
Tigerboyany info on Ubuntu studio 10.04 vs 11.04?  I notice some packages only on 10.0401:52
holsteinZero_Chaos: try asking in #ardour and/or #opensourcemusicians04:09
holsteini usually suggest..04:09
Zero_Chaosholstein: thanks04:09
holstein^ for the low en, and...04:09
holsteinhttp://www.samsontech.com/zoom/products/handheld-audio-recorders/h4/ for mid range04:10
holsteinthought the preamps are very nice04:10
holsteinZero_Chaos: hight quality would bre RME04:11
holsteinwould be*04:11
holsteinnot sure if they make USB...04:12
Zero_ChaosI'm looking more for mid-range, like <100USD tops04:13
Zero_ChaosI need good quality but I'm not producing, just decoding04:13
holsteini would just use the internal card then04:14
holsteinor anything with a line out04:14
Zero_ChaosI'm just concerned that the noise and general quality of the card in my laptop isn't up to par04:15
holsteinnothing in that price range is going to be worth the hassle04:16
holsteinZero_Chaos: that beringer i linked first like like 30 bucks US04:17
holsteinis like**04:17
holsteini cant type tonite04:17
Zero_Chaosthanks I'll check it out04:18
Zero_Chaosthe device looks like it might fit the build, I'm guessing that it works well in linux?04:21
holsteinyou can ask guitarman in #opensourcemucians04:21
holsteinhe has one04:21
holsteini was told its plug and play04:21
holsteinand actually supports decent latency, not aht you need that04:22
Zero_Chaosthanks for all your help, it is much appreciated04:22
holsteinZero_Chaos: anytime04:23
holsteinalso, for those 'does this work' questions, this is a decent resource04:26
holsteini personally try and buy locally, and save all reciepts, and see for myself04:27
Zero_Chaosyeah I feel you on that, but buying a crappy soundblaster xfi isn't on my todo list04:28
plain-userI am trying to make sound out of rakarrack. I have jack and rak running. What routing needs to be done? Automatic one didn't seem to work.10:21

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