
=== Logan__ is now known as Logan_
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gnomefreakcan anyone on 12.04 empty the trash bin? either right click and choose to empty or open and try to empty11:50
gnomefreakhere right click doesnt show anything and opening it has empty greyed out, however in that same window i am able to restore files11:51
gnomefreakalso anyone know if deja-dup backs up all files or just the ones that have changed?12:01
icerootgnomefreak: first run is all files, the second run is the diff to the first run12:09
icerootgnomefreak: so dont delete the first backup by hand, let the program handle the rotation12:14
gnomefreakok i cant find how to re align the cells in calc. after editing a file you need to reset/realign the cells12:14
gnomefreakiceroot: got it thanks12:14
gnomefreaknevermind i found the reset button12:17
alex-When was developer summit?12:34
Picialex-: It hasn't happened yet.12:37
ubottuThe Ubuntu Developer Summit will be held between 31 October and 4 November in Orlando, Florida - See http://uds.ubuntu.com/ for more details12:37
alex-so at 4 november there is more information?12:37
gnomefreaksome time after the 4th12:41
gnomefreakthey need time to get home and write stuff up and so on12:42
* gnomefreak not here right now12:42
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Ian_Cornebut you are!12:53
alex-gnome-panel haves no installation canidate12:56
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th_For Precise Pangolin, Canonical is planning to invest resources in support and maintenance to increase the Ubuntu desktop LTS length from 3 years to 5 years (bringing it up to the same length as the server LTS), and to offer additional updates for new hardware through the standard SRUs and point releases in the first two years of the LTS.14:42
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=== Guest52713 is now known as gord
Ian_Cornewere you the kernel panic guy?15:37
icerootIan_Corne: yes15:43
Ian_CorneI think i just had a panic using kernel 3.0.915:44
icerootIan_Corne: same for me15:44
icerootIan_Corne: last night. already posted on the bug, maybe you can append your panic too15:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 869502 in linux (Ubuntu) "Kernel-Panic with on asus eee pcs" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:45
Ian_Cornei did take a picture :)15:45
icerootIan_Corne: ever had one with
icerootmaybe my tests have just not been long enough with
icerootIan_Corne: but you mean 3.1rc9 right?15:49
Ian_Corneso it's worse :(15:51
icerootseems whole 3.x is broken15:55
icerootfor eeepc15:55
Ian_Corne-9 is the oldest 3.x kernel I've got15:56
Ian_CorneI'm thinking it's intel's fault15:56
icerooti guess its because of 3.1. its acting the same like another os containing 3.1 ... :)15:56
icerooti even dont know what component is bringing up the panics15:56
icerootthat would make things easier for me15:57
icerootcan you append your important news about to that bug?15:58
Ian_CorneYes, but my instant upload isn't uploading the picture15:59
Ian_CorneAh it's busy uploading videos15:59
h31Hi all. Can experienced Ubuntu users tell, when (from which stage of development) 12.04 will not crash every time?17:17
h31I want to try it on my machine.17:18
Ian_Corneshould not crash every time17:18
Ian_Cornethis version17:18
Ian_Cornewill crash more then every time17:18
ubottuA schedule of Precise Pangolin (12.04) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PreciseReleaseSchedule17:18
Ian_Cornethere's not much different from 11.10 anyways yet17:18
h31Ian_Corne: :(17:20
h31I wanted to update my 10.04, it's too old and new apps can't work with it.17:20
Ian_Corneyou can update to 11.1017:21
Ian_Cornethere's a setting in update-manager17:21
Ian_Cornebut I've got to go, sorry17:21
kaparenh31: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OneiricUpgrades17:24
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h31kaparen: is Oneiric really stable?17:28
guntberth31: it is released, so it is stable - very few changes except security updates17:29
=== AaronMT|lunch is now known as AaronMT
LaibschI'm having trouble to bring up my network on a fresh command-line system (precise).  My network card is e100 and rmmod and modproce identifies it as eth0 in syslog.  But "sudo ifup eth0" and "sudo ifconfig eth0" tell me the device is not there.17:38
soakdai have ubuntu 11.10 and have problem with booting fakeraid (dualboot with windows 7), everything installed like a charm, it even booted after installation to both windows and ubuntu but after updating and rebooting one more time i get kernel panic and message that root= is wrong, didn't get any help on #ubuntu..19:13
genii-aroundsoakda: 11.10 support is now in the regular #ubuntu channel19:16
soakdagenii-around: i know ;/19:17
genii-aroundsoakda: Sometimes you have to give it a while before someone responds to your question.19:17
soakdagenii-around: i did, but thanks19:18
kjeldahlThis may be of interest to some Unity users who aren't thrilled with the new alt-tab behaviour: https://plus.google.com/107657528816470202239/posts/JDbSe9yGHWM20:00
=== genupulas is now known as rajagenupula
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LaibschI'm having trouble to bring up my network on a fresh command-line system (precise).  My network card is e100 and rmmod and modproce identifies it as eth0 in syslog.  But "sudo ifup eth0" and "sudo ifconfig eth0" tell me the device is not there.21:37
dajhornLaibsch: Check whether `ethtool` recognizes the interface.23:07
Laibschdajhorn: "ethtool -i eth0" gives "no such device"23:16
dajhornLaibsch: Okay, then you need to go through the motions of troubleshooting and manually plumbing the interface.  Check /proc, /sys, the logs, etc.  Maybe file a bug for the +1 release.23:20
penguin42Laibsch: Have you tried ifconfig -a     maybe it's not called eth0 any more23:23

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