
=== Guest56801 is now known as shirgall
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twbsoren: hey, you're one of the upstart weenies, right?01:28
twbAs at lucid, what's the right way to start a job when a specific USB device is inserted?01:29
twbAnd just have it call "start", or emit an event?01:32
lifelessthats my understanding01:34
twbWhich one01:35
twb/lib/udev/usb_id /dev/bus/usb/x/y does nothing01:36
twbWTF, http://paste.debian.net/138403/01:37
twbHm, 2011-10-21T12:38:17.139079+11:00 trimserver-lucid usb_id[31119]: unable to access '/dev/bus/usb/001/011'01:38
twbBut I'm root01:38
KutakizukariI installed ModSecurity via "apt-get install libapache-mod-security" on Ubuntu 10.04. How do I tell which version of ModSecurity it installed?01:50
twbdpkg -l libapache-mod-security01:51
Kutakizukaritwb: Thanks01:53
=== Pici is now known as Guest59733
=== Guest59733 is now known as Pici
wdanielsHi, is this the best place to ask about problems with orchecstra/rsyslog?02:41
wdanielsSeems that Orchestra configured rsyslog to use SSL certs under /var/lib/orchestra/.ssl but syslog user cannot read there :S02:41
axisysdo I need acpid for a server? I think not but need to verify02:47
qman__only you can answer that question02:48
qman__do you require the function it provides?02:48
aviandroidcan anyone recommend a vnc server04:01
TimR_hey guys how do i check to see if tls is supported by ubuntu-server 10.04.3 lts04:01
aviandroidthe two most common ones that i have seen are tightvnc and vnc4server04:01
=== shirgall_ is now known as shirgall
lunaphyte_hi.  i have a 10.10 server i'd like to upgrade to 11.10.  it seems to be aware that natty is available, but do-release-upgrade doesn't work, and complains "warning:root:file 'natty.tar.gz.gpg' missing" - failed to fetch".  i don't have any networking problems - how can i troubleshoot this?04:19
TheEvilPhoenixlunaphyte_:  are you on a VPS?04:27
TheEvilPhoenixout of curiosity :P04:27
lunaphyte_no.  it's a vmware guest, on a host managed by me.04:27
TheEvilPhoenixthat's a VPS then04:27
TheEvilPhoenixif its a server :P04:27
TheEvilPhoenixi've seen mixed results upgrading VPSes04:28
TheEvilPhoenixbut as to how to diagnose that issue, i'm unsure.04:28
TheEvilPhoenixbut i did want to state that you might run into some weird issues upgrading in place 10.10 -> 11.04 -> 11.1004:29
lunaphyte_it would seem to me that the host it's trying to retrieve the file from doesn't have it.  i wondered if i might somehow determine another ubuntu host which did have it.04:29
hallynzul, the lxc tty fix (lxc-fix-grantpt.patch) is not actually in the new 0.9.6 merge.  (no big deal, and now we can probably just take the fix from upstream since it finally landed there in a slightly different form)04:37
* hallyn out04:37
twbBleh.  Do nut's "driver" binaries really need to be in /lib (not /usr/lib) ?05:12
twbIt's not like you need UPS to boot05:12
lunitiktwb: /usr is for application stuff... drivers are not application stuff, so yes06:36
lunitiktwb: drivers are referred to as "modules"... you will note /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/ are where your current drivers are06:38
sorentwb: upstart on its own won't help you with that.06:40
sorentwb: I remember using a package that could run a script when a specific USB device was plugged in, but I'm having trouble finding it now.06:41
lunitiksoren: umount or previously pmount probably06:42
sorenlunitik: No, this was more generic than mounting stuff.06:42
lunitiksoren: how does it get more generic than mounting?06:42
sorenThere are other things you can plug into a USB port than disks and memory sticks.06:43
sorenWebcams, serial-USB dongles, modems, etc. Lots of things.06:43
lunitiksoren: usbmount says "automatically mount and unmount USB mass storage"06:44
greppyhotplug can do interesting things for usb device insertion06:44
sorenlunitik: Yes?06:44
lunitiksoren: depends pmount06:44
sorengreppy: "hotplug"?06:45
lunitikgreppy: pmount uses udev which replaced hotplug like 10 years ago06:45
greppylunitik: since I remember when it was new, forgive me :)06:46
sorenlunitik: This is not about mounting things.06:46
lunitiksoren: pmount runs a script... edit the script... dpkg -L usbmount and see if it made a cron job or something06:47
lunitiksoren: I honestly don't recall any others06:48
sorenlunitik: We don't use pmount anymore either, just FYI.06:48
lunitiksoren: udisks seems to do the same based on udisks-glue06:49
lunitik"simple automount daemon with support for user-defined actions"06:50
lunitikuser-defined actions = scripted stuff06:50
sorenlunitik: So you're proposing to trick udisks into handling devices that aren't disks, but also trick it into not mounting it?06:51
lunitiksoren: udisks does storage in general06:51
sorenThis. is. not. about. storage!06:52
lunitikUSB devices are storage devices06:52
sorenTHEY'RE NOT!06:52
soren06:43 < soren> There are other things you can plug into a USB port than disks and memory sticks.06:52
lunitikThen what are they?06:52
soren06:43 < soren> Webcams, serial-USB dongles, modems, etc. Lots of things.06:52
sorenThey're devices!06:52
sorenThey could be anything.06:52
lunitikTheir function is programmed... program needs storage06:52
sorenTell me that is a storage device while keeping a straight face.06:53
sorenhttp://www.vat19.com/dvds/usb-warmer-cooler.cfm  or that.06:53
lunitiksoren: It stores the programming to do whatever it is doing... it also stores files which you can manipulate via devices... including viewing06:54
lunitikuhh... via modules06:54
sorenThe usb missile launcher may have storage for some primitive firmware, but it's not exposed to you. The cup warmer sure as heck don't have firmware. It just draws power from the USB port.06:54
sorenAre you saying your monitor is also a storage device?06:54
sorenAnd your keyboard?06:54
_rubenit stores your keys!!06:55
sorenAnd crumbs and coffee!06:55
_rubengotta keep that mind tho, whenever i lost my keys again06:55
sorenOn that note..06:55
lunitiksoren: what do you think is transfered over the cable if not data? where is the data coming from to be transmitted?06:56
soren06:54 < soren> Are you saying your monitor is also a storage device?06:56
lunitikso, yes06:56
sorenOk. Then this conversation is over.06:56
lunitikEverything is a file... if you don't believe me, explain /dev/usb/06:57
sorenOk, so where is your monitor mounted?06:57
_rubenon my desk!06:57
lunitiksoren: /dev/ttyS0 unless they moved it06:57
sorenYour monitor is conected over a serial port?06:57
sorenFor rizzle?06:58
_rubenok .. if this isn't a troll, then i'm santa06:58
lunitiksoren: monitor cables are serial cables06:58
onrethey are not06:58
sorenOk, this conversation is really over now.06:58
_rubeni gotta hand it to ya, lunitik .. you made me smile on this "early" morning :)06:59
onrebut, i actually have a question, too :p  i'm running 10.04 LTS from alestic image on EC2. is there some easy way of getting the instance security group name during bootup? i'm looking to do some customization on the system based on which group it belongs to06:59
onreor, to be exact, my own image based on alestic image06:59
soren_ruben: Alright, Santa. For christmas I want my faith in mankind back.06:59
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_rubensoren: be reasonable now ;)07:00
sorenonre: I imagine it's to be found in the meta-data service.07:00
sorenonre: It is.07:01
lunitikI am dumb, sorry... it is /dev/video0 ... cuz the monitor is plugged into the graphics card  :/07:02
sorenonre: So, query http:://
onresoren, thank you!07:02
sorenlunitik: That's the device node. Where is it *mounted*?07:03
=== beerbro is now known as beerbroy
lunitiksoren: actually, it is /dev/agpgart ... I really should stop... technically it is mounted in /sys/modules07:05
lunitiksoren: for me, it is /sys/modules/nvidia07:06
lunitiksoren: there is also various data in /proc07:06
lunitiksoren: it has to be mounted for linux to listen to it07:06
lunitiksoren: these are userspace visibility of kernel space mounts07:07
sorenlunitik: You're funny.07:07
sorenBut, alas, I'm busy.07:07
twb17:38 <lunitik> twb: drivers are referred to as "modules"... you will note /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/ are where your current drivers are07:08
twblunitik: not kernel modules, nut "drivers" are just binaries.07:08
lunitiktwb: those are the definitions for how to mount07:08
twbsoren: re upstart/usb -- never mind, I just used the crappy stock nut sysvinit start scripts07:08
lunitiktwb: the kernel is binary too when you run it07:09
twblunitik: plonk.07:09
sorenlunitik: Tell me... What do you do for a living?07:09
lunitiksoren: contract network installations mostly07:10
lunitik(so, I wire LAN's and WAN's for companies, and they pay me)07:10
twbcable monkey07:11
sorenHow do you wire WAN's?07:11
lunitiktwb: *cue Idiocracy* I like money07:11
twbsoren: really long cables :P07:11
sorenThat must take a lot of cable.07:11
lunitiksoren: how do you get cable internet?07:11
lunitiksoren: you connect their LAN's to that07:12
twbsoren: I think everything about layer1 is a bit of a muddle to him07:12
twbEr, s/about/above/07:12
* twb puts down the cider jug07:12
lunitiktwb: nah, other 3 just don't pay bills atm07:13
sorenThis just gets better and better.07:13
lunitiktwb: although you have to configure the WAN's etc... so it goes all the way up the stack really07:13
lunitiksoren: it is only better if you are using the OSI modal instead of TCP07:14
sorenDo you have a newsletter I can subscribe to?07:15
twblunitik: so you roll out X.25, or what?07:15
sorentwb: Be nice. I'm sure he's moved on to X.26 by now.07:16
twbBloody MPLS07:16
lunitiktwb: it isn't a frequent request, usually such companies have people staffed, but sometimes07:17
twb"As recently as March 2006, the National Airspace Data Interchange Network has used X.25 to interconnect remote airfields with Air Route Traffic Control Centers."07:18
lunitiktwb: usually umm... IP tho07:18
lunitikISDN networks use them too07:19
lunitikOr rather, that probably is an ISDN network...07:20
lunitikStill no closer to soren's answer though... was trying to kill time for other input07:21
lunitiksoren: sorry, maybe check during the day time in America - it is when most seem active07:22
sorenI'll be fine :)07:22
jamespageDaviey: are you able to mark further duplicates of bug 862129?  I keep getting a timeout08:02
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 862129 in update-inetd "samba postrm depends on packages not guaranteed to be configured" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86212908:02
