charlie_ | Oneiric Ocelot display works terrible for me | 00:06 |
myers | is there a code i could typed in the termanal? just to update it? | 00:07 |
charlie_ | can anybody feel me | 00:07 |
charlie_ | the oreiric upgrade sucks to use | 00:08 |
charlie_ | can anyone help | 00:09 |
charlie_ | Oneiric Ocelot | 00:12 |
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phiscribe | is there a way to set desktop effects PER monitor | 01:01 |
phiscribe | if i have one monitor open to read or watch chat or whatever, i dont want it to dim | 01:02 |
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ep | Okay, I keep getting an annoying popup "reminding" me to upgrade to oneric. Happans every 10 minutes of so. There no intuitive way to disable it. Anybody know how? | 01:24 |
ep | What i f I don't wnat to upgrade? 11.04 is a LTS. This is some braindead programming. I can see a popup when I log on. But every 10 minutes for etenity? | 01:26 |
ep | It's the notification applet by the way. | 01:27 |
DarthFrog | 11.04 isn't an LTS. Lucid, i.e. 10.04 was the last LTS. | 01:52 |
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diego_ | anyone knows glut library? glut.h? | 02:00 |
Demicolon9 | Hi I have quick question: How do I change the colors of GNOME applications in KDE? When I try and google it I get TONS of results for doing the reverse, but none for this way around. My guess is because it's probably simple/obvious, but I've somehow missed it. | 02:05 |
mase_work | ep: the braindead programmers apparently realise that 11.04 is _not_ and LTS | 02:05 |
mase_work | an* | 02:06 |
ep | mase_work: my point still stands. I don't want to upgrade. THe popup is annoying. THere's not an intuitive way to turn it off. | 02:07 |
mase_work | ep: fair enough. Have you submitted a bug report ? If so can you please provide me with the # and i'll have a look and see what is going on | 02:09 |
zico_ | btw What different Kubuntu Desktop with Kubuntu_low-fat-settings? | 02:10 |
ep | Well it's getting late here. If I don't figure out a solution with a forum search. I'll submit a bug report later, perhaps | 02:11 |
mase_work | ep: can you not just disable the service if it bugs you that much ? | 02:14 |
ep | mase_work: i can but i happen to like other notifications it gives me. Don't really want to miss out on em. | 02:15 |
mase_work | removing it via the service manager should prevent the popup | 02:15 |
mase_work | no not the notification manager | 02:15 |
mase_work | actually in muon you can turn off distribution notices | 02:17 |
mase_work | in the config | 02:17 |
mase_work | not sure if it's using muon by default, i think it is | 02:17 |
ep | mase_work: well i'm still kpackagekit. moun is equivalent in 11.10, right? | 02:19 |
mase_work | yes. | 02:19 |
mase_work | i don't have kpackagekit installed | 02:20 |
Demicolon9 | I found GTK+ apprearance options in System Settings, though this gives no way to adjust the colors : / | 02:21 |
Demicolon9 | *appearance | 02:21 |
phiscribe | open it when it pops up next or open kpackage kit and go to settings, turn off notify when updates are ready | 02:23 |
phiscribe | Demicolon9, i am not sure i have a gnome app to check, but i SEE the optio under system settings - application appearance, col ors, option Apply colours to non_KDE4 applications | 02:26 |
phiscribe | if that doesnt work u probably need some gnome thingy to do it | 02:27 |
Demicolon9 | phiscribe, Awesome, thanks! | 02:27 |
Demicolon9 | phiscribe, Interesting that worked for everything but synaptic. Good enough for me =D | 02:29 |
Demicolon9 | Thanks again | 02:29 |
phiscribe | any way to turn off the dimming of window without focus? would like to turn it off per monitor , but might settle for off, can see anything on second monitor clearly that way | 02:29 |
phiscribe | Demicolon9, restarting the app might change it, but ive seen some that dont budge | 02:29 |
Demicolon9 | phiscribe, What you're looking for is one of the desktop effects, AFAIK it's not configurable per-monitor, though. | 02:30 |
phiscribe | i kinda like the effect but not for two monitors, i have this chat for example on one, can barely read it im working on the other | 02:31 |
Demicolon9 | phiscribe, never mind.. there's two things that affect dimming: SystemSettings>ApplicationAppearance>Colors>Options>Apply inactive window color effects | 02:32 |
Demicolon9 | and SystemSettings>DesktopEffects>AllEffects> (Blur, Translucency, Dim Inactive) Would all affect how inactive windows look | 02:33 |
phiscribe | gonna have to turn em all off as purty as they are....mmm purty | 02:34 |
Demicolon9 | phiscribe, There's a way to do it per-application with the proper compiz configuration tools, but afaik no way to do it per-monitor, though I wouldn't be surprised for someone to prove me wrong | 02:34 |
hanasaki | how much memory should I expect to be used with one login and no other apps running? | 02:35 |
Demicolon9 | phiscribe, So many shinies in KDE/Compiz.. Gotta tone it down myself, too, though else I'm spending more time playing with the windows/staring at the desktop than being productive | 02:36 |
Demicolon9 | hanasaki, depends on your setup, widgets, desktop effects and other options. I could create a new user account and check for you if you want. KDE isn't the most lightweight, but it isn't terrible per se on recent hardware | 02:37 |
hanasaki | Demicolon9: thanks.. just a ballpark number? 700mb? 1gb?1.2gb? | 02:37 |
Demicolon9 | let me check, brb! | 02:38 |
phiscribe | how about a way to set default font size per monitor hehe | 02:38 |
hanasaki | running 11.10 / when I run kontact it it fails/// no resource agents found and akonadi control and server process not registered in dbus. nepomuk search engine not registered in dbus | 02:40 |
phiscribe | hanasaki, linux uses as much avialble memory as it can without hitting swap, i always tries to fill it up so things run faster | 02:40 |
phiscribe | it does that is | 02:40 |
phiscribe | mines using 3.5gb of ram atm | 02:41 |
phiscribe | but zero swap | 02:41 |
hanasaki | 111019 21:42:25 InnoDB: Operating system error number 13 in a file operation. | 02:42 |
hanasaki | InnoDB: The error means mysqld does not have the access rights to | 02:42 |
hanasaki | that is from akonadictl start | 02:43 |
Demicolon9 | I'm using 1.3GB ram | 02:43 |
phiscribe | kmail and anything usein gthe akonadi servies took a hit with the upgrade, check the reelase notes they are working on it | 02:43 |
hanasaki | hmm about the same here thanks Demicolon9 | 02:43 |
hanasaki | I have 8 .. so its ok | 02:43 |
Demicolon9 | that's with 6 dual-desktops (dual monitor), firefox, chromium and x-chat, actually | 02:43 |
phiscribe | i closed the browsser with about 20 tabs got freed another gig of ram | 02:43 |
Demicolon9 | Oo I'm surprised how little it is, considering | 02:44 |
hanasaki | Demicolon9: so its .3gig with apps closed? | 02:44 |
phiscribe | it was horibble a few days ago i was plagued with bugs, i think mos are squashed now, it seem stable, though it diied over night, could not find anything in logs | 02:45 |
bbeck | Is anyone using the E-plasma desktop theme (it's very nice), and if so, does your krunner dialog look white (which doesn't match the theme) | 02:45 |
hanasaki | can you run kontact ok? I get the above error when it tries to run mysql | 02:45 |
Demicolon9 | hanasaki, Just closed everything but x-chat and with 6 dual-screen desktops with individual wallpapers it's down to a gig flat | 02:46 |
phiscribe | kontact calander mail some notes broken on 11.10 | 02:46 |
Demicolon9 | So I'd wager without desktop effects and a single desktop on a single screen I'd likely be looking at 0.4GB | 02:47 |
Demicolon9 | maybe 0.5 | 02:47 |
phiscribe | Migration to KMail 2 does not work, see KMail 2 migration. | 02:47 |
phiscribe | | 02:48 |
phiscribe | Bug 259355 - kmail terminates during startup with "Failed to fetch the resource collection." | 02:48 |
ubottu | KDE bug 259355 in general "kmail terminates during startup with "Failed to fetch the resource collection "" [Major,New] | 02:48 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 259355 in usplash (Ubuntu) "[Intrepid] GNOME session does not start" [Undecided,Invalid] | 02:48 |
Demicolon9 | now that's a useful bot | 02:48 |
phiscribe | it is ALMOST useful, | 02:49 |
Demicolon9 | heh | 02:49 |
phiscribe | it doesnt suggest those bugs much not sure what is triggers are | 02:49 |
Demicolon9 | i suppose not near as useful as, say, evalbot | 02:49 |
phiscribe | but i paste the link and it pastes it again | 02:49 |
Demicolon9 | let me try BUG 259354 random text | 02:50 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 94512 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #259354 Nautilus->folder Properties->Permissions: No recursive CHOWN" [Wishlist,Triaged] | 02:50 |
Demicolon9 | Looks to be 'bug'+ string of numbers | 02:50 |
phiscribe | bug nautilus permissions | 02:50 |
Demicolon9 | bug terminal transparency nvidia | 02:51 |
phiscribe | that us what should i think triger it, but it might have too many to list | 02:51 |
Demicolon9 | I guess it's just actual references rather than keywords.. not as useful as it could be, but meh | 02:51 |
Demicolon9 | =P | 02:51 |
phiscribe | hot bugs | 02:51 |
phiscribe | ubottu is a bug | 02:52 |
ubottu | phiscribe: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 02:52 |
Demicolon9 | out of curiosity bug 100000 | 02:52 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 100000 in Launchpad itself "There are still too many bug reports" [Undecided,Invalid] | 02:52 |
Demicolon9 | heh | 02:52 |
phiscribe | ubottu needs a date with a markolv chain | 02:52 |
ubottu | phiscribe: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 02:52 |
Demicolon9 | lol | 02:52 |
phiscribe | they got a bot in duckduckgo channel, it spits out bablee that is so close to coherant its funny a pig with lipstick | 02:54 |
saintdev | hi, i'm having trouble connecting to wireless networks after upgrading to oneric. I'm using network manager, and it won't automatically connect to any network. in addition all my previously defined networks are now gone. | 02:55 |
saintdev | when i try to edit a network it only asks for the wallet password once, and gives an error "No agents were available for this request" . | 02:57 |
phiscribe | saintdev, could be this Bug #811441 | 02:57 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 858122 in sysvinit (Ubuntu Precise) "duplicate for #811441 incomplete migration to /run (shutdown script order has been demolished)" [High,Triaged] | 02:57 |
