
franklethi guys, just switched from regular ubuntu and have a question, how can you set an external display to extended desktop instead of mirroring? any help appreciated, it seems its not as easy as ubuntu to just google and find an answer00:08
well_laid_lawnfranklet: have a look at arandr00:09
well_laid_lawn!info arandr00:09
ubottuarandr (source: arandr): Simple visual front end for XRandR. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.4-1 (oneiric), package size 48 kB, installed size 376 kB00:09
ubottuXRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1200:09
frankletoh sweet can you also use this to set a custom resolution on the external?00:17
=== attar` is now known as attar
SkapareXubuntu is w/o Unity, right?01:11
Skapareok, then I like it already01:12
Skaparethanks!  I'll go get it01:13
jeremy-77NICE ! and there is lots of people in here..  I found my alternative to unity!  I really like this desktop. I always get rid of bottom pannel in ubuntu gnome 2 and add docky and looks like you guys have this set up much like I customize my ubuntu  to always look!01:49
madbovineIt is pretty nice I would agree01:50
jeremy-77will I be able to install my proprietary ati driver ? radeon hd 2600 xt    ?01:51
madbovineThere's probably a work around for it...not one I know but I'm sure you can search the ubuntu forums for an answer01:52
jeremy-77well install just finish and it is ready to restart so I guess I will find out in a few :)01:53
attarwhen i ran the "additional drivers" the ati driver popped up right away.01:53
jeremy-77attar,  Awesome!01:53
jeremy-77with that and wine 1.3.3 I should have my WOW game up and running pretty quick too then01:54
=== Pici is now known as Guest59733
attari was hesitant to install 11.10 but actually it couldn't have gone smoother01:56
=== Guest59733 is now known as Pici
jeremy-77running real smooth so far but I have two options for the ati driver both are smae except one says (post-release updates) at the end. should I use that one?02:04
attarfwiw, i tried the post-release version first and it gave an error but the other worked fine.02:05
jeremy-77ill use the other one then02:06
frankleti can't seem to create an xorg.conf file, any suggestions?02:12
lev_Hey everyone02:12
well_laid_lawnfranklet: are you using sudo?02:13
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo02:13
frankletsudo Xorg -configure02:13
well_laid_lawnit'll save the file in the directory you are in02:14
well_laid_lawncheck your home dir02:14
frankleti get an error says "fatal server error"02:14
well_laid_lawnyou have to not have X running to do it02:15
frankletoh, whats the command to stop x running? and if x manages windows will it affect the gui?02:16
well_laid_lawnif you kill X all the apps with windows open close02:16
well_laid_lawnwhy do you think you need an xorg.conf file?02:17
frankleti want to set a resolution that isn't currently available02:17
well_laid_lawnyou can set that in one of the files in xorg.conf.d02:17
frankletmy external monitor is 1920x1080 but I want to run it at 1280x72002:17
well_laid_lawn10-monitor.conf or something02:18
frankletoh, thanks!02:18
jeremy-77Is there a way I can check my d3d in terminal? I just installed the proprietary ati driver02:18
well_laid_lawnprobably but I don't use the proprietry drivers02:20
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto02:20
frankletis ubottu a person or automated response?02:22
ubottuHi! I'm #xubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots02:22
well_laid_lawn!messagethebot | it you want to practise02:23
ubottuit you want to practise: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".02:23
jeremy-77dose this look right?02:24
well_laid_lawnit says direct rendering yes so it should be fine02:26
jeremy-77good ! http://pastebin.com/7T1Uyfe9    this was glxgears output02:27
well_laid_lawnglxgears isn't a benchmark - it changes if you make the window larger or change desktops02:28
jeremy-77im still kinda new to linux so I am just trying to be sure this is all running stable02:28
frankletso i dont seem to have any conf file in xorg.conf.d to do with my monitor, just trackpoint, mouse, wacom (which i assume is the tablet thing)02:29
ubottuXRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1202:31
jeremy-77man I am super impressed with xubuntu over ubuntu! I think I may like this even more than the old gnome 2.02:35
frankletreminds of osx with the dick02:36
jeremy-77lol  well i read that osx got there look from linux but I dont always believe everything I read. I guess osx and linux are close in code and some what more compatable then microsoft right?02:39
frankleti guess so, osx doesn't play nice with others tho02:40
jeremy-77Ive tinkered with linux for a couple years or since ubuntu 7.04 off and on mostly on laptop but I finally ditched microsoft about 2 months ago and am determined not to go back. im just trying to find the right flavor linux for me and I may have hit the jackpot tonight with this one02:44
frankletnice, what other ones have you tried? i think i'm still looking for one i like ive only tried ubuntu with gnome and kde and then salix and now this02:45
jeremy-77I found a program called mangler that completely replaces ventrillo for me and my wow seems to run better in whine then windows02:45
jeremy-77fedora has a new distro called fuduntu but I did not spend a lot of time with it and I tried open suse once but came back to ubuntu02:46
jeremy-77oh and I tried debian sqeeze but had hardware issues02:47
jeremy-77and KDE just has way too much bells and whistles for me and reminds me more of windows then linux02:48
jeremy-77i think KDE is trying to compete with a windows 7 f antsy look but maybe I am wrong .  I like simple and easy quick and customizable like gnome 2 or now xfce02:50
jeremy-77I dont like a desktop that makes you jump through to many hoops to find what your looking for02:51
frankletya i liked gnome 2, the only reason i decided to give xubuntu a shot was because when i got rid of gnome 3 i must have corrupted something cause it got stuck part way through booting02:51
frankletya i agree, simple is nice02:52
timboy777just installed xubuntu and I like my gnome 2 functionality back but i can't disable touchpad clicking. how do i do this? I installed gsynaptics but can't find it or figure out how to do what I need to.02:52
timboy777the menu in ubuntu exists but not in xfce :/02:52
frankleteven right now im frustrated with xubuntu, my bluetooth mouse wont sync even though it says it's synced and i was about to say the exact same thing about the touchpad02:53
frankletso annoying02:53
timboy777yes very annoying google wasn't much help02:53
timboy777got a lot of info about older versions of xubuntu02:53
jeremy-77well whats funny is I have ubuntu 10.04 on laptop now and I installed docky and set it up with one button drop down for menu and when I ran live cd of xubuntu on desktop next to my laptop they are set up identical to each other so the look i was trying to achieve in ubuntu is default in xubuntu lol02:54
