
shane2peruany ideas???  http://kubuntu.pastebin.ca/2090931   nvidia drivers failed to install00:00
shane2peruused the additional drivers thing to install them00:00
LinkmasterHey guys, my kubuntu computer is not picking up my school wireless network. It was working just fine 5 hours ago at my house, and I haven't done anything to the system that would have changed this. I try "sudo iwlist eth1 scan essid HMA", which is what I've always used in the past to pick up the network when it was being spotty, but now it says 'no results'. I'm using my other computer in the exact same spot, and its connection is great(60%)00:00
Linkmasterany ideas what to do here?00:00
shane2perubrb, gotta reboot00:00
LinkmasterHey guys, my kubuntu computer is not picking up my school wireless network. It was working just fine 5 hours ago at my house, and I haven't done anything to the system that would have changed this. I try "sudo iwlist eth1 scan essid HMA", which is what I've always used in the past to pick up the network when it was being spotty, but now it says 'no results'. I'm using my other computer in the exact same spot, and its connection is great(60%)00:01
Linkmasterany ideas what to do here?00:01
phiscibeshane install  module nvidia_current and try the nvidia install again00:01
phiscibeLinkmaster: start here  module nvidia_current00:02
phiscibegather yoru fortitude, its ugly this time00:02
phiscibesorry i miss pasted00:02
phiscibeAs reported by: http://uksysadmin.wordpress.com/2011/10/14/upgrade-to-ubuntu-11-10-problem-waiting-for-network-configuration-then-black-screen-solution/00:02
LinkmasterI don't use nvidia, its broadcom/intel all the way down00:02
Linkmasterand I'm also using 11.0400:03
phiscibei meant that for shane200:03
Linkmasterah, okay00:03
phiscibebut if that one isnt addressed first u cant go anywhere00:03
archcraftmassive problem i installed kubuntu and told it to download updates while installing and all that but the font is EXTREAMLY tiny when it booted for the first time00:03
phiscibegod u got off easy archcraft00:05
archcraftthat doesn't help my problem00:05
phiscibethere are 1000's if not 10's of thousands of bugs this time, sorry if im flip im bured out i so wanted all this to work00:06
archcrafti guess all i can run is ubuntu :-( sucks cause i hate unity00:06
phiscibethe bug storm is everywhere some nasty ones have propregated through all major distors00:06
archcraftso i guess windows is the only solution lol00:06
phiscibecareful, they burn heretics in these parts00:07
archcrafthow can they if their distro sucks00:07
phiscibekill the messanger types00:07
archcrafti hate windows too but you cant beat the idea it works00:07
phiscibewell if we go with your idea, it would be correc to say linux sucks, but mainly because of the code base going to peices, but maybe a good crisis is what is needed00:08
phiscibeyes windows is stationary, not a moving target like linux00:08
jamil_1who dares to say linux suck!00:09
phiscibeagain they dont like truth speak, we are talking about the computing world and what is going in in realtion to the distro we are using which is probably kunbutu as we are here, but say Windows and some of these ppl drop a load, and get their torchs00:09
phiscibe see hehe00:10
phiscibethey will scream off topic off  topic (code for burn the heritic)00:10
archcraftwell if the distros can't install then yes linux has a major problem00:10
jamil_1I wonder what sort of testing is done by cannonical etc before each release00:11
jamil_1I hope they know about TDD00:11
phiscibethe flash bug....This bug affects 3009 people. Does this bug affect you00:12
phiscibeone bug, just ubuntu and the family00:12
jamil_1phiscibe: what bug ?00:12
archcraftwell i can't even see anything on my screen without a magnifying glass so yeah flash is down on my ist of problems00:12
phiscibethe flash plug in if left running say like hula or youtube eventualy eats all ram and segvaults, bricks system00:12
phiscibewell not brick freeze00:12
phiscibethink it is just firefox and maybe chrome, not sure00:13
phiscibemozila maybe00:13
jamil_1phiscibe: havent seen such thing yet00:13
jamil_1phiscibe: I am playing a video in chrome right now00:13
phiscibehave to leave a flash player running00:13
phiscibeit plays ok00:13
=== shane_ is now known as shane2peru
jamil_1its eating 1.4% mem and 20% cpu00:14
phiscibeive been running you tube awhile and i think its not efffecting me now but it was00:14
jamil_1phiscibe: yes, its playing fine00:14
shane2peruok, can't seem to install nvidia drivers??00:14
jamil_1phiscibe: for how long ?00:14
archcraftok the font size is fixed darn nvidia driver00:15
phiscibei think installing ibus and manualy adding folders, then setting default locals fixed it here, but its maybe 2 hours left open but i got 5 gb ram so less for lots00:15
jamil_1phiscibe: mostly I have listened to music on youtube, only 4-5 mins videos00:15
shane2perualso seems I have 89 packages not upgraded, no GUI update manager, and apt-get upgrade, doesn't do it???00:16
phiscibeshane2peru:   look in the package manager amd see it nvidia-common is installed00:16
Daskreechphiscibe: The reason people say offtopic is because you end up masking people who need help00:16
jamil_1phiscibe:  though I have observed kwin and Xorg eat up ur CPU time very quickly00:17
DaskreechIf you want to rant for hundreds of lines then an offtopic would be fine00:17
phiscibewell shane2peru until somebody in the developer world has an epithamy and find the rooot cause(s) your gonna have problems00:17
DaskreechIf you want to help then a devel channel would be fine as well00:17
phiscibeso they will run me out, one who has answered 4-5-6 dozen pleas for help since the 11.10 release out, for steeping back and telling every body have alook around00:18
phisciberethink it all00:19
shane2peruDaskreech: apt-get dist-upgrade?  that seems to offer a lot of upgrade00:19
Daskreechphiscibe: That's fine but work still needs to be done. Take one problem and fix it00:19
Daskreechshane2peru: probably would. Fixes tend to come shortly after release00:20
phiscibeim try dude, but i sometimes would like to be rude and insult your mamma up front instead of in the middle cause then we can get over it and talk about computing00:20
archcraftwell no audio since the i have every HDMI profile EXCEPT 2 channel which is the only one that iwll work00:20
phiscibedo you have a mix of analog and digital cablin garch00:20
phiscibearchcraft:  i meant00:21
DaskreechGreat :-) we get that there are problems. Across most of the stack. X is moutning issue but you can't break the whole world to fix it00:21
phiscibei got to change keyboards00:21
archcraftnope disabled the onboard audio card as well i only have an hdmi cable going to computer00:21
archcraftubuntu has a 2 channel profile and this one has everything except 2 channel makes no sense00:22
archcrafti gotta figure out how to get HDMI nr 2 output00:22
phiscibeDaskreech: i agree fix can shortly follow, but ive been looking this hard, ive been burning midnigh oil, the bugs have been ongoing slowly overlook for months just pilling on top of another00:22
phiscibeit seems diffrent now , critical mass00:22
Daskreechphiscibe: yep consequence of more people using and less people wanting to work on stuff that is harder than a 4 liner00:23
phiscibeit calls for a new model is what i feel and who wants to here that00:23
phiscibeand i am biased as a user, which is also part of the problem00:24
Daskreechphiscibe: a model of operating system?00:24
Linkmasterso, I take it back, this computer has spotty connection as well, but I think I fixed it. any advice on my kubuntu computer(the one I mainly use) though?00:24
archcraftlol i think its just people are getting tired of linux i mean they are going to things like mac and windows that just works out of the box00:24
phiscibea model of all of it  out of the box thinking00:24
Daskreechphiscibe: Want to jump to offtopic?00:24
phiscibelike that00:24
phiscibewhy does every body freak about off topic when we ar e talking so on topic it is spiritual00:25
phiscibethats in the box00:25
Daskreechphiscibe: Cause this is a support channel00:25
DaskreechDiscussions otherwise can happen in offtopic00:25
phiscibetransparecy seems to be a forieng thought00:25
Daskreechhow is it not transparent?00:25
Daskreechofftopic is a more open channel than this one is00:26
DaskreechThat's the point of it00:26
phiscibebecause you wanna go to a room and discuus solutions when the best thing to give the MOST support is to talk in the open get everybody aware00:26
DaskreechYou are talking in a room right now00:27
phiscibeoptimize support channel, optimize information sharing, talk disucss collaobrate dont seperate the users like blocks of cde00:27
DaskreechYou are doing the exact same thing00:27
phiscibebut we can go over there im eaching a pesonailty disoder moment were is the chan00:27
phiscibeat least i have passion, stiffling passion isnte the answer , remember when computers wher fun00:28
Linkmastershould I state my problem again? not wanting to press, but my computer needs to be working =P00:28
DaskreechLinkmaster: please do00:28
LinkmasterIt won't pick up the wireless signal from my school. I've tried 'sudo iwlist eth1 scan essid HMA" which is what I always used before, when it was being spotty. I find it strange, since I was using the computer earlier today at my house without problems, so I know that the card works and all that. I'm using 11.04, and haven't done any system configuration(that I'm aware of) that would change this. Where should I start the troubleshooting proc00:30
Linkmasterto get it fixed?00:30
LinkmasterThe computer is broadcom/intel all the way down, so they are all 'generic' parts00:30
DaskreechI presume the interface starts up fine00:30
DaskreechOh what version of NM are you running?00:31
DaskreechIs it a hidden essid ?00:34
LinkmasterThe most recent I presume, whichever version comes with KDE4.7.100:36
=== Linkmaster is now known as Guest52488
DaskreechGuest52488: could you check please? :)00:40
=== pauluntu is now known as Guest32941
artur_just installed kubuntu 11.10 - problems copying files from laptop to a USB flash. any clues?00:52
jamil_1artur_: some error or what ?00:52
artur_when i copy a file from the laptop off to a USB stick, the USB stick is empty even though it says "Copied OK"00:53
artur_what gives, I'm thinking?00:53
artur_is it a bug or what? i googled it, and it seems this issues has been around since at least 200800:54
jamil_1artur_: hmm never had such problem00:54
jamil_1artur_: try copying from command line00:54
jamil_1artur_: you may not have write permissions on usb00:55
artur_jamil_1: the USB works perfectly under Win700:57
jamil_1artur_: no, some time kubuntu messes things00:57
artur_too bad as I've just switched to Kubuntu from Ubuntu - cannot stand Unity/Gnome 300:58
artur_jamil_1: thanks anyway. cheers00:58
jamil_1artur_: not that it will happen always or this IS the case now.00:59
Hganavakif I already have Ubuntu installed, can I change to Kubuntu easily? Or does it cause lots of problems?01:01
Guest52488Daskreech: ping01:01
Daskreechpong Guest5248801:02
=== Guest52488 is now known as Linkmaster
LinkmasterSorry, my nick was being a bum. what was the last thing you got before my network decided to boot me off?01:02
DaskreechHganavak: install kubuntu-desktop01:02
artur_Hganaval: you can have KDE (Kubuntu) alongside Gnome (Ubuntu) with no problems01:02
HganavakHow different is it to installing kubuntu from scratch?01:03
pauluntu_i finally got hdmi audio working :D but i can honestly say kubuntu is not up to par with ubuntu its definantly showing features its behind on01:04
LinkmasterHganavak: its really easy. Just install it, logout, and select which environment you want. SInce you have a *buntu installed, all the core elements are already on your system01:04
Linkmaster*install the kubuntu-desktop01:04
HganavakDoes it work identical to a clean kubuntu install then?01:04
pauluntu_why does opensuse use 400mb at idle and kubuntu >60001:05
artur_Guys sorry to impose myself, but once again - does anyone else have any issues copying files from desktop to a USB stick under Kubuntu? I have this problem and it worries me01:05
pauluntu_artur idk ill try one sec01:06
artur_Hgavanak: yes it's essentially identical01:06
artur_just install kubuntu-desktop and see for yourself. if you don't like you can always remove it01:06
pauluntu_no problems01:06
artur_pauluntu: sorry can you come again, i did not get what you said01:07
PeakerWhy is almost unnoticeable contrast considered the epitome of aestethics?  The default Kubuntu theme makes active/inactive window titles just barely differentiable. The volume indicator light white vs. slightly less light white, why??01:07
pauluntu_i copied files from a usb to desktop no problems copied files from desktop to usb no problems and deleted files from usb no problems01:08
artur_pauluntu: glad for you. for me though, it does seem to be an issue. when i copy files to a USB stick the system says "copied OK" but then i don't see anything on the USB, it's empty01:09
artur_tried several times, to no avail01:09
pauluntu_have you tried rebooting sometimes when i have problems that fixes them01:09
artur_the USB is your regular USB, just like any other regular USB, formatted to FAT32.01:09
pauluntu_i think ubuntu well all the buntu's atm are having problems01:10
pauluntu_ah well mine is ext3 partitioned idk if that makes a difference01:10
artur_ah OK, that might be the issue. but then again, FAT32 being the de-facto standard FS for USB drives, shouldn't (K)Ubuntu be agnostic to it01:11
DaskreechHganavak: Installing Kubuntu from scratch won't have the Ubuntu things installed01:11
TheEvilPhoenixartur_:  are you sure its FAT32?01:13
TheEvilPhoenixartur_:  what size USB stick/drive?01:13
LinkmasterDaskreech: sorry about my spotty connection01:13
TheEvilPhoenixartur_:  from my experience, most USB drives >= 2GB are NTFS01:14
artur_I'm sure otherwise it wouldn't work under Win7 - and it does work flawlessly. it's a 4 GB stick01:14
DaskreechLinkmaster: It's ok01:14
TheEvilPhoenixthen i'll betcha its NTFS01:14
artur_TheEvilPhoenix: you know WHAT - you might just be right!01:14
LinkmasterDaskreech: what was the last you got from me?01:14
artur_I completely forgot the FAT32 limitation on 2 GB01:15
TheEvilPhoenixmost drives at 4GB and up are default NTFS01:15
artur_gonna check my USB as soon as I get to work today01:15
artur_OK, woof, that eases things then! thank you kindly01:15
Daskreechartur_: what's the problem?01:15
TheEvilPhoenixDaskreech:  i dont think he has the NTFS packages installed ;P01:15
TheEvilPhoenixartur_:  from what I could tell he was having issues using his USB drive01:16
DaskreechLinkmaster: install the kubuntu desktop01:16
TheEvilPhoenixDaskreech:  ^01:16
DaskreechTheEvilPhoenix: He should they ship by default01:16
TheEvilPhoenixand was thinking it was FAT3201:16
TheEvilPhoenixDaskreech:  i've seen instances where it hasnt been installed by default :/01:16
TheEvilPhoenixrare, but i've seen them01:16
artur_TheEvilPhoenix: OK wait a sec - does it being NTFS change anything??? So OK it's NTFS, should it be a problem for Kubuntu to read this drive01:18
Daskreechartur_: It shouldn't change anything01:18
artur_ah, then I still have this issue to deal with01:18
TheEvilPhoenixunless either the packages for NTFS didnt get installed...01:18
TheEvilPhoenixor you have underlying hardware issues01:18