phiscribe | dbus dies and it effecst network manager | 02:58 |
phiscribe | or this Bug #263392 | 02:59 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 263392 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "MASTER NetworkManager crashed with SIGSEGV in g_str_hash()" [High,Triaged] | 02:59 |
phiscribe | or this Bug #389006 | 02:59 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 389006 in network-manager (Ubuntu Lucid) "NetworkManager Internet Connection Sharing fails to route DNS" [High,Fix committed] | 02:59 |
saintdev | dbus seems to be running fine. networkmanager never crashes. it's just like it isn't opening the wallet correctly | 03:00 |
phiscribe | wallet uses dbus | 03:00 |
phiscribe | one problem is that there are new locations for /var /var/run ..lock and some others | 03:01 |
phiscribe | but some apps dont know it | 03:01 |
phiscribe | so everything breaks, solution, create the folders they are looking to use in the right location without breaking it for new updates | 03:01 |
Demicolon9 | phiscribe, ouch, that's messy | 03:01 |
Demicolon9 | as in that they released it that way | 03:01 |
phiscribe | yeah, its right on the realease nots page | 03:02 |
Demicolon9 | Should have put some transitional backward compatibility in place | 03:02 |
Demicolon9 | Glad i added KDE-Desktop to my laptop 3 days ago rather than now =D Close call | 03:03 |
phiscribe | ah its getting over complex, they need to stop building these tools and start using them for awhile, take a big breathe, get drunk have a vision | 03:04 |
Demicolon9 | I usually run with something lightweight like peppermint or puppy until I get Shinies-deprived, then add kubuntu-desktop =P | 03:04 |
Demicolon9 | phiscribe, lol | 03:05 |
phiscribe | im still on 11.04, i didnt know 11.10 was coming, i installed 11.04 two days before the upgrade and i found it buggy as the roach motel | 03:05 |
phiscribe | i aint gonna touch 11.10 until its settled abit | 03:05 |
phiscribe | took forever to make this one behave | 03:05 |
phiscribe | kde is soo pretty though Demicolon9 sexy even | 03:06 |
phiscribe | not so good in sack, needs to work on it | 03:06 |
Demicolon9 | phiscribe, It's strange: Whenever I try and install kubuntu from the official or alternate CD, it's bugville, but adding kubuntu-desktop to pretty much any non kde distro via apt-get is usually smooth sailing.. strikes me as really odd | 03:06 |
phiscribe | but i was kinda looking for a trophy os | 03:06 |
Demicolon9 | I can see not wanting to touch things after a buggy setup for sure.. though i give the devs a bit less of a hard time after trying (and failing) gentoo for 'fun' | 03:08 |
phiscribe | cause its know two distro,s, two versions its all the same, people just rope parts into fences and called it this or that, when u start with one and add the deksktop your more likely to ge t all the componets you need, makes it more robust | 03:08 |
phiscribe | but then u never know what controls what | 03:08 |
phiscribe | so makes it complex | 03:08 |
phiscribe | u want compex or robust | 03:08 |
Demicolon9 | phiscribe, I want whatever I have now xD It's running beautiful and looking beautiful, haven't been happier in a while OS wise | 03:09 |
phiscribe | same bugs u see here, in ever distro | 03:09 |
saintdev | phiscribe: dbus is still running, and dbus-monitor shows messages being passed back and forth | 03:09 |
phiscribe | every | 03:09 |
Demicolon9 | even got flash video working accellerated in HD without screen tearing on a dual monitor setup, I was excstatic | 03:10 |
phiscribe | saintdev, can you find a log someplace to see what net manager is doing maybe syslog or dmesg, see if it is waiting or starts and does nothing else | 03:10 |
phiscribe | Ksystemlog maybe | 03:11 |
phiscribe | i think apparmor is supposed to keep that alive | 03:13 |
phiscribe | saintdev im diggin for u | 03:13 |
phiscribe | saintdev, do a cat /etc/resolv.conf | 03:13 |
phiscribe | see if you have correct dns nameserver | 03:13 |
saintdev | the only place NM prints anything is in syslog, but that is only related to establishing or tearing down a connection | 03:14 |
saintdev | phiscribe: what does DNS have to do with anything?????? | 03:14 |
phiscribe | i am not sure other than there is a chain of events where hetwork manger is loading, reading from one place, it erases resolv.conf at one point and writes back to in another, knowing if there is date there tells how far it got or if got anywhere | 03:15 |
phiscribe | i dont know the full logic of how it works just some of the symptoms | 03:16 |
saintdev | it establishes a connection just fine (when i am able to tell it to), it just won't store (or read any existing stored) info. | 03:17 |
phiscribe | so like now ability to get your wifi password and use, | 03:18 |
phiscribe | no ability | 03:18 |
saintdev | yes | 03:18 |
phiscribe | what does iwconifg show | 03:20 |
phiscribe | + | 03:20 |
phiscribe | oops | 03:20 |
phiscribe | does it see the card and is it attached | 03:20 |
saintdev | yes, i am connected right now..... | 03:21 |
phiscribe | is it a broad com | 03:21 |
saintdev | atheros | 03:21 |
Demicolon9 | saintdev, Does it affect other applications accessing the wallet? (Browser, IM client, etc) | 03:23 |
phiscribe | i was going to ask you that | 03:24 |
phiscribe | can wallet start, can open the wallet configuratin | 03:24 |
saintdev | phiscribe: yes, and yes | 03:24 |
phiscribe | have you tried creating a new network and entering allthe info again | 03:25 |
phiscribe | a new wireless entry that is | 03:25 |
saintdev | Demicolon9: i'm not sure. the only other thing that uses the wallet is Chrome, and I haven't noticed wallet password popup when i open it | 03:26 |
saintdev | phiscribe: yes, but it creates a new one each time i try to connect anyway | 03:26 |
saintdev | (so I end up with multiple networks with the same info in the management window) | 03:26 |
Demicolon9 | saintdev, try going to a website requiring a password, when latest logging in it should try and open the wallet | 03:26 |
phiscribe | not if you told it not never ask again, | 03:27 |
Demicolon9 | phiscribe, true... forgot about that | 03:27 |
saintdev | just closed all wallets and restarted Chrome, got a popup | 03:27 |
Demicolon9 | when accepting, does the auto-fill work? | 03:28 |
saintdev | need a form to fill out ^_^ | 03:29 |
saintdev | all my passwords/autofill info seems to be there | 03:30 |
Demicolon9 | saintdev, good news so far, just try and get it to autofill a form | 03:32 |
Demicolon9 | if that works we know it's not an issue with the wallet system itself, but rather the way the network manager and wallet communicate.. or an issue with network manager itself | 03:32 |
phiscribe | still he should be able to kill kwallet and do it manuly | 03:37 |
saintdev | yeah, works fine | 03:38 |
phiscribe | wep or wpa | 03:41 |
saintdev | doesn't make a difference (i've tried with both, same thing). | 03:43 |
bkovacs | Cups printing still messed up with update in 11.10 | 03:43 |
bkovacs | I own a Epson Stylus Photo R340 and Cups does not recognize my printer at all. Only as a storage device. PCLinuxOS 2011 and Kubuntu 11.04 had no problems recognizing my printer. | 03:44 |
phiscribe | saintdev, be nice to get some console out put from that thing, not sure how to do that with a plasma widget | 03:45 |
bkovacs | I also had problems with Linux Mint Debian Edition and Mandriva 2011. Cups printing has done something to mess this up. | 03:45 |
bkovacs | Several people with Epson printers are also listing this a a bug | 03:46 |
saintdev | phiscribe: yeah, me either =P | 03:46 |
phiscribe | bugs are global now | 03:46 |
bkovacs | I cannot use Kubuntu 11.01 without my printer working. | 03:46 |
phiscribe | i wonder | 03:47 |
bkovacs | Also when exiting system settings after trying to get my printer working. Getting crashes every time | 03:47 |
bkovacs | I cannot use Kubuntu 11.10 without my printer working, what I meant | 03:48 |
bkovacs | Cups is broken | 03:48 |
bkovacs | If several of the new distros cannot get my printer to work, and Cups is a common denominator than Cups is the culprite. | 03:49 |
phiscribe | saintdev, it should right to syslog try cat /var/log/syslog | grep NetworkManger | 03:50 |
phiscribe | bkovacs, im stil on 11.04, can you open your web browser at http://localhost:631 <---- click that | 03:50 |
saintdev | phiscribe: yeah, but that is only when you connect/disconnect to a network, not when you're editing connections | 03:51 |
bkovacs | phiscribe, I uninstalled Kubuntu 11.10 and am now on PCLinuxOS 2011. Tried that and the usb printer was not recognized . The only printer recognized was a new epson network printer. Not the one hardwired to my PC. | 03:51 |
phiscribe | yeah we need thepoint of failure when it tries to get the password | 03:51 |
saintdev | phiscribe: well, it just pops up the dialog asking for the password, instead of reading it from the wallet | 03:52 |
phiscribe | bkovacs, maybe you are missing ppd files i dont know, but can you get in to the cups admin via the web page | 03:52 |
phiscribe | saintdev, what about the auth.log, maybe enter a bad password just to rack it | 03:53 |
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bkovacs | It should just work. Cups should automatically recognize my printer, like previous releases. | 03:53 |
bkovacs | I shouldn't have to configure anything. It worked in the past release. What changed to cause it to fail this time. tat's the question | 03:54 |
phiscribe | yes bkovacs it should, but its not so can you open http://localhost:631 and see if 1 works 2 has any error messages | 03:54 |
bkovacs | I'm not running Kubuntu 11.10 right now | 03:54 |
phiscribe | any distro with cups http://localhost:631 | 03:55 |
bkovacs | I spent half a day trying to get it to work | 03:55 |
bkovacs | Got rid of it, and installed a working distro | 03:55 |
phiscribe | os it is working now in that one | 03:55 |
bkovacs | Yes!. PCLinuxOS 2011 works fine. Once I powered up my printer, it was recognized. | 03:56 |
saintdev | phiscribe: wallet/NM don't write anything to auth.log | 03:56 |
bkovacs | All Kubuntu recognized was network printer in another room | 03:56 |
bkovacs | Kubuntu needs to go back to the version of Cups used in 11.04 | 03:57 |
bkovacs | It asksed for a Device URI ID, but how am I suppose to know that. Or even find out what it is, without running a distro that works, and writing it down. | 03:59 |
