sebsebseb | hi | 09:00 |
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=== tau141 is now known as taliraj | ||
jcastro | woo hoo! | 13:00 |
jcastro | how is everyone doing today? | 13:00 |
tcarrondo | :) | 13:00 |
tcarrondo | I'm here | 13:00 |
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Classroom - || Support in #ubuntu || Upcoming Schedule: || Questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat || Event: Ubuntu Open Week - Current Session: Advanced dualboot (Win/Ubuntu) config sharing a lot of stuff! - Instructors: tcarrondo | ||
tcarrondo | so that's me | 13:01 |
ClassBot | Logs for this session will be available at following the conclusion of the session. | 13:01 |
tcarrondo | Hi everyone, my name is Tiago Carrondo I'm an IT trainer for the last 7 years | 13:01 |
tcarrondo | I teach a lot of uninterresting stuff, but since 2008 most of my session are about Ubuntu | 13:01 |
tcarrondo | I see almost everyday all the resistence and dificulty people have to change from one OS to another. | 13:02 |
tcarrondo | So my work here today is to share with all of you what I think is the best confortable way to really start using Ubuntu everyday for all our ordinary tasks, | 13:02 |
tcarrondo | and don't just do a simple dualboot where there is a work space area (Win) and "the other thing" where I go to just try and play some youtube videos (Ubuntu) | 13:02 |
tcarrondo | Feel free to ask all the questions you have, in #ubuntu-classroom-chat with the prefix "QUESTION:" | 13:03 |
tcarrondo | I hope my rusty English don't betray me... | 13:03 |
tcarrondo | . | 13:03 |
tcarrondo | I'm assuming you all are experienced with both Win and Ubuntu installation | 13:03 |
tcarrondo | And I promise that during the next week or so I'll share with you more detailed instructions of all the steps I will present here today for those of you that need it | 13:03 |
tcarrondo | . | 13:04 |
tcarrondo | Let's start then! | 13:04 |
tcarrondo | . | 13:04 |
tcarrondo | When a person is willing to start a everyday usage of Ubuntu needs to have in it all the documents, photos, videos, ttf, mails, bookmarks, emails, calendar, ... | 13:04 |
tcarrondo | That are present in his regular everyday system. | 13:05 |
tcarrondo | First step is to rearrange partitions: I normally advise using 1 NTFS for Win 2 for Ubuntu (swap + EXT4 for /) and a third one for all the rest NTFS too, so that it can be accessed from both systems with no trouble (today I'll call it "STUFF") | 13:05 |
tcarrondo | The idea is to isolate the system files in their own partitions and all the shareable data in the third | 13:06 |
tcarrondo | sounds simple, and it really is! :) | 13:06 |
tcarrondo | After installing both OS we should create in STUFF a folder named with the user of the system | 13:07 |
tcarrondo | Inside that folder we should create our personal folders ; Docs, Photos, Music, Videos, Downloads | 13:08 |
tcarrondo | Then in Win we change the locations os theses folders to those in STUFF | 13:09 |
tcarrondo | And do the same in Ubuntu | 13:10 |
tcarrondo | First problem solved: Now we have all our personal files seamlessly tidy | 13:10 |
tcarrondo | I can now open that document that I have in that specific folder of my Docs | 13:11 |
tcarrondo | . | 13:12 |
tcarrondo | After a few docs opened we start noticing that there are some ttf missing! | 13:12 |
tcarrondo | Next step: sync ttf with Win | 13:13 |
tcarrondo | some tutorials explain how to add a single ttf file or a folder, | 13:14 |
tcarrondo | but I prefer to create a link inside /usr/share/fonts/truetype to my win Fonts folder | 13:14 |
tcarrondo | and then just run "fc-cache" regularly or create a monthly cron for doing that :) | 13:15 |
tcarrondo | . | 13:15 |
tcarrondo | Don't forget to ask all the questions you have in #ubuntu-classroom-chat | 13:16 |
tcarrondo | . | 13:16 |
tcarrondo | After those 2 steps we can now spend at least 50% of our worktime in Ubuntu | 13:17 |
tcarrondo | Let's to to INternet navigation: | 13:18 |
tcarrondo | Almost everyone knows (and uses) Firefox and Chrome(ium) | 13:18 |
tcarrondo | Both browsers have sync options for bookmarks, prefs, settings that are OS independent | 13:19 |
tcarrondo | So you just need to set up those services and you'll have the same Firefox or Chrome, no matter what's the OS you're using | 13:20 |
tcarrondo | For those who really like IE, you can use Xmarks and have the same job done | 13:21 |
tcarrondo | syncing in Ubuntu with Chromium or Firefox | 13:22 |
tcarrondo | 20 min passed and still no questions, there are 2 possibilities: I'm doing a great job or everybody's a sleep... | 13:23 |
tcarrondo | Next in line is my precious calendar service | 13:24 |
tcarrondo | . | 13:24 |
tcarrondo | I use google calendar | 13:25 |
tcarrondo | it's really simple to add it to my desktop, using Sunbird or thunderbird | 13:26 |
tcarrondo | on both Ubuntu and Win | 13:26 |
tcarrondo | And my Android, of course.. | 13:26 |
ClassBot | taliraj asked: by changing the location, you meann the path of the folders? how do we do that on ubuntu? I'm not sure i have andersted this....when i open the document folder in my home, i can see the files which are in STUFF. sorry for my english | 13:27 |
tcarrondo | taliraj, great question! | 13:27 |
tcarrondo | I've tried a lot of procedures for doing this | 13:27 |
tcarrondo | the simplest is drag n drop | 13:28 |
tcarrondo | I open my personal folder | 13:28 |
tcarrondo | delete the Documents folder | 13:28 |
tcarrondo | then just CTRL + SHIFT drag n drop the docs folder in STUFF to my personal folder | 13:29 |
tcarrondo | and rename it Documents | 13:30 |
tcarrondo | and of the links are restablished everywhere | 13:30 |
tcarrondo | some other ways i've tried don't work as good as this | 13:31 |
tcarrondo | taliraj, hope I've cleared your doubt (my english is limited too) | 13:31 |
tcarrondo | No more questions, I'll continue | 13:32 |
tcarrondo | for email service I use gmail (or gapps) | 13:33 |
tcarrondo | and once more I use Thunderbird as a client | 13:33 |
tcarrondo | that can be configured same way in both OS | 13:34 |
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tcarrondo | I don't know if there's a way of sharing the complete Thunderbird profile folder between OS, so that I just need to configure things in one place | 13:35 |
tcarrondo | but I haven't got the time to run some tests yet, so I allways configure mail and calendar twice :) | 13:36 |
tcarrondo | With these steps most people can start using Ubuntu for their regular tasks, as if they where in their old OS | 13:38 |
tcarrondo | And I one more step, that helps me a lot | 13:38 |
tcarrondo | saving time and bandwidth | 13:39 |
tcarrondo | that is: don't double syncing my cloud files | 13:39 |
tcarrondo | I use both U1 and dropbox | 13:40 |
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tcarrondo | but I haven't really tried U1 in Win yet, so for now I'll stick with dropbox | 13:41 |
tcarrondo | When dropbox is installed there's a folder in my personal folder with all my contents | 13:42 |
tcarrondo | but Win has one and Ubuntu another | 13:42 |
tcarrondo | if I use the same folder for use with both Ubuntu and Win, I'll spend less bandwidht e significant less time | 13:43 |
tcarrondo | So, we go back to STUFF partition and create a Dropbox folder | 13:43 |
tcarrondo | Then you just have to point your Dropbox software to that folder in Ubuntu let it sync everything and then in Win (or the contrary) | 13:44 |
tcarrondo | This can be done during installation | 13:44 |
tcarrondo | or in the preferences menu after install | 13:44 |
tcarrondo | theres just an Issue with this | 13:45 |
tcarrondo | when we reboot switching OS too quickly, once in a while it creat 1 or 2 conflicted version of files | 13:45 |
tcarrondo | Any questions? | 13:46 |
tcarrondo | Or suggestions? | 13:47 |
tcarrondo | I'm almost done then | 13:47 |
tcarrondo | Just tell you that I tried this formula a lot of times, with unexperienced users, and the results are great | 13:49 |
