
jmichaelxi have the tsak manager set to use only one row. there are enough open windows on this desktop that it has created two rows, though true to the settings, it is only using one of them,,, lol00:01
nate__I am curious about developing my own distro.00:03
jmichaelxtask manager in 4.7.x is so messed up00:03
well_laid_lawnput some windows on another desktop00:04
jmichaelxnate__: i would love to see a Qt-based distro that was much lighter than KDE, and had no intentions of EVER, EVER, EVER creating crap like akonadi/nepomuk/etc etc etc00:04
nate__my question is do most linux distros just modify / configure different packages or do all the people that develop these distros have their own kernels00:05
well_laid_lawnsome distros apply kernel patches00:05
well_laid_lawnif your going that far into it have a look at linux from scratch00:06
nate__For example taking archlinux distro I can apt-get gnome packages / then configure the wallpaper and other packages to make it look and act just like ubuntu.00:07
well_laid_lawnarch doesn't use apt00:07
fontisis it possible to install the jupiter battery thingy on kubuntu?00:08
well_laid_lawnit's all the same gnu/linux nate__00:08
fontisand btw whats up with the synaptic touchpad being so hypersensitive to touch00:08
fontisi wish i could "disable" it... hate HP laptops00:08
hanasakiin the system setting theme manager I choose get new and it redirects to open a web browser.  download the zip... but how do you install from a zip?00:09
hanasakialso, how do I change the default system font in kde?00:09
fontisin system settings00:09
nate__so are you saying that all the x86 distro's use the same linux kernel 2.6 or 3.0 ,...etc and just change the userland programs and configurations. For the most part.00:10
fontishanasaki: the install tutorial is usually on the same site as where you downloaded the pack00:10
fontisotherwise it's generally just a matter of placing the extracted folder in .kde4/share/apps/desktoptheme/00:10
fontisand it will popup in your theme selection00:11
well_laid_lawndifferent distros use different kernels and init scripts and package managers but the same apps00:11
well_laid_lawnmore or less00:11
jmichaelxhod i hate kde4.7 so far00:11
nate__i.e just use startkde instead of startx (gnome) or blackbox ,....etc etc (different windows / desktop sessions to make a new os and download different packages00:11
hanasakifontis:  I have looked.00:12
well_laid_lawnnate__: you'll need a different repository00:12
well_laid_lawnfor packages00:12
fontishanasaki: did you do the other bit I said?00:13
nate__different repository ?00:13
well_laid_lawnwhere you install applications from in your new distro00:13
hanasakinot yet fontis /  I would like a more automated way than manually unziping00:15
jmichaelxlol, i just got the task manager to start using 1 row by setting it to use 2... if i set it to 2, it uses 100:15
fontishanasaki: then dont download that theme then.. there are plenty of themes available via the install option which dont require u visiting html sites to download zip files mate00:15
nate_other the linux patches to a kernel is it what I have said about modifying desktop-sessions , downloading/configuring different packages00:21
nate_other the --> other then00:21
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fontismy choqok is broken00:38
fontiscant add twitter accounts to it00:38
=== nick is now known as lazyg33k
lazyg33khello everyone01:06
lazyg33kcan someone tell me what is the difrence between kubuntu 10.10 and 11.10 ^01:06
xieyiDoes the kubuntu build of libav support video4linux2 device? I am using ubuntu 11.10 for ffmpeg program development. I find that av_find_input_format("video4linux2") returns NULL.01:32
AndroidLoverInSFi noticed that in ubuntu11.10, even though i use kde, sometimes i see a window with the stupid disappearing scrollbars. anyway to fix that?01:33
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jmichaelxis anyone else unable to use gparted in kubuntu right now?01:41
Snowhogjmichaelx: Explain please?01:43
jmichaelxSnowhog:  i just tried to fire gparted up two times in a row, and each time it crashed before the gui appeared01:44
jmichaelx(no gui appeared)01:45
jmichaelxalso, unmounting external drives does not seem to be working01:47
* jmichaelx has frequently had issues with kubuntu being unable to unmount external drives01:47
Snowhogjmichaelx: Try launching it from a console - will give you more feedback. kdesudo /usr/bin/kcmshell4 kcm_partitionmanager01:47
jmichaelxSnowhog: partitionmanager will start. it is gparted that will not start01:48
Snowhogjmichaelx: Checking.01:51
jmichaelxlol somehow firing up partitionmanager also triggered a few phonon warnings about audio devices.... my confidence is KDE grows smaller by the day01:51
jmichaelxand on the audio front, i am having an issue on this machine (at work) that i am also seeing on machines at home. i boot one time, and the only device listed in phonon is 'pulseaudio server'. the next time, it lists the specific devices01:52
TheEvilPhoenixjmichaelx:  gparted loads in KDE on 11.04.  I just tested.01:52
TheEvilPhoenixat least when you have the GNOME dependencies installed01:53
jmichaelxTheEvilPhoenix: yea, i had no issue with it in 11.04. i guess i should have specified that this is 11.1001:53
SnowhogTheEvilPhoenix: It doesn't load here on my 11.10.01:54
jmichaelxthere is some weirdness in using a number of GTK apps in kubuntu 11.10, i am noticing01:55
jmichaelxwell, in 11.10 there is weirdness everywhere01:55
TheEvilPhoenixmight be a bug... (this is why I don't upgrade to the most recent release immediately ;P)01:55
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jmichaelxTheEvilPhoenix: you are a smart man01:55
TheEvilPhoenixdid they make GNOME3 the gnome standard in 11.10 for the GNOME builds?01:56
jmichaelxTheEvilPhoenix: i believe they did01:56
TheEvilPhoenix(looks back on sentence) wow, how many times can you use the word "gnome" in a sentence, huh?  :P01:56
jmichaelxi would guess that is related01:56
TheEvilPhoenixjmichaelx:  yeah... G3 is a bit.. um... screwy might be the  word01:56
OerHeksstarted kdesudo gparted from terminal, just fine01:56
jmichaelxTheEvilPhoenix: i don't doubt that a bit. gnome and kde are both perpetually screwy these days01:57
jmichaelxOerHeks: from the CLI, it is working here, too01:57
* TheEvilPhoenix disagrees ;P01:57
OerHeksi noticed only your installation is so bad, i read you bugs many times ..01:58
TheEvilPhoenixoh he has tons of bugs?01:58
* TheEvilPhoenix wonders...01:58
TheEvilPhoenixjmichaelx:  clean install, or upgraded install?01:58
* TheEvilPhoenix has to ask01:58
FloodBotK1TheEvilPhoenix: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:58
FloodBotK2TheEvilPhoenix: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:58
=== Guest59733 is now known as Pici
OerHeksi guess he never did a reinstall to reproduce the errors.01:59
jmichaelxOerHeks: you must not hand around in here very much, because many of the issues i have had are echoed by many others01:59
TheEvilPhoenixokay, this is why i hate the floodbots... >.>01:59
TheEvilPhoenixjmichaelx:  you didnt answer my question.01:59
jmichaelxOerHeks: no, i have kubuntu installed on 5 different machines... at home and at work01:59
TheEvilPhoenixjmichaelx:  are they all clean installs of 11.10?01:59
jmichaelx(am currently at work)01:59
TheEvilPhoenixjmichaelx:  or are they all upgraded from 11.04 -> 11.10?02:00
jmichaelxTheEvilPhoenix: none of them are clean installs...02:00
jmichaelxall upgraded, though folks in here have been complaining about the same issues, both with upgrades and fresh installations02:00
TheEvilPhoenixjmichaelx:  then that seems to be your issue - did you actually test with a clean install?02:01
jmichaelxone of the bugs i hate the most has now made it into the KDE most-hated-bugs top 10 list02:01
jmichaelxTheEvilPhoenix: no, nor am i going to. the issues are affecting people who did fresh installations as well02:02
OerHeksas you wont do a fresh install, you wil never now, do you ?02:03
jmichaelxOerHeks: like i said, i already know that there are people with these issues who did fresh installs... so why would i do a fresh installation, in the hopes that it will fix, for example, the audio issues?02:04
jmichaelxthis room has had many people seeking help for audio issues since release... more than i have seen in several years02:04
OerHeksafter upgrade, all i had to do was removing ~/.pulse and sound was back.02:05
jmichaelxgood for you02:05
jmichaelxas always, this has to do with the hardware being used02:06
jmichaelxmuch more than it has to do with whether or not one has a fresh installation02:06
jmichaelxOerHeks: i have three kubuntu machines that seem to have no audio issues. i have two that do.02:07
OerHeksi feel like the guy with too smooth hardware, never run in unsolvable issues02:08
jmichaelxthat might even be the case, but if it is, it is only luck02:09
jmichaelxOerHeks: i have sometimes been able to feel that way, too... every for a few years at a time02:09
jmichaelxyou may yet get your turn02:09
jmichaelxone should not automatically suggest that folks do freah installations, unless one has a good idea that doing so would solve something. i've seen that done a lot, and it often just wastes people's time02:12
bruceTypeServeHow do I connect to a server with kubuntu?  Is there a native program?02:18
jmichaelxbruceTypeServe: how are you wanting to connect? with ssh?02:18
bruceTypeServeeither to SMB, AFP... a fileserver02:19
jmichaelxthere are GUI apps that can be used with SMB. i don't know about AFP02:20
bruceTypeServelike with mac you can just use Finder --- Go -- Connect to server... anything like that with kubuntu?02:20
jmichaelxbruceTypeServe: are you wanting to connect to a windows server?02:20
jmichaelxbruceTypeServe: in dolphin (kde's native file manager), you should find a 'network' tab02:21
bruceTypeServeit is actually a linux server that has Samba shares...  it uses webmin.  Any thoughts on a good fileserver or just stick with samba?02:21
well_laid_lawnI like nfs02:21
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.02:22
jmichaelxi would probably not be the best one to ask. i do not use SMB much, i use NFS02:22
jmichaelxyea, what well_laid_lawnis saying02:22
bruceTypeServeare there NFS modules for webmin?02:22
jmichaelxbruceTypeServe: i would imagine, as NFS is native to linux02:23
jmichaelxi think NFS would be the best choice if you have a linux file server, serving exclusively to linux machines02:23
jmichaelxsshfs is great for mounting remote directories on the fly02:24
bruceTypeServeNFS can be seen by mac and windows machines, yes?02:24
jmichaelxbruceTypeServe: i am not sure about that. i think that often when you are dealing with a mix of windows and linux, SMB might be the better choice02:25
jmichaelx(i am guessing mac's can do NFS, but am not sure)02:25
OerHeksyes, mac does.  open Disk Utility from /Applications/Utilities. Then, click on the File menu and select NFS Mounts… to bring up the NFS Mounts screen.02:30
jmichaelxok, good... i thought as much, but know very little about mac's02:30
RickKnightQuake2 won't run after upgrade to Kubuntu 11.10. Other OpenGL games like Unreal still work.02:44
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hanasakihow do you make the mouse move from one virt screen to the next when it hits the edge?03:10
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avihayhanasaki: system settings->workspace behaviour->screen edges play around with the settings there, I think. there's another place for switching desktops while draging, I think03:21
phunyguy_I have a question about samba shares.  I was using Ubuntu with the Unity interface, and mounting shares with nautilus (fuse/gvfs).  Is there something similar with Kubuntu that allows me to make shares visible to non-network share aware apps?03:22
phunyguy_(besides using straight cmd line samba)03:22
hanasakiavihay:  thanks... that did it..  but 1. the screen edge actions do not seem to work and 2. when I drag a window toward an edge, the 3d box starts to rotate very soon.  when the window is still far from th edge... is there a tolerance that can be adjusted?03:24
avihaymmm, I don't really know, I don't use virtual desktops. maybe you can change it in settings->desktop effects, something in the individual settings, or the global animation speed settings, or wait for someone who knows03:27
hanasakiok thank you03:32
phunyguy_sorry folks03:38
phunyguy_Quassel decided to barf.03:39
phunyguy_not sure if anyone answered me the first time, but basically I need to make mounted shares (gvfs/fuse style) visible to non-aware apps, so that they may be able to load content from SMB shares.03:45
phunyguy_...transparently.  in Ubuntu, Nautilus did this seamlessly, but I don't see that same option in Kubuntu03:45
petetethere is kiofuse03:55
petetebut i don't think it's automatic03:55
TheEvilPhoenixdoes Dolphin allow for mounting sftp as directories, like Nautilus (GNOME) does?03:56