jeremy-77what is the default dock in xubunt ?02:56
frankletno clue02:57
frankleti'm gonna put ubuntu back on, too many exams now, no time to tinker. take care02:57
jeremy-77it dose not seem as customizable as docky but maybe I am not finding the right settings for it02:58
timboy777the dock definitely sucks. you can't even drag shortcuts to it...03:00
timboy777but it seems to work. I've replicated gnome 2 interface with compiz very nicely03:00
jeremy-77docky has been my favorite so far. wonder how hard it would be to replace the default one with docky?03:01
timboy777just remove the default one and set docky in the startup apps would be my guess03:02
timboy777sounds simple03:02
jeremy-77yeah I think i will do that03:02
timboy777it's for my mom so I won't be exploring that option. but I will be using this myself. Honestly Ubuntu made a huge mistake with new interface03:02
timboy777gnome 3 is crap also for that matter03:02
jeremy-77I absolutely agree! gnome 3 is bad and unity is horrible !03:03
timboy777i just hope they figure it out sooner than later03:04
timboy777i'd hate to see a bunch of people jump ship on that account03:04
timboy777i'm just glad I can replicate look and feel on xubuntu03:04
timboy777i have compiz set to expo out on left click on left side of screen03:04
timboy777without that I can't use my pc anymore and my mom is the same now.03:05
jeremy-77if not for fact they took gnome 2 out of 11.10 completely i would have stayed but they took the option out and made it difficult to get back to gnome 2 and I tried many times to make myself like unity or gnome 3 but it is not for me03:05
timboy777the crappy gnome replacement doesn't do anything. tried it and it isn't compiz or anything03:06
jeremy-77maybe it was a good thing . I found xubuntu and am very impressed03:06
jeremy-77yeah i think they broke compiz03:07
timboy777I'm not impressed with customization in settings menu. ie no backup or things like that03:07
timboy777i have compiz working fine after i installed it03:07
timboy777they just don't have it easily installable and set as default03:07
timboy777theme is ok but not very nice03:08
jeremy-77I used compiz for a while for all the fun effects but the only thing I think I would like to bring from unity to this is the split windows03:09
timboy777split windows?03:09
jeremy-77you grab a window and throw it to one side and it splits to half the window and you can do the same with another window on the other side03:10
timboy777oh compiz does that now03:10
timboy777when i installed it it is set up that way by default03:10
jeremy-77it dose ? awesome. I like being able to drag a window to the top and it automatically becomes full screen and to drag it away from top it goes back to nrmal size03:11
timboy777plus like i said setting the zoom out of expo to left clicking on left of the screen is amazingly helpful. makes multitasking amazingly smooth especially on a laptop03:11
timboy777yeah works like a charm03:11
timboy777also double clicking top bar does the same thing now03:12
jeremy-77how did you install compiz?03:12
jeremy-77do you live int the US ?03:12
jeremy-77missouri ?03:13
jeremy-77oh ok03:13
jeremy-77I got a buddy name tim who has bday of 7-7-77 just making sure you was not him03:13
jeremy-77I think his wife is from oregon lol03:14
timboy777that's how i have the desktop set up03:16
timboy777that's a good birthdate03:16
timboy777i was born in 86 though03:16
jeremy-77yeah I got him into ubuntu a year ago. and seen your 777 at the end of you name is why I had to ask lol03:17
timboy777ah makes sense. what a coincidence. well good talking to you. my email is richard [ at ] thecornbread.com if you ever wanna talk linux03:17
jeremy-77i was born 7703:18
jeremy-77cool thanks03:18
timboy777np ttyl03:18
cjsWhat's the equivalent, in Xfce, of "gconftool-2 --type string --set /desktop/gnome/interface/gtk_key_theme Emacs"?03:47
cjsNow that I've switched, I keep closing windows when all I want to do is delete the previous word in what I'm typing. :-(03:48
gusnancjs, xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Gtk/KeyThemeName -s Emacs03:50
gusnancjs, http://forum.xfce.org/viewtopic.php?id=473103:50
w30what's the differenc between a xfc4 and a xubuntu login?03:54
cjsgusnan: Thanks!03:55
cjsw30: The background picture and the colours, as far as I can tell.03:56
w30cjs, that's all I see also, ha03:58
cjsw30: I tried to figure out the other day how it even figures out which session you chose when you logged in, but I can't. The same startup script is run with the same parameters.03:59
w30cjs, xfc4 has a mouse on the screen and in your hand I guess?  *smile*04:01
Sysiif you load xfce-session on first login, it gives you default xfce settings, if you login to xubuntu-session, xubuntu defaults05:09
Sysiif you mix between sessions, weird stuff05:09
ballHow can I give several users r/w access to USB storage devices such as Flash sticks, MP3 players and cameras?  Is there a group they need to belong to?05:14
Sysiformat devices as fat3205:15
Sysimp3 players and cameras propably need that anyway05:15
Sysithen they should just work when you plug them in05:16
ballSysi: They work for the first user (my daughter), but not for an additional user (me)05:17
ball...perhaps I just need rwx permissions for the mount point.05:21
ballI could create a group but I didn't know whether Xubuntu already had a group for media mounts.05:21
well_laid_lawnit'll be the storage group you need to be in05:34
ballThanks well_laid_lawn05:35
ballI'll try that now.05:35
ballDoes Xubuntu ship with the "storage" group?05:37
ballOh dear.  I really shouldn't have done what I just did. :-/05:44
ballI seem to have removed my daughter from the sudoers file.05:46
ball...and I'm not in it, so... guess I'll be reinstalling then.05:46
well_laid_lawnball: boot into recovery mode05:55
well_laid_lawnif you don't want to reinstall05:55
ballwell_laid_lawn: This might be a good time for me to upgrade anyway.  First to tar up our user folders and move them to another machine.05:57
well_laid_lawnluck :)05:57
GeorgeHello, umm when i set up the power options its like they never take effect because the laptop just shuts down, no suspend or hibernate06:38
GeorgeIs this a bug?06:38
ronsonolis there a way to upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10 from the disc (rather than the Update Manager)?07:28
well_laid_lawnuse the alternate cd07:32
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal07:32
sandra__Hello my fellow Xubuntu inmates :-)08:41
sandra__I trust you all are doing well today .08:41
sandra__Could someone here kindly tell me if Thunar is capable of opening up another windwo pain using using "new tab" function found in gnome's nautilus ?08:42
kasztan85hi all08:43
kasztan85i've stupid question08:43
sandra__kasztan85, Hello08:43
sandra__what's your question ?08:44
kasztan85how can I autosort my icons on desktop in xubuntu (xfce) ? ;>08:44
kasztan85sort by name or type08:44
sandra__I believe that option can be accessed by simply using the right mouse click option08:45