artur_"packages for NTFS" - can you elaborate here please?01:19
TheEvilPhoenixfaulty stick perhaps01:19
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE01:19
pauluntu_why does kubuntu ship with terminal, xterm, and uxterm i mean its little things like that, that could help reduce bloatware01:21
macoxterm and uxterm are part of the base *buntu because they tend to work even when everything else goes to hell01:22
pauluntu_ok i got the audio setup although i dont see why kubuntu didn't work out of box like ubuntu did but how much ram do yall use while idleing mine is 600 something megs seems kinda high just for an os sitting there doing nothing01:23
pauluntu_free -m shows i have 3155mg free i have 4gb so thats even more been used than 600 like i though01:27
pauluntu_weird i have used wine for world of warcraft on several distros but this is the first one where its all choppy and i have the ppa version of wow01:33
=== Linkmaster is now known as Guest56580
gradehi guys01:43
gradewould like to ask my 11.10 prob01:43
gradeit seems my sound is not working after I upgrade to 11.1001:44
shane2peruok, missing a few apps in the repos, acroread and kfilebox?  I'm searching the web, but if you know something always appreciate the input.01:46
jmichaelxshane2peru: what version of kubuntu are you using?01:46
shane2perujmichaelx: just upgraded to 11.10 Oneric01:47
shane2peruoh, and Chrome, not to be confused with chromium01:47
LINKSWORD2Hey everybody, is there a way to FORCE a program to uninstall?01:47
=== Guest56580 is now known as Linkmaster
Peakerwhen I change the volume, I get volume bars to appear -- but there's almost too little contrast to notice what the level is01:48
* Linkmaster slashes wrists01:48
jmichaelxshane2peru: ok, because i think that adobe acrobat read was removed from the parter repo in natty.... am not sure how to install it now, but i imagibe the ubuntu forums would have an answer somewhere01:48
shane2peruLINKSWORD2: how did you install it??01:48
Peakerhow do I change these colors? And why does KDE like low/undifferentiable-contrast so much?01:48
jmichaelxshane2peru: does okular not do everything that you need it to?01:48
LINKSWORD2Through KPackage Manager.01:48
Linkmasterlets hope my connection will stay for more then five minutes this time. Daskreech: I believe that the network manager(KDE default) is the most current, with KDE4.7.101:48
DaskreechLinkmaster: Right but then it depends on NM 0.901:48
LINKSWORD2However, when I attempt to uninstall it, I get an error that says I didn't provide the proper authentication. For which, I received no prompt.01:49
shane2perujmichaelx: well, in the previous version, it had serious printing issues, and wouldn't print01:49
DaskreechOtherwise it gets a bit strange with hidden SSID (as I understand it)01:49
jmichaelxshane2peru: okular would not print?01:49
shane2perujmichaelx: I can try it, acroread isn't a priority, just noted it on my list of stuff removed when I upgraded.01:49
Peakerwhat's the KDE gksu?01:49
LinkmasterDaskreech: Hmm...it was working three days ago, when I was here before the weekend, and I don't recall having any updates. Thats why I think its wierd01:49
DaskreechYou are running it directly from the command line though so I don't think that it's the issue01:49
shane2perujmichaelx: no, not sure why, didn't have a whole lot of time to troubleshoot it, just installed acroread, but then again, I had printing issues.01:50
LinkmasterI don't have any ready access to ethernet either, which will make it tricky at best01:50
jmichaelxshane2peru: actually acrobat read 9 *is* in the partner repo.... do you have that repo enabled?01:51
shane2perujmichaelx: well, I checked my software sources, but didn't see it listed, anywhere, let me doublecheck01:52
jmichaelxshane2peru: i'd encourage to try things again with okular... i generally prefer it, but acrobat reader 9 is available if you need it01:52
shane2perujmichaelx: I will certainly try it, I do like okular in general.01:52
LINKSWORD2Sorry. I need to leave.01:52
DaskreechLinkmaster: how are you connected now?01:53
shane2perujmichaelx: I do have Canonical Partners listed in my "Other Software" tab, and it is checked.01:53
LinkmasterDaskreech: using a different computer, which is newer and has the school OS on it(kioskedmode openSUSE)01:53
Daskreechnice :)01:53
* jmichaelx is mad at yet another KDE bug.... difficulty settings in ksudoku do not work!!!01:54
Daskreechtell the admin congrats01:54
Daskreech glad to hear people using kiosk01:54
Linkmasternooo, I hate it I hate it01:54
LinkmasterIts worse then using winblows01:54
jmichaelxshane2peru: can you not 'sudo apt-get install acroread'?01:54
DaskreechLinkmaster: :-D it's great someone is using it though01:54
=== ubuntu_ is now known as DeadmanIncJS
DaskreechLinkmaster: KDE 4.7 as well?01:55
shane2perujmichaelx: actually I was checking out the nice shiny new Muon Software Center, I'm impressed, much like the Gnome Software center that I actually liked.01:55
eyalMuon doesn't seem to sudo itself properly01:55
jmichaelxshane2peru: ahhh.... i have to admit that i have only once taken a glance at muon, and have not ever used it yet01:55
shane2perujmichaelx: apparently I enabled it after I fired up Muon Software Center (MSC) because in apt it is showing up.01:56
jmichaelxshane2peru: good deal01:56
shane2peruMuon is working fine here,01:56
shane2peruinstalling software, and selecting more to be installed, pretty slick.01:56
eyalMuon says "This operation cannot continue since proper authorization was not provided"01:56
* jmichaelx is probably too stuck in his ways to ever switch to muon01:56
eyalon all operations01:56
LinkmasterWhy is that so great to you? D: and I want internet back on my kubuntu machine, which is amazing.01:57
shane2peruohhh, shiny notification in the Muon window when app is installed.01:57
shane2peruLinkmaster: wicd (been my network manager for some time)01:58
DaskreechLinkmaster: Because kiosk is a useful tool for things like Internet Cafes01:58
DaskreechYou can connect from Kubuntu sometimes?01:59
LinkmasterDaskreech: nah, the openSUSE is gnome2. its barely efficient, and kiosk mode is useful for internet cafes, but not personal use.01:59
DaskreechOh bleah01:59
DaskreechBoooo :)01:59
Linkmasterand I have personal fondness for knetworkmanager, never had an issue I couldn't fix. and I can't get it because of lack of ethernet01:59
eyalhow do I get konversation to minimize to try when I close its window?02:00
eyalor when I minimize it?02:00
gradehi guys would like to ask my prob in alsa02:00
grademy sound is not working when I upgraded to 11.1002:01
shane2peruwell, that was short lived, I broke Muon. :)02:01
gradeis there any solution for this prob02:01
jmichaelxEyesIsServer: it is in the settings02:01
Daskreecheyal: should be an option for it I think02:02
jmichaelxeyal: it is in the settings.  Behavior>General>02:02
mase_workgrade: probably but you haven't really given us much information to go on02:03
eyaljmichaelx: I enabled System Tray, but if I close konversation window, I think it quit the app entirely02:03
jmichaelxshane2peru: you BROKE muon?02:03
LinkmasterDaskreech: where should I begin the troubleshooting though?02:03
jmichaelxeyal: hmmm, that should not happen02:04
mase_workgrade: can you see your sound card ? what information does alsamixer give you ?02:04
DaskreechLinkmaster: hmm well if iwlist doesn't list anything ...02:04
DaskreechLinkmaster: iwconfig works?02:04
eyaljmichaelx: maybe a crash then.. I'll try again02:04
eyalyeah, probably, didn't happen again02:04
shane2perujmichaelx: well, it seemed to lock up, I finally got it closed, because I couldn't see it doing anything02:04
jmichaelxeyal: good deal02:04
grademase_work: i see, I just upgraded my from 11.04 to 11.10 then rebooted and It said that my alsa is not working02:04
eyalso, how come the muon package manager/center both don't try to sudo their way into permissions, but just complain about permissions instead?02:04
jmichaelxshane2peru: like other package managers, it may have a few things to do after installing/removing things, before it can be shut down02:05
LinkmasterDaskreech: yep, just checked to make sure02:05
mase_workgrade: sure but that information doesn't help us. For example i upgraded my system and didn't get that, so it's not a generic issue.02:05
mase_workgrade: a quick google for debugging sound problems ubuntu returned this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems02:06
jmichaelxwow, audio issues just keep pouring in02:06
eyalI found some mention of "polkit" which I installed but still muon does not try to sudo02:06
grademase_work: so how can i see my sound card? and how can i used alsamixer?02:06
jmichaelxgrade: do you have multiple audio devices?02:06
gradejmichaelx: just a built-in sound card02:07
mase_workgrade: the link i sent you should answer your questions and provide you with a starting point\02:07
grademase_work: ill chk your link first02:07
jmichaelxmase_work: can you pastebin for me the output of 'lspci | grep -i audio'?02:07
grademase_work: thank you so much ill check it02:08
mase_workjmichaelx: wrong person i think02:08
jmichaelxoops (again)02:08
mase_workgrade: there are some additional links down the bottom too02:08
jmichaelxgrade:  can you pastebin for me the output of 'lspci | grep -i audio'?02:08
DaskreechLinkmaster: hmm Not .... sure ... I would say nm but I don't know what to run to test that from the command line02:08
grade00:14.2 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA)02:08
gradethat is the output02:09
jmichaelxgrade: ok, the machine i am using right now has the same audio device02:09
LinkmasterDaskreech: I just checked 'ifconfig' and eth0 is up and broadcast w/ multicast, and eth1(my wireless) is up and broadcast w/ multicast, but my lo is up and loopback w/ running. whats that mean?02:09
jmichaelxgrade: what do you see if you run 'alsamixer' in a terminal?02:09
gradejmichael: i see ill check the link first above02:10
jmichaelxgrade: no problem02:10
gradejmichaelx: cannot open mixer: No such file or directory02:10
jmichaelxgrade: hmm...02:10
gradejmichaelx: it seems i dont have alsamixer02:10
DaskreechLinkmaster: that things are working?02:10
Linkmasterokay, so nothing there is borked..02:11
jmichaelxgrade: what version of kubuntu are you using, and was it a fresh install?02:11
Daskreechat least drivers are loaded :)02:11
gradejmichaelx: im using 11.10, i upgrade my 11.0402:11
DaskreechTHere is just the one wireless network?02:11
LinkmasterI rescanned, nothing came up. and yes, not complaining about drivers, it was all working before. This is an oddity, one I've never seen before...and yeah, just the one02:11
gradejmichaelx: its not a fresh install02:11
jmichaelxgrade: i assume your audio was working correctly under 11.04?02:11
gradejmichaelx: yes it is working perfectly form 10.04 upto 11.0402:12
gradejmichaelx: this is my first time to have this alsa rpob02:12
shane2perujmichaelx: it would be nice if somewhere it told me it was busy, I think I disliked that about the ubuntu software center too.02:12
jmichaelxgrade: are you able to access the phonon settings? System Settings>Multimedia>Phonon02:13
shane2peruI'm assuming it is still working even though I can't see it, somthing is downloading a lot. :)02:13
gradejmichaelx: ok ill check it, for a while02:13
jmichaelxshane2peru: yea, i agree.... that sort of things can leave many people unsure about what (if anything) is going on02:13
gradejmichaelx: i could access phonon02:14
shane2perujmichaelx: however it appears to be running fine in the background, because apt-get complains of being locked.02:15
LinkmasterDaskreech: next step for troubleshooting?02:15
jmichaelxgrade: what do you see there? what is set as your music device, for example?02:15
jmichaelxshane2peru: are you still unable to close it?02:16
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gradejmichaelx: i could see alsa default output; oss defaoult output; jack audio connection kit02:17
shane2perujmichaelx: no it closed, but not with the X02:17
DaskreechLinkmaster: do you know the essid ?02:17
jmichaelxshane2peru: but you are still unable to use apt-get?02:17
jmichaelxgrade: do you have pulseaudio installed?02:17
shane2perujmichaelx: right, and my network widget shows serious downloading going on.02:17
gradejmichaelx: how could i check pulseaudio?02:18
jmichaelxshane2peru: ok, that does not sound like expected (or desired) behavior02:18
shane2perujmichaelx: I will let it run it's course, then check after it is done.02:18
jmichaelxgrade: in the terminal, what output does 'which pulseaudio' give you?02:18
shane2perujmichaelx: for example, I selected wine to be installed, and then searched for other stuff, searched for wine again, and it showed nothing, I re-clicked install, and it started again to download it?02:19
LinkmasterDaskreech: yes I do, but when I scan using the essid parameters as well, it states that "eth1    no scan results"02:19
gradejmichaelx: /usr/bin/pulseaudio02:19
jmichaelxshane2peru: sounds like muon may be pretty buggy02:19
shane2perujmichaelx: I think it was working, I just jumped the gun on some stuff, I'm not a pacient person for computers.02:19
jmichaelxshane2peru: my patience can also run low :-D02:20
DaskreechLinkmaster: and a flat iwlist eth1 scan gives you nothign as well ?02:20
jmichaelxgrade: so you do have pulse installed. in phonon, do you no see a device listed as 'internal audio analog stereo'?02:20
LinkmasterDaskreech: just checked, and yeah02:21
gradejmichaelx: i could see none02:22
jmichaelxgrade: strange02:23
jmichaelxgrade: have you rebooted a few times since upgrading to oneiric?02:23
gradejmichaelx: i agree, it is strange. i rebooted several times already, and when i logon it says that my alsa is not working02:24
jmichaelxgrade: what is output do you get for 'which alsamixer'?02:25
jmichaelx(sorry as always for my manifold typos)02:26
DaskreechLinkmaster: do you have nmcli ?02:26
LinkmasterDaskreech: :l....I really don't know02:26
Daskreechcan you try nmcli nm02:26
shane2perujmichaelx: ok, did install wine02:27
LinkmasterDaskreech: well, I typed in 'nmcli' and a bunch of stuff came up, so I assume I do02:27
DaskreechLinkmaster: try nmcli nm02:27
Daskreechwhat does it say about wifi ?02:27
LinkmasterRUNNING->running, STATE->disconnected, WIFI-HARDWARE->enabled, WIFI->enabled, WWAN-HARDWARE->enabled, WWAN->disabled02:29
LinkmasterDaskreech: ^02:29
jmichaelxgrade: could you see anyting with 'which alsamixer'?02:29
DaskreechLinkmaster: did you hand write that?02:30
DaskreechWow ok I'm afraid to ask you to run nm-tool :-o02:30
LinkmasterYeahh, I screen-typed that02:31
LinkmasterThe arrows stand for what was under the capital things(which are actually capitalized)02:31
phiscibebe nice if we someone added easy remote guest longons into their distro, for cases like this,02:32
LinkmasterDaskreech: well, the state of nm-tool says 'disconnected' and my eth1 device is 'disconnected' as well02:32
DaskreechBut the carrier is on?02:32
shane2peruis it me, or has FF7  increased it's speed?02:33
LinkmasterUhm....for my eth0(wired) it says under 'capabilities: carrier detect: yes"02:33
DaskreechLinkmaster: yeah that's how I picked up the hand typing :)02:33
DaskreechYeah that makes sense02:34
LinkmasterDaskreech: but under eth1, it has nothing under 'capabilities:02:35
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gradejmichaelx: /usr/bin/alsamixer02:35
ForgeAuswhat is quadros? just a square-based theme look or some kinda Linux flavour?02:36
