
highvoltagejust added all the edubuntu links to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Social01:22
highvoltageif I missed something, please add :)01:22
Barco_I have a problem with Italc - after connecting clients it sometimes fails to display a fullscreen or window demo.17:49
Barco_Anyone who has experience with the unexpected issues on Italc?17:50
alkisgYes, it's sadly known that italc crashes too often17:50
Barco_Any good alternatives? It currently drives me up the wall...17:53
alkisgWe've developed www.epoptes.org for this17:53
alkisgIt's a bit early-released as a project, but it should be more stable that italc17:54
Barco_Looks good, I will certainly try it out. Italc has a good concept but it's a beta release at best based on stabillity.17:56
Barco_I guess this was developed after the frustration of struggling with Italc? It's really unpredictable. Seems the auth keys become inacessable sometimes. Makes demo connection impossible. Might be very buggy code.17:59
alkisgSomething like that, yes18:01
alkisgWe had some scripts to manage clients, and at the same time were using italc18:01
alkisgWhen we saw it was impossible to make it work on some labs, we decided to extend our scripts to offer vnc, screen locking etc18:01
alkisgThen some international users were also frustrated with italc so we decided to extract the classroom management code to a separate project...18:02
alkisgIt'll grow up in a few months, the first i18n release was just a week ago18:02
alkisgBut we've been using it locally for about a year18:03
alkisgBarco_: is your language English? Or you need a translation too?18:04
Barco_Thank you for the recomendation and all the work you guys put into this. It wil definitely reduce my frustration in the class.18:04

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