* TheEvilPhoenix has no backlogs, so if it was asked before, I didnt see this.03:56
phunyguy_TheEvilPhoenix: that is my same question!03:56
TheEvilPhoenixwhat a coincidence03:57
* TheEvilPhoenix slaps irssi for erasing his logs03:57
phunyguy_yeah, I loved the fuse stuff in gnome, but can't seem to find that function in KDE03:57
phunyguy_i can browse smb://server/share in dolphin, and in nautilus, it would make a link to it in ~/.gvfs.  That allowed non smb aware apps to use it like it is locally mounted.03:58
TheEvilPhoenixphunyguy_:  i'm actually a GNOME-to-KDE convert :P  Except that I didnt install kubuntu-desktop - i only installed the KDE runtime dependencies xD03:58
TheEvilPhoenixand the environment xD03:59
phunyguy_TheEvilPhoenix: nothing wrong with that.  I switch back and forth like a retard most of the time.  Trying a gnome->KDE switch for the umpteenth time03:59
TheEvilPhoenixphunyguy_:  tbph i could just SSh into the server, but i'm lazy ;P03:59
TheEvilPhoenixediting large files with nano is not fun :/04:00
phunyguy_I want Amarok to see my music  :)04:00
peteteif its a kde app you dont need to mount anything04:00
phunyguy_petete, I want to make that share contain the "collection" in amarok.04:00
phunyguy_it only has a drilldown list in that section04:01
phunyguy_and I wont just be using kde apps04:01
TheEvilPhoenixpetete:  so is there an easy way to open sftp/ssh folders/connections from Dolphin like Nautilus has?04:01
TheEvilPhoenixor no?04:01
phunyguy_i saw smb4k, but cant get that to work04:02
phunyguy_not sure what I am doing wrong there.04:02
petetedid you try fish://whatever.com/ ?04:02
phunyguy_fish:// ?04:02
peteteits for ssh04:02
phunyguy_aahhh, thats him04:02
TheEvilPhoenixohey that worked :P04:03
TheEvilPhoenixactually typing in sftp:// worked :/04:03
TheEvilPhoenixi'll try fish:// next04:03
phunyguy_ok my turn!04:03
petetei dont know about amarok, but you can browse samba shares in dolphin04:03
TheEvilPhoenixyup that worked :P04:04
TheEvilPhoenixthanks much04:04
phunyguy_yes petete, that is my question.  I canbrowse just fine04:04
TheEvilPhoenixpetete:  what about standard FTP?  just ftp://blah.com/ ?04:04
phunyguy_but Nautilus made a nice handy shortcut to that share in ~/.gvfs04:04
peteteTheEvilPhoenix: yes04:04
TheEvilPhoenix(and if nonstandard ports... ftp://blah.com:port/04:04
TheEvilPhoenixok thanks04:04
phunyguy_making it transparent to the app that doesnt speak KDE04:04
phunyguy_err doesnt speak GVFS04:04
petetethere is a kiofuse thing04:05
phunyguy_so my question is whether or not something like that exists in KDE04:05
petetebut it looks like you have to manually mount it04:05
peteteno, i thik there isn't something like that04:05
phunyguy_that sucks.04:06
phunyguy_because if I use command line shares in /etc/fstab, they dont get unmounted before network goes bye bye04:06
phunyguy_so on a restart it hangs for about 5 minutes waiting to time out04:07
TheEvilPhoenixpetete:  can KDE applications access the sftp locations?  for example, if I am in dolphin, and do sftp://webadmin@blah.com:12345/var/www/site1/, can I edit index.html in that folder using, say, kwrite or kate?04:07
phunyguy_TheEvilPhoenix: try it out, lol04:07
peteteTheEvilPhoenix: yes, all kde apps can do it04:07
TheEvilPhoenixphunyguy_:  i'm  lazy ;P04:07
TheEvilPhoenixpetete:  thanks04:07
phunyguy_thats apparent ;)04:07
TheEvilPhoenixphunyguy_:  its a side effect of it being 12:08 AM :P04:08
phunyguy_yeah i hear ya04:08
phunyguy_good thing its friday04:08
phunyguy_i gotta leave for work in 7 hours04:08
phunyguy_ok that is flippin fantastic, i unplug the netbook, and it goes to standby instantly04:09
phunyguy_also the screen doesnt lock04:09
phunyguy_it doesnt even lock with the little lock button up top04:10
phunyguy_says its locking, but never does04:10
RectecQuick question - do I need MySQL if I don't run a server?04:16
TheEvilPhoenixRectec:  you don't need mysql-server04:17
TheEvilPhoenixbut just having mysql or the client software for mysql wont hurt04:17
RectecTheEvilPhoenix: Do I need things such as mysql-common for certain websites?04:17
TheEvilPhoenixfor a full answer: no you dont.  But other applications *might* depend on the client version of mysql being installed, so you might run into removal issues04:17
RectecTheEvilPhoenix: it's just that it's taking over 20MB of RAM and I'm not even using it.04:18
kamilnadeemI have a prob in Kubuntu 11.10, Every time I start my system , the Volume is set to mute?04:19
kamilnadeemThat means after every boot I have to uncheck mute from the mixer04:19
RectecTheEvilPhoenix: Could I prevent mysqld from starting on bootup and have it start on-demand maybe?04:20
LINKSWORD2Hey guys, how do I configure KNotify to alert me if Num Lock, Caps Lock, etc are on.?04:20
TheEvilPhoenixRectec:  you have mysqld installed?04:21
TheEvilPhoenixRectec:  you won't need mysqld04:21
TheEvilPhoenixwahts the package that provides that...04:21
RectecTheEvilPhoenix: mysql-common?04:22
TheEvilPhoenixmysql-server-5.1 in 11.04 is the one that provides the server binaries04:22
TheEvilPhoenixRectec:  that'd remove all mysqls :p04:22
TheEvilPhoenixbut you can do that04:22
RectecTheEvilPhoenix: I'll see how it goes04:22
TheEvilPhoenixdont do that04:22
TheEvilPhoenixit'll explode KDE04:22
TheEvilPhoenixRectec:  just uninstall mysql-server-5.1 or w/e mysql-server-* file you have04:23
TheEvilPhoenixthat *should* get rid of the mysqld04:23
LINKSWORD2I'm not trying to sound rude, but I asked a question and nobody has even responded...04:24
RectecDon't use Akonadi (at least that's what it wants me to think), would it be safe to remove its mysql backends?04:25
RectecLINKSWORD2: yeah sorry, I have no idea04:25
TheEvilPhoenixLINKSWORD2:  could just mean we didnt see it, or we dont know04:25
TheEvilPhoenixLINKSWORD2:  actually i dont know if you can - it would probably need some kind of event handler written into the driver or some other thing04:25
LINKSWORD2TheEvilPhoenix: Any idea how to do that, if I do need it?04:26
TheEvilPhoenixLINKSWORD2:  nfc04:26
TheEvilPhoenixi wouldnt even attempt it04:26
RectecLINKSWORD2: only thing I can find like that is a gnome2 applet :(04:26
Rectecok that's a little to sad looking04:26
LINKSWORD2I'm running Kubuntu 10.04, and I've done this before, but it's been a while.04:27
LINKSWORD2I've had some issues with newer Kubuntu versions, so I had to backup my harddrive and move back to version 10.04.04:27
LINKSWORD2Hmm... I've found the needed settings in the System Settings and Notifications panel... But it is not displaying any message when I press Caps Lock.04:30
kamilnadeemI have a prob in Kubuntu 11.10, Every time I start my system , the Volume gets set to mute?04:33
kamilnadeemThat means after every boot I have to uncheck mute from the mixer ? Any FIX?04:33
LINKSWORD2kamilnadeem: I've also seen that problem, along with issues displaying the top window-bar... No fix that I know of.04:34
phunyguy_ok so its a samba issue.  If I add the samba share to /etc/fstab, I have the option of allowing users to mount and umount.  Is it possible to unmount filesystems FIRST on a reboot while networks are still up via network-manager?04:34
kamilnadeemhow to get the preview of Video files in Dolphin?04:35
kamilnadeemI have delected preview in dolphin for all folders but I don't get it on video files?04:36
kamilnadeemI have a prob in Kubuntu 11.10, Every time I start my system , the Volume is set to mute?04:36
LINKSWORD2kamilnadeem: Please don't spam the same problem over and over again. I've answered that it's a problem that has been around, and that there is no yet-known fix.04:37
LINKSWORD2Or let me put it this way. None that I've found.04:37
kamilnadeemsorry I was posting it on another IRC04:38
LINKSWORD2Aha. Mis-keyed.04:38
kamilnadeemaby help for getting prview of video files?04:38
LINKSWORD2Sorry, I've never tried to preview video files in 11.10.04:39
LINKSWORD2I've actually had to run a regression back to 10.04 because I really foobed my harddrive.04:39
* LINKSWORD2 slaps self.*04:39
kamilnadeemSomeone suggested this "delete your pulse audio configuration and reboot"04:40
LINKSWORD2kamilnadeem: May I talk to you one-on-one for a moment?04:40
noaXessthere is a command to see what typ of notbook i have.. i think :) any know that command?04:43
LINKSWORD2noaXess: Please explain more?04:45
noaXesshehe.. :).. i mean the brand of eg. mainboard and s on... i try with lshw now04:46
noaXessjep with sudo lshw.. i get: product: N71Vn04:46
noaXesswow :) and serial ;)04:47
LINKSWORD2noaXess: I used to know what to look for, but I'm not finding it right now.04:48
noaXessLINKSWORD2: it is lshw..04:48
* LINKSWORD2 Facepalm.*04:49
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phoenix_firebrdMy system crashes when i use my bluetooth after sometime. The keyboard lights blink when the system  crash.06:17
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DigiGram_Hi. Anybody here having trouble with ncpfs on 10.04 or 10.10?06:45
DigiGram_or even 11.04?06:45
e8hffffRequest, can some print their Oneric version of /etc/apt/source.list07:05
e8hffffI've got a problem with 'deb http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu oneiric main' not working. I think this maybe beta link, not release.07:07
e8hffffCanonicla really needs a install image so people can compare.07:08
e8hffffanyone? .... sleepy heads?07:09
kartickhow can i install comix in kubuntu?07:12
yofele8hffff: that line is correct, what's the problem?07:12
yofelkartick: search for comix in the muon package manager if the SC doesn't show it. It's there07:13
e8hffffyofel: ok thanks.  It's jsut been failing when I do a update and I was concerned it was beta string07:13
eagles0513875hey guys I'm noticing a severe slow down in dns resolution on my netbook running 11.10 has anyone else noticed that? i have an iMac on the same network using same dns ips with no slow down what so ever07:55
kartickhow can i convert jpeg to png image?07:59
eagles0513875!gimp | kartick07:59
ubottukartick: gimp is an advanced image manipulation application for Ubuntu. See http://www.gimp.org for tutorials and more information.07:59
eagles0513875kartick: thats what you want it allows you to export in different formats png included08:00
kartickbut i want to do through right click and "action" option what i saw in opensuse08:01
eagles0513875kartick: dunno what your referring to as i haven't used opens use before08:01
eagles0513875sry kartick  :(08:01
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khearhi, after disabling nepomuk, i keep getting notifications that it's disabled. is there a way to disable these notifications?08:20
himhello buddy08:21
himcan any one tell me how to convert jpg to png image?08:22
khearhim: gimp or krita maybe? or imagemagick if you want to do it from the command line08:23
khearhim: actually, gwenview can do that too, so you don't have to install anything extra08:24
himkhear: but how to do so?08:26
himkhear: how to do so with gwenviewer?08:27
khearhim: open the image in gwenview, and choose File -> Save As.. -> Filter: PNG Image, and save it somewhere08:28
himKhear: thanks buddy i have done...!!!08:29
kheargreat :)08:29
=== ocs is now known as faLUCE
eagles0513875khear: there is also gimp to do the same thing08:33
eagles0513875if your going to do file save as08:33
wfu4422i need help with MGA drivers and a matrox g450 quad card on 11.0408:52
JikanDoes Dolphin support scripts, like Nautilus?08:58
JikanAnd, I'm migrating from Gnome to KDE, and FileZilla is now (within KDE) unable to connect through sFTP because it doesn't find my keys, so, where should I put my keys in order to have FileZilla seeing them ?08:59
thecaptain2000hi, how do I stop the message to upgrade to 11.10 popping up every 5 minutes?09:01
AlexDevilLXWindoGuys i need help09:10
AlexDevilLXWindoYestaerday i updated my system09:10
AlexDevilLXWindoand i cant get grub now09:11
AlexDevilLXWindoHow to recover grub?09:11
ottovonbasmarcki belive there's a way to fix it by using a live cd09:11
ottovonbasmarckand chosing a repair menu or such09:12
thecaptain2000hi, how do I stop the message to upgrade to 11.10 popping up every 5 minutes?09:16
AlexDevilLXWindoi'm on live cd09:16
ottovonbasmarckAlexDevilLX: http://ubuntumanual.org/posts/432/how-to-repair-grub-in-ubuntu-10-1009:22
ottovonbasmarckone assumes that it works a year later09:22
AlexDevilLXHate WINDOWS09:23
blummmhi, i have installed kubuntu 11.10 but in system settings i don't find for example "add or remove software"09:25
blummmthe installation was successfully09:25
blummmanyone help me?09:25
susundberghuh -- maybe its called something else? Or do you mean that the whole system settings is empty?09:26
ottovonbasmarckblummm: look for muon in your menu search09:28
ADLXHateWINDOWSOk, how to restore GRUB?09:28
ottovonbasmarckAlexDevilLX: http://ubuntumanual.org/posts/432/how-to-repair-grub-in-ubuntu-10-1009:29
Jikanblummm: there's no "Add or remove software" menu, but the Ubuntu Software Center or Muon Packages Manager09:29
ADLXHateWINDOWSCan anyone answer me?09:30
ottovonbasmarcki did09:30