tcarrondo | We have 10min left | 13:50 |
ClassBot | There are 10 minutes remaining in the current session. | 13:51 |
ClassBot | taliraj asked: How can we mont STUFF on startup? | 13:52 |
tcarrondo | taliraj, thanks for helping me not feeling alone in here :) | 13:53 |
tcarrondo | the easy way: install ntfs-config | 13:54 |
tcarrondo | you can also edit /etc/fstab (the "a little more hard way") | 13:55 |
ClassBot | There are 5 minutes remaining in the current session. | 13:56 |
ClassBot | Deckard3 asked: sorry i haven't the begining but as u say to make a partition for dropbox, also we can use that same partition for thunderbird , right? | 13:56 |
tcarrondo | We use a dropbox folder in another partition that can be accessed for both win and ubuntu | 13:57 |
tcarrondo | as for Thunderbird, theoretically it should work | 13:58 |
tcarrondo | but I haven't tried yet | 13:58 |
tcarrondo | 2min | 13:59 |
tcarrondo | 1 more question? | 13:59 |
tcarrondo | taliraj, I'll my students will help me publishing the detailed tutorials for each one of these steps until sunday :) | 14:00 |
tcarrondo | so that I can share them with everyone in PT and in EN | 14:00 |
tcarrondo | Thanks for coming to this session, good luck with your next dualboot | 14:00 |
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Classroom - || Support in #ubuntu || Upcoming Schedule: || Questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat || Event: Ubuntu Open Week - Current Session: How to contribute translating Ubuntu - Instructors: dpm | ||
tcarrondo | I leave you with dpm | 14:01 |
ClassBot | Logs for this session will be available at following the conclusion of the session. | 14:01 |
dpm | hi everyone | 14:03 |
dpm | I hope you liked tcarrondo's great session | 14:03 |
dpm | now it's translation time! :-) | 14:03 |
dpm | I prepared a series of slides for the session, which you'll find here and should make it easier for you to follow along: | 14:04 |
dpm | | 14:04 |
dpm | For those of you using Lernid, the [SLIDE n] commands should get you to the right page in the presentation. For everyone else, they should help you knowing which slide I'm taling about each time. | 14:04 |
dpm | [SLIDE 1] | 14:05 |
dpm | My name is David Planella, and I work as the Ubuntu Translations Coordinator in Canonical, in the Community team | 14:05 |
dpm | there I have the pleasure to work with Ubuntu legends such as Ahmed Kamal, Jorge Castro, Daniel Holbach, and least but not last our fearless leader, Jono Bacon. | 14:06 |
dpm | Most importantly, I have the privilege of working with the awesome Ubuntu Translations community | 14:06 |
dpm | Be very welcome to this session on Ubuntu Translations, where we'll see: | 14:07 |
dpm | - How Ubuntu can be translated into almost any language, | 14:07 |
dpm | - The work of our (again) awesome translation teams, | 14:07 |
dpm | - How Launchpad can be used to translate Ubuntu in a distributed manner, | 14:07 |
dpm | - And how to get started translating Ubuntu | 14:08 |
dpm | Oh, I almost forgot: I've reserved some time at the end of the session for questions, but feel free to ask them at any time during the talk | 14:08 |
dpm | Just remember to ask them on #ubuntu-classroom-chat and to prepend them with QUESTION: | 14:09 |
dpm | So, without further ado... | 14:09 |
dpm | [SLIDE 2] | 14:09 |
dpm | Benvinguts, Willkommen, Bienvenidos, ようこそ, Welcome, 환영합니다, Bem-vindo, Ongietorri, স্বাগতম, Welkom, Mirë se erdhët, Bienllegáu, እንኳን ደህና መጡ, Вітаем, مرحبا, Dobro došli, Donedigezh vat, Добре дошли, 歡迎, Dobrodošli, 欢迎, Velkommen, Welkom, Bonvenon, Tere tulemast, Tervetuloa, Bienvenue, Wolkom, Benvido, Καλώς ήρθατε, ברוכים הבאים, Üdvözöljük, Ve | 14:09 |
dpm | lkomin, Selamat Datang, Benvenuti, ಸುಸ್ವಾಗತ, Witôj, Қош келдіңіз, Esiet sveicināti, Sveiki, Selamat Datang, स्वागतम्, Velkomen, Benvenguda, Witamy, Bun venit, Добро пожаловать, Добродошли, Vitajte, Välkommen, நல்வரவு, ยินดีต้อนรับ, Hoşgeldiniz, Ласкаво просимо, خوش آمدید, Chào mừng, مەرھابا !!! | 14:09 |
dpm | (if I've forgotten to welcome in your language, do write a big "welcome" in #ubuntu-classroom chat, and I'll include it here too :) | 14:10 |
dpm | Ubuntu has a very diverse community, and one of the aspects this diversity is directly reflected is in the number of languages it is translated into, | 14:11 |
dpm | and the strong communities built around them. | 14:11 |
dpm | As of Ubuntu 11.10, Natty Narwhal, the OS is translated into nearly 40 languages | 14:12 |
dpm | and many more nearly complete | 14:12 |
dpm | Check out the impressive work of our translators: | 14:13 |
dpm | | 14:13 |
dpm | pretty cool, eh? :) | 14:13 |
dpm | [SLIDE 3] | 14:14 |
dpm | "Every computer user should be able to use their software in the language of their choice" lies at the very core of the Ubuntu philosophy | 14:14 |
dpm | | 14:14 |
dpm | which is why we encourage the creation of translation communities and provide them resources to ease the process of translation into their own language | 14:15 |
dpm | so that anyone, without requiring advanced technical skills, can start contributing from day one. | 14:15 |
dpm | So let's try to answer some basic questions... | 14:15 |
dpm | [SLIDE 4] | 14:16 |
dpm | 14:16 | |
dpm | Who translates Ubuntu? | 14:16 |
dpm | ---------------------- | 14:16 |
dpm | That's an easy one: Ubuntu Translators :-) | 14:16 |
dpm | They are volunteers who organise themselves in translation teams, appointed to be responsible for the translation of a given language. | 14:17 |
dpm | And | 14:17 |
dpm | they | 14:17 |
dpm | just | 14:17 |
dpm | rock | 14:17 |
dpm | repeat it with me :) | 14:17 |
dpm | You can see the full list of Ubuntu translation teams here: | 14:17 |
dpm | | 14:17 |
dpm | which is another impressive list | 14:18 |
dpm | We've currently got about 160, of about 300 registered languages for Ubuntu in Launchpad, our translation tool | 14:19 |
dpm | So if there isn't an Ubuntu translation team for your language, now is the chance to create one :) | 14:20 |
dpm | but more on that later | 14:20 |
dpm | Also very important to mention is the work of upstream translators, whose effort Ubuntu benefits greatly from. | 14:20 |
dpm | Ubuntu includes the best-of-breed Open Source software of the many independent projects available, which is what we call upstream. | 14:21 |
dpm | Translations are no exception, and if these upstream projects are translated outside of Ubuntu, we import and use the awesome work of upstream translators | 14:21 |
dpm | Let's see some numbers about our amazing translations community: | 14:21 |
dpm | nearly 18.000 translators who've submitted at least one translation, | 14:21 |
dpm | coming from more than 240 countries. | 14:22 |
dpm | A default Ubuntu installation contains about 160.000 translatable messages, | 14:22 |
dpm | which can go up to 475.000 when adding non-default apps such as GIMP, Inkscape, etc. | 14:23 |
dpm | So you see that there's a lot of work to do, and _you_ can help in making Ubuntu better supported in your language. | 14:23 |
dpm | Let's se how... | 14:23 |
dpm | ah, before going further, any questions so far? | 14:23 |
dpm | it seems we're good :) | 14:24 |
dpm | [SLIDE 5] | 14:24 |
dpm | 14:24 | |
dpm | How is Ubuntu translated? | 14:24 |
dpm | ------------------------- | 14:24 |
dpm | We use our very own translations tool: Launchpad Translations | 14:25 |
dpm | Launchpad Translations allows you to easily translate projects online | 14:25 |
dpm | and seamlessly build and organise translation communities around them. | 14:25 |
dpm | It also allows translating complete Operating Systems, Ubuntu being the most prominent example. | 14:26 |
dpm | You can start translating Ubuntu here: | 14:26 |
dpm | | 14:26 |
dpm | There you'll see a list of translatable applications and documentation, ordered by priority and ready to translate | 14:27 |
dpm | The colored bars you see is the percentage of translation: green meaning translated messages and red untranslated ones | 14:27 |