phiscribe | saintdev, can you check if you have a process called console-kit or console-kit-dae or kcoservative running | 04:00 |
bkovacs | The Kubuntu team needs to backtrack on Cups and update distro to an older version. New version is broken | 04:00 |
phiscribe | bkovacs, its not a broken cups, its mising package, maybe they need to repackage it, but it needs a ppd file, you could probably install it from the repository and would have worked | 04:01 |
bkovacs | Plus why is system setting crashing all the tim. When I had been running 11.04 with KDE 4.7.1, no problems at all | 04:01 |
phiscribe | bugs | 04:01 |
phiscribe | lots of em | 04:01 |
bkovacs | If we got bugs, than don't release tha damm product! | 04:01 |
saintdev | phiscribe: i have console-kit-dae | 04:02 |
saintdev | nothing would ever get released that way ^_^ | 04:02 |
phiscribe | clue less saintdev | 04:02 |
bkovacs | Seems like Unity was the main focus of the release cycle. | 04:02 |
phiscribe | yeah bkovacs it would be nice, but also, as crazy as releasing a new version with bad bugs is, upgrading to a release less than a week old is just dumb, so dont up it all on them | 04:03 |
phiscribe | at least if you do be happy with the blood of the bleeeding edge | 04:03 |
bkovacs | Yeah I learned my lesson! | 04:03 |
phiscribe | but ido agree they could slow down a bit and let everyone not get gray hair any faster, user, developer everybody | 04:04 |
bkovacs | But unless we have a rolling release, I would like to have a distro with several years of support left on post install. Versu waith a year to update and than only having one year left for support | 04:04 |
phiscribe | i hear ubuntu 5 is almost bug free in back ports | 04:05 |
bkovacs | I think every Linux distro should be rolling releases | 04:05 |
phiscribe | well | 04:06 |
saintdev | phiscribe: :( thanks for trying | 04:06 |
phiscribe | ubuntu has many sites with serious business needs, all us nerds in here are just banging around, the Long Term release stratagey is good for them | 04:06 |
phiscribe | saint if i see something and ur one ill shout | 04:07 |
phiscribe | saint id like to know who to debug a plasman widget more myself | 04:07 |
bkovacs | Well Unity and Gnome 3 are far from reature rich, but they will be LTS. Ubuntu 10.10 should have been a LTS. | 04:07 |
saintdev | phiscribe: thanks | 04:08 |
phiscribe | saintdev, !!! | 04:08 |
saintdev | ? | 04:08 |
bkovacs | At least KDE hasn't lost configure options | 04:09 |
phiscribe | thought u were leaving wanted to stop, check this kdebugdialog --help | 04:09 |
AlexFlynn | hello? | 04:11 |
bkovacs | And when is Kubuntu going to gets its own branding, versus vanilla KDE branding?. | 04:11 |
saintdev | phiscribe: where does it output to? | 04:12 |
bkovacs | At least other KDE distros take the time to add their own touches to the KDE theme | 04:12 |
phiscribe | to dev/console i think , but if you do --fullmode there is an optio to send to syslog | 04:13 |
saintdev | doesn't seem to | 04:15 |
saintdev | hmm, looks like it might be .xsession-errors | 04:16 |
phiscribe | saintdev, option to do into a database would be nice | 04:23 |
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phiscribe | skreech was saved by the beel | 04:25 |
phiscribe | bell | 04:25 |
phiscribe | saintdev, see anything or too much | 04:25 |
saintdev | trying to read through it, and figure out what is relevant | 04:25 |
saintdev | | 04:30 |
phiscribe | well i see a few | 04:33 |
phiscribe | plasma-netbook(1394)/plasma StatusNotifierItemSource::refreshCallback: DBusMenu disabled for this application | 04:33 |
saintdev | yeah, not sure which are relevant | 04:34 |
phiscribe | kcmshell(2008)/Network Management (NetworkManager backend) NMDBusSettingsConnectionProvider::onConnectionSecretsArrived: Secret fetching failed: "Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken." | 04:34 |
phiscribe | you got some kinda dbus or ibus or that bus we all bus problem still | 04:34 |
saintdev | that seems to only affect NM =P | 04:35 |
phiscribe | and? | 04:35 |
phiscribe | do you use ubuntu 1 | 04:37 |
saintdev | no | 04:38 |
alen__ | kubuntu11.10 | 04:38 |
alen__ | plasma | 04:48 |
phiscribe | saintdev, is the process kwalletd running | 04:49 |
saintdev | no, because i'm running plasma-netbook | 04:50 |
phiscribe | i dont see how wallet can work with out the deamon running | 04:51 |
saintdev | oh wait, misread that | 04:51 |
phiscribe | bu tu saw chrome do it, is it one demand? | 04:51 |
phiscribe | on demand | 04:51 |
saintdev | yeah, it's running. misread what you were asking | 04:52 |
phiscribe | saintdev, im spent, ill give this for you to chew on, not network manager specific but a bugg kwallet s:// | 05:00 |
phiscribe | | 05:00 |
ubottu | KDE bug 261559 in config dialog "KMail stopped recognizing KWallet for password for specific SMTP server" [Normal,New] | 05:00 |
saintdev | hmm, summary sounds similar | 05:01 |
phiscribe | switch to wicd or wifi radar...mabye | 05:02 |
saintdev | no thanks, but i would like to get this sorted though. | 05:04 |
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eagles0513875 | hey guys im on a clean install of 11.10 and my wifi drivers are installed yet i cant find my wpa2 wifi network | 06:01 |
eagles0513875 | is there a known wifi bug with knetwork manager nto finding wifi networks | 06:01 |
eagles0513875 | at least wpa2 networks | 06:01 |
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phiscribe | | 06:15 |
phiscribe | Bug 259355 - kmail terminates during startup with "Failed to fetch the resource collection." | 06:15 |
ubottu | KDE bug 259355 in general "kmail terminates during startup with "Failed to fetch the resource collection "" [Major,New] | 06:15 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 259355 in usplash (Ubuntu) "[Intrepid] GNOME session does not start" [Undecided,Invalid] | 06:15 |
phiscribe | or this Bug #263392 | 06:16 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 263392 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "MASTER NetworkManager crashed with SIGSEGV in g_str_hash()" [High,Triaged] | 06:16 |
phiscribe | or this Bug #389006 | 06:16 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 389006 in network-manager (Ubuntu Lucid) "NetworkManager Internet Connection Sharing fails to route DNS" [High,Fix committed] | 06:16 |
phiscribe | eagles0513875, was looking for it, id start with these two ttp:// BE CAREFULLY AND WRITE DOWN WHAT CHANGES | 06:18 |
phiscribe | ACK | 06:18 |
phiscribe | | 06:18 |
phiscribe | Bug #811441 | 06:19 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 858122 in sysvinit (Ubuntu Precise) "duplicate for #811441 incomplete migration to /run (shutdown script order has been demolished)" [High,Triaged] | 06:19 |
phiscribe | those two id start with | 06:19 |
eagles0513875 | phiscribe: i don have that issue | 06:19 |
eagles0513875 | phiscribe: for mr wired networking works like a charm | 06:20 |
eagles0513875 | wifi isnt finding my wpa2 wifi connection | 06:20 |
phiscribe | up dpm tjave waiting for network configuration | 06:20 |
eagles0513875 | im already on my desktop | 06:20 |
eagles0513875 | ? | 06:20 |
phiscribe | ting for network configuration” message followed by “Waiting up to 60 seconds more for network”? This then might be accompanied by a black blank screen. | 06:20 |
eagles0513875 | nope | 06:21 |
eagles0513875 | not the issue | 06:21 |
eagles0513875 | as i am wired and successfully on irc from the netbook with the wifi issue | 06:21 |
phiscribe | id look anyway becuase the bug description is understaded, real problem effects almost every system, other wise i dont know, could be a kwallet problem if you use that | 06:22 |
eagles0513875 | even before i setup kwallet it wasnt finding the wifi connection | 06:22 |
phiscribe | what does iwconfig show | 06:22 |
phiscribe | dos it show your adaptor and does it ssay attachted | 06:22 |
eagles0513875 | yes it does show it | 06:23 |
eagles0513875 | but doesnt show anything about attached | 06:23 |
phiscribe | what about iwlist | 06:27 |
phiscribe | might have to be iwlist wlan0 scan | 06:27 |
kamilnadeem | Hi | 06:27 |
kamilnadeem | I have a prob in Kubuntu 11.10, Every time I start my system , the Volume gets set to mute? | 06:28 |
kamilnadeem | That means after every boot I have to uncheck mute from the mixer | 06:29 |
eagles0513875 | phiscribe: not allowed to scan even with sudo | 06:29 |
kamilnadeem | is there a way to fix it? | 06:29 |
phiscribe | no clue | 06:29 |
kamilnadeem | anyone? | 06:30 |
phiscribe | kamilnadeem, was takitn to eagles0513875 , for you maybe delete your pulse audio configuration and reboot | 06:30 |
eagles0513875 | phiscribe: shouldnt have to | 06:30 |
eagles0513875 | usually what kde does is save things the way they should be on shutdown | 06:30 |
phiscribe | if yoru not sure about that move it ore rename it instead of delete, its in your home folder hiddne named .pulse | 06:31 |
eagles0513875 | if using command line previous settings the way they were set wont get saved | 06:31 |
kamilnadeem | OK so If I have unmuted it now , that the way it will be on next startup right? | 06:32 |
kamilnadeem | I guess , you say right | 06:33 |
phiscribe | yes but its not working so well its not working, suggesting it cant save, , might not be able to write to the file, locked or permisions changed or structure changed | 06:34 |
kamilnadeem | thanks | 06:34 |
sirfilip | morning | 08:00 |
LINKSWORD2 | O... Kay, then.... | 08:34 |
Inadaptado | Indeed | 08:36 |
phiscribe | say what | 08:36 |
LINKSWORD2 | I logged onto my system and it randomly said something along the lines of "Your system has encountered a kernel error and may be unstable. Please restart to repair this." | 08:37 |
well_laid_lawn | so reboot it | 08:38 |
LINKSWORD2 | Only time I've ever seen it, and the error-reporting window that came up said that it failed to submit... | 08:39 |
Inadaptado | It happens. Reboot, update, it will probably be fine | 08:39 |
LINKSWORD2 | Weird and random.... | 08:40 |
LINKSWORD2 | I've NEVER seen it before. | 08:40 |
LINKSWORD2 | And yes... I've restarted. | 08:41 |
Inadaptado | I've seen it a couple of times. It happens. So many updates, changes in configuration, etc... Nothing to worry about at first | 08:41 |
LINKSWORD2 | Have you heard of a widget/program called KShutdown? | 08:42 |
Inadaptado | Sounds familiar | 08:43 |
