm,, no... I'm having a similar issue with sound16:55
Tenkawa[4-tea-2]: yep.. .just a sec16:55
drainbamageare u talking about the acpi_call16:55
[4-tea-2]Tenkawa: tyvm16:55
ewphey, im having trouble getting Tilda to start automatically upon login16:55
kibetis there any LOGICAL answers on why ubuntu updater would RE-install grub2?16:55
kibetand brick my system?16:55
Guest44675no i havent, how do i do that? sorry i am a noob :(16:55
Tenkawa[4-tea-2]: install ia32-libs16:56
tzoscottkibet: I did read it. I understood it as being useful IF I wanted "to use the GNOME shell instead".16:56
Marine1jrib, you think i need to move the files into the actual rhythmbox plugin location16:56
arghxGuest44675: we cannot tell since every hardware is different. consult the documentation to your hardware. it's a setting in your computer's BIOS16:56
tzoscottkibet, this was a Unity desktop prior to the upgrade.16:56
[4-tea-2]Tenkawa: oh, I thought they were deprecated. Lemme try.16:56
Tenkawakibet: grub has a tendency to regenerate all the time16:56
neroZZfigured it out .... want in the audio group -.-16:56
Tenkawa[4-tea-2]: needed em here16:56
neroZZfigured it out .... wasnt in the audio group -.-16:56
drainbamageTenkawa:do u have any problem while playing video files on ur laptop?16:56
[4-tea-2]Tenkawa: perhaps I misunderstood something I read16:57
Tenkawadrainbamage: havent tried.. only music16:57
soulfI'm stuck in fallback mode after having removed the proprietary fglrx packets. I just want to use the foss ati/radeon driver again. What can I do?16:57
kibetTenkawa: then is there any way to remove it just for a second, so i can boot back into my computer, so i can brick GRUB 2 instead?16:57
drainbamagefor me sound is working fine16:57
Marine1jrib, under/usr/lib/rhythmbox/plugin16:57
ppcblasterNeed hepl please, Ubuntu 11.10 installed skype and can't find it how do I launch or use installed apps16:57
arghxsoulf: do you have a xorg.conf or a file in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ ?16:57
[4-tea-2]Tenkawa: I thought multiarch was supposed to replace ia32-libs and it was harmful to have them. Misunderstanding.16:57
Tenkawakibet: got a boot cd?16:57
kibetTenkawa: booted with it16:57
Mathuin_Any suggestions on how to make vncserver work like it did before oneiric would be appreciated.16:58
kibetand thats where i am connect with16:58
arghxsoulf: and how did you install your fglrx before you uninstalled them again?16:58
ewphey, im having trouble getting Tilda to start automatically with "startup applications" any ideas?16:58
tzoscottThat was a useless misunderstanding...16:58
Tenkawakibet: you should be able to run a grub removal somehow16:58
Tenkawanever done it myself16:58
arghxTenkawa: there is no point in a "grub removal" hence such a thing does not exist16:58
kibetTenkawa: i lost about 2 days of my life last year16:58
kibetTenkawa: removing grub 216:58
kibetTenkawa: and BANG there it is again16:58
[4-tea-2]Tenkawa: [x] problem solved, tyvm!16:58
kibetarghx: trust me it exists16:58
arghxkibet: you cannot "remove" grub. all you can do is overwrite it with another bootloader16:58
Tenkawaarghx: since when is there no point in a MBR wipe?16:58
Tenkawaarghx: that is not correct16:59
kibettotally incorrect16:59
Tenkawaif I wanted to I could go in with dd right ow and wipe it out16:59
ppcblasterNeed help  noob please, Ubuntu 11.10 installed skype and can't find it how do I launch or use installed apps16:59
soulfarghx, I had and I removed it. It didn't help. I installed it through the additional hardware money I thinkg it's called jockey or something... deactivating them through that menu didn't help so I removed the packets through synaptic.16:59
Mathuin_Is there a specific discussion for questions regarding the latest release?16:59
Tenkawadangerous... but very doable16:59
kibetTenkawa: that was what i was thinking -- to dangerous16:59
arghxTenkawa: yes. and you wipe out your partition table too. good job!16:59
Tenkawa[4-tea-2]: cool :)16:59
drainbamage<dell XPS 15 with intel HD and nvidia GT540M (with optimus support) running ubuntu 10.04 >16:59
UnimanI am new to the Ubuntu world, but want to do a full install, running wubi atm. Unfortinaly I have some win7 programs I _have_to_ have. I have checked some on Virtual box or wine, do anyone have any tips on what to use?16:59
ewpppcblaster: use Dash home, search for it16:59
arghxkibet: what bootloader do you want instead of grub then?16:59
MonkeyDustppcblaster: launch alacarte and look in Internet16:59
tzoscottHey what would cause Unity taskbar icons from 11.04 to disappear when I upgraded to 11.10? (Someone suggested I install GNOME 3... that's -not- what I want to do).16:59
kibetarghx: grub-LEGACY16:59
Tenkawaarghx: I've had to rebuild ptables by hand many timrd16:59
drainbamage<issue> want to turn off the nvidia card17:00
qinppcblaster: open terminal and skype17:00
soulfarghx, damn typo menu not money :P17:00
kibetarghx: not the freaking stupid version of it17:00
MonkeyDustppcblaster: never mind my words17:00
Tenkawaworking with arm boxes can be a pain17:00
arghxdrainbamage: do it in BIOS. or use vgaswitcheroo17:00
drainbamageissue>system hang while playing video17:00
kibetwtf is wrong with UBUNTU replacing everything it worked?17:00
Mathuin_^5 kibet17:00
ppcblasterplease explain17:00
hylianmy acer aspire netbook hangs on reboot under ubuntu 11.10, it did not do this with 11.04 how do i fix this?17:00
drainbamagethere is support in bios17:00
arghxkibet: and what is your actual problem with that?17:00
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ppcblastercan I add to sidebar17:00
[4-tea-2]Uniman: until you are sure you can run everything in some emulation, I would preserve a windows partition for dual-boot, to be on the safe side.17:00
arghxdrainbamage: I said: disable it in BIOS17:01
Tenkawa[4-tea-2]: ia32-libs is nice and a big pain at the same time17:01
ewpppcblaster: on the left, dash home. when you click it your screen gets darker and you see sub-menus on the right. skype will be in the internet category17:01
kibetarghx: it never worked for me, and its about 1005125396802938^10^100 times more difficult to debug than grub-legacy17:01
MonkeyDustkibet: that's called "getting used to a new interface"17:01
rhizmoesoftware center takes a year to start up17:01
soulfarghx, to clarify, my fisrt sentence refers to xorg.conf. My second to the fglrx driver.17:01
arghxkibet: I asked you what your problem with using grub-legacy is17:01
drainbamagethere is no support in BIOS to disable17:01
kibetMonkeyDust: did you hear about the mac 1-button-mouse?17:01
tzoscottkibet: Install gnome 3. That will fix it. :-)17:01
Tenkawadrainbamage: same here17:01
arghxdrainbamage: then use vgaswitcheroo17:01
Uniman[4-tea-2], afraid of that... don't want to reeboot all the time, but perhaps it can't be helped...17:01
kibettzoscott: w t ... f?17:01
kibetarghx: grub-legacy is FINE17:01
arghxsoulf: pastebin your Xorg.0.log17:02
kibetarghx: grub 2 bricks my system every time17:02
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Tenkawaarghx: vgaswitcheroo has issues with some of these dual card boxes17:02
Mathuin_Moving the buttons from the top-right to top-left is "getting used to a new interface".  Losing functionality is not.17:02
Tenkawaincluding my asus17:02
Mathuin_I would *love* to find a place to ask for help with regaining my lost functionality.17:02
arghxkibet: if you have no actual ubuntu support problem, please be quiet in here and don't spam. thank you17:02
drainbamagearghx :and i'm having one more issue17:02
kibetarghx: are you freaking kidding me17:02
kibetarghx: ubuntu updater made that mistake17:02
arghx!ot | kibet17:02
ubottukibet: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:02
kibetarghx: ubuntu channels are gonna fix it17:02
Tenkawadrainbamage: whats the other glitch?17:02
drainbamagewhile playing any video file on ubuntu system freeze17:03
llutz<arghx> "Tenkawa: yes. and you wipe out your partition table too. good job!"     wrong, just use "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=440 count=1" to get rid of any bootloader(whyever)17:03
drainbamageand i had to reboot17:03
Tenkawallutz: thank you :)17:03
drainbamageto get back17:03
Polahllutz: Isn't it 446?17:03
TenkawaI couldnt remember the details..17:03
llutzPolah: nop 0-43917:03
kibetarghx: the only one offtopic here is you, im totally dissapointed with ubuntu updater, and you are telling me its not an ubuntu issue17:03
Tenkawadoes anyone know offhand why the whole /var/run /run switch occured?17:04
puffSomething weird happened to empathy, it's not showing my contacts.17:04
llutzPolah: then 4byte disk-signature, 2 NULL bytes and then partitiontable follows17:04
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arghxkibet: talking about bootloaders and such is OT yes, as you said you have no support problem with your bootloader17:04
Tenkawathat gave me some grief on day 1 upgrade17:04
kalibHi people, is there a way to "clean" my user? I mean, remove all the configs, profiles, etc.. Like if the user was a new one crated right now?17:04
oCean!afk > mang017:04
ubottumang0, please see my private message17:04
arghxllutz: please take this ti #ibm-pc-arch or such. not ubuntu. thank you17:04
rhizmoegrr. where is the compiz config settings manager i just installed? nowhere in dash, nowhere in locate.17:04
kibetarghx: Double facepalm for you sir, didnt i just say it BRICKED my system and i need to REMOVE it in order to boot BACK again?17:04
kibetarghx: where did you get lost?17:04
arghxkibet: you can create a new user and use that user's config files or home directory17:05
rhizmoethis early adopter stuff is for the birds17:05
wildc4rdevening all17:05
Tenkawarhizmoe: nah.. its fun heheheeheheheh17:05
arghxkibet: can you please stop talking to me?17:05
Polahkibet: GRUB2 is the default bootloader for Ubuntu, it makes sense that the installer/updater would install GRUB2. It is not an Ubuntu issue that your computer is incapable of using GRUB2. Send an email to Canonical complaining about Ubuntu installing GRUB2 when updating, this channel is not here to handle your complaints about things.17:05
soulfarghx, voila: http://pastebin.com/KVF7F0Qm thanks for your interest in my problem :)17:05
kibetarghx: you dont make sense -- so same goes to you17:05
Polahllutz: Ah I see, what's the disc signature for though?17:05
kibetPolah: actually, grub2 is incapable of recognizing my system, and it should ask me instead of messing up17:06
arghxsoulf: you still have a xorg.conf17:06
rhizmoeTenkawa: for people with a lot of free time i suppose :)17:06
Mathuin_Anyone out there notice that the behavior of vncserver has changed under oneiric, and know how to make it work the way it used to?17:06
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sharpshooterHai all !! I changed my mouse icon theme , after that my new  theme only works with my web browser !17:06
cutiyarwaiting network configuration on booting how can be fix?? i used some tutorial doesnt work17:06
Tenkawarhizmoe: heheehehh17:06
soulfarghx, damnit... where? I could swear I deleted a file called xorg.conf ...17:06
Polahkibet: Again, that's still a fault between your system and GRUB2, thus it is not relevant here.17:06
llutzPolah: seriously: idk17:06
kibetPolah: its still regarding ubuntu17:06
arghxllutz: ls /etc/X11;ls /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/17:06
rhizmoei mean yeah, if you're just sitting around in the dorms17:07
kibetPolah: i solved this problem once, but with pure luck17:07
llutzarghx: what?17:07
sianhulopeople, may someone help me?17:07
arghxllutz: sorry, was for soulf17:07
puffI'm on ubuntu 10.4 LTS, running empathy 2.30.3.  My machine crashed yesterday (failed to resume from hibernate, booted from scratch) and when I ran empathy, the empathy window came up, but no contacts are showing up.  I tried the obvious (set availability offline and then set available, go into accounts and disable/reenable my gmail account) but still no contacts.  Help?17:07
arghxsoulf: ls /etc/X11;ls /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/17:07
rhizmoeso how can i run compizconfig?17:07
hylianmy acer aspire netbook hangs on reboot under ubuntu 11.10, it did not do this with 11.04 how do i fix this?17:07
puffsianhulo: Quite probably somebody will, if you ask your question.17:07
Polahkibet: Only so far that Ubuntu installed GRUB2. The problem lies in the fact that GRUB2 and your system are incompatible. Thus, it is not relevant here and you should install another bootloader or go to GRUB.17:08
sianhuloI have a hp pavilion laptop with maverick, and it doesn't have neither wireless nor wired internet conection17:08
puffsianhulo: Try to ask your question in one complete line.  Be specific.17:08
Tenkawahylian: can you bring it up in recoverymode?17:08
sharpshooterHai all !! I changed my mouse icon theme , after that my new  theme only works with my web browser !17:08
Tenkawahylian: and at what point does it hang?17:08
TenkawaI've seen quite a few google hits on thia17:08
rhizmoesharpshooter: what happens when you change it back?17:08
Tenkawaer is17:08
puffsianhulo: Also, it seems pretty busy here right now (probably because 11.10 was just released) so it may take a while.17:09
Polahllutz: Just did a bit of looking apparently the disk signature to find the boot volume17:09
luis_Why is 32bit recommended for 11.10 download?17:09
sharpshooterrhizmoe, I is showing the default white theme17:09
watermarkI'm trying to use Vinagre for SSH sessions and I can't seem to copy or paste from the SSH window.  It's driving me nuts, any help?17:09
soulfarghx, It's not there... and I have no xorg.xonf.d directory.17:09
arghxluis_: because everyone who can run 64bit can run 32bit too. also less incompatible software (mainly proprietary software)17:10
hylianTenkawa, it hangs just after it posts it's going down. if i hold the power button for 5 secs and then just press power it fires up just fine. all my indicator light stays on, but the monitor dies like i shut it down.17:10
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Polahluis_: Because the 32-bit version will work on almost all systems, whereas the 64-bit system will only work on 64-bit capable processors. Thus, recommending the 32-bit version is a safety for people that don't know whether their system is 64-bit capable or not.17:10
sharpshooterrhizmoe, any solution17:10
luis_Thank you17:10
Tenkawahylian: yeah definitely seen that on google..17:10
zimb0how can i customize the mail icon in the panel (unity)17:10
llutzPolah: so it's ams/win thing? unix/linux doesn't need this, afaik17:10
sburwood1Hey everyone, I'm back a couple minutes17:10
arghxsoulf: but your X wants to load fglrx17:10
bbyais it just me, or there has been no updates available for ubuntu 11.10 for the last two days??17:10
sburwood1Polah: Any ideas during my absence?17:10
kibetPolah: what IS revelant here, is the actual solution procedure, of Uninstalling GRUB217:10
Polahllutz: According to Wikipedia, it was a Windows NT feature but Linux uses it from 2.6 onwards17:10
bbya*has there17:11
llutzPolah: ah ok, thx17:11
hylianTenkawa, if i just choose shutdown, no problems. if i boot to a live cd on my usb key, and then reboot no problems, so it's definetely the os...17:11
mang0oCean: Sorry about my nick and /away thing, it's because I'm in a couple of other channels where people take no notice of /away status. :/17:11
Polahkibet: You were already told how to do that. Although, just installing any other bootloader would write over it anyway.17:11
Polahsburdwood1: You'll have to remind me what your problem was17:11
bbyanevermind, i got list of updates available17:11
rhizmoesharpshooter: what happens when you change it back?17:11
arghxsoulf: and from what I see, GLX should work too. you can check with glxconfig17:11
Tenkawahylian: sounds like the framebuffer wont shutfoff17:11
arghxsoulf: sorry, with glxinfo of course17:11
Tenkawaer shutdoff17:11
kibetPolah: how can i re-write it from the boot-CD then?17:11
sburwood1Polah: Thunderbird telling me that it is already running  when I try to start it17:12
Polahkibet: The LiveCD of Ubuntu will just give you GRUB2 again17:12
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Polahsburwood1, oh I remember now. Is it all the time, i.e. does it happen the first time you open it after booting?17:12
kibetPolah: exactly17:12
Tenkawagrub-install /dev/device if you got the right one avail17:12
kibetPolah: THATS the issue17:12
sharpshooterrhizmoe,  when I change it back it shows the default white mouse theme17:12
hylianTenkawa, ill look into that, thanks. it's only a minor inconvenience at this stage.17:12
rhizmoesharpshooter: and? it works?17:12
Tenkawakibet: did you update your initramfs's??17:12
Tenkawakibet: thats broke grub a few times on me17:13
ifritHi! I just updated to 11.10 and everything is ok, but the sound doesn't work properly :( Any idea? Thanks.17:13
Tenkawaerr not doing it17:13
sburwood1Polah: It started happening during the last days of 11.04 and continues to happen with 11.1017:13
Polahkibet: That isn't a problem, that's what it is supposed to do. You'll need to acquire means to install another bootloader.17:13
sianhulobtw, somebody knows if ubuntu have some kind of biometric support?17:13
rhizmoeifrit: do we already know what you mean by "properly?"17:13
soulfarghx, if glxinfo's a command it doesn't work...17:13
sharpshooterrhizmoe, no the new theme only shows when I use firefox or any text area or any link etc17:13
Polahsburwood1: Hmm, in that case it could be due to a recent update to Thunderbird. If your reboot and try to open it, does it run fine?17:13
sburwood1Polah: I profited from the fact that, on the EEEPC, I didn't have the problem.  Today the EEEPC went for repairs17:13
arghx!doesn't work | soulf17:13
ubottusoulf: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.17:13
rhizmoesharpshooter: and what do you mean by "new theme?"17:14
sburwood1Polah: No17:14
gwbWhen I run update manager, while installing updates, it pauses.  If I open Details, I can see that it looks like the output from the less command.  I have to enter q to get the updates to actually install.  (It does the same from the CLI).  How can I stop update Manager from stopping at that point and waiting for me?17:14
Mathuin_According to the forums, going fallback is the workaround.  Is this real?17:14
sharpshooterrhizmoe, I installed a new mouse theme via software center.17:14
sburwood1Polah: Someone suggested that I do something to a mozilla file or directory17:14
doguitohy why ubuntu is so bloated??17:14
chrisgeorgeI've got a minor problem… I can't figure out how to disable super+t in unity 11.1017:14
ifritrhizmoe: Now the sound is not continous, there is noise and silence between the sound :/17:14
soulfarghx, it says: glxinfo: error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory17:14
sburwood1doguito: What do you mean by bloated?17:14
rhizmoesharpshooter: then you didn't answer my question about whether switching back works or not.17:15
soulfarghx, oh wait...17:15
Polahsburwood1: I really don't know how to help you, unless the problem is another user (root) having some issue with starting Thunderbird on boot or something, which it shouldn't. You could try uninstalling thunderbird and removing your settings for it then reinstalling and reconfiguring it.17:15
sharpshooterrhizmoe, no its not working17:15
doguitoruns slowly, ever ever17:15
kibetTenkawa: /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for /boot/grub (is /dev mounted?). :O17:15
rhizmoesharpshooter: what happens when you change it back?17:15
rhizmoe(for the third time)17:16
soulfarghx, sudo glxinfo -v gives the same error msg.17:16
doguitoopen slowly, close slowly17:16
arghxsoulf: install libgl1-mesa-glx17:16
midhunoi am tryin to buy a new netbook... which is best for ubuntu?? pls help me17:16
Polahdoguito: "Bloated" is fairly subjective.17:16
kakoytoucould someone tell me how i can see cyrillic letter on xubuntu17:16
sharpshooterrhizmoe,  wait !!17:16
sburwood1Polah: Does that mean deleting ~/.mozilla or ~/.thunderbird?17:16
Tenkawakibet: gotta mount em up and chroot first17:16
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epistemeI'm gonna ask even though im sure i know the answer....is it possible to reverse deleting a file after using rm...17:16
kibetTenkawa: chroot at the device's /?17:16
arghxsburwood1: don't delete those directories if you want to keep your mails17:16
watermarkIs anyone using the "Remote Desktop Viewer" in 11.04 for SSH sessions?  I can't copy or paste from this program.  Is this not supported?17:16
Polahepisteme, not simply, no.17:16
Tenkawakibet: yeah and bind /proc /sys /dev etc under it17:16
arghxepisteme: can be possible, but no guarantees17:16
Polahdoguito, perhaps your hardware isn't up to scratch with running Ubuntu. Do you have a lot of processes running? How much RAM do you have?17:16
kibetTenkawa: wait how do i do those bind stuff?17:17
doguitoPolah: have you tried any other linux '?17:17
sburwood1arghx: I use the option where the mails stay on the mail server17:17
kibetTenkawa: i remember doing it but i forgot how ;p17:17
soulfarghx, it's already installed.17:17
Tenkawathere shouldve been a menu option on the disc for repairing grub though...17:17
arghxsburwood1: still you want to keep your account config17:17
doguitoPolah:  I have 1024 mb RAM17:17
Polahsburwood1, depends where its settings are stored. Firefox settings are also stored in ~/.mozilla so you may want to be careful with what you delete.17:17
arghxsoulf: reinstall then17:17
sburwood1Polah: But deleting ~/.thunderbird is safe?17:18
epistemePolah, arghx: ty, good thing i have it backed up...just lost some work that i was doing locally...a mistake ill never make again :p17:18
Polahdoguito: So the issue probably isn't swapping then. Run top and see which processes are running and taking up a lot of CPU resources17:18
Tenkawamind you I havent seen oneiric's boot yet (upgraded live)17:18
Tenkawabootcd boot that is17:18
Polahsburwood1: Back it up first just in case you need to get some stored emails or something like that out of it later17:18
rhizmoejeez, ubuntu blogsites are the worst. "an image, 12 words, and a link to someone else's explanation"17:18
arghxsoulf: reinstall the package, not ubuntu, btw17:19
sburwood1Polah: But that won't hurt Firefox or something else?  All I risk to lose is mails that are on the system?17:19
sharpshooterrhizmoe, when I change it back it is not changing to default one my default theme is adwaita black theme but the mouse uses the white theme and when I use firefox it is changing to black theme17:19
arghxsburwood1: rename the directory then. so you can rename it back if it causes problems17:19
sburwood1Polah: Thanks.  Also arghx17:19
daan4711Hi, since the upgrade to onereic, my software center became terribly slow. It takes 23 seconds to start-up. Am I the only one with this problem?17:19
Polahsburwood1: No. Firefox settings are storied in ~/.mozilla. You will lose your mail if you delete it without backing up and you've deleted the mail from your mail server.17:19
doguitoPolah: maybe lubuntu, o xubuntu runs more fast, I guess, because gnome runs like dinousarur17:19
rhizmoesharpshooter: i still don't understand17:19
arghxsburwood1: or strace thunderbird to see where it keeps its lockfile and delete only the lockfile then17:19
sburwood1arghx: Thx17:19
rhizmoedaan4711: no, it's slow17:19
Polahdoguito: Try with another environment then. Install LXDE and see if that's any better.17:20
sburwood1arghx: strace?17:20
rhizmoespeaking of, how do i add ppa's to software center?17:20
arghxsburwood1: a program to debug systemcalls. man strace17:20
sharpshooterrhizmoe, the main problem is my mouse theme is not changing completely17:20
arghx!ppa | rhizmoe17:20
ubotturhizmoe: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa17:20
sburwood1arghx: Thx, bye everyone17:20
daan4711rhizmoe: Is it possible to swich back to the old Ubuntu Software Center?17:20
doguitocan I install lxde from ubuntu 11.04 with gnome?L?17:20
arghxdoguito: yes.17:20
rhizmoearghx: in *Software Center*17:21
Polahdoguito, yes. sudo apt-get install lxde17:21
rhizmoearghx: i know what a ppa is17:21
doguitooleeeeeeee, I like that , from console isn't it?17:21
soulfarghx, thanks a lot for your time. I think I'm simply going to do a fresh install.17:21
* Tenkawa just wishes the old theme for openbox from natty was still here17:21
sharpshooterrhizmoe,  is there any other channel specified for themes ?17:21
arghxsoulf: that's overkill. reinstall the mesa gl libs17:21
* Tenkawa doesnt like the look of "gnome classic" now..17:21
zambaTenkawa: check out gnome-shell17:21
Polahrhizmoe: There's a line in one of the Software Centre's menus to open Software Sources to add PPAs. Or you could do it through the command: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:<name>:<ppa>17:22
zambaTenkawa: i actually like it.. it's got some fluxbox feel to it17:22
Tenkawazamba: I installed it... didnt mess with it yet17:22
Tenkawamaybe its time17:22
Tenkawahehe thanks17:22
zambaTenkawa: definitely is :)17:22
soulfarghx, alright...17:22
rhizmoePolah: thanks. for everyone else, remember that there are hidden menus now.17:22
soulfarghx, but it seems to remove an awful lot including the ubuntu-desktop...17:23
Polahrhizmoe, I don't remember it being hidden (:17:23
arghxsoulf: pastebin the command and its output please17:23
rhizmoePolah: for maximized apps under unity, the title bar supplants the menu bar until you hover over it.17:23
bburhansOkay, I'm a bit confused. I have a laptop with an nvidia card that has successfully used the proprietary drivers to employ TwinView across 2 monitors (builtin + 1 external via DVI) for some time. I am now trying to add a third monitor, using the HDMI port on my card. It is detected successfully but I can't seem to use TwinView metamodes with >2 monitors ("MetaMode 1 of Screen 0 has more than two active display devices."). What's the ...17:23
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rhizmoethat is what i'm calling a hidden menu17:23
bburhans... solution here? The card is an 8600M GT and I'm running Gnome with nvidia-settings on Ubuntu 11.04.17:23
Polahrhizmoe, oh yeah. I know what you mean17:24
babaiwhen i configure my second network card to "shared to other computers" from networkmanager it always goes to network disconnected17:24
enapupe_Hi, I would like to try/test my video performance, anyone can recommend a way?17:24
babaianyone facing this issue?17:24
arghxbburhans: nvidia cards cannot do tri monitor output17:24
bburhansarghx: ah, okay. Any way to use the onboard chipset with one of them, then?17:24
poissonrougei need soée help in french please17:24
rhizmoe#ubuntu-fr i think17:25
xangua!fr | poissonrouge17:25
ubottupoissonrouge: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.17:25
arghxbburhans: I don't know. and if you do, you cannot use the proprietary drivers anymore17:25
bburhansright. :/17:25
bburhansI didn't know if the HDMI, builtin, and DVI ports could all be used simultaneously; I guess not. Thanks, arghx17:25
arghxbburhans: but yes, X can use several different cards and do a single xinerama desktop on all of them. in this case probably intel+nouveau17:25
eltigrehey, how can I change the power management settings in the new ubuntu release? My CPU fan is screaming since the update17:26
CarlFKhttp://maketecheasier.com/disable-login-sound-in-ubuntu-oneiric-quick-tips/2011/09/15  where is the  "Startup Applications: [x] Gnome Login Sound" setting stored ?17:26
soulfarghx, well the following command says it's already installed: sudo apt-get --reinstall install libgl1-mesa-glx17:26
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fdsahow do i turn17:26
fdsaJack on?17:26
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arghxsoulf: aptitude reinstall libgl1-mesa-glx17:26
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CSyncopeHow do I make the letters in gnome-terminal closer together17:27
fdsahow do i turn jack on?17:27
CSyncopefdsa: flirt with him?17:27
scwizardphp segfaulted while I was doing stuff in drupal ;_;17:27
ActionParsnipHi guys. I gots a question. In KDE when I boot I get a message about email dispatcher not being able to find a folder. I removed kmail and all the other junk as I use webmail. Has anyone seen this at all?17:28
scwizard[Mon Oct 17 13:01:52 2011] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error:  Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /var/www/.../drupal/?q=admin/modules/install \ [Mon Oct 17 13:01:53 2011] [notice] child pid 984 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)17:28
scwizardthis is a horrible thing to have happen and it's making me sad :(17:29
Mathuin_I gave up and asked in the forums.  Hopefully I'll get a response soon!17:29
eltigrehey, anyway to throttle a CPU in Ubuntu?17:30
soulfarghx, ok done. Now sudo glxinfo -v says command not found and without the sudo it says no such file or directory...17:30
scwizardsoulf: whereis glxinfo17:30
eltigreI really need a way to control the CPU behaviour like in the old gnome control panels, but with unity.... no idea...17:31
soulfarghx, in /usr/bin/17:31
arghxsoulf: ldd glxinfo17:31
scwizardsoulf: what does /usr/bin/glxinfo -v say17:32
scwizarderm I mean17:32
scwizardsudo /usr/bin/glxinfo -v17:32
soulfarghx, ldd: ./glxinfo: No such file or directory17:32
dschlittler15864I'm having an issue with getting the NotifyOSD to work with Spotify17:32
arghxsoulf: ldd /usr/bin/glxinfo and if it's not there anymore, install it17:32
arghxsoulf: did apt remove _any_ packages?17:33
eltigreI really need a way to control the CPU behaviour like in the old gnome control panels, but with unity.... no idea...17:33
hje841in oneiric I'm using Ubuntu Classic. When there's an 'alert' in Empathy the icon in the upper right corner flashes, from the green bubble to something else. That 'something else' is not found17:33
hje841and hence flashes a red circle with a line across. Any suggestions as to how to fix that or find the missing icon?17:33
kristofI have a file which claims to be a ppt, but apparently isn't/can't be opened. What can I try to get to its contents?17:33
soulfarghx, I don't know.17:33
arghxeltigre: what behaviour?17:33
eltigrecpu throttlin / fan control17:33
arghxsoulf: you should read what the computer tells you when you use sudo!17:33
eltigremy fan is screaming17:33
sharpshooter PaulFertser :  how do I change my mouse theme completely ? when I change the mouse theme via gnome-tweak-tool its only changing partialy!!17:34
mrsunshinewith the 11.10, has stuff been fixed? .. like that new ui ...17:34
xanguakristof: try google docs¿17:34
arghxsoulf: dpkg -l mesa-utils17:34
ActionParsnipeltigre: what is the make and model of the system?17:34
sharpshooter how do I change my mouse theme completely ? when I change the mouse theme via gnome-tweak-tool its only changing partialy!!17:34
babaianyone getting a GPG error when apt-get update ing?17:34
eltigreActionParsnip, does that really matter? It's an Amd64 quadcore system17:34
xangua!gprerr | babai17:34
ActionParsnipmrsunshine: many new things fixed. The release is young so there are issues but largely its good17:35
rhizmoemrsunshine: is that supposed to be a question?17:35
sharpshooterbabai,  yeah same here !17:35
ActionParsnipeltigre: yes, there may be a bug reported for the model. If its a homebrew then its a bit trickier17:35
soulfarghx, oh yes it did, when I used the wrong command before reinstalling libgl1-mesa-glx...17:35
eltigreand since the latest ubuntu distupgrade it is way to noisy... thought I might do something about it17:35
eltigresorry, home brew17:35
mrsunshineupdated on the main computer before and unity worked crap ... and i mean utter crap17:35
babaisharpshooter:  changed but mirror but still happening17:35
dschlittler15864Does NotifyOSD work in Xubuntu 11.10?17:35
arghxsoulf: and what did it remove?17:35
babaisnip but17:36
mrsunshineso im kinda fearing to update on this computer (gonna make a clean install on this one tho)17:36
ActionParsnipdschlittler15864: should do17:36
mronoI am having an issue with Gnome 3.2 and nvidia seperate X screens17:36
mronoWhen I load it up with Gnome regular 3.2 it won't load at all, just a wallpaper, but gnome classic works17:36
