
dakerROFL http://meta.askubuntu.com/questions/1900/is-jorge-castro-a-robot01:09
bkerensalike Bender from Futurama?01:10
=== Pici is now known as Guest59733
=== Guest59733 is now known as Pici
nigelbis jcastro a robot?05:35
dholbachgood morning07:02
Pendulummorning dholbach07:10
dholbachhi Pendulum07:10
nigelbohai dholbach07:17
dholbachhi nigelb07:18
nigelbdholbach: Packing for UDS already? :)07:19
dholbachnigelb, I usually don't pack a week early :)07:26
nigelbdholbach: Ah, you aren't there a week early this time?07:26
dholbachI'm excited about UDS, but not that excited :-P07:26
nigelbBetter sleep!07:27
dholbachI'm not a VIP like dpm07:27
dholbachhe gets there early07:27
nigelbYOu mean, you're not a VIP anymore?07:27
nigelbLast time you were there a week early right?07:27
dholbachhm, I can't remember when I got to go there early the last time07:27
AlanBellsurely the important people send minions out early to prepare the red carpet07:28
dpmexactly :)07:28
nigelbThat was well-timed, HAHA07:28
nigelbYeah, dholbach is sending jcastro and dpm :P07:29
dpmhey dholbach, nigelb and AlanBell :)07:29
nigelbMorning dpm07:29
dpmyeah, we're always there to do the dirty work07:29
nigelbBtw, I saw Real Steel last night. Amazing movie.07:29
nigelb/very/ well made :)07:29
popey\o/ Friday07:30
nigelbITS FRIDAY?07:30
nigelbWhat happened to the rest of my week? :(07:30
popeyI ate it.07:31
nigelbpopey: I was expecting you to say "I shut it down" :P07:32
nigelbheh, xkcd reminds me of akgraner :)07:48
Pendulummorning czajkowski08:48
czajkowskiturns out going for physion after bein out on the beer is not a wise move08:48
popey\o/ Beer08:48
popeyHappy Hour was _fun_ last night08:48
czajkowskiyeah I met up with an old friend from ireland for one08:50
czajkowskiturns out we can't count08:50
dholbachczajkowski, mail to ubuntu-devel sent09:44
nigelbczajkowski: Hey09:46
nigelbczajkowski: I might be interested in helping with GCI :)09:46
nigelbdholbach: What kind of tasks are we looking at?09:46
dholbachnigelb, the FAQ has a few suggestions09:47
dholbachbut it depends a bit on what mentors want to see09:47
dholbachin any case I won't have time to deal with this - I just wanted to make sure it wasn't missed09:47
nigelbdholbach: I was planning on get some people intereted in the webdev projects.09:47
nigelbMaybe we can convert them to active contributors.09:47
dholbachsounds good - maybe you want to follow up on the thread with the idea?09:49
nigelbYeah, once I get home :)09:49
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akgranernigelb, haha :-P10:50
nigelbakgraner: :)10:51
czajkowskidholbach: thanks11:19
czajkowskinigelb: cool11:19
mhall119good morning community12:26
nigelbGood morning mhall11912:29
Pendulumhiya mhall11912:32
nigelbAww, zack turns up at the UDS that I'm remote :|12:33
nigelbI really wanted to meet him at some point.12:33
mhall119shoulda applies12:38
nigelbmhall119: If I did get through, I'd have had a crazy month.12:39
nigelbGoing to Malaysia next month.12:39
mhall119nigelb: you have a crazy month at least every other week, so what would be different?12:43
nigelbmhall119: I don't have crazy months filled with travel12:44
mhall119you cross the street in India12:47
mhall119that counts at crazy travell12:48
akgranerjcastro - How to get involved with Ubuntu Weeks and more. - http://akgraner.com/?p=109412:49
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akgranerI also blogged the summary for yesterday (sorry I should have checked the trello board card first - but I am still getting used to that :-)12:50
akgranercrap - I am still marked away - this is getting stupid...grrrrrr...brb12:51
akgranernigelb, I added the log pages for Natty and Oneirc to the Open Week Header and copied the time table over to the Oneiric page - beats breaking it out by day and logs when all the information is already in the time table..12:53
akgranerok it still says I am marked as back but it's showing me as away - double drats12:54
mhall119akgraner: try running "/away"12:59
akgranerha that worked :-)13:01
akgranerthanks mhall119 :-)13:01
mhall119man, duckhunt with a touchpad is *hard*13:05
nigelbakgraner: Thanks!13:16
akgranerjcastro - I have to be back at VA again to day - blah...but nigelb should be "pingable" if people need stuffs (is "pingable" even a word- I guess it is now  -  nigelb taught me that one)13:20
nigelbakgraner: Actually pleia2 taught me that one :P13:20
akgraners/to day/today13:20
akgranerahhh :-)13:20
bkerensaGood Morning (So early)14:22
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
dholbachhey jono15:18
jonohey dholbach15:19
jcastroakgraner: nice, you already updated the board15:41
jcastroTHAT IS NINJA15:41
duanedesignhi mr castro15:50
duanedesignfully adjusted to your new digs in Florida?15:50
ashamstrello needs Firefox +4, Lucid stuck to 3.6!15:54
dholbachalright - I call it a day - have a great weekend everyone!16:06
* dholbach hugs you all16:06
nigelbjcastro: since I manually voiced DBO, only you can handle the bot (FYI)16:36
jcastroI hate the bot anyway16:36
czajkowskijcastro: dont hold back tell us how you really feel :)16:49
AlanBellhaters gonna hate17:03
jcastroI just never remember the stupid commands for voicing, unvoicing, etc.17:05
dpmok, calling it a day too - have a good weekend everyone!17:10
jcastro<-- late lunchin now17:11
jcastrothere's just something about tacos18:14
jcastrothat make me totally happy18:14
nigelbjcastro: :)19:04
nigelbjcastro: Is that like fuel for bots? :P19:04
mhall119tacos are a happy kind of food, you can't eat tacos with a frown, only a smile19:12
mhall119'cause of the shape of the shell19:12
greg-gjcastro: I feel the same way about burritos. Man I love that I moved to SF19:14
cjohnstonHello from St. Lucia20:19
AlanBellhello cjohnston, having a nice time?20:33
greg-gst. lucia? my parents went there for vacation, so I can only think of it as a parent vacation place. I hope you're having fun regardless! ;)20:49
mhall119greg-g: well cjohnston is an old-fart now22:58
mhall119so it's appropriate22:59
mhall119jcastro: ping23:10
mhall119jcastro: I have a present for you23:13

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