LINKSWORD2 | When the system told me to restart, I set KShutdown to give me a couple minutes to save my work & close programs. Then I left the room while it restarted the system. | 08:44 |
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phiscribe | system log viewer | 08:58 |
LINKSWORD2 | What the....?? | 09:05 |
szal | hmm.. at the current point KMail is 100% unusable | 09:09 |
szal | I get the following message at each startup -> KMail encountered a fatal error and will terminate now. The error was: Failed to fetch the resource collection. | 09:10 |
szal | iow, it looks as if I need to look for a new mail client after 6 years of using KMail | 09:11 |
alvin | Yes, it's a pain. I receive error messages every 5 minutes (or every time I fetch), but the mail can be read. It can't be marked as read, however,... | 09:14 |
szal | as I said, I can't even get KMail to run | 09:15 |
szal | or, rather, to stay running | 09:15 |
szal | prolly gonna give claws-mail a shot, used Sylpheed-Claws on Windows years ago when it was pre-1.0 | 09:16 |
naftilos76 | Hi i have problem with the audio. I did a clean install of 11.10 and kmix had alsa controls. I noticed that the sound kept having ups and downs. Looking at the alsa controls i saw them going up and down by a small step which made volume go up and down. I never had any issues with the sound. I installed some updates before 10 minutes and i saw that kmix was in them. I hoped they fixed the bug but unfortunately the situation is the same. The only change | 09:17 |
naftilos76 | is that i can see pulse controls on kmix and not alsa! The abnormality is still there. The volume keeps going up and down. This is more intense when volume is close to max. Has anybody got any idea what is going on? My audio H/W is "Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP51 High Definition Audio (rev a2)" . Please help... | 09:17 |
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seshagiri | Daskreech: hi | 09:36 |
seshagiri | Daskreech,:kubuntu 11.10 is lucky for me. A great progress in my project happened within 2 days after the installation of Kubuntu 11.10 | 09:38 |
seshagiri | Daskreech: I am always thankful for your help :) | 09:38 |
Cenbe | Is my GTK theme setting being ignored? | 09:45 |
diego_ | anyone knows glut library? glut.h? | 09:50 |
kamilnadeem | HI | 10:07 |
kamilnadeem | I have a prob in Kubuntu 11.10, Every time I start my system , the Volume gets set to mute? | 10:07 |
kamilnadeem | That means after every boot I have to uncheck mute from the mixer | 10:07 |
kamilnadeem | any solution? | 10:12 |
phiscribe | delete pulseaudio configuration reboot, might do it | 10:15 |
kamilnadeem | | 10:17 |
kamilnadeem | I am going to restart and see | 10:18 |
kynarion | hello | 10:19 |
kamilnadeem | Gping to restart | 10:20 |
kynarion | since i have upgraded to oneiric, apt-get update keeps telling me, some sources couldnt be found (ppa:pidgin-developers/ppa) | 10:21 |
kynarion | so i tried to remove this ppa via apt-add-repository -r or manually, but after restarting the pc it just appears again | 10:22 |
sagaci | kynarion, have you apt-get update 'd? | 10:24 |
kynarion | uhm, apt-get update | 10:26 |
kynarion | sry, enter pressed insted of del -.- | 10:26 |
kynarion | the problem occurs while apt-get update | 10:27 |
sagaci | kynarion, can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list | 10:27 |
kynarion | and after removing the ppa it works well - until i restart | 10:27 |
kynarion | | 10:30 |
kynarion | those pidgin-files where located in sourced.list.d/ | 10:31 |
sagaci | so it just keeps reappearing on reboot? | 10:33 |
obs | hello, anyone that can help me set up my elantech touchpad in kubuntu 11.10? | 10:34 |
kynarion | sagaci: yes, exactly! i did some cat | grep pidigin randomly on other files in the apt folder, but i couldnt find something | 10:39 |
kynarion | i think there must be a strange skript outside of apt, which re-writes the the sources.list file on every startup, maybe a relict of the upgrade process | 10:42 |
kynarion | but i dont have any idea, where to search for it | 10:42 |
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Matisse | hi | 11:32 |
Matisse | I accidently removed grub items which where added in the last update. | 11:32 |
Matisse | easy there an easy way to re-add them? | 11:33 |
Matisse | dpkg something? | 11:33 |
well_laid_lawn | Matisse: dpkg -i /path/to/package | 11:35 |
Matisse | thx | 11:41 |
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Guest5582 | hi everyone. I'm having a few wireless problems if anyone can help me? I've got a fresh install of 11.10 kubuntu with a rtl8192SE based edimax wifi card which won't work. I've downloaded the driver from Edimax for linux and on following the instructions it won't "make" let alone install. I downloaded ndiswrapper and the windows xp driver which installs ok but ndiswrapper says "Could not find a network configuration tool" could | 12:00 |
Guest5582 | anyone please help me fix this and get it working, i seem to have everything needed but nothing is working. Thanks for any help. | 12:00 |
prophet | hi, i'd like to have the "back button" on the left side of submenus in the kmenu back? is that possible? | 12:22 |
prophet | i think its kind of annoying to move the mouse onto the small text at the top | 12:23 |
Guest5582 | hi can anyone please help me with my wireless problem? I've got a fresh install of 11.10 kubuntu with a rtl8192SE based edimax wifi card which won't work. I've downloaded the driver from Edimax for linux and on following the instructions it won't "make" let alone install. I downloaded ndiswrapper and the windows xp driver which installs ok but ndiswrapper says "Could not find a network configuration tool" could anyone please help | 12:25 |
Guest5582 | me fix this and get it working, i seem to have everything needed but nothing is working. Thanks for any help. | 12:25 |
kamilnadeem | Hi | 12:29 |
kamilnadeem | Just wanted to know that , In the Software sources other software , should there be a check on the source code also? | 12:29 |
kamilnadeem | anyone here? | 12:32 |
spacebug- | I'm here | 12:32 |
kamilnadeem | Just wanted to know that , In the Software sources other software , should there be a check on the source code also? | 12:33 |
kamilnadeem | I did some changes in it now , I don't recall that was it ticked by default or not? | 12:33 |
spacebug- | if you want to be able to get the source code for programs | 12:34 |
kamilnadeem | DOn't want it | 12:34 |
kamilnadeem | Thanks, Unchecked | 12:34 |
spacebug- | you don't automaticlly get the source code if that is checked but you can get it | 12:34 |
kamilnadeem | I noticed it while updating from terminal , it was checking for the code | 12:36 |
kamilnadeem | BRB | 12:36 |
kamilnadeem | Ye I am back | 12:39 |
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kamilnadeem | spacebug also I have added the KDE 4.7.2 ppa and updated 11.10 , IS it ok? | 12:40 |
Guest22956 | Hallo | 12:40 |
prophet | someone here? | 12:45 |
shlomy | Hi | 13:04 |
shlomy | Just installed kubuntu for the first time, and I cannot drag files from Krusader to an application through the application's task bar entry. Can anyone help? Thanks | 13:05 |
shlomy | Anyone here? | 13:08 |
shlomy | Thanks... | 13:09 |
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sirfilip | night | 13:50 |
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BluesKaj | Hey all | 13:59 |
obs | hello, anyone that can help me set up my elantech touchpad in kubuntu 11.10? | 14:03 |
thinhhoang | Hi, can anyone help me? I get this when trying to install build-essential: depends on g++ but it is not going to be installed. | 14:26 |
thinhhoang | has anyone ever encountered this? it's really annoying. | 14:28 |
mr-rich | obs: try this: | 14:29 |
naftilos76 | Hi i have problem with the audio. I did a clean install of 11.10 and kmix had alsa controls. I noticed that the sound kept having ups and downs. Looking at the alsa controls i saw them going up and down by a small step which made volume go up and down. I never had any issues with the sound. I installed some updates before 10 minutes and i saw that kmix was in them. I hoped they fixed the bug but unfortunately the situation is the same. The only change | 14:29 |
naftilos76 | is that i can see pulse controls on kmix and not alsa! The abnormality is still there. The volume keeps going up and down. This is more intense when volume is close to max. Has anybody got any idea what is going on? My audio H/W is "Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP51 High Definition Audio (rev a2)".Please help... | 14:29 |
BluesKaj | naftilos76, what soun card is listed in alsamixer , in the top left | 14:31 |
genii-around | thinhhoang: If you try: sudo apt-get install g++ ... does it give any more information about why it is not going to be installed? | 14:32 |
genii-around | ( if so please pastebin results ) | 14:32 |
thinhhoang | genii-around: thanks for your reply. let me try... | 14:32 |
thinhhoang | genii-around: yeah, it works. | 14:33 |
naftilos76 | BluesKaj: As i explained above kmix now has pulse controls which are very few. There is no special name for the sound on kmix dialog. All i can see is four tabs with Playback, Recording etc | 14:34 |
genii-around | thinhhoang: Can it install build-essential now? Or perhaps it wants a different g++ version | 14:34 |
naftilos76 | the sound device is decribed as "internal sound" | 14:34 |
thinhhoang | genii-around: yea. it works. | 14:35 |
genii-around | OK | 14:36 |
thinhhoang | genii-around: i've changed the server to 'main server' and every packages here are fine. | 14:36 |
BluesKaj | naftilos76, ignotre kmix for now , in the terminal type, alsamixer | 14:36 |
thinhhoang | but it's painfully slow | 14:36 |
thinhhoang | genii-around: so can i try different server? | 14:36 |
genii-around | thinhhoang: Probably the mirror you were using was not quite syncronized, this happens | 14:36 |
thinhhoang | oh, i see | 14:37 |
roland | what does the &- in "hash foo 2>&-" do? | 14:37 |
roland | (bash question) | 14:37 |
thinhhoang | genii-around: btw, do you happen to know any server that is well-synchronized and close to the south-east asia region? | 14:38 |
genii-around | thinhhoang: Were you using originally ? | 14:38 |
thinhhoang | yep. that's the one. | 14:38 |
genii-around | thinhhoang: I do not know of any others nearby, sorry | 14:39 |
naftilos76 | BluesKaj: Alsamixer behaves the same way. Without me doing anything like pushing buttons etc, i see Master volume to keep going from Max to 70% (or so) at random times | 14:39 |
