jcastro | hey pleia2 | 00:28 |
jcastro | (please) | 00:28 |
pleia2 | hey jcastro | 00:29 |
jcastro | (see how I did playa please?) | 00:29 |
jcastro | anyway, you posted a cat on G+, want to talk about cats? | 00:30 |
pleia2 | heh | 00:30 |
pleia2 | cats++ | 00:30 |
pleia2 | anything but ocelots | 00:30 |
jcastro | heh | 00:30 |
jcastro | (hey amber, post that pic of pete with your new kitty) | 00:31 |
pleia2 | new kitty! | 00:31 |
jcastro | hey so, we had to give our cat away since we moved | 00:31 |
* pleia2 nods | 00:31 | |
jcastro | and jill doesn't want a new cat | 00:31 |
jcastro | she could only love him or some made up stuff | 00:31 |
pleia2 | aww | 00:31 |
jcastro | but I am home alone all day and I miss having a hunter on the premises. | 00:31 |
pleia2 | yeah, they are good company for work from homers | 00:32 |
pleia2 | my egyptian mau loves heat (maine coons are lovey, giant, snugglecats, but a bit fluffy for florida) | 00:33 |
jcastro | looks awesome | 00:34 |
jcastro | that mau | 00:34 |
pleia2 | or I can put a webcam up in my condo so you can enjoy my cats (but mostly they sleep, not hunt, not even pretend to hunt) | 00:35 |
jcastro | right | 00:35 |
pleia2 | "hi, are you done with work? my food bowl has food in it but it's not fresh enough" | 00:35 |
jcastro | but that's a ploy | 00:35 |
jcastro | they can hunt | 00:35 |
jcastro | they're just waiting for you to put your guard down | 00:35 |
pleia2 | I don't know, my siamese makes some kind of chirping noise when she hunts bugs | 00:36 |
pleia2 | what kind of predator has a hunting *noise*? | 00:36 |
jcastro | anyway jill is coming to UDS for the end | 00:36 |
jcastro | I kind of need you to like, be all about cats | 00:36 |
pleia2 | lol | 00:36 |
jcastro | but not like, too strong, because she will know | 00:36 |
pleia2 | ok :) | 00:36 |
greg-g | hilarious | 00:38 |
jcastro | so we need a balance between | 00:38 |
jcastro | "oh she understands, she has cats" vs. "omg I just met a crazy cat lady" | 00:38 |
jcastro | because we adopted from a crazy cat lady | 00:38 |
jcastro | who had drawn on eyebrows | 00:39 |
pleia2 | haha, nice | 00:39 |
jcastro | she was basically a walking stereotype | 00:39 |
jcastro | but I don't dig this "I will only ever love one cat" business | 00:39 |
jcastro | I mean, really ... | 00:39 |
Pendulum | jcastro: would you like my help as well? I have lots of kitten pictures that I can show off at UDS | 00:39 |
jcastro | ah yes | 00:39 |
jcastro | attack her from double fronts, awesome idea | 00:40 |
Pendulum | (and this is the kitten I have now, 18 months after my "one cat" died) | 00:40 |
jcastro | ok so this time around, I think I want older kitten | 00:40 |
Pendulum | so I can totally pull the "I wasn't sure I'd ever want a cat again after my first cat died" thing | 00:41 |
Pendulum | older kittens or adopting adult cats is good :) | 00:41 |
jcastro | enough to imprint totally love, but not too young where he takes like, all day to take care of | 00:41 |
pleia2 | and destroys everything | 00:41 |
Pendulum | including you | 00:41 |
Pendulum | (love Scotia, but I do have puncture marks) | 00:42 |
pleia2 | yeah, there is sometimes blood with kittens :) | 00:42 |
jcastro | one day he knocked over a pop on 2 of my laptops | 00:42 |
jcastro | he cost me like 2 grand | 00:42 |
jcastro | I wanted to kill him | 00:42 |
pleia2 | ouch | 00:42 |
pleia2 | fortunately my cats mostly went after paper products (toilet paper, paper towels, tissues) | 00:43 |
pleia2 | confetti! | 00:43 |
jcastro | hair ties | 00:43 |
pleia2 | rubber bands | 00:43 |
jcastro | when we moved I loaded the couch onto a truck | 00:43 |
pleia2 | ok, I need to pack up for the Ubuntu Hour downstairs, then our release dinner :d | 00:43 |
pleia2 | and we got our CDs today \o/ | 00:43 |
jcastro | there were, I am not lying, 32 of Jill's hair ties in a pile behind the couch | 00:43 |
pleia2 | haha | 00:43 |
jcastro | ok so before you go | 00:44 |
greg-g | pleia2: see you soon! | 00:44 |
