
lilstevieQuintasan: pong00:08
lilsteviephh: you should also look at the tf for size, it is similar size to most netbooks00:09
phhtf ?00:10
phhway out of price for me00:10
lilstevieyeah, true00:10
lilsteviethat is a killer00:10
lilsteviealthough with the keyboard dock attached it has 2 3600mAh batteries00:11
phhi've got 2 3600mAh batteries here too :D00:11
lilstevienice :D00:11
phherr perhaps not 360000:11
phhcould be 220000:11
phhlilstevie: just not hot swappable yet -_-'00:11
lilsteviewhat kind of battery life do you get00:11
lilstevieyeah mine aren't hot swappable either00:11
phh6-8 hours per battery00:11
lilstevieone is in the tablet part, the other is in the dock00:11
phhlilstevie: yeah well but you can have both connected at the same time.00:12
lilstevieI get close to 10h per battery00:12
lilstevieand yeah true00:12
phhwith wifi ?00:12
lilstevieon average I get 19.5 hours between charges00:12
lilstevieyeah, and bt00:12
lilstevieI don't rf kill either device, wifi is always connected, bt is on, but not connected00:13
phh(without wifi ac100 eats 1W less -_-')00:13
phhnot really00:13
phhthat means wifi chip totally sucks00:13
lilstevieah true00:13
lilstevieI am very internet centric, so I have no idea what radioless power draw is00:14
phhwhat is your wifi chip ?00:14
phha mobile one, not like ac100's.00:15
phhon ac100 it's just a stupid usb wifi thing00:15
lilsteviewhich one?00:15
lilsteviethe other tegra device I have has a power hungry wifi chipset, but it isn't important, cause it has no battery00:17
phhtrimslice ?00:18
phhwell ac100 is low power only because it's based on tegra2, not because toshiba anyhow tried to make it low power00:19
lilsteviewhere did that libflashplayer.so come from btw00:20
phhtheir dock uses a plain L4T00:20
lilstevieah I see00:20
lilstevieI have been using it on my tf, I was just wondering what was so special about it, cause a newer version would be nice00:22
phhwell just check atrix's updates and see if there is a newer libflashplayer.so in it :p00:23
lilstevienow that I know where it is from I can :p00:25
tony_abadHi.  Does anyone know where I can grab the kernel headers for kernel 3.0.4-x3?02:06
tony_abadHi.  Does anyone know where I can grab the kernel headers for kernel 3.0.4-x3?02:40
=== jason_ is now known as ps2chiper
Quintasanlilstevie: Ah, are you going to stick around a little more longer? Got some stuff to do10:10
rtyuiohello anyone there ? `12:11
rtyuiocan we install ubuntu 10.10 on ARM processor ?12:12
rtyuioanyone there ?12:17
rtyuiocan we install ubuntu 10.10 on ARM processor ?12:22
gildeanlinux is installable on many arm-based systems and boards12:23
gildeanbut as the field is way more scattered than x86, you basically need support for your soc/board12:23
gildeanalso, 11.10 has been released with semi-official support to a few different arm-systems12:25
gildeanbut there are quite a lot of different versions and projects floating around12:25
gildeanfor almost every possible system12:25
rtyuiowell, i got this pc hercules ecafe hd this one http://www.hercules.com/fr/ecafe/bdd/p/15612:26
rtyuiowith 7GB of hard drive just only12:26
gildeanin the picture looks like ubuntu on the screen :D12:27
rtyuiohow can i install ubuntu 11.10 without earasing th12:27
rtyuioactual OS12:27
rtyuioi mean in dual boot12:27
gildeani have no idea12:27
rtyuioyes it's an custimize 10.04 lucid version12:28
gildeanperhaps the device has a linux-developer-wiki12:28
rtyuiowhat is the capacity of hard drive required to install ubuntu 11.10 ?12:28
gildeanor that's the recommendation12:29
rtyuioso impossible to install ubuntu 11.10 on mypc12:30
gildeanis there no sd-card slot?12:30
gildeanfor external install12:30
rtyuioyes sd card12:31
rtyuiogot one sd car12:31
rtyuiosd card slot12:31
gildeanif you can control the bootloader, then booting from sd-card should be no problem12:32
rtyuioi don't know even wath it is as an bootloader12:33
gildeanyou should try searching the web for a wiki/linux-docs about that particular device12:33
rtyuiohow to control it ?12:33
gildeana bootloader boots the system with given parameters, ie. loads kernel and initrd to start the system12:33
rtyuioare you asking me to install grub2 on it ?12:34
gildeanusually it's uboot or something similar12:34
rtyuioso i have to install uboot ?12:34
gildeanas i said, you should try searching a developer-wiki about the particular device12:35
gildeanyou should get better answers from there about the boot process of that device12:35
gildeani can't give you any better answers about that particular device12:36
