[00:00] ugh [00:01] I can't seem to migrate from one qemu-kvm hypervisor to another [00:01] keep getting "error: monitor socket did not show up.: Connection refused [00:02] I've looked everywhere for answers and can't find one that's applicable [00:02] How do you mean hypervisor? [00:02] A kvm(1) process? [00:02] two chassis running the virtualization installation [00:02] virt-manager on a desktop [00:02] can connect to both qemu instances [00:02] as well as over ssh [00:02] That's libvirt's problem, kvm has nothing to do with that. [00:02] but I can't migrate [00:03] Lurk here and/or try #virt on OFTC; I don't know much about libvirt so I can't help [00:03] how do you do migrations? [00:03] er... [00:03] what do you use? [00:03] I stop the VM [00:04] I use whatever the hell I'm stuck with, but for new deployments I use kvm and LXC if I can, and libvirt on top if I absolutely have to deal with stupid end users [00:05] I have been... unimpressed with the state of libvirt as at lucid === [2]Ivan2-Ian is now known as Ivan2-Ian [01:36] New bug: #877852 in samba (main) "samba failed to install when updating from ubuntu 11.04 to 11.10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/877852 === Guest22766 is now known as jetole === medberry is now known as med_out [03:42] New bug: #877882 in samba (main) "shared folder" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/877882 [03:43] is jeos still a thing? i am trying to find info about it and it all seems to date 2008/2009 [03:46] I expect it got subsumed by this cloud shit [04:12] does anybody know what -O does in linux because I am trying to follow this guide:http://wiki.fusionpbx.com/index.php?title=Easy_Ubuntu_10.04 [04:16] New bug: #877891 in ipsec-tools (main) "Racoon fails to load the crypto modules" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/877891 [04:16] TimR, are you talking about the wget command? [04:19] i have no clue I am just following what that guide is saying [04:19] im trying to install the .sh part I guess [04:26] Sigh, freeswitch isn't packaged yet? [04:26] http://bugs.debian.org/389591 bleh [04:28] TimR: if you follow cowboy instructions like that, you'll end up with an unmaintainable mess [04:29] well they got install script but it doesnt seem to work [04:30] That's because it was written by an idiot [04:30] it sure seems like it [04:30] FFS, he's even installing the development head of freeswitch [04:31] And his whizzo web UI frontend for freeswitch is written in PHP [04:34] TimR: I can't vouch for it, but http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Quick_Start seems to at least be using apt. [04:49] Why don't any of the ubuntu applications show network shares as save points? [04:49] I have a media server and I want torrents to save to a specific folder on that server but it doesn't show SMB shares at all in the list and when I try and write the path in it doesn't take it. Other programs do this as well. [04:49] Hdale85: what is a save point? [04:50] where it saves the completed files [04:50] download folder [04:50] Is that some GUI thing? [04:50] blah didn't realize I was in the server tab sorry [04:50] No problem [06:03] SpamapS: in case your skype is being silly, hi === smb` is now known as smb [07:20] * RoyK just joined a puppet course [07:21] RoyK, upgrading... [07:21] actually, fresh install. [07:22] if I use dpkg --get-selections > installed.txt, can I edit installed.txt to a subset before running it back through my fresh OS with dpkg --get-selections jfb_h20: I'm not stopping you [07:24] I would normally only look at the packages explicitly requested, though [07:24] aptitude search !~M~i [07:24] twb, thanks. I was just looking into that. [07:24] (Note: bash users will have to deal with its stupid special ! handling somehow.) [07:24] ## markauto everything that wouldn't result in an autoremove. [07:24] aptitude --schedule-only markauto ~E '~i!~M(~Rdepends:~i|~Rrecommends:~i)' && aptitude --schedule-only keep ~aremove && aptitude install [07:25] ^^ you might also find that useful (or maybe not) [07:25] twb: Error: "^" is not a valid command. [07:26] In principle these days most of that is supported within apt-get, but I wrote a lot of that kinda stuff back around 2006, where it was aptitude or gtfo [07:26] hmm more problems with my array [07:27] jfb_h20: oh, it's you :) [07:27] I got it to recover the other day using UUID option, now today I had to reboot the server and once again it's not mounting the array [07:28] http://pastebin.com/Gig9zeH9 [07:28] Hdale85: didn't I warn you to check that? [07:28] you may of [07:28] Hdale85: you have two arrays in there both called md0 [07:28] yeah that's what I thought [07:28] *may have [07:28] why did it add it twice [07:29] both have the same uuid as well [07:29] Hdale85: no they don't [07:29] oh you're right [07:29] ones a bit different [07:29] RoyK: yups... morning ;) [07:29] ...er morgen [07:30] so delete the incorrect one? [07:30] morning's ok :) [07:30] save it and restart mdadm? [07:30] I don't bloody know [07:30] I'd probably restart it because I don't trust it to DTRT [07:31] FSVO it = the whole machine [07:31] so restart the whole thing [07:32] now.....what if neither of those uuid's are matching the one on the drives? [07:32] In that case fix your mdadm.conf [07:32] yeah that's weird [07:34] twb, aptitude search `!