
=== ldunn__ is now known as ldunn
linuxmasterHello! We have just open new Ubuntu LoCo in Omsk and have made IRC-channel #ubuntu-ru-omsk06:33
jussilinuxmaster: thanks for letting us know :)06:35
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arandHow does one extract/suggest channel-specific responses from ubot2, !factoid-#channel is ignored it seems?15:52
ubot2In #ubuntu-se, arand said: !inteunity is <reply> Ubuntu 11.10 använder normalt sett GNOME 3 med skalet !unity. För att använda GNOME Shell istället, installera paketet "gnome-shell" och möjligtvis även "gnome-tweak-tool". För GNOME Fallback mode, som liknar GNOME 2, installera "gnome-panel". Båda paketen placerar alternativ i sessionsmenyn vid login.15:54
ubot2In ubot2, m4v said: test is <reply> this is a test!15:55
ubot2In ubot2, m4v said: test-#ubuntu is <reply> this is a test!15:56
ubot2In ubot2, m4v said: test-#ubuntu- is <reply> this is a test!15:56
ubot2In ubot2, m4v said: test-#ubuntu-i is <reply> this is a test!15:57
m4vit fails with #ubuntu-irc for some reason15:58
arandWhen I do "!testfact-#ubuntu is <reply> blah" I get "Error, don't think I'm intelligent..."15:58
arandDoes that have something to do with the "-" delimitor?15:59
m4varand: try with ubottu15:59
arandThat works15:59
m4varand: ubot2 seems to not like factoid's name over 15 chars long, but in any case, you have to suggest factoids to ubottu.16:01
arandUm, !test-#ubuntu works, but !testfact-#ubuntu doesn't ...16:01
arandSo it seems to only accept existing ones?16:01
arandHrm, and ubottu ignores !test-#ubuntu-se as well...16:02
arandSo the intended use is /msg ubottu !factoid-#ubuntu-se is <reply> something in swedish   ...?16:04
m4vok, is utterly broken16:04
arandOk :)16:06
m4varand: can you fill a bug in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots?16:07
arandm4v: Will do.16:08
arandAny information I'm missing?: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots/+bug/88043316:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 880433 in Ubuntu IRC Bots "factoid suggestion for subchannels doesn't work properly" [Undecided,New]16:27
pangolinjpds: can you take a look and see what6 is up with ubot2 RE: what arand is trying to get done.16:37
m4varand: thanks16:38
m4vpangolin: same thing happens in ubottu, seems to be bug16:38
pangolinarand: I added !inteunity to ubottu, ubot2 should sync up soon.  not sure if you saw16:38
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )16:40
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 använder normalt sett GNOME 3 med skalet !unity. För att använda GNOME Shell istället, installera paketet "gnome-shell" och möjligtvis även "gnome-tweak-tool". För GNOME Fallback mode, som liknar GNOME 2, installera "gnome-panel". Båda paketen placerar alternativ i sessionsmenyn vid login.16:40
Myrttiarand: in the past it has generally been recommended that each loco channel sets up their own bot if they require localized factoids. the policy may have changed16:41
Tm_Tuntil we have the new ubottu running, that is the recommendation16:42
pangolin!forget inteunity16:44
ubottuI'll forget that, pangolin16:44
* pangolin minds his own business :)16:44
jpdspangolin: It doesn't work here, because ubot2 uses a separate DB for #ubuntu-se.16:44
pangolinjpds: okie dokie.16:45
arandMyrtti: Ok, I don't know, but we use only ubot2 currently in #ubuntu-se..16:54
Tm_Tthat is, in a way, "own bot"16:56
MyrttiI'm sure jpds will figure something out then :-)16:56
m4vMyrtti: there's no policy afaik, is just that Encyclopedia doesn't support locaclization, the new plugin does16:56
Myrttim4v: hence de facto policy of not doing localisation on it16:56
Myrttisince you can't really trim the excess content from the database to distribute between different bots, it would create unneeded overhead for all the bots if the localisation were in general approved on ubottu and it's direct synchronizing clones16:58
Myrttior atleast that's the general idea I was getting when this was explained to me oh so many years ago16:58
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