
obarthelemyHi... when creating an upstart job to launch a program at boot, how can I specify that it should run in a specific tty ?00:12
obarthelemy(not the job, the program ^^)00:21
obarthelemyAllo anyone ?00:25
duanedesignhello obarthelemy00:26
duanedesignobarthelemy: is it a GUI program?00:29
obarthelemyit's mc, minidlna -f and transmission-daemon --foreground. the last two are normally daemons, but i want to force them to live on he console, at least while i'm making sure my server is workind fine00:32
obarthelemyi know how to force them to stay on the console... I just don't know how to tell them on *which* one they should go... they have no runtim paremeters for that, so I guess it must be handled by their upstart .conf job ?00:33
duanedesignvery interesting. I thought I knew but can not seem to get it00:35
duanedesignit is a good idea to run transmission-daemon in a different tty00:37
obarthelemyyep, it's very chatty00:48
obarthelemyminidlna too ^^00:48
obarthelemyand MC is just 'coz i'm lazy00:48
duanedesignobarthelemy:  have you looked at  /etc/init/tty2.conf00:57
obarthelemyi've played with it to make it autologin, as well as the other ttyXconf00:58
duanedesignobarthelemy:  start apache TTY=tty1    ?01:16
duanedesignwas the only thing close to what you are wanting to do that I could find01:17
obarthelemywhat is start ? upstart scripts take either exec or cript ?01:20
obarthelemywould it not be something with01:24
obarthelemy  env KEY[=VALUE]01:24
obarthelemy              Defines a default environment variable, the value of  which  may01:24
obarthelemy              be overriden by the event or command that starts the job.  If no01:24
obarthelemy              value is given,  then  the  value  is  taken  from  the  init(8)01:24
obarthelemy              daemon?s own environment.01:24
obarthelemyand set TTY to tty6 ?01:24
obarthelemy  console output|owner01:25
obarthelemy              By default the standard input, output and error file descriptors01:25
obarthelemy              of jobs are connected to /dev/null01:25
obarthelemy              If this stanza is specified, they are connected to  /dev/console01:25
obarthelemy              instead.01:25
obarthelemy              console  owner  is  special, it not only connects the job to the01:25
obarthelemy              system console but sets the job to be the owner  of  the  system01:25
obarthelemy              console,  which  means  it will receive certain signals from the01:25
obarthelemy              kernel when special  key  combinations  such  as  Control-C  are01:25
obarthelemy              pressed.01:25
obarthelemyCONSOLE OWNER seems good, but I still got to set the conseol to tty6 !01:26
duanedesignobarthelemy: Jobs may be started and stopped manually by using the start and stop commands01:43
cprofittpleia2: ping01:45
obarthelemymmm.. ut that's not automatic then :-p01:49
obarthelemyor do you mean I should do my conf file with no stat clause, then do start myjob.conf as a login script in tty6 ?01:50
obarthelemyno staRt clause01:50
duanedesignobarthelemy: seems a little hackish, but i do not know if their is another way or not02:06
obarthelemyok lol, i'll try02:08
obarthelemythanks for your help !02:10
pleia2cprofitt: pong03:20
cprofitthey pleia203:21
obarthelemyhello again !03:37
obarthelemygot another question !03:37
obarthelemyattention, long description incoming !03:37
obarthelemywhy does03:38
obarthelemysource /home/olivier/Config/bashstartupscript.sh03:38
obarthelemyadded at the end of /etc/profile, with bashstartupscript.sh being03:38
obarthelemyif [ $USER = 'root' ]; then03:38
obarthelemy     export PS1='\[\033[31m\]\l \w # \[033[37m\]03:38
obarthelemyif [ $USER = 'olivier' ]; then03:38
obarthelemy     export PS1='\[\033[32m\]\l \w # \[033[37m\]03:38
