
ven1ce_okay i posted it there ;)00:02
ven1ce_thx for the help up to now :)00:03
=== marius is now known as Guest157
number19finally i got a work around fix for my touch pad00:08
spacebug-ven1ce_: seem to have some problem with ata1. Don't know if that could be the problem00:11
spacebug-loog in your pastebin, up to 1 sec all seems nice then next is 21 sec and problem with ata, frozen, timeout and such errors00:13
ven1ce_i'm kinda lost no idea how to read those logs :/00:18
spacebug-well I'm no expert either. Maybe try #linux or ##linux or something00:19
ven1ce_the thing doesnt even show the plymouth logo stuff before it boots into the os. just a blue screen and all that stuff happens in the background00:20
ven1ce_you cant even change to the console view00:20
ven1ce_okay thanks for the help. i'll call it a night and try it again in the morning. it's been 1.5 hours of google already and since the machine still boots... ^^00:23
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PrugheredduBuonasera, Sono nuovo. é possibile avere un 'informazione?00:25
Prugheredducè qualcuno che mi può aiutare in italiano?00:27
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)00:31
=== marius is now known as Guest92114
phunyguy_netbookI am trying to get banshee working in Kubuntu 11.10, and it isn't working.  Can anyone help me?  The banshee program crashes with The error was 'BadAccess (attempt to access private resource denied)'.  (Details: serial 545 error_code 10 request_code 151 minor_code 1)01:17
phiscribei dunno phunyguy_netbook im guessing wildly, a problem opening the X display,01:23
phiscribeyour not running it remotely are you?01:25
phiscribeXv frames not working, low memory, something with the X dispaly01:28
phunyguy_netbookphiscribe: nope.  just in KDE01:28
phunyguy_netbookbanshee is a gtk app01:28
phunyguy_netbook...but I like it better than amarok01:28
phunyguy_netbookthis is a fresh install of kubuntu 11.1001:28
phunyguy_netbooki ran it in a terminal to get the crash output because it would act like it was loading but do nothing.01:30
phunyguy_netbookdoes amarok have the ability to organize my music library in the filesystem, and import new music?  If so I can ditch banshee.  I just didnt see those options.01:31
phiscribephunyguy_netbook, lower the resolution of your screen as far as you can stand and see if it runs, if so  video is running 0ut of memory01:32
phunyguy_netbookhmmm... not sure i can go much smaller.  netbook screen... ;)01:33
phiscribejust to test01:34
Daskreechphiscribe: who owns the ~/.banshee directory ?01:35
phunyguy_netbookthere is no ~/.banshee directory01:37
phiscribephunyguy_netbook, Daskreech suggest that you are the owner of the .banshee folder01:37
phunyguy_netbook(if you were asking me)01:37
phiscribeit will be hidden01:37
phunyguy_netbooki know what "." means ;)01:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 836909 in banshee (Ubuntu) "Banshee crashes while loading" [Medium,Confirmed]01:38
phunyguy_netbookand it doesnt exist01:38
phiscribeah wel it probably has never wran the first time and made the config foder, i dont think it is pemisions, it cant grab "private" resourees, like vidoe ram or something01:39
Daskreechphiscribe: MIght explain why running it as root fixes the problem01:39
phunyguy_netbookrunning as root didnt fix for me... lol01:39
phiscribeman change the freaking gtk theme from oxygen to raliph and see if it will start, i cant start geany or gimp unless i do this now in 11.0501:39
phunyguy_netbookalthough it got me farther but it still crashed with the same error01:39
phiscribehe cant rn as root Daskreech01:40
ronnoc_phunyguy_netbook: Amarok can monitor folders and automatically import new music. As to the 1st part, it depends on what you mean by "organize".01:40
phunyguy_netbookronnoc_: banshee imports songs from other folders, and sorts them into my own folder structure in the central library, as well as making sure that library has the correct folder structure01:41
Daskreechphiscribe: From the bug you posted01:41
phunyguy_netbookahahahaha changing themes fixed iut01:42
phiscribenuts even lol01:42
phiscribehow is a person suppose to figure that on their own, somone in here had to tell me01:43
ronnoc_phunyguy_netbook: Hmmm I don't think it will do that. It does write statistics and tags to the files well. I use Picard to organize my collection so that it's consistent no matter what media player I feel like using.01:43
phiscribewell u can change the theme back, and i think for this whole session it will be ok,, but reboot and have to do it again01:43
phunyguy_netbookhmm and no system tray with banshee... lol01:45
phunyguy_netbookmaybe i will go the picard route01:45
phunyguy_netbooki just hope it can differentiate between various artist albums01:45
ronnoc_It does a great job. There's a little learning curve, but it rocks when you get it.01:46
ronnoc_and if it gets the wrong album (maybe yours has extra "bonus tracks" or whatever, you can always review / fix it before it writes tags and files. but most of the time it's spot on.01:47
phiscribeDaskreech, i bet that running as root causes it on some system to default to diffrent gtk theme01:48
Daskreechphiscribe: hmm the theme is trying to do some graphical trick that locks it out of the video card?01:48
ronnoc_phunyguy_netbook: it uses the MusicBrainz database01:49
shane2peruwhat is the default music player for Kubuntu 11.10?01:49
phunyguy_netbookyeah i like musicbrainz01:49
phiscribeDaskreech, somthing like that what do gimp and genie and banshee have in common i wonder01:50
ronnoc_shane2peru: Amarok01:50
DaskreechPhilRod: gtk ?01:50
shane2peruronnoc_: ok, thanks! I upgraded, so I don't have that.01:50
phiscribeand why oxygen breaks it01:50
* shane2peru runs off to install Amarok01:50
Daskreechshane2peru: though of course you don't have to go with the default :)01:50
Daskreechjust saying01:50
shane2peruright, but going to give it a try, clementine hung on me today.  Not sure why started eating 100% cpu, and wouldn't close, had to forcefully killall clementine01:51
shane2peruSo, can't hurt to check out the defualt,01:52
ronnoc_I just installed Amarok2 Remote from the Android store on my phone. YeeeeeeHaw it's awesome.01:52
phiscribeshadeslayer,  did you happen to be watching flash video01:52
shane2peruCourse I'm always open for suggestions, if you have something better, light weight, simple to use etc.  Daskreech or anyone else.01:52
phiscribeshane2peru,  i meant01:52
shane2peruphiscribe: no, clementine is strictly music01:53
ronnoc_shane2peru: You can check out Tomahawk if Amarok is not your thing. It's new but pretty cool and covers all the basics + a lot of online integration if you want it.01:54
shane2peruronnoc_: will check that out, I actually basically do mp3, from my box, that is about it.  Pretty simple, with playlists.01:55
Daskreechshane2peru: there dragon player (super super simple) juk which I think is nice if you manage your music yourself.01:55
DaskreechI shamefully use Kaffiene01:55
phunyguy_netbooki tried clementine, but development on it is slow01:55
ronnoc_Since I use Amarok for all my Podcasts management and the fact that I have a Magnatune account, all which are intgrated with Amarok / KDE, I'm staying put :)01:55
shane2peruDaskreech: isn't Dragon the video player?01:55
phunyguy_netbookand it doesnt allow an easy way for separating VA albumsd01:55
Daskreechshane2peru: doesn't stop it playing music :) hence why I use Kaffiene01:55
shane2peruhmm, juk, I forgot about that01:55
DaskreechYeah Juk is fairly nice01:56
phiscribempd and a front end, ill play on a i48601:56
DaskreechActually it does have a simple database I remember now01:56
shane2peruamarok is like owning a 5 disc cd changer, with tape deck, blueray, dvd-player, with and internet connection, usb plugins, and all I want to do is play mp3s. :)01:57
Daskreechaplay >_>01:57
phiscribeit'll that is01:57
Daskreechshane2peru: Try juk for a week01:57
ronnoc_shane2peru: lol01:57
* shane2peru canceled 25mb Amarok to install 649kb juk, already likes it.01:58
ronnoc_shane2peru: That's probablywhy I like it - the more funnctions I can cram into one app (so lolg as I use them), the better ;)01:58
shane2peruronnoc_: right, if I used all that stuff, probably would like it, but I'm pretty simple in that dept.01:59
phiscribeis juk 3.5 kde or 401:59
phiscribethere is songbird if you like overkill02:00
shane2peruJuk version 3.7 using KDE Dev platform 4.7.102:00
phiscribethough it has soome nice views02:00
shane2peruyes, tried songbird years ago, it was overkill for me, too much web integration.02:00
mactallaDoes anyone here use ibus?  Fresh 11.10 install and an important chunk is missing (the choices list for partial matches).02:03
shane2peruok, juk loses a point already, no multimedia keys pre-configured.02:05
ronnoc_shane2peru: what do you want for 649k? ;)02:08
shane2perulol, only 1 point, I can manually configure them. :)  and enjoy the 649k.02:08
Daskreechshane2peru: dragon playeris super simple02:09
Daskreechjuk is simple02:09
shane2peruhowever I wouldn't have complained at 652k with multimedia key configuration. ;)02:09
shane2peruyeah dragon is too simple, I just don't care for it02:11
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shane2peruExaile failed to get mentioned, I forgot about that one too.02:21
shane2peruthis may be a longshot, does anyone know how to implement the sword://  protocol in the system?  or does it exist?  Seems to have to do with this:  http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=%22sword%3A%2F%2F%22%20%2B%20kde&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CBwQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Flukeplant.me.uk%2Fkio-sword%2F&ei=E3yjTqKzKcy5tgfEiMCjCg&usg=AFQjCNEwW9rhc1YcW3u_Ns4Tq2cbmwOEpA&cad=rja02:32
shane2perubut is no longer active, wow that was a long link02:32
shane2peruhttp://lukeplant.me.uk/kio-sword/  that is the proper link02:32
DaskreechShould be able to register it as a kio02:33
kestenI am having problems using software-center.  Errors when i try to install any package.  In think the problem is related to my python configuration http://paste.ubuntu.com/716551/02:35
shane2perusome time ago I heard/read about development of that in Xiphos, but never did get it figured out, so was still curious about it.02:35
kestenIs it bad to have two entries for /usr/bin/python2.7  one that says manual and the other auto?  If so, how do i safely remove the second entry?02:35
shane2perukesten: did you manually install python3.2?02:37
kestenyes, and it was a real headache.  I eventually found that i had pointed to 3.2 instead of 2.7.  I fixed the problem and things were working again, but today software-center broke with complaints from python02:40
shane2perukesten: I ran into this before, but not with the software center, I ended removing the offending python, I recommend you remove your installed python 3.2, and I'm not sure how to do that, since it was manually installed.02:41
kesteni need python3.2 for developing python.  I did run update-alternatives but it doesn't clear the second reference to python shown in the paste link above02:42
kestenalso, nearly all the entries in /etc/alternatives have the symlink name (python) and a second entry like python.1.gz .  It's there for all the others, but not for python.02:44
phunyguy_netbookok whoever it was that suggested Picard for music management... THANK YOU.02:46
phunyguy_netbooki mean WOW!02:46
shane2peruPicard?  how did I miss that one?02:46
* jmichaelx never heard of picard02:46
phunyguy_netbookits not for playing, just managing,shane2peru02:46
shane2peruphunyguy_netbook: ahh, ok, thanks.02:46
phunyguy_netbookuses MusicBrainz02:46
* jmichaelx goes off looking for picard02:47
* shane2peru doesn't manage music, just listens to it. :)02:47
phunyguy_netbookshane2peru: I have to... organization is my... thing...02:47
shane2peruphunyguy_netbook: in that case, enjoy!02:47
phunyguy_netbookwill do.02:47
jmichaelxi am very disorderly with nearly everything BUT my music02:48
* jmichaelx wishes picard were not GTK02:50
kestenwhen i run sudo apt-get install -f  i get this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/716565/02:54
kestenkesten@kesten-K42Jr:/usr/bin$ ls -l /usr/bin/python02:55
kestenlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 24 2011-10-22 21:21 /usr/bin/python -> /etc/alternatives/python02:55
jmichaelxkesten: please please please do not flood02:55
jmichaelxkesten: please run 'sudp dpkf --configure -a'02:56
jmichaelx'sudo dpkg --configure -a'02:56
