
Unit193Howdy BiosElement, upgrade yet? :P  (Had one issue myself)05:00
BiosElementYeah, Kubuntu's pulseaudio hated me for a bit05:01
Unit193Beats boot problems :P  (And on the computer running my screen session too)05:01
BiosElementlol, true05:02
BiosElementQuestion: Why the hell do people think they can ignore our ToS and try to 'negoiate' their refund amount. If we say no refunds after 48 hours, we mean it. >.>05:04
Unit193People don't think it applies to them? Maybe same reason people can get banned from a channel, then talk to the ops telling the ops to let them back in so they can show how good they can be :P05:06
BiosElementlol, they don't. I mean, it's bloody expensive to handle refunds. We 'LOSE' more money even if we kept what we're refunding. >.<05:07
* Unit193 wonders where you work...05:09
Unit193And good news about the ICANN05:10
BiosElementI'm a tech for redstonehost.com . And yeah, pretty amusing news05:11
BiosElementExplains why so many MC servers suck too05:17
Unit193Do you go on others besides your own?05:24
BiosElementWhen needed, but rarely for fun05:29
Unit193I suppose I should let it go back to the state of a dead channel for the rest of the night :P05:33
Unit193It gets busy in the morning for a little with tha and tag :P06:14
Unit193Hmmm... Having fun in other channels?06:49
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