phiscibereal time operating system ForgeAus02:38
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phiscibea brand name of one anyway02:40
DaskreechLinkmaster: Did you say if it's a hidden essid ?02:40
LinkmasterIt is a hidden essid02:41
LinkmasterThis troubleshooting is going somewhere though, so thank you for your help. What other ideas do you have?02:42
Daskreechsudo iwconfig eth1 essid any02:43
Daskreechtry that then connect02:43
Daskreechsudo iwconfig eth1 essid 'youressidhere'02:44
LinkmasterI tried, but nm-tool still gives the same results02:45
Linkmasteriwconfig states that the access point is not-associated02:45
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shane2perusmiley test :)02:46
shane2peruyeah, got it working in konversation, that just brightens my day.02:47
shane2peruwell, night.02:47
shane2peruok, quick and hopefully easy question, I had a quick luanch folder brower thing beside my menu, someone stole it, does anyone know where it went?02:49
phiscibehey Daskreech, i dont have a dameon running in kubuntu 11.04 that monitores other dameons and makes a log, what is that app called?02:50
Linkmastershane2peru: it should be found with the rest of the plasmawidgets that can be found02:50
LinkmasterDaskreech: anything to be done? D:02:51
shane2peruLinkmaster: right, somehow I don't know the name of it, I looked but really not sure what to search for.02:51
Daskreechnot associated hmm02:52
Daskreechshane2peru: lol ;)02:52
Daskreechphiscibe: syslog ?02:52
DaskreechLinkmaster: ummm02:53
Linkmastershane2peru: righclick on the desktop, hit 'add widgets' then on the 'catagories' thing, click 'application launchers'. it should be right there, under Quicklaunch02:54
Daskreechsudo ifconfig eth1 down ; sleep 10 ; sudo ifconfig eth1 up ?02:54
Linkmastersounds worthy of a shot02:55
Linkmasterthe  ;  mean a new command, or literally put that in there?02:55
DaskreechLinkmaster: both work02:56
Daskreech; is a command seperator02:56
Daskreechit's the same as typing the command on the line below02:56
shane2peruLinkmaster: nope, that isn't it either, I found Folder view, and that is almost it, but not quite, the other, I could quickly open menu, go through my folder structure and open a file02:56
Daskreechjust a way of running three commands on the same line02:56
Linkmastershane2peru: try reinstalling it02:57
Daskreechshane2peru: quick access ?02:57
LinkmasterDaskreech:  its the same as "&&"02:57
shane2peruDaskreech: maybe that was it02:57
DaskreechLinkmaster: No && will only run the next command if the first one is succesful. ; will run the next command regardles of what happened before it02:57
Daskreech&& is logical and dependent ; is not02:58
* shane2peru always forgets the difference between && and & therefore just uses ; :)02:58
Daskreechshane2peru: do you forget the difference between | and || ?02:58
Linkmasterah, very good thing to learn02:58
Daskreechwhat do you do then? :-o02:58
shane2perunope, don't even know the diff. :)02:59
DaskreechWell you could resort to named pipes but that's uuuuuber geek02:59
shane2peruoh, wait, I do know what | is, that is piping, I have used that.02:59
shane2peruquick access isn't it.02:59
LinkmasterDaskreech: okay, that command went through w/o problems, what next?02:59
DaskreechLinkmaster: try the iwconfig connect again02:59
shane2peruthat is terrible, I can't beleive they stole that right off my desktop, right in front of my very eyes!03:00
LinkmasterDaskreech: nothing :l03:01
kadobanso, my wireless card worked during the install, but now in kde it doesn't do anything.  it just shows as "unmanaged", and doesn't let me join any networks.  how can i figure out why?03:02
kadobanit worked in the last version of kubuntu...03:02
kadobanit also sits for a very long time when booting at "Waiting for network configuration..." and eventually gives up03:05
shane2peruLinux shanekub 3.0.0-12-generic #20-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 7 14:56:25 UTC 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux03:06
LinkmasterDaskreech: sorry about that, someone tried to take my spoof03:07
rubyplusplusCan you setup ubuntu one in kubuntu 11.10?03:12
ubottuUbuntu One is a service where you can back up, store, sync and share your data with other Ubuntu One users - For more see https://one.ubuntu.com/ support and help available at #ubuntuone03:12
kadobanlooks like if i get rid of the wireless connection in /etc/network/interfaces, it now works.  that's a really bad default...wonder why it did that (set up my wireless with the settings from the install)03:15
kadobanalso wonder why it totally doesn't appear to work...03:15
brambleclawhow do i view my current os?03:22
phiscibeno sorry reading about bugs,03:24
Daskreechbrambleclaw: turn on the computer ?03:27
DaskreechSeems like a good start03:28
cprgmswr2what does kubuntu use for automount devices03:29
Daskreechcprgmswr2: What level are you talking about?03:30
phiscibeit uses a utility called fstab cprgmswr2, however, it seems to have been broken recently03:31
Daskreech The device manager will notify you, Solid will broadcast it and udev will do the actual mounting03:31
phiscibeoh you mean as in plug in the device, not auto start03:31
Daskreechcprgmswr2: do you mean mount when the computer starts up or after you plug something in?03:32
cprgmswr2Daskreech: when you plug something in03:32
Daskreechcprgmswr2: udev does the actual mounting if that's what you care about03:36
cprgmswr2Daskreech: yeah, thats what I care about, its just interesting that kpackagekit says udev is not installed03:36
Daskreechnice :)03:38
cprgmswr2thats why I am pretty confused03:38
Daskreechcprgmswr2: so you don't have a /etc/udev ?03:38
cprgmswr2ah I do03:39
cprgmswr2very very strange03:39
phiscibetry dmesg | tail03:43
phiscibethe udev bug iss ramant03:44
phiscibethere muliple version is one problem03:44
phiscibethere is one bug that cause udev to fail because of the a new folder stucture in  /var03:45
phiscibeinit.d startup scripts are broken in that they are not being replaced with upstart jobs03:46
Daskreechor systemd03:47
phiscibeso it dosent try to launch , wont work if it does unless you fix  /var, and one or two othere things03:49
phiscibeim still on 11.04 but ive seen enought to know dbus gets worse03:50
phiscibedbus-daemon[system] Rejected send message, 7 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.28" (uid=1000 pid=2378 comm="/usr/bin/plasma-desktop ") interface="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager" member="Sleep" error03:50
phiscibethat one03:51
phiscibesome kind of certificate or sercuiryt problem i think03:51
phiscibeDaskreech: it was syslog, but the file name is rsyslogd03:54
phiscibehad a doh moment03:54
phiscibewhat do you do when the service logging error messages is causing error messages03:56
DaskreechFix them?03:57
OerHeksfile a bug-report, but first try to reproduce your problem.03:57
DaskreechOerHeks: You are assuming it's a bug :)03:57
phiscibeyeah but how do i even see its output03:59
phiscibei have settled this system much, its far better than three days ago  OerHeks i was just sharig becuase it can mess with usb thumb drives as cprgmswer2 was dealing with04:02
Daskreechphiscibe: why do you say it's throwing errors if you can't see anyoutput from it?04:05
phiscibei dont know for sure, its a good guess im thinking, it can get high cpu spikes04:05
phiscibeand every other type of notification system has gone nuts, and it is not generating anything for one log file, which might just me configuration04:06
phiscibei think ive gotten rid of the flash bug, #1 on launchad, i have the bug where the journaling was writing every second for ext404:08
phiscibei have had the dbus bug where the cd drives spin on their own, and if  you but in a usb thunb it reads writes like made04:08
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phiscibeand the gvfsd bug generating lots of read writes, every qt or kde app would generate error message at one point from qtnotify and ibus04:11
Daskreechwow you've covered a lot04:11
phiscibeinstalling ibus clear much of this up, but there are diffrent version running at same time, ibus daemon and ibus gconf,  i hade to set imput methoeds in locales to ibus and it lits even more ibus options that oren there04:12
phiscibedbus-daemon has 4 instances right now and some apps still dont see it two running as my user name 1 as root and 1 as message bus04:14
phiscibeaand 3 dbus-launches04:14
phiscibeat one point apps would not leave the process list on exit, i had like 20 kates04:14
phiscibethere more i just understand yet04:16
phiscibeeven in a small way04:16
phiscibe5 pam-dbus-notify processes04:17
phiscibe and the policy kit seems busted04:17
phiscibei dot polkit-kde-auth and polkitd, which might be ok havnet read yet04:18
phiscibei dont even know where to begin on the init.d startups, i dont know where to look and see which are supposed to till be there are using upstart jobs04:19
phiscibeand i realy think, why am i doing this at all, i mean i realy like kde, but the only productivy of this is my learing esotirc stuff04:20
phiscibefeeding my inner nerd04:20
Daskreechthis is a clean install?04:20
phiscibeof 11.0404:21
phiscibewhich, the upgrade to 11.10 wont start, which is probllably good04:21
phiscibea few programs would flat segfault, no other data04:22
phiscibebut i dont have debug on04:22
phiscibegimp kate a few others, had to change the theme, start gimp, change it back, now its fine04:22
phiscibethe cpu still seems hight though idle 20-40%04:23
phisciberams ok04:24
phiscibels-dbus-backend, so many process to feed dbus so much notificaiton04:26
Daskreechwhat's keeping the CPU high?04:28
phiscibexorg ksysgaurd kwin, might but it might not be that bad as im bagning around and not realy idle04:29
phiscibebut knotify seem s to high04:29
phiscibeknotify4 and i have two of them04:29
phiscibewhich another thing is disturbing, i think that ALL  these start up stuff is starting TWICE one once each cpu04:30
phiscibeso somekinda ureadhead bug04:30
phiscibeevery one that uses a start up script it seems04:31
phiscibewhy are there 6 getty04:32
phiscibelooks like ksyslog is grabbing rsyslogd errors 10/17/11 03:33:45 PMwinky3rsyslogd-2039Could no open output pipe '/dev/xconsole' [try http://www.rsyslog.com/e/2039 ]04:41
DaskreechThere should be 6 getty04:47
DaskreechShould only be one knotify though04:47
DaskreechUnless you have two plasma desktops running04:47
phiscibe/dev/xconsole does not exist.04:48
phiscibe(I also had a failure to resume from suspend, with / remounted readonly and fsck at reboot; I do not know if this is related), thats so close to what all those fstab people are seeing04:48
phiscibetwo monitors with panel on both04:48
Daskreechhmm still shoudln't have two knotify processes04:51
Daskreechfailure to resume is unfortunately too common04:51
phiscibethat i got a hint one just havne got there, note that EVERY think with a startup scrit starts twice, but one seprate cpus04:53
phiscibeakonadi_contact -2 avahi-deamon -2 dbus-daemon -2 and so on04:53
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phiscibecupsd crypto cron cpust pgp-agent are just one each though, so i have to see what the diffrence in how they start04:54
phiscibeone each of upstart-socket-bridge and upstart-udev-bridge  more udev04:56
mr-richOk, the upgrade to 11.10 did not go NEARLY as smooth as the upgrade 10.10 to 11.04 ... I need to set a static IP (local class C) for this box for web development. I had it set up before and it worked. I've tried using the network setup tool to change it, but when I do, I can't get urls to resolve ... any ideas?04:56
phiscibemr-rich there is so much stranges its hard to get it out of fingers04:57
phiscibebut i have few04:57
phiscibeout of my fingers into chat that is04:57
Daskreechmr-rich: check your /etc/resolv.conf ?04:58
phiscibestart with this one, it foobars half the system04:58
phiscibehttp://uksysadmin.wordpress.com/2011/10/14/upgrade-to-ubuntu-11-10-problem-waiting-for-network-configuration-then-black-screen-solution/  if you dont like there solution there is another in the ubunut realse notes04:59
mr-rich... and my sound doesn't seem to work ... I hear two dings when I log in then I have nothing ...04:59
mr-richDaskreech: I didn't need it before ...04:59
phiscibeit effects ubus thus about everhting04:59
Daskreechmr-rich: ha ha if you were resolving names then you did unless you hand coded them05:00
phiscibeare the dings the sound card of the little carboard speaker05:00
phiscibecat /etc/resolv.conf anyway something in the failed network manger is moving resolvn.conf around killing dns05:01
mr-richphiscibe: no ... from the sound card ... when I launch my tv card, I hear sound ... no system sounds at all ...05:01
phiscibedunno, was gonna say the good ole mixer volue and mute trick, but maybe pusle audio failing05:02
mr-richexcept for the 2 dings when I log in ...05:02
phiscibethen again ive lots of people that have there volume set to zero after a boot, you might have that too and are getting a little sound before the event05:03
phiscibenot only zero volume but muted05:03
mr-richphiscibe: mixer is not set to 0 ... tv card has shound ....05:04
phiscibecluless, some have luck deleting their pulseaudio configuration  .pulse and reboting05:04
mr-richWhere are system sounds set?05:05
phiscibefrom a non X setup, not sure,  is it using the pulseaudio and gstreamer stuff or is it straign alsa on server install?05:06
phiscibeif it is pulse audio there is a hidden folder in  /home/user/.pulse05:07
mr-richwhere do I assign system sounds to action, etc?05:08
phiscibeon kubuntu phonon, no idea on server05:08
phiscibealsa has a suite of command line tools05:09
phiscibehey mr-rich im about to fall over05:09
mr-richphiscibe: then I suggest you get some sleep ... or stop drinking ... :)05:10
phiscibeive been taking nots and jaming them here, maybe its got a clue or too, http://kubuntu-experince.blogspot.com/05:10
phiscibeneed to drink more than i would arleay be in bed05:10
phiscibebut most of the bugs are releated to the X envieronment05:11
phiscibeu may be fine05:11
phiscibegoodnight gl05:11
nafg_Can someone help me regarding Strigi?05:16
DaskreechNo idea05:17
DaskreechMaybe if you say what the problem is05:18
nafg_It never runs.05:19
nafg_Server self test says Akonadi and Nepomuk not registered in D-Bus.05:20
mr-richOk, this is just plain wierd ... I have apache installed with a vew virtual hosts ... before I had set a static (local class C) ip to do development ... well, I can't do that now for some reason and I use DHCP to get an addy from my router. but ... and this is the wierd part, when I do an ifconfig, I seem to have an eth1 now ... and ... this is even wierder ... I can still ping the old static ip05:29
mr-richaddress and it still works in my browser ...05:29
mr-richoh ... all this happened since I upgraded from 11.04 to 11.10 today ...05:32
Daskreechnafg_: hmm does nepomuk start?05:34
Daskreechmr-rich: do you have an eth0 ?05:35
nafg_Daskreech: Settings/Desktop Search says it's active.05:40
Daskreechnafg_: so it says that's Nepomuk is on?05:41
nafg_Daskreech: Yes.05:41
Daskreechok so what's the issue?05:41
mr-richDaskreech: yes ... eth0 has the addy assigned by DHCP ...05:41
nafg_Strigi doesn't start, for one05:42
mr-richDaskreech: eth1 has no addy ...05:43
Daskreechstrigi runs pretty infrequently now a days I think05:43
Daskreechat least for me05:43