thinhhoang | genii-around: no prob. you helped me much. thanks a lot. | 14:39 |
genii-around | thinhhoang: You're welcome | 14:40 |
BluesKaj | naftilos76, what about the sound card listed in alsamixer | 14:40 |
naftilos76 | BluesKaj: I can adjust the volumes but this weird thing is happening. Master goes up and down which affects Center, Suround etc tongling from 100% to 0%. The info i see on the alsa mixer is Card: HDA NVidia, Chip: Realtek ALC888 | 14:42 |
Sentynel | hi guys, just upgraded to 11.10 and the shutdown process has started hanging. x quits and I get the blue kubuntu screen, as expected, then that clears and the console shows something that looks like it might be kernel trace stuff, but that clears before I can see anything. just hangs on a blank screen. I can switch to tty1, which shows the standard messages for stopping various processes. looked in the logs and stuff but I'm not really sure what | 14:43 |
Sentynel | I'm looking for; any help? | 14:43 |
mr-rich | obs: also, there is this: | 14:44 |
alvin | Sentynel: Do you have any NFS mounts? | 14:45 |
Sentynel | alvin: nope | 14:45 |
naftilos76 | BluesKaj? | 14:45 |
BluesKaj | naftilos76, kmenu>computer>system settings>multimedia>phonon>device preference, check the devices wiith the test button | 14:45 |
alvin | I don't know then. Sorry. Logging isn't the best part of upstart. | 14:46 |
naftilos76 | BluesKaj: They work fine. The problem is this strange effect that makes volume going up and down. | 14:46 |
BluesKaj | naftilos76, then choose the one that works and move to the top then apply | 14:46 |
BluesKaj | naftilos76, dunno , what ealse to tell you , never encountered that before ...reboot ? | 14:47 |
naftilos76 | BluesKaj: Thanks - no problem | 14:48 |
genii-around | Sentynel: Do the last few lines of /var/log/dmesg have anything enlightening? | 14:48 |
Sentynel | genii-around: hm, there's this: [ 12.220330] init: failsafe main process (1035) killed by TERM signal | 14:49 |
genii-around | Thats normal, init ( upstart ) being shutdown | 14:50 |
Sentynel | okay | 14:50 |
Sentynel | similar messages for apport | 14:50 |
Sentynel | can't see anything else | 14:50 |
Sentynel | genii-around: there is also this, not sure if it's supposed to be doing that on shutdown: [ 12.262445] sky2 0000:03:00.0: eth0: enabling interface | 14:53 |
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obs | mr-rich: thanks for the links but its not working, also tried this with no luck again | 15:03 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 804109 in Ubuntu "can't enable touchpad in Ubuntu 11.10" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 15:03 |
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genii-around | Sentynel: Apologies, work required me. If this happens every time but you can still gain a tty, perhaps to try and check running processes with top. ( are there any zombies for instance ) | 15:17 |
acer_ | My microphone isn't working on Skype. | 15:18 |
=== acer_ is now known as onizuka45 | ||
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Sentynel | genii-around: it happens every time, and I can't gain a tty; I can switch between them fine, but I can't log in (no response to keyboard input) | 15:18 |
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athena_ | is any one here? | 15:20 |
genii-around | Ah, OK | 15:20 |
athena_ | do you know how many mans are online now? | 15:21 |
athena_ | this chart room seems less bustling... | 15:23 |
genii-around | athena_: This channel has 278 people, but it is a matter of speculation how many are active. If you have a question regarding your Kubuntu, it is best to just ask your question and then see if someone knows the answer and responds | 15:23 |
athena_ | My policykit do not works when I upgrade to Oneric | 15:24 |
Crell | Hi folks. I'm having an issue with VPNs in the Knetwork manager (11.04). I've setup a VPN connection in Manage Connections, but when I try to select it in the plasmoid, it does nothing. I click and nothing happens. | 15:24 |
Crell | There's no error message for me to try and decypher, either. | 15:24 |
Crell | Any clue how to activate a VPN connection? | 15:25 |
athena_ | When I want to commit an action with root permission, the crash of policykit prevents me from that, who can help me ? | 15:26 |
genii-around | athena_: Does it give any useful information when it crashes? | 15:29 |
athena_ | the system only says that 'you have not the privilage to run this command' | 15:30 |
genii-around | So then it's not crashing, just not letting you execute something ( either itself or the application you were attempting ) | 15:31 |
athena_ | When i run muon software-center, this bugg-lish bug is so puzzeling | 15:31 |
athena_ | In the edition of Natty, i commit the 'intall' action then the passcode-you-need-to-type box will jump. Now in the edition of Oneric it only shows me the error messages. | 15:33 |
genii-around | Hm | 15:34 |
BluesKaj | Crell, got openvpn client installed ? | 15:34 |
Crell | Yes. openvpn, network-manager-openvpn-kde, and network-manager-openvpn | 15:35 |
genii-around | athena_: Unfortunately I'm not very familiar with policykit. | 15:35 |
athena_ | Er, ..., thank you all the same | 15:36 |
athena_ | besides, regarding the problem of <Crell>, my Knetworkmanager also can not work with any DSL connection | 15:38 |
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Crell | athena_: KNetwork manager < 11.04 was useless. I always switched to the gnome one. | 15:39 |
Crell | The one in 11.04 at least can handle wifi. :-) This is the first time I've tried it with a VPN. | 15:39 |
athena_ | Yeah, the gnome one called 'nm-applet' truely works, but it seems an alien in kde | 15:41 |
Crell | Yep. | 15:41 |
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onizuka45 | Hye there. | 15:42 |
onizuka45 | How can I make my microphone workking on all applications including Skype..? | 15:42 |
athena_ | But i heard that fedora 15 has fixed the bug with an update | 15:42 |
BluesKaj | nm is useless for ethernet connected pcs , it works with some wifi chips and that's about all it's good for IMO , but I don't use VPN so I'm not sure if NM necessary with VPN | 15:43 |
Crell | It was for me in older KDEs. I was hoping that was no longer the case, but since knetworkmanager isn't giving me any feedback at all, I can't say. | 15:44 |
athena_ | I download the new sources from kde-project official website and compiled with Kdevelop, but it seems not useful | 15:44 |
athena_ | the bug-feedback site of fedora 15 marked this bug 'fixed' with an update from 0.6 to 0.61 | 15:48 |
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athena_ | the rpm package is ready in F15's respository. How along would i wait for its deb package? | 15:50 |
genii-around | indicates that nm-applet is in the package network-manager-gnome | 15:52 |
athena_ | I hope that Canonical can pay more attention on kubuntu | 15:55 |
BluesKaj | BBL ...stuff to do for a few mins | 15:59 |
athena | I made it! I locked the edition of policykit in synaptic and then upgrade to Oneric. Now there is nothing wrong with root-privlige actions | 16:04 |
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athena | Thank god! Thank all of you friends! | 16:05 |
Deet` | some how i managed to loose the use of my DVI port after closing out Warzone 2100 | 16:25 |
Crell | That's what you get for closing a game. | 16:27 |
drak | hi | 16:54 |
Inadaptado | hi | 16:54 |
drak | what is it? | 16:55 |
genii-around | drak: Are you asking what Kubuntu is? | 16:56 |
drak | not exactly. I used to use irc many year ago and I have totally forgotten how one uses it? | 16:56 |
Inadaptado | how one uses what? | 16:57 |
drak | IRC. | 16:57 |
drak | I need some help on editing wikipedia and I found there I can use IRC channel, | 16:58 |
Inadaptado | Not the right channel, pal | 16:58 |
drak | so I click 'test' in sofware center and THIS showed to me, | 16:58 |
kamilnadeem | HI | 16:59 |
drak | I guess. | 16:59 |
kamilnadeem | Big Prob, no sound in 11.10 | 16:59 |
kamilnadeem | It was working when I shut It down the last time | 16:59 |
kamilnadeem | Itis still the same | 17:00 |
kamilnadeem | The mixer is always set to mute when I boot | 17:00 |
kamilnadeem | I have a prob in Kubuntu 11.10, Every time I start my system , the Volume gets set to mute? | 17:04 |
kamilnadeem | some body said to delete pulseaudio configuration reboot | 17:05 |
kamilnadeem | how to achieve this? | 17:05 |
spacebug- | what scan program is usually used in KDE? | 17:30 |
BluesKaj | spacebug type scanner in muon | 17:31 |
BluesKaj | !scanner | 17:31 |
ubottu | Scanning software: simple-scan (GNOME), Gwenview (KDE), Xsane. For instructions see and to see supported hardware: - See also !OCR | 17:31 |
spacebug- | BluesKaj: Can't find a way to scan in Gwenview | 17:33 |
BluesKaj | gwenview is strictly a viewer afaik | 17:34 |
notslad | anyone else have trouble with KDE starting when they did a do-distribution-upgrade this past week? | 17:34 |
spacebug- | ah ok | 17:34 |
BluesKaj | you mean , do-release-upgrade | 17:34 |
BluesKaj | notslad,^ | 17:35 |
notslad | BluesKaj, spacebug-: gwenview does some minor photo editting (eg. rotating, and red-eye reduction, that sort of thing).. but mostly a viewer | 17:35 |
notslad | BluesKaj: yeah.. that command :^) | 17:35 |
BluesKaj | notslad, yeah , that's what i said | 17:36 |
BluesKaj | notslad, what kind of trouble ? | 17:37 |
notslad | BluesKaj: KDM starts, but X flickers out after authenticating. I could see a konsole-ish looking window drawn just before X crashes and the kdm service starts it up again | 17:38 |
notslad | BluesKaj: no errors in /var/log/Xorg.0.log or /var/log/kdm | 17:39 |
BluesKaj | notslad, is X and kdm stable otherwise ? | 17:40 |
notslad | BluesKaj: mostly.. sometimes when it comes back up I can't use the laptop's keyboard/mouse and have to ssh in to restart kdm | 17:41 |
BluesKaj | notslad, sounds like a Xconfig problem , what graphics card and driver ? | 17:43 |
jmichaelx | i now have two different systray icons informing me of available updates | 17:43 |
notslad | BluesKaj: I don't have the laptop in front of me atm, but I think it was ATi | 17:43 |
notslad | I don't think I'm using an Xorg.conf file.. but I'll doublecheck when I get back in front of the laptop | 17:44 |
BluesKaj | notslad, well, in this case maybe once the recommended ati driver is installed then an xconfig file wouldn't hurt . | 17:45 |
