
hux_hi I installed ocelot today. Trying to make a statup disk but it's been stuck @ 96% for over an hour now00:14
hux_I Don't bl**dy belieeeve it. Scrap that last mssg. It's just finished lol00:16
hux_on equestion How can I find the settings for empathy I want to uncheck @show offline contacts'00:17
hux_*one Q00:18
* hux_ advises Azelphur to make for higher ground ;)00:19
hux_does anyone know how to change empathy's settings?00:41
hux_I want to get to bed soon :)00:42
hux_thanx 4 nowt then01:00
rrMorning all04:59
rranyone here?05:03
DJonesMorning all07:05
popey _____     _     _             _07:29
popey|  ___| __(_) __| | __ _ _   _| |07:29
popey| |_ | '__| |/ _` |/ _` | | | | |07:29
popey|  _|| |  | | (_| | (_| | |_| |_|07:29
popey|_|  |_|  |_|\__,_|\__,_|\__, (_)07:29
popey                         |___/07:29
selinuxiumpopey, YAY!07:41
selinuxiummorning all   o/07:41
chamboMorning all08:12
chamboEveryone got their Stone Roses tickets?!08:12
gordonjcp55 quid, that's actually quite reasonably priced considering08:15
MooDoochambo: stone who? ;)08:15
gordonjcpwhat was the Led Zep reunion costing, 125 per ticket?08:15
gordonjcpactually, wasn't it £125 to enter the lottery to get a ticket, at that08:15
gordonjcpthat's basically five nights out at King Tut's08:16
gordonjcpwhere you'd see a decent band rather than some old dudes with the wrong drummer08:16
gordonjcpactually you'd likely see two or three decent bands since the support acts are usually pretty good08:16
chamboSeems pretty unfair on zeppelin :P08:19
oimonstone roses were always really rough live, mainly due to ian brown being such a poor singer08:25
JamesTaitHappy Friday, world!08:29
DJonesStone Roses played an outdoor concert in front of 27000 people where I live, described as a "woodstock for a baggy generation" :)08:31
Hippychickit would have been a happy friday if i hadnt woken up thinking it was saturday :(08:32
oimonmy son kept me awake from around 5am making grouchy noises in his room08:33
DJonesHippychick: Wouldn't there then have been depression when you realised it was only friday though08:33
bigcalmMorning morning08:34
bigcalmHowdy czajkowski :)08:38
MooDoomorning czajkowski08:39
oimonlinuxprinting.org is still down, this is ridiculous :(08:40
oimonmust be a month by now08:40
popeyyeah ☹08:46
bigcalmWhat's linuxprinting.org do?08:46
AlanBelltells you why your printer doesn't work08:47
AlanBellactually the vast majority of printers do just work these days08:47
bigcalmIndeed. I'm pleased with my printing success08:47
gordever since someone told me to buy HP, i'v been happy with printers08:50
popeyyeah, i never buy canon, brother or epson because I just dont need that pain08:51
bigcalmThis Lexmark laser works for me08:51
gordstill can't figure out how to get wifi printing working with my hp one though... i mean its not a linux thing, i just tried following the instructions and non of it made sense08:52
gordit was like a riddle08:52
popeyhello christel08:53
popeylovely to see you last night08:53
christeland you (and everyone else!)08:53
gordonjcpsometimes when I click a square on the sidebar thing in Unity, the windows it refers to appear instantly, and sometimes they slowly shrink down and move about the screen08:55
gordonjcpis there some subtle behavioural rule that I'm missing here?08:55
popeyif the app you click isnt already started you get a new window08:56
popeyif it is already started you get an overview of all its windows08:56
popeyif you middle click you get a new window of that app08:56
gordonjcppopey: this is if I have for example two terminals already open08:56
popeyok, so you get a 'zoomed out' view of the multiple terminal windows you have08:57
gordonjcp*sometimes*, yes08:57
oimonlinuxprinting is the only source of a particular HP drive i need (new printer)08:59
popeymaybe contact till ?08:59
popeypretty sure he runs the site, he will likely have a copy of it08:59
popeytkamppeter on irc09:00
Myrttion our samsung scx-4500w wifi printing works just fine09:00
oimonthanks, will try my luck with till09:00
brobostigongood morning eevryone.09:00
Myrttiit is also the most beautiful mfp Ive ever seen09:01
popeymorning TheOpenSourcerer09:07
TheOpenSourcererlo popey09:07
Paul2I really should have had some food at some point last night09:24
christelPaul2! Nice to meet you yesterday :)09:24
Paul2Made the train with about 5 seconds to spare, guard waiting to close the door and then promptly fell asleep until I got to Waterloo \o/09:25
Dave2The imitator.09:25
Paul2christel: yes you too :)09:25
Paul2'Is Paul2 like Dave2? I hope not'09:25
christelPaul2: I was very impressed you made the trip all the way from London!09:26
Paul2It was pretty easy really09:26
Dave2I didn't go because I'd be there for hardly any time before leaving in order to get to sleep at a decent time. And then I completely failed to get to sleep at a decent time.09:27
Paul2Easier than going to somewhere in the middle of pimlico,nowheresville.09:27
christelDave2: I am most unimpressed by your failure to join us!09:27
Paul2christel: goatlovers.co.cx doesn't sysadmin itself you know. some people have things to do!09:27
Dave2Pft, not my fault it was a weekday before I had to be in at 9.09:28
christelPaul2: true true09:28
Dave2(Although if it was today I probably wouldn't be going either as I'm having PIE tomorrow.)09:29
christelDave2: I intend to work on AlanBell, whilst I love the whole "once a month, somewhere random in the UK" thing I can't help but feel we should do a regular SE thing too!09:29
christelyou wouldn't be going.. because you're having pie tomorrow..09:29
Dave2a regular SE thing, eh.09:29
christelyour logic is second to none09:29
Dave2well, I don't want to be tired for pie.09:29
* AlanBell wonders what being worked on entails09:29
Dave2(I also wouldn't want to oversleep and miss meeting people who are arriving for pie.)09:30
christelAlanBell: mainly it involves you saying "YES, that is an excellent idea, let's do it" :D09:30
Dave2(Especially as I bet I'll sleep for 10 hours tonight, if past weekends are anything to go by.)09:30
AlanBellYES, that is an excellent idea, let's do it09:30
* christel claps09:31
TheOpenSourcererMorning all - some of us have been up since 05:40 this morning :-)09:31
* popey notes AlanBell doesn't need much 'working on'09:31
Dave2It should be in Reading.09:31
popeyReading is a good location09:31
Paul2central london is good09:31
popeyhere we go ☺09:31
Paul2protip: pimlico isn't central london09:31
christelTheOpenSourcerer: you've been out delivering milk, haven't you?09:31
Dave2Saucers of milk amirite09:32
TheOpenSourcererchristel: That would have been a good idea but no. I have been discussing business planning and eating bacon rolls09:32
popeyI have a hunger.09:33
popeyGood job it's fish+chips+mushy_peas day \o/09:33
christelAlanBell: http://www.danslenoir.com/london/09:33
* oimon notices the connection between being indundated with phone calls and unsolicited emails from a job agency and one of their bods viewing my profile on linkedin. 09:33
AlanBellchristel: already called them this morning09:34
christelah fab!09:34
christelyou are so organised!09:34
Paul2well thanks guys, I really enjoyed my middleaged pub visit. Featuring such classics as 'my diesel estate car' and 'my child's after school activities calendar' :D09:34