sharpshooterbabai,  you  need to add the missing GPG ID to software sources17:36
eltigreI knew a way to control the CPU clocking back in the gnome days...17:36
flummynochmal: das ist KEIN FERNSEHTURM17:36
eltigrebut then again, unity has no panels....17:36
soulfarghx, I know this is facepalm worthy, sry to waste your time: http://pastebin.com/QTrCruez17:37
eltigreand google didn't provide me with good answers either17:37
jamil_1where does chromium store bookmarks and other settings ?17:37
sharpshooterbabai, ?17:37
ActionParsnipbabai: what is the output of: sudo apt-get update17:37
arghxeltigre: I suggest you use the cpu governor directly then. but it should be at on demand always. check the clockspeed on a idle system17:37
babaisharpshooter: did something like this "sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com "17:37
ActionParsnipbabai: use a pastebin17:38
eltigrearghx, great idea... except that was what I'd like to do from the beginning and came here to ask how I can do that ....17:38
arghxsoulf: install all of them again...17:38
eltigreI can remember a gnome-panel-widget that could do that back in the days of gnome....17:39
babaiActionParsnip: here's the o/p http://pastebin.com/yABdMR2517:39
arghxeltigre: cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor17:39
eltigrethere must be some kind of replacement for  unity...17:39
_kadhey, skype will got freeze when i call on ubuntu 11.10!! anyone has the same issue ? thx17:39
xanguaeltigre: the days of gnome¿ gnome is still here17:39
hje841eltigre: upon login choose Ubuntu Classic ;)17:39
eltigrexangua, yeah but I have unity and I am not going to switch over this issue17:40
soulfarghx, is there a way to avoid installing each package individually?17:40
arghxeltigre: which means your cpu is set up fine, speedstep/coolnquiet wise17:40
arghxsoulf: put them all on a single commandline. apt can install more than one package at a time17:40
kion _kad: yes I had some trouble with Skype this morning17:40
fdsahow do i turn jack on? i cant play audio17:40
sharpshooterbabai, just try this link http://www.webupd8.org/2010/05/automatically-import-all-missing.html17:41
eltigrefdsa, try the volumecontrols first17:41
mronoI'm running ubuntu 11.10 with gnome 3.217:41
antlonghello, how do i go back to classic desktop in 11.1017:41
xangua!nounity | antlong17:41
ubottuantlong: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic17:41
AaronCampbellI just updated my laptop to 11.10 and some of my power settings seem to be messed up.  For example, before when I was on battery the screensaver came on and things went to sleep after a while, but when I was plugged in it never went to sleep.  Where can I find these settings?17:41
_kadkion, i have forced the 32-bit installation, but same issue17:41
kion _kad: Fixed it by going to Ubuntu software center and installing Skype (interestingly it didnt showed it installed although I already had it)17:41
sharpshooterbabai,  did u got it ?17:42
babaisharpshooter: trying an automatic key importer17:42
_kadkion, in ubuntu center there's skype:i386 is that correct?17:42
sharpshooterbabai,  ok17:42
kion _kad: thats the one I installed17:43
kionand my system is 64 but works fine17:43
babaisharpshooter: i think the link u provided only imports launchpad keys17:44
sharpshooterbabai, so which key did u missed ?17:44
babaisharpshooter: http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/oneiric/Release17:44
_kadkion, thx now i install that, i'm going to test it !! well my issue was that when i call and if i idle 1 min it'll freeze hope this will fix the issue =)17:45
s1AaronCampbell: check the power options from System setings.17:45
anirathDoes anyone know how I can stop the startup sound in 11.10?  It used to be i could change it in the startup applications.17:45
kion _kad: yes, let me know how if it works!17:46
WsAgentis there any VNC console like bozteck vnc console for linux?17:46
fdsahow do i access the volume controls for jack? i cant play mp3s, but i cant open ardour or any other synth software17:46
MeanderingCodeHello all.  Has anyone had trouble (and success) with compositing (especially compiz) on Intel i965 or similar video cards?17:47
xcyclistDo I still need to identify myself here?17:47
fdsai can* play mp3s17:47
fdsajust cant open synth software17:47
WsAgentis there any VNC console like bozteck vnc console for linux?17:47
babaisharpshooter: i was getting this exact bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/862117 then I changed the mirror to the main, and two of those gpg errors vanished17:49
ubottuUbuntu bug 862117 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "Update manager is stuck with some updates, and says there are no updates" [Undecided,Incomplete]17:49
WsAgentis there any VNC console like bozteck vnc console for linux?17:49
babaibut update manager was not complaining in my case, i was updating from the terminal17:49
_kadkion, thx seems it works =)17:50
dsister44Hello all.17:50
kasansweatHave any users of alternate wm's (i'm using Awesome) dealt successfully with the massive weirdness occurring with font rendering and themes after upgrading to 11.10 (neither gnome-tweak nor lxappearance is helping much?)17:50
kion _kad: no problem ;-)17:50
xcyclistI just upgraded to 11.0 on my T410 Thinkpad, and the new system leaves my mouse wigging out all the time.  Is this a known problem, and is there any way I can easily help get data for developers on it?17:50
dsister44I want to boot into Unity 2d on my netbook17:50
sharpshooterbabai, just go to  the Software Sources and uncheck the box for 'extras' reload Synaptic and should be good to go17:50
dsister44but it changes to regular unity whenever I start it17:50
dsister44Anyway to stop this?17:50
[sYn]dsister44: uninstall it?17:51
dsister44[sYn]: Just re-install Ubuntu?17:51
Barzoghkasansweat: i'm running WMFS , everything worked fine for me since my upgrade17:51
saloxin2why does "classic gnome session" have a broken bar at the top?17:51
_kadkion, also i was using k3b for burning DVD's but crash with ubuntu 11.10, do u know any good application like k3b?17:51
rousingAs many i'd like to stay with gnome-panel, the only good theme i've found arround is adwaita, is there a way to customize this theme ? like changing icon etc ? alsi i'd like to know to to enable Alt+F2 with gnome panel please17:51
[sYn]No, just remove the Unity package.. not sure if it would work though :P17:52
kion_kad I use Brasero17:52
saloxin2anyone posted a "howto get a clean gnome3" on this oneiric yet?17:53
_kadkion, always fail with me nevermind i'll check other thx alot mate =)17:53
AaronCampbellIs it just me or did the power control settings get simpler (less flexible) in 11.10?17:53
sharpshooterbabai,  did u tried?17:53
babaisharpshooter: trying now17:53
kasansweatBarzogh :  How does WMFS handle theming? In awesome, I'm literally seeing three different theme settings for GTK apps. (Firefox, Nautilus, and Zim all have different theme settings)17:54
babaisharpshooter: i also did a apt-get clean so its downloading the archives17:54
saloxin2I think this is it for me. anyone recommend a good distro for gnome3?17:54
sharpshooterbabai, ok17:55
demonsporksaloxin2, any distro that has gnome2 baked in17:55
FlusterCluckAnyone know the proper way to have postgresql 9.1 launch at boot in 11.10? (or, you know, just after boot)17:55
soulfarghx, here's the output of glxinfo: http://pastebin.com/RE4Xf6gX17:56
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mfaroukgwhere is the proxy manager ?17:56
Barzoghkasansweat: well if we want to customize a theme in WMFS, we juste have to modify the wmfsrc file .. i don't use nautilus and firefox is not themed.17:56
mfaroukgwhere is the proxy manager ? (ubuntu 11.10)17:56
demonspork!pm > him17:57
ubottuhim, please see my private message17:57
arghxsoulf: it now should run normal unity. it supports 3D acceleration now17:57
costreI installed regular ubuntu on a netbook. I cant find the regular menus, such as settings -> administration .... ideas?17:57
kasansweatBarzogh: Hmm, okay. before I was able to just install lxappearance from LXDE and use that. Will have to dig around a bit i suppose17:58
soulfarghx, okay, I will reboot and come back.17:58
MonkeyDustcostre: dash and then the second small icon below17:58
xangua!unity | costre17:58
ubottucostre: Unity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity17:58
s1mfaroukg: check Network in system settings > Network proxy.17:59
mongyAnyone know how to get decent window decoration with compiz in xubuntu, emerald is no longer in the repo17:59
babaisharpshooter: its fixed, I didn't change the software sources, removed old /var/lib/apt/lists did a apt-get clean and apt-get update17:59
vanOlá você sabe se ja tem algum aplicativo que vai substituir o remastersys no Ubuntu 11.10??18:00
mfaroukgs1, where is the exceptions ?18:00
xangua!pt | van18:00
ubottuvan: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.18:00
kasansweatWow, it looks like a lot of people are having similar problems, I think Canonical/Gnome may have screwed up this one. It's one thing to make new defaults, it's quite another to break/hide old settings18:00
sharpshooterbabai, sounds good !!18:00
s1mfaroukg: what exceptions!18:00
mfaroukgs1, if I want some links to connect without the proxy, it was there in 11.0418:01
babaisharpshooter: shamelessly asking again :P  :can u help me with this one man? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=186317018:01
xcyclistI'm having very serious problems with the mouse since upgrading to 11.10 on my Thinkpad T410.18:02
crussellHi there, does someone have a quick couple minutes to assist in a NFS issue?18:02
xcyclistcrussell:  NFS is more of a server issue.  Has server stuff been merged into this group?18:03
soulfarghx, unity works. Thank you very much for your help!18:03
crussellxcyclist, i don't have that answer.  Might you direct me to the correct channel?  I thought it could pertain to a workstation, since it's a nfs client issue18:04
xcyclistcrussell:  Not a criticism, just a straight question.18:04
s1mfaroukg: Ah, i wasn't on 11.04 .. so i have no clue.18:04
sharpshooterbabai, remove u r network manager and install wicd application and try ? it works for me.:)18:04
mfaroukgs1, what would replace that?18:05
xcyclistWhat is the question?  If it is complex, sometimes the best thing is to post all the evidence to pastie.org or something, and then post the URL.18:05
crussellI don't believe it is.. i think i fat fingered something.  Here goes18:05
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aziafer update to 11.10 i ended up with this silly window manager. i have now installed xubuntu and loged into it and it looks the same? how can i get to a normal window manageR18:06
crussellI exported a directory, example /var/lib/nova/instances.  However when i go to mount it on another machine.  Rather than seeing the contents directly where i mount it, it shows up like this /var/lib/nova/instances/var/lib/nova/instances18:06
costrehmm, I just tried running samba from the admin menu, but nothing appeared to happen. It asked for root password, and then nothing. I was hoping for a config window18:06
crussellSee how it repeats the directory structure.18:06
sharpshooterbabai,  ?18:06
s1mfaroukg: perhaps you wanna use Tor + tor web browser add-on, for that matter.18:06
benworkhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenVPN <- This page speaks of a ta.key, but no "ta.key" is ever generated, are these docs out of date?18:07
Brazilianyou guys, how do I remove the new left bar and get back to what it use to be18:07
crussellNM! if i just mount it at root it will work...18:07
xangua!nounity | Brazilian18:07
ubottuBrazilian: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic18:07
auronandace!notunity | Brazilian18:07
MonkeyDust!nonity| Brazilian18:07
crussellduh, not sure why it's behaving differently after my permission changes18:07
mfaroukgI tried the proxy by the ubuntu 11.10 and it does not support he location, it so annoying18:07
MonkeyDust!nounity| Brazilian18:07
crussellTy for the help =)18:07
freakxhow to downgrade 11.10 to 11.04?18:07
xanguafreakx: clean install18:07
ubottuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system.18:07
freakxomfg ...18:08
DasEi!classic | brasilian18:08
ubottubrasilian: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".For 11.10, see !notunity18:08
DasEi!classic | brazilian18:08
ubottubrazilian: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".For 11.10, see !notunity18:08
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freakxguys ... with that update to 11.10 from 11.04 you even beat microsoft updates ...18:08
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic18:08
s1freakx: the only way that i know of.. is to reinstall 11.04 as a fresh installation.18:08
azifreakx: +118:08
ActionParsnipfreakx: how do you "beat microsoft updates"?18:09
mronoany ideas why gnome 3.2 fails with seperate x screens and xinerama on nvidia18:09
s1perhaps he meant " the upgrade" ..18:09
MonkeyDustmrono: rather ask how to solve the issue18:09
babaisharpshooter: u have any idea how to share internet ?  I do it in my archbox thourh network manager, or via iptables but in ubuntu nm fails, and iptables seems not working also :(18:10
mronoMonkeyDust: ok, How do I solve gnome 3.2 not loading with seperate x screens and xinerama turned on with nvidia?18:10
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xcyclistI'm not sure I'm really having any basic problems with Unity as much as the mouse doesn't work, and I appear to have lost a bunch of my configurations for things like the wireless connections.18:10
ActionParsnipfreakx: do you mean faster/18:10
Milenais there a command i can add to my custom starup programs so they can start minimized,in 11.10 alltray is not doing it ?18:11
freakxActionParsnip: when you update windows it's like a walking a tightrope ...18:11
FlusterCluckIs there a simple way to start the postgresql service (or any application) at boot in 11.10? (I can't seem to one-line it in 'Startup Applications')18:11
freakx50/50 that it f... something18:11
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Milenafor example thunderbird and empathy,i want them to start minimized18:11
ActionParsnipfreakx: not had an issue, mind you were have change testers. I update about 50 servers a night, all work well18:11
xcyclistcrussell:  Another suggestion with this group is patience.  There are many things going on, and questions don't always get immediately answered.  I for instance have not seen you pastie yet.  Keep trying, but at the same time, don't flood with restatements of your question.18:11
freakxActionParsnip: lot of my friends have problem with something ...18:12
DasEiFlusterCluck: add it to /etc/rc.local18:12
ActionParsnipfreakx: strange18:12
DasEi!startup | FlusterCluck18:12
ubottuFlusterCluck: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot18:12
ActionParsnipFlusterCluck: if it needs root access then in /etc/rc.local   if it only needs user access then there is a startup app you can use to add commands to run at startup18:13
sharpshooterbabai, in ubuntu which shell are u using ?18:13
freakxand gnome classic ... is now so shitty ...18:13
ubottuThe GNOME Foundation has ceased support for GNOME 2, and as such it is not in Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot). See !notunity for an alternative desktop experience.18:13
DasEifreakx: then use another wm/fork18:13
babaisharpshooter: bash18:13
freakxhow i can back to the classic version from 11.04?18:13
costremy patience is dropping more for every new version of ubuntu. In 8.04 I could research stuff for ages, now I just go "fuck it" when something starts messing with me ... :)18:14
oCeancostre: mind your language here18:14
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic18:14
pangolincostre: no swearing please18:14
costre"fudge it"18:14
ActionParsnipMilena: I believe thunderbird has a switch you can add to make it minimize. I seem to remember there being a tray plugin18:14
freakxi have gnome shell18:14
freakxbut i want the classic menu from 11.04 with system, preferences, rythym box on speaker icon18:15
MeanderingCodexcyclist: What graphics does your T410 have?18:15
FlusterCluckActionParsnip: tried that (Startup Applications) and it (pg_ctlcluster) prefers to be launched by its owner (postgres)18:15
MeanderingCodexcyclist: and have you had problems w/ accel/compositing18:15
FlusterCluckAnd I can't figure out how to su or sudo as postgres and still hand over its password...18:15
sharpshooterbabai, Go to system settings > network setting click on wireless and u can see a button named use as hotspot try it18:16
ActionParsnipFlusterCluck: then use su to run the command as a differnet user18:16
ActionParsnipMilena: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/thunderbird/addon/minimizetotray/18:16
davfhas anyone been able to get xrdp to work with 11.10?18:16
xcyclistI don't know accel/compositing.  Sorry.  I'll look up the graphics now.18:16
babaisharpshooter:  i'm trying to share it to my other pc thourh cat 5 crosscable18:16
ActionParsnipdavf: tried rdesktop?18:17
lindenleJust upgraded to 11.10 and kernel hangs on boot18:17
davfNo the server side is the problem ActinParsnip.18:17
freakxlindenle: :D18:17
xcyclistMeanderingCode:  Sorry; what's the proc for the graphics.18:17
davfI get a login error saying failed to load session "ubuntu"18:17
xcyclistcat /proc/??18:17
lindenle<freakx>: not so much18:17
FlusterCluckActionParsnip: tried it but don't understand how to handle the password issue (is it '%p'?)18:17
freakxlindenle: there's one solution in this distro to all problems ...18:17
davfit did this after upgrade and then fresh install.18:17
freakxclean install :D18:18
lindenle<freakx>: go back to debian?18:18
FlusterCluckActionParsnip: also still looking for where these errors kick up in log files18:18
sharpshooterbabai, give a try  to wicd network application18:18
MeanderingCodexcyclist: don't know.  i use `lshw -c display` and/or `lspci`18:18
babaisharpshooter: ok18:18
mongyAnyone know how to get decent window decoration with compiz in xubuntu, emerald is no longer in the repo18:18
ActionParsnipdavf: did you run: sudo /usr/local/xrdp/xrdpstart.sh18:19
ActionParsnipFlusterCluck: as the things in /etc/rc.local   it can run as any user18:19
davfActionParsnip I don't see that script.18:20
ActionParsnipdavf: maybe its just an old guide I found. Can you connect to localhost?18:20
Ong_y_kaola ikonia bruda18:21
yshi|aflhello, i just installed 11.10 on a new machine i built recently, am trying to remote connect from my laptop. i set sharing and security in Desktop Sharing and try to connect vcn to the ip with Remote Desktop Viewer and get a 'connection to host (ip) was closed' do i need to open a port? and where would i find that?18:21
ActionParsnipyshi|afl: are the systems on the same LAN?18:22
FlusterCluckActionParsnip: So I have this one liner: [su -c '/usr/bin/pg_ctlcluster 9.1 main start' -- postgres] which works in shell, but still demands a password. In "Startup Applications" it doesn't seem to work (and I can't find where those errs/warnings should be logged -- not in /var/log/postgres)18:22
yshi|aflActionParsnip, they are both wlan on the same router18:22
ActionParsnipFlusterCluck: add it in /etc/rc.local above the exit 0 line and it will run as the user without password18:22
yshi|aflwireless g if that makes a difference18:22
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xcyclistMeanderingCode:  http://pastie.org/271298818:23
DasEiFlusterCluck: try just the line /usr/bin/pg_ctlcluster 9.1 main start' -- postgres         in /etc/rc.local18:23
davfActionParsnip will that work rdp into yourself?18:23
xcyclistMeanderingCode:  My laptop may lock up again, so please forgive me if I disappear for a bit.18:24
lucidguyNFS question:  Why does one have to remount a directory they want to export?  Why cant I simply export the source directory?18:24
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lindenle<freakx> : ridiculous, so ubuntu is creating a whole group of linux users who just wipe there machine rather than try to understand the real issue... so sad...18:24
MeanderingCodeHmmm...is that a graphic lockup?  I'm on same (or similar) and have had video issues since upgrade18:24
ActionParsnipyshi|afl: same lan is fine. the firewall should let the data through, or did you enable some rules?18:24
GO1DCould anyone help me plz? :) I want to have my two screens as "extended desktop" but everytime I activate my other screen I get http://paste.ubuntu.com/711162/18:24
xcyclistlucidguy:  You can set up automount.  I haven't done that for 10 years.  I think it may be automatic with some NFS configs now.18:24
ActionParsnipdavf: possibly, its worth a try18:24
ntr0pyCan someone tell me the correct cmd to format EXT4 on RAID5 across 4 discs (3data + 1 parity) with 64k chunk size? is it "mkfs.ext4 -E stride=16,stripe-width=48 /dev/path" or  "mkfs.ext4 -E stride=16,stripe-width=192 /dev/path"18:25
MeanderingCodexcyclist: (i skipped 11.04, but had things pretty dialed on 10.10)18:25
MeanderingCodexcyclist: *Hmmm...is that a graphic lockup? I'm on same (or similar) and have had video issues since upgrade18:25
dr_willislucidguy:  i dont recall haveing to remount my nfs exports.. its been a while. all i did was follow the !nfs wiki page18:25
xcyclistMeanderingCode:  It appears to be associated with the same mouse problem.  The mouse gets more and more wigged out until the whole desktop locks up.18:25
GO1DCould anyone help me plz? :) I want to have my two screens as "extended desktop" but everytime I activate my other screen I get http://paste.ubuntu.com/711162/18:26
MeanderingCodexcyclist: Wow.  i don't have mouse issues, but compositing has been creating problems w/ X18:26
yshi|aflActionParsnip, my laptop is an upgrade from 11.04, never set a firewall on that, made almost no changes to the tower yet, and as far as i know i have nothign special on the router. (dont have username/password for that right now, wasnt home when fios was installed)18:26
xcyclistMeanderingCode:  Sorry.  Should I look up compositing?18:26
FlusterCluckDasEi: Gotcha, without the 'su -c' then?18:27
astevesudo question: why does the following: http://pastie.org/2713006 prompt for a password?18:27
MeanderingCodexcyclist: well, you could try selecting "Ubuntu Classic" from the login screen's session menu and see if the problem goes away18:27
MeanderingCodexcyclist: that's Gnome w/o Unity18:28
DasEiFlusterCluck: yes, ubu uses sudo, and things in rc.local run with root privilegs, your consideration if you want it, else need an additionale line either there or in visudo file18:28
BlueEagleMeanderingCode: I don't have the "Ubuntu classic" option. All I got was Ubuntu and Ubuntu 2d18:28
dr_willisasteve: those are lines from your /etc/sudoers file?18:28
xcyclistMeanderingCode:  I may try that next.  Just to get the problem out there, as I suspect others see it:  you move the mouse or mouse over and things just get clicked automagically.18:28
GO1DCould anyone help me plz? :) I want to have my two screens as "extended desktop" but everytime I activate my other screen I get http://paste.ubuntu.com/711162/18:28
astevedr_willis: /etc/sudoers.d/file18:28
yshi|aflActionParsnip, i also tried a reverse connection on both machines and got the same error18:28
dr_willisasteve:  cant say ive ever messed with sudoers.d/18:28
xcyclistMeanderingCode:  And the accidental mouseclicks get worse and worse some sessions until the session locks up.18:28
MeanderingCodeBlueEagle: Interesting.  2d would be w/o compositing18:29
ActionParsnipyshi|afl: is the service running?18:29
MeanderingCodeperhaps "Ubuntu classic" was from 11.0418:29
BlueEagleMeanderingCode: I guessed as much. Doesn't help me find the classic desktop though.18:29
dr_willisasteve:  wouldent it be better to be using the 'sudo service SERVICENAME whatever' command?18:29
xcyclistMeanderingCode:  It is a pretty damning bug, to be gentle about it, and it is on my work machine.  I am hoping I can help get it fixed before it eats too much into my work week.18:29
MeanderingCodeBlueEagle: i think the "gnome-session" package provides the "classic" desktop18:30
yshi|aflActionParsnip, im sorry, what service?18:30
astevedr_willis: meh, that really doesn't fix nor help my current problem18:30
MeanderingCodexcyclist: i know what you mean...I'm losing time on my work machine, too18:30
WsAgentHow to start Cisco anyconnect VPN Service ?18:30
xcyclistMeanderingCode:  dragging off to a meeting.  Thank you for the help.  I will check back during the PDT noon hour.18:31
MeanderingCodeBlueEagle: "Classic" being that Ubuntu used Gnome until 11.0418:31
WsAgentHow to start Cisco anyconnect VPN Service ?18:32
WsAgentHow to start Cisco anyconnect VPN Service ?18:32
WsAgentHow to start Cisco anyconnect VPN Service ?18:32
WsAgentHow to start Cisco anyconnect VPN Service ?18:32
PiciWsAgent: Stop repeating.18:32
Travis-42Is there a way to create a "directory" that makes makes multiple directories appear as one?18:32
Jaidzer0@anyone - first time here. Is it possible to roll back to previous distro? 11.10 ate my lunch : ( 11.04 was my friend18:32
PiciJaidzer0: no. Downgrades are unsupported.18:32
xanguaJaidzer0: clean install18:32
WsAgentHow to start Cisco anyconnect VPN Service ?18:33
g0bl1nEmpathy conversation window font and images can't be reconfigured ?18:33
Jaidzer0ack. gratzi18:33
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PiciWsAgent: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/18:33
ActionParsnipyshi|afl: the xrdp service18:33
Smeuuhright, so where did the realtime kernel go in oneiric ?18:33
WsAgentPici Thanks a lot that hint of your helped a lot18:34
yshi|afllooks like it wasnt installed, all done18:34
ntr0py Can someone tell me the correct cmd to format EXT4 on RAID5 across 4 discs (3data + 1 parity) with 64k chunk size? is it "mkfs.ext4 -E stride=16,stripe-width=48 /dev/path" or  "mkfs.ext4 -E stride=16,stripe-width=192 /dev/path"?18:35
user__I need help with file sharing between ubuntu guest and windows host on vmware18:35
Lars--Can someone help me? Got a ssh-rsa key that I need to ssh to another shell. How do I get this to work?/where do I put the key?18:35
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asteveLars--: when you create an rsa key you create the private and public key18:36
asteveyou store the private key in ~/.ssh/id_rsa (by default) and you store the .pub key at the destination in ~/.authorized_keys18:36
dhenson714i'm having an issue with my hp mini 110 if anyone's free. just upgraded, and now when my laptop auto-sleeps after 10 minutes or whatever, the backlight completely shuts off and wont come back on unless i put it to sleep and wake it back up18:36
dhenson714anyone seen a problem like this?18:37
WsAgentPici Thanks a lot that hint of your helped a lot18:37
user__the problem im having is I cannot seem create a shortcut on my desktop18:37
phiscibehey ppl ive had on 11.04 (not touching 11.10 yet) strange problems, not looking for solution, just clues, i was getting sky high cpu from udev, logs showed doing io on drives, mostly plugged in usb or local ntfs, a gvfs process was pretty high too,  my cd's would spin of their on accord, i found that just putting in a cd or unloading would "RESET" something and it would die down for awhile, plus jbd2 was writing journal data all the time, i would get a18:37
phiscibeqtnotivy errors about ibus/bus, bamfdaemon errors, every kde or qt app stated gave thw qtnotify warring, (it would open anway) i was also getting teh flash plug in eating up ram until seg fault.18:37
Lars--asteve: what should I name the file with the key inside that folder then?18:37
ronkrtmade the switch last night18:37
ronkrtlovin it! good work guys18:37
user__anyone there?18:38
user__ronkrt can you help me18:38
ronkrtwhats up?18:38
yshi|aflActionParsnip, should i have to reboot for it to work? still no difference now that i installed on both machines18:38
sharpshooterMilena,  gsettings get com.canonical.Unity.Panel systray-whitelist and then set the apps using gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Panel systray-whitelist "[ 'JavaEmbeddedFrame', 'Wine', 'scp-dbus-service', 'Update-notifier', 'add ur app']"18:38
fdsaHow do i enable Jack so that ardour will work?18:38
phiscibeso every qt ap and kde app (kubunut) would give that error, installing ibus and manualy creating the .config/ibus/bus folder seems to and fixed it all18:38
Travis-42How could I "virtually" flatten all subdirectories for a folder? I have my photos organized in subdirectories, but I'm using a picture frame application that does not auto scan subdirectories18:38
user__so I have a virtual machine18:39
Picifdsa: You might have better luck asking in #ubuntustudio :)18:39
user__ubuntu guest windows host18:39
phiscibemostly, now i dont have run away process but i have multiple instaces of many system process running under diffenrt user, might go away if i reboot18:39
arghxuser__: it would help if you stated your actual problem18:39
dr_willisTravis-42:  You could do some fancy scripting  and make soft links to all the files in a single dir.18:40
dr_willisTravis-42:  i think the cp command has an option to make links instead of copying data18:40
user__i have the the file sharing set up and when I go to mnt-hgfs and the folder name is vm shared folder18:40
Travis-42dr_willis, hmm, not a simple solution, since I'd have to rerun that script, but that might actually work... thanks!18:41
sarujihello, what is the command to reset your wireless card using command prompt?18:41
daniel_b_1hi! I wanted to create an anacron job by creating a file at /etc/cron.weekly, but obviously it has never run for 2 weeks. the file placed at that path has the following attributes: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  36 2011-10-01 23:09 rsnapshot ; do you have any solution?18:41
user__I try to create a shortcut on the desktop but it wont work18:41
luckyduckHi. Anybody else experiencing performance issues after 11.10 upgrade on amd64?18:41
luckyduck11.04 worked fine18:41
luckyduckI've tried different nvidia drivers (dual monitor setup), but all of them seem to have issues.18:41
rhizmoeTravis-42: cd frame_dir; find /dir -type f -exec ln -s {} \;18:41
luckyduckGoogle doesn't shows the answers. Only found other people with simmilar problems :-/18:41
user__so my question is...is there a work around for that?18:41
guntbert!enter | user__18:41
ubottuuser__: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:41
luckyduck(generally all windows are really laggy)18:41
DasEisaruji: sudo service networking restart ? (or stop and then start)18:41
phiscibemy process dont seem to close, lik ei have like 12 kates running18:41
Travis-42rhizmoe, that makes sense too, thank you18:42
wghostriderwhi there! anyone on 11.10 using virtual eth ?18:42
phiscibe8 geanies18:42
ayrusHi, I installed Ubuntu first time on my PC after windows, The graphics is not working. I have sis mirage  671 graphics, also used a tutorial and i need to reinstall the OS.18:42
user__so should I type it all over again18:42
DasEisaruji: or sudo ifdown/up wlanX18:42
rhizmoeTravis-42: sure thing!18:42
phiscibeanyway just thought id tell people with crazy prcess action to try installing ibus18:42
g0thwhen I try to upload a file with firefox a dialog box opens to choose a file but it is just white and nothing happens for 10 mins (then I killed everything)18:43
g0thI run kubuntu18:43
sarujiI need to reset my wireless controller isnt it something modlist wl something?18:43
g0thwhen I then click on the panel to start another browser than firefox18:43
wghostriderwanyone using virtual network on 11.10?18:43
Pici!anyone | wghostriderw18:43
ubottuwghostriderw: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.18:43
g0ththe whole kde system freezes and becomes completely non responsiv e18:43
g0thany idea what the heck is going on?18:43
g0thwhat other browser do you recommend?18:43
ayrushow to get, which graphics driver I have to install?18:43
DasEisaruji: define reset and :18:43
g0thfirefox can't handle file upload atm it seem18:43
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:43
