
lev_Hey everyone02:11
lev_join #xubuntu02:12
=== GridCube is now known as GridHacker
=== GridHacker is now known as GridCube
charlie-tcaGood morning14:34
GridCube:D good morning charlie-tca 14:36
* GridCube is a hacker now 14:36
GridCube:D i discovered the proxy settings for my university that doesnt block irc :D14:41
GridCubeso charlie-tca :) im working on the last version of XTC :D14:43
GridCubeim having a few problems on the search results part14:43
charlie-tcamr_pouit: SURPRISE of the day! 14:43
charlie-tcamr_pouit: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2011-October/034275.html14:44
GridCubeprobably because im not very smart14:44
charlie-tcacan we support a 5 year desktop?14:44
mr_pouitwe don't even really support 18 months releases ;-)14:45
charlie-tcaWell, discussions with "flavors" seems to have left me out of the loop14:46
charlie-tcaMaybe we should discuss not supporting any release more than 18 months?14:47
genii-aroundFive year support will mean 3 concurrent LTS releases at times15:01
charlie-tcaWell, we have that already for server. They want to extend the desktop support to 5 years for LTS15:04
=== newbie is now known as GridCube
charlie-tcaWell, looks like discussions are over...16:46
charlie-tcamr_pouit: ^  ^  ^16:47
madnickThis sounds like good news :)16:47
GridCubei think it sound like mixed news, by one side it means that users can stay whit a single interface for long time, something people actually like, like XP did for example, people just liked it, but from other point the new releases will be far too different 4 or 5 years later to people be confortable whit change16:49
charlie-tcamadnick: we have problems trying to fix things that broke two years ago already in LTS releases, how will we keep it usable for 5 years?16:50
charlie-tcaIt also means three LTS releases supported at the same time, since we have a new one every two years16:50
madnickWell, it will be hard, but for users it sounds pretty good if its possible to coupe16:51
charlie-tcaIt sounds very close to impossible from the developer side, at least for us.16:51
GridCube:/ yes i can understand that16:51
charlie-tcalucid is an LTS release. It has Xfce 4.6 in it. We will be at Xfce 4.12 or 4.14 when it dies?16:52
charlie-tcaWell, going enjoy my vacation now. I'll see everyone Sunday at the meeting! 2011-10-23 at 22:00 UTC17:33
Unit193Adios! Have a good one17:34

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