kasztan85i dont have this option08:46
kasztan85in this menu08:46
sandra__kasztan85, Are you on a laptop or desktop ?08:47
kasztan85xubuntu 11.0408:48
well_laid_lawnkasztan85: there's a file you can edit08:49
sandra__kasztan85, oh I see I'm using Xubuntu 11.10.08:49
well_laid_lawnin ~/.config/xfce4/desktop/08:49
sandra__I've never used Xubuntu 11.0408:49
kasztan85in HOME folder?08:50
kasztan85well_laid_lawn, ?08:50
well_laid_lawnand then in a terminal do   xfdesktop --reload08:50
well_laid_lawnyep in your home folder08:50
well_laid_lawnmake sure you can view hidden files08:50
sandra__kasztan85, good luck to you I have to install Xubuntu 11.10 on a friends system.08:51
sandra__Good luck.08:51
kasztan85well_laid_lawn, but how to add option autosort on menu?08:53
well_laid_lawnI don't know if you can08:53
well_laid_lawnmaybe someone in #xfce will know about that08:54
HoaasHi! I installed Ubuntu, but found out I couldn't live with Unity or Gnome 3, so I decided to try out Xfce4. However, it doesn't quite work out of the box with dual monitor. I managed to fix this with a single xrandr-command, but I have to do this every reboot. Are there a proper way to make it more permanent?10:58
zacariashow do you enable file sharing (so that other computers may connect to yours) in Xubuntu?11:00
bazhangsamba? nfs? something else?11:09
bazhangubottu, nfs11:10
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.11:10
zacariasbazhang: I don't know11:12
knomeHoaas, add the xrandr command to your autostarted applications in settings manager -> session and startup -> tab application autostart11:13
bazhangzacarias, if you could specify, then we could come to some recommendation11:15
Hoaasknome: Ok, thanks. :)11:15
knomezacarias, does windows computers need to access the files?11:15
zacariasbazhang: no, just macs11:16
zacariasknome: no, just macs11:20
zacariasknome: any suggestions? I can't find a "file sharing" program or menu, like I could in Ubuntu11:24
knomezacarias, install gvfs-backends and try gigolo11:31
zacariasknome: it's installed and gigolo is working. Actually I'm using it to transfer files (although I find it very slow for an ethernet connection). But what if I want to connect from the other computer?11:33
Sam42Hi all, Whenever I change the theme in xfce settings manager -> appearance it seems to muck up the gtk3 theme, and I also appear to be unable to manage the gtk3 theme using something like gnome-tweak-tool12:46
Sam42any ideas?12:46
anicholsSam42: How does it get mucked up?12:47
Sam42It changes to whatever the default is i'm assuming, it's grey and very blocky12:47
Sam42it doesn't happen when greybird is selected, but if I was to try to use another theme12:48
anicholsSam42: Have you tried tinkering within 'Window Manager' instead the settings manager?12:48
anicholsSam42: I had a similar issue because I was only looking at 'Appearance' and wondering why the theme wasn't being properly applied.12:48
Sam42I'm using compiz, so those options are unavailable to me currently12:49
Sam42i'll disable compiz and have a look, cheers12:49
anicholsSam42: Good luck, man, glad to be of help.12:49
anicholsIs there a way to install Ubuntu's cpu throttling feature (adjustable via a panel item) in XUbuntu?  My laptop cannot run at it's full CPU speed without overheating and causing a thermal cutout...12:49
Sam42does xfce4-cpufreq-plugin not work?12:51
anicholsSam42: I couldn't get it to work, but maybe that was because of the failing hard drive I was using at the time....just reinstalled on a fresh drive, so I'll give it another crack.12:52
anicholsSam42: I assume I have to add-apt it, correct?12:52
Sam42It doesn't work for me actually, just gave it a go12:52
anichols...gah, I hate trying to tinker when I'm tired...but it's the only free time I have. :(12:53
anicholsWhat was the command in terminal to install a new application?  *feeling a bit stupid here, since I use it all the time*12:53
Sam42sudo apt-get install12:54
anicholsapt-get, I was typing add-apt.....*laughs*12:55
Sam42have you attempted sudo apt-get install cpufrequtils and then something like sudo cpufreq-set -g powersave ?12:55
anicholsNope, but that will be my next attempt to get cpu throttling working if this line of inquiry fails.12:56
anicholsIt seems to be working.... xfce40cpufreq-plugin was precisely what I needed.12:57
anichols*swaps out the 0 with a -.....and curses laptop keyboards in the dark*12:57
Sam42ah, great! doesn't seem to make a difference for me12:58
anicholsProblem is I can't change the frequency, it ignores me....I guess cpufrequtils is needed even if apt-get didn't see that when I installed the plugin.12:59
Sam42ah, that's what I meant12:59
Sam42that also didn't seem to make a difference unfortunately12:59
anicholsWe shall see, the install looks promising in terminal.12:59
anicholsAnd nada...you were correct.  Cursors and crashes. :P13:00
anicholsBut the cpufreq-set -g powersave command let me shove it into powersave manually.13:01
anichols*writes a desktop command icon to do this a little more cleanly, it's a kludge but it solves the problem*!!!13:01
anicholsThere we go...a launcher that shoves me into powersave with but a typed in sudo password each time....that'll work.  Thank you, Sam.13:03
Sam42glad there was some solution!13:03
anicholsOnly way to clean it up further is to install them into the panel as clickable icons, give each one a different color, and to give out a way to hardocde my sudo password into it so I don't need to type it in each time I change frequencies.13:06
anicholsOther than that, I'm golden....or as golden as I can get.  I figure the plugin itself fails since it probably doesn't have sudo backing, which it needs.)13:07
anicholsDon't suppose you know a way to do the latter, giving the launcher the sudo password so I don't need to retype it over and over again?13:09
Sam42I'm not sure it's that, i just attempted it and it doesn't seem to make a difference. I would suspect it's a user groups thing or packages problem, but I can't seem to find much useful information on it13:10
Sam42gah, no luck on changing the gtk3 theme in xubuntu yet13:19
Sam42it seems to set to whatever the theme in settings -> appearances is, but most of those themes don't have gtk3 counterparts13:19
volkerhi there, i am a newbee to xubuntu. Uses ubuntu9.04 before. How can i get the drive icons of the desktop and put them in a new menuitem in the top-panel?13:25
volkerlike 9.04 gnome2.x do it with the menu "places"13:26
GridCubevolker: this is what i did to create a pseudo-places on xubuntu:13:27
GridCubefirst i created an empty launcher; rightclicmenu>panel>new launcher13:28
GridCubethen i added a thunar launcher, and changed it starting point13:28
GridCubefor example, thunar ~/13:28
GridCubefor Home13:28
GridCubethen i added a few more launchers for thunar directing me to different folders13:28
GridCubeall on one single launch box13:29
volkerthanks for your answer. As i klick (right) on the panel, i didn't see "new launcher". I only see preferences, move, delete and Panel> ? I uses the newest Xubuntu13:31