eagles0513875hey ikonia fyi the grub2 issue i mentioned yesterday i have my had disk set to boot first on my netbook yet grub still doesn't install correctly to the MBR of the netbook hard disk09:30
JikanADLXHateWINDOWS [11:29:16] <ottovonbasmarck> lexDevilLX: http://ubuntumanual.org/posts/432/how-to-repair-grub-in-ubuntu-10-1009:30
eagles0513875ADLXHateWINDOWS: what is your issue I'm wondering if i might have the same as u09:31
ADLXHateWINDOWSUpdated kubuntu  11.10 yestarday shuted down and cant see grub today09:31
eagles0513875ahh different issue then mine09:32
wfu4422i need help with MGA drivers and a matrox g450 quad card on 11.0409:35
AlexDevilLXI have Windows on sda1, kubuntu on sda209:38
AlexDevilLXhow to recover grub?09:39
eagles0513875never had to I'm dealing with a single installation on a netbook09:39
AlexDevilLXrecover mode?09:40
AlexDevilLXcan i recover grub in recovery mode on DVD?"09:41
kevin_i have gnu character map installed. And it is not displaying many charcters how to install those fonts?09:43
blummmJikan ubuntu software center?09:47
blummmnot exist add or remove software in kubuntu 11.10?09:55
blummmfrom system settings09:55
naftilos76Hi, i get a dependency problem when trying to install Aries 3D CAD. It says that it needs openGL lib libglu1-mesa (>= 7.6.0-1). I checked with dpkg and it seems that i have 7.11-0ubuntu3. Isn't that newer than what is asked?10:02
InadaptadoThat may be exactly the problem10:03
naftilos76The installed lib is newer than the one necessary! Why is there a dependency problem?10:03
InadaptadoI don't remember which, but once I had a program that asked me for a lower version of the driver I had10:04
InadaptadoSorry, lib, not driver10:04
InadaptadoIt seems the program had not been updated and conflicted with the newer libs. Go figure. I couldn't use it.10:05
LINKSWORD2Hey guys, I'm trying to install the new Firefox 7, but it downloads as a tar.bz file, and when I try to open it, it pops up in Ark and extracts to become a whole bunch of folders.10:15
InadaptadoThat's the usual way. But it's available in the repositories, you don't need to download the file10:16
LINKSWORD2Then I need to figure out how to get it.10:16
InadaptadoWhat was your distro version?10:17
LINKSWORD2I'm running 11.04.10:17
LINKSWORD2I can't upgrade to 11.10 because of a glitch with my model of computer when it has 11.10.10:17
InadaptadoYeah, I think I remember. Mmm, can you install Muon? It's the best way to control which packages you install10:18
LINKSWORD2Hmm. Checking.10:19
phoenix_firebrdMy system crashes when i use my bluetooth after sometime. The keyboard lights blink when the system  crash.10:19
LINKSWORD2Oops. 10.10 right now actually. (Which means I do need to upgrade just a little.)10:19
InadaptadoIndeed :D10:20
Inadaptadophoenix_firebrd: integrated bluetooth?10:20
phoenix_firebrdInadaptado: no10:21
phoenix_firebrdInadaptado: device name = Cambridge Silicon Radio, Ltd Bluetooth Dongle10:21
LINKSWORD2Inadaptado: Which firefox version would work with 10.10, if I'm looking for the highest possible?10:21
* LINKSWORD2 facepalm.*10:22
InadaptadoLINKSWORD2: In theory, any10:22
LINKSWORD2Odd. 7 won't install.10:22
kamilnadeemLINKSWORDS2 did that mute prob fixed on your side , I am still facing it?10:22
Inadaptadophoenix_firebrd: It may be a hardware issue. Blinking sounds like a system error message10:23
blummmmuon software... in 11.1010:23
blummmnot search ?10:23
phoenix_firebrdInadaptado: it didnt happen in 11.0410:23
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: what mute problem?10:23
blummmi'm using muon software... but when i try to find any package... not found10:24
phoenix_firebrdInadaptado: i checkes the log, nothing found as far as i know.10:24
LINKSWORD2Nope. No mute problem.10:24
kamilnadeemI have a prob in Kubuntu 11.10, Every time I start my system , the Volume is  set to mute?10:24
InadaptadoOooh, right, Bluez. I had forgotten. phoenix, some other users have reported big issues with the bluetooth driver in 11.1010:24
blummmand with apt-cache search yes10:24
phoenix_firebrdInadaptado: does the keyboard blinking means kernel panic?10:24
kamilnadeemso your method worked for you?10:24
LINKSWORD2Yeah, it did.10:25
jemandHi all,10:25
jemandI can't get Kmail2 to run.10:25
jemandWho has a link for me, that describes the issues and gives solutions for Kmail2?10:25
InadaptadoCould be, it depends on the configuration of the computer10:25
LINKSWORD2I'm sorry, I absolutely refuse to upgrade to 11.10 due to several problems it poses.10:25
kamilnadeemoK , what all was that you deleted10:25
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: Are restoring your previous session10:25
phoenix_firebrdjemand: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/OneiricOcelot/Final/Kubuntu/Kmail210:26
phoenix_firebrdjemand: yw10:26
kamilnadeem<phoenix_firebrd> kamilnadeem: Are restoring your previous session? I don't get you?10:26
kamilnadeemEvrery time I boot the Volume is muted and I have to open the mixer and unmute it10:27
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: can you check something for me10:27
LINKSWORD2Inadaptado: When a Bluetooth item's light blinks, it will be a slow and steady blink to identify that it is communicating.10:27
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: goto system settings10:28
kamilnadeemin there10:28
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: then startup and shutdown10:28
kamilnadeemon there10:28
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: in session management what is the option selected for on login10:29
kamilnadeemrestore previous session10:29
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: can you make it start woth an epty session?10:30
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: can you make it start with an epty session?10:30
kamilnadeemok done10:30
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: whats the option in default leave?10:30
kamilnadeemend current session10:31
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: restart and see if it works10:31
kamilnadeemok going to restart10:32
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: ok10:33
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kamilnadeemnope did not worked10:36
kamilnadeemalso my kick off is opening on the top side of my screen :(10:36
kamilnadeemphoenix_firebrd: What next ?10:38
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: May be the settings file of pulseaudio or alsa is corrupt10:38
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: wait10:38
kamilnadeemphoenix_firebrd:  so should I undo the changes in starup and shutdown , this kick off dispersion is making me nervous10:39
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: what you did is not causing this problem ,but something else. You can undo the changes if you want10:41
kamilnadeemphoenix_firebrd: thsi http://i.imgur.com/qSC3g.png10:41
kamilnadeemit was not happening before the changes10:41
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: i know that10:42
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: end the process plasma-desktop and restart it10:42
kamilnadeemhow to restart it10:43
phoenix_firebrdalt+f2 and type plasma-desktop and then press enter10:43
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: did you end the process first10:44
aleksei`hi 2 all10:44
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: ok10:44
kamilnadeemit is now in normal position10:44
Inadaptadoaleksei`: hi10:44
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: good10:45
kamilnadeemphoenix_firebrd: so I wait , someone on the Irc previusly sugessted deleting some files , pulseaudio and kmixer config10:46
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: did you try it?10:47
kamilnadeemi delted the kmixer one but it did not helped10:47
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: then10:47
kamilnadeemI dont know what pulseaudio files to delete and where to find it10:48
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: can you delete one more thing and try?10:48
kamilnadeemhere <phiscribe> kamilnadeem, was takitn to eagles0513875 , for you maybe delete your pulse audio configuration and reboot10:49
kamilnadeemwhich one do you want me to delete10:49
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: Just rename this file /var/lib/alsa/asound.state10:50
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: to asound.state.bak10:50
kamilnadeemok trying10:50
kamilnadeemok done10:51
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: so there is no asound.state in that folder right?10:52
kamilnadeemyes I have renamed it10:52
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: good, now restart and see if it works10:52
kamilnadeemo going to restart10:52
kamilnadeemphoenix_firebrd it worked10:55
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: enjoy10:55
kamilnadeemone more thing is there a way to get preview of video files in dolphin10:55
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: sure10:55
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: install ffmpegthumbs10:56
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: then tell10:56
kamilnadeemok muon here I come :)10:56
InadaptadoDolphin is the only thing I'm disappointed with in KDE. Pity.10:57
phoenix_firebrdInadaptado: why?10:57
kamilnadeemstill no preview10:58
kamilnadeemphoenix_firebrd I have installed it10:58
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: wait , you have to configure dolphin10:58
kamilnadeemHasty me10:58
InadaptadoIt needs improvement. And it's the piece of software that crashes the most to me10:58
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: in dolphin menu, goto configure dolphin10:58
kamilnadeemin there10:59
phoenix_firebrdInadaptado: oh10:59
InadaptadoI'm still sticking to KDE though. I have faith.10:59
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: goto general10:59
kamilnadeemin there10:59
phoenix_firebrdInadaptado: gnome birds are migrating to kde10:59
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: in the preview tab select video files11:00
kamilnadeemphoenix_firebrd hehe at present KDE has the upper hand11:00
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: yep11:00
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: the thumbnail preview?11:00
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: cool11:01
kamilnadeemone more thing how to change the shortcut for Krunner11:01
phoenix_firebrdInadaptado: you are not using any backports right?11:01
InadaptadoI think...11:02
kamilnadeemI have added PPa of 4.7.2 to my 11.1011:02
phoenix_firebrdInadaptado: can you confirm it11:03
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: goto settings11:03
kamilnadeemin there11:03
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: you mean the run dialog as krunner right?11:03
kamilnadeemyes the alt+f2 thing11:04
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: ok11:04
InadaptadoNo, definitely not. I think I had them on Natty, but I haven't added anything now. Well, except Chromium Daily11:04
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: goto shortcuts and gestures11:04
kamilnadeemin there11:04
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: goto global keyboard shortcuts11:04
kamilnadeemin there11:04
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem:  in the kde components drop down select  run command interface11:05
kamilnadeemok so I change the alt+f2 to what ver I want11:05
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: ya, can you see the option to change?11:06
kamilnadeemdone alt+space :)11:06
kamilnadeemone more thing11:06
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: yes11:07
kamilnadeemIn kmail I am deleting the mails but they actually don't get deleted11:07
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: did you read this https://wiki.kubuntu.org/OneiricOcelot/Final/Kubuntu/Kmail211:07
phoenix_firebrdInadaptado: when does your dolphin crash11:08
kamilnadeemthanks phoenix_firebrd you have just made my day11:08
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: yw11:08
kamilnadeemno probs now to ask11:08
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: we are here to help :)11:09
Inadaptadophoenix_firebrd: When I manage large quantities of files. I'm tidying up my missus' collection of MP3. It's a nightmare11:09
kamilnadeemoh wait please can yo tel me about the akonadi thing11:09
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: soon you will join us11:09
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: No idea about that11:09
kamilnadeemyes I already do help people to my level11:09
phoenix_firebrdInadaptado: i can understand11:10
kamilnadeemI meant akonadiitray11:10
phoenix_firebrdInadaptado: how much ram do you have ?11:10
phoenix_firebrdInadaptado: i faced this problem by self11:10
phoenix_firebrdInadaptado: have you tried the file manager krusader?11:11
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: whats with the akonadi tray?11:11