~M~i' > installed_user.txt returns the same (or close) as dpkg --get-selections > installed.txt Is there a way to not return all the packages that were installed as dependencies of things I asked for? [07:34] hopefully it actually starts this time...kind of tired of dragging a screen in there [07:35] jfb_h20: --disable-columns -F %p [07:35] looks like it's talking to the array on bootup so that's encouraging [07:35] jfb_h20: and yes, that's what !~M does [07:35] jfb_h20: except if you used apt-get or something that doesn't understand to set ~M in the first place, hence the second line [07:36] twb, yes I've installed most things with dpkg, though more recently aptitude. [07:36] sorry apt-get [07:37] 18:24 aptitude --schedule-only markauto ~E '~i!~M(~Rdepends:~i|~Rrecommends:~i)' && aptitude --schedule-only keep ~aremove && aptitude install [07:38] can I remove the last call to aptitude and pass that to a file that I can read into aptitude on a fresh installation? [07:38] nope...... didn't boot all the way gotta take the screen back in there [07:44] ok [07:44] it loaded the array fine this time [07:44] just had some error mounting it, probably something I did wrong in the fstab [07:45] i mount my array to /Files [07:46] in my fstab I put /dev/md0 under file system and then /Files under mount point and it gives me an error trying to mount it on boot [07:58] Hdale85: how is your md-device partitioned? [07:59] all the drives are raided together not partition [07:59] so it's one big drive with one partition [08:05] my bad [08:05] ? [08:06] one does not partition md-devices [08:06] you can do [08:06] you can partition md devices [08:06] <_ruben> hrm .. after upgrading my home fileserver i'm getting "Timed out." "Dropping to shell." at boot time .. I can resume booting by tapping ^D and ^C [08:06] Can, and should - are different things. [08:10] well it was my first array, and that's how it got done. Can't really redo it right now [08:10] so how do I make it work in the fstab so it auto mounts at boot? [08:12] Hdale85: just put it inthe fstab [08:12] I did but it gets an error when trying to mount durring boot [08:13] make sure you have an mdadm.conf too, very useful to help it build at startup if there are any issues [08:14] yeah that's there [08:14] it's that simple then [08:15] http://pastebin.com/J4xdw3NX [08:15] well there's my fstab and for some reason it gives me an error when trying to mount durring boot. [08:15] is it because I'm trying to mount it to a root director? [08:15] directory* [08:16] Hdale85: that should not be an issue at all [08:16] Hdale85: what is the error [08:16] Hdale85: I assume there is a file system on it ? [08:17] yes [08:17] think it's reiserfs [08:18] where can I see boot errors? [08:34] Hdale85: why have you put reiser on it ? [08:34] Hdale85: is reiser even in the kernel these days ? [08:34] (as in an option for ubuntu) [08:35] yes it is [08:35] and back when I built the server it's what I knew [08:35] what's wrong with reiser? [08:39] smb: can I bother you re bug #613273 ? [08:39] Launchpad bug 613273 in udev "kernel panic on ec2 in system_call_fastpath" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/613273 [08:44] jMCg, I believe that this area was looked into by jhunt and jamespage. At least it seems to be a variation of it. I would want to speak to one of them before saying anything there. [08:48] smb, jMCg: looking now [08:50] jamespage, I think it is another case of somehow udev not completely stopping, which then leaves some nodes undeletable in the initramfs. And that causes the panic (probably one thing one wants not to do even if that leaks a bit of memory) [08:51] panic? Doesn't seem very reasonable action there. But maybe that's just me :-/ [08:51] smb: looks like that is the case but we could do with jhunt's expertise to confirm [08:52] jMCg, No I agree that this seems overreacting a lot. === sanderj_ is now known as Sander^work [08:59] New bug: #876413 in libcommons-net2-java (universe) "[MIR] xmlunit" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/876413 [09:06] Hdale85: nothing wrong with it, beyond it being dead. [09:06] hmm [09:06] Hdale85: I wondered if it was built into the kernel hence not being able to mount it (don't have an ubuntu machine here to check) [09:07] Hdale85: can you mount it manually ? [09:07] I can mount it manually just fine [09:07] maybe that boot was juts a fluke of some sort [09:07] Hdale85: from what you've shown me it should be fine, [09:08] yeah that's what I thought as well [09:08] we'll see next time I have to reboot again [09:10] hm.. puppet seems like a jolly good idea :D [09:15] would denyhosts need a crontab (seems to be running as daemon) ? [09:35] brontosaurusrex: /etc/hosts.deny ? [09:38] brontosaurusrex: