
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] Documenting Great Ubuntu Community Best Practice - http://www.jonobacon.org/2011/10/18/documenting-great-ubuntu-community-best-practice/02:23
TheOpenSourcererMorning earthlings06:48
AlanBellmeeting with the milkman today07:24
TheOpenSourcererlol http://dilbert.com/strips/comic/2011-10-18/07:26
selinuxiummorning all  o/07:27
TheOpenSourcererlo selinuxium07:28
selinuxium'lo TheOpenSourcerer07:29
diploMorning all07:32
dwatkinsHow can I tell if a particular kernel version is stable or testing at the moment? I hear is available, and I assume it's stable because it's in 11.10...07:39
dwatkinsalso, good morning07:40
smittixMorning all07:42
tonytigerAlanBell / popey: Just seen in my calendar that there's a meeting tonight. As I suspected, I'm working late this evening so am unlikely to be able to attend.07:45
AlanBelltonytiger: meeting is thursday07:46
dwatkinspopey: oops07:47
hooverGood morning all07:51
tonytigerAlanBell: Ah, does it combine with the happy hour?07:51
smittixwow that is a serious issue, im moving to arch ;)07:53
MooDoomorning all08:06
gordonjcpsmittix: the nice thing about Arch is that you can still use Unity, but it's much more up-to-date than the old packages shipped with Ubuntu ;-)08:08
gordonjcppopey: I bet he's using an Intel graphics chipset...08:10
MartijnVdSUnity runs better on my intel at home than on my ATI at work08:10
gordonjcpdrat, I meant to comment on that intel bug that oimon mentioned yesterday08:10
bigcalmGood morning eeps :)08:12
MooDoomorning czajkowski08:28
MooDooczajkowski: fancy someone forgetting your on the council, cheek ;)08:29
czajkowskino comment08:30
MooDooczajkowski: i commented lol08:30
czajkowskiso did I08:30
MooDoohee hee08:30
czajkowskikinda hard to ccopy n pste 7 people and forget one mind you08:30
czajkowskibut how and ever moving on08:30
JamesTaitGood morning all!08:37
brobostigongood morning everyone.08:50
Pernigmorning brobostigon08:51
brobostigonmorning Pernig08:51
Pernigmy Dad is impressed with 11.1008:52
Pernighe somehow accidentally went into XFCE but he liked that too haha08:52
Pernigand he managed to upgrade it himself08:52
* daubers murders people who book him into meetings with outside customers and don't explain why he needs to be there09:06
gordonjcpdaubers: :-/09:07
bigcalmDoing a fresh install of 11.10 onto my eeepc 1000 and it just took a scary photo of me09:09
bigcalmThe thumbnail is then showed me looked somewhat broken. Wonder if it'll still be broken when I finally get to log in09:09
bigcalmdaubers: sit in a corner and play angry birds09:10
bigcalmOr, chat on irc09:10
MartijnVdSwordfeud \o/09:14
* daubers needs stronger coffee today09:22
MooDoopopey: fraped?09:26
MooDoobigcalm: maybe it's just your face? ;)09:27
popeyMooDoo: yup09:27
MooDoopopey: that will teach you for leaving you're desktop unlocked :D09:28
popeyi was sat at it09:28
andycuse blueproximity then you never need to remember to lock :)09:28
popeyturned around09:28
MooDoooops :D09:28
oimonbah, only just got to work. thanks NXEA09:29
bigcalmThe image is broken. Not sure if I can be bothered to re-re-install to replicate the issue09:31
* bigcalm squeezes christel good morning :)09:32
christelheya bigcalm <3 *hugs*09:32
christelMooDoo! :)09:32
christelMooDoo: have you gotten accustomed to waking up a lot at night again? :09:33
MooDoochristel: no :( it's horrible :D lol09:35
MooDoowouldn;t change it for the world :) especially as she's started smiling :)09:36
christelaww :D09:36
oimoninteresting that i report a bug that receives no comments for many months, then mpt reports a duplicate and suddenly there's a big discussion on the bug report. it seems to be the way that launchpad works.. report bug then ping someone to look at it09:43
popeysounds about right09:44
popeynot just launchpad, most bug trackers09:44
* popey wonders whether the installfest happened on sunday09:46
gordbug triaging isn't called drinking from the fire hose for nothing09:47
andylockranhow does things09:48
gordmost bugs are honestly, indications, if one guy reports a bug, there are no dupes and no affects me's then i'm generally more interested in looking at other bugs, it gets pushed to the back. if 10 different people post what is essentially the same bug, we know to look further09:49
=== ^aDaM is now known as ^aDaM-Busy
davmor2morning all10:03
* davmor2 prods czajkowski 10:03
* davmor2 prods czajkowski till she snaps or smiles10:04
MooDoomorning davmor210:04
davmor2morning MooDoo, how life mucka10:04
MooDoodavmor2: i'm in a computing funk :) lol10:05
davmor2MooDoo: isn't that illegal.......oh funk :D10:06
MooDoodavmor2: see i don't even find that funny :S10:07
davmor2Medic to isle 1 medic to isle 1 check MooDoo stats10:08
MooDoolol ok that was a little bit funny10:08
* bigcalm hugs popey10:17
bigcalmpopey: what made you finally come out?10:29
hooverpopey came out?10:32
hooverhey biggie10:32
bigcalmHello hoovie, having a good day?10:32
popeyturning around away from my pc10:33
bigcalmAnd leaving yourself logged into Facebook10:33
bigcalmTut tut10:33
hooversort of bigcalm10:33
hooverhow about you?10:33
* hoover was a bit sick yesterday10:34
bigcalmhoover: the sun is shining and there is fresh coffee brewing downstairs. Work is nuts, but happy otherwise10:34
popeymy browser was closed10:34
bigcalmOh dear, hope you're recovering10:34
popeythey opened my browser, found facebook and typed that in10:34
gordi like it when people say that peoples facebook was hacked because they left it logged in10:34
gordone of lifes little joys10:35
popeyyeah, i dont feel the need to delete the status update10:35
davmor2MooDoo: instantrimshot.com10:36
davmor2MooDoo: welcome back10:41
MooDoodavmor2: no one here but us chickens10:48
bigcalmBok bok10:48
hooversounds good biggie10:49
* buzz_ laughs at popey's facebook10:49
* popey tickles buzz_ 10:50
davmor2MooDoo: click on the rooster one on that site I just gave you and play that a few times and I might believe you10:50
* buzz_ bums popey ;-)10:50
buzz_oh. i see im late.  ^ seeing scrollback10:51
popeyyeah, join the quque10:53
davmor2popey: quque isn't that the noise the bird that pops out of the clock makes?10:54
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buzz_yeh - but popey loves clocks.10:59
MooDoobuzz_: loves what?   oh you said clocks....:S10:59
davmor2buzz_: no popey loves watching raid arrays rebuild11:10
MartijnVdSdavmor2: only on Drobo11:19
* MooDoo is looking at drobos11:19
davmor2MartijnVdS: No it popey he'll watch it build anywhere11:19
MartijnVdSMooDoo: The problem with drobos is that disks only work in Drobos11:20
MartijnVdSMooDoo: while I can put the disks from my Synology NAS in my PC and rescue the data if I want to11:20
MooDooMartijnVdS: yeah i just read that, but i'm only looking....that isn't an issue for me to be honest11:21
MartijnVdSuntil it's your last copy of some important data ;)11:21
MooDooMartijnVdS: i already have a netgear nas duo, just looking to replace it11:21