obarthelemywork for olivier, but not for root ? The prompt in my root TTY (tty4, autologin like the other ones) stays white instead of going red. echo $USER returns root...03:38
obarthelemysource bashstartupscript.sh03:38
obarthelemy from the prompt right after boot works fine... it just doesn't work from etc/profile ?03:38
bioterror!pastebin | obarthelemy03:40
ubot2obarthelemy: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:40
obarthelemyok, sorry... http://paste.ubuntu.com/716598/03:40
bioterrorthe thing is that should be in /etc/bash.bashrc03:41
bioterroras your root account reads /root/ or /etc/bash.bashrc03:41
bioterror/root/.bashrc or something03:41
bioterrorand that sources from  your home dir and yadda yadda yadda03:41
bioterrormy .zshrc works flawlessly as I have put it /root/.zshrc and ~/.zshrc for my user03:42
obarthelemybut /etc/profile is read by all users, including root ?03:42
bioterrorshould be read, I think ;)03:44
obarthelemy"/home" has no directory at all for root ?03:44
bioterrorit's /root03:45
obarthelemyhttp://www.comptechdoc.org/os/linux/howlinuxworks/linux_hlbash.html says bash read /etc/profile, then ~/.bash_profile, then ~/.bash_login, then ~/.profile, only one of those last 3, and in that order....03:46
bioterrorI think it reads /etc/bash.bashrc ;)03:47
bioterrorthat looks old site03:48
bioterrorwhen I was young, internet sites used to look like that03:48
bioterroryou could add your script thingies into your /etc/bash.bashrc03:48
bioterrorhonestly, I've not used bash for ages03:49
obarthelemyi'm trying /root/.bash_profile03:50
obarthelemyWORKS !03:50
obarthelemythanks a lot... everything is pointing to the same script still, so I still have a single point to make all my changes, which is what I wanted03:51
obarthelemyand... to general acclaim, I got another question !03:51
obarthelemyhow can I launch a program, and make it run on a specific tty ?03:52
bioterrorI have it like this: http://pastebin.com/TWXurTV803:52
bioterrorso if you share your configuration, it's not tied up to your username, it can be any username03:52
obarthelemyNice thanks, I'll try to port it to my script... why $(whoami) instead of $USER ?03:54
bioterrorbecouse that's a command03:54
bioterrorbut you can do it your way03:55
obarthelemycool, you if.. else way works fine, and it's more elegant indeed ^^03:56
obarthelemynow, how do I launch a program, ay mc, on tty4 from tty 1 ?03:56
bioterrorI think that's a rather hard thing to do03:57
obarthelemyI've tried doing it in a .conf Upstart file instead, I can't manage it either, but if you prfer that ...03:58
obarthelemyI've got a few programs I want to launch at boot in their own TTYs so I can keep an eye on them... .conf don't seem to work (or rather, I can' find how to do it there), so I fell back on bash, full of hope ?03:59
bioterrorare you running a server?04:00
bioterroror just a desktop computer?04:00
obarthelemyserver, only cli usually04:02
obarthelemyrunlevel 3 ^^04:03
bioterrorI usually talk to my servers with ssh, and I dont access tty's at all ;)04:03
obarthelemygood point, that's what I'll be doing in the end. It's on my desk right now for setup, but will be headless and far away as soon as things run satisfactorily04:04
obarthelemyi was assuming than once things were running in their respective ttys, i'd ssh to each tty ?04:05
bioterrorit doesnt work like that04:05
bioterroryou can use shell multiplexer04:05
holsteinscreen FTW!04:06
bioterrorcommon names are screen and tmux04:06
bioterrorI've configured screen to use fuction buttons to change different screen windows04:06
bioterrorso I dont need to do all this ctrl-a-number -thingie04:06
holsteinbioterror: is that on a config file?04:07
bioterrorholstein, ya04:07
holsteincool :)04:07
bioterrorbindkey -k k1 select 004:07
bioterrorbindkey -k k2 select 104:07
bioterrorand you ge the rest ;)04:07
