
GridCubeim getting constant spam from ~wheezy@pool-173-67-169-37.hrbgpa.east.verizon.net01:26
pangolinand what kind of spam?01:30
yagoogot a pm "<reggaL> Does QQ http://www.imqq.com have spyware? I'm asking because Chinese anti-virus software says it is and it has a very contradictive EULA."01:31
yagooreggal happens to be in #ubuntu room01:31
yagoo(i also told #freenode)01:31
GridCubepangolin, i get an question and if i reply it starts to dump random colored blocks, its reggaL lke yagoo's01:32
yagooi already told #freenode too GridCube01:33
GridCube:) good01:33
yagooactually u should tell #freenode.. and tell them u see him in #ubuntu as well01:33
yagooreggal is still lingering..01:33
yagoothat message he sent is 100% spam from a linux standpoint (at least from linux channels)01:34
yagoo(and not all channels are linux)01:35
gryyahoo, GridCube: what's up?01:44
gryyagoo **01:45
GridCubea guy/bot called reggaL, is PM'ing me and yagoo whit random questions, if you answer it starts to dump random blocks of colored text after saying "I'm your worst nightmare"01:46
gryhe's not in the channel anymore GridCube ?01:46
GridCube[reggaL] (~wheezy@pool-173-67-169-37.hrbgpa.east.verizon.net): Regrunio01:47
pangolingry: I removed them from #ubuntu, they are in #debian also. not sure if anybody there is getting pm's01:47
GridCubethere it just pm'd me again01:49
grythis does not look like an #ubuntu issue anymore01:49
pangolinGridCube: Thanks for looking out but if you could /part this channel that would be great :) feel free to return if you need help from us again.01:57
GridCube:) yes sorry i was doing something else01:58
pangolinno problem01:58
GridCubethank you01:58
bazhang<jianfei> im stuck! how do i run a virtual machine of my physical ubuntu hard disk partition in a vmware? i need to double my ubuntu processing power to do some graphical processing?02:33
bazhanghe had tons of warnings, and a PM02:47
bazhanghe's had a remove, as well as several warnings. no response via PM.03:30
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
jforjackjohnsonWhy is it telling me to reg my name? And also, I'm back and very VERY bored of this debacle.10:27
jforjackjohnsonAlso, to Myrtti, can I speak to your supervisor?10:28
jforjackjohnsonTuesday this week, I was on blacklist.10:30
jforjackjohnsonParlez si'l vous plait. (and don't worry, I'm not stupid!)10:31
=== jforjackjohnson is now known as doubtsUbuntu
topylidoubtsUbuntu: what is telling you to register?10:34
bazhang#ubuntu-unregged presumably10:39
topylii don't know. something triggers something and throws you there10:47
topyliit's something to do with technology10:47
topylidoubtsUbuntu: as for operators and situations where you don't get along with them, the best approximate to a "supervisor" is probably the irc council10:50
topylii'd let some other operator help me before writing them though. another operator on the same channel is much more likely to be familiar with your situation than the council10:50
topylidoubtsUbuntu: btw you can't idle here, as you should aready know. either speak or part10:52
doubtsUbuntu#ubuntu. what's the scoop on -offtopic for my ban then?10:54
topylido you remember why you're banned and by whom? i only remember you have a long history that doesn't make me terribly surprised to find you banned10:56
* topyli goes to read said history10:56
doubtsUbuntui'm eating a lurvly lemon curd and cup muffin pud atm. can i please speak to topyli about said ban? maybe start a #lemon channel?10:58
topylilemon is probably not an official project, but you can create ##lemon10:58
doubtsUbuntuabout lemon curd?10:59
topyliyes. create it and join it. i don't see you joining #ubuntu or #ubuntu-offtopic soon11:01
doubtsUbuntuwell #ubuntu is a no-ban atm. but -offtopic? well prefix an l to the name and I'm there.11:02
topylithat's nice11:02
topyliwe've helped you many times recently. take some time to think about what you've learned and consider improving your conduct. we can talk again after some weeks and see how things go11:03
doubtsUbuntupm me in two weeks at either doubsUbuntu or jforjackjohnson.11:04
doubtsUbuntupm me in two weeks at either doubtsUbuntu or jforjackjohnson.11:04
Myrttiwe're not a calendar11:05
doubtsUbuntuOr whenever.11:05
Myrttiyou come here in two weeks and we'll have that discussion when you feel like it11:05
topyligave them half an hour. must be saturday11:07
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (ghanman appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)12:30
bazhangcalling out offtopic chat is now against the code of conduct12:57
bazhangjetienne, hi13:23
jetiennebazhang: hi13:23
bazhangjetienne, you know why you were muted, correct?13:24
jetiennebazhang: you said because you were offtopic. and i said 3 lines offtopoic and got +q. those are the facts as i see them13:24
bazhangjetienne, for being offtopic and continuing when asked to stop13:25
jetiennebazhang: and then i asked it is normal behaviour to +q somebody which got 3 lines offtopic on a #ubuntu channel... and im still waiting for your answer13:26
