
HazRPGhey guys \o06:27
HazRPGanyone know if you need to update to 11.04 before being able to update to 11.10?06:31
HazRPGsince the update manager is still showing 11.04, not 11.10 yet...06:31
MartijnVdSif you're on 10.10, yes06:31
HazRPGfair enough ^_^06:32
MartijnVdSUpgrades only work if you don't skip a version, or from LTS to LTS06:32
HazRPGmakes sense :)06:32
MartijnVdSA day of upgrading ahead of you :)06:32
HazRPGMartijnVdS: However I have work today... so can't really do it till I get home @ 7pm.06:33
HazRPGMartijnVdS: how's things you with anyways dude? Long time no speak :)06:47
dutchielo daubers07:45
daubersIt's cold today :(07:45
* daubers makes a cuppa07:52
HazRPGdaubers: morning :)07:53
HazRPGbeen cold up here for the last week :(07:53
daubersWell if will live up north08:04
daubersHmmm... minecraft appears to be broken08:06
HazRPGright off to work I go08:10
* daubers heads into town before going into work08:16
popeymorning all08:26
MartijnVdSHazRPG: just came back from a run.. and it's COLD outside here too08:38
MartijnVdSHazRPG: though 3°C isn't too bad after 3km08:38
MartijnVdS\o popey08:38
dwatkinshi folks08:38
dwatkinsIt's much warmer in Yorkshire than in Edinburgh.08:38
MartijnVdSthat's because it's further south08:40
dwatkinsindeed, MartijnVdS08:41
dwatkinsI drove down last night, the difference is quite clear08:41
MartijnVdSalso, it's not Scotland. That helps.08:41
dwatkinsnow now ;)08:41
MartijnVdSTime to go buy some food for the week08:42
popeyhello denny08:58
brobostigongood morning everyone.08:59
dennyare there any known gotchas when installing Flash on a new 64-bit 11.10 system?  I went through the 'manual install' process, which used the software centre, restarted firefox but it still hasn't picked it up...08:59
dennysoftware centre says it installed okay08:59
dennyfirefox still says 'you need a plugin'09:00
denny"For your safety, Firefox has disabled your outdated version of Flash"09:02
dwatkinsWhat version did you have, denny?09:02
popey"For your sanity, Firefox has disabled this crappy browser plugin"09:02
dennyunfortunately, the 'outdated' version is the version that adobe ship09:02
dwatkinsThat doesn't make any sense.09:03
dennyhttps://www.mozilla.org/en-US/plugincheck/ has the 'disabled' message and a link to update, the link takes me to the page on Adobe's site that I just installed via09:04
dennyhttp://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/ <- yonder09:05
popey why did  you install it from adobe.com?09:05
popeywhy not use the ubuntu package?09:05
denny(a) couldn't find it, and (b) followed the links I was presented with like a good little boy09:06
brobostigoninstalling the package flashplugin-intaller, might have been better, as it keeps you upto date, whereas your manual install, you will need to check, and update it manually, and potentially be out of date.09:06
dennyit was installed via software centre, via a 'oneiric partner', i.e. adobe09:06
* denny eyes the software centre. Top of page "Adobe Flash Player plugin version 10", bottom of page (reviews) "For this version ("09:08
brobostigon!info flashplugin-installer09:09
lubotu3`flashplugin-installer (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (natty), package size 8 kB, installed size 184 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)09:09
* denny uninstalls it09:09
brobostigon!info flashplugin-installer unstable09:09
lubotu3`Package flashplugin-installer does not exist in unstable09:09
gordonjcpdenny: which links you were presented with?09:10
gordonjcpdenny: flashplugin-installer is certainly what you want09:10
dwatkinsI thought there was the option to install flash player with the OS as well as the mp3 codecs etc.09:10
gordonjcpdwatkins: there is, I did it yesterday09:10
dennygordonjcp:  okay, so I'm viewing this page: http://cleartones.net/09:11
gordonjcpdenny: installing things without the proper package - on any distro, not just Ubuntu - is a fairly bad idea09:11
dennyI click on one of the play icons, and it pops up the top of page toolbar which says you need a plugin, would you like to search for it09:11