=== GridCube is now known as GridHacker
GridHackervolker: :D see what i said:  rightclicmenu > PANEL > new launcher13:32
=== GridHacker is now known as GridCube
volkeri uses the german version. I didn't find a PANEL entry in the rightclicmenu13:35
GridCubeoh... you just said you did¿?13:36
GridCubeits the only one that has a sub-menu :)13:36
Sam42for anyone interested I managed to set the gtk3 theme to something different to the gtk2 theme by copying /usr/share/themes/greybird/gtk-3.0 into ~/.config, I assume this will work with other gtk-3 themes13:36
volker@girdcube aka:hacker.... i'll try that...13:37
GridCube!tab | volker13:38
ubottuvolker: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.13:38
gentoo_drummeranyone here?14:31
TarukWoohoo! switched over from ubuntu classic desktop to xubuntu, should have done this long time ago!14:31
charlie-tca!anyone | gentoo_drummer14:31
ubottugentoo_drummer: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.14:31
gentoo_drummerjust wondering if i can get I used the command line installation since i hate unity and installed xfce. the system is incredible fast, even quicker than my debian and i was wondering if someone could tell me how can i get the default ubuntu font rendering?14:35
gentoo_drummeror xubuntu, rather, although I would guess its the same?14:35
GridCubei do not understand your question14:36
charlie-tcaThey are not the same. Xubuntu defaults to droid fonts, Ubuntu defaults to Ubuntu fonts14:36
gentoo_drummerall im wondering is how do they get rendered though14:36
gentoo_drummercause i have installed xfce on my system and it's a vast difference from xubuntu xfce14:37
charlie-tcaI don't understand rendering14:37
charlie-tcaXubuntu is a full operating system that is built around Xfce, Xfce itself is a desktop environment that needs other things to make it complete as an OS14:37
gentoo_drummermaybe this can clear up things a bit14:38
charlie-tcaIf you installed Ubuntu and added Xfce4, you should install xubuntu-desktop to get the Xubuntu components14:39
TarukAnother Q: did anyone manage to make thunar with gvfs-backend (^L, sftp:// address) pop up a passprhase dialogue for the right private key? I have gnome-keyring and libpam-gnome-keyring installed and ssh-agent running but they don't seem to cooperate.14:40
TarukMaybe I should strace thunar to see whether it even connects to SSH_AUTH_SOCK at all14:40
gentoo_drummercharlie-tca: erm.. I would rather install xubuntu than do that..14:41
gentoo_drummerall i need is a clean base system14:41
gentoo_drummeri don't want all the libraries that are built in around xubuntu14:41
gentoo_drummerxfce = 100MB14:41
gentoo_drummerxubuntu = 1GB14:41
charlie-tcaThen I have no answer to make it work the same14:42
gentoo_drummeressentially, I just need a debian desktop sort of thing, with the bleeding edge of ubuntu but not all the desktop non-sense14:42
gentoo_drummerbut I do love the font rendering14:42
GridCube.... then >--no-install-recommends gentoo_drummer14:43
GridCubegentoo_drummer: if you >sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop --no-install-recomends   you get just the desktop and nothing of "all the nonsense"14:44
GridCubepretty much14:45
gentoo_drummerso no artwork, lightdm etc?14:45
charlie-tcaGridCube: did you try that?14:45
GridCube:/ charlie-tca i did not14:45
charlie-tcaxubuntu-desktop is a meta-package that pulls in the other stuff. It does nothing on it's own14:46
GridCubesorry then14:46
charlie-tcaIt is only needed to be installed for an upgrade to the next release14:46
gentoo_drummerso are there any other reccomendations then?14:46
gentoo_drummeressentially, I just need "xubuntu-fonts"14:46
gentoo_drummerand all the libriaries it needs14:47
gentoo_drummerno artwork, light-dm or any other fancy stuff14:47
gentoo_drummerxfce + xubuntu fonts14:47
gentoo_drummerbut with xubuntu fonts, there is also different font configuration14:47
charlie-tcainstall droid fonts, change fonts in all the places in settings manager that have them14:48
gentoo_drummercharlie-tca: they just dont seem the same14:48
gentoo_drummeri think xubuntu has settings for lcd and the way that the libraries are patched too14:49
gentoo_drummeri think this is it..14:49
gentoo_drummeri want xfce plus font smoothing or the way it is used in xubuntu/ubuntu14:50
ball"font smoothing" == antialiased fonts?14:57
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silnerAnyone know why my system would restart in Unity even when my last login selection was Xubuntu?15:41
skritehey all15:42
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rajui wanna formaty a drive in xubuntu how can i do it ?15:54
GridCubeinstall gparted15:54
GridCubesudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gparted15:54
rajuGridCube:  thanks man , i will give a try15:55
ronsonolIs there a way to upgrade from xubuntu 11.04 to 11.10 from the CD (rather than the Update Manager)?16:05
charlie-tcaronsonol: yes16:05
charlie-tcadownload the desktop cd, insert it in the drive while at the desktop16:06
charlie-tcait should spin up, open thunar, and ask if you want to upgrade16:06
babblehey all - I'm using apt-get download to download all of my installed packages, but it apparently can't find *two* packages out of the list of installed generated with Synapytic (Save Markings As...) *or* dpkg --get-selections (it fails with either list for two packages); is there a way to get verbose output for apt-get failures so I can see what it can't find?16:06
ronsonolcharlie-tca - oh, okay.  I had tried booting from it and didn't see any option.  Just not the right approach.16:07
charlie-tcababble: use -m ?16:08
charlie-tcaapt-get --help in a terminal will show the options.16:08
rajuronsonol you should get a upgrarde option if you're booting from the live cd at one stage , do you have multi OS in your system ?16:09
ronsonolraju - no, have a lot of partitions but only one OS.16:10
babblecharlie-tca: yeah, that's the basic help fiie; I've looked at that. I'm not using apt-get interactively, so I don't know WHERE in the list it fails16:11
rajuthen i  am sure you should get a upgrade while doing installation at before partition selection16:11
babbledoes apt-get do a log somewhere I could look at?16:11
charlie-tcababble: try running 'sudo apt-get update' first, to see if it will tell you have missing packages.16:12
ronsonolraju - okay, I didn't want to get to far into it and find I was installing new with no option to upgrade.16:12
william12there should be 4 different options and "upgrade" is one of them. should be the second option16:12
charlie-tcathen try 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade', which should show partial installs and such things. Hitting no will stop the updates16:12
babblecharlie-tca: yeah, I thought about that too - apt-get update says I've got no missing sources :)16:13
babbleahh! dist-upgrade I hadn't thought of.16:13
babblelemme try :)16:13
babblethanks :)16:13
charlie-tcaIt's worth a shot, anyway16:13