* oimon has a diesel estate car09:34
bigcalmMe too09:35
christelah, but do people mistake you for a taxi?09:35
bigcalmI hit middle age about 20 years ago09:35
oimonnot with a kid seat in the back09:35
* DJones has a diesel picasso with a dog cage in the back, so almost an Estate car09:35
oimoni have a dog cage too09:35
DJonesDog as well? Or just to confuse things09:36
Dave2popey: mushy peas? Do you have some northern blood?09:36
popeyI think I may09:36
oimonfor shoving drunks in the back09:36
* oimon notices popey has come out of the closet after years of denial (c.f. twitter)09:36
Dave2My mum's a northerner by birth, though you couldn't tell, and I don't like them.09:36
christelyou don't like your mum?09:37
Dave2mushy peas!09:37
Dave2My mum grew up in Blackburn though.09:37
oimonomg has improved since joey asserted more control over humphrey. however the quality of the comments is now also youtube commenter quality09:38
popeywelcome to the internet09:38
Dave2I found a YouTube video the other day where the comments weren't moronic.09:39
oimonshame disqus doesn't have downvoting09:39
Dave2Unfortunately I can't remember what it was.09:40
Dave2(There was no mention of Justin Bieber though.)09:40
oimonDave2 [citation needed]09:40
gordonjcpPaul2: I realised I had to get a grip on things early on in my relationship with Carolyne, when it occurred to me that I did in fact have a Volvo hatchback and I was actually wearing a tweed jacket, and she was actually loading two labradors into the back...09:41
* gord see's a popey google+ post about iphone, decided to guess how many replies until someone said he should of used android, i over estimated.09:46
DJonesgordonjcp: Did you guess 2 then09:47
DJonesgord: even09:47
Laneygood pubbage last night?09:48
gordpretty much ;)09:48
popeygord: yeah09:52
gordno one ever tells me to use iphone when i complain about my android phone being crap, but they do tell me to use a different android09:52
BigRedSwith me at least, android has the same problem as linux09:55
BigRedSbecause it lets me break it, whenver anyoen I know sees my linux or android device, it's probably a little bit broken09:56
oimongave a 30 min android tutorial to a new owner on the train today (he is a friend, not a random passenger).09:56
gordonjcpBigRedS: :-)09:56
gordonjcpBigRedS: this is true of any user-fiddleable device09:56
oimonit's funny to see people make the jump to smartphone and sturggle with short press long press, etc09:56
directhexandroid is not intuitive.09:57
gordonjcpBigRedS: particularly when it's only *minorly* broken, just enough that it's slightly broken but it would take longer to fix than it does to just work around it09:57
oimondirecthex: there is a learning curve, but so do all things worthwhile09:57
gordonjcpdirecthex: the only intuitive interface in human history are boobs09:57
gordonjcpdirecthex: everything else is learned09:57
oimoni give smartphones a 30 min / 2 hrs /1 week curve09:57
oimonessentials in 30 min / extra features 2 hours / second nature 1 week of use09:58
directhexgordonjcp, android's behaviour is hard to learn because it doesn't necessartily behave how you expect09:58
Dave2I think it took me a bit longer than 30 minutes to figure out what I was meant to do with my new phone.09:58
gordonjcpdirecthex: that's true of any phone though09:58
gordonjcpdirecthex: or indeed, any unfamiliar control system09:58
andylockranhey guys, just installed kde09:59
andylockrangetting this error: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=27927009:59
Dave2Although maybe the definition of essentials differs.09:59
lubotu3`KDE bug 279270 in polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1 "Muon refuses to install updates with message "proper authorization was not provided" (1 1 90)" [Normal,Unconfirmed]09:59
oimonif you're a non techie too then first 30 mins is best done with an experienced user.09:59
andylockranany idea how I can view the state of this bug on ubuntu09:59
oimonsame for ubuntu really09:59
Dave2(I don't really consider making phone calls to be essential, but I do consider being able to ssh to be.)10:00
popeybug 83305810:00
lubotu3`Launchpad bug 833058 in qapt (Ubuntu) "Muon-updater doesn't ask for password" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83305810:00
popey^^ andylockran ?10:00
andylockranpopey: thanks10:00
BigRedSgordonjcp: yeah, exactly. And then you fix it and find muscle memory consigns you to still doing it the 'old' way anyway10:00
andylockranpopey: is there a way to link/view from the upstream bug?10:00
andylockranpolkit-kde-1 was missing :)10:01
andylockranmurz's comment solved the issue :)10:01
directhexgordonjcp, yes, again, true - but whether you like it or not, android is simply less obvious in how it behaves, regardless of your experience with other phones or computers, than many of the competitors10:01
directhexi'd say it's easier than blackberry though :p10:02
gordonjcpdirecthex: "less obvious" than what?10:02
directhexiOS is more intuitive, except for multitasking which is not. windows phone 7 and webos are pretty obvious in how to use them10:02
popeyandylockran: i just googled10:03
BigRedSdirecthex: I find iOs _way_ less intuitive than Android. Including when I tried it before having had an android device10:04
BigRedSthat was just pre my G1, though. Perhaps iOS has got better recently? I still find it hard to use10:04
BigRedSbut I've had android for four years or so now...10:05
gordonjcpdirecthex: iOS is more intuitive if you've used iOS10:05
gordonjcpdirecthex: I've used iOS about twice, and still can't figure it out10:05
BigRedSer, two years. miscounted phones10:05
directhexgordonjcp, your experience is a long way from most people, then10:06
directhexgordonjcp, the question of intuitiveness of an interface is in how well behaviour exposes itself to you for you to learn it. the difference between long press, short press, slide, menu button, etc, is not intuitive with android.10:07
gordonjcpdirecthex: in your opinion, not in mine10:08
oimonmy spare desktop left overnight, has 700MB in cache but 500MB of swap in use. is swappiness set too high or too low?10:08
chamboPeople rave about how intuitive WebOS is but my girlfriend absolutely hates my pre and can't use it10:10
chamboGuess it comes down to personal preference10:11
oimonseems quite simple to any tablet owners i've shown it to10:11
nymwarquestion: is it possible to create an iso from a virtualbox installation of ubuntu?  i.e. to be able to transfer it to another machine.10:12
chambooimon, Indeed I really enjoy using webOS (Although I haven't used a touchpad so can't comment on it as a tablet interface)10:12
AlanBellnymwar: not an iso as such (well you could write it to an oversize DVD image I guess, but it wouldn't make much sense)10:13
nymwarAh ok10:13
AlanBellnymwar: but you can certainly copy the disk image to another machine, or clone it on the same one10:14
nymwarhow would I do that?10:14
nymwarwhere are virtualbox disk images stored?10:14
AlanBellwell for me in /home/alan/VirtualBox VMs10:15
nymwarok thanks10:15
AlanBellbut if you go to the settings of your VM and the storage tab, click the .vdi file it will tell you the location on the right10:16
nymwarI see10:16