dpm | Which comes handy when trying to track progress and find out which apps need to be translated | 14:28 |
dpm | In any case, you'll need a Launchpad account to contribute to translations | 14:29 |
dpm | It's really easy to create one, and the great thing is that it will allow to log in to other Ubuntu services. It's a unified login for all, so you will only need to create one account ever to contribute to Ubuntu. | 14:30 |
dpm | And for those of you familiar with OpenId, the account is OpenId-enabled, which means you can even use it as a login to some external sites! | 14:31 |
dpm | Anyway, talking about submitting your first translations to Ubuntu, instead of going to the Launchpad URL in your browser, | 14:32 |
dpm | alternatively, you can go directly to translatable applications in Launchpad from your desktop. | 14:32 |
dpm | If you open an application and go to Help > Translate this application..., | 14:32 |
dpm | your browser will be started and it will take you to the Launchpad Translations page for that application. | 14:32 |
dpm | Which is pretty neat | 14:32 |
dpm | You can try this: open Gedit, go to "Help > Translate this application..." and see it for yourself. | 14:33 |
dpm | (I'll leave you some time to try it out) | 14:33 |
dpm | On the browser window that opens you can start submitting translation suggestions from day one. | 14:35 |
dpm | This will take you to the translation page in your preferred language | 14:35 |
dpm | which you can then click on and you'll see the list of translatable applications for | 14:35 |
dpm | in Launchpad, using the standard translations terminology, these are called templates | 14:36 |
dpm | and are the translatable units translators work with | 14:36 |
dpm | I really recommend using Launchpad for online translation | 14:36 |
dpm | it is really easy and flexible | 14:36 |
dpm | and it allows saving your work, even before it is reviewed, facilitating the QA work | 14:37 |
dpm | to ensure users get high quality translations | 14:37 |
dpm | that said, if you prefer translating offline, Launchpad Translations is flexible enough to let you download PO files (the underlying text files used for translations) | 14:37 |
dpm | to be used in offline translation tools | 14:38 |
dpm | These files are standard, so you can use any PO file editor available out there | 14:38 |
dpm | You'll find a bunch in the Ubuntu Software Centre | 14:38 |
dpm | Ok, let's move on, any questions so far? | 14:39 |
dpm | [SLIDE 7] | 14:39 |
dpm | all right then, next: | 14:40 |
dpm | 14:40 | |
dpm | How can I contribute? | 14:40 |
dpm | --------------------- | 14:40 |
dpm | As in any Open Source project, the important thing is communication. | 14:40 |
dpm | While everyone can submit translation suggestions in Launchpad, | 14:41 |
dpm | they will need to be reviewed by Ubuntu translation teams before being used. | 14:42 |
dpm | We do not only want to provide the best translated OS, but also the best quality of translations. | 14:42 |
dpm | So we also encourage translation teams to communicate through any means appropriate | 14:42 |
dpm | most teams use a mailing list | 14:43 |
dpm | but others also forums, IRC, etc. | 14:43 |
dpm | and most of them have also got a wiki page in the Ubuntu namespace | 14:43 |
dpm | where they coordinate their work | 14:43 |
dpm | So the next step in contributing to Ubuntu Translations is to get in touch with the translation team for your language, | 14:44 |
dpm | and tell them you'd like to contribute. | 14:44 |
dpm | It's easy: you can just find them on | 14:45 |
dpm | | 14:45 |
dpm | On that page, you can simply click on the links under the "Team/Supervisor" column and they will take you to the Launchpad page for the team | 14:45 |
dpm | You see that finding the language is easy, it's on the column on the left | 14:45 |
dpm | and most translation teams are named as follows: | 14:45 |
dpm | "Ubuntu <language> translators" | 14:46 |
dpm | where <language> is the name of the language they translate into | 14:46 |
dpm | on their Launchpad page you'll find all the info you'll need to get in touch with them | 14:46 |
dpm | If there isn't a team for your language yet, you should definitely start one | 14:46 |
dpm | You can do it by following these simple steps: | 14:47 |
dpm | | 14:47 |
dpm | creating a team is a one-off thing, which shouldn't take too long | 14:47 |
dpm | and after the new team has been appointed, you can start translating in Launchpad straight away | 14:48 |
dpm | If that step gets too technical for you, do not worry | 14:48 |
dpm | You can always get in touch with the global translations community and ask for help or advice, which is always a good idea | 14:48 |
dpm | Also if you want to start any discussion on Ubuntu Translations | 14:48 |
dpm | In true Ubuntu spirit, everyone is welcome there, and you'll get to know lots of interesting people from all over the globe :) | 14:49 |
dpm | Here's how to get in touch with the global translations community: | 14:49 |
dpm | | 14:49 |
dpm | To wrap up, I'd also recommend you to look at these pages to get started with translations: | 14:50 |
ClassBot | There are 10 minutes remaining in the current session. | 14:50 |
dpm | * | 14:50 |
dpm | * | 14:50 |
dpm | [SLIDE 8] | 14:51 |
dpm | 14:51 | |
dpm | Q&A | 14:51 |
dpm | --- | 14:51 |
dpm | So I hope that that gave you a taste of how translation works in Ubuntu and how you can join our awesome translators. | 14:51 |
dpm | Now feel free to ask any questions about anything related to translations. | 14:51 |
dpm | Bring them on! :-) | 14:51 |
ClassBot | There are 5 minutes remaining in the current session. | 14:55 |
dpm | So if there are no questions, I'll just say thanks for listening in, I hope you enjoyed the session and hope to see some of you translating Ubuntu in the near future! ;-) | 14:56 |
dpm | cheers! | 14:56 |
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Classroom - || Support in #ubuntu || Upcoming Schedule: || Questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat || Event: Ubuntu Open Week - Current Session: Volunteer Leadership -What does it take? - Instructors: akgraner | ||
ClassBot | Logs for this session will be available at following the conclusion of the session. | 15:00 |
akgraner | hi all! | 15:00 |
akgraner | Hi I’m Amber Graner and I’m an active Ubuntu user and Ubuntu Community member and all around FOSS advocate. I’ve been a volunteer in some form or fashion since I was a pre-teen - within my hometown, High School Marching Band, Red Cross, MS Society, Religious Organizations, US Army, Family Readiness Groups, PTO/PTAs and more. I’m excited to share my thoughts on volunteerism and leadership. | 15:00 |
akgraner | Within the Ubuntu Comunity, I’m an active blogger, co-author of the 6th Edition of the Official Ubuntu Book, former Ubuntu Women Leader, Active on the NC LoCo team, and recently elected to the Ubuntu Community Council and active on the newly formed Ubuntu Leadership Team ( So leadership and volunteerism is something I love to learn about and share. | 15:01 |
akgraner | So let’s get started! :-) | 15:02 |
akgraner | (If I go to fast or to slow - someone ping me in -chat and I'll adjust) | 15:03 |
ClassBot | cprofitt asked: How did you become involved in the Offical Ubuntu Book? | 15:03 |
akgraner | At first I was asked if I would be a reviewer then from there was asked if I would help co-author - and each cycle we always look for new reviewers | 15:04 |
akgraner | I was asked by other authors and the confirmed through the publishers | 15:05 |
akgraner | First - Thank you all for attending! | 15:05 |
akgraner | Leadership is something that is talked about a lot in our community these days? What does that mean really? | 15:05 |
akgraner | A common definition of a leader is “A leader is a person who influences a group of people towards the achievement of a goal.” | 15:06 |