Davieyjamespage: same issue here, i mentioned it in #launchpad yesterday08:21
jamespageDaviey: ah - I just did as well08:21
stanman246err.... we're currenlty using a sbs2003 server and i want to throw the thing away and go for an ubuntu server.08:36
stanman246i also want the clients to run ubuntu desktop, to start off i want the users to run ubu desktop first and connect them to the sbs2003 server. I'm using likewise-open, but then the users need to put the domain name before their username. Is there a way to join the ubu desktop to the sbs2003 domain and let users logon with only their username and password?08:38
uvirtbotNew bug: #879286 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2.3 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: package samba is not ready for configuration  cannot configure (current status `half-installed')" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87928608:41
uvirtbotNew bug: #877894 in psmisc (main) "fuser forks and never reaps its children" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87789408:42
wfu4422i need help with MGA drivers and a matrox g450 quad card on 11.0408:53
RoyKwfu4422: hardly a server issue....08:57
wfu4422matrox g450 is business class card, not a gaming card. i will use it on my server09:00
wfu4422i would expect someone in here to know what to do over #ubuntu09:01
* Daviey spies a new upstream version of jonas in oneiric-partner queue.09:03
koolhead17hello all!!09:03
Davieyhey koolhead1709:06
jamespageDaviey: w00t!09:10
sorenwfu4422: What do you need a graphics driver for on a server?09:14
maswanAnyone know if nfs 4.1 support is there in something newer than lucid? the only reference I have is https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nfs-utils/+question/142624 which is "closed" without an answer09:14
sorenmaswan: nfs 4.1 client support, you mean?09:15
maswansoren: yeah09:15
maswanI guess I could bootstrap a VM and chekc it out myself, was just wondering if someone knew and could answer before lunch instead of me doing it after lunch. :)09:16
sorenmaswan: It doesn't seem like it. Also, the Kconfig question explicitly says:           Unless you're an NFS developer, say N.09:17
sorenmaswan: Did Lucid have it?09:18
jamespageDaviey: hmm - might need to get that rejected - its still using the sun-jdk package which is not in partner09:19
sorenmaswan: AFAICT, it was disabled in Lucid as well.09:19
jamespageit will still work but you will have to install default-jre-xx first09:20
Davieyjamespage: I thought the chances of sun/orcacle java still being in distro's was low now?09:20
jamespageDaviey: its gone in oneiric09:20
jamespagelikely to be removed from earlier releases as well09:20
Davieyjamespage: Yes, chances of it coming back, i mean09:20
Davieyjamespage: earlier releases are still OK with the old licence, no?09:21
jamespageDaviey: yes - I understand its low as well09:21
jamespageDaviey: well the issue is that we can't security patch it as Oracle are not releasing under the distributor license agreement09:21
maswansoren: I'm more interested in if the mount tools etc are there, custom kernel with just some config options changed I can do but finding nfs utils etc and fixing/backporting them is a bit more strange. Maybe I'll stick with rhel 6.2[-derivatives] for now then.09:22
jamespageso as soon as we hit something nasty.....09:22
jamespagewe can't fix it09:22
jamespageDaviey: Oracle want to drive more people to using OpenJDK - as this benefits them in the long run09:23
jamespagesun-jdk-6 is just an overhead for them now09:23
DavieyI imagine Oracle will always have a non-free (including cost) jre.09:23
sorenmaswan: Do you know what special stuff is needed for that? I would have thought it was all kernel stuff.09:24
jamespageDaviey: they will - but with Java 7 its 99.9% OpenJDK09:24
jamespagewith Java6 its more divergent09:25
jamespageso more overhead for them09:25
Davieyi see09:25
maswansoren: I will, need to run now though.09:25
sorenmaswan: np09:25
jamespageDaviey: stat for your - Natty - java packages using maven - 5309:26
jamespagecheck check in precise - 150!09:26
Davieyjamespage: It's a timebomb until maven needs to be in main?09:26
jamespagewell I did have an action to prepare maven3 for main inclusion this cycle09:26
jamespage(i.e. precise)09:26
jamespageI've only had to migrate one package from maven->ant so far this release to avoid that09:27
jamespageand maven3 packaging is not complete yet09:27
jamespageI must have touched another 5 or so that are ripe for ant->maven migration09:28
jamespage(well that's what I would do if I only packaged in Debian anyway)09:28
uvirtbotNew bug: #876663 in nova "Nova starting before MySQL" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87666309:34
jamespageDaviey: ^^09:34
jamespageI think that is similar to an issue I've discussed here re dovecot/postfix starting in a racey what09:35
* jamespage goes to look09:35
Davieyjamespage: Hmm, i thought nova was safe for this.. ie, it did retry?09:35
Davieyttx: ^^?09:35
jamespageDaviey: hmm - not the same as the dovecot/postfix issue09:42
jamespagewell similar09:42
sorenNot entirely.09:46
sorenpsotfix talks to dovecot over a UNIX socket, IIRC.09:46
sorenSo you can expect them to live on the same host, so adjusting start order actually makes sense.09:46
sorenYou can't even expect MySQL and Nova to run on the same box, so the order in which they start isn't terribly interesting.09:47
sorenNova should just handle it properliy if it's not there.09:47
soren(whatever that means)09:47
jamespagesoren: agreed09:48
Davieyjamespage: did you raise a bug for the dupe issue?09:48
jamespageDaviey: no09:48
jamespagesoren: I was more referring to the fact that quite alot of upstart configurations switched to start on runlevel [2345] in oneiric09:50
jamespagewhich pushed back the start of some services09:50
jamespagerevealing this type of issue09:50
flatlineI've just started a VM I built with vmbuilder, but I can't connect to it via ssh, the machine is running, responds to ping and when I try to ssh into it I get connection refused. I didn't include ssh server pkg in vmbuilder line, should I?09:51
Davieyjamespage: can you 'me too',  bug 879325 please?09:52
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 879325 in launchpad "Marking duplicates seems to timeout" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87932509:52
jamespageDaviey: done09:52
ttxDaviey: yes, the bug should probably be returned to nova09:53
ttxDaviey: maybe it's an old version09:54
ttxDaviey: will fix09:55
rbasakbug 879325 affects me too - when I was trying to set more duplicates on the samba bug09:58
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 879325 in launchpad "Marking duplicates seems to timeout" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87932509:58
Davieyttx: thanks10:11
Davieyrbasak: happy days10:12
Davieyjamespage / rbasak: I'm going to make another bug the main bug for these ones, we can dupe them together later10:16
jamespageDaviey: makes sense for the time being10:16
Davieyjamespage / rbasak : bug 87785210:20
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 877852 in samba "samba failed to install when updating from ubuntu 11.04 to 11.10" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87785210:20
* rbasak makes a note10:21
rbasakIs anything happening with that bug btw?10:21
Davieydoesn't look like it. :/10:21
Davieyjamespage: did you see bug #878877 ?10:24
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 878877 in tomcat6 "package tomcat6-docs 6.0.24-2ubuntu1.7 failed to install/upgrade: error writing to '<standard output>': No such file or directory just after a fresh install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87887710:24
jamespageDaviey: yes10:24
jamespagenot seen that before - may be localised10:24
jamespageJust raising a blueprint and I'll take a deeper look10:24
koolhead17hi all11:08
tyska_hi guys11:12
tyska_im having problem with fake raid, can anyone help me?11:12
koolhead17RoyK: heh11:51
sorenflatline: Sure. No ssh server, nothing's going to respond to ssh.11:59
flatlinesoren, oh ok, thought ssh is included in default vmbuilder script, works like a charm now12:17
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zuljamespage: ping did you change the dovecot upstart?12:51
* jamespage tries to remember12:51
jamespagewhen? this release or last?12:51
jamespageI know of two issues with it at the moment12:53
airtonixso, ec2 (how does it work?) i click "connect to this instance", it provides 1,2,3,4 steps... i follow steps, annnnnnd ssh connection fails becuase : too many authentication failures for user ubuntu.... sigh i wish amazon would give me the right information12:54
patdk-wkthat works fine :)12:55
patdk-wkyou do know that there is no password right?12:55
patdk-wkyou have to use the key you made with amazon12:55
airtonixyes? i am ...12:55
jamespagezul: why do you ask?12:55
patdk-wkif you are it would work12:55
lunaphyte_TheEvilPhoenix: it appears to have just been an ephemeral issue, presumably with some component on ubuntu's end.  it's working just fine now.12:55
airtonixpatdk-wk: obviously it's not...12:56
patdk-wkairtonix, oviously it's user error12:56
patdk-wkand as you haven't supplied any details of how your doing it, can't help12:56
airtonixpatdk-wk: it's hardly a user error when i follow the exact instructions provided by the aws console... there isn't much room for error12:56
patdk-wkok, whatever12:57
zoopsterairtonix: that tool assumes you are using root - or it used to12:57
zoopsterairtonix: change it to use ubuntu to login and that will do the trick12:57
patdk-wkzoopster, what part of " too many authentication failures for user ubuntu" == root12:58
airtonixzoopster: the instructions provide a tailored ssh command that includes the user12:58
sorenairtonix: Do you have several ssh keys in your ssh-agent?12:58
* patdk-wk always uses -i12:59
airtonixsoren: i have many hosts configured in my ~/.ssh/config and i also created a specific one for this host, i also tried without and just used the specifically tailored ssh command provided by the connect tool12:59
sorenairtonix: I understand, but that's not what I'm asking.13:00
sorenairtonix: Can you provide the output of "ssh-add -l"?13:00
airtonixsoren: no because it contains private data13:02
airtonixpatdk-wk: you tell me how i could interept this incorrectly? http://dpaste.com/638637/13:03
