
DaskreechLinkmaster: sudo ifconfig doesn't show it but sudo ifconfig -a does?00:01
LinkmasterDaskreech: yes, that is the case00:01
DaskreechLinkmaster: when you do an lsmod does the driver for it turn up?00:14
LinkmasterDaskreech:  it does not look like it00:15
DaskreechThat might explain the flags error00:15
DaskreechWhat card is it?00:16
Linkmasterit is a Broadcom BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PHY(a nasty card, I know)00:16
DaskreechWhich kernel?00:29
LinkmasterDaskreech: the brand new on, I believe00:35
hanasakihow do you just delete instead of move to trash in dolphin?00:40
Torchhanasaki: hold shift key00:41
hanasakia menu option would be nice... lol.. nautilus has it00:43
Torchhanasaki: dolphin is not nautilus00:44
Torchhanasaki: lol.00:44
Torchhanasaki: settings -> configure dolphin -> general -> context menu -> show delete command.00:45
LinkmasterDaskreech: ?00:46
hanasakiin general I like dolphin a lot00:46
Jikananyway, Shift + Delete is quite an universal keyboard shortcut for deleting without moving to trash00:47
Jikanand while I'm on it, is Dolphin supporting scripts in a way like Nautilus do ?00:47
hanasakiTorch: thanks00:48
TorchJikan: what are you trying to achieve?00:49
hanasakihmm the disk indexer is beating my cpu and HD to death00:49
DaskreechLinkmaster: ok sorry back again00:50
Daskreechhanasaki: You can add it plus pressing shift flips the menu entry between delete and trash00:50
JikanTorch : I'm new to Dolphin and I used to use a bunch of custom-made bash scripts with Nautilus (you know, the ones you can then access with a right-click on a file/folder?), and I'd like to know if Dolphin can handle such scripts00:52
DaskreechLinkmaster: sudo modprobe b4300:52
TorchJikan: no idea about nautilus, never used it for more than a couple of minutes.00:52
LinkmasterDaskreech: well, it ran without complaints00:52
DaskreechJikan: I don't know if it can do the nautilus ones but you can make service menus for dolphin00:52
TorchJikan: you can script all of KDE with dbus, if that is what you want to do00:52
DaskreechLinkmaster: lsmod | grep b4300:52
IaconNeed help here00:56
JikanTorch : not using dbus, at least not especially using dbus00:56
JikanDaskreech : services menus, hum, do you please have a link about this ? Nautilus scripts are just bash scripts you can launch when right-clicking on a file or folder (it adds an entry in a specific "Scripts" menu), like converting audio or video files, make a diff on two or more files, operate actions on text files or whatever00:56
Jikanservice menus sounds to me more like the nautilus-actions feature which adds custom menu on right-click00:58
Jikanbut I may be wrong (I hope so :D)00:58
TorchJikan: i still don't see what you're trying to achieve apart from "i want nautilus"00:59
IaconI'd like to get some help setting up an open vpn connection00:59
LinkmasterDaskreech: not sure what that was or was not supposed to do00:59
DaskreechJikan: I thought you wanted more custom options on right click?01:00
DaskreechLinkmaster: returned nothing?01:00
JikanTorch : what I'm trying to achieve is "I don't want Nautilus anymore and I'd like to know if I can use my already made nautilus scripts with Dolphin, even if I have to rewrite them one way or another, but to have them working on a right-click"01:02
LinkmasterDaskreech:  it gave me some stuff, not sure what it is though01:02
DaskreechLinkmaster: ok try sudo ifconfig wlan0 up01:02
TorchJikan: i don't think there's anything in dolphin that allows you to right click on a symbol and a script is run.01:02
TorchJikan: if nautilus does that...01:02
TorchJikan: and as screech said... check out service menus.01:03
LinkmasterDaskreech: nope, I still get the 'no such file/directory' error01:03
JikanDaskreech : a little bit more, indeed, let's take an basic example: I make a bash script which converts a FLAC audio file to OGG with custom settings blahblah, I right-click on my FLAC file into Dolphin and select my script as any right-click menu, let's say "Scripts/Convert to OGG", then the script runs and I get my OGG converted file01:04
DaskreechJikan: I don't think you can use the Nautilus scripts. as a drop in replacement. The Dolphin setup has more of a .ini kind descriptive setup. You can make a file that jsut points to your directory though. I think that should be possible. How many scripts do you have and what do they cover?01:05
DaskreechJikan: Right in dolphin that would only pop up when you right click on a Flac file for instance01:05
JikanDaskreech : a dozen, covering from audio/video convert to text formatting01:06
DaskreechJikan: You can probably make two or three service menus to cover each case. So for any audio file you will get your list of audio conversion scripts. For Text files your text scripts and so on01:09
DaskreechIt may be posible to just add a drop out menu that points to a directory. I've never tried that but I don't see why it would be impossible01:09
Linkmasterdask let me try finding an ethernet port that I can use..01:10
DaskreechLinkmaster: do you have bw43-fwcutter installed?01:11
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx01:12
Jikanhmm OK01:12
JikanI'm going to investigate service menus and Dolphin specs, and in the worst case I can still install Nautilus to handle my scripts when I need them01:12
JikanDaskreech, Torch, thanks for  your time and your answers (and see you soon, I'm back to KDE after several years of Gnome, means I'm a (total) newbie to KDE Plasma, Dolphin, etc. xD)01:12
DaskreechJikan: Welcome back if you need any help please ask :)01:12
DaskreechJikan: I looked at the techbase and the documentation there is for KDE3 but aside from the switch of dcop to dbus It should be the same.01:13
DaskreechAnd you can pop into #kde if anything. I think there should be a listing of service menus on http://kde-look.org which youcan pull down and edit01:14
DaskreechYou may want to look at the copy to service menus provided to see how to specify dropdown menus etc. That would be the easiest way I think to play with specifying your current directory for scripts.01:15
JikanI'm sure there's a way to achieve what I want to do with Dolphin, and thanks for pointing me on #kde and kde-look (I used to use gnome-look but didn't have the idea to go to kde-look -__-)01:16
Daskreech I do think that having context sensitive menus would be nicer. dolphin can filter by filetypes/mime so you can say things like for audio files show this menu. Then if you have a proper script written then if some new audio type comes up in the future it would just turn up for thatand the encoder would handle it01:16
DaskreechAnd you can then have far more scripts without it getting too unwieldly since it will only turn up where it makes sense01:17
=== sythe-afk is now known as sythe
Jikanif I can achieve that, it'll be a mix of both nautilus-scripts and nautilus-actions features *o*01:20
Jikanonce again, thanks a lot, and time to sleep for me :s01:20
Jikanbye ^^01:20
=== Linkmaster_ is now known as Linkmaster
LinkmasterDaskreech: I'm currently using my 11.10 kubuntu, with a wired connection. this should make life easier. What next?01:23
Daskreech!b433 | Linkmaster01:23
Daskreech!b43 | Linkmaster01:23
