
bkerensapleia2: Do you know who I e-mail about the E-mail Alias01:35
bkerensa<tgm4883_mobile> oh wait, actually it should only take a 24 hours from the time you get added to the launchpad group01:35
bkerensa<tgm4883_mobile> it runs on a cron job at like 2AM I think01:35
pleia2bkerensa: it can take up to 4 days01:35
pleia2it only runs a couple time a week01:35
bkerensaoh ok01:35
bkerensaeveryone had been telling me it was a 2am daily cron :D01:36
pleia2I've never heard of it being daily, it usually takes a few days for them to start working01:37
jtatumi suppose i need to apply at some point02:38
jtatumalways feel like i didn't accomplish enough though :)02:38
philipballewjtatum, why do you not?02:47
jtatumwhy do i not accomplish enough? ;)02:48
=== ryaxnb__ is now known as ryaxnb9
=== crashsystems is now known as crash|party-ligh
=== crash|party-ligh is now known as crash|party-hat
* bkerensa smiles05:18
pleia2from the drinky?05:18
bkerensaheadache now05:40
* bkerensa better go to bed... release party tomorrow05:40
bkerensapleia2: odd someone just randomly appeared =o18:29
bkerensano idea who that is :P18:29
BotenAnnaIf an Ubuntu fork is not officially sanctioned by Shuttleworth... (self.Ubuntu)18:50
BotenAnnaCan it be called "Non-Canonical"?18:50
MarkDudeBotenAnna, +118:51
pleia2on a serious note it probably violates trademark, but we do have a not-canonical team on launchpad ;)19:03
pleia2"People who do not work for Canonical, but often get mistaken for someone who does."19:03
MarkDudeWell as long as the trademarks are avoided- the code itself is licensed to be shared- I thought19:05
pleia2of course19:05
pleia2I was referring specifically to the name, which is what she asked about19:06
MarkDudeLike say Mint, it is not official- although they do say where it originates from19:06
pleia2she wasn't asking about making a fork, she was asking about the name :P19:06
MarkDudeoh, self.ubuntu?19:06
pleia211:50:47 < BotenAnna> Can it be called "Non-Canonical"?19:06
pleia2you probably would get in trouble for calling your distribution "Non-Canonical"19:07
MarkDudeCanonical is not fully trademarkable - from my understanding19:07
pleia2of course, it's a dictionaryword19:07
pleia2try telling this to Apple :)19:07
MarkDudeIt was explained to me- this was a big reason to create a special licensed font for Ubuntu19:08
pleia2I don't think a computer company called "Non-apple" would last very long in court19:08
pleia2ubuntu and canonical are separate trademarks19:09
MarkDudeWell not to be persnickety, but, if you wanted to BotenAnna - I would be willing to get some case law on why you most likely COULD use that name19:09
* MarkDude started out in college tryine to be a lawyer, but stopped due to the way it should be- and the way the law works are two entirely separate things at times19:10
pleia2sorry, I was just trying to play it safe in advice19:10
MarkDudeWell of course pleia2 - you are well known for your common sense19:18
* MarkDude is more known for pushing the envelope ;)19:18
MarkDudeIt was good advice19:18
* MarkDude likes using the word *canonical* as much as possible with friends in Fedora19:19
* MarkDude kept asking if sumthin' was the canonical link for Beefy Miracle --- XD19:19
akkHow many of them got the joke?19:22
MarkDudeakk, most of them19:23
* akk got a recruiter call about a job for "the company behind ubuntu linux" who seemed surprised when I knew the name canonical19:23
akkbut, you know ... headhunters19:23
* MarkDude thinks FOSS should be one big happy family19:23
MarkDudeYep, headhunters are a trip19:24
akkThis one was better than most, had the grace to sound embarrassed when I questioned her after she asked for a Word format resume.19:24
* MarkDude has been pondering the real Dark Side of the Force19:24
akk"Oh, yeah, I guess I should try to wean myself off that"19:24
* MarkDude wont think about Oracle offers, but have heard some good stuff about MS19:25
* akk was reading about secure boot again this morning and getting angry19:25
MarkDudeas far as evil corporations go19:25
MarkDudeWell that would be one of the reason I ponder.....19:25
akkThey just keep doing more antitrust violations since there's no one to hold them to the law.19:25
MarkDudeGoogle may in next year19:26
MarkDudethey are giving them enough rope to hang themself19:26
MarkDudeThe way they un-open sourced the last Android version gives them the ability to rip MS a new one19:27
MarkDudeit may take a few years in court, but they can outspend them19:27
akkEven if they do, antitrust lawsuits take, what, 6 years before there's a decision?19:30
MarkDudeBut MS keeps trying to do stuff like this19:39
MarkDudeHacktivists can keep it from happening19:39
MarkDudeAnon caused Sony to mellow a bit19:39
MarkDudeMS has not felt the mob in its full strength. YES, thats scary. If MS has shown one thing- they are pushy til they get pushback- then they get scared of another decade long lawsuit19:41
* bkerensa begins packing the Release Party Swag Suitcase20:08
MarkDudeLive now21:30
bkerensaApparently OEMS are shipping UEFI laptops already that wont install Linux at all22:33
bkerensaI just got word that the HP s5-1110 has UEFI22:33

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