
bdrungdoko: even openjdk-6 fails00:00
dokobdrung, file a report, even with patches00:00
dokoand fixing eclipse issues as well .... ;-P00:01
hallynslangasek, I'm working on spice MIR right now00:03
hallynwell, not RIGHT now.  it's dinner time00:03
hallynslangasek, MIR for spice was not feasible for oneiric cycle.  qemu-kvm-spice was.  Now, it's unfortunate that in the end we missed oneiric after all :)00:05
bdrungdoko: first step done: bug #87916700:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 879167 in openjdk-6 (Ubuntu) "Missing or broken multiarch support" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87916700:08
bdrungdoko: next step for me: go to bed :p00:08
bdrungdoko: btw, should openjdk multiarch already work in oneiric?00:10
dokobdrung, yes with 7, no with 600:11
bdrungdoko: doesn't work too: bug #87917000:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 879170 in openjdk-7 (Ubuntu) "Missing or broken multiarch support " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87917000:19
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slangasekhallyn: ah.  Do you know if qemu-spice could reasonably be built from the qemu-linaro branch?00:33
hallyni think so00:35
hallynits in universe right?00:35
hallyni figured you were pinging me on lvm+udev :)00:37
slangasekso maybe that would be better than having Yet Another Build?00:37
slangaseknah, I was leaving lvm+udev for another day :)00:37
hallynwell it is a different tree...00:37
hallynand we'd need a separate configure+make in any case00:38
slangasekyou saw the change proposed on the bug?  I don't know what --noudevsync does00:38
slangaseksure, but keeping it in a single source package means one fewer source package to be uploaded for each upstream release00:38
hallyni don't know that the people who want spice woudl care much about it being qemu-based instead of qemu-kvm-based00:39
hallynso it might be doable00:39
hallyni personally dont' much care, apart from these poor folks being able to use spice at last :)00:39
slangasekOTOH, if you're doing an MIR for spice anyway, maybe we should wait for the outcome of that before changing the packaging00:39
slangasekbut if we don't get spice in main, I'd like to pull this into qemu-linaro00:40
hallynok, that sounds like a good plan00:40
hallynthanks :)00:40
slangasekthank you!00:40
hallyni'll look into EXACTLY what --noudevsync brings and comment later00:41
hallyni fear it will just hide boot problems00:41
penguin42but you need the kvm built to have the spice stuff enabled?00:41
hallynpenguin42, kvm would be enabled.00:41
hallynthe qemu and qemu-kvm trees are pretty darned close these days00:42
hallynminor differences wrt io threads and such00:42
* penguin42 shudders00:42
hallynat what?00:42
penguin42io threads :-)00:42
hallynaio threads i should say00:42
hallyngrr, yeah i guess bug 878162 showed me the dependency chain for spice MIR.  That is NOT pretty :)00:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 878162 in qemu-kvm (Ubuntu) "[MIR] qemu-kvm pulls packages from universe" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87816200:53
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pittiGood morning04:15
pittistgraber: pong04:15
pittilool: can you please commit your udev changes to lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu/precise/udev/ubuntu ? (there's no diff in LP yet)04:35
didrocksgood morning05:45
mbieblpitti: hi06:08
mbieblwe were talking some time ago about updating g-i and pygobject in debian06:08
mbiebland seb128 was mentioning, that you would take care of that06:09
mbiebl(for exp, ie)06:09
pittihey mbiebl06:10
pittimbiebl: I'm happy to do that, yes; but we really need a newer glib06:11
mbiebl2.30.1 landed in exp some days ago06:11
mbieblI assume that should be sufficient06:12
pittioh, nice!06:12
pittimbiebl: I'll update the packages today then06:12
mbieblgreat, thanks06:12
mbieblthis way we can stage some of the 3.2 changes in exp until the current GNOME 3 transition is ongoing06:13
pittislangasek: committed your udisks multi-arch fix to debian git, so we can sync again next time. thanks!06:20
pittiah, I see your deiban bug, thanks06:21
loolpitti: Done, thanks; odd that I don't see it in the package import queue06:56
loolalbeit, import-dsc didn't work because the upstream tag was "173" instead of "upstream-173"06:56
pittiLP has trouble generating udev diffs, because of the test/sys stuff06:56
pittilool: this isn't an UDD branch06:56
pittiit's derived from the upstream trunk bzr import06:56
looloh right06:56
pittii. e. a manual one06:56
loolI guess we could replace the UDD branch with it, but I don't work on udev often enough that I should push for this myself06:57