* MartijnVdS has a Synology DS21111:21
MooDoojsut looking now :D11:21
MartijnVdSsaving money for a 4-disk version11:21
MooDooMartijnVdS: the ds411?11:23
gordonjcpecraven: MooDoo avoid drobos11:23
davmor2MooDoo: there was a guy did a piece on a home built version that cost the same as the drobo without the hardrives in11:23
MartijnVdSMooDoo: yes11:23
gordonjcpMooDoo: avoid drobos11:23
* gordonjcp wouldn't touch a drobo with someone else's stolen ten foot shitty stick11:23
MartijnVdSgordonjcp: 11 foot then?11:24
MooDooMartijnVdS: the ds411 looks good11:24
MartijnVdSMooDoo: the software rocks as well11:24
MooDooMartijnVdS: £235 isn't bad as well for a 4 bay11:26
MooDoounless you go for the 411+ii with is "50011:29
AlanBelltonytiger: yes, combining meeting and happy hour was the brilliantly thought out and executed plan :)11:29
gord<3 magicicada11:43
gordmore people should know about that11:43
oimonwhat's wrong with drobos?11:46
popeyproprietary disk format11:46
oimonno way...sucks!11:46
oimonnever heard that before11:46
MooDooit only sucks if you're bothered about that kinda stuff11:48
penguin42MooDoo: You will be when it smokes and you want to read the disk in a PC11:48
MooDoopenguin42: well yeah, just been told about that, looking into synology now11:49
penguin42to be fair I suspect many of the RAID boxes are proprietary11:49
* penguin42 discovers www.rentaraid.co.uk - I bet they find some fun stuff on returned boxes11:49
MartijnVdSpenguin42: http://www.killsbugsdead.com/home.asp ?11:50
penguin42MartijnVdS: Haha11:51
=== HoaxKey is now known as Aminari
=== Aminari is now known as HoaxKey
oimonafter seeing the new xubuntu i think i might be able to upgrade the laptop from 10.04 gnome2 to 11.10 xubuntu without wifey really noticing12:23
tonytigerAlanBell: in which case I *may* be there.12:32
AlanBellthat would be lovely12:33
popeytonytiger: in pub or in irc?12:35
tonytigerIt's in Farnborough isn't it?12:36
NET||abusehi there folks, i'm mounting an ntfs partition to use as storage under my profile, ( i symlink through to my windows profile for documents, development files videos etc.. but everything is executable.12:41
NET||abusejust looking at fstab.12:41
NET||abuseit's mounted with /dev/sda2/windowsntfs-3gdefaults,locale=en_IE.UTF-8 0212:42
NET||abusehmm, where's the spaces in that.?12:42
NET||abuseanyway, defaults seems to make evrything executable.12:42
popeyyes tonytiger12:43
popeywalking distance from my house12:43
popeyand also walking distance from both farnborough stations12:44
chamboAm I correct in thinking that xubuntu is basically ubuntu but with xfce instead of unity?  Does it still come with the same packages?12:45
MooDoochambo: yeah12:45
chamboSo the same version of gcc will be in xubuntu 11.10 as ubuntu 11.10?12:45
NET||abuseis there a better way that matches up the permissions or is this just something that accessing the ntfs partition doesn't give you12:45
chamboHmm I may reinstall with xubuntu then - I can't handle gnome3 or unity12:46
Joeb454popey: do you run the UK list?12:46
Joeb454NET||abuse: I can't remember whether that's just an issue with NTFS12:47
penguin42chambo: Just install xubuntu-desktop12:48
popeyJoeb454: yes12:50
chambopenguin42, I would do that but i've screwed around with too much stuff already and wanted a fresh start :)12:51
oimonchambo: if you install xubuntu alone, then you will need to install ubuntuone and a couple of other packages, and the music player by default is gmusicbrowser instead of banshee12:53
Joeb454popey: I tried to send a message yesterday and got told I wasn't allowed to post to the list and the message had been automatically discarded, this happened for 2 email addresses12:54
oimonall packages are available, just that different defaults may have been chosen in some cases12:54
directhexNET||abuse, linux can't work with NTFS ACLs, so it applies a blanket fake permission set to the entire mountpoint12:54
directhexfake owners & perms12:55
NET||abuseahh, yeh,12:55
NET||abusei figured that was the case12:55
popeyJoeb454: gmail?12:56
chambooimon, Still pulseaudio, zeitgeist and things like that are still there by default?12:56
directhexNET||abuse, same with FAT12:56
oimonchambo: yes, but applications that use that stuff might be different e.g. nautilus/thunar or gnome-terminal/xfce-terminal12:57
oimontry it out though.12:57
NET||abusei'm moving to London on Sunday,, wooohoo12:58
chambooimon, I'll give it a go - as long as I get a stable desktop and can install all the same packages then I'm happy12:58
oimoni'm enjoying it.12:58
oimonapache question: i'm rewriting stuff from server1->server2 using rewriterule, but server2 shows server1 in the logs. for deny by IP etc, this causing a problem because all requests appear from server1  - can i change it so that server2 shows the src ip?12:59
penguin42there was something in the release notes about a light build/config of KDE - not tried that yet; I'm using the full fat one on this ----> machine12:59
NET||abuseoimon: there's a redirect flag in the logs i thin,, if memory serves13:00
NET||abusehave to look up though13:00
* AlanBell has 250 Ubuntu CDs \o/13:00
chamboThe transmission remote plugin for chromium is really great by the way (if you have a server in a cupboard somewhere)13:00
chamboIt adds a "Download with transmission" to the contexual menu in chroium13:00
NET||abuseooh, that's neat,13:01
penguin42AlanBell: How many people do you know who actually install from CD these days? It's rare - I had to do it with a couple of my old dads machines - but they were old enough to have had a fight during install anyway13:01
chambopenguin42, For some reason my desktop refuses to install from a USB stick so I have to use a CD :(13:02
AlanBellpenguin42: people like them13:02
penguin42AlanBell: It's good to have an up to date drinks mat13:02
oimoncd is sooo slow13:02
AlanBellooh, must upgrade the chicken CD13:02
* AlanBell finds the Kubuntu box13:03
penguin42they pecked the shine off?13:03
AlanBellpenguin42: http://www.theopensourcerer.com/2011/05/28/ubuntu-uk-loco-cds/13:04
AlanBellthey need an upgrade13:05
gordonjcpI don't like Unity13:06
gordonjcpbut I really, *really* don't like Gnome 313:06
chambogordonjcp, I agree which is why I'm about to install xfce13:06
chamboI just want gnome 2 back :'(13:06
penguin42gordonjcp: Which is why I went KDE413:06
oimonchambo: xfce is pretty much the same13:07
gordonjcpchambo: you can set up xfce4 to quite closely resemble gnome 213:07
oimonand very pretty nowadays13:07
gordonjcptbh Unity has started to grow on me a bit13:07
gordonjcpespecially after getting rid of the stupid global menu thing, and putting the window buttons back where they're supposed to be13:07
gordonjcpnow if I could figure out why I keep accidentally maximising windows and being unable to unmaximise them I'd be in business13:08
gordonjcpthe lenses are nice13:08
