
_mup_txzookeeper/session-and-conn-fail r53 committed by kapil.foss@gmail.com00:04
_mup_set with transparent retry (using retry_change), correct doc string to note session timeout value is in milliseconds00:04
_mup_Bug #879731 was filed: Better error handling for session failure and connection loss <juju:New for hazmat> <txzookeeper:New for hazmat> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/879731 >00:17
_mup_txzookeeper/session-and-conn-fail r54 committed by kapil.foss@gmail.com00:25
_mup_improve retry delay00:25
_mup_txzookeeper/session-and-conn-fail r55 committed by kapil.foss@gmail.com03:37
_mup_simplify retry, add retry delay to watch op retries03:37
_mup_txzookeeper/session-and-conn-fail r56 committed by kapil.foss@gmail.com04:09
_mup_test for core retry & retry watch in isolation04:09
_mup_txzookeeper/session-and-conn-fail r57 committed by kapil.foss@gmail.com04:11
_mup_version increment, and pep804:11
_mup_txzookeeper/session-and-conn-fail r58 committed by kapil.foss@gmail.com04:24
_mup_update license headers, add author tag04:24
taurenjust discovered juju, looks cool, but have a question11:15
taurencan I only deploy on AWS?11:15
taurenis there a way to use my own servers and virtualization?11:16
taurennm, found the answer in the FAQ. https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/faq.html11:18
hazmattauren, thats outdated16:48
hazmattauren, you can deploy on openstack or directly onto physical machines, or deploy entire environments on a single machine with lxc16:49
taurenhazmat: sweet! is there a howto somewhere?16:49
hazmattauren, which would would you like to do?16:50
hazmattauren, we're having some problems updating our docs atm16:50
taurenprobably lxc16:50
hazmattauren, i've put up some updated ones at http://charms.kapilt.com/docs/provider-configuration-local.html16:50
taurenbut when you say directly onto physical machines, is there something that will automatically set them up for virtualization?16:50
hazmattauren, we deploy openstack with juju onto physical machines16:51
hazmattauren, juju uses cobbler/orchestra as a machine provider for that scenario16:51
taurenhmmm... here's what I want to do...16:51
taurenI have a single physical server16:52
taurenand I'd like to configure it to be able to run multiple services.16:52
taurencurrently it has kvm installed16:52
taurenbut i plan to start over.16:52
taurenwhat solution would you suggest?16:52
hazmattauren, local provider which uses lxc for isolation16:53
hazmatits lightweight virtualization16:53
taureni'm running openvz on another server. i assume it is similar?16:53
hazmatwell its more properly not virtualization.. more like a solaris zone, freebsd jail, or chroot on steroids.16:53
hazmattauren, very similiar to openvz16:53
hazmattauren, except in kernel16:53
taurenso i could deploy charms for wordpress, etc. onto it then.16:55
taurenwhat if i also need to run some java services? my understanding is kvm is preferred over openvz for that. same for lxc?16:55
taurenhazmat: also, can I scale only locally, or can I expand out to EC2 if my local resources are exhausted?16:58
taurenhazmat: i need to head out. thanks for your help!17:03
hazmattauren, you can only use one provider for a single environment atm17:03
hazmattauren, but you can have multiple environments managed by juju17:04
hazmatie. test local, deploy ec217:04
taurenso I couldn't have a wordpress blog hosted locally and add EC2 resources to scale it?17:04
hazmattauren, cheers17:04
hazmattauren, no, we don't have public/private bursting, and probably won't for a while17:04
taurengood to know.17:05
taurenis openstack something I run on my servers?17:05
hazmattauren, yes17:05
taurenor is that an API that rackspace offers?17:05
taurendoes openstack use lxc, or something else?17:05
hazmattauren, openstack is a cloud provider with its own api and a minimal ec2 api, it supports multiple virtualization backends17:06
hazmatfrom kvm, xen, lxc, etc ...17:06
taurenalright... so the link you sent doesn't show how to get openstack going, just plain local with lxc, right?17:06
hazmattauren, openstack usage is the same as ec217:25
hazmattauren, google has some answers for juju + openstack + orchestra17:25
_mup_Bug #880023 was filed: machine agent disconnects from zoopkeeper on heavy loads <juju:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/880023 >17:43

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