dholbachgood morning07:02
sorenmvo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/714898/ <--- Does this sound familiar at all? (from #ubuntu-installer last night)07:22
mvosoren: no, sound like it failed to download the signature file for some reason? is this a common failure or was it a one-off thing?07:26
sorenmvo: That was two people reporting it.07:26
sorenmvo: And hour and a half apart.07:26
sorenmvo: So at least a two-off thing :)07:27
mvosoren: hm, hm, thanks!  I wonder if maybe one of the archive.ubuntu.com servers was/is out of sync, I est now07:32
mvosoren: thanks, that is fixed onw07:35
sorenmvo: \o/ Thanks.07:40
mvothank you!07:42
xtianslangasek: ping09:53
xtiancjwatson: ping09:58
xtiancjwatson, slangasek: i've filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/879324 for this supposed multiarch-misfeature of apt10:03
ubottuUbuntu bug 879324 in apt (Ubuntu) "apt-get dselect-upgrade prefers multiarch over native" [Undecided,New]10:04
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xtiancjwatson, slangasek: (the issue we talked about yeasterday)10:06
cjwatsonxtian: ok, I was just helping you narrow it down, I doubt I'll be fixing it ;-)10:07
cjwatsonso no need to ping me10:07
cjwatsonbut thanks for filing that10:07
cjwatsonI can confirm joe is currently in sync between amd64 and i38610:08
xtiancjwatson: ok thanks anyway :)10:08
cjwatsonalthough it was changed relatively recently10:08
xtiancjwatson: yeah, depends on the mirror you're using. i tried with german mirrors today, but could not reproduce, since these mirrors caught up overnight10:09
cjwatsonthere was a period of about two hours on Monday when amd64 and i386 had different versions of joe in precise10:09
xtiancjwatson: that's why i picked a mirror with a reasonable lag for reproducing :)10:09
xtiancjwatson: interesting detail maybe, the misfeature shows with 'apt-get dselect-upgrade' only, not with 'apt-get upgrade' or 'apt-get install'10:11
xtian(it's all there in the report, detailed console logs of what i did included)10:12
xtian...moving on...10:12
cjwatsonyep, that definitely looks like a good way to narrow it down; I'll mark it Confirmed10:15
cjwatsonor actually triaged10:15
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mdeslaur!pilot in12:21
mdeslaur@pilot in12:21
=== udevbot_ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Precise open for uploads | Ubuntu 11.10 Released! | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/or6CHJ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: mdeslaur
nigelbmdeslaur: TGIF? :)12:23
mdeslaurnigelb: hehe :)12:23
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* dholbach hugs mdeslaur12:55
* mdeslaur hugs dholbach back12:55
mdeslaurmvo: hi!13:02
mdeslaurmvo: I installed a couple of maverick machines yesterday, and the "upgrade to new release" window that popped up points to an invalid URL: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/natty-proposed/main/dist-upgrader-all/0.150.2/ReleaseAnnouncement.html13:02
mdeslaurmvo: are you aware of that? I also seem to recall someone saying the tarball couldn't be downloaded to upgrade maverick also13:03
sorenmdeslaur: Fixed earlier today.13:03
mdeslaursoren: ah, cool. thanks!13:03
mdeslaurmvo: never mind :)13:03
sorenmdeslaur: http://paste.ubuntu.com/715103/13:03
mdeslaurhmm...the web page still doesn't seem to be there though13:04
mdeslaurunless the url got changed with whatever mvo changed13:04
cjwatson0.150.2 has been garbage-collected; the current version is 0.150.513:06
cjwatsonshouldn't it be using current anyway?13:06
stgraberpitti: that ping was for yesterday's TB meeting :)13:06
cjwatsonunless this is a version-specific tarball that's being downloaded, but then why is it an out-of-date version ...13:06
pittistgraber: erk, I wasn't at home last night; sorry, I thought it was next week13:06
Chipzzcjwatson: another question that pops to mind is why the archive is hosting a .html file... doesn't look like the proper place to me13:07
mdeslaurcjwatson: this was a fresh installation from cd media13:07
mdeslaurwithout updates installed13:07
cjwatsonhm, changelogs.ubuntu.com lists current13:07
Chipzzbut that may be a matter of (subjective) opinion13:07
cjwatsonthe archive's a reasonable place in this case, given that it comes from a custom upload13:07
cjwatsonmdeslaur: is it possible that http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release has been cached?13:08
cjwatsonmdeslaur: force-refreshing that might help13:08
Chipzzwell it feels wrong to me. I'm used to archive.ubuntu.com and ftp.debian.org only hosting .deb's, sources, Packages etc...13:08
Chipzzbut again, subjective opinion :)13:09
