
anshrpr1cmake command failed while configuring touchlib on ubuntu 11.10. Following this tutorial: http://theworm.tw/2011/04/2-how-to-install-touchlib-on-linux/  Here is the generated error: http://pastebin.com/dazLtWX700:43
macobkerensa: UDS for jono is work :P  My explanation for not going to the last UDS was "you think I'm gonna take time off of work to go do work??"00:46
bkerensaYeah I was surprised jono didnt show up to the biggest party at OSCON00:46
bkerensaguess he was tired00:47
akgranerjcastro, ok UWN is published - do you want me to write the summary for Open Week Day one or are you covering that?00:49
jcastroI was just going to do it tomorrow00:49
akgranerahh ok :-) then I won't worry about it - If you put it on your blog let me know I'll cross post it everywhere00:50
akgranerjcastro, the calendars have all been updated to reflect today's changes in the schedule I added you as a helper to Rick's session as well01:01
jonoakgraner, I already made a bunch of changes to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BuildingCommunity01:11
jonoI also created https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BuildingCommunity/CommunityLeaders01:11
akgraneroh cool01:11
* akgraner looks01:11
akgranerjono,  that's really cool01:12
jonojust fixing bits up here and there01:14
jonogoing to grab dinner01:14
jonoback soon01:14
jonoactually, gonna blog it first01:15
jonoand then will eat :-)01:15
jonogetting food, back later01:31
akgranerand your post has been promoted01:41
akgranerOk I hate to admit I don't know this but do the release notes say what's new in each release?01:52
akgranersuddenly I find myself needing to read them01:52
akgranerI'm looking for the best place to find all the changes from Natty to and will be included in 12.0401:53
akgranerjcastro, thank you!01:53
dholbachgood morning06:59
bkerensadholbach: Good Morning07:00
dholbachhi bkerensa07:00
bkerensaPortland, OR, United States 10/17/2011 6:57 P.M.Destination Scan07:02
bkerensaRelease Party shirts :)07:02
dholbachGRRRRRRRR, compiz focus07:51
czajkowskidholbach: glad you've issues with compiz also and not just us mer regular users :p08:38
dpmdholbach, kim0, thanks a lot for filling up the info for the new community page on ubuntu.com08:56
dpmI've got a couple of extra questions:08:56
dholbachde nada08:56
* dpm hugs dholbach08:57
* dholbach hugs dpm back08:58
* kim0 joins the hug fest 08:59
* dpm hugs kim0 too!09:00
dpmkim0, you added a link to the juju docs as a call to action. That brings people to a long doc page that might be a bit confusing to newcomers. Do you think we could find a better call to action? There are some good ones on cloud.ubuntu.com: "Discover the Ubuntu cloud", "Join the community", etc. Which one of those do you think we should pick as the main CTA?09:01
dpmor just direct people to cloud.ubuntu.com?09:01
kim0thinking about it09:02
dpmdholbach, additionally to that page, we're probably going to have a longer one with links to all the ways to get involved in each area. Apart from the packaging guide, can you think of other secondary resources to point people who want to get involved with Ubuntu to? E.g. MOTU, REVU, etc...09:03
kim0dpm: let's add https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/write-charm.html http://cloud.ubuntu.com/developer/ https://bugs.launchpad.net/server-papercuts http://cloud.ubuntu.com/09:04
dpmkim0, and as per the main CTA, which one should we pick? "Get involved in the cloud" -> cloud.u.c? Does that sound sensible?09:06
kim0dpm: it's hard to pick one .. the highest priority is for the community to write charms, which is why I listed that one first .. if you don't think a docs page works, you can use the second link then09:07
dpmkim0, ah, I see. My main concern with that one is that it's a very detailed docs page which assumes previous knowledge of the technologies. I think it might be better in terms of UX to send people to a landing page which explains the overall picture more gently rather than going straight to in-depth technical docs.09:11