user__guntbert- I have ubuntu guest and windows host virtual machine using vmware. I set up file sharing and it's working but when I try to make a shortcut to the folder on my desktop it wont work18:44
ayrusis there any command to know it?18:44
g0thI have 6 desktops18:44
user__Guntbert I don't understand why it won't work like that.18:44
sage79how can i have classic ubuntu on 11.10?18:44
g0thand strangely they are alined: 3 on top 3 on bottom18:44
g0thwhen I just confirm the settings18:44
g0ththey become 6 in one row18:44
g0thwhat the heck is going on?18:45
gwbWhen I run update manager, while installing updates, it pauses.  If I open Details, I can see that it looks like the output from the less command.  I have to enter q to get the updates to actually install.  (It does the same from the CLI).  How can I stop update Manager from stopping at that point and waiting for me?18:45
user__can someone help me18:45
pangolin!notunity | user__18:45
ubottuuser__: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic18:45
sarujii have b4311 broadcom wireless, it has a known problem with the kernel. It is a proprietary issue and so far there is not resolution other then to use b43cutter and b43 installer, howver the wireless goes bye bye every time i restart18:45
wghostriderwi'm having trouble with virtual network on 11.10...can someone help me?18:45
guntbertuser__: I was not able to read your problem - please state it again, all in *one line*18:45
sarujii meant everytime the computer goes to sleep18:45
user__so will gnome3 work18:45
MontyCarleauHey guys, if I'm adding a hard drive with Disk Utility (just a storage drive), do I want "Take ownership of filesystem" checked?18:45
ayrusPlease help me installing the Graphics on my PC. I'm really frustated by intalling second time Ubuntu18:45
user__ guntbert- I have ubuntu guest and windows host virtual machine using vmware. I set up file sharing and it's working but when I try to make a shortcut to the folder on my desktop it wont work18:46
dreyHi, how cna I reach the grub menu from the ubuntu 5 dots boot screen?18:46
usr13ayrus: What seems to be the problem?18:46
JoshMnemI've been using Ubuntu since Warty Warthog, but I'm completely lost in 11.10. I tried add gnome-panel back, but I can't right click on anything to put quickstart icons on the menu bar. Also, all the options are gone to change the theme, e.g., move the close buttons back to the top right corner of the windows. Anyone know if there is a way to fix those things?18:46
icerootdrey: press shift18:46
ActionParsnipdrey: hold shift at boot18:46
dreythanks both18:46
g0thhow do I upload a file on the web?18:47
usr13ayrus: Can you describe the problem in some detail for us?18:47
g0this there any other browser besides firefox I can use?18:47
usr13g0th: yes18:47
ActionParsnipg0th: plenty18:47
[sYn]JoshMnem: Don't use Unity.18:47
ayrususr13: Thank you. I want to install the graphics driver. I tried using http://linuxfloat.org/ubuntu-1104-how-install-sis-671672-mirage3-driver and get my OS corrupted. Now I installed second time18:47
ActionParsnipg0th: chromium, opera, midori, arora18:47
usr13g0th: If you want text only, there's lynx18:47
JoshMnemsYn: I want to get rid of Unity, but I don't know how18:47
brontosaurusrexJoshMnem, about buttons, try gconf-editor and gnome-tweak-tool18:47
g0thI just want to upload a file18:47
[sYn]!nounity | JoshMnem18:48
ubottuJoshMnem: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic18:48
usr13ayrus: What display adapter do  you have?18:48
user__the shortcut wont work...when I send a file to it I can't access it in windows. it's kinda odd cause it used to work fine in 9.0418:48
g0thwhen firefox tries to upload a file the box to choose one is just white and nothing happens18:48
brontosaurusrexgnome-panel is not similar to gnome 2, so thats false imho, unless i cant use it..18:48
[sYn]JoshMnem: You probably want to go wiht GNOME Fallback mode as thats similar to gnome 2, which seems to be what you are looking for. Gnome 3 isnt that much different to Unity.18:48
ayrususr13: Its SIS graphics, but I don't know the model name. How can I get it. Is there is any command I have to run?18:48
usr13ayrus: In a terminal type:  lspci |grep -i vga18:49
GO1DCan anyone help me? I get http://paste.ubuntu.com/711162/ every time I ty to activate my small screen18:49
crassI'm having issues with 11.10 and suspend to ram, but didn't have these issues with 11.04. Is this a known issue and/or are there any work arounds?18:49
usr13ayrus: Tell us what is says:18:49
user__k this is a little crazy18:49
ayrususr13: Output: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 771/671 PCIE VGA Display Adapter (rev 10)18:50
JoshMnembrontonaurusrex, sYn thanks18:50
MonkeyDustSiS :s18:50
g0ththe other browsers are not working either18:50
usr13ayrus: And what version of ubuntu did you install?18:50
g0thit seems to be a kde problem18:50
g0thserious problem18:50
ayrususr13: its latest.18:50
GO1Dcan any1 help me please? I get http://paste.ubuntu.com/711162/ every tim I try to activate my smaller screen18:51
ayrususr13: I downloaded today from the ubuntu website.18:51
usr13ayrus: lsb_release -a18:51
guntbertuser__: "it won't work" .. are you able to create the link?18:51
usr13will tell you.  11.04 or 11.10  ?18:51
=== bbya is now known as bbya_sleeping
ayrususer13: Output: Distributor ID:Ubuntu Description:Ubuntu 11.10 Release:11.10 Codename:oneiric18:51
brontosaurusrexis default shortkey for dash logo button?18:52
ayrususr13: Distributor ID:Ubuntu Description:Ubuntu 11.10 Release:11.10 Codename:oneiric18:52
usr13ayrus: Ok good.  So what does the screen look like now?18:52
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ayrususr13: Its so bad.18:52
=== bbya is now known as bbya_sleeping
user__guntbert I send things to the shortcut but when I access the folder in windows its empty. If I send it to mnt,hgfs, vmshared folder its there and I can access it in windows.18:52
usr13ayrus: Is the screensize wrong for monitor?  Too big?  Too small?18:53
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guntbertuser__: when you access this shortcut - are the files you put there from windows (or via vmshared folder) visible?18:53
ayrususr13: Its not dectecting the moniter. My moniter is 1440x900 32 bit with a refresh rate of 60hz. Currently its showing arount 1200x700 or something else18:53
usr13In a terminal type xrandr and hit enter.  Tell us what screen size it is using now and what is avaiable.18:53
ward_in ubuntu 11.10 there is this option in the wacom control panel to rotate the wacom area 180 degrees, for when you are using a tabletpc18:54
JoshMnemIf anyone from Canonical is reading this, I have to give some constructive feedback: Ubuntu is going in a bad direction. Don't try to be CrApple -- Trying to innovate with the interface without leaving a checkbox to turn the experimental crap off is going to drive people away. I'm watching my favorite software get destroyed, and it's very sad.18:54
ward_but can i also do this from CLI?18:54
user__guntbert I will test this k18:54
usr13ayrus: YOu can pastebin the whole output for us to see:   xrandr | pastebinit18:54
ward_JoshMnem, i fully agree, in case canonical is reading18:54
usr13and send resulting URL18:54
phiscibeayrus: something changeed in xorg or bullet or sumpthin , u need to get both monitors on one X server set in a metamode so that the resolution of both monitors fits inside the big virutal metamode monoitor18:54
phiscibei have to manualy add modelines with cvt and xrandr18:55
phiscibewith nvidia drivers18:55
ayrususr13: pastebin is not installed, Going to install. or can provide you in other way?18:55
ward_JoshMnem, i installed the xubuntu desktop and then changed the panels to look more like gnome2, i'm pretty happy with the result now18:56
phiscibei THINK that cause i have a hdtv on on head of the vidieo card and and digital lcd but plugged in to an analog vga it fouls bulletproof from getting correct eddid data about the monitor and it all takes avaction18:56
wiredfoolwhat's the closest (currently supported) thing that looks/works  like 10.04's netbook launcher?18:56
scarleoJoshMnem: I don't agree, I think 11.10 is best so far, with Unity18:57
phiscibeayrus got to a pastebing website18:57
ayrususr13: http://pastebin.com/jjzYbf8V18:57
user__guntbert- yes till i close the shortcut. I tried closing it then sending something else and opened it but it wasnt there18:57
=== silicon_ is now known as nocilis
ActionParsnipJoshMnem: If you are ranting about Unity and don't like it, switch DE. The OS has been largely unchanged here for a long time, especially in my LXDE sessions18:57
usr13ayrus: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-sis/+bug/30195818:57
ubottuUbuntu bug 301958 in xserver-xorg-video-sis (Ubuntu) "[needs-packaging] no working driver for sis 671/771 video cards" [Wishlist,Triaged]18:57
ActionParsnipJoshMnem: Gnome2 is also being dropped by the Gnome team and Gnome3 will replace it. This is nothing to do with canonical. They are just moving with what is supported.18:58
ayrususr13: so what will happen, do I will never use the graphics on my pc with ubuntu?18:58
user__guntbert- so the shortcut only works once then it won't work again. I have to go back in and create another shortcut and use it once then its broke.18:58
usr13ayrus: And, let's see, your monitor wants 1440x900  Ok.18:59
phiscibeack wrong box to type in18:59
ActionParsnipJoshMnem: there are plenty of alternatives to gnome and you can run your gnome apps just as well in those as you can in gnome. With all taht said, I fail to see where the issue is.....18:59
Faustus2how can one delete entires from the right-click nautiuls menu? where you can copy/move/cut files etc18:59
usr13ayrus: Read the bug report, there may be a work-around / solution.18:59
[sYn]JoshMnem: My only issue with Unity is the lack of customisation in its current form. It takes getting used to the new interface but in my opinion it works faster than a mouse based interface.. Still, its far to intrusive for me in its current form.18:59
ayrususr13: I'm reading that. Thank you.18:59
g0thhow do I check if the upgrade to the latest kubuntu worked properly?19:00
g0thI did aptitude dist-upgrade19:00
usr13!301958 | ayrus19:00
usr13301958 | ayrus19:00
ActionParsnipg0th: sudo apt-get -f install      you can check if you are using Oneiric with:  lsb_release -sc19:00
usr13ayrus: NP19:00
ActionParsnipg0th: you should then test your hardwares to make sure it all runs19:00
g0thkde is completely broken19:00
g0thbut from the point of view of apt everything is fine19:00
g0thlsb_release -sc shows oneiric19:01
phiscibeg0th: i could not get apt-get dist-upgrade to do a thing...i dont know how, but they have MUZZLE apt and u can only use the gui package manger to launc the dist upgrade19:01
user__is there an option to create desktop shortcut in ubuntu like there is in windows?19:01
phiscibeapt just doesnt see it19:01
g0thgui was broken19:01
g0thdidn't work19:01
user__is this what make a link is?19:01
JoshMnemActionParsnip: This is my 3rd day trying to figure out how to use Ubuntu, after using it for many years. I shouldn't have to waste time looking up things I have to do in the command line just to get basic functionality. There should be a checkbox: I don't want experimental UI crap on my computer because I have work to get done19:01
angela-hi ther all ubuntu 11.10 looks verry nise19:01
ayrususr13: should I try https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-sis/+bug/301958/comments/619:02
ubottuUbuntu bug 301958 in xserver-xorg-video-sis (Ubuntu) "[needs-packaging] no working driver for sis 671/771 video cards" [Wishlist,Triaged]19:02
zacariasAny ideas about how to solve this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=186297219:02
guntbertuser__: please don't write - at the end of my nick, my client doesn't alert me that you said something :-)19:02
himcan any buddy help me to connect empathy, i am unable to do so19:02
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user__so what should I do?19:02
JoshMnemActionParsnip: I can't find any significant appearance settings anwhere.19:02
=== derpy_hooves is now known as ajf
ActionParsnip!nounity | JoshMnem19:02
ubottuJoshMnem: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic19:02
JoshMnemActionParsnip: there are no options left19:02
ActionParsnipJoshMnem: if you install xfce4  then log off and select xfce as your dE, it will look a lot like Gnome219:03
guntbertuser__: how did you create that "shortcut"?19:03
user__guntbert is this working?19:03
julio33Hello I'm programming in processing using OPENGL, and it's running very slow on a core i3 with integrated graphics card, I was thinking on buying a graphics card, it's true that Nvidia is far better on ubuntu?19:03
LemonAidhim: connect empathy in what way ?19:03
zirpuwho's idea was it to hide all the options and configuration panels?  really awful.19:03
wiredfoolwhere's the code for dash?  in unity, libunity? or one of the lenses?19:03
guntbertuser__: yes:)19:03
user__guntbert right click copy to desktop19:03
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic19:03
davidcallewiredfool, Unity19:03
himwhen i am trying to connect to empathy in gtalk its showing password required but already i give it19:04
=== Gujs_ is now known as Gujs
user__guntbert not sure what create link is but it won't work anyways. I tried that option19:04
guntbertuser__: I see .. copy is a one time thing, there is no live connection, that is what links are for19:04
wiredfooldavidcalle: thanks19:04
davidcallewiredfool, yw19:04
himLemonAid: can u help me19:05
JoshMnemActionParsnip: I've installed those -- rebooting now. I used to use XFCE, and I don't want to go back. I shouldn't have to switch desktop environments -- that kind will destroy Ubuntu (if it isn't already too late)19:05
infinituxhi. i got a distrobution upgrade window popup. is it totally safe to run the distro upgrade to 11.10?19:05
SomelauwAny wmii users here?19:05
brontosaurusrexActionParsnip, that nounity sentence from ubottu is false imho: 1st gnome shell is even less developed than unity at this point, so makes no sense to suggest that, 2nd gnome-panel is not like gnome 2, so thats useless as well, dont you agree?19:05
recon69_lapis it normal for ubuntu to cycle through local ip's with ARP 'who has' messages continually19:05
ActionParsnipJoshMnem: if you say so.... I'd disagree, many like unity19:05
ActionParsnipbrontosaurusrex: no idea, I don't use gnome19:06
himSomelauw: what is wmii?19:06
user__guntbert make a link is blacked out and not an option19:06
infinituxIf I upgrade the distribution, will it screw anything up?19:06
brontosaurusrexActionParsnip, oh, ok then19:06
JoshMnemActionParsnip: that's why other distros are growing so quickly? Is it PClinuxos?19:06
MonkeyDusthim: its a window manager19:06
Somelauwhim: It is a wm like metacity, but different.19:06
ActionParsnipbrontosaurusrex: i used to boot to it to help support the DE, but got sick of switching so just sticking to kde19:06
phiscibeinfinitux: man you are fuuuuny19:07
lauratikain ubuntu 11.10 is there a way to have left panel in nautilus show folders as before this is bookmarks and computer in same place... like places menu under gnome classic??19:07
tobiasbrennvihow do I fix login in ubuntu 11.10, it turns black for a few secs and goes back to login when trying to login, guest login works?19:07
BliepoHey everyone, I am having trouble configuring VPN. I need to connect to a cisco vpn so I installed network-manager-vpnc, imported the settings using the network manager, filled in my username and password and set them to saved. However, it still prompts me for both the group password and my password.19:07
ActionParsnipJoshMnem: not sure, i'm sure distrowatch will tell you19:07
infinituxphiscibe: why?19:07
guntbertuser__: open a terminal, type: cd Desktop          and then: ln -s /mnt/hgfs/vm<tab> shared,   that should create a link, try to use it19:07
phiscibeits as safe as crossing the screen blind folded drunk in the middle of hells angles rally19:07
hhubbyi have trouble with tvtime it tells me :xvoutput: No XVIDEO port found which supports YUY2 images19:07
phiscibestreet that is19:07
zacariasany help with this, please: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=186297219:07
phiscibeONE bug report from the release has 3000+ reports19:08
hhubbyi tried google after much search i got answer that i should edit fstab19:08
GO1DHello can someone please help me? When I try to activate my smaller screen I get http://paste.ubuntu.com/711162/19:08
ronkrtHello, just noticed my first problem, i have skype running but i cannot find the icon anyware to display it, i loaded a new skype instance and it said another one is running, i cant find the orginal, I'm in Ubuntu im ganna say i think its Gnome, but its 11.0419:08
AndroidLoverInSFi'm on 10.10, i formatted a 3TB partition as NTFS with GPT under Windows7. Nautilus can see it automatically and i can access stuff like that. But when I try to mount via fstab, i cant mount and it says "NTFS signature is missing" and wont mount. So if nautilus can mount it, how can I auto mount via fstab? Anything i need to do different than mounting a NTFS partition with MBR?19:08
tobiasbrennviupgrading from 11.04 to 11.10 killed my friends useraccount now, she can only login as guest... help or maybe she will use windows oO19:08
hhubbynow there is no xorg(---sorry) in natty19:08
brontosaurusrexso anyway, the real answer to !nounity is either: 1. get used to it, its not that bad and it will get better 2. switch de to "list of possible des"19:08
ActionParsnipJoshMnem: fedora is 3rd most popular, it also uses gnome3 but doesn't use unity19:09
AndroidLoverInSFOr should I repartition it as ntfs from within ubuntu 10.10?  if the main problem is what windows did to partition it?19:09
ActionParsnipJoshMnem: if that table is anything to go by19:09
ActionParsnipJoshMnem: fwiw, lucid is still very supported, as is natty19:09
GO1DHello can someone please help me? When I try to activate my smaller screen I get http://paste.ubuntu.com/711162/19:09
phiscibeif u got logon problems, run the commadn  cat /home/user/.dmrc19:09
hhubbyso how to edit xorg when there is no xorg file in natty-----------please help19:09
brontosaurusrexand 3, use older ubuntu version, latest lts maybe19:10
phiscibeif it says failsafe, you are booting into a session called failsave that probably has craxy xorg settings, logout make a new session19:10
ActionParsniphhubby: if you make one, it will be obeyed19:10
trismbrontosaurusrex: the gnome 3 fallback mode is very similar to gnome 2, you just need to press alt before right-clicking to edit the panel (you can still move panels, resize, change colors, add applets just like gnome 2)19:10
geoMickMy printer has disappeared, can anyone help troubleshoot?19:10
hhubbyplease guide19:10
ActionParsnipgeoMick: is it shown in http://localhost:6319:10
phiscibealso ther is a bug, widely reported, about the new locations of /var /var/run and some other foldrs now beig in a new locatoi19:10
RedWarHello all.  Question: I have an Acer Aspire 1410 laptop. It worked perfectly with screen resolution before, but now I canot seem  to get it to work.  It seems to stay stuck at aspect ration of 1024x 768, and will not go beyond. Can anyone help?19:11
JoshMnemActionParsnip: I will go back to Lucid then and wait for Ubuntu to get fixed, or switch distros19:11
brontosaurusrextrism, ok, so there is a secret, the alt :)19:11
brontosaurusrexi stand corrected then , lmao19:11
phiscibethis kills prevents dbus loading, Kills X, makes network manger not load and on and on, its on the release nots page19:11
GO1DHello can someone please help me? When I try to activate my smaller screen I get http://paste.ubuntu.com/711162/19:11
user__guntbert that seem to work but when I delete the files I sent using windows it doesn't show them deleted when i open the folder on ubuntu19:11
ActionParsniphhubby: if you drop to root recovery mode you can run: X -configure      (the X is capitalised)19:11
xcyclistOkay, I am back on gnome classic, and my T410 Thinkpad is still having mouse problems, so it appears, just as I thought, that it is more likely a device driver change.19:11
ActionParsnipJoshMnem: could just switch DE....19:11
devishbackspace does not work in chrome/firefox browser in 11.10 any help?19:12
[sYn]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0LoQFagNIM - This will make me happy, but it doesn't seem to be avaliable yet :(19:12
ActionParsnipdevish: I've seen this on launchpad. There is an extension to readd it, you can use ALT+Left cursor to go back19:12
hhubbyi tried but it tells its getting failed19:12
geoMick(20:12:23) geoMick: Nope, and If I try to "Find New Printers" it comes up with nothing19:12
geoMick(20:12:29) geoMick: It used to be there19:12
geoMick(20:12:36) geoMick: and has worked ok before19:12
RedWaraddendum to my question I am looking to bring screen resolution back to 1366 x 768, but Ubuntu 11.10 updgrade keeps me stuck at the lower resoltion, how can I get my 1366x768 back?19:13
recon69_lapit normal for ubuntu to cycle through local ip's with ARP 'who has' messages continually ?19:13
AndroidLoverInSFanyone has the thinkpad w520?19:13
n-iCeinstalled, firmware-iwlwif19:13
ActionParsnipgeoMick: does the page load though?19:13
n-iCeweird I installed my wireless driver fimrware but is not listed in iwconfig, any idea? Intel Corporation WiFi Link 5100 installed, firmware-iwlwifi19:13
geoMickCUPS 1.5.019:13
JoshMnemActionParsnip: I want GNOME... I just want it to work. I want my icons on the bar at top, and all my theme customization settings back. The X (close button) is on the wrong side of the windows.19:13
hhubbybtw ,i have trouble with tvtime it tells me :xvoutput: No XVIDEO port found which supports YUY2 images19:13
guntbertuser__: I have the feeling that there is something in the way vmware creates the shared folders (about which I know nothing), but please !pastebin the output of ls -l Desktop/shared  (if you created it like I suggested)19:13
ActionParsnipJoshMnem: gnome has a new direction now.19:13
devishActionParsnip: that works looks even more good;)19:14
[sYn]devish: its a bit big :P19:14
user__guntbert what do you mean pastebin?19:14
BliepoThe network manager does not save my password or the group password for VPN, anyone any idea?19:14
hhubbyanyone can help19:14
JoshMnemActionParsnip: to get rid of the ability to easily customize it?19:14
guntbert!pastebin | user__19:14
user__guntbert i did what you said and it worked. you are the man19:14
devish[sYn]: hmm, but there is forward too19:14
ActionParsniphhubby: what happens when you run the command?19:14
ubottuuser__: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:14
wavezis there a simple way to revert to the old window management before 11.04?19:15
guntbert!yay | user__19:15
ubottuuser__: Glad you made it! :-)19:15
ActionParsnipJoshMnem: I don't know. I've not used gnome for about 3 years now.19:15
hhubbyit tells me that no.of devices doesnt match19:15
phiscibeGO1D:  xorg is once again on the blink19:15
AndroidLoverInSFis unity less painful once you already have most of your windows you work with open, and dont need to use it GUI as much?19:15
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution19:15
hhubbyand reports as failed19:15
ActionParsniphhubby: and you ran it in root recovery mode19:15
JoshMnemActionParsnip: there are no settings left. Right click doesn't work anymore19:15
ActionParsnipJoshMnem: the click thing I believe is an issue in Compiz19:16
hhubbyohh yes19:16
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JoshMnemActionParsnip: I'm in GNOME (No Effects)19:16
trismJoshMnem: if you're talking about the gnome panel in oneiric, you need to hold alt before right clicking in gnome 319:16
geoMickanything else?19:16
g0bl1n11.10 ALT-TAB not as responsive as should be :-(19:16
phiscibeGO1D: i cant tell what excatly to do, but i can say that resolution aint right, did you have dual monitors?  if might be trying to make one X screen with a large resolution so that both monitors fit in, using panning and meta mode, OR it tired to do this and now on one monitor works19:17
phiscibeif you are in x you can use xrandr to try to resize it19:17
hhubbyalso btw how do i configure line-in for my sound device which is internal19:17
ActionParsnipg0bl1n: with intel gpu, yes19:17
hwildehow to disable auto mounting of iphones but still have automounting of other devices, specifically a udev example would be nice19:18
phiscibeit might be the panning, dont know the x program to set panning, there was an old on, RRsetpaning or something19:18
JoshMnemtrism: thanks...19:18
ActionParsniphwilde: you'd need to write a udev rule to ignore the device (perhaps)19:18
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JoshMnemtrism: What are people thinking? How would anyone figure out that you have to push 'alt' to get right-click to work? This is crazy...19:18
geoMickany more ideas ActionParsnip ?19:18
n-iCeany idea?19:18
phiscibebut, if you can log out of X to a command line, Xorg --configure might fix it19:18
n-iCemodprobe iwlagn19:18
n-iCeFATAL: Error inserting iwlagn (/lib/modules/2.6.39-bpo.2-686-pae/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwlagn.ko): Invalid argument19:19
g0bl1nActionParsnip, with (non existing drivers) Optimus (dual video) no :-(19:19
hhubbyalso btw how do i configure line-in for my sound device which is internal intel 845gvsr mobo19:19
Blieponevermind, fixed it myself19:19
hhubbyno sound in xawtv also please help19:19
Netham47Anyone know if they fixed KDE for ARM in oneiric?19:20
ActionParsnipg0bl1n: yeah optimus is a bit of a mess19:20
phiscibeg0th: there is folder /lib/firmware or something that is supposed to contain firmware files for your card, look and see if they  are there, jsut one idea  to try in your journey19:20
hwildeActionParsnip, yes that is why I asked for a udev example in my question.19:20
g0bl1nActionParsnip, only if I know before buying this.... and the battery drains :-(19:20
Travis-42I'm running a script that creates a number of symbolic links and I get the error "cannot allocate memory" Any ideas why?19:20
ejvare you out of memory?19:21
phiscibehhubby: you might have luck running alsamixer in terminal, you have to use the keyboard arrow keys to navigate, arrow over to the line in hit M  on keyboard ot toggle mute19:21
julio33Hello, did you know if the Nvidia gt 440 run nice on linux?19:21
Travis-42ejv, not even close19:21
Gentoo64julio33: should do19:21
phiscibeif that dont work mabye delte the folder .pulse19:21
trismJoshMnem: gnome 3 is very into the alt key for some reason, in gnome-shell you need to hold alt to show the power off option (without an extension), kind of strange, I agree19:21
ejvare your memory defective, memory slots, etc.19:21
ActionParsniphwilde: gotcha19:21
genii-aroundTravis-42: Perhaps you accidentally created a forkbomb19:21
shintakuon natty and i get no packages for the following:  sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-jdk19:22
julio33Gentoo64: I'm a little bit afraid, because I find problems in forums with almost any graphic card, I wanna buy something to have no problems19:22
Travis-42ejv, I don't notice any problems with anything else19:22
alexxiohi, i think something is wrong with my google account or so19:22
ActionParsniphwilde: http://siliconbased.wordpress.com/2009/03/03/ignoring-devices-with-udev-rules/19:22
hwildeActionParsnip, ...19:22
JoshMnemtrism: Unity and GNOME 3 are disasters for Linux. This is unusable...19:22
Travis-42genii-around, I'm using find -exec and calling a separate script in exec that creates the symbolic link. but I don't think find -exec  forks the process19:23
alexxiowhen watching some youtube videos, on the right of the page i have an annoying spot that autostarts and links to various crap19:23
ActionParsnipJoshMnem: some users are enjoying it19:23
Gentoo64julio33: i use the 460 and it works fine19:23
Gentoo64julio33: most nvidia cards work fine19:23
julio33Gentoo64 The bigger the number, the better the card? or it's like nokia cellphones and don't have any order?19:23
JoshMnemActionParsnip: I'm sure some are. Overall, it's going to destroy Ubuntu. At least have a simple button to turn it off.19:23
phiscibethey work but with some gotcha's (nvida)19:23
Gentoo64julio33: thr 4 is the series and the higher the number the better.19:23
ActionParsnipJoshMnem: we'llsee19:23
guntbertTravis-42: try with find  -ls   first, to see which files are found19:24
Gentoo64julio33: a 480 is a lot better than a 460 etc19:24
Netham47ActionParsnip, does Unity still require accelleration?19:24
kernelpanickerwhere does one hunt for usb drives that, when attached, don't appear in /dev/ ?19:24
phiscibeif u got mixed cabling in analog and digital it fouls x's eddid retrevial, the you in add modeling cirus19:24
julio33Gentoo64: Is important the maker of the card? I mean, here I can but gigabyte, but the chipset is nvidia, does it matters?19:24
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ActionParsnipNetham47: unity, yes. Unity2D no19:24
Netham47Any knowledge of ARM support for it?19:24
Gentoo64julio33: no it doesnt matter at all. theyre just the brands. they might have default overclocked it etc but theyre all the same basically19:24
julio33phiscibe is there any card that on linux don't have any issues?19:25
JoshMnemActionParsnip: you can already see it by the sudden growth in other distros. I think the article was in PC World or cnet.19:25
Gentoo64julio33: and the different brands looks different, have better/worse coolers19:25
phiscibethe cards are find, a peiced of metal and sand19:25
phiscibebut not X19:25
Gentoo64julio33: but if you're not going to overclock it it dont matter19:25
ActionParsnipJoshMnem: as long as users are enjoying Linux I'm not too fussed19:25
Travis-42guntbert, it's returning the correct files as far as I can see19:25
phiscibei can chart my lifes happiness on a graph compared to how many times i have opened xorg.conf19:25
Jordan_Ukernelpanicker: Do you see anything in dmesg when it's inserted?19:25
ActionParsnipPhilSliderS: gnumeric can help19:26
julio33Gentoo64: So I think I could go for the gt 40019:26
Travis-42genii-around, actually, -exec {} does fork a child process for every file, so maybe that is related19:26
Gentoo64julio33: its up to you. if you dont play games then go for any card19:26
guntbertTravis-42: and what are you trying to do with them (the -exec part) ?19:26
Jordan_U!ot | phiscibe19:26
ubottuphiscibe: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:26
Netham47Also, ActionParsnip, the ARM images appear to be entire SD card images (partition table and all) designed for a limited number of devices. Having them just being partition images, or even better as tarballs, would widen the usable market for them.19:27
PhilSliderSWTF is ActionParsnip?19:27
Travis-42guntbert, I'm creating symlinks to each one with a random file name19:27
shen_is this a chat room.19:27
Netham47PhilSliderS, I'm assuming he's some guy who has some influence on ubuntu.19:27
Netham47shen_, yes, this is.19:27
Picishen_: this is a support channel. General chat in #ubuntu-offtopic19:27
ActionParsnipPhilSliderS: just a user and ubuntu member19:27
phiscibeso give me support not rudeness to natural reaction to frustration practice what you get your bot to speak19:27
PhilSliderS<ActionParsnip> PhilSliderS: gnumeric can help < ?19:27
julio33Gentoo64: I'm programming on processing with OPENGL and I need the speed for that : )19:27
PhilSliderSwrong HL?19:27
guntbertTravis-42: my advice: try it in a separate folder with just one file to find...19:27
Gentoo64julio33: well the 440 is better than a gt400 (if thats even a card)19:28
shen_Pici, how to enter offtopic19:28
Picishen_: type: /join #ubuntu-offtopic19:28
julio33Gentoo64: Haha, thanks, so in your experience your card works just fine right?19:28
Travis-42guntbert, it works for many of the files (and if there is only one file), the error occurs only intermittently throughout the script19:28
hitttE: Package 'gnome-shell' has no installation candidate <-- thank you, ubuntu19:28
julio33Gentoo64: Or have some little issues?19:28
iceroothittt: 11.10?19:28
Gentoo64julio33: yea ive never had any issues with the 460 and prop nvidia driver19:28