cjwatsonChipzz: installer kernels, initrds, package index translations, ...13:09
cjwatson(to list a few other things that live in custom uploads)13:09
mdeslaurcjwatson: I don't know where it would get cached...there's nothing on my network that would cache it, and this was two fresh installs, immediately after reboot13:09
cjwatsonmdeslaur: "transparent" proxy at your ISP13:09
Chipzzcjwatson: right, but those are all still closely related, and binary data, instead of a document13:09
mdeslaurhope not :)13:09
cjwatsonmdeslaur: open that URL in a browser, look for the ReleaseNotes/ReleaseNotesHtml entries in the Dist: maverick block13:10
cjwatsoner, Dist: natty I mean13:10
Chipzzcjwatson: for example, http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download isn't hosted on a.u.c either13:10
mdeslaurcjwatson: looks fine here...it's the "current" url13:11
cjwatsonChipzz: *shrug* this doesn't cause any harm and it arises from the structure of the software involved, I don't see that it's worth rearchitecting13:11
Chipzzbut I'll shut up and keep my opinion to myself :)13:11
mdeslaurI wonder where it got the versioned url from13:11
cjwatsonthe current symlink points to 0.150.513:11
dokoTheMuso, pitti: not sure who handles audio stuff in general, please see bug 87943413:11
cjwatsonmdeslaur: have you done a test install today?13:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 879434 in liboggz (Ubuntu Precise) "[MIR] mutagen introduces b-d's on faad2 and liboggz" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87943413:11
mdeslaurcjwatson: I'll try a fresh install now to see13:11
cjwatsonmdeslaur: because that file was last modified this morning13:12
cjwatsonmdeslaur: so I suspect mvo edited it during the conversation soren pasted above13:12
mdeslaurcjwatson: oh, d'uh...sorry, my installs were from yesterday13:12
cjwatsonright, so I think it was fixed today13:12
mdeslaurok, cool. thanks cjwatson13:12
cjwatsonsigh, I really must write an actual germinate test suite; this is tedious13:15
smoseranyone know why sudo forks and not execs ?13:17
smoserie, 'sudo sleep 1m'13:17
smoserthen i'll have 2 processes running, the sudo and the sleep.13:17
smoserwhy wouldnt sudo exec sleep?13:18
sorenTo keep track of the pam session.13:18
sorenIf you exec, there's nothing left to close the pam session.13:19
sorensmoser: ^13:19
smoserthat makes sense.13:19
smoseri was looking at rabbitmq-server, which on start up has like 8 differen't sh -c hanging around13:19
smoser(ok, 3)13:19
smoserand was trying to get rid of some of them, but i can't get rid of the 'su'13:20
smoserthats why i was asking13:20
sorenYeah, we have the same problem in OpenStack.13:20
Davieysmoser: are you working on the rabitmq-server remove bug?13:20
sorenThe ideal solution (AFAICS) would be if upstart would support setuid'ing on its own.13:20
smoserDaviey, well, sort of.13:21
sorenFor now, we have to resort to su which does the same.13:21
Davieysmoser: surely that is a binary question? :)13:21
smoserwell, i was aware of that bug.13:21
Davieysmoser: handy, because you raised it :)13:22
smoserand that (bug 878597) and bug 878600 was what made me look at it.13:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 878597 in rabbitmq-server (Ubuntu) "rabbitmq-server fails to uninstall" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87859713:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 878600 in rabbitmq-server (Ubuntu) "service start rabbitmq-server' does not fully detach from parent" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87860013:22
smosersoren, so this seems like the best i can do:13:23
sorensmoser: Yup.13:23
sorenUnless rabbitmq could learn how to setuid.13:23
sorenOr upstart could.13:24
sorenWell, either that, or you write a custom wrapper thing to do it, but that's an entirely different kettle of fish.13:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 586942 in upstart "init: support dropping privileges" [Wishlist,Triaged]13:24
smosersoren, or modify sudo so it could exec for me (or su to do the same). thats why i originally asked about sudo.13:25
sorencjwatson: Oh, so that'll probably have the same sort of issue.13:25
smoserbut i assumed there was good reason.13:25
cjwatsonsoren: no, I don't think so13:25
sorencjwatson: No? How would you take care of closing the pam session?13:26
cjwatsonScott isn't saying "setuid needs to have a PAM session", he's saying "use a different keyword (i.e. setuid not user) because the user keyword is going to imply a PAM session"13:26
cjwatsonbasically just a quibble with the text of the bug description13:27
sorencjwatson: Ah, right, yes. I meant the "user" directive would exhibit similar behaviour (i.e. the "extra" process hanging around just for this purpose).13:27
