
CrustyBarnaclegodbyk: Upgraded desktop to 11.10 (Oneiric). I can no longer create the PDF file, even though install-pkgs.sh finds no problems.10:18
c7phello all19:55
godbykCrustyBarnacle: What error message are you getting?20:49
CrustyBarnaclegodbyk: Running "make" again to get errors... one minute20:50
godbykCrustyBarnacle: You might try a 'make clean' first.20:51
godbykSoemtimes an old .aux file can cause problems when you've updated packages.20:51
CrustyBarnaclegodbyk: Hmmm... I'll try again.20:51
CrustyBarnaclegodbyk: http://paste.ubuntu.com/715478/20:52
CrustyBarnaclegodbyk: No pdf file is created.20:52
godbykCrustyBarnacle: There aren't any errors there. Can you paste your .log file contents (or email me the file)?20:53
godbykError 256 (driver return code) generating output;20:56
godbykfile main.pdf may not be valid.20:56
godbykThat's a new one. :)20:56
godbykCrustyBarnacle: Let's update the TeX stuff. Run 'sudo tlmgr update --all'.20:56
godbykI'll also log into my oneiric box and try it there real quick, too.20:56
CrustyBarnaclegodbyk: 6/6 files updated... trying again20:58
CrustyBarnaclegodbyk: Same output and error in log.21:00
godbykCrustyBarnacle: Okay, let me Google around a bit.21:00
CrustyBarnaclegodbyk: Much appreciated. I can still work on my netbook... but not as easily :-p21:01
godbykCrustyBarnacle: Have you added any new screenshots that haven't been committed to the bzr repository?21:02
CrustyBarnacleI don't think so...21:18
CrustyBarnaclegodbyk: bzr conflicts returns nothing21:19
godbykCrustyBarnacle: Okay. Try out the commands I sent you. Maybe they'll tell us more.21:20
c7phey godbyk23:19
tomswartz07hey all23:23
c7phey tom, how are you ?23:35
tomswartz07c7p: not too shabby. yourself?23:36
c7pi'm great :D23:38
tomswartz07i believe i have the majority of the updates ready for my section.23:48
tomswartz07the instant messaging.23:48
tomswartz07empathy wasnt changed too much- some icons and the way you launch it, but thats about it.23:48
c7pvery nice :D23:49
c7pi got a mail "when i try bzr launchpad-login lyfzwrthlvng <my launchpad username> it says:23:50
c7pbzr: ERROR: Connection closed: curl connection error (Received HTTP code 407 from proxy after CONNECT)"23:50
c7pany idea how can this problem be solved ?23:50
tomswartz07whats the lyfzwrthlvng?23:51
tomswartz07did you just use bzr launchpad-login <username>?23:52
c7pi don't know23:56
c7pi got this message :D23:56
c7pi mean the question, the problem isn't mine23:56
tomswartz07oh! hahaha23:56
tomswartz07yeah, you need to register an rsa key with launchpad first, then do the login (without lyfzwr...)23:57
tomswartz07im pretty sure we have it documented on the site. under editors, iirc.23:58
c7py we have it23:58

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