nhaines | Darkwing: pong | 00:08 |
Darkwing | nhaines: When are you going to start getting the talks for UbuCon. | 00:10 |
nhaines | I'm working on some plans still, but hope to start promoting by Halloween weekend at the latest. | 00:10 |
nhaines | I need to find out what the schedule is going to look like from the SCaLE staff, though. | 00:11 |
Darkwing | nhaines: I'll get that for you. I'm having another SCALE meeting with Ilan in a couple hours. | 00:11 |
nhaines | Darkwing: if it comes up, let him know that by November 1st I hope to start promoting for Ubucon. | 00:12 |
Darkwing | nhaines: Aye, I'll let them know. | 00:12 |
bkerensa | :( | 00:42 |
bkerensa | Boinc seems to not work on 11.10 | 00:42 |
pleia2 | woo sf ubuntu hour \o/ | 01:18 |
pleia2 | http://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/6261940625/ | 01:18 |
pleia2 | oneiric on oneiric tablet ;) | 01:18 |
broder | is that a Plastic Pangolin sitting next to the tablet? :-P | 01:19 |
pleia2 | yep! | 01:20 |
nhaines | pleia2: you should have answered "precisely!" | 01:23 |
pleia2 | haha, next time | 01:25 |
broder | i gotta say, in spite of using it for the better part of a month, i still can't tell whether or not i think unity's new alt-tab switcher is too smart for its own good | 01:34 |
MarkDude | http://usb.brando.com/usb-big-mouse_p02543c037d15.html | 02:10 |
MarkDude | Hella big usb mouse | 02:10 |
akk | I think I'd need sunglasses with something like that on my desk. | 02:11 |
akk | Not to mention using 2 hands to move it. | 02:11 |
* MarkDude wants to use it for Linux display | 02:12 | |
MarkDude | And say some crap about how MS will require people to use a mouse like this for Win 8 | 02:12 |
MarkDude | Part of the Metro interface | 02:13 |
akk | heh | 02:14 |
akk | Where is battery info these days? used to be /proc/acpi/battery or /sys/class/power_supply/battery but it seems to have moved (those don't exist any more). | 02:31 |
akk | Can't figure out how to google for it because all the google hits show those two old locations. | 02:33 |
broder | i don't know where to find the info specifically, but upower is responsible for aggregating power-related information these dyas | 02:33 |
broder | *days | 02:33 |
broder | you can use upower --dump | 02:33 |
akk | I usually just type acpi | 02:34 |
akk | but d wanted to know where to get the info without running that program (or if it wasn't installed). | 02:34 |
broder | my laptop has a /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0 | 02:36 |
akk | Interesting ... his Dell didn't. (but my Vaio does, turns out ... if I plug the battery in, which it wasn't :) | 02:37 |
broder | hmm...don't have a dell running oneiric to check. but upower should be installed on any ubuntu desktop machine | 02:38 |
broder | upower --dump will print out the full path to the /sys device | 02:38 |
broder | if you go to that directory and ls -ld subsystem, you can get the short path | 02:39 |
akk | thanks, I'll pass that along (he just moved to another room with the dell) | 02:39 |
nhaines | akk: I'm pretty sure my laptop still has /proc/acpi/battery | 02:55 |
broder | hmm, mine does too, but all the interesting stuff is in /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0 | 02:57 |
nhaines | Right, but akk was saying that didn't even exist. | 02:58 |
akk | Right, it didn't exist on the Dell, even though it was running off battery | 02:59 |
akk | and the battery kernel module was loaded | 02:59 |
broder | dell probably decided they were too cool for acpi or something | 02:59 |
akk | They're a bit weird on batteries anyway ... the battery has some kind of chip in it to say whether it's a genuine Dell battery, or something. | 03:03 |