Sentyneljmichaelx: er, I'm pretty sure picard is qt..02:56
jmichaelxSentynel: i was just coming under the same impression02:57
Sentynelwish granted, then!02:57
kestenit fails with http://paste.ubuntu.com/716570/02:58
jmichaelxkesten: i'm sorry, i should have looked more closely...it's looking like you have the wrong version of python set as your default02:59
jmichaelxkesten: which version of kubuntu are you running?02:59
kestenyes, but when i reset with update-alternatives --config python it doesn't fix software center or dpkg errors.03:00
kestenrunning ubuntu 11.0403:00
jmichaelxand you're sure that you are not pulling from any non-11.04 repos?03:01
kesteni set it to /usr/bin/python2.7 but somehow it gets re-set to /etc/alternatives/python03:01
kestenexplain more03:01
jmichaelxin other words, have you added any repositories to your sources.list that are not for natty?03:02
kesteni haven't made any manual changes to sources.list.  Where does it live?  how can i check?03:02
shane2perujmichaelx: he installed python3.2 manually.03:03
jmichaelxkesten: it's located at /etc/apt/sources.list  ...you may also have additional repositories configured in the /etc/aptsources.list.d/ directory03:03
=== Linkmaster is now known as Guest56495
=== Guest56495 is now known as Linkmaster
jmichaelxhmmm, but installing python 3 should not create any problems, as long as it's not the default03:04
LinkmasterDaskreech: ping03:04
DaskreechLinkmaster: pong03:05
jmichaelxkesten: be very careful about changing your default python version in the future (not saying that is what you did)03:05
Linkmastersorry to keep bothering you..did you get my last message about the card not working?03:05
jmichaelxkesten: it could also be that after you set python 2.7 as default, that you need to start a new session for the new config to apply? i am not sure03:06
kestenThat is what i did.  I was following a blender install tutorial and made a typo.  Then all hell broke loose.03:06
jmichaelxkesten: yea, changing the default pythn can certainly cause hell, hades and everything else to break loose03:07
LinkmasterDaskreech: It says "SIOCSIFFLAGS: Operation not possible due to RF-KILL"03:07
kestenI followed several solutions from the forums, but I didn't see anyone with the weird double entry for python2.7 that i have http://paste.ubuntu.com/716578/03:08
jmichaelxDaskreech: hate to pick on you, but if kesten set his default python back to 2.7.x using update-alternatives, would he need to start a new session before those settings would take effect?03:08
kestenI have a feeling i need to remove the second reference, but i don't know how03:09
jmichaelxkesten: how did you install python 3? i notice it is installed to your /opt dir03:09
Daskreechjmichaelx: what does ls -l $(which python) say?03:10
jmichaelxkesten: i'm not sure that second reference to python 2.7 is anything to worry about03:11
jmichaelxkesten: run the command just suggested by Daskreech03:11
DaskreechLinkmaster: do you have the hardware switch for the wireless off or on?03:11
kestenls -l $(which python) says http://paste.ubuntu.com/716582/03:12
Daskreechlol of course what does ls -l /etc/alternatives/python say ?03:12
kestensays "/etc/alternatives/python -> /usr/bin/python2.7"03:13
LinkmasterDaskreech: there isn't an optional switch, so thats not a problem. I reinstalled the STA driver earlier, and now its back to saying that eth1 is my wireless, and I could bring it up with the 'ifconfig eth1 up', w/o errors. But in my taskbar, it still shows the ethernet instead of wireless in my taskbar03:14
jmichaelxi am still thinking kesten may need to reboot before things settle down03:14
kestenwhich is strange because dpkg --configure -a give http://paste.ubuntu.com/716570/03:14
Daskreechjmichaelx: Could just log out and back in03:14
kestenwill try a reboot now.  Excuse me.03:15
jmichaelxkesten: you can just log out, then back in03:15
jmichaelxoh well...03:15
LinkmasterDaskreech: but when I hover over knetworkmanager, it says 'wireless disabled by hardware' ..03:15
Daskreechthat's what the rf-kill error means03:16
Daskreechthe wireless is turned off in hardware03:16
DaskreechKill switch is on03:16
Linkmasteralright..then why could I bring the interface 'up' ? and my computer doesn't *have* a kill switch03:16
jmichaelxkesten: any improvement?03:17
jmichaelxLinkmaster: do you dual boot?03:17
Linkmasterjmichaelx: yes, but I use windows so infrequently I consider it to be negligible03:18
LinkmasterDaskreech: is there any way to turn the killswitch using software?03:19
jmichaelxLinkmaster: i understand... if other methods fail, it is slightly possible you could boot into windows, turn your wireless on there, then boot back into kubuntu03:19
jmichaelxLinkmaster: i may not be fully understanding what your problem is, though03:20
kestensudo apt-get install -f still gives same error about not pointing to python2.7 http://paste.ubuntu.com/716588/03:20
=== acer_ is now known as onizuka45
=== onizuka45 is now known as acer_
Daskreech!info rfkill | Linkmaster03:20
ubottuLinkmaster: rfkill (source: rfkill): tool for enabling and disabling wireless devices. In component main, is optional. Version 0.4-1 (oneiric), package size 7 kB, installed size 64 kB03:20
=== acer_ is now known as onizuka45
LinkmasterWindows doesn't work either, at least wirelessly..and I don't really like windows, so I don't really care to boot into it03:20
jmichaelxkesten: i asked abit ago about how you installed python 3... it does not appear that you installed python 3 from the ubuntu repos03:21
LinkmasterAlright...learned something new about rfkill, but how do I make it stop killing my card? xD03:21
kesteni think i searched in software center and came up empty so i followed the tutorial on blender.org03:21
* jmichaelx i believe i have also seen rfkill conflicts between gnome and kde, if both are installed03:22
kesteni followed the tutorial located here http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Dev:2.5/Doc/Building_Blender/Linux/Troubleshooting03:23
jmichaelxkesten: python 3 is in the repositories.03:23
LinkmasterWell, I learned about rfkill by using it, uhmm...it says that its hardware blocked as well, not sure where it could be going wrong03:23
kestenthe interpreter is, but not the source to build and compile i think.  I was told i'd ned a -dev package03:23
jmichaelxkesten: yes, you would have been better off using the PPA this tutorial suggests for ubuntu users03:25
jmichaelxkesten: python does not get compliled03:25
jmichaelxit is an interpreted language, period03:26
LinkmasterI just opened up my computer, and the card is connected properly..03:26
kesteni recall i had problems following the instructions.  Probably because it was my first week with ubuntu shifting over from windows7.03:28
jmichaelxLinkmaster: i have run into this same thing before... i don't remeber what i did. i vaguely remember not being able to get wireless going in KDE, booting into Gnome and being able to get it going there in gnome's network manager03:29
kestenif i follow the instructions now might it fix the problem?03:29
kestenor are things screwed up to badly and i need to clean things somehow first?03:29
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jmichaelxkesten: it is possible that you could just delete python from your /opt directory.... although i have some concern about the places where you specified the paths to that python version03:31
kesteni'm following the instructions now.  sudo apt-get update gives a few errors about other packages but seems ok http://paste.ubuntu.com/716595/03:33
jmichaelxkesten: you could try running this first: 'sudo update-alternatives --remove /usr/bin/python python /your/path/to/python3.2 1'03:33
jmichaelxkesten: you may need to follow that up with 'sudo update-alternatives --config python' (i am just taking this from the tutorial you were following03:34
Linkmasterjmichaelx: I don't have access to a Gnome DE03:35
kestenis the syntax right?  update-alternatives: error: unknown argument `/usr/bin/python3.203:36
jmichaelxkesten: all i did was replace '--install' with '--remove' (per your tutorial)03:39
kestensorry, the config shows that i pointed to the python3.2 in my /opt/py32/bin rather than /usr/bin ...trying03:39
jmichaelxok... that is confusing. what i mean i that your tutorial instructs you to install that way, so i am suggesting you use the same method to remove it03:40
kestenhmm, same error.03:40
kesteni'll check the man on --remove03:41
kestenyeah, --remove just takes name and path, install takes link name path priority... trying again03:42
jmichaelxkesten: yea, i checked that, it is there03:42
kestenyes that worked.  So now i will install correctly using the PPA and see if that helps.03:43
LinkmasterDaskreech: I think its something about the card. I have my computer open in front of me, and the card is connected properly, and I there is absolutely no external kill switch. So I'm utterly confused on how the hardware could be turning it off03:43
DaskreechLinkmaster: It's possible I don't know how to use rfkill . maybe it can send an override signal to the OS03:44
DaskreechWell the driver03:44
LinkmasterI tried, 'rfkill unblock wlan' and it accepted it, but nothing happened03:44
Daskreechthough honestly that kill signal shouldn't be overruled03:44
DaskreechLinkmaster: Could be the card is messed up. You may have to boot into windows to see if it works. IF it does then that's jsut going to be frustrating :(03:45
LinkmasterWell, I have no freaking clue where its coming from, its brand-new. I think that this is the reason that my computer has been screwy03:45
Linkmaster*the problem that is03:45
Daskreechit's being the problem or the card?03:45
Daskreech I remember you saying you had a new card03:46
jmichaelxLinkmaster: you are by far not the only person wo has run into this... have you looked in the forums?03:46
LinkmasterThe problem is new, and I think this kill-signal is where the problem is(and the new card is sitting on my desk)03:46
Linkmasterand jmichaelx, I can't usually, my school likes to block the forums that I could be using to help myself out03:47
* jmichaelx rolls eyes03:48
jmichaelxLinkmaster: i am sure that somehow tech forums could corrupt you?03:48
LinkmasterDaskreech: I have two lists for wlan on rf-kill: "0: ideapad_wlan: wireless LAN, softblocked no, hardblocked no; 2: brcmwl-0: wireless LAN softblocked, no, hardblocked, yes"03:49
Linkmasterand jmichaelx, I'm positive they can..thats how I stumbled into Linux to begin with xD03:49
jmichaelxLinkmaster: ok, you do have a point there03:50
kestennow update-alternatives gives "there is only one alternative /usr/bin/python2.7" nothing to configure, but still getting the same errors about not pointing to correct python default03:50
LinkmasterOf course, now that I'm using LInux, I can never go back, I don't care how difficult it gets =P but anyways...how to disable this kill-switch is my #1 priority03:50
jmichaelxLinkmaster: have yu tried booting up without the card installed.... then installing it again, and botting back up?03:51
Linkmasteryep :l03:51
jmichaelxi know it seems tedious...03:51
LinkmasterI booted up, shut down, walked to my rarely open ethernet port, installed the STA driver w/o a problem, rebooted, to find that wireless has been disabled by hardware, according to knetworkmanager03:52
jmichaelxthis could also be an issue with the OS wrongly guessing what your laptop model is...03:53
kestenthe PPA tutorial ends with Now you're ready to start installing software from the PPA!   but doesn't say how.03:53
DaskreechLinkmaster: is there a Wireless on/off switch on the keyboard?03:53
Daskreech a Fn+combo ?03:53
Daskreechkesten: it works the same way as installing anything else03:54
jmichaelxyea... Fn+combo should have been one of the first suggestions...03:54
* jmichaelx feels silly03:54
kestenmake; make install?  but from which directory?  where did the update install put it?03:54
Daskreechkesten: sudo apt-get install <programname>03:55
DaskreechTechnically package name but it's almost the same03:55
Linkmasterjmichaelx, Daskreech: yes, I have an Fn+F5 combo, I tried that, used 'rfkill list' and it said the thing was still hardblocked. I tried again, and now it shows both wireless options as being soft-blocked as well03:55
jmichaelxkesten: you need to brush up on some debian/ubunt basics before you do much more installing and removing of packages. that is where your main problem has been03:56
* Linkmaster recommends using only the repos/.deb files03:56