sorencjwatson: I didn't realise there were plans for both.13:27
cjwatsonProbably, unless pid 1 learned about PAM (which might be a bad idea)13:28
sorencjwatson: YEah, I think it's unsafe to assume that pam modules won't mess things up when closing the session.13:28
cjwatsonI mean I suppose you could marshal the PAM state back to pid 1 and then it could start a new process just to close the session, but (a) I don't know if that would even work and (b) it sounds like a lot of bother to save a process13:29
sorenYeah. It sounds like no fun at all.13:30
smoserok. related question.13:31
smoserother than not depending on sudo, is there any reason i would not want to use sudo to change permissions rather than su ?13:32
sorensu is always present.13:32
sorensudo might not be.13:32
sorenand sudo's config is more prone to being screwed.13:33
smoseri dislike the fact that su executes things through sh13:33
smoseras root to non-root, sudo is not likely screwed i would think.13:33
sorenTry it :)13:34
smoseryeah, you're right.13:34
smoserthat does suck.13:34
smoserit should just get out of your way.13:34
smoseram i right that there is no sane way to get su to execute things without re-shell-quoting like at http://paste.ubuntu.com/715120/13:35
sorenI'm not entirely sure why it doesn't just use "$@".13:37
smoserbecause su sucks13:37
smosersu -c "command"13:37
smosersu -c "command" "arg1" "arg2"13:37
cjwatsonsmoser: su is awful for this.  Personally I use a tiny perl wrapper for this job.13:37
sorensu -- "command" "arg1" "arg2"  ?13:38
sorenWouldn't that work?13:38
cjwatson(I used to use start-stop-daemon; that's still OK for things that aren't liable to be installed via debootstrap.13:38
smosersu sucks, soren. try it.13:38
sorenWell, really: su -- "command" "$@"13:38
cjwatson    # start-stop-daemon isn't available when running from debootstrap.13:38
cjwatson    perl -e '@pwd = getpwnam("man"); $( = $) = $pwd[3]; $< = $> = $pwd[2];13:38
cjwatson             exec "/usr/bin/mandb", @ARGV' -- "$@" || true13:38
cjwatsonBut modifying rabbitmq to have a drop-privileges option surely wouldn't be that hard.13:39
cjwatson<root@sarantium ~># su cjwatson -c echo foo bar13:40
cjwatsonSessions still open, not unmounting13:40
cjwatson<root@sarantium ~># su cjwatson -- echo foo bar13:40
cjwatson/bin/echo: /bin/echo: cannot execute binary file13:40
cjwatsonSessions still open, not unmounting13:40
cjwatsonsu really has an awful command-line syntax.13:40
jamespageI've switched most of my use of start-stop-daemon to daemon with upstart (although that is not in main)13:40
cjwatson<root@sarantium ~># su cjwatson -c 'echo foo bar'13:40
cjwatsonfoo bar13:40
cjwatsonSessions still open, not unmounting13:40
cjwatsonit wants it all in one arg, which is a quoting nightmare.13:41
sorenSo that happens to the stuff after "--" ?13:41
smosercjwatson, so for the perl magic novice.. the stuff up there is going to change perms to the man user ?13:41
cjwatsonInterfaces designed sometime in the last decade or two tend to be sensibly adverbial and not require differing levels of quoting.13:42
cjwatsonsmoser: yes13:42
cjwatsonsmoser: I should probably change mandb to have a drop-privileges option instead, though, given that it already has all the code for that.13:43
* smoser imagines cjwatson sitting there thinking "duh, smoser, that was *so* obvious! $( = $).."13:43
cjwatsonno, I have to look those up too :-)13:43
cjwatsonthere are more friendly spellings of it but they require 'use English'13:43
tumbleweedplease mark merged: https://code.launchpad.net/~paulbrianstewart/ubuntu/oneiric/visualvm/813165-formattingTypo/+merge/6846913:48
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mvomdeslaur: yeah, I'm really sorry for the trouble with this last night, a new SRU broke it, it used the explicit version to workaround a old issue that launchpad does not copy the release upgrade from -rpopsoed to -updates. but now this is done manually be the archive-admins so the current symlink in -updates works14:33
smosersoren, cjwatson. just fyi, i realize that getopt is completely capable of correctly quoting variables for you.14:33
smosersh -c 'x=$(getopt -s sh -o "" -- -- "$@"); x=${x# --}; exec su -c "set -- $x; \"\$@\""' arg0 echo howdy world14:33
mdeslaurmvo: no problem, I just wanted to make sure you were aware of it14:33
mvomdeslaur: indeed, thanks for this, if something like this happen, you can always mail the issue to me too if I'm not on irc :)14:34
mdeslaurmvo: cooll, thanks14:35
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sorensmoser: My eyes began watering when I read that. Seriously.14:41