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HganavakWhere're my sound settings in Kubuntu? I just downloaded kubuntu-desktop from Ubuntu, it's all working super duper perfectly except my sound's not working at all the little icon in the bottom right says it's on 100%05:50
HganavakMy sound icon's red on my laptop though..05:50
HganavakNvm figured it out ;)05:53
Daskreechmr-rich: you are on dhcp you say?05:53
Daskreechnafg_: if it says Strigi is not running in that configuration it doesn't mean strigi is not working. Just that it's not doing anything right now05:54
mr-richDaskreech: yes ... further research (from ip addr) shows 2 ips ...05:54
Daskreechat the same ethernet card?05:55
nafg_Daskreech: Well it's definitely not working.05:55
nafg_But I can't really deal with it now...05:56
mr-richDaskreech: yes ... on the same card ... eth0 has 2 ip addys ...05:57
mr-richDaskreech: in 11.04, I assighed a static ip in /etc/network/interfaces ...05:58
Daskreechnafg_: alright it's not super crucial in any case05:58
mr-richDaskreech: I have since deleted that file ...05:58
DaskreechAh ok :)05:58
nafg_It is, PIM apps don't work05:58
Daskreechfor strigi ?05:59
Daskreechah well nepomuk maybe05:59
HganavakWhat do I need to instal to be able to play mv4s?06:20
zzillezzvlc plays that ?06:20
SunTsuare there things that vlc doesn't?06:21
zzillezzof course, it doesn't give you the best picture quality  out of the box :-)06:22
HganavakJust tried to install VLC and get the message 'This Operation cannot continue since the proper authorization was not provided'06:26
HganavakAs far as I cant see any prompts or anything? Where would it be? Sorry only been using kubuntu for about 30 mins06:27
SunTsuHganavak: maybe you didn't install kdesudo although that should be default06:28
bbeckAt the command line:  sudo apt-get install vlc06:28
SunTsuHganavak: just use su in a terminal and do "apt-get install vlc"06:28
SunTsuand maybe "apt-get install kdesudo" just to be sure06:29
HganavakSays it was already installed06:29
HganavakAnd I could grab it through terminal but I may as well fix this problem, otherwise Software centre's useless06:30
geokalhi,can someone plese tell me where is the update manager in kubuntu 11.10?06:37
TheLastProjectgeokal: It's called "Apper"06:39
TheLastProjectgeokal: Not sure where in the menu it is located, but typing Apper in the Kickoff launcher will let you find it06:39
geokalok i had to install it first..no apper in the menu06:44
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AndroidLoverInSFi want both unity and kde for 11.10, but i'll mainly be in kde. is it ok to install ubuntu, then install the kde-desktop? or vice versa. does it make any difference with regard to getting updates, etc?06:55
well_laid_lawneither way works fine06:57
DaskreechAndroidLoverInSF: they both work. Makes no difference they live side by side but don't interfere with each other07:04
ForgeAuslol progress quest is a little, uh non-intgeractive...07:10
ForgeAusgrr interactive if I Can type it right07:10
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Guest7596Hi, I recently installed kubuntu-11.10 (first time with ubuntu) and was pleased so far. However, one thing was disturbing and that is that the HDD LED lightly blinked every 2 seconds. Just a faint blink, almost like a weak hard beat. Other ppl experienced this problem too apparently, although I am not sure if it is indeed the same. I tested some configurations and settings and _finally_ found out that stopping dbus got rid of that blinking!07:41
Guest7596 Of course, DBUS is vital, so any ideas?07:41
ForgeAusyou mean to say your problem was that your computer was working?07:44
Guest7596ForgeAus, It is actually idle. It is just a faint blink so not like it is the case when the PC is working or the HDD is heavily accessed...07:45
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ForgeAusidle? maybe your not doing anything but does DBUS know that?07:46
ForgeAusit was probably just doing its job...07:46
ForgeAusI doubt its anything to be alarmed about07:46
Guest7596ForgeAus, I didn't experience such a behavior previously with my gentoo. It was quite old, so maybe something in DBUS/KDE/etc. changed in the meantime, but I don't think this is the nice way to have this LED weakly blink every 2 seconds...07:47
ForgeAuswhile I agree, its not something I can do anything about...07:48
Guest7596No problem :) Maybe someone else has an idea on that?07:49
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axel56Hello Kubuntu user07:53
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axelHello Kubuntu User07:54
axelHallo yoga07:55
joelhi, i have a massive problem with kmail 207:57
joelwhen i open it, i don't have any "folders"07:58
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ForgeAusfile -> new -> addfolder?08:00
Guest93113ForgeAus: actually its getting worse, i get a fatal error now when starting kmail08:01
priteshany one can explain me how apt-get works ?08:01
ForgeAusok well that I don't know how to fix08:01
ForgeAuspritesh, it uses wget or something to retrieve a package then dpkg to add it to the system08:02
ForgeAuswhen you use a command like sudo apt-get install packagename08:02
priteshyes that i know08:02
ForgeAusok what don't you know? because I probably don't too :)08:02
priteshbt i want to know if i use "apt-get install vlc" it will install vlc but how it can call the server and then fetch the proper package and from where08:03
Daskreechpritesh: less /etc/apt/sources.list08:04
ForgeAus(you can also edit that in muon if you have the same Kubuntu version I have (possibly packagekit or adept on older versions)08:05
priteshdaskreech,  thanx08:05
seshagiriHello everyone, i did a fresh kubuntu installation after the release of 11.10. When i tried to install kipi-plugins from source, i found following errors: http://pastebin.com/0nb5SUWK, which i didn't find during my preivous installation. I guess, The problem is with kde 4.7, such that some dependancies are not satisfied. Could some one please help me out?08:05
priteshforgeaus, oj,,,,08:05
seshagiriI've already asked to #digikam and #kde-imaging, but no-one responsed yet!08:06
Daskreechseshagiri: I'm assuming you ran apt-get build-dep ?08:06
seshagiriDaskreech: yes08:06
seshagiriDaskreech: i've also installed some dependancies manually08:07
priteshthnx everyone08:09
Daskreechhmm build-dep should pull in all the sources you need to build that package assuming you aren't on trunk08:10
seshagiriI am not on trunk. Last time i've installed it without any fail and within few minutes. But i guess they've made a lot of changes in the 11.10. And that may be one of the cause!08:12
Guest93113ForgeAus: deleting all kmail and akonadi configs solved the problem08:12
=== gaurav_ is now known as Guest7483
AlexDevilLXHello my little frendie08:17
Daskreechseshagiri: true. What is wrong with the kipi-plugnis package for Kubuntu ?08:18
AlexDevilLXGnome 2 is dead08:21
AlexDevilLXWTH is plasma08:21
DaskreechOfficially it's the 4th state of matter08:21
seshagiriDaskreech: I don't know . The instructions given in kipi-plugin's documenation is not updated and also no one blogged about the changes!08:22
AlexDevilLXwazzzup is plasma?08:22
AlexDevilLXi like AmaroK icon08:22
Daskreechseshagiri: Did you try the Kubuntu packaged kipi-plugins ?08:22
AlexDevilLXhow to compiz-config in KDE?08:22
DaskreechAlexDevilLX: same was as in Gnome but it of course only works if you are running compiz08:23
Daskreech which doesn't get run in KDE by default08:23
seshagiriDaskreech: I didn't get you? You mean installation from Kubuntu-repository?08:23
Daskreechseshagiri: yes08:23
AlexDevilLXDaskreech: how to?08:23
ForgeAusyou no longer need compiz in kde08:23
ForgeAusdesktop effects do much of what compiz used to08:24
AlexDevilLXok, i like compiz, metacity how to use them in KDE?08:24
seshagiriDaskreech: I am developing a plugin. So i have to install it from source. No  other choice08:24
ForgeAusjust replace the window manager (kwin) with compiz or metacity08:24
Daskreechseshagiri: fair enough :)08:24
ForgeAusgenerally you run wmname -replace08:25
DaskreechAlexDevilLX: press alt+F2 and type default08:25
ForgeAus(ie fluxbox -replace, or kwin - replace or metacity - replace, etc... )08:25
AlexDevilLXruned reconq08:25
Daskreechapachelogger: ping. Can you send a minion to assist seshagiri?08:25
AlexDevilLXi cant open compiz-config08:26
seshagiriDaskreech: Thanks brother. I found a solution. It can only be installed in home folder.  Last time i tried in a sub folder under home folder.  But this time it didn't work08:26
AlexDevilLXcompiz --replace08:27
ForgeAuscheck your package manager08:27
ForgeAusthere will be a kde configurator for compiz somewhere08:27
ForgeAusif not I think there is a desktop effects app... not sure what package it comes in08:28
ForgeAusgnome? no idea... this is kubuntu, mostly based around KDE...08:28
seshagiriDaskreech: I've got class now! See ya. You guys are real open source contributors :) Thanks again. :)08:28
DaskreechAlexDevilLX: try kinfocenter08:34
Daskreechseshagiri: see you thanks for being patient and helping out08:34
apacheloggerDaskreech: lolwut?08:36
Daskreechapachelogger: never mind08:37
apacheloggeryou know08:37
DaskreechIt worked out08:37
apacheloggeryou are the third person to tell me to never mind in like 30 minutes08:37
Daskreechsomething about dependency issues building kipi-plugins08:37
* apachelogger feels unneeded now08:37
Daskreechapachelogger: cause we don't want your mind. We want your body08:37
apacheloggerc'est terrible08:39
Daskreechc'est magnifique!08:39
jtr__i have a problem - a very minor one08:44
jtr__kopete crashed, i tried to report it via the bug wizard ( which i think uses dr.konqi to find suitable debug packages) - i 'ok'ed everything till it failed to authenticate08:44
jtr__and this happens everytime !08:45
jtr__can someone tell what i should do?08:46
aneeszakihi..anyone managed to run wine with the new kernel?09:00
Guest7596How can I stop the NetworkManager to test something? kubuntu.-11.1009:07
Guest7596Don't want to remove it completely but just disable it for a moment.09:17
AlexDevilLXkde main commands?09:37
Guest7596AlexDevilLX, Some more details please :)09:38
=== davidm_ is now known as Guest21022
Guest21022Greetings everyone and anyone10:11
Guest21022I can use a little help.10:12
Guest21022I broke something and when I plug a USB thumb drive. I get nothing.10:12
Guest21022No pop ups on device found10:12
Guest21022I have a light on the thumb drive10:13
=== sony is now known as Guest76031
GirlyGirlGuest21022: Yes, I just came could you repeat your querry10:16
Guest21022I am trying to figure out how to get thumb drives to show in Kubuntu 10.4.310:17
Guest21022It used to, and not sure if I did something10:17
SunTsuGuest21022: what does dmesg tell you? Is there anything about sdX being plugged in?10:17
Guest21022I was trying to use my mp3 players and they owuld not auto mount10:17
SunTsuGuest21022: if you need to paste something, please use a web paste service10:17
Guest21022On emoment10:19
GirlyGirlGuest21022: Does this occur with all pendrives ...10:20
Guest21022Theres too much to cut10:20
Guest21022But is the last the newest?10:20
Guest21022Says new device10:20
Guest21022New high speed SUB device using...10:21
SunTsuGuest21022: Guest21022 that's good. Maybe you just removed the usb widget from your status bar10:21
Guest21022What widget am I looking for please?10:22
Guest21022I've been her ein the past and gotten no where.10:23
SunTsuGuest21022: Some widget with usb symbol - I don't know it's english name10:23
Guest21022I have been currupted by my years of windows use.10:23
Guest21022Is there a web page with widget info?10:24
Guest21022Mybe onbe called Dvice Notifyer10:25
SunTsuGuest21022: could be, yes, should be some usb sign inside a circle10:26
Guest21022I so want to make this my main system.10:26
Guest21022But I am slow10:27
SunTsuGuest21022: take some time and have courage to explore and experiment10:27
Guest21022No, dont think it i s device notifyer10:27
Guest21022Not a questiojn of courage. A question of patience10:27
James147Guest21022: do they show up in the places panel in dolphin?10:29
Guest21022Dolphin open10:30
Guest21022Under mount?10:30
James147Guest21022: in the places panel on the left side of dolphin10:30
Guest21022Under File it has Folders10:31
Guest21022The basic ones listed that make up the OS10:32
Guest21022Bin, boot, CDROM10:32
Guest21022dev, etc10:32
James147Guest21022: does running 'sudo fdisk -l | grep "^Disk /dev"'  list it?10:33
Guest21022How do I open an dos window?10:35
James147Guest21022: konsole is the terminal in kde10:36
Guest21022Just shows the main hard drive10:37
Guest21022Disk /dev/sda: 160.0 GB, 160041885696 bytes10:37
Guest21022I am remembering osme of the commands10:37
Guest21022I have let my linux skills slip10:37
James147Guest21022: and you ran it with the drive pluged in?10:39
Guest21022Always likes the highlight function where you dont have to copy10:40
Guest21022Except figuring chit out like this woulod drive me binkers10:41
James147Guest21022: then unplug it, plug it back in and run dmesg, see what it says10:41
Guest21022I just duid10:41
* James147 has to go now ^^ 10:41
Guest21022If I can figure these ast couple things. I will switch to my Kubuntu box.10:42
=== ashish is now known as Guest32119
kavurtskype doesn't show my video when I talk with someone. but when i go to skype options, and click on test webcam, it works. what can i do?10:53
ForgeAushow do I find winelib path?10:58
ForgeAusthe default /usr/lib/wine doesn't seem to work10:58
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu10:58
jamil_1ForgeAus: which wine10:59
ForgeAusits ok I just found it10:59
ForgeAuslib32 instead10:59
ForgeAusfunny its amd64 lubuntu lol11:03
ForgeAushey NCS :)11:03
=== ronnoc_ is now known as ronnoc
NCS_Onewhen doing a very large update a friends computer shuted down, now when I try to start kubuntu after the login I get an error. Here is the report: http://paste.kde.org/135079/11:04
NCS_Onewhat can I do to fix it?11:05
moetunesNCS_One:  have you tried to redo the update?11:07
NCS_Onemoetunes: the update didn finnish11:08
NCS_Onebut how do I do that?11:08
moetunesthat's why I asked if you'd redone it11:08
moetunessudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade from a tty if you have to11:09
NCS_Onemoetunes: no need for an internet connections for that?11:10
moetunesNCS_One:  if you have repos that are on the net you will need a connection11:10
ubottuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories11:10
NCS_OneI only can start in console mode or in Recovery mode11:11
NCS_Oneand don't know how to start intern in that :(11:12
moetunesethernet should be ok11:12
NCS_Onemoetunes: I'll try11:12
NCS_Onethanks :)11:13
PeakerHow do I add a custom application launcher to the KDE panel? This used to be so easy with older KDE's11:14
PeakerI dragged the script icon from dolphin to the panel -- now I get an ugly icon that I can't seem to change like it used to be possible11:15
ForgeAusthere is a launcher plasmoid11:15
Peakerwhat's a "plasmoid"?11:15
ForgeAus"widget" for plasma panel11:15
ForgeAus(Plasma is the desktop including the panel that replaced kicker)11:16
PeakerI liked kicker :-P11:16
ForgeAusso basically anything desktop theme, widget or activity is Plasma...11:17
=== Linkmaster is now known as Guest76282
ForgeAusalthough I guess stuff like window decorators, and some other stuff is more like kwin than plasma...11:17
