
CoreyDo we have an op in San Francisco?00:50
tonyyarussoCorey: as Flannel - he's at least in Cali01:10
elkySan Franciscans are rww, flannel, pleia2  and probably others01:22
pleia2Flannel is in southern california (5+ hours from SF)01:23
=== Pici is now known as Guest59733
=== Guest59733 is now known as Pici
TheEvilPhoenixnotice on a spammer in #ubuntu: cutegirl.  floodbots temporarily +q'd the user.03:45
TheEvilPhoenixcorrection - user is now -q'd03:45
TheEvilPhoenixi assume there's an op watching the channel?03:45
mneptokcutegirl: /me is03:46
mneptoksorry, tab-complete readied ;)03:46
TheEvilPhoenixno problem, i've done that myself a few times ;P03:46
TheEvilPhoenixugh... seems they are just a trollspammer mneptok, at least afaict03:48
mneptokTheEvilPhoenix: the timer has almost run out.03:48
TheEvilPhoenixi... /think/ i know what you mean by that...03:49
pangolinmneptok: there is a quiet on bhansali!*@*03:49
pangolinmatches cutegirl ident03:49
mneptokyup, time to ban nick and ident03:49
TheEvilPhoenixwell now that that's been dealt with, i bid you good evening.  i *might* show up if they resurface or something, but i doubt they will (that last ban was pretty wide, from what I could tell)03:51
mneptokand with that, i'll get some sleep.03:52
yagoothis guy on #ubuntu keeps say rm -rf ~/04:37
yagooover and over again..04:37
yagoothis is not good.04:37
yagoosomeone--one of u should tell him too.04:37
yagoomy 2 cent.04:37
tonyyarussoNoted, wish I had a nick05:11
tonyyarussooh, looks like it was a rant about some aspect of default rm behavior.  Moving along...05:14
oCeanbazhang: I already removed him once10:26
oCeandone with that stupidity10:26
bazhangoCean, yeppers10:26
ubottuError: You are not identified10:28
bazhang<perlsyntax> Has anyone use jde emacs on ubuntu before?12:10
PiciI'm not sure that should have been forwarded to -offtopic.12:16
Myrttime neither12:17
Myrttithe nickname has been reported earlier to be associated with trolling12:17
Myrttiwhich doesn't surprise me12:17
bazhangtrolling straight up12:18
bazhangso better skip the catalyze and straight action them12:18
Myrttioh really12:19
MyrttiI wouldn't go as far as that either12:19
bazhangthat was a question, sorry12:19
jussieven some trolls can be catalyzed.12:19
jussiwe still have to try.12:19
bazhang<cutegirl>    http://www.sexocean.com12:21
=== txwikinger2 is now known as txwikinger
bazhang* [fnordistus] (~fnordistu@2001:470:26:83:20a:e4ff:fee0:d8f9): fnord  <-- looks very familiar12:58
bazhangno way to get into the btracker the past couple of days though13:03
Picibazhang: why no?13:03
bazhangno replies to @login or @btlogin well no good replies13:04
ubottuThe operation succeeded.13:04
bazhangyep , alteregoa13:05
PiciIt has been working for me just fine.13:05
bazhangPici, since jussi restarted a moment ago (the bot) it's fine13:05
bazhangfnordistus = alteregoa13:06
bazhang* SchutzStaffeln2  is that offensive?13:08
* Myrtti is watching a train wreck in #ubuntu13:37
bazhanghow did he ever connect to IRC13:38
Myrttiby clicking an app13:38
Myrttiautojoin by connect13:38
Myrttiwhat else do you need13:38
bazhang* [sskniranjan] is using a secure connection13:38
bazhangseems like he is using ssl13:39
bazhangmore like a troll wreck13:39
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (theeclipse appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)13:44
bazhangappears to be13:45
ubottuIn ubottu, EgyParadox said: !netstat is <alias> !net-tools14:27
ubottuIn ubottu, EgyParadox said: !gnome-shell is <alias> !nounity14:31
ubottuIn ubottu, EgyParadox said: !synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager till Ubuntu 10.10, starting 11.04 Ubuntu Software Center is the default. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto14:34
bazhangwhy he'd need the firmware for a vm I have no idea14:38
ubottuIn ubottu, EgyParadox said: !precise is <alias> !pangolin14:38
bazhang* [DoNoBaN] (~marieta@ marieta14:43
bazhangbad feeling about that nick14:43
=== Guest8492 is now known as gord
=== gord is now known as Guest52713
=== Guest52713 is now known as gord
mneptokcould we add something like, "If you need help setting up an FTP server, you probably shouldn't be using FTP" to the !ftp factoid?   O:)15:12
Picimneptok: How about 'consider using sftp instead'15:13
mneptokPici: where's the fun in that!?!?15:14
mneptokit just strikes me like someone in a field asking which side of the land mine faces up.15:14
charlie-tcaWhy do you have to set up an FTP server to use FTP?15:16
funkyHat"you probably shouldn't be using FTP" is a valid statement regardless15:53
* popey sighs16:12
tonyyarussojpds: I'm using ubumirror, and currently have source packages included.  Now I want to get rid of them.  What do I need to do to tell it to delete the existing ones?19:18
tonyyarussoI found something that seems to work, although it's a bit hacky.  I had to add --delete-excluded to /usr/bin/ubuarchive and change --delete-after to --delete-before, then add --exclude rules for *.orig.tar.gz, *.dsc, *.diff.gz, and source/.19:28
ubottukbrooks called the ops in #ubuntu ()23:13
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (16))23:30

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