rajucharlie-tca:  i think it is sudo de-release-upgrade ?16:14
rajucharlie-tca:  suggest me back if it is wrong my friend16:14
charlie-tcababble is trying to find missing packages. He does not want to upgrade to the next release16:14
babbleoh, I don't mean to interrupt, if you're helping raju, sorry :)16:15
babbleI'm already running 11.10 :)16:15
rajuoh i thought you suggesting for upgrading issue16:15
charlie-tcaAs to ronsonol, letting the cd spin up when ;logged in will give a prompt to upgrade from the cd itself16:15
babbleraju: my fault, sorry, I thought you were okay with your question :)16:15
ronsonolIncidentally, suspicious of upgrading from the Update Manager lest I wind up with Ubuntu proper rather than Xubuntu.  Had this hose an EasyPeasy install once.16:16
charlie-tcasudo do-release-upgrade will upgrade to the next release, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade will only install updates16:16
rajubabble:  dont say sorry man , cheer up16:16
rajucharlie-tca:  we have sudo apt-get upgrade for that16:17
charlie-tcaronsonol: if you do not have the ubuntu-desktop package installed it should not happen16:17
babbleronsonol: I used the Upgrade Manager to upgrade from Xubuntu 11.04 to 11.10 this time around; no problems (but YMMV, naturally)16:17
charlie-tcaraju: if you do want not want all the updates, yes. That will not allow the kernel to update, though16:17
rajuYMMV ?16:17
babble"Your mileage may vary" - a US colloquialism to mean, roughly, "it works for me - it should for you, but don't beat me if it doesn't."16:18
ronsonolNoticed also upgrading from the Update Manager that it was installing Unity, which I thought was specifically Ubuntu (don't have it on Xubuntu 11.04 anyway).16:18
charlie-tcaYou are correct. Unity is Ubuntu only16:18
babblethere are some oddball unity dependences in a couple of my Gnome apps16:19
rajucharlie-tca:  oh ok so bottom line is dist-upgrade for kernel and as well as apps too . right ?16:19
charlie-tcaDid you install Xubuntu from cd?16:19
babbleI've got pieces of Unity installed, but I'm not running in the Unity desktop16:19
charlie-tcaraju: dist-upgrade is for any update that adds a new package. upgrade only allows packages existing on the computer to update.16:19
ronsonolI installed 11.04 from CD.16:20
charlie-tcaIf you use upgrade all the time, eventually, your system will be very out-of-date, since you will have a ton of stuff not updating16:20
charlie-tcaronsonol: installed gnome apps? It is possible an app you installed did install unity without you realizing it.16:21
rajuso dist-upgrade is best i think16:21
charlie-tcaraju: yes, but if it says it will do a partial upgrade, it is best to wait a few days to do the updates.16:22
charlie-tcaupgrade is like using update-manager and unchecking stuff16:22
ronsonolHm, it's possible something I have installed has become dependent on Unity, but I haven't needed it so far.16:22
rajucharlie-tca:  yes i have seen a thread of your in UBF about partial16:22
babble(sigh, waiting for 9,000 libs to finish downloading so I can try dist-upgrade to locate my missings. hehe)16:23
charlie-tcaraju: really? I try not to use forums, but it is always possible someone quoted me.16:23
rajucharlie-tca:  man you not allowed me to say "thanks for that post " now i have got chance "  thank t\you very much man"16:23
ronsonolWhat screwed upgrading EasyPeasy using the Upgrade Manager is that EP has a custom kernel, and Upgrade Manager grabbed the stock Ubuntu kernel.16:24
charlie-tcaraju: you are welcome16:24
ronsonoler, Update Manager, that is.16:24
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition16:24
charlie-tcaI think easypeasy falls under that too.16:25
ronsonolcharlie-tca: I installed xubuntu on my eee, and it works so well, I don't even see the point of EasyPeasy anymore.16:25
charlie-tcaI would be really careful about those non-supported derivatives. They can be really tricky16:25
ronsonolW'anyway, I'm going to try the disc while logged in.  I'll talk to y'all later if I don't blow things up too bad. :)16:28
charlie-tcaback ups!16:28
ronsonolcharlie-tca yes, Yes, YES!16:29
babbleokay, my OTHER strange issue for today: I have a set of backup scripts that I run through Zenity to give me progress bars and etc. while rsync does its thing.16:29
babbleI have copies of those in /etc/cron.hourly, but cron jobs won't run with an interface will they?16:29
babbleeven though my scripts call zenity, they'll still run non-interactively when run from cron, or am I missing something?16:30
william12does xubuntu have good looking login screens? mine looks like something from win3.116:35
charlie-tcawilliam12: are you a clean Xubuntu install?16:36
charlie-tcaOneiric has very nice looking wallpaper, it matches the desktop wallpaper by default16:37
william12yes from a month ago, cuz upgrade failed16:37
charlie-tcaAre the users and passwords on the left?16:42
william12sorry no the users and passwords are in the center16:57
william12black background16:57
charlie-tcamake sure lightdm-gtk-greeter is installed16:58
charlie-tcaNot sure why it did not pick up the changes. Is it up-to-date?16:59
william12yes. its up-to-date. just got 17 updates like an hour ago16:59
william12this is what i get when i try to install"lightdm-gtk-greeter is already the newest version."17:01
charlie-tcaI don't know why it won't change then.17:12
charlie-tcaI get the desktop wallpaper as the plymouth wallpaper and lightdm wallpaper. It makes it look the same all the way through the boot to the desktop17:13
william12would removing and reinstalling  lightdm  make a difference?17:16
charlie-tcaI don't honestly know.17:16
charlie-tcaDo you see the wallpaper splash screen when booting? It should show up with the plymouth throbber on it17:17
charlie-tcaIf you do not see it then, reinstalling lightdm won't help, because the video card is not capable of showing it17:17
charlie-tcaThe video mode before logging in is different than the mode used after logging in17:18
GridCubewilliam12: you could what does /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf says17:19
GridCubemaybe you can edit it yourself17:19
william12when its loading i see "xubuntu" with a nice blue background, then goes into crap login black screen win3.1 style... lol17:19
charlie-tcaThen it might help to reinstall lightdm. but you have to make sure all of it gets removed, including the lightdm-greeter and lightdm-unity-greeter17:21
GridCubethats plymouth, then lightdm17:21
charlie-tcaif you have either of those, you can try removing them, too, first.17:21
antnashHey guys. I got a problem. Just installed from the alternate disk and it's telling me that the su password is wrong17:24
antnashmy password is pretty much the same for everything, is there a default password?17:24
charlie-tcaIt should be the same password you logged in with17:24
GridCubesu as it is doesnt work on ubuntu, we use sudo17:25
antnashdoesn't appear to be17:25
william12this is whats in my conf17:25
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo17:25
