
piousminionMy install seems to be stuck at "Configuring target system" - "ubuntu ubiquity[3347]: log-output -t ubiquity laptop-detect" and won't go any farther. Ideas?01:00
lurburnteris anybody elses notification notification creating blank spaces in their panel?03:46
lurburnteras in there is an invisible force field of untouchable icons blazing from right to left on my task bar03:51
sagaciyep, the networkmanager applet is blank after it connects to 3G04:15
wingiiiplz anybody can tell me why official lubuntu website is down?04:59
JohnDoe_71Rusto many interest. may be05:10
Unit193It got a redirect so that Canonicle (spelled badly :P) would handle the load from the new release05:11
SAKKEDhow can i change character encoding??12:57
Laibcomsquestion, how do I add another keyboard layout with lxkeymap?  And what's the shortcut key to switch between layouts?13:17
KM0201hmm, thats a good one13:20
morkoLaibcoms, KM0201: The keyboard layout can't be saved using LXKeymap. To change permanently your keyboard layout, please run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration"13:29
morkofrom https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/ReleaseNotes/OneiricOcelot13:30
KM0201ah ok.13:30
KM0201i knew how to reconfigure, but i didn't know you couldn't save multiple layouts13:30
LaibcomsAh so it's not possible to have multiple layouts right now. I thought I just can't find the setting, currently if I need to type in a different script I have to run lxkeymap window to switch.  Thanks tnx. ^^13:48
=== silverlightning is now known as silverarrow
silverarrowwhat are the differences in lubuntu 11.10 compared to previous ?14:46
silverarrowon my old hard ware it runs with less cpu load streaming tv and similar14:47
silverarrowthe lubuntu guys have managed to make it even lighter, or is it a driver thing?14:47
Neosano"The release did not include many new features as work focused on integration with Ubuntu instead."14:48
Neosanosays the wikipedia14:48
silverarrowmaybe just a fluke happening then14:48
silverarrowthere is usually an explanation though14:49
Neosanoand there's a problem for me :< livecd doesn't start14:49
NeosanoI checked for disc errors - no errors were found14:49
silverarrowI see14:49
NeosanoI can see lubuntu loading screen with these 5 dots14:49
Neosanoand then it throws me to the console14:50
silverarrowit will not boot at all? you have checked bios settings ?14:50
silverarrowI see14:50
Neosanoif I type "startx" it loads lxde desktop.. but not the lubuntu one14:50
silverarrowhmm, I had that on some hardware in Ubuntu14:50
Neosanoso there's LXDE image on the desktop and this ugly lxpanel skin :<14:50
Neosanoprevious versions were working just fine!14:51
silverarrowbut this time it boots fine on a HP I haven't manage to install any buntu at all14:51
NRWlionhey there15:00
NRWlionhave a bug to report ... but not the time to do the paperwork ^^ who is available for help?15:00
NRWlionhi IAmNotThatGuy ;) are you able to help me with a bug i encountered?15:13
Neosano"sudo service lxdm start" fixed my problem, please fix it anyway -.-15:14
IAmNotThatGuyNRWlion, Whats the issue?15:14
IAmNotThatGuyPM me15:15
MidnighTokerhi people15:30
MidnighTokeranyone know how to configure the autologon? it gave me an option during install but I can't now disable it :)15:30
JohnDoe_71RusMidnighToker: search lightdm15:33
MidnighTokerty :)15:34
MidnighTokerah, and for the record, `lxdm-config` also lets me disable it :)15:37
croqueHow do I toggle the titlebar back on once I've un-decorated it from the window menu?16:36
wxlcroque: mouse over like you're going to grow the window and right click16:37
croquewxl:  Cool...works great...thanks for the tip.16:39
wxlwhy is gir unity included in the latest set of updates?16:48
=== AmberJ is now known as AmberJain
morrihi guys,17:43
wxlhey morri17:44
morrirecently updated lubuntu and firestly it upgraded firefox too, and Id like to downgrade and secondly firefox tells me the flash is outdated17:44
morriand therefore it doesn't show any flash17:44
wxlyou'd like to downgrade which?17:45
morriI dlike to have firefox 5 again17:46
morribut I would go with 7 if the flash (which is installed) was working(or if firefox would let it work)17:46
wxlso if i'm hearing you right you'd like to change just because the upgraded one didn't work with flash?17:47