gordonjcpdenny: which has absolutely naff all to do with Ubuntu09:11
dennygordonjcp:  did you hear me repeatedly say I installed via the Ubuntu software centre from an Ubuntu software partner?09:11
* dwatkins clicks the option to install flash in firefox and wonders what he's let himself in for09:12
dwatkinsso there are at least three ways to install it in Ubuntu?09:12
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gordonjcpdenny: oh, I missed the bit where you said you're running 64-bit.  You're boned.09:13
gordonjcpdon't run 64-bit09:13
gordonjcpyou don't need it09:13
dennydoes anyone have any other advice?09:13
gordonjcpnothing works properly in 64-bit, it's a waste of time09:13
dennydoes anyone else have any other advice?09:14
gordonjcpx86_64 was the single stupidest decision the computer industry ever made09:14
dennyflash worked perfectly well on my 64 bit 10.04 system09:14
gordonjcpi386 is dead, let it die peacefully and move onto a new architecture09:14
dennywell.  As well as Flash ever works.09:14
gordonjcpbut oh no, Intel has to flog an inch or two further out of that particular dead horse09:14
gordonjcpand don't think Apple is going to save you, because they've fallen into the same trap of using cheap obsolete hardware09:15
* denny installs the -installer thing from the software centre instead09:16
dennytra la la09:16
dennyyay, that worked09:16
brobostigonas it should.09:17
dennyokay, so the route a user is lead through by the hand, including connecting to an official Ubuntu software partner, does not work09:17
dennyI should probably file a bug somewhere?09:17
dennyafter all that, I don't think I like the cleartones enough to pay for them  :)09:19
kvarleyDoes anybody know where cookies are stored in Ubuntu? Is it browser specific?09:19
brobostigonkvarley: yes, it depends on the browser, as to the place.09:20
kvarleyKnow where midori stores them?09:20
brobostigonsorry, no.09:21
brobostigonkvarley: it might tell you in its cookie prefs.09:21
kvarleybrobostigon: No problem, thanks for the help =)09:22
brobostigonkvarley: :)09:23
nperryCan i perform multiple commands in irssi?09:46
nperryWant to send two commands when I join..09:47
nperrya server, got autosendcmd set at the moment.09:47
daubersWhy is it that the minecraft login stuff always breaks when I have time to play it!10:06
MartijnVdSit's trying to tell you something10:15
daubersThat I shouldn't be in work waiting for someone to turn up who's just rang telling me he'll be 30 minutes late?10:21
czajkowskithere is a bacon sandwich being made for me10:23
czajkowskithis is the life10:23
AlanBellchoo choo10:42
popeydaubers: its back11:05
dauberspopey: yay!11:09
dauberspopey: just as the engineer is due11:09
KrimZon_2does anyone know how to add a new mime-type in ubuntu?11:15
MartijnVdSWhat's the problem you're trying to solve?11:15
KrimZon_2I need to get bluefish to detect QuakeC files as QuakeC rather than plain text or C11:16
MartijnVdSshouldn't you just configure bluefish then?>11:16
KrimZon_2I configured it to detect text/x-quakec11:16
KrimZon_2now I need to add text/x-quakec to the o/s11:17
MartijnVdSI mean.. I can teach vim to switch file types based on extension and/or the first few lines of content11:17
MartijnVdSKrimZon_2: there isn't one central MIME type registry, there are several11:17
MartijnVdSKrimZon_2: best guess is /etc/mailcap11:17
MartijnVdSor /etc/mime.types11:18
MartijnVdSKrimZon_2: check /usr/share/doc/mime-support/ for documentation11:19
MartijnVdSwhat.. that doesn't have much11:19
MartijnVdSKrimZon_2: check the "update-mime" manual page11:19
KrimZon_2are mime types supposed to be "the proper way" of detecting file types?11:22
MartijnVdSOnly if the transport supports them11:22
MartijnVdSi.e. HTTP, email, etc.11:22
MartijnVdSwhen it's on your disk, it's extension and maybe some heuristics based on content11:23
KrimZon_2since I never edit C in bluefish, I'll just hack the C file instead11:24
KrimZon_2otherwise this'll become a massive distraction11:24