jcastro | we will "accidentally" talk about cats | 00:44 |
jcastro | but to too much | 00:44 |
jcastro | when my wife is around | 00:44 |
pleia2 | greg-g: yay! see you soon :) | 00:44 |
jcastro | greg-g: ! what's up | 00:44 |
greg-g | jcastro: yo yo man. just getting ready to go hang with pleia2, because, you know, I picked the cool state to move to | 00:45 |
jcastro | wait, IRL? | 00:45 |
greg-g | yep | 00:46 |
jcastro | I'll be there in 3 weeks (CA) | 00:46 |
jcastro | we should link up | 00:46 |
jcastro | you all by the valley? | 00:46 |
greg-g | I live in the city, work in MV | 00:46 |
bkerensa | Oh jeez :( Boinc is dead in 11.10 | 00:47 |
bkerensa | well in amd64 version atleast | 00:47 |
maco | <Pendulum> including you <---- yes, please WARN ME if the kitten im about to pick up has been neutered/spayed in the last 24 hours! *looks at scars* | 02:35 |
maco | <jcastro> one day he knocked over a pop on 2 of my laptops <--- you say pop! | 02:35 |
akgraner | jono it's nice to know members of the NC LoCo team listen to your Q&A sessions :-) had people ping me to tell me to go watch it... | 02:47 |
akgraner | jcastro, you mean this one? http://people.ubuntu.com/~akgraner/PeteandKitten.jpg | 02:50 |
mhall119 | Michael Hall | 03:48 |
mhall119 | ENC 1102 | 03:48 |
mhall119 | October 19, 2011 | 03:48 |
mhall119 | blah | 03:48 |
* mhall119 sometimes forgets that middle-click in irssi window means "paste" not "open link in new tab" | 03:49 | |
nigelb | jcastro: did you notice that uds website looks bad now? | 04:46 |
bkerensa | lol | 04:52 |
bkerensa | Anyone else running 64bit 11.10 and wanna help me test a app that seems to be bugging? | 04:52 |
greg-g | jcastro: mind renewing my membership in bugcontrol? | 05:31 |
bkerensa | greg-g: ;) Wanna checkout my bug | 05:38 |
bkerensa | :D | 05:38 |
greg-g | bkerensa: send me a link and I'll take a look | 05:42 |
bkerensa | greg-g: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/boinc/+bug/878571 | 05:43 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 878571 in boinc "boinc-client bad signature for URL" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 05:43 |
bkerensa | ;) | 05:43 |
* bkerensa hopes it gets fixed soon so I can get back to work with boinc | 05:43 | |
bkerensa | :D | 05:43 |
akgraner | jcastro - I went ahead and wrote yesterdays summary of open week and cross posted to the fridge since I'll be afk for most of the morning | 05:43 |
akgraner | I also added you as helper to today's sessions (just in case)...I think that's almost everything I can think of I needed to take care for later this morning | 05:45 |
jussi | akgraner: you are a superstar. | 05:49 |
akgraner | jussi, nah - just can't sleep - so might as well be productive :-) no sense wasting time - though I did play a game or two on g+ and did module 3 of learning python the hard way :-) | 05:50 |
greg-g | bkerensa: you might need to report this bug against the upstream project: http://boinc.berkeley.edu/trac/wiki/BoincIntro | 05:50 |
bkerensa | jussi: akgraner is the best | 05:50 |
jussi | akgraner: doesnt change the fact | 05:50 |
greg-g | but, for now, I should sleep | 05:50 |
jussi | goodnight greg-g | 05:51 |
akgraner | Thanks y'all /me is blushing | 05:51 |
greg-g | g'night jussi :) | 05:51 |
akgraner | greg-g, nite | 05:51 |
bkerensa | greg-g: gnight and I will report upstream | 05:51 |
nigelb | AlanBell: around? | 06:33 |
AlanBell | yes | 06:35 |
nigelb | AlanBell: hey, do you remember what you did to get around to wget not working on wiki.ubuntu.com? | 06:35 |
nigelb | I can't seem to be able to download mbox files either | 06:35 |
AlanBell | spoofed user agent | 06:36 |
nigelb | I tried --user-agent='Mozilla...' didn't work. | 06:36 |
nigelb | http://dpaste.com/637739/ | 06:38 |
dpm | nigelb, that might help, it's a quick script I wrote a while ago to fetch translated pages from the wiki: https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/+junk/get-wiki-translations | 06:46 |
dpm | I used curl rather than wget | 06:47 |
nigelb | dpm: aha, thanks! | 06:49 |
