
Andy80cwillu_at_work: let me try to update (please note: I've proposed enabled... I hope I didn't add this bug cause of this :\ )00:38
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hyperairmy user-switcher indicator seems to have gone missing. is that supposed to happen?05:35
didrocksgood morning05:45
oSoMoNgood morning06:58
* mhr3 wondered where that went07:07
zniavregood morning07:54
zniavrehow to recall unity-panel please it stops i do not want to relog07:54
mardyKaleo, Saviq: at the moment the ScreenInfo class has two methods for retrieving the screen geometry:08:57
mardy- geometry(), which returns the geometry of the full screen08:57
mardy- availableGeometry(), which returns the geometry of the "free" area, that is geometry() minus the launcher and the panel08:58
mardyI think we need a third one, which would return the geometry of the usable area, that is geometry minus the panel (but not the launcher, if it's set to auto hide)08:59
mardythis is needed to fix the problem with the GnomeBackground in the spread (without hacking it)09:00
mardycurrently, our availableGeometry() is the Qt's availableGeometry(), minus the Launcher09:01
mardyso I was thinking that we should just wrap Qt's availableGeometry() and expose it to QMl without modifications09:02
mardyand have a new method which would return Qt's availableGeometry minus the Launcher09:02
mardyI just don't know how to name it. clearGeometry()?09:03
mardyKaleo, Saviq (or anyone else :-) ): any suggestions?09:03
Kaleomardy: the launcher is supposed to be visible when the spread is up09:04
Kaleomardy: so the spread is supposed to take the same space as the dash, that is our current availableGeometry09:04
mardyKaleo: the problem is with the ending animation of the spread: it should animate the GNOME background to match the screen's one09:05
mardyKaleo: IOW, the spread needs to know the real GNOME background's position, relative to the spread's coordinates09:06
Kaleomardy: I don't get it, it seems to work fine here; do you have a bug number?09:07
mardyKaleo: are you using the latest released version, or trunk?09:07
mardyKaleo: it works fine in the released version09:07
Kaleomardy: oh, it's a regression?09:08
mardyKaleo: it got somehow broken in trunk (most likely because of my change to availableGeometry)09:08
Kaleomardy: then maybe we should investigate that :)09:08
mardyKaleo: I'm into it, and I think we need to have two different variants of availableGeometry(): one which includes the Launcher, one which doesn't09:09
Kaleomardy: why would we need one which does not? who needs that one?09:09
mardyKaleo: I'm just not sure how to name them; I'd rather revert my change to availableGeometry, and introduce a new one (with a different name) which removes the launcher from the available area09:09
mardyKaleo: we need it now, to know where the GNOME background is located09:10
mardyKaleo: uh, maybe backgroundGeometry()?09:10
Kaleomardy: like in GnomeBackground.qml?09:10
mardyKaleo: yes, it could be exposed there as well09:11
Kaleomardy: but who needs to know where the GNOME background is located?09:13
mardyKaleo: the spread :-)09:13
Kaleomardy: to fix what problem? :)09:13
mardyKaleo: the problem that we have in trunk (and in my spread-a11y branch), that the spread animation to the screen positions the background (0,0) coordinate right on the right of the launcher. It is wrong, and when the spread window closes, you'll see the background jumping 66px to the left09:15
Kaleomardy: ok, but we did not have this problem before and were using only 2 variables09:16
hrwunity with systray whitelisting enabled to 'show all' there is no way to click on apps09:31
sroeckerjust stumbled over bug 85160609:48
ubot5Launchpad bug 851606 in unity-2d (Ubuntu) "unity-2d multi-window selector does not show 'file copy' dialog" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85160609:48
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Andy80cwillu_at_work: I tried to update tonight, but that bug is still there (drag&dropping files form Nautilus to Launcher) do you have the bug number on LP so I can follow how is it going?10:45
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neo84Hi All, How can I disable animation in compiz13:06
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neo84any help13:36
neo84How can I disable animations for desktop13:36
folfHi, anybody having problems opening the dash with fullscreen firefox on 11.10?13:42
kenvandinenjpatel, Filter.add_option lets you pass in an icon... is that meant to be displayed anywhere?13:53
folfSorry, meant to say: anybody else having problems opening the dash with *maximized* firefox on 11.10?13:57
kenvandinefolf, not me13:57
folfAh, ok, get it ;-)13:59
folfkenvandine, thanks for the info, guess I should try e.g. making a new user and testing it again...14:01
kenvandinenjpatel, nevermind... i just saw that the icon is unused in 11.10 :/14:03
kenvandinenjpatel, i am trying to find a way to display accounts as filters but i can't disambiguate them well in the limited number of characters :/14:04
kenvandineif i could display the service icon and username, that would probably be good enough14:04
njpatelkenvandine, yeah, unused but I think they should add that for 12.0414:26
kenvandinenjpatel, also... so am i right that you can not add or remove options without a unity restart?14:27
njpatelkenvandine, not sure, i think you can just do set_options and it should work, if not, mhr3 can fix it!14:27
kenvandineso that is a bug?14:27