http://denyhosts.sourceforge.net/faq.html#2_12 === [1]Ivan2-Ian is now known as Ivan2-Ian [09:39] soren: you conned me :) === [1]Ivan2-Ian is now known as Ivan2-Ian [10:09] hey there, i got a mysql dump file (UTF-8) that shows a <82> token in some data. but if i grep for '<82>' it returns zero lines. [10:09] does someone know what´s going on there? [10:15] zul: I was going todo the dovecot merge - that OK with you? [10:18] Daviey: Did I? Cool! How? [10:23] soren: python-eventlet introduced a new universebuild-dep [10:24] soren: python-zmq.. it builds fine without it, am i right in saying we don't need that support? [10:24] I really don't want to pull zeromq into main unless we need it :) [10:24] Daviey: Oh, right :( Sorry about that. [10:25] Daviey: You can (or leave it to me, if you don't have time) demote the zmq dependency to a suggests and disable those tests for the test run. [10:25] soren: Suggest build-dep? :) [10:25] Smart arse. [10:26] Nuke the b-d, demote the runtime dep to a suggests. There is a runtime dep, isn't there? [10:26] hey how much is the ubuntu-standard installation on i386 does anyonw know? [10:26] soren: seems not [10:26] It's free. [10:26] Daviey: Oh. Easy. [10:26] soren: Yeah, i just wanted to check that there was nothing you knew of meaning we might need it. [10:26] Daviey: In fact (and I guess that's what you're saying), the test suite skips the zmq tests if python-zmq isn't installed. [10:26] Daviey: Not at all. [10:27] rocking [10:33] Daviey: Are you doing it, or shall I? [10:34] soren: done [10:34] Whee. [10:34] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-eventlet/0.9.16-1ubuntu1 [10:56] jamespage: k [11:02] koolhead17: sorry, what did you mean with that faq? the question was related with how this thing is packed for ubuntu basically .... [11:02] brb === gema_ is now known as gema [11:14] jamespage: ill trade you nut for dovecot [11:14] zul: already started [11:14] jamespage: do you mind if i take nut then [11:14] zul: good with me [11:56] New bug: #878122 in samba (main) "Package samba 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2.3 failed to install/upgrade duing upgrade from Ubuntu 11.04 to 11.10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/878122 [12:12] jamespage: are you tackling curl? [12:13] sneaky jamespage . [12:22] Daviey: sneaky? [12:33] 13:12 < Daviey> jamespage: are you tackling curl? [12:33] 13:12 -!- jamespage [~jamespage@ubuntu/member/jamespage] has quit [Quit: Coyote finally caught me] [12:39] Daviey: on my list [12:40] sorry - had issues with my bip proxy for some reason [12:41] jamespage: there problem is using bip.. znc ftw :) [13:02] morning [13:03] zul: morning!! [13:04] its just i feel more sleepy after that greetings. :) its 18.30 for me :P [13:04] lynxman: hello sir [13:05] koolhead17: hey [13:06] lynxman: you were so right!! many commands has changed in oneiric :P [13:06] koolhead17: told you ;) [13:06] *oops diablo [13:06] am making complete list of all trying one after the other. [13:07] i have yet not touched the nova commands though. [13:07] i am eager to know how many weeks/days i have in my hand before keystone gets into Oneiric, this way i have more time to experiment and understand on same :) [13:08] koolhead17: that's a good question :) [13:09] smb, jamespage - while you guys and jhunt are looking into #613273 - is there anything I can do about it myself in the meantime? (My VMs don't boot. That's sort of limiting my progress/operation a little bit) [13:10] * koolhead17 pokes zul Daviey jamespage soren and others!! :D [13:10] lynxman: you gonna be famous :) [13:12] koolhead17: someday... :) [13:14] jMCg, We will. Right now you probably could try to play with /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/init-bottom/udev (of the vm guest). Maybe try to add a sleep after the udev --exit (before the mount move) or something that resorts to pkill in a loop until none is left running... [13:17] Oh, and remember to recreate the initramfs (initramfs -u -k ). When playing there I mounted the guest fs and schrooted into it to do so [13:20] smb: my setup uses the host's /initrd.img: http://sprunge.us/OZSK so I guess I have to play with the host's scripts [13:21] But isn't udevadm control --timeout=61 --exit [13:21] This already a sleep of 61? [13:23] jMCg, modifying the hosts initrd should be working then, yes. I would understand it as it is forcefully exited after that time... So in that case udev at least thinks it has. [13:25] smb: udevadm's control says about --timeout: "The maximum number seonds to wait for a reply from udevd." [13:25] * smb wonders whether reply could be lying about the exit.. [13:26] Let's see what happens when I remove --timeout [13:27] I am not sure whether I really read it somewhere ... Clearly it will help to find out what exactly may be preventing the nuke of initramfs. Has the move mount succeeded, are there still any udev processes alive? [13:28] smb: hart do say when it panics. [13:28] I would maybe start adding echo of interesting data and a few