dholbachdpm, the packaging guide is probably the most important doc as it explains all the other bits and pieces09:11
kim0dpm: agreed yes .. that page doesn't exist today though, it is definitely planned for the next cycle though09:11
dpmdholbach, yeah, I listed that one as the main CTA, I'm wondering about other secondary resources, unless you think we should only list the Packaging Guide09:12
dpmkim0, we can point people to the portal and then perhaps you can have a prominent link to "Write a charm" in the portal itself?09:13
dholbachdpm, I'll think about it09:13
dpmthanks dholbach09:13
kim0dpm: Sure that works09:13
dpmthanks kim0!09:13
dpmto be clear: the main page will most probably have just one CTA for each area of involvement. The other links will be on a secondary page09:14
dpmlisting community teams, off the top of my head I can think of: developers, cloud, translators, testing, app developers, documentation, artwork, beginners, accessibility, news, forums, IRC, women. Can anyone think of any active team I might have missed?09:25
nigelbclasroom maybe?09:26
nigelbThere's also community web developers09:26
dpmwhere do they hang out? Do they have a space in the wiki as well?09:26
nigelbWe hang out in #ubuntu-website09:27
nigelbNo Wiki page yet though.09:27
Pendulumis Ubuntu Youth active?09:27
nigelbHrm, not sure.09:28
dpmPendulum, which are the main resources to get involved in the ally team?09:32
Pendulum#ubuntu-accessibility, ubuntu-accessibility@lists.ubuntu.com , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Accessibility/Team (more specifically https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Accessibility/GettingInvolved )09:34
dpmexcellent, that's exactly what I was after, thanks Pendulum!09:39
dpmanyone else from any of these teams "documentation, artwork, beginners, accessibility, news, forums, IRC, women, classroom, web developers" who'd like to list the main resources? (and if possible to say which one corresponds to the main call to action to get involved?)09:41
* kim0 rebooting into live cd 12:38
akgranerI am so time zone challenged today :-(12:59
jcastroakgraner: working on the summary now13:03
akgranerjcastro, awesome13:03
jcastroakgraner: do we start in an hour or 2 hours?13:10
* jcastro spaces out13:10
akgranerin an hour13:10
jcastroupdate done13:10
jcastrotrello UPDATED13:10
akgranerI <3 trello :-)  I think I found a new best friend (oh that's just sad I need a life)13:11
akgranerjcastro, crossposting it now13:11
akgranerjcastro - ok cross-posted, dented, tweeted, and whatever else I could think to do with it :-)13:21
akgranerI'll be afk for much of the time today about to head to the dentist to get them to fix my tooth they broke :-)  should be a fun morning13:22
jonocommunity team meeting in 5 in #ubuntu-meeting14:55
jonojcastro, kim0, dholbach, dpm ^14:55
dholbachin an IRC session right now, sorry14:55
dholbachdpm has my notes14:55
jcastroI'm in!14:55
jcastroyou can count me in!14:56
dpmjono, I'm there too now!14:56
kim0same for me14:56
jcastrooh, no G+?14:56
jonojcastro, do you read your email? lol14:56
jonojcastro, we are doing them on IRC now14:56
jcastroI just didn't think we were doing that14:56
jcastrokim0: reply to zonker in the email before he forgets about us again!15:21
kim0jcastro: okie15:22
jonodpm, firing up G+15:52
popeynow for the _real_ meeting ;)15:53
jcastroI was going to say, now that the meetings are public, how do we make fun of popey behind his back?15:54
jcastroj/k we don't do that15:55
jcastroit's Daviey we make fun of15:55
dholbachalright my friends - I call it a day16:07
dholbachsee you all tomorrow!16:07
nigelbg'nite dholbach16:07
* popey hugs dholbach 16:07
* dholbach hugs you all16:08
dakerkim0, are the comments working well ?16:08
kim0daker: it's working awesome :) thanks a lot16:09
dakergood ツ16:09