chambogordonjcp, I spent so long turning things off (I hate hot points and things like that because I'm clumsy with a mouse) that I thought I should probably just go for a simpler window manager...13:08
chamboAll I need is synapse or gnome-do and I'm happy13:08
gordonjcpgnome-shell is just weird13:13
gordonjcpand unusable without constantly switching from mouse to keyboard, if you're doing lots of mouse-related things13:13
gordonjcpInkscape is a *nightmare* in gnome-shell13:13
oimonxfce looks like gnome shell too13:14
oimonto welcome the defectors probably13:14
dwatkinsVive la revolution! ;)13:16
Joeb454popey: sorry, yes, gmail13:17
AlanBell /window 2513:17
popeyJoeb454: have you switched from googlemail to gmail or vice versa?13:18
popey(this is the single gripe we get from people)13:19
Joeb454popey: nope, always been gmail. I tried from @joeb454.com as well (uses apps for domains), that didn't work either13:20
popeyyou are not subscribed under that address13:20
popeykeep guessing :D13:20
* popey knows who you're subscribed as13:20
oimonbug 73507013:22
lubotu3`Launchpad bug 735070 in software-center (Ubuntu) "When installing programs in Software Center, extra debconf window occasionally appears" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73507013:22
oimonseen this bug on a few pc, rather reduces the experience of using softwre center. anyone else get this?13:22
oimontrying to work out what causes it13:23
Joeb454popey: I'm sure I subscribed using my gmail address13:23
popeynope :D13:23
Joeb454if not, it's my ubuntu address13:23
Joeb454hmm, that'll probably be it then :P13:23
penguin42they say the internet is making us dumb because we don't have to remember anything any more; now we can just ask popey13:24
tubadazoimon: I get that occasionally. Dunno why though! :-(13:26
oimoni get it for every app i install, maybe multiple times per app :(13:26
tubadazLikewise. It can be annoying at times!13:27
oimoni wonder how many votes a bug needs before it's noticed13:27
NET||abusehmm, having trouble with sleep resume on this laptop. close lid and not getting any resume :(13:28
popeyNET||abuse: which laptop?13:28
tubadazMore than 46, obviously! :-)13:28
NET||abusesony Vaio VGN  FW21E13:29
NET||abusekinda old13:29
TheOpenSourcererAnyone else here old enough to remember BBN? http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2011/10/arpanets-coming-out-party-when-the-internet-first-took-center-stage.ars13:29
oimonwow, just saw the guy's ubuntu tattoo on http://www.jonobacon.org/2011/10/17/ubuntu-tat/13:29
oimonshocked face :-o13:30
MooDooyeah crazy fool:)13:30
penguin42TheOpenSourcerer: It was after me but I remember reading of their 1st router13:30
NET||abusei think i had some other problem and i killed the acpi module,, how do i check if it's enabled.13:32
TheOpenSourcererThey were the kings when I started in computer networking (X.25). Don't think Cisco existed then.13:32
oimoni have a real aversion to tattoos. speaking as someone who gets a bit miffed if the book i'm reading gets creased or phone gets scratched/non-shop condition. no stickers or anything on my13:33
penguin42TheOpenSourcerer: Oh we had X.25 at Uni when I started there, never really got on with it - no way anyone could remember PAD numbers13:34
TheOpenSourcererI worked for Gandalf then ACC (http://www.beagle-ears.com/cgi-local/alumni.cgi?company+acc) during the Internet boom. ACC had some interesting chaps in it - rumour was Cisco's IoS was based on ACC code.13:36
Joeb454popey: don't suppose you know of a way to send from the @ubuntu.com addresses from an iDevice?13:36
AlanBellhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricOcelot/LocalizedImagesRollout we should do an en_GB respin of Ubuntu13:39
penguin42TheOpenSourcerer: Oh I never heard of ACC - I remember seeing Gandalf's around the Uni13:39
popeyyour @ubuntu mail goes to your primay launchpad address13:39
popeyAlanBell: yes, with the podcast auto subscribed in banshee :D13:39
Laneyis it called the rubbish bin?13:39
AlanBellpopey: yes, totally13:39
TheOpenSourcererpenguin42: I was at Gandalf from '85 to 95 IIRC. Which Uni were you at?13:40
penguin42TheOpenSourcerer: Manchester, UK, from 90-9713:40
AlanBellLaney: http://www.ubuntu.com/tour/13:40
TheOpenSourcererpenguin42: Ahh that would have been serviced from the Warrington office.13:41
Joeb454popey: I got that, and I get the emails, but I just want to send from that address from my phone13:41
TheOpenSourcererWe had lots of PACXs in Universities all over the UK.13:41
penguin42TheOpenSourcerer: You mean there was something useful in Warrington?13:41
davmor2TheOpenSourcerer: out of curiosity what is the size of you ~/.TB folder?13:41
TheOpenSourcererdavmor2: du -sh says 9.0GB13:42
TheOpenSourcererdavmor2: Is that good or bad?13:42
penguin42TheOpenSourcerer: The UK really didn't want to move away from X.25 - we had horrible nasty X.25<->IP gateways for a while13:42
popeyJoeb454: what kind of phone?13:42
* AlanBell has 18GB13:42
TheOpenSourcererX.25 was a good protocol IMHO. It was very reliable.13:43
davmor2TheOpenSourcerer: Big ass folder, Mine is 1.7GB however in Evo the same info was 582MB13:43
popeyJoeb454: when you mail there is a field for "from", select your ubuntu address there13:43
popey(assuming idevice)13:43
davmor2TheOpenSourcerer: Evo also included Contacts that TB hasn't got13:43
TheOpenSourcererdavmor2: Gloda increases the size considerably.13:43
TheOpenSourcererGloda is the indexed database of *all* you emails.13:44
TheOpenSourcerermakes searching them really cool though :-)13:44
davmor2TheOpenSourcerer: That's great you can search to your hearts content well that or until you run out of HD ;)13:45
AlanBellI want my Lotus Notes search back13:45
davmor2AlanBell: you really are trying to run out of HDD space aren't you :)13:46
TheOpenSourcererHDDs are cheap enough - I see 2TB disks for less than £5013:47
AlanBellis there anything cheaper than disk space?13:47
TheOpenSourcererdisk space with salt.13:47
oimon1p cola bottles?13:47
Joeb454popey: I'll give it a try later13:48
MooDoojust in case people thought TheOpenSourcerer was mad - http://vr-zone.com/articles/singaporean-researchers-boost-hard-drive-capacity-six-fold-with-a-sprinkle-of-salt/13739.html13:53
* AlanBell still thinks TheOpenSourcerer is mad13:54
MartijnVdSpopey: °C?13:55
gordonjcphow hideously wrong do you think things are going to go if I set this laptop up to dual-boot but share /home?14:00
ormiretgordonjcp: share with what?14:00
* gordonjcp wonders what sort of turf war between Ubuntu and Arch this is going to kick off14:01
MooDoogordonjcp: you mean install ubuntu then arch but mount ubuntu's /home in arch?14:01
gordonjcpormiret: Arch on one / partition, Ubuntu on another /  partition, /boot and /home shared14:01
gordonjcpMooDoo: well the opposite way round, but yes14:01
MooDoopain i'd say :D14:02
gordonjcpI already have arch installed14:02
MooDoowhat are the differeces in ubuntu's package x and arch's?  ie config files that are put into /home/.<aaplication>?14:02