bioterrorobarthelemy, but when you ssh in, you can have many windows inside screen ;)04:09
bioterrorand that's like having many tty's04:09
bioterrorbut now I'm hungry, I'll go and make some coffee04:10
obarthelemyok, so you're saying instead of booting to several ttys, I should boot into just one with screen running, and launch all my stuff in its own "screen" ?04:10
obarthelemyarf... laters04:10
duanedesignbioterror: have you tried tmux yet?05:04
duanedesigni am pretty happy with byobu, but I would definitely like to try it05:04
bioterrorduanedesign, I've been using screen so long, that I dont need tmux's features. like splitting05:39
gumbahHi all, hope someone can help me with this noob problem: i've downloaded the Linux version of Jtvlc here http://apiwiki.justin.tv/mediawiki/index.php/VLC_Broadcasting_API and extracted it. It doesn't need to be installed, you should just be able to cd into the dir and execute "jtvlc". But when I do that (or type "./jtvlc") it prompts: "No such file or directory"10:50
gumbahanyone any ideas?10:50
geirhatrying to run a 32-bit binary on a 64-bit system?10:51
gumbahcould that be the problem?10:51
gumbahis that a known thing/issue?10:51
geirha''file ./jtvlc''10:52
geirhaYou can install 32-bit libraries to make it run10:52
gumbahthanks, i guess that's it10:53
gumbahany links to more info on installing those libs to make it run?10:54
gumbahor is it better to just use a 32bit version of ubuntu?10:54
geirhaYou'll need ia32-libs at least. See what that gets you.10:55
geirhaSure there's no 64 bit binary of that jtvlc thing?10:55
gumbahdon't think so10:56
gumbahinstalled ia32-libs and it seems to be executing now!10:56
gumbahthanks geirha!!10:56
geirhaThe "No such file or directory" message is really confusing. I scratched my head real hard first time I encountered it. :)10:58
geirhaThe kernel tries to execute the 32-bit library loader, but it doesn't exist, so it generates that error.10:59
coalwaterhey Daniel010811:07
=== Boffy is now known as gregor3000
obarthelemyHi... anyone knows gdisk ?12:18
E3D3How to install the Sims-3 in Ubuntu 10.04 ?12:48
E3D3Its not in the list from PlayOnLinux & I don't know how to install it with wine. Who can help ?12:50
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
E3D3Solved :-)13:08
coalwaterobarthelemy: what's gdisk? something like gparted?13:18
coalwaterany one tried to install libosmesa for webgl support?13:32
obarthelemygdisk is supposed to be abe to convert MBR dsks to GPT, but the explanations are ... vague13:36
coalwateri think that's it, but idk why u would want it13:39
kristian-aalborgholstein, yo18:20
kristian-aalborghow would you copy everything on a partition?18:20
kristian-aalborgcp -r /mnt/mypartition /mnt/mypartition2 ?18:21
bioterrorif that's just random stuff, with cp18:21
bioterrorif that's a operating system and other things, I would use some tools18:21
kristian-aalborgit's not, it's media18:22
bioterrorthen cp -rv18:22
suicidesheepcan someone help me?20:06
earthling_what is this xserver security update all about?    * SECURITY UPDATE: denial of service and possible code execution via21:28
earthling_    incorrect input sanitization   http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=2010-481821:28
earthling_"When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided."21:28
earthling_Do most people just automatically install all updates?21:36
philipballewearthling_, I would say most do22:01
philipballewDoes anyone know about how many gig's a full ubuntu offline repo would take?22:36
philipballewi'll ask in #ubuntu22:42
holsteinkristian-aalborg: o/23:18
philipballewhey holstein23:20
holsteinphilipballew: hey!23:20
* philipballew gives holstein a big awkward hug23:21
holsteinthats the best kind philipballew :)23:21
philipballewIts the only kid I give :)23:23

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