jcastroakgraner: around?16:27
jonokim0, all set?16:32
kim0jono: yeah let's16:33
jonokim0, invite sent16:34
* popey spies spam on http://cloud.ubuntu.com/2011/10/ubuntu-cloud-in-your-pocket-video-demo/16:52
popeytop comment16:52
kim0popey: How are you doubt akismet :)16:53
popeyI can spot them a mile away :D16:53
popeyI get hundreds on my blog16:54
kim0popey: any idea what's the "point" of such comments16:54
popeyincrease traffic to their site16:55
popeynote the url16:55
popeydoubly so for ubuntu people syndicated on planet ubuntu16:55
kim0maybe we should hide that then16:55
popeyjust moderate comments16:55
popey"Just add that to your daily routine"16:56
kim0I was getting 100+ daily :)16:56
* kim0 hugs askismet16:56
popeyor conscript community people to do it for you16:56
* popey leaves before getting conscripted16:56
kim0it's 99% accurate at least16:56
jcastrokim0: another way to make it worthless for spammers is to add nofollow links16:59
jcastrothat's how wikipedia does it16:59
bkerensaakismet is horrible for spam protection17:01
bkerensaCloudflare for the win17:01
akgranerjcastro, just got back17:01
jcastroakgraner: nm, iz all good17:01
akgranerbut my tooth is fixed :-)17:02
jcastro<--- lunchin'17:02
jonokim0, still there?17:03
bkerensaUbuntu Oregon 11.10 Release Party Shirts: http://ubuntuone.com/1rNsX3AhvD0x0OtUJRy6XV17:07
jonobkerensa, sweet!17:10
bkerensajono: I assure you next year the OSCON booth will be up to par ;) MarkDude had only given me one day notice mind you17:11
jonobkerensa, I am sure it will rock, brother :-)17:11
akgranerif you haven't seen cprofitt's post on Ubuntu Leadership here it is it's a great post btw - http://ftbeowulf.wordpress.com/2011/10/18/ubuntu-leadership/17:15
akgranerjcastro, don't forget tomorrow's sessions kick off at 1300 UTC/0900 EDT :-)18:29
jcastrooh crap, I forgot, nice looking out!18:29
jcastronice trick on the logs btw18:30
jcastrojust doing XX:0118:30
jcastroinstead of making individual pages and all that18:30
jcastromy god Amber, I think we've got  you working smarter instead of harder! (LOL SPREADSHEETS)18:30
jcastrojono: idea....18:31
jcastronormally we schedule the roundtables without blueprints18:32
jcastrobut that leaves a bunch of "rogue" work items and ideas and  crap without a place to live18:32
nigelbwhy not have a blueprint this time?18:32
jcastroI'd actually like to make them blueprints18:32
nigelbjcastro: make a blueprint for "rountable" and schedule it for day 1.18:32
nigelbcreate a meeting for every other day18:32
nigelbwe can then reuse!18:32
jcastrowhat do you mean?18:33
jcastroit will import the BP right18:33
jcastrobut then that'll only be one session18:33
nigelbjcastro: yeah. Lets use one BP for each track's rountable.18:33
jcastroright but how do I do the other 4 sessions?18:34
jcastrojust manually?18:34
AlanBellwhat about one session on multiple days18:37
AlanBellone meeting in multiple slots even18:38
AlanBellwith one pad URL18:38
jcastrois that even possible?18:39
akgranerjcastro, :-P18:41
AlanBelladd a second agenda item, link it to the second slot, and room, but the first meeting18:41
jcastrook now I am confused18:41
AlanBellin /admin/schedule/agenda/ you should be able to add more agenda items18:43
AlanBellwhich are the things that tie a meeting to a slot and room18:43
AlanBelland one meeting can have multiple agenda items18:43
AlanBellwhich can make the one meeting turn up every day18:44
AlanBelldid that make sense?18:51
jonofine with me to make a roundtable BP18:58
jcastroAlanBell: ok I'll submit the blueprint first19:00
jcastroand then try that19:00
nigelbjcastro: you can have same etherpad url's since middle of last DS.19:02
nigelbjcastro: *UDS19:02
* jcastro nods19:02
nigelbjcastro: I remember Mike fixing it in the eveeniing :P19:02
nigelbjcastro: ZOMG!19:38
nigelbjcastro: ZOMG!19:38
nigelbjcastro: https://twitter.com/#!/cyanogen/status/12638095193997721619:38