delays to make it possible to read them [13:28] Well, I can do break=bottom and check out myself. [13:29] So removing the --timeout=61 did nothing. [13:29] jMCg, I put at least on our list to check whether we can just not panic in that case [13:30] smb: if I remove the panic script from bottom-init it should not panic, right? [13:31] jMCg, afaik it is the kernel that does it... [13:31] New bug: #878186 in libslf4j-java (universe) "[MIR] libslf4j-java" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/878186 [13:33] smb: when doing it by hand it just works; I guess I'm too slow. [13:33] Either that or the --timeout doesn't do a thing. [13:34] Not having looked at any source I would not rule that out either [13:34] But you should be able to confirm by just adding a sleep [13:34] smb: I'm adding ps :) [13:34] I've changed the root password but I can still log in with the old password.. and also the new password ??? how [13:37] smb: despite my removing of --timeout=61 there's no udev running: http://dpaste.com/637344/ - so I guess that's not the case [13:39] ssureshot: what, exactly, does the auth log say? (If you don't know where the auth log is, grep -ri auth /etc/*syslog*) === SWAT__ is now known as SWAT [13:42] is there a migration wiki for the linux literate but those never worked on ubuntu? [13:43] like a brief summary of tools available general overview of /etc ish [13:44] jMCg, Hm interesting. Unfortunately with the panic its hard to find out what is blocking here. The only thing to find out a bit simpler is whether something still in mounted on top of it... [13:47] zul: got puppet 2.7.5 ready for ya [13:48] zul: what do you prefer, branch... package... pony express? [13:49] lynxman: branch [13:49] zul: cool [13:49] smb: I just realized that my panic: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/613273/comments/13 and the original are.. different. [13:49] Launchpad bug 613273 in udev "kernel panic on ec2 in system_call_fastpath" [Undecided,Fix released] [13:50] in my case run-init is run, and on.. oh.. That is the case for the original description as well.. otherwise "attempting to kill init" coulndn't occur. [13:52] jMCg, The end is the same. As for the origin those could be completely different. All we know for sure is that something prevents all nodes from initramfs to be removed when it is tried to get rid of. [13:55] jMCg: here are the difference's in the auth log http://pastebin.com/e2QsZ4ii [13:58] ssureshot: what does your /etc/nsswitch.conf look like? [14:00] jMCg: http://pastebin.com/myLKpFu2 [14:02] ssureshot: well, there ya go. passwd will change /etc/shadow - so you'd have to do it three times: passwd -l files , passwd -l ldap , passwd -l winbind [14:02] Daviey: okies cobbler patches sent upstream [14:03] sweet [14:06] New bug: #878215 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2.3 failed to install/upgrade: sub-processo script post-installation instalado retornou estado de saída de erro 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/878215 [14:08] smb: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/613273/comments/15 [14:08] Launchpad bug 613273 in udev "kernel panic on ec2 in system_call_fastpath" [Undecided,Fix released] [14:08] jMCg: ah let me give that a try.. thats all local changes correct? [14:09] ssureshot: whoopas. [14:09] ssureshot: don't! [14:09] lol yeah I was just reading [14:09] don't want to lock [14:09] -r [14:09] not -l, sorry. [14:10] I just checked. It's not even that way on Solaris, so I really have no idea where my confusion comes from. [14:11] Oh, FreeBSD. [14:11] (sort of..) [14:11] http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?passwd [14:12] jCMg: lol roger that.. let me research this to make sure its what I need and wont' break anything.. I will let you know shortly.. thank you sir [14:14] ssureshot: I don't know your setup or your policies. So my consulting is slightly limited. [14:17] jMCg: yeah np man... I've actyally taken this server out of the balance and disabled all services iee. samba, apache, winbind ect.. it's one of my internal web servers.. [14:28] hey guys, what would be your recommendation for a kvm lvm setup? one logical group for all vms or one lvm partition for each vm? [14:37] will someone please close this for me https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystone/+bug/855467 [14:37] Launchpad bug 855467 in keystone "Keystone fails to locate any configuration file." [Undecided,Incomplete] [14:38] or i should add few more issues am facing on the same? [14:38] as comment ? [14:40] QUESTION: Is it reuired latest relase of OS for translation? [15:03] okey guys we have released our oneiric/diablo version of openstack book!! [15:03] koolhead17: \o/ [15:04] lynxman: hehe. it has your name too :) [15:04] hello kim0 [15:04] koolhead17: hey [15:05] kim0: how are you man? [15:05] going good [15:05] oh congrats about the book .. cool! [15:07] kim0: i thought you would have got mail by now!! :P [15:07] nah didn't get that one [15:09] kim0: you will get it soon!! :D [15:09] yeah