morriwell I would like to downgrade because I don't like other things in 7 either, I had it downgraded before when I was in 11.04 and locked it but now it is not available anymore17:48
morrialso the update disabled some of the repositories and I am not sure how to enable them again17:50
bioterrorwith synaptic17:50
wxlso first you need to downgrade, right?17:50
bioterrorcheck first you have all proper repos enabled17:51
bioterrorlike partner17:51
jgrateroIs it possible for the line-in, or audio input of a webcam to be deactivated in alsamixer?17:51
bioterrorand then do update && dist-upgrade17:51
morrithats what the repository sources look like atm17:54
=== silverlightning is now known as silverarrow
morriso anyway how do I enable them again?18:02
morriAnyway how do I get the flash to work again? On the firefox site it says it is disabled because it is too old, but there does not seem to be a newer version18:09
JohnDoe_71Rusmorri: for disaple repo try change distro name to oneric18:12
morriit also disabled a oneiric repo18:13
JohnDoe_71Rusyou don't how check disabled repos in left ?18:16
wxlmeh maverick-updates is 3.6.23+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.10.10.1 and natty is 7.0.1+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.11.04.118:16
wxlsomewhere in between is 518:16
JohnDoe_71Rusmorri: edit this record18:16
wxlah ha, found it: firefox (5.0+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.11.04.3) natty-security; urgency=low18:17
wxl  * No change rebuild to pick up LP: #800857 on armel and powerpc18:17
wxl -- Micah Gersten <micahg@ubuntu.com>  Tue, 28 Jun 2011 23:45:24 +010018:17
wxlso now you know the repo to add18:18
wxland then you can force version18:18
wxlsudo apt-get install firefox=5.0+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.11.04.318:19
wxlat which point you should lock it18:19
wxlecho "<package_name> hold" | dpkg --set-selections18:19
morrinot sure what you were saying there JohnDoe_71Rus ?!18:22
wxlmy guess iis he's pointing you at /etc/apt/sources.list but you can do all that through preferences > software sources which it looks like you already know how toget to18:24
wxlit will be commented (#) in the list but it will just be unchecked in software sources18:24
JohnDoe_71Rusmorri: remove text "disabled on ... oneric"18:24
JohnDoe_71Rusright line must be "deb http://... "18:25
morrideb http:// ot this? http://ddebs.ubuntu.com18:30
=== LinoSP is now known as LinoSP|away
wxlthe line in /etc/apt/sources.list should start out deb http://ddebs.ubuntu.com (assuming ddebs is an actual server..)18:30
morrideb http://ddebs.ubuntu.com oneiric main restricted universe multiverse #oneiric main restricted18:34
morrideb http://ddebs.ubuntu.com natty-updates main restricted universe multiverse #natty-restricted18:34
morrideb http://ddebs.ubuntu.com natty-security main restricted universe multiverse #natty-security18:34
morrideb http://ddebs.ubuntu.com natty-proposed main restricted universe multiverse18:34
wxllooks right18:34
wxlthe penultimate one is the one you need18:34
wxlif that's good follow instrucitons above18:34
wxlafter you sudo apt-get update18:35
morriit doesn't seem to be able to access the sources though..18:35
wxlall of mine are http://*.ubuntu.com/ubuntu18:36
wxlwhere * is something18:37
wxl(e.g. archive, ports)18:37
wxlso try adding the /ubuntu18:37
micahgmorri: Firefox 5 is no longer secure18:40
wxlnot surprising, that18:41
morriwell don't mind 3.6 whatver either18:41
micahgmorri: which release are you on?18:41
micahgflash should be working fine18:41
morrifor some reason it hasnt worked since the distro upgrad18:41
wxl< morri:#lubuntu> well I would like to downgrade because I don't like other things in 7 either18:42
wxl(i.e. it's not just flash)18:42
morriyeah same with me. not just flash18:42
morriI downgraded while iw was using natty as well18:42
wxli'm repeating what you said morri18:42
JohnDoe_71Rusmorri: natty-* change to oneric-*18:42
wxli like the new firefox :D18:42
micahgwell, unfortunately, there's no easy way to roll back to 11.0418:43
morrii don't want to roll back though18:43
wxlhe doesn't want 11.0418:43
wxlhe wants firefox 518:43
JohnDoe_71Ruslast flash in partners18:43
morribtw I tried in midori browser and it said the same thing18:44
morriflash is outdated18:44