akgraner | In the Ubuntu Community we have many wonderful people who voluntarily take on the roles and responsibilities to become a leader; those individuals who give selflessly of their time, talent and treasure are known as the leadership throughout our community. Whether it’s on one of the many councils, boards, teams, or projects they lead; they are leaders! (Thank you all for taking on those roles - you are appreciated and you matter!) | 15:06 |
akgraner | (from: | 15:06 |
akgraner | I am sure or at least I hope many of you attending and participating today are current leaders in some form or fashion as well as those of you who would like to become more involved with Leadership within the community. | 15:07 |
akgraner | In this session I want to go over some of the skills and leadership style that are needed to be an effective and efficient leader in a volunteer community. Specifically the Ubuntu Community, but this information can tweaked for any group/leader. | 15:08 |
akgraner | so let's look at this list | 15:08 |
akgraner | *Delegates | 15:08 |
akgraner | *Team Player | 15:09 |
akgraner | *Goal-Orientated | 15:09 |
akgraner | *Promotes Diversity | 15:09 |
akgraner | *Polite | 15:09 |
akgraner | *Confident | 15:10 |
akgraner | *Supportive | 15:10 |
akgraner | *Flexible | 15:10 |
akgraner | *Organized | 15:10 |
akgraner | *Communication Skills | 15:11 |
akgraner | *Fair | 15:11 |
akgraner | *Honest | 15:11 |
akgraner | *Responsible | 15:12 |
akgraner | *Sense of Humor | 15:12 |
akgraner | *Good Role Model | 15:12 |
akgraner | *Calm | 15:12 |
akgraner | *Ethical | 15:12 |
akgraner | *Assertive | 15:13 |
akgraner | *Enthusiastic | 15:13 |
akgraner | *Positive Attitude | 15:13 |
akgraner | That's a pretty long list and it's often hard to balance all these at the same time | 15:13 |
akgraner | Good Leaders take time to self-assess and figure out where they are weakest at and seek to improve upon those areas | 15:14 |
akgraner | I know I don't always get them right all the time, but I do go over this list (as well as the others I'll be presenting a little later) constantly looking for areas I can improve upon | 15:15 |
akgraner | People with these character traits are likely to be very successful in a number of life roles, | 15:16 |
akgraner | and (LoCo, Team, Project) leaders who possess many of these traits have a good chance of influencing people to want to make the LoCo, Team, Project etc work well. | 15:16 |
akgraner | But *every * leader has a starting point, and the best training many leaders receive is through the experience of helping out other team members. | 15:16 |
ClassBot | cprofitt asked: Any advice for leaders on how to best self-assess? | 15:17 |
akgraner | Sometimes that can be a difficult, but here's what I do - I ask people to look at the list and give me feedback (honest feedback) | 15:17 |
akgraner | I look at comments that people give me when working on a project together | 15:18 |
akgraner | I look at how I handled a given situation and ask if there was a better way I could or should have handled it | 15:18 |
akgraner | however, if you search on like for leadership and self-assessment there are some good sites out there as well | 15:19 |
akgraner | many of these sites are free to use - and can help you determine what type of leader you are and what areas you can improve upon | 15:19 |
akgraner | (I don't have the list with me - but can add some of them I use to a blog post after this session) | 15:20 |
akgraner | Any other questions about what I have listed so far? | 15:20 |
akgraner | ok...great | 15:21 |
akgraner | Leaders must have general goals to accomplish within the Team or Project, some of which include but aren’t limited to the following: | 15:21 |
akgraner | (Looking at Ubuntu in this list but again these can be tweaked for other volunteer groups as well) | 15:21 |
akgraner | * Understand the Ubuntu project goals | 15:21 |
akgraner | * Create or improve the Project or Team | 15:22 |
akgraner | * Convey the vision of the Ubuntu project goals to the Project or Team team. | 15:22 |
akgraner | * Gain members’ support; let members know how they can help meet Project or Team goals | 15:22 |
akgraner | * Identify and recruit other leaders to chair meetings/lead within the group | 15:22 |
akgraner | * Organize and plan for successful Project or Team events with the help of other team members. | 15:23 |
akgraner | * Train every member (who wants to know) what to do as a leader with your Project or Team | 15:23 |
akgraner | * Encourage team members to talk, work, and socialize together. | 15:23 |
akgraner | * Actively promote diversity. | 15:23 |
akgraner | * Work through others to get tasks done. | 15:24 |
akgraner | * Monitor leadership actions of key leaders. | 15:24 |
akgraner | * Assess progress toward Team or Project goals periodically. | 15:24 |
akgraner | * Change course when needed. | 15:25 |
akgraner | * Praise people publicly and often. | 15:25 |
akgraner | * Interact effectively with the Ubuntu Councils, Boards, Teams Projects, and team members. | 15:25 |
ClassBot | cprofitt asked: When dealing with conlflict between two team members or two sub-team groups what can you suggest as best practice? | 15:26 |
akgraner | Keeping in mind this is my suggestion and my style may differ from others but here is how I try to work this out | 15:27 |
akgraner | 1) understand what is behind the conflict | 15:27 |
akgraner | is it an error in communication styles | 15:28 |
akgraner | are the people really agreeing but can't see that? (sometimes that happens) | 15:28 |
akgraner | 2) what motivates the people - behind every disagreement are people who are passionate about the issue | 15:28 |
akgraner | 3) Is it something that can or should be worked out - sometimes people just have to agree to disagree - I mean is what they are disagreeing about within their control to change | 15:29 |
akgraner | (example many people disagree with let's say Unity and they argue over it, but the people who are often arguing over it, don't have the power to change it) | 15:30 |
akgraner | 4) is it due to leadership styles | 15:31 |
akgraner | the way one interacts in a volunteer organization is rarely the same as a corporate situation | 15:31 |
akgraner | so you have to get to the bottom of the conflict and sometimes that is tricky and unpleasant | 15:32 |
akgraner | but once you figure that part out the work to resolve the issues can begin | 15:32 |
akgraner | cprofitt, did that answer your question? | 15:32 |
akgraner | also In Jono's Art of Community he lists some great strategies as well | 15:33 |
akgraner | ok so any questions on the general goals list? | 15:33 |
akgraner | keeping in mind those are broad goals and each project and team can narrow the scope of those based on the needs/goals of their particular team or project | 15:34 |
akgraner | ok moving on :-) | 15:34 |
akgraner | Are Teams and Projects within Ubuntu considered Social Organizations? | 15:35 |
akgraner | short answer - Absolutely, yes! | 15:35 |
akgraner | The social value of teams and groups in today’s Ubuntu Community is critically important. The fact is, without social mingling and meaningful, fun activities for all many projects and teams don’t/won’t survive for long. | 15:35 |
akgraner | To be effective, Projects and Teams should have characteristics such as: | 15:36 |
akgraner | (ok here's another list for you all) | 15:36 |
akgraner | * positive, friendly, informal environment | 15:36 |
akgraner | * no cliques | 15:36 |
akgraner | * clear goals | 15:36 |
akgraner | * meaningful, fun activities to participate in as a whole | 15:37 |
akgraner | * decentralized decisions | 15:37 |
akgraner | * everyone included | 15:37 |
akgraner | * timely, accurate information flow | 15:37 |
akgraner | * no gossip | 15:38 |
akgraner | I can think of a few groups (LoCo teams) that do all these well | 15:38 |
akgraner | or at least what I've seen - Florida, Vancouver, Pennsylvania and others | 15:39 |
akgraner | I know there are others but the effectiveness of these teams is a result of some awesome leadership | 15:40 |
