
macohi more-irc-knowledgeable-people-than-me00:51
macohow do i set up a channel forward?00:51
maco#ubuntu-accessibility is inaccessible to dyslexics, it has been pointed out. also to people who arent dyslexic just bad spellers and those trying to figure out what the channel's name is. so i want to make a forward. but i am ignorant and freenode's faq isnt helping00:52
elkymaco, what bit isn't working?00:53
macothe part where the faq just says "don't"00:53
macooh wait thats policy00:53
macothe policy page has a bit about not making # and ## versions and making a forward between them except in extenuating circumstances. thats what i was seeing00:55
macothe faq only explains how to redirect unregistered users00:55
macoim trying to make all joins to -a11y go to -accessibility00:55
elkyyes, why would you want to make a ## channel?00:55
macoi dont want a ## channel00:55
elkySo i'll re-ask. what bit isn't working?00:55
macothose are just the only forwarding mentions im finding on teh freenode site00:55
macothe part where i dont have a how-to00:56
macoi dont know what to do00:56
macoi joined the one that i want to be the alias channel, so i get ops there...and then i have to do...something00:56
macoi r n00b00:56
elkyhttp://freenode.net/using_the_network.shtml grep for forwarding00:56
macohmm ok so i guess i gotta find someone to make the -accessibility channel be +F then00:58
FlannelOr find someone who is an operator in that channel00:59
maconobody's op'd right now, so im going "are you an op?" to TheMuso in PM00:59
elkyapparently i am00:59
Flannelmaco: /msg chanserv access #ubuntu-accessibility list00:59
macooh, i can see that output. why can i see it? ive tried with other channels and been told im not allowed to see the output of the access command01:00
elkyI think we may wish to get the access list for there fixed a bit.01:05
TheEvilPhoenixoops wrong channel (was using the GUI to join, missed the right one)01:22
TheEvilPhoenixoh... looks like this *IS* where I should be01:22
TheEvilPhoenixi take it there's ops watching #kubuntu-offtopic?01:22
* TheEvilPhoenix detects a user there trolling/bitching senselessly01:23
TheEvilPhoenixi'd like someone to review what they've said and address them, please01:23
pangolinTheEvilPhoenix: I'm not an op in that channel but what exactly besides blogging in the channel have they done?01:27
TheEvilPhoenixdoes senseless drunken bitching count?01:27
TheEvilPhoenixthey've been on a 50 minute rant about Linux and the bugs01:27
TheEvilPhoenixalso touched on o4o items01:27
TheEvilPhoenixfinally started just being asshatty01:28
pangolinI didn't read the last hour01:28
TheEvilPhoenixi see01:28
TheEvilPhoenixlemme grab you what i've got and throw it into pastebin01:28
TheEvilPhoenixalthougho the splits kinda flooded my logs ;P01:28
TheEvilPhoenixpangolin:  forgive the extra chars in this among other things - its xchat logs :/01:31
TheEvilPhoenixwell, combo xchat+znc logs01:33
pangolinTheEvilPhoenix: I really didn't want to have to read the entire scroll back. I have it in my client also. Let's try being more understanding and perhaps help him to voice his concerns a little better.01:33
TheEvilPhoenixfrom what i've been able to ascertain01:33
TheEvilPhoenixhe's likely drunk01:33
* TheEvilPhoenix has seen rages like this before01:33
TheEvilPhoenixi dont need him quieted or banned01:34
TheEvilPhoenixi just want someone to be monitoring the situation01:34
pangolinwill keep an eye open and see if I can find a channel op to do the same.01:35
TheEvilPhoenixcorrect me if i'm wrong, but doesnt *@freenode/staff/* have access?01:35
TheEvilPhoenixif all else fails they can assist ;P01:35
TheEvilPhoenixDAMN YOU IRSSI!01:36
* TheEvilPhoenix shall part and deal with a segv-ing irssi01:36
IbisTheres an irc bot  named melanie_ sending a private message for every person joining the Ubuntu channel.  <melanie_> hi s ex http://cam.nl.mn/11:51
LjLthis happens frequently lately11:52
LjLwe'll keep an eye to that sort of messages11:52
* Pici headdesks14:03
genii-aroundIs the auto unquiet thing with the bots worked out yet?14:10
LjLit breaks very frequently?14:10
genii-aroundLjL: Not sure. First I heard was yesterday, we had a #k user who was +q for like ten days14:11
Myrttia bit offtopic????16:19
oCeanslightly :/16:20
* mneptok stares at his N90016:22
ubottuIn #ubuntu, FAMAS said: !ask is it possible to remotely hack and delete someone's harddrive in ubuntu17:06
* h00k saves quote17:08
PiciWhich one?17:08
h00kthe FAMAS quote, anyway.17:08
PiciI thought "WHy in the name of merlins baggiest pants do I suddenly need root permissions to access my external hard drive???" was funny.17:09
h00kadded that one, too.17:10
h00kOne day I'll remake a quotedb17:10
Picijrib has a file of good quotes somewhere too.17:10
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PiciLjL is going to get an A on this exam.18:57
LjLPici: i catch you disapproval and bounce it back to you19:07
ubottuIn ubottu, shymega said: !my brother is a idiot19:45
pangolintempted to add that one19:45
mneptokmy Brother MFC7840W works fine. except for some XSane stuff in 11.10.19:46
pangolinMFC240C works fine also19:50
PiciI'm going home, someone may want to deal with smallfoot- in #u+1 if they're up to it.20:51
h00kI suspect Microsoft__ a troll21:45

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