have it now [15:12] New bug: #814038 in ipxe (main) "Please offer a grub-ipxe.deb package" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/814038 [15:16] New bug: #877549 in stringtemplate (universe) "[MIR] jython build dependencies" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/877549 === leonel22 is now known as leonel [15:31] congrats koolhead17, thats great news [15:31] jamespage: :D [15:31] am filling a bug and adding patch for the solution but am not sure if am doing it right [15:31] :P [15:32] its about keystone DB connection [15:32] * RoyK finds puppet being rather NICE! [15:32] RoyK: it is nice :) [15:32] lynxman: completed first day of training for it today... [15:33] RoyK: ooh cool, which course? [15:33] RoyK: I did the puppet developer one [15:33] lynxman: http://puppetlabs.com/events/redpill-linpro-puppet-master-training-oslo/ [15:33] they instructor is the debian packager [15:34] so he knows a few things [15:34] okey here is the book http://cssoss.wordpress.com/2011/10/19/openstack-beginners-guide-v2-0-for-diablo-on-ubuntu-11-10-oneiric-is-here/ [15:34] :D [15:34] Stig something [15:34] RoyK: oh puppet maste, schweetr [15:34] RoyK: stig is pretty cool - met him at puppetcamp earlier this year [15:34] ok :) [15:35] jamespage: he is [15:35] jamespage: is he related to the stig? [15:35] I'll be looking into automating nagios^Wicinga stuff later [15:35] jamespage: does he wear a helmet while meeting people? [15:35] haha - no [15:35] lynxman: Stig is a rather common Norwegian name :P [15:36] https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystone/+bug/878282 [15:36] Launchpad bug 878282 in keystone "keystone database connection error" [Undecided,New] [15:36] RoyK: I know :) but I couldn't avoid the question [15:36] :) [15:36] i would be very happy if someone can check this for me as i have added a patch too [15:36] :D [15:37] ERROR: (OperationalError) unable to open database file None None [15:37] * RoyK wouldn't be surprised if that was a configuration issue [15:37] RoyK: configuration for sure :) [15:37] RoyK: indeed [15:37] :D [15:38] lynxman: so can i say i contributed a patch fianlly :) [15:38] koolhead17: well done ;) [15:38] lynxman: hehehe [15:39] i just wanted to know if what i did is correct or not o.0 [15:41] Daviey, so I should create a new qemu-kvm-spice source package for the binary package, right? [15:41] just want to maek sure that won't cause problems [15:49] http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=cKo4FMzt_hM [15:57] Hey guys, I'm setting up some mgetty + pppd stuff, mgetty is irresistibly ignoring the options of three rings as in "rings 3" in config file or "-n 3" on command line, any of you have a clue about it??? [16:03] hey I'm trying to use ubuntu 11.10 with kvm and lvm and the question came up how easy it is to resize a vm running on lvm? [16:03] and how it would be done? thanks for any help or suggestion... [16:05] scalability-junk, same way you resize anything on vm [16:05] scalability-junk: I guess just assign a new virtual disk to the VM and use LVM to add more space [16:05] if you using lvm INSIDE the vm [16:07] ok just to make sure ;) The vm is running on lvm and I want to resize the vm [16:07] I'm annoying, expand lvm, restart vm, fdisk to make partition larger, resize2fs [16:07] fdisk and resize2fs would be inside the vm i reckon or? [16:07] yep [16:07] scalability-junk: are you using LVM inside the VM? [16:08] if using lvm inside, you would have to expend the vg/lv also [16:08] RoyK: not yet decided, what would you recommend? [16:08] royk's method of just using another disk is the most simplest, but can be annoying also [16:09] scalability-junk: as patdk-wk said, my method is to create a sufficiently large disk for the root and use (a) separate data disk(s) for the data [16:09] scalability-junk: without partition table(s) for the data drive(s) [16:09] that way expansion is simple [16:09] expantion then depends on lvm inside the vm [16:09] patdk-wk: yes [16:09] seems more complicated^^ having lvm on the host and lvm with root and data inside each vm... [16:10] I live without lvm here [16:10] scalability-junk: it's not [16:10] it's only more complex, if you edit the vm's on the host [16:10] by mounting them on the host directly [16:10] scalability-junk: just make sure the host has redundant data - if it has, you can just use striping with lvm for the guest [16:11] good point - why not nfs to the host? [16:11] royk, I'm assuming the vm won't work, that is why your fixing it via the host :) [16:11] I like to edit /etc/ stuff via mounting it host side, when I replicate a vm [16:11] patdk-wk: NFS from the host should be rather simple _and_ easy to recover from... [16:12] I don't see how nfs on the host has anything to do with this [16:12] unless you mean, store all data on the host over nfs [16:12] but that wouldn't fix my /etc issue [16:12] patdk-wk: I do [16:12] patdk-wk: but then, I don't know what your /etc issue is :P [16:12] cloning vm's [16:12] can't have two vm's running the same ip/mac/... at