akgraner | How does a leader exhibit the traits and skills discussed so far and still get the job | 15:40 |
akgraner | done? | 15:40 |
akgraner | Can the leader be kind and considerate and achieve the goals of the project/team? What is the “job,” really? | 15:41 |
akgraner | Recall that the job is to improve cohesion, morale, and self-reliance among people who have choices (to participate or not). | 15:41 |
akgraner | Let’s look at some different leadership styles: | 15:41 |
akgraner | * Directing—Leader is task oriented, with little group input, limited group experience or time. | 15:42 |
akgraner | * Coaching—Leader is both task and group oriented; directs and encourages the group’s effort, but the group is more experienced and makes inputs to the process. The leader watches progress and coaches the group as needed to keep on track. This style of leadership is prevalent in business (especially big corporations). | 15:42 |
akgraner | * Supporting—Leader is group oriented; sets the overall project goals and supports the group’s efforts. The group has considerable experience and therefore makes major inputs on planning and decisions. The leader review progress at intervals and suggests changes. | 15:42 |
akgraner | * Delegating—Leader is more interested in group interaction than the outcome of the project. The group is highly experienced, and they define the project goals, plan, make decisions, and control their own work. | 15:43 |
akgraner | So, which leadership style should leaders in the Ubuntu Community use? | 15:43 |
akgraner | (gald you asked :-D) | 15:43 |
akgraner | glad even | 15:43 |
akgraner | Very simply, for a volunteer group, coaching and supporting styles work best. | 15:44 |
akgraner | (that's not to say that a combination of the these styles may have to be used) | 15:44 |
akgraner | However, with more critical concerns, use coaching, but the directing style should rarely (if ever) be used. More routine tasks call for a supporting style, even delegation for simple ones. | 15:44 |
akgraner | Ubuntu leaders may find it necessary to use any or all of these styles. The situation, experience of the group, and time needed to accomplish the task are all factors that help determine the style. | 15:45 |
akgraner | Other leadership skills include ability to supervise, motivate people, manage multiple projects, and work harmoniously with a variety of personalities. | 15:45 |
akgraner | Here’s is a list of important activities for supervising/leading/managing people: (pick the term you like best) | 15:47 |
akgraner | * Know Volunteers - listen and track | 15:47 |
akgraner | * Plan | 15:48 |
akgraner | * Encourage | 15:48 |
akgraner | * Support | 15:48 |
akgraner | * Get Feedback | 15:48 |
akgraner | * Evaluate | 15:49 |
akgraner | * Correct Privately | 15:49 |
akgraner | * Pitch In | 15:49 |
akgraner | * Praise, Say Thank You, let team members know they matter | 15:49 |
akgraner | Supervising /leading/managing in a volunteer community may be different than your experience supervising in a business or other environment. | 15:50 |
ClassBot | There are 10 minutes remaining in the current session. | 15:50 |
akgraner | Some team members may be more technically skilled than you are in some areas, or may have different goals than you and/or the group do. | 15:50 |
akgraner | You don't have a supply-and-demand relationship or work flows common to most work environments. Instead, team members have both their own goals and their own skills. | 15:50 |
akgraner | Effective volunteer leadership is often not really about making decisions. Instead, volunteer leadership is often about discovering the goals and skills of your fellow volunteer team members, developing a consensus of goals to pursue, and facilitating the details of that consensus so everybody has fun. It's also often about coaching, mentoring and providing feedback. | 15:51 |
akgraner | Ok so that is a lot of information - any questions? Anything I didn’t mention that you want to ask about? Remember people are people, communities are communities and these leadership skills are a basic foundation to effective and efficient leadership. | 15:51 |
akgraner | Also much of the information presented today is modified from other Leadership Handbooks for volunteer organizations I’ve been involved with which includes but not limited to, FRG’s (Family Readiness Groups), MS Society, Red Cross, PTO/PTAs and more. | 15:52 |
akgraner | All this information and more is also included in the LoCo Leaders Handbook that the Ubuntu Leadership Team is currently working on - this initiative was started 4 cycles ago and is just now taking off (If you are interested in contributing to this Handbook or reviewing it - please let the Ubuntu Leadership Team ( know) | 15:52 |
ClassBot | rrnwexec asked: Much of what we hear/read about under the topic of "leadership" is actually more about "management". Which of these do you feel is more difficult in a volunteer setting? And, which one is needed more in the Ubuntu project? | 15:53 |
akgraner | I think I answered this one in the last part of the session - also cprofitt posted a great link in -chat which is- | 15:54 |
akgraner | we have about 6 minutes left is there anything else? | 15:54 |
ClassBot | There are 5 minutes remaining in the current session. | 15:55 |
akgraner | if not - then thank you all so much for attending - and I hope you found this session useful! | 15:56 |
akgraner | talk amongst yourselves dpm is up next with - Writing your first Ubuntu app.... | 15:56 |
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Classroom - || Support in #ubuntu || Upcoming Schedule: || Questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat || Event: Ubuntu Open Week - Current Session: Writing your first Ubuntu app - Instructors: dpm | ||
ClassBot | Logs for this session will be available at following the conclusion of the session. | 16:00 |
dpm | hey everyone, and thanks akgraner for a great session! | 16:01 |
dpm | Hello all | 16:01 |
dpm | Welcome to this introductory session on writing an app for Ubuntu | 16:02 |
dpm | aka the first step to becoming a full-blown Ubuntu App Developer :) | 16:02 |
dpm | For those of you who've been to my earlier session a couple of hours ago, | 16:03 |
dpm | you'll probably know me already and the session was good enough for you to stick for the second one | 16:03 |
dpm | so thanks! :) | 16:03 |
dpm | For anyone joining now, my name is David Planella, and while I generally work as the Ubuntu Translations Coordinator in the Community team at Canonical, | 16:04 |
dpm | this last cycle I've been more and more involved in the app development community. | 16:04 |
dpm | It's a new and exciting territory, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do | 16:04 |
dpm | What we are going to see today is a very gentle but fast introduction to writing an app for Ubuntu, with a real and simple example you can play with on your own time, explore and expand upon | 16:04 |
dpm | The idea is not to concentrate on the example itself, but rather to get you familiar with the tools and processes to use and to follow throughout your app's lifecycle, which hopefully will whet your appetite for more :) | 16:05 |
dpm | And also to direct you to the right places to ask for help | 16:05 |
dpm | The way the session will be structured will be a bit like the developer journey on the app developer site at, | 16:06 |
dpm | so it will be similar to a tour through the site, which is the place you'll generally go to whenever you need more information or whenever you submit an app to ultimately be published in the Software Centre. | 16:07 |
dpm | So something like: | 16:07 |
dpm | 1. Get started | 16:07 |
dpm | 2. Resources | 16:07 |
dpm | 3. Publish | 16:08 |
dpm | 4. Community | 16:08 |
dpm | Oh, and the developer site is, of course, at | 16:08 |
dpm | The time is limited, so we'll go into more detail into the more practical step of getting started, which is more fun, and we'll just say a few words on the other steps. | 16:09 |
