
macoupdating Qt would likely mean recompiling ALL of kde as well00:38
elkymaco, boop01:00
macoyay thanks01:00
elkywhy it not letting me op you up? :-/01:01
elkyoh... -ChanServ- #ubuntu-accessibility has the SECURE option enabled, and maco does not have appropriate access.01:01
macoso um maybe i have a redirect setup now?01:02
maconope. test account did not get redirected01:03
elkydid you set it to invite only?01:03
test2ah HA!01:04
test2yay :)01:04
elkyreading aaaall the instructions helps ;)01:04
macoif it doesnt do squat without the other flag, why doesnt it imply the other flag?01:05
elkymaco, ask the freenode developers01:06
elkyalso, bans count afaik01:06
elkyalso, registered-user-required would count01:06
elky+f iirc basically means "forward if you're not special enough to join"01:07
elkywhich is why you yourself will still be able to join it, because you're considered special for that channel01:07
macoannalee: #ubuntu-a11y now redirects here for all your dyslexic needs01:08
AlanBellyay, good idea, thanks maco and elky 06:17
AlanBellI can't see onboard in the -proposed updates TheMuso 06:25
AlanBellah, possibly not built yet06:26
TheMusoVery possibly, yes.06:33
AlanBellhmm, not keen on the lack of a window top bar now, makes it harder to drag it about07:47
AlanBelland no, "holding down alt" and dragging isn't a suitable workaround for an onscreen keyboard07:48
AlanBelland in scanning mode return is mapped to "e"07:48
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Pendulumapinheiro: do you have time for a quick PM?10:21
apinheiroPendulum, hi, sorry I was afk10:51
apinheiroquick PM?10:51
freglTheMuso: I have kde apps crashing in a kde session because of qt-at-spi though. From that perspective Qt 4.8 would be nice since there were many crash fixes.11:00
fregldoes anyone know where QT_ACCESSIBILITY=1 becomes exported in (k)ubuntu?11:00
TheMusofregl: If you have at-spi2-core installed, it should be set in /etc/X11/XSession.d11:01
TheMusoBut it uses gsettings to check whether GNOME a11y is enabled.11:01
freglTheMuso: thanks11:01
freglah, that is why I have it and others don't11:01
TheMusoOnce we have something thats more cross-platform, things will be different for sure.11:02
TheMusoBut the primary use case was unity-2d.11:02
freglTheMuso: thanks a lot for the explanation. that explains why others should not be affected. fine :)11:03
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AlanBellBug #87738512:36
ubot2Launchpad bug 877385 in onboard "scanning layout has return mapped to "e"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87738512:36
AlanBellcan someone try to confirm that one please12:36
webczatWhat about things we were talking about? I was thrown out by the school's intenet.13:01
AlanBellhi webczat 13:04
webczatAre there some small news?13:23
AlanBellwebczat: I was looking at the stuff about local respins of Ubuntu13:37
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AlanBellI am thinking of doing an en_GB respin, which would be updated with fixes13:38
webczatgood idea, but they aren't so easily available. are there any accessibility updates on ubuntu now?13:41
AlanBellsome in -proposed today relating to the onscreen keyboard, main visual one I am waiting for is orca starting on lightdm13:44
webczatI'm not sure where is the bug about orca not speaking text in gedit until alt+tab and thunderbird crashing.13:45
webczatand is there any chance patches for unity a11y will be added as updates?13:47
AlanBellI don't know if the stuff for unity in the PPA will make it as an update in Oneiric13:49
AlanBellI think it should, but I don't understand the risks of the change13:49
webczatit's a serious problem for blind people, actually.13:49
AlanBellI do agree totally, just not my decision to make13:50
AlanBellI am also hoping that Precise will be installable and useable early in the cycle so we can test it properly and report and fix loads of small bugs13:51
webczatI know. I actually think that the policy about "everything is usually the same version until the next ubuntu release" could be problematic13:51
webczatin general13:51
AlanBellthere are only a few exceptions, like Firefox and LibreOffice13:52
webczathmm... java should get updated, java-access-bridge should get replaced to jaw, mono should get updated... argh13:52
AlanBellthose things I think probably should stay stable13:53
AlanBellbecause they have stuff on top of them13:53
webczatAlanBell: mono could stay. java should not because it won't make much difference for problams. jaw vs jab is serious because jab does not work at all13:54
webczatopenjdk-7 shoult be at least added as an alternative13:54
AlanBellyeah, things should be pretty newish at time of release13:55
webczatit sometimes annoys me, especially if it is accessibility13:56
webczaterrrm how do you enter libreoffice's menu bar?14:54
webczatI mean the unity14:55
AlanBellF10 sometimes15:02
webczatit enters indicators only in the libreoffice case, unless I'm wrong?15:02
AlanBellI will check in a few minutes15:03
webczatI needed to press alt+f to enter the menu15:37
AlanBellwebczat: there is a package lo-menubar which does libre office global menu integration15:48