MooDooopening a can of worms i'd say14:03
ormiretThe system will be quite happy (so long as you get UIDs and GIDs to match) some apps might get confused if there is a version mismatch between the two.14:03
ormiretA safer approach would be to put your docs somewhere else and link/mount them into /home/something14:03
ormiretbah, /home/user/something14:04
gordonjcpMooDoo: arch tends to bung app-specific stuff into ~/.config/14:04
MooDooonly one way to find out then :D14:05
gordonjcpone would assume that even with two ~s I could just copy ~/.ssh/ across without any ill effects14:06
gordonjcpright, here goes14:06
ormiretfor well behaved apps you can set an environment variable to change from ~/.config to whatever you want, I wouldn't want to be relying on all apps on a system being well behaved though.14:07
Halabunddid anyone manage to install spotify on oneiric?14:08
popeyi have it on my oneiric machine14:08
popeytwo machines in fact14:08
HalabundWhen trying to add the reposity as described in http://www.spotify.com/int/download/previews/ , I get some errors:14:08
HalabundLike this:14:09
HalabundFailed to fetch http://repository.spotify.com/dists/stable/InRelease  Unable to find expected entry 'non-free/source/Sources' in Release file (Wrong sources.list entry or malformed file)14:09
HalabundSome index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.14:09
HalabundI didn't get this on 11.0414:09
popeyalan@mbp:~$ cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/spotify.list14:09
popeydeb http://repository.spotify.com/ stable non-free14:09
popeythats my sources for spotify14:09
popeyis that the same as yours?14:09
Halabundpopey, I don't have a spotify.list file there actually14:10
HalabundI added the deb http://repository.spotify.com stable non-free line through synaptic14:11
gordonjcpoh well, looks like it's not going to happen14:11
HalabundI have that line in /etc/apt/sources.list14:11
DaraelThe software centre in Oneiric doesn't work for me.  If I try to install something, the button greys out for a moment and then returns to a clickable state, still reading "install".  The package is not installed.  Terminal output from the software centre as this happens at http://paste.ubuntu.com/712032/14:11
Halabundpopey, how did you add the repository?14:12
popeyi manually added that file Halabund14:12
Halabundpopey, so I should add that file instead of putting it in /etc/apt/sources.list ?14:12
popeyit doesnt matter where you put it14:13
popeyhave you put a "deb" and a "deb-src" line in, or just a "deb" line?14:13
Halabundpopey, synaptic automatically put both14:14
Halabundmaybe I should remove the deb-src ?14:14
chambo_whoop, xubuntu successfully installed14:18
gordonjcpactually, change of plan14:20
gordonjcpif I install Ubuntu with the normal installer, it'll have a fit when it realises there's already a user homedir in /home with my username14:20
gordonjcpI may as well let it create /home on its own wee 8G partition then sort it out later14:20
Azelphurgordonjcp: It will? I never have that problem14:20
AzelphurI've reinstalled from scratch loads of times simply by wiping over my / partition and mounting my /home in the installer14:21
popeygordonjcp: no, it wont14:21
popeyif you do the install right14:21
Azelphurjust make sure when you mount /home in the installer to select the correct partition type and do not tick the format box14:21
popeyhang on Azelphur14:22
popeythat depends on whether /home is a separate partition or a directory on a partition14:22
ali1234why make a simple thing complicated?14:22
Azelphuryea, I was assuming separate partitions14:22
popeyjust do the install, choose "something else" and manually partition, and dont format14:23
ali1234just let me make a new home and then copy .ssh and .purple from backups14:23
ali1234the rest of that stuff is rubbish anyway14:23
ali1234keeping it around across updates just causes problems14:23
ali1234you especially don't want to keep .config, .gnome etc14:24
ali1234all that is is just a bunch of clutter that serves no purpose14:24
gordonjcpyes, this is a separate partition14:24
gordonjcpI can't even type, it's so cold in here14:25
gordonjcpwere I not required to actually be in the workshop, I would have cleared off home by now14:26
gordonjcpsince I have better coffee, some hifi equipment, and crucially *working heating*14:26
bigcalmI have to say that installing 11.10 onto the eeepc1000w has breathed new life into the machine14:32
bigcalmWell done everybody14:32
MooDoothank you bigcalm it was all down to me ;)14:33
gordonjcpbigcalm: I must say, even running from a USB stick it seems pretty quick on this Compaq nc420014:34
gordonjcp1G of RAM probably doesn't hurt14:34
gordonjcpI have a spare hard disk; maybe I should nuke it and install only Ubuntu on this machine14:35
TheOpenSourcerer11.10 on my Eee 1008HA runs like a dog :-( - It takes "for ever" to boot so it does.14:37
chamboTheOpenSourcerer, same on my eee 100014:37
directhexnetbooks are dead14:38
penguin42same on my 1001ha14:38
penguin42it would be interesting to find out why14:38
oimonunity 2d vs 3d ?14:39
gordonjcpoh, and the installer crashed14:41
popeyTheOpenSourcerer: i put an SSD in my 1008HA, flies now14:41
popeyalso added more RAM14:41
popeyit's a natty little machine now, which reminds me I might upgraded it tonight14:41
bigcalmI wonder if my eeepc1000 has all the ram it can take14:42
TheOpenSourcererbe interesting to compare boot times on that popey14:42
TheOpenSourcererAlthough mine previously had 10.10, not 11.0414:42
TheOpenSourcererI've only one machine on 11 anything and it's my netbook.14:43
chamboI was going to upgrade the SSD/RAM in my eee but then I saw the lenovo x121e and decided to save up for that instead14:43
popeyTheOpenSourcerer: you using unity 3d or 2d on it?14:43
penguin42TheOpenSourcerer: All my machines are slower booting 11.10 - the netbook and my laptop particularly so14:43
TheOpenSourcererhow can I tell?14:43
penguin42popey: They seem slower even to get to login14:43
chambopenguin42, I saw an article on phoronix confirming that 11.10 has slower boot times14:44
TheOpenSourcererI seem to spend ages looking at the white/orange dots... i.e. before login.14:44
chamboWith nice bootcharts too14:44
popeypenguin42: "they"?14:44
penguin42popey: My laptop and netbook14:44
popeyTheOpenSourcerer: is compiz running?14:45
TheOpenSourcererpopey: Give me 10 minutes - I need to turn it on again. ;-)14:45
* TheOpenSourcerer is very pleased his new mouse. The Logitech Performance MX - I love the free-spinning wheel - want to go "wheeeeee" all the time :-)14:47
AzelphurTheOpenSourcerer: I have a trackball, free spinning fun :D14:47
TheOpenSourcererI now have a login prompt... I powered on at 15:45:2514:48
TheOpenSourcererNow I have the main screen/desktop14:48
TheOpenSourcererAh &^%^$(*&(*(... but a dead mouse.14:49
TheOpenSourcererFSCK sake.14:49
TheOpenSourcererAnd you can't do Super+S anymore. What's the keyboard command to bring down the login/out/shutdown menu14:50