iceroothittt: there is no gnome-shell in 11.0419:29
ActionParsnipPhilSliderS: you wanted to chart something, gnumeric is a spreadsheet app you can create the chart with19:29
[sYn]So does anyone know if the following is avaliable anywhere (Unity beta/Daily build or something?): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0LoQFagNIM ?19:29
hitttoh so im stuck using this desktop manager that insults my intelligence19:29
hitttactually im gonna try logging out19:29
iceroothittt: in 11.04 there is kde4, gnome2, unity, lxde, xfce419:29
Travis-42guntbert, I think the problem is that find -exec is simply running this script too much in parallel19:29
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lauratikais it possible to change nautilus look of left pannel  in 11.10 back to it was?... this means showing devices and bookmarks on the same column19:29
guntbertTravis-42: those are the difficult ones :-)  I guess there might be some sort of create-loop involved19:29
dD0THi. I'm wondering whether the alt-tab behavior in unity can be modified in any way. It works very poorly for me if I have multiple console windows open because it neither shows you where the window is you are trying to open nor is the small previous very helpful in figuring out which exact conso[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[Dle window you are selecting. Thanks.19:30
hitttsweet jesus, it worked19:30
[sYn]dD0t: press down to view a preview, or wait a while hovered over the window..19:30
dD0T[sYn]: That one I already discovered. Still differentiation between the windows is very hard. Also it's pretty slow and cumbersome to be honest.19:31
usr13dD0T: If you have multiple console sessions, use Ctrl-ALt-F6 Ctrl-Alt-F5 etc....19:31
hittticeroot: thank god i could disable the stupid layout with a drop down menu19:31
PhilSliderSit was phiscibe, not me ^^19:32
PhilSliderSso I was wondering why you HL me ^^19:32
dD0Tusr13: Well. I still want to use the desktop ;-)19:32
me2reshHi, I am trying to setup atp-cacher, but my apt-get failed to update after, anyone can help ?19:33
alexxioi think i've been hijacked19:33
alexxiocan you please help me undestand?19:33
Gentoo64alexxio: why19:34
kernelpanickerJordan_U: I'm actually not trying it now, but what should I grep for in dmesg in general?19:34
alexxioi'm on a simple youtube video page19:34
Gentoo64alexxio: check /var/log/auth.log19:34
alexxioon the right of the window, a spam video appears (inside the page, embedded)19:34
me2reshanyone can help with apt-cacher ?19:34
lauratikaanyone please?19:34
hitttdisabling the ridiculous new terminal... and YEP19:34
hitttback to a usable ubuntu installation19:34
alexxioand under that little squared embedded video, i can see the related19:35
dD0TI'd be fine with a windows 7 like task switcher. Is there such a thing for unity?19:35
Gentoo64alexxio: whats the url? normal youtube? its prob just an ad19:35
Pici!enter | alexxio19:35
ubottualexxio: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:35
alexxioyes it's like an ad but i donìt know if it is right to be there19:35
Jordan_Ukernelpanicker: See if any new lines appear immediately after you plug in the device.19:35
Gentoo64alexxio: maybe its flash bugged up or something19:35
carli2alexxio: this is a XSS problem and you should contact your browser support or the page owner19:36
compdocis it possible to run gnome2 on 11.10?19:36
Gentoo64compdoc: i dont think so19:36
hhubbyhi -tell me how to redirect output to text file19:36
alexxiobut every youtube video has this19:36
alexxiothe fact is that this happens with linux and windows19:36
Gentoo64compdoc: i think mint uses gnome 2, or use older ubuntu maybe19:37
carli2alexxio: what do you see what shouldnt be there?19:37
alexxioan ad19:37
ActionParsnipcompdoc: there is a fork of gnome2 called mate, or you can compile the Gnome2 source if you want.19:37
alexxiobut it's strage19:37
carli2alexxio: did you try an other browser?19:37
Jordan_U!notunity | compdoc19:37
ubottucompdoc: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic19:37
carli2alexxio: youtube uses ads to earn money. what is strange with that?19:38
alexxiothat this ads starts at loud volume, disturbing the other videos19:38
alexxioand starts suddenly...for a bunch of seconds19:38
Gentoo64compdoc: a lot more peple are using xfce now as its maintaned and a bit similar to gnome 219:39
carli2alexxio: try elinks browser, it dosent show these ads19:39
shaiangwhy i cant join ##php19:39
alexxioi never noticed that...now i think there's something wrong19:39
Picishaiang: Because you need to be registered and identified.19:39
Pici!register | shaiang19:39
ubottushaiang: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode19:39
alexxio:( dunnno19:39
hittthow do i disable this unpractical scroll bar?19:40
nocilisBanshee is crashing for me, this is what I get when running from terminal: http://pastebin.com/9dNtBCcS19:40
Gentoo64shaiang: idk i can join it..19:40
Gentoo64shaiang: maybe your banned?19:40
Picishaiang: Read ubottus' message about registering.19:40
airellshi, i just want to say thank you for ubuntu's developers. I thought unity is a crap of shit, but after few hours i dont want to go back to gnome-shell. Now i see how gnome-shell stayed back (nothing really new in last few years). I wish that will be a good push for gnome-shell to faster development19:40
nocilisI've already tried apt-get purging, cleaning, and reinstalling19:40
nocilisanyone have any ideas about this?19:40
Picihittt: uninstall the overlay-scrollbars package (or was it scrollbar-overlay>)19:40
carli2the problem that i have with unity is that it's too slow for daily use. but wayland can change this19:41
compdocGentoo64, I run Ubuntu 11.04 desktop on several headless servers. And I cant get vncserver to work right with Unity. If I could get something like gnome2 running, I'd be able to switch to 11.10. If I cant run vnc4server, the 11.10 is useless to me19:41
Gentoo64compdoc: try xubuntu 11.1019:41
Gentoo64has no unity ofc19:42
nocilisit was running fine until I tried changing the layout, then it went unresponsive and crashed, so I killed the process. now it won't start again19:42
xrdodrxcarli2, I doubt wayland will do anything to change that as you'll be running X compatibility mode on top of it most of the time, but that's a story for another day ;-)19:42
carli2xrdodrx: when i hit the windows key, there is a huge delay after the dock window shows up19:42
devishwhen i am giving make install for nmap it says "make: *** No rule to make target `libnetutil/libnetutil.a', needed by `nmap'.  Stop."19:42
xrdodrxcarli2, what are the specs of your computer?19:43
devishwhat is this19:43
Picidevish: nmap is in the repositories, you shouldn't need to compile it yourself.19:43
Gentoo64devish: did you do ./configure make make install?19:43
ActionParsnipdevish: nmap is in the repos, why not use that?19:43
carli2xrdodrx: CEDAR GPU, Phenom II, 16GB RAM19:43
Andrew131Is there a known problem with the zeitgeist-daemon after an upgrade to 11.10?19:43
devishPici Gentoo64  for the latest19:43
carli2xrdodrx: but i'm happy with awesome window manager (if there werent those bugs from ubuntu)19:44
HoussemHello, I'm searching an application that backup all my system before upgrading to 11.10 (if I want to get back the 11.04)19:44
Andrew131Ive got it taking up all my free ram19:44
devishGentoo64: yes i did ./configure successfully19:44
xrdodrxcarli2, now you're just being silly.19:44
Gentoo64devish: hmm idk i compiled 5.9 other day fine19:44
Gentoo64Houssem: clonezilla19:44
xrdodrx!clonezilla | Houssem19:44
carli2xrdodrx: why? what exactly was "Silly"?19:45
ubottuUbuntu bug 863878 in network-manager-applet (Ubuntu) "Shared Internet Connection is disconnecting immediately" [Undecided,New]19:45
devishGentoo64: ./configure gave a dragon too19:45
enapupe_Hi, I'm trying to configure ubuntu to access my other windows computer, following some tutorials found on google but this unity isn't helping on the step by step.. can anyone recommend an easy tutorial?19:45
ActionParsnipdevish: what is in the new one you need?19:45
xrdodrxcarli2, There is no way you're running Unity on a Phenom II, and I seriously hope you're not expecting it to perform at all on 15+ year old hardware...19:45
Gentoo64ActionParsnip: has loads of new stuff19:45
iceroot!samba | enapupe_19:46
ubottuenapupe_: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.19:46
hitttpici: overlay-scrollbar is already the newest version.19:46
devishActionParsnip: but compiling should also not be aissue19:46
hitttMaybe you lost a step? ^^19:46
carli2xrdodrx: do you know what a pgenom II is? did youn ever hear of AMD=19:46
ActionParsnipdevish: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc19:46
Andrew131Any known problems with the Zeitgeist dameon taking up all your ram after 11.10 upgrade?19:46
ActionParsnipdevish: not an issue, trying to save time and effort19:46
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution19:47
xrdodrxcarli2, LOL, oh god, I'm sorry :P I thought you said "Pentium II"19:47
Picihittt: remove it. Not install it. That will get rid of the weird scrollbars, which is what you wanted, right?19:47
ActionParsnipdevish: i may be able to find you a ppa19:47
xrdodrxignore me, 3 hrs sleep last night ._.19:47
carli2xrdodrx: you're silly19:47
xrdodrxcarli2, I'm the silly one, that's for sure :(19:47
Houssem11.10 have problems with ATI cards ?19:47
hitttPici: oh! i thought i should install it!19:47
devishActionParsnip: that will be good but i want to give one more try19:47
RedWarHey all, did we have an xorg.conf file for 11.04 originally?  or was that not put in?19:48
Gentoo64devish try again19:48
newjoeI installed gnome-shell from the app store, and restarted selecting gnome from the gear menu. Gnome 3.2 does not appear to be properly installed. How do I fix it?19:48
nocilisgoing to try a reboot19:48
devishActionParsnip: oneiric19:48
ActionParsnipdevish: I found a PPA for natty at 5.5119:48
h00knewjoe: Gnome 3.2 is installed by default on 11.10, what version of Ubuntu are you on?19:48
ActionParsnipdevish: ah, i'll keep digging19:48
RedWarI am looking at a reinstall tonight, becauseI think the main problem has to do with a bad upgrade for 11.10. I had muliple xfce clients, and I may have failed to disable Compiz before performing the upgrade.19:49
carli2https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager-applet/+bug/863878 <- annoying bug19:49
ubottuUbuntu bug 863878 in network-manager-applet (Ubuntu) "Shared Internet Connection is disconnecting immediately" [Undecided,New]19:49
Houssem11.10 have problems with ATI cards ?19:49
RedWarThe listing in that Ubotu showed helps with the resolution, but I  currently have no control over sound or brightness now.19:49
* RedWar is perturbed19:50
syntaci can't get SSH and ChrootDirectory to work for a user. i created a jail environment, the password is authenticated, but the connection is immediately terminated. any ideas?19:50
icerootsyntac: ssh -vvv19:50
conntracki spy with my little eye19:50
h00knewjoe: What do you mean, Gnome3.2 doesn't appear to be installed? Are you seeing breakage somehow?19:50
syntaciceroot, OpenSSH_5.9p1, OpenSSL 1.0.0e 6 Sep 201119:50
h00knewjoe: okay...like what?19:50
newjoegnome 3.2 has a side bar19:50
newjoethis does not19:50
conntracksomething beginning with slash19:50
newjoegnome 3.2 has activities butgton19:50
newjoethis does not19:50
newjoeit looks like a broken gnome classic19:51
xrdodrx!enter | newjoe19:51
ubottunewjoe: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:51
brontosaurusrexnewjoe, thats gnome-shell19:51
ActionParsnipdevish: https://launchpad.net/~pi-rho/+archive/security?field.series_filter=oneiric    nmap 5.51 for oneiric19:51
hitttPackage overlay-scrollbar is not installed, so not removed19:51
hitttits still there - AAAAH!19:51
xrdodrxhittt, restart X19:51
devishGentoo64: ActionParsnip  in make there is a error at last line "make: *** [netutil_build] Error 2 "19:51
hitttxrdodrx: i zapped it19:51
newjoeso I want to use the gnome 3.2 shell what do i do to make that happen?19:51
xrdodrxhittt, `zapped' it?19:51
Gentoo64devish: what version is it, 5.9?19:51
hitttxrdodrx: force-quit19:51
brontosaurusrexnewjoe, afaik it need proper 3d acceleration, the gnome shell19:51
xrdodrxI see...19:52
andyvynewjoe, 'sudo apt-get gnome-shell'19:52
newjoedid that19:52
Gentoo64devish: try the website again 5.61s out19:52
devishGentoo64: yup19:52
newjoeI am running in virtual box19:52
DuelistiI'm using Acer Aspire One AOA-150 -netbook and Ubuntu 10.04 Netbook Edition.19:52
DuelistiThe only big problem I have with it is that I'm not able to change the visual effects from 'none' to 'normal' or 'extra'. It actually does let me change but it doesn't have any effect on anything. Once I close appearance settings and open it up again, the setting is back to 'none'.19:52
hatchetjackwith unity is there a way to have a task bar?19:52
brontosaurusrexclick on enable 3d acceleration and install guest modules19:52
ActionParsniphittt: sudo apt-get remove overlay-scrollbar liboverlay-scrollbar3-0.2-0 liboverlay-scrollbar-0.2-0     Source: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/10/things-to-tweak-after-installing-ubuntu.html19:52
luca__ I can't install the printer in ubuntu 11.1019:53
luca__How can I do??19:53
ActionParsnipdevish: I don't compile, I just use PPAs. Easier times19:53
Apple5can any1 help me19:53
luca__I'm not very happy of ubuntu 11.1019:53
Corey!ask | Apple519:54
ubottuApple5: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:54
h00kluca__: what printer are you having issues installing? Is it supported in Linux? How are you trying to install it? More details would be helpful.19:54
ActionParsnipluca__: run: system-config-printer19:54
benoliver999How do I go about adding a folder to the list of links on the left hand side in nautilus?19:54
devishActionParsnip: yup but sometime i do compile a key in use never get rusted19:54
Apple5i cant download with transmission19:54
Apple5even though am connected internet. I think is port or something maybe19:55
brontosaurusrexbenoliver999, add shortcut?19:55
luca__My printer is Hp Laserjet P 1102 on ubuntu 11.04 there weren't problems19:55
benoliver999brontosaurusrex: Yeag19:55
Gentoo64Apple5: ufw enable the port, and also on the router (if your not using dhcp and pnp)19:55
Apple5how do i do that19:55
syntacis it possible to have a chrooted shell connection?19:55
Gentoo64Apple5: do you use a router?19:55
Apple5i dont know i think so :/19:55
Apple5it was working earlier19:55
Gentoo64Apple5: ugh youll have to google it19:55
Gentoo64Apple5: transmission has a port checker use it see if its open19:56
Apple5there are a million ports and most are closed19:56
Gentoo64Apple5: but transmisison will check the one its using, to see if its open19:56
m_bissonI have a dual boot with win7 and I can't select safe mode during start up. Seems like the dual boot is interfering. Any ideas on how to get the windows boot menu to show?19:56
Gentoo64it should still work somewhat even with a closed port19:56
luca__I don't know what is the host19:56
Apple5there is like 10000 ports19:57
bozohello everyone! I just installed Ubuntu 11.10 and have serious trouble with the wireless connection. I have disabled ipv6 and changed power options19:57
Andrew131is the zeitgist dameon using all the free ram a known issue in 11.10?19:57
Gentoo64Apple5: edit, preferences, network, test port19:57
Apple5yes but there are 1000019:57
Apple5which are open default19:57
Gentoo64wtf are you on about?19:57
Apple5choose port : 963119:57
Gentoo64click test port19:58
Gentoo64shold say open or closed19:58
Apple5yea i said is closed19:58
rachom_bisson, did you try selecting windows and pressing f8??19:58
Travis-42whenever I write to a file, it disappears from the file system for about a second before reappearing. is that normal?19:58
Gentoo64ie the port thats in use19:58
Gentoo64Apple5: do you have upnp checked, and random port?19:58
m_bissonracho: oh yeah I was hammering on f819:58
DuelistiThe only big problem I have with it is that I'm not able to change the visual effects from 'none' to 'normal' or 'extra'. It actually does let me change but it doesn't have any effect on anything. Once I close appearance settings and open it up again, the setting is back to 'none'.19:58
DuelistiI'm using Acer Aspire One AOA-150 -netbook and Ubuntu 10.04 Netbook Edition.19:58
luca__I cannot install the printer HP how can i do?19:59
devishGentoo64 ActionParsnip : finally compiled (g ++ was not installed;))19:59
DeadmanIncJSwhat channel is it for general chat for Ubuntu19:59
devishActionParsnip: going to add ppa now19:59
brontosaurusrexDuelisti, you are probably running unity 2d mode19:59
Gentoo64devish: i was gona say did you install all, was it build essential?20:00
ActionParsnipDeadmanIncJS: #ubuntu-offtopic20:00
DeadmanIncJSthanks Action20:00
Duelistibrontosaurusrex, I'm using gnome session20:00
ZeikeDoes anybody know why changes I make in ccsm don't get saved in 11.10?20:00
DuelistiDoes it matter?20:00
Andrew131Is it possible to disable the zeitgeist daemon?20:00
powersurgeanyone in here ever futz with wminput?20:02
devishGentoo64: yup make 's dependency20:02
powersurgeor can point me to a more specialized channel?20:02
Andrew131Can anyone read what I'm writing?20:02
powersurgeAndrew131: I see it20:02
Gentoo64Andrew131: no20:02
fritschAndrew131: loud and clearly20:02
Andrew131Alright cool20:02
DeadmanIncJSnobody i there wants to talk :(  hahah20:02
Max00355hey all!20:03
devishhow to add ppa when i add it gives me a 40420:03
Gentoo64devish: you cant20:03
Gentoo64devish: i thought you compild it?20:03
ZeikeThe permissions on /var/run/mpd reset everytime I reboot, anybody know how to prevent that?20:03
fritschZeike: add chown mpd:mpd /var/run/mpd to /etc/rc.local20:04
fritschZeike: but rather file a bug20:04
VCoolioAndrew131: you want to disable this session or future also?20:04
usr13devish: 404 means it is an error, not there, server is down, etc.  not much you can do about it, if the URL is correct, you just have to wait until the server is repaired.20:04
wulf`im trying to install ubuntu using wubi! Ive the ISO downloaded but it starts downloading it instead of using the ISO. (11.10)20:04
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
Zeikefritsch: but do you know what's resetting the permissions each boot?20:04
bsmith093ok uve probably gotten 1000 of these today, but is it worth upgrading to this from lucid20:04
fritschZeike: nope20:04
HundI just installed Ubuntu, but the buttons are on the right side? How do I get em to the left side?20:04
ChesterXhi, i just installed some keyboard input methods and now i unfortunately can not use my dead keys anymore. Is there an input method that i can install supporting them? (e.g. german dead or something alike for ibus)20:04
fritschZeike: this is what i would looking for first20:04
Andrew131VCoolio, from looking it looks like I lose unity if I do that so Im going to file a bug report20:04
devishGentoo64: yes i compiled it and running it , but actionp* gave me a link of ppa and it looks quite good it has almost all the updated softwares20:04
Gentoo64devish: if its popular and 404 try it later maybe20:05
usr13bsmith093: That is entirely up to the individual.20:05
fritschZeike: how do you hange the permissions after you booted?20:05
wulf`im trying to install ubuntu using wubi! Ive the ISO downloaded but it starts downloading it instead of using the ISO. (11.10)20:05
devishGentoo64: they are keeping there the compiled software i think20:05
VCoolioAndrew131: ok, if you want it gone, edit or remove /etc/xdg/autostart/zeistgeist-datahub.desktop20:05
Max00355ewww no Wubi20:05
lauratikaplease help... ubuntu  all of the sudden change icon set to gnome and cant change it to anything else any idea how to solve this?20:05
Max00355please just install it to a flash drive with unetbootin20:06
slydawgDoes anyone know how to add stuff to the top panel with Unity?20:06
Max00355much easier20:06
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:06
bsmith093is there a fork with just the security stuff, that doesnt change the gnome interface, bc ive spent a lot of time customising mine, and i dont want to have to relearn if i upgrade20:06
blahsphemerIm on ubuntu 10.04. with kernel version 2.6.32-34. I need to downgrade the kernel version to How do I do this?20:06
bnovcI just updated to 11.10, and now when I type my password on the login screen, it gose black, and then it goes back to the login screen. I can login via a terminal20:06
Andrew131Thanks VCoolio20:06
jovinanyone knows a good IDE for c++/vala ?20:06
Andrew131I didnt realize until just now that the daemon is linked with unity20:06
Zeikefritsch: what?20:06
Max00355Just install the plugins20:06
Andrew131So I'll screw myself if I do that20:06
jovinnah netbeans is bugged with unity20:07
fritschZeike: if you boot and see the right wrong - what are you doing then?20:07
Max00355hmm try Eclipse then20:07
jovineclipse does support Vala?20:07
Gentoo64Apple5: any luck?20:07
devishcan anyone veryfy that ppa is down20:07
Max00355Yea i think there is a plugin for it20:07
Zeikefritsch: if the see the... right wrong?20:07
fritschZeike: you issue chown -R mpd:mpd /var/run/mpd?20:07
VCoolioif your system get unusable because of ram usage, you have little choice, or install xubuntu-desktop and log in on an xfce session20:07
fritschZeike: sorry for my bad english: the rights of the folder20:07
VCoolioAndrew131: ^^20:07
bsmith093is theer a pastebin for images20:07
CaptWhodoes anyone have a url for downloading the netbook version?  I've been looking around the ubuntu site and for some reason I'm missing it.20:07
Max00355are there any php irc channels?20:08
Gentoo64bsmith093: googl image upload20:08
Zeikefritsch: its ok.  Yeah, well I run mpd as my local user, so I have to chown -R brandon:audio /var/run/mpd20:08
brontosaurusrexCaptWho, there isnt one afaik20:08
Andrew131VCoolio, ?20:08
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:08
fritschZeike: ah then your problem ist just in mpd conf20:08
fritschZeike: just add hier, that mpd is run with your user20:08
fritschZeike: so the init script will do the right thing20:08
CaptWhothe site says there is, just can't locate it20:08
Fallballahello there20:08
lauratikaanyone please?20:09
eadricI 'm having an install issue20:09
Zeikefritsch: no, mpd.conf has the correct user set.  But each boot /var/run/mpd is set to mpd:audio20:09
Max00355what do you need?20:09
fritschZeike: in /etc/mpd.conf there is user variable20:09
VCoolioAndrew131: ah, I wrote something but forgot to address you, two lines above my ^^20:09
fritschZeike: change it to "your username"20:09
fritschZeike: per default it is owned by mpd user20:09
CaptWhoor am i reading that you can just install the netbook version off the standard ISO image?\20:09
fritschZeike: btw. why are you running it with your rights?20:10
Andrew131VCoolio, should I report it as a bug?20:10
bsmith093heres my desktop does gnome 3 change this much/ http://www.picvalley.net/v.php?p=u/2424/194236195415893377061318882153sLwenZBNRC7xs72eS9ib.PNG20:10
brontosaurusrexCaptWho, yes, there is no separate version20:10
eadricanyone know how to solve not finding a harddisk in the installer which the rest of the liveCD can find20:10
Zeikefritsch: the variable in mpd.conf is set to my username.  I'm running it with my rights because that's the only way to get it to play nice with pulseaudio.20:10
Andrew131I just upgraded and now its all slow as garbage because its using up all my ram and slowly eating up my swap20:10
VCoolioAndrew131: I don't know, if you think it's not your fault and zeitgeist-daemon is to blame, yes20:10
fritschZeike: oh i see20:11
Andrew131Yea def. everything was perfect until I upgraded to 11.1020:11
FallballaJust a short question: made a fresh installation of oneiric and installed fglrx-driver (using hd6950). fglrxinfo gives the correct output, but systeminformation still shows vesa in use...is that normal?20:11
fritschZeike: you could use the hack in /etc/rc.local then20:11
user__I agree andrew131.20:11
Zeikefritsch: I guess that's what I'll have to do, thanks20:11
fritschZeike: mkdir -p /var/run/mpd ; chown youruser:yourgroup -R /var/run/mpd20:11
Andrew131still love ubuntu though20:12
slydawgWith the Unity, is there anyway to add stuff to the top panel?20:12
user__looks like ubuntu is in bed with mac20:12
subr00t_what this folder is for ~/.cache/checkbox??? its 19 Gb on my box, and keep getting bigger :s20:12
Gentoo64subr00t_, delete it20:12
user__its like windows and mac slept together and made 11.1020:12
Gentoo64user__, 11.04 was the same basically20:13
=== JoFo_ is now known as JoFo
subr00t_Gentoo64, what make it that big?20:13
fdsahow do i set list view as default?20:13
Gentoo64subr00t_, idk what it is20:13
user__but at least I could roll back to the best20:13
Gentoo64fdsa, in nautilus opitons20:13
Randolphhi all20:13
meerkatscan anyone tell me how to recover a password stored in thunderbird?20:13
fdsawhere is that at?20:14
Gentoo64user__, whats that?20:14
Gentoo64fdsa, top menu preferences i think20:14
user__not sure what its called but I liked it20:14
biagidpAnyone know of a way to register Pidgin with the Unity social notification widget?20:14
user__the old look. you know what im talking about gentoo6420:14
hatchetjackcan I not add a weather applet in unity?20:14
fdsaim using unity.. i cant find it20:14
Gentoo64user__, yea.. 10.10 was the last one to have that by default20:15
Gentoo64fdsa, i think it hides the menu, try hovering over the top bar20:15
juniourhey i am running ubuntu in virtual box,i wann it to run in full screen how to do that?20:15
RandolphI wanted to know if there is a solution to delete the watermark "AMD Unsupported Hardware" with Ubuntu 11.10 ?20:15
user__yeah I loved it. was like a real desktop environment gentoo6420:15
Gentoo64juniour, install guest additions and view>fullscreen20:15
slydawgbiagidp, go to Edit --> Preferences --> security --> passwords20:15
biagidpjuniour: you need to install the guest additions20:15
fritschRandolph: yes there is - a hacky own. The non hacking method ist to install a fglrx version which supports your hardware20:15
vividis anyone able to get system tray items to show with unity 2d?20:16
Gentoo64juniour, guest addidiotns are also in additional drivers20:16
slydawg@biagidp, then click saved passwords20:16
fritschRandolph: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/ATI_Catalyst20:16
biagidpslydawg: Edit in what menu?20:16
juniourthanks gentoo64 and biagidp20:16
fritschRandolph: look at the section where is: Remove this Watermark - at your own(!) risk20:16
biagidpjuniour: np20:16
Randolph@Fritsch : oki doki20:16
m`http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11344936 I don't understand how to use nspluginwrapper. Do I just install it? flash not working yet...20:17
juniourhey i am installing the gest addition20:17
usr13blahsphemer: sudo apt-get install linux-image-2.6.32-25-38620:17
slydawgsorry, wrong user20:17
Gentoo64juniour, do that then reboot and check fullscreen20:17
biagidpslydawg: haha, I thought I was getting trolled. Was working out a clever counter-troll :-P20:17
Andrew131Bug report filed20:17
user__does anyone know if there is a way put the taskbar back on this dang thing? and how about the thing that used to be at the top. takes a long time going through all the steps to find the applications I want.20:17
blahsphemerusr13, thanks.20:17
Randolph@fritschI : will try it later because I am away from my work computer20:17
Andrew131hope it gets fixed soon so I can upgrade my laptop20:17
=== tensorpudding_ is now known as tensorpudding
meerkatsslydawg, what?20:18
Triscar0i have mad a folder in /var/www/ but dont have permission to add files, what command to use ?20:18
Randolph@fritsch: it' a laptop dell M460020:18
slydawgmeerkats, go to Edit --> Preferences20:18
slydawgmeerkat, then go to Security and click on the Passwords tab20:19
usr13blahsphemer:   Or:  sudo apt-get install linux-image-2.6.32-25-generic20:19
rhizmoeis there anything i can do to raise windows/viewports from an indicator rather than just having the icon wiggle in the dock/dash?20:19
slydawgmeerkat, then click saved passwords and there should be a "show passwords" option20:19
blahsphemerusr13, oh okay./20:19
usr13blahsphemer: apt-cache search 2.6.32-2520:19
usr13blahsphemer: Probably just do the generic one20:19
meerkatsmany thanks slydawg you saved my day20:20
rhizmoefor instance, new mail indicator, click on 'inbox' or whatever from the indicator, thunderbird icon starts wiggling. why not just go to thunderbird?20:20
blahsphemerusr13, alright.20:20
slydawgmeerkats, no worries20:20
brontosaurusrexTriscar0, chown user:user /var/www/myfolder20:20
slydawgbiagidp, if you find out how to do that with pidgin let me know20:20
erkan^I cannot found --> Java Sun inplugin20:20
brontosaurusrexTriscar0, sudo chown user:user /var/www/myfolder20:20
Caspase3What does loading a wireless module with sudo modprobe [module] nohwcrypt=1 do?20:21
usr13erkan^: should already be there.20:21
Triscar0thnx brontosaurusrex20:21
Gentoo64Caspase3, no idea. either disable encryption or use software accel i guess20:21
erkan^i cannot found in synpatics, usr1320:21
slydawgSo does anyone know how to add to the top panel in unity?  I think it is a huge waste of space as it sits20:22
DaveD0101Hello all.  After the recent update, dragging an open window around the desktop is real slow choppy.  Is there some way to correct that?20:22
erkan^i use 11.1020:22
juniourgentoo64 it worked20:22
brontosaurusrexTriscar0, basically you have to keep in mind that the server is then another user as well and it may have limited access to "your" files20:22
Gentoo64juniour, cool20:22
slydawgused to I could right-click and "add to panel" but not in Unity20:22
Gentoo64juniour, if you maximise the window rather than fullscreen, or change the window size it should adjust the res also20:23
Gentoo64i prefer it maximised than fullscreen so i can minimize it easily20:23
banishedHi, I've just upgraded to Ubuntu 11.10, but now my screen doesn't redraw properly anymore anymore (only when I move a window) - there is no difference wheather I use Unity 2D or not (nvidia)20:23
alexxiohow to remove the whole openoffice by the terminal command?20:23
vividdoes anyone know how to get system tray items in unity 2d?20:23
juniourgentoo64 k20:23
Gentoo64alexxio, apt-get purge openoffice i think20:24
Trashihi guys. if i shutdown my ubuntu 11.10 with the help of the unity enviroment it needs 2minutes until all applications are killed and system get down really. i think there are apps which cannot get down or so far. how is it possible to reduce that timeout frame?20:24
ChesterXalexxio: sudo apt-get remove openoffice*.*20:24
alexxiooh i have an important question20:24
usr13erkan^: apt-cache search sun-java20:24
erkan^ok i go search20:24
alexxiohave you ever heard about streamer (webcam capture command from shell), it doesnt work20:25
diskineticmaximized firefox hides unity dock, won't reappear on left edge hover... that's a bug, right?20:25
fester-Do you know some terminal emulation 3270 Console for Ubuntu ?20:25
Gentoo64diskinetic, yes if youve closed ff or minimised it etc20:25
slydawgalexxio, apt-get autoremove openoffice.org20:25
alexxiostreamer -c /dev/video0 -b 16 -o outfile.jpeg20:26
alexxiofiles / video: JPEG (JFIF) / audio: none20:26
alexxiono way to get: 320x240 JPEG (JFIF)20:26
alexxiomovie writer initialisation failed20:26
FloodBot1alexxio: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:26
juniourgentoo64 you know how to share folder of host for guest20:26
alexxiosorry for flood20:26
alexxiothat's the error i get20:26
alexxioi can't come out of this20:26
Gentoo64juniour, in vbox options theres shared folders20:26
erkan^http://paste.ubuntu.com/711306/ --> they have not plugin for mozilla, usr1320:26
juniourgentoo i am doing it not workin20:26
juniouri also go for mounting20:26
Gentoo64juniour, i cant help tbh i havent used shared folders in years20:26
DaveD0101Anyone have any thoughts on why dragging a window around would drag real bad?20:27
Gentoo64juniour, try joining #vbox or googling virtualbox shared folders20:27
brontosaurusrexalexxio, what are you trying to do?20:27