PeakerI can't find any launcher11:18
PeakerAdding "Application Launcher" gives me another K menu in there :-(11:18
ForgeAusits clled quicklaunch11:19
ForgeAusnot application launcher11:19
ForgeAusalthough there is that too but its a kmenu or replacement11:19
ForgeAus(called kickoff)11:19
ForgeAus(although personally I prefer lancelot)11:20
sh1nobihi all11:20
ForgeAushey sh1nobi :)11:21
sh1nobiwhay my kubuntu 10.04 cannot play video format11:21
sh1nobiwhat must i doing11:21
ForgeAusuh maybe you don't have the codec?11:21
ForgeAustry getting vlc that plays bascially anyhting you can throw at it11:22
sh1nobiplease im newbie11:22
NCS_Onethe only thing I don't like about vlc is that I cannot move the subtitles out of the image11:23
ForgeAussh1nobi can you install an application?11:23
Peakeris there a concensus the new KDE stuff is better than the stuff that was there 3-4 years ago? I'm pretty sure the older stuff was nicer :-P11:23
sh1nobivlc cannot open11:23
ForgeAusyes kaffeine is a video player11:23
PeakerThe screen is so loaded with noisy visual details, so distracting...11:23
ForgeAusbut it sounds like you don't have what you need to play it there11:23
ForgeAusit may be from the restricted packages, if you install vlc it should be able to play there11:24
NCS_Onesh1nobi: what the file format?11:24
sh1nobi.avi .mkv .mpeg .flv11:24
sh1nobiall movie or video cannot play11:24
NCS_Onehmmm strange11:25
ADWow. Suitably large attendance.11:26
sh1nobihelp what must i install11:26
PeakerHow do I change the default alt-tab behavior to show a simple window list of icons like earlier, and not a trapezoid of the current window?11:27
ForgeAussystem settings11:27
ForgeAusI think its in dektop effects11:27
jamil_1anyone tried this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyagJDU0MzY&feature=watch_response ?11:27
jamil_1sh1nobi: you have tried vlc ?11:28
sh1nobibut vlc has install but cannot open the program11:29
jamil_1sh1nobi: what happens when you open vlc ?11:29
sh1nobithe flv cannot running11:29
sh1nobijust blank black and then close11:29
NCS_Onesh1nobi: maybe this last post can help you https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/2695611:30
ADI'm wondering if I might have made a bit of a rookie error with my 11.10 install. Clicked to install nautilus-dropbox in Muon, and it's been stuck at 96% / committing changes for a good 10 minutes or so now... Anybody got an idea what I might do to sort it?11:30
sh1nobiok NCS_One11:30
ForgeAusso using raster graphics speeds up kde but no ogl?11:32
ForgeAusraster means bitmaps only right as opposed to vector graphics which is lines, etc...11:33
jamil_1but x11 itself uses ogl.  no ?11:33
* ForgeAus shrugs11:34
ADAnybody? Thoughts on Muon getting stuck? I don't want to just kill the process, in case I break something.11:39
zemlyakо привет11:46
Unit193!ru | zemlyak11:46
ubottuzemlyak: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.11:46
zemlyakhi all^_^11:47
zemlyak /join #kubuntu-ru11:48
rolandHi.   I'm writing a bash script, I want to run it directly from dolphin (double-click), the script needs to know in which folder it is located, under ubuntu PWD variable is set to the correct folder(/home/Projects/folder-where-script-exists/) but in kubuntu it is set to some random /home/roland/Documents/ ... anyone know how to get the  correct PWD variable like in ubuntu?12:11
SunTsuroland: kde afaik has a "run this in directory" option, if you set this to what you want CWD should be as you expect it to be. In addition: CWD never can bei wrong, because that's what's the current working directory is at that moment12:13
rolandSunTsu: where can I find the  "run this in directory"?  nautilus needed a separate plugin but dolphin?12:15
SunTsuroland: right-click onto that script and edit it's properties12:16
rolandSunTsu: I don't know if I'm blind or what, but I can't locate that kind of setting12:18
SunTsuroland: maybe you need to add a program runner for it and click on that instead of the script itself12:18
rolandSunTsu: using a program runner indeed works, but there are too many scripts to create runners for everything, any way to automate runner creation?12:24
rolandSunTsu: ok, I found a quite simple solution to my problem... I can get the scripts location from $0,   I don't know how I didn't remember it12:27
SunTsuroland: er, yes, forgot that too. dirname $0 dhould do the trick12:27
rolandthat should be quite portable across *buntus12:27
SunTsuprobably portable across all POSIX compatible systems12:28
rolandeven better12:28
Guest76282Daskreech: ping12:33
JuJuBeeIs there a screen reader for kde?  I see orca for gnome...12:34
=== Guest76282 is now known as Linkmaster
LinkmasterI'm back. Still have no internet with my kubuntu computer, but I will have a chance to wire it up today, so I"m going to do that12:43
=== Jenny__ is now known as Andy
JuJuBeeI need help. My classroom computers are having some trouble. Students cannot open google chrome or firefox and surf the net. They can with links2 and rekonq. FF and GC seem to hang .13:03
szalany messages when starting from terminal?13:04
JuJuBeelet me check.13:05
=== _markb1_ is now known as MarkB1
shane2peruhmm, kfilebox, doesn't seem to work on 11.10, installed this way:  http://maketecheasier.com/install-and-use-dropbox-in-kubuntu/2010/12/24  and doesn't seem to come up13:18
JuJuBeeszal: upon further testing, it seems it is related to nis.  I have a local user on the computer and it can surf just fine.  It is only the NIS users that cannot.  ANy thoughts?13:20
martin__when I try to install Kubuntu on my lagtop there is no "install next to Windows" option - why is that? on another computer I can see and select it13:33
aleeepchello, i'm having problems with wifi connection. I'm using kubuntu 11.04 on eeepc 1000h, and I can't connect to my university wifi. Wifi requires wpa, eap-peap, mschapv2, but when I try to connect with the network manager it continues to prompt for credentials. What can I do?13:37
genii-aroundmartin__: Is the installation media a usb stick?13:37
JohnFlux_I just install kubuntu, but it still boots straight into windows13:37
JohnFlux_I don't get any grub meny13:37
JohnFlux_In 11.1013:37
szallagtop..  lol13:40
martin__genii-around: no, it's a CD13:40
martin__genii-around: the same CD works on my other laptop13:41
martin__(which happens to be of the same brand and the same model)13:41
genii-aroundJohnFlux_: Did you install from inside Windows using the Wubi installer? It may be using the Windows boot manager and not grub13:41
BluesKajHey all13:43
genii-aroundmartin__: Yes, odd. Does it have some different partitioning scheme/full C:\ possibly?13:44
martin__genii-around: C:\ is not full, only about 15% is used13:44
martin__the partitioning should be the same13:45
genii-aroundmartin__: Same Windows version on both laptops?13:47
martin__genii-around: is there any applications I can use from the inside of Kubuntu to partitionate?13:47
martin__Kubuntu's installer can't resize, only format13:47
genii-aroundmartin__: The installer can only resize filesystems that it has a driver loaded for, etc13:49
szalmartin__: you cannot resize mounted partitions13:49
genii-aroundAnd that, too13:49
JohnFlux_genii-around: nope13:49
martin__but it's a live CD? can't it resize them then?13:49
JohnFlux_genii-around: I booted off the dvd, did rescue, and reinstalled grub.  That worked13:49
JohnFlux_Now it doesn't boot for other reasons13:49
genii-aroundJohnFlux_: Did you put grub on mbr?13:50
JohnFlux_genii-around: when reinstalling?  yes13:50
genii-aroundJohnFlux_: OK. Sometimes people put it on a partition by mistake, like sda1 sda2 or so on instead of sda13:51
JohnFlux_Now it's hanging on "Checking battery state"  when booting13:52
JohnFlux_it's a desktop machine13:52
genii-aroundJohnFlux_: Ah. If the video has some issue, this is usually where it hangs.13:53
genii-aroundmartin__: You might want to try with the gparted livecd to grow/shrink your partitions13:54
martin__genii-around: yeah I thought of that too, but then I'd have to download another X00 MB - isn't there any application that I can install on my live system?13:54
martin__for instance, what does GParted use?13:54
* szal keeps a grml CD handy for stuff that cannot be done from within the installed system13:55
JohnFlux_genii-around: "startx" says:  nvidia_173 not found13:56
genii-aroundmartin__: gparted is the application itself. The livecd for it is bundled with many filesystem drivers so that it can work on a lot of systems13:56
martin__genii-around: ok, I guess I'd have to try that then... cheers13:56
genii-aroundJohnFlux_: If your eth0 is active, perhaps then to sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install nvidia-current13:56
JohnFlux_yep just doing that now13:57
genii-aroundJohnFlux_: Looks like the nvidia dkms module was not built for your current kernel, etc13:57
JohnFlux_genii-around: well nvidia-current wasn't installed at all13:58
BluesKajisn't the nouveau driver still default on fresh installs?13:58
BluesKajwith nvidia graphics13:59
genii-aroundJohnFlux_: since it is saying 173 as version, probably was a different packagename ( -current is something like 280 )13:59
genii-aroundWork, back in 5-10 minutes14:00
JohnFlux_genii-around: install nvidia-current  and remove --purge nvidia-17314:04
JohnFlux_genii-around: now it works14:04
genii-aroundJohnFlux_: Ah, good.14:09
=== Linkmaster is now known as Guest46544
=== Guest46544 is now known as Linkmaster
ghostcubehmm anyone has th same problem, the systemsettings default webbrwoser alsways changes to rekonq ? doesnt matter if you change it to something else14:19
alvinIt was changed to rekonq after the upgrade, but I was able to change it back to opera-browser without any problems.14:21
aleeepchello, i'm having problems with wifi connection. I'm using kubuntu 11.04 on eeepc 1000h, and I can't connect to my university wifi. Wifi requires wpa, eap-peap, mschapv2, but when I try to connect with the network manager it continues to prompt for credentials. What can I do?14:23
ghostcubehmm it always changes to rekonq for me after closing and starting systemsettings again14:26
BluesKajghostcube, try this , sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser14:32
ghostcubeoh ok, havent thought about this :)14:33
ghostcubewill try later14:33
=== canis is now known as Guest61623
Guest61623Why can't i drag and drop multiple files in an archive to extract them?14:35
Guest61623Where can I find some video tutorials on kubuntu.  There are some things that just feel backwards14:36
alvinGuest61623: I don't understand. You can drag and drop multiple files from ark. Just tried it.14:37
desktophello, i've just upgraded to kubuntu 11.10, and i don't have the Folder View layout for the desktop anymore :(14:37
Guest61623then mine must be screwy14:38
=== badan is now known as badserii
Guest61623also, what is the shortcut to open dolphijn?  I can't stand going to the k menu every time I want to browse my drives.14:38
=== _markb1_ is now known as MarkB1
alvindesktop: Cashes -> Unlock Widgets -> Add Widget (Folder view)14:39
alvinCashew, (typo)14:39
desktopalvin: Cashew? :(14:39
Guest61623Oh. the yin tyang looking thingy?14:39
alvinYes, it's called a 'cashew' :-)14:40
Guest61623Okay. Thanks.14:40
Guest61623Where can I drop the link so that it isn't so obnoxious?14:41
desktopalvin: can't find the Folder view widget :(*14:41
Guest61623That's taking up Waaayyyy too much desktop.14:41
alvindesktop: When in the Add Widgets bar, type it in the search14:42
desktopalvin: it doesn't show up14:42
desktopalvin: i've also tried to look for it in the "get new widgets" thing but it doesn't show up either14:42
alvinGuest61623: Unlock Widgets -> Right click on the application menu -> open the menu editor -> go to Dolphin -> Advanced -> Set your preferred shortcut14:42
=== max is now known as Guest32469
desktopalvin: is there another way to get it?14:44
Guest61623What?  The Kmenu?14:44
=== Guest32469 is now known as Stail
=== Guest61623 is now known as canis_76
alvincanis_76: the command is 'kmenuedit'14:45
canis_76in the terminal then?14:45
alvindesktop: It's in the 'File Systems' category14:45
alvincanis_76: Yes14:45
=== joel is now known as Guest8755
canis_76Now the terminal i can work with.14:45
desktopalvin: i only have 4 widgets there and folder view is not one of them14:46
alvindesktop: Install 'plasma-widget-folderview'14:46
desktopalvin: it's working, thanks :)14:47
canis_76that just opened up,....wait.14:47
alvindesktop: You're welcome14:47
desktopalvin: but why can't i download it from the "Get new widgets"window?14:47
alvindesktop: No idea. Does that even work?14:47
desktopthere are some widgets to download there ^^ never used it though14:48
canis_76Ahhh.  meta+D make much more sense to me than no short cut at all, or any of the other options14:48
badseriiHello. Can't get romanian standart keymap in KDE. Usually I had few choices (with cedilla, commabelow, etc), now I have just 2: german romanian and romanian default. Please advice.14:50
canis_76When I drag and drop something from another drive to the desktop I expect that to translate into a " copy to desktop"  How do I make that heppen on kubuntu?14:50
alvinbadserii: You can set the keymap system wide with # dpkg-reconfigure console-setup KDE will let you select different keymaps, but I can 't help you there.14:51
canis_76Long story short...is there any way to set up kde so the mouse navigation/usage works like gnome, mac, or windows as opposed to all freaky?14:51
RiriAmazing new http://goo.gl/lBJYo14:52
RiriLong story, new end at http://goo.gl/lBJYo14:52
badseriialvin: thank you14:52
alvincanis_76: I always copy files by using the command line. Is it that different? I'd suppose drag and drop works in Dolphin. Your desktop folder view is probably just the same.14:54
arthur_nick ForgeAus14:55
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testingDoes anyonw know any good programming channel?14:55
ForgeAusno plasma-scriptengine-kimono for oneric?14:55
ForgeAusgood question testing :)14:55
canis_76I can understand the whole permissions thing, but using cmdln is tedious for me.14:55
testingNeed help with printing truthtable in java :P I have beginning on it, but my mind is limited14:55
testingForgeAus: :P14:56
BluesKajtesting, which program langauge, there are several chats?14:56
testingi tried java channel, but need invitation14:56
chuckfWhen I use krunner to lauch Konsole by typing in 'terminal' about half the time krunner crashes when I've typed out to about 'termin'. I've found many similar bugs but no solutions that work. This has been an issue for about three versions for me now.14:56
canis_76when I try to drag and drop a folder it just offers 2 options.  Neither of which I'm interested in.14:56
testingBluesKaj: Java, but it is not programming language specific14:56
testingBluesKaj: It is general help how to use for-loops to print a truthtable with grinds14:56
canis_76I mean if I'm doing work on 2 units at once I should be able to use the mouse to get things done fast.14:57
alvincanis_76: I see what you're trying. There's a difference between drag and drop to the plasma desktop, or to an actual directory (in folder view widget)14:57
BluesKajtesting, if you need an invite on freenode , maybe a java chat on a differnt server ?14:57
testingBluesKaj: Which server?14:58
testingBluesKaj: i tried #java, but maybe it is something else?14:58
BluesKajtesting, dunno ,do a search14:58