sorenairtonix: a) No, it doesn't. It's just the fingerprint. It's not more private than your public keys. b) Then I can't help you.13:04
airtonixsoren: that paste contains the steps i use... except that i put the .pem file in ~/.ssh and chmod it, and i modify the ssh command to point at that file, i also add port 22 tcp to the inbound rules of the associated security group13:04
zoopsterpatdk-wk: thanks for the elegant response - i don't use the aws console, but it used to tell you to use root...obviously they changed it...thanks for pointing that out13:05
patdk-wkzoopster, I hate it when people reply to people, without reading what they say :)13:05
airtonixsoren: i just ran that command and it does reveal data i do not wish to publicly reveal13:05
sorenairtonix: "ssh-add -l" does?13:06
sorenThen it's broken. Or you are.13:06
zuljamespage: beccause im thinking of changing the openstack jobs to start on staring rc so it starts after mysql13:06
sorenzul: Does Openstack use MySQL by default?13:07
airtonixsoren: yes, the keys contain comments that i do not wish to reveal to strangers13:07
zulsoren:  not in the packaging13:07
sorenzul: Then don't bother.13:07
zulsoren: why13:07
zoopsterpatdk-wk: oh I read what was written, but it was written...guess you are better than I13:07
jamespagezul: on my list - I also need to add a pause to workaround unclean subprocess termination on restarts as well13:07
sorenzul: Why would you? If you have 100 nodes in your cloud, at most 1 of them will be on the same machine as the MySQL server. The rest will still be screwed.13:08
zulsoren: k13:08
sorenzul: The order in which they start shouldn't matter.13:08
Davieysurely the correct fix is to make sure nova doesn't throw up if it can't contact mysql on startup? :)13:08
sorenzul: If it does, *that's* the problem that needs to be fixed. Not the boot ordering.13:08
sorenDaviey: Exactly.13:08
zulsoren: gotcha13:08
sorenairtonix: I don't quite see how "ssh-add -l" can contain comments. How did you make that happen?13:09
sorenHm... Maybe it's because I'm using gpg-agent.13:09
sorenAs my ssh-agent.13:09
airtonixsoren: ssh rsa keys can have comments on the end13:09
=== leonel22 is now known as leonel
sorenairtonix: How many keys are there? Or is that super secret, too?13:10
airtonixsoren: 613:10
sorenThat's probably your problem, then.13:10
sorenIt tries each of them in order.13:10
airtonixsoren: but why would it? i specify the -i and point at the pem key13:10
sorenSo it has more than the acceptable... er... how many was it? 3 failures?13:11
Davieyairtonix: I'm not sure we can help further without, ssh -vvv -i ~/foo/bar.pem13:11
airtonixbut why would it bother trying the keys in my ~/.ssh unless ssh on ubuntu doesn't accept pem keys13:11
sorenairtonix: MAybe it tries those first. *shrug*13:12
freakynlHi, I'm having extremely slow raid-6 performance, it's 8 disk 2tb sata raid-6 (mdadm). It's still syncing (at a whopping 70k, yes k, /s) whilst I'm copying data on it (over iscsi from a windows box, at a whopping ~15MB/s, or well, that's what it says but at 15MB/s it should be done copying the 800GB in after the 16 hours it's been running now)13:12
sorenSSH_AUTH_SOCK= ssh -i whatever.pem ubuntu@whereever13:12
freakynlany ideas? when it still was on raid-10 it was fine... iostat output is shocking, disks don't write more than 2.5MB/s a piece13:12
airtonixsoren: that worked. thanks13:13
airtonixsoren: seems a bit retarded that if you specify a very specific key to use to authenticate with that it should then assume you didn't actually mean to use a specific key and try all these other keys13:13
airtonixi mean if i wanted it to try other keys i simply would have left out the -i parameter13:14
patdk-wkfreakynl, what cpu?13:14
freakynlcore i3, but the raid6 process doesn't consume more than 2-5% cpu and the average of the process is even below that13:15
freakynli3 530 to be exact13:15
patdk-wkhow are the drives connected?13:17
freakynlall 8 connected to a LSI Logic / Symbios Logic SAS2008 PCI-Express Fusion-MPT SAS-2 [Falcon] (rev 03)13:18
patdk-wkso an lsi9201?13:18
patdk-wkdunno, unless it's just random seeking like nuts13:19
patdk-wkcause of the raid build + copy your doing13:19
freakynlthat seems right yea13:19
patdk-wkiscsi forces sync13:19
freakynlit was *MUCH MUCH* faster on raid-10. Even when it just started up (no iscsi, nothing else using the set) it didn't pass 70MB/s on sync which I find rather low. Thought it was the checksum calculation, but cpu was hardly loaded13:20
patdk-wkdid you adjust the max sync speed?13:20
patdk-wkI think default is like 200MB/sec, so that might be a max of 100MB/sec on raid10, not sure how it computes13:20
freakynlmax is at the default of 200MB, with 70k/s I have plenty of room :)13:21
patdk-wkbut yes, raid10 is always going screem faster than raid613:21
patdk-wkyes, but each sync write from iscsi causes several writes to happen13:21
patdk-wkthat could really be killing your performance13:21
patdk-wkI'm not sure what block size your iscsi is using13:22
patdk-wkor what stripe size you used for the raid613:22
patdk-wkbut that all matters heavily on performance13:22
freakynlpatdk-wk: yea I know, but even then... it should atleast do something along the lines of 100MB/s... not when it's heavily random, but there's just 3 processes pulling on it, 2 moves and the sync itself (although at 70kbyte/s I'd hardly count that)13:22
freakynlstripe size is 64k, not sure on iscsi blocksize, ntfs blocksize 64k13:23
patdk-wkhopyfully you aligned the raid6 and ntfs blocks on the same locations13:23
patdk-wkand I wouldn't call 2 moves plus a sync, sequentual13:24
patdk-wkat best that is 3 random locations13:24
freakynl2008 aligns automatically (usually by using X MiB offsets)13:24
patdk-wkheh? what does the 2008 lsi card have to do with this?13:24
freakynlcompared to our 40vm's that where on the raid-10 before, that's pretty sequential :)13:24
freakynlpatdk-wk: ? 2008 server (windows, the iscsi initiator)13:25
patdk-wkif you talk about windows, say windows13:25
freakynlpatdk-wk: i don't like the word :)13:25
freakynlor well... actually I don't like it's vendor13:25
freakynlsdh              24.50    90.00  104.00  145.50   514.00   936.00    11.62     7.07   26.97   59.90    3.44   1.30  32.5013:26
freakynland average from iostat -x (after 5 outputs) kinda... shitty :)13:26
freakynl24.5 rrqm/s, 90 wrqm/s, 514kB/s read, 936kB/s write13:27
_rubensyncing + copying = killing performance13:28
freakynl32.5% util, but never quite understood how to interpret that, kinda hard to measure when a disk is at max capacity and according to the manual this value is based on cpu13:28
patdk-wkthat is how much cpu time is spend waiting on the disk13:28
freakynl_ruben: sync alone didn't go above 70MB/s13:28
freakynl:/ will see what it does at completion then... currently just 350k mins away13:29
patdk-wkdo you have bitmap table on or off?13:29
freakynlI didn't set it, not sure what the default is... mdadm --detail has no mention of bitmap13:30
scalability-junkmh I have a small problem. I want to resize my home partition, but can't because /etc/lvm/cache/.cache.tmp has not enough space left any work around?13:45
_rubenso your root partition is completely full?13:47
scalability-junkyeah sort of mis copied some stuff ;)13:48
scalability-junk*misscopied :D13:48
freakynlscalability-junk: free some space on /, even if it's just temporary?13:50
patdk-wkempty /tmp :)13:50
scalability-junkfreakynl: yeah got it13:50
patdk-wkpurge old /var/log/13:51
scalability-junkalready found a file to delete thanks13:51
* scalability-junk and again copy 200 GB of data ;)13:52
jose__Hi, Im running 10.04 LT and my computer keeps rebooting once in a while, and I do not know why. Where do I start looking to find out whats going on?13:56
patdk-wkno idea13:58
patdk-wkprobably log files :)13:58
jose__patdk-wk, any ideas which ones?13:58
patdk-wkthe ones on the server that is rebooting14:00
DuvrazhHi all, seriously screwed up here. 11.10 server, was running a find exec mv on my raid array to get rid of ._* files made by iMacs, now whenever I try to connect through ssh (or before I disconnected to run apt-get or find or anything) I get /bin/bash: No such file or directory.   ------- no backups to restore through webmin, as if they'd work. Suggestions?14:02
DuvrazhAdditional info: I still have a cyberduck sftp session open14:04
DuvrazhYeah, Cyberduck.14:04
* pmatulis shivers14:04
DuvrazhOnly thing that will connect to the server right now.14:04
orudiewhen using man, to scroll down the text I press Enter, how about to go up ?14:05
DuvrazhI'm in the /bin directory and it says all the files types are Kind Unknown14:05
pmatulisorudie: k14:05
patdk-wkorudie, I normally use the arrow keys or pageup/down14:05
hallynDaviey, on bug 876768, how do you come to the conclusion that it's being undertaken in debian? it'd be nice if it was, but i see no evidence that anyone but me is, nor that the packaging request there is going anywhere14:06
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 876768 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] netcf" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87676814:06
hallynmaybe what i shoudl ask is, how can we kick that along in debian :)  (being more optimistic)14:07
hallynzul, libvirt merge is missing the lxc-fix-grantpt.patch14:08
Duvrazhare the files in the bin directory supposed to have extensions?14:08
zulhallyn: yeah i saw last night its on my todo list for today14:08
hallynDaviey, all right, i guess i'll start by testing my package under debian and then bug you14:08
hallynzul, great, thanks14:08
Duvrazh when I login via ssh it says /bin/bash: No such file or directory Connection to duvrazh-ms closed., any ideas on what happened there? before I closed the ssh session (retarded) apt-get and find also had similar output14:12
pmatulisDuvrazh: sounds like the /bin/bash binary is gone14:13
DuvrazhI can see the file14:13
Duvrazhthere are no file extensions in /bin though, is that normal?14:14
DuvrazhBash Size: 928.6 KB Owner 0 Group 0 Permissions rwxr-xr-x (755) Kind Unknown14:14
patdk-wkwhat are file extentions?14:15
patdk-wkyou can probably see it, cause soemthing is using it14:15
patdk-wkit's been deleted, but not purged yet, cause it's still in use14:16
patdk-wkonce everything stops using it, it will be gone14:16
DuvrazhI still have 99% of a /bin folder14:16
Psi-JackIs it still possible to dit-upgrade from Ubuntu 8.10 somehow to 10.04?14:16
Psi-Jackdist-upgrade that is.14:16
Duvrazhany recommendations to undelete the goddamn thing?14:16