smoserwell, it works, and its more reliable than the sed in the pastebin i showed earlier.14:41
smoserbut other than being in /usr/bin, getopt is probably pretty likely to be around.14:42
soren"Priority: required" agrees.14:43
sorenAs does "Essential: yes"14:43
AnAntHello, is there a way to control the logo position in unity-greeter ?14:44
SpamapSFreakinInstallMe: uh-huh  is the only one stronger than that14:44
SpamapSAnAnt: you probably want #ubuntu ;)14:44
SpamapSsmoser: Isn't 'getopts' built in to dash/bash ?14:45
smoserit is not.14:45
smoseroh. wait. getopts is.14:46
smosergetopt is not14:46
SpamapSsmoser: can you make it work w/ getopts ?14:46
smosergetopt is IMO actually usable for parsing parameters. but getopts is not.14:46
smoserbut yeah, maybe you could.14:46
Chipzzsmoser: heh14:46
Chipzzsmoser: a page I just read yesterday actually claims the compelete opposite14:47
SpamapSsmoser: getopts claims to be more advanced than getopt ;)14:47
SpamapS            The getopts command deprecates the older getopt(1) utility due to its14:48
SpamapS            handling of arguments containing whitespace.14:48
Chipzzsmoser: getopt might be buggy wrt spaces in arguments, so you shouldn't use it14:48
smosermight be.14:48
smoserbut is not14:48
Chipzzis on some OS'es14:48
smoserand its not like 'sh' is changing its parsing all that often.14:48
Chipzzso don't use it if you want your script to be portable14:48
SpamapSsmoser: come on you can't make it work with a builtin? ;)14:49
smoserSpamapS, they're completely different beasts.14:49
smoserthe reason that the builtin can do what it does is because it doesn't attempt to understand shell quoting.14:49
smoserit uses a global basically.14:49
DoctorPepperagateau:  are you here ?14:55
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mdeslaur@pilot out16:08
=== udevbot_ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Precise open for uploads | Ubuntu 11.10 Released! | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/or6CHJ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
DBOslangasek, can you help me with my flashplayer? it doesn't seem to work with pulse16:22
slangasekDBO: apt-get install libasound2-plugins:i386?16:22
DBOalready done16:22
DBOstill doesn't work16:23
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DBOtried installed adobe-flashplugin instead of flashplugin-installer also16:23
DBOthat just made it not work all together16:23
slangasekDBO: this is amd64?16:24
DBOslangasek, yep16:24
slangasekrestarted nspluginwrapper / the browser after installing libasound2-plugins:i386?16:25
DBOslangasek, restarted the entire machine16:25
DBOslangasek, its a fresh installed too16:25
DBOI remember it working once, but after installing my development environment16:25
DBOit stopped working16:25
slangaseksorry, what do you mean by "development environment"?16:26
* ogra_ glares at the title of bug 87944816:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 879448 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "during upgrade from 4.11 to 10.11 the command grub-install/dev/sda failed error" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87944816:27
ogra_i hope that doesnt mean a typoed upgrade from warty to whtever 10.11 might be :)16:28
AmaranthDBO: Wait, you're using a flash that requires nspluginwrapper still?16:28
AmaranthDoesn't the partner repo contain a native amd64 package?16:29
slangasekit's not yet integrated into flashplugin-installer16:30
slangasekDBO: but, if you installed adobe-flashplugin and it still didn't work, I don't know what the problem is16:30
slangasekDBO: how did you determine it's not talking to pulseaudio?16:30
DBOadobe-flashplugin simply didn't give me flash16:31
DBOlike chrome didn't think it had flash16:31
slangasekyou might need to make sure you uninstall flashplugin-downloader as well?16:31
DBOokay hold on16:31
DBOlet me try that16:31
DBOas for not using pulse, lets assume I know what i am talking about :)16:32
DBO(I do)16:32
Amaranthslangasek: Right, I know the downloader package still does 32-bit and nspluginwrapper but adobe-flashplugin in partner is the native 64-bit 11.0 release16:32
AmaranthOh, and I took too long to type that16:33
* Amaranth goes back to watching paint dry^W^Whis panda board compile16:33
DBOslangasek, okay that worked16:34
DBOthanks :)16:34
DBOyou're a champ16:34
slangasekok, good :)16:34
slangasekI still don't know why the 32-bit one isn't working for you16:34
alex-weejis readahead standard in ubuntu now?17:21
ogra_ureadahead is17:21
ogra_since several releases17:21
ogra_normal readahead was dropped in favor17:22
alex-weejogra_: thanks. is there some documentation anywhere for how it works? or is it a 'Use The Source, Luke' thing? :)17:22