ubottuLinkmaster: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx01:23
DaskreechDo you have b430fwcutter ?01:23
hanasakithe 3d box is turned on .  when a window is dragged to the screen edge the box starts to rotate long before getting to the edge... how can this margin be reduced?01:24
proustanyone else have a netbook but find kbuntu runs relllllly slowly especially after plugging in a monitor?01:29
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP301:31
vlgemproustso i tried kubuntu on my netbook and its so slow i cant even use it, but then i tried salix with kde and it was bulletspeed but no drivers and every single thing is a millian steps. i'm going to try debian with kde as soon as its done downloading, anyone think it'll be a good middleground, stable and decently fast and not as laboursoe as a slackware distro?01:33
vlgemprousteither you guys dont talke much or i cant see what anyone is writing01:34
GinoMan2440no one talked yet01:40
GinoMan2440try kubuntu netbook edition. also you could do xubuntu, xfce is much lighter01:41
DarthFrogOr Lubuntu01:41
Belial`anyone know why my thumbnail previews would stop working all of the sudden? kwin effects are on and everything else is running smooth.01:44
Belial`i'm running 4.7.2 through the ppa.01:44
DaskreechGuest26092: not having any fun?01:55
DaskreechGuest53632: Not having any fun?01:55
Guest53632Daskreech: not me01:57
Guest53632*not at all, my bad01:58
=== Guest53632 is now known as Linkmaster
LinkmasterDaskreech: fixed my nick02:00
LinkmasterDaskreech: but I'm not having luck with the wireless(I had a broadcom sta .deb package that I tried installing, but that didn't do the trick either)02:01
LinkmasterDaskreech: and I gotta haul, get back to my room. we'll try fixing it tomorrow02:02
DaskreechLinkmaster: ok see if the b43-fwcutter works. should pull the firmware teh card needs02:06
LinkmasterDaskreech: back on my school computer...is there anything we can do about it?02:12
DaskreechLinkmaster: do you have b43-fwcutter ?02:12
LinkmasterI'm not sure what that is, having never used it..02:12
LinkmasterDaskreech: Like, I've heard of it, but never used it before. How do I get my hands on it?02:14
Daskreechsadly apt-get :-)02:14
Linkmasterof course, I don't have that option anymore..any other way? Or nothing economical?02:14
LinkmasterHmm...actually, I can always wait for tomorrow02:15
Daskreechhttp://downloads.openwrt.org/sources/wl_apsta-  http://mirror2.openwrt.org/sources/broadcom-wl-
LinkmasterDaskreech: so, once I install it, what do I do then?02:18
Daskreechgrab them now. USB stick if you can02:18
Daskreechopen the last two into a directory and run b43-fwcutter it will ask for the firmware files. Point it at those files02:18
LinkmasterI have a mini harddrive, but its close enough. Did you need me to download both of those?(I had simply downloaded the .deb from the first link)02:18
Daskreechyou can save that webpage to the storage as well.02:19
Daskreechi'd have hoped that we would be past stuff like this by now :(02:22
LinkmasterWhat do you mean by we?02:23
LinkmasterDaskreech: do you think I should install the STA driver w/o internet following those instructions?? (since the installation media is on a USB, it won't matter if I rip up the installing media)02:24
DaskreechWe as in people who have had to deal with Broadcom and Linux in the past02:24
DaskreechThey are official Linux Devs and supporters now02:25
Linkmasteroh..well, I hate broadcom. and this particular wireless card is a PITA, every time I install linux. this is amongst the harder I've had to deal with though02:25
Daskreechtry the fwcutter02:39
LinkmasterDaskreech: I did...and its still being a pain. The biggest problem is, additional drivers simply won't load02:42
Daskreechwell then they need a dependency02:42
Linkmasternah, everything else is working fine02:43
LinkmasterWhen I go 'kmenu->system->additional drivers' it simply loads for a bit in the taskbar, and then nothing happnes02:43
LinkmasterDaskreech: would completely wiping it help maybe?02:48
* Daskreech shrugs02:52
* Linkmaster is just frustrated02:53
DaskreechI know the feeling02:54
DaskreechWhat's going on with the fwcutter does it give you any output?02:54
=== psycho_ is now known as Guest10489
Linkmasterthe last thing it gives me is "cannot open input file broadcom-wl-'02:55
Linkmastereverything else worked02:55
DaskreechLinkmaster: hmm02:56
DaskreechLinkmaster: sorry re-reading the page did you try the STA no internet access method?02:56
Linkmasterthat didn't do anything(I had no error messages, but 'additional drivers' never loaded)02:57
new2netKleopatra is listed twice in the ubuntu software center (it's a GPG key manager... so ....).02:58
DaskreechLinkmaster: That's step 2 ?02:58
DaskreechLinkmaster: try sudo modprobe -r b43 ssb wl02:59
LinkmasterI tried that as well, and it won't even let me enable wireless in knetworkmanager02:59
Daskreechyou got sudo modprobe wl to load?03:00
LinkmasterWell, I got no error messages when I tried the command03:00
Daskreechand sudo ifconfig wlan0 up still says no flags ?03:00
LinkmasterI just tried the ifconfig up thing, and it says "wlan0: ERROR while getting interface flags: no such device03:01
Linkmasterlet me try rebooting it really fast03:01
Linkmasterwell, upon reboot, I still have no automatic wireless driver(it shows the ethernet sign)03:03
LinkmasterDaskreech: I tried starting up additional drivers, and a KDE crash handler came up saying that Jockey closed unexcpectedly. now what?03:05
Daskreechrun jockey-kde from the command line see if it says something03:05
Linkmasterwell...it didn't run, uhm...to my untrained eyes, it looks like its trying to load the wrong file/something that doesn't exist03:07
LinkmasterDaskreech: ^03:08
DaskreechLinkmaster: what's the line that makes you think that?03:09
Linkmasterwell, the very first line starts with "ERROR:root:Could not find any typelib for AppIndicator3" and it gives a tracebook to certain files, a portion being pythong files03:10
DaskreechLinkmaster: did you kdesudo jockey-kde ?03:11
Linkmasterlet me try that03:11
Linkmasterit asked for the password, and then nothing else happened03:12
LinkmasterDaskreech: I'm starting to fall asleep, so now would be the worst time for me to continue this. I'll start making stupid mistaks03:15
DaskreechLinkmaster: Night if you are on and I'm not around check genii. He's pretty good as well03:16
LinkmasterI will, and thanks for your help so far03:16
phiscribewhats up K heads03:18
OrcrisHi liudas.03:25
liudasHello Ocris03:27
=== ronnoc_ is now known as ronnoc
Daskreechphiscribe: October 2103:45
GinoMan2440maybe someone in here can help me: http://paste.ubuntu.com/715667/ < for some reason fglrx fails to install04:05
GinoMan2440and I'm running out of ideas why04:05
well_laid_lawndid you reboot?04:09
GinoMan2440... I'm honestly afraid to. the last time I did, I didn't have an X screen anymore04:10
GinoMan2440I had to find, download, and install from the terminal the fglrx driver, which worked enough to get me back the screen afte another reboot but still failed to install fully/correctly04:11
DaskreechGinoMan2440: as a query what's wrong with the free driver?04:15