alvinchuckf: I'd search http://bugs.kde.org . I can't reproduce yours. If you can send a stacktrace to the tracker, you might find similar bugs.14:58
Nightrosehey folks15:01
phiscibeme too, hi ppl15:01
Nightrosei just upgraded my kubuntu installation and am greeted with a lot of problems :(15:01
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."15:02
Nightrosefirst of all: on boot i get a message saying "waiting for network configuration...."15:02
Nightrosegenii-around: sorry - was waiting for it to boot to that point15:03
Nightroseupgrade to oneiric15:03
Nightrosei'm not connected by cable but only wifi15:03
Nightrosethen i get a message saying "waiting 60 more seconds" and something15:04
genii-aroundNightrose: The network configuration thing should timeout after a while, yes.15:04
Nightrosegenii-around: can i turn this off? i'd rather not wait that long every time i boot15:05
Nightrosewhen i log in i get the next problem:15:05
genii-aroundThis message often happens if you have manual entries in /etc/network/interfaces15:05
Nightrosei shouldn't - overwrote it during upgrade15:05
chuckfalvin: As I said, I've found similar issues but no resolutions. The problem is intermitten so I may see it 10 times a session or not at all. And I've only seen it with the one command15:05
Nightrose"warning: cannot open consolekit session: onable to open session: failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: something i can't read15:06
genii-aroundwork..back at my computer in 5-7 minutes15:06
chuckfNightrose: I found I had to recreate my wifi settings after the oneric upgrade15:06
Nightrosechuckf: i have so many problems i can't even do that yet :(15:07
Nightroseso after the above error...15:07
Nightroseplasma starts and kded crashes15:07
Nightrosethen akonadi complains15:08
Nightrosethen phonon15:08
Nightrosei don't even know where to start looking for fixes tbh15:08
canis_76I can't grab more than one thing in ark!15:09
canis_76How are you supposed to multi-select files?15:10
ghostcubeNightrose: are u using wicd for networking? this is crashin plasma at the moment15:10
Nightroseghostcube: i used it a while ago nut no longer15:10
phiscibethe network just died weird15:11
Nightroseghostcube: but you might be on to something - there is wicd solid stuff in the kded crash backtrace15:11
ghostcubeNightrose: try to move .kde folder to kde-old and try to login15:12
phiscibeits not a network nanager problem per say15:12
ghostcubeit worked for me, no idea if it will work for you15:12
phiscibethough thatss the end result, its all the stuff network manager rides mostely the notification system15:12
phiscibeHave you just upgraded to Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot and now getting the “Waiting for network configuration” message followed by “Waiting up to 60 seconds more for network”? This then might be accompanied by a black blank screen.15:13
Nightrosephiscibe: sounds like what i have yes - how do i fix it? :D15:14
Nightroseok moved .kde and rebooting15:14
phiscibeits becuase the /var /var/lock /run /ect are in new locations so half the system tries to write to locations that dont exist so it just wiats15:14
phiscibeNightrose:  i posted the link15:14
Nightrosephiscibe: i must have missed the link - can you post it again?15:15
phiscibeah sorry my net died15:15
adarshajoisain the system tray, the battery icon is hidden (i need to click on that arrow to see it). How can i unhide it? (i'm using kubuntu11.10) i couldn't drag it to the tray with my mouse15:15
phiscibehere is the official bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sysvinit/+bug/85812215:16
ubottuUbuntu bug 858122 in Release Notes for Ubuntu "incomplete migration to /run (shutdown script order has been demolished)" [High,In progress]15:16
phiscibehere is one soluting http://uksysadmin.wordpress.com/2011/10/14/upgrade-to-ubuntu-11-10-problem-waiting-for-network-configuration-then-black-screen-solution/15:16
Nightrosewill have a look - thx15:17
phiscibeand here is a quot off the release notes, PRE INSTALL $ sed -i -e 's#/var/run#/{,var/}run#' -e 's#/var/lock#/{run,var}/lock#' -e 's#/dev/shm/#/{dev,run}/shm/#' <profile>15:17
Nightrosewell - moving .kde seems to have made it worse15:17
phiscibeyeah move it back its not in .kde15:18
phiscibebut after you fix that, then  you can see the rest of the bugs, happy happy joy joy15:18
Nightroseman... :( i need that machine for work tomorrow15:18
Nightrosei shouldn't have upgraded...15:18
phiscibeadarshajoisa: right click chose system tray options15:19
phiscibeNightrose: i started too, but aborted after i saw some of the bugs floating around, im ussing 11.04 still but 11.04 is just as bad15:19
adarshajoisaphiscibe: oh, i'm a noob! :P thanks, got it.15:19
Nightrosephiscibe: :/ this is just bad...15:20
Nightroseanyway thanks for your help - let's see how far this gets me now15:20
phiscibethe human race is all noobs15:20
adarshajoisaphiscibe: :)15:20
mr-richThe upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10 was not NEARLY as smooth as the previous upgrade ...15:21
phiscibekubuntu looks so nice too, it lend to a great work flow, it doesnt intimadate people in my cirlce that are windows centric, but when you takes make up off  you just wanna put ibakc on15:21
phiscibe3 days agao i couldnt do anything it was so locked up15:22
mr-richthe cashew "tool box" icon at the top right sez "unnamed" ... is there a way to change that?15:22
phiscibemr-rich: not sure i undrstand15:23
phiscibei hover over mine and it the tool tip says toolbox, but it has no text under it15:23
mr-richphiscibe: upper right corner of the screen ... mine sez "unnamed"15:23
adarshajoisamr-rich: right click on ur desktop and select activities. u'll get a box at the bottom with the activities listed.15:23
adarshajoisanow, there'll be an activity that says unnamed. click on the wrench icon at the bottom right corner, and u can rename it as u want15:24
mr-richadarshajoisa: thanks. Activities is new to 11.10, right? Just what do they do?15:25
adarshajoisaif u just want to hide that cashew rectangle, you can try dragging it to the right. u'll get just the cashew icon on the top right corner with the text hidden.15:25
phiscibeyeah what those activities, each one you add creates like a new virtural desktop that will keep all its widgets running and you might forget they ar there15:25
phiscibeno 11.04 had them15:25
Nightrosephiscibe: i can't do step 5 from http://uksysadmin.wordpress.com/2011/10/14/upgrade-to-ubuntu-11-10-problem-waiting-for-network-configuration-then-black-screen-solution/15:25
Nightrosephiscibe: i get a function not implemented error15:25
adarshajoisamr-rich: i'm not sure. i've been using opensuse with kde, and activities were there in kde 4.6 if i remember correctly. :)15:25
phiscibethey are like custom workspace for the job at hand, like i dunno a thumbnail view for working with photos, or a pim view for contacts15:26
phiscibeNightrose: you get that when you do what?15:26
Nightrosephiscibe: rm -rf /var/run /var/lock15:26
adarshajoisai guess they can open applications specific to what you're working on, like photos, but i've never used them myself. :P15:27
phiscibeNightrose: you have to get a non x logon15:27
phiscibemight have to drop out of x alotghter15:28
Nightrosephiscibe: ok15:28
phiscibeand remember these changes this is a dirty fix, an new updtate might not respect it15:28
phiscibeso if a fix comes in updates and u have fixed it alread, the fix could break it15:29
phiscibeThis is the House Jack built15:29
BluesKajNightrose, phiscibe , the tutorial tells the user to drop to a TTY first15:30
NightroseBluesKaj: i did15:30
phiscibei mean its realy simple in a way, jsut folders in the wrong place,15:30
Nightrosebut the non-working session is still going15:30
BluesKajNightrose, ok then maybe kdm is running , sudo service kdm stop15:32
Nightrosephiscibe: BluesKaj: ok no X but still getting the error15:32
Nightroseno dice15:32
Nightrosestill getting "rm: cannot remove /var/run/vmblock-fuse/dev: function not implemented15:33
Nightroseand the same with /blockdir instead of /dev15:33
Nightroseany ideas?15:34
BluesKajNightrose, sorry , beyond my expertise15:36
Nightroseapachelogger: you maybe?15:36
phiscibetry to make the directories needed, leeave the old ones in place15:36
phiscibeNightrose:  read the thread here, all of it, get coffee, relax and enjoy it, like reading a newspaper15:38
ubottuUbuntu bug 858122 in Release Notes for Ubuntu "incomplete migration to /run (shutdown script order has been demolished)" [High,In progress]15:38
Nightrosei don't think i'm ready for that today...15:38
phiscibei here ubuntu 5 is almost rid of bugs15:39
phiscibebet a new network manager and live with out dbus15:39
phiscibebut no notificaions is goona work15:40
phiscibeor just use iwconfig and manualy bring up the network15:40
phiscibefind an obscure tool for the command line called ceni, it is a bloohound at bringup a network15:41
phiscibeno optimal ideas, all involved time, and getting dirty with technolgy and details15:41
ForgeAusugh how do I put kde in my gac?15:42
alexdevillxHi all15:43
alexdevillxI dont get Effects in kubuntu 11.1015:43
alexdevillxit writes coundnt apply the effects15:44
Nightrosephiscibe: no dice :(15:44
alexdevillxCan anyone answer me15:45
BluesKajalexdevillx, Have you installed the recommended driver in kmenu>apps>system>additional drivers ?15:45
alexdevillxBluesKaj: i'll try15:46
Nightrosewell great...15:49
Nightrosei guess i'll go and reinstall15:49
BluesKajNightrose, perhaps an alternate install will work better15:52
petetedoes anyone know a good starter book on databases?15:53
alexdevillxBluesKaj: Thanks15:53
alexdevillxKDE is awesome15:53
alexdevillxwhats the best cube shortcut?15:54
BluesKajalexdevillx, glad you enjoy it, but it still has problems on my setup15:54
alexdevillxgnome 3 is bad15:55
alexdevillxWhats the best Cube effect shortcut?15:55
BluesKajno shortcuts , you have to select it in desktop effects > all effects15:56
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BluesKajkmenu>computer>system settings>desktop effects , alexdevillx ...it's not so difficult15:58
alexdevillxi know15:58
alexdevillxshift+tab cant work15:58
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alexdevillxcant get an empty shortcut15:58
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alexdevillxok, i'll use default16:00
BluesKajalexdevillx, I place the system settings app in the panel , that's a shortcut for me16:01
alexdevillxi mean something instead of ctrl+f1116:01
nadimHi, I get a popup telling me that an update for Oneiric is available. Did anyone have problems with it? Do you recommend it?16:01
adarshajoisanadim: I updated my system and seem to have no problems with it. Check out the details of the update and update if necessary16:03
BluesKajalexdevillx, well it your , but do some research first ...everyobody has different tastes and methods of custoimizing a desktop.16:04
BluesKajit's your decision16:04
BluesKajnadim, there are problems , but a lot depends on your hardware on this release16:05
alexdevillxgot it to win+tab16:08
KingSphinxJust did a fresh install of Kubuntu last night (seems Ubuntu doesn't like it when you install the Kubuntu desktop, then try to remove Unity). All is well so far, but polkit-1 has the odd tendency to crash upon shutdown.16:13
alexdevillxOk, AmaroK works faster than Banshee16:17
alexdevillxCan anyone tell me how to use plasma?16:18
KingSphinxAlso, is there a fix for KMail 2's crash upon startup?16:19
nadimthank you for your answers. could you give me an example of a problem due to hardware? I have a pretty plain box that is 3 years old.16:24
george__Hello everyone. I'm facing this (http://askubuntu.com/questions/65911/ppa-404-error-after-upgrade) too and I'm wondering if that's anything to do about it or just wait or even disable the ppa again.16:27
KingSphinxIs it just that PPA or is it every one?16:29
george__KingSphinx: There were others too (some ppas were automatically disabled on oneiric update), I've reenable most of them, but some are returning me 404 error when sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade.16:30
genii-aroundOdds are those ones don't have Oneiric packages16:31
george__genii-around: I thought the same.16:33
phiscibeyeah the ppa probably points no natty but your sources got set to point to oneiric, so 40416:33
alexdevillxViva la gloria16:33
phiscibekmail2 bug is in realease  notes, probably filed migration and the database structure fouled16:34
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kartickhello buddy16:52
kartickcan any one help me to watch online tv16:53
kartickhow can i do so?16:53
BluesKaj!info miro16:53
ubottumiro (source: miro): GTK+ based RSS video aggregator. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.0.3-2 (oneiric), package size 825 kB, installed size 4432 kB16:53
kartickmiro can help me?16:54
kartickwell i am trying16:54
BluesKajkartick, there are other webtv apps , miro is first one I thought of.16:55
kartickBlueKaj: well buddy can u tell me names of others?16:56
BluesKajcheck your package manager , kartick  search for tv , or tv internet  , that type of thing17:00
phiscibexawtv is kinda the basic, its a bit primatvie but sometimes that means stable17:04
avihayxbmc has some access to online content and channles17:06
phiscibeim sorry i diddnt read that right kartick, you said watch tv online, my mind just though TV tuner, xawtv is not an online video viewer17:07
phiscibemaybe hulua or shoutcast17:07
chiarahi ... i have the problem whit size character17:08
chiarai have change from ubuntu to kubuntu17:08
chiarabut for some application i have problem with size charater17:09
phiscibeapt-cache search pycryto17:10
phiscibeman my brain is dead17:10
neo69can someome help me to make work the Ricoh card reader17:15
chiarahi ... i have the problem whit size character17:15
chiarabut for some application i have problem with size charater17:15
chiarabut for some application i have problem with size charater17:15
FloodBotK2chiara: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:15
FloodBotK1chiara: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:15
alexdevillxGot it17:27
alexdevillxSamba works17:29
neo69can someome help me to make work the Ricoh card reader17:29
mr-richwhy is it that I now have 2 icons telling me I have updates?17:37
mr-richin 11.1017:38
OerHekschoose one ?17:38
mr-richOerHeks: I do ... I close one, but it always comes back ...17:38
OerHeksi guess that won't work, do the updates ?17:39
mr-richThere's only one update and I'm not going to apply it since the update doesn't work right but the old one does ...17:40
diego21hi all17:42
diego21why opengl dont work on kubuntu 11.10?17:42
diego21it compile correctly...but when I run my little program...it shows a windows broke17:43
diego21its a window that shows what its below it, as if its transparent17:45
ForgeAusseems to work for me17:45
ForgeAusat least glxgears did17:45
diego21i use glut17:45
diego21glut library17:46
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ForgeAusOpenGL Utility Toolkit, ohhh kay17:46
diego21I have installed all necesary packets17:46
ForgeAusI know basiclly nothing about it17:46
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diego21I should have run errors or something17:47
ForgeAushmmm SDL is an alternative?17:47
* ForgeAus shrugs17:47
ForgeAustry the glxgears application first (you might need to install mesa-utils or something like that)17:48
diego21Its for class practices17:48