nigelbThough I also did see a tweet from a friend.19:41
nigelbShe wanted to shoot nity dsesigners :P19:41
PiciI just keep telling people that had Unity not existed, they would have been complaining about GNOME 3.19:42
nigelbThat's an iinteresting perspective.19:42
mhall119Pici: yeah, but if Gnome 3 hadn't existed, they'd still be complaining about KDE 419:42
nigelbPeople use KDE?19:43
=== akgraner` is now known as akgraner
jonoczajkowski, LoCo Council meeting in 13?19:47
jonojcastro, around?19:59
jcastrojono: yo20:03
jcastrojono: hey while I have you here, how about tomorrow post-lunch for you for 12.04 review for me?20:03
jonojcastro, bring it20:04
jonojcastro, I need a quick call with you now if that's cool20:04
jcastroG+ me!20:05
jonojcastro, G+20:05
jonoone sec20:05
akgranerwhoa this *is* a day 'o meetings20:06
bkerensaDarn I can't find a Jono sticker on Openstickers.com20:12
akgranerjcastro, the mi team is up for reapproval now in -meeting :-)20:41
jcastroIt's too cold in michigan20:48
jcastrolet them rot. (j/k)20:48
akgraneryou crack me up20:48
* akgraner is dreaming up things to add to jcastro 's todo list muahahaha20:54
akgranerI <3 those trello boards :-)20:59
technovikingjono & jcastro: can we chat sometime Power Users and Ubuntu Tweak, and getting traction with that20:59
jonotechnoviking, totally20:59
jonotechnoviking, can we chat tomorrow?20:59
jonoPendulum, one sec, just going to put a meeting in with technoviking20:59
jonoPendulum, would you be cool for us to have our meeting here on IRC21:00
jonoso others can see and participate21:00
jonoI would like to do more meetings on IRC21:00
jonomore transparency :-)21:00
technovikingtechnoviking: tomorrow is cool, other that 8:30-9:30am PST21:00
jonotechnoviking, let me check the times I have21:01
Pendulumjono: we can try, I'm not sure how much my things are generally useful or not21:01
jonoPendulum, we can discuss the agenda items21:01
jonoone sec Pendulum, just wrapping up my meeting with technoviking21:01
jonotechnoviking, does 4pm Pac tomorrow work?21:02
* jono sees he is in meetings for nearly the entire day21:02
technovikingjono: my time getting off work,21:03
jonotechnoviking, 12.30 Pac work?21:03
jonofor 30m?21:03
technovikingjono: sounds good21:03
jonoawesome, technoviking can we discuss it here?21:03
technovikingfine with me21:04
jonothanks for your patience Pendulum21:04
jonoso lets kick off with a11y concerns in Precise21:04
jonowhat are your thoughts?21:04
PendulumI've poked a couple people so they know it's going on in case they want to chime in21:04
PendulumI think there are a couple major concerns21:05
Pendulumone is pretty specific: there's no screen magnification in Unity 2D at all and the one in 3D (Compiz eZoom) can't interact with the Unity layer (so launcher, dash, etc.)21:05
Pendulumthe eZoom one has been flagged since Natty, but nothing's happened. So far it's listed as a wishlist21:06
jonoPendulum, ahhh so there is a bug filed for it21:06
Pendulummeanwhile we have users saying they can no longer use Ubuntu because of the lack of screen magnification21:06
Pendulumthere are 3 bugs covering the entire issue21:06
Pendulumlet me pull numbers for you21:06
Pendulumbug 781529 has the overview21:07
ubot2Launchpad bug 781529 in unity "Assistive Technology Magnifiers unusable with Unity" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78152921:07
jonothanks Pendulum21:07
Pendulumbut 762699 is specific to eZoom21:07
jonoPendulum, have you had any input from the Ubuntu Engineering Management team on these bugs?21:08
Pendulumbug 76269921:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 762699 in unity "Unity launcher and panel are not zoomable with Enhanced Zoom Desktop" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76269921:08
Pendulummy impression on the eZoom one is that it's a "we didn't have time to fix it", but I do know that it's a semi-complicated issue to fix21:08
jonodid you get any specific responses to these bugs?21:09
