
Rocket2DMnmdke, the updated theme on the docs is looking great17:08
mdkeRocket2DMn: cool. I have just made some more tweaks17:08
mdkeRocket2DMn: was it you who figured out how to make the mouseover image switching work on the front page last time?17:08
Rocket2DMni dont recall17:09
Rocket2DMnprobably not, that was an issue when we switched to mallard and the new look right?17:09
mdkethink so17:10
mdkeanyway, it's not working now17:10
Rocket2DMnhmm, i do recall the issue, not sure who figured it out though17:10
Rocket2DMnsome kind of css issue?17:10
mdkeguess so17:10
mdkei'll look into it at some stage17:10
mdkeit's not a biggie17:10
mdkethe css is really messy at the moment. The theme I used (light-moin-theme) is quite horribly untidy17:11
zkriesseRocket2DMn: OH MY GOSH17:11
zkriesseRocket2DMn: It's you!!! HOW HAVE YOU BEEN MAN?!?!17:11
jbichaby the way, the mouseover switcher is broken on the 11.10 website17:12
mdkejbicha: ah, that's interesting. Something different between the way it is done maybe in yelp-xsl between natty and oneiric17:13
jbichaI think the stylesheet that was used for 11.04 wasn't committed to our source repository17:13
zkriesseohai mdke17:18
mdkehi zkriesse17:18
zkriesseHow goes mein freund?17:19
mdkealright thanks17:19
zkriesseGood to hear17:19
Rocket2DMnsorry guys was on the phone17:22
zkriesseRocket2DMn: A likely excuse17:22
Rocket2DMnlol, what's up zkriesse ?17:23
zkriesseNot a whole lot man, how you been?17:23
zkriesseBeen a long time since I've spoken with the guy who got me wiki-ing17:23
Rocket2DMnbeen keeping busy i guess17:24
zkriesseGood to know17:24
Rocket2DMnyeah, wouldnt be able to stand it if i was bored outta my mind17:24
mdkeshaunm: I have an xslt question. I've noticed that using our theme (and the library.gnome one), the trails are only generated for subpages of the Desktop Guide, and not on index.html. Is there a way around that?17:50
Rocket2DMnhmm cant seem to figure out that css thing18:00
shaunmmdke: I assume you're overriding mal2html.page.linktrails.trail right now, to insert the extra links, yes?18:03
shaunmso that doesn't even get called if there's no links18:03
shaunmdo you override html.header.mode on mal:page?18:04
shaunmtwo options:18:04
shaunm1) if you have an html.header.mode override, call mal.link.linktrails there, and if it returns nothing, do something special to write a trail18:05
shaunm2) override mal2html.page.linktrails, copying the current definition from yelp-xsl. change the xsl:if that checks if there are trails to ouptut to an xsl:choose/xsl:when, add an xsl:otherwise to output a trail if there is none18:06
shaunmRocket2DMn: I thought I'd fixed the potential for that problem in yelp-xsl18:07
shaunmhad something to do with css positioning18:07
shaunmposition:relative or something18:07
Rocket2DMnshaunm, i'm not sure, but i do see some css in 11.04 that isnt there in 11.10 (even though 11.10 has more css actually)18:14
Rocket2DMnstuff like:18:14
Rocket2DMndiv.figure > div.inner > div.contents {18:14
Rocket2DMn  padding: 8px 16px 8px 16px;18:14
Rocket2DMni'm afraid i'm not much of a CSS guru though18:15
mdkeshaunm: sorry, some internet issues. Yes, we override that template. Option 2 sounds the easiest18:17
mdkeshaunm: thanks18:17

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