kesteni know.  it's been 10 years since i was a unix user.03:56
LinkmasterOh jeez, everythings changed since *I* started using Linux, which wasn't that long ago =P03:57
jmichaelxin the debian world, you should avoid hand compiling/installing much of anything.... especially if you are new03:57
* Linkmaster takes sledghammer to his netbook03:57
kesteni can't atp-get install because of the same "not pointing to default python" i get when installing any package http://paste.ubuntu.com/716603/03:58
kesten:) i second that sledgehammer03:59
jmichaelxi am AGSINST the sldgehammer!!!!03:59
Daskreechkesten: pastebin  /usr/share/pycentral-data/pyversions.py03:59
Linkmastermaybe my computer is finally taking its revenge for all my testing I've done on it..03:59
jmichaelxyou will get your wireless working again.03:59
DaskreechLinkmaster: Umm04:00
LinkmasterEventually, maybe, unless my hardware really is messed up, then its not going to happen =P04:00
DaskreechLinkmaster: pastebin your lsmod if you can ?04:00
LinkmasterUhm...yeah, I can, in a backwards way04:00
jmichaelxLinkmaster: you really do need to get to the forums on this one... ever considering subscribing to a VPN? reverse SSH tunneling?04:00
DaskreechThe only thing I can think is that you have a bad driver or two drivers loaded04:01
Linkmasterjmichaelx: I was planning on installing linux on my moms computer, and VPN tunneling to her router04:01
kestenhere's the pastebin http://paste.ubuntu.com/716604/04:01
jmichaelxLinkmaster: that would be a good way around the silly things your school is blocking04:01
Linkmastercan I type that like "lsmod | cat ~/file.txt" ?04:01
jmichaelxkesten: was this a fairly fresh kubuntu installation?04:02
kestenfresh two weeks ago04:02
jmichaelxkesten: there would no doubt be a way fix your installation, but at this point i think i would suggest just starting out fresh again04:03
jmichaelxkesten: also, if you would install 11.10, python 3.2 is available in the standard repos04:04
kestenok.  Process: find ubuntu 11.10, burn install cd, let er rip?04:04
jmichaelxkesten: yup... CD, DVD, USB... one way or the other04:05
kestenit wouldn't work just to upgrade to 11.10 like the pop-ups have been suggesting?04:05
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Linkmasterits cleaner to do a fresh install =P04:06
jmichaelxkesten: i would not bank on it, but it isn't impossible04:06
kestenclearly.  Alright then.  It's off to a fresh start.04:06
* jmichaelx agrees with Daskreech04:06
DaskreechLinkmaster: lsmod > ~/file.txt04:07
kestenHey, thanks for all the help.  Despite the sledgehammer comment, this irc is a great way to learn about unix.  There was no such help when i started ...oops... 20 years ago.04:07
LinkmasterDaskreech: eh, I was close. http://pastebin.com/tJw6fLxa04:07
LinkmasterMy sledgehammer comment was, thank you very much, about me destroying my own computer in a primate-like rage =P04:08
Daskreechjmichaelx: It's probably his debian/pyversions file needs love but yeah unless kesten wants to learn how dpkg runs might be easier to nuke04:08
jmichaelxkesten: we were not much help, but glad to talk with you04:08
Daskreechkesten: You can't upgrade. That means that apt-get is working which it isn't04:08
DaskreechYou could do a lazy install but .... yeah04:08
kestennonsense.  Much better than what i was getting from forum searches.  Do you have a tip jar?04:08
jmichaelxDaskreech: beginners (and non-beginners) can run into a whole mountain of bork, if their python configs get out of whack04:08
Daskreechjmichaelx: He won't be able to upgrade that's flat out not happening04:09
Daskreechassuming that kesten is a he04:09
kestentrue nuf04:09
jmichaelxkesten: lol.... the only tip jar is a willingness to, while seeking help, also offer help to others when you can :-D04:09
jmichaelxyes, true... if apt is broken, you're at the end of the line04:10
kestenwhat, because i tip?  And yes, i will certainly pass the help along.04:10
LinkmasterDaskreech: anything discernible with that?04:10
kestenalright guys.  signing off.  I'll try the re-install now. Daskreech, not really i guess, but how'd you guess?04:11
jmichaelxi like it when this channel is active the way it used to be several years ago.... i think kubuntu is profiting from the discontent with unity04:11
jmichaelxadios kesten04:11
Daskreechjmichaelx: not really it can be fixed :) just way more work than payoff. Plus if kesten is just learning how to install then it's a good lesson on packagemanagement ummm management ? :)04:11
DaskreechLinkmaster: I'm trying to remember if i915 is the sata chipset or a intel wireless chip04:11
jmichaelxDaskreech: well, that is basically all i was saying04:12
* Linkmaster learned the hard way that the packagemanager is a beautiful thing, and that kubuntu is NOT arch for a reason04:12
Daskreechkesten: What did I guess?04:12
kestenassuming that kesten is a he"04:12
Daskreechkesten: :)04:12
DaskreechI didn't guess. I assumed04:12
LinkmasterDaskreech: is the intel express family chipset04:13
jmichaelxactually, in the linux world, guessing someone is male is pretty safe04:13
DaskreechLinkmaster: right so looks like you have the wl chipset04:13
Daskreechjmichaelx: sadly04:13
jmichaelxDaskreech: agreed04:13
DaskreechLinkmaster: bah I mean driver04:13
DaskreechLinkmaster: What happens if you do sudo modprobe -r wl && sudo modprobe b43 ?04:13
Linkmasterlet us find out04:14
Daskreechkesten: hope to see you again with less distress soon04:14
LinkmasterDaskreech: it takes the command w/o error04:14
DaskreechLinkmaster: lsmod | grep b4304:15
LinkmasterIt allowed me to turn on the wireless card though...hmm...04:15
DaskreechLinkmaster: Check to see if you can flip the card on04:16
kestenDaskreech: surely.  One last question.  Is there anyway to debug step through pyversions.py?  that might be instcutive enough for me to try it.04:16
LinkmasterI'm not sure what that command is supposed to give me, it has a little bit of information. and I can do 'sudo ifconfig wlan0(it changed again) up" but it complains04:16
LinkmasterThe original "no file/directory"04:16
jmichaelxanyone here have much experience using ubuntu with btrfs?04:17
Daskreechkesten: Of course but that's not your problem. It's just reading a file that debian uses to keep a track of which python it thinks is current04:17
Linkmasterjmichaelx: I was planning on trying that, and then realized I have more on my plate then I can deal with..xD04:17
LinkmasterDaskreech: we are getting somewhere. When I click the card on from knetworkmanager, rfkill list tells me that there is nothing blocking anything04:18
Daskreechthat file probably has the wrong thing in there. debugging the pyversions.py will just get you the error message you read with a reason why04:18
DaskreechLinkmaster: Right but you need the blobfirmware to get the b43 driver working04:18
DaskreechAh broadcom04:19
DaskreechLinkmaster: ok lets flip back to wl04:19
LinkmasterOkay...how should I do this? xP04:19
Daskreechsudo modprobe -r b43 && sudo modprobe wl04:19
jmichaelxi need to install linux on a server here at work tonight, and am tempted to try it with btrfs...04:19
* jmichaelx hates broadcom04:19
Daskreechjmichaelx: You are nuts :-p you know they don't use it in fedora04:19
Daskreechjmichaelx: They are LInux saviours now :)04:20
LinkmasterDaskreech: the moment I did that, it states that the card is turned off by hardware, so I think there might be an issue with the STA driver?04:20
DaskreechThey open sourced the driver and are working in the Linux Kernel tree04:20
DaskreechLinkmaster: seems so04:20
DaskreechDo you have internet on that laptop?04:20
jmichaelxDaskreech: it is being used a fair bit in fedora.... they just backed off from making it default (as they had planned) in F1604:20
Daskreechjmichaelx: Right do you know why?04:20
LinkmasterI have no internet on my kubuntu  laptop(lets call it the s10e, which it is, from now on)04:21
kestenubuntu.com says 11.10 32 bit is recommended (i did a 64 bit before on advice from a friend).  What do y'all say?04:21
jmichaelxDaskreech: btrfs is already being used in production (on backup servers) here (though i have NO experience with it)04:21
Daskreechkesten: For Linux the only real difference is how much do you use Flash and how much memory you have04:21
jmichaelxDaskreech: the only reason i know of, is that fdisk tools are not ready yet04:21
Daskreechjmichaelx: the fsck to be specific04:22
Daskreechso you can't run a check on the file system to see if it's consistent or fix it04:22
jmichaelxDaskreech: yes, fsck is actually what i meant to type04:22
Daskreechwithout knowing the underlying structure yourself04:22
DaskreechFor a server I'd say that's a pretty damning flaw04:22
Linkmasterbtrfs is what you get when you make ext4 and reiserfs mate and have children =P04:23
jmichaelxDaskreech: it would be, except that this server is going to be used more or less as a third tier backup and testing machine.... otherwise i would not even consider it04:23
Linkmasteroh well, Daskreech, what should we do next?04:24
DaskreechLinkmaster: which model laptop?04:24
Linkmasterlenovo s10e04:24
jmichaelxLinkmaster: right now i have to "manage" two machines running Nexenta (w/ ZFS).... talk about misery04:24
DaskreechLinkmaster: btrfs is what you get when you get super jealous of the rich kid's toys who won't let you play04:24
Linkmasterthat as well xDD04:24
LinkmasterI keep meaning to try it out though, see if it works as well(if not better) then my standard ext404:25
jmichaelxDaskreech: i have co-workers who brag almost daily about btrfs.... but they do have (very) expensice toys to play with... i don't :-D04:25
DaskreechLinkmaster: OK. try sudo -i04:25
Daskreechecho 'blacklist acer_wmi' >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf04:26
* Linkmaster enters godmode!!04:26
jmichaelxthe machine i am gong to install on is a 4 or 5 years old sun server, and i just installed 2 new 1TB drives (makes me happy)04:26
Linkmastertype that whole line in?04:26
DaskreechLinkmaster: without the :-)04:26
jmichaelxLinkmaster: you have wireless???04:27
DaskreechI can haz internetz wif out wires plz kthkx04:27
LinkmasterDaskreech: I typed it in, nothing happened04:27
Linkmasterjmichaelx: nope04:27
DaskreechLinkmaster: init 604:27
LinkmasterIf I could, I'd always wire my stuff..so much easier.04:28
DaskreechLinkmaster: next command to type in04:28
jmichaelxLinkmaster: well, you'll need to reboot (or at least modprobe the correct module) before your blacklist helps you04:28
LinkmasterMy computer just went wack04:28
Linkmasterit flashed, blinked, and rebooted. was it supposed to do that?04:29
DaskreechLinkmaster: that's what init 6 does04:29
jmichaelxat home, my modem and router are on one end of the house, my work deak (and 4 PCs) at another... not a lot of fun04:29
Linkmasterokay..is that like, super speed restart?04:29
Daskreechjmichaelx: sounds like somone needs to rethink the house04:29
jmichaelxDaskreech: i rent, otherwise i would04:29
DaskreechLinkmaster: No that' the old fogey way of typing reboot04:29
Linkmasteryeah, really...the CID shouldn't be away from the tely xD04:29
Daskreechjmichaelx: More that you should move the work Desk to the other side of the house :)04:30
LinkmasterOh, okay..well, it shutdown faster than my standard 'shutdown -r now'04:30
jmichaelxDaskreech: yea, but there is no place to put my desk there. i could possibly pay my cable company to bring their coax through a wall on the opposite side of the hous, but it would not be worth it to me04:31
LinkmasterDaskreech: what now?04:31
Belial`anyone else having to re-enable kwin effects after logging out and logging back in?04:32
jmichaelxDaskreech: the only annoying issue i had was using synergy between my two main PCs... which was easily solved with a crossover cable04:32
LinkmasterBelial: that might be a policy setting on the computer04:32
jmichaelxBelial`: if your kwin effect are working all right for you, you may need to go to your desktop effects settings, and tell it to disable functionality checks (advanced tab)04:33
Belial`jmichaelx: i'll check that now. so far everything is working fine. thumbnail previews weren't working for a while, but now they do.04:33
jmichaelxbtw, synergy over wifi can suck04:33
Belial`other than that synaptiks keeps crashing on log out/in04:34
LinkmasterDaskreech: ?04:34
Belial`jmichaelx: i just checked to disable functionality checks. is that the norm? there won't be any issues as long as kwin effects were running fine?04:36
DaskreechLinkmaster: it's back up? what's the module loaded?04:36
