
holsteinknome ScottL D00Ds04:07
holsteinnice work knome 04:07
holsteini checked, im in :)04:08
knomeScottL, hmm, weird, i added you to cc though...09:04
knomewell, i forwarded you both what i got...09:06
ScottLoustanding knome! 11:04
scott-worki've never made a team in launchpad, i hope it's not going to be that invovled :/13:11
jussiscott-work: its like 3 minutes work13:38
scott-workjussi: i meant more like doing it correctly ;)13:40
scott-worki've got the launchpad help page up already for creating teams, i just want to make sure i get it under the -dev in the correct heirarchy (sp?)13:40
scott-worki expect to do get it done today though, i'll thread it into my work cycles today13:41
jussiscott-work: most things can be changed, just make sure you get the name right :)13:43
scott-workjussi: : gotcha ;)13:43
jussiscott-work: I mean the name LP uses, Im pretty sure everything else can be changed...13:44
scott-workjussi: i was going to evaluate what xubuntu did and moderate to fit13:46
jussiscott-work: sounds sane13:46
scott-workjussi: gknome was suggesting that ubuntustudio-website-team (or whatever the name will be) should be under ubuntustudio-dev team, does that seem sane?  i should think so13:51
knomei got the highlight btw13:51
knomeif you were trying to avoid that13:51
scott-workknome: oh, lol, i did mispell your name, although it wasn't intentional13:55
scott-workgnome + knome = gknome ?13:55
knomeknome = gnome + kde? :P13:55
scott-worki admit that i really do not fully comprehend the team structures at this point, at times it seems backwards that what i would expect13:56
scott-workbut in looking at the xubuntu teams, it would seem that i should make a website project and a website team for which the team is the driver of the project14:11
scott-workalthough i cannot find any direct connection (i.e. this team is a subteam of that team) between xubuntu or xubuntu-dev to the website team14:12
knomethere isn't any direct connect between the two teams. i think there should be, like with xubuntu-artwork14:19
knomebut i'm not sure.14:19
scott-workthe last thing i can think of at the moment is who would "own" the code then?  ubuntustudio-dev or ubuntustudio-website-team?14:38
scott-workor the ubuntustudio-website project?14:39
scott-worki think i might ask these question in the launchpad channel14:50
knomescott-work, the website-team would be the owner od the website-product that contains the code15:14
scott-workso i tried the decrypting the message chris jones sent to me last night for the current website access17:17
scott-worki can't, it's encrypted with a different key apparently :/17:17
scott-workso, back to email tag17:17
scott-workknome: is there a particular oder i should make the team and project?  does one need to precede the other?  i'm sorry that i keep bothering you with this questions, i tend to not like to do something unfamiliar without having a basic understanding of the process or what to expect17:20
scott-worki'll be forthcoming as well, i would really like to reorganize the entire ubuntu studio project/team structure because it seems rather ad hoc and without logical organization to me, but not this cycle ;)17:22
scott-workknome: ubuntustudio-website team team created and invite sent to you17:37
scott-workholstein: you need a launchpad account ;)   i can't invite you17:37
scott-workholstein: nevermind, i remembered your account name17:38
scott-workwebsite team and project created17:47
knomescott-work, team first yeah ;)18:02
knomescott-work, well, it's easier to attach the project that way :)18:02

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