
shadeslayerQuintasan_: Found APX mode device00:10
shadeslayerChip UID: 0x428908841c0e11700:10
shadeslayerDetected SBKv200:10
=== Pici is now known as Guest59733
=== Guest59733 is now known as Pici
danttinice :P aptitude is also unpredictable as aptcc on multiarch :P03:17
Darkwingvalorie: ping04:10
Daskreechvalorie: http://imgur.com/gallery/gSUh204:32
Daskreechmgraesslin: Query if you will04:32
mgraesslinsorry, no time, have to leave for work in a minute04:33
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jussiapachelogger: you have sapm because I was stupid. sorry. 11:42
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claydohScottK: pong14:51
Quintasan_shadeslayer: Does this mean you has Kubantoo on your Transformer now? 16:23
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BarkingFishafternoodles all :)  How do you close a bug on launchpad? It seems I posted one which was messed up, and I marked it invalid when I realised.  Does that shut it?16:23
QuintasanBarkingFish, it should 16:24
BarkingFishbrilliant.  I posted a kernel bug, but forgot I'd left the ndiswrapper drivers live at the same time as the wifi module for my adapter, that's probably why it didn't work :) One of the module authors pointed it out to me in an email.16:25
QuintasanNow I wonder how do I fix completion of nicks in Quasseldroid 16:25
QuintasanThere is no search button in me tablets :-( 16:26
yofelbulldog98: what happened to rekonq 0.8?16:41
macomarkey: what would make the wikipedia bit of amarok show the totally wrong articles?16:55
macoi'm lisening to "Smithfield Market" by Jon Watts off the album Clothe Yourself In Righteousness...and its showing me some guy named Jason Forrest, the concept Sola Fide as the album, and i forget what song it was showing at first but reclicking on track it at least switched to talking about the *actual* smithfield market16:57
macooh, "Save the World" was the song it showed before16:57
BarkingFishGuys - we have a user in #kubuntu looking for the linux-rt kernel - it looks like the last release was for lucid, is it under a different name now?16:58
macoi dont think it exists16:58
macothere's just server, generic, and virtual now16:58
BarkingFishok, cheers maco16:59
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=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
apacheloggerclaydoh: I am not attending UDS21:24
apacheloggerwell, not on-site anyway21:24
apacheloggerjussi: where is my spam?21:24
yofelsome more testers for bug 872506 would be nice22:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 872506 in kde4libs (Ubuntu Oneiric) "SRU tracking bug for KDE 4.7.2" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87250622:41
apacheloggeruff, maco, I believe I had a bit of a pwn flash just now22:50
* apachelogger should go to bed or something22:50
* yofel actually goes to bed - good night22:51
LinkmasterHey guys, an odd thing happened in my installation process for 11.10. Details: I have a seperate / and /home partition, and I extended my /home partition into an empty partition I stopped using, nothing that the kubuntu installer can't do. Well, when I designated my current / partition as the / mount point in the installer, the installer...crashed is the best way I can phrase it. It disappeared, a black screen with a hyphen came up, th23:12
Linkmasterit loaded up the KDE workspace. I don't know if anything bad happened, but I figured you should know. System specs are simple, its a netbook with broadcom/intel as its parts, nothing fancy. 23:12
markeymaco: it's very difficult to fetch the information from Wikipedia. problem is: to this day they don't offer an API, although they had promised one for years23:23
macomarkey: i dont really expect any of those to *be* in wikipedia...but im confused why it's pulling random articles23:23
markeymaco: so we have to pull weird tricks like searching for "music XY". in fact Amarok already has rather good heuristics for this23:23
macook see now i want to know how wikipedia's search returned Jason Forrest on a search for Jon Watts23:24
markeywe're facing the same problem with image search. you can't even imagine how complicated that was, and still it's often showing unrelated images23:24
markeymaco: ok, it's always worth trying to talk to ours devs (on irc), or making a bug report, in fact we triage 100% of our reports23:25
markeye.g. if you can prove that our search could be improved with better keywords23:26
markeywe would certainly do that23:26
macowell im just thinking that if the result isnt close to the search term,then just give the "not found" like it does with lyrics23:26
macobut im not really sure how to decide what "close enough" is23:26
markeyit's not aht easy, really. how could you tell what is close?23:27
markeyimpossible, really23:27
markeywhat Wikipedia badly needs is tagging and an API23:27
markeyit would solve all of these issues23:27
macoid agree to that23:27
macothough....there are wikipedia apps on android. wouldnt they be using an api?23:28
markeyit's sad that this wealth of information does not contain any metadata23:28
markeyafaik there still isn't any api, but maybe you could research that. we'd gladly use it23:28
=== skreech_ is now known as Daskreech
markeymaco: we actually apply a custom CSS sheet and other tricks to make the HTML from Wikipedia nicely looking23:33
markeyall of that was really complicated23:33
markeyAmarok has a lot of technology that is not so obvious to the naked eye23:34

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