InadaptadoNever heard of it. I'll check it, thanks11:12
phoenix_firebrdInadaptado: when i was sorting 76000 files, it helped me11:12
phoenix_firebrdInadaptado: :)11:12
kamilnadeemoh I got confused11:13
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: what?11:13
kamilnadeemI thougt it was some software kile deja dup , actually it is for kontact11:13
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: ya11:14
kamilnadeem any blogs realted to KDE and kubuntu  , that you all follow to be up with the game11:15
phoenix_firebrdInadaptado: do you use bluetooth11:15
kamilnadeemlike OMg!Ubuntu is for the main UBuntu11:15
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: ??11:15
Inadaptadophoenix_firebrd: Nope. I do have it integrated, but I don't have a smartphone or anything that I could use it with11:15
InadaptadoIt's off all the time11:15
phoenix_firebrdInadaptado: its all because of the bluez11:16
kamilnadeemphoenix_firebrd to get the latest info on kde/kubuntu and it its softwares11:16
InadaptadoThey screwed it, didn't they? I've only read complains11:16
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: planetkde.org, kde commit digest11:17
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: many more11:18
kamilnadeemalready have them in the feed11:18
phoenix_firebrdInadaptado: yep they screwed it11:18
kamilnadeemalso the feed reader for kde is excellent11:18
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: ya11:18
InadaptadoI filed a bug for Muon Software Centre, the main page was full of Bluez new entries11:19
phoenix_firebrdInadaptado: means?11:19
InadaptadoLots of people filing bugs for Bluez11:19
phunyguy_so how do I get the message indicator to turn green with all new messages, not just queued new IM windows?11:20
phoenix_firebrdInadaptado: ya11:20
kamilnadeemphoenix_firebrd : will be taking your leave now, thanks once again for helping out11:21
kamilnadeemPeace Be WIth You All11:21
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: yw11:21
phoenix_firebrdkamilnadeem: bye11:21
Inadaptadophunyguy_: System settings > Application and System notifications. Play around.11:21
phunyguy_Inadaptado: holy customizeable...11:22
phunyguy_(Gnome convert)11:23
InadaptadoIt does take time to get used to so many options, I know :D11:23
phunyguy_i am surprised at how good this runs on my little samsung netbook11:23
phunyguy_got the cool netbook interface too11:23
phunyguy_wonder if i can get my desktop to look like this (not exact, but I like the top bar)11:24
georgeHello. How do I fix this error → Gtk-WARNING **: gtk_widget_size_allocate(): attempt to allocate widget with width -5 and height 15     ?11:24
phunyguy_george: helps to know what you were trying to do to get that error11:24
phoenix_firebrdgeorge: the program crashes?11:25
georgephunyguy:trying to run pcsx211:25
phoenix_firebrdgeorge: chnage the gtk theme oxyen-gtk to anything else11:25
georgephoenix_firebrd:it crashed too with Raleigh. Same error: Gtk-WARNING **: gtk_widget_size_allocate(): attempt to allocate widget with width -5 and height 15    segmentation fault11:27
James147phoenix_firebrd: its really easy to make the desktop look like the netbook version of kde... (or you can just run plasma-netbook on the desktop)11:27
James147phunyguy_: ^^ even11:27
phoenix_firebrdgeorge: does this happen with every gtk app?11:28
phunyguy_yeah not sure I want the full fledged netbook experience on the desktop, but I like the drop down "open windows" appled.11:28
phunyguy_applet too11:28
phunyguy_and search/launch11:28
phoenix_firebrdgeorge: what is the application?11:28
James147phunyguy_: you should be able to use anywidget from the netbook on the desktop,11:28
James147(and vise versa)11:29
toumboHi people!!!May anyone explain me if thre are any difrences between muon nai ubuntu software center?Thanks in advance!11:29
phunyguy_thanks James14711:29
phoenix_firebrdgeorge: wait11:29
phunyguy_going to work, adios.11:29
phoenix_firebrdgeorge: did you install from the normal repository ?11:30
Inadaptadotoumbo: Do you mean Kubuntu Software Centre vs Ubuntu Software Centre?11:30
georgeit's not on the official repositories, it's a ppa.11:30
phoenix_firebrdgeorge: it is there11:31
Inadaptadotoumbo: Not much, to be honest. Kubuntu's is a bit simpler, but all in all they are pretty much the same11:31
toumboBecause a had an attempt to install vlc but I didn't found it11:32
georgephoenix_firebrd:pcsx it there, but this is pcsx211:32
phoenix_firebrdgeorge: ok, can you purge and reinstall and see if it works11:32
Inadaptadotoumbo: Oh, that. Kubuntu's has some issues. If you don't find something, use Muon Package Manager11:32
georgephoenix_firebrd:gonna try it.11:33
phoenix_firebrdgeorge: ok11:33
toumboInadaptado:Ok thanks for the advice!!!! :D11:35
TheLastProjectDoes anybody know which process takes care of the Task Manager? Firefox bugged it out and I don't want to kill my complete session.11:35
phoenix_firebrdTheLastProject: ksysguard11:36
georgephoenix_firebrd:didn't work.11:36
TheLastProjectOkay, thanks for the tip, but it didn't change anything =/11:36
TheLastProjectGuess I'll have to kill my x session to fix this =/11:37
georgeTheLastProject: or via konsole: killall firefox11:37
phoenix_firebrdgeorge: then , most probably its the applications fault11:37
georgephoenix_firebrd:I see...11:37
TheLastProject_Firefox is not running, that's not the problem. The taskbar got bugged because of firefox and wouldn't restore11:38
TheLastProject_And damn, something broke when I choose "New Setting" and then logged back in...11:38
TheLastProject_Well, at least the task bar is normal again11:39
georgeTheLastProject: try this kquitapp plasma-desktop && plasma-desktop11:39
phoenix_firebrdgeorge: the application's publisher has given some dependency requirements in their website, check if all the dependencies are satisfied11:39
georgephoenix_firebrd:ok, thank you.11:39
phoenix_firebrdgeorge: yw11:40
InadaptadoOh, a tzdata update. Have they solved their legal issues?11:40
TheLastProject_Skype, you buggy software >_>11:41
TheLastProject_Okay, X session killing time...11:41
phoenix_firebrdTheLastProject: the dbus might have crashed11:41
InadaptadoSkype, pffft... I wonder if now that they are part of Microsoft they will make something decent out of it11:42
TheLastProjectMore like something even worse11:43
TheLastProjectOh God, now my taskbar is bugged again as well11:43
TheLastProjectWhat a disaster >_>11:43
TheLastProjectI'm going to solve this the Windows way: Rebooting...11:43
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=== Lenzz is now known as lenzz
lenzzHi folks!12:07
lenzzPls anybody knows whu on my dell vostro 3350 i can not play oolite?12:08
lenzzgame stuks, and also stuks KDE12:08
InadaptadoGraphic card issues maybe? What's yours?12:09
lenzzi know that my video adapter are not too fast, but oolite does not uses such more graphical resources12:10
lenzzi'l check now the correct name, and will write it here12:10
InadaptadoIt's not always a matter of resources, drivers play a big role too12:10
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lenzzfunny thing , dell site tells me  that there is GRAPHICS : INTEL INTEGRATED GRAPHICS MED12:19
lenzzofcourse i know that12:19
lenzzbut wich model....12:19
lenzzwill tru to search more detal description12:20
InadaptadoOh, Intel. No wonder then.12:20
lenzzno opensource driver?12:22
InadaptadoYes, but not as developed as other cards12:24
lenzzbut how works compiz effects?12:26
InadaptadoDo them? I couldn't make it work a couple of Nvidia drivers versions ago12:27
martin__lenzz: tried to run jockey-kde?12:27
martin__lenzz: press ALT + F2 and type: jockey-kde12:27
martin__followed by a light hit on the enter button12:27
lenzzyes, compiz works too good12:27
lenzzmartin__, and what is it?12:28
lenzzlight version of kde?12:28
martin__lenzz: no, I mean, press ALT + F2 and type: jockey-kde12:29
martin__then press enter12:29
lenzzif i try to go at second terminal console, maybe i not will be back here now12:29
lenzzcurrent session maybe will not restore12:30
lenzzi tryed to do that12:30
lenzzok, anyway, i will try again12:30
lenzzand will be back soon if something wrong happends12:31
lenzzmartin__ you are about drivers...12:32
lenzzand i read as " press ctrl+alt+f2" :D12:33
lenzzheh, no way : no porietary drivers in use...12:34
AtharvaHi...how to setup mobile broadband connectin in Kubuntu ?12:44
lenzzgo to the wireless icon12:45
lenzzand find there add network12:45
alexdevillx_Hi all12:46
alexdevillx_how to setup my Canon LBP-3010 in Kubuntu12:47
InadaptadoTo do what?12:48
InadaptadoOh, he left. Slow.12:49
InadaptadoNo, it was a clone. My brain is not working.12:49
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AimOn_Hi! Just wondering if this is a bug or whatever; I use 11.10 with four virtual desktops. The taskbar is a mess. It shows the tasks / windows running on another desktop . But more often it's just an empty gap instead.13:02
AimOn_This forces the two row setting, takes a lot of space and looks just awful.13:03
AimOn_Anyone else got this problem?13:03
AtharvaHi which is the alternative for xchat for kubuntu ?13:09
lenzzquassel irc13:10
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Atharva<lenzz> HOw to install it ?13:12
lenzzapt-get install quassel13:14
AtharvaIs it located in KpackageKit ?13:14
lenzzyes, yau can install it from there too13:14
Atharvalenzz : Thanks a lot :)13:17
lenzzwellcome :)13:17
lenzz*u r13:18
lenzzkeyboard stuck...13:18
AtharvaBye lenzzz.......13:20
AtharvaHi Singham ....r u from India ?13:21
SinghamAtharva : Yes13:21
BluesKajHiyas al13:28
BluesKaja=all, not just a guy named al :)13:29
spacebug-BluesKaj: 'I can call you Betty, and Betty when you cal me you can call me Al' ;)13:33
spacebug-I really like that I made the switch to kubuntu from ubuntu. KDE has really made progress since I used it in slackware and ubuntu with unity feels less and less configurable13:34
BluesKajspacebug-, gnome/unity's loss is KDE's gain. We see a lot of that lately .13:39
spacebug-ah ok13:40
BluesKajto me it's canonical / ubuntu politics13:40
spacebug-anyone know a good kubuntu new/blog site?13:42
Riddellkubuntu.org :)13:43
Shaan7Riddell: +1 :P13:43
Riddellour personal blogs are just published on planet.kde.org and planet.ubuntu.com13:43
spacebug-oki doki13:43
SinghamHi...How to switch from one workspace to other using keyboard ?13:45
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spacebug-Singham: ctrl+F1 (F2, F3..)13:46
BluesKajyup, that works here too13:47
SinghamAnd can i change the keys ? I want Ctrl + Alt + Arrows..13:48
spacebug-Singham: you can change that in system settings -> workspace behavior -> virtual desktops -> switching13:48
spacebug-I also found a default setting that changes desktop by scrolling the mouse wheel when over the desktop. (Not what you asked for really but could be useful maybe)13:50
SinghamThanks..n yeh Its useful :)13:51
grifo74hello i am a kubuntu user and i like to remaster my kubuntu to install in other machines or if sistem crash, but remastersys is off exist another aplication to remaster my sistem????????13:51
ubottuInterested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility13:53
genii-around!info oem-config-remaster13:56
ubottuoem-config-remaster (source: ubiquity): Remaster a CD with additional oem-config functionality. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.7 (oneiric), package size 6 kB, installed size 164 kB13:56
phunyguy_hello all, trying to import my openvpn config file into knetwork-manager, it fails with an obscure error.  I manually put the settings in, and then when i click the connection to connect it does nothing!  Please help...14:03
phunyguy_I have verified all settings are correct, it just doesn't like me I guess14:04
=== museele_ is now known as museele
=== d_atharva is now known as Atharva
phoenix_firebrdhello everyone14:18
BluesKaj!info nestat14:24
ubottuPackage nestat does not exist in oneiric14:24
BluesKaj!info netstat14:24
ubottuPackage netstat does not exist in oneiric14:24
lenz!info net-tools14:25
ubottunet-tools (source: net-tools): The NET-3 networking toolkit. In component main, is important. Version 1.60-23ubuntu3 (oneiric), package size 232 kB, installed size 972 kB14:25
BluesKajodd, I installed it from the repos14:25
lenzu need install net-tools14:25
genii-aroundNet-tools seems to be the package it resides in14:25
BluesKajthe factoid bot is dumb , it should have link from net-tools to netstat14:26
pingupinguhey guys, i just upgraded from 11.04 to 11.10 and the wireless is really slow the max i get is around 100KB14:27
pingupinguinstead of 1000KB14:28
pingupingumy wireless does not have 802.11n, so disabling that didnt affect the speed14:28
lenzdont think  that is the proplem of  11.1014:29
lenztry to restart your access point14:29
pingupingulenz: yeah it is the problem of 11.1014:30
pingupinguthere seems to be some bug reports with 11.10 with slow wireless14:30
lenzit' maybe can be problem of wifi driver14:30
pingupinguyeah i think its the wifi driver problem14:31