micahgflash is up to date in oneiric, do you have a version installed in your profile?18:45
morriand epiphany so it has to do with something else, but not liking firefox 7 is a different issue18:45
morriwell reinstalling the flash fixed the flash18:50
morribut not the downgrade for ff18:50
wxlif you have the right repos installing firefox=versionnumber works18:51
silverlightningI have booted classic pup a couple of times and it is much faster than lupu on some apps19:03
silverlightninghowever, it is a pain with wireless19:03
silverlightningwhy o why doesn't it have simple network setup19:04
silverlightninghi mark7619:04
mark76Hey silverlightning19:05
morri## This software is not part of Ubuntu, but is offered by third-party19:05
morri## developers who want to ship their latest software.19:05
morrideb http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu oneiric main19:05
morrideb-src http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu oneiric main19:05
morri# deb http://ddebs.ubuntu.com oneiric main universe multiverse # disabled on upgrade to oneiric19:05
morri# deb-src http://ddebs.ubuntu.com natty main universe multiverse19:05
wxlmorri: use pastebin19:06
mark76I'm measuring a wall19:06
morriIf I take away the disabled there will it be accessible again(19:06
silverlightningmark76:  do you know if there is a way to make usb wireless show in terminal?19:06
wxlyou can sure try morri but you really need natty-security19:07
wxlnot oneiric or natty19:07
mark76I don't. Sorry19:07
morrilsusb silverlightning19:08
silverlightningthanks ; )19:09
morrithats the full sources list wxl19:10
silverlightningI have a realtek card apparently19:11
wxlmorri: add this and i bet it works:19:16
wxldeb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty-security main restricted universe multiverse19:16
wxlsudo apt-get update19:16
wxlsudo apt-get install firefox=5.0+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.11.04.319:16
wxlecho "firefox hold" | dpkg --set-selections19:17
wxlif you want to do that first one by command line:19:17
wxlecho "deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty-security main restricted universe multiverse" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list19:18
wxl4 steps19:19
wxlyou can do it :D19:19
morriwhatever I do the end is : E: Version ‘5.0+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.11.04.3’ for ‘firefox’ was not found19:22
wxlso that is strange19:24
wxlload up synaptic and try to use the force version option19:24
morriforce version only offers two 7 versions19:26
wxli'm gonna try this myself19:28
micahg5.0+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.11.04.3 was never tested nor released IIRC19:31
wxlthe release notes suggest otherwise19:31
wxlor rather the "ubuntu changelog"19:32
micahghuh?  what release notes would mention that version it was staged in  the mozillateam PPA19:32
micahgoh, hmm, I might have forgot to removed it..19:32
* micahg should clean that up for 819:32
micahganyways, 5 is unsupported, what specific issues are you having that make you want to go back?19:33
wxlmorri: ^^19:33
morriI don't like the url bar in 719:34
morriI do have a firefox 5 in my files anyway I can get it to install?19:35
micahgthe URL bar, what about it?19:36
morriI don#t like the graying out19:37
micahgmorri: that's a simple fix in about:config, change browser.urlbar.formatting.enabled to false19:39
morriit also crashed often first time i used it  but maybe thats ironed out by now..19:40
wxland besides only with natty (not natty-security) can you get lower than 7.. and it's 419:48
micahgwxl: which is also very insecure at this point ~25 CVEs + diginotar certificate issues19:50
wxlmicahg: again not what i'd want, but sometimes people want what they want19:51
micahgmorri: well, crashes could be caused by incompatible addons, most should be updated by now though, if you get a crash and can report it with the crash reporter, we can look at it based on the crash id in about:crashes19:51
micahgwxl: right, but sometimes, people are quick to downgrade when it's a simple pref that can fix their issue :)19:52
morriokay cool :)19:52
wxlmicahg: i'm with ya19:52
morrithanks for all your help :)19:52
bill07just installed lubunto 10.11.  What package do I install to get the System-Preferences-Display applet to configure dual monitors?20:39
bioterrorsomething like that20:41