Daskreechsee if it's b43 or wl ?04:36
LinkmasterDaskreech: no, my computer just finished logging back in from the init 6 command04:37
jmichaelxBelial`: i have done it before with no adverse effects, in your situation.... but YMMV. you can give it a whirl, and switch back if you're not happy04:37
Belial`jmichaelx: alright. i'll give it a shot. thanks.04:38
DaskreechLinkmaster: Oh. umm do the crazy thing and check if the wireless works04:38
Linkmasterthe one with the blacklist?04:39
DaskreechNo I mean just see if your wireless is upp04:39
Linkmasteror the modprobe ones?04:39
Linkmasteroh, no..still disabled by hardware04:39
DaskreechLenovo Useries seems to have the rf locked on upgrade to 11.10 and blacklisting acer_wmi seems to fix it. Didn't think it would work for the S series but can't hurt to try04:40
Linkmastertrue, good idea04:40
Linkmasterwell, I tried loading the b43 up, and it enabled my card from knetworkmanager w/o me even clicking on it, but it still shows an ethernet thing, the card isnt' up04:41
jmichaelxubuntu needs to fix the 'Direct url for this download' on their ubuntu server page. it has been wrong for 2 iterations now. it indicates you'll be downloading the 64-bit version, but give you 32-bit04:41
DaskreechLinkmaster: Yeah I think you need to run the b43-fwcutter to have that sorted out04:42
Linkmastertrying to bring up wlan0 on the other hand causes it to complain of the lack of file/directory04:42
jmichaelxLinkmaster: what ethernet chipset is your wired network device using?04:42
Linkmasterbroadcom fast gigabit or something04:42
jmichaelxLinkmaster: is it also broadcom?04:42
Linkmasterlet me wait the night out, and install b43-fwcutter with internet access04:43
DaskreechI just want to report that a solution, when using the Lenovo s10-3s (probably the same trick for s10-3 or any other Lenovo) might be to boot into windows, and use the "hardware switch", which is actually the Fn+F5 combination, turn wifi on, and reboot..04:43
DaskreechFrom forums04:43
jmichaelxi am not saying this is the issue, but there have been recurring issues with driver conflicts on machines with both ethernet and wireless chipsets being broadcom on the same machine04:43
jmichaelxDaskreech: yes...i had recommended that 45 minutes or so ago04:44
Daskreechjmichaelx: No broadcom stuff has been acting up on Ubuntu machines for the past two releases04:44
Linkmasterits always been the same...and thats an interesting idea04:44
Linkmasterjmichaelx: I thought you meant in the linux =P let me try it04:44
* Linkmaster notes that his still does xP04:44
jmichaelxDaskreech: i was not sure where that stood in ubuntu....  i know that in fedora 13 & 14, i had to blacklist my ethernet driver to get wireless to work, and vice versa04:45
* Linkmaster starts to cringe as winblows boots up04:45
jmichaelxDaskreech: if i am not mistaken, fedora is using the FOSS broadcom wireless driver now, if a person's wirelss chipset id supported by it04:46
DaskreechIt would04:47
Daskreechfrom there probably04:47
Linkmasteris that useful for me, or not so much?04:47
jmichaelxyea, probably so04:47
jmichaelxLinkmaster: probably not at this point04:47
Linkmasterhmm, ALRIGHT04:48
Linkmasterwhoops, caps lock04:48
jmichaelxmaybe i spoke too soon... are people using the FOSS broadcom drivers in ubuntu nw in some cases?04:49
Linkmasterwell...its not working at the moment. So, I'll be taking this as a sign that I need sleep, so I'll be coming in tomorrow, and I'll have ethernet access as well04:49
Linkmastergoodnight fella's, thank you very much for your help, I think we'll be able to get it by tomorrow. sleep well to those of you that do sleep04:51
jmichaelxbuenos noches, Linkmaster04:52
kestenhey guys, i tried one last thing from a forum sudo ln -sf /usr/bin/python2.7 /usr/bin/python .  Now the software center update and the python3.2 install worked.04:55
kestenI presume there may still be some funk left in the system, but i'll hold of on the nuking for tonight.04:56
jmichaelxkesten: good job04:56
* jmichaelx just dl'ed ubuntu server 11.10 in 67s04:56
jmichaelxi wish i had that kind of speed at home :-)04:57
Daskreechkesten: :)04:58
Daskreechkesten: may want to relink i back to alternatives when you are done04:58
kestenI was already on it.  And yes, there is still funk in the system http://paste.ubuntu.com/716626/05:01
kestenlooks like i will have to re-install sometime soon, but at least now i can work-around until i'm ready to do so.05:02
jmichaelxkesten: did you use 'sudo'?05:02
kestennot the first time, but the second yes.  The error about having to force because link group is broken is still there.05:02
jmichaelxkesten: obviously you seem close to having this straightened out, but i'm not sure what further steps you need to take05:03
jmichaelxi hope super-slow USB performance has not once again returned to this machine in oneiric05:04
jmichaelxat this rate it will take a very long time to make this bootable USB05:06
jmichaelxok, at this rate it will take an our to make a bootable USB.... i hope this is just a bug in the USB creator05:09
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altinanyone knows how can I stop kopete from autostart06:52
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Nightrosehi folks08:14
Nightrosecan someone help me figure out why i can't seem to make akonaditray not start on startup?08:15
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bastiaan_i am having troube removing a package from my system, package is "xc-toos" its in an 'inconsistent state' and a general PITA. can anyone help me out?09:27
bastiaan_dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq xc-tools bais out with: no such file: /usr/src/xenbus-s3-fix-dkms-1.009:29
venice__hi i'm experiencing unreasonably long boot times on a fresh install of 11.10, corresponding dmesg is http://pastebin.com/g0kdi5kB and a typical boot chart is http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/52/unicornoneiric201110231.png/ , any ideas would be helpful. 120 seconds or more certainly seem out of place since the system used to boot in about 45 seconds with 11.04 or the versions before it. :)09:34
himhay buddies10:01
himcan any one tell me my BIOS displaying bluetooth fcc ID ppd-ar5b195-h but from system setting i am not finding any blue tooth adapter?10:03
himcan any one help me?10:03
himpls help me? ! someone10:04
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ubuntu___Is kubuntu 11.10 good enough to install it ?10:25
Graf_Westerholtubuntu___, yes.10:26
phoenix_firebrdMy system crashes when using bluetooth10:28
similari installed kubuntu on my netbook via wubi. did it download a special netbook version? I cant find die paketmanager.10:28
phoenix_firebrdsimilar: you mean package manager?10:29
similarphoenix_firebrd: yes.10:31
phoenix_firebrdsimilar: the new package manager is called muon10:31
phoenix_firebrdsimilar: there is also a software center called muon-installer10:32
similari know. but its not in the settings and i cant find it in die menu. do i have to start it via terminal?10:32
similarphoenix_firebrd: i know. but its not in the settings and i cant find it in die menu. do i have to start it via terminal?10:33
phoenix_firebrdsimilar: brb10:34
yofelsimilar: kmenu -> applications -> system -> package manager10:36
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similaryofel: ty11:20
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BluesKajHi folks12:15
The_JagHi, I have a problem: Each time I try to install something from MUON it says that another application is using the packages manager12:17
The_JagHo w to get rid of this app? I have just booted the system so I've started nothing12:17
The_Jagplease anyone?12:20
BluesKajThe_Jag, in the terminal , sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a12:20
The_Jagthanks, let me try12:21
The_Jagthanks, it seems to have started working again (dropbox installation was somewhat put to freeze and that was the issue).12:23
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athena_Is Konversation better than Quassel?13:01
martin__I wouldn't say so13:01
martin__but it's subjective13:01
g0rsathena_: it is better than quassel13:01
g0rsit has more features too and the interface is great13:01
yofeldepends on what you're using13:01
g0rssmuxi irc client is good too13:02
athena_I just uninstall Quassel and now am using Konversation13:02
Graf_WesterholtHow can I show in Quassel what music I am listening to at the moment?13:02
yofelkonversation has more features than quassel's monolithic client13:02
yofelthat much is true13:03
athena_Or, may come persons prefer to browser add-ons13:03
athena_like irczilla13:03
thomas___how to you get a list of chat rooms, this is my first time trying out quassel or even linux13:09
BluesKajGraf_Westerholt, whatever music you're listening to isn't allowed be notified in this chat13:12
BluesKajto be13:12
Graf_WesterholtThat was not my question. Read my question again.13:12
BluesKajGraf_Westerholt, perhaps you should rephrase your question then , because it implies what i just posted13:13
Graf_WesterholtI did not say that I want to post it here.13:14
thomas___how do i get a list of chat rooms i dopn't know any names13:16
thomas___i'm new to this13:16
BluesKaj Graf_Westerholt then ask in #quassel13:16
athena_Does anybody offer me an channel URL of ubuntu irc instead of kubuntu irc?13:17
BluesKajathena_, join #ubuntu13:18
BluesKajathena_, you can edit your server list and add #ubuntu to the channels13:19
thomas___how do i get channel list anyone?13:29
thomas___i only have #kubuntu and #quassel13:29
athena_ I am chinese and many of chinese have been wishing that the edition can be named as 'Protected Panda'...13:30
athena_but finally it comes with Precise Pangolin13:31
* BluesKaj wonders wth is a pangolin13:40
BluesKajyeah rork , http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pangolin13:42
BluesKajand shuttleworth chose that animal for LTS :) ?13:43
esmirlinhy guys i've installed bespin and i don't know how tho choose that style on apps opened as a root13:46
brainsaili cant find the dvoak us keybord layout in keyboard settings. do i have to install somehting?13:47
lucabuongiorno a tutti14:08
lucaho un problema con la wifi14:09
lucac'è qualcuno che mi può aiutare per favore ?14:09
BluesKaj!it | luca14:09
ubottuluca: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)14:09
luca65nessuno ?14:10
BluesKaj!it | luca6514:11
ubottuluca65: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)14:11
luca65ok ma non c'è nessuno14:13
alexdevillxno sound14:20
alexdevillxafter reboot it works14:20
alexdevillxhow to restart alsa server in kubuntu14:21
delian66alexdevillx: sudo /etc/init.d/pulseaudio restart14:29
delian66alexdevillx: if that does not work, try: sudo pkill pulseaudio14:29
delian66it should die and start again a second later14:30
alexdevillxPulseAudio configured for per-user sessions14:30
alexdevillxhow to restart alsa14:31
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BluesKajalexdevillx,  sudo alsa force-reload14:32
alexdevillxit worked for the second now its bad14:33
BluesKajalexdevillx, open a terminal and type alsamixer14:34
sithlord48does anyone have a clue as to how i could have crashed bash ? i was tring to open the konsole on dolphin. working perfect before that after the konsole on dolphin opened i got two "bash has crashed" notes (in red) then an xdialog came up saying 'cant' start ksmserver' followed by a kdm or x crash , next thing i knew i was back at log in screen14:34
BluesKajalexdevillx, make sure none of the ctrl boxes are muted with an "M" , use the "M" key to unmute and the arrow keys to navigate and increase or decrease the volume'.14:35
alexdevillxkde tries to forget about deviced14:35
alexdevillxblueskaj i'm sure14:35
BluesKajalexdevillx, what sound card driver is listed i the top left in alsamixer ?14:36
BluesKajsithlord48, konsole on dolphin ? were opening the terminal to put it into application config path ?14:38
piedroHello! Can someone give me a hint how to start kjots migrator manually?14:42
alexdevillxIf i had a good audiocard14:43
piedroHello! Can someone give me a hint how to start kjots migrator manually?14:44
alexdevillxwhat linux should i use to understand how linux works?14:45
alexdevillxLike alsa is a sound server cups is a print server and so on14:46
alexdevillxGentoo, Arch Linux or Slackware?14:47
BluesKajalexdevillx, what sound card driver is listed i the top left in alsamixer ?14:50
alexdevillxhow to see my soundcard14:51