nymwarJust saves me having to do two independent installations on two machines10:17
davmor2morning all10:17
davmor2AlanBell: popey how was happy hour?10:17
AlanBellvery happy10:17
christelhappy \o/10:18
Laneywas it more than an hour?10:19
TheOpenSourcererdavmor2: It was also referred to as Middle-aged ;-) earlier by some young whipper-snapper10:22
MooDoomorning davmor210:22
davmor2morning MooDoo how's life dude10:23
davmor2czajkowski: prod morning10:23
BigRedSAnyone know of an easy way to ask LVM how much unallocated space I've got left in human-friendly units?10:23
oimonBigRedS: tried the GUI?10:26
BigRedSnah, but this is for servers10:27
popeyLaney: it was, we got booted out10:27
Laneyyou rowdy yoofs10:27
popeyI got there at 19:45 and we left at 23:something10:27
DJonesTheOpenSourcerer: Re your tweet a minute ago, I'd say bank charges10:27
LaneyI had a really sketchy climb yesterday10:28
oimonis there any advantage to riding fixed wheel bikes? i see a lot of hipsters riding them in E110:28
Laneygot to the top and my arms were so dead that I actually couldn't hold on at all10:28
Laneyhad to jump off10:28
gordonjcpoimon: not really10:28
oimongordonjcp: they look really dangerous - no brakes, just fixed pedal10:28
oimonand you can't freewheel10:29
gordonjcpoimon: they're like proper bikes, but worse10:29
oimonhipster bikes :(10:29
BigRedSoimon: they're more fun.10:30
BigRedSoimon: It's really hard to explain, but you feel much more connected to the bike, and you've a load more control over the braking10:30
BigRedSwell, once you get the hang of braking10:30
oimonwell, i had a fixed wheel trike as a 3yr old..it was fun then, but now on the dangerous streets of london?10:30
Laneythe ones without brakes scare me10:30
* popey hugs BigRedS 10:30
BigRedSthey're awesome in Lonon-style traffic, less so in the countryside. Or where you have to go down hills10:30
* BigRedS looks bemused10:31
BigRedSbut hugs back anyway10:31
oimoni'm not trolling, but i still don't get it10:31
AlanBellwhat is a hipster?10:31
oimonmaybe i just have to try one10:31
BigRedSoimon: yeah, you wont. Until you ride one. Then you will10:31
oimonAlanBell: ever been to shoreditch /bethnal green?10:31
Laneyi know someone who rode a fixie from london to paris10:31
Laneymust be something in it10:31
BigRedSwell, you might not. But they're a completely ridiculous idea until you've riden one for a few hours10:32
oimonblokes with skinny jeans, beards, manbags, apple products, drinking trendy coffee, listening to Iron and Wine10:32
BigRedSjust before they got really fashionable ~6y ago, there was a bit of a trend for using fixed wheel to make already otherwise daft ideas even more stupid10:32
BigRedSlots of fixies on the dynamo, at enduro XC events etc.10:32
nymwarI've never been much of a hipster10:33
gordonjcpI'm a hipster chap10:36
TheOpenSourcererNow to login to our Accounting/ERP system and see if AlanBell has done his expenses yet...10:36
gordonjcpI was reading Jerome K Jerome and wearing tweed *before it was cool*10:36
AlanBellTheOpenSourcerer: most of them :010:37
TheOpenSourcererAlanBell: You need to spend a bit more on stuff and visiting customers10:37
PendulumTheOpenSourcerer: send him to UDS :P10:38
AlanBellyes, still doing mileage entries10:38
AlanBellPendulum: good idea10:38
* DJones sends TheOpenSourcerer an invoice if he's got too much money10:38
TheOpenSourcererHe doesn't have the time unfortunately Pendulum10:38
gordonjcpI wouldn't mind giving a fixie a go, to be honest10:38
TheOpenSourcererDJones: I didn't say *that*10:38
* oimon likes freewheeling wheeeeeeeeeeeeee!10:38
PendulumTheOpenSourcerer: okay, send him to Orlando to do work remotely with the sun as motivator. And then just happen to make it 31 Oct - 4 Nov :P10:39
gordonjcpactually, I've got a couple of knackered rear cassettes kicking around in the shed, I could weld up the notchy worn-out freewheel10:39
BigRedSgordonjcp: cassettes or freewheels?10:39
BigRedSfreewheels will undo if you make a fixie, because there's no lockring10:39
gordonjcpBigRedS: good point10:39
andylockrandoes anyone know the equivalent 'ssh key password' cacher that you'd use for kde?10:40
andylockrani.e. to prevent having to repeatedly typing in the key when sshing around the place10:40
gordonjcpBigRedS: I'll dig around in my Great Big Box Of Bits and see if I can't find an old rear whel10:40
andylockranon a per session basis..10:40
gordonjcpand just weld up the whole thing10:40
BigRedSgordonjcp: I've seen people glue/bolt/weld the frewheel to the hub before, but fixed wheel rear wheels aren't *that* hard to come by10:40
BigRedSat least one place does fixie cogs that bolt onto an ISO disc mount if you've anything that modern kicking around10:41
gordonjcpBigRedS: yeah, but why spend money on it when I can make a ridiculous lashup from shite in my workshop?10:41
BigRedShaha, very good point10:41
gordonjcpI wish I had disc mounts kicking around, none of my bikes have discs10:41
gordonjcpwell, the CB250 does10:41
chambogordonjcp, I have Avids and they're horrible10:41
gordonjcpI'm not fitting those wheels onto my mtb10:41
gordonjcpthough it would be really really funny10:42
chamboNeed to save up for some decent calipers10:42
BigRedSthere was a (brief) craze of fitting MX forks onto DH bikes10:42
BigRedSthat was hilarious10:42
gordonjcpI mostly just ride on flattish road and canal path tracks, fairly quickly10:42
Laneyandylockran: it is called an ssh agent10:42
Laneyfor googleness10:42
gordonjcpI don't do any ridiculous downhill suicide stuff10:42
BigRedSI do DH for two weeks a year, and then spend the rest of the year occasionally pootling to the pub10:43
BigRedSI spend most of those two weeks sliding on my face...10:43
andylockranLaney: I checked that.. KWallet can't do it without a little hack10:44
gordonjcpBigRedS: incidentally I notice that Carolyne now has a number of Pan Euro-related searches in her eBay account...10:45
BigRedSgordonjcp: aha, awesome!10:46
BigRedSgordonjcp: can I send her a shopping list of bits for mine? :)10:46
gordonjcpso that's a Beetle and a VW Type 2, now a big tourer of some sort10:47
BigRedSgordonjcp: I think that should be a GL1100 really. It's more, er, classic :)10:48
BigRedSand I want one :)10:49
BigRedSalso, more flat-fours10:49
christelhullu BigRedS :)10:54
TheOpenSourcererBigRedS: That is not a motorbike. It's a car without doors, roof and two wheels.10:58
BigRedSTheOpenSourcerer: that's what people say about my pan, too :(10:59
BigRedSit's like a cross, but it's the worst of both worlds. You can't easily filter through traffic but you still get wet when it rains11:00
BigRedSOh hi christel!11:00
* TheOpenSourcerer has no idea what a pan is BigRedS11:00
BigRedSoh, big touring bike. It's what the police used to ride11:00
TheOpenSourcererAh OK.11:00
Dave2Pan is clearly the Greek goat god.11:01
TheOpenSourcererMy last "proper" bike was one of these: http://www.motorbikespecs.net/index.dyn?flag=2&model_id=5840489&make=BSA11:01
BigRedSah yeah, I've a dangerous hankering for that sort of thing11:03
TheOpenSourcererI also had one of these: http://www.classicbikes.co.uk/machine4.html11:03
BigRedSinstead I seem to collect bikes that aren't old enough to be of much interest, but old enough to fall apart lots and not have easy-to-find spares11:03