bioterrorbut as lubuntu is targeted for low spec computers, people are mostly using one 15" CRT ;)20:42
Unit193Hey, I'm magic, I may have a 17" one! ;)20:43
SAKKEDsome1 help me21:14
SAKKEDhow to change character encoding?21:14
SAKKEDin LXterminal21:14
wxlSAKKED: wuz the deal?21:24
wxlmy lxterminal seems super happy with utf-8 tho i don't know of a setting for it21:25
=== silverlightning is now known as silverarrow
SAKKEDwhen i use irssi...21:28
SAKKEDit doesnt show some letters right21:29
wxli ssh to a server where i use irssi in tmux21:29
wxlso there :D21:29
bioterrorSAKKED, mitäpä sä meinaat?21:29
SAKKEDvittu ku en nää ääkkösii :D21:29
bioterrorSAKKED, have you configured your irssi?21:29
wxlif you RUN lxterminal versus clicking on the icon, does it fix it?21:29
wxl(might be the .desktop entry not properly specifying utf8 encoding)21:30
wxlor maybe it's a font issue21:30
bioterrorSAKKED, are you using kosh?-) and running irssi under screen?21:30
wxlbah that might be it21:30
wxluse tmux instead21:30
bioterrordid you remember to use screen -U?-)21:30
SAKKEDi dont think so =)21:31
SAKKEDbut it ÄÖÅ letter works with windows21:31
bioterrorSAKKED, http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/u/pahirvin/UTF-8-ohje.html21:31
SAKKEDwhen i connect with putt21:31
wxlew putty21:32
wxli wish they'd come up with a decent solution21:32
wxli use lubuntu vm at work just so i don't have to use putty :D21:32
bioterrorputty uses by default iso-8859-1521:32
wxlfrankly i wish we'd just move to linux like we've been talking about for 15,000 years, but oh well21:32
bioterroryou have to change that char encoding to UTF-821:32
bioterrorI wish we all would use Lotus Notes21:33
wxlyou're scaring me, dude.21:33
wxlwell it's funny because the office is full of linuxers21:34
wxlunfortunately we have a legacy database.. i shudder to even mention it.. access 9521:34
bioterrorSAKKED, works for me :)21:34
wxli see it here21:34
SAKKEDnow it works21:34
SAKKEDi am using putty now21:34
bioterrorSAKKED, and if you look for putty's terminal configuration21:35
bioterrorit's using iso-8859-121:35
bioterrorand that's... so 90's :D21:35
SAKKEDok :D21:35
wxlone thing i found annoying about putty is that i could not get it to properly use drawing characters for ncurses windows AND do utf821:35
bioterrorirssi users made me to use weechat :(21:35
bioterroras they started to puke utf-8 into channels21:35
bioterrorand I had to ditch ascii charset based irc client21:36
bioterrorSAKKED, it's really confusing trying to set things into utf-821:40
bioterrorbut when you succeed, it will reward21:40
bioterrorI really wasted lots of effort changing locales and everything into iso-8859-1 when utf-8 started to come into desktops21:40
SAKKEDbioterror: kaikil suomalaisil kannuil jengi näyttäis käyttävä ISO-8859-121:40
bioterroroot viisailla zänneillä sit21:41
SAKKEDso theres no way to change char encoding?21:43
SAKKEDto LXterminal21:43
bioterrorSAKKED, did you do all the utf-8 configurations to your irssi that was on that webpage I pasted?21:44
SAKKEDno cuz every1 is usin ISO-8859-1 =)21:45
bioterroryou can configure you client to use utf-8 and spit iso-8859-1 into channels21:45
bioterrorand that's how it should be21:45
bioterrorin a matter of fact21:45
bioterroryour client21:46
bioterroror just weara a troll mask and all the way utf-821:46
bioterroryou can blame "naula" for that then ;)21:46
wxli believe lxterminal is naturally utf821:52
wxl(could be wrong)21:52
bioterrorubuntus comes utf-8 as locale21:52
wxlthe .desktop specifies utf821:52
wxlthere's no lxterminal.conf setting or command line flag that will allow for utf821:53
wxlif you really want to make sure you could use a terminal that you KNOW is utf821:53
wxlwhat's what one?21:53
bioterrorSAKKED, http://forum.ubuntu-fi.org/index.php?topic=3094.msg45997#msg45997 replace mrxvt with lxterminal21:55
SAKKEDdont have sudo rights21:58
SAKKEDto kosh21:58
bioterroryou dont need them21:58
bioterroryou just launch from your alt+f221:58
bioterrorthat LC_CTYPE="fi_FI.ISO-8859-1" lxterminal21:59
bioterroror what ever21:59
bioterrorfor example21:59
SAKKEDLC_CTYPE="fi_FI.ISO-8859-1" Eterm22:03
SAKKEDit put that to lxterminal22:03
SAKKEDit says command-not-found crashed22:03
SAKKEDfuck this shit :D22:04
SAKKEDim going sleep now22:04

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