jetienne(for information, bazhang asked me to join here)13:26
jetiennemaybe other chanop around can answer my question ? i find it legitimate13:26
bazhangjetienne, #ubuntu is a shared resource. thus it needs moderation. talking about how bad unity is (in your view) is not a technical issue for support13:27
jetiennebazhang: you do not answer my question here13:27
bazhangjetienne, you were muted for the reasons I gave above13:28
jetiennebazhang: i mean if it is legitimate for #ubuntu chanop to +q somebody for 3 lines offtopic, i will backoff13:28
ikoniajetienne: I've just read the scroll back and you waffled on about nonsense things such as a guy having an MBA - you're offtopic, you didn't stop when you where asked to, instead of arguing and trying to find a loop hole, listen to what bazhang is saying13:28
jetienneok just an answer to my question, i find it legitimate and reasonable13:28
ikoniajetienne: it was not 3 lines, it was more, so stop arguing and listen to what bazhang is saying, there is your other op's opinion as you asked13:28
ikoniabazhang: back to you13:29
ikoniajetienne: your mute was legitimate and reasonable13:29
ikonianow work it out with bazhang13:29
jetienneikonia: i came here, asked by bazhang13:29
jetienneikonia: and no it wasnt more13:29
jetiennewell for the record, i will just repeat what i said to bazhang before13:30
ikoniawe have log13:30
ikoniadont need to repeat13:31
jetiennebazhang did a +q on me after 3 line offtopic. i asked repeatidly if this was normal moderator behavior to kick after 3 line offtopic.13:33
ikoniajetienne: and I have told you "yes"13:33
ikoniathe mute was warrented13:33
ikoniayou where not kicked13:33
ikoniayou where muted13:33
bazhangjetienne, there was no kick. just the mute, to discuss in PM. which we did.13:33
jetienne(if it isnt, i have been kicked in a fair way)13:33
ikonianow resolve the issue with bazhang13:33
ikoniajetienne: I'll say it one more time13:34
ikonia"it IS"13:34
jetienneso this isnt normal behavior from a moderator pov as it isnt done in fairness)13:34
ikoniajetienne: stop13:34
jetienneikonia: relax i have been asked13:34
jetienneikonia: relax i have been asked to come here by bazhang13:34
jetienneikonia: so i do it here, because he asked me13:35
ikoniajetienne: yes and you just keep repeating the same question over and over13:35
ikoniajetienne: you have been given the answer. STOP repeating it13:35
jetienneikonia: nope, as you said you got the log13:35
jetienneikonia: this is the first time i state my pov on this channel13:35
bazhangjetienne, lets stop this arguing please and resolve the issue13:36
jetiennebazhang: im all for it13:36
jetiennebazhang: i wont do offtopic non support question on #ubuntu.13:36
jetienneis that enougth of a statement to remove the +q ?13:36
bazhangjetienne, please be aware of the channel guidelines, and chat in #ubuntu-offtopic , thanks13:39
bazhangjetienne, your mute is now removed13:40
jetiennebazhang: thanks13:40
jetiennebtw thanks to bazhang to let the dialog opened even if we clearly disagree on the topic express. he easily could have /ignore me but he didnt and chat with me (even if we disagree)13:45
jetiennebazhang: respect for that13:46
ubottuIn ubottu, guntbert said: !java is <sed> /Lucid/10.04 LTS and newer/20:11
guntberthi, about my edit request20:12
guntbertfirst I only wanted to replace "Lucid" with  "Lucid and newer" but then I regard the mixing of "10.04 LTS"   and "Lucid" much later a bit misleading20:13
PerfMIs IdleOne not an oper anymore?22:15
pangolinPerfM: what exactly do you mean by oper?22:26
PerfMAn op?22:27
pangolinI am.22:27
PerfMUhm, okay, cool.22:27
PerfMThat doesn't answer my question22:27
pangolinsure it does. just that you are not seeing the answer22:27
pangolinwhois me22:27
PerfMThats so sneaky!22:28
PerfMWe become bffs and you change your nick!22:28
PerfMpangolin, thats sending out bad signals bro...22:28
pangolinnow to be fair, the day after you said we were bffs you told me we werent anymore22:28
pangolinwho is sending out mixed signals I ask :P22:29
PerfMI never said that22:29
pangolinyou did too22:29
PerfMWell, you must have misunderstood me22:29
pangoliniirc in was in defocus22:29
PerfMBFFs4LYFE silly!22:29
pangolinpinky swear?22:29
PerfMCross my <3 and hope to not get hit by a bus22:30
pangolinokie dokie pokie22:30
PerfMBut, yes, this is basically the only reason I am here!22:30
pangolinso, was there anything Ubuntu op related ?22:30
PerfMIt's so funny that you changed your nick!22:30
PerfMAhh, naah, catcha on the bright side kid22:31
pangolinI do after every new release announcement and usually change it back but I kinda like this nick22:31
PerfMWell, I'm flattered by the nick considering that your nick also starts with a p22:31
PerfMYou must have been thinking about me22:32
pangolinI was! We are P bros now22:32
pangolinwait, that sounds ewwy22:32
PerfMI picked a good victim this time!22:32
PerfMEr...bff, I mean..22:32
pangolinlol, you better part before you get yourself into trouble.22:33
PerfMI was just gonna say that22:34
pangolinThat was rather pleasant22:34

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