
RoAkSoAxSpamapS: adam_g had documentation publicly available AFAIK03:15
backburner2is there a readme or docs for setup with openstack?03:31
mrsipan_would it be possible to use redhat based ami rather than a ubuntu one?04:25
SpamapSmrsipan_: would need cloud-init05:01
mrsipan_SpamapS, would it be the only need package?05:08
SpamapSmrsipan_: its a pretty huge need, and there will be some things that won't work.. like PPA's05:09
SpamapSmrsipan_: juju seeds new nodes with cloud-init to say things like "install these packages" so it can start its agents05:09
mrsipan_makes sense, I guess the cloud-init is also required to get the ec2 user (meta) data for bootstraping05:12
bcsallerand all the written formula currently expect .deb packages05:12
bcsallererr charms05:12
SpamapSwell, they expect apt05:12
bcsallerfair enough05:12
SpamapSand they make heavy use of pre-seeding when appropriate.05:13
SpamapSsuffice to say, the charms would have to grow OS independence05:13
SpamapSmrsipan_: there is no technical reason it won't work. There is, however, a lot of duplication of effort needed.05:13
SpamapSwow, we definitely need to fix this bit where txzookeeper can't reconnect on session expiry05:15
SpamapS2011-10-18 05:12:24,050: twisted@ERROR: Failure: zookeeper.SessionExpiredException: session expired05:15
SpamapSits t3h suck05:15
m_3kim0: awesome man!11:41
TeTeTkim0: does this work in kvm virtual machines as well, or limited to real iron?11:45
m_3kim0: should you maybe add that we're targeting to be "production-ready" by 12.04 (and hence still in development mode for orchestra/juju)?11:48
kim0TeTeT: not sure about that, because of needing 6 servers, I couldn't play with the whole thing11:51
kim0m_3: yeah makes sense .. I'll add that11:51
TeTeTkim0: yeah, I face the same limitation, I don't have access to 6 servers, but might be able to get 6 vms on 3 computers up and running or so11:56
kim0TeTeT: generally I think it's easy to configure openstack to use qemu (inside a VM) yes .. it's only a single flag in nova config file .. so "should" work yeah .. just didnt do it11:57
TeTeTkim0: ok, will give it a try eventually :)11:57
kim0cool :)11:58
kim0TeTeT: if you do .. be sure to share your experience on cloud.u.c :)11:58
TeTeTkim0: lol, i'll send you an email and you can feel free to publish it at most ;)11:59
kim0TeTeT: if you have a blog, I'm happy to add it though :)11:59
TeTeTkim0: I don't blog11:59
kim0wise man :)11:59
fwereadeoffhand, does anyone know why we have separate 'environment_name' and 'config' attrs on a provider? we pass the config around everywhere, but in general you need a provider to actually find out the env name12:15
rogfwereade: isn't the environment_name used for naming things?12:27
rogfwereade: hmm, i think i've probably misunderstood the question12:28
fwereaderog, sorry, missed you12:38
rogfwereade: np12:39
fwereaderog: I just had an urge to name something based on the environment_name12:39
fwereaderog: as we do for, say, security groups12:39
rogfwereade: yeah, that's what i was thinking of12:39
fwereaderog: but that takes the environment name from the provider, not from the config dict12:39
rogah. aren't they the same?12:40
fwereaderog: nah, the provider object has .environment_name and .config12:40
mjforkI grabbed juju yesterday and get an error that store.juju.ubuntu.com is not resolable when deploying...anyone else see that?12:40
rogfwereade: isn't the former initialised from the latter?12:40
fwereademjfork: we've had some trouble getting the online docs to auto-update12:40
fwereademjfork: stick "local:" on the front of the charm name12:41
fwereadejuju deploy --repository=blah local:mysql12:41
fwereaderog: the provider is initialised by an Environment object, which passes in environment_name and config, yes12:42
mjforktells me that the charm was not found in the respitory12:42
mjforki see a directory with the name12:42
fwereademjfork: is the repo flat, or does it have an "oneiric" subdirectory with the charms?12:42
mjforki am in the oneiric subdir12:43
mjforkdo i need to go up a level?12:43
mjforkthat did it12:43
rogfwereade: maybe the reason is that the environment name isn't actually part of the config for the given environment12:45
rogfwereade: it's outside of it in the yaml12:45
rogi don't see why it shouldn't be put in there though12:45
fwereaderog: I think that's the reason indeed12:46
fwereaderog: anyway, not something I actually need, just an idle curiosity12:47