lenztry to reinstall14:31
pingupingulol i don't think that will fix the issue14:32
pingupingupeople having the issue on new installs14:32
lenzdelete adapter14:32
lenzall conf. files14:32
lenzand try to reinstall14:32
pingupinguwhere to delete the adapter and which conf files?14:33
lenz1-st step - try to reinstall Wifi radar14:35
lenzdeleting driver is a bad idea14:36
lenzbecause it is module for kernel14:36
pingupinguyeah, I can rmmod then modprobe, but thats all I can try14:36
lenzI think there maybe some problems with conf file14:37
lenzwich wifi adapter do you have?14:37
pingupinguwhich conf file are you refering to ? iwl394514:37
pingupingusupporting only ab/g14:38
lenzconf file is for wifi radar14:38
kbroulikand once agin, the oneiric kubuntu installer is the same crap as the one in natty and in maverick and in lucid and …14:39
pingupinguok wifiradar is up and running shows connection to the wifi ap14:39
lenzi mean not physsicaly con file, maybe after upgrade old settings of your connetcion was affected14:39
lenzand if you try to delete the connection?14:39
lenzand recreate it?14:39
lenzyou tried this?14:40
pingupinguno i didnt try that14:40
pingupinguwell new connection It does not support wpa/psk14:42
pingupingudont know what to fill in for UseWPA14:42
shane2perudoes anyone know if there is a way in LibreOffice to highlight the row and column that is selected, all the time, so when I select a different row, that row then becomes temporarily highlighted while the cursor is there?14:43
alexdevillxGot pornosmok14:47
alexdevillxIt's a botnet14:47
lenzpingupingu wpa?14:48
alexdevillxBtw why USA need russian pc's for botnet?14:48
pingupinguyeah wpa14:48
BluesKaj!porn | alexdevillx14:48
lenzyou need to enter password14:48
alexdevillxBluesKaj: Its a folder name14:49
BluesKajalexdevillx, forget the porn stuff, this is afamily chat14:49
pingupinguok, its back14:49
alexdevillxBlueKaj: ok forever why do LA need russian PCs14:49
pingupingulenz: it seems that I had to save the network config in networkmanager14:50
pingupinguso the speed is back up14:50
kamilnadeemare anyone else having problems in the rstarting /shutting down , the screen dims or goes blacks but nothing happens?14:50
kamilnadeemKubuntu 11.1014:50
lenzpingupingu excuse for what?14:50
lenzspeed backup?14:50
genii-aroundalexdevillx: That's still not an on-topic question for Kubuntu support channel.14:50
BluesKajalexdevillx, do you have a kubuntu question , if not try #kubuntu-offtopic14:51
pingupinguback up i mean.. its running full speed now 1000kb14:51
pingupinguinstead of 100kb14:51
lenzthats great14:52
pingupinguyeap, i hope the conf file sticks14:52
lenzso there is no bug in 11.1014:53
pingupinguwell the bug is there, as it didn't pickup the new config? after the upgrade14:53
lenzno, you have your old settings14:54
lenzof your old connection14:54
lenzi agree that's not good14:54
lenzbut anyway, problem i in there :)14:54
pingupinguI didnt' see any error reported in the /var/log/ files for it14:54
lenzbecause this is not error or software bug )14:55
pingupinguthanks lenz for the help14:56
pingupingucant wait for the first alpha for 4.814:56
lenzyou are wellcome, also you can write on the forum14:56
lenzmaybe it will help to others14:56
=== lenz is now known as lenzz
lenzzFolks, someone knows where can I find linux-rt?14:58
lenzz!pakage linux-rt14:58
lenzz!info linux-rt14:59
ubottuPackage linux-rt does not exist in oneiric14:59
=== Jonny_ is now known as Guest37555
phunyguy_ok folks, I have samba working, but now I am hitting another roadblock.  The speeds are terrible.. even on 100 meg.  I get 3-5 MB/s, nevermind if i connect to home via VPN (25/10mbit connection) - I get 32KB/s there...15:09
phunyguy_it doesnt matter if I cmd line mount with the mount command, or smb://server/share in dolphin15:10
phunyguy_speeds are terrible either way.15:10
lenzzbecause smb sucks )))15:10
phunyguy_lenzz I have to use it.15:11
phunyguy_got some windoze stuff here at work15:11
lenzzon windows i think is the same situation with smb15:12
lenzzanyway it's not fast15:12
phunyguy_with that being said, in gnome / unity / whatever, using nautilus, the speeds were much better with windows shares.15:12
phunyguy_so you telling me its a samba issue kind of isnt true15:12
lenzzit's slow protocol, more slow than ftp15:13
phunyguy_32KB/s??  I was at least getting 400-500KB/s with Samba on Nautilus.15:13
phunyguy_(over my VPN)15:13
lenzz32Kb/ps when you transfer files?15:14
phunyguy_yes. over a VPN with at least 10mbit15:14
lenzztry to ping -l 1024 our server15:14
phunyguy_(my isp at home gives me 25mbit down and 10mbit up)15:14
lenzzthat maybe networc specific issues15:15
genii-aroundphunyguy_: There are some good hints for speedup at this site: https://calomel.org/samba_optimize.html15:15
lenzz1 - vpn is on cisco ? or its software?15:15
phunyguy_lenzz: i just told you.  I had gnome running before with nautilus, and was getting speeds 10-15x what I am now15:15
lenzzI understand15:15
phunyguy_openvpn. Even without VPN i get 4MB/s over 100 meg.  should be more like 11MB/s15:15
lenzzbut you really know that now your network is ok?15:16
phunyguy_the only thing that changed is the desktop environment,...15:16
lenzzyou have changed gnuntu?ome on kub15:16
lenzzgnome > kde15:17
phunyguy_i have formatted the drive and performed a fresh install of kubuntu.  Now I will tell you this, I have seen this issue on other KDE installs as well.  It's why I stopped using it beforehand and went with gnome.15:17
lenzzdont think that is the problem of Dolphin or smb15:18
phunyguy_I also know that Samba has an async mode which is supposed to speed up transfers.  Looks like i still uses sync in dolphin15:18
lenzzbecause same fs type (if you mounting smbfs) or smbclient are in gnome version of ubuntu15:18
phunyguy_let me try smbclient15:18
phunyguy_i always get full speed there (because its async)15:19
phunyguy_that will tell me whether it is network related or KDE related  ;)15:19
lenzzjust try to ping -l 102415:19
lenzzyour server15:19
lenzzand look at latency15:19
phunyguy_i am getting full speed with smbclient, as I expected15:21
phunyguy_so the issue is dolphin / kde15:21
lenzzhmm , great15:21
lenzzmaybe problem is in config?15:22
lenzzbecause Dolphin uses same libraries like smbclient15:22
phunyguy_my guess is a combination of samba in sync mode, with the slowness of dolphin15:22
phunyguy_sync mode is terrible with higher latency style connections (wifi / and/or vpn)15:23
phunyguy_which config would that be?15:23
phunyguy_i am still pulling over vpn15:23
phunyguy_so its not that config15:23
lenzzdont know, sorry.15:23
lenzzI had always problem with smb15:23
phunyguy_so the culrpit is sync/async15:23
lenzzI use too vpn at my work15:24
phunyguy_and the fact that it isn't in the cifs kernel mod yet15:24
phunyguy_that will improve speed15:24
phunyguy_smbclient transfers in async15:24
phunyguy_and it is QUITE fast15:24
lenzzyou have connection to your remote desctop using RDP protocol?15:24
phunyguy_what does that matter?15:25
phunyguy_i am on my netbook connecting to home.15:25
lenzzyou can mount your linux drive via RDP15:25
phunyguy_via smb15:25
phunyguy_i need samba to work properly.15:25
lenzzok )))15:26
MDesadehello all, i have some really weird questions for you all about IRQs and the PCI bus under kubuntu 11.04 - 64bit15:27
BluesKajphunyguy_, if this is on a LAN, try ssh with X forwarding15:28
phunyguy_(its not btw)15:28
lenzzand what about ftpd on windows?15:29
lenzzor sftpd if you need sequre connection?15:29
phunyguy_ok i changed the mount option in /etc/fstab to include async mode, and now i get 100KB/s to home - still reaaallly slow.. just not AS slow.15:31
phunyguy_let me try straight CP15:32
phunyguy_err "cp" command15:32
BluesKajphunyguy_, scp gives me up 12mb/sec15:33
phunyguy_ok you guys are missing my point,15:33
phunyguy_I need Samba to at least perform like it does in Gnome15:33
BluesKajsamba due to windows pcs on the network , right ?15:34
phunyguy_I need to mount these shares to physical directories15:34
phunyguy_that as well as other things15:34
phunyguy_"Samba sucks" is a cop out IMO...15:35
phunyguy_samba DOESNT suck in Gnome.15:35
phunyguy_"as bad"15:35
BluesKaj!who | phunyguy_15:35
ubottuphunyguy_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:35
phunyguy_BluesKaj: Sorry.  Didnt realize so many messages were scrolling...15:36
BluesKajphunyguy_, so you're complaining about a slow connection thru samba...is the data encrypted by any chance ?15:37
phunyguy_BluesKaj: not any more than it is going through smbclient15:37
BluesKajyeah, samba is just a gui for smbclient15:38
phunyguy_BluesKaj: what..?15:38
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.15:39
BluesKajhmm, maybe I'm mistaken ..I always thought that15:40
phunyguy_BluesKaj: Samba is the entire suite as a whole15:40
* BluesKaj checks in synaptic15:40
phunyguy_Dolphin is the gui, smbclient is a command line "client"15:40
BluesKajyeah , i did say gui15:40
phunyguy_BluesKaj: I'm noob-ish, but I'm not a complete noob. I know how Samba operates, and I know that it could perform much better than it does in KDE.15:41
phunyguy_fyi, using cp, I still get about 100KB/s15:42
phunyguy_going to try on the box with gnome.15:42
phunyguy_actually that wouldnt be a good test...15:42
gtwinHello is there a work around for the printer bug.  Have reinstalled cups, still nothing.  Have not found anything on forums15:43
shane2perucoming in in the middle, but, personally I like NFS better than samba, but I'm not using Windows boxes.15:43
phunyguy_yeah shane2peru, thats the issue.  Windows boxes (i use this netbook at work as well as home)15:43
shane2peruah, ok, in that case, just null and void my comment. :)15:43
phunyguy_no need :)15:44
BluesKajphunyguy_, odd that it's so slow ...my wife's windows pc transfers at 7Mibs/sec15:46
lenzzit's because phunyguy uses vpn15:46
BluesKajusing samba15:46
BluesKajwhy use vpn on a LAN ?15:47
lenzzsequre )))15:47
lenzzand if there is 3des encryption in vpn, 12mb/ps is good speed15:48
BluesKajlenzz, it's a LAN , not a WLAN15:49
lenzzBlueKaj, we don't know, maybe there is hub15:49
phunyguy_BluesKaj: I'm not15:50
BluesKajanyway , I don't work with office type networks so I guess there are other considerations in the mix15:50
phunyguy_I'm at work, accessing files on the lan, as well as stuff from home via VPN15:50
lenzzphungyguy, I advise to use ftp15:51
phunyguy_lenzz, can I mount the ftp connection as a firectory?15:51
BluesKajftp? ..it's not secure15:51
phunyguy_and i dont need secure, the VPN is secure15:51
lenzzphunyguy offcourse yes15:51
lenzzand if you need secure connection, you can use sftp15:51
BluesKajso you can ftp over vpn ?15:52
phunyguy_BluesKaj: why wouldnt I be able to?15:52
phunyguy_also, that doesnt solve my problem of 40% speed on LAN15:52
phunyguy_where smbclient gets me 100%15:52
lenzzyou can not use 60% of lan speed anyway15:53
phunyguy_holy crap.15:53
BluesKajdunno, I'm asking . phunyguy_ ...what's with the attitude15:53
lenzz)))) how smb can get 100% utilisation of lan?15:53
lenzzyour hdd can not write or read files with tat speed15:53
phunyguy_BluesKaj: not trying to, but patience is an issue this morning. I apologize.  I am merely saying that smb itself performs great... just not via the cifs mount commands15:54
phunyguy_lenzz, i say 100% meaning 100% of what I would get with all that in mind.15:54
phunyguy_Mr nitpick...15:54
BluesKajphunyguy_, yeah that's a mystery about samba15:54
phunyguy_no i know what the issue is.15:55
phunyguy_but it is made worse in KDE vs Gnome15:55
phunyguy_THATS what I am asking about15:55
lenzzphunyguy, does not metter wich GUI do you use15:55
phunyguy_I dont mind getting 8-9MB/s like I was in gnome, (instead of the 11MB/s I would get with async transfers)15:55
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.15:55
phunyguy_but 4MB/s is awful in comparison.15:56
lenzz4 megabytes per second?15:56
lenzzfrom wan?15:56
phunyguy_yes on 100mbit15:56
lenzzyeah, you are right15:56
lenzzthat's bad15:57
phunyguy_8-9MB/s means crappy samba15:57
phunyguy_4MB/s is crappy KDE... lol15:57
lenzzMan, that's not problem of kde15:57
phunyguy_...it only happens in KDE...15:57
lenzzat me smb on kde works great15:57
phunyguy_define great.15:58
lenzzlike on windows15:58
phunyguy_oh lord, I get 11MB/s on windows ;)15:58
lenzzmaybe there is another problem?15:59
phunyguy_you are running me around in circles.15:59
rorkphunyguy_: by your conversation I think you have a low transfer speed at samba when you use Dolphin but not with a client like `scp` ?16:00
lenzzbecause i transfer 3 gb in 10 minutes16:00
phunyguy_I know its not that fast in linux, 8MB is an OK tradeoff... (which i get in ubuntu/xubuntu), and I get 4MB/s in Kubuntu16:00
gtwinis this the right channel for help?  I am having a hard time finding information on when/if a bug is going to be fixed and how to find a work around for printing in 11.1016:00
phunyguy_rork, I use smbclient and get full speed16:00
phunyguy_the issue is dolphine.16:00