akk | Some aftermarket batteries come with windows programs to trick windows into thinking it's a Dell battery (which of course doesn't work on linux). | 03:04 |
MarkDude | grep "effing battery" EXISTS <<< try that :D | 03:06 |
grantbow | lol | 03:12 |
MarkDude | Shhh, /me was reading some technical stuff - dont tell anyone | 03:13 |
* MarkDude does not want to ruin his image | 03:14 | |
* grantbow can keep your secret MarkDude | 03:14 | |
MarkDude | Good deal | 03:15 |
bkerensa | OH NO | 04:40 |
bkerensa | :( | 04:40 |
bkerensa | I missed akk | 04:41 |
pleia2 | fun release dinner :) had 10 people come out | 04:48 |
bkerensa | ! | 04:49 |
bkerensa | Yay! | 04:49 |
bkerensa | :D | 04:49 |
zoclo | i have problems to install my printer in ubuntu 11.10 | 05:45 |
bkerensa | Gnight all | 06:52 |
locodir-user_ | is ne1 der | 09:00 |
bkerensa | Dance Party! Ubuntu is 7 Years Old Today! | 17:14 |
Darkwing | Nice! | 17:15 |
* bkerensa just blogged about it ( Happy Birthday Ubuntu! http://j.mp/qqXomT ) | 17:18 | |
Darkwing | I need to start blogging better. | 17:19 |
Darkwing | Although, I'm opening up an old chapter to my programming. | 17:19 |
nhaines | Darkwing: python? | 17:21 |
bkerensa | pleia2: Will Regional Membership meeting be in #ubuntu-meeting ? | 17:24 |
Darkwing | nhaines: Web apps and web programming | 17:24 |
pleia2 | bkerensa: yes | 17:25 |
bkerensa | kk | 17:25 |
Darkwing | http://www.socallinuxexpo.org/blog/design-logo-scale-10x-win-trip-la | 17:32 |
Darkwing | bkerensa: Didn't know if you wanted to share that with your guys up north. | 17:32 |
nhaines | The guys on the other side of the cube wall are arguing about Star Wars. | 17:33 |
bkerensa | Darkwing: I have passed it along | 17:35 |
bkerensa | :D | 17:35 |
Darkwing | :D Figured a free trip to LA and SCaLE would be worth it. | 17:35 |
Darkwing | Plus, it's less work I have to do. :D | 17:36 |
nhaines | Darkwing: did you find out anything about scheduling? | 17:56 |
Darkwing | nhaines: I'm waiting for the email. As soon as I get it I'll forward it to you. | 17:57 |
nhaines | Darkwing: thanks. | 18:01 |
Gareth | 'lo | 18:15 |
Darkwing | nhaines, Gareth. Gareth, nhaines | 18:15 |
Gareth | Darkwing: we've met :) | 18:15 |
* Darkwing ducks | 18:15 | |
Darkwing | </sarcasm> | 18:16 |
Gareth | hah | 18:16 |
Gareth | nhaines: Hey Nathan :) understand you have some questions? | 18:16 |
pleia2 | geez, we let just anyone in here now don't we? | 18:16 |
pleia2 | :) | 18:16 |
Gareth | apparently :) | 18:16 |
* Gareth slinks into the shadows | 18:19 | |
nhaines | haha | 18:20 |
nhaines | Gareth: yup, just wondering how many speakers I should con into speaking at Ubucon next year. :) | 18:20 |
Gareth | nhaines: schedule should be the same as last year. | 18:20 |
nhaines | Gareth: okay, that should be easy enough. | 18:21 |
Gareth | You might end up in the same room as last year too. | 18:22 |
nhaines | Gareth: that'd be cool. It was a nice setup. | 18:22 |
bkerensa | Gareth: You coming up to Portland next year? | 18:23 |
Gareth | bkerensa: not sure yet. | 18:24 |
Gareth | I'd like to....Portland is awesome. | 18:25 |
jyo | jtatum: So no street closures in Mt. View today, right? :P | 21:24 |
jtatum | hopefully not :) | 21:24 |
jtatum | it's too cold to go out on the street | 21:25 |
pleia2 | hm, it was just very bouncy in here | 21:42 |
pleia2 | earthquake :) | 21:42 |
pleia2 | that was stronger than the first one I felt, there was some serious bouncy | 21:44 |
broder | huh, didn't make it down to the peninsula - i didn't notice anything | 21:45 |
pleia2 | ah, it was in berkeley, 4.2 | 21:49 |
jtatum | seeing various irc channels light up with earthquake in sf reports :) | 21:49 |
broder | i think there was an xkcd comic about that :-P | 21:51 |
pleia2 | hehe | 21:51 |
pleia2 | http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/dyfi/events/nc/71667366/us/index.html | 21:51 |