ogra_both i think. there should be a blueprint on launchpad and possibly a spec on the wiki for its implementation17:23
ogra_beyond that there surely is also source code to inspect :)17:23
broderhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1434502 is also helpful17:24
alex-weejogra_: thank you17:24
alex-weejbroder: also :)17:24
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smosercjwatson, so where do you use that perl snippet?18:00
smoserit seems odd to add a perl dependency on a pakage just for that, although its very helpful.18:01
cjwatsonsmoser: as I say, in man-db.postinst.  perl-base is Essential: yes so no dependency is required.18:06
cjwatsonsmoser: I do think having an option in the daemon to drop privileges itself is a strictly better approach.18:08
soakdai have ubuntu 11.10 and have problem with booting fakeraid (dualboot with windows 7), everything installed like a charm, it even booted after installation to both windows and ubuntu but after updating and rebooting one more time i get kernel panic and message that root= is wrong, didn't get any help on #ubuntu..19:13
Picisoakda: This is not a support channel. You'll just need to be patient in #ubuntu, or check out our other support resources.19:23
Picisoakda: htps://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/19:23
soakdaPici: ok, thanks19:25
Davieycjwatson: How would you rate the chances of bug 833994 being resolved this cycle?19:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 833994 in debian-installer (Ubuntu) "debian-installer does not support https when using with preseed files" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83399419:29
Davieysuperm1: can python-mysqldb be sync'd from sid? It seems it includes your fixes, dh_python2 and change to quilt.19:45
penguin_03is it possible to re enable module loading after 'echo "1" > /proc/sys/kernel/modules_disabled' ?20:03
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stgraberpenguin_03: no, that's the whole point of this option20:21
penguin_03stgraber, assuming you have physical access the the machine there *has* to be a way to disable it though20:22
stgraberpenguin_03: rebooting it is the easiest way20:23
__keybukjust had one off those annoying upgrade problems where after upgrade mdadm is picking up /dev/sdb rather than /dev/sdb1 :(20:23
slangasek"one of those"?  I thought those were all in the distant past20:25
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__keybukslangasek: apparently not20:53
__keybukthis was on installing natty20:53
__keybukso it may be fixed in oneiric?20:53
slangasekI don't remember any reports of anything like this happening in several years20:54
slangasekit's not something anyone fixed in oneiric20:54
__keybukif you have a partition that fills the entire disk, how does mdadm know to ignore the whole disk?20:56
cjwatsonDaviey: *shrug* I don't care about it, but if you escalate it in the usual way with a justification then I guess I'll have to bloat up the initrd to do it :-P21:06
cjwatsonDaviey: I think I checked and Debian wasn't going to do it21:07
cjwatson(but that's only a vague memory)21:07
slangasek__keybuk: I don't know, but I thought it was solved :)21:08
slangasekso if not, well, doh21:08
cjwatson__keybuk: I thought that was fixed by using a more modern md format; also the installer deliberately leaves a gap at the end of the disk to avoid ambiguity21:08
__keybukcjwatson: the installer didn't make these partitions, I did\21:09
cjwatsonin 1.1/1.2 the md superblock is at/near the start of the device rather than the end21:09
__keybukand I didn't leave a gap21:09
cjwatsonwell then :)21:09
__keybukcjwatson: hmm, the mdadm version is 0.921:09
cjwatsonyeah, the ambiguity is inherent then unless you leave a gap21:09
barryany syncpackage (for fakesync) experts around?21:09
cjwatsonI can't remember how to deal with the situation where the partition already exists and can't conveniently be shrunk a bit21:10
__keybukI wonder how you update the mdadm version21:12
slangasekbarry: I know things about syncing, if that counts :)21:13
barryslangasek: that's okay, i think i figured it out.  fwiw, after i uploaded python-support 1.0.14ubuntu1 we discussed just dropping the ubuntu delta.  i'llmanually prepare a 1.0.14ubuntu2 that drops it and make it clear in the changelog that next debian upload can do a sync for real21:14
slangasekbarry: right, that's the thing to do there21:14
barryslangasek: cool, thx21:14
cjwatsonI don't know of a way to change the metadata version in place21:14
cjwatsonyou could probably force the disk to be avoided by tweaking mdadm's udev rule locally21:15