GinoMan2440not sure, last year I was under the understanding that the free driver was behind the proprietary driver. I've never seen anything to contradict that and in 11.04, the nonfree driver seemed to work better than the free one04:17
GinoMan2440that and my understanding is that the nonfree driver supports hardware accelerated 3D OpenGL04:18
GinoMan2440I'm honestly not used to these problems at all, normally once I install ubuntu, all I have to do is activate the needed proprietary drivers, and then start installing all the software I want, then start using it04:21
GinoMan2440it definitely seems something is wrong with alternatives handling of the install04:23
GinoMan2440but also it seems that there are dependancy issues with the fglrx packages04:23
Dr{Who}Q. does a good guide exist for building the kernel on a kubuntu 11.10 32bit install? I have built many kernels in my day and I find that getting and setting the running kernel is somehow incomplete. Stuff like /lib/modules/3.0.0-12-generic/build dont exist I had to make it So maybe im just not finding the right guide. Help : )04:30
billybigriggerDr{Who}: did you try the wiki?04:31
Dr{Who}no I have been mostly using google to search for answers.04:32
Dr{Who}didnt see a specific wiki for the 3.0 kernel stuff04:32
Dr{Who}let me go read this. I have read hundreds of pages in the past week so maybe i did not sure. bbiab04:32
billybigriggerthe "old fashioned way" is the way i have always built kernels, it's the same in all distros04:34
billybigriggeractually that looks really effin confusing haha04:35
Dr{Who}This way just seems so odd to me. I am more comfortable where I have /usr/src/linux -> some_kernel_tree and /lib/modules/xxx/build are the end result. This is building in ~04:37
DaskreechGinoMan2440: this happened the first time you tried to install fglrx ?05:04
LINKSWORD2Hmm.... That's weird.05:34
LINKSWORD2OK, so I just logged on after upgrading to Kubuntu 11.04 from version 10.10. For some reason I can't explain, the volume mixer window pops up, and is set on Mute.05:35
LINKSWORD2It has done this each time after I've restarted the system.05:35
LINKSWORD2And I'm on my 3rd restart.05:36
himhello buddies06:16
himcan any one tell me how to write non-english language in kubuntu?06:17
darthanubishim: http://www.kubuntu.org/community06:20
himdarthanubis: no buddy acatually i wana to keep my system in english and occationally wana to write in bengali.. so how to do so can u tell me?06:22
himdarthanubis: like AAmar Bangla software in Windows.06:22
ubottuChinese, Japanese, Korean Language input. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SCIM06:24
Daskreechnot sure if im-config will help06:26
Daskreech!info im-config06:26
ubottuim-config (source: im-config): Input method configuration framework. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4 (oneiric), package size 14 kB, installed size 272 kB06:26
darthanubishim: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SCIM/Kubuntu06:26
DaskreechThat's old06:29
darthanubissomeone should do something about that then06:30
darthanubisor the reader could adjust current06:30
ubottuIBus is used to allow multilingual input such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean (CJK), Devanagari and Dravidian characters in !GUI applications - see also: !SCIM. For more info on Ibus see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ibus06:36
DaskreechAh better solution :)06:38
Daskreechwell_laid_lawn: could you add ibus to the scim factoid?06:39
well_laid_lawnI don't have any credentials to edit the wiki06:39
Daskreechwell_laid_lawn: Not the wiki the robot.06:40
well_laid_lawnI don't have any credentials to edit the bot responses06:40
Daskreechyou do actually06:40
Daskreechwell_laid_lawn: pm /06:51
Daskreechwell_laid_lawn: deping06:59
c-c-mhello, I've installed Kubuntu 11.10 three times and I find some oddities: 1) refreshing packages takes a lot of time 2)Libreoffice doesn't seem to be very stable: from time to time non printable characters dissappear and the only way to recover them is by deleting .libreoffice folder, but that means that I also lose all my custom information (Dictionaries, templates...)07:35
c-c-manybody has found the same problems?07:35
thinhhoanghi, it looks like update-grub is provding incorrect parameters for Windows 7. How can i fix this? Plzzz help meee!!!07:52
salohey doues sb know how the search bar that appears on top of the screen whenever i hit a key on the desktop is called?08:05
saloi would like to assign a shortcut to it..08:05
rorksalo: it's called "Run Command", you can assign a shortcut to it in System Settings > Shortcuts & Gestures > Global Keyboard Shortcuts > Run command interface (default is Alt+F2)08:11
salokewl, thanks!08:11
thinhhoangcan anyone help me? GRUB is not booting Windows 7.08:12
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)08:26
hanasaki3d box is turned on.  when a window is dragged to the screen edge, the box does rotate and the window goes to the next screen however the activation border is very wide.  how can it be made smaller so you have to be closer to the edge for it to activate?08:30
stelvioi che canale posso trovare film?08:35
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.08:37
well_laid_lawnstelvio: ^^08:37
rork!it | stelvio08:38
ubottustelvio: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)08:38
pasnox_I have some probmems on a freshly installed kubuntu 11.1008:48
pasnox_after the instalattion it said there was 32 package to update. I does the update and restart the laptop ( dell studio 1737 ), and now polkit is no longer workiing fine.08:49
pasnox_it does not accept my password and reject me08:49
pasnox_it seem the system policykit settings are wrong / deleted08:49
pasnox_any idea on what i can do N08:49
pasnox_i'm using the 64bit edition08:51
claraHelp. The server says I have to change my user name (in Quassel). How do i do that?09:01
pasnox_no idea for the polkit problem ?09:08
clarasorry, i am off topic. My computer crashed and since then it has taken about 20 minutes to load the KDE desktop. I thought i could make another user, transfer the home file into the folder of the new user, erase the previous user and now i dont have any privilidges to do anything. Is ther a way to fix it?09:11
pasnox_i have privileges problems too but i don't know if they are related. if u created a new user and try to acces old user data then it's normal09:14
pasnox_u have to be root to read the users data09:14
pasnox_try starting kdesudo dolphin for copying the data09:14
pasnox_'kdesudo dolphin'09:14
clarahow do i create a user that has privilidges. i dont have privilidges to use kde dolphin.09:15
pasnox_u create / manage users from systemsettings / users09:15
well_laid_lawnclara: you'll need to boot into recovery mode and give the user admin rights09:15
clarai dont have privilidges to use the system settings to create a user.09:15
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions09:15
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo09:16
clarathank you well_laid_lawn09:16
well_laid_lawnclara: if you are new to linux a reinstall might be easier09:16
well_laid_lawnif you have a separate home partition09:17
claraI cannot loose this data. i haven't backed it up yet.09:17
