
asacchrisccoulson: i havent looked at ppa builders for a while; do you know if https://launchpad.net/builders is the normal number?13:59
asacor did all the builders again go somewhere into limbo state?14:00
chrisccoulsonhi asac16:15
chrisccoulsonno, that's not a normal number16:15
chrisccoulsonthat's around a third of what we normally have16:16
chrisccoulsonprobably wasn't the best time for me to restart chromium builds ;)16:16
chrisccoulsonand it looks like i've taken up 2 armel builders for several days too!16:16
chrisccoulsonouch - https://launchpad.net/builders/meissa16:16
asacchrisccoulson: oha16:24
asacchrisccoulson: do you know if qa teanm still has those servers getting pulled for internal testing?16:24
asacchrisccoulson: if so, who is the one to bug now? :)16:24
asacin the past: those verification tests typically ran for 1 hour and the script giving them back to the ppa pool was buggy16:25
asaccausing starvation kind of16:25
chrisccoulsonasac, i'm not too sure16:30
chrisccoulsonall i know is that this seems to happen quite frequently now16:30
chrisccoulson(normally every week for a couple of days at least)16:30
asacchrisccoulson: not acceptable imo... hunt down the reason before giving up16:37
chrisccoulsonasac - heh ;)17:40
chrisccoulsonasac - how are you anyway? looking forward to UDS?17:40
FernandoMiguelgood afternoon folks17:54
chrisccoulsonevening ;)17:55
chrisccoulson(for me17:55
chrisccoulsonand nearly time to drink some beer17:55
FernandoMiguel7pm here17:57
asacchrisccoulson: i am strong and bullish looking forward to orlando :)18:07
chrisccoulsonyeah, me too. looking forward to some nice weather :)18:08
knomeUDS starts next monday?20:22
chrisccoulsonknome, monday 31st20:29
chrisccoulsoni fly next saturday20:29
chrisccoulsoni can't wait :)20:29
knomei see20:30
knomei attended the jaunty summit20:30
knomehaven't been in one since20:30
FernandoMiguelmicahg: chrisccoulson: is there something *very* different on who chrome and chromium handles  zygote?21:28
FernandoMiguelchrome exist fine. chromium *always* remain running21:29

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