cjwatsonthat's probably the simplest local fix (but not generally suitable since some people deliberately use entire disks as components, of course)21:16
__keybukexcept that gets lost each upgrade21:16
__keybukI suspect that's what I did21:16
__keybukI think I actually dropped a replacement in /etc/udev/rules.d21:16
cjwatsonor /etc/udev/rules.d/ I guess, you probably remember the details better than I do :)21:16
__keybukbut it didn't get copied into the initramfs after upgrade21:16
cjwatsoninitramfs-tools ought to have a helper function to DTRT there21:16
cjwatson(probably doesn't, but)21:16
__keybukok, a little ENV{DEVTYPE}=="partition" seems to have solved my problem21:23
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bdrungbarry: yes (i wrote the syncpackage fakesync stuff)22:09
barrybdrung: thanks, i figured it out though (can't use syncpackage for this particular use case)22:09
bdrungbarry: fakesync building assumes that the content is the same of the mismatching tarballs22:12
barrybdrung: so, here's a new situation.  i'm trying to sync python-peak.rules.  it's blacklisted, so it suggests --no-lp --force, but --no-lp is "not recommended" (lp sync'ing was rejected).  should i just use --no-lp --force?22:24
bdrungbarry: if blacklisted, use only --force. if this does not help, ask the archive admins to remove this package from the blacklist22:25
barrybdrung: okay, thanks22:26
bdrungbarry: but --no-lp --force is the right way, if it needs a fakesync22:27
barrybdrung: nod22:27
bdrungbarry: the comment is clear to me: http://paste.debian.net/138672/22:27
bdrungbarry: and it seems to need a fakesync22:28
barrybdrung: right, that part makes sense.  it's a little confusing that it's recommending to use --force and --no-lp to override the blacklist, but the manpage warns against --no-lp22:29
barryor should i say "seems to recommend"22:29
bdrungbarry: --no-lp is the only way for fakesync (patches to make that clear are welcome)22:29
bdrungbarry: --no-lp for fakesync are not discouraged by the admins22:30
barry       The use of syncpackage --no-lp, which generates a changes file  to  be22:32
barry       directly  uploaded to the Ubuntu primary archive or a PPA, is discour‐22:32
barry       aged by the Ubuntu Archive Administrators, as it introduces an  unnec‐22:32
barry       essary window for error.  This only exists for backward compatibility,22:32
barry       for unusual corner cases, and for uploads to archives other  than  the22:32
barry       Ubuntu  primary archive.  Omitting this option will cause Launchpad to22:32
barry       perform the sync request directly, which is the preferred  method  for22:32
barry       uploads to the Ubuntu primary archive.22:32
barry 22:32
bdrungbarry: fakesyncs are the "unusual corner cases"22:33
bdrungbarry: patches for better wording are welcome22:33
bdrungtumbleweed: ^22:33
barrybdrung: gotcha.  i'll think about and file a bug/patch if i can come up with anything better ;)22:33
infinitybarry: Why not get a new upstream of python-peak.rules into Debian, ask us to remove the blacklist, and be done with the mess? :P22:37
barryinfinity: well, right now i'm slogging through a ton of packages i touched since oneiric, so i'm trying to do a minimal amount of yak shaving.  please do comment on the bug though if you think that's a better way to go and i will address it later22:39
infinitybarry: "The bug" being?22:40
barryinfinity: ah, i thought you were commenting on bug 87970822:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 879708 in python-peak.rules (Ubuntu) "Remove blacklist and fakesync 0.5a1+r2707-1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87970822:40
infinityErr, we can't remove the blacklist.22:41
infinityThe reason it's there is because of the mismatched orig.22:41
barryinfinity: isn't that what fakesync is for?22:41
infinityYes, fakesyncing isn't an LP function.  Or an AA function at all.22:42
infinityIt's something you do locally to work around breakage.22:42
barryinfinity: all these differing recommendations seem quite contradictory22:42
bdrunginfinity: you can remove the blacklist for the fakesynced packgae22:42
infinitybdrung: No I can't.22:42
infinitybdrung: Because if a -2 lands in Debian, the next autosync will choke on it.22:43
bdrunginfinity: no, because it has a different ubuntu version22:43
infinitybdrung: The entire reason the blacklist is in place is the mismatched orig.22:43
bdrunginfinity: you wont autosync a version that has -XfakesyncY in Ubuntu, do you?22:43
infinityEww, we actually do that? :P22:44
infinityThat's new (ish).22:44
infinityRight, the naming scheme on fakesyncs is new.  I was gone for a year and a half. :P22:45
barryinfinity: :)22:45