scoundrel50ajust th9ught I would let you know, got the mifi dongle from 3, charged it, and connected my Galaxy Tab straight away.....have yet to go out into the middle of London to try it, but it works at home and in the street outside11:28
scoundrel50ait seems quite fast too11:28
scoundrel50amy ubuntu laptops connected ok too.....thing I noticed though, I am not sure how long the battery life is, would anybody know?11:29
czajkowski /c11:34
MartijnVdSmifi battery life? several hours connected?11:39
_janeI started Ubuntu 11.10 but the GUI would not load.11:51
_janeSo I login and via command line startx and it loaded the GUI without problems.11:52
_janeI can do this now everytime but I rather prefere to start x straight away11:53
MartijnVdSHow long did you wait before concluding it didn't load? Does it show the login screen or does it stop working after you log in?11:57
_janeI waited 1-2 min(maybe to less?). It didn't displayed a login screen so I went for the terminal12:01
MartijnVdSDid you install 11.10 cleanly, or did you upgrade from an earlier version of Ubuntu?12:01
_janeNo, it worked fine after I logged in via the terminal12:01
_janeI upgraded12:01
czajkowskidear VLC stop hogging 70% of my cpu and stopping sound mid way12:02
MartijnVdS_jane: Do you know what kind of graphics chipset you have?12:02
gordsounds like lightdm might be a little bit broken12:03
gordswitching to gdm might fix it if no one else finds a solution, don't have the command on me though and heading out, dpkg-update-alternatives or something like that ;)12:04
* MartijnVdS doesn't know a thing about lightdm12:04
MartijnVdS"dpkg-reconfigure gdm" should do it12:04
MartijnVdSit asks which one you want by default12:04
_janegord & MartijnVdS thanks for your assistents. That gives me some directions12:06
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daubersNow I can go home13:28
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Laneythat'll do pig14:22
MartijnVdStonto2k: that's a shade of green :)14:37
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AmdpcHi....In Cheese Webcam viewer , When I start the video recording,It hangs and becomes unresponsive....Any ideas why so ? Ny one of you facing the same problem ?17:45
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popeyAmdpc: i have never found cheese very good for video17:49
Amdpcpopey : So which web cam viewer would you prefer ?17:49
popeyi dont record video from my webcam17:50
popeyony stills17:50
AmdpcDo you know any to record videos and is stable ?17:50
Amdpcweb cam viewer*17:50
popeyI'd probably use ffmpeg17:51
AmdpcIs WINff and ffmpeg same thing ?17:52
popeywinff is a frontend for ffmpeg17:52
Amdpcpopey : Thanks :)17:56
* bigcalm escapes the Strictly Come Dancing!17:57
gordthe really crappy thing about having uds t-shirts its it that it carts pretty well how much weight you have gained with date stamps and everything18:06
mgdmheh heh18:09
daubersIf anyone wants a bit of a saturday evening oddness, dig out "Mr.B The Gentleman Rhymer" on Spotify18:20
Myrttiwhy does chicken tikka masala and korma taste so different depending on where you get it from18:23
Myrttiit's like a russian roulette18:23
AlanBellwant a chicken?18:24
Myrttiat one place you get a nice smooth dish that isn't too sweet, and in the other you get something that can be only described as chicken in a coconut/almond dessert paste18:24
MyrttiAlanBell: nah, I wouldn't have heart to chop it18:25
AlanBellI think specky and I will be taking a trip to theopensoucerer and only one of us will come back18:27
Myrttior both of you will, but the other will be in a pot18:27
Myrttior in your tummy18:28
AlanBellmust look up a plucking HOWTO18:28
MyrttiI think I remember seeing something about blanching in hot water18:28
Myrtticould be wrong18:28
AlanBellalso wonder how you take the poo out18:29
Laneyegg on pizza: when to add?18:29
Myrttiha, judging from google results I was right18:30
MyrttiI amaze myself with my amount of knowledge of absolutely useless stuff18:31
popeyLaney: never cooked one with an egg on it, ate them19:03
popeythey only take what 12 mins to gook anyway19:03
popeyer cook19:03