gordonjcpwell that's pretty good14:51
gordonjcpfive minutes from starting the installer to it crashing because it can't download flash14:51
AlanBell TheOpenSourcerer pressing the power button might bring it up, also F10 to get focus in the panel might work14:51
TheOpenSourcererWhat is it doing? The mouse does move - eventually - but the hdd is being totally thrashed...14:51
gordonjcpwhich I didn't want anyway14:51
gordonjcpand Ubuntu has infected my laptop with grub14:51
gordonjcpnow *nothing* boots on it14:51
gordi used to have that mouse :) but everything logitech i get falls apart within a year =\ so it died a long time ago14:52
TheOpenSourcerergord: I had an MX1000 before this one - lasted about 6 years and was a great mouse IMHO.14:53
gordonjcpis there a way to install Ubuntu without letting it vandalise the other OSes on the machine?14:53
gordonjcpor is it just expecting to be the only OS ever?14:53
gordTheOpenSourcerer, perfectly acceptable that i have just had a bad run - shame, logitech make some nice stuff, but yeah everything i own from logitech has either stopped working or had wireless issues14:53
AlanBellit asks on bootup if you want to install it alongside your other os14:54
oimongordonjcp: i think it's the most other-OS friendly OS there is...but you still need to be careful14:54
TheOpenSourcererHmmm - hdd still being thrashed. Need to power off I think.14:54
gordonjcpAlanBell: it didn't14:54
oimoneveryone's in a moany mood today  :\14:54
gordonjcpAlanBell: it asked if I wanted to wipe the disk and install ubuntu, or "something else"14:54
* TheOpenSourcerer will try booting his 1008ha again. now.14:55
gordonjcpAlanBell: the first thing it did was delete everything in /boot14:55
gordonjcpdespite leaving the "Format?" box unchecked, the installer seems to think that it would be better off with a nice clean /boot14:56
TheOpenSourcererBack at login prompt. Boot time started at 15:55:1214:57
TheOpenSourcererNow at desktop14:58
TheOpenSourcererJust over 3 minutes,14:58
oimonyou need bootchart14:58
gordonjcpoh nice14:59
TheOpenSourcererpopey: Compiz is running - yes.14:59
gordonjcpthanks, Ubuntu, thanks a bunch.  I really needed 8G of swap where my Haiku partition used to be14:59
=== optimusP is now known as the_hulk
lubotu3`You have lag, I don't have lag15:08
lubotu3`another contentless ping... sigh...15:08
* bigcalm pats lubotu3` 15:08
bigcalmpopey: http://www.crucial.com/uk/store/listparts.aspx?model=Revo+3600+Series&Cat=RAM yay or neigh?15:09
popeywant to know what i have in mine?15:10
AlanBellgordonjcp: you should normally get the install alongside option http://people.ubuntu.com/~alanbell/alongside.png15:10
AlanBellif that doesn't come up then it is a bug15:10
bigcalmAlanBell: it offered me those options when I did a fresh install15:11
daubersAlanBell: unless you already have 4 primary partitions?15:11
gordonjcpAlanBell: I didn't see anything like that15:11
popeybigcalm: http://pastebin.com/v3yDTsti15:11
AlanBelldaubers: then you are a bit screwed15:11
Azelphurbtw someone ported most of iPhone siri features to android in 8 hours :D15:11
gordonjcpAlanBell: although granted I'm using a daily from a day or two before the actual release15:11
MooDooAzelphur: url?15:12
bigcalmHaha, Crucial are recommending that I upgrade with a  256GB SSD for only 381.59 quid15:12
AlanBellgordonjcp: yeah, sometimes it doesn't offer the "alongside" option, I don't know what the logic is on that15:12
AzelphurMooDoo: http://www.chargeforums.com/forum/droid-charge-news/1265-iris-siri-like-app-android-alpha.html15:12
popeybigcalm: http://www.crucial.com/uk/search/searchresults.aspx?keywords=CT25664AC80015:12
popeybigcalm: M4-CT064M4SSD2 is the ssd in mine15:12
popey(thats angelyne)15:12
gordonjcpAlanBell: tbh I'm unlikely to try Ubuntu if it insists on being the *only* OS on the machine15:12
popeyit doesnt gordonjcp15:12
popeyi have 3 OS's on my pc and all the ubuntu installs have grub which allows me to boot all the others15:13
MooDooAzelphur: awesome15:13
AlanBellgordonjcp: dual boot with windows will be very well tested, dual boot with hurd, a bit less so15:13
AzelphurMooDoo: indeed, there's also edwin that has been around since before Siri that's quite good15:13
AlanBellbut if it doesn't work it is a bug15:13
gordonjcppopey: it clobbered /boot and installed grub15:13
AzelphurMooDoo: edwin has more OS integration, iris has a knowledge engine15:13
gordonjcppopey: it didn't ask at any point if that's what I wanted, it just went ahead and did it15:13
MooDooAzelphur: get the cyanogen mod guys to get it in there as a default thing :)15:14
AzelphurMooDoo: haha, it's in alpha atm and as I say they pretty much need to merge in order to have something really cool, but it's certainly quick off the mark15:14
popeyyes, i saw that15:14
popeyi don't know what buttons you pressed though15:14
gordonjcppopey: well, I went to "something else", set it up to use /boot and an unused 8GB partition for / and the existing 2GB partition for swap15:15
gordonjcppopey: I made sure it wasn't going to format /boot or swap, but was going to format /sda815:16
popeyit didnt format /boot15:16
popeyit deleted all files in /boot15:16
popeythis is what I would expect15:16
popey(I suspect)15:16
popeydo you have the logs of the install?15:17
popey /var/log/dpkg/ somewhere?15:17
gordonjcppopey: yes, that's what I said, it clobbered everything in /boot15:17
gordonjcpwhy the hell would you expect it to delete everything in /boot ?15:17
gordonjcpthat makes no sense15:17
gordonjcphow is it supposed to coexist with other OSes then?15:18
AlanBellit should set up grub options for all the operating systems it finds, dunno whether I would expect it to delete other stuff in /boot though15:18
gordonjcpI'd expect it to leave /boot alone15:19
ormiretIs it normal to share /boot between different installs? I've always left it in the / for each install15:19
gordonjcpsince, y'know, that's where you'd leave the kernels and initrds for other OSes15:19
gordonjcpormiret: fine if you're not using grub15:19
gordonjcpormiret: since grub can't cope with the boot files being on anything other than ext2 or fat15:20
AlanBellor ext3/415:22
chambogordonjcp, Didn't you back up?15:26
bigcalmOdd, a table isn't showing up in CakePHP's bake script. Why might that be I wonder?15:28
gordhehe, you bake in cakephp. cute15:30
davmor2yeah most people use ovens nowadays :D15:31
geekMePleaseHow can you force 11.10 to ask the password of your USB modem?15:32
geekMePlease* my Huawei U367 just stopped to ask my password so not letting me to internet15:33
geekMePleaseThe content of my Dmesg is at http://paste.ubuntu.com/712121/15:34
geekMePleaseCan you see anything about the modem and its state?15:34
chamboI just discovered that shift+insert pastes the same as middle click15:34
chamboDon't know how I didn't know that15:35
geekMePleasethe thing may be related to VMware bug in 11.10, but we are not sure15:35
geekMePlease* the log suggests me that the device is deteched15:36