TheOpenSourcererFast but didn't go round corners and *drank* fuel.11:04
n1md4Hello.  BigRed pointed out not only am I on ubuntu-uk.org/where-are-we it's using Google maps, I nearly vomitted!  I only use completely free software, nor can I stand Google ... erm, can I be removed from that map?11:05
nymwarI agree that Google is losing its hipster cred11:06
AlanBellif you like11:06
MartijnVdSHm, bot doesn't know those :)11:06
AlanBellpersonally I would rather OSM was up to the job of doing that kind of thing11:06
n1md4Er, no evil here, BEER :D11:06
n1md4AlanBell: If you wouldn't mind, I'd prefer that :-)11:07
AlanBellwho are you?11:07
n1md4Jonathan Gowar11:07
n1md4nymwar: You've just gained a notch in my cool book ;-D11:08
nymwarFor me the Google code search debacle was the last straw11:09
n1md4I was chatting to BigRed about Google this morning too, I've removed them so much from my cyberlife, that they make me cringe when I see they've ANOTHER service to track us by.11:09
oimonn1md4: do you drive a car or fly by air?11:09
n1md4I'd prefer not to.11:09
AlanBellComment by Jonathan Gowar moved to the trash11:09
AlanBellshould be gone now n1md411:10
n1md4I'm not into warring about personal opinion either ;->11:10
n1md4Thanks AlanBell.11:10
n1md4I'll ride to work once I get wet weather gear, and no, I don't fly.11:10
* oimon doesn't fly either, but not for software reasons11:10
AlanBellstill would rather people say, "hey, you should use this cool OSM plugin which does mapping and actually works"11:11
nymwarYou'll know that Google have fallen below the coolbar when they stop doing GSoC11:11
MartijnVdSoimon: you don't trust Boeing software engineers?11:11
n1md4I use Google, when there's nothing else, they're good programmers, I just don't like their model.11:11
popeythey have just _started_ a new initiative nymwar11:11
* penguin42 is going to miss google code search11:12
oimonMartijnVdS: *not* for software reasons11:12
nymwarCanceling code search seems like a big fail to me11:12
popeyi never used it11:12
MartijnVdSI never use it, and I write code for a living11:12
n1md4oimon: Okay, I'm intriged, why did you ask about transport?11:12
gordcode search was kinda crap11:12
penguin42popey: It's great - can't figure out how the given function is supposed to be used? Put the function name in and you'll find everyone who uses it11:13
gordwell no11:13
gordyou put in the function name and find the code of the library that used it and barely anything else11:13
oimonn1md4: just wondered, after you volunteered your opinions so vociferously on a service provided by google11:13
penguin42gord: you're obviously searching for the wrong thing :-)11:13
gordanything with good documentation gets re-used in other programs, so you don't need code search for that because the documentation is good. anything with bad/no documentation never gets used elsewhere, so you run in to the case above11:14
n1md4oimon: I troll around with a bit stick, I'm harmless ;-)11:14
n1md4...pretty sure my car isn't a service provided by Google though.11:14
oimoni'm less grumpy irl :)11:14
nymwarnot yet...11:14
n1md4It's a 1973 Beetle, I really doubt it.11:15
nymwarThey have been doing stuff with autonomous driving11:15
n1md4.. technically not on the road, but I'd hope the Nissan doesn't have anything.  I'd rip it out, should I find out it does.11:16
oimonthe lady from the gnome project at oggcamp gave a talk about getting the source code for her pacemaker-type device11:16
* Daviey wishes irssi had bayesian based /ignore option.11:16
n1md4..and how you'd be a fool for not taking out the extended insurance; that's pretty crazy stuff.11:17
* popey tickles Daviey 11:17
* Daviey giggles like a little wee mcgregors11:18
oimonincludes some good open source news at the bottom11:28
BigRedSI'm intrigued as to what they mean by 'cloud'...11:31
AlanBellthey mean cheap11:33
AlanBelland pay as you go11:33
BigRedSyeah, but is there going to be some central government cloud 'provider' or will we again have each department making individual 'deals' with Amazon and Rackspace and the like?11:39
BigRedSgovt. IT must be big enough to justify the former...11:39
gordonjcpoimon: Karen who was standing right next to me while popey tried to find me so she could get her bags out of my van11:40
gordonjcpwhile I was saying "what the fuck is popey doing at my van?"11:41
popeyi dont recall this11:46
davmor2popey: how much did you drink man11:47
shaunoputs an interesting spin on waking up to find his phone had been wiped ;)11:48
* AlanBell has an interview tomorrow for the Olympics transport team11:49
Paul2so you'll enjoy it when I accidentally close the Jubilee line then?11:49
DJonesAlanBell: Are you planning on being a bus conductor11:50
AlanBellI might be driving round the beach vollyball team, or directing lorries in a loading bay11:50
AlanBellor something inbetween11:50
christelPaul2: do you often accidentally close the jubilee line?11:50
Paul2I haven't yet. But there is always that possibility :)11:51
christelAlanBell: make sure you don't employ issyl0 to give directions11:51
shaunothis is publicly logged; deny everything!11:51
gordonjcpwhy on earth does Ubuntu insist on dimming my screen?12:09
chamboInstall caffeine12:10
gordonjcpwhat does that do?12:10
chamboIt's an indicator applet that stops the screensaver and things like that coming on12:11
chamboUseful for watching flash videos12:11
gordonjcpI don't want that12:11
gordonjcpI want to stop the screensaver coming on at all12:11
gordonjcpeven with the screensaver disabled, it turns the screen down to minimum brightness after ten minutes12:12
chamboIt's in power preferences isn't it?12:12
chamboOr was in 11.0412:12
gordonjcpno, it's in display12:13
gordonjcpbut all you can do is turn the brightness up and down12:13
gordonjcpthe screen is about half as bright in Ubuntu as it is in Arch, and after ten minutes of inactivity it gets turned down to nothing12:13
chamboHmm don't think I can help - I'm using xubuntu and it seems fine to me12:14
gordonjcpchambo: hm12:15
AlanBellI have been finding that when on battery power the screen brightness can go all flickery12:15
gordonjcpoh well, I can choose between switching back to Arch or doing some hardware mod to disable backlight dimming12:15
AlanBelland the brightness control only allows me to select all or nothing and it fades between them12:15
gordonjcpthe auto-maximise thing is particularly infuriating12:18
DJones5~I'm suffering from this bug with screen brightness https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/87373112:21
lubotu3`Ubuntu bug 873731 in Ubuntu "Screen brightness ignores AC power in 11.10" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:21
scoundrel50ahi, I am looking to get a dongle, and was looking at mifi, the only company I can find that offers it is 3, is that right or can you get it from somewhere else12:32
scoundrel50aor can somebody suggest a monthly no contract dongle that works with ubuntu, that isnt really expensive and is easy to use12:33
popeyi have a 3 one12:35
popeyworks well12:35
scoundrel50ais that mifi?12:35
popeymy co-worker has a 3 mifi12:35
TheOpenSourcererBlimey - Govt. IT contractors better be looking for new work:..12:35