jonojust want to get an idea of communication so far21:09
PendulumI've been compiling a list of everything (I didn't know about one of the bugs until this morning) so that I can get a stronger explanation of what's going on before I specifically talk to people21:10
Pendulumso far I've only talked to Luke about it (who is who told me that there was someone who had an idea for how to fix it, but didn't have time21:10
jonoI think this makes sense21:10
jonoif you could present a list of outstanding a11y deficiencies that we need to resolve in 12.0421:10
jonoJason Warner is a good person to liaise with over how much can be resourced by Canonical21:11
jonoif you could present this list as a crisp summary, I think Jason could respond next week to it21:11
jonohe is off work this weekl21:11
jonowould you be happy to do this for us, Pendulum?21:11
PendulumI can do that21:11
jononow is a good time to have this conversation as we plan for 12.0421:11
PendulumI know Luke and I are both putting together blueprints for UDS, as well21:12
Pendulumso hopefully this'll help him get a good foundation for the tech side of thing21:12
jonoI would recommend you present the list of things to be done to him, and then based on what resources Jason can commit, file blueprints for other elements that need community work too21:14
jonoare there any community developers who would be interested in pursuing these projects?21:14
jonoand resolving those bugs?21:14
Pendulumtbh, we have struggled to find developers within the community interested in working on a11y21:15
Pendulumthere's maco and AlanBell and that's about it at the moment21:15
jonowhat kind of skills do people need to work on that stuff?21:15
Pendulumstrong python and C as far as I can tell. There's a lot of framework that needs to be understood for some of the really integrated work (like the eZoom stuff)21:15
macojono: non-programmers can help with desktop applications21:16
maco if they can sort out Glade21:16
jonomaco, aha gotcha21:16
AlanBellthere would be lots of stuff that is the same effort as translations21:16
jonoit strikes me that having a firm idea of outstanding 12.04 issues could be a good lynchpin to attract new devs21:16
Pendulummaco: we should go through and figure out what of the important bugs could be fixed with Glade21:16
jonomaybe blogging around a goal of helping 12.04 to being awesomely accessible?21:16
macoPendulum: any time "it doesnt read the label next to the radio button" comes up, thats easily glade-able21:17
jonoso maybe the summary that you create for Jason could be a good thing to promote publicly too21:17
AlanBellthe important thing is having precise broadly working for most of the time21:17
maco(ditto s/radio button/checkbox/)21:17
PendulumI think the overall other concern with Precise is that we know some of the underlying stuff in Unity is getting rewritten and there's a concern that it'll not only break things as they stand in a11y, but that things won't be done early enough in the cycle for the a11y people to fix the regression bugs21:17
jonoAlanBell, totally agree21:17
jonoPendulum, what is getting re-written?\21:17
jonothere should be no arch changes21:17
Pendulumjono: I don't know for sure, but Luke was saying there are some underlying things last night21:17
jonoI talked to Neil Patel last week and things should be basically the same as 11.1021:18
jonoPendulum, interesting21:18
jononot sure what he is referring too21:18
Pendulumokay, I'll see what more I can find out21:18
jonoPendulum, when you have your report written, I recommend you mail it to Jason Warner and then copy me in21:18
jonoI can talk with him more about then21:18
Pendulumone thing I really would like to work on (this is kinda what I'd like to make a rallying cry for a11y) is "Accessibility from the Start"21:18
jonolike I say, he should be back next week21:18
macojono: lack of intelligible docs for how ATK stuff works is a bit of a problem for finding more devs21:18
