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wgrantLaney: You do some UDD stuff, right (the Debian definition, not the Ubuntu one)?00:39
ajmitchhe does00:46
* ajmitch doesn't expect to see him online at this hour though00:46
james_wbroder, is there a way to get Debian info from distro-info?00:59
ajmitchjames_w: debian-distro-info01:03
james_wajmitch, thanks01:19
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dholbachgood morning07:02
Laneywgrant: only one specific bit, but yes07:43
wgrantLaney: There's at least one UDD thing using the LP edge API, which has been deprecated for nearly a year now. The consumer name is "merges". Do you know who is responsible for that, so I can convince them to use production instead?07:44
Laneywgrant: Hmm, I don't see anything in svn, and I am not aware of anything external which uses lplib...07:56
Laneyis it coming from a d.o machine?07:56
wgrantLaney: I don't know directly which machine it's from, but it's the ultimatedebiandatabase user.07:58
Laneymaybe lucas knows07:59
wgrantAhhh, just looked up the IP address. It is indeed one of lucas' scripts, running on ubuntuwire.08:00
wgrantThat explains why you couldn't find it.08:00
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Laneyajmitch: or someone else ubuntuwire-ish — can we get a mirror of UDD on ubuntuwire? (if so, would I be able to have a public_html?)10:02
* Laney has a fun script idea10:02
nigelbLaney: does it involve graphing? :)10:03
LaneyI got annoyed by another one of manish's posts on plus10:04
Laneyhe seems to want to do away with universe now10:04
Laneyit's to showcase cool stuff in there :-)10:04
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ajmitchLaney: I guess we could, I'll need to read up on how to mirror it though10:04
Laneywell you'll need postgres10:05
Laneyand then there's a dump on udd.d.o generated every two days10:05
ajmitchyeah that's not a problem10:05
Laneynot sure if it is rsyncable10:05
ajmitchboth postgres 8.3 & 8.4 are installed10:06
Laneyjesus I must be ill10:07
ajmitchhow much diskspace do you need for your idea?10:07
LaneyI can't type "psql" properly10:07
Laneydon't imagine much10:07
Laneyit's just "show me a random cool universe package"10:08
Laneywith cool to be defined10:08
ajmitchok, since there's only a few GB free, the udd dump is currently 667MB compressed10:08
Laneythis is the box that hosts revu too?10:08
Laneylaney@samosa> ld -l /usr/bin/pdsq;                                                                                         ~10:08
Laneyld: cannot find -l/usr/bin/pdsq10:08
Laneythere is so much wrong with that10:08
ajmitchthis is qa.ubuntuwire.com10:09
Laneydunno, I'm sure I could figure out another way if it's too hard10:09
ajmitchnot hard, I just have to see what I need to shuffle :)10:10
Laneymaybe app-install-data would be better, if cool is limited to .desktoped apps only10:10
Laneythat would probably be a shame10:10
ajmitchyeah it would, don't limit it10:10
ajmitcha mere 2.6GB uncompressed10:11
Laneyyou don't have to mirror every table10:12
ajmitchhttp://wiki.debian.org/UltimateDebianDatabase/CreateLocalReplica is useful10:12
ajmitchyeah, but I have to grab the whole dump initially10:12
Laneyunless you generate your own10:12
ajmitchbut it might be useful to have the whole thing on qa.uw, right?10:13
Laneytumbleweed could move his scripts there then10:13
Laneymaybe people could chip in for a bigger drive :-)10:14
ajmitchI'll see what's unallocated on the host first10:14
tumbleweedyeah, I'd also find a mirror of the Ubuntu UDD stuff on ubuntiwire handy10:17
ajmitchwgrant would know better than I would about what to sort out for disk space there10:19
Laneywho hosts it / owns the hardware?10:19
ajmitchiirc it's nafallo that touches the hardware itself10:20
ajmitchthere are a few kvm guests on the server10:21
nigelbLaney: who's post were you annoyed at?10:21
nigelbThe one about battle for wenoth?10:22
Laneyno, i got annoyed about that one before10:22
Laneysomething about icons10:22
nigelbAh, right.10:22
nigelbI've learned to ignore a few posts10:23
Laneyit was in the comments10:23
ajmitchLaney: #ubuntuwire if you want10:23
tumbleweedLaney: btw, before I forget, in early breezy auto-syncs did make it to -changes. This was giving a huge spike in that graph. I ignored them now. Determining components for upload history is also non-trivial. If you could include that in your new importer, that'd be great.10:23
nigelbAh. I see it.10:23
ajmitchpackages can be in universe at the time of upload & then promoted to main a few days later without you seeing it10:24
Laneyoh, yeah10:24
ajmitchpromotions don't require an upload10:24
Laneybut for upload history the component at the time of upload is interesting10:24
ajmitchand new packages go to universe by default10:25
tumbleweedajmitch: yeah, I know, but... what Laney said10:25
ajmitchyeah it is interesting10:25
ajmitchit probably won't skew numbers too much10:25
Laneyif you need the current component you can look in another tabe10:25
tumbleweedit's currently badly skewed towards unknown http://people.ubuntu.com/~stefanor/upload_activity/10:25
tumbleweedpartly because we aren't importing archived releases sources10:25
tumbleweedpartly because not every sourec package uploaded during a release is in the final sources for that releas10:26
ajmitchlarge images ahead :)10:26
tumbleweednaah, it's all js10:26
ajmitchright but I'm scrolling for miles10:27
Nafalloajmitch: not that I've had to touch it since I installed it, but yeah. I'm the PoC :-P10:27
ajmitchNafallo: right :)10:27