kenvandinethere is no remove_option14:28
kenvandinei need to add/remove accounts from the filter as they are changed in gwibber14:28
mhr3kenvandine, are we talking about filteroptions?14:30
kenvandinemhr3, i added an accounts filter to the gwibber lens and i need to be able to add new accounts to the filter if a new one is created in gwibber14:31
kenvandineand ideally remove them if the account gets removed14:31
kenvandinebut adding is pretty important, on first run it will be empty until you restart unity :/14:31
mhr3yea, seems like we dont that yet14:31
kenvandinei'll file a bug14:31
mhr3kenvandine, ok i checked properly, and it should be possible to create new *OptionFilter instance with added/removed FilterOptions and reassign that to lens.filters14:41
mhr3quite nasty, but should work14:41
kenvandinemhr3, you mean that should work now?14:41
mhr3dunno know if unity re-renders it though14:42
kenvandinei tried that and got an error14:42
mhr3what error?14:42
seifkenvandine, how do i make the empathy icon available in systray?14:42
kenvandinei think when i tried to reassing lens.filters it printed a warning that you can only assign it once14:42
kenvandinei got that for something14:42
kenvandineseif, i actually don't know14:43
kenvandinewe don't patch that part of empathy anymore14:43
seifu know some1 who knows14:43
mhr3kenvandine, you're right, i see that now14:43
kenvandinewhoops, laptop died14:45
kenvandineseif, no... i don't14:46
kenvandinei guess upstream14:46
kenvandinei would guess enable it in empathy preferences14:46
kenvandinebut i can't test that14:46
kenvandineseif, i assume you mean in gnome-shell right?14:47
kenvandinemhr3, i did something like this14:48
kenvandinefilters = lens.filters14:48
kenvandineadded a newly created filter to it14:48
kenvandineand lens.filters = filters14:48
kenvandineit didn't render for sure, and i think it displayed that warning14:48
mhr3right, right, i guess you didn't see:14:48
mhr3kenvandine, you're right, i see that now14:48
mhr3so yep, allows to set it just once14:49
kenvandinei assumed since that was just a list i could change it and unity would do the right thing14:49
kenvandinei tried just getting the filter i wanted to change and use add_option14:49
kenvandineand it didn't complain, but also didn't render it14:50
kenvandineeven if it did, it only solves half the problem, i need to remove them too14:50
mhr3i wonder why that is though, the filters are nicely exported in a shared model... will need to ask mikkel what's the reason behind it14:52
davidcallekenvandine, njpatel and kamstrup have commented on G+, saying it was possible to update filters dynamically. There must be a trick :-)14:53
kenvandinedavidcalle, yeah, saw that...14:53
mhr3maybe they meant via d-feet :)14:54
davidcallemhr3, :-)14:55
kenvandinemhr3, https://bugs.launchpad.net/libunity/+bug/87948415:06
ubot5Ubuntu bug 879484 in libunity "Can't add or remove a FilterOption after inital load" [Undecided,New]15:06
mhr3kenvandine, thx15:06
mhr3kenvandine, btw any idea why my gwibber lens doesn't display anything?15:33
mhr3i've got the official one from repos15:33
kenvandinehumm... does it if you type in a search?15:34
mhr3kenvandine, hmm, worked on the second try15:34
kenvandineok, i think i have just fixed that in trunk15:35
kenvandinei should do an SRU for that15:35
mhr3hmm, unity handles displaying 1k tweets pretty well15:35
kenvandineit does ;)15:35
kenvandinei have quite a few improvements in trunk now15:36
kenvandineincluding being smarter when to refresh the results15:36
mhr3i have few improvements in my branch which deprecate the way one works with scopes currently ;P15:37
mhr3luckily just a minor changes to make things better(tm)15:38
kenvandinei need to backport a couple of my fixes for an SRU15:46
ali1234DBO: two things further to the discussion on -classroom. first, regarding window sorting. not sure if i made it clear, but i meant the sorting used by the spread/expose view, not alt-tab mode. will it be possible to configure that?17:44
ali1234and second, is there going to be a PPA for unity now that everyone is on gtk3?17:44
DBOali1234, ah hmmm, I thought you meant alt-tab, I'll see what can be done about spread mode18:05
ali1234i don't use alt-tab so much. specifically what i want is for spread mode window arrangement to not change18:05
ali1234i think the ideal way would be to arrange the windows according to their actual position on screen18:06
ali1234but as long as they don't move around every time i don't really mind18:06
ali1234think of it like a bookshelf18:06
DBOyeah I get the idea18:07
DBOthey are supposed to be arranged based on screen position18:07
ali1234well... it doesn't work :)18:07
kklimondacould someone take a look at bug 716177? It feels like a regression, I can no longer close (minimalize) fullscreen windows unless they have focus18:58
ubot5Launchpad bug 716177 in unity-2d "The Unity Panel's window controls and window dragging features should work for the uppermost maximized window regardless of current window in focus." [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71617718:58
wunnlei have an interesting problem on ubuntu 11.10. i installed compizconfig settings manager and i activated some of effects. they did not applied also i lost my default features (like snapping windows and alt+tab menu!) what should i do?19:33
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unity-haterI just tried to install 11.10 and I hate hate unity22:23

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