TheOpenSourcerer" declared it wants no more than 15% of departments retained headcount will be filled by contractors by March 2015."12:35
scoundrel50ais it any good?12:36
popeythat one12:36
scoundrel50aok, will go give it a go I think12:36
scoundrel50athta was the one I was looking at12:36
scoundrel50athanks popey12:37
popeyits very nice12:37
scoundrel50awill let you know how I get on12:37
popeytempted myself12:37
Paul2when are we getting LTE. I want an LTE dongle. They are AWESOME.12:38
popeyshauno: you have an optibay don't you?12:38
popeyshauno: someone in ##apple asking about them12:38
shaunosimilar product, same idea12:38
shaunomost the known issues I'm aware of are common to all of them tho12:39
scoundrel50aoff to the three shop to take a look be back later12:39
popeyshauno: can you say this in ##apple pls :D12:39
popeyooo amazon sell them12:41
=== txwikinger2 is now known as txwikinger
MooDoodad what's for dinner, wookie steak son, what's it like dad, not bad son, might be a little chewy12:53
gordMooDoo, you could of just linked to the image thats going around ;)12:54
TheOpenSourcererhey popey www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/10/neil-patel-precise/ "I’m a huge fan of the new Alt+tab, and I think it’s a big improvement over the previous one." :-D12:56
nymwarIt looks more blingy12:56
MooDoogord yeah, didn't bother with that :)12:56
gordit TheOpenSourcerer decided not to quote "I should say that we’ve got great feedback about it and through that have identified some interesting edge-cases which we hope to solve for 12.04." ;)13:00
TheOpenSourcererI left that bit for the reader to find. I'd have been scorned for flooding if I'd pasted the whole paragraph.13:01
AlanBellgord: how come the unity plugin wasn't implemented as a bunch of separate plugins?13:03
AlanBellso you could choose between various switchers13:03
popeyi fail to see how the issue I showed is an "edge case"13:03
gordonjcpI quite like the new alt-tab behaviour13:03
popeyand fixing in 12.04 is just dumb. what about those of us sitting out the next 6 months with an infuriating alt-tab experience?13:04
popeyPaul2: i figured out why i couldnt replicate the issue last night13:04
gordonjcpI never really thought about it before, but quite clearly selecting a window at random when you press alt-tab is the right way to go about it13:04
gordonjcpup to now, computers have been far too deterministic - a great way to fix that is to ensure you've got at least some random and unfathomable behaviour13:04
nymwarI don't think I've ever had an infuriating alt-tab experience13:05
popeyi am happy for you13:05
AlanBellI think there is a grain of sense in the "application switching" model13:05
shaunospeaking of infuriating ways to fix things; my bug for sandy bridge vs my dvd, was fix-released 1 week after oneiric. that one-week difference means I still can't install ubuntu because ata_piix on the isos is still broken for me13:05
BigRedSgordonjcp: I do find that my boring tasks languish less in new Unity13:06
AlanBellit would be great to have an alt+something that does application switching13:06
BigRedS'cause they keep inadvertently coming back to my attention13:06
AlanBelland alt+tab does window switching13:06
BigRedSI'm sure there's some programming in there to make alt+tab favour what I don't want to do13:06
shaunoAlanBell: out of interest, try alt+the key above tab?  or alt+tick/tilde ?13:06
BigRedSthat is the key above tab :)13:07
AlanBellyes, but that isn't what I want to do13:07
gordonjcpI find I constantly have infuriating accidentally-maximised-window experiences13:07
popeyBigRedS: not here it isnt :D13:07
popeymac club ☹13:07
* BigRedS wonders if he's been away from a real keyboard for too long13:07
BigRedSoh, oh yeah. you're one of *those*13:07
shaunoyeah it's not on mine either, which is why I felt like clarifying  heh.   was just a hunch, based on the keys osx uses13:07
gordonjcpshauno: interesting, but what does it do?13:08
gordonjcpshauno: can you switch sideways in that display?13:08
popeyswitch windows within one app13:08
nymwarCouldn't we all just live inside of emacs buffers?13:08
shaunowindow switching within the same application, rather than all windows13:08
gordonjcppopey: right, but the very Mac-like coverflow thing suggests you should be able to switch between apps too13:08
shaunoas I said, I'm basing this simply on the behaviour I'm used to in osx, and the odd belief that it's probably been copied ;)13:09
gordonjcpwell that's the thing13:09
gordonjcpunity does appear to be heavily based around OSX13:09
AlanBellshauno: I want to flip between one terminal and one browser window13:09
gordonjcpwhich isn't a great idea, since OSX is a usability and accessiblilty nightmare13:09
AlanBellthere may be other terminal/browser windows kicking about which I am not working with right now13:09
popeythere is an option in nautilus called "Restore missing files..."13:10
popeywhat on earth does that do?13:10
shaunothat's the behavior I expect; that alt-tab will pick the previous active window first13:10
AlanBellshauno: it doesn't13:10
shaunothen I'm on your side.  It should.  (and does here, on the afore-mentioned "usability nightmare" ;)13:11
AlanBellwell maybe it kind of does, but it raises all windows of the application you are switching to13:11
AlanBellso have a browser and a terminal side by side, alt tab from the browser to the terminal and a heap of other terminal windows pop up and obscure your browser13:12
shaunonow that is the same.  $app is brought to the front, and the focus set on whichever child had focus previously.  so if I have 4 terminals open, I'll get focus on the one I was expecting; but all 4 will be above the previous app13:12
AlanBellyes, that sucks13:13
AlanBellthen I have to use the mouse to click back on the browser and back on the terminal window I wanted to get them back to the top13:14
AlanBellthen alt-tab and it happens all over again13:14
nymwarwhat about one maximized terminal per workspace?13:15
shaunohm; if I do that, alt-tilde ceases to cycle between the three; alt-tab still jumps to the last terminal that had focus13:18
Paul2popey: had you ticked the 'make me look stupid in the pub' option?13:21
cocoa117how to sync certain type of file in certain folder to different folder? what application is best to do this?13:24
cocoa117say i want to sync all the *.pdf file from folder /home/abc/test to /home/abc/dropbox13:25
cocoa117popey, unison need to manually clicked, anything can be done automatically?13:25
popeyit can be automatic13:26
* popey chuckles at one of the servers13:26
popeyMem:  132103176k total, 131635292k used,   467884k free,   148672k buffers13:26
popeySwap: 33554424k total, 25653380k used,  7901044k free, 107037572k cached13:26
shaunoyou like your swapspace, eh?13:27
cocoa117popey, how?13:27
cocoa117unison -auto13:27
popeycron job13:28
popeyshauno: yeah, swappy swappy swappy13:28
cocoa117popey, don't really work, tried, keep asking u to confirm what to sync13:30
silnerI've just installed 11.10 and wondering - if I want to try Kubuntu-Desktop is default the normal version - as opposed to full and netbook?13:35
* dwatkins explains to a colleague who has just installed 11.10 where the menus went13:36
silnerI know the feeling dwatkins :)13:37