notslad | so I guess this sort of issue hasn't bee flying around the IRC channel or forums for the past few weeks, then.. I guess the problem is more speicifc to my setup then | 17:45 |
spacebug- | tnx BluesKaj and notslad. Tried a program called 'acquire images' but simple-scan gave better result so will stick to that. | 17:45 |
BluesKaj | yes seems so , notslad , this is the first time I've heard of those symptoms | 17:46 |
jmichaelx | since upgrading, i have been getting a lot of complaints about virtuoso-opensource-6.1 not running/not being able to run. would anyone have a tip on this? | 17:46 |
notslad | BluesKaj: k. I'll check the things you mentioned and also try with a new user | 17:46 |
notslad | BluesKaj: thanks for the help! I'll probably lurk around some later if I can get X back up :^) | 17:47 |
pierrot | Each time I reboot I have to manually restart eth0 with | 17:47 |
pierrot | > sudo modprobe b44 | 17:47 |
pierrot | Then the interface work ok | 17:47 |
alexdevillx | What is letterbomb | 17:47 |
pierrot | I am at 11.10 | 17:48 |
Pici | alexdevillx: What does that have to do with Kubuntu? | 17:48 |
BluesKaj | notslad, kmenu>apps>system>additional drivers ..not sure about ati tho | 17:48 |
pierrot | The drivers are there | 17:48 |
pierrot | I tried to edit /etc/modules | 17:49 |
pierrot | and add | 17:49 |
pierrot | b44 | 17:49 |
pierrot | but to no avail | 17:49 |
FloodBotK2 | pierrot: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 17:49 |
FloodBotK1 | pierrot: Please don't flood; use to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 17:49 |
Snowhog | pierrot: Alt+F2 and type kdesudo kate /etc/modules and you will be able to edit the file "as root" which is required. | 17:50 |
pierrot | I did that but then my laptop would no longer restart | 17:51 |
Snowhog | pierrot: ??? Hmm. Did you put a blank line after the b44 entry? | 17:52 |
pierrot | I don't recall having put a blank line | 17:52 |
jmichaelx | is there any great harm in purging virtuoso and related packages? | 17:53 |
pierrot | Then I had to create /run and /run/lock | 17:55 |
pierrot | remove /var/run and /var/lock | 17:55 |
pierrot | then my laptop would reboot | 17:55 |
Snowhog | jmichaelx: Open a console and 'simulate' the purge: sudo apt-get remove --purge --simulate virtuoso | 17:57 |
BluesKaj | jmichaelx, virtuoso is part of nepomuk , correct ? | 17:57 |
Snowhog | jmichaelx: See what is reported as to what will be removed. | 17:57 |
pierrot | | 17:58 |
jmichaelx | BluesKaj: i have already purged and reinstalled everything virtuoso-related... i am getting this: error occurred while setting the password for the Virtuoso administrative user. | 17:59 |
jmichaelx | it says i should check passwords for "dba" and "dav" users... i do not believe i have those users | 17:59 |
pierrot | So what do I change so that my eth0 interface will automatically restart? | 18:00 |
jmichaelx | god i hate nepomuk... | 18:01 |
* BluesKaj thought b44 was a wifi module not an ethernet | 18:01 | |
BluesKaj | jmichaelx, I have nepomuk , but no virtuoso installed ..maybe they aren't linked | 18:03 |
pierrot | b43 is wifi | 18:03 |
pierrot | I have that entry in my /etc/modules | 18:04 |
BluesKaj | b44 is ethernet ? | 18:04 |
jmichaelx | BluesKaj: maybe i can just leave this stuff uninstalled then | 18:04 |
pierrot | > lspci | 18:05 |
pierrot | gives me all the interface | 18:05 |
alexdevillx | OMG i got a letterbomb | 18:05 |
BluesKaj | if you try to remove nepomuk , it'll take the whole kubuntu-dektop with it, jmichaelx | 18:05 |
pierrot | Ethernet controller BCM44 | 18:05 |
jmichaelx | BluesKaj: i am only removing anything with virtuoso in the package name | 18:06 |
pierrot | Network controller BCM43 | 18:06 |
pierrot | so b43 is ok in /etc/modules | 18:06 |
pierrot | but if I put b44 the laptop no longer reboots | 18:06 |
BluesKaj | pierrot, do you have wifi capability on this machine ? | 18:06 |
pierrot | yes | 18:07 |
jmichaelx | BluesKaj: actually it is looking like apt has died trying to remove this stuff... | 18:07 |
pierrot | I've been googling for 2 days now | 18:07 |
pierrot | wifi starts automatically at reboot | 18:08 |
pierrot | but not the eth0 cable | 18:08 |
alexdevillx | KDE on windows? | 18:10 |
jmichaelx | ok, now the virtuoso stuff is gone... hopefully that will not be a problem | 18:10 |
alexdevillx | BTW, whats an UI in Ubuntu? | 18:11 |
alexdevillx | Qt? | 18:11 |
jmichaelx | pierrot: i have not read everything you've posted, but i have run into situations where i had conflicts between broadcom wireless and broadcom ethernet drivers | 18:11 |
pierrot | Yes I believe that's the problem | 18:12 |
pierrot | but It was working fine at 11.04 | 18:12 |
jmichaelx | pierrot: in fedora 13 & 14, i had to blacklist the bcm ethernet driver to get wireless to work, and the other way around | 18:12 |
jmichaelx | pierrot: that does not mean it will work fine in 11.10 | 18:13 |
BluesKaj | pierrot, ethernet doesn't require network manager , and if you don't want wifi as default then blacklist the blacklist bcm43xx in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf . then check this tutorial to run wthout network manager , | 18:13 |
pierrot | the wireless and the ethernet are working | 18:13 |
pierrot | but I have to manually restart the ethernet each time I reboot | 18:13 |
jmichaelx | ahh | 18:13 |
alexdevillx | Is ubuntu using an Qt for an UI in programs? | 18:14 |
jmichaelx | alexdevillx: QT is what KDE uses | 18:14 |
jmichaelx | Qt* | 18:14 |
alexdevillx | Ok, so if i start to porgramming in C++ i need to know Qt to make an UI? | 18:15 |
alexdevillx | In Visual Studio i didnt need to know it | 18:15 |
alexdevillx | THere is one and only quesdtion | 18:15 |
Pici | There are a number of different graphical toolkits, qt is only one of them. | 18:15 |
alexdevillx | Ok, can i develop apps in Eclipse? | 18:16 |
Pici | Whatever you want. | 18:16 |
alexdevillx | How can i make apps with UI for linux? | 18:17 |
Pici | This isn't something that can be explained in one sentence.. There are just so many different ways to go about doing what you're asking. | 18:17 |
alexdevillx | The best way? | 18:18 |
Pici | There isn't one. | 18:18 |
alexdevillx | Ok, i dont even know C++ | 18:18 |
alexdevillx | how can i learn it in Linux? | 18:18 |
genii-around | This is a large subject. | 18:19 |
alexdevillx | any books like Learning C++ in Linux or programming C++ in Linux? | 18:19 |
alexdevillx | Coz i learned a bit linux with linux for dummies | 18:20 |
alexdevillx | and have forgotten everything | 18:20 |
alexdevillx | But can recover wery quick | 18:21 |
jmichaelx | KDE devs are making this DE way more complicated than the vast majority of its users probably want it to be | 18:21 |
genii-around | !scope | 18:21 |
ubottu | We don't need factoids for *everything*, or ten factoids for the same thing ;) | 18:21 |
alexdevillx | man daemon | grep daemon | 18:22 |
alexdevillx | or btw waht is the command to record thew desktop? | 18:24 |
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genii-around | alexdevillx: This channel is primarily for Kubuntu support and not programming... but a couple good places to start for it would be and possibly to get ahold of the definitive work on the subject, Kernahan and Ritchie’s “The C Programming Language”. There is a development channel for Kubuntu, #kubuntu-devel ... but they will not have much patience if you are a beginner | 18:29 |
maco | alexdevillx: the trick with learning C++ from kubuntu developers is that some dont actually KNOW regular ol' C++ if thats what you want to learn | 18:29 |
maco | Kubuntu & KDE use Qt, which abstracts away a lot of the more annoying parts of C++ | 18:30 |
maco | consequently, i can handle writing a patch in Qt but not in C++ | 18:30 |
maco | (all i do is the same thing id do with PyQt except skip that step where i mentally translate C++ syntax into Python syntax because the docs are all in C++ syntax anyway :P) | 18:31 |
maco | if you're cool with just learning the Qt way though... minions are welcome | 18:31 |
genii-around | Heh, minions | 18:32 |
* DarthFrog thinks maco has recently watched "Despicable Me". :-) | 18:32 | |
maco | no, thats how we refer to them in #kubuntu-devel... | 18:33 |
pierrot | bcm43xx was already blacklisted in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.con | 18:33 |
maco | especially apachelogger, he's always talking about finding more minions | 18:33 |
maco | one of my old local-community-team minions has turned into a debian developer now! | 18:33 |
lukefeil | hello | 18:37 |
lukefeil | how can i find out the ip adresse from a computer which i can see in a samba network? | 18:38 |
genii-around | lukefeil: Can you ping it by that name? | 18:42 |
lukefeil | no, already tried | 18:43 |
BluesKaj | pierrot, I meant to say blacklist b43 | 18:44 |
bios` | Hi there, I own a dv6 notebook, but I cannot change the brightness of my screen, the keys are working and they set up the brightness in the power options but this does not effect anything | 18:44 |
Peace- | genii-around: :P | 18:44 |
Peace- | hi guys :) | 18:44 |
pierrot | ok let me try that | 18:45 |
BluesKaj | lukefeil, do you have access to the router page , if so there should be a list of all pcs IPs on the network | 18:47 |
bios` | Where is the xorg.conf located? | 18:50 |
BluesKaj | !xorg,conf | 18:51 |
BluesKaj | !Xorg,conf | 18:52 |
BluesKaj | hmm | 18:52 |
bios` | well I thought It is in /etc/x11/ but there is no such file | 18:53 |
genii-around | lukefeil: lsof -i:139 *may* show it's IP. If not you may have to get nmap and do: nmap -p 139 -sT #.#.#.* where # is the first 3 of your lan range | 18:54 |
bios` | any suggestions BluesKaj? | 18:55 |
BluesKaj | bios`, /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 18:55 |
bios` | there is no such file | 18:56 |
bios` | in this directory | 18:56 |
BluesKaj | then you have to generate one | 18:56 |
genii-around | bios`: Did you uppercase the X in X11 ? | 18:56 |
bios` | yes genii-around : ) | 18:56 |
bios` | BluesKaj: isnt this done automatically? | 18:56 |
rork | bios`: kubuntu doesn't use a xorg.conf by default for a few releases, but if you make one it uses it (or at least it used to) | 18:57 |
bios` | ah ok. Well I guess if you remove the file again it wont miss the file either, right? | 18:57 |
genii-around | The xorg.conf file is deprecated, but sometimes may still be needed to pass values to a specific driver. Generic xorg.conf generation: ATI/AMD specific: NVidia specif$ | 18:58 |