jonoPendulum, that would be awesome21:19
jonomaco, hmmm good point21:19
jonomaco, is there limited content online?21:19
macoi muddled my way through the bits i could understand to improve ubiquity a bit, but it really is just muddling21:19
Pendulumbecause most cycles we're well into the betas before much if any a11y work can get done21:19
jonoclassic Open Source story...great tech..crappy docs :-/21:19
jonoPendulum, yeah, I think also 12.04 being an LTS will help focus the community21:19
jonoPendulum, did you get your sponsorship all sorted?21:19
macojono: first time i tried to make something better on ubiquity, it took me a goodly amount of googling to find current docs on ATK with some limited code examples and a lot of whooshing over my head :-/21:19
Pendulumjono: yes, thank you21:19
jonoPendulum, awesome!21:20
jonoPendulum, so we can rock it at UDS :-)21:20
macoi think i bookmarked that page though, so i'll have to dig it up21:20
Pendulumyes, definitely!21:20
jonomaco, would you be interested in writing some docs of what you discovered?21:20
jonoPendulum, I get the impression that a strong rallying call with a focus of specific things that need fixing will help get the community interested21:20
macojono: so far my hints are "use the bit that lets you set labelled by" and "dont put in a loop that makes the accessible name = the variable name" :P im far from an expert21:21
jonomaybe we can work with other teams to help spread the word? maybe akgraner could help here21:21
jonomaco, LOL21:21
akgranersure I'd be happy too21:21
jonomaco, reminds me of hacking on gstreamer21:21
jonoakgraner, could be something the leadership team could help the a11y team with?21:21
jonowe need some braveheart style posters with Pendulum on them21:22
akgranerjono, I can get with Pendulum and we can figure something out I am sure21:22
jonothe next topic21:23
jonomanaging community expectations21:23
jonoPendulum, what did you mean by that?21:23
jono(by the way folks, Pendulum mailed me her agenda)21:23
jono(this is where these topics are coming from)21:23
Pendulumso one thing that's coming up a lot with users of a11y things is a feeling of not mattering21:23
jonoI can understand their concern21:23
jononot mattering to whom?21:23
PendulumAlanBell and I had a pretty heartbreaking conversation with someone in #ubuntu-accessibility over the weekend21:24
macopeople responsible for making things go :P21:24
Pendulumin which she flat out asked if anyone at Canonical or in the community actually cared about a11y21:24
Pendulumbecause from her perspective, it wasn't a priority21:24
jonoits a tough one21:24
jonoI think everyone cares, we just have limited resources21:24
macoPendulum: um, from my perspective it doesnt look like one either....21:24
* maco hides21:24
PendulumI think a lot of where I get caught up is we claim accessibility is a priority21:25
Pendulumbut we release things that don't back that up21:25
jonoPendulum, well, it is a priority in Ubuntu, but I agree it is underresourced21:25
jonothe challenge is that when we say "priority" in Ubuntu, that doesn't just relate to Canonical...but to the wider community21:26
jonoI think some see that a11y is not as good as it should be that it is squarely Canonical's fault21:26
jonowhich I don't think is fair21:26
jonoas we are a community that Canonical contributes to21:26
PendulumI don't think it's fair either21:27
jonoI think everyone does the best they can with their resources21:27
jonobut I do think we could potentially inspire a bigger community21:27
senseThis is again an example of the unclarity of what is Canonicals task and the task of the community. Canonical sees it as something that is also a task of the community, whereas the community has learned to passively look at Canonical's engineering resources.21:27
AlanBellblame isn't really the issue21:27
jonoAlanBell, not blame, responsibility for fixing the issues21:28