alexdevillxits like moduls14:51
BluesKajalsa is the sound driver , pulseaudio is a sound server , pulse can server several sound sources at the same time , alsa can't14:52
BluesKajalexdevillx, I already told you how to find the sound card driver in alsamixer14:52
BluesKajalexdevillx, cat /proc/asound/cards14:53
alexdevillxinterrupt quewe 1614:54
alexdevillxand also logitech cam microphone14:54
BluesKajalexdevillx,`for modules, cat /proc/asound/modules14:55
alexdevillxok, why kde tries to delete my sound card from system?14:55
alexdevillxok, how can i learn how linux works?14:57
alexdevillx    Hoarders can get piles of money,14:58
alexdevillx    That is true, hackers, that is true.14:58
sithlord48BluesKaj:  sorry was afk i was hitting 'f4' in dolphin so i could run "make clean" in a code directory15:02
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alexdevillxmodprobe list15:11
BluesKaj!who | alexdevillx15:15
ubottualexdevillx: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:15
alexdevillxhow to clear screen in irc?15:16
TheEvilPhoenixalexdevillx:  did you try /clear ?15:17
TheEvilPhoenixalexdevillx:  i dont see that option available in Quassel15:20
=== spacebug is now known as spacebug-
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avihayI've made a stupid mistake. I tried to upgrade packages with muon. now it's stuck in the middle of a package, probably trying to get user input or something. I'm sorry I didn't listen. what do I do now?15:49
BluesKajavihay, run sudo-apt get -f install , close muon if you can , first15:53
TheEvilPhoenixis there a way to connect to VPNs using NetworkManager?  In GNOME 11.04, there's a method in NM to do this - but i've configured the VPN in KDE's NetworkManager, and the option for the VPN connection doesnt exist.15:54
chronossomeone have idea how get back my transparency and desktop effects after set dua monitor with nvidia-settings?15:56
BluesKajchronos, did you install the recommended driver in jockey ?15:57
chronosscBluesKaj: ya, but when I set xinerama with nvidia and restart X I lost my effects15:58
avihayBluesKaj: can't, there's the lock thingy... will "rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock" work? also, do you think synaptic will take me back, even after I decided to remove it and use muon?15:58
BluesKajavihay, no don't remove muon , just yet , try this in the terminal ,  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a16:00
BluesKajchro and the desktop effects reuse to load ?16:00
chronosno luck yet :(16:03
BluesKajchronos, and the desktop effects refuse to load ?16:04
BluesKajwhich gfx card , chronos?16:04
chronos nvidia 360m16:07
avihayBluesKaj: oh, it was dpkg that was stuck? btw, if muon doesn't show me the dpkg output, then I might as well shoot myself in the lag by installing something like kpackagekit. when muon just came out bout a year I've asked the muon developer not to fall into that pitfall. he told me that adding the terminal output is a bit of black magic, but that he plans on doing it. I'm so disappointed right now, this 1.4 ver doesn't look any better then the 0.4 of back16:07
avihaythen :-<16:07
chronosand ya BluesKaj, my kde effects refuse to load16:07
chronosI need to go to lunch... brb16:08
TheEvilPhoenixis it possible to use Synaptic (the GNOME package manager) to manage packages here on Kubuntu?  Assuming, of course, I have both synaptic and the GNOME dependencies installed16:09
avihayyes, it is posible16:09
avihaythey both work with apt/dpkg as the backend16:10
=== raffa_ is now known as raffa-laptop
avihayinfact, that's what I've been doing since I've started using kubuntu16:11
BluesKajsynaptic is my fav ..use it as a package reference16:11
BluesKajavihay, so the dpkg --configure -a command fixed your problem ?16:12
avihayyes, from what I could tell. now I'm apt-get upgrading.  I've just upgraded from the alt-cd a few hours ago, and haven't rebooted yet16:14
BluesKajok cool ..alternate is usually the best install method IMO , avihay16:15
=== spacebug is now known as spacebug-
avihaymine too, the upgrade took less then an hour, no hair plucking for packages to download16:16
avihayI think so too*16:16
avihayalso usually need less free space in my root folder to start the process16:17
u19809hi all how can I install libqt4-sql-mysql:386 on 11.10 ?16:19
BluesKajyeah , i overestimated the space needed for /and swap, now I regret it , because I could use a bit more space on /home due to my music collection16:19
* notGuest use kubuntu16:19
=== adam__ is now known as Cradam
BluesKaju19809, sudo apt-get install libqt4-sql-mysql16:26
u19809blueskaj : that installs the 64 bit version I need the 32-bit16:26
avihayI have a tiny 160gb hdd, I've set root to 40GB on my brother's advice16:26
=== spacebug is now known as spacebug-
BluesKaju19809, do you have multiarch installed , if so then the 64 bit version should run on a 32 bit pc16:27
avihayover time, I find myself forced to move virtual machines to / because I ran out of room @home16:27
avihaynow I have 1gb free in / and 0.2gb free in /home16:28
BluesKajavihay, if kubuntu is all you are installing 40G is pretty small , the / file should be less athan 10G and swap 3Gmax16:28
lee_Eh, how do I get rid of some weird featre that is showing desk top with search and , Icons that move side ways.. and has a black opeque bar across the top with the 2 most primary accessed ites ,cpnquer,  system settings and dolphin16:28
BluesKajavihay, the rest should go to /home16:28
u19809blueskaj : yes I have but 11.10 seems to have gone a different way ... you no longer need the ia-32 bit package.  my dpkg shows packages like libqt-sql and libqt-sql:386 which I presume is the 64bit and the second the 32 bit version of libqt-sql but I do not know how to install that 386 version16:29
CradamBluesKaj: ehh swap shoudl be 2*RAM16:29
u19809cradam : no longer true16:29
u19809cradam : many years ago yes\16:29
Cradamu19809: so what is it now?16:29
BluesKaju19809, I don't see a 32 bit version available in the repos16:30
thomas____wie geht es so?16:30
u19809cradam : I never use a swap partition I always use a swap file.  This is in the / filesystem.  Size depends on how many GB you want to go beyond your VM.16:31
lee_Hmm, I had to load ubuntu's recource jsut to get some needed items like the cmplete studio for the video end...that was wierd16:31
Cradamu19809: oh, your VM, sorry16:31
BluesKajCradam, depends on your RAM , if you have greater than 4G then usually aswap file isn't needed , other wise the 1.5xRAM rule works ok16:31
CradamBluesKaj: i always like to keep a swap16:31
avihayBluesKaj: I like to install and experiment with lots of software and games, I think I need atleast 20/25G for a home folder16:31
u19809sorry VM = RAM ...16:31
Cradamand if you cant give away 6GB then you really need a bigger hard drive16:32
avihayand my swap is 3G or 4G16:32
u19809cradam : I have 8GB swap16:32
Cradamu19809: i was talking to blues then16:32
BluesKaju19809, that's wasted space16:32
lee_at any rate, is there any way to reset or close out this really funky setting that has the search icon and 3 most used icons in an opequ black bar across the top and icons that are running side to side on the desk top?16:33
Cradama frugal system only needs 512MB RAM16:33
BluesKajbut sorry I should have said swap partition , not file , u9, Cradam, avihay16:33
u19809blueskay : yes probably ... i have > 2TB diskspace ... currently 300 MB swap in use16:34
CradamPasNox: nice ipv616:34
lee_has a lap top with a built in 128 megs, not shared and 4 gigs of ram16:34
lee_and it doesn't activate the swap16:35
lee_but I get some wierd WMI error16:35
avihayreally? 300MB only? from the moment I log in, my swap starts at 1.5GB and usually settles at around 3.1GB (only have 2GB of ram though)16:35
Cradamlee_: whats the 128?16:36
lee_Video Ram16:36
Cradamlee_: ahh, i have 64MB dedicated and 1.2GB shared16:36
Cradamwhich is stupid16:37
CoJaBoHow do I turn off the Oneiric spam prompt that appears every 5 minutes?16:37
BluesKajavihay, that's a lot of memory usage ..hope that isn't at idle16:37
=== PasNox_ is now known as PasNox
lee_cool <Gradam>, I jsut never seen a low end lap top with ts own ram lol16:37
Cradam5732z here16:38
Cradamand its C not G16:38
avihaywhat do you mean by "at idle"?16:39
sytheCan I protest the decision to disable compositing by default?16:39
Cradamavihay: when you arent doing anything16:39
sytheI think it's ridiculous16:39
Cradamlee_: do you get backlight problems?16:39
sytheWe're not Lubuntu16:39
lee_<gradam> as in failure to adjust it , Yes16:40
Cradamsythe: ...16:40
Cradamlee_: ...16:40
lee_in Linux only though16:40
Cradamit is an effing C16:40
BluesKajwith no media running or lots of file open , heavy internet , with lots of sites open etc16:40
lee_Oh sory16:40
sytheWhat, Cradam?16:40
lee_<cradam yes, only in linux though16:40
=== spacebug is now known as spacebug-
avihaywell, doing stuff doesn't really changes the usage, unless I load up a virtual machine. KDE loads my session from my last shutdown, and most of my programs are already on16:40
BluesKajwhy the VM ...for work use or ?16:41
Cradamlee_: as in it doesnt turn on without you changing rc.local or somewhere?16:41
BluesKajavihay, ^16:41
lee_<Cradam>, no that part functions fine16:41
lee_I jsut can not adjust brightnes16:42
avihayschool, and privacy protection. I can't get tor to work reliably, so sometimes working out of a VM is close enough16:42
BluesKajlee_, the tab key is your friend , no need for the < >16:42
Cradamyes just my model then16:42
Cradamlee_: ho cares about brightness16:42
lee_Cradam: ah thank you for the hint16:42
avihaysometimes I also need to run some legacy software that just won't run on a modern OS16:43
lee_BluesKaj: ah thans for the hint16:43
avihayeven with wine16:43
Cradamavihay: you mean dosbox?16:43
BluesKajavihay, ok , understood16:43
lee_Cradam: no the only issue I have is I inserted an older hdd that is dying.16:43
Cradamavihay: dosbox is better than running dos in a VM16:43
avihayno, I mean windows16:43
sytheCould I theoretically install the Muon Software Center on Arch?16:43
Cradami inserted an older hard drive because the one which came with it dies16:44
BluesKajsythe, ask in #arch16:44
Cradam16 bad sectors according to the SMART data16:44
avihayyou know, there was a company called microsol, I think, that made OSs in days long forgotten16:44
sytheHow would they know, BluesKaj?16:45
BluesKajsythe, or #arch-linux16:45
lee_Cradam: hmm wierd, I inserted an older HDD to test this out befor loading it on to the 500 gb HD16:45
Cradamlee_: nah not weird, it was just used heavily16:45
BluesKajwell we don't don't , this is kubuntu, sythe16:45
Cradamthe guy i brought it off used windows if you can beleive it16:45
sytheBluesKaj: Kubuntu uses it16:46
Cradami did get it for £200 though :)16:46
lee_Cradam:  was suprisngly pleased to find out that out of the box it had drivers for our Kodak 520016:46
Cradamwont ever buy an acer again though16:46
Cradamlee_: i dont see what that has to do with the machine16:46
lee_lol I won't ever buy a dell16:46
Cradami wish i could build my own lappie16:47
Cradami always build my own desktops16:47
BluesKajsythe, yes , I have it installed , but what does that have to do with arch ?16:47
spacebug-finally found out what made my audio crash. Root trying to play sound through kde's audio server started by my user16:48
lee_Cradam: well in machine wise, I  havn't had any issues with the 5733z how ever on my mom's acer dear lord, that as the worst machine Acer ever made16:48
sytheBluesKaj: the Kubuntu team made Muon16:48
sytheI believe16:48
Cradamlee_: if i close the lid on this machine i have to run a setpci command to turn the backlight on16:48
BluesKajsythe, weren't you asking about arch or are you just trolling here?16:49
Cradamand i have to turn all my power savings settings down sso my backlight doesnt turn itself off16:49
lee_Cradam: weird, mine loads up normally, but then this thing has no HDMI port16:49
lee_even hen shutting the lid16:50
sytheBluesKaj, the kubuntu/muon devs would know16:50
Cradamlee_: well it is a different model16:50
BluesKajsythe, then ask them if muon can be installed in archlinux ...isn't hat what you wanted to know ?16:52
lee_Intel Pentium P6100 / 2 GHz • 15.6" • Notebook •4 GB RAM • 500 GB HD •16:52
sytheI guess16:53
lee_ Cradam does yppen to have built in video ram?ours ha16:53
lee_Cradam: eh does that model have built in Ram?16:53
lee_oh and paid 500 us16:54