diego21I installed it, its needed for opengl support17:48
ForgeAusso does glxgears run?17:49
diego21I cant use it, have no choice about that :(17:49
diego21Its for classroom work17:49
ForgeAusok kinfocenter?17:49
ForgeAuswhat does that say about your video capabilities17:50
diego21sure...all worked well with kubuntu 11.0417:50
diego21have to go, thanks for ur attention ForgeAus17:52
ForgeAusI'm using the amd64 (although technically I have an intel processor, but apparently AMD64does EMT64 too)17:52
diego21take care17:52
ForgeAusyou too17:52
piotrnHello, i'm in need of some suggestions, after upgrading to 11.10, i cant get the kde to work17:53
piotrnkdm is ok, i can login, but as the plasma is about to get up, i get black screen17:54
piotrnsometines the logon sound plays ok in the background17:54
piotrnremoved x server and everything on top of it, installed it again, did not help17:54
piotrngraphisc driver is radeon17:55
piotrnlogs dont say anything meaningfull, xorg log has no EE17:56
ForgeAusuh maybe the x-server channel could help you better? not sure what channel I can check17:57
spacebug-when I chose "start with empty session" on login, that is just for programs right? Not widgets also?17:57
piotrnForgeAus: the problems seem plasma related to me, I'll ask on kde17:58
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mimo_hi, when I use mount -t ecryptfs, where are those keys needed stored?18:01
ForgeAusif not check #xorg18:01
ForgeAusthey might know how to tackle it18:01
claydohspacebug-:  correct, applicztions only18:04
spacebug-ok good. And thx for your answer18:05
alexdevillxi like18:05
adarshajoisai have a wireless network at home (using WPA2). The network manager on my kubuntu 11.10 doesn't store the network even though i ask it to connect automatically when i connect. When i open the Network Connections, it contains a long list of networks (all the same) one for everytime i connected to it. How do i make it remember the network and connect to it automatically when it's available?18:06
adarshajoisabtw, if i open any of the stored networks, the SSID is changed to "j" instead of the actual network name, and i can't change it back.18:07
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phiscibeis there a term out there that has more sytax highlighting18:15
phisciberealy i just want cat to do it18:17
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alexdevillxgtkpod for KDE?18:21
phiscibeamorok has some of that function, but it out to run fine in kde18:25
alexdevillxi need to sync video with ipod classic 6g18:41
Phoenix][Hi there, since upgrading from 11.04 to 11.10 libreoffice no longer displays its icon in the panel, but uses a generic "X" icon instead. Any ideas where I may start looking what's wrong?18:41
Phoenix][This happens only on one of two upgraded machines, though...18:41
MeanderingCodeOh boy.  For the first time in years, i'm looking at other distros...Upgrading broke my azureus config, along w/ video and compiz problems18:42
MeanderingCodegrrrrrrrrrr.  i have better things to be doing than fixing things that worked great before18:42
MeanderingCodeon that note...anyone here have success running compiz over kde?18:43
BluesKajMeanderingCode, most ppl don't bother with compiz anymore , desktop effects usually fills the need ..dunno for sure but I thought I saw someting about compiz being depracated on  kubuntu 11.018:45
MeanderingCodeBluesKaj: it's broken, that's evident18:45
MeanderingCodebut neither unity nor kde desktop effects get me 1/3 to the functionality i had w/ compiz18:46
eeefcheni like gnome3^18:46
MeanderingCodeeyecandy aside, i had a highly configured window and workspace management setup18:46
MeanderingCodeand breaking compiz so you can mess w/ other compositing features may be enough to drive me to another distro18:47
MeanderingCodeeven though i've been happy here for years18:47
BluesKajfunctional window dressing ...suppose it has some merit18:47
ForgeAusgnome3? its probably going to be gnubuntu!18:47
ForgeAussince unity seems to have taken over ubuntu18:48
MeanderingCodeForgeAus: that's a great name :)18:48
eeefchengnome 3 is great on my netbook18:48
ForgeAusyeah also a play with GNU :)18:48
ForgeAusI still think there should be a stepbuntu18:48
ForgeAus(or nextbuntu if you like)18:49
ForgeAusof course fluxbuntu isn't official but there is one!18:49
genii-aroundForgeAus: I'm pretty sure fluxbuntu was abandoned somewhere around 9.0418:52
ForgeAuspossibly, I haven't been keeping track of it18:53
ForgeAusI just knew it existed18:53
ForgeAusuh how do you find kubuntu from the ubuntu.com page nowerdays?18:55
phiscibewhat are you looking for teh download the wikie the relase notes18:56
ForgeAusno I'm looking for kubuntu from the ubuntu page18:59
ForgeAusyou know ubuntu.com18:59
phiscibeForgeAus:  i jsut looked it does look like they scoured all the derivativfe linkes18:59
ForgeAusyeah kinda hidden18:59
phiscibefound it19:00
phiscibeon the project seciton19:01
phiscibeproject then about19:01
BluesKajbeware of derivatives ...don't forget the wall stret collaps of '08 :)19:02
ForgeAuslol you do realize kubuntu is one of them :)19:02
BluesKajbeen on kubuntu since '06 , referring to kde4?19:03
ForgeAusKubuntu doesn't so much feel like a derivative, it also doesn't feel the same way as PCLinuxOS's KDE distro19:04
ForgeAus(like KDE's just been slapped ontop of PCLinuxOS19:04
BluesKajnever tried PCLinux19:04
ForgeAusalthough Kubuntu pretty much is kde slapped ontop of Ubuntu's base, it feels far more deeply integrated19:04
ForgeAusand uses pretty much exclusively KDE alternatives...19:05
phiscibebut it still is a derivative, but sometimes lables stiffle thought when structure cloud vision19:05
ForgeAusI prefer to think of it as a sibling :)19:05
phiscibetaxonomy needs some rigor, but sibling works,19:06
phiscibelets call it a box, and lets but lin in the box19:06
phiscibethen think out of the box19:06
markithi, upgraded to 11.10 from 10.04. I have nepomuk disabled, I don't like that stuff at all, but now I've a notification message telling me that is not running. How can I avoid this? Is very disturbing19:06
phiscibemarkit: i feel for ya,19:07
phiscibewhere do the messages appear?19:07
phiscibein the notifier on the tray19:07
markitnear the clock, do you knoe the (i) icon?19:08
markityes, notifier tray19:08
markit(sorry, don't know the right names of a lot of stuff in the UI)19:08
PooshhMaoi'm a happy kubuntu user but I'm having some problems with it on a laptop19:08
phiscibethe thingy at the bottom works for me19:08
markitphiscibe: what do you mean? you were able to disable this notification?19:09
PooshhMaoit's an asus 1215n, and the issue is it slows down drastically irregularly19:09
BluesKajto me kubuntu is becoming a separate entity , like ubuntu is to debian , not quite there yet , due to the gnome/unity probs that seperation appear wider than before19:09
PooshhMaoi do a top and see a lot of processes consume a lot of cpu19:09
PooshhMaoweird thing is if i unplug the power it tends to stabilize after a short while19:09
phiscibemarkit: i have it so the error does not occur, but im an on 11.04 still, BUT you can disable the notificaiont19:09
PooshhMaomaybe something to do with acpi?19:10
phiscibedbus more likely19:10
markitphiscibe: in 11.04 I did not had this issue19:10
phiscibePooshhMao: which proccesses19:10
PooshhMaodepends, sometimes it's compiz, or plasma-desktop19:10
PooshhMaocould be anything19:10
phiscibemarkit:  ive had diffrent issues, but if u want to disable it till they fix it it isunder sysmte settings manage notifications and the semantic desktopo19:10
markitI see, thanks for the tip, maybe if is a recognized bug better wait for a fix19:11
phiscibePooshhMao: hit  ctrl+esc and sort by cpu usage see which it is19:11
phiscibeyeah its on the list19:11
phiscibebut ive got bugs in 11.04 that have been in lauchpad for 2 years19:11
PooshhMaotop sorts by cpu use by default19:12
phiscibebut the one we are talking about will have more attention19:12
phiscibePooshhMao: set it to tree view too19:12
phiscibecause some high cpu high read write problems i can tell you about cuase i hav had a ton19:12
Philip5anyone have a good workflow for importing mail from old kmail into the new version in kubuntu 11.10? don't find my maildirs with mail as before19:13
phiscibemight add the file read and write colum19:13
elcucohi all, I cannot update to 11.04, since "Could not calculate the upgrade". How do I find the offending package... so I can remove it?19:18
elcucoI am not using any 3rd party repository19:19
new2netanyone happen to know what 405 (Method not Allowed) means for webdav?  Am I not using ssl?19:20
BluesKajelcuco, sudo dpkg --configure -a19:21
BluesKajelcuco, then sudo dpkg --clear-avail19:22
elcucoBluesKaj: both commands worked without any problem. I don't think my system is .. "unhealty"19:24
* elcuco is thinking about changing apt19:24
BluesKajelcuco, did you get the -f install message ?19:24
* elcuco is thinking about changing apt's sources and "aptitude distupgrade"19:25
elcucoBluesKaj: nope19:25
elcucohow wrong a "distupgrade" is? who needs a GUI? :)19:25
BluesKajwhat command are you using to upgrade ?19:26
elcucoI am using KPackageKit's GUI, nothing more19:26
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BluesKajelcuco, sudo do-release-upgrade if you are upgrading from one kubuntu version to the next19:27
BluesKajkpackagekit is a bit buggy19:28
* elcuco looks at the console19:28
elcuco/usr/bin/ld: can not read symbols: File truncated /usr/bin/ld: BFD (GNU Binutils for Ubuntu) internal error, aborting at ../../bfd/merge.c line 873 in _bfd_merged_section_offset19:29
elcucoaoh.... my system might be borked.19:29
elcucoBluesKaj: same in the console.19:33
BarkingFishevening all :)  Anyone know where I might be able to obtain fsck.swap from please?  I had a little tech error with my swap device a few moments back which took me offline.  I tried to fsck it and was told fsck.swap not found.  Does it even exist?19:34
elcucoBluesKaj:  http://fpaste.org/Dngb/ , see line 1619:34
BluesKajBarkingFish, it may exist but this is the first time I've heard of it19:35
BarkingFishWell I tried [thor@hunter.wizbit91]$ locate fsck | grep swap  and it came back with nothing19:36
BarkingFisha general locate for all things fsck gave me quite a few to choose from19:36
BluesKajelcuco, this is a long shot but try this , sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock19:41
elcucoBluesKaj: 2 mins lag here, sweet :) Will try in a sec19:42
elcucoBluesKaj: nothing, as expected.19:44
BluesKajelcuco, nothing is usually a good sign19:44
elcucoBluesKaj: or bad in my case, since we are yet to find the cause of the problem19:45
BluesKajelcuco, do you have a /home partition ?19:46
elcucoBluesKaj: yes19:47
new2netI made a program in bash called howami,  it says how many years, months, and days old you are, and about how many until you're going to die19:47
new2netwhoops, wrong channel19:48
BluesKajthen a clean instll to / might be in order , el19:48
elcucoBluesKaj: ?19:48
elcucoare you telling me to move /home/ into the rootfs? so all the FS will be in the same device?19:49
BluesKajno, not at all , just that your existing install appears un-upgradeable , suggesting a clean install , el19:51
BluesKajelcuco, ^19:51
elcucoBluesKaj: I am looking into /var/log/dist-upgrade. Seems like kdevelop was installed once from a non listed repo  (now...)19:52
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elcucoBluesKaj: yes, now working :)19:54
BluesKajelcuco, yup, google is your friend :)19:58
BluesKajas is the /var/log files19:59
BluesKajan unusual problem , haven't seen that on before, elcuco20:00
BluesKajHi Daskreech20:01
elcuconext time tell the person having such problem to look in the logs, he will see if there is a package which cannot be upgraded20:01
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BluesKajthe logs are dificult to decipher for a lot of ppl , elcuco , but they can be effective for the trained eye , there's no doubt20:03
DaskreechHi BluesKaj20:03
elcucojust remove it, in mya case the installede kdevelop was newer then the one in the next release (WTF??)20:03
* elcuco spoke too soon, still problems20:04
TheHganavakWhenever I log in to Ubuntu I get a prompt that my email client's trying to access the wallet, how can I set it to always have permission?20:04
rorkTheHganavak: did you click "Always allow"?20:07
TheHganavakNot the first time I came up, and now it only has an 'Allow' option..20:08
elcucoBluesKaj: I removed win, skype, and the restricted meta-package (and ia32-libs)20:10
elcucoAHHHH it upgrades from ubuntu.com and not the local site!!! so slowwWWWWW20:11
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BluesKajelcuco, you can choose a faster mirror in synaptic if you have it installed, there's a small wizard that searches for the quickest server in your area20:15
elcucoBluesKaj: I can edit apt config file directly. thanks.20:15
rorkTheHganavak: in kwalletmanager > settings > configure wallet > access control, can you remove your email client; then when you open your email client it will ask again probably showing the "allow always" button20:16
BarkingFishThere is one other thing I need to know - how do I get kubuntu to bring up the kernel choices when I start the machine? At the moment all I get is a solid blue screen which boots into kubuntu, no kernel choice, recovery mode or memtest...20:17
BluesKajBarkingFish, hold down the shift key after the bios scrn til the grub menu appears20:19
BarkingFishdo I have to do that every time, or can I just set it as it was previously - the menu pops up, i pick what i want and boot into it?20:20
BluesKajBarkingFish, you can edit grub timeouts in /etcdefault/grub20:22
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)20:22
BarkingFishok, great! Cheers BluesKaj20:22
BluesKajerr /etc/default/grub20:22
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit20:23
myers_when i play any video, alot of times it wont show up unless i move the window20:25
myers_any idea why it may be doing this?20:26
well_laid_lawna way to find out would be to run it from the command line and see what it says20:30
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alexdevillxmy  kubuntu http://s09.radikal.ru/i182/1110/26/9773b225a6b6.jpg20:51
alexdevillxshould i install awn?20:52
jamil_1any one tried replacing kwin ?20:55
BluesKajalexdevillx, dunno how well awn will run on kde ...do some research20:58
alexdevillxshould i use default ?20:59
alexdevillxhttp://s09.radikal.ru/i182/1110/26/9773b225a6b6.jpg does this look good?20:59
ForgeAusfluxbox or compiz I tried replacing kwin with but not since lucid21:00
ForgeAusnormally you just use wmname --replace I think, unless things changed on me21:01
jamil_1ForgeAus: how was the performance21:01
jamil_1Because right now top shows that  kwin is one of the top contender for my cpu time21:02
ForgeAusuh I wasn't particularly paying attention to that aspect, it seemed ok, but I found I had more trouble with functionality than anything21:02
ForgeAusyeah well it would be, it does lots of work21:02
ForgeAushmmm strangely I Can't find the -replace option for fluxbox... hmmm21:03
alexdevillxwhat did he use? http://atolstoy.files.wordpress.com/2010/09/my_kde_4_3_by_seanbarman1.png21:03
alexdevillxMedia Audi21:03
alexdevillxAudio Video21:03
ForgeAuslooks like he is running vlc21:04
alexdevillxand something mac like in down21:04
BluesKajcairo dock21:04