gildeanas you see, things are nowhere near as unified on arm as on x8612:37
rtyuiook perfect thanks gildean12:39
rtyuioi try to collect infos there12:39
gildeannp, feel free to ask any more questions if some arise12:41
rtyuiowell, can you tell why in all customized ubuntu OS there is an flasher player problem ?12:59
gildeanthere has been no official release of flash for arm on most devices13:00
gildeanon linux that is13:00
rtyuiosource code flash player available ?13:01
rtyuiowhy ?13:02
lilsteviejust lol13:02
gildeanyou've seen much adobe source code then?13:02
rtyuiothen how we can sell something which is not perfect ?13:04
gildeanyou've seen many perfect products in your life?13:04
rtyuioeach time i buy an customized OS device13:05
rtyuioi got flash player problem13:05
rtyuiothis is the second time13:05
gildeanyou should've know to expect that13:05
rtyuioi buyed archos home with android where i got the same problem13:05
rtyuiosame for my hervules13:06
rtyuiookay, there is nothing to do with the kernel13:09
rtyuioeven reinstalling ubuntu in proper way will not troubleshoot the problem13:09
gildeanit's just a matter of lacking proper flashplayer13:10
ps2chiperdid you guys try the leaked TI flash player for x11?13:11
ps2chiperI have a friend that uses it on his pandaboard13:11
gildeani have only tegra2 devices myself13:11
gildeanusing the atrix flashplayer13:12
ps2chiperit supposedly works on all amr cortex devices that use x1113:12
gildeanmaybe worth testing13:13
gildeangot link?13:13
ps2chiperi got it saved on my pc, i will need a couple of minutes to upload it to a file sharing website.13:13
ps2chiperim uploading it now to megashares13:16
rtyuiohave i to install atrix flashplayer ?13:18
ps2chiperi put 2 files in there13:19
ps2chipertry the larger 7.5MB ti file first13:19
ps2chiperthe good one should be at adobe flash 10.113:21
ps2chiperand it should work with all website normally as my friends reported to me13:21
rtyuio2hello i m here13:31
ps2chiperthe party died13:32
gildeanti version not working at least on trimslice13:32
gildeanwith nvidia alpha-drivers in use13:33
ps2chipertry the other one13:33
gildeanmaybe i should try without them13:33
ps2chiperI have 2 and only 1 works, i forget which one13:33
gildeanah, the other one is older and crappier than the one i already use13:33
gildeanat least i think so13:33
ps2chiperalso are you using it with firefox?13:33
ps2chiperMy amlogic project is not working yet13:34
ps2chiperthats why im here. to find a dev that wants to work on it. so i wont be able to test personally13:34
rtyuiohow to install ?13:35
rtyuioi just finish the download13:36
rtyuioi got 2 files libflashyer.so and .so.ti13:37
rtyuiohow to install ?13:37
ps2chiperjust like you dont on x86 and firefox13:37
ps2chipersame thing13:37
lilstevieon tegra devices I just use the atrix one, it just works13:37
ps2chipercopy and paste into the proper folder, one at a time13:37
rtyuioi don't get13:38
ps2chiperi mean you can only test one at a time13:38
rtyuiowhere i have to transfer libflashplayer.so ?13:38
rtyuiowhere i have to transfer that file ?13:39
ps2chiperSOLUTION: you can use /home/<user>/.mozilla/plugin/ as plugin directory.13:40
gildeanor /usr/lib/mozilla/plugin/13:40
lilstevieI almost want to rip apart my trimslice and custom case it13:41
rtyuioand i have to check with firefox ?13:41
rtyuiolet me check13:41
gildeanlilstevie: what kind of custom case were you thinking about13:42
lilsteviea black one13:42
lilstevienah, I am thinking something car mountable13:43
lilstevieor at very least something that blends with my "all black" appliance tv set13:43
gildeanwell you could just sand and paint the metal cover it has13:44
rtyuioit don't work13:45
gildeanas it functions dissipating the heat also13:45
lilstevieyeah, no13:45
lilstevieI know it does13:45
lilsteviebut it could be more effectively cooled :p13:45
rtyuioi put the file in /usr/b13:46
rtyuioi put the file in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugin13:46
rtyuiodon't work13:46
ps2chiperwhat does it say in about:config when you type that into the url?13:46
gildeantrue, the cover gets about as hot as a transformer for a c=6413:47
lilsteviethe cover feels like it is going to set my house on fire13:47
rtyuioi can see lots of things ps2chiper13:47
rtyuioaccessibility ....13:47
ps2chiperhold on13:48
rtyuioand this is what i got13:54
ps2chipersorry, its been a while13:55
rtyuioon the terminal13:55
rtyuioit is not an permission issue ?13:56
rtyuiothere ?14:07
rtyuiohello anyone there ?14:11

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