Gentoo64Dave123, prob the vid drivers20:27
Gentoo64Dave123, worked smooth as silk in vbox for me20:27
doguito1hello,  which tool is the best for network management under LXDE?=20:28
DaveD0101Gentoo64, I'll take a look, maybe it killed the old "restricted" ones20:28
juniouri know some common line method20:28
juniourit used to work20:28
Gentoo64Dave123, try uninstalling the restricted ones then reinstalling maybe... worth a try20:28
juniourbut i dont know why it not workin20:28
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alexxio@brontosaurusrex: trying to capture a webcam image from remote shell20:29
alexxioi used to use streamer, it was running fine, then at a sudden moment it don't work..20:29
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* Whowhatwhenwhere laughs @ _-XPERT-_20:29
DaveD0101Gentoo64, Will do.  Though now the "dash" thing won't come up.  Brb.. and thanks.20:29
brontosaurusrexalexxio, tryed anything else, mplayer maybe? ffmpeg?20:30
Nova685in ubuntu 11.04 nautilus used to show the remaining hard drive space in the bottom of the window when you were browsing, in ubuntu 11.10 it doesnt can anyone tell me how to make it show that information?20:30
biagidpslydawg: haha, I thought I was getting trolled. Was working out a clever counter-troll :-P20:31
biagidpslydawg: oops, fat finger, sorry20:31
biagidpAnyone know of a way to register Pidgin with the Unity social notification widget?20:31
alexxio@brontosaurusrex: actually streamer was the best one because with an only line i could save the image, and mplayer and ffmpeg requires X running if i remember correctly20:31
brontosaurusrexoh yeah, that might be so20:32
Randolph@fritsch: cross my fingers20:32
Trashihi guys. if i shutdown my ubuntu 11.10 with the help of the unity enviroment it needs 2minutes until all applications are killed and system get down really. i think there are apps which cannot get down or so far. how is it possible to reduce that timeout frame?20:32
magikgimpHa! My box shuts down in 0.3 seconds... and Firefox has to go into recovery mode on every reboot...20:33
Randolph@fritsch: do not work :(20:33
brontosaurusrexbtw, you can do it with oneliner with mplayer as well - copy paste : mplayer tv:// -tv driver=v4l:device=/dev/video0:width=320:height=240:outfmt=rgb24 -frames 1 -vo jpeg20:33
fritschRandolph: you rebooted?20:33
juniourgentoo64 its done20:34
fritschRandolph: okay, what version of catalyst are you running on which hardware?20:34
Randolph@fritsch: provide by the last ubuntu20:34
Randolph@fritsch: 11.1020:34
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alexxio@brontosaurusrex: i used your command, where did he save the file?20:35
fritschRandolph: what hardware do you have?20:35
SunTsuDamn, recreating initramfs didn't help with my system trying to mount the wrong lvm volume as root fs. kernel gets passed the right root variablem, still my box tries to mount the wrong one20:35
brontosaurusrexalexxio, to pwd i guess20:35
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mongyAnyone know how to get decent window decoration with compiz in xubuntu, emerald is no longer in the repo20:35
SunTsuMy root volume is /dev/mapper/system-root, cryptroot tries to mount /dev/mapper/system - system of course is the name of the volume group...20:36
fritschRandolph: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fglrx-installer/+bug/858581 <- 6650M?20:36
ubottuUbuntu bug 858581 in fglrx-installer (Ubuntu) "[Oneiric] [Kubuntu] Unsupported hardware watermark with fglrx on Radeon HD 6650M (regression)" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:36
Randolph@fritsch: i try something, there are 2 emplacements for fglrx_drv.so20:36
SunTsuany idea how to debug that?20:36
fritschRandolph: there should be only one20:36
juniourmongy sudo apt-get install compiz20:36
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zambai can't believe how canonical have fscked up the latest version of ubuntu.. totally unbelievable.. heads must roll20:37
Randolph@fritsch: locate fglrx_drv.so20:37
mongyjuniour: compiz isnt the issue, setting a nice window theme is, and I cant since emerald no longer exists in the repos20:37
zambauniversial access is impossible to remove from the panel20:37
Randolph@fritsch: return 2 places20:38
Randolph@fritsch: cool20:39
zambaand what about applications that's already running.. where do they go?20:39
Randolph@fritsch: my modification rules20:39
juniourmongy which version of xubuntu are you using20:39
fritschRandolph: so it is working?20:39
mongyjuniour: 11.1020:39
Randolph@fritsch: need to replace DRIVER=/usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/fglrx_drv.so20:39
florianaciao a tutti20:39
rhizmoei never get sick of flash crashing in chrome20:40
ZeikeChanges I make in CCSM are not saved across sessions.  Anybody know a fix?20:40
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Randolph@fritsch: by DRIVER=/usr/lib/fglrx/xorg/modules/drivers/fglrx_drv.so20:40
Randolph@fritsch: so yes it is working20:41
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Whowhatwhenwhere!it | floriana20:41
ubottufloriana: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)20:41
Randolph@fritsch: great thank for the link20:41
juniourmongy have you install emerald20:41
WhowhatwhenwhereHi floriana.20:41
mongyjuniour: its not in the repo20:42
crooks306Has anyone calibrated their screen with a spyder in linux?20:42
mrsunomg, i think ubuntu is getting slower and slower for every freakin release....20:42
sulumarhi all20:42
mrsunand where the heck is all the settings20:43
Whowhatwhenwheremrsun: Then use Xubuntu or Lubuntu.20:43
sulumari have some issues with the launcher20:43
Martijnvdchello, i don't know if this is the right place to ask, but i have a question about the 'read' command: can i set a maximum amount of characters? where typing more than the maximum would not echo the last character?20:43
WhowhatwhenwhereOr wait until Unity/gnome3 gets better.20:43
Eyes_hey, i just did a distrobution upgrade to 11.10, and now the computer is rufusing to boot on the new 3.0 kernel. anyone willin to help me out on the matter?20:43
sulumarwhen i put my curser on the side it wont show up20:43
juniourmongy i thin it has been removed from repo20:43
rachognome3 is getting better...can't say the same for unity though (personal opinion)20:43
mongyjuniour: yes, I know.  I20:44
mongyjuniour: I'd like to know if there is another way20:44
juniourmongy wait i am googling for it20:44
yashyFollowing the soundtroubleshooting guide, everything looks good except aplay simply won't play anything? http://pastebin.com/9uEKyuu420:45
juniourif i will get i will tell you20:45
Eyes_hey, i just did a distrobution upgrade to 11.10, and now the computer is rufusing to boot on the new 3.0 kernel. anyone willin to help me out on the matter?20:45
mrsunand where is synaptics ?20:45
mrsunand everything else20:45
jakbrihi all. I Am using nvidias closed source binary drivers and I am having trouble getting the unity to work - the unity 2d works fine, but when I log in with the accelerated desktop I get no UI - the background shows, the top bar shows (with nothing in it). The mouse cursor does show, and sometimes when I move it around it turns into a "I" indicating there is a text box below it. Is this a know issue?20:46
droid1110Eyes, i've the same problem, create another user and copy across your files.20:47
yashyupdated pastebin showing what is working with sound, and what is not http://pastebin.com/2pqGnPr420:47
droid1110Im going to have to rebuild, I cant mount ext HDD's with the new user20:47
jforjackjohnsoncan't go in ot. have i got a life ban20:50
jforjackjohnsonalso OFTC#debian have banned me for life.20:50
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auronandace!guidelines | jforjackjohnson20:52
ubottujforjackjohnson: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines20:52
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=== EMMA is now known as emma
organikshow is oneric for netbooks?20:52
jforjackjohnsonI'd just like to know, is this a life ban? Because you will get me into a c22 my winding me up so much I'll get banned from here, too,.20:53
Myrttiwelcome to discuss it in #ubuntu-ops20:53
jforjackjohnsonnot, soz20:53
chad__How can I disable my Elantech touch pad. I've since forgotten after a new install.20:54
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=== PlzDontHckMe is now known as minthy_fresh
gwbWhen I run update manager, while installing updates, it pauses.  If I open Details, I can see that it looks like the output from the less command.  I have to enter q to get the updates to actually install.  (It does the same from the CLI).  How can I stop update Manager from stopping at that point and waiting for me?20:56
ejvgwb: use apt-get in conjunction with the --assume-yes option20:57
gwbejv: how does that help the Update Manager GUI?  Is there a setting like that for the GUI ?20:58
polecatI've been getting a "Serious errors have been found while mounting drive /, /cryo, and /angus (my 3 different physical drives) at startup.  I've never had this problem before and the fact that it gives me all three of them all of a sudden is scary!  It says it every time I boot now, though I have no performance loss or data corruption.  fsck is the way to check the drive for errors, correct?20:58
ejvthere's also --force-yes too20:58
ejvthe GUI is inferior, use the command line20:58
maxtmahemOkay, after fixing my bajorked GRUB, I'm into the latest. However, on a normal boot I hang at "checking battery state" however, if I go in from Recover console-continue boot, I boot up fine. Thoughts?20:59
gwbejv: I might agree with you, but I still gotta wonder what is causing this.  At the CLI, I don't mind the prompt, since it makes me read the log20:59
magikgimpCan I add myself to the help queue please?21:00
ejvmagikgimp: huh?21:00
boig01Just installed 11.10 on my PC (nVidia 7600) and after 1st reboot, got nVidia proprietary installed.  I just got 640x480 and ran apt-get install nvidia-latest (or something like that), now i have only black screen (D-Sub no signal).  Can't get to console (CTRL-ALT-F1), totally stuck!21:00
magikgimpCan I ask a question next?21:01
thiebaudejust ask a question if you have one, magikgimp21:01
ejvmagikgimp: ask and people will randomly chime in *if* they can help you, there is no help queue21:01
aemadridhaving problems with an upgrade from maverick to natty on one server21:02
aemadridsshd is no longer working21:02
yashymagik: Just ask your question...21:02
aemadridshift: 28: can't shift that many21:02
x3r91xi just install ubuntu in a triboot hardrive and know i can start the other os21:02
aemadridwhat in the world is going on?21:02
RedWarWhat is the issue magikgimp?21:02
yashyupdated pastebin showing what is working with sound, and what is not; any other suggestions to help me get sound working on 11.10? http://pastebin.com/2pqGnPr421:02
x3r91xi have slackware ubuntu y win721:02
Bragex9I have got major problems after upgrading to 11.10 the system will not let me log in. When I use my password the screen turns black for secpnd and then I am returned to login again. When using CTRL-ALT-F1 I am able to login. What can I do?21:03
x3r91xonly ubuntu y win7 works well21:03
jiltdilx3r91x: R u on ubuntu21:03
eNepperHi how do I connect a bluetooth keyboard to my ubuntu box? (no x on the box) I'll like it to reconnet when the box is powerd up with out puting in any pin code or any thing21:03
jiltdilx3r91x: update grub, you will find all optioin21:03
x3r91xjust update-grub?21:03
maxtmahemhrm... looks like a problem w/ lightdm hrm...21:04
maxtmahemAh.. the upgrade didn't install the greeter, that is fail.21:05
magikgimpOK, I'll fire away. Each time I reboot my router and restart my computer DHCP doesn't allocate a local IP to Ubuntu (it does in Windows). I have to delete the ethernet profile and click Auto Ethernet again to get a connection21:05
x3r91xits find it like before no changes in the grub21:05
x3r91xanyway its finding an other ubuntu install maybe residual from before21:06
x3r91xi just upgrade from 11.421:06
xp_prgI upgraded to ubuntu 11 and now I don't know how to graphically mount a windows share, can anyone tell me please?21:06
jen__is oneiric ocelot worth the update or no?21:06
RedWarwhat version of Ubuntu do you have magikgimp?21:06
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x3r91xhow can i clean up grub?21:06
thethhhello. brasero says its missing this quicktime demuxer plugin. how do i install it?21:07
magikgimpLatest, 11.10, all updates21:07
thiebaudejen__ for me it was21:07
cordovalhi any one using suphp, just upgraded to latest ubuntu and my setup stops working21:07
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cordovalany thought s21:07
thiebaudeim using fallback gnome21:07
jen__ahhh whats the command for the update?21:07
jen__sudo apt get update?21:07
xwarmanHi. can someone tell me, how to use the desktop-magnifier in unity? Settings in disabilityaccess seem not to work. thanks.21:07
intExHey everybody. I have some questions about Gnome Shell. Is there a channel for Shell support?21:07
cordovalusing the latest update, is ubuntu handling permissions somewhat diferently?21:08
Drakjen__, sudo apt-get update21:08
Drakjen__, sudo apt-get safe-upgrade21:08
jiltdilx3r91x: restart your system and se all the OS , also  it was not another ubuntu i think it was just the other kernel21:08
x3r91xok thanks ill try21:09
jen__Drak, second command wont work21:09
Drakjen__, sorry, try sudo apt-get upgrade21:09
RedWarmagikgimp.  have you checked your network interfaces edit file?21:10
jen__Drak, that one worked yes21:10
Drakjen__, :D21:10
boig01How to fall back to generic graphic drivers in Ubuntu 11.10 ?  I have black screen and can't even get to the console!21:10
boig01(just booted in live CD)21:10
hatchetjackindicator-weather shows wrong sunrise/sunset.21:10
jen__Drak, thanks G21:10
jiltdilx3r91x: the command is    sudo update-grub21:11
magikgimpWhat's the point? I have to delete the old profile and make a new one to get it working; I mean I'm sure there's another way but that works.21:11
magikgimpIs that what you meant?21:11
xwarmanCan someone tell me, how to use the desktop-magnifier in unity? Settings in disabilityaccess seem not to work. thanks.21:11
RedWarmagikgimp yes. you did an upgrade, not an install. I am having some simimlar issues but with dsiplay and sound properties21:12
RedWarI am assuming its an upgrade btw magikgimp so.. if its an install, different situation.21:12
RedWarBut both require a fresh install or... editing of profiles  first21:12
* RedWar feels for magikgimp21:12
magikgimpIt's a fresh install, main ISO from the main page on the website21:12
phiscibejust  a WORD to the wise or at least those with bugs...this is crazy CRAZY its seems that recently a move has been to move start up dameons out of init.d  and use Upstart jobs instead, so nothing starts dbus or ibus or practlicaly any sevice correclty anymore21:13
phiscibebroken isnt the word21:13
RedWarI ll be doing this that work tonight, just make sure you back up everything, you know the deal.21:13
polecatI've been getting a "Serious errors have been found while mounting drive /, /cryo, and /angus (my 3 different physical drives) at startup.  I've never had this problem before and the fact that it gives me all three of them all of a sudden is scary!  It says it every time I boot now, though I have no performance loss or data corruption.  fsck is the way to check the drive for errors like this, correct?21:13
RedWarYeah... so thats looking like manual edit on profiles.21:14
vanqual o endereço do canal brasileiro?21:14
magikgimpI installed ddclient to send my IP to OpenDNS if that's any help but I've stopped it launching at startup with chkconfig now with no change21:14
MonkeyDust!pt| van21:14
ubottuvan: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.21:14
MonkeyDustfas favor21:15
magikgimpClever bot21:15
=== PlzDontHckMe is now known as minthy_fresh
RedWar!es | RedWar21:16
ubottuRedWar, please see my private message21:16
RedWarWell.. hmm...  must be spanish21:16
zmbmartinanyone know when you transfer a domain from one registrar to another does the dns info transfer as well?21:17
magikgimpAre you guys saying this is a bug that hasn't been squashed yet? If so, is there a way of asking the router for an IP like you can in Windows (repair connection)? I need to keep custom DNS settings you see21:17
RedWarThanks bottu lol21:17
shantorni have 11.10 and have installed nvidia driver 173 per recomendation, can anyone tell me or show me how to set up my flat screen on the vga port at a resolution higher than 800x600, i believe i need to manualy edit something to do it but havent the slightest clue where to look21:17
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shantorni have dual monitors21:18
magikgimpClassic old problem shantorn from what I've read. Are you sure you needed to install a driver?21:18
magikgimpInstalling drivers for my fairly old card has resulted in two fresh installs21:19
magikgimp(as in it f**ked everything up and I had to start again)21:19
jiltdilHi how to fix cheese , it is giving bad pic quality21:19
charminthemooseHey all, where does ubuntu 11.04 keep the xorg.conf file for default installs or does it probe the hardware everytime?21:19
magikgimpIsn't xorg.conf redundant now?21:19
magikgimpWasn't that the point?21:20
sir_tyrionHow to launch network connections from the command line?21:20
organikshow is oneric for netbooks?21:20
jforjackjohnsoncharminthemoose, both kinda. You can create an Xorg.conf then modify it, but me no clue.21:20
sir_tyrionomg why is NetworkManger capitalized21:21
aemadridcan't get sshd to start21:21
aemadridon natty21:21
RedWarxorg can still be used, if necessary.. but its mostly empty magikgimp21:21
henchman24(im using debian so... i could be wrong but i believe they are quite similar21:21
aemadridanybody can help me debug?21:21
sir_tyrionhenchman24, i want to run the 'network connections' gnome app from 'system->preferences' from the command line21:21
twilight0anyone here using ubuntuone?21:21
RedWarcharminthemoose, I asked that question eralier, but I think the whole set up has been to try to phase our xrog charminthemoose21:21
jen__so after I did the commands for updating the ocelot thing popped up, do I update from there?21:21
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henchman24yeah the gnome-panel thing is "NetworkManager21:22
boig01found /etc/X11/xorg.conf in 11.10 but there is almost nothing in it... I'm stock with black screen with nVidia drivers...21:22
y0shibuenas tardes21:22
mfaroukgcan I have cube in my ubuntu 11.10? what is the easiest way?21:22
twilight0y0shi: hi in other words21:22
y0shicomo paso ubuntu a ubuntu studio21:22
sir_tyrionnm-connection-editor is the command btw21:22
wobblyonionsanyone here running the new version of Ubuntu21:22
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boig01I'm trying to find a way to remove nVidia drivers and use generic...21:23
wobblyonionsneed to see how to move the taskbar from the left to the top of the screen21:23
djjonexy0shi : que quieres hacer?21:23
jforjackjohnsonHow do you tell someone this is not the correct lang chan for them?21:23
boig01Anybody knows how to do it?21:23
henchman24boig01: sounds right (left at autoprobe) you'd have to do X -configure (creates an autoprobed in ~/.xorg.conf or somethin21:23
polecatmfaroukg, install compizconfig manager from the software center and you can enable it from there21:23
Guest82401my empathy keeps segfaulting after I tried to switch to a different them, anyone know where I can edit the prefs file manually?21:23
jforjackjohnson!es | y0shi21:23
ubottuy0shi: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:23
rachoboig01, can you boot into ubuntu?21:23
henchman24so you can edit it21:23
mfaroukg polecat, thanks21:24
boig01racho: i can only boot with live CD, the installed version on hard disk get stuck with black screen...21:24
jen__what does it mean when third party is disabled?????21:24
ilyekkakaiHelp!! I upgraded my laptop to 11.04 and got a dead desktop (a mouse pointer and desktop background but no icons and no menu bar at top). I Ctrl+Alt+F1 to the terminal and upgraded to 11.10... got the same problem. blank desktop. icons never load. menu never loads. How do I fix?21:25
charminthemooseActually, to just make My problem more, direct, I can't seem to load up window managers via gdm, and turn my laptop brightness down via the function + down key combo.21:25
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jen__ilyekkakai, is this after you restarted your computer?21:25
charminthemoosefunction + up combo increases it.. but I can't decrease it :P21:25
ilyekkakaijen__, yes. rebooted several times. same result. dead desktop21:26
tjpoemy empathy keeps segfaulting every time open it up, after I tried to switch to a different them, anyone know where I can edit the prefs file manually?21:26
jen__ilyekkakai, because when it updates it tends to do that right before its going to shut down21:26
boig01henchman24: Dunno if i can run that from Live CD and copy some files to the hard disk after...21:26
Bragex9ilyekkakai: I have the same problem...21:26
jen__ilyekkakai, try to update?21:26
ilyekkakaijen__, how?21:26
LantchipsA question a friend of mine is getting this error on boot http://pastebin.com/8xhjeZCw what does it mean ?21:26
jen__ilyekkakai, alt ctl T is for a terminal21:26
mfaroukgcan I have docky with unitty ?21:26
magikgimpI had the blank desktop after installing drivers for my graphics card21:26
magikgimpUnity is a dock, lol21:27
ilyekkakaijen__, what do I do at the terminal?21:27
fdsais there any way for a unity search to be in list view?21:27
charminthemooseI can't seem to load up window managers via gdm, and turn my laptop brightness down via the function + down key combo. Function + up works fine.21:27
jen__ilyekkakai, try sudo apt-get update21:27
rachoboig01, boot from hdd and in the grub menu edit the lines "splash quiet etc" ot "nosplash nomodeset" then boot21:27
brgeHi guys. What channel do I join to ask for help?21:27
mfaroukg magikgimp, docky was with classic now unity is confusing21:28
fdsaalso, can i add directories for unity to search? cuz its not listing the files im looking for21:28
jen__ilyekkakai, then try sudo apt-get uprade21:28
jforjackjohnsonI need to have a word with Myrtti. He just closed my IRC client remotely. He keeps doign that till he's content. So do other admins.21:28
mfaroukgno adobe reader in the ubuntu 11.10?21:28
magikgimpUnity is a dock with a launcher technically.21:28
gaudid some googling and want to make sure, I have to work on a site that will only render in ie 6-8 my only options are wine and some type of virtual box? tried the winetricks ie7 and it didnt work for it, also has to have a specific version of java or so they say. anyway any other leads or are they basically my 2 choices?21:28
rachoboig01, this should bring you in ubuntu in safe graphics mode and from then either uninstall the drivers or download the latest ones21:28
Bragex9jen__> ilyekkakai: I have tried all that. Does not work. Here is a description of the problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185937321:28
Jenny87Hi there! I just put the newest ubuntu on my macbook pro but I can't seem to change the brightness21:29
bindijforjackjohnson: how do you know?21:29
Jenny87it's like the "FN" key isn't working :( can anyone help?21:29
jen__Bragex9, ilyekkakai  Im updating right now and hoping I have no problems.21:29
ilyekkakaijen__, apparently I can't even get to the terminal anymore. The whole system freezes (mouse pointer locks) as soon as the desktop background loads.21:30
jforjackjohnsonBecause I experienced it first hand bindi. He closed my IRC teletype application right in front of my eyes.21:30
bindii bet21:30
djjonexneed to install xampp dik how to21:30
boig01Racho: thanks, will try it right now!21:30
fffuuhello I need some help burning an dvd-r21:30
mfaroukgplease tell me if there adobe reader in the ubuntu 11.10?21:30
jen__ilyekkakai, sadly you may have to fresh install if you have a disc21:31
jforjackjohnsonOSRSLY - bindi I witnessed the chanoping of him, then my client closed. He prolly kb'ed me. I refused to agree to a 2 week no argue contract and now they have fallen with me into a catch 22.21:31
charminthemooseI can't seem to load up window managers via gdm, and turn my laptop brightness down via the function + down key combo. Function + up works fine.21:31
henchman24not adobe reader but something that reads pdf's just fine21:32
Gentoo64mfaroukg: i think there is. but does it have to be adobe? theres loads of pdf readers21:32
fffuuwhy is there so many problems with linux for the novice user?21:32
fffuuI installed ubuntustudio and this system is so bad..21:32
ilyekkakaijen__, I am going to try safemode boot in recovery mode from grub menu21:32
Gentoo64fffuu: whats wrong with it21:32
jen__ilyekkakai,  okay good luck21:32
fffuuit seems as if I have to do everything  myself21:32
mfaroukgsome none-english docs don't show the correct fonts but they do in the reader.21:32
rachofffuu, because my personal opinion is novice linux users should start with linux mint21:32
fffuuthis is the reason why windows and ios is winning21:33
Gentoo64fffuu: first linux install?21:33
Max00355ffffuu its because people arent use t Linux. they are use to Windows or Mac which is totaly different21:33
phiscibethis is the worst mess of bugs ive yet to see in lunix and it spans distro's21:33
henchman24all in all it helps to have some console experience, if you cant edit/move/copy files in a shell env you'll be screwed21:33
fffuuI have used linux for some years21:33
jforjackjohnsonAnd to Myrtti - boring trolls are boring. Want to use that against me? Fine. I'll add it to Slogans Worthy of a Kickban, a soon-to-be-created list of slogans like btab et al.21:33
Max00355Exactly see? you have experience21:33
fffuubut 99% of the time I use windows21:33
Gentoo64fffuu: why you sound surprised then?21:33
Gentoo64fffuu: what do you have to do yourself in ubuntu?21:33
fffuusince its so awful to operate if youre not "into" it21:34
blistovdir /tmp/bob needs to force all files created within' it, to 777.  how do I do this?21:34
ilyekkakaijen__, I am running sudo apt-get update now...21:34
mfaroukgGentoo64, henchman24, why I can't find it in the software center?21:34
henchman24find what21:34
Gentoo64mfaroukg: i think evince is built in use that21:34
fffuuI like the agenda with linux21:34
Gentoo64mfaroukg: prob need a ppa for adobe reader21:34
boig01racho: Changed grub parameters to "nosplash nomodeset" and still black screen...21:34
fffuubut for some reason I cannot install ubuntu perfect21:34
ilyekkakaijen__, restarting...21:34
Gentoo64fffuu: your problem is your running back to windows rather than sticking with it21:35
fffuuwhen I used wubi on other systems everything was perfect21:35
Max00355Why can you install it perfect?21:35
fffuunow it just fails21:35
Max00355wubi sucks21:35
Gentoo64fffuu: wubi does fail yes21:35
soothing_psyopsubuntu 11.10 is running really stable, and very nice after installing and using KDE on my Lenovo Thinkpad X22021:35
mfaroukgGentoo64, can you share it ? shall I google it?21:35
jforjackjohnsoni hate it when btab is mentioned.21:35
Max00355use Unetbootin on a ubuntu machine21:35
phiscibekde is i think getting whacked glib-netwokring consolekit too and gio, which busts polkit its its every were21:35
Gentoo64mfaroukg: yea google it i dont know the ppa name if there is one21:35
Max00355that works everytime for me21:35
Max00355on a flashdrive21:35
jforjackjohnsonnothing is perfect.21:35
Max00355ehh true21:35
Max00355but perfect enough21:35
mfaroukgGentoo64, will share it if found, thanks21:35
ralinuxhi guys why wicd-network works on gnome and not on lxde?21:35
fffuuI understand linux is a good secure os21:35
josipO have a funny bug. After uopdating to 11.10, whenever I move my mouse to the lower-right corner of the screen it freezes for a second. (this happens under gnome3, unity, awesomewm and lightdm)21:35
Gentoo64mfaroukg: no one else wnats adobe reader21:35
fffuubut if the programmers dont focus on making it more "prepared" like ubuntu it will never become standard21:36
Gentoo64mfaroukg: evince, epdfview, zathura etc are all better alternatives21:36
phiscibejosip: probably a failed dbus duno21:36
rachoboig01, hmm. you sure you removed the default video parameter ??21:36
Bragex9anyone help....cannot load my profile. Login screen appears, then I enter password for my profile, screen blinks to black and then again to login screen. Although I can start guest session with Unity. Also, restart button doesn't work under login screen. With Ctrl+Alt+F1 I can load my profile in terminal.21:36
henchman24aptitude search pdf |grep viewer21:36
fffuuand were stuck paying 100dollars for OS21:36
ilyekkakaijen__, did not work.. still utterly dead when I log in. Whole system frozen.21:36
josipphiscibe: it's peristent21:37
boig01racho: Rebooting, will have a 2nd look...21:37
Max00355why is everyone talking about these pdf readers? wont open office just do the trick?21:37
josipphiscibe: any easy fix?21:37
Gentoo64fffuu: i havent used windows since i was little. ive never been stuck with it21:37
fffuuand the flash support?21:37
Gentoo64fffuu: its fine21:37
magikgimpLinux is too complex due to its design. Windows works because it is designed on the principle of layer upon layer of fixes. Ubuntu at least seems to change every 6 months. My personal experience thus far with it is that there's a lot of promise but if you want more than standard computer use be prepared to tinker for a long time21:37
mfaroukgGentoo64, let me try those, but I am noticing that adobe is not a linux friend :(21:37
bobbyd_I upgraded to 11.10 and now I'm get a pop-up window from the calendar asking for a password. I give it my login password, but it just pops up again. It's incredibly annoying.21:37
henchman24dont think Oo opens pdf's, think it can save to pdf though21:37
Gentoo64mfaroukg: evince should be built in.21:37
rachoboig01, w821:37
phiscibeno, its a symphony of errors21:37
Max00355try 'password' for your password21:37
NoVARaifGood day all.21:37
rachoboig01, are you there?21:37
fffuugentoo64 well youre the linux person21:38
mfaroukgGentoo64, trying now21:38
fffuuI would love to go only linnux21:38
jen__ilyekkakai,  may need some higher help, Im only just a rookie21:38
fffuubeacuse I see so many programs available21:38
* henchman24 has been linux only for atleast 10years now21:38
fffuuubuntus software center is genius21:38
Max00355well why cant you?21:38
ilyekkakaiHelp my whole system is frozen after log in after I upgraded to 11.10. how do I get back to 10.10 without losing my home directory?21:38
Gentoo64fffuu: not everyone likes it. nothing stopping you using win, but if you spend more time with linux youll understand why its the way it is, and youll probably end up staying with it and realising how bad everything else it21:38
Max00355im all linux21:38
bobbyd_Max00355: was that advice for me?21:38
Max00355and i have no problem21:38
djjonexneed help with localhost ...aint working21:38
mfaroukgGentoo64, aha you mean this? this one does good but not with all arabic fonts21:38
jforjackjohnsonfffuu, I think with a lot of tinkering you can lose the deskwin (short for desktop Windows). Maybe needs BSD though.21:39
fffuuGentoo64 thats where iam now21:39
jen__ilyekkakai, im gonna go now, to see if the update will go faster21:39
boig01racho: Rebooting in live CD...21:39
Bragex9What are the terminal window command for searching for a specific file?21:39
jen__ilyekkakai, good lick21:39
mfaroukgGentoo64, trying the others21:39
Gentoo64fffuu: what, stuck between the 2?21:39
fffuuI bought a new HDD (ssd) and installed ubuntu on it21:39
fffuunow I cannot install windows beacuse I dont have the sata drivers21:39
Max00355bragex: locate21:39
myk_robinsonRunning 11.10. My lenovo laptop has intel graphics, which worked fine in 11.04. When the screen turns off, I can't wake it.. Anyone know of a know bug with this, or a possible fix?21:40
Gentoo64fffuu: xp? 7 should have them21:40
Max00355example locate terminal21:40
fffuuso I decided to stay ubuntu21:40