dpm | If you've got questions during the session, feel free to ask! | 16:09 |
dpm | just do it on #ubuntu-classroom-chat and prepend them with QUESTION: | 16:10 |
dpm | So, | 16:10 |
dpm | let's roll | 16:10 |
dpm | 16:10 | |
dpm | The tools | 16:10 |
dpm | --------- | 16:10 |
dpm | Throughout the session we'll be talking about Quickly. | 16:11 |
dpm | This is what we'll use to create Ubuntu apps. Quickly is nothing else than a command-line utility which acts as a wrapper around the tools we chose to be part of the Ubuntu SDK, if you will. | 16:11 |
dpm | (people seem to like the SDK word) | 16:11 |
dpm | It provides a set of commands to act as shortcuts to the key actions a developer most usually needs while writing a piece of software. They are quite handy, and they really make life easier for you. | 16:12 |
dpm | Here are some examples of such commands: | 16:12 |
dpm | $ quickly edit - to open your code files in an editor of your choice | 16:12 |
dpm | $ quickly debug - to start debugging graphically your application | 16:12 |
dpm | $ quickly package - to automatically package your app for you | 16:13 |
dpm | Note that you don't have to use quickly commands if you are already familiar with the tools. Quickly just provides the glue and a few shortcuts. So for example using 'quickly save' is the same thing as 'bzr commit' (the Bazaar command). | 16:13 |
dpm | You can see a nice overview of the underlying tools and the commands to activate them here: | 16:13 |
dpm | | 16:14 |
dpm | The ones you'll see today are Python, Glade and a bit of Bazaar and Debian packaging, although those two will rather be working in the background | 16:14 |
dpm | The other nice thing about quickly is that it installs all the packages you'll need to get started hacking on Ubuntu. | 16:15 |
dpm | (as in hacking a new app) | 16:15 |
dpm | So if you want to follow along and create your first app, go ahead and: | 16:15 |
dpm | * Install quickly by opening on your browser | 16:15 |
dpm | I'm assuming you are using Ubuntu 11.10, but the example app should also work with Ubuntu 11.04 | 16:16 |
dpm | We'll be writing some code in Python, and while you don't have to be a Python pro, I'm assuming some familiarity with the language or at least with another programming language. | 16:16 |
dpm | (I'll wait for a minute to let you install quickly) | 16:16 |
dpm | ok | 16:19 |
dpm | oh, btw, in principle, you can use any combination of tools and programming languages for Ubuntu apps. It's just that we simply cannot support every single combination under the sun, so we made a set of oppinionated choices on the tools we think are best and are best supported in Ubuntu | 16:21 |
dpm | and put them together with quickly | 16:21 |
dpm | So if you create apps with quickly, they'll be easier to create, review and publish in the Software Centre | 16:21 |
dpm | ok, let's move on to the fun part :) | 16:22 |
dpm | 16:22 | |
dpm | Step 1: Get started | 16:22 |
dpm | ------------------- | 16:22 |
dpm | So here we are, ready to write our first app, already excited? | 16:22 |
dpm | This is the stage we get straight to business and put on our developer hats for some hacking fun. At this point we generally have an idea of the type of app we want to write and go for the implementation. | 16:22 |
dpm | In this case, we'll be writing a very very simple 'Hello world!' type of app, but with a twist: ours will be an 'Ubuntu rocks!' app. | 16:23 |
dpm | You'll find the code available here for reference: | 16:23 |
dpm | | 16:23 |
dpm | But we'll write it together | 16:23 |
dpm | I'm adding the link here, as I say, for reference, and in case you get lost at some point. | 16:24 |
dpm | What you see here is the version-controlled version of the app, safely hosted in Launchpad, the online collaboration tool for developing open source projects, another of our recommended toolset choices. | 16:24 |
dpm | I'll be pointing to particular revisions in there to show you the changes throughout the app creation stage, but you can also download it to explore it. | 16:25 |
dpm | You can do that by running the following command on a terminal: | 16:25 |
dpm | $ bzr branch lp:~dpm/+junk/ubuntu-rocks | 16:26 |
dpm | (don't type the leading "$", it's just to mark that it's a command) | 16:26 |
dpm | This will use Bazaar to fetch the code. Don't worry about the amount of lines of code there: most of it is boilerplate created by quickly. | 16:26 |
dpm | This corresponds to the first stop in the journey of an Ubuntu App Developer, of which you can get a taste here: | 16:27 |
dpm | | 16:27 |
dpm | You can watch the video later, it's short and gets quickly to the point, but for now, and given that we've already installed the tools, we'll start writing some code. | 16:27 |
dpm | Enough talk, now let's get onto it for real! | 16:28 |
dpm | 1. Open a terminal (press the Ctrl+Alt+t key combination) | 16:28 |
dpm | 2. Run the following command (again, don't type the leading "$", it's just to mark that it's a command): | 16:28 |
dpm | $ quickly create ubuntu-application ubuntu-rocks | 16:29 |
dpm | -- This will create the boilerplate code for your app, and a first saved revision, so you can concentrate on other more important things :) | 16:29 |
dpm | 3. Enter the folder where the code lives now, by running: | 16:30 |
dpm | $ cd ubuntu-rocks | 16:30 |
dpm | -- You'll see all the files Quickly created there. Don't worry too much about them for now, but you can examine them with the file browser later on (e.g. typing 'nautilus .' to fire up the file browser in the folder) | 16:31 |
dpm | 4. Next up, we'll modify the AUTHOURS file to indicate we're the authors of the code. This is needed by some commands later on. Now type the following: | 16:31 |
dpm | $ gedit AUTHORS | 16:32 |
dpm | 5. On the text editor window, add your name and e-mail, then you can save and close the file | 16:32 |
dpm | 6. In order to keep our work, it is good practice to save revisions from time to time. Now it's as good a time as ever. You can do that now by typing: | 16:33 |
dpm | $ quickly save "Updated authors file" | 16:34 |
dpm | -- Now there is a revision identified by a number and the message you passed quickly saved under revision control. You can always come back to it if you like. | 16:34 |
dpm | -- This corresponds to | 16:35 |
dpm | -- What you're looking at there is the state of the files at the stage I saved my work, which should be similar to yours, apart from a different e-mail and name, of course :) | 16:35 |
dpm | 7. Now let's add some real code, fire up the text editor to open all the project files: | 16:36 |
dpm | $ quickly edit | 16:36 |
dpm | Btw, is everyone fine so far? Any questions? | 16:36 |
dpm | they tell me all fine on #ubuntu-classroom-chat. Cool, let's move on, then :) | 16:38 |
dpm | 8. Modify the file focused on the editor (, as follows: | 16:38 |
dpm | * Add an 'import appindicator' statement at the top of the file, so that we can use the appindicator module | 16:39 |
dpm | * Add the following piece of code after the '# Run the application.' line (use the same indentation!): | 16:39 |
dpm | * This corresponds to revision | 16:40 |
dpm | Compare that revision with your code to ensure they match before saving | 16:40 |
dpm | So once you've done that: | 16:41 |
dpm | 9. Now try to see if everything went well, run the application: | 16:41 |
dpm | *drum roll* | 16:41 |
dpm | $ quickly run | 16:41 |
dpm | * If you didn't get any errors, hooray and congrats! Check out the new indicator at the top right-hand corner :) | 16:42 |
dpm | * If you did get errors, I'd recommend downloading the original app as explained earlier, or double checking that your code corresponds to the revision I mentioned on the last step (unfortunately we're tight on time on this session and can't provide much support) | 16:43 |
dpm | Any success stories on #ubuntu-classroom-chat? | 16:44 |
dpm | Yes! We've got a success story! | 16:44 |