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo17:25
charlie-tcaThat one, I think is better17:25
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo17:26
charlie-tcaThere is no default password, It should be exactly the password you log in with, but sometimes things break.17:26
antnashbloody hope it hasn't broken. Just installed and can't be arsed to do it again17:26
GridCubedo a sudo apt-get update17:27
charlie-tcaTry the fixsudo link above, it should help17:27
GridCubeand if it ask your password and works then nothing has broken17:27
antnashit did work. Not broken. Phew!17:28
GridCube:) yes, ubuntu doestn use "su" it wont work17:29
antnashanyone got a recommended vnc?17:29
charlie-tcaGood catch, GridCube17:29
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX17:29
antnashJust looking for a recommendation. I know what it is17:30
GridCubei never used any so .. :/17:30
antnashfair play17:31
charlie-tcaAll I use is sshfs-fuse17:32
Unit193antnash: There is always x11vnc :P17:33
antnashjust installed it17:36
ronsonolI'm back, but Ubuntu upgrades are still rude.17:53
sandra_G'day my fellow Xubuntu inmates :-)17:53
sandra_I hope you are doing well.17:53
skriteG'day,, sandra_17:54
ronsonolXubuntu is my preferred distro, or I wouldn't be running it.  But I wish upgrades (Ubuntu in general) would say, "you have that installed, we still have that, we'll install it again."17:55
ronsonolor "you took that out, we won't reinstall it."17:55
sandra_I was wondering if anyone here would be kind enough to tell me if the file manager Thunar has a "view tab" function as the one found in gnome nautilus ?17:56
sandra_skrite, Hello17:56
skritethere is a view menu17:56
skritebut thunar doesn't do tabs17:57
ronsonolWhat is for editing the menu again?17:57
Sysithunar doesn't have tabs17:57
Sysironsonol: alacarte or lxmenuedit17:58
ronsonolSysi, is one of those installed by default?17:58
sandra_skrite,that's a pity I think a feature like that would only add needed function and help w/providing step in user friendliness17:59
Sysifor alacarte you might want to run 'apt-get --no-install-recommends alacarte'17:59
ronsonolSysi, how's lxmenuedit?  I haven't used that.18:00
Sysisandra_: I like my filemanager simple, tabs are just terrible. You can install nautilus and set it to be default filemanager, you may need to do some fiddling when it takes over the desktop18:00
Sysironsonol: neither have I18:00
ronsonolSysi -- okay, I'll stick with alacarte.18:01
ubuntu_hi, i want to know if ican preview music files on mouse hover in xubuntu 11.1018:02
sandra_Sysi,  I don't believe tabs would complicate the Thunar file manager if anything I find the feature helpful and I believe would lend it's self to keeping it simple when moving files via thunar file manager :-)18:03
sandra_ubuntu, that's a great question18:03
Sysisandra_: I wish I could set dolphin to open folders in new windows when middle-clicking18:04
Sysipcmanfm has tabs and it's light, you might want to try that (and make feature request for thunar)18:05
sandra_Sysi, Yes I  find myself wishing especially when it comes to Oneiric ...the Ubuntu version is plagued w/trouble spots...and yet works well under Xfce .18:06
ronsonolConversation just reminded me to reinstall nautilus-open-terminal.18:09
ronsonolI wonder how long it'll take me to remember all the things upgrade didn't reinstall.18:10
sandra_ronsonol, I noticed synaptic back in Xubuntu on this update.18:12
ronsonolsandra_ yeah, making considerable use of it in the first hour after upgrade.18:13
sandra_same here I'm thinking of going to a distro named Linuxmint which is based on ubuntu.18:14
skritesandra_:  i have heard good things about mint18:14
skriteinstalled it for my mom :)18:15
Sysiubuntu with restricted-extras preinstalled18:15
ubuntu_sandra_ yes linuxmint is ok for many users18:15
sandra_The current 11.10 version of ubuntu seems to be a poor showing and example of neglect .18:15
ElderDryasHaving just read that LM is goint to start integrating GNOME3 into LM, I suspect they are going to go thru some growing pains in the near future...I know the LMDE versions are (having just come back to Xubuntu from it).18:16
Sysisandra_: so mint is better because it isn't yet in version based on 11.10?18:16
skriteisn't there an xfce4 version of mint ?18:17
ElderDryasbased on debian, not ubuntu18:17
ronsonolI like Xubuntu day-to-day.  Biggest problem is that Ubuntu in general needs a more polite upgrade process.18:17
Sysidon't they have versions based on both18:17
ElderDryasLinux Mint is based on Ubuntu, KMDE (XFCE and GNOME) are based on debian.18:18
sandra_ElderDryas, I wish Linuxmint would of created a xfce version based on Xubuntu.18:18
skriteronsonol:  yeah, i do a clean install every time and still have a few surprizes18:18
Sysironsonol: update is pretty pain-free when you back up everything and reinstall18:18
skriteright, LMDE is rolling, right? testing?18:18
sandra_I admit the LMDXfce version isn't quiet there as far as smooth out of the box experience goes.18:19
Sysiwhen xubuntu didn't feel working I went to fedora18:19
antnashOk, trying to get my vnc set up and I have no xinitrc. Have I not done something I ought to have?18:19
ElderDryassandra_: That's why I'm back here :)18:20
ronsonolI have shell scripts that call 'wipe'  If wipe is still available on upgrade, upgrade should #$%@ reinstall wipe because I had it installed.18:20
sandra_The only nagging glitch in Xubuntu is why I can't get it to default sound to my USB headset. other then that I really enjoy Xubuntu.18:20
ubuntu_in Linux Mint 11 all works fine, in LMDE nothing is ready yet because it has many problems with multimedia applications18:20
Sysisandra_: install pavucontrol18:21
ElderDryasIt is interesting to note that Xubuntu and LMDE-XFCE have different ways of making themes, importing greybird to LMDE does not show the same colors.18:21
ronsonolOne nice shocker is that Sweep audio editor is working again.  Now I'm dangerous.18:22
sandra_Sysi, I did that but it seemed more like a work around to me then a good integrated solution. I wish Xubuntu would of just used Ubuntu's sound applet.18:22
sandra_ElderDryas, *chuckle* I'm using LMDXfce theme and icons on Xubuntu .18:22
ElderDryassandra_: It appears to work better in that direction.18:23
ElderDryasTyr this:  take greybird to LMDE and see if the panel color is the dark grey or a much lighter color?18:24
sandra_ElderDryas, I was even hoping I could just boost LMDXfce  theme and menu into Xubuntu but I don't have that kind of user experience under my belt yet .18:24
ElderDryasIt's easy to import, harder to make them look the same.18:25
jcerwinskeanyone running compiz on 11.10?18:25
ElderDryasHeavens No!18:26
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz18:26
sandra_I didn't know one could run compiz successfully on  Xubuntu.18:26
jcerwinskeI have it running but I Can't get it to autostart with my session18:27
skritesandra_:  sure you can, it becomes the window manager on top of the xfce4 DE18:27