avihaysythe: http://jontheechidna.wordpress.com/2010/07/05/introducing-qapt-and-the-muon-package-manager/16:54
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Cradamlee_: what laptop doesnt have built in ram?16:54
lee_lol, i mean something above the usual 64 meg16:55
lee_or 4 megs16:55
Cradamoh you mean video ram16:56
Cradamyes just 64MB16:57
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lee_I hate to ask this but is it Intell, ATi or Nvida?16:59
lee_and are you using or hVING TO USE NON SUPPORTED DRIVERS?17:00
lee_oops didn't mean for the caps17:00
lee_Cradam:  also is your pr processor MMX?17:03
Cradamlee_: huh?17:06
lee_Does your rocessor support MMX (multi media extension)?17:07
Cradamno idea17:07
lee_klick on the menu, searhc for system info17:08
Cradamin a bit17:08
lee_ah ok17:08
Cradamim installing kde atm17:08
lee_ahh.. that is what I am running17:09
avihaylshw|grep mmx17:09
lee_Oh after that, to find anything, you might want to add ubuntu software sources17:09
Cradamwell that is why you are in #kubuntu and not #ubuntu or #xubuntu or #lubuntu :P17:09
lee_I hate this Muon17:09
Cradamlee_: yes i have mmx17:10
lee_Well, to get the Video editor to work right, I had to down Load ubuntu software then, I had to download Video-studio then udated blender17:10
juggerпо русски шпрехен кто нибудь?17:10
lee_glad to hear you have that part17:11
Cradamlee_: i dont edit video17:11
lee_Cradam:  ah17:11
Cradamlee_: why do you need to know17:11
Cradam         capabilities: fpu fpu_exception wp vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe nx x86-64 constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts aperfmperf pni dtes64 monitor ds_cpl est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr pdcm xsave lahf_lm cpufreq17:11
lee_Cradam:  because in some laptops people were having issues specifically with the ideo17:12
chronosthere is a way of dump actual xorg.conf used / generated by default by ubuntu?17:12
avihayas far as I know mmx<sse<sse217:12
juggerподскажите кто нибудь че заменить виндовскую софтину corelvideostudio17:12
Cradamavihay: well i have all 317:13
avihay!ru | jugger17:13
ubottujugger: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.17:13
RickKnightI have Kubuntu 11.10. I need to load module snd-pcm-oss from oss-compat but the new kernel does not include oss support. How do I recompile the new 3.0 kernel to add this support. Can someone point me to a current howto?17:13
lee_Cradam: the one most anoying one is the "blue hue "17:13
lee_Cradam: AKA Blue colord videos17:14
lee_say is there any one here with Knowledge on the settings, as in how to deactivate the portion of the desktop that has all the weird settings17:14
avihaylee, can you elaborate on "the portion of the desktop that has all the weird settings"17:15
=== adam__ is now known as Cradam
Cradamooh kde is nicer on a machine with decent specs17:17
lee_avihay:  yeah , it is the settings that gives a Black opeque bar with 3 Icons in it at the top ot the screen, along with 2 Icons which are Knoq, dolphin and system settings , then in the cneter of the screen  are other icons17:17
lee_book marks, contacts,  multimedia, and the like and they move sideways like as though you are on one those pad thingys17:18
Cradamoops no dont need to go17:18
lee_Cradam: yes it is :)17:18
avihaylee, sounds like you are talking about the netbook workspace17:18
lee_so how do I deactivate it lol17:18
lee_avihay: and get back t y regualr settings17:19
avihaytry system settings->Workspace appearance and behaviour->Workspace behaviour->workspace->workspace type17:19
lee_avihay ok brb17:20
avihayno need for a restart17:20
avihayor re-log on17:20
lee_Treid the relog in that didn't bode well lol...ok brb17:20
Cradamooh kopete supports skype17:20
Cradameugh konq is crap17:25
BluesKajanyone get google earth working on kubuntu 11.1017:26
Cradamseems to be working here, no earth yet though17:26
BluesKajgoogle earth is installed but fails to launch here..even got lsb-core installed but I guess that doesn't help much anymore17:27
Cradamthat your problem?17:27
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lee_ahhh, I found the issue it was the search thing17:27
lee_thanks though17:28
Cradamits probably my connection which is failing with google here17:28
Cradamalso it is 11.04 here17:28
mokushhow can I set the maximum number of characters before the items names get cut with '..', in dolphin, system settings, etc?17:28
BluesKajCradam, yeah i had google-earth working on 11.04 , but not on 11.10 so far17:28
CradamBluesKaj: im a mint user, thats why im on 11.0417:29
lee_Skye wors well in Linux17:30
Cradamlee_: works better on windows17:32
lee_A hell of a lot better then windows17:32
lee_I am guessing that most of my crashes are in relation to an older HDD this HDD I am using is at least 8 years old17:33
lee_My 160 took out my PS3 as I was updating the PS3..Bad HDD...corrupted the firm ware.ouch17:34
lee_at any rate, I like KDE a lot better then that uBUNTU... I beieve change is good..that that was not a good change17:35
Cradamlee_: you mean unity17:35
lee_Cradam: eh yeah..not so unified17:35
lee_That is why I went to KDE17:36
Cradamunity is good for some people, NOT ME17:36
lee_Cradam: Not for me either...I havn't tried the cloud service yet.17:36
Cradamlee_: win 8 also looks crap17:37
Cradam*crappier than usual17:37
lee_Cradam: LOL, I didn't even want to beta test it lol17:37
Cradamwho would17:38
Cradami do know one guy who did, he didnt like it17:38
lee_Cradam:  Ouch, I think once win 8 comes out people will probably be fed up enough and ether turn to SX or Linux17:38
lee_I looked at it in the reviews on youtube, it was not very pretty17:39
lee_I think in this case KDE is ballaced with both looks and power17:39
Cradamooh i hope OSX becomes popular17:40
voodoo123To be honest, Win8 isn't horrible when using it. I've been messing with the developer version on my laptop and its just getting use to where things are.17:40
lee_well at lest it is a lot less stressfull to run17:40
lee_I hear it runs a lot less ram17:40
Cradamif OSX becomes popular i will finally be able to use unix commands when fixing comps17:40
voodoo123Yeah, it runs very smooth, even for the developer version. Very light on RAM.17:40
lee_But I need something that won't cost me an arm and a leg17:41
lee_Is it totally cloud based or indepnadnat17:41
Cradami wonder if it will me much easier to install mac when uefi comes around17:41
lee_OOOO Mack on regualr PC17:42
lee_I have done that :)17:42
lee_Jsut wish ACEr could run it :(17:42
lee_then Linux and OSX  hehe17:42
voodoo123Well, other the the EFI being required, there will still be driver issues for the hardware for OSX.17:43
Cradami think it wont be IMPOSSIBLE to install linux when it comes around, just much harder17:43
lee_Yeah, running OSX on a dell Machine...I was having horrid issues with wondows and a freind game me an OSX disk17:44
Cradamless newbs is always a good thing17:44
lee_I think Apple roof would be blown off if they amed it where there OS could load onto any computer17:44
BluesKajfewer is the word17:44
GirlyGirl!ot | lee_17:44
ubottulee_: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!17:44
GirlyGirl!ot | Cradam17:45
ubottuCradam: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!17:45
lee_we better get back to Kubuntu lol17:45
BluesKajGirlyGirl, morphs into OT cop17:45
lee_One hting is for sure..I like all the educational software17:46
Cradamlee_: i private messaged you17:46
CradamGirlyGirl: you know you could have just printed it once and just told us to look at it17:47
Cradamaka less spam17:47
lee_hmm true17:47
avihayot pipe to both of ya in one line, ubottu wouldn't know better (or... worse?)17:48
Cradamooh konsole is cool17:48
Cradamavihay: nah 2 lines just less stuff on the second line17:49
Cradam    !ot17:49
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!17:49
CradamCradam: lee_17:49
avihay!ot | lee_ Cradam17:49
ubottulee_ Cradam: please see above17:49
Cradami didnt expect it to get that because of the white space17:49
avihayubottu is a good17:50
ubottuavihay: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:50
avihayand so modest17:50
Cradamubottu is a god17:50
ubottuCradam: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:50
Cradamgods are stupid17:50
lee_ubottu:  but even bots have Artifica intellegence17:51
ubottulee_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:51
lee_At any arate, is there any one that can for the life of me answer one simple question?17:51
lee_why do I have to Load Ubuntu recources to get some of KDE functions?17:52
lee_Example with ffmpgthimbnails17:52
lee_I couldn't get FFMPG thumbnails through Muon, but had to get it through Ubuntu resource center ahs any one else happend across that odd issue?17:54
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Cradamlee_: ubuntu != a window manager17:54
lee_Where are befor both ubuntu and kubuntu shared the same recources17:54
Cradamkde == a window manager17:54
lee_I realize that17:55
Cradamkubuntu is just ubuntu that uses kde17:55
lee_CradamI understand, but then why do I need both recources Ubuntu and Muon17:56
lee_that confuses the heck out of me lol17:56
Cradamwhats muon17:56
well_laid_lawn!info muon17:56
ubottumuon (source: muon): package manager for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 1.2.1-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 81 kB, installed size 328 kB17:56
lee_Cradam: it is KDE's area where you go to to install rograms17:56
Cradamahh alternative to synaptic17:57
Cradami use neither17:57
lee_What, Its Optiona!17:57
avihayit'z ze new package manager for kubuntu, I don't thin it's mature enough yet. use apt-get or synaptic17:57
Cradamlee_: package managers just use apt-get17:57
BarkingFishapper works too if you can get used to it, and it's better looking than muon17:57
lee_Cradam: yeah been doing that17:57
Cradami dont use synaptic, dont see why anyone would need to17:58
lee_I removed Muon17:58
avihayyou don't need to use synaptic, you want to use synaptic17:59
Cradamavihay: ...17:59
lee_yeah, I found that synaptic allows for better control, and when something breaks...17:59
Cradamwhy the hell would you17:59
avihaysynaptic is much more fun to use then apt-cache search18:00
BluesKajCradam, synaptic is the most stable package manager for those who require one , and it's also agood refernce for available packages , which is why i use it .18:00
Cradamavihay: nope i prefer apt-cache18:00
Cradamavihay: i am an avid terminal user18:01
lee_hmm so far this is what I have figured out...apt-get is needed fr installing files from other sites, synaptic is a way to view files and see what there about, where as the sftware center places it all into a nice pretty graphical package18:02
avihayfor me and blueskaj18:02
avihayCradam: let me finish my sentence first! :-p18:02
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BluesKajCradam, to each his own , but when one uses the search in synaptic , one gets a list of assocaited apps/packages that one doesn't see with apt18:02
lee_how ever apt get is very powerfull and will correct any issues18:03
avihaylee_: no, they are the same, or to be more exact, synaptic is a front end to apt18:03
ronnocBluesKaj: Muon is the same way. And looks way better IMO.18:03
lee_avihay: ah thanks18:04
BluesKajCradam, I'm also an avid konsole user , but it doesn't preclude me from using synaptic as a handy reference18:04
lee_I think it all on user preference18:05
lee_no rite or wrong18:05
CradamBluesKaj: konsole is a terminal emulator, therefore i am an avid terminal user18:05
avihayronnoc: Muon might look better, but you can't see the terminal output, so it's not a real improvement over kpackagekit18:06
* ronnoc Wonders why, when he selects US English language and US English for KB layout, Kubuntu insists on downloading and installing so many diferent language packs? Is this necessary?18:06
BluesKajronnoc, looks way better ? okaaay , like i said , to each his own ...eyecandy isn't a requirement for me to use a good app18:07
ronnocavihay: If one needs terminal output wouldn't they just apt-get?18:07
BluesKajCradam, split hairs if you wish konsole terminal ..there's not a whole lot of difference in the real world18:08
ronnocBluesKaj: True, that doesn't make it good. I agree there.18:08
lee_just tried to install kpageit18:08
avihaywhy would you use a graphical package manager to select packages you want to manipulate, then copy it all by hand (cause as far as I saw, only synaptic exports to scripts) to the terminal to use apt-get, when you can just do everything from the same gui?18:09