AlanBell | there is an overall rate limit too which you might hit | 06:50 |
dholbach | good morning | 06:51 |
bkerensa | Well Good Night Everyone (or Morning)! | 06:52 |
dpm | morning dholbach | 06:56 |
dholbach | hola dpm | 06:57 |
czajkowski | aloha all | 06:57 |
dpm | hey czajkowski | 07:02 |
dpm | morning Gwaihir! | 07:02 |
dpm | and morning to AlanBell, nigelb and bkerensa too! :-) | 07:02 |
nigelb | Morning dpm :) | 07:03 |
dholbach | hey Gwaihir | 07:09 |
Gwaihir | morning dpm! | 07:09 |
Gwaihir | hey dholbach! | 07:09 |
dpm | happy belated birthday Gwaihir! :) | 07:14 |
Gwaihir | thank you dpm :) | 07:14 |
=== ara is now known as Guest79243 | ||
* dholbach walks over to the office - brb | 07:40 | |
dholbach | dpm, yo! | 08:19 |
dpm | dholbach, hey! | 08:20 |
huats | morning! | 08:58 |
huats | hello dpm and dholbach | 08:58 |
dholbach | salut huats | 08:59 |
dpm | morning huats | 09:02 |
popey | http://popey.com/blog/2011/10/20/happy-hour-comes-to-farnborough/ | 09:08 |
popey | \o/ | 09:08 |
popey | </spam> | 09:08 |
dpm | dholbach_, what's the best way to keep a package that is not in the archive (e.g. in a PPA) under revision control? | 10:28 |
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach | ||
dholbach | dpm, which package is it? | 10:29 |
dholbach | what do you have already? is its source in revision control? tarball releases? already in LP? | 10:30 |
dholbach | daily builds for example are just great | 10:30 |
dpm | dholbach, I'm testing a package to create a localized ISO with the tools pitti created this cycle. The tools work with a 'defaults' package as a basis to create the iso, and that's the package I've just created. I don't have it under revision control, but I'll upload it to a PPA in a minute. I'll experiment with it and make changes, so I was wondering how I can best keep it under revision control. | 10:32 |
dholbach | dpm, where is the source for the package, like the upstream source? | 10:33 |
dpm | dholbach, right now locally (I've just created it), but let me upload it to a junk branch... | 10:33 |
* dholbach nods | 10:34 | |
dholbach | if you maintain it, you could just put all the bits and pieces (code and packaging) into a branch | 10:34 |
dpm | dholbach, https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/+junk/ubuntu-defaults-ca | 10:36 |
dpm | (branch hasn't been scanned in LP yet...) | 10:36 |
dholbach | yeah, put it all into an "official branch" and use https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/SourceBuilds/Recipes | 10:38 |
dholbach | dpm, oh, and if you seem to have no local diff right now, please run "debclean; bzr commit -m 'removed automatically generated files'" :-) | 10:40 |
dpm | thanks dholbach! | 10:43 |
* popey hugs dholbach | 10:43 | |
dholbach | de nada | 10:43 |
* dholbach hugs popey back :) | 10:43 | |
akgraner | Good morning :-) | 10:52 |
Pendulum | morning akgraner | 10:57 |
akgraner | hey Pendulum! | 11:00 |
jussi | new phone new phone new phone.... | 11:03 |
* jussi does the new phone dance | 11:03 | |
akgraner | well - what kind? | 11:03 |
jussi | akgraner: http://is.gd/5yF7p5 | 11:04 |
akgraner | cool-e-o! | 11:05 |
jussi | yeah, its really nice | 11:06 |
akgraner | I want a new phone - I think I suffer from gadget envy :-) | 11:06 |
akgraner | but I can't justify why I need a new one...(yet) | 11:06 |
jussi | not quite as fast as I would have liked - no dual core, and I would like a bigger screen, but otherwise everything is there | 11:06 |
akgraner | cool :-) | 11:09 |
jussi | akgraner: and the keyboard is just beautiful | 11:11 |
akgraner | so it looks! Pete and Becca have the G2's and they love having the option of the keyboard- easier to send longer emails from you phone with... | 11:12 |
akgraner | s/you/your | 11:12 |
* akgraner wishes she had gone that route - as there are times when it would come in handy | 11:13 | |
jussi | akgraner: you know for next time :D | 11:13 |
akgraner | jussi yep | 11:14 |