lenzzcan you write here two things16:01
lenzzping your_home_ip -l 102416:01
phunyguy_why does it have to be home? Why cant I do LAN?16:02
lenzztraceroute your_home_ip16:02
phunyguy_LAN is an issue as well16:02
lenzzto understand what happening, first we must to check all steps16:02
lenzzand network is the first step16:02
lenzzfirst level16:03
phunyguy_ok on LAN i can tell you right now the server I am transferring from is 1 hop away.16:03
phunyguy_and the latency is 1ms16:03
lenzznot on lan, to your home computer16:03
phunyguy_its not just home that is the issue16:03
phunyguy_and if i trace to home, thats 1 hop as well16:04
phunyguy_(VPN, remember?)16:04
phunyguy_ping is 60ms16:04
lenzzdon't believe16:04
lenzzscreenshots, traces pls16:04
phunyguy_14 hops to home, max hop time 35ms16:05
phunyguy_thats all you get.16:06
lenzzping over vpn? tell me latency16:06
phunyguy_that was 60ms16:06
lenzzping ip -l 102416:06
phunyguy_sorry, 32ms now16:06
phunyguy_was transferring files before16:06
lenzzwich encryption method do you use on vpn16:08
phunyguy_AES-CPC 12816:08
phunyguy_err CBC16:08
phunyguy_dont see why that matters16:08
phunyguy_smbclient gets full speed16:08
FloodBotK1phunyguy_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:08
FloodBotK2phunyguy_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:08
lenzzso , if with smbclient everything is ok, seems that something wrong with smb config in dolphin16:09
lenzztry to tune it16:09
phunyguy_thats what I am saying.  dolphin can open smb shares with smb://16:10
phunyguy_where the heck would I tune that?16:10
phunyguy_in the source?16:10
lenzzKDE 4.x is capable of authenticating aganist Samba shares. You just have to either pre-provide credentials ( set them in System Settings > Sharing ) or provide them in the URL ( smb://user@server/share )16:10
lenzzno, not this16:11
lenzzwill find now16:11
lenzzthere is some settings16:12
lenzzfor smb16:12
lenzztry to look here : /etc/samba/smb.con16:13
phunyguy_lenzz, that is how i configured the samba server at home  ;)16:14
BluesKajphunyguy_, I know this is off the topic somewhat, but do you use a staitic IP or a dns service for dynamic in order to run vpn over the internet?16:16
phunyguy_BluesKaj: DynDNS.16:17
BluesKajphunyguy_, ok thanks16:17
phunyguy_BluesKaj: np16:17
Deet`yesterday kaffine played movies just fine, today, giant blue screen. why does something new go wrong every day with me? :(16:18
phunyguy_Deet`: the KDE Gods hate us.16:18
BluesKajDeet`, what about dragon player ?16:18
Deet`i'll have to install that16:19
BluesKajDeet`, which kubuntu version ?16:20
Deet`archaiac 8.0416:20
BluesKajok , methinks an upgrade in order16:21
BluesKaj10.04 LTS is almost off the books16:21
Deet`11 didn't like my gfx card and my craptastic internet made me go with what i already had16:22
BluesKajDeet`,  which gfx card?16:22
Deet`ATI Radeon 955016:22
phunyguy_ouch, old.16:22
Deet`i think it was day before yesterday we were trying nomodeset on it?16:23
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
Deet`all my gear is old16:23
BluesKajnot too bad ,  still run a geforce 7600gt without any trouble16:23
Deet`i haven't bought a desktop in 10 years, i get everyone elses garbage :P16:23
Deet`i have a Pentium 2 with Windows XP on it :P16:24
phunyguy_same here Deet` - I had to start turning stuff away16:24
Deet`i never turn it away unless i know it's two old16:24
phunyguy_this netbook was free.16:24
phunyguy_(bad HDD)16:24
Deet`but then i usally rape it for parts anyway16:24
phunyguy_(now has a freebie SSD i picked up from a vendor)16:24
lenzzphunyguy, there is too much topics on forums. but really at my pc, everything works ok16:24
slipp3dDeet you could try one of the linux mint debian version that might work better then that old version of ubuntu16:25
phunyguy_lenzz, i demand a screenshot of file transfer.. and speed....  ;)16:25
Deet`and for the record, dragon player does the same16:25
Deet`audio works, vidoe is blue16:25
BluesKajDeet`, codecs16:26
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org16:26
BluesKajit might help16:26
phunyguy_Deet`: got a free steak dinner at a high class spot downtown and a free Kingston 96 gig SSD (top of the line model) - courtesy of kingston.16:26
phunyguy_(thanks to my job)16:26
BluesKajok ,lunchtime ..bbl16:28
phunyguy_lenzz: I am taking one for you as well.16:29
Deet`BluesKaj: thanks16:30
Deet`phunyguy_: i am jealous16:30
Deet`gotta poof16:31
phunyguy_hmmm tinypic keeps crashing konqueror16:32
lenzzi'm trying to upload screenshots16:33
lenzz1Mbps over Wifi16:33
phunyguy_what service are you using?16:33
phunyguy_sorry, where are you uploading them to16:34
lenzzI'm downloading from Winxp16:35
lenzzhow can i send you screenshots16:36
phunyguy_hmmm...  all sites that allow file upload are crashing konq16:37
phunyguy_means i found a bug16:37
phunyguy_installing firefox16:38
lenzztell me url16:38
phunyguy_i was just going to the tinyurl site, then i went to facebook16:39
lenzzwhere can i upload pic16:39
phunyguy_both crashed rekonq16:39
phunyguy_err not tinyurl, tinypic16:39
phunyguy_i googled tinypic and clicked the first link16:39
lenzz)) rekonq buggy browser like ie16:39
lenzzinstall opera or chrome16:40
phunyguy_yeah lenzz - i just like its KDE integration so much16:40
phunyguy_seems like lots of stuff in KDE is buggy ;)16:40
lenzzi found one16:42
phunyguy_there, for cryin out loud16:44
phunyguy_871.2KB/s ?16:47
phunyguy_ahh that is via Wifi16:47
phunyguy_1mb you said16:47
phunyguy_yeah i dont even touch that.  what protocol?16:48
lenzzhere is 1.116:48
phunyguy_man what the heck then...16:48
lenzzand this is wifi16:48
lenzznot the lan16:48
phunyguy_its a fresh install of kubuntu16:48
phunyguy_i dont get it16:49
phunyguy_what version of KDE are you on?16:49
lenzzI think its problem with network16:49
lenzzdont know16:49
lenzzi have kubuntu 11.1016:49
phunyguy_4.7 then16:49
phunyguy_i am going to boot a livecd on my work PC..16:50
phunyguy_see how it looks htere16:50
lenzzgood idea16:50
* BluesKaj wonders about buffer size in smb.conf , http://www.computerhope.com/unix/smbclien.htm16:50
phunyguy_i'm gonna laugh if it flies.16:51
phunyguy_BluesKaj: server side?16:51
lenzzwich model of web book do you use?16:51
phunyguy_Samsung N150, lenzz16:51
BluesKajphunyguy_, no , clientside , guess that won't help then16:52
lenzzfolks, no one knows where can i get linux-rt??16:53
BarkingFish!info linux-rt oneiric16:53
ubottuPackage linux-rt does not exist in oneiric16:53
BarkingFishi thought it was a package :P  what is linux-rt?16:54
BluesKajtorrent client for cli ?16:55
lenzzyep pakage16:55
lenzzrealtime patch for kernel16:55
lenzzor it's module, does not remember16:56
danmoran_someone can help me16:56
phunyguy_!ask | danmoran_16:56
ubottudanmoran_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:56
BarkingFishlooks like the last release it was seen on, lenzz - was lucid according to packages.ubuntu.com16:56
danmoran_problems with lightdm and kde16:56
BarkingFish!info linux-rt lucid16:57
ubottulinux-rt (source: linux-meta-rt): complete Realtime (RT) Linux kernel. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)16:57
BarkingFishlemme see if the devs know anymore16:57
lenzzBarkingFish. that's bad, really16:58
BluesKajdaqn lightdm is a ubuntu display manager  don't think it will run on kubuntu ..kdm is the bdefault here16:58
BarkingFishlenzz- just spoke to the dev channel, it appears linux-rt no longer exists.  We just have virtual, server and generic kernels now16:59
danmoran_Someone can help, i have problems with lightdm and kde16:59
lenzzthnx in advance17:00
lenzzwill ask now17:00
BarkingFishdanmoran_, BluesKaj just addressed your question. If you want us to help, you need to tell us exactly what is wrong - we know you have problems, but we do need to know what they are :)17:01
* BarkingFish he17:01
* BarkingFish gets his crystal ball out of the cupboard17:01
binarymasterCan anyone help me with amarok not playing mp3's I have done the get codec in amarok and I have also apt-get installed libxine1-ffmpeg17:01
binarymaster 17:01
binarymasterstill no mp317:01
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats17:01
BluesKajdanmoran_, you need to stop kdm at the TTY, then start lightdm , sudo service kdm stop then sudo service light dmstart17:02
BluesKajerr lightdm start17:03
=== phunyguy__ is now known as phunyguy_
billybigriggerBluesKaj: you a long time kde user?17:04
pwb48I'm creating a deb package to replace a package I previously released.  The original package ran a script that created some config files.  When I run dpkg --install on the new package, it seems to uninstall the old version (deleting config files) and then reinstalls the new one.  Anyone know how I can ensure the config files are kept during the upgrade?17:09
BluesKajbillybigrigger, yup right from the my linux beginnings17:12
billybigriggerBluesKaj: how the hell do i tell what video driver im using?17:12
billybigriggertrying to get kubuntu 11.10 working properly on my sisters nvidia powered laptop...17:12
billybigriggerit won't come out of sleep/hibernation, after the lid is closed, and the bootup is all garbled...17:13
billybigriggerall is well when im inside the de though...17:13
billybigriggerand jockey says there's no restricted drivers to install...i guess a geforce 8600m isn't supported or is jockey full of it17:14
genii-around!info nvidia-current17:15
ubottunvidia-current (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library. In component restricted, is optional. Version 280.13-0ubuntu6 (oneiric), package size 30824 kB, installed size 90500 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)17:15
BluesKajsudo apt-cache policy nvidia-current ..he driver should be 280.1317:15
genii-aroundbillybigrigger: Do you have the "restricted" repository enabled?17:15
billybigriggeryeah i know how to poll apt-cache, that doesn't mean THAT driver is being used though17:16
BluesKajbillybigrigger, install , kubuntu-restricted-extras17:16
billybigriggerk im going to sit at her laptop and try and figure some of this out...17:17
BluesKajbillybigrigger, als don't forget medibuntu17:17
pawleeqI upgraded from 11.04 to 11.10 and also upgraded to KDE4.7.2, after this, Kmail refuses to work saying: Failed to fetch the resource collection. Any clue anybody please?17:20
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billy2BluesKaj: ok nvidia-current wasn't installed, but is now...17:21
billy2now how do i check what driver xorg is using...17:21
BluesKajkmail has a bug migrating your settings from the previous OS, pawleeq17:22
billy2ooh dkms is doing it's thing...atleast i know it's building a module...17:23
BluesKajbilly2, run sudo nvida-xconfig17:23
BluesKajafter dkms is done17:23
pawleeqBluesKaj: I know about that (https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=259355), the described solution does not work for me17:23
ubottuKDE bug 259355 in general "kmail terminates during startup with "Failed to fetch the resource collection "" [Major,New]17:23
billy2nvidia kms is b0rked still yes?17:23
billy2BluesKaj: right arm...lets try a reboot17:24
BluesKajdepends on the hw , billy2 some need the nomodeset in grub to load X17:24
BluesKajtoo quick17:24
pawleeqOk is there any way to save my mail without working kmail?17:25
=== rhea_ is now known as billy2
billy2BluesKaj: beauty, resume works great, thanks a ton17:29
billy2oh why couldnt ati have their poop in a group like nvidia...im tempted to buy another laptop to replace my ati powered one...17:29
BluesKajbilly2, some need the nomodeset in grub to load X , but obviously yours doesn't17:29
billy2can't justify it yet though, it still *works*17:29
billy2no, the bootsplash after grub looks about 640x480....but i guess she can deal with it haha17:30
BluesKajit's just a splash page, what's the res in system settings> display & monitor17:31
BluesKajbilly2, ^17:31
billy21390x1200 or something, very nice17:31
BluesKajoik  good17:32
billy21366x768 haha waay off17:32
billy2i was thinking 1900x1200...but yeah looks good17:32
billy2thanks again17:32
lenzzpawleeq u r from russia?17:33
BluesKajbilly2, i have an elcheapo acer laptop with nvidia onboard and it works great on 11.04 ...can't try 11.10 til daughter returns it tho.17:33
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billy2off to install nfs on my other fresh kde install, i just converted over 2 gentoo boxes and my sisters laptop to kubuntu oneiric, BluesKaj you'l be seeing me here a fair bit i would assume haha17:33
USguy1127I accidentaly installed the Ubuntu Software Centre in Kubuntu 11.10. How do I remove it and all of the files that got installed along it?17:33
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BluesKajbilly2, cool, looking forward to it :)17:34
billy2BluesKaj: good luck with that acer? i've always ran/sold people on hp laptops...they seem to run smooth in nix17:34
kubunter_85hi everyone I'm experiencing an issue, I have my headphones plugged in and I can hear the audio just fine thorugh them, if I unplug those the audio won't be played. Can anyone help please?17:34