fwereademjfork: glad that helped12:47
rogfwereade: yeah. it's an interesting oddity.12:47
mrsipanhow do i tell juju which key pair to use?13:58
fwereademrsipan, you can set authorized-key-path for the environment in environments.yaml14:01
mrsipanfwereade: thanks14:01
fwereademrsipan, sorry, authorized-keys-path14:01
fwereademrsipan, pointing to a .pub file14:01
mrsipanwhat user does juju use to ssh into instances?14:17
fwereademrsipan, "ubuntu", as I recall14:19
fwereademrsipan, are you having problems?14:20
mrsipanfwereade, I keep getting ERROR SSH authorized/public key not found14:20
mrsipanwhen trying to bootstrap14:20
fwereademrsipan, odd14:20
fwereademrsipan, if you don't specify anything for authorized-keys-path it should just use whatever it finds in your ~/.ssh14:21
fwereademrsipan, any of14:22
fwereadeIf your version of Ubuntu is not listed above, it is no longer supported and does not receive security or critical fixes.14:22
fwereadeoops, sorry14:22
fwereade    key_names = ["id_dsa.pub", "id_rsa.pub", "identity.pub"]14:22
fwereadedo you have any of those set up?14:22
mrsipanI have -d_rsa.pub14:22
fwereademrsipan, would you run bootstrap with "-v", and pastebin me the output please14:24
wckddoes 11.10 have xen built in?14:25
wckdor do I have to use kvm14:25
mrsipanfwereade: http://paste.ubuntu.com/712039/14:26
* fwereade makes thinking noises14:27
wckdshould have done some research before asking; both are supported14:28
fwereademrsipan, and you saw that error just the same before and after adding a authorized-keys-path?14:30
mrsipanfwereade: yes, I did, I can try again with the authorized-key-path option14:31
fwereademrsipan: the altrnative is to set "authorized-keys" in the environment, with the contents of your .pub file14:31
fwereade(and delete authorized-keys-path)14:31
mrsipank, will do that14:31
fwereademrsipan: I should note that both those options should have "key", singular, not "keys" in their names14:32
fwereademrsipan: but they don't, and it's confusing14:32
mrsipanfwereade, k, thanks for the clarification14:33
fwereademrsipan: I'm sorry, but I need to get to a shop before it closes -- I'll be back later, but you might want to follow up with someone else if you keep having problems14:34
fwereadesorry to abandon you :(14:34
mrsipanfwereade, np, thanks a lot for your help14:34
mjforki was working with SpamapS to replicate the OpenStack keynote demo, evertying starts ok, but terasort.sh fails with connection refused on port 802014:38
mjforki believe its a hadoop thing, but not sure14:40
SpamapSmjfork: hey15:08
SpamapSmjfork: if terasort.sh is failing then something went wrong starting hadoop15:08
mjforkwhat machine should be lsitinging on 8020?15:09
* SpamapS really needs to finish polishing up those instructions and blogify it15:09
SpamapSmjfork: namenode15:09
SpamapSm_3: ^^ mjfork is in need of guidance using your hadoop charms.15:09
mjforkSpamapS: if i run juju status I can see the data cluster, jobonitor, and namenode15:10
mjforkall with a status of up15:10
mjforkjuju ssh namenode/115:10
mjforkif I run a ps, i don'tsee any hadoop process15:11
mjforknor anything bound rto that port15:11
SpamapSmjfork: java15:11
SpamapSmjfork: dig around in /var/lib/juju/units/namenode-0/charm.log15:12
mjforkon the controller of namnode?15:12
SpamapSon namenode/115:12
SpamapSactually make it /var/lib/juju/units/namenode-1/charm.log15:13
mjforkunknown host excption15:15
mjforkthe host name was never reset15:15
SpamapSmjfork: can you pastebin the log?15:15
mjforkbut cloud-init set /etc/hosts to have server_25215:16
SpamapSserver_252 .. thats no good15:16
SpamapSmjfork: should be server-252 .. I wonder if your nova-network is misconfigured15:16
mjforki wonder why cloud-init didn't set hostname15:16
mjforklet me fix that15:17
mjforkmay do it15:17
mrsipanI'm getting address 'store.juju.ubuntu.com' not found, when deploying the example, any ideas why?15:17
mrsipanit seems a dns resolution error15:18
mjforkif your charm is local. prefix it with local:15:18
mjforki ran into this earlier this AM15:18
mrsipanmjfork, kthx15:18
mjforkSpamapS: i rebooted that node to pick up hotname change15:29
mjforkand it says waiting for unit to come up...but the system isbooted15:30
SpamapSreboots ont work15:30
m_3mjfork, SpamapS: hi guys15:30
mjforkso rebooting breaks it?15:30
mjforkwhats the alternative to get the hostname set right?15:30
m_3mjfork: so hadoop had a problem with the entry that cloudinit puts in /etc/hosts15:35