dpm | dholbach, I read the recipes guide, and uploaded the package to my PPA. I'm getting a "Source/binary (i.e. mixed) uploads are not allowed." error from LP. What's a mixed upload? Is this something I need to fix with my package, or something I should ask the #launchpad guys about? I don't want to steal too much of your time for this, though, so unless it's something obvious, I can leave it for some other time | 11:16 |
dholbach | dpm, in your branch run: bzr bd -- -S -sa | 11:17 |
dholbach | then: cd ..; dput <ppa-info> <packagesomethingbla>_source.changes | 11:17 |
dholbach | oh no | 11:18 |
dholbach | hang on | 11:18 |
dholbach | if you set up a recipe for the branch, you don't need to dput anything | 11:18 |
dpm | dholbach, I haven't set up the recipe yet | 11:18 |
dholbach | ah ok | 11:19 |
dpm | I'm just experimenting with it for now | 11:19 |
dpm | thanks! | 11:19 |
dholbach | https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-packaging-guide-team/+recipe/ubuntu-packaging-guide-daily | 11:19 |
dholbach | something like this should be good enough already: | 11:20 |
dholbach | # bzr-builder format 0.3 deb-version {debupstream}-0~{revno} | 11:20 |
dholbach | lp:ubuntu-packaging-guide | 11:20 |
dpm | hey dholbach, the guys from the web team have asked me if I could help them with this bug related to the CoC - do you happen to know which one of the 3 versions is the correct one? -> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website-content/+bug/868009 | 12:44 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 868009 in ubuntu-website-content "Different versions of the Code of Conduct" [Undecided,New] | 12:44 |
dpm | ah, we've got ubot! | 12:44 |
dpm | I'm guessing the ubuntu.com version should simply be updated to v1.1 (i.e. the one in LP) | 12:45 |
jussi | dpm: Im pretty sure you are correct there. | 12:48 |
dpm | thanks jussi :) If anyone from the CC could give me an additional confirmation, that'd also be great. In any case, bbl, going for lunch now | 12:50 |
dholbach | dpm, yes, the one in LP should be it | 12:56 |
jcastro | hey james_w | 13:00 |
jcastro | something about stephen doel's summit credentials | 13:01 |
james_w | jcastro, hey | 13:03 |
james_w | I think I fixed that for him | 13:03 |
jcastro | k | 13:03 |
james_w | you have to login on the front page before hitting the admin site | 13:04 |
dholbach | jcastro, dpm: does that mean that we won't have the team meeting later on? | 13:21 |
jcastro | not sure | 13:21 |
dholbach | ok | 13:22 |
dpm | dholbach, which team meeting? | 13:43 |
dholbach | dpm, team hangout? | 13:44 |
dpm | dholbach, that's wednesdays, isn't it? I don't have any in my calendar | 13:44 |
dholbach | haha, yes, you're right | 13:45 |
dpm | dholbach, but yeah, I told jono it's still be good to have the hangouts. I think IRC is great for getting more transparency and people joining in, but I miss the face time. Maybe we could do a combination of both? Like 30min IRC/30 min G+? | 13:47 |
dholbach | I agree | 13:47 |
dholbach | not too much about the exact timing, but generally, yes | 13:48 |
dholbach | there are loads of new followers on @ubuntudev on twitter - I have no idea what just happened | 13:48 |
dpm | oh that will be the tweet I did on "dholbach will buy beers to everyone joining @ubuntudev" | 13:52 |
dholbach | haha | 13:53 |
* dholbach hugs dpm | 13:53 | |
* dpm hugs dholbach :) | 13:54 | |
james_w | http://pastebin.ca/2091934 <- these sessions are currently not being scheduled for UDS | 14:30 |
nigelb | james_w: error or purposefully? | 14:37 |
james_w | because they don't match any tracks | 14:37 |
nigelb | ah. right. | 14:37 |
jcastro | hey dpm | 14:56 |
jcastro | so for Nokia | 14:56 |
jcastro | same as last time? We can probably do QT Roadmap and then a few developer sessions? | 14:57 |
dpm | jcastro, sounds good, but can we have a quick hangout about this? | 14:57 |
jcastro | sure | 14:58 |
jcastro | give me 5 min to make sure this openweek session hands off | 14:58 |
dpm | jcastro, sure, no rush. ping me when done | 14:58 |