* whytlyon has acer :( oh well17:34
BluesKajwhytlyon, , acer runs kubuntu very well in my experience, including the atheros wifi17:35
whytlyonit loaded all right, i have a question about wifi keys if there is a queue of sorts17:36
BluesKajnope whytlyon , just ask17:37
billybigriggerkubunter_85: have you played around in kmix17:38
BluesKajkubunter_85, so no audio thru the speakers ?17:38
whytlyonk, well, 11.04 loaded and dual booted like a dream, first time i configured wifi to WEP ASCII fine, but it doesn't seem to remember or reconnect from boot to boot. Shows 2 instances of configuration. is there a better wireless configurator i could be using?17:38
billybigriggeryour soundcard is working obviously, just sounds like a mixer issue to me, someone correct me though17:38
kubunter_85billybigrigger: yes I did and no change whatsoever.17:38
kubunter_85BluesKaj: nope... headphones only17:39
AndroidLoverInSFis it possible to upgrade kde 4.6 on ubuntu 10.10 to kde 4.7?  i already have kde 4.6, but it doesnt upgrade to 4.7. how, if possible?17:39
BluesKajkubunter_85, open alsamixer in the terminal , and if you have a speaker ctrl , make sure it's turned up and unmuted , no "M" in the box .17:40
kubunter_85BluesKaj: do I launch alsamixer by typing the command 'alsamixer'? (sorry I'm kinda newbie)17:40
billybigriggerBluesKaj: you use rekonq in kde?17:41
phunyguy_lenzz: BluesKaj: I tried on a liveCD - different workstation, same results.17:43
BarkingFishBluesKaj, with kubunter_85's audio problem, might be wise to run off an lspci -v | grep Audio i'm thinking, and I'll run it through launchpad to see if anyone else has the same issue with the card...17:43
kubunter_85BluesKaj: weird, I have turned on basically everything and now the speaker icon actually shows some waves but the audio issue stays pretty the same17:43
phunyguy_4MB/s over LAN17:43
BarkingFishkubunter_85, could you open a terminal, and do lspci -v | grep Audio - when you get those results, assuming anything shows up, add the results to paste.ubuntu.com  and put the url of the paste into this channel please :)17:43
BluesKajbillybigrigger, no , Firefox and up until recently chromium until it screwed my facebook page and handed over the account o my wife's page ...couldn't figure out how to fix that so I'm using FF17:44
lenzzphunyguy , maybe parformance issue?17:44
phunyguy_performance of..?17:44
BarkingFishkubunter_85, you can open a terminal by pressing ALT and F2 together, and typing  konsole  :)17:45
phunyguy_if you mean network performance, my internet connection here easily reaches 10MB/s17:45
LINKSWORD2Hey now, keep it rated-G.17:45
BluesKajkubunter_85, what does the driver say in alsamixer on the top left17:45
lenzzphunyguy , how mutch ram on your desktop, processor etc, also configuration of smb resource17:45
phunyguy_lenzz: desktop has 8 gigs RAM, and tri-core AMD processor (B73)17:46
kubunter_85BarkingFish: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/715332/17:46
lenzz:\ strange17:46
phunyguy_server is a dual core xeon with 3 gigs RAM.17:46
lenzzreally strange17:46
phunyguy_lenzz, i KNOW17:46
billybigriggerphunyguy_: do you have the proper network setup? ie switches/cables to allow you more than 4MB/s?17:47
BarkingFishthanks kubunter_85 - what version are you running? 11.04 or 11.10?17:47
kubunter_85BluesKaj: HDA Intel17:47
phunyguy_billybigrigger: see my previous messages.  Going out to the internet I easily reach 10MB/s  (YES MEGABYTES)17:47
kubunter_85BarkingFish: 11.1017:47
phunyguy_from this workstation17:47
billybigriggerk well what nic is in the server then?17:47
BarkingFishthank you, kubunter_8517:47
BarkingFishone moment17:47
phunyguy_billybigrigger: I wish I knew - not managed by me17:48
phunyguy_not the one here anyway17:48
phunyguy_the one at home I am unsure of at the second17:48
phunyguy_but using smbclient I get my full pipe in performance17:48
billybigriggerdo you have shell access to the server? run lspci on it17:48
phunyguy_wait one17:48
billybigriggerso when are you only getting 4MB/s?17:49
BluesKajkubunter_85, can you take a screenshot of alsamixer with the PrtScn key and paste it in imagebin pls17:49
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.17:49
phunyguy_when transferring with dolphin and cp at command line, billybigrigger17:49
billybigriggeroh yeah that's expected17:49
phunyguy_billybigrigger: why?17:50
billybigriggerif your xfer'ing via commandline, use scp, you'll get full bandwidth17:50
phunyguy_with reg ubuntu and nautilus, I would get around 8-9MB/s - even with cp.17:50
billybigriggerdunno, limitations of the software? :P use scp waaay faster, i can get 50MB/s over scp on my home network17:50
LINKSWORD2Hey everybody, I'm running Kubuntu 11.04. I *REFUSE* to upgrade to 11.10 until several bugs are resolved.17:51
LINKSWORD2My problem is that I need to upgrade to the newest version of Firefox, but I've forgotten how to make it update.17:51
Deet`hrm. "E: Couldn't find package app-install-data-medibuntu" when trying in to install the mediabuntu packages17:51
phunyguy_well heres what i know.  Samba has sync and asycn transfers.  smbclient uses async, kernel mod uses sync.17:51
PiciLINKSWORD2: 11.04 has the same version of Firefox than 11.10 does.17:51
phunyguy_but with that in mind I was getting 8-9MB/s with sync17:51
phunyguy_and 11MB/s with async (smbclient)17:51
Pici!info firefox natty17:52
phunyguy_moved to KDE... got 4MBs17:52
LINKSWORD2Pici: The same that installs by default. I need to upgrade it, however.17:52
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 7.0.1+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.11.04.1 (natty), package size 14709 kB, installed size 29508 kB17:52
Pici!info firefox oneiric17:52
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 7.0.1+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu2 (oneiric), package size 16391 kB, installed size 35508 kB17:52
BarkingFishBluesKaj, this is strange.  I've looked over launchpad for bugs involving the 82801I series Intel cards, and i'm finding kubunter_85's problem the other way round, but not in the format he has it. Might be worth filing on if it can't be sorted.17:52
PiciLINKSWORD2: To 7?17:52
billybigriggerphunyguy_: try scp and tell me what you get17:52
BarkingFishI'm seeing issues with no sound via headphone, but via speakers, not the other way17:52
phunyguy_scp to the windows host..?17:53
billybigriggeroh i thought this was nix / nix transfers17:54
billybigriggeryou can scp FROM the windows host to your nix server17:54
Deet`http://paste.kde.org/136405/ i'm thinking mediabuntu doesn't support 8.04 anymore17:54
billybigriggerwinscp i believe will do it17:54
BluesKajBarkingFish, in some cases where there are hdmi outputs they become default in the kernel module and have to be blacklisted17:54
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BarkingFishthat's a thought, BluesKaj - any chance of a look in the Multimedia KCM, see which outputs are default?17:55
PiciLINKSWORD2: Make sure that you have the security or updates repositories enabled, thats all.17:55
LINKSWORD2Pici: May I chat with you one-on-one?17:55
PiciLINKSWORD2: I'd prefer to keep things in-channel if possible.17:56
lenzzphunyguy , you are shure do not want to use ftp?17:56
lenzzor only for test17:56
BluesKajkubunter_85,  do you have hdmi ctrl listed in alsamixer or in kmenu>computer>system settings>multimedia>phonon>device preference17:56
lenzzmaybe really your switch is overloaded?17:56
kubunter_85BarkingFish, BluesKaj: ok this is what I am experiencing right now, these are my steps: 1. volume up master channel; 2. play video with headphones and it works; 3. unplug headphones and automatically master goes down to zero and I don't hear anything 4. even if I volume up master with headphones unplugged still I can't hear a thing.17:57
lenzzor your administrator had turn on quos?17:57
phunyguy_billybigrigger: I dont have access to the windows server like that17:57
lenzzor firewall issues17:57
phunyguy_just have access to fileshares17:57
BarkingFishI assume all the usual things, the basics, have been done, kubunter_85 - you do have external speakers, and they are plugged into the correct socket on the rear of your pc, and if they're mains powered, obviously that they'd be switched on and running...17:58
BluesKajkubunter_85, strange , run this command in the terminal , cat /proc/asound/modules17:59
AndroidLoverInSFis it possible to update kde from 4.6 to 4.7 on ubuntu 10.10 and stay on 10.10?17:59
BarkingFishnot trying to be patronising in any way, just looking at the obvious ground level of the problem before we dig much much deeper :)17:59
pawleeqlenzz: nope :)17:59
gunkstaKDE doesn't do well with syncing to Google Services. Google Services typically don't sync well to anything else. I'd like to have shared calendars, address books, etc. and I'd like to share this between my laptop and phone AND I want to host it myself. Any suggestions?18:00
lenzzyour nick sounds like Pavlik18:00
kubunter_85BarkingFish: I'm on a notebook so I have no sockets or plugs problem18:00
lenzzit's russian name18:00
kubunter_85BluesKaj: 0 snd_hda_intel18:01
BluesKajkubunter_85, that's the correct module , but it's unloading after you unplug your 'phones18:02
pawleeqlenzz: yes it does, Pavlik is diminutive from Pavel, it comes from latin word "paulus" which stands for small18:02
lenzzyeah )))))18:02
BarkingFishkubunter_85, back in your terminal, after you do what BluesKaj mentioned above, could you run   lsmod | grep hda - and tell me if you see these 3 modules in the output please?  snd_hda_codec_realtek, snd_hda_intel and snd_hda_codec  please?18:02
BluesKajkubunter_85, just try this in the terminal , see if alsmixer master comes back up , sudo modprobe snd_hda_intel18:03
pawleeqlenzz: and my nick is composed to sound exactly like that... russian a czech is quite similar18:03
LINKSWORD2I've installed Muon, but when I check the details of Firefox in there, it shows version 3.6.3. I need to upgrade to something higher than 3.6.18:03
pawleeqhave to go now, bye18:03
lenzzaah, understand )) bye ))18:03
BluesKajBarkingFish, the snd_hda_intel is the default by the "0" designation in lsmod18:04
BarkingFishBluesKaj, yes, I just want to ensure that all three of the modules are loaded :)18:05
BluesKajdefault module18:05
BarkingFishI needed all three to get my Intel sound card to run18:05
kubunter_85BluesKaj: nothing changed :(18:06
BluesKajodd , on some itels the hdmi codec module had to be blacklisted18:06
kubunter_85BarkingFish: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/715347/18:07
BluesKajkubunter_85, ok now run , sudo alsa force-reload18:07
BarkingFishThat's the kicker, BluesKaj :)18:07
BarkingFishHe has the hdmi codec module loaded18:07
BarkingFishMine wouldn't work with that in place, i have a feeling he may need to blacklist that out18:08
kubunter_85BluesKaj: I get this message "failed: processes still using sound devices: 10426(pulseaudio)18:10
BluesKajBarkingFish, there's no card 0 default listed there..we need to look at alsa.conf and index18:10
billybigriggerwhere are dolphins preferences?18:13
phunyguy_workthe little wrench on the top right, billybigrigger18:14
soeehow can i create virtual host on my server pointing to some direcotry ?18:14
BluesKajkubunter_85, ok , alt+f2 , kdesudo kate /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf , add , ' options snd_hda_intel index=0 ' ,under the line, # Prevent abnormal drivers from grabbing index 018:14
billybigriggerphunyguy_work: beauty thanks18:15
BluesKajkubunter_85, then save the file18:15
kubunter_85BluesKaj: ok, done18:17
BluesKajkubunter_85, ok now pulseaudio might be broken , but run sudo alsa force-reload , again and then try the speakers18:18
=== phunyguy_ is now known as phunyguy_netbook
kubunter_85BluesKaj: :( no change18:20
BluesKajok kubunter_85 , let's try without pulseaudio, we can aleays reinstall it if we need to , sudo apt-get remove pulseaudio , but this time will need to reboot afterwards18:22
phunyguy_workbillybigrigger: no problem.18:23
kubunter_85BluesKaj: ok uninstalled, so now I need to reboot I guess18:24
kubunter_85BluesKaj: see ya in a bit18:24
billybigriggerwhich font setting controls the Kicker Menu?18:24
billybigriggerie, all other fonts are set good, but the K menu font is soo small it's barely readable18:24
billybigriggeri can change the "General" Font to 14 to make the menu readable, but everything else is HUGE18:25
BluesKajbillybigrigger, run kdesudo systemsettings in run command ..it might work...I haven't had much luck with kde fonts as root but it might work for you18:27
=== stefano is now known as kubunter_85
kubunter_85BluesKaj: rebooted18:28
billybigriggerBluesKaj: why as root?18:29
billybigriggeri dont ever login as root18:29
BluesKajbillybigrigger, when calling up files requiring root access , the fons' set in system settings as user won't apply18:30
billybigriggermakes sense18:30
BluesKajkubunter_85, any luck ?18:31
AmgineIs there a way to boot kubuntu on a stick on a macbook?18:31