ForgeAusI wonder what dock app21:04
ForgeAuscairo how do you know?21:04
ForgeAusdaisy can look like that :)21:05
BluesKajthe screen looks like modded gnome desktop to me21:05
ForgeAusit does look very gnome-ish to me too21:05
ForgeAuswhich would make it gnome-do/docky?21:05
alexdevillxits kde21:06
BluesKajForgeAus, I don't know , it just looks like it to me ...tried it a few yrs ago , but it was buggy21:06
ForgeAusalex that doesn't mean there isn't gtk+/gnome apps running :)21:06
BluesKajcairo dock that is21:06
ForgeAusdaisy seems ok but a little inflexible and you don't get to see mouse effects when you mouse over the icons21:07
ForgeAusit feels like kde3 to configure the apps21:07
ForgeAusand you have to mod it to be a bar, by default its a wheel21:08
ForgeAusbut it seems to work ok from what I tried21:08
ForgeAusoh and I didn't seem to be able to make an app from programs:/21:08
BluesKajeye candy is fine as long as it works as well as the default panel21:08
ForgeAusit worked fine but its not a REPLACEMENT for the default pannel its more an accessory21:08
ForgeAus(although it does show trash and tasks too if you choose to21:09
ForgeAusbut I couldn't get an apps menu for it...21:10
alexdevillxbut audio video21:10
ForgeAuswhat about audio/video?21:11
alexdevillxaudio video playback? http://atolstoy.files.wordpress.com/2010/09/my_kde_4_3_by_seanbarman1.png21:12
ForgeAushe has plasmoids on the desktop diskspace and the three message, audio and folderview are plasmoids I'd guess21:12
ForgeAusalex when you "add widgets" you can drag them to the desktop instead of the panel or place them through the activity icon usually in the top right corner21:14
jamil_1is it possible to view chrome tabs when hover mouse on chrome icon in task manager ?21:14
alexdevillxok, i'll use default layout21:14
Daskreechjamil_1: technically yes. They would have to support it though21:19
jamil_1Daskreech: They = chrome devs ?21:19
DaskreechThey put in support for kwallet so ... maybe?21:20
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cornettedoes anyone know how I change the screen resolution in kubuntu from 1024x768 to 1366x768?22:18
laertmire mbrema22:19
Daskreechcornette: add it to the Xconfig file22:19
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)22:20
Snowhogcornette: What video card do you have - ATI?22:23
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution22:24
cornette@Snowhog: a very old one, nvidia gforce 2mx22:24
Daskreechcornette: on that page look for adding undetected resolutions22:25
rattlheadanyone available for a Kubuntu 11.10 question?22:32
cornetteDaskreech: where do I find the xconfig file or the xrandr file?22:32
Daskreechcornette: xrandr is a command22:33
Daskreechcornette: press alt+F2 and type konsole in the drop down boc22:33
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Daskreechthen you can type xrandr22:33
Daskreechor any of the commands there22:34
cornetteaahh, thanks :)22:34
rattlheadwhere do I fiind Kubuntu 11.10 updates, it don't see the option in software manager22:34
Daskreechcornette: your xconfig file is inside /etc/X11 directory22:34
Daskreechrattlhead: should be in kpackagekit22:34
StarnHello can anyone assist me? I am having issues with kubuntu/ubuntu not detecting my wired connection ifconfig only shows loop back. No eth022:35
Daskreechcornette: configuration files are just about always in the /etc directory once it will affect the entire computer22:35
DaskreechStarn: traied sudo ifconfig -a ?22:35
Guest72821i want to connect to rizon irc server22:35
cornetteDaskreech: thank you! :)22:36
Guest72821what is the syntax /connect irc.rizon.net 6667?22:36
Daskreechtry /server22:36
Guest72821now it works22:36
Daskreechcornette: if it's a personal configuration then it will be in your home directory22:36
Daskreechwith a dot in front of it22:36
Daskreechlike /home/user/.kde22:37
DaskreechStarn: if you can see your eth0 there then try sudo ifconfig up eth022:37
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.22:40
StarnDaskreech I do not see the eth022:40
rattlheadDaskreech: ahh gotcha22:40
Daskreechrattlhead:  :)22:40
DaskreechStarn: only lo ?22:41
rattlheadDaskreech: thanks, im learning Kubuntu and IRC chat lol22:41
DaskreechWelcome to Linux and KDE :022:41
StarnDaskreech only loopback. Lspci shows the card so am I just missing drivers some how?22:42
rattlheadDaskreech: when i try to install kpackagekit, I get an error that says it cannot becuse something else is using the package systen at this time22:42
DaskreechStarn: Not sure. did it work before?22:43
Daskreechrattlhead: oh you have muon now?22:43
StarnDaskreech yes worked just fine yesterday even after I upgraded.22:43
DaskreechStarn: try service networking restart22:43
Daskreechsudo of course22:43
rattlheadDaskreech: yes, I am using Kubuntu 11.10, I assume that was part of the install, I don't remember it updating and installing muon22:44
Daskreechrattlhead: do you jsut want to upgrade ?22:44
DaskreechOh wait update :)22:44
Daskreech Ok22:44
StarnDaskreech I am still new to this how would I do that?22:44
rattlheadDaskreech:  yes, im not real profficient with Linux, and I usually run updates after any install just because it seems like the right thing to do lol22:44
DaskreechStarn: press alt+F2 and type in konsole22:45
Daskreechpress enter and you'll get a terminal22:45
Daskreechthen type sudo service networking restart22:45
Daskreechrattlhead: ok fair enough :)22:45
Daskreechrattlhead: try press alt+f2 and type update manager22:46
StarnDaskreech says restart unknown instance22:46
rattlheadDaskreech: I typed update manager and nothing happened22:47
rattlheadDaskreech: after hitting enter ofcourse22:47
Daskreechrattlhead: hmm Muon should be there >_>22:47
DaskreechStarn: oops might be service network restart v_v22:48
shane2peruok, libre office is acting strange, and doesn't seem to register rigth with the desktop, it shows an X in the application manager thing on the panel22:49
StarnDaskreech unrecognized service.22:49
shane2perumy outline can't be controlled by the tabs any longer22:49
Daskreechshane2peru: didn't register an icon22:49
rattlheadDaskreech: ok, I went to Muon software Center and did a search there by typing "update" in the search, It was the top of the list and I installed it from there22:49
shane2peruDaskreech: ahh, known problem22:50
Daskreechrattlhead: of course. Should have guessed it would be easier than I thought it would be22:50
Daskreech :)22:50
rattlheadDaskreech: and as I should have known, my software is all up to date lol, thanks a ton for your briliant help22:50
Daskreechrattlhead: sure sorry for the roundabout chase22:51
rattlheadDaskreech:  not a problem, I enjoyed learning more than I knew22:51
DaskreechI'm generally pretty good for that :)22:51
rattlheadDaskreech: and now under the systems tab, there is a update tab now, so it will be much easier for any future updates22:53
Daskreechfantastic :)22:53
rattlheada software updates tab that is22:53
DaskreechStarn: if sudo service networking stop works then jsut run sudo service networking start right after22:54
rattlheadim sorry, not a tab, but an icon for the update software22:54
rattlheadgoing to applicates/system, it installs software updates and puts an icon there, sorry also trying to make it clear for anyone that is having the same issues as me22:55
Daskreechrattlhead: I think in general if you have any security updates you get an icon in the system tray as well.22:56
StarnDaskreech not working :(I stop says unknown instance and start actually says networking stop/waiting22:57
Daskreechoh Hmm22:57
Daskreechthat's strange. When did this stop working?22:57
StarnYesterday evening.22:58
StarnFew hours after I updated to 11.1022:58
rattlheadDaskreech: I did see a few updates from the notification tab/icon in the system tray when I started Kubuntu 11.10 for the first time, I was just used to seeing a update software option under the software manager and it wasnt there, I was lost :)22:58
DaskreechStarn: It jsut disappeared while it was running?22:59
Daskreechcornette: better?23:00
StarnWhen I rebooted it did. But it worked after update I had to reboot again to do something in windows. And sudo /etc/init.d/networking stop worked but start just says same thing.23:00
DaskreechStarn: right service is a shortcut for /etc/init.d/23:01
cornetteDaskreech: no :/ didn't work23:01
StarnWhy wouldn't it work with stop? Hmm.23:01
SnowhogDaskreech: sudo service networking --full-restart23:02
StarnMy ethernet card is broadcom bcm4401-b023:09
sam___Hello all23:12
SnowhogStarn: Have you checked to see if the driver is listed for activation in System Settings > System > Additional Drivers23:13
StarnDaskreech modprobe b44 than ifconfig -a now shows it23:13
StarnSnowhog no ill check now.23:14
sam___can I ask a question?23:17
Snowhogsam___: Don't ask to ask - just ask. :)23:18
phiscibeu just did23:18
sam___ok snow  How do you update Kubuntu 11.10 ? i couldn't find update button23:19
Snowhogsam___: Update the installed packages, or update to 11.10?23:19
StarnSnowhog additional drivers does not load..23:20
sam___update 11.1023:20
sam___how do I know if there is any update?23:20
Snowhogsam___: The *best* way, IMO, is to do so from a konsole (terminal). Alt+F2 and type konsole and press enter. At the prompt, type: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade23:21
sam___ok thaks snow but there is no ather way?23:22
Snowhogsam___: No, you can wait for the update notifier to tell you that updates are available. The notifier will appear in the system tray when updates are available.23:22
sam___ok thanks snow23:23
SnowhogStarn: does not load? Or do you mean that it doesn't find/list any drivers for activation?23:25
StarnSnowhog does not load.23:26
SnowhogStarn: That's a problem, and indicative of something wrong with your system - me thinks.23:27
Daskreechsam___: There should be an update button in the package manager23:27
DaskreechStarn: sudo ifconfig -a shows eth0 now?23:28
sam___snow  which one is it the one on the top23:28
StarnSnowdog would running this in recovery mode help?? Just thought of that. And yes after I did modprobe b4423:28
DaskreechStarn: does it turn up in ifconfig ?23:29
StarnDaskreech I am getting confused who I am talking to. Yes it does show. Now. But still no internet.23:29
SnowhogStarn: Before anything else, just do a restart and then check Additional Drivers again.23:29
DaskreechStarn: try sudo dhclient23:29
StarnDaskreech should I try reboot first like snowhog said?23:30
sam___snow the one which says check for updates? is that the button?23:30
DaskreechStarn: try sudo dhclient first23:30
Daskreechit's quicker23:30
Snowhogsam___: Yes.23:30
StarnDaskreech now what?23:31
sam___ok I thought it updates only the programs thx23:31
DaskreechStarn: ifconfig and see if you have an ip address23:31
Daskreechsam___: what would you like updated other than the programs?23:31
Snowhogsam___: That's what it does - checks for updates to the packages you already have installed.23:32
StarnDaskreech Nope without -a it don't show the eth0 and with -a I see no ip.23:32
sam___snow thanks it is my firet time to be here I moved from ubuntu to here23:32
DaskreechStarn: bah :-) sorry23:33
DaskreechStarn: sudo ifconfig eth0 up23:33
Snowhogsam___: NP. Welcome to Kubuntu. :)23:33
Daskreechsam___: Welcome to KDE :)23:33
sam___thanks Daskreech23:33
DaskreechStarn: that should turn on your card23:33
StarnDaskreech ok it's listed in ipconfig no -a but no ip.23:34
DaskreechStarn: now try sudo dhclient23:34
StarnJust did. Nothing so fat daskreech23:35
DaskreechStarn: no output at all?23:35
StarnInet6 addr: fe80: :21a:a0ff and many more strings like that23:36
Daskreechfor suo dhclient ?23:37
StarnScope:link up broadcast running multicast.. and nothing shows when I type sudo dhclient.  All that info is in ifconfig23:38
Daskreechright ifconfig I'd expect that23:38
DaskreechOk Snowhog take over :)23:38
* Daskreech goes for a drink and to work23:38
SnowhogDaskreech: hehe23:38
StarnI do know at the very end of ifconfig for the eth0 says interrupt:1923:39
StarnWish I could copy and past this stuff to you guys but sadly I am on my phone.23:40
DaskreechIt's fine I understand the pain of not having a network connection23:41
DaskreechStarn: want to try Snowhog's reboot23:41
StarnWindows works fine. And yea rebooting now.23:41
SnowhogStarn: Earlier you said it just stopped working. When it was working, were you still on the same version of Kubuntu? Did you do a version upgrade?23:41
StarnI was on ubuntu 11.10 than I switched to kubuntu after trying xububtu and it was working just fine even after reboots. Until my very last reboot.23:43
SnowhogStarn: "until my very last reboot." Before that last reboot, were there any package updates? Any new kernels installed?23:44
StarnNope not that I am aware of. I was just going to windows to play some games.23:44
SnowhogStarn: Are you true multi-booting, or is Linux installed "inside" of Windows - Wubi install?23:45
StarnTrue multi boot. Wubi was way to slow.23:45
StarnI have 160gb dedicated to linux.23:46
SnowhogStarn: Okay. Do you have your Grub menu configured so you see it? Do you have more than one kernel version to choose from?23:46
StarnYes I have grub where I can see and if I click older versions.  And they're version 2 something while this one is version 3 something23:47
StarnBtw snowhog reboot didn't fix.23:47
phiscibei just discoverd pastebinit, how cool is that23:47
SnowhogOkay, I would opt to boot into the prior kernel and see how things fair.23:47
StarnAlright I shall23:47
Daskreechphiscibe: isn't it?23:48
phiscibeits like gravy on your gravy23:48
StarnOh they're 2.6.38-11 is that old?23:49
DaskreechNot in the greater scheme of things23:49
Daskreechby FOSS terms it's pretty old but came out this year :)23:50
phiscibeDarkriftX: u any good at interpeting what goes on at what run level, cant figure out whyu i have some system processes starting twice23:50
StarnYay!!!!! Internet!!!23:50
DaskreechStarn: ^_^23:50
StarnSo just use the old kernel?23:51
phiscibeDarkriftX:  nm gonna reboot23:51
SnowhogStarn: Yes.23:51
DaskreechStarn: Sounds like a good idea for now23:51
StarnNo way to fix the new kernel?? And what if there is an update will that break my system? Haha23:52
SnowhogStarn: Okay, good. That means that what you have in your PC network wise, is natively usable by the kernel -at least the previous one. Check and see if you have the package dkms installed. If you don't, install it.23:52
starn_ok i shall this is my desktop now. snowhog.23:53
Daskreechstarn_: update may be more likely to fix it23:53
starn_uhh how do i check to see if i have dkms package? heh.23:53
SnowhogStarn: Open a terminal and just type: sudo apt-get install dkms23:54
starn_oh duh.. now i feel stupid.23:54
starn_dkms is already the newest version. thats what it said snowhog.23:55
Snowhogstarn_: While you are at it, check Additional Drivers now - my guess is you will see on, and it is active.23:55
starn_i know it has my nvidia drivers listed.. haha  oh infact that is all it lists.. is my nvidia accelerated graphics driver.. snowhog..23:56
Snowhogstarn_: That means that the kernel natively supports your network interface. And, therefore, the newer kernel should as well. I would now do a normal  shutdown/restart and boot into the newest kernel and see how things work.23:57
starn_ok.. leme get back on here with my phone.. oddly enough it does not use much battery..23:58

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