phiscibei like  locate Bragex9 but find is probably more verbose if u get the syntax21:40
Randolphgood night all21:40
Max00355it will show the directory where terminal is located21:40
Gentoo64fffuu: with xp youll have to use nlite and build them in21:40
fffuuthe thing is the lap I bought didnt come with a cd only a rec partition21:40
NoVARaifI have a Dell PowerEdge SC420 here at home that I run Ubuntu on, as I use it mainly for file/print services…  I had some sort of glitch during the 11.10 upgrade where the screen went black, nothing would respond, and my only option was a hard reboot.  The system will boot to the GUI login screen, and any user can log in, however the desktop, 99.8% of the time is just the background.21:40
fffuuso I have to burn it.. and it doesnt work so im stuck with linux21:40
NoVARaifI've had my desktop appear once since upgrading this weekend.21:40
Gentoo64fffuu: just stick with ubuntu. tbh last few versions have been random. its designed for new users but fails so much21:41
fffuuyes its what I will do21:41
tjpoeanyone know where the empathy prefs file is? i was testing out themes and now the app crashes every time I try to start it21:41
emdubanyone familiar with preseeding?  what is the right way to preseed using dhcp but then convert the ip derived from dhcp into a static ip on the machine?21:41
NoVARaifI've been scouring the 'net trying to get the GUI completely reset, to no avail… any suggestions would be appreciated21:41
fffuuI dont play games on the computer anymore21:41
Gentoo64fffuu: so what problems do you get?21:41
fffuuso I dont need linux21:41
jforjackjohnsonI think Debian is the answer to it. But I have too many IRC ASBOs i.e. Bans.21:41
Max00355yea i dont like any other distro to be honest Ubuntu is the best but its becoming too much like windows and mac21:41
fffuuI mean windows..21:41
fffuulinux meets all my needs nowadays21:41
* conntrack sneezes21:41
Gentoo64fffuu: so whats the problem then? :S21:41
fffuubut the movie support is terrible21:42
Gentoo64fffuu: nah its not. what gpu do you use?21:42
boig01racho: edited /etc/default/grub (on hard disk) and it had GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="nosplash nomodeset"  and GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=""21:42
* racho still wonders why most people consider Ubuntu noob-friendly21:42
fffuumy problems: I know nothing about linux21:42
fffuuGentoo I use radeon vision21:42
magikgimpMy problem I'm here for is for networking for Pete's sake but I've had problems with a lot of other things too. Oh and the Software Centre needs a redesign- there need to be a repository database that ensures all software is the latest versions. It's silly having out of date versions on the Canononical repository and then asking users to add more repositories if they want the latest versions. Oh, and I had a problem with hex-keys21:42
magikgimpafter doing that too. It's a real shame, I can't recommend Ubuntu to people yet as much as it should be possible to do everything with it.21:42
Gentoo64fffuu: it doesnt matter. youll end up needing to do stuff and learning as you go21:42
jforjackjohnsonsudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras on ubuntu.21:42
icerootracho: #gentoo21:42
fffuuits a new computer running win7 smooth21:42
virusuyi'm having some issues with unity,  when i start my PC everything goes well, but when i move my mouse to the left side of my screen, unity menu doesnt appears21:42
Gentoo64fffuu: what are you viewing videos with?21:42
fffuuso you advice me to use mint?21:42
jforjackjohnsonFor those who think Ubuntu is not noob friendly, try Debian.21:43
fffuumovie player21:43
Gentoo64fffuu: mint wont be any different21:43
magikgimpvirusuy: press the meta (Windows) key21:43
fffuubut mostly flash ..21:43
virusuymagikgimp, that's a workaround21:43
Gentoo64jforjackjohnson: what are you talking about21:43
magikgimpIt does appear sometimes but not always...21:43
fffuuGentoo so wich distro would you rec?21:43
rachoiceroot, yes gentoo is cool but come on compiling every single thing on my system just for the "extra" speed... it's rock solid as a server though21:43
Gentoo64fffuu: ubuntu or mint21:43
virusuybut, why not ?21:43
fffuubut you said it wouldnt be different with mint?21:44
jforjackjohnsonGentoo64, you do not know what Debian is? Google it!21:44
Gentoo64fffuu: no i didnt21:44
magikgimpI don't know why. Real shame I think, might get fixed soon?21:44
fffuuand i have 64 system ofc.. but ubuntu recommends 32 buts21:44
Gentoo64jforjackjohnson: no tell me what debian is, is it a distro?21:44
fffuuyou wrote mont be any different21:44
Gentoo64fffuu: its only so new users dont accidentally install 64 bit on a 32 cpu21:44
iceroot!google | jforjackjohnson21:44
ubottujforjackjohnson: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.21:44
jforjackjohnsonYes. It is the 'rock upon which Ubuntu is based'.21:44
iceroot!debian | Gentoo6421:44
ubottuGentoo64: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/what-is-debian.html - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!21:44
Bragex9so if I I use the command "sudo locate xauthority" and if nothing happens, then the file does not exist?21:45
fffuuso I should pick 64 then21:45
magikgimpThe problem with Ubuntu now is that it's so big, IMHO they need to stick to a path and get that solidly working before adding new stuff but then I guess that's been the criticism of it for a while now21:45
Gentoo64jeez how could i not have heard of debian?21:45
icerootBragex9: or your db is not the latest21:45
mvdirIs there any way to downgrade from oneiric to natty?21:45
icerootBragex9: sudo updatedb21:45
fffuuwell I will try mint then21:45
icerootmvdir: no21:45
gryhello, the system freezes after saying 'booting without network configuration' but a manual 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start' causes the login screen to appear. How can I troubleshoot this?21:45
fffuuthank you21:45
NoVARaifI believe the issue is limited to just Xserve or some other piece of the GUI pie, as, once booted, I can still remotely access the network resources that the server hosts.21:45
Gentoo64fffuu: i meant "wont" not "mint" i doubt mint will be faster for videos...21:45
fffuuah ok21:46
fffuuso the video support will be a factor anyway21:46
Gentoo64fffuu: i can play full hd videos ok even in virtualbox21:46
peto_hi.. works CREBS wallpaper changer in ubuntu 11.10??21:46
fffuuits strange for me to understand this concept21:46
SatanaaHey guys! after used 11.10 for a while i have figured out 2 problems.. first is that if my box goes to the screensaver i have to reboot to get back to the desktop.. right now im forced to use caffiene to keep the screen active.. and the second one that popped up of nowhere is that i now have 2 battery icons instead of 221:46
fffuufor me the videoplay is functioning but bad21:47
Gentoo64fffuu: is it online videos like utube or proper videos?21:47
fffuuit "hacks" in flash21:47
fffuuonline videos21:47
Gentoo64ah ok21:47
penstersi created a br0. But not firestarter says eth0 isnt ready and cant connect to anything.21:47
fffuubut proper are not 100% like windows21:47
Satanaaanyone had the same issue as me?21:47
spicklewhere is the developer channel21:47
iceroot!alis | spickle21:47
ubottuspickle: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*21:47
johnjohn101is there any to keep someone from logging in on the login screen, that is hide there id. not a real user but one that is need for software.21:47
NoVARaifif someone could point me in the right direction to troubleshoot  / resolve my issue, I would be most grateful21:48
fffuubtw is there any programmers here?21:48
icerootspickle: should be #ubuntu-dev  but when you have to ask i dont think its the correct channel for you21:48
johnjohn101fffuu: i am21:48
andreoproblem: during update leptop was turned off. Now ubuntu can't start. "Ubuntu is running in low-graphic mode". Please help21:48
spickleiceroot: thx21:48
Bragex9iceroot: what does "sudo updatedb" do?21:49
fffuujohnjohn101 can you pvt me?21:49
icerootBragex9: it updates the database locate is using21:49
fffuuim irc noob21:49
icerootBragex9: see "man locoate"21:49
icerootBragex9: see "man locate"21:49
Bragex9iceroot: ok, thanks21:50
DarwinSurvivorWhat happened to the "set as default" in the power settings? It was there in 11.04, but I can't find it in 11.10. I want the computer to suspend after 1 hour of unuse for ALL accounts21:50
icerootBragex9: locate foobar is NOT searching the drive for the file foobar, its asking the database which contains all file-infos and these infos are generated with "sudo updatedb"21:50
spickleiceroot: hehe.. not new to ubuntu but new to IRC. thx again21:50
rachofffuu, most linux users have a base grasp of programming21:50
andreoduring update laptop was turned off. Now i can't start ubuntu. "Ubuntu is running in low-graphic mode". How can i login to shell and try to fix problem in shell?21:51
mfaroukgdoes any one knows a 3D game to try the ubunut 11.10 quality?21:51
icerootracho: luckily the times where you should have basic programming skills for linux are over21:51
Gentoo64mfaroukg: what do you mean quality?21:51
=== NCC is now known as KittyGirl
icerootmfaroukg: unreal tournament, quake 3/4, doom 3, enemy territory and so on21:52
Jax90andreo: try to boot into recovery mode, should get a shell that way21:52
mfaroukgGentoo64, I want to check the speed and the graphics ....etc21:52
inuyashai need some help with my internet21:52
Gentoo64mfaroukg: try neverputt its a good game21:52
=== elz89_ is now known as elz89
Gentoo64mfaroukg: it wont exactly stress the gpu though lol21:52
icerootmfaroukg: if you want a free game, you can try "openarena"21:53
inuyashai installed ultimate edition on my old gateway laptop21:53
inuyashaand i want to know how i can hook up my wifi21:53
Gentoo64mfaroukg: most linux games arent stressy21:53
icerootinuyasha: ultimate edition is not supported here21:53
icerootinuyasha: its not standard ubuntu21:53
Jax90y'know I always felt I lost somthing when it was just assumed Ubuntu users want to boot into graphical mode.  I liked to type startx when I wanted graphics.  Easy to fix problems that way21:53
inuyashawell darn21:53
rachoiceroot, well it's true but some knowledge of bash/python/perl/*insert scripting language here* can be very resourceful in any linux distro21:53
inuyashawhat can i do then21:53
mfaroukgGentoo64, I noticed that :D but still not eassy for kids.21:53
uofm49426can some look at my pastebin tell me why bttv dont work21:53
icerootracho: of course but are not needed21:54
jwashhi everyone, when i use synaptic to remove a small program it wants to remove a bunch of other programs, the result will break the system. how can i select truly only one package to be removed?21:54
Gentoo64mfaroukg: what, neverputt?21:54
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usr13inuyasha: Boot your wifi?21:54
Gentoo64mfaroukg: neverputt is easy controls :)21:54
icerootracho: not for binary distributions21:54
Bragex9Can anyone plz hack into my puter and fix it? :-)21:54
usr13inuyasha: Oh, hook it up ?21:54
inuyashamy wifi is broadcasting since my other laptops are working on it21:54
Gentoo64Bragex9: sure21:54
icerootinuyasha: as i said, its not supported here21:54
inuyashabut it isnt connecting on this one, doesnt show up21:54
inuyashawifi is disabled and dont know how to enable21:54
Bragex9Gentoo64: k. let me know when ur done.21:55
usr13inuyasha: What device is it?  lspci21:55
jwashifconfig wlan0 up21:55
usr13inuyasha: Is this a laptop?21:55
magn3ticsYouve gotta be joking me21:55
Gentoo64a13134: yea brb21:55
icerootBragex9: never!!! give someone access to your pc21:55
mfaroukg inuyasha, I have this problem too21:55
inuyashaold gateway laptop,21:55
magn3ticsthe *VERY FIRST* thing I try to do in Nautilus crashes it21:55
wilharthi, i need to get a older version for vlc21:55
magn3ticswhat a pile of crap21:55
SomelauwIs there a way to make an sxession-enviroment perform a custom script, so I can have a seperate .xsession for every wm.21:55
inuyashacentrino cpu, 4gb ram, old thing but is still good21:55
usr13inuyasha: Try the switch (or the Function key combination)21:55
omniIs http://releases.ubuntu.com a Ubuntu website? I'm looking to download 8.04, and this is all i can find.21:56
wilhartwithout compiling it21:56
NoVARaifGood evening.  My Issue: I have a Dell PowerEdge SC420 here at home that I run Ubuntu on, as I use it mainly for file/print services…  I had some sort of glitch during the 11.10 upgrade where the screen went black, nothing would respond, and my only option was a hard reboot.  The system will boot to the GUI login screen, and any user can log in, however the desktop, 99.8% of the time is just the background.  I've been scouring the 21:56
NoVARaiftrying to get the GUI completely reset, to no avail… I believe the issue is limited to just Xserve or some other piece of the GUI pie, as, once booted, I can still remotely access the network resources that the server hosts.  any suggestions would be appreciated21:56
mfaroukg usr13, I have the same problem and I do switch off/on to work21:56
icerootomni: yes21:56
inuyashastill nothing21:56
omniiceroot, Cool, thank you, didnt want to download a program from a bad site.21:56
icerootomni: but 8.04 is not supported anymore (only server edition)21:56
Bragex9iceroot: I was just joking.... I am pretty frustrated after being used to a seamingless 10.04. Now everything is a mess...21:56
inuyashaif i right click the network icon, it shows wifi is disabled,21:56
omniiceroot, that is what i'm looking for :)21:56
andreoJax90: thanks alot21:57
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Oneiric, and help keeping the servers' load low!21:57
CharminTheMooseI can't seem to load up window managers via gdm and turn my laptop brightness down via the function + down key combo. Function + up works fine.21:57
Jax90magn3tics: which release are you using?  I upgraded to Narwhal, and suddenly everything is *very* buggy including nautilus crashing every so often21:57
icerootomni: http://releases.ubuntu.com/hardy/21:57
organikshow is oneiric for netbooks? has anyone tried or heard21:57
Jax90andreo: np21:57
magn3ticsI upped from natty, but I did a clean install. My Home dir is the only thing I kept.21:58
icerootorganiks: running fine here on eeepc901 (but the eeepc 901 is getting kernel-panics)21:58
Gentoo64organiks: prob works ok but wireless seems a big issue for a lot fof peple21:58
magn3tics I mean, I'm used to nautilus being worthless, but not this much.21:58
usr13NoVARaif: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubuntu-63/ubuntu-11-10-black-screen-after-boot-screen-908044/21:58
mfaroukgGentoo64, yes I have wireless problem too21:58
ubottuUbuntu bug 869502 in linux (Ubuntu) "Kernel-Panic with on asus eee pcs" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:58
Jax90magn3tics: never had a problem until natty. bah.21:58
organiksiceroot: u running 64?21:58
icerootorganiks: no21:59
Gentoo64mfaroukg: i dont use wireless but hear people ocmplaing all the time21:59
icerootorganiks: sure21:59
johnjohn101why is the user admin tool in 11.10 so lame?21:59
Gentoo64organiks: theres no 16 bit21:59
NoVARaifusr13: Thanks!  Off to read and try21:59
icerootorganiks: most of the netbook-cpus dont support amd6421:59
mfaroukgGentoo64, I do turn it off/on then it works, I hope this is a solvable bug21:59
DEdesigns57Ubuntu 11.10 is not loading the complete desktop environment , no unity launch bar or anything besides the words File Edit View Go Bookmarks and Help. Anyone  one know whats going on?22:00
organiksyeah i know22:00
fluffybaconorganiks: acer aspire 1, runs fine.22:00
organiksim running 11.04 64bit on atom 450 but not a 11.04 fan22:00
organikswanted to upgrade22:00
organiksis upgrade safe or should i do a fresh22:01
Jax90No unity launch bar?  Thank heaven.  Sorry =D22:01
Gentoo64organiks: fresh22:01
icerootorganiks: just do a backup22:01
Gentoo64organiks: 99% of people come here saying upgrade broke system22:01
majereSo, I just updated to 11.1022:01
Jax90fresh is best, usually22:01
CharminTheMooseI can't seem to load up window managers via gdm and turn my laptop brightness down via the function + down key combo. Function + up works fine. Running 11.04.22:01
majereor.. 10.1122:01
icerootGentoo64: wrong22:01
* racho at Jax90 "Amen Brother" :)22:01
majerewhats the newest one?22:01
Gentoo64organiks: or use clonezilla or similar and youll be safe22:01
Gentoo64iceroot: ok 99.9% :)22:01
icerootGentoo64: please stop FUD22:01
organikscan i partition then install on new partition then delete old?22:01
icerootmajere: 11.1022:01
DEdesigns57Only way I got in here was through terminal, is anyone else having problems???22:02
Gentoo64lol whatever22:02
Bragex9DEdesigns57: I have the same problem22:02
ziWhich package has a2x in it?22:02
majereOkay thank you IceRoot, Can I get rid of Unity? Or is it hard coded? I want my Gnome back22:02
icerootzi: use apt-file22:02
gryDEdesigns57, what's your problem, could you describe it please?22:02
ziiceroot - cool22:02
Jax90DEdesigns57:  what, this server?22:02
iceroot!nounitiy | majere22:02
iceroot!nounity | majere22:02
wabzhow do I get rid of unity? It's even less usable and more buggy that before22:02
ivorensisis antivirus/firewall necessary for ubuntu?22:03
wabz!nounity wabz22:03
majereHey, That got rid of it! Thank you Iceroot.: if only life were that simple.22:03
Gentoo64ivorensis: not antivirus its only useful for scanning windows files ofc22:03
rachowabz, sudo apt-get install shuttleworth ;)22:03
ubottumajere: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic22:03
improveuponi keep having to reinstall ubuntu. now if, from unity, i click on the home folder, it does not come up; if i reboot it warns me that program, nautilus i guess, is still running. also if i put in a cd or dvd the icon appears but it hangs up if you try to open it.22:03
Gentoo64ivorensis: firewall is used on any os22:03
spickleiceroot: #ubuntu-devel22:04
tjpoeanyone know where the empathy prefs file is? i was testing out themes and now the app crashes every time I try to start it22:04
ivorensisIs the firewall on as default?22:04
icerootspickle: alis :)22:04
Gentoo64ivorensis: no22:04
Gentoo64ivorensis: sudo ufw enable22:04
ivorensisis it helpful?22:04
Jax90tjb0607, any error message if started from a terminal?22:04
Gentoo64ivorensis: not by default no22:04
Gentoo64ivorensis: but no harm in turning it on22:04
DEdesigns57Yea, I launch Ubuntu but not Unity launch bar comes up, no options for time, shutdown, ect.. thats nomally on the top right hand side of the panel. Only thing that shows up is File,  Edit ,View, Bookmarks, and help, as well as my background image. But nothing else!22:05
Microsoft-WindowCongrats Ubuntu on releasing your new improved Operating System.22:05
ivorensisAre there possible downsides?22:05
qintjpoe: dpkg -L emapthy22:05
Gentoo64ivorensis: manually having to open ports22:05
rachohere comes the trolls...22:05
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DEdesigns57I meant no*** not "not"22:05
Gentoo64ivorensis: but other than that no22:05
wiredfoolDEdesigns57: that happened to one of my users too22:05
Bragex9gry: I am stuck at the login screen.I did notice that although it returns me to the login screen as if it doesn't recognize my password, it does not say "Invalid Password" like it does if I put in an invalid password. In terminal my passwd is accepted22:05
ivorensisWhy is it not useful by default?22:05
Microsoft-WindowBut.. Windows 8 will be faster and more light weight on peoples' computer harddrives22:05
icerootMicrosoft-Window: stop it please22:06
Gentoo64ivorensis: nothing listens by default afaik22:06
Jax90unity is a disease22:06
qinMicrosoft-Window: hehe22:06
tittuhi, i wanted to install ubuntu on my laptop so i used the software available at pendrivelinux.com and created a partition on my hard disk and installed the iso from it. now when i boot my system , i get the ubuntu boot screen and cannot login to windows. also, i am not able to change my partitions to create space to install ubuntu. how do i get my windows loader back and how do i change my partitions. any help is greatly appreciated. thanks'22:06
Microsoft-WindowWindows 8 a new start: Better windows.22:06
iceroot!ops | Microsoft-Window22:06
ubottuMicrosoft-Window: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, or rww!22:06
DEdesigns57It happened after I installed compiz last night22:06
majereWindows 8 better be linux lol.22:07
Microsoft-WindowUbuntu 11.10 = FAIL22:07
cordovalgetting this PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php5/20090626/sqlite.so'22:07
majerethen it will be a new start.22:07
cordovalafter upgrade to latest ubuntu22:07
cordovalis this well known ? PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php5/20090626/sqlite.so' ?22:07
ivorensisThanks, Gentoo64. I appreciate your time.22:07
wiredfoolDEdesigns57: It happened to me when I installed one of the settings managers, and poked around (but didn't obviously change anything)22:07
tjpoeqin: http://pastebin.com/ZbBEkNE322:07
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majereIt seems like i'm not getting the most out of my screen resolution though.22:07
diverdudewould libboost-all-dev be the correct package to install to use boost cpp libraries??22:07
bsmith093im trying to wget a webpage and all the hyperlinks one it like a mirror and make it an offline copy with -k but basically down not up but no parent doesnt seem to get all the links under it22:07
Gentoo64ivorensis: ok22:07
wiredfoolDEdesigns57: Fixed it (if that) by adding a new user [username]222:08
Flannelcordoval: Comment out the line in /etc/php5/apache2/conf.d/sqlite.ini (leaving sqlite3.ini intact) (comment with #)22:08
Flannelcordoval: er, sorry, comment with ;22:08
DEdesigns57You mean at that login screen, you made a new user account?22:08
Flannelcordoval: Also, please file a bug if you have time.  This is the second time I've seen that in as many days.22:09
majereIn Unity, Can I change the fonts? use small Icons?22:09
rubknobwhen did ubuntu introduce the service command?22:09
cordovalFlannel: I only had 1 line there22:09
rachomajere, for small icons and stuff - > ccms22:09
magn3ticsLOL @ Hardware Drivers... yes "version current" and "post-release updates" is totalyl user friendly.22:09
cordovalwill I be left out without sqlite?22:09
Jax90bsmith093, was that wget -mk     or wget -k?22:09
ju2efJust fixed the missing sound issue with m-audio 2496, just had to reinstall Jackd, that simple it was22:10
majereill look it up Racho, Thank you Racho.. Your name makes we want tacos though22:10
tittucan someone help me in installing ubuntu and cleaning the mess that i made while trying to do so. thanks22:10
Flannelcordoval: right.  There's a second file (sqlite3.ini) in that folder with another similar include22:10
Gentoo64tittu: what mess22:10
bsmith093Jax90: i meant to grab the page and everything under it and convert the links to local refrences22:10
Jax90rubknob, ahh, the service command.  A while ago.  I still like sysVinit =/22:10
icerootrubknob: 10.1022:10
majere.. wait, I can find it in the sofware center right?22:10
bsmith093Jax90:  and i think -mk is working thanks22:10
cordovaloh ok solved it thanks man22:10
rubknobJax90: damn, i've been using /etc/init.d this whole time!22:11
devishGentoo64: howz gentoo22:11
icerootrubknob: everything before was not using always the service-part22:11
improveupontittu: i'm pretty noob here, but do you have a live cd for the distro you wanted to install from the image?22:11
cordovalwhere to file the bug though22:11
Jax90bsmith093, not used it myself, but wget -mk www.hotties.com should work.22:11
Flannel!bug | cordoval22:11
ubottucordoval: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.22:11
Gentoo64devish: perfect :)22:11
Jax90ulp, I hope that wasn't a real website, lol22:11
Gentoo64devish: did you get that thing sorted?22:11
Gentoo64forgot what it was22:11
majereOr is it compizconfig something somethign?22:11
Jax90rubknob, =D22:11
tittugentoo64: i used the application available on pendrivelinux.com to create a bootable partition for ubuntu iso. i installed it on a fat32 partition on my hard disk. but now, when i boot my system, i cannot load iwndows and if i try installing ubuntu, i cannot change my partitions22:11
cordovalFlannel: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php5/+bug/87526222:12
ubottuUbuntu bug 875262 in php5 (Ubuntu) "PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php5/20090626+lfs/sqlite.so'" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:12
tittuimproveupon: yes, i downloaded the ubuntu dvd22:12
Gentoo64tittu: what do you mean cant change partitions?22:12
MonkeyDusttittu: ubuntu is not to be installed on fat3222:12
rachomajere, yes compiz somethign something a.k.a ccms i reckon (not running ubuntu)22:12
ju2efIs there any point of recompiling kernel?22:12
Gentoo64MonkeyDust: i think he means the usb22:12
majereAhh yes, Finally a reason for windows key on ubuntu22:12
devishGentoo64: yup workig like a charm (the ppa) but i must say compiling has its own aroma22:12
Flannelcordoval: Ah, splended.  Thanks.22:12
majereThank you Racho :?22:12
mcrawforSo, is there really no way to set the remote resolution in vinagre for rdp?22:12
Gentoo64devish: ah nmap.. i remember now22:12
rachoju2ef, usually no22:12
grywhat is the name of the application that runs when I click 'lock screen'?22:12
mcrawforI can't find it22:12
tittugentoo64: i select my windows partition, change it and decrease it size by 60GB, it waits for a while and then nothing changes.22:12
iceroot!kernel | ju2ef22:12
ubottuju2ef: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)22:12
icerootju2ef: but normally you dont need that22:13
slydawgsorry, wrong window22:13
Gentoo64tittu: just hangs? or errors22:13
tittuMonkeyDust: i know. i want to create an ext4 partition, but i cannot22:13
devishGentoo64: yes nmap g++ was not there as u might have forgot that too22:13
ju2efSo why people do that, performance?22:13
devishGentoo64: helping a lot here22:13
Gentoo64devish: yea i remembern ow sorry my memories gone22:13
CharminTheMooseI can't seem to load up window managers via gdm and turn my laptop brightness down via the function + down key combo. Function + up works fine. Running 11.04.22:13
tittugentoo64: none, the cursor changes to rotating circle thing for a few minutes as if it's doing something and then it comes back to the same thing22:13
Gentoo64ju2ef: customizing. theres loads of stuff not in default kernel. smallr kernel etc etc22:14
HganavakHow much is a ubuntu?22:14
MonkeyDusttittu: why not use a live cd / usb and use fdisk in a Terminal?22:14
icerootju2ef: to add special options, to have never versions (without distribution-patches), to build the kernel for ther architecture instead of i386 and so on22:14
Gentoo64Hganavak: free22:14
tittugentoo64: i also tried using kde partition manager, it gives me an error when i try to shrink my volume22:14
HganavakOh cool22:14
Gentoo64tittu: whats it say?22:14
HganavakCan I download it from the app store?22:14
Gentoo64Hganavak: ubuntu website22:14
devishCharminTheMoose: you can make the short cut yourself22:14
rachoju2ef, usually for specific hardware support or to active some specific kernel directives (crypting/security) for example22:14
tittuMonkeyDust: what is fdisk?22:14
HganavakWill it run on iPhone 4?22:14
iceroot!download | Hganavak22:14
ubottuHganavak: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Oneiric, and help keeping the servers' load low!22:14
majereI'll just google themes that have already made it smaller22:14
Gentoo64Hganavak: stop trolling22:14
icerootHganavak: no22:14
MonkeyDusttittu: a linux command to make partitions22:15
devishCharminTheMoose: in system settings somewhere22:15
tittugentoo64: it says that it encountered an error while trying to do so, and it aborts the operation22:15
HganavakWill it be able to run on iPhone 5?22:15
icerootHganavak: stop it please22:15
Gentoo64tittu: hmm no idea!22:15
CharminTheMoosedevish, is that then WM agnostic?22:15
tittuMonkeyDust: i have already tried gparted, and kde aprtition manager, none of them work22:15
MonkeyDusttittu: try fdisk22:15
icerootHganavak: if you want linux on your smartphone go to #android22:16
Jax90MonkeyDust, think he wants to *shrink* a partition... hmm, can this be done easily?22:16
Gentoo64tittu: gparted should work fine ive used it for years22:16
FoolsRunHi, since upgrading to 11.10, X is very unstable when my external USB drives are attached. It also appears to be loading one of them as a mouse. Anyone seen this before?22:16
tittugentoo64: MonkeyDust: has it got to do something with that i created a partition on my hard drive instead of using a usb drive?22:16
MonkeyDustJax90: tittu I missed that part22:16
tittugentoo64: it didn't work22:16
devishCharminTheMoose: what is WM and why its agnostic22:16
ju2efJust got some troll on privacy22:16
slydawgCan you not just use the live disc to go into the partition manager using that?22:16
rachoFoolsRun, yes it's called ubuntu new release first month edition22:16
Gentoo64tittu: i have no idea exactly what you've done22:16
FoolsRunracho: ha. Yeah.22:17
FoolsRunracho: so it's possible this will clear up with time and updates?22:17
rachoFoolsRun, is there still the xorg-edgers ppa22:17
mfaroukgwhy vpn doesn't work now?22:17
improveuponanyone: from unity, if you open the home folder it hangs, and if you open the cd/dvd it hangs. i keep having to reinstall. should i reinstall again?22:17
mcrawforanyone know if I can change the screen size of RDP connections in vinagre?22:17
FoolsRunracho: dunno, but I'll check22:17
rachoFoolsRun, they used to provide updates for X22:17
Gentoo64improveupon: no22:17
ju2efAnonymous-hacker is a troll can you kick him?22:17
gryHow can I disable the shading effect when clicking "lock screen"?22:17
tittugentoo64: I was running windows. I downloaded the application from pendrivelinux.com and ubuntu dvd iso. then i created a 3GB fat32 partition and used that software to create a bootable ubuntu disk in that 3GB partition22:18
CharminTheMoosedevish, I mean can I set up the laptop function keys from gnome 2 so that fiddling with my brightness works no matter which window manager I use?22:18
n-iCehello, I installed 2.6.39-bpo.2-686-pae from backports, but now when I try to load my wireless driver I get this error: FATAL: Error inserting iwlagn (/lib/modules/2.6.39-bpo.2-686-pae/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/iwlagn.ko): Invalid argument22:18
Gentoo64tittu: 3gb on the usb yes?22:18
kirindave_Does anyone else have problems with the ssh keys that Amazon generates? I have a key that macosx ssh can use just fine, but trying to use it as an IdentityFile under Ubuntu gives me a complaint about an unknown key type22:18
tittugentoo64: i didn't use a usb, that 3GB parittion was on my internal HDD and that software removed my windows boot loader and now i cannot even login to windows22:19
tittugentoo64: i didn't use any external device22:19
icerootwhere does ^x^e gets the info to start nano? $EDITOR is not set22:19
kirindave_I can't reach any of my ec2 instances under ubuntu as a result. ;.;22:19
ju2efCan you help with troll?22:19
icerootju2ef: #ubuntu-ops22:19
MonkeyDustju2ef: just type /ignore Anonymous-hacker22:19
Gentoo64tittu: oh, sounds like a mess. try reinstalling the windows bootloader and work from there22:20
rjyoungI just upgrade my laptop 3 times my mouse stopped working had to shut down and I get it back again also if i go to far my wireless disconnect and reconnect all the time my old system didn't do this22:20
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wilharthello, what is this: http://download.videolan.org/pub/videolan/vlc/ipkg-feed/armv4l/older/22:20
tittugentoo64: how do i re-install windows loader. and how do i change my partitions so that i can install ubuntu ?22:20
Gentoo64tittu: still no idea why gparted wont resize for you22:20
Gentoo64tittu: ask in ##windows because i dont know myself22:20
FoolsRunInstalling all avaialble updates from the x edgers ppa. What could possibly go worng.22:20
icerootwilhart: #vlc22:20
sjefen6I get this error after upgradeing to 11.10 "Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)". How can I get i back running?22:20