AlanBellgeekMePlease: could it be related to your gnome keyring?15:36
geekMePleaseAlanBell: How?15:36
geekMePleaseAlanBell: the given key is not there15:37
geekMePleaseAlanBell: I have inserted the given password to my network manager but for some reason it is not using that15:38
geekMePlease* so it has been asking me the password at every startup15:38
AlanBelljust looking at the dmesg output15:38
geekMePlease* but now not so no connection to internet with the modem15:38
AlanBellaround line 1284 to 1316 it is flipping between being a modem and a CDrom15:39
bigcalmEugh, one of those15:39
AlanBelldunno if it has modeswitched back into useless mode15:39
geekMePleaseAlanBell: Why is it doing it?15:40
geekMePleaseAlanBell: So it get out of the usb connection after trying to get in15:41
AlanBellthese things sometimes pretend to be a USB CD rom which contains Windows drivers for the modem15:41
AlanBellwhen the drivers are installed they modeswitch into being a modem15:41
geekMePleaseAlanBell: You mean there is memory in the modem15:42
geekMePleaseit is not seen in the /media15:42
geekMePleaseso I cannot delete the given windows drivers there15:42
geekMePlease* I probably need windows pc to remove them15:43
popeyyou dont need to delete the windows drivers15:43
AlanBellby default they are in useless CDROM mode, but usbmodeswitch normally detects the USB ID and on insertion flips the mode into modem mode15:43
AlanBellit does this right at line 85915:43
geekMePleaseHow can you force them to be in CDROM mode?15:43
AlanBellstarts as a CD and then turns into a modem15:44
AlanBellbut then later on it appears to flip back again15:44
geekMePleaseOk, but why does it change its opinion later15:44
AlanBellI don't know why, or how to fix it, but I guess that is why the password prompt isn't happening15:44
geekMePleasecan it be related to /etc/network/interfaces?15:45
geekMePlease* I have had problems with it15:45
geekMePlease* they changed things there to 11.10: my current /etc/network/interfaces: http://paste.ubuntu.com/712132/15:46
popeyperhaps bug 77695915:47
lubotu3`Launchpad bug 776959 in usb-modeswitch-data (Ubuntu) "huawei e367 does not work" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77695915:47
popeygeekMePlease: what version of the package usb-modeswitch-data do you have installed?15:47
popeythe command dpkg -L usb-modeswitch-data  will tell you15:48
geekMePleasepopey: the output: sb_modeswitch.rules15:49
geekMePleasepopey: sorry, here http://paste.ubuntu.com/712137/15:49
popeysorry, I meand lower case L15:49
popeygeekMePlease: can you also pastebin the output of lsusb15:49
AlanBell!info lo-menubar15:50
lubotu3`lo-menubar (source: lo-menubar): A LibreOffice extension for the global menubar. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.0-0ubuntu1 (natty), package size 37 kB, installed size 168 kB15:51
geekMePleasepopey: http://paste.ubuntu.com/712143/15:51
AlanBellwhy isn't libreoffice global menu installed by default?15:51
popeygeekMePlease: you're on ubuntu 11.10?15:51
geekMePleasepopey: Yes.15:51
popeygeekMePlease: looks like there is a missing entry for your usb device15:52
geekMePleasepopey: Why?15:52
popeyyou have a 12d1:1506 which isn't listed in /lib/udev/rules.d/40-usb_modeswitch.rules15:52
popeywhen it should be15:52
popeysee that15:52
popeyI would file a bug against usb_modeswitch15:53
popeyubuntu-bug usb-modeswitch-data15:53
geekMePleasepopey: How can I fix the given issue? By replacing the file 40-usb_modeswitch.rules with some other file?15:54
popeyfirstly I would file a bug15:54
geekMePleaseand say that there is a missing entry in the given file15:54
geekMePlease* 12d1:150615:54
popeyI would explain that the device you have doesn't work in 11.10, and there doesn't seem to be a supporting entry in /lib/udev/rules.d/40-usb_modeswitch.rules which is part of usb-modeswitch-data, yes.15:55
popeyi would expect you are not the first to have this issue15:55
popeyfurther I would expect others have constructed the necessary data to put in that file to make it work15:55
geekMePleaseok, my internet connection speed is very very low so it is not possible now for me to file a bug15:56
gordonjcpchambo: I did, which is why I was able to restore things to normal15:57
geekMePleasepopey: the whole device Huawei E367 is missing in the given file15:57
gordonjcpAlanBell: hm, I've never really got grub to work on ext415:57
gordonjcpAlanBell: that said, the first thing that's going to happen is grub is getting replaced by syslinux *anyway*15:58
geekMePleasethere is only the old huawei modems, probably that is the issue15:58
popeygordonjcp: works out of the box on 11.04 and 11.1015:58
popeygeekMePlease: yes, there seems to be something missing15:58
gordonjcppopey: right, but it's a pita to set up for anything else15:58
popeygeekMePlease: they do re-use USB IDs though, which is annoying15:58
chambogordonjcp: Always good to have a backup :)15:58
* popey shrugs15:58
AlanBellgordonjcp: basically ext4/3 can be opened as ext2 (with exceptions)15:59
gordonjcpAlanBell: I must admit, I didn't investigate it very thoroughly15:59
gordonjcpit didn't work with ext4, so I tried again with ext215:59
geekMePleasepopey: you mean the new modems reuse the usb IDs of the old ones?15:59
popeysome do16:00
popeysome dont16:00
popeyit's not a direct mapping 1:1 of usb ID to device16:00
gordonjcpAlanBell: then I just used syslinux which doesn't care either way16:00
bigcalmReplacement ram ordered for the Revo. Existing Revo ram might make its way into the EeePC16:02
popeybigcalm: thats exactly what I did16:04
popeythe kids have my old ram in their eee pcs16:04
geekMePleasepopey: I am hitchiking at the moment. Is there any way to download upgrades such that the system upgrade process does not stop when the internet connection gets disturbed?16:05
popeysudo apt-get update16:05
popeysudo apt-get -d dist-upgrade16:05
popeythat will download only16:05
popeyand if it gets interrupted, it will carry on next time you run it16:06
geekMePleasepopey: I want to do partial upgrade as the visual update-manager proposes16:06
geekMePleasepopey: How can you do that after downloading?16:06
popeytake out the "-d"16:06
popeysudo apt-get dist-upgrade16:06
geekMePleasepopey: I had the files :) have not been running the given command just16:07
=== Lcawte is now known as Guest87297
geekMePleasepopey: Can I keep Irssi open as I do partial system upgrade?16:08
popeyshould be fine16:08
geekMePleaseok thanks!16:08
AlanBellso how does one install/upgrade to precise pangolin?16:09
MartijnVdSAlanBell: is it open yet?16:09
geekMePleasepopey: I keep getting the following error http://paste.ubuntu.com/712161/ in partial upgrade16:12
geekMePleasepopey: do not seem to be severe errors16:13
geekMePleaseHow can you disable dictionaries-common?16:13
geekMePlease* It has been crashing with me every day often16:14
geekMePleasesuch that it is not installed again by updates16:14
