
bfalliktrying to upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04 using update manager.  I get error msg "Could not find the release notes".  do-release-upgrade comlains "404 Not Found" for natty.tar.gz.gpg.  How can I upgrade?01:41
pgoodedoes anyone know of an issue with canonical and upgrading to 11.04?03:03
pgoodedo-release-upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04 is failing03:03
pgoodeWARNING:root:file 'natty.tar.gz.gpg' missing03:04
sorenpgoode: It should be fixed now.07:40
sorenpgoode: Thanks for reporting it!07:40
pgoodesoren - thank you.  i have confirmed that it is working15:24
bdmurraycjwatson: should casper be installable? bug 82144515:52
ubot2Launchpad bug 821445 in casper "Casper fails to install on 10.04.3" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82144515:52
cjwatsonbdmurray: yes16:22
cjwatsonoh, but not together with live-initramfs16:22
cjwatsoncasper (1.237) maverick; urgency=low16:22
cjwatson  * Conflict with live-initramfs, as they overlap and people can pick one or16:22
cjwatson    the other (LP: #453476).16:22
cjwatsonso it's a dup, and if we think it's important to fix in lucid there should be a lucid tas16:23
cjwatson(I don't think it's important for lucid, but maybe we should create a lucid task anyway)16:23
bdmurraycjwatson: got it thanks16:30
* noob99 Anyone know if the following error would stop an install? anna[4640]: cat: can't open '/tmp/net-retriever-4644-deduplicate/*' : No such file or directory19:16
cjwatsonnoob99: not in itself, no19:20
* noob99 It happens after net-retriever pulls down the Release and Release.gpg files. The menu screen has "... failed to download a file from the mirror..." The mirror was created by copying the files from the CD/DVD image.19:32
CarlFKnoob99: long shot, but this may make that problem go away: instead of making a mirror, use http://packages.ubuntu.com/oneiric/squid-deb-proxy19:34
noob99I can do that for testing but I need to get it working for a local mirror.19:34
noob99Actually I already did try pointing it at the OSU web site and it worked that way19:35
CarlFKworked what way?19:35
noob99by setting  mirror/http/hostname, mirror/http/directory in the preseed file and  preseed/url= on the kernel cmdline19:37
noob99When I switch it from my local mirror to the OSU one it worked19:38
CarlFKalso, I plan on trying this to make a stand alone install server: http://www.squid-cache.org/Doc/config/offline_mode/<19:38
noob99For my use I don't need a proxy or cache.19:40
CarlFKwell, you want a way to have all the .debs local.  that should do it19:40
CarlFKdebs, package list, keys.. whatever else the installer gets from the net.19:41
noob99yes, but I thought that the files on the CD/DVD had enought to do the install. They wouldn't be upto date but would create a functional system.19:42
CarlFKand you will need something other than the CD files once you want to add a package, which will likely be the next thing once you get a basic installer working ;)19:42
noob99Once I have a system up with Ubuntu then I'd be able to use apt-mirror to create the build repositories? Sorry I'm coming from RHEL/Kickstart/Annaconda/Yum and trying to get this Ubuntu thing ;) working.19:44
noob99not just the build repositories, the repositories would be functional mirror(s).19:46
CarlFKcant help you with apt-mirror - I tried 2 other things: apt-proxy and apt-cache - both anoyed me.  the squid thing seems to work19:46
noob99With squid you'd still be using someone elses mirrors?19:47
CarlFKif you plan on something like that, why are you messing with using the CD files?19:47
CarlFKuse a live mirror to load up squids cache, then take it off line to run without net access19:47
noob99because the server that I have available to use at the moment is RHEL based and I'm trying to get by the chicken/egg stage.19:48
CarlFKthe 'off line' bit I haven't done yet.  wont need it till March, so it is low on my list of things to mess with19:48
CarlFKso currently you are just having trouble installing to one box?19:49
noob99I have the RHEL server that has the DHCP/PXE/http services and the files from the Ubuntu CD/DVD ISO. Then I'm trying to install a desktop with Ubuntu. The desktop errors with the above and the last log message was the cat error.19:52
noob99But I can do a CD install of Ubuntu on the desktop okay19:53
CarlFKum.. so why don't you do a CD install to get past the chicken egg problem?19:54
noob99The requirement is to have a local network based Ubuntu or Debian or Mint installer. I'm forced, for now, to use the server that provides the current DHCP/PXE service.19:57
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