tittugentoo64: do you want me to try that again and tell you exactly what the error is?22:20
rachotittu, you need a windoze cd22:20
Gentoo64tittu: it does involve a windows cd though22:20
Gentoo64tittu: ok22:21
wilharticeroot: no such thing22:21
tittu@racho: i got one with my laptop, but wont it replace my previous windows installation ?22:21
Jax90tittu, gparted might be something to look at, as Gentoo64 says.  Resizing partitions is a feature apparently.  Not done it myself though.  Whatever you do, BACKUP  =)22:21
MrokiiHello. Since Banshee is officially shipped with Ubuntu, maybe somebody can help me. i have tried to subscribe to some podcasts (some of them are supposed to be with video), but when I start an episode I don't see a video, I only hear a sound. Instead only the list of episodes in the podcasts is displayed.22:22
CharminTheMooseI can't seem to turn my laptop brightness down via the function + down key combo when using other window managers. Function + up works fine. Running 11.04.22:22
rachotittu, you can repair the windows installation which will clean the MBR and erase GRUB22:22
myk_robinsonmy laptop screen wont wake up after 11.10 shuts off the display. I have to shut the computer down the "wrong" way and reboot. Any ideas for a fix?22:22
wilhartany finnish people here?22:22
ubottuTämä kanava on tarkoitettu vain englanninkieliselle keskustelulle. Jos haluat suomenkielistä apua (K)ubuntun ongelmiin, liity kanavalle #ubuntu-fi / #kubuntu-fi :-)22:22
rachotittu, which means your linux partition will be undetectable from windows and from the mbr22:22
tittu@racho: thanks22:22
icerootwilhart: #videolan22:22
wilharticeroot: ah22:23
rachotittu, but you can slip a live cd and repartition and set up a proper dual boot22:23
=== TheDreamer is now known as Youri
NoVARaifusr13: Tried the steps in the link you suggested.. Now the desktop has a toolbar "File Edit View Go Bookmarks Help" and the only icon is Terminal …..  progress?22:23
Jax90good lord.  Finnish looks like an interesting language to learn.22:23
titturacho: if i get back to windows, i will change my partitions from there and then install ubuntu22:23
rachotittu, that is possible too but most probably all your data in the ubuntu part will be lost22:24
rachotittu, as ppl say it's up to you :)22:24
tittuMonkeyDust: Gentoo64: Jax90: i tried suing gparted again and it says: "An error occured while applying the operations. See the details for more information" but there is not details button22:24
vachomy ubuntu 11.10 is acting up..22:24
ju2efThis channel is full of trolls22:25
vachomy ubuntu 11.10 is acting up.. my desktop loads but I cannot click on ANYTHING ... and no.. it's not frozen22:25
kirindave_No help? There is some documentation for 11.04 asking to use UI that doesn't exist anymore. I can't do work because ubuntu's default ssh rejects these keys.22:25
titturacho: my ubuntu partition has the live cd and nothing else, i lose all data even if i shut down my system22:25
ju2efThey keep soaking22:25
CharminTheMooseI can't seem to turn my laptop brightness down via the function + down key combo when using other window managers. Function + up works fine. Running 11.04.22:25
Gentoo64fffuu: its not hard to reinstall grub22:25
Gentoo64fffuu: there can only be one bootloader. windows cant boot linux, but linux can boot windows22:26
tittuMonkeyDust: Gentoo64: Jax90: it also says that, if you want support, you need to provide the saved details22:26
MonkeyDusttittu: are you using a live cd / usb?22:26
rachobtw just a question does ubuntu install grub2 by default now?22:27
Flannelju2ef: Let the folks in #ubuntu-ops know if you're getting query spam.  People tend to avoid spamming operators, so unless we're told, we have no way of knowing/helping.22:27
tittuMonkeyDust: i downloaded the iso for the dvd and then used the usb creator to create a bootable partition on my HDD22:27
Gentoo64racho: has for ages i think22:27
rachoGentoo64, i really doubt the ages part..22:27
MonkeyDusttittu: ok, but rather try a live cd /usb stick22:28
Gentoo64what version did they start using grub2?22:28
FoolsRunWhat can go wrong is that X stops working entirely.22:28
FoolsRunIncase y'all were wondering22:28
Jax90racho: grub2 has been in for a while. Grub was brilliant, never had a problem.  I find Grub2 a little.. difficult to tinker with22:28
vachoracho: lol22:28
colzanihi people. I have a lenovo z470 with ubuntu 11.10, and i have problema with multimedia touch keys. Indicator icons dont work if i press multimedia touch keys.22:28
Gentoo64racho: since 9.1022:28
tittui have an external HDD, but when i created a partition on it and used usb creator for that, it didn't work, so i did that on my internal HDD22:28
mfaroukgwhy VPN doesn't work now? it is always failing22:29
colzaniwhen i suspend the notebook, the desktop back to the normal22:29
rachoGentoo64, wasnt't it in natty??22:29
soulfHi, my wireless connection is extremely unstable (it randomly disconnects) unless I'm very close to my router. My wireless card is atheros AR9285 using the ath9k driver on ubuntu 11.10. Every suggested fix I found online didn't help. Does anybody have an idea?22:29
Da|Mummyim having trouble getting sound over usb amp, why?22:29
Gentoo64racho: 9.10 is older than natty. thats 200922:29
wilharthow do i do this: Signing key:22:30
wilhart1024R/801DF724 (What is this?)22:30
FoolsRunracho: I don't recommend edgers22:30
tittuMonkeyDust: Jax90: Gentoo64: racho: thanks for all your help. I will try getting into windows back and then change my partitions and see what i can get. thanks a lot22:30
Gentoo64tittu: well you seem stuck atm if you cant partition for whatever reason. getting windows back would be a start... lol22:31
rachoi thought grub 1.98 came out 2010 ??22:31
RoC_MasterMindWhere did JeOS go?22:31
rachoFoolsRun, is it that bad??22:31
Gentoo64racho: 9.10?22:31
tittugentoo64: yeah, thats what i will try...thanks22:32
MonkeyDusttittu: changing partions in win is not a good idea22:32
Jax90good luck tittu22:32
Gentoo64MonkeyDust: hes not22:32
Gentoo64he just wants an os to boot into22:32
rachowell ain't 9.10 2009 - 10 month22:32
Gentoo64racho: yes22:32
vachocan someone please help me with my ubuntu 11.10 ... after upgrade I can't click on anything.. computer is not frozen but nothing works in DESKTOP mode...please anyone? I switched to terminal and updated it again.. but still same problem.22:32
FoolsRunracho: well it replaced my nvidia driver and the available proprietary drivers so I can't get it back22:33
FoolsRunracho: and it didn't fix my can't-do-anything-with-USB-drives-attached problem22:33
Jax90hmm, last time I installed over Windows Vista I used some prop software to clear some space on the drive, then booted up Ubuntu, used gparted within that to partition away.  I forget what the win software was.  Partition Manager, or something like that..  got a trial version.22:34
FoolsRuntoo bad I can't undo22:34
soulfMy wireless connection  randomly disconnects unless I'm very close to my router. My wireless card is atheros AR9285 using the ath9k driver on ubuntu 11.10. Does anybody have an idea?22:34
CharminTheMooseI can't seem to turn my laptop brightness down via the function + down key combo when using other window managers. Function + up works fine. Running 11.04.22:34
BlackDalekHelp! upgrading to 11.10 killed my laptop. I had to install gnome-session-fallback and choose "gnome classic no effects" just to be able to load the desktop. Now the system completely freezes if I try to launch thunderbird or firefox.22:34
Moggai have an issue after upgrade to 10.04.3 - it seems my LVM UUIDs have changed somehow22:35
phiscibehow can one look at a package in the repositories and tell what the compiler flags are?22:35
soothing_psyopsKDE menu has no shutdown option, anyone know if there is a package to install to get this functionality?22:35
MonkeyDustphiscibe: try apt-cache policy package22:35
Moggahow is this possible? http://paste.ubuntu.com/711445/22:36
Jax90CharminTheMoose, you may need to manually edit xorg.conf.   Loads of resource on the web to help you do that.  Just a bit complicated to go into here22:36
phiscibeill try, if it invlved polkit , its busted all over22:36
BlackDalekHow do I fix this? My laptop freezes completely if I try to launch Thunderbird or Firefox after upgrade to 11.1022:36
grom358okay so I've upgraded to 11.10 and I can't connect to postgres22:37
MoggaBlackDalek: try moving your thunderbird/firefox settings somewhere else and starting22:37
Moggaclean start22:37
vacho11.10 screwed up my system :)22:37
MonkeyDustBlackDalek: i can only think of the kworker bug, which eats your cpu22:37
prodigalNoobhey all, how do i restart x?22:37
FoolsRunvacho: welcome to the club. It's called "everyone".22:37
prodigalNoobi tried /etc/init.d/x11-common restart (and stop and force-reload) to no avail22:38
CharminTheMooseJax90, ahh, cool, I thought I might have to do that. Is there any way for me to get X to 'dump' its current configuration into a prefabricated xorg.conf or will I have to use X -configure?22:38
Gentoo64heh upgrades breaking anything is "fud" in here22:38
MonkeyDustBlackDalek: kworker is intel video card related, check your video card22:38
spickleprodigalNoob: press Ctrl + Alt + F1 - login and type "sudo service gdm restart"22:38
phiscibeBlackDalek: launch firefox from terminal and give us the errros22:38
Jax90BlackDalek, if you create a new user, log in as such, then try Firefox does it still crash?  If so, maybe the settings in your home directory need looking at / deleting22:38
phiscibeor look in your syslog22:38
prodigalNoobah, gdm22:38
spickleprodigalNoob: gdm = gnome display manager22:38
prodigalNooberrr no says gdm unrecognized22:38
NoVARaifI'm attempting to run a 'sudo apt-get' from an 11.10 recovery console, in an effort to 'fix' my post-11.10 upgrade 'black screen'…  However, any 'apt-get' attempts results in a TON of errors, all akin to "Failed to fetch …. Something wicked happened resolving <insert repository URL here> (No address is associated with hostname)"… I checked my ifconfig, and it's valid… suggestions?22:38
prodigalNoobyeah, last i ran ubuntu was 9.1022:39
phiscibeglib-networking is breaking many things it is near the route cause of 20 bugs22:39
spickledamn.. are you running 11.10? cause maybe they changed it :S sorry. i currently use 11.04.22:39
MonkeyDustNoVARaif: try rebooting in Recovery Mode and choose Repair22:39
BlackDalekI am afraid to try and launch anything else in case my system freezes up again... so far XChat and empathy are the only things I've tried which don't freeze the system.22:39
prodigalNoobspickle: yeah fresh install of 11.1022:39
phiscibedbus is foo bard, even if you fix the locations of var and var run22:39
Jax90CharminTheMoose, well, the current config would be /etc/X11/xorg.conf.22:39
grom358yes 11.10 has really screwed me over22:39
FoolsRunHey, any way to undo all the packages that the xorg edgers ppa installed?22:40
Gentoo64Arjun: hi22:40
prodigalNoobso far i'm fine with 11.10, trying to get hibernate/wake-up working22:40
prodigalNoobhibernate works, but waking up causes mad graphic glitches22:40
CharminTheMooseJax90, my default install of Ubuntu 11.04 doesn't have a /etc/X11/xorg.conf and I'm here using X. :S22:40
vachoso any fixed for the 11.10? I got shit to do at work!22:40
NoVARaifMonkeyDust: Roger that.. back shortly22:40
prodigalNoobspickle: http://duopetalflower.blogspot.com/2011/10/startingstopping-x-in-ubuntu-1110.html22:41
Arjunculd someone help me? i did something incredibly stupid...22:41
Gentoo64vacho: whats the problem22:41
vachoubuntu just rolls out new software withtout testing?22:41
prodigalNoobvacho: fix for what bro22:41
Gentoo64Arjun: upgrade?22:41
phiscibelook at the release notes about the /var /var/run error it causes dbus errors black screens from X neworking to die22:41
Arjunno worse22:41
BlackDalekphiscibe, if I launch firefox from terminal, won't it still freeze, making it impossible for me to copy/paste any errors? And don't forget, I can't use pastebin since I have no working browser22:41
vachonothing works on my computer after my upgade, I get to the desktop and nothing is clickable.22:41
spickleprodigalNoob: ah.. just found out..22:41
Gentoo64Arjun: say what then22:41
spickleprodigalNoob: guess I should thank you then :)22:41
Arjuni kinda blacklisted my other graphics card without enabling the intel one22:41
Jax90CharminTheMoose, odd!  Try using "locate xorg.conf", if you've got you're locate database up to date. (Otherwise sudo updatedb, then locate)22:41
Gentoo64vacho: clean install?22:42
corsairtuxanyone know if in ubuntu is possible to activate 2 finger mousepad scrolling?22:42
dymhey - ive installed lucid from debootstrap on 2 Raid1 MD Drives with GPT - i cannot seem to get grub2 to install correctly. i keep getting /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: no mapping exists for `md0'. - Anyone got an idea?22:42
soulfMy wireless connection  randomly disconnects unless I'm very close to my router. My wireless card is atheros AR9285 using the ath9k driver on ubuntu 11.10. Does anybody have an idea?22:42
lucas-argwhat drivers should i use? nouveau or nvidia-current? is there any difference?22:42
vachoGentoo64: will that erase everything I have on it?22:42
Gentoo64lucas-arg: yes, nvidia is miles faster22:42
Gentoo64vacho: yes22:42
Arjunbasically i followed that up to the point where it said when you reboot without reading on22:42
BlackDalekMonkeyDust, the video card is nvidia, not intel22:42
FoolsRunHey, I'm trying to reinstall Natty and all I get is a flashing cursor when I boot to USB. I've tried a CD as well, same problem. Anyone know how to boot to a LiveUSB?22:42
vachoGentoo64: that's stupid mate :)22:42
Gentoo64vacho: you could backup /home22:42
Gentoo64from a livecd22:42
wolterhow does one change system fonts in 11.10??22:42
vachoGentoo64: can't reinstall everything just because ubuntu came out with a stupid upgrade22:42
r3pekhey guys. need a little help on building a package22:42
Gentoo64vacho: the upgrades are a comlete joke22:43
r3pekwhat's the correct channel for that?22:43
phiscibeBlackDalek: cat /var/log/kern.log | grep firefox    might give diagnostics along with cat /car/log/syslog22:43
vachodoesn't ubuntu have some type of repair featurue?22:43
Gentoo64vacho: no22:43
phiscibei dont know what consure irc client you have but if u can mark and copy it you can private mesage me22:43
dymhey - ive installed lucid from debootstrap on 2 Raid1 MD Drives with GPT - i cannot seem to get grub2 to install correctly. i keep getting /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: no mapping exists for `md0'. - Anyone got an idea?22:43
peto_how could I access all system settings? now, with Oneiric, I can only access a few22:43
Gentoo64vacho: they do the betas, then release a proper stable version still full of blatant bugs22:44
Arjunum can anyone help me un blacklist my driver?22:44
phiscibevacho: in this case it would need global repari linux world wide becuase so many of these bugs going are on across many distors22:44
vachoGentoo64: are there any other responsible distributions for linux?22:44
Gentoo64vacho: yes22:44
prodigalNoobArjun: aren't you like a gentoo user?22:44
CharminTheMooseJax90, strange, locate xorg.conf returns items in /usr/share and only one actual xorg.conf file:  /usr/share/doc/xserver-xorg-video-nouveau/examples/xorg.conf22:44
Gentoo64vacho: even arch is bleeding edge but million times more stable22:44
vachoarch? never heard of it.22:44
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Arjunim using ubuntu 10.04 via wubi install22:45
CharminTheMooseJax90, like I said, I haven't changed anything to do with X since I installed Ubuntu a few months ago.22:45
phiscibeCharminTheMoose: rember bullletproff X  or what ever it is called, it reconfgures x at start now, doesnt even use a xorg.conf22:45
devinusso, after i installed ubuntu my boot screen doesnt fit the resolution of my monitor or look as nice as it did whne i was booting from the live cd. does anybody know how to make it look like the live cd boot splash?22:45
Gentoo64vacho: pretty much anything. id go for rolling release that way theres no 6 month build up of completely major changes to screw your comp22:45
prodigalNoobanyone have a docs/talk about how compiz is used in 11.10? I'm just not seeing it22:45
BlackDalekphiscibe, cat /var/log/kern.log | grep firefox outputs nothing22:45
phiscibeif you can get out of X to a terminal Xorg-configure might help22:45
Arjun im using ubuntu 10.04 via wubi install22:45
phiscibeBlackDalek:  try theother one22:45
peto_for example I can not access disk settings, in 11.04 I could access everything22:46
phiscibetry dmesg | tail too22:46
BlackDalekphiscibe, the other says no such file or directory22:46
magn3tsIs it even possible to adjust DPI now22:46
phiscibedid i type it worng22:46
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magn3tsAlso, where is my sound indicator?22:46
magn3tsGod this is a nightmare22:46
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soulfArjun, when I blacklist and unblacklist drivers it's in etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf ...find your driver name and remove it from the list...22:46
Jax90CharminTheMoose, sorry - I was looking at my own system, which has xorg.conf installed.  Apparently from 9.10, X hasn't got a problem running without xorg.conf.  So, sudo Xorg -configure is the way to go to generate the file.22:46
brianhey all could use some advice as im new to linux22:47
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FoolsRunbrian: advice: don't use 11.1022:47
brianLOL well guess what im on22:47
Arjunhm the problem is its in a virtual machine so i cant actually access that S:22:47
vinoHow can I get ubuntu to maximize a window when i drag it to the top of the screen?22:47
Jax90CharminTheMoose, Note - *I think*.  I haven't done this, I'm reading from sites.22:47
Arjunwell its in wubi22:47
magn3tsHow do Iget sound indicator to magically appear?22:47
Arjunso i cant edit it using something else22:47
phiscibeBlackDalek: just open the files directly or take grep off22:47
phiscibecat /var/log/kern.log22:48
Arjunand when i boot into ubuntu it just has a blank screen22:48
soulfArjun, oh, sry then I can't help you... I'm a pretty new user myself...22:48
phiscibeand cat /var/log/syslog22:48
briani have no sound from my laptop speakers but when i plug in the headphones its fine22:48
Arjunoh ok, thanks for your help anyway!22:48
peto_How can I make Ubuntu 11.10 to not ask for a password when it returns from sleep?22:48
Arjunisnt there some sort of basic drivers mode in linux?22:48
Arjunor basic video driver mode22:49
spicklebrian: try running "alsamixer" in a terminal. See if you can see anything weird22:49
magn3tsHow do Iget sound indicator to magically appear?22:49
Gentoo64Arjun: you can get into console without nouveau or nvidia22:49
devinusdoes anybody know how to get the live CD boot splash from 11.10?22:49
brianseems all volumes are turned up all the way22:49
CharminTheMooseJax90, phiscibe, Cool, cool, thanks for the info. I had tried that before and the error Xorg gave to me was complaining that it couldn't load the 'vmware' modules and aborted. Which is strange. Are they supposed to be installed?22:49
Jax90CharminTheMoose, phiscibe had it right.  Missed his reply, sorry22:49
briani removed pulseaudio as well22:49
Arjunhow do i do that>#22:49
rob_Brian, I've just joined.22:49
rob_What seems to be your problem?22:49
phiscibedoes X give you Black screen??? does networking fail?  got logon issues????  you have one of a many bugs that u might be able to fix for now, but until they come with some fixxes its gonna limp allong22:49
Gentoo64Arjun: was this a clean install anyway?22:49
rob_Maybe we have the same issue.22:49
NoVARaifMonkeyDust: To clarify, rebooting into recovery mode, via hitting Escape during GRUB… Then choose one of the generic-pae (recovery mode) options, correct?  Then what?  Sorry, still learning more than I expected about Ubuntu :D22:49
BlackDalekphiscibe, without grepping anything, I get pages and pages of meanlingless stuff :(22:49
Arjunyes kinda22:49
soulfMy wireless connection randomly disconnects unless I'm very close to my router. My wireless card is atheros AR9285 using the ath9k driver on ubuntu 11.10. Does anybody have an idea?22:49
brianno sound from laptop but sound from headphones22:50
rob_Soulf, you probably have a terrible wireless connection.22:50
Gentoo64Arjun: just reinstall it tbh22:50
Arjunalthough i spent a long time getting the internet working so i really dont want to reinstall22:50
spicklemagn3ts: try running "indicator-sound" from terminal22:50
Gentoo64Arjun: ok22:50
brianalsamixer looks fine22:50
brianremoved pulse audio22:50
spicklemagn3ts: try running "indicator-sound-service" from terminal22:50
magn3tsspickle, it's the pkg name, but the exec doesn't have the same name, already tried it.22:50
Arjunhow do i access terminal before it boots?22:50
magn3tsIS bash completion missing?22:50
peto_how could I access all system settings as in 11.04?22:50
Gentoo64Arjun: surely you know how to get it working now quickly?22:50
phiscibe: http://uksysadmin.wordpress.com/2011/10/14/upgrade-to-ubuntu-11-10-problem-waiting-for-network-configuration-then-black-screen-solution/22:50
soulfrob_, I wish... but it worked on windows.22:50
magn3tsspickle, command not found22:50
magn3tsii  indicator-sound                        0.7.8-0ubuntu122:51
spicklemagn3ts: yeah.. sorry.. no clue then22:51
BlackDalekI am out of time. I have to leave. 11.10 sucks and has killed my laptop.22:51
wrrjAssistance on operating QT programs in Ubuntu 11.10 is needed please... please reply to my nickname.22:51
rob_Hi folks. I realise this is a supersaturated channel.22:51
rjyoungsoulf,  I have the same trouble different card and it's when I upgraded to 11.1022:51
rob_I've got a 5.1 onboard soundcard and a 5.1 setup.22:51
Arjunmy drivers are quite weird with my laptop and i had to get someone else to install them for me so if i can just get to terminal i think i know how to take my graphics card off the blacklist22:52
rob_The 5.1 is apparently configurable through the 3 jacks at the back = Out / Mic / Line Out22:52
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:52
rob_But I cannot seem to get it to work at ALL22:52
soulfrob_, I had this problem before the update and on fedora 15 too... does your card use the ath9k driver too?22:52
Gentoo64Arjun: what happens when you boot normally?22:52
phiscibeCharminTheMoose: it is not a show stopper the vmware error, they changed the way ...I THINK xorg deals with a few things liek muti displays and reading eddid data from monitors, plus the video card manufacurers have strangness in the drives,  i dont know what to tell every one , its a STORM of failures22:52
magn3tsindicator-sound blowing up, any help http://paste.ubuntu.com/711454/22:52
soulfrjyoung, , I had this problem before the update and on fedora 15 too... does your card use the ath9k driver too?22:52
rob_soulf, I'm not sure. How might I check?22:52
prodigalNoobdoes ubuntu not auto-mount my ntfs storage disk!?22:53
soulfrob_, sorry wrong person :)22:53
rob_soulf, no troubles bubbles22:53
prodigalNoobdo i *HAVE* to put it into fstab, or is there a setting in ubuntu to automount my movie/tv hdd?22:53
rjyoungsoulf, dunno22:53
kylesumI'm using gnome shell whenever but it seems to be having some trouble playing nice with nautilus. When nautilus opens so does a global menu bar that conflicts with the gnome shell panel does anyone else have a problem like this?22:53
phiscibefor sound problems run alsamixer FIRST and use your Arrow Keys and the keyboard M to raise levels and unmute22:54
Gentoo64prodigalNoob: nautilus should mount it when clocked, otherwise use fstab22:54
wrrjAttempt 2: Assistance needed for Ubuntu 11.10 certain applications do not work. Please reply to my nickname or mention wrrj when assisting me. Thank you.22:54
rob_phiscibe, I have done that, and maxed all 6 channels.22:54
phiscibeprodigalNoob: there are bugs with fstab22:54
phiscibeall over the place22:54
prodigalNoobGentoo64: yeah i'm finding that, but for example i have XBMC starting up by default, and want my movies accessible .... sucks i HAVE to do fstab even though it's detecting it22:54
Gentoo64wrrj: upgrade?22:54
CharminTheMoosephiscibe, just to clarify, I'm running 11.04, not 11.10. Like I said, Xorg -configure aborts 'cos it can't find the vmware modules, is there some trickery to make it skip those modules or should I just install them (if not already)?22:54
magn3tsOK, so if I killall indicator-sound-service and then start it right after, I get other stuff... it can't seem to contact PulseAudio or something22:54
magn3tsfor god only knows why reason22:54
soulfrjyoung, type "sudo lspci -k" in the terminal and read the info at "network adapter"22:54
prodigalNoobphiscibe: so you're saying this is not desired? But I should be ok with adding the mount to fstab still right?22:54
wrrjYes I did22:54
Gentoo64prodigalNoob: use fstab to have them loaded at boot22:54
NoVARaifMonkeyDust: When I chose a recovery mode @ GRUB, it dumps me to a command prompt… no menu22:55
wrrjmy apps worked on the first boot of Ubuntu 11.10 and then boots after that these certain apps no longer work22:55
phiscibeCharminTheMoose: that is not an error but a warning   type locate xorg.conf.new   if it finds one that is what Xorg-configure created  u have to move it in to the /etc/X11 foder22:55
Gentoo64its a joke, thats why22:55
improveuponhello. i keep having to reinstall ubuntu. now, in unity, if i click on the home folder or the cd/dvd they never come up. dvd drive doesn't mount half the time. if i switch to gnome, might that help?22:56
phiscibeno prodigalNoob fstab is integral to linux, its just broken in so many ways now22:56
rjyoungsoulf,  yep i am22:56
prodigalNoobphiscibe: yeah i'm familiar with fstab.. just not understanding why you're saying it's broken?22:56
magn3tsindicator-sound blowing up, any help http://paste.ubuntu.com/711454/22:56
phiscibeEverybody read here i am loggin as many bugs and possible fixes as i can there, its a mess gentoo arch ubuntu anything with gnome libraires and kde22:57
ssfdre38that is the command to build dep on xchat22:57
TimLoalhi guys.  I've been having reall trouble with ubuntu 11.10 with system lockups.  Can anyone recomend a version for my acer aspire 5930 with nvidia graphics card that will go smoothly and get me up and running quickly?    <<NEW QUESTION22:57
yagooi'm using oneiric, and want to disable automounting of internal ntfs partition/s .. is ntfs-config still good for oneiric, or is there a better tool? (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions)22:57
lordjjso anyone knows anything about Linux Mint? Sounds to me like it's just Ubuntu + 5min of extra configuration.22:57
phiscibeprodigalNoob: because parts of the authentication system are dead, dbus can be dead22:57
mickster04!mint | lordjj22:58
ubottulordjj: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org22:58
wrrjFinal attempt: Seriously I need assistance for Ubuntu 11.10... I run an internet radio station for my church and without assistance I cannot run it. Someone please reply to my nickname and don't just reply and leave. I'll be on for 2 more minutes unless someone replies.22:58
soulfrjyoung, there are some fixes out there that don't help me but might help you...22:58
kirindave_I don't mean to repeat, but I really need help. The ssh keys that Amazon EC2 generates seem to be of a format that ubuntu's ssh chokes on. I cannot generate new keypairs (these are distributed at work), how can I convert my existing keypairs? Is this not a question for #ubuntu? I know these keys files work on OSX.22:58
yagooTimLoal, add this to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf  << add this line at the end  "blacklist nouveau" (omit the quotes)22:58
yagooTimLoal, first see that you're not using nouveau of course..22:59
mickster04wrrj: why don't you use what you used previously?22:59
Jax90CharminTheMoose, I'm wondering whether it's possible to do this using keyboard shortcuts in system -> prefernces..22:59
yagooTimLoal, pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log (not in this channel)22:59
rjyoungsoulf,  where at22:59
wrrjI cannot revert back at this point... I have reconfigured the station for 11.1022:59
phiscibether is as ureadhead bug affect the way multiproscers work that might case the fstab22:59
TimLoalyagoo can you tell me why?22:59
phiscibeI am so freaking out i just like last month put kubuntu on 5 systems, 4 for business22:59
soulfrjyoung, open this file with the command: sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/ath9k.conf and add: options ath9k nohwcrypt=1 . Save the file and reboot and test if it works...23:00
yagooTimeRider, conflicts if u load the "nvidia" module..23:00
mickster04wrrj: well i can't help, i just don't know why you didn't do some testing first when doing such a mahor upgrade to such a major system23:00
wrrj...problem lies within qt applications... they worked on first run of Ubuntu 11.10 but no longer work after that23:00
yagooTimLoal, ^23:00
yagooTimeLoal, conflicts if u load the "nvidia" module..23:00
yagooTimLoal, sometimes X does not automatically unload nouveau..23:00
wrrjproblem does not lie within station problem lies within qt23:00
ubottuthe Qt toolkit (pronounced "cute"), which forms the base of !KDE, is a cross-platform C++ application framework for !CLI and !GUI applications. Install libqt4-dev and see !build to compile Qt4 applications, join #qt for development support23:00
TimLoalX? yagoo23:00
wrrj...do I reinstall? is it safe?23:00
dymhey - ive installed lucid from debootstrap on 2 Raid1 MD Drives with GPT - i cannot seem to get grub2 to install correctly. i keep getting /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: no mapping exists for `md0'. - Anyone got an idea?23:00
yagooTimLoal, you know how to use cli ?23:01
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro23:01
TimLoalyagoo no, not yet23:01
pooltablehi looking for a easy way to compair viedo cards i not sure on what nvidia card i want and what to know what one to run rage game     also how to overclock the cpu step by step thanks ????23:01
yagooTimLoal, that's fine..23:02
phiscibeprodigalNoob: ill try to summarize, there is a huge dbus problem that is resposible for tons of errors EVERYONE that has upgraded should try that fix first, for ANY issue23:02
yagooTimLoal, it's basically 3 commands..23:02
rjyoungsoulf,  i don't have that file no23:02
phiscibeUbuntu 11.10 has migrated away from /var/run, /var/lock and /dev/shm and now uses /run, /run/lock and /run/shm instead (respectively). While the Ubuntu AppArmor packages and shipped policy have been adjusted for this, custom policy may need to be updated. The following may be used to aid in migration (it allows both the old and the new paths):23:02
yagooTimLoal, install this--> sudo apt-get install pastebinit23:02
TimLoalyagoo got that23:02
soulfrjyoung, then create it in that folder.23:02
ocmsRzrhi all, I'm trying to redefine unit-2d's window manager as stumpwm. I followed the instructions here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/61419/change-the-window-manager-unity-2d-launches-on-login but it kicks me back to the login screen when I select my session. I'm wondering if I have to tell gnome about the alternative window manager how do you specify alternatives to gnome?23:02
phiscibe: http://uksysadmin.wordpress.com/2011/10/14/upgrade-to-ubuntu-11-10-problem-waiting-for-network-configuration-then-black-screen-solution/23:02
magn3tsI'm not sure a single thing has worked right.23:03
magn3tsBanshee is crashing just like it does in 10.1023:03
magn3tsand 11.0423:03
prodigalNoobphiscibe: interesting.. ok.. so either way seems like fstab is my only option for automounting the internal ntfs drive... i figured ubuntu would have been updated enough to support that through some config :S23:03
yagooTimLoal, cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log |pastebinit -t myxlog          (and tell me the output)23:03
magn3tscompiz is already misrendering everything, unity has blown up with disper23:03