geekMePleaseI forgot the name of the files that list default programs in the Ubuntu where apt-get goes to see what programs are needed16:15
geekMePleaseprobably in synaptic16:16
geekMePleaseyes, Synaptic handles the job.16:18
gorddavmor2, *cough* http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/lge2i/coming_to_uds_like_video_games_come_play_with_us/16:19
davmor2gord: *cough* oh16:21
geekMePleasepopey: Why does the command, "sudo apt-get -d dist-upgrade", get different files as the visual program Update-manager?16:22
geekMePleasepopey: I get a lot more new files, also critical updates, by the visual program.16:22
NET||abusehmm, i have a backup of Maildir's from an old server on my laptop, any good programs for opening maildirs directly on my HDD?16:22
geekMePleasepopey: It seems that different files control the two programs: one for apt-get and the other for update-manager16:23
geekMePleaseHow can you see the different files which control the programs apt-get and update-manager in updating your system?16:24
geekMePleaseI would like to have consistency between the given programs.16:24
AlanBellgeekMePlease: it is basically the same stuff16:24
geekMePleaseAlanBell: What does "basically" mean here?16:24
ubuntuuk-planet[Stuart Langridge] The four personality types on the spectrum of facial hair - http://www.kryogenix.org/days/2011/10/18/the-four-personality-types-on-the-spectrum-of-facial-hair16:25
geekMePleaseAlanBell: Why did I get critical network-manager update only from Update-manager?16:25
geekMePleaseAlanBell: and not from apt-get?16:25
AlanBellapt-get dist-upgrade pulls in new packages, apt-get upgrade only updates existing packages16:26
geekMePleaseAlanBell: aah, ok, I had a misunderstanding here, thanks!16:26
geekMePleaseAlanBell: but still network-manager was my existing program so your sentence does not explain it16:27
AlanBellyeah, it doesn't explain that!16:27
geekMePleaseAlanBell: But, probably there was a missing file, a package, in the program.16:28
geekMePleaseAlanBell: Aah, got it. Apt-get dist-upgrade gets also new files to existing packages.16:28
geekMePleaseAlanBell: Thank you!16:28
geekMePlease* I will read logs if I got message later, ..., need to restard the given system now.16:29
AlanBellpopey: real 0m3.591s16:34
AlanBellI should be able to match your result, same processor16:38
popeyhugo random benchmark?16:40
popeyI'll see how high I can overclock it :D16:40
AlanBellprobably shouldn't overclock this server16:42
AlanBellTheOpenSourcerer wouldn't even let me put a non-LTS on it16:42
TheOpenSourcererquite right too16:46
TheOpenSourcererSignal is crap from the school field. signing out.16:49
Monsterwizardhow safe is pen drive linux?16:59
jacobwdefine safe16:59
MonsterwizardI don't want it messing up my windows HDD16:59
Monsterwizard"Does not touch the hard drive17:00
Monsterwizardand windowd"17:00
jacobwit shouldn't17:00
Monsterwizardhope not17:00
jacobwit should have a 'installation target' option, which you set to the drive letter representing your flash drive.17:02
jacobwi've only used unetbootin on windows, so i'm not familiar with the pendrivelinux interface17:02
Monsterwizardit's very nice17:04
AlanBellLaney: MooDoo: up for a happy hour at the Salutation Inn on 10/11/2011?17:37
AlanBellor any other Nottingham area peeps for that matter17:39
* AlanBell gets ready for comments from the Kubuntu users :)17:46
Laneysounds good17:52
gippershi. I'm struggling to get libpam-mount to work on my wireless laptop.17:52
gippersit seems to be a startup order issue (ie. attempting to mount before the network is available)17:52
gippersI see these entries in dmesg:17:52
Laneywould have chosen a different pub but ho hum17:52
gippers[ 13.605194] CIFS VFS: Error connecting to socket. Aborting operation17:52
gippers[ 13.605199] CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -10117:52
gippersdoes anyone know how I can fix this?17:53
AlanBellLaney: now is the time to choose a different one17:53
Laneyjust that the sal can be a bit noisy / busy / table-less (unless you reserve one of the side rooms)17:54
Laneyroundhouse? does good food too17:54
Laneyalso camra discount :-)17:54
AlanBellok, I will update it to that17:54
AlanBellgippers: doesn't wifi now come up prior to login?17:55
gippers@Alan: my wifi connects when I log in. Not sure if that's the norm or not for an 11.04 desktop18:17
jacobw\o/ vi on the podcast18:17
AlanBelloh, that is normal for 11.04, I think in 11.10 you can connect prior to logging on18:17
ubuntuuk-planet[Alan Bell] Free Ubuntu 11.10 CDs for the UK - http://www.theopensourcerer.com/2011/10/18/free-ubuntu-11-10-cds-for-the-uk/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=free-ubuntu-11-10-cds-for-the-uk18:25
gippers@Alan: OK, am trying this out: http://supersaniya.com/2011/07/11/connect-to-wireless-network-wpa-in-ubuntu-11-04-using-command-line/18:26
gippersneed to reboot18:26
gippershmm, well that did naught but make matters worse (no wireless at all)18:31
gippersthis is rapidly turning into an excuse to upgrade to 11.1018:31
AlanBellI think one way or another you need wifi before login18:31
AlanBellwhich means the key not being in the users gnome-keyring18:32
gippersyeah. You say this is an option in 11.10?18:32
AlanBellI believe so, but have not personally tested that feature18:33
gippersok, will play with it before committing then18:33
gippersthanks for the help18:33
ubuntuuk-planet[Andy Loughran] Active Traffic Management - http://zrmt.com/2011/10/18/active-traffic-management/19:25
StevenRI opened a bug for a display issue under natty. The issue remains after upgrading to oneiric... How do I alter the bug to reflect this? Other than a comment, is there something else I need to do ?19:27
* popey notes andylockran is incorrect about his understanding of the law on horn use19:37
Laneyubuntu mono's punctuation is too weedy19:42
penguin42StevenR: A comment should be fine19:42
SuprEngrhmmm...  Topic for #ubuntu-uk-meeting is: Next meeting Monday September 19th at 21:00 UK time.19:49
* SuprEngr hmmmms19:49
* Laney hams19:50
* jacobw gets the TARDIS19:58
StevenRpenguin42: ok. thanks19:59
Laneyfor some reason upgrading with update-manager makes me feel more nervous than using apt directly20:01
brobostigonaptitude safe-upgrade , make me feel the safest.20:02
Kev`Hi!, my Software-center is failing to start, does anyone know where I can see the error causing it so I can google ?:)20:10
AzelphurKev`: try running it in a terminal?20:10
Kev`I get loads 'f "Gtk-warning" messages that don't seem to be anything20:10
AzelphurKev`: make sure it isn't already running when you try and run it again20:17
Azelphurthe process can be alive without the gui showing up20:17
Kev`thx il have a bash :-)20:19
ubuntuuk-planet[Andy Loughran] Networking  lets get complicated. - http://zrmt.com/2011/10/18/networking-lets-get-complicated./20:25
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] Day oMeetings - http://www.jonobacon.org/2011/10/18/day-omeetings/20:25
