
=== NET||abu1e is now known as NET||abuse
delcoyoteevening airurando16:35
airurandohey delcoyote16:36
airurandoare you based in Dublin and if so are you going to Ubuntu Hour on Subday?16:36
airurandowho else (if anyone) is going to UH on Sunday.16:37
moylanwill try and make it.  no promises though.16:51
delcoyoteworking airurando16:54
delcoyoteI wish I could go, I do have a tight tight agenda, missed also the Ocelot opening drinks at the Porterhouse... and i actually like it quite a lot that place16:55
airurandodelcoyote: not to worry.  Hopefully another UH will pop up in November.17:23
airurandomoylan: I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. :)17:24
delcoyotetime flies....19:07

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