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AmisHello o/06:43
AmisAre there any Bazaar branches out there that could be used as an example when having a presentation about Bazaar itself? (one that has a few commits and forks and stuff)06:45
AuroraBorealislp:bzr i think would be good06:46
AuroraBorealishas a pretty log graph06:46
AmisLemme check06:46
AuroraBorealishas lots of branches that have been merged into the main branch, etc06:47
AmisHmmm... I'm having trouble getting the source :/06:55
AmisIt must be that I don't have a Launchpad ID06:55
AuroraBorealisit should work without it06:56
AuroraBorealisjust do bzr branch lp:bzr06:56
AmisYeah, I did that but it seems to be hang06:56
AuroraBorealisare you able to branch other things?06:57
AuroraBorealischeck the .bzr.log file06:57
AmisI am, even though I'm not used to the command line way06:57
AuroraBorealisif you type bzr --version it should tell you where the log file is06:58
AmisHmm.. the log says it's actually doing something, if a flood of "25 bytes left on the HTTP socket" can be called something07:00
AuroraBorealissounds like a weird network problem o.o07:00
AuroraBorealislaunchpad seems to be working for me but i'm logged in sooo07:01
AuroraBorealisask mgz, hes better :D07:01
* Amis pokes mgz07:02
mgzwhat's the issue?07:02
AmisHmm, it may be the certificate07:03
AuroraBorealis<Amis> Hmm.. the log says it's actually doing something, if a flood of "25 bytes left on the HTTP socket" can be called something07:03
AuroraBorealiswhen trying to branch lp:bzr07:03
AmisDo I need a Launchpad ID for that? I could pull the certification but that again requires a Launchpad ID07:04
mgzdid you supply a launchpad login first Amis?07:04
Amismgz, nope07:04
mgzokay, so you're branching over http, which is generally slower07:05
AmisSo that wall of text is okay?07:06
AuroraBorealisis the console giving any output?07:06
AuroraBorealisthere should be a progress bar of sorts07:06
mgzI think without the smart server the progress is rather less informative07:06
AmisAuroraBorealis, nope, but checking the console right now it seems to be finished even though there were no output at all beside the warning of missing Launchpad ID07:07
AmisLet me check the folder07:07
mgzyeah, it's probably done now.07:07
AuroraBorealisi branch local stuff and it doesn't have a smart server and i still get the progress bar07:07
AmisI thought it would be a lot more informative like "Working... Please wait!" or something :>07:07
mgzlocally doesn't go over http07:07
mgzfor whatever reason that way gives less feedback... but it should really give *some*07:08
* Amis nods07:08
pooliehi mgz, all07:08
mgzhi poolie!07:08
AmisHaha, I guess I killed the GUI by trying to get the log07:09
AmisThanks for the help! I gotta hop out for a few hours. Bye!07:11
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jelmerhi all08:01
mgzmorning jelmer.08:03
pooliehi jelmer, mgz,08:04
pooliehm shall we chat? i think it's now08:04
pooliemight give riddell a moment; vila said he won't be here08:04
jelmerhe is there actually :)08:04
RiddellI was all on my own!08:04
poolieRiddell: well, there's all of https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bugs?field.tag=easy08:28
Riddellpoolie: yes that's what I was doing yesterday08:28
poolie4 of which are high, and all the high ones do seem plausible08:28
pooliewell i suppose it's fairly obvious :)08:28
RiddellI'll try some more of the high ones08:31
mgzthe user interface bugs you've been doing have been a good bet Riddell08:33
mgzfor a different kind of thing, there are a few bugs against bzr for stuff it's hard to reuse in qbzr, we filed one for bzrlib.crash for instance08:34
mgzthen means thinking about the right way of redesigning the code without assuming a console interface08:35
vilahey guys !08:51
mgzmorning vila!08:51
vilamgz: so, should we restart the importer and monitor it ?08:52
jelmer'morning vila08:53
vilamgz: if the fear is about stacking issues, I *was* already afraid when oneiric opened. But nothing happened.08:53
vilaThat doesn't mean there are no issues, but if there are, they don't seem to bite us yet08:53
mgzwell, ideally we need to fix the list of misstacked branches08:53
mgzwhich surely can't be impossible.08:53
* vila nods08:54
vilabut that can happen even with a running importer08:54
vilain fact, I'd rather fix them *while* the importer run if only to catch issues in this kind of operations08:55
mgzthat sounds... reasonable to me.08:55
vilamy present fear is that we're building up a queue of potential issues08:56
vilaif this queue becomes too big... it will become harder to get back on track08:56
vilaok, I'll restart it then08:57
vilaand stop it08:58
vilaException: ValueError: list.index(x): x not in list08:59
vilanever saw that one08:59
mgzpastebin the traceback?08:59
vilarsyncing the log files09:00