lee_it failed due to dependecy issues18:09
avihayronnoc: ^^18:09
ronnocBluesKaj: But with how Muon is today (The package manager, not the SW center) I can't find anything that the GTK-based synaptic does that Muon won't do. But hey, that's the great thing about GNU/Linux :)18:09
lee_ronoc hs a point, I have a need for some items in the video editing area like I needed everything allin oe shot so I went  for ubuntu studio video editor18:11
lee_I could not obtain the needed application and software throught the Muon18:12
yofelkpackagekit was renamed, it's apper now18:12
lee_ also needed some portions of eubuntu18:12
lee_that I could not get in Muon either18:13
ronnoclee_: There's a setting in Muon to pull both suggested AND reccomended packages, but it's not enabled by default18:13
lee_avihay: oh?18:13
lee_ronnoc: that i did not know18:13
yofelit's not enabled by default for apt-get either18:13
avihayI asked muon for a list of all packages. if muon isn't lying, the ubunto repositories only have bout 1000 packages18:14
lee_oh wait, I did select a setting that should have allowed for that18:14
lee_hmm just a sec18:14
ronnoclee_: I'm assuming it's defaulted like that for space-concious kubuntuers :)18:15
avihayalso no audacious in the repositories, funny, I just saw it the other day with synaptic18:15
ronnocyofel: apt-get will prompt to install reccomnded packages though, just not suggested, right? (going from memory here)18:16
lee_ronnoc: not sure how it is set up.. i got so irked that i went this method of using ubuntu resource18:16
lee_but, i will hve to reload it18:16
ronnoclee_: ahhhh18:17
lee_there are a total in ubuntu resources of18:17
lee_55,934 items18:17
lee_I would say Muon is in error18:18
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lee_thatis the number that Ubuntu Resources gives me18:20
lee_avihay:  I knoticed that as well18:21
lee_avihay: aobut no Audaciouse18:21
avihayfunny thing, apt-get finds it just fine18:22
lee_avihay: yeppers18:23
lee_eh another case of Hury u and get it out?18:24
BluesKajMuon showed alot of promise at first , but it was crashing and clunky and still freezes sometimes when i try it. Dunno what the devs did to it but doesn't work nearly as well in 11.10 as in 11.0418:27
jamil_1why does muon ask for the root password after a long delay18:27
lee_Hard to say, I knoticed that my self18:28
lee_So I changed over to the Ubuntu recources18:28
BluesKajjustlike apt , it requires a pw , but only after you select a package to install . jamil_118:29
lee_BluesKaj: hmm could it be searching for all the denencies as wwell?18:29
jamil_1BluesKaj: even after I have selected a package and asked it to install it takes significantly long time18:30
Snowhoglee_: Muon Package Manager finds audacious here just fine.18:30
lee_Snowhog: weird, I wonder why some of us have issues?18:31
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BluesKajI have Muon setup as an alias and it's path is in my nopasword list in the sudoers file , so it kaunches as a sudo user18:31
lee_Snowhog: how many packges are listed in the total?18:31
Snowhoglee_: And, Muon reports 36,495 packages available,1,238 installed, 0 upgradeable18:31
BluesKajerr launches18:32
lee_ubuntu Sotware center is stating that there is over 55k18:32
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lee_Snowhog: have you compared tht to Ubuntusoftware?18:33
BluesKajjamil_1, could be a depends search that's slowing it down, alright18:33
jamil_1BluesKaj: how do you add it to nosudoers list ?18:34
Snowhoglee_: I don't have Ubuntu Software center installed. I utilize Muon, so there is Muon Software Center, and it, unlike Muon Package Manager, doesn't show figures.18:35
jamil_1Also, Dolphin/samba are behaving oddly18:36
jamil_1I share a folder and allow guest acess but if I check again, guest access is disables18:36
lee_Snowhog: does it have ffmgthumbnailer?18:36
avihaymy usage expiriance with package managers: kpackagekit: "I'm installing some stuff, just so you know." <after a long while> "I'm installing some stuff, just so you know." <clicks on the MOAR info button> "Look, I have a shiny bar that moves backwards and forwards, backwards and forwards, hows that for more info! ps, there was some error. I might have written it to a log file, might not have, I'll let you figure it out yoursellf, because I have a shiny18:37
avihayprogress bar I need to animate! backwards and forwards backwards and forwards..." muon: "I'm installing package x now, and at y% of total" <after a while> "I'm installing package z now, and at 20% of total" <after a long while> "I'm installing package z now, and at 20% of total, oh, I'm not telling you anything else, you can't close me nicely, and if you kill me, my subprocesses are still going to run wild and do their own thing and lock the package18:37
avihaymanagment system untill you go around and release them yourself, manually, and go figure out how to do that on your own" synaptic:"look, I'm ugly, and I might not be the brightest lamppost in the street, but I'm gonna help ya find 'em packages, then we gonna sit in the shade and watch apt doing all the hard work" apt (from within synaptic): "looksee here, I've seem to have failed to install something previously (It was the issue that kpackagekit didn't18:37
avihayshow me), just run apt-get install -f and everything will be shiny again"<apt was right, and I guess, by proxy, so was synaptic>18:37
FloodBotK2avihay: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:37
FloodBotK1avihay: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:37
Snowhoglee_: ffmpegthumbnailer -- yes, it is listed in Muon Package Manager18:37
lee_Snowhog: weird that didn't list in mine18:38
lee_hmm how about video-studio18:38
lee_oh.. package manager...ok..18:39
Snowhoglee_: video-studio -- no. Must not be a package in the standard repositories.18:40
lee_ah.. ok18:40
lee_Snowhog: ahhh..  ok... that explains a few things18:41
lee_Snowhog: that i couldn't link to18:41
lee_Snowhog: untill i got ubuntu software center18:41
lee_I wonder why they did that becaue 11.04 everthing was eid togeather...and Open shot does not function wellin the new ubuntu18:43
jamil_1is there a reasonable file manager for kde ?18:43
lee_and I didn't feel like having to load an entire seperate Desk top to run two things18:43
jamil_1other than Dolphin18:43
Snowhoglee_: Here, I have activated, Kubuntu software for (main) (universe) (restricted) (multiverse) as well as having active, Kubuntu updates for Important security, Recommended, and Unsupported. I have the medibuntu, Canonical partners, and Independent repos active as well.18:45
yofellee_: kpackagekit had it's issues (ok, it's not like muon doesn't, but anyway...) and like this it's more kUBUNTU style - as ubuntu has the SC and synaptic too18:45
lee_Snowhog: i have the sec updates and had 2 of the 418:46
keithzgYou know what *doesn't* have issues? aptitude ;)18:47
* keithzg is an old man18:47
BluesKajjamil_1, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=113282118:47
yofelkeithzg: would be nice... it doesn't support multiarch in oneiric since nobody cared about it :(18:47
lee_yofel: Hmm I was more like having issues wih muon...18:48
yofellee_: then install apper if you want, that's kpackagekit18:48
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keithzgWait, really? Aptitude doesn't support multiarch in the new release? That seems insane, that a commandline program that's the primary Debian package manager would lack something like that in a distro release . . . wow.18:49
lee_ah apper is its new name18:49
yofelkeithzg: bug 83176818:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 831768 in aptitude (Ubuntu Oneiric) "aptitude cannot handle conflicts with multiarch enabled" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83176818:49
keithzgSounds to me more like multiarch just isn't ready for primetime yet...18:58
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BluesKajkeithzg,  aptiude isn't as usable as it once was ..apt-get handles dependencies etc just5 as well or better now19:00
yofelyes, but it still only gives you one resolution, while aptitude lets you choose between different ones19:01
keithzgBluesKaj has apt-get been seriously revamped since 11.04, then? That's what I'm on still (thanks to the update manager failing) and...19:01
yofelas what apt-get tells me isn't necessarily what I want it to do19:01
keithzgahh, yofel hits it, that's what I was about to ask.19:01
keithzgSounds like if I can convince my main system to update to 11.10 the first thing for me to do is disable multiarch then.19:02
BluesKajmultiarch works well hewre , but I'm on 64 bit19:03
kartickwhen i start audacity 8 windows of audacity is opened autamatically? why????19:03
kartickHow can i solve the problem??19:04
keithzgI'm on 64-bit as well, and I don't see what benefit I'd gain from multiarch (been running 64-bit fine for, what, 5 years now?)19:04
yofelyou need multiarch for skype and 32bit flash in oneiric19:04
yofelalthough 64bit flash is in partner now19:04
keithzgI just use skype on my phone, and I've always used 64-bit flash when I use flash at all.19:04
yofelgood, then feel free to disable multiarch19:05
yofelwhich is what I did19:05
keithzgCool cool :)19:05
BluesKajyofel, what about flash sites like youtube etc, what's requirement there19:07
yofelwell, either use html5 or adobe-flashplugin, which in oneirc/partner is the flash11 64bit plugin19:07
keithzgIt's actually hard to exaggerate how glad I am that sites like youtube offer html5 these days.19:08
BluesKajI prefer not to use that "wrapper" for flash tho . so i'm sticking with multiarch19:10
keithzghuh? it's just the 64-bit version of the plugin19:11
BluesKajthere isn't enough HTML5 to make me drop flash19:11
yofelBluesKaj: uhm, adobe-flashpugin is the 64bit native plugin19:11
keithzgIt's actually the one area that Adobe hasn't (usually) ignore Linux, we were in fact the first OS to get a native 64-bit plugin, ages ago.19:12
BluesKajyofel, then why does it try to install the the wrapper , when i choose the 64 bit native plugin19:12
keithzgThey didn't support it very well for a while, but that's another story.19:12
yofeluhm, no idea?19:13
yofel  Installed:
yofel  Installed: (none)19:13
FloodBotK2yofel: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:13
FloodBotK1yofel: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:13
keithzghaha the floodbots are flooding19:14
BluesKajyofel ,where does one disable multiarch ...removing it is impossible19:23
yofelcomment out the line in cat /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/multiarch19:24
yofeler, s/cat//19:24
BluesKajok yofel , thanks ..I looked that file earlier but didn't realize it's role in the package19:27
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LinkmasterDaskreech: ping19:40
keithzgHmm, getting the classic "E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages. "19:40
esmirlinHi guys, how can i know the <width> <height> of my netbook??? (just to install a splash theme)19:44
phunyguy_netbookesmirlin: go to system settings->Display and Monitor19:50
phunyguy_netbookshould give you resolution of your display19:50
LinkmasterDaskreech: I19:50
coolianKmail is just broken. Akonadi should be thrown out the window and burned.19:57
coolianWho let Kmail get so broken?19:57
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CoJaBoHow do I turn off the Oneiric spam prompt that appears every 5 minutes?19:59
ronnoccoolian: My understanding is that KMail worked fine and just the import from previous versions was borked. Is this incorrect?20:02
coolianYes, that would seem to be correct20:03
coolianI have been using it since its inception.20:03
coolianThis is the first time I've had a problem...and there are many20:03
coolianI cannot imagine this could have passed testing20:03
ronnoccoolian: :/ it's a known issue I know. It should have never been released as is. The devs know this and have acknowledged the mistake.20:03
coolianAkonadi has duped all of my mails. Does NOT pay attention to the "Offline" setting, errors out 100 times in a row...20:04
coolianThere are so many issues that it's ridiculous20:04
ronnoccoolian: according to the KDE folks, KDE PIM is way under-staffed. I guess we should blame GMail?20:04
coolianThis is number one app...20:04
coolianI just wish someone had been honest about testing.20:04
ronnoccoolian: That's just whaI've been told...they need more manpower upstream20:05