dpm | awesome | 16:45 |
dpm | What you see there is your first ever Ubuntu app with indicator support! \o/ | 16:45 |
dpm | The code is relatively simple, and we just added indicator support through the indicator API, a menu and a few entries to populate the indicator. There are comments in the code that explain each bit in more detail | 16:45 |
dpm | (3 success stories on #ubuntu-classroom-chat so far!) | 16:46 |
dpm | 10. Now save your app by running: | 16:46 |
dpm | $ quickly save "Added an indicator with some entries" | 16:46 |
dpm | 11. Let's modify the UI a bit, to direct people to the indicator and give you a taste of UI design. Fire up glade, the GUI designer: | 16:47 |
dpm | $ quickly design | 16:47 |
dpm | 12. What you see are the widgets that are part of your app's main window. You can modify them visually with Glade. Go to the widget tree on the top right-hand side, expand the ubuntu_rocks_window until you find 'label1' and select it. | 16:47 |
dpm | 13. Now go to the properties dialog below the widget tree and find the 'Label:' property. Change it to something like: | 16:48 |
dpm | 14. Check out that the app runs with your UI changes: | 16:48 |
dpm | $ quickly run | 16:48 |
dpm | Everything allright until here? | 16:48 |
dpm | I'll have to go a bit faster as we're running out of time, but we're nearly done anyway | 16:49 |
ClassBot | There are 10 minutes remaining in the current session. | 16:50 |
dpm | I hear 'like delphi but with python. love it :)' from #ubuntu-classroom-chat :-) | 16:50 |
dpm | 15. Save the final version of your app: | 16:50 |
dpm | $ quickly save "Modified the GUI with a note" | 16:50 |
dpm | So you're done! | 16:50 |
dpm | Well done to everyone who made it this far: your first Ubuntu app in just a few minutes, which is pretty cool | 16:51 |
dpm | Let's go quickly through the next steps after this | 16:51 |
dpm | 16:51 | |
dpm | Step 2: Resources | 16:51 |
dpm | ----------------- | 16:51 |
dpm | Once you've created your first app, you'll hopefully want to know more, to see where you can take your newly acquired and shiny app developer skills. | 16:51 |
dpm | The answer is near: the resources section on | 16:52 |
dpm | | 16:52 |
dpm | There you'll find all the documentation and links to external documentation you need, including API reference, the platform overview diagram and tutorials. | 16:52 |
dpm | This is a very new and growing section, and we need your help. In true open source style, you can also contribute your tutorials to be featured in! | 16:53 |
dpm | Check out | 16:53 |
dpm | 16:53 | |
dpm | Step 3: Publish | 16:53 |
dpm | --------------- | 16:53 |
dpm | Ultimately, the last step to ensure wide adoption of your app is to publish it to the Software Centre. | 16:54 |
dpm | There it can be exposed to our million-wide user base so that they can enjoy what you've created. | 16:54 |
dpm | In order to make this easy for you, we're also providing you some tools to make this incredibly simple for you. Enter My Apps: | 16:54 |
dpm | | 16:54 |
ClassBot | There are 5 minutes remaining in the current session. | 16:55 |
dpm | An online tool to submit your apps to be published to the Software Center | 16:55 |
dpm | You'll find more info on the publishing process here: | 16:55 |
dpm | If you're using quickly, you can use the 'quickly package' or 'quickly submitubuntu' commands to create packages ready tu upload to My Apps and be reviewed by the App Review Board, who will check the quality of the package and applications before being accepted into Ubuntu | 16:56 |
dpm | You can try the 'quickly package' command with your app already to produce a working Debian package | 16:57 |
dpm | You can then click on the resulting package to get Software Centre to install it on your system | 16:57 |
dpm | But of course the real deal is when your package ends up in the Software Centre and gets exposed to all Ubuntu users | 16:58 |
dpm | 16:58 | |
dpm | Step 4: Community | 16:59 |
dpm | ----------------- | 16:59 |
dpm | As I've got not much time left, let me point you to | 16:59 |
dpm | There you'll find all the info you need to get support, and if you like | 16:59 |
dpm | to get involved in the app developer community | 16:59 |
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Classroom - || Support in #ubuntu || Upcoming Schedule: || Questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat || Event: Ubuntu Open Week - Current Session: Social Networking in Ubuntu: What's new? - Instructors: kenvandine | ||
ClassBot | Logs for this session will be available at following the conclusion of the session. | 17:00 |
kenvandine | Hello everyone! | 17:00 |
kenvandine | Thanks for joining me today, we'll be talking about what's going on with social networking in Ubuntu 11.10. | 17:01 |
kenvandine | we'll have plenty of time for questions at the end, so please hold on to them for a bit :) | 17:02 |
kenvandine | Ubuntu includes a social networking desktop service, named Gwibber. | 17:02 |
kenvandine | Gwibber isn't new to Ubuntu, it has been included for quite a while now. | 17:03 |
kenvandine | The intent isn't just to provide a twitter or facebook client, but it is to provide a means for you to interact with your favorite social networks. | 17:03 |
kenvandine | Gwibber does include a client application that aggregates the social networking sites you love to use, into one convenient place as well as allow you to post to multiple accounts simultaneously. | 17:04 |
kenvandine | For 11.10, the Gwibber client received a complete face lift, in fact a complete re-write. | 17:04 |
kenvandine | The previous version had many great features, but ended up being quite limiting when we wanted to improve the overall user experience. | 17:05 |
kenvandine | With the new Gwibber client, there aren't really many new "features" however it is important to note not all previous features made it in. | 17:06 |
kenvandine | The most notable missing feature is the multi-column view, we'll work hard to make sure it returns in Gwibber 3.4 in Ubuntu 12.04. | 17:07 |
kenvandine | as for new features, the long sought after native retweet support was added | 17:07 |
kenvandine | both displaying retweets natively and retweeting | 17:08 |
kenvandine | there is obviously still lots of room for improvement, but we'll talk about that a bit later on | 17:08 |
kenvandine | Now lets talk a bit about other ways you can use your favorite social networking services from Ubuntu. | 17:09 |
kenvandine | Integration in the messaging menu | 17:09 |
kenvandine | in case people aren't familiar with the term, it is located at the top right side of your screen with the small envelop icon | 17:10 |
kenvandine | the messaging menu displays (surprise) messaging related information | 17:11 |
kenvandine | email, chat, social networks, etc | 17:11 |
kenvandine | Included is numbers of unseen posts from gwibber | 17:11 |
kenvandine | and a menu item for launching the update status poster, which we'll talk about in a bit | 17:11 |
kenvandine | | 17:12 |
kenvandine | hopefully you all recognize that | 17:12 |
kenvandine | the unseen counts displayed aren't new for 11.10, but "Update Status" is | 17:13 |
kenvandine | those counts get zeroed out when you display the stream where the count comes from | 17:13 |
kenvandine | messages, replies, and private messages | 17:13 |
kenvandine | ok, moving on | 17:14 |
kenvandine | Integration in the Unity Launcher | 17:14 |
kenvandine | lets start with the screenshot first this time, should save some explaining :) | 17:14 |
kenvandine | | 17:14 |
kenvandine | the Unity Launcher includes Quick menus, which are accessible on a right click | 17:15 |
kenvandine | a right click on the Gwibber icon will raise this menu | 17:15 |
kenvandine | which includes access to Accounts, Preferences, Update Status and Refresh | 17:16 |
kenvandine | clicking on Refresh there makes gwibber refresh it's streams, which is normally done on a regular interval | 17:16 |