patdk-wkpsi-jack, nope14:16
patdk-wkDuvrazh, nope14:16
Psi-JackNot at all, eh?14:16
patdk-wkext* doesn't support undelete14:16
Duvrazhcan someone email me a /bin folder then?14:17
patdk-wkpsi-jack, come on, you have to upgrade to 9.04 -> 9.10 -> 10.0414:17
patdk-wkbut those have been gone for awhile14:17
Psi-JackYeah. heh14:17
Psi-JackI got an 8.10 server I'm trying to get up with PHP 5.3 at least until we can decommission that server.14:17
patdk-wkPsi-Jack, they might exist on the archive14:17
Duvrazhi'll just load it in a vm14:18
Psi-Jack8.10 does exist in the archive. old-releases.ubuntu.org14:18
Psi-Jackerr, .com whatever it is. ;)14:18
patdk-wkwell do that :)14:18
patdk-wkpersonally, I have found just changing sources.list to 10.04, apt-get update, apt-get dist-upgrade14:18
patdk-wkseems to work, well enough14:19
patdk-wkdefently not supported method14:19
Psi-JackI'll try it. I'm doing it on VM's now to test.14:19
Psi-JackAt least if I confirm it's possible now, I can schedule downtime for it. ;)14:24
Psi-JackThe upgrade website does say 8.10 to 9.04 is supported, but obviously not.14:26
uvirtbotNew bug: #879460 in postfix (main) "package postfix 2.8.5-2~build1 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 75" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87946014:26
zulhallyn: fixed14:31
hallynzul, rockin'.14:31
zulhallyn: we should add lxc to the qrt test for libvirt14:32
hallynzul, yeah we should.14:32
hallynthough that particular bug is weird enough i'm not sure it's worth an autotest14:33
hallyn(since it's gonna be fixed upstream in next version)14:33
hallyn(and weird)14:33
hallynzul, maybe we should discuss testcases in orlando14:33
zulhallyn: sounds like a good idea14:33
hallynspend an hour getting started14:33
hallynzul, oh hey, so libvirt 0.9.6 should support block devices for lxc now?14:49
RoyKany idea how many files per directory that may be a practical limit with ext4? beore dir_index, anything > 10k or so was hell - now I have 46k files in a single directory (apple time machine store) and I can't notice any problems...14:50
zulhallyn: should :)14:50
Psi-JackHeh sheash.14:54
Psi-Jackupdate from jaunty to lucid fails too, because the update-core system tries only to update to lucid, not karmic. Sigh.14:55
RoyKseems bug 879020 is fixed by upgrading to netatalk 2.2.1, replacing 2.2-beta, which is the one in onieric - any idea what I can do to help get this fixed?14:57
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 879020 in netatalk "afpd's CNID DB fails after upgrade" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87902014:57
air_RoyK: yeah, something wrong with the beta.15:09
air_I don't understand why they allow beta versions to go through to releases?15:09
RoyKthat's _very_ common :)15:10
scalability-junkwhat is the best way to backup a virtual machine running on lvm?16:07
RoAkSoAxzul Daviey should I register a cobbler blueprint?16:09
zulDaviey: sure16:09
uvirtbotNew bug: #879521 in squid (main) "package squid 2.7.STABLE9-4ubuntu4 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87952116:16
zulsmoser: bug #870405 still relevant?16:21
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 870405 in nova "nova-manage providing filename to default_flagfile breaks devstack" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87040516:21
smoserzul, yes.16:22
cr3hi folks, is there a puppet backports ppa for lucid? googling returns stuff from mathiaz back in 201016:23
RoyKcr3: there's one in backports, just comment out backports in /etc/apt/sources.list16:25
smoserzul, commented in bug16:26
cr3RoyK: that was easy, thanks!16:26
koolhead17nijaba: https://twitter.com/#!/nijaba/status/12741937089597849616:27
scalability-junkis there any kvm way of backing up whole vms? or is the easiest way to make a lvm snapshot?16:30
nijabakoolhead17: indeed16:30
koolhead17nijaba: awesome!! news!! :)16:30
zulsmoser: cool ill add it then16:30
* koolhead17 wishes LTS server to have same luck soon :P16:31
nijabakoolhead17: server LTS have always benefited of 5y maintenance16:31
RoyKscalability-junk: I'd rather back them up as if they were physical machines16:31
koolhead17nijaba: i been told 3 years!! :(16:32
RoyKmakes restores of single files a wee bit easier :P16:32
RoyKkoolhead17: desktop LTS is 3 years, server 5 years16:32
scalability-junkRoyK: but something like just restore a full operating system in a few minutes would be great too16:32
RoyKscalability-junk: but then, you'll need to shut down the guest to make a proper backup16:33
patdk-wkheh? backups?16:33
patdk-wkwhat are those?16:33
RoyKfor cowards, I know16:33
koolhead17RoyK: nijaba seems like i confused it with 3 yrs LTS support to desktops then :D16:33
patdk-wkjust takes so much time, make backup, put backup someplace, test that backup worked, ...16:34
RoyKpatdk-wk: much more fun trying to restore data from a defective disk :þ16:34
scalability-junkRoyK: so the best way would be using lvm snapshots and then restore them using the ubuntu rescue stuff?16:34
patdk-wkroyk, never had that issue :) I always found it easy, as long is it spins :)16:34
RoyKscalability-junk: I just backup VMs as if they were machines16:35
patdk-wklvm snapshot is not consistant16:35
patdk-wkunless the stuff on the lvm, is off, or synced at the moment you make the snapshot16:35
RoyKscalability-junk: and LVM snapshots suck rather hard - they add very much I/O to the running system16:35
patdk-wkya, snapshots drop performance from 100% to 20%16:35
RoyKscalability-junk: also, with ext4 or other filesystems with delayed commit, they may not even be consistent16:36
patdk-wklvm snapshots of zfs? :)16:36
scalability-junkI was more looking for like making snapshot back it up to a second server and wait for the next backup in 24 hours or so16:36
* RoyK slaps patdk-wk 16:36
RoyKscalability-junk: can't you just install bacula-fd on those VMs and treat them as machines?16:37
koolhead17RoyK: hahaha. :P16:37
patdk-wkmaking a lvm snapshot will work for a backup of the machine, but it WILL have some corruption16:37
patdk-wkif that bothers you or not, is up to you :)16:37
scalability-junkI just thought there would be something similar to cloning and backing up the clone or so16:38
RoyKscalability-junk: then the guest will have to be notified to close all file handles etc, which won't work too well16:39
RoyKscalability-junk: keep it simple, backup the VM from its OS16:39
patdk-wkya, would need something like windows volume shadow copy16:39
RoyKpatdk-wk: Bacula uses that16:40
scalability-junkok just thought it would be great to have some restore in a few minutes without installing a whole new system and put the data back in stuff16:40
patdk-wkroyk, I have veeam installed, it uses that to backup windows vm's on esx16:40
patdk-wkit triggers that, then makes a vmclone->backup16:40
patdk-wknot sure what method it uses for linux16:41
* RoyK sticks to good old server backups with bacula for linux16:41
RoyKworks well and is very fast16:41
patdk-wkwell, lucky my vm machines never change, EVER, except for updates16:42
patdk-wkno local i/o ever on them16:42
RoyKthen what do they do?16:42
patdk-wkwebservers mainly16:42
patdk-wkmailserver do have some local i/o, for the spool16:42
patdk-wklogs are all syslog to a logging machine16:43
patdk-wkthere is just no point to local i/o usage, when it's all nfs mapped16:43
RoyKapache logs to syslog?16:43
patdk-wkthen it's easy to do a nfs backup16:43
patdk-wkroyk, thought about it, but no16:43
patdk-wkapache -> perl script -> mysql16:43
RoyKsounds like a rather bad idea to me....16:43
patdk-wkmy own perl script16:43
patdk-wkperl script buffers and reconnects, and fixs a few apache annoyances :)16:44
patdk-wkso the only real things that need local backups, is the database machines16:45
patdk-wkis that liquid or solid ounces to bl?16:46
dknanyone working with  a usb 3.0 card with good support?16:47
patdk-wkhmm, 16oz weight (by mass, not liquid) is .99lb16:48
patdk-wk16 fl oz could be any amount of lb, depending on fluid16:48
pmatulisman, you guys really need to move to the metric system...17:05
SM0K3SCR33NLovin' it17:08
pmatulisSM0K3SCR33N: what?17:13
dknthe metric system?17:15
dkn1000 mm in a meter,17:15
dknhow many inches in a yard?17:15
Ursinha /1117:17
uvirtbotNew bug: #879560 in mysql-5.1 (main) "Logrotate conf file for mysql-server and my.cnf disagree" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87956017:21
Davieyhallyn: bug 876768, the activity on the debian report suggested that between you and the ther people on the report - it was making movement.17:31
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 876768 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] netcf" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87676817:31
DavieyDid i miss grok that?17:31
DavieyRoAkSoAx: Please do, i was planning to - but more than happy for you to.17:32
DavieyRoAkSoAx: it would be useful f it was somewhat drafted before the session IMO.17:32
hallynDaviey, the upstream netcf developers helped out.  but no debian folks involved.  that's where i read it differently from you.17:33
hallynbut i'm building a debian schroot right now to try and get it to build for debian (it doesn't out of the box, for some reason)17:33
hallynthen i'll see if i can make any progress in a week or 3.17:33
hallynif not, we can hopefully package for ubuntu anyway17:33
Davieyhallyn: Yeah, it would be better if it was in debian first.. but yes, no blocker.17:34
hallynDaviey, i just fjeer getting into the same situation with vde at end of this cycle as we did with spice at end of o17:34
Davieyhallyn: Based on your judgement of the others involved on the debian report, would that leave you maintaining it?17:35
hallyni'd like our ducks in a row :)17:35
hallyni'm fine with that17:35
Davieyhallyn: good point.17:35
Davieylets get /something/ in Ubuntu, then push for Debian inclusion. Sound good?17:35
hallynDaviey, that sounds good17:36
hallynfor now i'll just keep tryin gto figure out why my pkg doesn't build in sid with pbuilder, but does on oneiric :)17:37
hallyni'm sure i did something stupid17:37
RoAkSoAxDaviey: yeah i'll do that next week17:37
RoAkSoAxDaviey: just wanted to get the BP's filed first17:37
hallynzul, Daviey, smoser - are there any other virt-related blueprints you think we need?  (I have general libvirt and kvm and lxc ones (servercloud-p-%s if you want to look), and two that robbiew carried over from o17:39
* smoser has to do blueprints.17:40
smoseri will take a look at those, hallyn17:40
zulhallyn: im good with them17:40