genii-around | Hangon for the nvidia one | 18:58 |
genii-around | NVidia-specific: | 18:58 |
lukefeil | the lsof command didn't returned anything and nmap shows me simply all reachable hosts | 18:58 |
BluesKaj | bios`, not anymore , if you have nvidia graphics then sudo nvidia-xconfig ... forgotten the command for other drivers | 18:59 |
genii-around | lukefeil: The nmap should show all the machines which are using port 139 which is for samba/cifs | 19:00 |
genii-around | ( which should hopefully narrow it down unless you have dozens ) | 19:00 |
lukefeil | genii-around: he gives me 9 ip adresses back | 19:01 |
lukefeil | 2 of them are my routers, 1 is my laptop | 19:01 |
genii-around | lukefeil: You can then use: smbclient -L /<IPADDRESS> | 19:02 |
genii-around | two // there | 19:02 |
bios` | I am a little bit confused, bc I have a intel onboard gpu and an extra ati gpu, but would like to use the onboard gpu only in kubuntu. There is no such thing as nivida-xconfig | 19:02 |
genii-around | bios`: the nvidia-xconfig is installed when you install the proprietary nvidia driver ( from jockey-kde for instance) | 19:03 |
bios` | well seems the onboard intel graphic does not need any proprietary drivers | 19:03 |
genii-around | bios`: Right. Although occasionally they also require xorg.conf to exist in order to set certain features there | 19:04 |
genii-around | ( i810 are especially notorious for needing thios to enable compositing ) | 19:05 |
sburjan` | Hello. I have accidentally deteled the .kde folder from my home dir and now some apps give me error. what could I do to restore it to a default state ? | 19:18 |
genii-around | sburjan`: If the directory is gone, logout, then log back in and it should re-create it with settings as when you first installed | 19:19 |
sburjan` | genii-around: I did that, I even rebooted. but applications such as Kontact give me errors like: "Failed to getch the resource collection" | 19:20 |
genii-around | sburjan`: It might have screwed up the caches | 19:22 |
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genii-around | sburjan`: Was kmail behaving properly prior to this? | 19:24 |
sburjan` | genii-around: yes, but now that gave me errors too :) | 19:28 |
xskydevilx | I'm getting Input/Output error during the installation procces. Please help! | 19:32 |
genii-around | sburjan`: What's odd is that... if you normally remove the ~/.kde directory, it just recreates a blank template one then makes the files within it as you run the applications. So it looks like something else is screwy than just that. | 19:35 |
genii-around | xskydevilx: If these are hard drive I/O errors it may not be an installation issue but a hardware issue ( eg: failing drive, usually ) | 19:36 |
xskydevilx | genii-around: Other distros install just fine. | 19:37 |
genii-around | xskydevilx: Did you run an MD5 check on the cd image before you made it, and then do a self-check on cd integrity the first time you booted to it? | 19:38 |
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xskydevilx | genii-around: I must have forgoten to do the MD5 check, and I'm running Kubuntu of a live USB I created. Can I check the MD5 now? | 19:39 |
genii-around | sburjan`: In /var/tmp are there directories beginning with the name kdecache ? | 19:39 |
sburjan` | genii-around: yes, I have 3 cache dirs. kdecache-kdm, root and my username | 19:40 |
toumbo | Hi people!Is there any way to make my kubuntu bottom bar a bit transperent? | 19:40 |
genii-around | sburjan`: OK | 19:40 |
Snowhog | toumbo: Install a transparent Desktop Theme. | 19:41 |
sburjan` | genii-around: should I delete mine ? | 19:42 |
genii-around | xskydevilx: Is the iso file you downloaded someplace you can mount from there and then check that way? | 19:42 |
toumbo | Snowhog and where I can find those themes? | 19:43 |
xskydevilx | genii-around: I have it in my download folder on the hdd right know. How do I do the MD5 check= | 19:44 |
Snowhog | toumbo: K > System Settings > Workspace Appearance > Desktop Themes > Get New Themes... and search on transparent. | 19:44 |
khear | after i turned off nepomuk (because i don't need it), i keep getting notifications that nepomuk is disabled. is there a way to disable these notifications? | 19:44 |
sburjan` | genii-around: back, I got disconnected. So should I delete my cache dir ? | 19:45 |
genii-around | sburjan`: The main problem is that when you are in kde and altering the files it is using, it is still trying to use/recreate them on the fly. Chicken-egg type idea. I would suggest logout to kdm, drop to console, remove again /home/yourname/.kde and then the /var/tmp/kdecache-yourname and also /tmp/kde-yourname* and /tmp/ksocket-yourname* ... then sudo restart kdm and see if problem persists after login | 19:45 |
sburjan` | genii-around: thanks | 19:46 |
genii-around | xskydevilx: md5sum /path/to-iso/isofilename.iso and then check the output against values at | 19:47 |
genii-around | xskydevilx: If the value differs from the image you downloaded, then you know the original download got corrupted/wasn't good | 19:47 |
genii-around | Work, back in a few minutes | 19:48 |
toumbo | Snowhog Many many thanks!!!!!!I found it!!! :D | 19:48 |
Snowhog | toumbo: Happy to help | 19:49 |
xskydevilx | genii-around: Yeah, it was corrupted. I guess I'll have to download it again. | 19:49 |
shane2peru | how do we get the libreoffice icon back? I upgraded to 11.10, and ever since, don't have the icons for libreoffice, on the panel, just shows an X any ideas? | 19:50 |
sburjan` | genii-around: error: personal contacts does not exist. from .local dir in my home folder | 19:52 |
BluesKaj | shane2peru, kmenu>apps>office , then right click on the icon, "add to panel" | 19:52 |
sburjan` | genii-around: mail dispatcher agent error again | 19:52 |
genii-around | sburjan`: Looks like maybe you deleted more than just the .kde directory :( the .config file is another directory entirely | 19:53 |
sburjan` | genii-around: agent could not access the outbox folder (failed to fetch the resource collection) | 19:53 |
genii-around | sburjan`: What was it you originally did that wiped out the .kde dir? | 19:54 |
TheHganavak | Are there many/any applications that only function with Gnome? | 19:54 |
sburjan` | genii-around: same as before... same error. /home/sorinello/.local/share/contacts does not exist | 19:55 |
well_laid_lawn | some have alot of gnome dependencies that seem like the whole of gnome | 19:55 |
BluesKaj | !gnome | 19:55 |
ubottu | GNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu up to 10.10 To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal. | 19:55 |
rockingwing | hello there... just updated to oneiric and now my teamspeak3 doesnt work anymore... any idea? it somehow tries to use system's Qt librariesm but normally it shouldnt :/ | 19:55 |
rockingwing | so no-one any idea? thats sad :( | 19:56 |
shane2peru | BluesKaj: actually that adds a shortcut on my panel, what I mean, is when I open LibreOffice, on the panel, it just shows an X instead of the LibreOffice icon when it is running | 19:58 |
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel | ||
jmichaelx | is there a way at this point to stop the Kmail-related errors on startup? | 19:59 |
genii-around | sburjan`: Does: ls -ld .local show that the .local directory exists? | 20:00 |
TheHganavak | So was that a yes, there's lots of apps that work on ubuntu that don't work on kubuntu? | 20:00 |
rockingwing | well, basically yes :D | 20:01 |
rockingwing | @ TheHganavak | 20:01 |
well_laid_lawn | TheHganavak: no you can run any app but they might have alot of dependencies | 20:02 |
rockingwing | umm... guys? | 20:02 |
rockingwing | can I somehow check which Qt libraries are used by the system? | 20:02 |
TheHganavak | rockingwing: Whataya mean by dependencies exactly, sorry, pretty new to Linux? | 20:04 |
genii-around | rockingwing: kate -version ( or the name of any kde app) | 20:06 |
BluesKaj | jmichaelx, do you use kmail and kontact ? If not you can safely remove them | 20:07 |
jmichaelx | BluesKaj: ty, should have thought of that | 20:07 |
BluesKaj | anyway , nap time for old guys ...BBL | 20:08 |
Snowhog | TheHganavak: Ubuntu, as opposed to Kubuntu, utilizes the Gnome Desktop, which uses a different programming language and libraries than does Kubuntu, which uses the KDE Desktop Environment. If you are using Kubuntu, and you opt to install a Gnome specific application, it may bring in a lot of required "other packages" that it is dependent on, and this 'taints' the pure KDE environment of Kubuntu. Nothing wrong with that, but Kubuntu purists | 20:14 |
Snowhog | tend not to want to do that - nothing more. | 20:14 |
lanc | hi - what is the right way to install Chrome on Kubuntu? The downloaded package from google doesn't seem to get its dependencies fulfilled | 20:14 |
TheHganavak | Thank you for the clarification Snowhog. Could you clarify what you mean by tainting the KDE environment? | 20:16 |
lanc | ah, got it, chromium-browser package. | 20:20 |
phiscribe | it didnt crash over nigh, yeah | 20:22 |
TheHganavak | I installed the KDE desktop from Ubuntu, because I hate Unity, and I hate having to keep switching back to Gnome. I'm loving KDE so far, but idk if I wanna stick with it if there's problems with applications not working | 20:23 |
Snowhog | TheHganavak: Hmm. Analogy. You like only red apples, and any variety of apple that is red is fine by you. However, you find that there is a particular apple that has a flavor you like, and that has no comparable 'red' apple. But, in order to get that particular apple, you have to incorporate it into your red apples, and this new apple isn't red - it's green. And to further the issue, you are told that in order to get that green apple, you | 20:23 |
Snowhog | will have to accept many other green apples as well. Bad analogy,butmaybe you get the idea. | 20:23 |
TheHganavak | Oh okay. So does that often/ever have adverse affects on the whole KDE environment..? Or you just end up getting a laod of packages you ideally wouldn't have? | 20:25 |
TheHganavak | @Snowhog ^ | 20:25 |
Snowhog | TheHganavak: adverse effects? Generally (I won't say never)? No. Getting a "load of packages you ideally wouldn't have" is more "correct". | 20:26 |
genii-around | Just basically makes for a lot of cruft | 20:26 |
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TheHganavak | Alright. I can live with that! | 20:27 |
TheHganavak | Cheers | 20:28 |
