
jcristaumdeslaur: what's USN-1232-2 about?18:13
mdeslaurjcristau: USN-1232-1 broke glx on lucid. USN-1232-2 reverted the fix, USN-1232-3 fixed the fix18:14
jcristauyeah i was wondering what the regression was18:15
jcristaufound https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/87790518:15
ubot4Launchpad bug 877905 in xorg-server (Ubuntu Precise) (and 5 other projects) "[lucid] glx regression after upgrading xorg-server packages to versions in USN-1232-1 (affects: 50) (dups: 1) (heat: 244)" [Undecided,Invalid]18:15
mdeslaurjcristau: the security patch was supposed to contain 8 commits, and one of them was missing. the commit that was missing relaxed some of the security checks to work with older mesa that got some of the length calculations wrong.18:16
jcristaumdeslaur: right, ok.  i was worried that i'd miss something upstream :)18:32
mdeslaurjcristau: no, totally my fault :)18:34
Sarvatthmm update-manager -d from natty to oneiric after ppa-purge xorg-edgers doesn't work anyway because libffi6 and libglapi-mesa get left behind18:48
Sarvattbetter put a note about that on the ppa page18:48
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