[02:11] ubotuTN: Sit still ;) [02:15] Unit193: jump up and down like a chicken [02:15] Unit193: simon says jump up and down like a chicken [02:15] One way to get your blood flowing... (Yes I did...) [02:25] what did you do? [02:25] What cyberanger said, jump up and down like a chicken... [02:25] ha ha ha [02:27] lol [02:29] What? I'm not a boring old person! (And not all are) [02:34] Unit193: of course your not, your too young for that [02:34] ;-) [02:34] * cyberanger thinks that may have been too evil [02:54] hey guys [03:30] hello [03:46] Guten Tag binarymutant [03:47] kanichiwa [03:53] what's up binarymutant [04:14] ro:Good evening [04:32] evening Unit193 [04:34] s/Good //g :P [04:45] nothing much...even if my reply is a few hours late :/ [04:46] binarymutant: hours, whos's counting ;-) [05:28] <-- well this timer over here is [05:29] past the username that is [05:29] and that's if your japanese and read right to left... [05:29] :/ [05:30] s/past/before/g [05:32] binarymutant: so in other words, you've been counting [05:32] :P [05:39] :D of course [05:39] but in longer, un-thought out, sentences :D [05:42] * Unit193 missed all of it [13:01] morning all [13:01] wrst [13:01] johnhaitas [13:01] cyberanger [13:01] et all [13:01] morning xpistos [16:04] morning xpistos [16:04] wrst [16:04] cyberanger [16:04] hey johnhaitas [16:07] hey johnhaitas [16:15] morning john [16:23] morning zach ;) [16:24] how's it going pace_t_zulu [16:24] man, I type out so few nicks, and your's is one of them [16:24] lol [16:25] infocop411, well … and you? [16:25] how's it going johnhaitas [16:25] hehe [16:25] should i roll with pace in this room? [16:25] idk, your call, just know I may never break that habit [16:26] cyberanger: i'll have to setup my clients to flag mentions of 'pace_t_zulu' … no prob [16:27] I might get used to johnhaitas but uh, yeah [16:27] :) [16:28] I'm saying pace_t_zulu and noticing that second [16:29] so uh, yeah [18:43] o/ [19:16] o/ === vychune_ is now known as vychune === vychune_ is now known as vychune === vychune_ is now known as vychune === vychune_ is now known as vychune [22:36] cyberanger: ping [22:54] pong