hallynsmoser, thanks17:40
zuli added xen though17:40
hallynzul, cool17:40
hallynzul, uh, cool to you're good, not to xen :)17:40
zulhallyn: xen jokes just bounce off me17:40
hallynand stick to me.  ouch17:41
Davieyhallyn: last time i used pbuilder with sid, it had an issue with the archive key..17:41
Daviey(known issue)17:41
DavieyI had to hack around it.17:41
hallyni don't think that was my problem17:41
hallyni need to specify --with-driver=debian to configure there, not in oneiric.  actually that sounds like configure is not detecting /etc/*release correctly i guess17:42
* Daviey plans to go through the blueprints next week17:42
hallynbut i'm sure there's more17:42
hallynthat i did wrong, i mean17:42
ersiSo! I figure this is a freakin' good time to contribute. Anyone need a hand? Or have a hand to point towards something? Or to hold? :)17:44
* ersi glares in Daviey's general direction17:45
Davieyersi: Hey!17:48
Davieyersi: What sort of stuff do you want to touch?17:48
ersiI'm not sure actually. But I was interested in fiddling a little with packaging/FTB's possibly - but right in the end of the last cycle seemed like a bad time :)17:49
Davieyersi: actually, that was a GOOD time :)17:49
Daviey(to fix ftbfs)17:50
ersiYeah.. but there was a lot of ARM stuff..17:50
hallynspeaking of ftb, kvm-pxe (etherboot) fails17:54
hallynat least under sbuild17:54
hallyni wonder if this cycle we should make kvm-pxe based on ipxe17:54
adam_gDaviey: cobbler-enlist... this gonna fall under a cobbler next steps spec or somewhere else?18:09
Davieyadam_g: I think it needs it's own BP tbh.18:11
DavieyI planned to raise one today regarding that, but if you want to drive it - feel free.18:12
zuladam_g: yeah Daviey wants a nice relaxing uds with a pina colada by his side at the pool18:12
adam_gDaviey: sure18:13
koolhead17lynxman: hellos18:13
Davieyzul: How did you guess?18:13
adam_gzul: servercloud-p-waterpark18:14
DavieyBTW, i trust everyone attending UDS server sessions will be in the early morning swims?18:14
RoAkSoAxDaviey: how so?18:14
lynxmankoolhead17: hey there18:14
DavieyRoAkSoAx: getting out of bed, and going for a swim before the day stars? :)18:14
RoAkSoAxDaviey: lol18:14
zuladam_g: nah servercloud-p-holylandadventure18:15
koolhead17hello RoAkSoAx sir :)18:15
RoAkSoAxkoolhead17: howdy18:15
koolhead17lynxman: how are you?18:15
RoAkSoAxDaviey: we'll have to do some kind of swimming competition18:15
koolhead17RoAkSoAx: am good. thanks18:15
RoAkSoAxDaviey: hope it's not cold though18:15
zulRoAkSoAx: bastard.. (not cold)18:15
koolhead17hey Daviey zul18:15
lynxmankoolhead17: pretty good, enjoying the cold ;)18:16
DavieyRoAkSoAx: In Dallas, there was ice on the side of the pool.18:16
koolhead17lynxman: its 23 degrees for me :P18:16
aviandroidguys what is the best way to remote connect to ubuntu server 11.10 now18:18
aviandroidvnc rdp18:18
aviandroidother than ssh18:18
utlemmingkoolhead17: C or F?18:19
hggdhhallyn: do you want access to the lab (re bug 868753)?18:19
koolhead17utlemming: C :)18:19
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 868753 in libvirt "qemu+ssh connections to a remote libvirt fail (from o to n)" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86875318:19
hallynhggdh, i do have access to the lab, i guess i'll take a machine and try to reproduce.  though if you have a host in the lab still installed that you can still reproduce there, that would rock18:19
RoAkSoAxzul: ehehehe its cold today.. but for you is pfrobably nice and warm18:20
RoAkSoAxDaviey: hehehe but it was a warm water pool... wasn't it?18:20
hggdhhallyn: yes, I do :-) -- aldebaran, or wazn (this is the QA lab, not the server's)18:20
zulRoAkSoAx: low of 8C tonight here :(18:20
DavieyRoAkSoAx: can't remember TBH18:21
RoAkSoAxzul: hehe here it will be ~15C which is cold lol18:21
RoAkSoAxDaviey: i'll take my swimming suit this time18:21
DavieyRoAkSoAx: either way. :)18:22
zulRoAkSoAx: can you make sure Daviey takes his as well18:22
* zul shudders18:22
RoAkSoAxDaviey: you want me to stop on my wat there and get you one? lol18:22
hallynif they're cheap get me one too.18:23
hallyn(last time i got one at cvs accross the street)18:23
RoAkSoAxthat's where I was planning to stop on my wau there18:23
hallynas i recall i spent 30 mins trying to decide between medium and large18:23
hallynand now i can't recall which i got18:24
hallyn(i left it in the room)18:24
hallynhggdh, and this is an oneiric laptop accessing natty server, or vice versa?18:24
hggdhhallyn: an Oneiric laptop accessing Natty18:25
uvirtbotNew bug: #779311 in glance "Glance update for Ubuntu failing" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77931118:29
Davieyrbasak: still around?18:34
rbasakDaviey: yeah but on phone brb18:35
Davieyrbasak: no hurry.18:36
uvirtbotNew bug: #879614 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2.3 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: package samba is not ready for configuration  cannot configure (current status `half-installed')" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87961419:01
Demosthenesso, on lucid, using external USB storage i'm creating luks encrypted filesystems, and they keep going offline. the drive itself stops showing in /dev/disk/by-id. any ideas?19:02
rbasakDaviey: pong19:04
zulfor those who are daring enough and like to live on the razor wire precise has new libvirt, nova, swift, glance, and novaclient, keystone is a bit lagging because it needs new build dependencies in the archive19:06
* RoAkSoAx will be back in an hour19:07
Davieyrbasak: It was about the xmlrpc-c branch, the changes confused me until i read the bug comments.19:09
Davieyrbasak: Are you certain it covers lucid->precise upgrades aswell as oneiric->precise ?19:09
rbasakDaviey: No, I haven't checked that. I can't see any reason that it wouldn't unless there are further breaks/replaces that I need to add. I can compare the file manifests from the lucid package to check for that too19:10
Davieyzul: can i deploy it into production?19:10
zulDaviey: yes in bizzaro world19:10
=== [1]Ivan2-Ian is now known as Ivan2-Ian
Davieyrbasak: I might ask cjwatson to take a look over it aswell.19:11
rbasakDaviey: yeah that's a good idea I wondered about that when adding you as a reviewer19:11
rbasakDaviey: I'll check the lucid->precise path tomorrow. Wish I'd written some scripts rather than doing ad-hoc comm/uniq/sort/awk stuff by hand now :)19:12
* rbasak wonders if there's some tool for doing this that he's missing19:12
rbasakIn theory the breaks/replaces for this kind of case might be worked out automatically19:13
DavieyI do not believe there are helpers for this.19:13
* rbasak has plans for tomorrow!19:17
Davieysounds interesting!19:17
rbasakmight be a bit windy :-/19:18
koolhead17soren: ping19:19
koolhead17soren: i wanted your suggestion. i had that 46 revision of dashboard which had code without keystone and it was working fine for cactus19:21
cjwatsonrbasak: the reason they aren't is that there is more than one possible resolution for a file being in two packages19:21
cjwatsonrbasak: but http://conflictchecker.ubuntu.com/ at least has a report for cases that haven't been resolved at all19:21
cjwatson(yes, its output is giant, at present nobody gardens it)19:22
koolhead17but since diablo is on keystone and dashboard what shall we do with catctus documentation?19:22
* koolhead17 is confused19:22
sorenkoolhead17: Sorry, I don't understand the question.19:23
rbasakcjwatson: yeah sure, dpkg still needs the fields to work out what to do. I meant a tool that a maintainer could run to say "I've just rearranged the files built from this single source package; tell me what breaks/replaces I need"19:23
rbasakcjwatson: is that possible? Although maybe a bit too rare a case to be worth doing?19:24
koolhead17soren: in the cactus/natty documentation we pointed dashboard at launchpad for download, revision 46. Now since there is nomore dashboard there the cactus documentation becomes wrong19:24
cjwatsonrbasak: that would be possible, although the tool would have to have the previous binaries available to it19:25
cjwatsondebdiff can tell you about moves, though it doesn't produce sample Breaks/Replaces fields19:25
koolhead17i am not able to find same code on github which will not have keystone integrated in it, atleast to maintain the cactus documentation. it seems now i will have to remove that dashboard part form cactus doc19:26
rbasakcjwatson: yeah, I generated the file I attached to the bug by building the oneiric and precise binaries and poking them19:26
cjwatsonrearranging files in a single source package is not uncommon19:26
sorenkoolhead17: Oh.19:26
cjwatsonrealistically I suspect it would make little difference unless lintian told you about it, and lintian's interface doesn't give it access to the previous binaries19:27
sorenkoolhead17: There should be a mirror on Launchpad still.19:27
koolhead17soren: nopes :( it used to be earlier19:27
cjwatsonthe usual problem is that people forget they need to set the fields at all, not what they should be set to (which is a problem when it's the first time you've done it, but not an ongoing one)19:27
koolhead17it was your branch only i think :P19:27
sorenkoolhead17: https://code.launchpad.net/horizon/diablo19:28
koolhead17soren: yes19:29
sorenkoolhead17: If anyone really cares about Cactus anymore, I guess they could update the docs or something. Dashboard wasn't even an official openstack project back then.19:30
koolhead17soren: exactly that is what am thinking :)19:31
rbasakthanks cjwatson, I'll check the lucid->precise path on monday19:31
Davieyhallyn: Are you considering a merge from lxc in sid?19:32
koolhead17although 65th revision on openstack-dashboard(launchpad) dated 20/6/11 had latest code minus keystone. i found that19:32
hallynDaviey, we're going to do one, yes19:32
sorenkoolhead17: I'm not really involved in the docs, and certainly not the docs for Cactus. I also have very little to do with Horizon. I think you've got the wrong guy :)19:33
Davieyhallyn: is that on your plate?19:33
hallynif noone else does it before i get to it, yes19:33
hallyni figure zul or stgraber might get to it first.  dont' really care19:33
koolhead17soren: np.  I will prefer putting/showing love to keystone :)19:33
hallyni'm looking at annoying libvirt network code right now19:34
zulim missing something19:34
Davieyhallyn: ahhhh.. don't look too closely.19:34
Davieyzul: we knew that :)19:34
zulhallyn: what should i be caring about supposedly?19:34