infinityEither way.  It's all less hassle if you just update the Debian package.22:45
infinityCause wasn't the Ubuntu one a snapshot that was ahead of the Debian one anyway?22:46
infinityOh, maybe not.22:46
tumbleweedIIRC they were uploaded at almost exactly the same time (I rushed the rview so we wouldn't have to leap ahead in Ubuntu, but barry hadn't noticed that)22:46
infinityI'm confusing the two -r1234 strings.22:46
barrytumbleweed: right, we were like ships passing in the night22:47
barryand my apologies for screwing everything up :)22:47
tumbleweedit's just a mismatch :)22:47
infinityYeah, it's not the end of the world.22:47
infinitybarry: Fakesync away.22:48
infinitybarry: When it's accepted, I'll drop the blacklist, if this shiny new autosync behaviour is indeed the way and the light. :P22:48
barryinfinity: i'm actually uncertain how to do that now :(22:48
bdrunginfinity: the naming schema for fakesync is over a year old :)22:48
infinitybdrung: Yes, that was in the point when I was not around. ;)22:49
tumbleweedbdrung: --no-lp --force22:49
barry$ syncpackage --force --no-lp --simulate -d wheezy -r precise python-peak.rules (without the --simulate)... ?22:50
tumbleweederr barry22:50
bdrunginfinity: i is easier to see the fakesync and to avoid problems with the autosync (no blacklist required for fakesync)22:50
infinitybarry: That should do it.22:50
bdrungbarry: yes22:50
barrytumbleweed, infinity, bdrung thanks, executing now22:50
infinitybarry: That won't actually sync anything.  Should just generate a nice source package and a .changes for you.22:50
barryinfinity: fair enough.  i upload that and then it needs to be accepted?22:51
infinitybarry: It'll accept like any other upload, the archive isn't frozen.22:51
barrygotcha, thanks22:51
infinitybarry: The blacklist doesn't apply to uploads, just actual syncing mechanisms.22:51
barryinfinity: ah, okay!22:51
cjwatsonbdrung: 'fakesync' in the version doesn't inhibit autosync - only 'ubuntu' does22:51
infinity(If it applied to uploads, maintaining, say, udev, would be awful)22:52
barryright, so i dput the -1fakesync1 package22:52
tumbleweedbarry: yes22:52
bdrungbarry: please send patches for things in the docu that confuses you22:52
infinitycjwatson: See, that's what I thought, but hadn't gone digging.  So, this "fakesync and then remove the blacklist" business is... Crazy talk? :P22:52
cjwatsoninfinity: correct22:52
cjwatsonfakesyncs still need to be blacklisted, until we can move to something copyPackage-based for autosyncing at which point it will be easier to apply more Ubuntu policy22:52
infinitybdrung: ^22:52
cjwatsonright now, if you remove the blacklist, I'll probably just have to swear and put it back at some later point22:53
tumbleweedbdrung, barry: We could add a --fakesync option that does all of the above. Then only --no-lp needs to print scary warnings22:53
bdrungcjwatson: can the autosync learn to not sync package with fakesync in the version string?22:53
barryawesome, thanks guys.  uploaded.  bdrung i will (though not right now ;)22:53
bdrungtumbleweed: good idea22:53
cjwatsonbdrung: I don't want to modify the old-style autosync process any more22:53
tumbleweedbdrung: it needs to not autosync, before the first fakesync version exists in Ubuntu22:54
cjwatsonbdrung: when we switch to new-style copyPackage autosyncing, I'd be happy to make it smarter22:54
cjwatson(in that case, there'd be no need to look at the version, it could just compare orig checksums)22:54
infinitybarry: So, I'm still going to fall back on my initial statement.  Getting a new upstream into Debian and syncing it would be less hassle. :P22:54
barrytumbleweed, bdrung agreed, great idea22:55
barryinfinity: apparently so :)22:55
cjwatsonnew-style autosyncing is presently blocked on LP fixing the inability to credit a copyPackage action to somebody else22:55
barryof course, it's all my fault originally for leapfrogging tumbleweed22:55
cjwatson(no way do I want all autosyncs listed under my name)22:55
barrycjwatson: oh c'mon :)22:56
tumbleweedeven better, according to discussion a few days ago, Apparently there's a known way to write repacking scripts, that'll produce deterministic output.22:56
infinitycjwatson: Think of the karma.22:56
cjwatsonI was thinking of the mail.22:56
infinityYou read mail from LP?22:56
cjwatsonsome of it ...22:57
cjwatson(actually, perhaps more of the people who might think I in some way cared about those packages)22:57
mikahi, we're at the FAI developer sprint and working on Ubuntu LTS support within FAI. Is there an option to get FAI into universe of lucid (it's present in maverick, natty, oneiric and precise but just missing in lucid)?23:49

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