wgrantIt has tonnes of space free, since it no longer does archive rebuilds.10:28
ajmitchalmost 120GB unallocated10:29
wgrantAnd I suspect a fair bit of the rest is in unused VM images.10:29
ajmitchyes, though the VMs look to be using images on the filesystems instead of lvm?10:30
wgrantajmitch: Right, the VM-specific LVs are from the Xen days.10:31
wgrantThey can probably be deleted without much thought, but there's a bit free in the existing virt volume, and 110GB free in the VG...10:34
ajmitchyeah, it's mostly syklone that I want more disk space on at the moment10:34
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* Laney welcomes tumbleweed!13:39
tumbleweedheh, thanks13:39
* Laney flashes the secret signal13:40
nigelbTo DMB?13:41
Laneyaye aye cap'n13:41
* tumbleweed whispers something discreetly13:42
tumbleweednigelb: I'm a temporary standin for persia13:42
* Laney hits "Add member" and speeds off13:42
tumbleweedwe vaguely talked about a motu session at UDS. Any more thoughts?13:43
nigelbtumbleweed: Yeah, I hope persia's alright.13:45
nigelbI actually talked to him at UDS about board members being inactive.13:45
nigelbI find it ironic now :)13:46
tumbleweedapparently he is, but yeah I haven't got any responses either13:46
Laneyapparently there are a lot of people getting their first fixes in (so dholbach told me yesterday), we are just failing at converting them into developers13:53
tumbleweedthat sounds about right. the locals who jammed with me got sponsored uploads, but haven't got hooked (they claim not to have the time)13:55
ajmitchtumbleweed: I don't have time either, but I'm still sort of somewhat in the launchpad team :)14:25
tumbleweedyeah, if we all just had more time...14:28
AnAntHello, is there a way to control the logo position in unity-greeter ?14:32
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tumbleweedDktrKranz: seeing as you appear to be around and just mentioned syncpackage. I had a question for you: Have you seen bug 87886821:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 878868 in ubuntu-dev-tools (Ubuntu) "syncpackage --no-lp picks up to many changelog entries in certain situations" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87886821:11
tumbleweedit's a bit of a crazy corner case, but it made me wonder why we were doing what we are in syncpackage21:12
DktrKranzI've seen something similar in the past too21:14
* tumbleweed just noticed that his patch in that bug would probably break new package syncs, but that's not related to the question :)21:16
DktrKranzfor NEW packages from Debian, it makes sense to have full changelog. It doesn't for packages we already had in Ubuntu.21:18
tumbleweedthe problem here wasn't that we took the full changelog, but that we had version 1.1-0ubuntu1 in ubuntu, so we took changelog enttries >= 1.1-0. Why not >> 1.1-0ubuntu121:19
DktrKranzvalue passed to -v should be current version or 0 in case there isn't one21:21
DktrKranzthen, dpkg will do the right thing21:21
tumbleweedright, I'll sort that out, my real question here is why are we using get_related_debian_version() at all?21:21
DktrKranzI vaguely remember something21:25
tumbleweedone possible reason I can think of is packages like configure-debian, which went native to non-native, and we can't sync them properly until they get a new upstream version.21:26
DktrKranzI think it already checks wheter versions are fine21:26
tumbleweedyes, but if it did get a new upstream version, we'd want to pick up theintermediate changelog entries too, with get_releated_debian_version() we do21:27
DktrKranzas long as it takes the current version in the suite, intermediate changelogs should be considered automatically21:29
tumbleweedin this case. Ubuntu: 1.0.2ubuntu3. Debian: 1.0.2-0.1. If Debian were to go to 1.0.3-1. We'd want to not miss 1.0.2-0.1's changelog entry21:30
DktrKranzget_related_debian_version() is useful here, perhaps it just needs to be extended to pick common ancestor21:33
tumbleweedthat requires walking both changelogs21:33
tumbleweedbut yes, I also agree that that's probably the right thing to do21:34
DktrKranzaren't LP APIs able to determine versions?21:34
DktrKranzI thought LP would know21:34
tumbleweedah, yeah ,we could walk the publication histories21:34
DktrKranz(oh, btw. "debuild", "--no-lintian" => "dpkg-buildpackage" ?)21:35
tumbleweedsounds about right21:35
tumbleweedlooks like bdrung made that change21:37
tumbleweednot sure why. For the build log?21:37
tumbleweed(r 653)21:37
bdrungDktrKranz: no to "debuild", "--no-lintian" => "dpkg-buildpackage" because it doesn't evaluate debuild options (key signing is a killer feature for me)22:11
bdrungtumbleweed: re version: we need to find the common anchor for the debian and ubuntu version22:12
tumbleweedbdrung: agreed. I started looking at it, but doing it probably will require a little refactoring, to save lp roundtrips elsewhere in syncpackage22:15
bdrungtumbleweed: btw, i commented the bug with one example22:22
bdrungtumbleweed: we should put that function into a library and write some test cases for it.22:22
tumbleweed'fraid it's not that easy. We need to implement it twice. Once for a local changelog (syncing from a dsc), and once for LP records on both distros22:24
tumbleweedbtw, I have some ideas for running tests that require lp. But I doubt I'll have time for that any time soon :/22:25
bdrungtumbleweed: using stubs for the lp objects?22:33
tumbleweedbdrung: no, recording api queries and responses, and replaying them22:49
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