hallynhggdh is making me19:34
zulhallyn: oh nm19:34
zulhallyn: no i dont care about it19:35
sorenhallyn: Perhaps i can be of help?19:35
hallynzul, i was just sayin gi don't really care if you do it first :)19:35
hallynsoren, with libvirt?19:35
sorenhallyn: Yeah.19:35
=== [1]Ivan2-Ian is now known as Ivan2-Ian
* hggdh sits down to read19:35
zulhallyn: right19:35
hallynsoren, that'd be great - there is some buffer overrun or 64/32bit int or something going on,19:35
* hallyn tries to find the bug#19:36
zulhallyn: im going to play around with the libvirt-lxc block device support this weekend (hoepfuly)19:36
hallynbug 86875319:36
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 868753 in libvirt "qemu+ssh connections to a remote libvirt fail (from o to n)" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86875319:36
hallynzul, great, maybe we can get away from using nbd then for openstack-lxc19:36
zulhallyn: thats the plan19:36
RoyKit's friday and it's not early and I'm not trying to fix bugs :þ19:38
sorenhallyn: Ah, that sort of thing. Not today, then :)19:39
hallynsoren, thx anyway :)19:39
zulhave a good weekend19:43
hallynis there a good macro or envvar to use in debian/rules to set --srcdir= to?19:46
hallynbesides `pwd`19:46
sorenhallyn: $(CURDIR)?19:53
soren(I'm not entirely sure what you're asking, tbh)19:53
hallynsome TOP_SRCDIR var19:53
uvirtbotNew bug: #879635 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2.3 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: subprocess new post-removal script returned error exit status 2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87963519:53
uvirtbotNew bug: #879636 in lxc (main) "please merge lxc (0.7.5-3) from Debian unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87963619:53
sorenhallyn: Ok, then $(CURDIR).19:54
hallynbut nm, the problem is deiff anyway and i need to punt on that for now19:54
hallynok thx19:54
hallynsigh, i don't mind one of those fail days on occasion, but i don't like them to be fridays19:55
=== [1]Ivan2-Ian is now known as Ivan2-Ian
DuvrazhHey, when I try to ssh my server, it says /bin/bash: No such file or directory, Connection closed.            Yet I can SFTP in and see that /Bin/bash is there. What gives?20:28
DuvrazhServer is still running all active programs and everything but I can't send ANY commands to it20:29
RoyKwhat ubuntu version?20:30
RoyKnever seen that error20:30
RoyKlatest what? LTS or 11.10?20:31
RoyKdunno, really. for servers, I always stick to LTS20:31
uvirtbotNew bug: #871998 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "package mysql-server-5.1 (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: subprocess new pre-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87199820:31
uvirtbotNew bug: #872066 in samba (main) "package samba-common-bin 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: sistema de ficheros del archivo tar dañado - archivo de paquete dañado" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87206620:31
DuvrazhI'm afraid to reboot it..20:31
DuvrazhHow about this20:32
RoyKwhy do you run 11.10 on a server?20:32
DuvrazhIf I reinstall 11.10, will the partman be able to pick up my software raid without deleting everything?20:32
DuvrazhBecause I knew know reason not to20:32
RoyKthe software raid will be readable whatever version you use20:32
RoyKDuvrazh: LTS versions are far better tested20:32
RoyKtry 10.0420:33
DuvrazhSo I should be able to install it on a new harddrive and just swap os drive no problems?20:33
DuvrazhThat's good to know20:33
RoyK10.04 works well, so does even 8.0420:33
RoyK8.04 may even be better for some uses :P20:33
DuvrazhI've always just been a fan of being as up-to-date as possible, I only recently switched from windows to mac&ubuntu (and still testing distros for eee)20:34
Duvrazhmy uses are Twonky, Dropbox, Transmission. :P Do you recommend 10 or 8 for that?20:34
RoyKit's not 10, it's 10.04 as in april 201020:35
DuvrazhI was typing lazy20:35
RoyKthe LTS releases don't have all the latest versions, but for most use, you won't need that anyway20:36
RoyKbut then, LTS is _stable_20:36
DuvrazhI'll take your recommendation...20:36
air_hopefully no beta versions in LTS then :P20:37
RoyKI have some 30-odd servers at work, most on LTS20:37
DuvrazhI just use it as a VERY powerful media streamer20:37
Duvrazhlarge storage, automatic transmission, upnp, headless and out of the way20:37
RoyKair_: there may be beta software on LTS as well, but it'll be patched along the way to fix issues20:37
air_RoyK: just what I thought.20:38
RoyKair_: if Microsoft were to use the versioning regime used in open source, Vista would be flagged as alpha20:38
air_and windows me? :D20:38
air_probably just a nightly20:38
air_RoyK: yeah, I get that sometimes beta is "good enough" and it may have been tested well enough. Still, it feels like if stable release of the package has been released, it would make sense to pull it into the distribution. But of course, it's extra work, and in cases where not so many use the package (netatalk), it might work with beta.20:40
Duvrazh10.04 is latest LTS?20:40
genii-aroundYes, until 12.04 arrives20:41
RoyKair_: that's all to do with whoever wrote it - one guy may call his version stable, another may release a 0.0.4rc9 and it'll be better20:41
air_of course.20:42
RoyKair_: I used to work with asterisk and a package called spandsp, for faxing, the spandsp still is in 0.0.something and works very well - asterisk, on the other hand, is "stable", but is buggy as hell20:42
air_RoyK: yes, but I referred to versions of the same package.20:43
air_RoyK: 2.2-beta-4 vs 2.2.0 stable.20:43
RoyKseems spandsp is at  0.0.6_pre12 atm20:43
air_If I maintained that package, I'd pull the stable on in before making a dist release (if time allows of course)20:44
RoyKair_: LTS releases tend to use more stable builds, or at least I hope so :P20:44
RoyKdon't blame me - I'm not packaging things, I just use it :P20:45
air_yeah, I wont blame you. And I also hope not to see too unstable things in LTS. :)20:45
RoyKFilesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on20:45
RoyK/dev/md0              5.4T  1.2T  4.2T  22% /raid20:45
RoyKthat's a nice home storage :D20:45
air_RoyK: you beat me on that.20:46
air_ /dev/md0              3.6T  2.5T 1011G  71% /Volumes/RAID20:46
air_3*2TB in raid-5.20:46
RoyKwaiting for some 3-in-2 thing to extend it20:46
DuvrazhI'm right up there with you Royk, same size20:47
Duvrazh4*2TB raid 520:47
RoyKgoing for 7 drives in RAID-6 soon20:47
air_I actually have an unused 2TB drive somwhere, hmm.20:47
RoyKluckily linux can convert to raid-6 :)20:48
uvirtbotNew bug: #874652 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2.3 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: package samba is not ready for configuration  cannot configure (current status `half-installed') (dup-of: 877852)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87465220:48
air_RoyK: considering you only store 1.2TB in there, it wouldn't be a big deal to redo it all :P20:48
RoyKair_: it's filling up rapidly....20:48
air_ah, ok.20:49
RoyKand then, a backblaze account for $5 a month and it's all backed up :)20:49
uvirtbotNew bug: #872448 in nagios-plugins (main) "nagios-plugins-standard depend list" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87244820:54
air_$ lsb_release -d; apt-show-versions | grep beta20:55
air_Description:Ubuntu 10.04.3 LTS20:55
air_liblzma1/lucid uptodate 4.999.9beta+20091116-120:55
air_xz-utils/lucid uptodate 4.999.9beta+20091116-120:55
air_I just had to. :P20:55
hallynhggdh, well this is messed up.  in gdb, 'len' is stil 'optimized out' after it is set with cdr_u_int(&xdr, &len), but it suddenly is defined (to the large value) when it is checked.20:57
RoyKair_: jag vet...20:58
air_hmm, var du svensk? eller norsk?20:59
RoyKmen svarte på svensk, siden finner stort sett forstår sånt :P21:00
air_Ã¥tminstone finlandssvenska finnar.21:00
RoyKdet er fredag, skål!21:01
RoyKair_: do you work with linux as well as abusing it at home?21:04
air_RoyK: I've had a few servers for internal purposes on my last work. Just switched to a new place, and just got the first server installed there as well. Just to handle some version control, project tracking, etc.21:05
air_RoyK: so, I do use it, but not in a large scale.21:06
* RoyK manages some 60-odd unix servers, most of them on ubuntu21:06
air_My current employer doesn't have any hw-servers at all. just some hosted things that are in someone elses control.21:07
air_or, we do have one mac-mini server :D21:07
RoyKgive or take another solaris 8 machine, some hpux, some VAXes, som windoze boxes from the last millenium :P21:07
air_At my previous employer, my team had a few vsphere servers in a cluster, and some ~10 win 2k8 servers and maybe 5-10 linuxes.21:09
air_some old suse servers :/21:09
air_running on hw. everything new was ubuntu lts running on vsphere.21:09
RoyKwe had this little issue, an instrument computer (connected to an ICP-MS) had a fucking hardcoded IP in the 192.168.0.x network, which we use for our internal network21:10
RoyKso to get that to work with our network, we either had to let it steal an address from one of our servers, or do som NAT hack21:11
RoyKI did the latter21:11
RoyKI tried to talk to the engineer setting up the system and asked, well, can we please set another IP on this?21:12
RoyKno - well - we can, but that'll require a new firmware, which will cost NOK 100k or so21:12
air_on my previous employer, we ran this one software that used to be hell to install and configure.21:13
air_of course, we needed to switch hostname on one server, and it was nowhere to change in the software.21:13
RoyKthe system boots on a floppy (can you beleive it?), so I did a binary search for the IP and found it21:13
air_I contacted the vendor, and they gave me some bs about the hostname being "compiled in" at install time :D21:13
RoyKchanged it, and found the system booted up with the new IP and then changed it to its old one :P21:14
air_I grepped for the hostname, found it in a bunch of files, and replaced it. :)21:14
air_RoyK: so, the ip was hardcoded in several places?21:14
RoyKso the system had hardcoded its IP not only once, but at least twice21:14
air_haha, that should reach dailywtf.21:15
koolhead17Daviey: :P21:15
RoyKso I gave up, found an old pix router and set it up to do some port forwarding :P21:15
RoyKair_: the worst thing was the engineer said "We have never heard of such a problem..."21:17
RoyKas in "I Don't know shit about IPv4"21:17