the same time [16:13] patdk-wk: the mac address isn't set in the guest's config, obviously [16:13] but ubuntu then screws up my eth0 device, so it needs fixing in the vm also [16:13] patdk-wk: not in the guest OS [16:14] patdk-wk: just rm /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules [16:14] and reboot [16:14] and eth0 will come up with the new mac addr [16:14] * zul lunches [16:14] yes and how do you do that? [16:14] with lvm in the guest, it's annoying [16:14] patdk-wk: you start the vm, obviously [16:14] no [16:14] patdk-wk: disconnected from the network [16:14] you fix it before you start the vm [16:15] patdk-wk: for mass rollout, I don't know [16:15] can't login to it when it doesn't have network :) [16:15] patdk-wk: you have a console, don't you? [16:15] not to the vm's nope [16:15] patdk-wk: I use virt-manager for that sort of things [16:15] gives me a good console or a vnc screen [16:16] I could do vnc screen, but that is just annoying [16:16] and ubuntu has been hanging on boot, if network doesn't work, and you have nfs in fstab [16:16] dunno if that got fixed, but is a horrible issue for me in lucid [16:17] patdk-wk: not if you use _netdev in the mount options in fstab [16:17] is it possible to make lvm based vms with virt-manager? (--raw) [16:17] royk, I am [16:18] zul: around for a question? [16:18] patdk-wk: then boot in single? [16:18] how does one boot in single, without console? [16:18] jamespage: me and my sandwich is available [16:18] patdk-wk: kvm gives you a vnc onsole... [16:18] zul: marvellous [16:18] patdk-wk: if you configure it correctly :P [16:18] ya, not using kvm [16:19] using xen on these, and have vnc console disabled [16:19] it's just annoying [16:19] patdk-wk: then don't blame me :P [16:19] would have to enable it, open firewall ports, redirects, ... [16:19] having a VM without a console isn't very smart :P [16:19] it is just so much easier to mount it on the host [16:19] RoAkSoAx: any idea if virt-manager supports --raw? [16:20] zul: so its with regards to the dovecot merge [16:21] latest debian version renames dovecot-common -> dovecot-core [16:21] (which is fine - dealt with that just fine) [16:21] ok [16:21] dovecot-common is still there - but is a transitional package [16:22] it Recommends: dovecot-gssapi, dovecot-sieve, dovecot-pgsql, dovecot-mysql, dovecot-sqlite, dovecot-ldap [16:22] ok [16:22] which I find odd [16:22] yeah [16:22] as the old dovecot-common package never did [16:22] so when I try to upgrade from the previous version it tries to install a load of extra packages [16:23] the gssapi, etc etc etc [16:23] ? [16:23] dovecot-core dovecot-gssapi dovecot-ldap dovecot-mysql dovecot-pgsql dovecot-sqlite libmysqlclient16 libpq5 mysql-common [16:23] yep [16:23] dovecot-core provides/breaks/replaces dovecot-common [16:24] I could demote then to recommends but I can't figure out what the intent is (if any) [16:24] sorry to suggests [16:24] so bump the the ldap mysql to suggests [16:24] or you could email the debian developer to see what crack they were on [16:25] zul: ack [16:27] scalability-junk: nope [16:27] RoAkSoAx: thanks and damn :D [16:28] * zul goes back to eating his sandwich [16:29] * scalability-junk wants a sandwich too :( [16:30] zul: does Debian install recommends by default? [16:30] i dont think so [16:33] that might be it then [16:35] * RoAkSoAx /WIN 18 [16:35] LOL [16:40] lynxman: ping [16:51] * RoAkSoAx will be back in an hour [17:17] RoyK: pong [17:23] lynxman: I know I should RTFM before asking, but from where does puppet include its manifests? [17:24] RoyK: by default /etc/puppet/modules [17:24] RoyK: is that what you wanted to know? :) [17:25] * lynxman wonders if he got the question right [17:32] lynxman: I'm very new at this - I added something to the manifest, for checking afpd etc, tried to kill afpd and waited for it to restore itself, which it didn't [17:33] RoyK: aah okay, a couple things then [17:33] RoyK: /etc/puppet/manifests/nodes.pp is where you define each node (or a node role) for puppet [17:33] RoyK: then there you "include" the modules [17:33] RoyK: node "aaa" { include afp } [17:33] RoyK: then the module will be in /etc/puppet/modules/afp/manifests/init.pp [17:34] * scalability-junk tried to set up kvm +lvm with ubuntu 11.10 and tried to build the vm with vmbuilder, but it seems it won't start. [17:34] so, service-centric, not host-centric? [17:34] I guess I can ask again in a couple of days - more training tomorrow :) [17:35] just a bit eager..... [17:35] I got no error while creating and it shows up as deploayed, but when I start it up and use the vnc too look into the vm all I get is SeaBios (...) Booting from Hard DIsk [17:35] any idea? [17:35] _jfb: wb [17:36] <_jfb> RoyK: ;) trying to figure irssi. [17:37] <_jfb> RoyK: what's your client of choice? [17:37] heh - it's not that hard, but the config file can be troublesome for starters :) [17:38] _jfb: imho we should have an IRC channel, or perhaps a server, for internal communications - I don't dare say that to Morten, he'll probably