SpamapSmjfork: rebooting is a top priority on the production bugs list (for obvious reasons) ;)15:35
m_3mjfork: hadoop requires the hostname to resolve to a real (non-loopback) interface15:36
m_3mjfork: are you seeing this problem?  i.e., `netstat -lnp | less` and see hadoop binding to localhost only?15:36
mjforkhadoop wasn't bound at all15:37
mjforkpresumably because the host name didn't resolve15:37
m_3mjfork: hmmmm.... that's strange15:37
mjforkusing openstack + oneiric guest + cloud-init15:38
m_3mjfork: so let's start on the namenode/015:38
SpamapSmjfork: I would try destroying the namenode service, terminating the machine its running on, and then deploying namenode again.15:38
m_3yeah, worth starting fresh15:39
m_3SpamapS: hadoop refuses to bind based on ip address15:42
_mup_juju/ssh-passthrough r403 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com15:42
_mup_Initial commit15:42
m_3SpamapS, mjfork: so we need some sort of name that will resolve across the openstack install15:43
m_3it's actually a bug I'd like to push upstream15:44
mjforkjuju must keep VMs around after destorying service?15:45
SpamapSwe had no problems with hostnames in our openstack.. they were server-### .. and resolved fine15:46
mjforkevery VM I log into has ubuntu as hostname15:46
SpamapSmjfork: yeah, the reason for that is that its very likely that all services will deploy inside a container in the VM, for quick cleanup/re-use15:46
SpamapSmjfork: I say very likely because its not part of the code.. yet. ;)15:46
_mup_juju/ssh-passthrough r404 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com15:47
_mup_Merged trunk15:47
SpamapSWould be cool to use containers that way now.. without network namespaces.15:47
mjforkhow did you wrok around?15:48
mjforki must be missing someting for the hostname not tbe set right, but the /etc/hosts is15:48
m_3mjfork: what's written in /etc/hosts once the unit is up?15:48
SpamapSmjfork: _'s in hostnames would be an openstack/DHCP server problem15:50
SpamapSmjfork: you may need to look at nova-network's configuration15:50
mjforkec2metadata --local-hostname returns server_22115:52
mjforkso does look like OS problem15:52
SpamapSmjfork: yeah I'm sure there's some default hostname template somewhere that needs changing16:00
mjforkyah, foudn bug report16:01
mjforkits 1 line!16:01
mjforkif i could contrib code i would :-)16:02
mjforkstill didn't set hostname16:06
m_3mjfork: what's `hostname -f` and `hostname -f | xargs dig +short` return?16:08
mjforkrelaized i probably didn't set it in right spot16:09
mjforktryin gagain16:09
mjforkhostname -f says Name or serice not known16:18
m_3mjfork: dang...16:24
m_3mjfork: what gets written into /etc/hosts by cloudinit?  i.e., typically a entry16:25
mjforkshoot...still says server_26816:29
mjforkinstead of with -16:29
mjforki do see i am running older build16:30
mjforkshould upgrade16:30
SpamapSolder build of what?16:38
mjforki see my RPMs have a date of 072716:41
_mup_juju/ssh-passthrough r405 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com16:41
_mup_Testing to verify passthrough of args16:41
m_3jimbaker: yay, I'll actually use that quite a bit16:46
rogwhere can i view a list of merge requests that i have been asked to review?16:49
rogi'm sure i was told a URL recently, but i stupidly didn't write it down!16:50
* rog wishes that launchpad emails were more easily filterable16:50
bcsallerrog: the first link in the channel topic, http://j.mp/juju-florence16:54
_mup_juju/ssh-passthrough r406 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com16:55
rogbcsaller: that only seems to show the person that's submitted the code, not who's been asked to review it.16:57
bcsallerrog: people don't typically get asked, its a pull process16:57
rogbcsaller: ok. i must be misremembering.16:58
jimbakerm_3, good to know. i think it will be a very nice feature, being able to create a tunnel (no need to expose) or change config options, or do stuff like juju ssh unit/0 cat foo16:59
hazmatrog, i explicitly asked on one of the go  reviews for you17:01
hazmatbut typically, we go to the kanban view and pick items off the review queue there17:01
roghazmat: ah, that's what i'm remembering. it's got buried in my email and i can't remember which one it was.17:01
m_3jimbaker: tunnels on the fly to unexposed services is the big one (-L8888:localhost:80)17:01
hazmatrog, its go-new-revisions17:01
jimbakerm_3, sounds good. it should land in review this afternoon, just need to write a few more tests17:02