sandra_then again compiz does not run smoothly on Ubuntu 11.10 either.18:27
ElderDryasThe key word is "successfully"... :)18:27
skritei like it a lot, but what the hell have they done to compiz in these last two releases?18:27
jcerwinskeit runs fine other than a bad redraw flicker on 1st repaint after cube rotate18:27
sandra_skrite, how does one manage to run compiz successfully on Xubuntu ? is there a good tutorial ?18:28
jcerwinskeapt-get install compiz, the compiz settings manager, and the fusion icon18:28
jcerwinskethat's pretty much all there is to it...18:28
skriteyeah, or, cant you compiz —replace?18:29
skriteor is that just gnome?18:29
skritei always used fusion-icon also18:29
jcerwinskeyeah you can do that18:29
babblejcerwinske: I tried that; is there a decent window decorator for compiz that looks close enough to greybird? All I could get compiz to see installing that way was the default decorator which was, naturally, awful. heh.18:29
skritejcerwinske:  check out emerald18:30
sandra_Okay let's all go back to windows lol my sister say's windows 7 gives her no troubles at all and runs everything ...18:30
jcerwinskeI'm using greybird18:30
jcerwinskeI can't get emerald to build from git this go around :(18:30
skriteit isn't in the repos?18:31
ElderDryassandra_: yeah, it does...but Windows 8 is comming out...might as well use unity18:31
skriteunity… oh dear God18:31
jcerwinskeI have gtk window decortor set, and I can use xfce4-appearance-settings to use greybird, or other xfce styles18:32
sandra_ElderDryas, My son got me started on Linux. But sister say's windows 7 works and that she has not any crashes or virus w/it...18:32
jcerwinskeI like emerald though, but it's not in repo anymore18:32
skritejcerwinske:  is there a ppa?18:32
jcerwinskenot sure18:32
skritemay be because of all the compiz changes18:32
sandra_ElderDryas, Which are the common complaints I hear about windows...18:32
jcerwinskeon ubuntu 11.04 I was able to check out from git and make install18:33
jcerwinskebut it blows up now..18:33
ElderDryassandra_: My youngest daughter is a windows geek (makes her living at it)...gives me all sorts of grief every time she hears me swear over the latest Linux adventure :)18:33
sandra_I down graded compiz to 0.8.6 under Ubuntu 11.04 once I did that Ubuntu 11.04 using the classic interface mode worked exceptionally well for me.18:34
ElderDryasSometimes I think I'll just go back to Slack :(18:34
babbleit's commandline BSD or it's nothing! heh.18:34
skritei like arch18:35
skritebut arch is a PITA to get a software raid going on18:35
ElderDryasbabble: Been there, done that, got the scars.18:35
babbleElderDryas: NetBSD in the old days; PC-BSD now when I want to torment myself.18:35
babblegetting NetBSD running on an old Power Mac back in the 90's was my 'Apple is going to die any minute now' move. heh.18:36
skriteElderDryas:  :)18:36
sandra_Then again what if Apple would sell it's OS to us PC users...have to say I do enjoy the Mac OS .18:36
ElderDryasbabble: were you around for a.out->elf (I <think> it went that way)...and people think we have problems today :)18:36
skritesandra_:  make a hackintosh18:36
babbleOh, I remember having to HAND CODE in FORTH to get OpenFirmware to boot BSD ;)18:37
jcerwinskewell, I guess I will try to launch compiz with an autostart script instead of modding the xfce4-session.xml and see if that goes18:37
sandra_skrite, my son did that on his tower system but I have laptops and he say's it's more difficult to do on laptops *sigh*18:37
jcerwinskehate that solution though...18:38
skriteyeah, it would be18:38
babblesandra_: You could run Darwin with a desktop on it, if you want the OS X internals; if you want something approaching the Lion/Leopard desktop, well... heh.18:38
babbleI don't think that'll happen any time soon.18:39
babbleat least not while the Mac business is still profitable.18:39
sandra_babble, Mac has a excellent product I have 2 MacBook Pro's and honestly say I've never had any troubles with the Mac OS and I can understand if you control the hardware and OS it makes for less headaches.18:40
babblesandra_: Oh, I'm also a Mac user :)18:41
kiichiroHey for some reason while trying to install java it says to check my internet connection, I'm running xubuntu 11.0418:41
babbleI like Linux for particular reasons, and Macs for other, equally particular reasons.18:41
kiichiro"Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/t/tzdata/tzdata-java_2011k-0ubuntu0.11.04_all.deb 404  Not Found [IP: 80]"18:42
sandra_babble, I find it interesting that programs such as wine run more smoothly then they do on Linux. I think the Linux community could profit & learn from OS X18:43
TheSheepsandra_: sure, any time they open their sources we are ready to learn from them :D18:43
sandra_babble, of course I speak as a lay person in this respect. But as my 5 year old grandson say's "I may not be a expert but I can read" lol18:44
TheSheepsandra_: unless Apple sues us into oblivion for patents before that18:44
TheSheepalso, I think that we should move to #xubuntu-offtopic where we can talk more freely18:45
ElderDryasSounds like a Plan.18:45
sandra_TheSheep, I think we could benefit from how OS X aka darwin handles hardware drivers and effecient coding ...and what I mentioned about wine running well under OS X and well not so well under Linux.18:45
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TheSheepI agree that making/choosing your own hardware is a great advantage, but it's currently not possible for most uses of Linux18:48
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sandra_take care my fellow Xubuntu inmates .18:52
sandra_going to try Ubuntu 11.10 one more time and see if I can get it work on my laptop *crossing figners*18:53
sandra_tc gentlemen18:53
jcerwinskeadding fusion-icon to autostart has made compiz automatically load on login. woohoo!18:56
antnashdoes anyone know why my vnc dekstop and the desktop on the actual machine would be different? And why I can't use the package manager to uninstall stuff?19:04
jcerwinskenow to get lotus effing notes working :(19:04
TheSheepjcerwinske: are you kidding?19:07
jcerwinskeno :(19:07
jcerwinskeI wish19:07
TheSheepantnash: it probably uses a different window manager by default19:08
jcerwinskeit's 32 bit deb too... succcks to get working19:08
TheSheepantnash: or maybe you connected to a wrong computer ;)19:08
antnashSo xubuntu isn't just startxfce4?19:08
Sysistartxfce4 propably loads xfce4-upstream defaults instead of xubuntu-settings19:11
antnashaha! Right, how do I make startxfce4 load xubuntu-settings?19:12
Sysiexec xubuntu-session in ~/.xinitrc and running startx might work19:16
Sysiyou need to remove ~/.config/xfce4* first19:16
antnashso startx rather than startxfce4?19:20
babblesigh. launchpad, I can has build, plz?19:28
babbleplz plz plz?19:28
ElderDryasAll your base are belong to launchpad.19:29
babbleI just want my thunar plugin to build. hehe.19:32
babble(Well. not *my* plugin. *a* plugin. Heh)19:32