james_w | dpm, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/ubuntu-translations-en-au-1204 isn't getting autoscheduled currently as the name doesn't start with a track name, what track should translations stuff be in? | 15:02 |
nigelb | community I guess. | 15:02 |
jcastro | dpm: I am ready | 15:07 |
dpm | james_w, I didn't know about that one, let me have a catch up with jcastro first and then look at it (it should probably be Community, I guess) | 15:08 |
james_w | thanks dpm | 15:08 |
dpm | jcastro, hangout sent | 15:09 |
dholbach | what a difference having the right bios option checked can make | 15:12 |
nigelb | dholbach: what happened? :) | 15:16 |
dholbach | I didn't turn on the virt support :) | 15:16 |
dholbach | and kvm was slow | 15:16 |
dholbach | VERY SLOW | 15:16 |
nigelb | ah right! | 15:17 |
nigelb | been there, done that :) | 15:18 |
jcastro | whoa | 15:18 |
jcastro | dude check this out nigel | 15:18 |
jcastro | http://corelli.tumbleweed.org.za/ubuntu-qa/specs-by-date/ | 15:19 |
nigelb | jcastro: I saw that already. tumbleweed already asked me if wwwe could get it into summit | 15:20 |
nigelb | I was planning on getting that on to action items :) | 15:20 |
jcastro | I didn't realize how handy that would be | 15:20 |
nigelb | It is *so* helpful! | 15:21 |
popey | dholbach: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/10/20/shuttleworth_ubuntu_12_04/ | 15:22 |
popey | you get a mention about sounder being shutdown | 15:22 |
popey | I DONT! \o/ | 15:22 |
dholbach | what? | 15:23 |
dholbach | so unity and the demise of sounder are the same? | 15:24 |
popey | indeed | 15:24 |
popey | they link to a useless 3-post thread | 15:25 |
dholbach | maybe I need some crack myself - maybe that'll make me understand :) | 15:25 |
popey | heh | 15:25 |
dpm | it seems it will be a shorter cycle too, now that it's called 12.01 LTS :) | 15:26 |
dholbach | dpm, it'll be ready for my birthday | 15:26 |
dholbach | NICE | 15:26 |
dpm | awesome | 15:26 |
dholbach | Mark already said something about "your birthday present", I had no idea! <3 <3 <3 | 15:27 |
dpm | how nice of him! | 15:27 |
nigelb | hehe | 15:29 |
nigelb | dholbach: They did an article on Mozilla and Firefox a few weeks back. | 15:29 |
nigelb | The corrections were longer than the article. | 15:29 |
dholbach | nice :) | 15:31 |
dpm | james_w, I don't think https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/ubuntu-translations-en-au-1204 should be a UDS session, it looks to me as an internal blueprint for the en_AU team. How did it get approved and visible in the scheduler? | 15:57 |
james_w | dpm, someone proposed it for uds, and someone (maybe the same person) approved it | 15:58 |
james_w | someone from https://launchpad.net/~uds-organizers will definitely have been involved, but it's a large team, so hard to know who to ask | 15:58 |
james_w | someone in that team can reject it again | 15:58 |
dpm | james_w, let me check with the en_AU guys and then I'll talk to someone in the uds-organizers team if it needs to be rejected | 15:59 |
james_w | thanks | 16:00 |
dholbach | alright my friends - have a great rest of your day - see you all tomorrow | 16:41 |
dpm | have a nice evening dholbach! | 16:51 |
dholbach | you too | 16:52 |
jono | jcastro, around? | 20:23 |
jcastro | jono: yep, que tal? | 20:23 |
jono | jcastro, can we have a quick call? | 20:23 |
jcastro | yep | 20:23 |
jono | will G+ you | 20:23 |
jcastro | cooh | 20:24 |
jono | jcastro, invite sent | 20:25 |
AlanBell | dpm is the localised iso chap right? | 20:41 |
jcastro | yeah | 20:43 |
jcastro | <--- doing a server upgrade which will mess with my connection, if someone needs me I'll bbl | 20:43 |
m4n1sh | jcastro: need some help from you | 20:55 |
m4n1sh | if you are free | 20:55 |
bkerensa | upstream for boinc is slow at responding to tickets =/ | 21:08 |
doctormo-web | jono: Can you review my blog post before I add it to the planet? http://doctormo.org/2011/10/20/ubuntus-adoption-curve-past-and-present/ | 21:09 |