macojono: is luke still being pulled in both the a11y and audio directions? or does david henningson (sp?) 's presence mean luke's got more time allocated to a11y now....do you know?21:28
AlanBellbut some of the regressions are a consequence of the design direction (doesn't matter who's direction)21:28
PendulumPersonally, I don't care where blame should/shouldn't be, but I'm curious about suggestions for how to respond21:28
jonomaco, tbh, I am not sure21:28
jonothat is a good question for Jason Warner21:28
jonoPendulum, totally agree21:28
PendulumThe accessibility community is one community where I will never tell users that they need to provide their own fixes because often at the point that there's a problem, they can't use their computers to some degree21:29
AlanBellsome things would be better if accessibility was baked in from the design phase21:29
PendulumAlanBell: +121:29
jonoPendulum, yeah21:29
AlanBellstuff like the global menus where everything thinks it is a checkbox21:30
jonoAlanBell, agreed, but I think there were some technical and logisitical reasons why that could happen at the time21:30
jonobut I agree that we should really block on technology if it is doesnt provide good a11y21:30
macoAlanBell: oh ew, do they all say "checkbox not checked" after every keypress navigating the menus?21:30
jonowhich didn't happen before21:30
PendulumI think some of it is trying to figure out how to get people thinking about accessibility from the start, but tbh, right now I'm more focused on what to tell the next 5 people who e-mail the list or PM me or show up on IRC saying they're really upset21:30
Pendulumbecause I don't want to give platitudes21:30
Pendulumand that's where I feel like I am at the moment21:31
macoPendulum: "no really, we DO care! we just....suck?" :P21:31
jonoPendulum, my recommendation is we crisply summarize the challenges and then the a11y team and the desktop team work together to try and find solutions21:31
jononaturally I am here to help21:31
czajkowskijono: sent apologies to lc last week that i wouldnt be at tonigts meeting, date night with jon, we went to a fawlty towers dinner night21:31
jonosome folks can be resourced from canonical, but some will be community21:31
jonoczajkowski, np21:31
jonoPendulum, I would love to talk more at UDS about how we set these expectations21:32
macojono: luke is talking about duing a plenary at uds on a few steps devs can take to at least get a step up on a11y21:32
jonoand how the a11y team could provide influence to the Canonical teams21:32
maco...partly because i nudged a lot21:32
jonomaco, unless his plenary is confirmed, it will be a lightning talk, all plenaries are full21:32
jonoor he could do a session of course21:32
macoyeah i was suggesting a session, and he said plenary later21:32
jonoI need to head to my next meeting, but Pendulum, do you feel we have some good steps forward?21:33
macoi think there's more than enough to fill a session, but i dont know how much can be done as show & tell21:33
senseThe important thing is that the right people will show up at that session.21:33
senseIf the whole desktop team is having a key Unity session at the same time, it is useless.21:33
jonoPendulum, lets talk more at UDS - also if you can file a blueprint for a11y in 12.04 that would be awesome21:33
jonothanks everyone for your input!21:34
Pendulumjono: thank you!21:34
jonothanks Pendulum!21:34
Pendulumjono: is Jason Warner on IRC? (just realised I didn't know his IRC nick)21:34
jonoPendulum, he should be21:34
jonobut not now, he is on vacation21:34
Pendulumyeah, just wanted for future reference :)21:35
MartynRe :)21:36
PendulumMartyn: hmm?21:37
MartynRE .. as in "re hello"21:37
* Martyn is knee-deep making Oneiric usb sticks for UDS21:38
PendulumMartyn: if you don't watch out we're going to make a strong community member out of you ;-)21:38
MartynWhat?  Never!  *ducks*21:38
* Pendulum hugs Martyn so he can't run :P21:38