pasnox_well_laid_lawn: any hint for my polkit problems ? i just checked i was not member of admin group i added it but still have polkit problems. i will restart kdm / kde09:18
pasnox_and check again ...09:18
well_laid_lawnyou need to logout/login for group changes to take effect09:18
well_laid_lawnand I know nothing about polkit...09:19
pasnox_stupid thing u install fresh os, u install update and all is dead ... :/09:19
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».09:19
pasnox_let restart desktop09:19
claraReconq keeps crashing.09:21
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».09:29
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots09:30
esmirlinhi guys, ill buy a computer and i need to know how it should be to get maximum performance with kubuntu09:46
ate34jjHi. My laptop's optical drive has been acting up on me for a long time, and now that I want to install a new os, I can't do it the regular way. Can I mess with the disk's MBR from another computer?10:06
ate34jjThat is, can I install grub such that I can later transfer the disk to the laptop and expect it to work10:10
spacebug-ate34jj: if you want to install ubuntu/kubuntu on it you can install from an usb stick if you have one10:10
ate34jjI'll try to find one.10:15
alexdevillxHi all whats minimum speed of HDD for Linux?10:16
alexdevillxand Windowx10:16
alexdevillxWD Cavier Blue is OK?10:16
spacebug-alexdevillx: sure10:16
alexdevillxfor Windows?10:17
spacebug-yeah sure10:17
spacebug-if you need speed then you should try SSD but really any disk would be ok10:18
alexdevillx500GB or 1000Gb?10:18
alexdevillxok, thx10:18
alexdevillxso Cavier Blue is enoght for linux and windows10:18
spacebug-well, I think so yes. Depends on what you do10:19
spacebug-for normal users sure I think so10:19
spacebug-personally I would not get a Green one since they are slower and the Black ones are faster but then also makes more noise10:19
alexdevillxor Cavier BLack?10:20
spacebug-but this is really off topic here10:20
alexdevillxI need to know right now10:20
spacebug-I can only give you my personal thoughts and sure I would go with the blue10:20
jemandHi all, since I upgraded to Oneiric my system is cloaked by Nepomuk and Akonadi up to 90%10:21
jemandWork is just not possible. Waiting for surface action between 2 - 15 sec.10:21
jemandany clues?10:22
ate34jjThey're all 7200 RPM drives, which is what most hd's are. If you don't know that you need more speed, you almost certainly don't.10:23
ate34jj(this was for alexdevillx.)10:24
ate34jjThe most noticeable difference, I think, would be how fast it boots up.10:25
alexdevillxwhats more stable10:25
yofelIMO all WD drives are reliable - at least I never had one fail on me10:28
ate34jjI don't think I've heard anyone complain of WDs failing.10:30
ate34jjI tend to lean towards Seagate drives, but that's a habit that's started to show gray hairs.10:31
* yofel prefers samsung to seagate for cheaper drives10:34
yofelbut that's because I once had seagate drives with some power management weirdness10:34
new2netHow do I ram disk?10:35
yofelnew2net: you mount a tmpfs, like: 'sudo mount -t tmpfs some_descriptive_name /mnt' will make a ramdisk in /mnt half the size of your RAM10:36
yofelwith -o size=1G    you can force a 1GiB one10:36
new2neti have 256kb of ram :)10:36
yofeluh, kb? ^^10:36
yofeltmpfs will happily use swap though if you run out of memory10:37
new2netyofel, where is it ? should be in /mnt right?10:39
yofelnew2net: that's the mount point. you can mount it anywhere10:39
new2netso /mnt/* is the actual ram disk now?10:40
yofelnew2net: if 'df' shows tmpfs mounted on /mnt - it is10:40
yofel /mnt is a muli-purpose mount point that's usually unused, that's why I used it for the example10:40
yofelcan be anything, like /tmpfs, or /var/cache/tmpfs, or whatever10:41
yofelthe folder just has to exist10:41
avihayafaik, you create folders in mnt to mount stuff in, like the /media folder is used10:41
yofelavihay: nope, that was *until* /media was introduced10:41
yofelnow /mnt is expected to be empty10:42
yofeland free for the system administrator to use10:42
yofelwhich in turn means: yeah, you could actually use it the same as /media if you want10:42
new2netI see... how do I unmount it (and what happens to the stuff inside)?10:42
yofelnew2net: sudo umount <mountpoint> - the contents are lost10:43
jemandHi all, since I upgraded to Oneiric my system is cloaked by Nepomuk and Akonadi up to 90%10:43
jemandWork is just not possible. Waiting for surface action between 2 - 15 sec.10:43
jemandany clues?10:43
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new2netyofel, sweet. That was really to the point and helpful10:45
jemandKubuntu Oneiric is the slowest OS I ever expirienced.11:11
jemandIs ther any reason?11:11
alvinjemand: It's a known problem. I see it's being discussed on the mailinglist. People are switching to Thunderbird and finding ways to disable nepomuk.11:11
jemandThanks for the hint.11:12
jemandI think I'll do the same11:12
jemandit's really sad.11:13
alvinMind you, I don't think Thunderbird is fit for large volumes of mail. KMail was, but not anymore.11:13
alvinYes, it's sad. KMail is the most functional mail client (except for Mutt) I have ever seen.11:13
jemandme too11:13
alvinNow, it's buggier than Outlook11:13
jemandjep. Trueg e.a. are working like hell reducing the bugs.11:14
jemandWhy was it shipped?11:14
alvinNo choice. Older versions aren't supported in KDE 4.7 anymore11:14
martintrshi, my grub isn't able to boot Windows 7 anymore. Please help me!11:25
BluesKajHey all11:43
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hallmanWhat happened with the "software center" in the last update and why can't I find even basic stuff like apache?12:21
BluesKajhallman . look for Muon , it's the new package manager12:22
hallmanBluesKaj: That's the one I'm having problems with12:22
yofelhallman: SC or package manager?12:23
hallmanI'm using the SC, but I guess it's the package manager I want. Is it hidden somewhere in the kde system settings mayhaps?12:24
yofelhallman: kmenu -> applications -> system -> package manager12:25
kamilnadeemdid anyone found a wroking solution of Kubuntu's mute on startup(very single time) prob?12:35
PasNoxi'm trying to install wine on kubuntu oneiric 64bits edition12:37
PasNoxbut it try to instamm i386 qt libs ( why depends on that now ? ) and why reinstalling qt while i already have the 64bits version of qt4 ?12:38
BluesKajkamilnadeem, after setting up alsamixer to your liking , check for the auto mute by using the F5 key , make sure it 's disabled , if it exists. then run , alsactl store , in the terminal12:40
kamilnadeemF5 key to press whetre?12:41
BluesKajF5  brings up all the alsamixer ctrls12:41
kamilnadeemnot in my case12:42
kamilnadeemyou want me to go in config12:42
kamilnadeemconfigure kmix?12:43
BluesKajnope kamilnadeem , type alsmixer in the terminal12:43
BluesKajalsamixer rather12:43
kamilnadeemyeah it opened12:43
BluesKajforget kmix , it's just a gui for alsamixer12:44
kamilnadeemno it opened in terminal12:44
kamilnadeem Item: Auto-Mute Mode [Line-Out+Speaker]12:47
kamilnadeemdisabled it12:48
kamilnadeemalsactl: save_state:1547: Cannot open /var/lib/alsa/asound.state for writing: Permission denied12:49
