
bodhizazenlo everyone01:01
bodhizazen18 of 239 packages and then world will be re made =)01:01
bodhizazenlo Silent_Samurai01:15
Silent_SamuraiLo and behold, its bodhizazen01:15
bodhizazenwb IAmNotThatGuy01:27
IAmNotThatGuythanks bodhizazen =]01:34
philipballewchute, hoes unity workin?01:51
chutephilipballew: installed unity in dual boot with 10.04 Gnome2, both sharing the same /home partition. After a few theme tweaks both versions seem to work.02:27
philipballewthere just different. i guess one is not better then another02:28
chutedid the updates and installed some apps, including synaptic. Synaptic and gparted do not migrate their menu to the top panel, I noticed.02:29
philipballewperfection by 12.0402:30
philipballewI see potential02:30
chutewith unity, including unity2, the system seems to react slower - the UI I mean. I will use it for a week or two just to get the hang of it. I prefer Unity to Gnome-shell (?). Gnome shell seems half of Gnome2 and Unity.02:32
chuteHaving used an LTS for the last year and a half, this version seems much less stable though. Had a hang during the 1st HD install at the keyboard selection screen.02:34
chuteBut I can see the potential too. Missing the fine tuning for the moment, but that is certainly because of me not knowing where the wisles and bells are.02:36
chuteI will certainly keep you informed of my learning curve :) - BTW, connect to server works perfectly - thanks again.02:37
chuteSorry I missed your presentation - read if afterwards - very interesting and true. Time for a snooze here - more unity tomorrow - bye for now.02:40
philipballewbye bye!02:46
Rainstakelatest update manager files not able to install, here is the message: W: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/x/xorg-server/xserver-common_1.7.6-2ubuntu7.9_all.deb   404  Not Found [IP: 80]   W: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/x/xorg-server/xserver-xorg-core_1.7.6-2ubuntu7.9_i386.deb   404  Not Found [IP: 80]05:46
RainstakePlease assist if possible.05:46
RainstakeProblem solved using sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade.06:09
zeroseven0183I need suggestions as to where I should point a beginner who wants to learn Ubuntu. The first thing I can think of is Ubuntu Manual. Do we have any other good place?10:40
zeroseven0183... aside from here in the channel, of course10:40
hobgoblindepends what they want to learn I'd think10:41
zeroseven0183He's a student, programmer10:42
zeroseven0183All the basics probably10:42
zeroseven0183He's only getting started10:42
hobgoblinoh - I'd be the wrong person to talk to then - all voodoo to me :)10:42
zeroseven0183Hahaha C'mon hobgoblin, any suggestions?10:43
zeroseven0183I'm looking for a wiki page in Ubuntu10:43
zeroseven0183wiki.ubuntu.com Do we have?10:43
hobgoblinI'll have a look - but I was in fact serious - I can do Hello World in 2 laguages and then whoosh10:44
hobgoblinall above my head :)10:44
hobgoblinhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Programming  and I'd suggest having a look in the PT forum10:45
hobgoblinbioterror: hi :)10:45
bioterrorhi to yourself too ;)10:45
hobgoblinI'd not know though if any of that will be of help - it's where I'd start I suspect10:47
Sidewinder1zeroseven0183, I just signed on; What exactly were you lookinf for?10:47
Sidewinder1looking, even.10:47
hobgoblinzeroseven0183: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=801404 has a LOT of different information in it10:48
hobgoblinSidewinder1: he's looking for information for a student programmer10:49
Sidewinder1zeroseven0183, This, also has many links (some, no longer available) about terminal/scripts, etc..: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=17150710:50
Sidewinder1hobgoblin, Thanx. :-)10:50
Sidewinder1Appropriate nick, for this time of year. :D10:51
zeroseven0183Thank you10:53
hobgoblinSidewinder1: it's a year long thing :p - sometimes it's piskie or elfy or forestpiskie - but only now and again10:54
Sidewinder1I like it!10:56
hobgoblinI'm a myth - not really here - bioterror will tell you :)10:59
Sidewinder1myth or legend? I know ot for here..10:59
Sidewinder1I just like interesting nicks.11:00
zeroseven0183So how's Green Goblin, hob?11:01
hobgoblinzeroseven0183: bit ill - too many oysters11:03
TauRhello everyone I was wondering if there was a way to sync the google calendar with the calendar?14:56
stlsaintTauR: sync google calendar with what calendar?15:03
TauRBack, I'm sorry, stlsaint, hmm I think the calendar used in the desktop? I think maybe Evolution Calendar?15:31
holsteinTauR: i didnt take the time to weed through these links15:43
holsteinenjoy :)15:43
TauRholstein: Thanks, the middle link seems to have promise :) I'll try it out15:46
fosburgWhen is an older pc to old for new versions of Ubuntu?16:46
Abhijittheoritically never16:51
Abhijityou can get old kernels, drives for that model16:51
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