
anshrpr1cmake command failed while configuring touchlib on ubuntu 11.10. Following this tutorial: http://theworm.tw/2011/04/2-how-to-install-touchlib-on-linux/  Here is the generated error: http://pastebin.com/dazLtWX700:38
MTecknologyis it out yet?04:13
bjsniderthat is good comedy04:18
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freedom07still open channel08:09
gesersee the topic, it's already for precise08:10
freedom07when do the daily builds start?08:12
pangolinnot till UDS-P is over08:23
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mekwallhttp://www.factzoo.com/sites/all/img/mammals/baby-pangolin.jpg <-- That's where we are now :)13:38
yofelisn't it sweet :P13:40
penguin42I bet those claws can hurt13:44
penguin42it looks like he's on the phone13:46
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jtaylorwhat use is this tmpfile given by update manager when clicking on details'?17:55
jtaylorI don't see any logs there (yes opened with sudo=17:55
jtayloror where is the terminal log placed now?17:56
jtaylor(no idea if this is an oneiric or precise issue, I have not used the update-manager in month :/ )17:57
jtaylorof course I nce do and its stuck somewhere and I get no logs, stupid guis ^^17:57
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jtaylora figured it out, was apt-listchanges screwing with it18:25
Ian_Cornewhere's UDS this time?19:44
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BrickBagIan_Corne: http://uds.ubuntu.com/ ?19:45
BrickBagThe Caribe Royal, Orlando, Florida, USA, 31 October – 4 November, 201119:46
Ian_Cornekinda far :p19:47
Ian_Cornethanks :)19:47
ubottuThe Ubuntu Developer Summit will be held between 31 October and 4 November in Orlando, Florida - See http://uds.ubuntu.com/ for more details19:51
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genii-aroundI wonder if they're going to Disney19:55
bjsnidercwillu_at_work, lwn published a "where's btrfsck?" article a week ago...20:12
smallfoot-Unity sucks so I use gnome-panel, but it uses Metacity which sucks, how do I enable Compiz?20:39
Picismallfoot-: This channel is not open for support of Oneiric.20:40
* Pici points at topic20:41
smallfoot-but im banned from #ubuntu lol20:41
FernandoMiguelsmallfoot-: alias compizB='DISPLAY=:0 compiz --replace &'20:42
smallfoot-unsure what that does20:43
FernandoMiguelit's an alias to add to your .bashrc , so you can easily start compiz20:44
smallfoot-but i dont want to easily start compiz, i want compiz to be the window manager when i login to gnome-panel session20:48
FernandoMiguelif you find out how, let me know.... I tried for 5 months and couldn't20:54
bjsniderwhat happens f you add that command to the startup list?21:02
smallfoot-maybe i need dconf-editor21:22
arandHmm, latest git is unable to install, common issue, and is there a point in bugreporting at this stage?22:49
arand'is it a common issue?22:50
tomodachiarand: i'm not using +1 but I have a issue beliving that git isnt working22:54
tomodachisince this would be one of the most common features by any developer "trying" out +122:54
tomodachiand if it was i'm sure they would all know!22:55
arandHmm, the unable to backup link.. too many links error I am getting only googles a fs corruption suggestion...22:56
smallfoot-unity overwhelms with me with idiotic package suggestions that i didnt ask for22:59
smallfoot-how can i disable that?22:59
philipballewwhere can I download a 12.04 iso?23:03
micahgphilipballew: got a time machine?23:03
arandphilipballew: I do not think they are avaialable yet23:04
arandphilipballew: Just get 11.10 and upgrade from there23:04
philipballewmicahg, there is a daily iso somewhere I think23:04
arand(and expect zombies, of course)23:04
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/23:05
arandI think that still points to oo23:05
micahgphilipballew: not yet, hence the question about the time machine23:05
arandSo no, no pp isos yet23:05
philipballewmicahg, If I had a time machine I'd probably go back a few thousand years. Then whold look smart23:07
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FernandoMiguelbjsnider: or anyone else: ati drivers wiki or PPA?23:46
bjsniderFernandoMiguel, i don't understand the question23:55
FernandoMiguelbjsnider: have a friend with ATI... it's tooooo slow ! trying to find him another driver package23:56
bjsniderwell, you've got the oneiric fglrx or the radeon driver23:56
FernandoMiguelboth on archives?23:58

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