kamilnadeemdo i have to used sudo12:49
BluesKajnow , alsactl store , in the terminal12:49
BluesKajoh yeah , use sudo ,12:49
kamilnadeemHome directory /home/kamil not ours.12:50
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kamilnadeemgetting the above on sudo alsactl store12:51
BluesKajkamilnadeem, that's a common output , but I dunno why ...it shold still work12:54
kamilnadeemo.O , I have tried many things lets see :)12:54
kamilnadeemThanks BlueKaj13:00
kamilnadeemThanks BluesKaj13:00
BluesKajkamilnadeem, glad to help13:00
oxymoronany new changes in latest updates?13:06
kamilnadeemWhich updates?13:06
kamilnadeemno updates today?13:06
BluesKajnone for me , so far13:07
kamilnadeemsame here (I have added 4.7.2 ppa)13:07
kamilnadeembut updates are coming in slow(especially on Ubuntu 11.10. _13:08
kamilnadeemok leaving guys13:10
avihaytryed it now with my cat, bad move... :-<13:37
NIX-Knighthello, I installed kubuntu on my laptop, is there anyway to disable battery charging manually? My laptops is a Dell Inspiron 1545?13:39
Sentynelhi folks, having some issues with system freezes since upgrading to 11.10. apparently at random, the system just locks up - any audio gets stuck looping, no response to input, etc. have to hold the power button to shut it down. this has happened twice while I've been using the computer and once during the night. any way I could work out what's causing it?13:40
BluesKajSentynel, cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log , there may be some clues there13:43
SentynelBluesKaj: Xorg.0.log.old is timestamped about when the system must have frozen, but the last entries are just XKB stuff. Xorg.0.log is just startup stuff from this time around.13:47
BluesKajSentynel, yeah sometimes the logs give clues and sometimes not ..bummer :(13:52
Sentynelunrelated, but something in the xorg log reminded me - do you have any idea how to tell udev/x that my keyboard is only a keyboard and to stop thinking it's a mouse as well? there are some interesting issues with it registering some of the keys as mouse buttons as well14:01
NIX-Knighthello, I installed kubuntu on my laptop, is there anyway to disable battery charging manually? My laptop is a Dell Inspiron 1545?14:06
dbc254what is the easiest way to clone a disk to an external backup drive? Apps, settings, etc.14:07
phunyguy_netbookok so how do I disable this KDE netbook interface?14:14
avihayphunyguy_netbook: in system settings14:15
phunyguy_netbooktried that in workspace behavior, but it didn't present a desktop, instead it crashed14:15
phunyguy_netbookthinking there are more settings14:15
avihayworkspace appearance and behaviour->workspace behaviour->workspace->workspace type14:16
phunyguy_netbookyes i changed that, avihay, but it didn't work properly14:16
phunyguy_netbookwhen it came back, I had a blank desktop, and a blank panel14:17
phunyguy_netbookso i dropped to a shell, did rm -rf .kde - and then logged in14:17
avihaywell, that's the setting that changes it for me, actually, I didn't try 10.11 yet14:17
phunyguy_netbook...netbook interface was back14:17
avihaythat's not surprising.14:18
phunyguy_netbookmaybe there is a package or two to uninstall?14:18
avihaydo it again, remove the blank panel, add a "default panel" and you should be set14:18
phunyguy_netbookaight - bbiab14:19
avihayyou don't even need to logoff14:19
phunyguy_netbookaahahahaha, it worked that time.14:20
phunyguy_netbookyeah it worked that time14:20
phunyguy_netbooksome stuff is still funky though, missing minimize button on corner14:21
avihayumm in the window decorations?14:22
phunyguy_netbookyeah... prolly gonna be a few other things too that I have to tweak14:22
phunyguy_netbookhmmm... how do you move a panel?14:25
avihayyou hit that cashaw button, then you can change the screen edge, as well as panel height, and limits. more options in the more options...14:28
phunyguy_netbookno option in there to actually move the panel14:30
phunyguy_netbookoh wait, screen edge14:30
phunyguy_netbookahahaha there we go14:30
InadaptadoIt took me a few guesses too14:31
phunyguy_netbookthere, disabled the stupid netbook interface, but kept the top bar the same, and added the classic kmenu14:33
InadaptadoI just move it the bar to the left. Nobody thinks of panoramic screens14:35
BluesKajInadaptado, I do side panels aren't for me14:36
InadaptadoThat's not the right word, is it? I'll look for the correct translation14:36
InadaptadoOooh, right, widescreens14:37
BluesKajwe have nothing but widescreens here14:37
phunyguy_netbookyeah i dont mind a top or bottom as long as it is nonintrusive14:40
avihayI use a bottom pannle because I do alot of window switching through it. stupid KDE bug alt-tabbing doesn't scroll down when you pass the screen edge. thought a major issue like that will get resolved the next monthly release, but it's like that for years14:40
InadaptadoI feel more comfortable with the bar at my left. But that's just me14:40
phunyguy_netbookand i like the ability for the netbook interface where it integrated the menubars, and has a drop down list for running app;lications to keep the bar uncluttered14:40
phunyguy_netbooki just hated search and launch14:41
avihayI like Lancelot with the no-click interface instead of the normal kmenu14:42
phunyguy_netbookonly thing left to do is remove the titlebar from active windows... any hints?14:45
phunyguy_netbookthe application switcher has what I need14:45
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jemand;-(   Any hints for "harm reduction" of Oneiric?15:29
jemandOn my Thinkpad T61 it sucks up more or less all (90%) of my CPUs.15:29
Treibholzhi, I just tried to setup Kontact with a davical-server. But Kontact tells, me that it doesn't work. Can I somhow go in a debug-mode, where I may get more information why it isn't working?15:34
BluesKajjemand, check in system monitor/process table, to see what's using up your resources15:35
excognachi all15:38
excognacIs anyone else the following problem SINCE UPDATE to 11.10: sometimes System tray does react terribly slowly or does not react at all while clicking on it?15:41
excognac*is anyone else having15:43
jemandYES, me15:47
excognacok, have you investigated the possible reasons already?15:48
jemandGuess who eats my ressources (~90% of it)?15:50
jemandIt's Nepomuk & children  and   akonadi_control & children15:50
excognacI see. So getting rid of them might help?15:50
jemandI try to get an impression of what will be the consequences.15:52
jemandI Thin Kmail won't work.15:52
jemandAm I right?15:52
excognacWell, I don't use a mailing system but since Akonadi has your contactlist then it's highly probable15:53
athena_Does anybody know the usage of package 'libreoffice-kde' in the official archive?15:53
BluesKajjemand:  how long has akonadi been running or is it idle now ...it could be nepomuk that's indexing files and using your cpu resources15:55
athena_I purged the package but I saw nothing changed when using libreoffice in kde.15:55
avihayyou can see what files the package puts when installed15:56
jemandBluesKaj: I let it run overnight. Still crawling like hell as soon as I open Kontact15:56
BluesKajjemand:  do you need kontact and kmail ?15:57
jemandwell I was used to have all things together in Kontact (which incl. kmail)15:57