coolianIt's embarrassing that this was released like this. Whoever gave it the stamp of approval needs to be removed from the project20:05
coolianI used to code for the team20:05
DaskreechLinkmaster: pong20:07
DaskreechLinkmaster: Soon be back20:07
ronnoccoolian: the Kubuntu Devs have acknowledged the botch. Not much consolation, I know20:09
coolianNope. I have emails since 94...20:09
coolianand they are now a mess.20:09
coolianI did a backup, but akonadi keeps downloading emails and deleting them off of the server20:09
ronnoccoolian: I've heard horror stories of the import process taking days20:10
ronnocI know it's a (THE?) major focus at UDS for the upcomming LTS20:11
lee_eh does any one else have a non functioning K mix?20:15
keithzg_have you made sure it's running? Last upgrade mysteriously stopped kmix from loading on session start for me.20:16
LinkmasterDaskreech: I tried following the instructions in the website for b43-fwcutter, but it doesn't work20:17
lee_well, I don't think it ever ran it wasn't even listed beneath on the volume controll...but the funky matter is...gnome...Alsa seems to control everything lol....eh.. confused I am20:18
yofelworks fine here, what's the version of the kmix package?20:18
lee_eh come to think of it..I never was able t launch it at all20:18
lee_hmm how do I find the Kmix page data?20:19
yofelpage data?20:19
lee_Oh wait..I get half the settings20:19
lee_Version 3.920:20
lee_Using KDE Development Platform 4.7.1 (4.7.1)20:20
lee_Never mind, I guess we can no longer execute it seperatley.20:21
lee_we have to click on the mixer on the where the speaker is at20:22
lee_I really hate this new way they have it set up20:22
lee_I liked it better when we had the graphical inter face...check the item and that was that...but this method...confusing as hee20:22
lee_plus it is leaving out my external mic settings20:23
DaskreechLinkmaster: Bleah ok20:24
tspgDoes some one got problems with the 11.10 release and phpmyadmin???20:25
TheEvilPhoenixtspg:  phpmyadmin on your system, or using phpmyadmin in firefox or something?20:26
TheEvilPhoenixtspg:  iirc, when you upgrade, you might need to reconfigure phpmyadmin20:26
tspgin the sistem20:26
TheEvilPhoenixdid you try reconfiguring phpmyadmin?20:26
tspgu mean by the web interface or  editing the files?20:27
* TheEvilPhoenix hasnt configured phpmyadmin on his local systems after an upgrade to 11.1020:28
* TheEvilPhoenix has known, though, that complete reconfigurations are sometimes necessary20:28
jamil_1is there something equivalent of gwibber in kubuntu ?20:28
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TheEvilPhoenix!pm > tspg20:29
ubottutspg, please see my private message20:29
Torchjamil_1: what is gwibber?20:30
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tspgand because phpmyadmyn i cant do  apt-get install upgrade  :(20:30
jamil_1Torch: you can see social networks feed there20:30
LinkmasterDaskreech: i've got a problem. I installed the b43-fwcutter thign, and now ifconfig -a doesn't even show my card20:31
jamil_1Torch: it comes in ubuntu by default20:31
yofeljamil_1: choqok would be one20:31
jamil_1yofel: tried choqok but it didn't fit really well with kde20:32
tspgDoes any one know about this isue?20:32
yofelhm, not sure then - there's a microblogging widget for plasma too20:33
jamil_1yofel: I cant make it work though20:34
jamil_1seems like a useless plasmoid20:34
yofelhaven't used it in a long time, I'm fine with choqok20:34
tspgDoes some one got problems with the 11.10 release and phpmyadmin? it cant even let me upgrade20:35
DaskreechLinkmaster: does lspci show it?20:38
tspgTheEvilPhoenix: so what do i have to do to configure it? :/20:40
TheEvilPhoenixtspg:  did you install it with the phpmyadmin package?20:41
tspgTheEvilPhoenix:  yep20:41
TheEvilPhoenixtspg:  try dpkg --reconfigure phpmyadmin20:41
TheEvilPhoenixsudo dpkg --reconfigure phpmyadmin20:41
tspgTheEvilPhoenix:  ok let me try20:42
TheEvilPhoenixtspg:  note though i can't make absolutely certain than that command will work.20:42
TorchTheEvilPhoenix: you probably meant to write "dpkg-reconfigure"20:42
TheEvilPhoenixTorch:  right...20:43
TheEvilPhoenixtspg:  sudo dpkg-reconfigure phpmyadmin20:43
TheEvilPhoenixTorch:  i have that  bad habit sometimes >.>20:43
tspgTheEvilPhoenix:  i did it  and now it says its not installed phpmyadmi wtf i just went  in side it with ma browseer hahah a20:44
TheEvilPhoenixtspg:  try installing it then...20:44
TheEvilPhoenixtspg:  sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin (if it says its not installed020:45
TheEvilPhoenixyou might've just installed the files from their site20:45
kadobanhow do i enable 3 button emulation in kubuntu/kde/whatever?20:45
tspgTheEvilPhoenix: should i install it directlly from sourceforge?20:45
TheEvilPhoenixtspg:  not really20:46
TheEvilPhoenixtspg:  install phpmyadmin via the package if it doesnt say its installed20:47
TheEvilPhoenixif it is installed, try a reinstallation20:47
LinkmasterDaskreech: yes, it does20:48
tspgTheEvilPhoenix: the thing is i cant use apt-get instal or wot ever20:48
shlomyHi... a quick question: In Kubuntu, with the Task Manager (the name of the task bar widget), I noticed I can drag certain files from a file manager to an entry of some application, and then the application pops up so I can drop on it. But there are also files that I cannot drag to the task bar entry (i.e. nothing happens when I do). Can anyone help?20:49
shlomyI tried, for example,two .c files - one of them could be dragged, the other could not20:49
tspgTheEvilPhoenix: i dont understand why....   it says ,now when i tryed to intall it, that "it needs to be reinstaled, because it cant be founf a file for it"20:49
shlomyMoving both files to the same directory does not make any difference, so I figured it should be some property of the file that specified whether it can be dragged to the task bar or not20:50
TheEvilPhoenixtspg:  sudo apt-get reinstall phpmyadmin20:53
tspgTheEvilPhoenix:  i tryed every thing..  even google haha but nothing... :/20:54
Wizardhi ;)20:56
tspgTheEvilPhoenix:  ok thx for the help men   i g2g to fix this xD21:02
DaskreechLinkmaster: what driver is loaded?21:04
sorush20I have a kontact problem here is the console output http://pastebin.com/H5buiABk21:12
sorush20I get the crash which happens and kontact closes.21:13
shane2peruok, serious problem,  I try to print off my HP Laserjet 1022n, and it prints fine, however most of the text is really no readable at all.  I printed from LO21:30
shane2peruI removed the printer and re-installed the printer, but no go, same results21:31
Snowhogshane2peru: default .odt file??21:31
shane2peruSnowhog: yes, just a regular .odt file, with Spanish text, which should have no bearing on the whole thing21:32
Snowhogshane2peru: And I assume, that with the document open, the Spanish text displays normally?21:32
shane2peruI think it has to do with the fact that last install I had printer problems, and did some stuff, and got if fixed, but don't rememeber what I did, but upgrade didn't do it well21:32
shane2peruSnowhog: yep, displays on the screen fine21:32
shane2peruPerhaps I installed hp-setup or hp-tools or something before the upgrade21:33
shane2peruI vaguely remember something like that, and got everything working21:33
shane2peruthis type of thing always happens when I'm under the gun to get something printed and have to walk out the door.21:33
Snowhogshane2peru: What is the result if you tell LO to print the document to a .pdf file, and then you open/print the .pdf document?21:34
RickKnightCan someone point me to a kernel build howto for kubuntu/ubuntu 11.10> I need to add support for snd-pcm-oss module.21:34
shane2peruSnowhog: let me try that too21:34
shane2peruOkular prints out goobbled characters too, most are replaced with '''  in the word, and it didn't print the document as landscape. :(21:36
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Snowhogshane2peru: Sounds like a Locale issue then.21:36
shane2peruand it isn't just where the áíéóú are it is normal words just show up like this:  No 's p'r' d'cir todo lo q'' ped's21:37
shane2perupretty tough to read.21:37
shane2perumatter of fact looking at it, I see an á that printed out correctly, as well as an í and ó21:38
shane2peruso, doesn't seem to be that, any way to completely clear all my printers and re-set them up?21:38
shane2perubefore I'm pretty sure I used hp-setup and installed the hp ppd file or something, any way to clear any of that?21:39
shane2peruoddly enough I have crashed System Settings twice now messing with my printer setup.21:42
shane2peruThis is why I do clean installs, at least I'm not paranoid afterwards of everything that doesn't work21:45
shane2perudolphin has crashed on me twice today.21:45
shane2perumake that three times.21:45
shane2peru4 times, I have system issues.  Arrrgh.21:48
shane2peruguess I will do a clean wipe tonight, and re-install a clean system.  Upgrading is overrated.21:49
Snowhogshane2peru: I have only upgraded a few times since moving to Kubuntu in 2007. I now, almost exclussively do fresh installations. I run three on my HP laptop - Kubuntu 11.04, Kubuntu 11.10, and Ubuntu 11.10.21:50
shane2peruok, beat the system, when to my wife's netbook, running 10.? with Oo.o 3.2 and opened my document and printed from her computer to my printer, and all is good21:52
shane2peruher's always works, and she never let's me touch it, perhaps that is why it works21:52
shane2peruSnowhog: I have done fresh installs for years, and don't know why I bother even upgrading21:53
shane2peruok, I'm going to start this install process before I walk out the door, gotta run21:53
LinkmasterDaskreech: how do I find that out? Sorry for my delay, I had to leave21:54
DaskreechLinkmaster: lsmod and see if b43 or wl is loaded22:00
LinkmasterDaskreech: I just thought of that, but I don't see any lsmod or wl22:00
LinkmasterDaskreech: I mean b43 or wl22:07
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DaskreechLinkmaster: ok I thnk I'm really back now22:38
Daskreech what does modprobe b43 && lsmod | grep  b43 say ?22:38
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licensedcan i change panel icon size? it's too big23:04
Torchlicensed: resize the panel23:12
Torchlicensed: the contents adjust23:12
licensedTorch, yeah, but when i resize, task manager turns too small hehehe.. but thanks23:18
Guest67342Daskreech: you still around?23:41
=== Guest67342 is now known as Linkmaster
AndroidLoverInSFhow to open a folder with baoba in ubuntu 11.10?  seems it wont let me locate and pick a custom app anymore? what??!! did they cripple that?23:42
LinkmasterAndroidLoverInSF: right click on the file, then click on file properties, it'll change how the system interacts with certain file types23:43
AndroidLoverInSFits a folder, but even now for either folder or file. it doesn't let you pick an app from whats installed. it has a list you Have to choose from, you cant just locate where baobab is and pick it. baobab isnt on the list even though its installed23:46
LinkmasterAndroidLoverInSF: you have to pick 'custom' and it'll allow you to navigate through your file of custom installed applications23:48
AndroidLoverInSFLinkmaster: there's no "custom" option anymore!, i only see Show other Applications, and baobab's not there, or "Find Apps Online" also not there.23:50
AndroidLoverInSFare you on 11.10? do you see Custom option?23:53
gomiboyAndroidLoverInSF: nautilus? is that gnome thing? You could have better luck in #ubuntu then... or just install kde, it's sooo much better :D23:53
Linkmasterwait, this isn't KDE??23:55
LinkmasterAndroidLoverInSF: I thought you were using dolphin, not whatever the heck the other DE's use23:55
AndroidLoverInSFi do have kde also, its not bad, gnome remote desktop sharing is a bit less problematic, pros and cons to both, i go back and forth. sorry wrong channel. dolphin not bad either23:55
LinkmasterIts all good, I just thought you were talking about Dolphin, not Nautilus =P23:56
* Linkmaster tests in his gnome DE23:57
LinkmasterAndroidLoverInSF: right click the file, hit 'open with' hit 'add' click the thing that says 'use a custom command' click browse, and it'll allow you to use whatever you are looking for23:57
Linkmaster*hit 'open with' AFTER you hit properties23:58
RickKnightI need to get oss support for a few of my games. The 11.10 kernel does not support oss. How do I recompile the 11.10 3.0 kernel. Can someone point me to a howto?23:59

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