ElderDryashttp://www.zdnet.com/blog/diy-it/why-ive-finally-had-it-with-my-linux-server-and-im-moving-back-to-windows/245 :)19:33
babbleheh, I was just reading SJVN's followup to that very piece.19:33
TheSheepah, what a fine channel that #xubuntu-offtopic is :)19:35
babblehaha, sorry ;)19:36
jcerwinskewoohoo lotus notes installed and working...well enough19:59
jcerwinskemy workstation is finally in working order again after 11.10 ubuntu disaster...20:00
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well_laid_lawnin natty what is the fix for clicking the shutdown button and just getting logged out?20:17
TheSheepwell_laid_lawn: usually you get that if you didn't start xfce from xfce-session20:18
TheSheepwell_laid_lawn: or when it cannot communicate with xfce-session for other reasons20:18
well_laid_lawnTheSheep: I just lo in - I never select sessions20:18
cneuhaushi, I have just installed xfce on ubuntu11.10 using the dust theme, its perfect. only the applications-menue is always set to transparent. I have no, really no clue where to set this to normal. Any help would be great !20:19
gentoo_drummercneuhaus: do you have issues with the font smoothing as well20:20
TheSheepcneuhaus: hmm. the last tab in the window manager tweaks has some transparency settings, you can try that20:20
cneuhausno, everything looks perfect.  I tried wondow manager tweaks and window manager - no settings found for the menue-app ;-(20:22
gentoo_drummercneuhaus: are you sure?20:22
gentoo_drummerfonts look kinda crappy on my xfce in contrast with default ubuntu/xubuntu desktops20:22
gentoo_drummeri did a command line installation though20:22
gentoo_drummerso no unity preinstalled20:23
TheSheepgentoo_drummer: xfce doesn't have unity20:23
cneuhauschecked again - everything is set to 0 transparency...20:23
gentoo_drummerTheSheep: yes, but when you're installing xfce on ubuntu then everything gets "screwed"20:25
gentoo_drummerthere are unity like scrollbars coming out of nowwhere20:25
gentoo_drummerand other inexplicable events20:26
cneuhausI installed xubuntu-desktop on ubuntu - everything is perfect, excpet the "transparency" - but only have this with a specific theme.20:27
gentoo_drummercneuhaus: so you did a command line install as well?20:27
jcerwinskexfce-appearance-settings apps has let me get some nice font action20:27
cneuhausyes, just sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop, no problem!20:28
jcerwinskeSans 10 with antiailising and 96 dpi20:28
gentoo_drummercneuhaus: huge problem since theres 1gb of crap libs20:29
gentoo_drummerxfce = 120mb20:29
cneuhausok, it downloaded a lot ;-((( I was just unhappy with unity and gnome 3.20:30
gentoo_drummerme too20:31
jcerwinskeha! I just noticed the ZOMG-PONIES! notification theme20:31
gentoo_drummerbut i would rather have a debian-esque experience with xfce20:31
gentoo_drummerand nice ubuntu/xubuntu fonts20:31
gentoo_drummerrather than installing tons of software20:31
Sysiyou can install ubuntu fonts20:32
Sysixubuntu uses droid sans as default20:33
gentoo_drummeri would like to install ubuntu fonts20:33
gentoo_drummerand just have them everywhere the same way their used in ubuntu20:33
gentoo_drummereg. browser etc..20:33
gentoo_drummereg. when i install chromium it comes with a different user experience on ubuntu with unity and a whole different one on xfce on a base ubuntu system20:34
gentoo_drummerwhen using the command line install method20:34
cneuhausany idea about the transparency, how to set it for themes for the menue ???20:36
jcerwinskemake sure composting is enabled20:38
attarbleh, probably the wrong place to ask but every time i install zsnes it removes mednafen, and vice versa :| anyone know how to make them play nice?20:40
ElderDryasIs there a special hand sign need to make a new Keyboard App Shortcut?  Pressing the add button brings up the dialogue box, I can enter the command, but not the shortcut key?20:41
VlynHelp! I lost all my sound in Xubuntu :-(20:43
jcerwinskerestart pulse audio?20:44
VlynWine blocked my screen and I had to use a second terminal (ctrl + alt + f2) to reboot20:44
VlynUsing Alsa20:44
ElderDryasActually, what I really want is for my mute key to unmute (it mutes fine, but I must use the sound icon in the indicator plugin to unmute)20:44
VlynMy sound is dead :-( even reinstalled alsa-base20:44
VlynAnd no, it’s not on mute20:45
jcerwinskeelderdryas: try xfce4-settings-editor20:45
jcerwinskeI used that to make keyboard shortcuts20:46
ElderDryasjcerwinske: Looking at that, but the first question still remains, am I doing something wrong or is the gui b0rked?20:48
jcerwinskeI think the gui is borked if you go through settings manager20:50
jcerwinskeI don't see how to add the shortcut there either20:50
ElderDryasWhew...Glad it wasn't me...this time.20:50
jcerwinskemy created shortcuts do end up showing up there after I made them via the other tool20:50
jcerwinske<Super>t launches terminal for me..wheeee!20:51
VlynFuck, reinstalled Alsa-base and pulseaudio20:55
VlynStill doesn't work20:55
Sysihave you rebooted20:55
VlynAnd I lost my sound icon :-(20:55
cneuhausjcerwinske: it is enabled, because I have my menue transparent - I want to get rid of this feauture , but it must somehow depent on the theme20:56
VlynCrap -.-20:58
VlynReinstall Xubuntu because of sound? -.-20:59
VlynAh seriously?21:02
VlynAnalog Output was mute in pulseaudio -.-21:02
VlynAnd my sound icon is still gone21:03
tsaavikSometimes my gnome-terminal sessions have a triangular 'handle' on the bottom right that I can use to re-adjust the width/height of the window. Sometimes its not there. Any idea how I can toggle that?21:06
VlynSeriously: How do I get my soundbar icon back?21:08
well_laid_lawnVlyn: do you have the indicator plugin on the panel?21:11
Vlynwell_laid_lawn: yep21:12
VlynBut there is no sound icon21:17
well_laid_lawnVlyn: can you get any sound?21:31
VlynBut my sound notification button is gone21:32
well_laid_lawnVlyn: what were you doing when it disappeared?21:36
Vlynwell_laid_lawn: Uhm… reinstalling alsa-base and pulseaudio21:37
well_laid_lawnsomething went wrong there then21:37
babblehey all: is there a preference I'm missing for Xfce to remember the last-used location in Open & Save dialogs?21:37
well_laid_lawndoes alsamixer work?21:37
well_laid_lawnVlyn: what was the issue that had you reinstall alsa-base and pulse?21:41
Vlynwell_laid_lawn: No audio21:42
VlynIn the end i saw in the pulse mixer that analog output was muted21:42
VlynBut I used ALSA -.-21:42
VlynAnd Alsa wasn’t muted21:42
well_laid_lawndid you have the sound icon in the panel before?21:43
well_laid_lawntry restarting the panel21:52
Vlynno change21:54
VlynI also installed the indicator-sound app21:54
Vlynbut no change21:54
VlynI’ll just use the mixer icon21:54
VlynIt’s not the best solution, but okay21:55
antnashanyone here use tightvnc server? I'm getting a not authorized error when I try and shut the remote machine down22:15
bazhangantnash, please dont crosspost in multiple ubuntu channels22:16
antnashoh. Sorry  dude22:16

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