popeysilner: there's kubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-full and kubuntu-netbook13:39
popeyand kubuntu-mobile too.. blimey, loads of them13:39
dwatkinshe's installing owncloud from the terminal, so there is progress13:40
silnerpopey, yeah I was trying to decide which to try - it's a bit overwhelming - have you tried/would you recommend one?13:40
oimoni did kubuntu-desktop the other day13:40
oimon*-desktop is always the safest to get the whole caboodle13:40
popeyI wouldn't recommend any of them ☺13:40
silnerWhat do you think of it oimon?13:40
oimonkubuntu-desktop  provided what i expected.13:41
oimona working KDE. however as usual i didn't stick with it for long. i am giving xfce an extended try and seems to be more my style13:41
dwatkinsUnity is getting complained about near me, as the icons are huge and it's difficult to find anything :-/13:42
silnerI might try it. Ubuntu is proving very hard to get used to - it's starting to make some sense - but some programs provide no proper way of Quitting - such as Turpial - has that been mentioned popey?13:42
silnerI didn't see Xubuntu-desktop in Synaptic?13:43
dwatkinsI used xubuntu recently, and was pleasantly surprised, but each to their own :)13:43
oimonxubuntu-desktop is there silner13:44
popey!info turpial13:45
lubotu3`Package turpial does not exist in natty13:45
popeywhy is the bot on natty13:45
oimoni went mad the other day and installed all the *-desktops for a trial. then wiped and put xubuntu on13:45
silnerOh yeah, oimon - I must have been blind when I browsed13:45
* popey calls for jpds 13:45
silnerpopey - it's new to Ubuntu - been in Fedora for ages13:45
oimon!info turpial oneiric13:45
lubotu3`'oneiric' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, jaunty, jaunty-backports, jaunty-proposed, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, partner, stable, testing, unstable13:45
popeysilner: doesn't sound like a unity issue13:46
silnerAll I can say is it worked with Gnome 3 popey - I'll try Xubuntu and report back13:47
popeydoes the app not have a quit option in the menu?13:47
popeyFile -> Quit.13:47
popeyor close or whatever13:47
silnerNo Unity menu appears popey and the issue may be - with that app the x button has always been a minimize to tray function - you had to choose quit from the file menu13:48
oimonhttp://code.google.com/p/turpial/issues/detail?id=21 suggests that it was added13:48
oimoni have a similar behaviour with hotot13:49
silnerI was just going to say that oimon13:49
oimonthere should be one great twitter app to rule them all13:49
silnerThere's an issue with Pino too but I've forgotten what that was now13:49
silnerThat's partly why I want to try Xubuntu to try and isolate where the problem is13:50
oimonyou can also whitelist apps to appear in the tray13:50
freakyclowni fixed a bunch of issues with 11.1013:50
silnerIronically Xchat-Gnome (which I installed without thinking) works perfectly with Unity13:50
freakyclownby removing all my cuda stuff :(13:51
silnerMay be Ubuntu just has older versions than Fedora - it might have nothing to do with Unity. Testing must be boring for the people who do it full time :)13:54
popeyall linux twitter clients suck ass.13:55
popey_all_ of them13:56
oimonseems like it's the dumping ground of 1/2 written apps13:56
popeyIMNSHO the ipad twitter client is the single best twitter client on any platform13:57
MooDoogwibber should be getting column support for ubuntu LTS13:57
oimonwhereas it's not like a music player where you have different tastes and needs (e.g. play video, ipod sync, music store)13:57
silnerpopey - yeah I have to say though - and this may be unpopular - Tweetdeck is better than any native client - it's my primary reason for using Chrome (AIR version is crap on Linux)13:57
popeyyeah, tweetdeck does look nice13:57
MooDoopain to get air working on 64bit though13:57
oimonhotot works OK for me but some people would prefer more features and i understand that13:57
popeypolly is promising13:58
oimonmany are/were  promising...13:58
popeywell yes13:58
silnerThe Chome App is very good though has all the main features - possibly the best written piece of HTML5 I've ever seen - actually quite demoralising inasmuch as it's so far ahead of my learning curve13:59
TheOpenSourcererBlimey - 5yr support for 12.04 desktop LTS.14:00
dwatkinsChrome thinks freenas.org is a phishing site O.O14:02
popeyi woudln't be surprised if that means we dont get a 14.04 LTS14:04
oimonmaybe they are switching to 12 monthly releases14:04
TheOpenSourcererThe picture shows a 14.04LTS14:04
popeyyeah, i know.. now...14:04
popeyi dunno14:05
oimonit really relegates the inbetween releases to the playground - not necessarily a bad thing14:05
TheOpenSourcerer5 years on a desktop seems a bit optimistic to me. Can't think of a PC or anything like it that I'd keep for 5 years... Moore's law and all that.14:06
MooDoodwatkins: oh yeah :)14:06
popeyit doesn't work like that14:06
MooDoodwatkins: it will let you proceed though14:06
oimonTheOpenSourcerer: our phd students generally like to keep the same major release version for the duration of the phd14:06
oimonaround 3-4 years14:06
popeyits more that you can deploy loads of different machines over the 5 year period and they will have the same build14:06
oimonwhich means that you could install 12.04 in 2013...yeah what popey said14:07
TheOpenSourcererYeah - I know but compare what  desktop/laptop computing looked like 5yrs ago to what it is nw. Then think what it *might* look like in 5 years time.14:07
TheOpenSourcererI'm sure there are big players that want it or they wouldn't have done it.14:08
shaunoin 5 years time, my employer might have actually transitioned away from XP14:08
oimoncentos6 still looks the same as ubuntu 4.0414:08
Dave2I'd still be using my 5 year old laptop if its screen hadn't died \o/14:08
oimoni'm still handing out 4 & 5 year old machines to friends with 10.04 on14:09
popeyhmm, how old is the eee now14:10
shauno'disposable' old14:10
oimonhaven't touched mine since i got the touchpad14:10
oimonmy 1yr old will have it as his first pc14:10
popeymy kids have an eee 900 each14:11
oimonseems like yesterday i got the 70114:11
Dave2Seems like yesterday I started uni :(14:11
popeyi used to sit in the curry house with my 701, using their wifi14:11
* czajkowski is playing with her new advent vega,sooo fast :D 14:26
Dave2does ti gfaeature a massive claw?14:27
Dave2...it features14:27
Dave2io give up.14:27
shaunothird time's the .. oh, nm14:27
Guest8492well, there goes the server uptime :(14:49
bigcalmWhat was the uptime?14:53
Guest8492no idea15:04
Guest8492why can't i be gord =\15:04
=== Guest8492 is now known as gord
=== gord is now known as Guest52713
bigcalmYou're not logged in15:06
Guest52713no i have to release it15:08
=== Guest52713 is now known as gord
sammmHow do I theme Unity? I've installed the Dust Sand theme but I can't theme anything :/15:13
* sammm hates the default theme but LOVES Dust Sand15:13
ali1234you caaaaaaan't15:15
ali1234all those old themes are for gtk215:15
ali1234nobody is porting or making themes for gtk3, because frankly, nobody is interested in using it15:16
oimonor that it is still early days.15:16
ali1234it has been available for a couple of years now15:17
sammmali1234: Well that sucks15:17