athena_the kmail is crashing on my computer since i upgraded to Oneric15:57
BluesKajI ran kmail for a day or 2 without akonadi running and it was fine , but that was just an experiment ,,,I had no contact list setup.15:58
jemandathena_:  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/OneiricOcelot/Final/Kubuntu/Kmail215:59
jemandworked fine for me15:59
BluesKajbbiab ...gonna switch back to konversation..quassel isn't my cuppa tea.15:59
ironfroggyCan anyone point me to help loosing flash playback after an 11.10 update?16:01
ironfroggyi still had flashplugin-nonfree installed, so i tried to uninstall it and reinstall, now i cant get it at all. (Not candidate version)16:02
BluesKajironfroggy, 64 bit ?16:02
BluesKajflashplugin-nonfree is no longer used , it's flashplugin-installer now, ironfroggy16:03
BluesKajironfroggy, if you run 64 bit , then make sure you install multiarch ...it should installed by default tho16:04
ironfroggythanks i'll try that16:07
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MalfermitaKodoStupid question: why is there no xorg.conf anymore? What is used instead? How can I configure that to allow the Crtl-Alt-Backspace shortcut?16:13
BluesKajMalfermitaKodo, don't think that key combo works anymore16:14
MalfermitaKodoso what do you do now to kill a wonky X11?16:15
BluesKajhmm, dropto tty then restart X?16:15
BluesKajMalfermitaKodo, dunno of any other method ...there may be one but I can't recall it16:16
Belial`does anyone have thumbnail previews not working for the taskbar? they're checked in kwin, and all other effects are working. the thumbnail previews were originally working without a problem.16:17
MalfermitaKodoI mean... when X11 crashes16:17
avihaywell, there is still an option in xkb to kill x with that combo. I also remember seeing that don't zap option somewhere totally unrelated somewhere in the kde control panel16:17
avihayI also find myself useing alt+SysRequest(printscreen)+k to kill x16:18
BluesKajctrl+alt +F1 or F2 etc , drops to a TTY ,16:18
MalfermitaKodowhere is Sysrequest on a Mac?16:19
avihayI don't think hamburgers come with a keyboard (didn't stare at a mac long enough to know the layout)16:21
BluesKajmy wireless KB doesn't have sysreq key16:25
BluesKajprtscn is a substitute according to the wiki16:27
avihayit's the same key16:49
avihayit's either labaled sysreq or printscreen or both16:49
sopacooli tried to install mdadm, but it turned up like a mailserver17:27
sopacoolcan someone please tell me whats wrong17:28
sopacooli did : sudo apt-get install mdadm17:29
kerloiHi all. I'm trying to install a virtual piano on my kubuntu system but the sound doesn't work either with vmpk or drumstick. Is there anything configuration step to ?17:52
kerloiOf course I have no error and absolutely no inforamtion about what's wrong with them. I tried to start them from the konsole but I don't have any output.17:53
kerloiI don't know anything about midi player. So I really don't know if I should configure something before using these programs ...17:55
avihaykerloi: I've had a problem trying to make sound out of virtual piano software. you need to look for something called jack, I think17:58
kerloiavihay: What is it a software ?18:03
avihayyes. you seem to need to connect your virtual piano to an output device before you can actually hear it. I guess it was ment for something more complex18:04
kamilnadeemBluesKaj  you there?18:05
kamilnadeemdid anyone found a wroking solution of Kubuntu's mute on startup(every single time) prob?18:06
BluesKajyup kamilnadeem , I'm here ...so the auto mute is still enabled ?18:14
BluesKajoops..was raking leaves , so I missed him18:16
phunyguy_netbookHow do you disable ALL titlebars in KDE? To see what I am talking about, in any active window, press alt-f3, select advanced, and select "No Border"18:22
phunyguy_netbookthat does current window, but i want them all gone when fullscreen18:22
bencchow does kubuntu compares to unity in terms of performance and RAM usage?18:25
phunyguy_netbookapples and orangesbencc18:25
benccI'm using ubuntu in vbox and 11.10 is very slow18:25
phunyguy_netbookerr apples and oranges bencc18:25
benccphunyguy_netbook: why? isn't it the same core with different ui?18:26
LinkmasterI take it that openGL ES is about as close as we can get to running Wayland at the moment?18:26
phunyguy_netbookwell i find the resource usage is about the same, and KDE is much more customizeable18:26
phunyguy_netbookbut the KDE apps are buggy at best18:27
benccphunyguy_netbook: I don't care about customization. I want the basic stuff like editor and file manager to work18:27
benccand that it'll be compatible with ubuntu server - same packages18:27
benccjust tried lubuntu. It has low resource usage but the UI have bugs18:28
LinkmasterDaskreech: ping18:31
DaskreechLinkmaster: Pong18:31
Daskreechbencc: you could run fluxbox18:32
LinkmasterI'm going to reinstall 11.10, and tell it to reformat my partition selections. Then, I'll bring the fresh installation down to the ethernet port, and hopefully we won't have any issues this time around18:32
benccDaskreech: never heard of it. probably a good sign :)18:33
DaskreechLinkmaster: Alright18:33
phunyguy_netbookbench, then go with unity.,18:33
LinkmasterDaskreech: I think a fresh installation would help, I've put three systems on the same partition, and it might be degrading18:33
phunyguy_netbooksamba shares worked better :)18:34
DaskreechLinkmaster: :-) maybe18:34
LinkmasterI love how easy it is to install Kubuntu now. Once I set it all up, just leave it be till it prompts for the restart. So easy. Daskreech, I'll ping you when its done, I'm going to be back later18:36
kartickcan u tell me how can i convert an image from jpeg to png???18:47
kartickhow r u??18:48
kartickwel come to all of u18:48
kartickcan u tell me how can i convert an image from jpeg to png???18:49
kartickcan any one  tell me how can i convert an image from jpeg to png???18:50
Colamannkart, try http://www.coolutils.com/online/image-converter/18:52
tommasohi ... i neeb help .. i see only black screen18:56
BarkingFishtommaso, where do you see the black screen? During loading, or after loading? Is there any text on it?18:57
tommasoafter installatin18:58
tommasoi have install ubuntu18:58
BarkingFishwhich version, tommaso?18:58
tommasoafter i have installed kubuntu18:58
tommasowhen fist start kubuntu ...18:59
tommasothe sistem operation18:59
tommasoto block after the 4° icons to load18:59
tommaso(sorry for my english)18:59
BarkingFishtommaso, what is your first language?19:00
BarkingFishaha. one moment19:00
tommasobut in italy ... are alone19:00
BarkingFishso we have an italian help channel, with nobody helping in it...19:01
avihayI have a problem, sometimes my compositing doesn't work and leaves me with a blank screen. and a mouse cursor. disabling composting makes it work normally. tommaso, try to disable composting with the shortcut (ctrl+alt+f12 by default, I think)19:04
tommasocontrol alt f2 ?19:04
tommasobut i seee only black terminal19:05
tommasoi can talk in english19:05
tommasodon't worry19:05
BarkingFishtommaso, It's ok, I was just trying to find someone who would help you in your own language, just to make it easier for you :)19:06