ubottuUbuntu bug 858122 in Release Notes for Ubuntu "duplicate for #811441 incomplete migration to /run (shutdown script order has been demolished)" [High,In progress]23:03
phiscibethose effect everything, everey system on the pc23:04
phiscibeprodigalNoob: you might be able to use cifs as a work around23:04
yagooTimLoal, the log shows nothing about security.. don't worry.. there's no passwords in here..23:04
phiscibebut even if you do get it mounted, ntfs , fat 32 mounts are causing rampant cpu  utilazation and IO because of a rain storm of bugs23:05
phiscibeeven ext4 has as bad journal writingt bug23:05
yagooTimLoal, passwords are in /etc/shadow or /etc/passwd23:05
Rickta59I unfortunately just upgraded to 11.10 .. and quickly added the gnome fallback .. however I'm missing a bunch of things how do i get them back?23:05
yagooTimLoal, you ok?23:05
TimLoalyagoo how dose this answer the original question?23:05
wrrjAsking... will it be safe to manually install GNOME on a Ubuntu 11.10 system? Will it possibly solve issues with QT applications? If not safe to install GNOME, will reinstallation of QT be safe?23:05
yagooTimLoal, i'll explain later23:05
rjyoungsoulf,  done..23:06
soulfMy wireless connection randomly disconnects unless I'm very close to my router. My wireless card is atheros AR9285 using the ath9k driver on ubuntu 11.10 (it didn't have this problem on windows btw). Does anybody have an idea?23:06
soulfrjyoung, and?23:06
phiscibeQInotifyFileSystemWatcherEngine::addPaths: inotify_add_watch failed: No such file or directory QFileSystemWatcher: failed to add paths....EFFECTS log ons mounts and every single qt and kde app23:06
TimLoalyagoo no i have a headach from wasting two days on ubuntu, the quick easy os23:06
rjyoungrestarting now23:06
NoVARaifMonkeyDust: I resolved the -5 error with apt-get by updating my resolve.conf file to include googles' DNS23:06
soulfrjyoung, have you rebooted yet?23:06
yagooTimLoal, i've been using linux for ten years..23:06
Rickta59should I just roll back to 11.04?23:06
yagooTimLoal, good luck..23:07
Rickta59why did they switch to Unity only?23:07
phiscibealso Ubuntu has used init.d to handle service startups forever, but now they are being replaced by upstart jobs, this is amess becuase have of the services dont start right23:07
yagooRickta59, to show off how easy it is23:07
TimLoalyagoo please explain now as io have a job to go to in an hour and i'll go back to windows if i am not convinced that there is a solution for me in the linux world, so better we have a quick conversation first23:07
magn3tsHow do I get the unity launcher in the middle with a dual screen setup?23:07
magn3tsPlease tell me htat it's not impossible?23:07
Rickta59easy .. ok ..not for me23:07
yagooTimLoal, I already explained to you.23:07
Rickta59i hate it23:07
yagooTimLoal, read everything i wrote to you.23:08
Rickta59is there a way to make the friggen icons smaller? They are huge23:08
wolterRickta59, did you try gnome shell?23:08
prodigalNoobanyone getting errors trying to install packages right now???? like is the package server down?23:08
histowrrj: it was my understanding that gnome is already installed23:08
magn3tsstupid bugs in compiz all over the place23:08
Rickta59i was using ubuntu classic before and now that is gone wolter23:08
wrrjno it was removed in upgrade23:08
Rickta59i installed the fallback23:08
magn3tscan't put unity where I want it, nautilus and banshee crash every other time I look at them23:08
yagoo"<yagoo> TimeRider, conflicts if u load the "nvidia" module.."  << The command i'm telling u about see the X log is seeing if you're using either nouveua or nvidia. If you're using nvidia.. then blacklist the nouveau23:08
Rickta59but I'm missing things that used to be there23:09
Rickta59system menu23:09
Rickta59desktop hide all icon23:09
qin!caps | TimLoal23:09
ubottuTimLoal: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.23:09
TimLoalyagoo you didn't explain anything using my nick23:09
yagooTimLoal, you want to fix it in 2 commands or not?23:09
Rickta59i was perfectly happy with the way it was .. o why o why did i upgrade23:09
TimLoalqin dont worry i'm out of here23:10
yagooTimLoal, you would of fixed it by now.23:10
phiscibeprodigalNoob: sometimes addin uid=user,gid=users23:10
TimeRiderhmmm - some people just don't really wanna listen/learn...23:10
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TimLoalok yagoo as you put it like that i will give it a go,23:10
yagooTimeRider, exactly.23:10
Rickta59so who decided that unity is the only game in town?23:10
prodigalNoobphiscibe: yup, i'll try that in a few.. right now for some reason my htpc won't go through my gateway23:10
TimeRiderand if a typo on a name is enough to stop someone following advice... well....23:10
wrrj...okay unless someone goes against this... I will attempt to install GNOME on Ubuntu 11.10 to see if the apps not working now will work again. 2 minutes to object.23:11
rjyoungsoulf,  nope same23:11
Rickta59am I the only one to not like unity?23:11
TimeRideryay, bring in the gnome :)23:11
qinwrrj: Gnome2? Bad idea.23:11
wrrjRickta59: No I hate it too23:11
wiredfoolRickta59: apparently not23:11
TimeRiderdefinitely not23:11
prodigalNoobi'm wishing i installed xubuntu23:11
TimeRidertime will tell, maybe there's more than meets the eye23:12
TimLoalyagoo you going to give me the first command ?23:12
wrrjNo not GNOME2, GNOME3... is it possible? Or am I way ahead of the times is it even released yet?23:12
Rickta59so i wasn't really paying attention to what had changed .. and then did the upgrade I feel cheated23:12
wiredfoolprodigalNoob: you can install xfce4 package23:12
Rickta59i can roll back but seems like I'm not alone23:12
qinwrrj: Gnome3? It is already installed.23:12
prodigalNoobwiredfool: yeah i know... but right now i'm workign on other things... trying to get through the gateway to the net23:12
Rickta59i searched google for unity sucks where is my ubuntu classic and got a lot of hits23:12
yagooTimLoal, I already gave it to you.. cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log |pastebinit -t myxlog -- tell me the output23:12
prodigalNoobstopped working for some odd  reason23:12
wrrjHow is that possible? I do not see an option for GUI for any gnome session.23:12
rjyoungsoulf,  nope same23:12
soulfrjyoung, sorry then :/ ... you can try some other stuff but like installing the linux-backport modules, but I haven't tried it myself yet... honestly, I'm pretty pessimistic myself...23:13
terryI have a quick question. Is it possible to save a document in text editor as plain text? If so how many I be able to do that.23:13
pooltablei web site like can you run it for linux???23:13
rjyoungsoulf, Ahhhh23:13
yagooRickta59, did u try -> apt-get install gnome-shell ? (and see other login menu entry)23:13
TimeRideryagoo : oh, and be careful with ya typing, waking me up at this time of night ;)23:13
qinwrrj: Unity, gnome-shell run on gnome3.23:13
jiohdianyone know how to change the size of a moaning goat meter?23:13
qin!nounity | wrrj23:13
ubottuwrrj: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions drowpdown. Using Natty? See !classic23:13
soulfrjyoung, I might just buy a usb wireless adapter if I can't find a way to fix it in the next few days. :(23:13
airtonixwhere does oneric store what used to be ~/.face.png ?23:13
Rickta59I did an: sudo apt-get install gnome-session-fallback yagoo23:14
wrrjHmm that doesn't make any sense that Unity is a part of GNOME 3... but will do what ubottu says23:14
terryDoes anyone know how to make plain text in gedit?23:14
yagooRickta59, i believe apt-get install gnome-shell may be better23:15
pooltablerickta cwn you send a pic of you desktop please to me23:15
sarkishey guys any work around yet for the issues with soundblaster X-Fi?23:15
wrrjterry I've done it all the time... just save as filename with .txt after it.23:15
Rickta59k thanks yagoo trying that now23:15
rjyoungsoulf, Yeah.......my mouse is giving me trouble too23:15
qinterry: echo "that is plain text" > textfile. gedit do that by default.23:15
sarkisever since i installed 11.10 my sound is not working properly, it plays every other second of sound23:16
beaker__unity is a shell that runs on top of gnome323:16
ocmsRzrhi all, I'm trying to redefine unit-2d's window manager as23:16
ocmsRzr  stumpwm. I followed the instructions here:23:16
ocmsRzr  http://askubuntu.com/questions/61419/change-the-window-manager-unity-2d-launches-on-login23:16
ocmsRzr  but it kicks me back to the login screen when I select my23:16
terryqin sorry I just now noticed it on the bottom. I need to look more carefully.23:16
FloodBot1ocmsRzr: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:16
ocmsRzr  session. I'm wondering if I have to tell gnome about the alternative23:16
ocmsRzr  window manager how do you specify alternatives to gnome?23:16
soulfMy wireless connection randomly disconnects unless I'm very close to my router. My wireless card is atheros AR9285 using the ath9k driver on ubuntu 11.10 (it didn't have this problem on windows btw). Does anybody have an idea?23:16
emr7240Can anyone help me mount my external HD?23:16
yagooRickta59, keep the gnome-fallbacksession as well..23:16
rjyoungsoulf,  what program are you using...23:16
yagooRickta59, i've noticed gnome-shell added a new entry for me on top of Gnome classic23:17
wrrjemr7240 what's the problem? Won't mount? Need to mount to specific location?23:17
Caspase3soulf, get the updated wireless driver from kernel.org23:17
Rickta59is that going to give me another menu item @ login yagoo?23:17
magn3tsOH COOL. The Sound Indicator still isn't running. That's cool, I didn't really want it to anyway.23:17
sjefen6How can I gain read write to my harddrives when using ubuntu live cd?23:17
magn3tsmy Compiz shadows still screwed up? that's okay, I wanted them to be.23:17
beaker__emr7240 sudo mount /dev/sdax /mnt/y where x is the number of the drive and y is where you want to mount it23:17
soulfrjyoung, do you mean what irc client?23:17
beaker__sjefen6 mount the drive23:17
qinmagn3ts: Are you using ccsm?23:17
rjyoungsoulf, no like wicd23:17
sjefen6beaker__: how?23:18
yagooWhat's this thing with the oneiric unity? I think Gnome logon looks better for desktops (not talking about gnome classic)23:18
sje46sjefen6 >:|23:18
magn3tsqin, yes23:18
emr7240Well it worked fine till I was extracting a rar file and it went crazy23:18
prodigalNoobanyone have a docs/talk about how compiz is used in 11.10? I'm just not seeing it23:18
TimLoalyagoo  gnome-terminal wont even run23:18
beaker__sjefen6 sudo mount /dev/{yourdrive} /{somelocation}23:18
soulfrjyoung, oh just the default one.23:18
emr7240now it wont mount...think the partition is corrupt23:18
sjefen6beaker__: I have tried in disk util23:18
wrrjemr7240 ahh... restart HD? Computer? Unplug replug? HD might have failed with the rar and got corrupted23:18
magn3tsCan someone, please, please, please help me get the indicator-sound package working23:18
qinmagn3ts: With unity and gnome-shell it make wired things, which is logical since both interfaces are quite new.23:18
TimLoalyago and ubuntu is killing my HD  (constant activity)23:19
yagooTimLoal, are you trying plain console? That's what u should be using because your current X is unreliable.23:19
beaker__sjefen6 sometimes you can just open nautilus and click it and it will automount23:19
yagooTimLoal, ctl-alt-f123:19
Rickta59hmm yagoo .. that is no better23:19
rahdukehey i just upgraded to 11.10, I was running emerald themes in 11.04 but now I want to remove them, so i went into compiz manager and removed the emerald--replace command but now I have no window decoration. How do I set it back to default to get the ambiance theme window decorations??23:19
sjefen6beaker__: yeah, bit I a unable to write23:19
magn3tsqin, unity's not that new, it's been in dev for over a year and has already seen a result. this is straight up a bug in compiz, and has been for some time, like several ohter large scale bugs.23:19
soulfCaspase3, is that the linux-backport modules?23:19
lordjjTimLoal how's that? Terminal won't run? oh and rmmbr to cntrl alt f7 to come back :P23:19
yagooRickta59, for me it is is.. comparing it just to unity.. but I still prefer classic over the two23:19
magn3tsAnd now my sound-indicator won't show up, who knows why, apparently no one here.23:19
qinmagn3ts: ok, sorry, gnome3 is new.23:20
beaker__sjefen6 sudo umount /dev/{yourdrive} then sudo mount -rw /dev/{yourdive} /{somelocation}23:20
wrrjmagn3ts using gnome shell or Unity?23:20
Caspase3soulf, from here http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Download23:20
TimLoalyago thats just scrolling up the screen failed command READ FPDMA QUEUED23:20
magn3tsunity wrrj23:21
rjyoungsoulf, ohhh well i think I running two network mangers.....because the little icon clock says device not ready...but wicd says connect and I havn't disconnected23:21
yagooqin, is the gnome-classic menu entry considered gnome3? (i dont know where the rt-click add applet context menu went-- or is this just a ubuntu thing)23:21
magn3tsyagoo, doesn't exist anymore.23:21
soulfCaspase3, okay thanks23:21
magn3tswelcome the "new way"23:21
TimLoalyagoo can we go back to my original question, as fixing the current install I don't believe is an option23:21
wrrjDon't know how to get it back in unity unfortunately... only in gnome.23:21
yagoomagn3ts, can you be a little clearer? doesn't exist anymore just for ubuntu?23:21
Caspase3soulf, download the bleeding edge and follow instructions to compile the drivers23:21
magn3tsyagoo, yes.23:22
magn3tsyagoo, it doesn't exist in gnome3 period.23:22
ubottuThe GNOME Foundation has ceased support for GNOME 2, and as such it is not in Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot). See !notunity for an alternative desktop experience.23:22
qinyagoo: In lightdm? Above-right of text both of login screen.23:22
soulfrjyoung, I don't think wicd is included in the default installation, so probably yeah :)23:22
sjefen6beaker__: sudo nautilus seems to work23:22
yagoomagn3ts, what's with the nm-applets? or other applet names i see -- there a tool to add these to side bars?23:23
johnjohn1011is there a better way to configure users than the user mgmt tool?23:23
magn3tsyagoo, they do not exist.23:23
magn3tsyagoo, they aren't there, you can't add them, I don't know how to be more clear23:23
yagoomagn3ts, which nm-applet23:23
qinsjefen6: Should be: gksudo nautilus23:23
TimLoalyagoo for the benifit of the doubt i've killed the whole lot and rebooting23:23
yagoomagn3ts, I'm talking about the names i see.. with the dpkg23:23
soulfCaspase3, I remember I tried this on fedora15 a few weeks ago, but hey, I might as well try again ^^ How frequently are there changes?23:23
magn3tsyagoo, ????23:23
yagoomagn3ts, anyways.. i'll ask #gnome.. you sound very unclear..23:23
magn3tsyagoo, I'm answering your damn question23:24
wrrjOkay heading off to see if different session (either GNOME or KDE) will resolve issue with qt applications not working.23:24
magn3tsyagoo, you CAN'T add them in gnome 3.23:24
magn3tsyagoo, they don't do anything.23:24
yagoomagn3ts, i got rid of the nm_applet23:24
magn3tsyagoo, what is your question?23:24
wrrjUnity does not have a taskbar preference menu you can add applets to...23:24
magn3tsneither does gnome3.23:24
wrrj...like in gnome23:24
yagooTimLoal, boot in recovery console23:24
magn3tsthat's what I'm trying to tell him23:24
wrrjgnome shell should23:25
magn3tsno, it doesn't23:25
magn3tshas any one even used gnome 3?23:25
wrrjdid you right-click on the top menu bar and click add to panel?23:25
wrrjor no menu at all?23:25
wrrjyes I have23:25
* magn3ts it doesn't freaking exist23:25
histomagn3ts: I use gnome323:25
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:25
Rickta59well I'm not the only one who thinks unity sucks23:26
qinwrrj: In unity and in gnome-shell there is no feature as Add to panel.23:26
sgnteHow do you avoid a package from being upgrated permanently in ubuntu? is there an option somewhere in /etc/apt.conf or something?23:26
histoRickta59: then select ubuntu classic from the login menu23:26
TimLoalyagoo ok i have a gnome-terminal let me run that command for you23:26
magn3tsif unity wasn't so buggy it'd be great23:26
diverdudeCan i see where apt has put files from an installed package eg. libboost-all-dev23:26
Caspase3soulf, not sure. You could try looking at the dated tarballs to find out. Also if that doesn't work then try sudo ifconfig wlan0 down, sudo rmmod -f ath9k, sudo modprobe ath9k nohwcrypt=1, sudo ifconfig wlan0 up23:26
yagooTimLoal, I SAID PLAIN CONSOLE23:26
Rickta59it isn't the same histo all the applets are missing23:26
rjyoungsoulf,  be right back23:26
wrrjqin... in my gnome shell there was23:26
grymagn3ts, You could simply disable it if it's buggy.23:26
histo!pin > sgnte23:26
jribdiverdude: dpkg -L, but why?23:26
ubottusgnte, please see my private message23:26
magn3tsgry, disable what? unity? and then use what?23:26
emr7240how do you create a mount location?23:27
TimLoalyagoo don't shout23:27
magn3tsgry, fallback gnome3 is a joke.23:27
grymagn3ts, Gnome. Yes, fallback Gnome is still a new look, but it does have panels.23:27
Rickta59how many people have rolled back to 11.04 because of unity?23:27
TimLoalyagoo dose it matter?23:27
magn3tsgry, I'm not looking for them though, yagoo was.23:27
jen__my computer shut off during update and i turned it back on. everything is fine, but what should I do? sudo apt-get upgrade?23:27
wrrjmagn3ts all I can suggest beyond GNOME and Unity is KDE... but it's a little slow in my opinion23:27
gryRickta59, None? 11.04 is where Unity was added in fact.23:27
magn3tswrrj, O23:27
magn3tsI'm currently giving it a shot * we'll see.23:27
Rickta59but the ubuntu classic still worked there gry23:28
gryRickta59, It can be disabled if you like. It was absent in 10.10 and was on in later versions.23:28
Rickta59what can be disabled?23:28
TimLoalyagoo ok don't worry you anal mo fo, thats my lot with linux and you, BYE Y'ALL23:28
wrrjgry yes... but Unity 11.04 still had classic Ubuntu as option... 11.10 does not... unless you install gnome-shell from what I heard23:28
Rickta59i just installed the gnome-shell and that isn23:29
Rickta59t what i want23:29
Rickta59i'm using the gnome-session-fallback thing23:29
sgntehisto: thanks23:29
Rickta59but it is missing stuff23:29
jribTimLoal: be respective of others in this channel.  Why do I keep having to speak to you?23:29
PiciRickta59, wrrj: GNOME has stopped supporting gnome2, so you would have gotten either Unity or gnome3 with 11.10, neither of which have that many happy users unfortunately.23:29
soulfCaspase3, Ah it says it's updated daily, wow. I've tried the nohwcrypt thing already, it didn't work. I also tried disabling ipv6 (don't ask me why) and some other stuff that's written in forums etc. I'm probably better off trying the latest drivers. Thanks! :)23:29
wrrjRickta59 do you want KDE? That's the only thing I can think of23:29
gryRickta59, "classic" Gnome is in 11.10 too - but as Gnome dropped gnome2 support, it has a new look. If you want to change it, say how, and someone would help you with customising it - or you could try KDE, LUbuntu, XUbuntu, and other alternatives.23:29
bobweaveris there a way to set something as Default in the terminal. I have a welcome screen for my CLI and I want to make it run no matter what 1st  before any command is there a way to do that ? something that I can put in bash.rc ?23:29
TimLoalyagoo you had your chance, no i know linux is just as much a bunch of anal liers23:29
Rickta59i'm just going to uninstall 11.10 and go back to 11.0423:30
TimLoaljust like M$23:30
magn3tsTimLoal, U23:30
magn3tsTimLoal, What? What is your problem Tim?23:30
magn3tsOh, too late.23:30
grybobweaver, Add "cat /path/to/a/file" in .bashrc ?23:30
Rickta59is there any plans to bring back a ubuntu classic ui the way it was for 11.something?23:31
gryjen__, Hi!23:31
soulfThat was funny...23:31
Picibkerensa: before every single command, or just when you start your shell?23:31
Picibkerensa: sorry, mistab.23:31
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bkerensaPici: what23:31
wrrjalright I will try another X session alternative. I'll try KDE... then GNOME3. If both those do not work I'll return here for help because most likely app problem would then lie somewhere else.23:31
airtonixso if you've selected a user avatar in gnome-shell and want it, you need to: cp /var/lib/AccountsService/icons/$USER ~/.face.png23:31
airtonixwith sudo23:31
Picibobweaver: before every single command, or just when you start your shell?23:31
gryRickta59, As I said, Gnome2 is dead. You could try Gnome classic mode, or other alternatives like KDE, Lubuntu, Xubuntu and the like.23:32
jen__gry, hello my computer shut off during update and i turned it back on. everything is fine, but what should I do? sudo apt-get upgrade?23:32
bobweaverPici: just when starting shell23:32
bobweaverwelcome screen is in bashrc23:32
gryjen__, sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade23:32
Picibobweaver: Then putting it in .bashrc or .profile would be sufficient.23:32
bobweaverit is there23:32
CharminTheMooseHey all. I tried using Xorg -configure to automatically generate a xorg.conf for me, but the configuration seems to fail with the message that 'created more screens than were detected' and dumps the xorg.conf.new file into /root. Is this normal?23:32
jen__gry,  okay thats what I did, thank you very very much :> and it just finishes off where it started?23:33
bobweaverkinda hard to explain let m,e try again23:33
bobweaverme 823:33
bobweaverme *23:33
gryRickta59, Everyone here would be happy to help you to customise the look to your liking, if you ask a specific question. :-)23:33
gryjen__, Yes. Mind reading the output incase it asks you to do something else, but it can simply succeed.23:34
magn3tsunless you want to change the window theme, because that's broken23:34
magn3tseven in the tool that you have to post-market install23:34
jen__gry,  okay thank you :)23:34
yagooCharminTheMoose, u can tinker with that xorg.conf ..23:34
prodigalNoobAnyone know if these NVIDIA bootsplash workarounds work with 11.10??? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia#Boot_Splash_Screen_Issues23:34
grymagn3ts, Window theme is broken for me too. I don't know if there is an open bug for this.23:35
yagooCharminTheMoose, i get that too.. more screens genereated than needed.. u can simply comment them out23:35
magn3tsgry, considering gnome-tweak isn't canon gnome3? They'll probably reject it outofhand.23:35
Rickta59mmm .. there a fast and appropriate for what I do .. blackbox now there is a window manager .. fast and small23:35
EvanCarrollhow do i disable the file indexing in the quick-search bar.23:35
EvanCarrollI spent an hour looking it up last time, and aparently the dist-upgrade overwrote the conf23:35
Rickta59the rest of it was wasted on me anyways23:35
grymagn3ts, Gnome 3 folks are fine with gnome-tweak-tool. It's just an interface to something gnome3 has installed.23:35
ftruzzihi there, I'm trying to use a custom de here, and no matter what I try on my custom.desktop, it never load right, in fact unity always loads... any tips?23:36
emr7240$MFTMirr does not match $MFT (record 0).23:36
emr7240Failed to mount '/dev/sdb1': Input/output error23:36
emr7240NTFS is either inconsistent, or there is a hardware fault, or it's a23:36
emr7240SoftRAID/FakeRAID hardware.??23:36
FloodBot1emr7240: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:36
lrh\join #kubuntu23:36
magn3ticswow, kde got about 20 seconds23:37
magn3ticsglad I wasted 10 minutes installing it23:37
emr7240sry floodbot23:37
emr7240ha ha23:37
Picimagn3tics: xfce is rather gnome2-like, I'm using it myself on one of my systems.23:37
boxybrownhey all, has there been any update on this ICEauthority bug?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm/+bug/58965523:37
ubottuUbuntu bug 589655 in gdm (Ubuntu) ".ICEauthority and gconf-sanity-check-2 problems on login DOMAIN account" [Low,Confirmed]23:37
boxybrownI can't find any workarounds for this23:38
yagooanyone knows which is better? (just trying out kde)-- kde-plasma-desktop or kde-standard ?23:38
emr7240I'm still unable to mount the drive?? do i need to setup a location for the mopunt23:39
yagooboxybrown, you using 11.04 ?23:39
* yagoo notes that gdm is not the default-- but lightdm is23:40
* yagoo for 11.1023:40
jlebarCan I get Launchpad not to e-mail me when I comment in a bug?23:40
boxybrownyagoo: no, i'm using maverick23:40
Rickta59xfce? that is good bad?23:40
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EvanCarroll why is this so god damn hard23:40
Rickta59on 11.1023:40
ftruzzihi there, I'm trying to use a custom de here, and no matter what I try on my custom.desktop, it never load right, in fact unity always loads... any tips?23:40
EvanCarrollall I want to do is disable file indexing on that stupid shell23:40
jlebarAha, http://blog.launchpad.net/general/silencing-bug-notifications-for-stuff-you-did23:40
emr7240any more help here?23:41
BlackBeastUbuntu have graphic aceleration?23:41
magn3tics<3 gnome-shell is a god send23:42
yagooBlackBeast, of course.. but it's more of the Xserver project responsible for having any generic linux this capability23:42
BlackBeastbut 11.10 have problems?23:42
lordjjwhy remove synaptic, I understanf you can just reinstall it, but why. .  .23:43
wolterof course! perfection is far away wherever you search for it23:43
qinmagn3tics: god-shell?23:43
woltermagn3tics, how do you do without the sound menu controls :S23:43
magn3ticswolter: no clue23:43
magn3ticswolter: alsasound from the terminal23:44
magn3ticswolter: you figure out how to get it back, you let me know. this is pissing me off23:44
BlackBeastmmm ok23:44
BlackBeastneed a graphic card to install 11.10?23:44
emr7240still looking for help getting my HD mounted23:45
docmurhow do you fix this issue 140A90C4:SSL  routines:SSL_CTX_new:null ssl method passed:ssl_lib.c:1453:23:45
docmurI know it's a ubuntu openssl issue23:45
yagooBlackBeast, i would suggest #kernel and #linux -- support for graphical acceleration is an Xproject thing23:45
bobweaverso I have a welcome screen that is in bashrc. I also have over 700 items in /usr/share/applications/ so I am now changing some of the stuff under /usr/share/applications/WHATEVER.desktop  mainly the Exec= . Some of the things under /usr/share/applications/ are only run in the cli. but here is where the troubles come in say  Lets take Weather_configure.desktop as exsample. there is a program called configure.sh that I made in that is under23:45
bobweaver/opt/Weather/  so I open up /usr/share/applications/Weather_configure.desktop     the command to make it start is  konsole  -e bash -lc " cd /opt/Weather;./conifure  & bash"   Now this is correct  but it launchs the help page then My welcome screen. I want it to be welcome screen then launch script  . Hope that that is better :>)23:45
majereWelll, I thought I was going to need help, But I seem to have figured it out.23:45
yagooBlackBeast, probably it's best to ask #xorg23:45
BlackBeastohh ok23:45
majereNow, how do I change the size of the buttons?23:45
yagooBlackBeast, the best brand I believe is nvidia -- as they make nvidia drivers for linux 32bit and 64bit23:45
majereMan, I want small unity Icons :(23:46
bobweaverthis way when I make /etc/xdg/menus/applications-merged/applications-kmenu.applications  Will be 20 x more fun and easy to wright23:47
marcavisHey guys, what program is supposed to be the default pdf opener in 11.10?23:47
marcavisBecause I get... Inkscape when trying to open any PDF23:48
jribmarcavis: probably evince23:48
bobweaverso is there  something that I can put infront of my bashrc >> that will make my "Welcome Screen" always go first before anything23:49
marcavisHuh, I don't have it anymore... could I have done anything wrong when upgrading the distro...?23:49
marcavisStrange. I can just get it, of course23:49
jribbobweaver: your "welcome screen"? What do you mean by that?23:49
bobweaverit is a welcome screen for the cli23:50
yagoobobweaver, ?23:50
bobweaverhi there23:50
jribbobweaver: repeating the words won't make me understand any better :)23:50
yagoobobweaver, you're trying to have a new motd? that's /etc/motd23:50
baba-b00iei'm looking for a solution similar to ubuntu landscape. but free for home use. anyone know if a product exists?23:50
yagoobobweaver, what's so funny23:50
bobweaverjrib:  is yagoo23:50
yagoobobweaver, i gave u the answer and this is how you thank me?23:51
bobweaveryagoo:  what is motd ?23:51
yagoour a jerk.23:51
zeta-when I upgraded to Oneiric it was interupted -- so now no desktop (background only). Is it possible to re-do the upgrade from cli?23:51
yagoo, /etc/motd << second time i'm telling him.23:51
yagoogo laugh.. this file is for the Welcome for cli. NOOB.23:52
raissonalguem poderia me ajudar com a instalacao de programas tar.gz?23:52
bobweaverwhat is that configure file for ??23:52
yagoobobweaver, ur pissing me off.. rtfm23:52
marcavisraisson, tente ir no #ubuntu-br23:52
bobweaverbring it on trool23:52
jribyagoo: he was just laughing at my joke...23:52
raissoncomo assim23:52
bobweaverwhois yagoo23:52
=== tanner is now known as Guest14262
Guest14262hello. what is the easiest way to uninstall all the packages installed by ubuntu-desktop?23:52
jrib!purekde | Guest1426223:52
ubottuGuest14262: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »23:52
marcavisraisson, pra entrar na sala brasileira digite /join #ubuntu-br23:53
Guest14262or that. awesome.23:53
ocmsRzrhi all, I'm trying to redefine unit-2d's window manager as stumpwm. I followed the instructions here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/61419/change-the-window-manager-unity-2d-launches-on-login but it kicks me back to the login screen when I select my session. I'm wondering if I have to tell gnome about the alternative window manager how do you specify alternatives to gnome?23:53
Guest14262ubuntu: robots providing support.23:53
baba-b00iei'm looking for a solution similar to ubuntu landscape. but free for home use. anyone know if a product exists?23:54
vividi havent seen one23:54
jribbaba-b00ie: what features do you need?23:54
baba-b00iejrib, uptime, sys status, sys stats and if possible halting options23:55
EdSquareCatI have one question that may or may not have a simple answer: I seem to have broken Unity by messing with Compiz. There are no icons on the left and windows have no borders; I can't really access anything unless I use the command line. This happened a while ago, so I don't know exactly what I did to break it. I've just been using Classic since then. I'm running 11.04. *How can I simply reset Unity completely?*23:56
baba-b00iei run a couple webservers and would like a unified UI. i would preferr webui23:56
EdSquareCatSorry  running *11.10 now23:56
bobweaveryagoo: I have no /ect/motd  dir ??23:56
Rickta59unity --reset?23:56
bobweaverjen whats up23:56
Rickta59unity --reset-icons23:57
magn3tsanyone know how to make sound indicator work?23:57
magn3tsI'll give you a shiny penny23:57
EdSquareCatRickta59: running unity --reset now...23:57
jen__bobweaver,  well I updated my natty well...I thought from natty to oclelot and this popped up23:57
jen__bobweaver,   0.7.1-6ubuntu1 [445 kB]23:57
jen__Fetched 158 MB in 34min 29s (76.3 kB/s)23:57
jen__E: Could not perform immediate configuration on 'util-linux'. Please see man 5 apt.conf under APT::Immediate-Configure for details. (2)23:57
bobweaverjen__: paste.ubuntu.com23:57
jen__bobweaver, sorry23:58
bobweaverflood bot yells23:58
soulfMy wireless connection disconnects unless I'm very close to the router (didn't have this problem in windows, but had it in fedora15 and ubuntu 11.04). Wireless card is Atheros AR9285 and the driver is ath9k. I already tried the latest version of the driver without success. Does anyone have an idea how to fix this?23:59
EdSquareCatRickta59: taking a while, getting lots of "does not exist" errors23:59
EdSquareCat(still running)23:59
bobweaverjen__: I am not sure about that can help with that might be abbouve my pay grade sorry :>)23:59
Rickta59I got it off this page: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/how-to-reset-unity-launcher-icons-or.html23:59

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