bigcalmHow do I re-enable wifi having just turned it off?20:37
bigcalmThe option to use wifi has dissapeared from the menu20:37
=== Guest87297 is now known as Lcawte
andylockranHowdy all20:41
andylockranAny networking chaps about?20:42
bigcalm!ask | andylockran20:44
lubotu3`andylockran: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:44
lubotu3`Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/20:51
=== Lcawte is now known as Guest65230
andylockranopenssl version -d21:08
MonsterwizardOk I propose a change in the education of computing21:16
MonsterwizardFirst lets start with the BTEC in IT practioners21:16
MonsterwizardLike the name suggests it should be very industry based21:17
Monsterwizardperhaps interships would be good21:17
MonsterwizardFocus on more practicle elements of computing but don't ignore the essential abracts21:17
MonsterwizardNow for the A-Level in computing...introduce programming(perhaps python or visual basic)21:18
Monsterwizardagain more maths needed21:18
Monsterwizardkids know how to use computers.21:19
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* AlanBell suggests Monsterwizard blogs this fine suggestion21:26
MonsterwizardHonestly, kids are ahead of the computing a-level program. They know how to use MS Office.21:27
bigcalmI just upgraded my work station to 11.1021:28
bigcalmNow my multiple monitor set up is unuseable :)21:28
Azelphurbigcalm: multi X?21:28
webpigeon_webMonsterKiller, that's A2 level, surely :O21:28
bigcalmIn 11.04 I had a seperate x session on each monitor21:28
bigcalmI'm not sure if that's the case any more or not. Hard to tell what's going on21:29
MonsterKillerlol wrong highlight?21:29
Azelphurbigcalm: white background, black X pointer?21:29
Azelphurbigcalm: 11.10 can't do multi X any more with unity21:30
Azelphurgnome 3 falls over and dies much like gnome 221:30
AzelphurI "fixed" it by going to xfce, it actually supports multi X21:30
AzelphurI run XUbuntu now :D21:30
webpigeon_webMonsterKiller, indeed, sorry21:30
Monsterwizardit seriously upsets me21:30
bigcalmI wondered if another wm would work. Lets have a look at xfce21:30
MonsterwizardWe have amazingly complex a-levels21:30
webpigeon_webMonsterwizard, you and me both (having done an a level in applied IT)21:30
Monsterwizardwhich are the same as a first year at degree level21:30
Azelphurbigcalm: yea, it's great for multi screen has proper support for it with independent wallpapers and stuff21:30
webpigeon_webCurrently doing a computer science degree which is Awesome \o/21:31
MonsterKillerheh, im doing a BTEC national diploma for IT practitioners atm21:31
Monsterwizardwhat modules?21:31
webpigeon_webMonsterwizard, my first year of degree was far more intresting than anything i did at a level21:31
webpigeon_webThis year, languages and compilers, Exteme programming, advanced programming and CE301, which is basiclly, "waterfall for dummies"21:32
MonsterKillerSystem security, computer systems, e-commerce, website design, databases, speadsheets, it tech support, networking21:32
webpigeon_webMonsterKiller, ah :P21:32
MonsterKillerand some others which i forget21:32
MonsterKillerbut in VB.net21:33
webpigeon_webI did Java, c and c++21:33
Monsterwizardassembly anyone?21:33
webpigeon_webThe embedded systems people did it last year :P21:33
webpigeon_webI was doing gforth today21:34
webpigeon_webhearing the words, "untyped postscript" is really depressing :P21:34
webpigeon_webI've also been playing with lua, now THERE's a bonkers language21:35
webpigeon_webprint( true and "hello" ) prints "hello"21:35
webpigeon_websince when did boolean statements return strings!21:36
webpigeon_webMonsterKiller, what degree year you in?21:38
MonsterKillerim not doing a degree :p21:39
MonsterKillerBTEC national diploma, but im doing my 2nd year21:39
bigcalmThat's xfce installed and I have my 3 monitors back. Thanks Azelphur :)21:39
bigcalmAzelphur: seems a bit buggy though. Would it help to remove Unity or is that not possible?21:40
webpigeon_webbigcalm, xubuntu?21:40
bigcalmUbuntu with xfce installed21:40
webpigeon_webbigcalm, ah sorry, was surgesting that as "ubuntu without unity"21:41
webpigeon_webalthough lubuntu ships with chrome now, not sure if that's a ubuntu thing (on fedora still)21:41
gordbah, decided to get a new book for my plane journey to UDS, its super thick and weighs 2.5kg :( not taking that then http://ubuntuone.com/66KFcSHxKfTlIbkdKl8AhK21:42
gordbigcalm, why would unity cause any bugs with xfce?21:42
gordif xfce is buggy then blame xfce :P21:42
bigcalmI don't want to blame anything, I want a working system21:47
bigcalmAre there meant to be panels with xfce?21:47
bigcalmAh, I had to run them myself, odd21:48
bigcalmThe default theme is a bit ugly :(21:52
Azelphurbigcalm: what, Unity is starting in xfce?21:53
bigcalmReminds me of when we all tried to make the desktop look like windows 95, but worse21:53
Azelphurwhat did you do to get xfce?21:53
bigcalmI don't know if Unity is interfering with xfce or not, just speaking my mind.21:53
bigcalmI installed the xfce4 meta package via the Software Centre21:53
gorddo you have unity launcher on the left and the unity panels?21:53
Azelphurbigcalm: ah, install xubuntu-desktop21:53
gordif not, no, its not even running21:54
bigcalmgord: no21:54
bigcalmAzelphur: k21:54
bigcalmJust noticed that the mouse wheel changes workspaces, I missed that :)21:56
gordah yeah that is nice22:01
gordthe "i don't know wtf it is, just let me find it" binding22:01
bigcalmLets see if I can get this system ready for work tomorrow morning :S22:02
bigcalmWhy did I do this on a 'school night' ?22:03
gordtoo busy partying on a weekend!22:04
bigcalmSeems to have set the default browser to be firefox :S22:06
bigcalmRight, is it possible to set up default system fonts?22:10
gordin xfce? no idea22:27
bigcalmBaby steps :S22:28
bigcalmAt least Eclipse still knows that I want Ubuntu Mono as the editor font22:28
webpigeon_webeclipse knows all22:29
webpigeon_webexcept that i don't want pydev in menus for java projects...22:29
bigcalmThe only bad thing about Eclipse is that it's Java22:29
webpigeon_webI like java :P22:30
bigcalmI like minecraft, so I have to like java a little22:30
bigcalmOh, best check that still works!22:30
bigcalmAnd add it to a launcher22:30
gordeclipse looks good, but i'm not smart enough to use it22:32
bigcalmI use it for PHP dev, so doubt I use 10% of it22:35
bigcalmYep, minecraft still works :D22:45
bigcalmAnd is wonderfully smooth for some reason22:45
bigcalmVolume control seems to have gone from the panel22:49
Andres-kainsilly question, how can i leave the terminal running?  from a shortcut?22:50
Andres-kainwith the command in terminal thing checked22:50
Andres-kaini remember it was something i had to add at the end of the command22:51
Andres-kaindamn, battery low...22:51
Myrttitalktalk blackout :-(22:55
hamitronmy left little pinky was been lazy22:56
* bigcalm hugs Myrtti22:58

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