buy something from M$ instead.... [17:39] <_jfb> RoyK: god.. yes, I'm a bit worried that MS bought Skype... need to get folks on irc! [17:39] yeah [17:39] when AIM and MSN came out my only thoughts were "but... I have IRC, why do I need this crap" [17:40] exactly [17:41] _jfb: see PM [17:41] New bug: #878361 in mysql-5.1 (main) "package mysql-server-5.1 5.1.54-1ubuntu4 failed to install/upgrade: le sous-processus script post-installation installé a retourné une erreur de sortie d'état 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/878361 === _jfb is now known as jfb_h2o [17:48] RoyK: yeah it's node centric, or let's say nodeclass centric [17:48] RoyK: but I guess you'll see that tomorrow :) [17:49] lynxman: thanks, but I guess I'll ask again after friday's session if I still wonder :P === jfb_h2o is now known as _jfb [17:51] RoyK: sure :) [17:52] :) [17:58] hello again guys, mgetty is answering after only 1 ring, and I've done almost everything, from passing "-n 3" in the command line to setting up "rings 3" in mgetty.config, still answer in 1 ring, any clues on what I might be missing ??? [18:00] any clues??? [18:07] blackxored: maybe your modem auto-answer is set up to answer in 1 rings. [18:08] just-a-visitor, how can I check that? [18:10] blackxored: I'm reading the mgetty manual (http://mgetty.greenie.net/doc/mgetty_16.html#SEC16) it mentions the ATS0=... command. Not sure how to list the modem registers, though. [18:12] just-a-visitor, I went there as well [18:12] ATS0= [18:12] doesn't work :( [18:13] Well, I'm afraid that was my tip. :-/ [18:13] just-a-visitor, thanks for it, really, but I went there, as I just said [18:13] :P [18:15] Daviey, just wanted to point you to bug 878402 in case there's anything you can do to kick it along [18:15] Launchpad bug 878402 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] qemu-kvm-spice" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/878402 [18:17] hi all === med_out is now known as med === med is now known as medberry [18:55] zul, anyone else - so has anyone looked into all these samba bugs? [18:55] hallyn: not yet [18:55] ok [18:55] i'd seen them mentioned so was wondering [18:58] Daviey, what's your costume for the uds party? :) [19:06] a pineapple [19:15] zul: then he'd have to eat himself [19:16] SpamapS: thatsso wrong [19:17] zul: maybe he should come as Johnny Knoxville [19:17] SpamapS: heh and i can come as preston === leonel22 is now known as leonel [19:47] Hello! [19:47] I need some help installing ubuntu server 11.10. [19:48] It does not find my sata raid 1 device [19:49] zul, any progress on libvirt merge? [19:51] should I go back to looking at the two test failures? (if you have it under control, i'll go do spec+blueprint work) [19:54] kirkland, the ubuntu 5-th grader story is neat :) [19:55] hallyn: :-) thanks [19:58] New bug: #878456 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2.3 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: package samba is not ready for configuration cannot configure (current status `half-installed')" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/878456 [19:58] Daviey: ping [20:01] hallyn: almost under control [20:03] zul, cool, thanks. [20:04] hallyn: but im going to do some spec writing as well :) [20:11] koolhead17: hola [20:12] marrusl: ping [20:12] Ursinha: possibly wonderwoman [20:12] http://www.newyorkgirlstyle.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/wonderwoman21.jpg [20:12] Daviey: the openstack diablo book is out :P [20:13] koolhead17: Yeah, i've seen it :) [20:13] Daviey: it has no keystone if u noticed :P [20:14] koolhead17: or dashboard :( [20:14] Daviey: yes. :( [20:15] Daviey: all because of role based access control. i got older dashboard working but was of no use as role based access control was not working well at all [20:15] although am able to run dashboard/keystone via github repo :P [20:18] koolhead17: so Essex / Precise 12.04 will ROCK [20:21] hallyn: does qemu-kvm need changing to remove the spice love? [20:22] Daviey, done [20:22] check the 0.15.0 now in archive [20:22] Daviey: yes am sure of it. because role based access will become more clear at Essex https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystone/+bug/843060 [20:22] Launchpad bug 843060 in keystone "NOVA RBAC Support" [High,Confirmed] [20:23] hallyn: rocking [20:23] hallyn: I don't thin there is much to review TBH.. it's the same source package, just slightly modified? [20:23] happy for me to upload it? [20:24] Yes, I am. [20:24] when spice gets into main, we just delete that package, right? [20:24] yeah [20:24] cool [20:24] hallyn: should it depend on qemu-kvm? [20:24] yes [20:25] it certainly does [20:25] ok [20:25] Daviey, is what i handed you *not* depending on it the right way? [20:26] hallyn: No, i thought this package wouldn't need qemu-kvm, as it would ship it's own. [20:26] Daviey, no, all of the other cruft comes from qemu-kvm, to minimze chance of conflicts [20:26] so qemu-kvm-spice only ships the *-spice binaries, nothing else [20:27] hallyn: did you see, W: qemu-kvm-spice source: debhelper-overrides-need-versioned-build-depends (>= 7.0.50~) [20:27] ? [20:27] no i didn't. nor do i know what that means [20:28] Hm, yes I do see it in the .build [20:28] hallyn: it's not a blocker i don't think.. http://lintian.debian.org/tags/debhelper-overrides-need-versioned-build-depends.html [20:29] precise has > dh 7, so we are ok.. it's really for backportability. [20:29] Daviey, i see [20:30] so just the version specified in debian/control woudl be updated to silence that? [20:31] hallyn: yeah [20:32] hallyn: i'll throw it in before uploading. [20:34] Daviey, thanks. do you want to also toss a LP: #878402 tag in the changelog? [20:34] I'm unclear on whether I needed to create that bug or not. [20:35] bug 878402 [20:35] Launchpad bug 878402 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] qemu-kvm-spice" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/878402 [20:35] bug 723796 [20:35] Launchpad bug 723796 in qemu-kvm "Enable spice in kvm (dup-of: 828789)" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/723796 [20:35] Launchpad bug 828789 in qemu-kvm "please enable spice support" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/828789 [20:36] whilst it's not quite a dupe, i'd be inclined to mark 878402 a dupe of 723796 :) [20:36] fine by me! [20:39] hmm, i swapped the bug number out for the needs-packaging one..we can close the other one when it's fixed in kvm core? [20:39] Daviey, makes sense [20:39] wtf, my spec on wiki disappeared [20:40] hallyn: blmae jcastro [20:40] drat! [20:41] hallyn: ack this, and i'll upload - http://pb.daviey.com/AOK2/ [20:41] Daviey, what is the ~ at end of version? [20:41] Daviey, ack [20:42] hallyn: more of a Debian thing for backports. [20:42] foo~lenny < foo , and that is what dh would be backported as. [20:43] got it, thx [20:46] <-- Technical DIFFICULTIES. I selected my eth0 card, it goes through all the setup, and after DHCP it leaves me at a purple screen with a white bar at the bottom. (Durring install of Ubuntu 11.10 64-bit..) e.e i thought it might be slow, but it still hasn't done anything, tried multiple times. [20:51] and...there we go again... [20:51] terminal is saying "mismatching client id" [20:53] worked on my modem but not my router....straaaaaaaaange [20:53] oh well. === lullabud is now known as warzauwynn === flatline is now known as Guest81487 [21:29] quick postfix doubt: to configure a forward in /etc/aliases to an external email, and preserve a copy, I should use: login: external@gmail.com, login ? Or will this cause a mail loop? [21:30] If you were using Exim, I could answer that :-) [21:35] what's the syntax for /etc/aliases in exim? would this work, or create a loop? [21:35] * philsf thinks the syntax is common, sendmail-inherited [21:38] Exim will understand what you said, and do the right thing [21:38] why would you ask that in a postfix channel? when it's for exim? [21:39] * maxb thinks Patrickdk is not in the channel he thinks he is in [21:39] maxb doesn't know better [21:39] when philsf spammed every channel on freenode with that question :) [21:40] 10 min is my wait time for an answer in a chan, lol [21:40] 10min isn't enough to do anything [21:40] I normally get my answers a good 24-48h after I ask them [21:40] and normally they are very good answers [21:41] right, unfortunately I can't leave my IRC client online for that kind of period [21:42] then maybe you should as a maillist/forum then [21:42] as you don't have to maintain a connection for those [21:43] I'll keep that in mind, thanks Patrickdk. and sorry for the spam [21:46] New bug: #878525 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2.3 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: package samba is not ready for configuration cannot configure (current status `half-installed')" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/878525 === lullabud is now known as warzauwynn [22:12] RoAkSoAx, pong! sorry. I was away there. still around? [22:16] marrusl: yeah for a bit [22:27] is there any way to add a arbitrary directory to proftpd.conf ? === [1]Ivan2-Ian is now known as Ivan2-Ian === koolhead17 is now known as koolhead17|zzZZZ [22:48] howdy. [22:49] I just upgraded my home-server to 11.10. Works nicely, except I'm having some minor issues with netatalk (mac client connecting to server at ubuntu). [22:49] It seems to work nicely for one share, but not for the other (large one, of another drive) [22:49] throws errors like. [22:49] Oct 20 01:42:26 g5 afpd[2460]: dbd_rpc: Error reading header from fd (db_dir /Volumes/RAID): Connection reset by peer [22:50] If I try to run dbd on the drive, I get an memory error. [22:50] Oct 20 01:50:03.842126 [2525] {dbif.c:648} (E:CNID): Failed to associate name index: Cannot allocate memory [22:50] I guess, now dbd should be upgradeing the db, but something goees wrong. [22:51] anyone got a clue? === [1]Ivan2-Ian is now known as Ivan2-Ian [23:21] did kickstart/preseeding change in oneiric? === [1]Ivan2-Ian is now known as Ivan2-Ian