popeyso I'd imagine just before you put it in the oven19:04
popeyAlanBell: we should start planning 12.04 release party19:06
Laneyinternets suggests a bit before the end of cooking19:06
popeyhmm, i guess an egg doesnt take long in a hot oven19:07
AlanBell popey: I have :)19:08
daubersThe channels gained sentience!!!19:09
daubersWE'RE ALL DOOMED!19:10
daubersNormality returns19:10
Laneyhah, no room for an egg anyway19:14
Laneyexcess veg19:14
DJonesLaney: You can put veg on a pizza? No way, pizza is cheese & meat19:15
bigcalmAs in a scrambled egg? Or just break one over the top of a pizza?19:15
Laneyyou just crack it on top19:15
bigcalmWe had oven pizza tonight but I'm still hungry :(19:15
Laneybaked egg19:15
bigcalmLaney: how would you prepare the egg?19:15
Laneyyou wouldn't, just put it on there19:16
nperryUrrrrmmm, is there a way of connecting using rdesktop to a computer that at the moment i only have ssh access to19:31
AlanBellnperry: yes, you can map a port19:32
AlanBellnot sure offhand what the rdesktop port is19:32
nperryGoogle suggested doing "gconftool-2 -s -t bool /desktop/gnome/remote_access/enabled true"19:33
nperryBut doesn't enable it//19:33
AlanBelloh, I see, so you want to turn on remote access, that isn't rdesktop it is VNC19:34
DJonesAnybody any idea how to force update manager to require you to authenticate before installing updates, the last 2 times its notified me of updates, its installed them without prompting for a password19:49
diploOnly time i get that DJones is if i have authed recently19:56
DJonesdiplo: This is at least 6 hours since the last authentication, probably longer19:57
diploNot had that, doing it on the cmd line same result ?19:58
DJonesNot tried that yet, I'll have to try & remember next time I get updates19:59
gordjust found out the hard way that my banks hold music consists of two songs, each 60 seconds long that repeat. i know because i was so bored that i timed them20:47
czajkowskigord: you have to get out more20:49
czajkowskiwatching Die hard 120:49
czajkowskiand all I can do is keep reapeating the famous line now20:49
AlanBelllife of brian is on apparently20:50
mgdmmichael@ganymede:pecl-cairo% man overboard20:50
mgdmNo manual entry for overboard20:50
MartijnVdStime to make one21:16
czajkowskigod how I hate Gimp21:19
AlanBellI love the Gimp21:19
mgdmI think I'm going to like the new single-window interface it's getting21:20
AlanBellit is the one application that makes sense in the unity alt-tab scheme21:21
mgdmI've not tried it, but is that anything like the Mac OS X alt-tab scheme?21:21
mgdmI don't like that all that much, but at least I can use it21:22
AlanBellI have not tried alt-tab on a mac21:23
mgdmit switches between apps21:24
AlanBellyou basically now switch between applications rather than windows21:24
mgdmthen alt-` switches between windows in those apps21:25
AlanBellso it raises all windows of a particular types21:25
AlanBellyeah, alt+` does switching between windows of one app21:25
mgdmI will try tomorrow21:25
mgdmin a VM, so I don't break my working environment21:26
AlanBelljust alt-tab on its own doesn't seem to deterministically switch between two windows of different apps wihout messing with the z-order of everything else21:26
mgdmBeen working on reskinning my website. AGAIN. Keep losing motivation as soon as I look at the CSS...21:29
AlanBellhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/LastMeeting minutes done21:34
siyaodd behaviour22:52
siyaissue with realtek r8168 driver22:52
siyawhen link goes up or down I get two notifications22:52
siyaI also don't seem to get connected properly22:53
siyalink comes up but can't ping22:53
penguin42wth did the font background colour button go in LO22:57
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] Ubuntu Community Survey Now Closed, Report In Progress - http://www.jonobacon.org/2011/10/22/ubuntu-community-survey-now-closed-report-in-progress/23:27
penguin42hmm - I didn't realise there was an ubuntu community survey23:49
Myrttipenguin42: was open for Ubuntu members23:58

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