BarkingFishMy Italian is a whole lot worse than your English :)19:06
avihaytommaso: F12, not f219:06
chronoswhat is the best stuff to replace old Kopete?19:20
KingSphinxOld Kopete? Do you mean that literally or just referring to Kopete as dated? (Not arguing or anything, just a bit comfused)19:22
KingSphinxer, *confused19:22
chronosKingSphinx: kopete is dated hehe19:22
chronosit works, but we need something better :), since have many time I don't use linux I'm here asking19:23
chronosI want something like gtalk in windows. Clean, very fast19:23
KingSphinxWell, as far as I know, KDE's working on something like KDE Telepathy that integrates messaging right into the desktop, but I don't know how far that's come yet.19:23
chronosbut multi protocol19:23
KingSphinxIf you're looking KDE-native, I can't really help, because the only think that's coming to mind for me right now is Pidgin, and that's GTK-based...19:25
chronoshm, I see19:26
chronosI tried gnome and unity but not works for me hehe19:26
KingSphinxYeah, I've sort of grown fed up with Unity and GNOME, which is why I made the "leap" to KDE (I put it in quotes because I'm already familiar with everything, I just never had the nerve to ditch GNOME before though)19:28
chronosI used gnome with openbox for a while some years ago19:29
chronosbut since I'm using mostly windows last year (because company), I see that windows is very simple in some points, like kde can be19:30
tommasoi come back19:46
tommasoBarkingFish please help :-(19:50
BarkingFishI don't know what is wrong, tommaso - I have looked a lot of things over, and can't figure out what is wrong.19:51
BarkingFishGuys, someone please help tommaso to get his install working.  I have no idea what is wrong with it.19:51
tommasoi see ttyl19:52
tommasowhit login ... in black screen19:52
tommasoif i try to reboot ... i don't see the launcer19:52
tommasoonly the black screen19:53
tommasohow do I restore the login? or to return to the old workplace Ubuntu19:54
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tommasoplease help ... i have install kubuntu ... when reboot i see a black screen20:06
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tommasoplease help ... i have install kubuntu ... when reboot i see a black screen20:14
yofeltommaso: how far does it get? do you see the boot splash?20:16
tommasono i don't see the login splash20:16
yofelno, the splash comes before the login screen20:16
tommasoi see ttyl with login in black screen20:17
yofelwhat *do* you see - the bios init screen comes up, and then?20:17
tommasono i don't see20:17
tommasoI installed ubuntu and it worked20:18
tommasolater I wanted to try Kubuntu20:18
BarkingFishyofel, i think he's saying KDM doesn't start. That's what I gathered from earlier20:19
yofelthen he should still see the splash before KDM20:19
tommasothe installation went ok ... went off the log. I entered username and password. Then he stopped.20:19
yofelwait... you have the login screen?20:20
Trabaiadorhow i connect in rizon.net?20:20
yofeluh... you just said you entered username and password20:20
tommasoi have a black screen20:20
tommasowhit login ...20:20
yofeltommaso: which client?20:20
yofelTrabaiador: which client?20:20
BarkingFishyofel, want me to help Trabaiador?20:21
tommasoi see: Ubuntu 11.10 namepc ttyl20:21
tommasonamepc login20:22
BarkingFishTrabaiador, could you tell me which IRC client you're using please?20:22
TrabaiadorBarkingFish: quassel irc20:22
tommasothis are another pc20:22
yofeltommaso: ok, so you're on a TTY right now?20:22
tommasoyofel yes ... i'm are with tty20:23
yofeltommaso: ok, and logged in?20:24
BarkingFishTrabaiador, click File, then Configure Networks20:24
tommasoyes ... i'm logged in20:24
BarkingFishTrabaiador, once you've done that, in the top box, click the Add button, and in the next window, click "Manually specify network settings"20:24
TrabaiadorBarkingFish: ok20:25
tommasoyofel i'm logged in20:25
yofeltommaso: ok, does 'sudo service kdm restart' do anything?20:25
BarkingFishThe settings you need are:  Server name: irc.rizon.no   Port 6667  (6697 if you're using SSL), Trabaiador20:25
yofeltype it in without  the quotes20:25
yofelTrabaiador: BarkingFish just told you the port20:26
tommasoyofel start/running process 259020:26
tommasoyofel now reboot?20:26
yofeltommaso: hm, ok, now press ctrl+alt+f720:26
yofelwhat do you see?20:26
tommasommm noting20:27
yofelctrl+alt+f8 - now?20:27
tommasoone momente i reboot20:27
yofeldon't reboot20:28
Trabaiadoryofel:  BarkingFish thanks =)20:28
yofeltommaso: go back to the TTY20:28
tommasoyes dont' reboot20:28
yofeltommaso: what does 'cat /etc/X11/default-display-manager' say?20:28
BarkingFishTrabaiador, For the network name, just type Rizon, put the server name in the "Server address" box20:29
tommasocontrol alt f820:29
yofeltommaso: can't be, did you enter it right?20:29
BarkingFishTrabaiador, no problem20:29
BarkingFishRemember that Rizon use nickserv, like us, so you can identify there if you have an account in the same way we do here20:29
yofeltommaso: erm, back to the tty you were on before please20:29
tommasoi'm are in tty20:29
yofeltommaso: ok, run: cat /etc/X11/default-display-manager20:30
yofeland it will not return nothing20:30
BarkingFishif you're set up right, the response should be /usr/bin/kdm20:30
tommasook ...20:31
tommasoi see many lines20:31
yofelno, it will only print ONE line20:31
tommasocrun zrun runq20:31
tommasorun don't found20:32
BarkingFishyou don't type the run: part - just type what I put on the next line...20:33
yofeltommaso: no, run wasn't part of the command, please execute the following line:20:33
yofelcat /etc/X11/default-display-manager20:33
BarkingFishsorry yofel, I'll butt out :)20:33
tommasofile o directory don't exsist20:34
yofelcat /etc/X11/default-display-manager20:34
yofelif it says that you didn't type it right20:34
tommasoi see /usr/bin/kdm20:36
yofelok, so far correct20:36
yofeltommaso: does that system have a wired network connection?20:37
LinkmasterDaskreech: ping20:37
tommasothis sistem have ubuntu 11.0420:37
tommasoubuntu 11.1020:37
tommasoubuntu work perfettly20:38
yofeltommaso: I mean, does the non-functional system have internet connection?20:38
tommasoyes... have a wi-fi20:38
tommasosame wi-fi lan20:39
tommasoif you want i can connect with eternet20:40
yofeltommaso: would be nice, after you did that, run this:20:41
yofelsudo apt-get install pastebinit20:41
yofelpastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log20:41
yofelthen give me the link it returns20:41
tommasoi can't download20:42
tommasoyofel ... i can't download20:46
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
yofeltommaso: then it's not connected to the net, ok. run instead:20:49
yofelgrep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log20:49
yofelany lines with [EE] ?20:49
tommasoyofel don't exist20:52
yofelhas to..., that's a zero in the name, not an O20:52
tommasofailed to load module "nv" molule don't exist20:53
piedrohello! i have a problem too ...20:54
piedroI deleted most of the i386 packages for multiarch support ...20:54
tommasoyofel failed to load module "nv" molule don't exist20:54
yofeltommaso: ok... anything else?20:55