billybigriggerAmgine: good kubuntu live usb18:31
kubunter_85BluesKaj: nope :(18:31
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent18:31
billybigriggerno no18:31
billybigriggerhe wants live usb18:31
billybigriggerdon't you? you want to run kde from a usb stick? or just install?18:32
billybigriggerAmgine: ?18:32
billybigriggerBluesKaj: that's how i read it anyway :P18:32
kubunter_85BluesKaj: and now it doesn't work from headphones either18:32
kubunter_85BluesKaj: so now do I reinstall pulseaudio? :O18:35
BluesKajkubunter_85, yes for starters18:36
kubunter_85BluesKaj: do I need to reboot after reinstalling? :O18:38
BluesKajkubunter_85, check phonon in system settings , multimedia again18:38
BluesKajno need to reboot yet18:38
kubunter_85I have just reinstalled pulseaudio, is it ok anyway if i take a look now?18:39
shlomyHello... When starting admin apps (e.g. Muon package mananger or System settings) from the KDE menu, they seem to run without root permissions, so anything I try to do with them fails with an authorization error dialog. Any idea?18:39
shlomyI am on kubuntu 11.1018:39
kubunter_85BluesKaj: well it says audio server pulseaudio and there's a nice huge '?' as icon18:40
kennethlakinIs this the place to ask questions about the KDE Network Management Plasmoid in Kubuntu 11.10?18:40
BluesKajkubunter_85, run , sudo alsa force-reload18:41
kubunter_85BluesKaj: done18:42
BluesKajkubunter_85, of check phonon again18:42
kubunter_85BluesKaj: unchanged18:43
BluesKajok kubunter_85 , this is what I don't like abourt pulseaudio , all the reboots ..reboot again18:43
kubunter_85BluesKaj: ok so I need to reboot, that's fine18:44
BluesKajthen we may need to blacklist thje hdmis18:44
kubunter_85BluesKaj: as long as it pays off!! :P18:44
shlomyAnyone knows why Muon package manager and System Settings cannot perform any changes (and give an authorization error) when started from the KDE menu?18:45
yofelshlomy: press ctrl+esc and check if you have a 'polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1' process18:46
AmgineBillyBigRigger: Macbooks do not look at USB during boot.18:46
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BluesKajAmgine, can you set the boot sequence in your bios , or is there no usb boot option ?18:47
lenzzlinux can run on macbook?18:48
BluesKajlenzz, maybe from a livecd or usb ?18:49
shlomyyofel: Thanks, I don't have it18:50
shlomyyofel: How do I add this service?18:50
AmgineWell, linux works great on a macbook, but the boot sequence does not allow bios access. Rather it's something else weird.18:50
lenzzBluesKaj, maybe, from usb... there is intel cpu right?18:50
yofelshlomy: bah, it should be running... press alt+f2 and run: /usr/lib/kde4/libexec/polkit-kde-authentication-agent-118:52
shlomyyofel: And this would cause it to run every startup?18:52
LINKSWORD2  Hmm.... I've got Muon installed, how can I get it to check for a newer version of Firefox?18:52
yofelshlomy: do you have the 'polkit-kde-1' package installed?18:52
yofelLINKSWORD2: open the muon *package manager* and check for updates18:53
shlomyyofel: It is not installed. When I want ot install it, synaptic tells me I need to get rid of dozens of packages., including eclipse, cups , ... Is that sensible?18:54
yofeluhm, not really, but that's the package that contains the authentification daemon you need18:55
shlomyyofel: Thanks, I see, I picked the wrong one, of i38618:55
yofeland it's there by default on kubuntu installs, except there's a bug that it's not installed when you install kubuntu-desktop on another *buntu install18:55
shlomyyofel: That's it, I installed kubuntu-desktop on top of ubuntu 11.1018:59
shlomyyofel: Now that I installed it, and ran the agent manually, Muon works fine18:59
yofelyeah, that would cause this :/18:59
shlomyyofel: But will it launch automatically on each restart? (The agent)19:00
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yofelit will19:00
shlomyyofel: Another question, if you know - I am unable to drag files from krusader to my editor through the task bar entry19:02
yofelhm, that sounds vaguely familiar, but I can't remember right now what to do about it. sry19:02
shlomySo I'll refer to the other members... Anyone knows why I can drag a file from Krusader to my editor window directly, but can't do it through the editor's task bar entry? (e.g. when Krusader is maximized and I don't see the editor window)19:03
LINKSWORD2yofel: I've checked for updates for Firefox, but it's still showing me version
yofelLINKSWORD2: you're on what release?19:04
yofelthen again, 3.6.3 is lucid release19:05
LINKSWORD2Kubuntu 11.04. I REFUSE to upgrade to 11.10 for the way it glitched with my system.19:05
yofelwhich is ancient19:05
yofelLINKSWORD2: what does running 'apt-cache policy firefox' tell you?19:06
LINKSWORD2Didn't know about that. I'm checking that now.19:06
yofelLINKSWORD2: you'll need to run it in konsole19:06
LINKSWORD2Yes, I know.19:06
LINKSWORD2Installed: None. Candidate 3.6.3 buildl+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.10.10.119:08
yofelare you *sure* your sources are intact?19:08
yofel!info firefox natty19:08
LINKSWORD2No, I'm not sure.19:08
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 7.0.1+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.11.04.1 (natty), package size 14709 kB, installed size 29508 kB19:08
LINKSWORD2How can I update the sources?19:08
LINKSWORD2Or make sure they're  correct?19:09
yofelLINKSWORD2: refresh your cache in muon - or run: sudo apt-get update19:09
LINKSWORD2I just checked it in Muon again. Still the same version.19:11
LINKSWORD2This is getting REALLY annoying. :(19:11
yofelLINKSWORD2: can you pastebin the output of 'sudo apt-get update' please?19:12
yofelit's quite a bit19:12
=== rhea is now known as billybigrigger
LINKSWORD2This is where I begin to prefer one-on-one level chats because of the ability to get or receive help from one individual.19:12
LINKSWORD2yofel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/71539719:15
yofelLINKSWORD2: according to  that output - you're running maverick (10.10). Firefox 3.6.23 is the newest you can get from the offical archive.19:17
yofelthere are firefox 7 packages in https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/firefox-stable though19:17
phunyguy_netbookis kopete able to connect to Office Communicator? (SIPE)19:18
LINKSWORD2I just upgraded.... WTF?19:18
yofelLINKSWORD2: how did you upgrade?19:18
LINKSWORD2Official upgrade link in KPackage.19:19
yofelhm, your sources say something else19:19
yofelyou can upgrade by running 'sudo do-release-upgrade' in Konsole too19:20
yofelthat'll take you to 11.0419:20
LINKSWORD2This is getting annoying. :(19:20
LINKSWORD2I guess I'll have to upgrade again.19:25
LINKSWORD2Another question. Is there a way I can snap web browsers into the toolbar?19:26
LINKSWORD2I want to have a browser open, but when I minimize it, I want it to be just the browser's icon.19:27
=== andrea is now known as appa
luchrvBuen Día alguien me puede ayudar?19:46
LINKSWORD2luchrv: espanol?19:46
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:46
LINKSWORD2No problem.19:47
* genii-around makes more coffee20:11
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
billybigriggerany nfs gurus here?20:42
martin__maybe if you ask20:42
billybigriggerwho needs to own the folder i am exporting on the server20:43
yofelnfs 3 or 4?20:43
billybigriggerdrwxrwxrwx 8 billybigrigger billybigrigger 4096 2011-10-18 17:19 Storage120:43
billybigriggerdrwxrwxrwx 5 billybigrigger billybigrigger 4096 2011-10-17 13:30 Storage220:43
yofelwell, *that* should work in any case20:43
billybigriggerand my /etc/exports have them listed as rw20:43
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
billybigriggerthere is my /etc/exports20:44
krisecan anybody tell me why i have sound with VLC player but i dont have a sound with amarok and youtube20:46
kriseHP probook 452020:46
billybigriggercheck your phonon backend?20:47
billybigriggerwhat output is amarok using?20:47
krisei dont know billybigrigger20:47
krisei need step by step help20:48
yofelbillybigrigger: hm, here's mine:20:48
krisegstreamer ?20:52
kriseok, i dont know how i got amarok sound back, but youtube is still without sound20:53
billybigriggeryofel: it was the nohide option for all my subdirs...20:56
billybigriggerfunny though, the NFS howto @ http://nfs.sourceforge.net/nfs-howto/ has no mention of the nohide option20:57
billybigriggeroh well, it's working, and streaming of 720p video wirelessly over NFS works, i'm happy :P20:58
billybigriggermind you the permissions i have set are VERY open...20:58
=== mlncn is now known as ben-agaric
=== flavio is now known as Guest72231
Gnome232fanonlyI have herd about plasma avtive it will not take over plasma desktop right??????????21:18
bossix4русские есть ?21:19
genii-around!ru | bossix421:20
ubottubossix4: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.21:20
pawleeqhello again21:25
pawleeqI upgraded from 11.04 to 11.10 and also upgraded to KDE4.7.2, after this, Kmail refuses to work saying: Failed to fetch the resource collection. Any clue anybody please?21:25
pawleeqI just want to save my mail, which is organized in local folders21:26
LINKSWORD2OK, I'm back. Uh... I'm interested to know if I can snap Rekong or other browsers into the system tray.21:30
LINKSWORD2I like being able to run online stuff, but I don't want it in the way while I'm doing other things if I'm just listening to YouTube or something.21:31
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit22:09
=== stu_ is now known as Stu2097
=== DanailDR is now known as Guest20126
LINKSWORD2Hey guys, is there a way for me to add an additional command to Konsole while it's running active text, like to shutdown or restart after a distro upgrade?22:12
LINKSWORD2It's already performing the upgrade, so I want to know if I can add a command while Konsole is adding new text to the display window.22:13
frogonwheelsLINKSWORD2: you can kinda type ahead - but there will be a few points where the upgrade will require user intervention (updated config files) ...22:14
frogonwheelsLINKSWORD2: so not a good idea really.22:14
LINKSWORD2Shoot. I have to leave, therefore I can't stay to monitor the system.22:15
LINKSWORD2Anything I can do about that?22:15
=== AD is now known as Guest32356
frogonwheelsLINKSWORD2: about the reboot after, you can ctrl+z and type  fg && reboot now22:16
frogonwheelsLINKSWORD2: but not aqbout any questions that come up22:17
LINKSWORD2Too bad there's not a way to pre-set the responses to the upgrade questions....22:17
frogonwheelsnot afaik22:18
LINKSWORD2This is something that is needed, then. For situations exactly like this....22:19
LINKSWORD2frogonwheels: Do you know of any way I can snap programs like Rekong to the System Tray?22:21
yofelLINKSWORD2: that should be possible since KDE 4.6 I think (by "show a launcher for this app if it isn't running")22:22
yofelI don't think you can make it show only an icon though *while* it's running22:23
yofelunless you put the panel vertical22:23
LINKSWORD2And yet, that's what I want to do.22:23
LINKSWORD2Make it snap into the System Tray bar when it's minimized. (So I can listen to music on Youtube while I'm doing other stuff.)22:23
sizzI'm now on Kubuntu 11.10. Do we still need to add a ppa to get regular point releases of KDE, or is this taken care of automatically now?22:24
yofelsizz: PPA, 4.7.2 will get into the archive soon, but 4.7.3 will be PPA-only again for a while22:25
=== Guest32356 is now known as AD
sizzokay, just checking. it's not a problem, but I heard talk a while back that things were moving to auto-update for minor point releases.22:27
=== gutemine is now known as WandaFisch
yofelsure, natty for example has 4.6.5 in -updates. It's just that -updates has quite a bit of bureaucracy associated with it22:28
billybigriggeryofel: any reason why i can't create btrfs partitions in kde?22:33
yofelusing what?22:33
billybigriggerkde partition manager22:34
billybigriggerim sure i can use mkfs.btrfs but kde partition manager SHOULD be able to do ti22:35
yofel*should* yes - question is if it's implemented. Or if our version is too old22:35
billybigriggerbrtfs has been around in *buntu for about a year now, i should be by now haha22:36
apersonevery time I start kde, I get a messaging saying that nepomuk is disabled.  I *know* I disabled it.  How can I get rid of this notification?22:49
=== Guest23087 is now known as Linkmaster
LinkmasterI'm installing 11.10, and began the installation process, and the installer isn't picking up my keyboard..so I don't know what to do now23:16
Linkmasternevermind, I found the problem(loose cable in the hardware)23:17
=== sythe is now known as sythe-afk
=== skreech_ is now known as Daskreech
LinkmasterDaskreech: ping23:50
LinkmasterI've got the new 11.10 installed, maybe the card will work?23:51
LinkmasterDaskreech: I tried 'sudo ifconfig wlan0(its called that now) up' and it says 'SIOCSIFFLAGS: No such file or directory' which makes no sense to me23:55

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