kenvandine | this can also be accomplished with hitting F5 when the client is in focus | 17:17 |
kenvandine | the gwibber icon on the Unity Launcher also displays an unseen count | 17:17 |
kenvandine | similar to the count displayed in the messaging menu | 17:17 |
kenvandine | only it is the sum of all the unseen, not broken down by messages, replies and private | 17:18 |
kenvandine | this provides a nice view of what you have waiting for you, in easy view | 17:18 |
kenvandine | now lets talk about the new Update Status Poster | 17:19 |
kenvandine | it's a simple posting dialog, that does nothing else | 17:19 |
kenvandine | accessible from the launcher and messaging menu | 17:19 |
kenvandine | | 17:19 |
kenvandine | you can post to all or any of your social networks without having the gwibber client running | 17:20 |
kenvandine | everything i've mentioned so far is included in the default install of Ubuntu 11.10 | 17:20 |
kenvandine | now we'll talk about the Unity Lens for Gwibber | 17:21 |
kenvandine | you can install it with | 17:21 |
kenvandine | or whatever method you prefer | 17:21 |
kenvandine | with the lens you can: | 17:21 |
kenvandine | Display all posts including videos, photos, links, replies, etc | 17:21 |
kenvandine | | 17:21 |
kenvandine | Search and filter results | 17:22 |
kenvandine | | 17:22 |
kenvandine | the lens also returns results in a global search, from the dash | 17:22 |
kenvandine | or you can go right to the lens by clicking on the microblogging icon at the bottom of the dash or with the super-g key combination | 17:23 |
kenvandine | the results are broken down by type, so messages, images, videos, links, etc | 17:24 |
kenvandine | and you can filter by any of those types as well | 17:24 |
kenvandine | in 12.04 you'll be able to also filter by account and probably more | 17:24 |
kenvandine | the lens is brand new with gwibber 3.2 and ubuntu 11.10, so please help report bugs and make suggestions | 17:25 |
kenvandine | so that is the state of things today, in 11.10 | 17:26 |
kenvandine | moving on... | 17:26 |
kenvandine | Plans for Gwibber 3.4 (Ubuntu 12.04) | 17:26 |
kenvandine | * Multi-column view | 17:26 |
kenvandine | * Google + (assuming we get an API) | 17:27 |
kenvandine | * Live search (filters) | 17:27 |
kenvandine | this would be filtering the results in the gwibber client just like we do in the lens today | 17:27 |
kenvandine | * Performance improvements | 17:27 |
kenvandine | * further reduce memory usage | 17:28 |
kenvandine | * speed up startup time | 17:28 |
kenvandine | * Improved account management | 17:28 |
kenvandine | * In-line viewing of more content (Videos, Images) | 17:28 |
kenvandine | * Photo/Video uploads | 17:28 |
kenvandine | * Smooth scrolling | 17:28 |
kenvandine | one thing I am pretty unhappy with in 3.2 is the step wise scrolling, like we had in the previous client | 17:29 |
kenvandine | and the way it works makes the tiles jump around a bit when you scroll tiles that have comments or image previews in them | 17:29 |
kenvandine | we'll make that slick and smooth for 12.04 | 17:29 |
kenvandine | * User guide | 17:29 |
kenvandine | * Lens: improve filter selection (including filter by accounts) and categorization | 17:29 |
kenvandine | * Lens: clicking on a tile should raise the client and view the post | 17:30 |
kenvandine | * and hopefully, if we can find a volunteer we would love to see someone do some gnome-shell integration | 17:30 |
kenvandine | so any volunteers... :) | 17:31 |
kenvandine | which i guess takes us to my final topic | 17:31 |
kenvandine | Do you want to help? | 17:32 |
kenvandine | We need developers, designers, bug triage and documentation writers. | 17:32 |
kenvandine | or example we have a great user guide the Vancouver loco wrote, however it needs to be updated to match the current version of Gwibber and converted to a format we can include in the help viewer. | 17:33 |
kenvandine | great is an understatement... the vancouver folks really created an amazing guide | 17:33 |
kenvandine | we would love to include it with gwibber | 17:34 |
kenvandine | We also want a new logo | 17:34 |
kenvandine | and help designing other various things, including how we can fit google + circles into gwibber | 17:35 |
kenvandine | the concept does fit to nicely in an aggregated, multi-service client | 17:35 |
kenvandine | but we really need to make it work, there is huge potential | 17:35 |
kenvandine | just a couple examples, but there are many ways folks can help | 17:36 |
kenvandine | If you are interested in helping in any way, please join us in #gwibber on Freenode. | 17:36 |
kenvandine | or grab a bug on launchpad and propose a branch! | 17:36 |
kenvandine | :) | 17:36 |
kenvandine | now we have plenty of time for questions | 17:36 |
kenvandine | for helping out, the gwibber service is all python and the client is vala | 17:38 |
ClassBot | W8KWA-Charles asked: What social networking site does qwibbler support best? | 17:39 |
kenvandine | twitter, facebook and are all included in Ubuntu by default | 17:39 |
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kenvandine | so those clearly get the most attention and I focus a lot of effort in keeping them working well | 17:39 |
kenvandine | support is the same as | 17:40 |
kenvandine | foursquare is also in really good shape right now | 17:40 |
kenvandine | there are also a couple of other services available that aren't maintained in gwibber, sohu and sina which are both very popular in china | 17:40 |
ClassBot | nitstorm asked: How are certain applications like Lernid able to have direct twitter capability, are they using Gwibber somehow discreetly in the background? Also, how's it possible to make applications that are developed integrate into tweeting/facebook-updates/etc..etc., via Gwibber? | 17:41 |
kenvandine | we have libgwibber, which provides an API for using gwibber | 17:41 |
kenvandine | lernid uses it | 17:42 |
kenvandine | and software-center, if you notice when you rate an application | 17:42 |
kenvandine | you can share your rating | 17:42 |
kenvandine | even gives you a selector for choosing an account to post to or to post to all automatically | 17:43 |
kenvandine | the API also lets other applications embed stream content | 17:43 |
kenvandine | so for example, lernid could contain a pane that displays all the posts that match a hashtag | 17:43 |
kenvandine | like #ubuntuopenweek | 17:44 |
kenvandine | i would love to see more apps using it, if anyone has questions let me know | 17:44 |
kenvandine | or just ask in #gwibber | 17:44 |
kenvandine | we are constantly looking to improve the API | 17:45 |
ClassBot | oliverhr asked: How can I configure timeline refresh for twiter? | 17:45 |
kenvandine | in gwibber preferences, you can set the refresh interval | 17:45 |
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kenvandine | anymore questions? | 17:46 |
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kenvandine | ok, I guess that's it then! | 17:48 |
kenvandine | thanks everyone for you time, I hope you all enjoy Ubuntu 11.10 | 17:48 |
ClassBot | nitstorm asked: Is there some other way to update status than go to Messaging menu and clicking "Update Status"? In < 11.10, we had a nice box integrated in the MeMenu to update status. Some way to re-enable that feature or something? | 17:49 |
kenvandine | unfortunately not, indicator-me was merged into the session indicator and the posting entry was dropped | 17:49 |
ClassBot | There are 10 minutes remaining in the current session. | 17:50 |
kenvandine | i am hoping to have a default key binding for it so you can raise it with the keyboard | 17:50 |
kenvandine | and am up for other suggestions as well | 17:50 |
kenvandine | someone could easily write an indicator that does just that :) | 17:50 |
kenvandine | using libgwibber | 17:50 |
ClassBot | There are 5 minutes remaining in the current session. | 17:55 |
ClassBot | Logs for this session will be available at | 18:00 |
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