broder | looks like i should have felt it | 21:53 |
bkerensa | pleia2: Are you a wine fan? | 21:55 |
pleia2 | I enjoy wine | 21:56 |
bkerensa | pleia2: I just got this http://www.flickr.com/photos/bkerensa/6264373715/in/photostream | 21:56 |
* bkerensa is wondering if someday Jono's band Severed Fifth will have their own wine | 21:56 | |
bkerensa | :D | 21:56 |
pleia2 | cool | 21:57 |
bkerensa | Yeah... Fiancee likes wine some but I'm not a big fan of drinking :P | 21:57 |
akk | I didn't feel the quake at all in San Jose. | 22:00 |
bkerensa | =o | 22:00 |
bkerensa | akk: I have been looking for you :D | 22:00 |
* bkerensa needs to ask a favor | 22:00 | |
* akk listens | 22:03 | |
bkerensa | akk: So we (Ubuntu Oregon) have a sponsor for a banner and none of us are Gimp Masters and valorie says you are the Gimp Sensei :D we know what we want the layout to look like and we have the png's and one svg but the final product is looking a tad bit scrunched | 22:05 |
akk | Scrunched? Do you have it online where I could look? | 22:08 |
akk | (sorry for delays, I'm in the middle of a hot convo with Dell support trying to get this laptop to work ... in Windows, ick, then I get to try to figure out if it's possible in linux later on) | 22:09 |
bkerensa | akk: It is on my other laptop right now I can grab it later when it comes to my office | 22:09 |
akk | (yeesh, I hope it turns out to be easier to calibrate a touchscreen from linux than from windows ... this is crazy) | 22:19 |
akk | I don't suppose anyone here knows anything about touchscreens? My worry is whether it's possible to calibrate sensitivity for the touchscreen and the touchpad separately. | 22:22 |
akk | Anybody know how to generate an xorg.conf in oneiric? The old way of Xorg -configure doesn't work (gives errors). | 23:27 |
akk | I'm trying to get a list of input devices X sees. | 23:28 |
* MarkDude feels this way >> http://www.explainxkcd.com/2011/10/12/x11/ | 23:34 | |
MarkDude | Every damn time I have learned how to mess with it | 23:34 |
MarkDude | the way is changed | 23:34 |
MarkDude | Like I am a bad user, and should not try it :) | 23:34 |
akk | haha, yeah, I'd forgotten about that xkcd. So true. | 23:36 |
akk | But I have this bum laptop that dell doesn't seem to know how to fix :( | 23:36 |
bkerensa | MarkDude | 23:37 |
bkerensa | PM? | 23:37 |
MarkDude | Sure | 23:37 |
MarkDude | I dont need to be asked on PM | 23:38 |
MarkDude | Part of my being a public figure/d-bag | 23:38 |
MarkDude | :D | 23:38 |
MarkDude | Still a good idea to ask | 23:38 |
MarkDude | Others at east | 23:38 |
aaditya | MarkDude: You're a busy guy! | 23:48 |
* MarkDude has been | 23:48 | |
MarkDude | How was your visit with your SoCal friend? | 23:48 |
aaditya | It was amazing. | 23:49 |
aaditya | No longer a SoCal friend though. | 23:49 |
MarkDude | Good to hear | 23:50 |
MarkDude | She moved closer? | 23:50 |
aaditya | NorCal. | 23:50 |
MarkDude | Alright | 23:50 |
MarkDude | So when is the BBQ at your place | 23:50 |
aaditya | A month from now, tentative. | 23:50 |
MarkDude | Laura is hella down with vegetarian food | 23:50 |
aaditya | awesome. We should do another in the meantime! | 23:50 |
aaditya | I'm bringing her to the Ubuntu hour tonight btw. | 23:50 |
raevol | Darkwing: any news on libertopia? | 23:51 |
aaditya | She asked me if she could talk about how much she hates the UI. :P | 23:54 |
Darkwing | raevol: I'm out of town and can't afford to foot the bill for the table. Our next event will be SCaLE up in LA in January. | 23:55 |
MarkDude | lol | 23:55 |
raevol | Darkwing: makes sense, no worries | 23:58 |
raevol | i'm excited for SCaLE! | 23:59 |
MarkDude | Hell yes for scale | 23:59 |
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