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TheHganavak | Oh, one more question. Since I downloaded the KDE desktop, whenever I boot up Dropbox from my uhh toolbox(?) it opens it up and everything looks all screwed up. I assume this is because I installed the nautilus Dropbox. Do I have to completely redownload it to fix this, or is there some other fix available? I mean I can just use it the same if I go through Dolphin to my dropbox folder, but I'm a bit of perfectionist. | 20:30 |
MDesade | hello all, is there a run-level that i can run on kubuntu 11.04 that is multi-user and does NOT load KDE or the graphical interface?? | 20:31 |
MDesade | so, i can make my machine be CLI only, and then should i need to boot into KDE i can just reboot into that runlevel, and then reboot back into CLI only? | 20:32 |
genii-around | MDesade: Runlevels are not really used anymore. For instance 2,3,4, and 5 are the same. | 20:34 |
genii-around | MDesade: You can just uninstall KDM/GDM etc. Then it will just drop you in a command prompt where you could manually startkde or so on | 20:36 |
fontis | Kudos to the Kubuntu community | 20:41 |
fontis | keepin' it real without canonical! | 20:41 |
bios` | Hi I have the following problem, can anyone help ? | 20:48 |
ghostcube | ok guys, coming from kubuntu-de and kubguntu-devel to you. i tried burning an data dvd with 4 gig. k3b told me burned ok. ejected the dvd and then i wanted to reload it. it cant be read. tried on windows not able to read dvd. tried different tims with different settings no chance. and i tried to first build an iso and burn this to dvd. same thing | 20:48 |
ghostcube | any ideas so far? | 20:48 |
well_laid_lawn | the drive is busted? | 20:49 |
ghostcube | nope burning cd works fine | 20:49 |
well_laid_lawn | never say never | 20:50 |
ghostcube | burning the iso from k3b on nero works fine too | 20:50 |
well_laid_lawn | from k3b on nero ? | 20:50 |
ghostcube | yup | 20:50 |
genii-around | bios`: You can't run the command while X is running anyplace | 20:50 |
well_laid_lawn | k3b is a burning app so is nero iirc | 20:50 |
genii-around | ( this includes the login manager ) | 20:50 |
ghostcube | its not the drive | 20:51 |
bios` | genii-around: tried it through recover modus through the boot menu | 20:51 |
bios` | did not work the either | 20:51 |
genii-around | bios`: Try this way: logout kubuntu. When you get to kdm screen, ctrl-alt-F1 ... then issue: sudo stop kdm then issue the X -configure ... then sudo start kdm then hit alt-F7 to return to login screen | 20:53 |
bios` | give it a try brb | 20:53 |
ghostcube | hmm ok i will use nero linux instead of k3b works fine :) | 21:15 |
TheHganavak_ | How do you shrink a folder view panel? | 21:21 |
petete | TheHganavak_: first make sure the plasmoids are not locked | 21:27 |
petete | then on mouse over there should appear a tab on the right of the plasmoid | 21:27 |
TheHganavak_ | Ya | 21:28 |
petete | click and drag the first icon on the tab to resize it | 21:28 |
TheHganavak_ | And? | 21:28 |
TheHganavak_ | Oh okay | 21:28 |
Tech-1 | I have (liqapt-runtime) up for dl, and when i try to dl it i get - (fix broken packages), but there are none showing that are broke. Halp! | 21:37 |
lovelyguy1127 | After installing propriatery drivers, fonts are small and there is no font smoothing. | 21:47 |
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TheHganavak | How do you set your default activity? | 22:07 |
blip- | hi all, I had ubuntu 11.04 and just did a distro upgrade. When it reached the end it exited with an error (it told me completed but with errors). I restarted and it works fine and lsb_release shows 11.10. is there anything i should do at this point to make sure all is fine ? | 22:11 |
blip- | *kubuntu | 22:12 |
jmichaelx | blip-: you should apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade again | 22:12 |
jmichaelx | blip-: that should give you some indication of what might be wrong | 22:12 |
TheHganavak | Anyone know how you set the default activity to start up when you log on | 22:17 |
blip- | jmichaelx, I did this, there are no updates. I also did an apt-get clean/purge. | 22:19 |
dacresni | how do I configure automatic system crash reporting with kexec ? it uses grub2 so i can't just add the crashkernel configuration to the menu.lst | 22:28 |
Daskreech | TheHganavak: Might be in the session management | 22:34 |
dacresni | hmm | 22:36 |
TheHganavak | Why do files saved to my desktop only appear in my 'Show Desktop' activity, but not in others? | 22:41 |
yofel | TheHganavak: the default desktop shows widgets, not the contents of the ~/Desktop folder. The show desktop activity uses folderview as desktop type. For another type you could add a folderview widget to the desktop and show the Desktop contents in there | 22:44 |
TheHganavak | Okay thanks yofel. One more question: Anyone know how to add a website/url shortcut to the desktop | 22:45 |
TheHganavak | What's the open Konsole shortcut in Kubuntu!? | 22:55 |
yofel | TheHganavak: none by default, but if you go to system settings -> shortcuts -> custom shortcuts then you'll find one under Examples that you can enable - which is pre-set to ctrl-alt-t | 22:56 |
shane2peru | does anyone else use libreoffice? On the panel, when you have libre office, does it show the icon? Mine shows an X and that is annoying, a few other minor annoyances in Libreoffice, that makes me think something is wrong | 22:57 |
shane2peru | I'm not sure how to fix it? Should I purge it and re-install it? | 22:58 |
* yofel gets an X too | 22:59 | |
yofel | no idea why | 22:59 |
shane2peru | yofel: drives me buggy, because I often overlook it, and can't find LO when I want to bring that window to the top | 22:59 |
shane2peru | then in Spreadsheet, seems as the tips or helps when putting in a formula come up black, and cannot be read. | 23:00 |
shane2peru | wonder if it is just a theme issue?? | 23:00 |
yofel | no idea, the icon that the desktop file uses is in /usr/share/icons/hicolor/, so I don't see why it wouldn't find it. Or not show it | 23:02 |
Snowhog | shane2peru: Read my post/thread on this, and the workaround/fix: | 23:02 |
shane2peru | Snowhog: thanks!!! That looks like it will fix my tool tips, and that is one of the problems, I can live with the X on the panel, though I would prefer it be the LO icon | 23:05 |
shane2peru | probably about the time I get used to the X, it will be fixed and changed to the LO icon, and I won't be able to find it then. :) | 23:05 |
Snowhog | shane2peru: Where on the Panel are you seeing the X for LO - how are you adding the app to the Panel? | 23:07 |
yofel | Snowhog: the X shows up when you run LO | 23:07 |
shane2peru | Snowhog: no, I'm not adding it, when I open LO (writer, spreadsheet) it just shows on the panel, as an open app | 23:07 |
Snowhog | shane2peru: Ah. Never noticed that before. Given that LO apps in K menu all have icons, me wonders why the X. | 23:08 |
yofel | somehow the connection between the app and it's .desktop file is severed | 23:10 |
Snowhog | yofel: not that LO .desktop file is severed, rather, I think, it's because the associated .desktop files don't have an Icon= entry. | 23:14 |
yofel | they do, and the icons are there | 23:14 |
Snowhog | yofel: Yes, my bad. Wrong case in my grep. :/ | 23:16 |
yofel | I seriously don't get what's wrong though. Looking at the verbose logs of kwin and plasma, they seem to get the metadata from the desktop file when starting LO writer | 23:17 |
yofel | plasma-desktop(2666)/kdecore (KStartupInfo) KStartupInfo::Private::got_message: got: "new: ID="yofel-T510;1319152250;243774;2728_TIME58898890" NAME="LibreOffice Writer" DESCRIPTION="Launching LibreOffice Writer" ICON=libreoffice34-writer WMCLASS="0" APPLICATION_ID=/usr/share/applications/libreoffice-writer.desktop SCREEN=0" | 23:17 |
shane2peru | right, doesn't make sense to me, though you all seem to have a more integrated knowledge of those workings | 23:18 |
The_Jag | I've just installed the new 11.10 and I'd like to restore my old previous users and homes. Is there a convenient way to achieve this? | 23:25 |
Snowhog | shane2peru: I'm testing the thought that it's java releated. Running libreoffice --writer from the console, and then closing LO after it loads, I'm left with this message in the console: javaldx: Could not find a Java Runtime Environment! Please ensure that a JVM and the package libreoffice-java-common is installed. If it is already installed then try removing ~/.libreoffice/3/user/config/javasettings_Linux_*.xml Warning: failed to read | 23:29 |
Snowhog | path from javaldx | 23:29 |
shane2peru | ahh, I think you may be on to something there. | 23:30 |
shane2peru | Snowhog: ^^ | 23:30 |
jamil_1 | smooth scrolling possible in kde ? | 23:30 |
Snowhog | shane2peru: Well, that doesn't result in a LO icon in the Panel when LO is running, but it does do away with the message. I installed default-jre libreoffice-java-common | 23:31 |
shane2peru | Snowhog: right, but it does point to a few lacking dependencies, that should be installed with the app? right? | 23:32 |
Snowhog | shane2peru: Not sure. As LO installs and runs without those, they must be classified as recommends; not dependencies. | 23:33 |
shane2peru | oh, right. | 23:33 |
Snowhog | shane2peru: Seems it's been reported as a bug: | 23:39 |
ubottu | KDE bug 284027 in widget-taskbar "libreoffice icons incorrect in taskmanager" [Normal,Resolved: duplicate] | 23:39 |
shane2peru | Snowhog: ahh, ok, thanks! I will check out that bug | 23:40 |
Snowhog | shane2peru: It is marked as a duplicate of this bug: | 23:41 |
ubottu | KDE bug 284015 in widget-taskbar "libreoffice icons incorrect in taskmanager" [Normal,Unconfirmed] | 23:41 |
shane2peru | ahh, didn't notice those are KDE bugs, not Ubuntu, I can only keep up with so much login info, At least it has been reported, and is being fixed. | 23:42 |
shane2peru | Thanks for the info Snowhog | 23:43 |
Snowhog | shane2peru: As it's purely cosmetic, I doubt that it will be fixed quickly. | 23:43 |
shane2peru | Snowhog: right, but at least it is known, and will be fixed sometime. | 23:44 |
Snowhog | shane2peru: That is likely true. | 23:44 |
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khear | anyone happen to know where the session management settings are in kubuntu 11.10? i'd like to make sure that kubuntu always starts with an empty session | 23:53 |
khear | ah, found it in Startup and Shutdown | 23:56 |
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