popeyI'm inclined to agree. people make themes very early on15:17
popeysammm: you know you're banned here.15:17
sammmpopey: No15:17
sammmpopey: I just want to retheme my 11.1015:17
ali1234and as of today there are exactly 3 gtk3 themes in existence, the two made by canonical and the gnome3 default15:18
popeymaybe I am mistaken? you're Samuel-notafk?15:18
bigcalmali1234: start a project to make your own?15:18
sammmI only see Radiance, Ambiance and HighContrast :(15:18
ali1234bigcalm: did you miss the point about nobody being interested in using it?15:18
bigcalmali1234: I miss a lot of things :)15:18
ali1234bigcalm: i'm not complaining. i couldn't care less if anyone makes gtk3 themes. i'm not interested in using either unity or gnome in the long term15:19
bigcalmI miss spinach as it gives me anaphylactic shock :(15:19
ali1234as such i won't be starting a project to fix perceived problems in software that i do not use15:19
bigcalmali1234: ah, that's fair enough then :)15:19
sammmWhat could I use instead of Unity?15:20
oimonbigcalm: if nobody told you that you couldn't eat spinach, you probably wouldn't be interested...but as soon as we can't have something..MEE WANNT15:20
bigcalmsammm: I'm using xubuntu-desktop. But that's because I need multi monitor support15:20
bigcalmoimon: I actually enjoy the taste, it's the after taste that leaves a lump in my throat ;)15:21
oimonnone of the great gnome2 themes came until much later15:21
bastubisflossie meeting now in the #fossbox channel if there are any interested women here?15:21
sammmDust Sand is the best theme15:21
sammmpopey: Why would I be banned?15:27
popeyare you Samuel-NotAFK?15:27
sammmpopey: Sometimes15:28
popeyin which case you are, and you're evading15:28
sammmpopey: Damn :(15:28
sammmpopey: What is best out of Unity, Gnome Shell and KDE?15:29
* oimon wonders why he got banned15:30
sammmoimon: Probably for being rude.15:31
* oimon wonders also how long bans last for..until repentance is shown, or elapsed time, or never (bwahahah)15:32
popeynone ever has been shown15:32
popeyjust comes back with different nickname / hostmask / ip and then starts talking about inappropriate stuff15:32
sammmoimon: Probably forever15:32
popeyno apologies, no change in behaviour15:32
silnerHow do you make Xubuntu the default desktop in 11.10 - keeps rebooting into Unity :(15:33
popeyI'd rather you weren't banned15:33
sammmpopey: Really? Why?15:33
popeywhy what?15:33
sammmpopey: Are we friends or something?15:33
popeyi dont like having people banned in here15:33
silnerI don't like seeing people banned15:34
brobostigonsilner: you should be able to choose it, at login, and use that, untill you tell it differently.15:34
silnerYeah I tried that but it keeps coming back to Unity when I restart - maybe because I use autologin - can't quite see what's going wrong15:34
sammmIs gnome-tweak-tool safe to use with 11.10?15:35
oimoni think if sammm acted like a jerk in 2009 he should be man enough to apologise and change his behaviour ;_15:35
silnerI agree with that too oimon15:35
silnerI'm agreeing a lot :)15:35
silnerThat's not like me :)15:35
oimonit must be friday15:35
bigcalmTGI Friday15:36
brobostigonbeer friday.15:37
sammmGnome Shell, KDE or Unity?15:37
silnerbrobostigon, I can't for the life of me figure out what's happening - what could overriding my selection?15:37
brobostigonsammm: i use gnome-shell/gnome3 personally.15:37
sammmbrobostigon: Why?15:37
brobostigonsilner: good question, i am trying to think aswell.15:38
popey!best | sammm15:38
lubotu3`sammm: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.15:38
brobostigonsammm: it simply works best for me, simple as that,15:38
sammmI've been out-of-the-loop for Linux development for the last 18 months or so, what are the main options now besides Gnome Shell, KDE and Unity?15:39
oimonxfce, lxde,15:40
brobostigonsammm: wm's or de's, or both?15:40
sammmbrobostigon: DEs I mean15:40
sammmoimon: Aren't those for low-end PCs?15:40
oimonnot necessarily15:41
oimondepends on your workflow and preferences15:41
brobostigonsammm: ither than lxde, and gnome3,and unity. i dont think it has really changed much.15:41
oimonkde feels heavy on whatever PC i throw it on15:41
brobostigonoimon: i agree. yes.15:41
ali1234kde is just plain slow15:41
brobostigoni would rather use gnome, it being lighter, and deal with having less options.15:42
ali1234not in the sense that it needs a lot of resources. it just feels really laggy and unresponsive, even when the CPU is idle15:42
brobostigonthan use heavier options.15:42
ali1234hildon-desktop is a good alternative for netbooks15:43
oimonit's possible to turn down the heaviness of KDE but i lost my kde-fu since 3.5.x and can't be bothered15:43
silnerbrobostigon, Gnome 3 is a lot faster than Unity - I don;t like the deign that much but it is fast15:43
popeyali1234: hildon is still maintained?15:43
ali1234popey: yeah some meego refugees took over15:43
oimonunity2d is also fast15:43
brobostigonsilner: i prefer some of the design in gnome-shell, than with unity. it simply fits better, for my mind.15:43
ali1234it's much better than unity or gnome-shell anyway15:43
popeyyeah, i have unity2d on a couple of eee900s15:43
popeyquick enough15:43
ali1234unity2d should be the main unity15:44
ali1234nearly all the bugs in unity are caused by compiz15:44
ali1234and qt supports 3d acceleration15:44
sammmoimon: I've stopped being a fan of KDE since 3.5.x too15:44
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silnerbrobostigon, yeah I like Gnome 3 better than Unity - if I had to choose - but I still prefer Gnome 2 best of all :(15:44
ali1234so just dump compiz and do it properly15:44
sammmsilner: I think I prefer Gnome 2 too, but isn't it discontinued now?15:44
ali1234also compiz plugin architecture is a total mess that just makes everything more complicated than it has to be15:44
brobostigonsilner: there are alot of things, that i didnt like in gnome2, that are solved, and improved in gnome3/gnome-shell.15:45
jacobwhas anyone else been PM'd by 'sskniranjan'15:45
silnerbrobostigon, depends what you mean - I haven't found any actual bugs with G3 - I mean they have to be credited for that15:45
jacobwwhat about windows are too tall for netbook display silner ?15:46
brobostigonsilner: also, i prefer the notifications, and workspaces and atl-tab in gnome-shell.15:46
ali1234that's a bug with your netbook15:46
ali1234the gnome-shell notifications look ridiculous on my screen, they are huge15:47
silnerI don't have a netbook jacobw so I couldn't offer an opinion15:47
jacobwits a bug with their window manager15:47
ali1234they fill up about 1/4 of the monitor15:47
silnerI used to but it died :(15:47
sammmHow do I tweak cursor size in 11.10?15:48
silnerRight I'm off to try to figure out why my default dm isn't being respected :)15:49
oimonproof that steve jobs was insane http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-1540098415:52
sammmDoes anyone else get really annoyed by how the Unity sidebar keeps hiding and takes forever to reappear with mouse over?15:53
oimonCEOs that say stuff like  "I will spend my last dying breath if I need to, and I will spend every penny of Apple's $40 billion in the bank, to right this wrong."15:53
sammmoimon: Duh, he was mad15:53