RoyKnor computing :P21:17
air_the world is full of idiots.21:17
RoyKhe was very happy when I did a copy of that floppy disk21:18
el_seanoso I thought I would be clever and save myself a process by using `tail -f /var/log/dmesg` to see what's happening on my machine, but it would appear that copy of dmesg is either from an earlier boot, or the dmesg binary doesn't write to that part of the disk until some other specified point.  Does anyone know where I can throw my tail -f to watch the current dmesg log?21:18
air_and people rarely want to accept that they are wrong.21:18
air_RoyK: floppy disk, what year was this?21:18
RoyKair_: this guy didn't know too much21:18
RoyKair_: 201121:19
RoyKair_: it's an ICP-MS http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ICP-MS - a rather expensive set of hardware that analyzes things21:20
RoyKboots from a floppy and runs a small RTOS21:21
uvirtbotNew bug: #878990 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2.3 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: package samba is not ready for configuration  cannot configure (current status `half-installed')" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87899021:21
air_sounds dangerous21:23
air_I wouldn't want anything expensive relying on a floppy drive to get going.21:23
RoyKheh - we had an issue a year ago21:24
RoyKthe floppy disk died - the sectors were almost invisible21:25
RoyKit took us a week to get a new floppy21:25
RoyKI dd'd it to a file so I guess we're safer now :P21:25
=== kentb is now known as kentb-out
genii-aroundRoyK: This gadget looks possibly useful http://hxc2001.free.fr/floppy_drive_emulator/index.html#SDCARDFloppyemulator21:30
=== koolhead17 is now known as koolhead17|zzZZZ
dabukalamthis is what ubuntu server startup looks like on a chip: http://pastebin.com/pxr2228W22:20
dabukalamThe network configuration takes way too long. I don't need network for the time being. Is there a way I can get it to not look for network?22:21
rcsheetsdabukalam: what's in /etc/network/interfaces ?22:22
dabukalamit's a fresh install22:22
dabukalamso i'd imagine nothing22:22
dabukalamor just loopback22:23
rcsheetswell it's almost certainly not nothing22:23
dabukalamor whatever22:23
rcsheetsegrep '^auto' /etc/network/interfaces22:23
dabukalamyeah, i'm just booting in one sec22:23
rcsheetsoh right, we have to wait 10 minutes for the system to boot. ;)22:23
dabukalamI don't remember natty doing this22:24
rcsheetsis this oneiric?22:24
rcsheetsit has quite a bit of new stuff in terms of network autoconfiguration.22:24
rcsheetsi'm not sure what the installer leaves you with if it doesn't detect anything. all my boxes have manually configured networking.22:24
dabukalamI surmised as much22:25
rcsheetsseems like there's a bunch more ipv6 support, etc.22:25
rcsheetsso you might be waiting for a lot of that kind of stuff to time out22:25
rcsheetsbut once you get the system up, show me the output of that egrep22:25
dabukalamwell i'm not configuring anything networking wise until I get that boot time down, but it will eventually have a network connection22:26
dabukalamif this install boots in less than 25 secs22:26
dabukalamno interfaces file22:26
dabukalamat all22:26
dabukalamhas that changed?22:26
dabukalamthere are if-down etc files22:26
rcsheetsno... not that i'm aware. did you do some kind of custom install?22:26
dabukalamwell it's an omap image for arm22:27
dabukalambut it's ubuntu server22:27
dabukalami'll just make one22:27
dabukalamone sec22:27
rcsheetswhat /etc/init/network* files do you have?22:27
rcsheetsif you want to make one, just do "auto lo\niface lo inet loopback\n"22:28
dabukalamlet's see22:29
rcsheetsbut that might not do what you want, if this ARM image has some wonky network setup.22:29
rcsheetsi haven't played with any ARM stuff22:29
dabukalamlater on it'll have a static ip22:29
dabukalamaiight it worked, 24 secs. but i didn't start it properly and missed the start button22:30
dabukalamone more time22:30
rcsheetswell as long as the interface exists, you can go ahead and give it a static ip and time it again.22:30
rcsheetsi'm curious what it was sitting there doing with no interfaces file. i'd think 'ifup -a' would just exit in that case.22:30
dabukalamyeah it's weird22:31
dabukalamanyways 31 secs22:31
dabukalamdo you think removing a bunch of unnecessary apps will cut down the boot time?22:31
dabukalamcan i install minimal22:31
dabukalamand get it to remove everything?22:31
rcsheetsi'd install bootchart if you can22:31
rcsheetsthen you can see what's taking the most time22:31
dabukalamblegh gotta conf networking22:32
dabukalamk one sec22:32
rcsheetshave you seen bootchart?22:32
dabukalamno, sounds cool though22:32
rcsheetsgives you a chart like http://www.bootchart.org/images/bootchart.png22:32
dabukalamifup -a will gimme a dhcp config?22:33
rcsheets'ifup -a' will configure every interface in /etc/network/interfaces that has an 'auto' line and that is not already up.22:33
dabukalamso i need to add auto eth022:33
dabukalamthen do ifup?22:33
rcsheetsyou'd need22:33
rcsheetsauto eth022:33
rcsheetsiface eth0 inet dhcp22:34
rcsheets... at a minimum, for dhcp22:34
dabukalami've done that before22:34
dabukalamwhat i meant was22:34
dabukalamis there a utility that does that for me?22:34
rcsheetsa utility that adds those two lines to /etc/network/interfaces? that would usually be the installer.22:34
dabukalami've done it already, but just out of curiosity22:34
dabukalamyeah yeah22:34
rcsheetsi don't know of another utility that does that22:35
dabukalambut the installer probably uses some package to do that22:35
rcsheetsthere could be something22:35
rcsheetsoh yeah it's probably some udeb that the installer environment has22:35
rcsheetsi don't know that much about the installer, sorry22:35
dabukalams'fine ^^22:35
dabukalamrcsheets, haha bootchart wants to install 22MB of shit22:39
dabukalama bit counter-productive don't you think?22:39
dabukalamI'll just purge it when I finish I guess...22:39
rcsheets22MB? wow.22:39
dabukalamdependencies bro22:39
rcsheetsyeah i guess i'm used to installing it on systems that have a few more packages. when i install it it only brings along one dependency ;)22:40
dabukalammaybe on a desktop22:40
dabukalamthat's why22:40
rcsheetsthough a lot of the deps are probably just so it can generate the graphics22:40
dabukalamwait this is command line logging right?22:40
dabukalamwhat graphics?22:40
dabukalambrah this is server22:40
rcsheetsyes, so are all the systems i've ever used bootchart on.22:40
rcsheetsyour server can't have .png files on it?22:41
dabukalamit's gui-less22:41
dabukalamit can22:41
rcsheetsokay... and ssh-less?22:41
dabukalamanother thing to install22:41
rcsheetssurely you have some access to its file system22:41
dabukalami'll just ssh in and remove that as well22:41
rcsheetswait, you'll ssh in?22:41
dabukalami mean i'll download and install openssh-server and then purge that when i'm done22:42
dabukalami want to cut out all the fat22:42
rcsheetswel you don't need the server22:42
dabukalamyeah. I don't.22:42
rcsheetshow did you edit /etc/network/interfaces?22:42
dabukalamon a monitor22:43
rcsheetsconnected to the console of this system?22:43
rcsheetsok and it's going to have some kind of networking set up22:43
rcsheetsbut you don't plan on having any way to get files on/off the box?22:44
rcsheetsthat might be useful.22:44
dabukalamrcsheets, this is a research project ;) and this is a demo machine22:44
rcsheetsi'm not sure how either of those facts negates the utility of remote access to its file system22:45
rcsheetsanyway, with bootchart you end up with a png file or something22:45
rcsheetsyou copy that to a system where you can view it22:45
rcsheetsand then you view it22:45
dabukalamit's installed22:45
dabukalamso all i do is reboot?22:45
rcsheetsyeah i believe so22:46
rcsheetsit should Just Work[TM]22:46
Jasonnhi, when I try to SSH into my server, I get this problem: ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host22:46
rcsheetsJasonn: try ssh -v22:51
rcsheetsJasonn: it might shed some light22:51
Jasonnstefan@stefan:~$ ssh -v ytalk.us22:53
Jasonnrcsheets: OpenSSH_5.8p1 Debian-7ubuntu1, OpenSSL 1.0.0e 6 Sep 2011 | debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config | debug1: Applying options for * | debug1: Connecting to ytalk.us [] port 22. | debug1: Connection established. | debug1: identity file /home/stefan/.ssh/id_rsa type -1 | debug1: identity file /home/stefan/.ssh/id_rsa-cert type -1 | debug1: identity file /home/stefan/.ssh/id_dsa type -1 | debug1: identity file /hom22:53
Jasonne/stefan/.ssh/id_dsa-cert type -1 | debug1: identity file /home/stefan/.ssh/id_ecdsa type -1 | debug1: identity file /home/stefan/.ssh/id_ecdsa-cert type -1 | ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host22:53
rcsheetsJasonn: pastebins are awesome.22:55
Jasonnrcsheets: sorry :322:55
JasonnYou want me to pastebin now?22:55
rcsheetsJasonn: pasting that much stuff into the channel is less awesome22:55
rcsheetsyes, that would make it much more legible, and it wouldn't scroll away while we talk about it22:55
Jasonnone sec22:56
Jasonnrcsheets: http://paste2.org/p/173152922:57
rcsheetscool. that's exactly the same output i get.22:58
Jasonnyeah, I know22:58
Jasonni tried to connect at school too22:58
rcsheetsoh, i was wondering how you got into my box22:59
Jasonn[18:59:17] rcsheets is rcsheets!rcsheets@kumquat.picosecond.org22:59
Jasonnwell, thats not an obvious security flaw ;)22:59
Jasonnhow shall I fix thais?22:59
rcsheetsif your hostname has to be a secret, you're doing something wrong.22:59
Jasonnok anyway23:00
rcsheetsanyway, is the host otherwise responsive? does it have a non-empty /etc/hosts.allow?23:00
Jasonnit does not have a non-empty hosts.allow file23:00
Jasonnit was working fine last night23:00
rcsheetsw00t double negative23:00
Jasonnand I tried to connect this morning23:00
rcsheetsi see23:00
rcsheetsis anything else running on it that you can check? like a web server?23:01
Jasonnand telnet works23:01
Jasonnand yeah, I have a web server, and IRC server running23:01
Jasonnboth work23:01
rcsheetsyou're running telnetd and you're telling me *I'm* insecure?23:01
JasonnI can get into the box, if thats what im askin23:01
rcsheetsok, well if you can get into the box then have you looked at the logs?23:01
rcsheetsspecifically auth.log?23:01
JasonnI am running telnetd, usually killed, which I start with a web manager when I need it ;)23:01
Jasonnwhere is taht auth located?23:01
rcsheetsin /var/log23:01