doctormo-web | pleia2: Also you're pretty good at reading out any bias, could you have read? | 21:13 |
bkerensa | doctormo-web: Nice post | 21:15 |
jono | doctormo-web, reading | 21:17 |
jono | so much for my day off | 21:17 |
jono | ;-) | 21:17 |
jono | I have done nothing but work all day | 21:17 |
jono | lol | 21:17 |
jono | doctormo-web, interesting post | 21:18 |
jono | I am not sure it tells us a huge amount | 21:18 |
jono | as wikipedia stats are not really a decent metric | 21:18 |
bkerensa | jono: Solution to that is turn off cell phone... Unplug internet and go to the beach or a forest | 21:18 |
bkerensa | :) | 21:18 |
jono | but other than that, good post, doctormo-web | 21:18 |
doctormo-web | jono: OK, I'll put a further note in the warning that it's a limited data set. | 21:21 |
jono | doctormo-web, it might be useful to explain what the wikipedia data is | 21:21 |
jono | so people know where it offers value and where it doesn't | 21:22 |
doctormo-web | bkerensa: May I recommend Vermont for the East Coast and the Red Wood forests for the west coast? | 21:22 |
jono | as a good example, I think lots of Ubuntu users will never go to Wikipedia | 21:22 |
jono | if the data came from Google, that *would* be interesting :-) | 21:22 |
jono | doctormo-web, thanks for offering to read the post | 21:22 |
doctormo-web | jono: Let me know when you talk to google about that ;-) | 21:24 |
jono | haha | 21:24 |
jono | I wish :-) | 21:24 |
bkerensa | jono: How does wikimedia even track to the distro level? All the browsers use a generic linux useragent | 21:25 |
doctormo-web | bkerensa: nope | 21:25 |
doctormo-web | ever since jaunty I think they all have deb patches to show the distro. | 21:26 |
bkerensa | doctormo-web: Hmm I thought Firefox was the only browser to ever show a Ubuntu footprint but Mozilla decided against it and removed it | 21:27 |
bkerensa | hmm oh | 21:27 |
doctormo-web | it's really hard to type with baby on lap ;-) | 21:27 |
mhall119 | doctormo-web: \o/ | 21:31 |
mhall119 | congrats dude! | 21:31 |
doctormo-web | thanks! | 21:31 |
mhall119 | doctormo-web: you've got a lot of sleepless nights ahead, but it's totally worth it | 21:36 |
pleia2 | jono: yeah, that was an earthquake :) | 21:43 |
jono | pleia2, I have never been in one before | 21:43 |
jono | that was weird | 21:43 |
pleia2 | woohoo, happy earthquake! | 21:43 |
jono | hehe | 21:43 |
jono | creepy | 21:43 |
greg-g | jono: pleia2: us down in Mtn View didn't feel it :( | 21:49 |
pleia2 | the internet says it was a 4.2 in berkeley, so not surprising | 21:50 |
pleia2 | the ones in san jose tend to trickle up to us, but east bay down not so much | 21:50 |
jono | :-) | 21:53 |
akgraner | jcastro - hope all went well today - I haven't read the logs yet - how'd Rick's session go? | 22:24 |
akgraner | ok why is xchat not showing me as being "back" when I clearly marked myself as back - grrrrrr... | 22:25 |
bkerensa | akgraner type /back | 23:22 |
bkerensa | ;) | 23:22 |
akgraner | I did | 23:22 |
akgraner | several times :-) | 23:23 |
akgraner | I'll need to log out and log back in - :-/ it happens if I suspend with xchat open | 23:23 |
akgraner | but not all the time - I can't figure out how to reliably reproduce the condition everytime yet | 23:23 |
bkerensa | akgraner: Odd... on 11.10 my wireless mouse freezes now and then and a number of other bugs :D | 23:25 |
akgraner | I haven't had issues with the wireless mouse but I only use it now when I play games :-) For some reason (maybe a natural progression) I find it annoying when my hands have to leave the keyboard...(mhall119 and nigelb - yeah yeah I know don't say anything! :-P) | 23:27 |
nigelb | ...*screenshots* | 23:28 |
akgraner | nigelb, so I am on lesson 3 for the learning python the hard way :-) and I've started reading emmajane's new book on Drupal :-) yay! | 23:30 |
akgraner | brb restarting xchat... | 23:31 |
mhall119 | ;) | 23:40 |
mhall119 | mixing php and python? that's not a good idea | 23:40 |
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