AlanBellI have *no* idea why it isn't installed by default15:48
AlanBellthat said, it doesn't appear to work for me right now15:49
AlanBellah, second restart of libreoffice and the extension works15:50
JanCAlanBell: the reason that lo-menubar isn't installed by default is that it's not exactly bug-free  ;)19:27
* JanC wished there would be an option to only use the "global menu" for maximized applications...19:29
AlanBellme too19:42
AlanBelldon't like it, but the inconsistency with Libreoffice is odd19:43
SeaJayAre there any good overviews of Unity or Unity 2D out there? Especially something focused on keyboard access.19:44
SeaJayI'm seeing a lot of blind users giving Unity a try, like myself, but we could use a good overview of the desktop and how it works. Something more than a list of keyboard short cuts.19:45
SeaJayThe overview wouldn't have to be geared towards a blind user, but maybe something for the keyboard short cut wanting developer would be good.19:46
AlanBellSeaJay: I tried, help me script a better one20:55
AlanBellSeaJay: http://ubuntuaccessibility.wordpress.com/2011/10/13/oneiric-ocelot/20:59
SeaJay1Thanks Alan! That's a good page, and I see the link to the keyboard shortcuts. Are there also supposed to be some audio/video overviews of Unity?21:16
SeaJay1AlanBell: If so, I've not been able to find them or play them under Orca. Maybe I should try under Windows.21:18
AlanBelloh, bother, I was going to put the direct links to the videos in21:19
Pendulumoh, right, I suppose I should say that here, too21:19
PendulumI really want to see if we can create a movement for "Accessibility from the Start"21:19
AlanBellthere are some embedded blip.tv videos in that, I will dig out the .ogv links21:19
SeaJay1AlanBell: OK, great, that may help and be what we're looking for.21:20
AlanBellhttp://blip.tv/file/get/Alanbell-UsingUbuntu1110WithOrca170.ogv 21:21
AlanBellhttp://blip.tv/file/get/Alanbell-Ubuntu1110EyesFreeInstall602.ogv 21:21
SeaJay1OK, thanks AlanBell. I can't look at them now, but maybe in a bit.21:22
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macoi think tacking on accessibility later to an inaccessible design is like trying to tack security onto an insecurely designed system. look how well that security bit worked for Microsoft and DOS!21:23
PendulumTheMuso: just so you know, my "call" with jono has turned into a meeting in #ubuntu-community-team21:31
TheMusoPendulum: ah ok, is that on now?21:33
macoits just ending21:33
TheMusooh ok.21:33
AlanBellhttp://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/10/18/%23ubuntu-community-team.html  <- logs will be here in 30 minutes21:34
macoTheMuso: something i tried asking jono since i thought youd be asleep because ....well, you're in australia, and i'm awake... is whether david henningson (or whatever his face is) 's presence has freed up some of your allocated-to-audio time to be allocated to a11y 21:34
maco(he didnt know)21:34
macosince i know you get stretched every which way :)21:35
TheMusoIt has a little, but audio is still one of my core responsibilities, so I have to give time to that beyond just helping with package uploads.21:35
macoTheMuso: btw jono says plenaries are full-up 21:52
macoso "how to make your app's accessibility not suck" would have to be either a lightning talk or session21:52
TheMusoAh ok.21:52
TheMusoMaybe for UDS Q then, will give me more time to prepare.21:52
macoand if a session, scheduled for not-when-a-unity-session-is-going-on21:53
TheMusoRight, I won't worry about a session, they ary should be for talking about whats going on in P.21:53
macowell maybe we can at least get dx and desktop folks dragged into the a11y sessions that will be happening21:54
macofregl: any chance you're coming to UDS?21:55
macofregl: also, any links to docs i should read for how to make kde apps be more happier?21:55
TheMusoWonderful engrish there.21:56
macomore happier. its like how bestest is better than best!22:00
AlanBellin the universal access preferences, hearing tab there is a thing to turn on visual alerts and a test flash button22:15
AlanBelldoes it work for you?22:15
AlanBellI was sure it did, but right now it does nothing for me22:16
TheMusoAlanBell: I wonder whether it requires something 3D/Clutter ish.22:28
TheMusoI know compiz has a plugin that does something similar.22:28
TheMusoBut thats for the bell only I think.22:28
AlanBellah, maybe it works in unity2d22:28
AlanBellok, in unity2d there is a rather pathetic window title bar effect22:30
TheMusoheh right.22:30
SeaJayAlanBell: The first video link you gave me doesn't seem to be complete. It seemed to stop after the log on screen was described. The last thing I heard was that there was a volume and power icon on the screen and then nothing.23:06
SeaJayAlanBell: I'll give it another go, but I'm listening to the second video now, on the install process. This one seems to be complete, but I'm not quite at the end yet.23:07
SeaJayAlanBell: Yep, that first video ends for me after you say volume button and power indicator while describing the log on screen.23:18

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