sammmoimon: I'd say Steve Jobs is worse than Gadaffi really15:53
jacobwin what way :|15:54
sammmjacobw: Global suffering15:54
sammmjacobw: Evilness15:54
sammmjacobw: General cuntiness15:54
oimonjcastro is giving a unity power users irc session in 5 minutes15:54
jpdssammm: Alright.15:54
popeysammm: seriously?15:54
ali1234oimon: where?15:55
jacobwi would !language you, but it seems redundant15:55
sammmpopey: Yep. You know about his slave workers in Asia, right?15:55
oimonali1234: https://twitter.com/#!/castrojo/status/12740248658680217615:55
oimontrying to find the irc room15:55
popeyi thought you might moderate your language sammm15:55
shaunoI'm curious if you can name any other companies foxxcon assemble products for.  because there's *many*.15:55
jacobwnobody has suffered from steve jobs actions without choosing to become involved in his enterprise15:56
ali1234obvious troll is obvious15:56
jacobwanyway, this isn't an argument i want to have.15:57
bigcalmAnd more than off topic15:57
sammmjacobw: And nobody has suffered from Gadaffi without choosing to become involved.15:57
popeysammm: enough15:57
bigcalmsammm: troll elsewhere please15:58
sammmI like how the guest account is setup on 11.10. I can lend someone my computer without worrying about them seeing all my private stuff. :)16:00
jacobwdid anyone see Brian Cox on Question Time last night?16:03
popeymissed it16:03
shaunoI haven't turned my TV on since they stopped putting dr who on it :/16:03
bigcalmI was at a concert16:03
sammmshauno: LOL same!16:03
jacobwi think i'll watch it on the iplayer, i hope it isn't terribly predictable.16:04
jacobwi.e. the politicians lose him in a race to the most illogical conclusion16:05
sammmjacobw: What's so significant about Brian Cox being on question time?16:06
jacobwhe's a prominent scientist that i enjoy listening to talking about interesting things16:06
sammmjacobw: Haha yeah he's a physicist, isn't he?16:06
jacobwoh FFS16:07
sammmjacobw: LOL he's an actor16:07
jacobwit's not THAT brian cox16:07
sammmjacobw: LOLOLOLOLOL BBC trolled you hard16:07
jacobwthey certainly have :|16:07
sammmjacobw: I wish I could have seen the look on your face when you found out you got trolled by the BBC16:08
popeyyou're not contributing in any meaningful way here sammm16:08
davmor2popey: Man that took you a while :)16:09
popeyhe'll be back ☹16:09
shaunoit's rather difficult to just ban BT.  especially in here, of all places16:10
bigcalmOh dear, found out that my fountain pen ink fades to nothing if left in the sun for long enough :(16:10
davmor2bigcalm: Ooops16:11
bigcalmNotes I had written on a client spec have vanished!16:11
jpdspopey: 'sup.16:11
davmor2bigcalm: Ouch! that's not fun16:11
shaunoI really want to figure out what drives the wiki engine in osx-server, but it's some ruby *ahem*16:12
MooDoohe hadn't said anything yet lol16:12
davmor2popey: hahaha16:12
DJonesMooDoo: ban evasion, so justified :)16:12
Laneyis ban avoidance legal?16:13
popeydefine "legal"16:13
Laneynever mind, it was a joke :(16:13
popeyoh i seeeeee16:13
Laneybased on tax evasion/avoidance — funny, y'see?16:14
MooDoolaney, er no :) lol16:14
LaneyWRONG, IT WAS16:14
MooDoohee hee16:14
davmor2Laney: possibly not!  especially when dealing with a wally at the time16:15
davmor2bigcalm: if you use lemon juice and a little heat does it all reappear?16:29
bigcalmUm, I'll try later for a giggle16:30
davmor2bigcalm: haha16:30
* bigcalm does the Safety Dance16:33
bigcalm(I do not have a hat)16:33
MartijnVdSbigcalm: ♫16:33
bigcalmMartijnVdS: glad you agree :)16:34
davmor2bigcalm: you can only do the safety dance with a safety hat on otherwise it simply isn't safe ;)16:35
bigcalmTell that to the masters of pop :P16:36
shaunosounds like a good moment to substitute in http://inversephase.bandcamp.com/track/fami-dance16:36
bigcalmI've stopped dancing and now I'm on a road to nowhere16:36
=== Lcawte is now known as Guest4304
davmor2bigcalm: Nooooooo off that road quick or you'll wind up in telford ;)16:37
bigcalmDamn my lack of flash16:37
shaunoheh, I respect your lack of flash.  it's just safety dance covered on a NES :)16:37
bigcalmdavmor2: I'd say that the A41 is a road to nowhere :P16:37
bigcalmshauno: cool16:38
davmor2bigcalm: depends on the direction of travel :P16:38
shaunoI see your A41 and raise an a590 :/16:38
bigcalmdavmor2: south, from Newport16:38
bigcalmThat said, I'll be on that road on Sunday evening. Going to the Civic to see Erasure16:39
shaunoused to hate that road.  it felt like you'd gone back to the mid-80s by time you got to the end of it16:39
bigcalmshauno: does it lead to Wolverhampton?16:40
davmor2bigcalm: I think Solihull might disagree with you16:40
shaunobigcalm: worse!16:40
shaunoI've driven thru wolverhampton.  atleast it's not a dead-end16:40
davmor2shauno: not been on the ring road lately then?16:41
shaunothat would have been .. oh dear .. 18 years ago?16:41
bigcalmI want to go to the Imperial! Wonder if I can convince Hayley that we should go tonight16:42
davmor2bigcalm: no just go park up there eat at the imperial then go up the hill to the civic done16:43
bigcalmdavmor2: Civic is on Sunday with her mother and auntie and a cousin. I'm the only bloke and driving. Playing the good future son in law :D16:44
davmor2bigcalm: Botched that up then dude ;)16:44
bigcalmWe'll see how it goes16:45
bigcalmbtw, I Want Candy16:45
davmor2bigcalm: Tough I've got candy you've got Hayley you can't have it both ways16:46
* davmor2 → tea16:47
* davmor2 back steak 'n' chip mmmmm17:12
bigcalmdavmor2: guess where we're eating tonight ;)17:14
davmor2bigcalm: the chippy?17:20
davmor2bigcalm: over to Wolvo twice in a week?17:21
bigcalmdavmor2: The Imperial :P and yes, we must be mad17:24
davmor2bigcalm: No again you have it wrong, if you're coming to Wolvo that often it means you live in the wrong place to start with ;)17:25
bigcalmWe like living here. Everything is in reach while being far enough away to be quiet17:36
bigcalmAnd I have 30mb cable. Life is complete17:36
davmor2bigcalm: you know that's not true you'd need the imperial to move to the end of the street for live to be truely complete ;)17:38
bigcalmThere is a limit to how frequently I could like the Imperial ;)17:39
davmor2bigcalm: haha17:53
davmor2bigcalm: you want to try the copper bowl at some point :)17:54
lucky___audio device is not listed under hardware tab of sound preferences, as a result no sound.  Help18:22
tonytigerit's always worth sticking around for 3 minutes18:34
tonytigerbut 4 is out of the question18:34
gordonjcptonytiger: APNIC IP address, so they're likely off to post the same question 200 times in random forum threads with the subject like "HELP NO SOUND MOST URGENT"18:43
jussiwhere is davmor2 when I need him....19:13
davmor2I'm over there19:13
jussidavmor2: I have a video for you... no doubt youll love it... :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5sq0am3HdI (if you havent seen it before)19:14
jussidavmor2: enjoy :P - Im off again...19:16
davmor2jussi: nice19:17
davmor2jussi: you're a classy guy :)19:17
=== mungojerry is now known as oimon-mobile
* penguin42 yaawwwwnnns22:47
penguin42I seem to have succeeded in turning a 40min train journey into 3h4022:47
bigcalmpopey: you awake?22:58

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