Martynbut yeah .. I've been trying to get the updates into the stick, so that a person's first experience won't be a massive update21:39
Martynso far, so good21:39
Martynbut the stick is "only" 400mb more storage than the install CD would have, so I still have to be a little careful21:39
macoMartyn: apt-cache clean21:40
jcastrojono: I just don't get how King Diamond ever had fans21:44
jcastroit's like, a parody21:44
jonojcastro, don't speak ill of the awesome21:44
jcastroit literally sounds like he's torturing cats21:44
jcastrooh I know, I have it on repeat.21:44
jcastroi'm just saying ...21:45
jonolove that tune21:45
jcastromore of the same, love it.21:46
jonojcastro, want to hear something awesome?21:46
jonoone of my current fave bands21:46
jonocrazy heavy death prog21:46
jonocompletely unique21:47
* jcastro listens21:47
jcastrothe sound quality on this youtube video sucks21:49
jcastrobut it sounds good21:49
jcastro(the music itself I mean)21:49
macojcastro: you've listened to Primus right? talk about torturing cats....21:49
jcastroyeah but I can appreciate his playing21:50
jcastrotoo bad it's the same song over and over again21:50
jonojcastro, I saw them live and they were literally as tight as that21:51
jonothey were *AWESOME*21:51
jonojcastro, check out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIqPbZ20EXI21:52
jonoone of my other fave bands :-)21:52
jonoagain, totally unique21:53
greg-gjono only listens to unique bands21:55
macogreg-g: hipster21:55
jonogreg-g, lol21:55
jcastrothey were doing awesome until they started singing21:55
jonoHipster Olympics - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAO4EVMlpwM21:56
jcastrojono: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzDmgn-G2FM22:08
jcastrothis is my favorite new song22:08
jonojcastro,  sounds awesome!22:09
jonovery classic Anthraxy :-)22:09
jcastroit's pretty awesome22:09
akgranerjono, jcastro I'm giving an adhoc how to plan ubuntu weeks/days session in -leadership  hopefully we'll get some more helpers with each of the weeks22:10
jonoakgraner, awesome :-)22:12
akgranerjono, I'm hoping that your team is our (community) go to people if we get stuck organizing  - and that we as a community can take on a bigger role in helping organize these22:14
jcastroI will be more than happy to just punt them to you akgraner22:14
jcastrooops, inside voice!22:14
jcastroakgraner: hey so jills is coming on friday night, and leaving sunday day22:14
jcastrothe weekend before UDS22:14
akgraner:-)  I think we/me there is one of you to help when needed you know22:14
jcastroshe wants to hang out with you, etc. etc.22:15
akgranerjcastro, awesome - :-) I'll be by the pool...22:15
jcastro"hold on hon, I have a spreadsheet for hanging out"22:15
akgranerjcastro, I am not trying to take away all your fun now22:16
akgranerI am sure all you guys have way too much fun planning these weeks :-)22:17
jonoakgraner, :-)22:18
akgranerI just think these weeks are a great way for people who want to know more about the community to find out who does what and take an active roll22:19
akgranerdang it - I am so red neck sometimes22:19
akgranerit's cool talking to developers, both canonical and community, finding out what the goals are for each cycle and how to find people who can teach around those goals etc22:20
akgranerit's great!22:20
akgranerI am such an event junkie - I may need an intervention22:21
jcastrojust one?22:21
akgranerok I resemble that remark slightly22:21
akgranercan we put akgraner intervention on the summit schedule (j/k)22:22
akgranerjcastro, I'll snag the logs and turn them into a how to of sorts that go beyond the checklists - can you review then I can add that and the checklists to BuildingCommunity somewhere22:23
akgranerok - I'll work on that in a little while - I am about to be disowned if I don't put my computer down for a few :-)  bbiab22:24

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