piedroand now I don't know which ones were installed by default so I can add them again ...20:55
tommaso(II) loading extension mit-screen-saver20:55
piedroDoes anyone know where to find the default package list?20:55
tommaso(II) xkb: reuse xbmfil va/lib/xkb/server-37814283823EE93942340.xkm yofel20:56
yofeltommaso: nah, II is fine20:56
yofeltommaso: you have an nvidia card?20:57
tommasocan return with ubuntu?20:57
tommasoyes have invidia card20:57
tommasogeforce  730020:57
yofeltommaso: can you please run 'lsmod | grep nv'20:57
yofeldoes that have a line with nvidia in it?20:58
tommasousage: lsmod20:58
yofelwhat did you type in?20:58
tommasoyofel i don't undstand21:01
yofelwhat exactly did you type in? that's not what it should return21:01
tommasoreturn ---- Usage:lsmod21:02
yofelerm, please type in: lsmod | grep nv21:02
tommasonvidia 1039087421:03
herayodin1helo tommaso21:03
tommasohi herayodin121:03
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yofelI'm thinking21:09
herayodin1a question hydra know how to use the application or set of backtrack21:10
tommasobut i come back at ubuntu?21:10
yofeltommaso: you could try to run: sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm21:11
yofeland select lightdm at the dialog that comes up21:11
yofelif you reboot you might get the old login screen back21:11
tommasoyofel are blocked21:15
tommasostarting cups printing spooler/server21:15
yofelok, then we'll probably need the full /var/log/Xorg.0.log - can you somehow copy that from the system and pastebin that?21:16
tommasoone moment21:16
tommasonothing ... the sistem are stopped21:18
yofelthen I'm out of ideas for now, sorry - anyone else?21:18
tommasocan't return at tty or lightdm21:19
yofeltommaso: as we're a bit short on people right now, you could ask in #ubuntu or #ubuntu-beginners too21:21
herayodin1do not know if I can help with backtrack and use hydra or set21:22
yofel!backtrack | herayodin121:24
ubottuherayodin1: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition21:24
herayodin1is about the use of dictionaries for messaging server attacks21:25
DaskreechLinkmaster: Pong21:48
anderzHow do I restore the file/edit/window options on kubuntu. as they are now missing on dolphin/firefox/everywhere22:34
Daskreechanderz: ctrl+M ?22:38
anderzty Daskreech how to make default?22:39
Daskreechanderz: Umm. Not sure why they aren't on by default. I always have to go around turning them offmanually22:40
claydohin kde 4.7, they are off  by default with, ctrl-m should stick in dolphin , other apps may not have a menu (rekonq comes to mind)22:43
DaskreechAre they?22:44
DaskreechHmm never noticed22:44
claydohya, in dolphin particularly22:44
claydohnot the whole OS tho22:44
anderzeven missing in firefox22:44
claydohrekonq iirc doesn't even have that menu, much like chrome22:44
claydohits is the current trend22:45
claydohodd my firefox has its file menu, I seldom use it22:46
claydohsomething is amiss here22:46
anderzI cant see the menu or access bookmarks22:46
claydohfirefox doesn't follow KDE's menu structures22:47
claydohhmm on firefox's toolbar area, try right-clicking to bring uo a dialog on what to show22:48
anderzif I push f10 the kde desktop crashes except for open windows and I can the missing file/edit/view/history/bookmarks on firef until i right click on desktop and kde returs22:50
LinkmasterDaskreech: I tried the sta driver, and it said it was installed and good to go, but it wouldn't let me enable wireless. I still have it activated(I believe)22:50
Daskreechanderz: What's F10 supposed to do?22:51
DaskreechLinkmaster: same sequence? card exists in lspci and in ifconfig -a but can't be turned on?22:51
anderzI think i hit it by accident going fullscreen (f11)22:53
LinkmasterDaskreech: let me try again22:53
Daskreechanderz: ah that makes sense :)22:54
LinkmasterDaskreech: nope, this time its because of RF-KILL22:54
anderzfixed firefox with 'help'  then 'restart with addons disabled' then on options 'reset toolbars and controls' and 'reset all usre pref to firef default'22:57
anderzthink view toolbars/menubar was corrupt22:58
anderzneed to restart22:58
DaskreechLinkmaster: You are getting an error for that?23:03
=== mark_ is now known as mar_1
drbobbhey, when I go to system settings -> login manager -> themes: d/l new themes, and pick a few, it says they're installed, but they never appear in the settings module23:19
Daskreechdrbobb: yeah a bug. You can work around it23:23
drbobbDaskreech: how?23:24
DaskreechDon't click on install click on the name and it will pull up the Website. pull the package and then on the screen before instead of clicking GHNS click install and point at the file23:24
drbobbokay, thx23:25
drbobbin the download mode, where is the theme package d/l'd to?23:25
claraMy original user account was messed up because of a crash. I created a second account and moved the home folder of the original account into the documents folder of the new user. now i cannot run the original user and the new user account does not have sudo powers. how do i get a user account that has sudo power to fix this?23:28
Daskreechdrbobb: Umm ~/.kde/share somthing ?23:29
drbobbyeah I looked all around but didn't find it23:29
Daskreechclara: do you have a live CD?23:29
claraDaskreech: no, i upgraded from 10.04 to 11 by internet23:30
drbobboh and while you're there: I logged into a gnome session a couple times, and now I have a bunch of gnome gadgets autostarting at login. How do I get rid of them?23:30
Daskreechclara: Any live CD doesn't matter what version23:30
claraDaskreech: yes23:30
claraDaskreech: i have a live cd23:31
Daskreechclara: ok boot from that live CD and chroot to your install. Add your new user to the admin group23:31
DaskreechOr if you like reboot to single user mode23:31
Daskreechclara: That would be faster actually23:31
claraDaskreech: i am not sure what that means.23:32
claraDaskreech: how do i do this once the live cd is running23:33
Daskreechclara: you know when you reboot at the start you get a 5 second countdown to press any key to see the menu ?23:33
DaskreechThe Grub Menu?23:33
claraDaskreech: yes23:34
Daskreechclara: OK well open that menu and edit the entry. All you want to do is add  the word 'single' at the very end of the line23:35
DaskreechOr if the menu already has a recovery mode entry jsut choose that23:35
Daskreechthen you want to add the user to the group admin23:36
clarai get a screen that gives options like -- dpkg clean etc23:36
Daskreechis there one that says root menu?23:37
Daskreechor root shell ?23:37
claraDaskreech: yes23:37
DaskreechOk choose that and run  usermod -a -G admin clara223:37
Daskreechwhere clara2 is the name of your second user23:38
claraDaskreech: okay. i understand how to do that.23:38
claraDaskreech: thank you.23:38
claraDaskreech: brb23:39
ven1ce_hello, i installed the new kubuntu version. now i'm stuck with insane boot times... (in a bad way)23:41
ven1ce_bootchart of the system :/23:41
ven1ce_any ideas?23:41
ven1ce_certainly 150 seconds has to be a joke :/23:46
Daskreechven1ce_: Why does Init take so long23:54
ven1ce_where else could i check ? :/23:57
DaskreechNot sure. that would be more #ubuntu-server than anyone else23:59
ven1ce_okay :/23:59

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