
dorganhey any web devs around?01:08
mhall119hey dorgan 01:53
dorganhave you looked at twitter boostrap yet?01:54
mhall119yeah, looks nice01:54
mhall119I haven't used it yet01:54
dorganhave you played with it at all?01:54
mhall119thought about using it for readfeeder01:55
dorganI'm trying to take a look and its not turning out to be as easy as they make it out to be01:55
mhall119aw, too bad01:55
dorganit seems nice...but the layout is giving me some issues01:55
mhall119those seemed like the least useful component to me01:56
dorganits probably something i am missing01:56
=== crashsystems is now known as crash|party-ligh
=== crash|party-ligh is now known as crash|party-hat
govatenthow are you? 17:40
mhall119hey govatent 17:43
mhall119govatent:  are you going to make it to UDS?17:43
govatentof course 17:44
govatentgoing up sunday 17:44
mhall119staying for the LoCo party the saturday after?17:44
govatentyup 17:45
govatentgot it all planned out 17:45
govatentare you going to be at the release party tomorrow? 17:45
mhall119no, got too much to do around the house17:45
MichelleQIt's an awfully long haul for us, and we've got to get things like painting finished.17:46
mhall119and getting the backyard ready for the Loco party17:57
govatenttrue. 17:59

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