vilaoh, probably requires to declare precise here and there...09:01
mgzthat sounds likely.09:01
mgzif the series are hardcoded.09:01
mgzso... what's the branch with all these troublesome scripts in, so we can add the new name?09:06
vilalp:udd , http://paste.ubuntu.com/711773/ is close enough to revno 425 there09:12
vilastart again09:13
vilastop again09:14
vilaI've deployed the pending revisions from lp:udd where jml shuffled scripts around, probably a typo somewhere:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/711774/09:16
vilastarting again :)09:23
vilanow we need an import to succeed09:25
vila2 imports for precise already09:27
vilajml: your script refactoring have been deployed and are live \o/09:28
vilajml: I had to tweak import_package.py, if you can have a look at the latest lp:udd and check that would be nice09:30
vilamgz: sounds good to me, I'll wait for the backlog to clear before requeuing the failed ones09:31
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pooliehi vila, welcome back09:57
vilapoolie: :-)09:58
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poolieok, night all10:13
bialixhi mgz10:27
bialixmgz: do you remember why paramiko my trigger Access denied error while trying to talk with pageant on Windows? http://pastebin.com/FFSGgQ5n10:29
mgzbialix: looking10:33
bialixmgz: I think I found https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr/+question/16675110:33
bialixmgz: congrat btw, I hope you enjoy your new job :-)10:33
mgzbialix: previously people got that problem from running paramiko without installing it10:33
mgz...and that question suggests it's about the version used10:34
mgzbialix: thanks!10:35
bialixmany thanks for the hints10:35
mgz^not paramiko, putty10:36
* bialix understood10:36
mgzbasically, pageant needs to be running as the same user and with the right privs, otherwise things go wrong10:36
mgzbialix: I have a qbzr favour to ask10:37
bialixyour patch is ok for me, sorry for not responding so far10:37
mgzno problem.10:38
bialixmaybe I'd use unicode-escape rather than utf-8. but...10:38
mgzI wondered if I could join the qbzr developers group10:38
bialixmy RL consumes too much time, we need to release new version, very much10:38
mgz^I know, you have bad experiences with passing utf-8 around :)10:38
bialixmgz: course, YOU CAN10:39
mgzas long as its before the next beta that should be okay, it's getting some good testing still at least10:39
bialixthat's not question for me10:39
mgz(this issue was found pretty promptly)10:39
bialixmgz: I ought to make maintenance release for 2.4.x too :-/10:40
mgzokay, I've proposed myself for ~qbzr-dev10:41
bialixit will be honor for me to accept you10:41
bialixthank you10:42
mgzRiddell: I might be being dopey, by why trace.mutter(traceback.format_exc()) not trace.log_exception_quietly()?10:45
Riddellmgz: I just didn't know about trace.log_exception_quietly()10:46
mgz...I think I may have formatted my review confusingly, my fault10:49
mgzI should have a different way of spelling suggested changes from extracted existing changes10:50
Riddellmgz: just don't include the "+" at the start of the line, that makes me read it as part of the existing changes11:31
Riddellcanonical types, what am I doing wrong with my smtp settings in bazaar.conf that feed-pqm doesn't want to send an e-mail?  https://pastebin.canonical.com/54491/11:49
Riddelldo I need to tell it to use ssl somehow?11:51
jelmerRiddell: seems alright to me12:04
jelmerRiddell: I have the exact same configuration12:04
jelmerRiddell: are you running the old hydrazine or the new one from a couple of days ago?12:06
jelmerperhaps one of the hydrazine changes broke things12:06
Riddell0.1-0ubuntu1+r99~oneiric1 from the PPA12:08
Riddellhttp://paste.kde.org/135097/  bzrlib.errors.SMTPError: SMTP error: server refused HELO: 501 Syntactically invalid HELO argument(s)  could be hydrazine12:11
jelmermgz: ^12:12
mgzreally, the way we're using email and smtplib they shouldn't let us break that.12:14
mgzgoogle suggests you may have a host name the internet doesn't like.12:16
mgzcould try using smtplib from a repl12:17
mgzand what does `python -c "import socket;print socket.getfqdn()"` give you?12:20
jmlvila: thanks12:51
Riddellmgz: gallus.(null)13:06
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Riddellmgz: hah, fixing that in /etc/hosts sorted it13:08
* Riddell files bug 877411 and bug 87741313:13
ubot5Launchpad bug 877411 in Hydrazine "incomplete domain name fails to send e-mail" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87741113:13
ubot5Launchpad bug 877413 in Hydrazine "feed-pqm error at end of approved proposals" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87741313:13
mgzha, second one is my fault.13:20
mgz...I'll just fix it now as it won't take long13:40
mgzhum ho hum15:49
mneptokdum dee dee15:53
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