=== ara is now known as Guest79243 [09:19] hi all [09:19] does anybody what's the widget/whatever that is show as top bar in ubiquity? [09:19] im going crazy looking for it [09:20] i mean the bar that shows the name of the step [09:21] im building a derivative ubuntu and i don't know why it just shows a pink bar instead of the correct background and the name of the step [09:39] okay, i just realized that the bar is only correctly working if you set the gtk theme Ambiance [09:39] if you use Adwaita or any other theme, it shows the pink bar without any text (at least, visible text) [09:40] it also works with Radiance [09:43] well, do you have the matching theme engine installed for the theme you use ? [09:51] yep [09:51] Adwaita gtk theme uses the adwaita engine [09:51] and it is installed (gnome-themes-standard) [11:11] ok, got it [11:11] ubiquity is using colors defined in ambiance's css [11:11] but not in adwaita one [14:20] hi, anyone know where I can get a megasr.ko for ubuntu 11.10? [14:20] its a third party driver for LSI megaraid [19:12] cjwatson: it looks like the branch for bug 809885 has been updated and is ready for re-rereview [19:12] Launchpad bug 809885 in casper "Single-quoted entries are invalid in /etc/resolv.conf on network install with NetworkManager disabled" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/809885