roghazmat: thanks17:02
jimbakerm_3, then i will add support for juju scp17:02
hazmatjimbaker, whens the provisioning agent network extraction coming onto your plate?17:03
_mup_Bug #877597 was filed: ec2 bootstrap fails when specifying instance type <juju:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/877597 >17:06
jimbakerhazmat, what do you mean? i can certainly work on that, but i'm not certain what the specific bug/feature is17:07
hazmatjimbaker, re the expose-retry review comments17:08
hazmatspecifically [2]17:09
jimbakerhazmat, ok, i think you mean bug 87310817:09
_mup_Bug #873108: Move firewall mgmt support in provisioning agent into a separate class <juju:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/873108 >17:09
jimbakersounds like a good one, so i put it in WIP17:10
hazmatjimbaker, awesome thanks17:16
m_3hazmat, bcsaller: let me know if you'd like explicit examples to drive the colocated services features17:20
m_3they're probably pretty obvious though17:21
SpamapSshouldn't the focus be on the production bugs?17:23
SpamapSLike.. handling reboots.. HA for bootstrap.. colo'd services..17:24
SpamapSexposing/unexposing seems to work right now.. :p17:24
rogi'm off now. travelling to a conference in madrid for thurs and fri, so won't be online much. see y'all monday.17:24
m_3later rog... enjoy madrid!17:26
m_3SpamapS: so in the course of cleaning up charms...17:29
m_3there's a littering of one-off hooks for infrastructure aspects like logging, monitoring, etc17:29
m_3we'll split those off into separate charms (munin-node, log-source, rsync-source, nfs-client, etc) once colocation lands17:30
SpamapSor packages17:31
SpamapSThey only need to be charms if they have network duties17:32
m_3but they're pretty ugly atm...17:32
m_3trying to keep templates inline and stuff so they're easy to move around (i.e., _one_ hook)17:32
m_3oh, hmmmm17:32
m_3that's what I was getting around to asking.... are there any better ways to do this?17:32
m_3but even a single package solution, like munin-node requires config right?17:33
m_3does that belong in the "primary" service on that machine?17:34
hazmatSpamapS, the focus is on production issues and bugs generally, but co-location is a key msising feature to being able to use juju in the real imo17:55
SpamapShazmat: I consider co-location production critical. :-D18:18
SpamapShazmat: I didn't see that bcsaller was actually working on co-location when I whined about it. ;-)18:31
bcsallerSpamapS: I'll be pushing an updated spec for colo soon (hopefully by end of day)18:32
zulSpamapS: i think most people do20:49
m_3is anyone else having problems bootstrapping from today's ppa in ec2?21:20
hazmatm_3, testing..21:36
m_3hazmat: digging through the logs on the bootstrap instance to see where it's hanging up21:37
hazmatm_3, do you just get an instance that's stuck bootstrapping?21:41
hazmathmm.. no that works21:42
* hazmat tries a deploy21:42
m_3bootstrap comes up, but then status can't get to it21:42
m_3is status returning for you?21:42
hazmatm_3, it is21:43
hazmatm_3, i'm running against trunk21:43
m_3ppa's 0.5+bzr408-1juju1~oneiric121:44
hazmatm_3, yeah.. same rev21:44
* m_3 double-checking paths, envs, yamls21:44
* hazmat does a reset on his env to double check21:46
m_3hazmat: thanks for the confirm... I must be on drugs... still can't connect ebfore timeout21:46
hazmatm_3, can you pastebin the console log or the cloud-init log21:47
m_3hazmat: your keys are added ubuntu@ec2-174-129-179-28.compute-1.amazonaws.com21:51
hazmatm_3, thanks21:54
hazmatm_3, machine looks okay on first glance21:55
m_3I know, it totally does =><=21:55
hazmatm_3, what's the error on status, do you have multiple envs?21:56
hazmatthe zk tree is fine as well21:56
m_3I do have multiple envs21:56
hazmatm_3, possible you booted one and statd the other?21:57
hazmatm_3, outside of that we're into the realm of tcp issues, ssh is running/working, zk is running/initialized21:57
hazmatperhaps and ssh host fingerprint mismatch on the server, but that should have an error message21:58
m_3watching from awsconsole too21:58
m_3cleaned up s321:58
hazmatm_3, it looks like cloud init hadn't finished installing the keys22:22
m_3hazmat: same setup (acct,version,env) worked fine from a different VM... dunno what happened to my laptop between yesterday and today22:26
hazmatugh.. watches definitely have no delivery guarantees23:50

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