JasonnI am looking now23:03
flatlineHi, I'm trying to have an install over ssh, I have my ssh ready, partitioned my hdd, I'm looking for someone help me through the way23:03
Jasonnflatline: how do you intend to install over ssh? doesnt the OS have to be installed to ssh into it?23:04
Jasonnor am I wrong?23:04
flatlineJasonn, booted with ubuntu-server 11.04 cd had that installation bug related with the NEC drives23:04
flatlineso I set up a ssh connection and left work, came home, will try to do the installation over ssh23:05
rcsheetsoh, interesting.23:05
Jasonnflatline: wont work, you will lose connection  many times23:05
Jasonnwhy not just move your monitor over to the box and connect to it?23:05
Jasonnrcsheets: nothing there that I see shouldnt be there23:06
rcsheetsJasonn: context = bootchart?23:06
Jasonnrcsheets: Can I just give you telnet access to the box?23:06
flatlineJasonn, that box is at work, I'm home, cd drive is not working properly, so my other option is getting myself to work at 2:06AM23:07
rcsheetsoh whoops i got you confused with someone else23:07
flatlineso I'm trying to make sure I really have to go to work to do that before leaving the warmth of my pyjamas23:07
rcsheetsJasonn: you could, but i'm a stranger on the internet.23:07
flatlinealso, I've did this with a live CD before23:07
Jasonnrcsheets: so can you do it for me :D23:07
rcsheetsCan I? Sure.23:08
Jasonnwell, I mean23:08
Jasonnnow you got me doubting myself ;)23:08
rcsheetsMy rate for sysadmin tasks is $100/hour. I accept PayPal sent to rcsheets@acm.org.23:08
rcsheetsYou'll need to pay for the first two hours in advance, of course.23:08
flatlineall you need is chroot and a bit of luck I suppose, and damn binutils which is not included in ubuntu-server installer environment :(23:08
flatlinercsheets, how much for not the task but help?23:11
rcsheetsflatline: help in the channel is free.23:12
Jasonnrcsheets: honestly, how do I fix this :x23:12
rcsheetsflatline: however i have no idea how to install ubuntu over ssh, so someone else will have to help with that.23:12
foenixcan anyone give me advice about stopping a raid device?23:13
rcsheetsJasonn: so sshd isn't logging anything?23:13
Jasonnflatline: I am telling you, it cant be done23:13
Jasonnrcsheets: oh, that, no23:13
flatlinercsheets, :( I'm pretty new in ubuntu but have had my experience in fedora (since 8) and arch linux lately, if there was a through guide I would be more than happy to follow23:13
foenixI've checked fuser and no one's using it23:13
rcsheetsflatline: *shrug* i've never tried such a thing.23:13
flatlinercsheets, also accepting possible guide whereabouts23:13
flatlineok :( thanks23:13
rcsheetsmaybe try the forums?23:14
rcsheetsJasonn: try restarting ssh?23:14
=== [1]Ivan2-Ian is now known as Ivan2-Ian
Jasonnrcsheets: done, same problem :x23:14
JasonnI am not that stupid :p23:14
rcsheetsJasonn: turn up the sshd debug level? i think there's an option for that in sshd_config23:14
* Jasonn goes23:14
foenixI'm getting the following when I check my block holders: https://gist.github.com/130523623:15
foenixI can't stop the disk RAID using mdadm or umount23:15
foenixumount freezes and mdadm returns "mdadm: fail to stop array /dev/md0: Device or resource busy23:15
Jasonnrcsheets: fixed :D23:17
Jasonntwas the damned hosts.deny23:17
Jasonnwas preset to *23:17
rcsheetsthat doesn't explain it working yesterday but not today.23:17
Jasonnits fixed23:17
Jasonnand thats all I need toknow23:18
Jasonnrcsheets: and my server is running debian, btw23:18
foenixany advice on raid arrays or should I consult another channel?23:18
Jasonn!volunteers | foenix23:19
ubottufoenix: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines23:19
Jasonnjust meant the last paty foenix23:19
rcsheetsJasonn: interesting choice of channel23:19
Jasonnrcsheets: ubuntu ~ debian23:19
rcsheetsi like debian though23:19
Jasonnits a nice OS23:19
Jasonnubuntu is overfilled with crap now23:20
rcsheetswell, that's the cost of popularity23:20
Jasonnand I wouldnt trust it with a server I need to be up for a long time23:20
rcsheetsfoenix: i'm not that familiar with md, sorry. is a file system mounted from dm-1?23:20
Jasonnrcsheets: I still use the desktop though :D23:21
foenixi don't really know23:21
rcsheetsfoenix: ...or a swap space23:21
foenixno swap23:21
Jasonneven though I detest unity23:21
rcsheetsfoenix: mount | grep dm-123:21
foenixit's a 10 disk array23:21
Jasonnits nice overall23:21
foenixrcsheets: no return on that command23:21
foenixI don't care if I wipe the array23:21
rcsheetswell what *is* mounted?23:21
foenixrcsheets: I updated https://gist.github.com/1305236 to show what is mounted23:22
* rcsheets clicks23:23
foenixrcsheets: the bottom entry has disappeared23:23
rcsheetsfoenix: can you umount /mnt/data and then retry your mdadm command?23:23
foenixI did the umount and it said it was never mounted23:24
rcsheetsthat's ... pretty weird23:24
foenixi think there's something seriously wrong with mapper23:24
rcsheetsthis is why i prefer hardware raid :)23:24
foenixI've been having a ton of issue with this server23:24
rcsheetssorry i'm not sure what to tell you.23:24
foenixanyway to setup hardware raid with this server? Any way to force the kernel to unmount the fs/raid?23:24
foenixhw raid over ssh seems kinda impossible :\23:25
foenixrcsheets: this all started when the RAID was catastrophically degraded, I lost 9 out of 10 disks23:27
foenixI have no clue why23:27
rcsheetsthat is a lot of disks.23:27
foenixmy intution is telling me that ubuntu is trying to mount one of the slave disks rather than the md23:27
foenixwhich is likely considering the clowns I work with (and who have server access)23:28
foenixmdadm -D /dev/md0 is hanging23:28
rcsheetsi am sadly quite clueless for mdadm related things23:31
rcsheetsand no one else appears to be around23:31
foenixyeah, and I'm the most capable tech in my non-profit org23:34
foenixcapable = can use the command line23:34
rcsheetsfoenix: what is your relatively tech-light nonprofit doing running a server/23:38
elz89On a fresh install of 11.10, when I run sudo apt-get update, the last line says the following "W: Failed to fetch gzip:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/gb.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_oneiric_main_binary-i386_Packages  Hash Sum mismatch23:38
rcsheetselz89: also using gb.archive.ubuntu.com on oneiric, i am not seeing that.23:40
foenixrcsheets: our non-profit builds websites for non-profits23:40
foenixI have a lot of django apps I've been running with vagrant and want to try using the server to create virtualization23:40
rcsheetsfoenix: perhaps it would be worth outsourcing the infrastructure so you can focus on the web stuff?23:41
foenixrcsheets: we got the server donated and the hosting will be free at the library23:41
foenixbelieve me, I want to focus on the web stuff23:41
rcsheetsyeah but when it breaks your customer nonprofits are not going to be benefitting much23:41
RoyKbug 20200923:41
rcsheetsjust a thought23:42
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 202009 in grub "update-grub not updating menu.lst" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20200923:42
foenixmy servers don't usually break. I'm fairly certain a newbie to the team fucked something up when she was trying to figure out how to set up RAID+LVM. I had set it up, but she wanted to learn how. She probably forgot to stop something so I've spent the last 6 hours fixing it23:43
rcsheetselz89: oh i'm on 64-bit though, so i'm not getting the same stuff you are anyway.23:43
foenixfuck it, I'm going to call the co-lo centre and have them do a manual reset23:43
rcsheetsfoenix: your library is a colo? O_o23:43
elz89rcsheets: youve lost me?23:44
elz89rcsheets: how do you know i'm talking about 32?23:44
rcsheetselz89: well now i'm confused, because you said "i386_Packages" but now i see on my 64-bit box i'm also updating i386_Packages23:44
foenixrcsheets: the city library has co-lo services for us for free because we were the first free Internet provider in my city23:45
elz89rcsheets:  ;-)23:45
foenixwe actually still have free dial-up access :\23:45
rcsheetsfoenix: interesting setup.23:45
rcsheetsfoenix: good luck with the raid :(23:45
foenixwhen it works23:45
foenixyou know of any other freenode channel I could ask23:45
rcsheetsi dunno, you could ask alis23:46
RoyKffs - bug 202009 was reported some three years ago and is still not fixed23:46
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 202009 in grub "update-grub not updating menu.lst" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20200923:46
rcsheetsRoyK: feel free to work on it. :)23:47
rcsheetsRoyK: are you experiencing the problem on something more recent than lucid?23:48
RoyKsee the bug - it was there on hardy as well23:48
rcsheetsRoyK: right, sorry, what i meant to ask was whether you're experiencing the problem on something more recent than whatever was the most recent release mentioned in the bug.23:49
RoyKand no, I don't want to upgrade my servers to something non-LTS23:49
jirikiubuntu LTS has been a great repo overall23:49
jirikijust upgrading from LTS to another one was... a disaster23:49
RoyKrcsheets: if canonical or whatnot can't fix critical bugs, who can?23:50
rcsheetsRoyK: grub is open source. anyone can fix its bugs.23:50
jirikibtw are there any good feeds (blog or whatever) on ubuntu server stuff, some tags on delicious work ok but havent' tuned to anything else23:51
jirikiapart from the mandatory mailing lists23:51
RoyKrcsheets: may I please ask you to be nice or would you like me to tell you to fuck off?23:51
rcsheetsRoyK: I didn't intend to be anything other than nice. If you'd like to tell me to fuck off, I'll be happy to /ignore you.23:51
RoyKrcsheets: if a bug was posted some three years ago and still isn't fixed, what would that do to the ubuntu name?23:52
rcsheetsRoyK: Then don't use Ubuntu? What do you want from me?23:53
RoyKI don't know who you are....23:53
rcsheetsRoyK: then why be so hostile?23:53
rcsheetsRoyK: do you think i'm canonical? should i personally go fix this bug for you?23:54
RoyKjust replying in the manner of your chat23:54
rcsheetsBest of luck to you, RoyK.23:54
jirikihaters gonna hate23:57
RoyKand no, that's not a grub issue, it's an ubuntu issue23:57
qman__yeah, it's clearly an issue with the upgrade process23:57
RoyKpackaging, updating configs23:57
RoyKqman__: all those servers have been installed with lucid23:58
RoyKno upgrading23:58

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